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Page 1: A time dependent DFT study of the efficiency of polymers for organic photovoltaics at the interface with PCBM

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A time dependen

aGeneral Chemistry (ALGC), Vrije Universi

Brussels, Belgium. E-mail: [email protected] Chemistry and Polymer Science

Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

† Electronic supplementary informationgeometry optimized systems used for thethe most important molecular orbitalsdetailed excitation tables mentioning thDOI: 10.1039/c4ra12053a

‡ Present address: Laboratoire des SolideEcole Polytechnique, F-91128 PalaiseauSpectroscopy Facility (ETSF).

Cite this: RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 52658

Received 8th July 2014Accepted 15th October 2014

DOI: 10.1039/c4ra12053a

52658 | RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 52658–526

t DFT study of the efficiency ofpolymers for organic photovoltaics at the interfacewith PCBM†

N. Van den Brande,ab G. Van Lier,a F. Da Pieve,‡a G. Van Assche,b B. Van Mele,b F. DeProfta and P. Geerlings*a

The interface between donor and acceptor material in organic photovoltaics is of major importance for the

functioning of such devices. In this work, the singlet excitation schemes of six polymers used in organic

photovoltaics (P3HT, MDMO-PPV, PCDTBT, PCPDTBT, APFO3 and TBDTTPD) at the interface with a

PCBM acceptor were studied using TDDFT in combination with the range-separated CAM-B3LYP

exchange–correlation functional. By comparing with the excitations in the pure polymer and analyzing

the excitation intensities and a measure for orbital overlap, it was possible to identify excitations as either

excitation of the polymer or as a charge transfer between donor and acceptor. By combining orbital

overlaps between the molecular orbitals involved in charge transfer and the intensity of the polymer

excitation a broad correlation was seen with the record efficiencies found in the literature.


Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) are considered a promisingalternative for fossil fuels, due to their many advantages such aseasy processability and exibility.1,2 Their main drawbackhowever when compared to inorganic photovoltaics is the lowdielectric constant of organic materials. Because of this theelectron–hole pairs or excitons that are formed by excitationthrough light are strongly bound (>kT at room temperature),and can only dissociate or separate at the interface betweendonor and acceptor material due to discontinuities in theelectron affinity and ionization potential.3,4

Among the different types of OPVs, polymer based types areone of the most developed alternatives. In this type of OPVs, thebulk-heterojunction (BHJ) concept is oen employed toincrease efficiencies, which introduces several processingchallenges.5,6 In the BHJ concept the polymer donor and theacceptor form a phase-separated co-continuous morphology,increasing the interface between the two components and thus

teit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050


(FYSC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB),

(ESI) available: Coordinates of thecharge transfer study, visualizations offor all the systems studied and moree molecular orbital contributions. See

s Irradies, UMR 7642, CNRS-CEA/DSM,, France and European Theoretical


also the charge transfer.7 Nonetheless, the more rudimentarybilayer devices, where a layer of donor is combined with a layerof acceptor to form a smaller interface than in a BHJ device, arestill developed further as well.8,9 The interface region, wheredonor and acceptor molecules come into contact, is thus ofgreat importance to the global functioning of any OPV device,because it is the site of the vital charge separation required forthe functioning of an OPV device. It is also the site wheregeminate recombination can take place, the event where analready separated electron and hole recombine, which isconsidered as a major loss mechanism for chargegeneration.10,11

Many types of conjugated polymers have been used as donormaterials, of which perhaps the most widespread is poly(3-hexylthiophene) or P3HT. A major drawback of this polymer is itslimited absorption, leading to less current generation. Morerecently the trend has been to use donor–acceptor copolymersthat have been especially designed for a lower bandgap and thusa better absorption in the visible spectrum, by incorporatingelectron-decient and electron-rich building blocks on thesame backbone.12,13 A general feature of all these donor mate-rials is their conjugated backbone, combined with severalmostly aliphatic sidegroups in order to improve processability.The most widely used acceptor material is [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM),14 which has been shown tolead to the highest efficiencies in most donor–acceptor combi-nations. It should be noted however that for some of the morerecent donor polymers better results were achieved using theC70 analogue of PCBM.15

Following previous work in this eld,16 the goal here is toprovide a deeper understanding of the electronic properties of

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Page 2: A time dependent DFT study of the efficiency of polymers for organic photovoltaics at the interface with PCBM

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several donor–PCBM combinations at the interface using abinitio TDDFT calculations of excited states, and to attempt todevelop an intuitive qualitative model for the charge transferwhich takes place there. This proposed model will then becompared to experimental efficiency results. It should bestressed that due to the large size of the systems involved in thisstudy, the methodology employed is approximate and is onlyexpected to yield relative trends.

Methodological aspects andtheoretical strategy

Studies regarding charge transfer oen employ Marcus theory,which requires a great deal of theoretical formalism, being lessintuitive.17,18 While theoretical (TD-DFT) investigations of OPVpolymers and especially small molecules are oen performed inorder to calculate the bandgap or absorption spectra, thepresence of the acceptor is usually not taken into account due tosystem size.19–22 As charge transfer in OPV devices takes place atthe donor–acceptor interface, an investigation of the excitationspresent at this interface is required. However, the structuresinvolved in a theoretical description of polymer OPVs areprohibitively large for high level calculations. Some conven-tional DFT studies at the interface have been performed,23,24

indicating the importance of orbital overlap in charge transferand thus current generation in the P3HT/C60 system. Here alarge emphasis is placed on the formation of a bridge statebetween donor and acceptor, making charge transfer possible.In order to further the quest for a better understanding of thesephenomena, a study of several donor polymer/PCBM combi-nations is undertaken here using density functional theory(DFT) and time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)quantumchemical calculations.

Several difficulties arise however when TDDFT is used todescribe charge transfer excitations due to the small orbitaloverlaps involved.25 An approach that increases the accuracy ofTDDFT for such transitions is the use of a greater amount ofexact exchange, which can be incorporated by using specicfunctionals.26 This approach will also be used in this work. Theexcitations calculated from TDDFT are analyzed in terms ofoscillator strength and orbital overlaps. For this reason the L

parameter is calculated, which was introduced by the group ofTozer et al. as a measure of the spatial overlap between theoccupied and virtual orbitals involved in an excitation.26,27 Thisquantity can thus be used to characterize excitations as eitherlow-overlap/long-distance excitations (low L) or high-overlap/short-distance excitations (high L). Charge transfer excita-tions, as a transfer of electrons between separate molecules, fallin the former category.

For this study, a group of ve donor polymers were chosen:two conventional conjugated polymers, the benchmark polymerP3HT andMDMO-PPV as well as four polymers belonging to thedonor–acceptor group: the commercial PCDTBT and PCPDTBTpolymers, APFO3,28 the simplest of the APFO family andPBDTTPD, a non-commercial polymer based on thieno[3,4-c]-pyrrole-4,6-dione found in literature.29 P3HT/PCBM based

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OPVs reached efficiencies of about 5% several years ago,explaining the role of P3HT as a benchmark material.30 Morerecent studies have improved this efficiency to about 7% bymoving from a binary system to more complex active layers,showing that this system is certainly still relevant.31 MDMO-PPVis perhaps the oldest material studied here, and included as areference. Efficiencies of around 2.5% have been reported forthe MDMO-PPV/PCBM blend.1,32 PCDTBT based OPVs haveshown efficiencies up to 7.5%, although this is in combinationwith the C70 analogue of PCBM.33 PCPDTBT, which was devel-oped as a lower bandgap alternative for PCDTBT, has so farexhibited efficiencies of above 5%, although this required anadditive and the acceptor was also PC71BM.34,35 The APFO3/PCBM system, being based on a non-commercial polymer, hasreceived less attention in literature, but has been known todeliver an efficiency of about 3.5%.36 This is also the case forPBDTTPD, although the highest efficiency found in literaturefor PBDTTPD/PCBM is a promising 6.8%.37 The main differencebetween PCBM and its C70 analogue is that the C70 analogueshows a greater absorption in the visible region, leading to ahigher light absorption by the acceptor.38,39 As excitation of theacceptor is not considered here, both PCBM and PC71BM basedresults will be used for comparison.

All ground state DFT calculations were performed in the gasphase. Geometrical optimizations were performed by using thePBE0 exchange–correlation functional40 in combination withthe 3-21G* basis set.41 It was found that the amount of exactexchange is of major importance for the resulting geometry.42

PBE0 contains 25% of exact exchange, which is recommendedfor the geometry optimization of most semiconducting poly-mers according to Jacquemin et al.43 The Gaussian 09 sowarepackage was used for all geometry optimizations, as well as tovisualize the molecular orbitals of the systems in their groundstate.44 TDDFT calculations to elucidate the nature of the elec-tronic excitations of the systems studied were performed usingthe Coulomb attenuated CAM-B3LYP functional,45 which waspreviously successfully used for the study of excited states.46,47

TDDFT calculations were performed using the DALTON so-ware package.48,49 For all polymer/PCBM combinations the rst10 singlet excitations were calculated. For these theL parameterand the oscillator strength (f) were then calculated to get insightin the character of the excitation. The L parameter gives ameasure of the spatial overlap between the occupied and virtualorbitals involved in an excitation, and it was shown that it canbe used to gain insight into the observed excitation energyerrors for a given exchange–correlation functional. It is given bythe following expression:

L ¼







In this expression, kia represents the contribution of a givenoccupied-virtual orbital pair (4i(r) and 4a(r)) to the excitation;Oia is a measure of the spatial overlap between these orbitalswhich is computed as Oia ¼

Ð j4i*ðrÞjj4aðrÞjdr. For more details,

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Fig. 1 Simplified structures of the polymers studied with their full unsimplified systematic names.

Fig. 2 HOMO / LUMO excitation energy of oligomers in function oftheir length.

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we refer to ref. 44. The oscillator strengths obtained fromTDDFT have been shown to agree with experimental resultswhen hybrid functionals are used, but it was noted that theamount of exact exchange has a signicant inuence on the fvalues calculated.50 While the use of larger basis sets as well asdiffuse functions is advised in order to improve the accuracy of fvalues,50 the size of the systems involved in this work made thisapproach unrealistic, and the values obtained for f should beused in the frame of relative trends. In order to reduce thesystem size, the molecular structure of all donor polymersexcept P3HT was simplied by replacing aliphatic chains thatdo not contribute to the p-conjugated backbone by methylgroups (simplied structures can be found in Fig. 1). It has beenproven that these alkyl chains do not affect the electronicproperties.51 These simplied structures were optimized sepa-rately and aerwards in combination with an unsimpliedPCBMmolecule. PCBM was le unsimplied as it was seen thatthe excitation scheme of a combined polymer/C60 systemdiffered signicantly from that of the corresponding polymer/PCBM system.

Results and discussionChain length

Geometry optimized chains of up to 8 repeating units wereinvestigated with TDDFT calculations for the six structuresunder study. The rst excitation energy, corresponding to aHOMO / LUMO transition, was investigated in function ofchain length to determine the chain lengths used for theremainder of this study. As can be seen in Fig. 2, a chain length

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of 6 repeating units is in all cases sufficient to reach a stableexcitation energy. This corresponds with ndings fromMcCormick et al., where it was noted that for simple conjugatedpolymers 6 repeating units were sufficient for frontier orbitalstability; this dropped to about 4 repeating units for donor–acceptor copolymers.52 However, for the two largest structures(PCDTBT and APFO3), this would lead to an unmanageablesystem size when PCBM is taken into account. Therefore threerepeating unit chains will be used in this case. A length of 3.9Angstrom was calculated for the thiophene units in a 6 unitP3HT chain, corresponding to experimental results53,54 as wellas previous theoretical investigations.23

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P3HT excitations at the interface with PCBM

Three combinations of P3HT/PCBM with a different startingconguration were considered and full geometry optimizationsperformed (see Fig. 2). As the real system consists of two semi-crystalline components, a large variation in the possiblecongurations is expected in reality. For the rst geometry theP3HT chain is oriented diametrically opposed to the functionalgroup of the PCBM molecule, shown as conguration A inFig. 3. This optimized conguration corresponds to the onementioned by Marchiori and Koehler, where the distancebetween polymer chain and fullerene is around 3.5 A.23 Theother two starting congurations lead to either a congurationwere the chain runs parallel to the PCBM functional group (Bconguration), or where the functional groups on the PCBM actas a spacer, shielding the C60 from the P3HT chain (C cong-uration). The A, B and C congurations found are very similar tosome of the congurations calculated by Liu et al., where acombination of molecular dynamics and DFT was used.18 In amore recent study by Marchiori and Koehler, P3HT and PCBMwere geometry optimized separately, and the inuence of theangle between the two on the energy of the system was inves-tigated.55 Two of the minima found in this study correspond tothe A and B conguration described above. In light of theseliterature results, the three congurations calculated here canbe considered reliable structures.

The electronic properties of these three congurations wereinvestigated by TDDFT calculations, and compared to those ofthe same P3HT chain without the presence of PCBM. A rsteffect of introducing the PCBM acceptor molecule is that ener-getically ve molecular orbitals localized on the C60 part of thePCBM molecule are found in between the HOMO of thecombined system and the rst virtual orbital localized on theP3HT chain (LUMO+5), which corresponds to the LUMO of theP3HT chain without PCBM. For the C conguration only threeof the C60 molecular orbitals are found in the energetic rangementioned above. It seems that this orientation of the PCBMmolecule induces a change in the energetic ordering of themolecular orbitals. It should be noted that this ordering is also

Fig. 3 Fully optimized geometries results for the three P3HT/PCBMsystems considered. Hydrogen atoms are not shown for clarity.

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achieved for the A and B congurations when periodicboundary conditions (PBC) are used in combination with a unitcell of 6 P3HT repeating units and one PCBM molecule. Wetherefore conjecture that the three PCBM molecular orbitalsthat lie between the HOMO of the combined system and therst virtual orbital localized on the P3HT chain are to beconsidered for charge transfer, this is conrmed by TDDFTresults below. The use of PBC however was unpractical incombination with a TDDFT excitation study due to the systemsizes involved. The nal geometries of the three congurationsdiscussed can be found in the ESI.†

From TDDFT calculations on the interacting polymer/PCBMsystem, the only singlet transition with a signicant value for ffound in the A and B congurations corresponds to a HOMO/

LUMO+5 transition (respectively S9 and S10, both with anexcitation energy of 2.93 eV), while for the C conformation thesituation is more complex with a signicant f transition corre-sponding to a HOMO / LUMO+3 transition and a secondsignicant f transition involving deeper lying orbitals. However,due to the difference in energetical ordering for the C confor-mation the LUMO+3 molecular orbital can be identied withthe LUMO+5 seen in the A and B conformation. When theseresults are compared to the excitation scheme for only P3HT,the similar transition S1,P3HT is also the only one with signi-cant f (2.07) and it corresponds to the HOMO / LUMO tran-sition. It can thus be concluded that the only importanttransition for the combined systems is the photo-excitation ofthe polymer chain. These transitions have a high L value,indicating that there is a high spatial overlap between theorbitals involved.

Table 1 summarizes the 10 singlet excitations calculated forthe A conguration. Direct excitations, from the P3HT polymerto the PCBM donor, are present with low f values for the twocongurations where the C60 group faces the polymer chain, e.g.S1–S3 for the A conguration. These transitions also exhibit alow L value, giving further proof that they involve mostlymolecular orbitals localized on the two different molecules, andthat these excitations belong to the class of charge transferexcitations. Several local, high L dark excitations also occur,

Table 1 Characteristics of the first singlet excitations for the P3HT,and the first 10 singlet excitations for configuration A of P3HT/PCBM(see Fig. 3)

Excitation Excitation energy (eV) L f

S1,P3HT 2.86 0.80 2.07S1 2.15 0.11 8.06 � 10�4

S2 2.21 0.15 4.75 � 10�2

S3 2.40 0.12 7.09 � 10�3

S4 2.62 0.62 5.15 � 10�3

S5 2.67 0.74 1.53 � 10�4

S6 2.74 0.58 3.19 � 10�6

S7 2.77 0.70 5.24 � 10�5

S8 2.91 0.54 5.27 � 10�4

S9 2.93 0.74 1.72S10 2.94 0.65 1.31 � 10�1

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Fig. 5 Scheme of the most important excitations for the interactingdonor–acceptor A configuration (see Fig. 3) system and their ordering

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which can be attributed mainly to molecular orbitals localizedon the P3HT chain. Visualizations of the molecular orbitalsinvolved in S9 (the excitation of the polymer) and S1 (theHOMO / LUMO charge transfer) can be seen in Fig. 4. Theextra virtual orbitals LUMO+3 and LUMO+4 mentioned before,whose ordering changes when PBC are used, play no signicantrole in the rst 10 singlet excitations, and as such are notexpected to play a role in charge transfer. Experimentally amaximum in the absorption spectrum is found at 485 nm for aP3HT/PCBM active layer that has not undergone any thermaltreatment.56 This corresponds to 2.56 eV, meaning that thevalue calculated for the S9 transition of the A conformation isoverestimated by 0.37 eV. As experimental values are obtainedfor solid lms, where the absorption maximum depends on thedegree of crystallinity,56 a deviation with gas-phase calculationsis to be expected. Even in this case such a deviation is within themaximum errors seen by Peach et al. for a test set of selectedmolecules.46

When the triplet excitations are examined, the T1 excitationseems to correspond to the S9 HOMO/ LUMO+5 transition, orthe excitation of the polymer, which was the signicant singlettransition. At an excitation energy of 1.50 eV it would be unlikelythat this transition is of direct importance, as this would lie inthe infra-red region of the solar spectrum. Furthermore, thistransition could not lead to charge generation according to theresults in this work, as the direct transitions exhibit a higherexcitation energy. This would indicate that the T1 is a lower lyingstate compared to the singlet excited states involving virtualorbitals localized on the PCBM molecule (S1, S2, S3), and acharge transfer would not lead to a stabilization. However, thismay be a possible loss mechanism, because electrons in thistriplet state can not contribute to charge generation. This is in

Fig. 4 Visualizations of the dominant molecular orbitals involved in the hcorresponding to charge transfer (bottom). The A configuration is show

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correspondence with the remarks made by Bredas et al.regarding triplet states.57 Furthermore it is possible for thetriplet state to play a role in recombination.

It should be noted however that in work by Peach et al., it wasseen that functionals incorporating exact exchange, such asCAM-B3LYP, can lead to triplet instability errors, leading to anunderestimation of the triplet excitation energies.58 A possiblesolution for these errors would be the application of the Tamm–

Dancoff approximation (TDA). However, as the triplet excita-tions are not a primary concern of this work, only singlet exci-tations will be taken into account. A scheme with the mostimportant excitations and their ordering with respect to theground state of the interacting P3HT/PCBM system can be seenin Fig. 5 for the A conguration.

igh f S9 excitation of the donor polymer (top) and the S1 dark excitationn here. Hydrogen atoms are not shown for clarity.

with respect to the ground state.

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Table 2 Characteristics of the first 10 singlet excitations for thedifferent donor polymer/PCBM combinations and the first singletexcitation of only the polymers


Excitation Excitation energy (eV) L f

S1,PCDTBT 2.47 0.54 2.59S1 2.49 0.60 3.21S2 2.59 0.59 2.20 � 10�1

S3 2.63 0.55 2.40 � 10�3

S4 2.67 0.68 3.69 � 10�5

S5 2.72 0.14 1.57 � 10�1

S6 2.74 0.50 3.30 � 10�1

S7 2.74 0.08 1.02 � 10�2

S8 2.76 0.65 1.89 � 10�4

S9 2.77 0.71 8.26 � 10�6

S10 2.90 0.08 1.76 � 10�3


Excitation Excitation energy (eV) L f

S1,PCPDTBT 1.85 0.68 6.49S1 1.86 0.60 6.30S2 2.05 0.59 1.81 � 10�2

S3 2.26 0.50 5.09 � 10�1

S4 2.32 0.21 2.54 � 10�2

S5 2.34 0.36 2.87 � 10�2

S6 2.43 0.54 4.48 � 10�2

S7 2.52 0.50 7.78 � 10�2

S8 2.62 0.51 4.74 � 10�2

S9 2.63 0.56 6.18 � 10�3

S10 2.68 0.67 8.41 � 10�4


Excitation Excitation energy (eV) L f

S1,APFO3 2.45 0.54 2.56S1 2.48 0.55 2.83S2 2.59 0.53 2.82 � 10�1

S3 2.62 0.60 6.96 � 10�3

S4 2.64 0.13 8.93 � 10�2

S5 2.67 0.73 6.86 � 10�3

S6 2.70 0.18 2.48 � 10�1

S7 2.74 0.53 3.89 � 10�1

S8 2.76 0.61 1.37 � 10�4

S9 2.76 0.73 6.69 � 10�5

S10 2.85 0.26 4.71 � 10�2


Excitation Excitation energy (eV) L f

S1,PBDTTPD 2.27 0.28 3.10 � 10�2

S2,PBDTTPD 2.81 0.56 5.98 � 10�1

S1 2.56 0.66 3.85S2 2.63 0.48 7.43 � 10�3

S3 2.67 0.59 7.99 � 10�3

S4 2.70 0.63 2.87S5 2.73 0.17 8.42 � 10�2

S6 2.75 0.35 3.24 � 10�3

S7 2.75 0.64 4.58 � 10�3

S8 2.79 0.37 6.15 � 10�3

S9 2.83 0.54 3.09 � 10�3

S10 2.90 0.49 8.50 � 10�2

Table 2 (Contd. )


Excitation Excitation energy (eV) L f

S1,MDMO-PPV 2.72 0.78 4.61S1 2.07 0.11 9.56 � 10�3

S2 2.10 0.10 3.22 � 10�2

S3 2.32 0.12 2.34 � 10�2

S4 2.62 0.47 7.72 � 10�3

S5 2.65 0.52 1.97 � 10�3

S6 2.70 0.59 4.02S7 2.73 0.18 2.84 � 10�1

S8 2.76 0.67 2.40 � 10�3

S9 2.77 0.52 2.42 � 10�3

S10 2.77 0.74 6.51 � 10�3

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The C conguration where the functional groups of thePCBMmolecule act as a spacer has less of the low f andL chargetransfer excitations. This can be explained by the much largerdistance between the polymer and C60 orbitals. Combined withthe different excitation scheme mentioned above, it can beconcluded that for this conguration the polymer chain andPCBM molecule interact less due to the increased distancebetween the polymer chain and the C60 group of the PCBMmolecule. No evidence is found of any other excitation mecha-nism, such as photo-excitation of the PCBM molecule. As theexcitation scheme for the A and B congurations is very similar,it can be concluded that the exact position of the PCBMacceptor does not have a major effect on the electronic prop-erties, as long as it is oriented towards the donor polymer chain,and the distance between donor and acceptor is thus compa-rable. Therefore only one optimized conguration satisfyingthis condition will be discussed for the other donor polymersunder study, as an in-depth study of the effects of the geometryon the electronic properties does not t in the frame of thiswork. Using similar optimized donor–acceptor conformationsprovides a more consistent method to investigate the intrinsicelectronic properties of the different systems under study, as thegeometry effects are excluded.

Excitation behavior of the other polymers at the interface withPCBM

Systems consisting of interacting polymer chain segments andthe PCBM molecule were optimized is a similar way as forP3HT/PCBM, the nal geometry les are provided as ESI.† Inanalogy with the previous section, TDDFT was used to study theexcitation behaviour of these systems. A summary of the exci-tations calculated for these systems can be found in Table 2.Surprisingly, the excitation schemes for the other donorpolymer/PCBM combinations look similar qualitatively, withone important (high f) transition corresponding to the excita-tion of the donor polymer, which can be abbreviated as D/D*,and can be linked to a transition from the HOMO to the rstvirtual orbital localized on the polymer chain. This transitionalways shows a highL value, further proving the local character.

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Fig. 6 Visualizations of the three lowest virtual orbitals of the PCBMmolecule, these also correspond to the lowest virtual orbitals of thecombined systems.

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No other excitations with high f are found among the rst 10singlet excitations. The other low intensity excitations can bedivided in those with a high and a low value for the L param-eter. The former group comprises the local excitations betweenmolecular orbitals localized primarily on the polymer chain,while the latter are the charge transfer excitations betweenpolymer chain and PCBM molecule. A notable exception is thePBDTTPD system, where an extra high f transition is seen,corresponding both to a transition from the HOMO�1 to therst virtual orbital localized on the polymer, and from theHOMO to the second virtual orbital localized on the polymer.Experimentally, a double maximum can also be seen in theabsorption spectrum, conrming these results.29 A possibleexplanation is the highly planar nature of PBDTTPD, also seenin this work, and which promotes delocalization effects.59 Theorbital contributions of the excitations found in Table 2 can befound in the ESI.†When the large f excitations are compared tothe absorption maxima of experimental spectra, obtained fromsolid lms (and dissolved in toluene for MDMO-PPV/PCBM),21,29,38,60,61 it is again seen that the excitation energiescalculated are overestimated compared to experimental values.As was discussed above, this can be expected from gas-phasecalculations. The largest deviation is found for the S1 excita-tion of PBDTTPD, with an experimental value of about 630 nmor 1.97 eV compared to a calculated value of 2.56 eV. This is stillbelow the maximum positive deviation seen by Peach et al. for atest set of selected molecules.46

Charge transfer

In all donor polymer/PCBM cases low intensity charge transferexcitations are found, that can be attributed to excitations fromthe polymer localized HOMO of the combined system to one ofthe three lowest virtual molecular orbitals localized on PCBM.

The low intensities indicate, as can be expected, that thedirect excitation from donor to acceptor is insignicant. In thegenerally accepted mechanism of charge transfer, the exciteddonor polymer transfers an electron to an acceptor molecule.This creates a bound electron–hole pair that will dissociate ifthe energy difference between the two molecular orbitalsinvolved is large enough. The rst phase, before dissociation ofthe bound pair, is thus a transition between the orbital corre-sponding to the rst virtual orbital located on the polymer chainand one of the three close-lying virtual orbitals on the fullereneof the PCBM molecule (see Fig. 6). Such a transition betweentwo virtual orbitals can not be calculated directly by TDDFT, buttwo important quantities involved in it can: the intensity fD/D*

of the excitation of the polymer (as in the previous section), andthe orbital overlaps Oia between donor and acceptor molecularorbitals involved, which is used for the calculation of the L

parameter. When the Oia values are calculated an immediateobservation is the rather small three values for the PCDTBT/PCBM system, the highest Oia found is only about 0.05 whilefor the other systems at least one value is above 0.1. ForPCPDTBT on the other hand, a different energetical order isobserved, where the rst virtual molecular orbital localized onthe polymer chain is found in between the second and third

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virtual orbital on PCBM. Because of this, only the Oia valuesbetween the rst virtual orbital on the polymer chain and thetwo lower virtual orbitals are taken into account.

When all the Oia are brought together, a trend is seen wherethe more recently developed donor–acceptor copolymers have alower average overlap than the two conventional polymers(values can be found in Table 3). The commercial PCDTBT,which has shown the highest efficiencies of the polymers tested,clearly shows the lowest average Oia, followed by APFO 3,PBDTTPD, PCPDTBT, P3HT andMDMO-PPV. The average Oia ofPCPDTBT seems to be quite high when compared to the othersimilar polymers, which can be explained by only taking twooverlaps into account instead of three. If only the Oia with therst virtual orbital on PCBM is taken into account, PCPDTBTactually shows the second lowest value. Visualizations of all themolecular orbitals taken into consideration for this method-ology can be found in the ESI.† While the efficiency of anorganic solar cell depends on many parameters, including theelectronic properties of both components, light absorption, themorphology of the separate phases, the contacts with the elec-trodes, etc. it can be assumed that the record efficiencies foundin literature have been found for cells where most of theseparameters are optimized (see the Introduction). It should benoted that the value for P3HT/PCBM is chosen to represent asimple P3HT/PCBM active layer, without extra components, asthese are also not taken into account in the study. In this casethe relative value of the efficiencies may give a clue as to howsuccessful the charge transfer is.

A possible explanation of a higher efficiency when the over-lap is actually lower may then lie in the lower possibility ofrecombination. Where the actual charge transfer event wouldthen require a low Oia, recombination may actually be moresuccessful when the overlap of the molecular orbitals involvedis higher. This seems logical when the overlap between molec-ular orbitals is considered as a measure of the spatial distance

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Table 3 Comparison between both the Oia between the first virtual orbital found on the polymer chain and the three energetically similar firstvirtual orbitals on PCBM (LUMO–LUMO+2) and f values of the polymer excitation with efficiencies found in literature


Oia LUMO+2 0.21 0.40 0.28 0.24 0.05 —Oia LUMO+1 0.22 0.40 0.13 0.15 0.05 0.33Oia LUMO 0.21 0.40 0.10 0.12 0.03 0.08Average Oia 0.21 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.04 0.21fD/D* 1.72 4.02 2.83 3.85 3.21 6.30fD/D*/average Oia 8.19 10.05 16.65 22.65 80.25 30.00Efficiencies (literature) 5.0 (ref. 30) 2.9 (ref. 32) 3.5 (ref. 36) 6.8 (ref. 37) 7.5 (ref. 33) 5.5 (ref. 35)

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between the electron and the hole, on the acceptor and donorrespectively. The order seen from Oia values seems to showsimilarities with the efficiencies seen in literature. When theoscillator strength fD/D* is also taken into account by dividingthis value with the average Oia, it can be seen that this valuecorrelates roughly with the efficiency (see Fig. 7).

The difficulty of discerning such a trend can be illustrated bytaking into account several efficiencies found in literatureinstead of just the record efficiencies.29,33,61–65 This leads to

Fig. 7 The fD/D*/average Oia quotient in function of record effi-ciencies from literature for the systems under study. As a guide to theeye a trend line is also shown.

Fig. 8 The fD/D*/average Oia quotient plotted for efficiency intervalsthat summarize the extent of efficiencies found in literature for eachpolymer/PCBM combination.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014

efficiency-intervals with important overlaps as can be seen inFig. 8, further demonstrating the complex nature of theretrieved experimental efficiencies, depending on many exper-imental parameters as well as intrinsic material properties.


In this work, the singlet excitations at the interface with a PCBMacceptor were investigated by TDDFT for two conventional andfour donor–acceptor polymers used in organic photovoltaicdevices. The P3HT/PCBM system was taken as the model systemfor the other polymer/PCBM combinations. From the results onthis model system it could be concluded that no signicantdifferences are seen in the excitation scheme of differentgeometry optimized P3HT/PCBM congurations as long as thefullerene group of the PCBM molecule is oriented towards thepolymer chain. Consequently, a single geometry optimizedconguration was used for the excitation study of the otherpolymer/PCBM combinations.

A general conclusion that could be made for all systems isthat the only intense excitation corresponded to the excitationof the donor polymer. These excitations also show a high L

parameter value, further stressing the local character of theseexcitations. When the excitations of the combined systems arecompared with those of the pure polymers, differences can beseen in the excitation energies and oscillator strength f of thepolymer excitation. This indicates the important differencebetween the electronic properties of the donor polymer at theinterface and in bulk. Furthermore, the appearance of severaldark transitions with low intensity and L parameter was seen.These can be identied as charge transfer excitations betweendonor polymer and PCBM acceptor. In an attempt to link theefficiency of charge transfer to an easily accessible parameterfrom TDDFT, efficiencies from literature were compared to theorbital overlaps Oia between the molecular orbitals involved incharge transfer and the excitation strength f of the polymerexcitation. A broad correlation could be discerned, with moreefficient donor–PCBM pairs demonstrating a lower averageoverlap.


The authors would like to thank Dr M.J.G. Peach (LancasterUniversity) and Professor D. J. Tozer (Durham University) formany fruitful discussions on the topic of TDDFT and the L

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parameter. The authors acknowledge support from theResearch Foundation Flanders (FWO); the Vrije UniversiteitBrussel (VUB) through a Strategic Research Program for theALGC group; and the COST Materials, Physical and Nano-sciences (MPNS) Action MP0901: “ Designing Novel Materialsfor Nanodevices: From Theory to Practice (NanoTP)”.

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