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Page 1: A Piratical Legacy Chapter 30 Part 2 - Coming of Age

Chapter 30 – Coming of Age Part 2

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 30: Coming of Age Part 2

Page 2: A Piratical Legacy Chapter 30 Part 2 - Coming of Age

The sun was shining hotly down on Twikkii Island when Ching Shih Buccaneer stepped out of her taxi. She stood for a minute on the sandy walkway that led to the front door of the family's vacation house. It had been years since she'd been here, but as far as she could tell, nothing had changed. "Wait here for a minute," she told the taxi driver. "I'm just going to drop off my suitcase and then I'd like to go to the market to stock the fridge." The driver smiled amiably and turned on the radio to settle down and wait, though he did offer to help Shih with her bag. She waved him off, though, and carried it in herself.

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She dismissed the driver at the marketplace; it wasn't a long walk back to the chalet. After buying what food she thought she'd need for the week, Shih also stopped and picked up a few new outfits and got her hair styled a bit differently. Finally, she braved getting her nose pierced. She felt that she was looking pretty good.

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She returned to the chalet and, after putting away all of her purchases, phoned her old, old friend Jim Reeves and invited him over. He promised to be there right away.

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The butterflies were back as Shih strode down the sandy path to the sidewalk, where Jim was waiting to be greeted. Would he appreciate that she was grown up now? Would he even notice? And would they still be friends now that they were meeting in person for the first time in ten years?

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"Ching Shih!" Jim said exuberantly, catching her up in a warm hug. "You have blossomed into a glorious flower of womanhood. How wonderful it is to see you again!" Cue butterflies trying frantically to escape. Shih ruthlessly forced them down and made herself casual, choosing instead to enjoy the warmth of Jim's embrace despite the hot day.

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"It's good to see you too," Shih managed after what felt like (to her) an eternity of silence. With a grin, she then performed the traditional Twikkii Island greeting that Jim had taught her during her first visit to the island. "You have kept up practice!" Jim said delightedly. "I am honoured that you have remembered." "How could I forget?" Shih giggled. "We only emailed at least weekly for the past ten years. Especially when I was small, I would make my brother and my cousins practice with me after each email." "How they must have gotten annoyed after a time," Jim smiled,

showing his dazzling white teeth. "Yeah, some of them," Shih admitted. "But Hugo never did, I think because his girlfriend is part islander." "Ah yes, young Lainey," Jim nodded in remembrance. "She is my sister's husband's uncle's wife's cousin's daughter's niece." "That... sounds complicated," Shih grinned. "But interesting. Why don't you come inside out of the heat and we can talk some more?" "I would like that," Jim said.

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Shih had purchased a ready-to-serve salmon dinner for two at the market, and this she quickly heated up and served. "Ah, this is one of my favorite meals," Jim said, taking a bite and savoring it with evident relish. "The shopkeeper said it was a best-seller," Shih said, trying the dish herself. "Mmm... it is good."

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"But you did not come all this way to talk only of food," Jim said, leaning in closer and gesturing with his fork. "Email is a splendid way to communicate, Ching Shih, but it is not truly speaking. Tell me... what have you been doing with yourself for the past ten years?" "I know you have long nights so close to the equator, but I don't think we have that much time to talk tonight," Shih grinned. "How about I just tell you about how college has been so far." "I am all ears."

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Shih lit into the tales of the drama happening at her dormitory with gusto, all the while trying to figure out where to look when she was facing Jim. If she looked at his face, she was mesmerized by the sculptured beauty of it, and if she looked at his chest then she lost her train of thought completely. It was a bit embarrassing. "I think your fellow college students have a bit too much time on their hands, yes?" Jim said smoothly once Shih fell silent. "A bit," Shih said. "If they'd just stick to woohooing their intended spouses, or not promise to be an intended spouse, they'd have a lot less drama." "That is my opinion as well," Jim said, smiling and showing those perfect teeth again. "It sounds to me like your friends engage in trouble for the sake of trouble." "One more reason I'm glad I'm not going to be living in the dorm next year," Shih said, swallowing the last bite of her dinner. "C'mon, Jim. There's a fire pit outside and I've got marshmallows for dessert!"

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"Spending the evening under a starlit sky with the harmonious sound of the waves crashing in my ears, and a raven-and-scarlet haired beauty beside me... I think this is the perfect night, Ching Shih," Jim said with evident appreciation once the fire was burning cheerfully.

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Shih blushed. "Thanks, Jim," she said softly. Then, feeling a bit uncomfortable and unsure, she steered the subject in other directions. "I've never seen so many stars at night before. It's dazzling!" "Even on your Pirate Island, there must be more light pollution, then," Jim said. "Here, there is little. The stars are even brighter outside town, as well." "I can imagine," Shih said dreamily.

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Rummaging around, she pulled out a pair of marshmallows and some roasting sticks. "Time for dessert!" she said eagerly. "I enjoy dessert," Jim murmured under his breath, looking at Shih's slender young form. But she didn't hear him, which was probably a good thing. The blushes would have been unbearable.

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"Do you prefer your marshmallows lightly toasted, or burnt?" Jim asked, pulling his back from the flame and eyeing it speculatively. "Lightly toasted, with a chunk of Hershey's chocolate, pressed between two graham wafers," Shih said wistfully. "But the store didn't have graham wafers, so we can't have s'mores." "I have never heard of these," Jim said curiously. "They're pure and total taste nirvana, Jim," Shih said longingly. She licked her lips, which caused Jim's breath to catch in his throat. However, his voice was normal when he responded. "When I visit Pirate Island, then, you will have to share them with me." "Deal," Shih smiled, but her heart fluttered at the implication that there would be future visits to look forward to.

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"If you prefer your marshmallows toasted, I think it is just perfect right now," Jim added, gesturing to the sugary confection. Shih pulled it from the embers and examined it. "I think you're right," she said, and she popped it into her mouth.

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"Mmm... that's SO good," she said with satisfaction once she could speak again.

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It was a delightful evening, and so it was with extreme reluctance that Shih and Jim headed to the house some hours later. "Just one more marshmallow for you," Jim teased, dangling the nearly empty bag in front of Shih's face. "If I eat another, I'll burst!" Shih groaned, rubbing her stomach. "But man, that was good..." "I know just the cure for overindulgence in marshmallows," Jim said seriously. "Oh?" "Red hands!"

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"Oh, I don't know," Shih said once her hands were well and thoroughly reddened. "I have a better idea." "With such a hint, you must share it."

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"It's over there," Shih said, pointing. She stifled a giggle as Jim turned to look and she bounced a full water balloon in her hand.

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"I do not see anything other than the house," there was confusion in Jim's voice. "That's because you're not looking in the right direction," Shih said, a wicked edge in her own voice. "It's over here now." Jim obligingly turned to look.

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"Two can play at this game," Jim laughed, pulling a bright green water balloon out from under his clothing. The two of them raced around to the front of the house, where the footing was a bit more certain in the dark.

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"You're on, island boy!" Shih shrieked gleefully, hefting her own magically conjured water balloon. "Loser has to pay the winner's admission at the ruins tomorrow!" Jim added. "Ooh, you want to make things interesting," Shih giggled. She hesitated a moment, then flung her ammunition in Jim's direction while simultaneously dodging to the left. Jim launched his own missile and dodged to the right...

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...where he was promptly nailed by Shih's balloon! "That is only the first round!" he spluttered, dashing water out of his eyes. "I demand a rematch!" "Oh, you are such a guy!" Shih giggled. "You sound just like my brother and my cousins... can't believe you lost to a girl!" "There is some shame for a grown man to lose to a girl," Jim agreed. "However... there is no shame at all in losing to a woman--and you are definitely a woman, Ching Shih Buccaneer." "Good to know," Shih grinned. She readied another water balloon. "Now, are you just going to stand there talking all night or are you ready for that rematch?"

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A considerable time later, a thoroughly soaked Jim Reeves and Ching Shih Buccaneer bid one another farewell. "See you in the morning," Shih said happily. "And remember to bring extra money for admissions... this one's definitely on you!" "I think perhaps I would like to request a replay analysis of that last volley," Jim said with a smile. "After all, did you not in fact end up wet as well?" "That's why I said it was a draw," Shih grinned. "But I still beat you, five to four." I must concede the point," Jim said at last. "Have sweet dreams, Ching Shih. I will come for you after breakfast." "I'm looking forward to it!"

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The next morning, Jim was already waiting by the mailbox when Shih finished breakfast. "Ready to go?" "Lead on, Mr. Jim!"

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They decided to explore the Ancient Ruins of Numchuck, and Jim gallantly paid for Shih's admission, since he'd lost the previous evening's bet.

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Even though she'd been here as a child, Shih couldn't help but feel overwhelming awe when she stepped through an archway and beheld the majestic glory of the giant monkey fountain. "Fantastic," she breathed to herself. "And to think all of this was created by a culture that has been dead for millennia... these ruins were already here when Jim's ancestors came to the island, centuries ago. It's mind-boggling." She was overwhelmed with the urge to climb all over the immense monument and learn its secrets, but she restrained herself. She was sure the locals would never forgive her for being so presumptuous as to damage their artifact.

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Instead, she contented herself with sitting at the foot of the waterfall and trailing her fingers in the ice-cold mountain water while the fine spray dampened her hair and clothes. "I wish this vacation would last forever," she whispered.

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Standing up, she moved to the front of the fountain. There was a small sign there that stated that all coins offered to the fountain would be used to maintain the ruins as a historical site for the ages.

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"Legend says that a wish made with an offering to Numchuck will result in your heart's desire," Jim whispered, coming up behind her. "So make a wish." "Oh, I did," Shih replied, flipping the coin into the water and watching until it was lost from site. "What did you wish for?" Jim teased. "That's for me to know," she grinned. "If I tell you, it won't come true, now will it?" "See, I've never been clear on that point myself," Jim responded. "If you don't tell anyone what you wish, then how can they help it to come true?" "Come on," Shih laughed, looking at her watch. "The tour leaves in five minutes and we don't want to be late!"

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"You're the last of the group to join us," the tour guide said as Shih and Jim approached the rendezvous point. "The shuttle to the beach is just about to leave!" "I've always wanted to go parasailing," Shih confided to Jim as they climbed into the purple minivan. "Well, now you have the chance," Jim smiled. "I have always enjoyed it."

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However, neither of them enjoyed the trip all that much--they ended up steering right into a patch of angry jellyfish. Jim and Shih were both exhausted, and Jim left to go home. Before he went, however, he suggested that Shih check out the local spa--in his opinion, it would pep her right back up.

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After a power nap back at the chalet, Shih made her way to the spa just in time for the daily dinner special.

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"Zee pineapple surprise, she is très magnifique," the chef exclaimed, kissing his fingertips. "You wish to try eet?" "Sure," Shih said. "But... aren't you French, not local?" "I came here when I was a leetle boy," the chef replied as he served her a generous portion. "I have learned how to cook zee local cuisine my entire life!" "Well, it sure tastes like it," Shih said appreciatively. "My compliments to the... uh... you." "Merci."

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After soaking in the hot spring for a little while, Shih decided that a hot stone massage would be the perfect way to wind up the evening, and she even paid a little extra to learn the technique herself.

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The next morning, Shih felt considerably better. Jim had to work, so she had the day to herself, and she decided to check out South End Beach... there was a Pirate Ship there.

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"Arr! This be the life for me!" Shih cried, spinning the wheel frantically. "Hard to starboard, mateys! Now port! Land ho! Don't hit the rocks! Make fast the mainsail! Trim those lines!" "Daddy, she almost looks like a real pirate," one bewildered-looking tot declared, pointing to the raven-and-scarlet haired mistress of the wheel. "Don't be silly, honey," the man said, shaking his head. "There's no such thing as pirates anymore." "I beg t'differ with ya, man," Shih cried, letting go of the wheel for a moment. "I'm Ching Shih Buccaneer, and I'm descended from real pirates, sure enough! The blood may be a little dilute, but when I'm on a ship, even a ruined one like this... it calls to me, aye?"

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Leaving the wheel to the little girl and her father, Shih decided to explore every inch of the rest of the ship. First, she checked out the plank. "Arr... and this be a bad place t' learn I've lost me sense o' balance," she murmured to herself, still using the pirate voice she'd fallen into while speaking to the other tourists. "Yikes!" She hastily backed up back onto solid ship.

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Just as she got clear of the plank, the fencing station with the training dummy freed up, and Shih picked up a cutlass experimentally. "Hmm... not bad," she said, hefting the blade to get a feel for its weight. She lunged forward. "Aha!"

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Before long she was really getting into it. She lunged at the dummy again and again, faster and faster. The same child who had questioned her earlier pointed her out again. "Look, daddy! She's really doing it! She's fighting with the dummy!"

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"Some people are just born to be pirates," Shih grinned to herself. She handed the cutlass off to the little girl. "Your turn now!"

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Then she raced back up onto the foredeck and frantically raised the pirate flag. "I see you have discovered the infamous Buccaneer family flag," a blue-clad local who was evidently a tourist guide of some sort, nodded to Shih. "Buccaneer?" Shih almost stopped what she was doing, she was so startled. "That's what I said," the woman smiled. "This ship used to belong to a scurvy pirate by the name of Jack Buccaneer... until his crew mutinied and threw him off." "Really?" Shih blinked and paused for a moment. "Then what happened to

the crew?" "Most people usually ask what happened to Captain Jack," the woman smiled. "Not me," Shih said firmly. "What happened to the crew?" "Why, they shipwrecked this fair vessel not three weeks after abandoning their captain, didn't they?" the woman said. "And ever since then Jack's first mate, Captain Dregg, haunts the ship!" "Wh-what's the ship called?" Shih asked, hoisting the flag the rest of the way.

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As the tattered pirate flag suddenly caught the wind and blew straight out, displaying the llama-and-veggie crest proudly for all to see. "Why... it's the Pearl," the woman said. "The Black Pearl. I thought everyone knew that."

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The news was shocking, to say the least. Shih decided that she needed some answers... and there was one logical place to look. She waited until the tour guide wasn't looking and then crept into the Captain's cabin.

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"Aaauuuugh!" she shrieked, and took off at full tilt for the safety of the beach.

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"OOGA BOOGA!" the ghost of Captain Dregg shouted, wiggling his fingers menacingly. "Take that, landlubber!" He looked around for the girl he'd spooked from the cabin. "Aww... come back! I was just joking!"

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Gingerly, Shih made her way back up the gangplank and onto the main deck of the ship. "Sorry," she said. "Lost my cool for a minute there." "I tend to have that effect on women, gen'rally," the ghost said affably. "Th' name's Captain Dregg. And who might you be?" "Ching Shih Buccaneer," she replied. "Does the name mean anything to you?" "Buccaneer... Buccaneer..." the ghost thought that over for a minute. "Any relation to Captain Jack, then, mate?"

"Distant descendent," Shih confirmed. "Arr!" the pirate said merrily. "Don't that beat all? And here I was just thinkin' it'd be good to see old Captain Jack again." "But didn't you overthrow him?" Shih blinked. "That's what the tour guide said." "Bah," the pirate ghost dismissed the guide with an airy wave. "She don't know nothin'. Jack was me mentor! And me best friend!"

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"Then how'd you end up with the Pearl?" Shih asked. "The lady said that's what this ship is called." "Nay, this ain't th' Pearl," Captain Dregg said with a snort. "This be the Counterfeit Clam, mate. Sister ship o' the Black Pearl, but not the Pearl herself. That ship's no been heard from since Jack's mate mutinied with all hands." Shih sighed. "That's a bit disappointing," she said. "Here I was hoping I'd solved a family mystery." "If y' ever do find the Pearl... let me know then, lass," the pirate ghost

said. "I has this ... feelin' ... about ya, mate." "Maybe I should look for it," Shih mused. "Just to get some family closure." "A worthy quest, it'd be." "I'll think about it," Shih decided. "Ya do that, lass," the pirate nodded. "In the meantime, have ya seen th' view o' the island from the crow’s-nest? 'Tis a sight worth seeing..."

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And when Shih had clambered up to the pinnacle of the ship, she agreed that it was indeed a sight worth seeing. The entirety of Twikkii Island was spread out before her eyes, and ocean as far as the horizon. It was dazzling.

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Reluctantly, Shih climbed back down. She decided to spend the rest of the afternoon catching rays on the beach. Unfortunately, she fell asleep under the gentle warmth of the sun... and when she woke up, she more closely resembled a lobster than a pirate. Grumbling, she stomped home to spend the rest of the evening applying lotion to cool her fiery skin.

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"Ouch... that looks painful," Jim said sympathetically when he met Shih the next morning in front of her chalet. He almost but not quite touched her shoulder, then pulled back. "It's not as bad as it looks, thanks to some aloe and an oatmeal bath," Shih said. "And you can rest assured, I'm absolutely covered in sunscreen today." "You're glistening with it," Jim chuckled. "I do look rather like a marinated lobster, don't I," Shih grinned. Since her skin didn't sting as much as she'd anticipated, she actually

felt pretty good. And being around Jim again distracted her from what discomfort she might be feeling. "So what are we doing today?" "I thought you might enjoy getting some firedancing lessons, so I made arrangements," Jim said, flashing his bright white teeth at her. "I haven't overstepped my bounds or anything, have I?" "Not at all," Shih said. "Lead on, Mr. Jim!" "Hey now, you're way too old to be calling me that," Jim admonished her gently.

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"This is Fire Dancer," Jim said by way of introduction once they'd reached the beach. "That's an... interesting... name," Shih said. "It is an old islander tradition," Jim said. "Naming people after their job title is traditional in many cultures, is it not, Miss Buccaneer?" "That makes a bit more sense," Shih nodded. She flexed her muscles. "So... I'm ready to learn, if you're ready to teach!"

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To the fire dancer's delight, and Jim's encouragement, Shih was a natural. She hadn't progressed to lighting the baton before they left for the day, but she was well on her way there.

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Twirling batons used muscles Shih hadn't exerted before, and she was a bit stiff and sore after her training session was done. Jim suggested they head to the spa to soak in the natural hot springs for a while. "Oooh... this is better," Shih said gratefully. "It stings my sunburn a bit, but it's worth it for the muscle soothing." "As to your sunburn," Jim said, his eyes travelling over Shih's lithe form, "there is an island cure you may want to try. We call it moonbathing... lie out under the light of the moon and see if you can cause the sunburn to fade to a tan." "I suppose it can't hurt to try," Shih nodded as she sank deeper into the steaming water. "I'll give it a shot before I go to bed tonight." "It will work," Jim said confidently.

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When she returned to the chalet after sunset, Shih wasted no time in putting Jim's advice to the test. She lay out on a beach towel beneath the stars...

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... and to her surprise, her skin cleared up almost immediately! "Excellent," Shih said to herself as she appraised her now bronzed skin. "I wonder how that works..."

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The next morning, Shih was up bright and early. Her grandfather, Roche, had left her a map to a hidden hermit's home somewhere on the island, and she was determined to see where the path led. Roche's Mickles had been lost when he died, and Shih wanted one of her own.

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She was met inside by a man who identified himself as a Witch Doctor. He gestured wildly and frustratedly at all of his broken appliances, and made it obvious that he wanted Shih's help before he would talk to her.

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Shih threw herself into the project with abandon. She was almost electrocuted by the dishwasher...

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...irradiated by the microwave...

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...and ignited by a spark from the television. But at last she finished, and the Witch Doctor returned to his hut. He stood waiting patiently for her to acknowledge him, and then suddenly turned tail and went outside again to fish. "What a rip off!" Shih complained. "I fix everything for him and he's completely ignoring me! Just because I stopped to get a drink of water before talking to him!" I also agreed it was unfair, so I worked a bit of magic. Shih would find a Mickles in her inventory anyway, the next time she checked.

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After a long and tiring morning, she returned home to relax the afternoon and early evening away. Jim would be stopping by with a friend of his after dinner for dessert, but that was hours away. Most of the chateau was too hot for comfort, so Shih retired to the more sheltered master bedroom. To her surprise, there was a stuffed bear sitting on the night stand. "And how'd you get in here?" she asked the plush animal, not expecting a reply. "Ya don't want t' know, love," the bear replied, startling her right out of her skin. "Aaah! Don't do that!" "I get that a lot these days," the bear grumbled. "Ya'd think none o' ya'd ever heard a talkin' bear before, lass." "You haven't spoken much to us pirates of late," Shih pointed out. "You could say we're out of practice."

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"Arrr! And ya call yerselves pirates, mate!" the bear complained. "Runnin' shops and stores and other respectable businesses is hardly in keepin' with the pirate spirit, savvy?" "And what would you have us do?" Shih demanded. "All ya need is a ship, and a star to steer her by," the bear said dreamily. "It's th' best life in the world, mate. Why, if I had the Pearl..." "Yes, but she was lost with all hands and never heard from again," Shih said sadly. "I found her sister ship, though. The Counterfeit

Clam isn't half a mile from where we are right now, run aground and turned into a tourist attraction. The ghost of Captain Dregg still lurks aboard to frighten unwary tourists, even." "Ah, Dregg!" the bear's shout turned gleeful. "He was only half the captain I was, love, but a good man ne'ertheless. Prob'ly why his ship ran aground, savvy?" "Do you know where the Pearl is?" Shih asked. "They threw me overboard, lass, lest ya forget," the bear scolded her. "An' in the bleedin' Gulf of St. Lawrence, too!"

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"Well, yeah," Shih conceded. "But a Captain has a special connection to his ship, right? You haunt those creepy stuffed animals... haven't you ever tried haunting your own ship?" "Err..." the bear paused for a moment. "I hadn't actually thought of that, no." "Well, why don't you give it a try and report back to me, then?" Shih asked. "Maybe my family can find out where the ship is after all these years, and claim it back for ourselves!"

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The bear gave her a long, considering look with its button eyes. "I likes the way ya thinks, girl," it said at last. "You've the true pirate spirit in your bones, no doubts there. If y' can find me ship, perhaps I'll find meself some measure of peace, savvy?" "Savvy... and it's a deal," Shih grinned, reached forward, and shook one threadbare paw. "But it'll have to wait until after I graduate university." "What's three more years when I've been waiting five generations, love?"

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As the shadows lengthened on the lawn, the temperature inside the vacation house gradually grew more reasonable and Shih roused herself from her pseudo-nap to get the house ready for Jim and his friend. She even put a cake in the oven to bake! When she saw Jim and his friend approaching, she headed outside to greet them. "Ching Shih Buccaneer, I would like to introduce you to my friend Mary Vijayakar," Jim said, flashing pearly whites at both lades. "Mary, this is my friend Shih. Like you, she was a member of the Twikkii Island pen pal program." "It's great to meet you!" Mary said enthusiastically. "You, too," Shih said, hoping her voice sounded friendlier than she felt. Jim had more than one pen pal? Suddenly she felt like ten times a fool.

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"I have fresh coffee cake in the house," she found herself saying cheerfully. "Come on in!" "Which way to the little girls' room?" Mary asked delicately. Shih gestured wordlessly, and Mary flashed her a companionable smile before walking off in the indicated direction. "Shih, truly you are a marvelous cook," Jim said with appreciation as he sniffed the spice-heavy air. "Mary will not want us to wait for her. I suggest we dig in!" Shih picked up her fork, but she didn't feel like eating. "Have you corresponded with Mary for long?" she asked, studiously not meeting his eye. "For a few years," Jim said. "She is a lovely young woman, charming and intelligent. Her husband is a lucky man." "Husband?" Shih blinked. She hadn't been expecting to hear that.

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"Oh, yes," Jim said. "She is here on her honeymoon with her husband, Antonio. He is taking a scuba-diving lesson and she has a water phobia, so I offered to keep her entertained for the afternoon. They are leaving tomorrow, and she wanted to meet the woman I have been filling her ears with all week."

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"You've been talking about me?" Shih asked coquettishly. "How can I not sing your praises to everyone I know," Jim replied. "You are the most remarkable woman I have ever met, Ching Shih Buccaneer. Beautiful, adventurous, intelligent... I count myself lucky to be numbered among your friends." "You definitely know the way to a girl's heart," Shih said, blushing. "Stop... you'll make me vain!"

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"Am I interrupting something?" Mary asked, walking into the room. "Not at all," Shih and Jim said in unison. They locked eyes and burst out laughing. "Please, join us," Shih added, gesturing to the seat on the other side of her.

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They ate in companionable silence for a few minutes, and then Mary turned to Shih. "You're a great cook," she said, smiling. "Could I get the recipe? I'm going to be a stay-at-home mom once my husband and I start having kids, but I don't know the first thing about cooking." "Sure," Shih said. "Give me your email address before you leave, and I'll send it to you. If you forget, just have Jim forward it to me." "Thanks," Mary said. "And thank you for being so welcoming. I didn't want to impose, but Jim insisted that you wouldn't mind me tagging along on his visit."

"I like meeting new people," Shih said. "I'm a Knowledge girl, but I'm not a hermit. Sometimes I need my friends to make sure I meet new people, though." "I'm Family, myself," Mary nodded. "But then, you probably guessed that." "It wasn't hard to figure out," Shih said. They chatted for a while longer and Shih discovered that Mary really was a fun person, with a subtle sense of humor and a witty conversational style.

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A little while later, Mary stood up and excused herself. "My husband's scuba lesson should be just about over," she said apologetically. She extended a hand to Shih. "It was nice meeting you, Ching Shih." Shih and Jim saw her to the door and then returned to the living room. "I should not stay much longer myself," Jim said reluctantly. "Between both of my lovely guests, I've been neglecting my own housework and there is a funny smell coming from my refrigerator. I need to track it down, though that pales in comparison to spending time with you."

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"If it looks like it might be developing an intelligence of its own, bring me a sample," Shih said enthusiastically. "I have this project I'm thinking of for my term project next year..." "I shall endeavor to please," Jim said with an amused grin. "Does that mean I will be seeing you again before you leave?" "I hope so," Shih said earnestly. She blushed. "I've enjoyed spending time with you, Jim."

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"And I have enjoyed spending time with you, Ching Shih Buccaneer," Jim said in a low voice, leaning in closer. For a moment, Shih thought he was going to kiss her, and she licked her lips nervously. "Wh-why don't you come over tomorrow evening," she said hastily. "If you thought the cake tonight was good, you'll be blown away!" "I shall have to contain my appetite until then," Jim said, stepping back reluctantly.

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Shih fanned at herself as she felt the blush rising. "Whoa... little warm in here," she squeaked. Jim looked her up and down. "Indeed, I am feeling a little warm myself. Until tomorrow evening, then?" "Don't be late!" "Wild llamas could not keep me away."

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The next morning Ching Shih was up cleaning at the crack of dawn. She would be leaving in slightly more than forty-eight hours, and she'd decided the previous evening that she wanted Jim more than she'd ever wanted anything in her life. By the end of the night, she vowed to herself, he would be hers.

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"All th' same," the bear said as Shih explained the reason for her cleaning frenzy, "I don't know why yer botherin' t' clean th' bedroom." "If I have to spell it out for you," Shih said, managing to contain a blush. "Ya don't, missy. Like I said, I don't know why yer botherin'."

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"Thar's no reason t' be lockin' me in th' spare room!" the bear protested once Shih had deposited him there. "Stay out of trouble!" Shih grinned, winking at him. "...thar's no rum in here. Where's a bear t' find a good couch when he needs it?"

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When she was satisfied with the state of the rest of the house, Shih started working on dessert she planned to serve to her friend. Baked Alaska was a specialty of hers. She managed to refrain from adding any love potion to the batter, and placed the finished product on the kitchen counter to await being brandied.

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All other preparations complete, she returned to the bedroom to change into an outfit she'd been saving for just the right occasion. She fussed considerably over her makeup and hair, and she struggled to put contacts in.

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Shih was nervous, but she was also extremely pleased with the end result. If this didn't catch Jim's attention... nothing would.

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When Shih greeted Jim at the mailbox a short while later, she was surprised to see he had also changed into something more formal. "What's the occasion?" Shih asked, gesturing to the suit. "I had a feeling," Jim said, taking in Shih's slender form appreciatively, "that it would not be inappropriate. Such fine feathers you wear, my friend! You are a delight to the senses!" "Well, I only hope my dessert meets with your approval as well," Shih said with a nervous giggle. "Come on in!" "Oh, I have no doubt that it will," Jim said to himself as he followed the young woman into the house. "No doubts whatsoever."

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Shih picked up the intricate dessert, poured a generous helping of brandy over it, and lit the entire confection with a match. "Dessert is served!"

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"Ching Shih, you are a wonderful cook," Jim said, closing his eyes and savoring the first mouthful. "I do try," Shih said. "It's not my strongest talent, but I've endeavored to cultivate it." "I know," Jim said. "You've written to me about it frequently. But seeing, smelling, and tasting a thing are entirely different than reading about it."

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Putting actions to words, he dug into the creamy confection. His eating habits were a trifle... messy... which annoyed Shih a little, but she remembered what she'd heard a fellow college student say to her boyfriend: something about nobody being perfect, and everybody being cursed with a few warts. Shih decided that if less-than-stellar table manners were the extent of Jim's warts, she could live with that.

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"I can't believe my vacation is almost over, though," Shih said sadly. "I've been looking forward to it all term, and the time has flown by so quickly!" "I will regret your departure," Jim said. "You've been a bright light on the island this week, Ching Shih Buccaneer." "You always pay me so many compliments," Shih said, blushing. "It makes me a bit uncomfortable, because I don't know how to react."

"Accept them graciously," Jim smiled. "You're one of the few women who can be complimented endlessly and who will never grow vain in spite of it. That is a quality well worth having." "If you say so," Shih said. "But why do you compliment me so much? I'm just the kid you've been writing to for the past few years." "You are not a child," Jim corrected her. "You are a woman. There is a big difference. Were you a child, we would not be sitting here right now. This is practically a date!"

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"Oh, I hadn't thought of it that way," Shih said consideringly. "I suppose this could be considered a date... if you wanted."

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Jim swallowed hastily. "I would like that very much," he said softly. Shih's pulse pounded in her ears.

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"Here," she said, pretending as though she hadn't heard that last statement. "I don't think you got any cherries on your piece." She scooped up the aforementioned piece of fruit with her fork and offered it to Jim. Rather than putting it on his own plate, or even taking the fork from her, Jim leaned forward and ate the fruit right off of Shih's utensil.

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"Delicious," he murmured.

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"And in exchange, I call dibs on that piece right there!" Shih giggled, trying desperately to lighten the mood. She wanted Jim, true, but now that it seemed inevitable that she would have him, she had the overwhelming urge to slow things down. Jim seemed to sense that, because he started laughing. "Help yourself," he said, gesturing to the plate. "What kind of host would I be if I didn't let you eat off of my plate?" "Oh, so you're the host now?" Shih laughed. "I thought this was my place!" "Yes, but it is my island," Jim said, flashing his teeth at her. Shih giggled impishly at that. "I'll drink to that!"

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Carefully she filled their champagne flutes and raised a glass. "To a wonderful evening with an even better friend," she said, clinking her drink with Jim's. "And to the most beautiful woman on the island," Jim responded. "I will drink to that!" They both drank deeply.

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Wordlessly, Jim stood and held out a hand to Shih. She took it, and he led her out into the back yard. "A dance, under the stars," he said invitingly, holding out his other hand.

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The swayed gently in the warm summer night, and Jim slowly pulled Shih closer. "You are like gossamer in my arms," he breathed in her ear. "I dare not hold you too tightly, lest you break." "I'll let you know if you squeeze too tight," Shih smirked. She still had butterflies, but she wasn't nervous anymore.

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"I should probably kiss you right now," Jim murmured, pulling back just enough to look into Ching Shih's eyes. "I think that would be a good idea, yes," Shih said breathlessly.

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Time stood still as Jim gently pulled Shih to him and pressed his lips to hers.

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"I've been wanting to do that all week," Jim confessed when the kiss finally ended. "You too, huh?" Shih laughed, her voice a little shaky. "I was half expecting to be greeted by a little girl when I arrived at the house at the beginning of the week," Jim said. "I was stunned to see how beautiful you were, Ching Shih. Stunned and overwhelmed... and as the week went on, I came to realize that I felt things for you that could be decidedly... inappropriate."

"How could they be inappropriate?" Shih demanded. "I've been looking forward to tonight since... well, since I swore off dating as a teenager. That would have been inappropriate. This is not." "No, it's not," Jim replied, kissing her again. She took him by the hand and led him back into the house. "Much as I hate to waste a beautiful starry night like tonight..."

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As soon as they were inside, Jim swept her up into his arms once more. "Eek!" Shih giggled. "You've got me!" "So I do," Jim grinned. "Now, what shall I do with you?"

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As it turned out, Shih had a few ideas in that regard, and before long they found themselves in the bedroom.

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"Are you sure about this?" "Now that it comes to the moment... yes," Shih said decisively. "You're all I've ever wanted in a man, Jim Reeves." "But I am a Romance sim," Jim pointed out. "Oh, I've always known that," Shih shrugged. "I can read between the lines as well as any girl, and I know you've not been a monk." "I won't promise to commit to you for forever and a day." "Right now, I'm only looking for a night."

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Very gently, Jim pulled Shih close to him and kissed her again.

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"Ching Shih Buccaneer," Jim said sleepily, some considerable time later. "Yes?" Shih yawned, taking his hand. "I'm falling in love with you." "I know."

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They held each other close all through the night.

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When they awoke the next morning, Jim was worried that things might be awkward, but Shih just stretched sensuously and, when she caught Jim staring, winked at him. "I'll have breakfast ready in ten minutes if you want to catch a quick shower," she called over her shoulder as she strode confidently out of the bedroom.

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Jim took one bite of his breakfast and immediately melted. "I don't deserve a woman like you." "Probably not," Shih said cheerfully. "But you've got one anyway!"

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After breakfast they headed outside and down to Ching Shih's private beach to soak up the rays and play in the sand and surf. "What time does your flight leave?" Jim asked morosely. "The shuttle will pick me up in about six hours," Shih said. "Then we must make the most of these last few hours we have together," Jim declared.

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They spent the rest of the day around the little vacation home, with Shih putting everything back in order and Jim assisting her where he could. Shih kept them both entertained with anecdotes of the drama she'd experienced living in dorm, and Jim contributed stories of some of the dumber tourists he'd encountered. "That's enough work for today," Shih decided eventually.

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"Yes, I would like to spend our last few hours together doing something other than working," Jim said, rubbing muscles that had worked hard recently. "I am getting out of shape!" "Oh... I wouldn't say that," Ching Shih said, smiling knowingly.

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She swept Jim up in her own arms and planted a firm kiss on his lips. "You are a lot less nervous than you were last night," Jim said breathlessly when she finally let him up. "Call it the voice of experience."

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"It is an experience I hope to repeat sometime soon," Jim said, pulling her close and embracing her tightly. "When will I see you again, Ching Shih?" "As soon as you come out to visit me," Shih said frankly. "My bank account can't handle another visit for at least a year, and I don't want to wait that long." "I have some savings," Jim said. "I will look into it and let you know when to expect me. Your housemates at the Greek house will not have a problem with me staying?" "Well, my brother might want to beat you up," Shih laughed, "or Toby. He's a Romance sim himself, so he knows what you lot are like." "I shall endeavor to prove my worthiness," Jim said. He checked his watch. "Alas... I believe it is time you got ready to go. The shuttle will be here momentarily."

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Ching Shih ran into the bedroom and changed into clothing more suited to Pirate Island this time of year and brushed her hair out into its customary 'do. She decided to put the nose ring back in, though. She thought it made her look more piratical. "That would be the taxi," Jim said sadly when a staccato burst interrupted their canoodling on the front sofa. "Would you like me to carry your suitcase?" "I've got it," Shih said. She turned to face him. "I didn't say it before but... I love you." "I know."

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And with one last kiss, Ching Shih Buccaneer picked up her suitcase and walked out to the waiting taxi. To be continued in Chapter 31...

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