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F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N


System Wide Information Management (SWIM)

Presented to CEISCJohn Loynes

ATO Operations Planning

Technology Development

May 17, 2005

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SWIM: “The right data to the right user at the right time”

Overview• SWIM: What it is and what it does for aviation weather

applications• Current Projects: Aviation weather in a SWIM

environment– Integrating Corridor Integrated Weather System

(CIWS) with traffic surveillance– Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT)– SWIM weather information model design

• Summary

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Flight Service Station Systems



En Route Systems

Oceanic Systems


Military,Law Enforcement,

andOther agencies

AOC Traffic Flow Mgr

AOC Dispatcher

SurveillanceData Weather




NAS Air Traffic Services with System-to-System coordination

Flight DataObjects

Airline OperationsCenter Systems



















4D flight profilenegotiation
















Subscribe CommonGeographical









SWIM Concept of Use

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A Future ATM

All stakeholders require CDM, new DSTs & common information sharing …All stakeholders require CDM, new DSTs & common information sharing …

Oceanic En RouteEn Route

Departure ArrivalAirlines


Takeoff Landing

Interactive pre-flight and flight


Arrival/DepartureDSTs for sequence

& spacing

Trajectory-based exchange &


Increased use of data link

Airline &ATC exchange gate/runway

preference data

DSTs forCD, CR, and flow


Integrated strategic

& tactical DSTs

Enhanced A/PR/W and taxiway

safety nets

A/P DSTs forArr/Dep planning,RW usage, user


Real-time infoexchange between

A/C & ground DSTs

System-Wide Information Sharing(Surveillance, trajectory, weather, NAS resources)

Infrastructure Mgt

Increase use ofdata link at

more airports

High altitude sectors & dynamic


DST – Decision Support ToolsCDM – Collaborative Decision MakingA/P,A/S – Airport, AirspaceCD, CR – Conflict Detection, Resolution

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SWIM for DummiesSWIM is:

• NAS-wide information distribution and access mechanism for current and new applications

• Built on top of FTI for network connectivity and security

• 50% COTS, 30% custom software & 20% hardware providing services such as security, messaging, registry

• Non-proprietary, flexible, extensible, scalable solution to cost effectively meet current and future information requirements

SWIM is Not:

• A big system in a new facility

• A giant database

• A substitute for NAS modernization programs

• A set of applications

• An FTI replacement

SWIM implements a modern, system-wide approach to

information management necessary to support improved operations and

productivity in the NAS

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Accessing Weather Products(Example: TDWR)

1. Buy a T1 line for each TDWR you need and physically connect it at each TDWR shelter

2. Develop custom ingest software that…– Meets security requirements

– Manages QoS guarantees for application

– Translates custom data format (based on TDWR ICD)

1. Leverage FTI via single SWIM gateway connection; receive compressed TDWR streams from all TDWRs of interest

2. Develop ingest software using COTS tools that…

– Get system-wide security and QoS services from SWIM

– Provide standard access methods to TDWR data

The old way (pre-SWIM)… The new way (post-SWIM)…

1. Step 1 savings apply to any data source migrated from a custom distribution network to SWIM (e.g., CIWS, ASR-9 weather, etc.)

2. Step 2 savings apply to any systems using SWIM to access data

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Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS)

High res echo tops


0 to 2 hr forecast

Accuracy Scores NEXRAD VIL MosaicStorm Growth & Decay

NEXRAD VIL MosaicSatellite backgroundForecast ContoursCell Motion/SEP

ASR-9/NEXRAD VIL MosaicEcho Tops Labels

# of aircraft

CIWS 2004 Domain

Air Traffic 09/12/02 1000 UTC – 09/13/02 1000 UTC

• Higher airport departure rates

• More efficient airport arrivals

• Fewer miles-in-trail constraints

• Fewer jet route closures

− Identify opportunities to fly over storms

• Reopening jet routes sooner

• Improved transitions from en route to terminal airspace

User Identified Benefits

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Coordination for Decisions

Davison and Hansman, ATC Quarterly 2002

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CIWS SWIM adapter

Integrated CIWS Weather / Surveillance on SWIM

CIWS weather

East coast traffic

Integrated CIWS weather / real-time traffic display

CIWS VIL mosaic



CORBA event channel

Lincoln CORBA-based SWIM


CIWS echotop mosaic

SDN SWIM adapter

Embry-Riddle enhanced ATC display

• Publishers: CIWS SWIM adapter publishes CIWS VIL and echo top mosaic products as contours; SDN adapter publishes traffic

• Subscribers: Integrated CIWS weather and traffic display, enhanced Embry-Riddle ATC display

• Status: In development for gate-to-gate demo

SWIM enables rapid development of applications that integrate weather and traffic:

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Potential SWIM Benefits to CIWS

• Distribution of CIWS output products on SWIM eliminates the need for CIWS product users to connect to private CIWS frame relay

• Inclusion of ASR-9 weather outputs on SWIM eliminates the need for direct connection to ASR-9 for CIWS inputs, further reducing the need for private CIWS frame relay

• Inclusion of compressed TDWR on SWIM makes TDWR available as CIWS input without direct T1 connections to individual radars

• SWIM security, bandwidth management services and COTS infrastructure reduce CIWS development and maintenance costs

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• Funded by PA NY/NJ. Used operationally since August 2002 . Uses CIWS convective weather forecast and echo tops

• Objective is to improve the ability to get departures out of terminals during SWAP

•Supports achieving ATO metric for % of flights with taxi-out time < 40 minutes

• Operational users- EWR, LGA, JFK, TEB- NY TRACON- ZNY, ZDC, ZOB- COA, Jet Blue, NWA

Operational images from June 2, 2004

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CIWS weather + RAPT timelines


SWIM-enabled RAPT display

CIWS weather: VIL forecast

• Publisher: RAPT SWIM adapter publishes subset (RAPT domain) of CIWS convective weather forecast as contours

• Subscribers: SWIM-enabled RAPT display• Status: Running since December, 2004

SWIM enables distribution of CIWS weather products without requiring connection to the

private CIWS frame relay:Publishers


CORBA event channel

Lincoln CORBA-based SWIM


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Potential SWIM Benefits to RAPT

• SWIM provides ready access to flight plan data needed for next-generation RAPT

• SWIM security, bandwidth management services and COTS infrastructure reduce RAPT development and maintenance costs

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SWIM Weather Information Model Design

• Definition of fundamental weather types and metadata: grids, contours, images, time series, point measurements

• Data transmission formats• Publish subscribe mechanism: product definition,

metadata format, multicast, etc.• New types added to demonstrations as they are defined

and implemented• Status: Ongoing throughout 2005

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• SWIM provides infrastructure and services critical to the distribution of aviation weather products, including security, bandwidth management and data discovery

• SWIM introduces potential cost savings in several areas: elimination of redundant communications infrastructure, decreased development costs by providing system-wide services, decreased maintenance cost due to expanded use of COTS software

• SWIM supports ready enhancement of existing applications and development of new, integrated weather and traffic management applications by providing all data through a single, SWIM network point of presence

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John Loynes @ faa.gov202-493-4801

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