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• Aquatic BiomesBroad aquatic ecological associations can be characterized by their physical environment, chemical environment, geological features, photosynthetic organisms, and heterotrophs

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97% oceans2% glaciers1% lakes, rivers, streams

Precipitationover land

Transportover land

Solar energy

Net movement ofwater vapor by wind

Evaporationfrom ocean


Evapotranspirationfrom land

Runoff andgroundwater

Precipitationover ocean

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LakesCoral reefsRiversOceanicpelagic andbenthic zonesEstuariesIntertidal zones

Tropic ofCancer

EquatorTropic ofCapricorn



fresh water or salt water (marine)Oceans cover about 75% of Earth’s surface and have an enormous impact on the biosphere

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Inland aquatics

“Areas of marsh, fen, peatland, or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, static or flowing, fresh, brackish, or salt, including areas of marine water, the depth of which at low tide does

not exceed 6 meters”

International Union for the Conservation of Nature

ENSC 2400 will cover the intertidal in Marine Biomes lecture

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Running water flows down• Standing water – LENTIC systems

• Flowing water – LOTIC systems

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Oligotrophic lakes Eutrophic Lakes

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Fig. 52-18d

A headwater stream in the GreatSmoky Mountains

Streams and Rivers

The Mississippi River far fromits headwaters

CurrentLifeEffect of damming

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Fig. 52-18c

Okefenokee National Wetland Reserve in Georgia


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Fig. 52-18f

An estuary in a low coastal plain of Georgia


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Fig. 52-16a

Littoralzone Limnetic





Rooted and floating aquatic plants live in the shallow and well-lighted littoral zoneLimnetic zone is too deep

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Stratification - Dimictic example, effects oxygen and nutrient levels in water




4º 4º

Spring Summer Autumn




4º 4º4º4º


2º 0º



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Hydrology and wetland diversity• Climate (rainfall, temperature, seasonality)• Geomorphology (soils, geology, relief)

Impact defined by the water budget where the volume of water depends on

PrecipitationInterceptionSurface flow

Groundwater in and outflowTidal flow

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Water budgets• General

• Marsh – Borders open water (rivers, estuaries), high energy, may be tidal, no OM buildup, plenty of dissolved O2

• Swamp – Occur in depressions, low energy, OM buildup – peat formation, low O2

• Bog- On level groundhigh rain, low evaporation,low energy, organic sediment,high water table

PrecipitationInterceptionSurface flow

Groundwater in and outflowTidal flow

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Permanence and periodicityHydroperiod:Frequency of inundation

tidal marsh groundwater fed (constant)vernal poolseasonal rapid flooding from rain or


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Hydrology factors and results

High energy • Streams, rivers, tidal

marshes• High dissolved O2• High flushing• Open cycling• Erosion dominant• Not much organic matter• High primary productivity• Benthic invertebrates

Low Energy• Swamps and bogs and lakes

• Low dissolved O2• Low flushing• Closed nutrient cycling• Sedimentation dominant• Organic matter accumulates• Variable Primary Productivity• Benthic/planktonic inverts.

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Human impacts• Water removal for human use– Wetlands drained, rivers

dammed, groundwater depleted

– Sustainable water usage requires considering the needs of the environment

– Global warming effects on montaine snow

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Environmental factors

• Light, Temperature, Dissolved O2, pH, Salinity, Nutrients, Stratification

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• Light penetration depth determines how deep photosynthesis can occur

• Penetration of light into the water depends on color of the water and turbidity– Color – caused by dissolved substances from

decaying organic matter – Turbidity – from suspended materials (clay, algae)• Depends on flow, erosion, rainfall rate

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Human Impacts - Light

• Clearing vegetation – increased sediment, less shading, quicker photodegradation of organic matter

• Runoff from impermeable surfaces (roads)• Nutrients in sediments cause algal blooms,

clog gills, increase turbidity for other aquatic vegetation

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Page 22: 97% oceans 2% glaciers 1% lakes, rivers, streams

Temperature and Dissolved O2

Temperature• Temperature more variable

due to shallower depth• Changes seasonally or daily• Affects stratification,

metabolism • Affects dissolved O2• Human impacts include:

– Tree clearing reduces shading– Warm/cold water pollution

release from power plants or dams

Dissolved O2 (DO)• Depends on energy of

system, temp, photosynthesis, and stratification

• Used during respiration and decomposition

• Fish kills occur when DO is low – Secondary human impacts

due to effects on other things like temperature

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Page 24: 97% oceans 2% glaciers 1% lakes, rivers, streams

pH (acidity), Salinity

pH• Decreases due to decomposition• Reduces wetland metabolism at

extremes (peat or limestone bogs)

• Human impacts include acid rain (Nox, SO2) from power generation , acid sulfate soils in depleted waters.

• Lowered pH increases availability of heavy metals which then kills fish

• Heavy metal waters can pollute groundwater

Salinity• Salts

– Fresh water, brackish, sea water, salt marsh, hypersaline

• Changes in salt concentration affect osmoregulation of animals

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pH (acidity), Salinity

pH• Decreases due to decomposition• Reduces wetland metabolism at

extremes (peat or limestone bogs)

• Human impacts include acid rain (Nox, SO2) from power generation , acid sulfate soils in depleted waters.

• Lowered pH increases availability of heavy metals which then kills fish

• Heavy metal waters can pollute groundwater

Salinity• Salts

– Fresh water, brackish, sea water, salt marsh, hypersaline

• Changes in salt concentration affect osmoregulation of animals

• Human impacts: secondary salinity (removal of deeper rooted perennials with shallow rooted annuals, or through irrigation ) causes salts from the soil to rise and stay in surface soil. Then runoff adds salinity to waterways.

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Fig. 55-14c


N2 in atmosphere








+ –


Nitrogen-fixingsoil bacteria


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Fig. 55-14d




Plantuptakeof PO4







Dissolved PO43–



Weatheringof rocks

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Oligotrophic lakes Eutrophic Lakes

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• When excess nitrogen and phosphorus is discharged from the watershed, massive algal blooms develop which result in the depletion of dissolved oxygen.


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A Dead Zone 6,000-7,000 sq miles develops


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