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Page 1: 9:00 A.M. GARDEN SERVICE AUGUST 8, 2021That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!” CHARGE AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE I Want Jesus

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AUGUST 8, 2021

God is the one who rescues us from sin,

who makes us long for holiness and goodness.

— Wesley Hill

Page 2: 9:00 A.M. GARDEN SERVICE AUGUST 8, 2021That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!” CHARGE AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE I Want Jesus


Welcome to worship. Welcome to the Kirk. Welcome home.

Here at the Kirk, our vision statement is We envision a world where every heart experiences God’s

transforming love. This statement was born from months of congregation-wide listening sessions and

years of prayer and discernment. We are already seeing it take root.

We envision a world. In one of Jesus’ most famous moments, he feeds the multitudes

with five loaves and two fish. In another story, Jesus helps his frustrated disciples to

secure a net full of fish by inviting them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat.

They catch so many fish that there are too many to eat on their own! Ours is a church

that hopes to look beyond our own needs to do what Jesus and the disciples did—share

our fish with the world.

Where every heart experiences. Jesus reminds us in his birth, his ministry, and in his promise of the

Holy Spirit, that God is near! Throughout the pages of the gospels, we see people following him to

shorelines and meeting him there. Jesus was standing on the shore when he called his first disciples,

Peter and Andrew. The shore is where the crowd listened to him preach and where

the disciples met him after the resurrection. We hope to be a church that comes to

shore to meet the living Christ! For us, this starts in worship. We hope through our

worship, mission, and formation, we will have your eyes lighting up with the

reminder of how you and how our community are made well (created), are being

made well (healed), and will be made well (saved) into eternity.

Service schedule:

8:00 a.m. - Cedarholm Chapel, with organ, sermon and communion

9:00 a.m. - Garden Worship with no preregistration. Bring your own chair and water bo�le! (In case of

rain, the service will be held in the Sanctuary)

10:15 am - Sanctuary, with organ, Chancel Choir, congregational singing, and sermon.

Both the 9:00 a.m. and the 10:15 a.m. services are streamed on our website and on Facebook.

11:00 a.m. - Radio broadcast 92.7 FM Faith talk

11:00 a.m. - Kirk West (Fox Run) broadcast

God’s transforming love. The Lord is my shepherd, says the 23rd Psalm and the 100th Psalm reminds us that

we are his flock. Jesus uses similar imagery in the New Testament when he assures us that the shepherd

will find the lost sheep. Our Christian formation ministries are meant to gather us as a

flock and to be led by the shepherd. Small groups, Bible studies and special events

continue over Zoom—you can find all of the links and materials for our groups in our

weekly e-newsle�er or at on the Worship From Home website page.

Stay warm!

Pastor Nate

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It is wri�en, ‘Worship the Lord God, and serve only him.;—Luke 4: 8


PRELUDE Sweet Hour of Prayer William Bradbury

Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer,

That calls me from a world of care,

And bids me at my Fatherʹs throne

Make all my wants and wishes known.

In seasons of distress and grief,

My soul has often found relief,

And oft escaped the tempterʹs snare

By thy return, sweet hour of prayer.

Sweet hour of prayer, Sweet hour of prayer,

The joys I feel, the bliss I share

Of those whose anxious spirits burn

With strong desires for thy return!

With such I hasten to the place

Where God my Savior shows his face,

And gladly take my station there,

And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer.

Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer,

Thy wings shall my petition bear

To him whose truth and faithfulness

Engage the waiting soul to bless;

And since he bids me seek his face,

Believe his word, and trust his grace,

Iʹll cast on him my every care,

And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer.

Oscar Sosa, guitar; Phil Kelly, piano


* CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 34

I will bless the Lord at all times;

We will bless our God at all times.

I will praise the Holy One with my voice.

Let us exalt God’s name together.

We are seeking.

And God will answer us.

We cry out for help,

And God will deliver us.

God will deliver us from our fears.

God will hear us and save us.

So come now, let us worship together.

Let us taste and see that our God is good.

Page 4: 9:00 A.M. GARDEN SERVICE AUGUST 8, 2021That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!” CHARGE AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE I Want Jesus


* OPENING HYMN What A Friend We Have in Jesus Converse

What a friend we have in Jesus,

All our sins and griefs to bear!

What a privilege to carry

Everything to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit;

O what needless pain we bear,

All because we do not carry

Everything to God in prayer!

Have we trials and temptations?

Is there trouble anywhere?

We should never be discouraged;

Take it to the Lord in prayer!

Can we find a friend so faithful

Who will all our sorrows share?

Jesus knows our every weakness;

Take it to the Lord in prayer!


Eternal God, in whom we live and move and have our being, whose

face is hidden from us by our sins, and whose mercy we forget in

the blindness of our hearts.

Cleanse us from all our offenses, and deliver us from proud

thoughts and vain desires, that with reverent and humble hearts

we may draw near to you, confessing our faults, confiding in your

grace, and finding in you our refuge and strength; through Jesus

Christ your son who taught us to pray…

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power, and the glory,

Forever. Amen.

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* ASSURANCE OF PARDON from Psalm 108

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding

in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger

forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us

according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the

earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is

from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Believe the good news!

In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

ANTHEM It Pays to Remember Buryl Red

It pays to remember what you learned at home,

All of your days, it pays.

Yes it pays to remember what you learned at home,

All of your days, it pays.

Yes it pays to remember, it pays to remember

All your days, it pays.

When you’re out in the world and feeling blue,

And you’ve bi�en off more than you can chew,

There’s surely one thing to help you through,

Just remember this phrase: Remember it pays.

It pays to remember what you learned at home,

All of your days, it pays.

Yes it pays to remember what you learned at home,

All of your days, it pays.

Yes it pays to remember, it pays to remember

All your days, it pays.

Members of It’s Cool in the Furnace Cast




The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

SERMON The Lord’s Prayer: Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Rev. Kelsey Sorge


* CLOSING HYMN How Firm a Foundation Foundation

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,

Is laid for your faith in God’s excellent Word!

What more can be said than to you God hath said,

to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

Page 6: 9:00 A.M. GARDEN SERVICE AUGUST 8, 2021That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!” CHARGE AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE I Want Jesus


“Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,

For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid.

I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,

Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.

“The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,

I will not, I will not desert to its foes.

That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,

I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!”


POSTLUDE I Want Jesus to Walk with Me Walk With Me

I want Jesus to walk with me;

I want Jesus to walk with me;

All along my pilgrim journey,

Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.

In my trials, Lord, walk with me;

In my trials, Lord, walk with me;

When my heart is almost breaking,

Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.

When I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me;

When I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me;

When my head is bowed in sorrow,

Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.

THE CARILLON Dennis Curry, Kirk in the Hills

Garden worshippers are encouraged to drop off giving envelopes in the baskets located at the Celtic Cross near

the exit as you depart.

Please stop by and join us for fellowship at Coffee Hour in Heritage Hall!

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About today’s hymns

What a friend We Have in Jesus, was wri�en by Joseph M. Scriven (1819-1886), an Irish immigrant to

Canada in 1855. Scriven’s life was filled with grief and trials, and he often sought comfort from the Lord

as described in his famous hymn. He experienced the loss of two fiancées and suffered from depression,

but he wrote this hymn as a comfort to his mother in Ireland when she was experiencing great sorrow.

How Firm a Foundation was published in John Rippon’s A Selection of Hymns in 1787 and set to

American folk melody edited by Joseph Funk. As we sing this today and are sent out into our week, let

us be reminded of God’s promises to us in Scripture: that God will never leave us, nor forsake us.

About today’s prelude, anthem and postlude

Sweet Hour of Prayer was wri�en by a blind English preacher from the small village of Coleshill,

Warwickshire. It was published in 1845 and set to music in 1861 by famous American gospel hymn

writer, William Bradbury, who is known for other beloved gospel hymns such as “Just As I Am” and

“He Leadeth Me”. The text of this hymn speaks to the fostering of private prayer, that we share with

God in our deepest and loneliest desert places.

It Pays to Remember, is from It’s Cool in the Furnace, by Grace Hawthorne and Buryl Red. Sung by

members of the Youth Choir, in preparation for their premier performance on August 13th at 3pm in the

Refectory. It Pays to Remember is a reminder that even when things are tough, if we stay close to God he

will carry us through.

I Want Jesus to Walk with Me is an African American spiritual, many times used during the journey of

the Lenten season. As we sing it today, we pray for and can be assured that Jesus has gone before us in

temptation and will walk with us through every time of trial.

Stephen Ministers are available for personal, confidential prayer in the Upper East Garden

immediately following the Garden Service each Sunday. If you or someone you know is in need outside

of the Garden Service, please contact Nancy Lau at 248-835-6691.

Coffee Hour - fellowship time with coffee and treats takes place after worship in Heritage Hall. Please

join us!

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K��� �� �� H���� 1340 W��� L�� L�� R�

B�������� H����, M����� 48302

(248) 626-2515 ●

We envision a world where every heart experiences God’s transforming love.

Church Leadership

Bob Beck/Clerk of Session

[email protected]


Erica Ginter

[email protected]


Karen Bowman

[email protected]

Small Groups

Rev. Angela Ryo

[email protected]

Baptisms, Memorials, Weddings

Jen Morris

[email protected]

Congregational Care

Rev. Angela Ryo

[email protected]


Julie Walker

[email protected]


Julie Walker

[email protected]

Choirs and Music Events

Nicole Joseph

[email protected]

From left to right: Rev. Kelsey Sorge, Rev. Dr. Nate Phillips, Rev. Angela Ryo, Rev. Edwin Estevez

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