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Page 1: 7 Bodybuilding Supplements to rack up your fitness aim

So the celebration of New Year is almost over, and you have set new fitness goals or fitness resolutions for yourself. Getting your macronutrients and micronutrients from foods is a tough nut to crack. If you want to rack up your fitness goals this year, supplementing your diet can help you support in your intense training session and keep your diet spot on.

With so much information about supplementation, you might be confused which supplements to go for and which one to avoid. Fortunately, The Workout Magazine has drafted some of the best supplements which might help you get biggest and strongest. Here are my personal favorite 7 supplements which you should incorporate in your daily life to get your dream physique.

7 Bodybuilding Supplements to Rack Up your Fitness Aim

Page 2: 7 Bodybuilding Supplements to rack up your fitness aim

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Monohydrate became quite a rage since introduced in fitness industry. This bodybuilding supplement is extremely safe to use and showed great results for building strength and lean muscle mass. Creatine supplement helps build phospocreatine, which gives great boost during intense, strength building workouts. If you want to lift heavy weight and planning to do shorter, intense strength building workout like weightlifting, creatine monohydrate is the right supplement for you.

Benefits: Greater Strength and Performance, Improved muscle recovery between sets.

Recommended Usage:• Loading Phase: Increase your creatine store for initial 5 to 7 days by taking 15-20 Grams of

Creatine.• Maintenance Phase: Follow a standard dose of 5-10 grams per day. However , If you are facing any gastric issues, or you don’t want any weight gain using

creatine, you can add a lower dosage of 5 grams of creatine and follow it for the next 28 days without following any loading protocol.

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• Several research and studies have proved that drinking caffeine before workout can boost your performance. Caffeine is used quite commonly by athletes as a stimulant. Caffeine helps in mobilizing the fat stores and use them as energy use while a workout, thus sparing Glycogen. The unused Glycogen can be later on use by muscles which leads to less exhaustion.

• Benefits: increase in fat loss, Boost endurance and performance, Improves focus

• Recommended Usage: Try to drink 150-300 mg of Black coffee 30 minutes before workout.

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Branched Chain Amino Acids

• So you want to get ripped and don’t want protein and muscle breakdown? BCAA is the supplement for you. You want to be a strength athlete or bodybuilder and does not want to shave off your muscle size, we can’t think of a single reason not to add BCAAs in your daily diet. BCAAs consists of 3 major amino acids L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine, which cannot be synthesized by human body so we have to supplement these amino acids from outside food sources. Sourcing your body with BCAAs have several benefits for your fitness goals as they help you in enhancing and recovery of lean muscle tissues.

• BCAAs consumption also lead to less muscle soreness and damage and promote protein synthesis improving the recovery of muscles during resistance training.

• Recommended Usage: Mix 5-10 grams of BCAAs in normal water and consume it during workout.

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NO Booster

• Does you take lot of time to recover from an intense workout? Nitric Oxide or nitrate rich foods like beets, radishes and pomegranate are great way to reduce your muscle soreness and ultimately your strength and performance. If you are planning to do intense workout and failing to do so and feel lethargic and fatigued during working out, NO Boosters comes very handy as they encourage oxygen delivery to get your muscle working easily. Since the major factor of recovery is supplying your muscle tissues with nutrients after the workout, NO booster supplements helps in improving the blood flow to muscle tissues and reduce recovery time by leaps and bounds.

• If you don’t want to add NO booster supplement try drinking Beetroot Juice or Pomegranate extract 30 to 60 minutes before your workout session.

• Recommended Usage: Drink 500 mg of beetroot juice or pomegranate extract 30 minutes prior your workout.

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Whey Protein

• Whey protein can be definitely be termed as the most popular supplement, as this fast digestingprotein is the staple diet of every strength athlete and bodybuilder. Whey protein shake, hands down is the most beneficial post workout drink as it helps your muscles to recover and improve after a strenuous workout. Whey protein stimulates protein synthesis in the muscles, better than other sources of protein like soy, egg or casein protein, leading to greater increase in lean muscle tissues and improved fat loss.

• The combination of Whey protein and Casein protein helps to keep body in anabolic state for prolonged period. So if you want to gain muscle mass and decrease fat store whey protein is your elixir.

• Recommended Usage: Add 20-30 grams of whey/Casein blend protein in water.

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Fish Oil Supplement

• Strenuous workouts can lead to muscle fiber tear, muscle damage and inflammation. Too much damage of your muscle can hinder your recovery process. In such case Fish Oil supplements are really beneficial as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduces muscle soreness and speeds up recovery.

• Fish oil supplement also works wonder for skin and hair and if combined with BCAA and carbs can improve protein synthesis and induce muscle gain.

• Benefit: Prevent strokes, Cardiovascular diseases, improve muscle recovery, lowers blood pressure, Improve skin and hair texture.

• Recommended usage: 1 to 3 grams daily, ideally with a meal

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• Glutamine cannot be termed as the most important supplement, still it is beneficial for repair and recovery of muscles. Glutamine works by removing excess ammonia, accumulated after high intense workout. Glutamine also regulates body acid base balance and prevent muscle tear which eventually lead to building of lean muscle mass.

• Recommended Usage: 20-30 grams a day, consuming 10 grams post-workout

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These 7 bodybuilding supplements can help you give that extra boost to your workout regime, which can help you achieve your fitness goals. But at the end we would like to suggest, don't forget to maintain a clean natural diet and keep all these supplements as a backup.

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