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Page 1: 5 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Healthy Eating Habits Revealed

5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Healthy Eating Habits

Marissa Vicario, Founder and Wellness ExpertMarissa’s Well-being and

© 2013 Marissa’s Well-being and Health

Page 2: 5 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Healthy Eating Habits Revealed

5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Healthy Eating Habits

When it comes to eating healthy, good intentions sometimes get de-railed.

Here are a few of the usual suspects to be aware of

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5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Healthy Eating Habits

• Dining Out: I’m not going to lie and say that cooking at home is easier than picking up the phone or going online for delivery. It’s a commitment you need to make and it can take very little time IF you’re prepared. A weeknight meal doesn’t have to take longer than 30 minutes.

• If you have the will to eat at home – like wanting to drop those last five pounds (trust me, it works) – you will find a way.

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5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Healthy Eating Habits

2. Eating What Your Man Eats:

• Let him do his thing, and you do yours. I’m not saying you can’t have a few of his fries or a lick of his ice cream, but don’t be tempted to go all the way all the time. You’ll just feel crappy.

• Learn to health-ify his favorite foods to make them nutrient-dense and tasty — something you can both enjoy without packing on the pounds.

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5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Healthy Eating Habits

3. Letting Emotions Control What You Eat:

• Don’t feed your needs. They don’t want food. Everyone feels stress, anger, boredom, heartbreak, doubt and countless other emotions. You are not alone. You need to know this. One of the worst things you can do is to eat over your emotions or let them control you.

• Getting your needs met can be as simple as asking for what you want. Need a hug? Ask for one! Need a listening ear? Speak up! At the first sign of a craving or compulsion to eat, determine whether you’re really hungry, take a deep breath, identify how you’re feeling, drink some water.

• I know this is easier said than done. Do some work to get in tune with your emotions and how your body responds to them. It’s not always easy, sometimes it’s totally uncomfortable, but it’s worth it.

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5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Healthy Eating Habits

4. Partying Too Much

• The more you drink, the more you eat what your body doesn’t need or want. Alcohol has little to no nutritional value.

• Leave the drinks to no more than two per night and only a couple times a week at that.

• Drink water in between.

• Find enjoyment in life sans liquor.

• Cutting back will give you tons more energy and you’ll eat better food. Try it!

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5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Healthy Eating Habits

5. The All or Nothing Mentality

• This mentality can break you. • “Think of every meal as an opportunity to eat

something healthy.” • There’s no need to go off the rails for one little slip up.• This is the same reason I don’t believe in “cheat days.”

Have a cookie if you want it once in awhile, especially if it’s a really delicious one made from high quality ingredients.

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