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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2010-2011 Bubbling Well Inc. Rhonda Hess, Coaching Niche Success Strategist

About Rhonda Rhonda Hess is an internationally recognized business coach and the founder of Prosperous Coach®. She has a genius for helping service entrepreneurs — including coaches, therapists, consultants, and thought leaders — become the go-to resource for a highly profitable niche market, so they can work less and still blow the lid off their income.

Rhonda emerged as a coaching industry leader in 2001 when she co-authored coach certification curriculum and personally trained over 500 coaches at Coach Training Alliance.

Then Rhonda shifted her focus to helping coaches and other change agents take leaps in their impact and income by transforming from practitioners into conscious business owners who both do good in the world while doing well financially. Rhonda says “You can only do meaningful work if you know how to consistently convert prospects into fans and fans into clients.”

Rhonda’s premiere program — Your Highly Profitable Niche — is the best first step for any service provider. She shows you how to “champion” a specific group of people and become their top-of-mind resource fast. Her Client Winning Websites & Blogs system is the best second step to create a powerful online presence that strikes a resonant chord with your target audience.

Rhonda works privately and in intimate think tank mastermind groups with business professionals who love the entrepreneur lifestyle. She helps you make your work into play by creating a powerful set of success habits, valuing your time highly, and charging what you’re worth. To learn more about Rhonda Hess, go to her award winning blog Also, join Rhonda’s free coaching community on Facebook:

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Hello Conscious Entrepreneur and Change Agent, I’m about to lead you through a simple discovery process that will transform your business into a reliable, soul-satisfying adventure that pays you well. I’ve been studying successful niches for a decade and I’ve cracked the code on what works, what doesn’t and why. These secrets will help you avoid those popular but profitless niches and leap years ahead of the typical coaching or consulting business learning curve too. I’ll share real life examples about two entrepreneurs just like you who were struggling to pay their mortgage with their income from coaching or consulting... but then, after implementing my system, they blew the lid off their income and quickly became an "insider" for a group of people who happily buy their programs. I will give you all I can right now. And, from experience I can tell you there will be some aspects of highly profitable niches that you’ll want to dig deeper into. So I’ll also show you where to access more in-depth information, so you can be certain that you land your own delightful and prosperous niche while having plenty of time to do all the things you love to do.

This is for you if…

To Your Highly Profitable Niche! Rhonda Hess, Niche Success Strategist

You want to niche right the first time.

Or you’ve been an entrepreneur – coach, consultant, therapist or other type of change agent – for a while and want a foolproof way to find, engage and enroll clients who are truly hungry for the transformation you provide.

Page 4: 5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable · 2017. 1. 4. · transformation you provide. To Your Highly Profitable Niche! Rhonda

5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Here’s what you’ll discover in this ebook… The FIVE Secrets of Highly Profitable Niches: How will knowing and implementing these secrets help you? First, you’ll break through widespread myths about niches that are holding you back from the financial success you want. Then, we’ll replace those popular but profitless old strategies with proven niche strategies so you can earn more and market less. This is about saving you time, money and heartache, both now and later. You see, these five secrets are easy to understand and apply, but they aren't talked about much. Once you dissolve those misconceptions… money, clients and joy flows more freely to you. And you’ll feel more confident about the value of the transformation you offer your clients.

If you are not having that kind of flow in your business yet…

SECRET #1 How to attract consistent abundance in your business. SECRET #2 How to make certain people value your services highly. SECRET #3 How to easily find and enroll all the clients you want. SECRET #4 How to inspire people to invest in their future with your programs. SECRET #5 How to get your clients to promote your programs for you.

Most entrepreneurs operate with some BIG MISCONCEPTIONS about how to niche in a way that consistently attracts clients who pay well.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


It’s NOT a lack of skills.

It’s NOT that you don’t know enough.

It’s NOT that people don’t get value from what you do. In these pages I’ll show you how to change that once and for all. How do I know this works? Because I made that shift myself, and it dramatically increased my ability to enjoy my clients and my business, while making a juicy six figure income too. I remember the moment, when I went from struggling to earn just a few hundred dollars each month as a coach — where I was doing all sorts of “scattershot” marketing and getting distracted by “bright shiny opportunities” that led me astray — to suddenly being a highly sought after coach making 10x more but with less effort. It still makes me blink that my transformation was so sudden and complete. Such a little thing had been in my way, aggravating me for years. And once I removed that issue — of an unprofitable niche — everything changed for me. And as the lead trainer and curriculum author for Coach Training Alliance I watched other coaches get caught in those same niche pitfalls. So years ago, I posted an assessment for coaches to find out what the #1 thing was holding them back from success. And guess what... after a thousand coaches took that assessment... the facts were clear:

Even coaches who thought they’d solved the niche question by choosing a specific niche topic to coach — such as life purpose or wellness, or a broad niche market, such as entrepreneurs or moms — are getting inconsistent results.

It’s likely that you are trying to sell something that people don't KNOW they want — so they won’t buy it.

93% of coaches believe their niche is their biggest obstacle to success. And it IS.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Deeply frustrated, some even go back to (or never leave) their J.O.B.! Before you spend any more time earning less than you deserve or putting up with prospects who don’t understand the value of what you do… thy these 5 secrets and you’ll have a much different experience. For over a decade now, entrepreneurs have been coming to me to help them shift how they niche and emerge with a truly wealthy and soul-satisfying coaching biz where they help more people transform. I LOVE seeing that big shift happen for them. And that’s how I became known as the Niche Success Strategist. People tell me I have a gift for helping them choose a VIABLE niche that will go the distance for them — a niche where they can use all their gifts and talents. I know that YOU have a gift to offer people too. Just think how good it will feel when you CONSISTENTLY earn a great living by serving others with your gifts! I want that for you as soon as possible. So here we go with the first secret…

SECRET #1 Only some niches have what it takes to bring you enough clients and make you good money.

It’s true. Too many of you have pursued the ones that are proven NOT to result in long term success. Believe me, I know first hand how disappointing it is to spend so much thoughtful time and significant money choosing a niche and putting together your website, only to have it bring you too few clients and too little income to sustain you. It makes you lose faith in your abilities as a coach. But it’s not you… it’s your niche. Your niche must be consciously chosen for long-term success. The secret to experiencing consistent abundance in your business begins with: Targeting a VIABLE niche market.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Why is this one decision so powerful? It’s simple. You’re in a business that serves PEOPLE. If you’re serving everyone on a specific topic or a very large market it’s very difficult to hit the mark with what they really want so much so they feel compelled to invest in your services. But, if you focus in on a viable niche market it’s surprisingly easy to find out EXACTLY what a unique group of people really want. (In my system—Your Highly Profitable Niche – I show you how to choose a viable niche market and then do simple, fun market research that tells you exactly WHAT they want so much they will BUY your help to reach that goal.) Knowing these two things — who you serve and what they want — will be a huge AHA and an equally big RELIEF for you. More on that soon. For now, consider this: is YOUR current niche viable? vi-a-ble = 1. capable of living, growing and developing 2. capable of functioning well 3. capable of being independent and succeeding

Getting clients — consistently —starts with you knowing WHO you serve and exactly WHAT THEY WANT so much that they are highly motivated to invest in your services to get it.

Page 8: 5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable · 2017. 1. 4. · transformation you provide. To Your Highly Profitable Niche! Rhonda

5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Secret #1 is deceptively simple.

But up until now, you might not have thought of you niche this way…

Because then the big question and challenge becomes exactly how will you continuously find and enroll enough clients to sustain your desired lifestyle? Know what I mean? You’ve decided what you want to coach about, consult about or teach, but it’s a struggle to find people who want that enough to invest well and come back for more. For example, with rare exceptions, selling a certain topic of coaching results in a poor income and a lot of frustration trying to find and enroll enough clients. (More about why selling what you do doesn’t work later.)

Or maybe you know you need to niche wisely for the long term, but you’re stumped about HOW you go about choosing and championing a viable niche market. (You’re not alone. Nearly every entrepreneur needs help with this. That’s why a system is really helpful.) If you could know right now EXACTLY what people want so much that they’d pay you well to help them get it, would you be interested? KNOWLEDGE is empowering. That’s why...

SECRET #2 It’s more important for you to be clear about who you serve and WHAT THEY WANT, than it is to know what you want to coach about.

Knowing what your niche market truly wants is the key to getting them to value your services highly. People often stumble into business before they really think about the end user — their potential clients — and what would motivate them to invest in services.

In choosing your niche, you may have only considered what you feel passionate about, or what you feel competent enough to coach about. But deciding your niche on those factors alone might be holding you back big time.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


They haven’t yet considered HOW they’ll earn a great income until they realize that they are not. That’s what happened to me. You too? So it follows… before you can know what your niche market truly wants that will motivate them to buy, you have to know WHO they are. Without this foundation you efforts are scattered all over the place. Every few months you feel like you’re starting over. It’s exhausting. You don’t need that.

Have you ever had the feeling that people just don’t “get” the value of of what you do enough to buy it? Even if you give them a fantastic sample coaching session, they may not decide to invest at all because you’ve just given it away for free, or they won’t invest for very long because they don’t perceive the long-term value of coaching in itself. That’s why it’s best not to try to “sell” coaching or whatever you do. I’m totally serious. For a moment think back to the time before you knew the value of coaching… Chances are you would have never put out several hundred to several thousand dollars of your own money each month for coaching. And if you did , it was because you believed it would help you close the gap between where you were and where you wanted to be. You bought an outcome not a process or skillset. The truth is, it’s no big mystery what motivates people to invest in professional support to get where they want to go. It’s an emotional decision. They WANT something tangible and they no longer want the pain of not having that thing. For example, they want to lose weight so they can look better on camera, or they want to stop their kids from behaving badly in public, or they want to choose a viable niche so they can earn more and market less. I’ve just named three different niche markets with a specific outcome that people in each of those niche markets really want.

Let’s take coaching again… people who aren’t coaches themselves, or who haven’t had a coach before — are not “initiated” to the value of coaching, so they have no compelling reason to buy coaching, much less seek it out!

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


You see, what your niche market WANTS is very specific and urgent to them. And they’ll reach for the most visible, credible resource to achieve what they want. Wouldn’t it be grand if YOU were the most visible, credible resource for them?

Let me show you what I mean…

Real Life Example #1

There once was a life purpose coach – I’ll call her Susan – who, smart and skilled though she was, couldn’t seem to make more than a paltry living at coaching. Susan spent all sorts of money on programs to learn how to create products, market well, and amp up her coaching skills, but it made little difference in her ability to attract enough clients and keep them for very long, even though the clients she did have LOVED her. She came to me in frustration and desperation saying: “Rhonda, what am I doing wrong?” I took one look at her website and my eyes glazed over. It wasn’t at all clear who she was serving. Only that she was selling “life purpose” coaching. You’ve seen websites like that — they are so general you can’t tell WHO it’s for or how to get value from it. Most visitors just “bounce” off sites like that. Then, I asked Susan what she was doing to get clients. She said she was giving talks all over creation — libraries, gyms, you name it — about “Life Purpose” coaching. Oh no! No wonder her coaching income wouldn’t even pay her mortgage each month! What was missing for this coach? A viable niche market. Susan had no real sense of WHO she was serving or what they really wanted. She only knew what she wanted to coach about. That missing piece made her

Become crystal clear about WHO you serve and what they really WANT, because that’s how you’ll become visible and credible to them as THE top-of-mind resource. And that’s how you earn much more!

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


website and everything she did seem vague, general, dull — without aim.

Taking into account Susan’s strengths, experience and network, I helped her pick a very specific group of people that would want help with life purpose, among other things. Now this may surprise you… Susan chose Craniosacral Therapists as her new viable niche market. Very narrow and specific, right? That’s a HUGE advantage! (I’ll tell you more about that in Secret #3.) HERE’S THE KICKER... Within just 2 months of targeting a viable niche market and finding out exactly what they want, Susan had:

Complete confidence in her long-term success in coaching. A full practice and a WAIT LIST of ideal clients. And her largest monthly $$$ income ever!

Susan went from trying to sell Life Purpose Coaching to anyone and barely getting by, to serving Craniosacral Therapists and being a coach in high demand, making six figures. THE BEAUTY IS Susan is coaching Craniosacral Therapists about life purpose and much more but she’s no longer selling life purpose coaching. Get it? What made the difference between scraping by and having a six-figure income? Susan focused her marketing & offers on what’s important to her niche market, so they can’t wait to hire her!

She was banking on the idea that people — just anyone — would invest their money to find their life purpose. A few did, but a month later they were gone and Susan’s coaching practice was empty again.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


You know this, but you may forget it from time to time... The idea of coaching does NOT motivate people to pull out their wallet and hand you their credit card. People rarely buy processes. They buy results. You can coach, it’s what you do, but don’t expect folks to want to buy what you do. If you’re trying to sell “fill-in-the-blank” coaching (life purpose, wellness, midlife, transition, career, relationship etc.), you’re taking a risky guess that people will seek out and be hungry for your fill-in-the-blank coaching enough to buy it. Some will. But generally not enough people will buy to sustain you. A MORE PROFITABLE WAY TO NICHE…. Pick an easy-to-find group of people to serve — a viable niche market — and find out exactly what they most want. Then it’s easy to attract and enroll clients to help them achieve that outcome. Or, if you’re set on a certain track (career, business, relationship, wellness) or a more specific topic, pick a viable niche market that fits that topic and then you’ll STILL want to find out what they want and offer them help to achieve that outcome. Your many skills will be highly valuable to your clients ONCE THEY HIRE YOU. Then it becomes easy to serve clients well, get referrals, and create recurring revenue programs they will buy. But we’ll get to that in the later secrets, which are coming soon. For now, ask yourself: Are you selling what you do, or are you offering an outcome that motivates a unique group of people to invest in themselves with your services? You’re beginning to understand why it’s important to know what people really want, aren’t you?

People don’t buy coaching. People buy solutions to help them reach the specific outcomes that are the most important to them right now.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


You and I know that coaching can help anyone achieve almost anything. We understand that through powerful questions, deep listening and other valuable skills, clients arrive more quickly where they want to be. But your prospects don’t necessarily know that before they hire you, which is the root of the problem. I want to pause for a moment here... this point is critical for your success... You can support anyone about anything and have a positive impact, even if you don’t have the expertise of that niche market.

Don’t tell yourself you can’t focus on this or that group because you don’t know enough or you’re not good enough! Very few of the most viable niche markets require expertise. What’s much more important than expertise is being able to FIND your next 10, 20, 30 clients any time you want. That’s the essence of the third secret...

SECRET #3 Your ability to find and connect with potential clients is the single most important factor to your business success.

Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to find enough clients who happily pay your fees. If your income is not covering your lifestyle, not knowing where to find those potential clients is probably at the heart of it. So... How can you reliably find and connect with all the clients you want? It’s simple. Target a viable niche market. Are you starting to see the pattern here? You’ve already learned in Secret #1 that not every niche will pay off for you. You need to choose a niche that will bring you long-term success. So the question becomes...

Believe in the power and value of your skills with all your heart. If you do not, it will hold you back from the success you want.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


What makes a niche market viable? That’s what I’ve been studying so closely and I cover this in depth in my system Your Highly Profitable Niche so it’s super simple for you to choose a viable niche market you’ll love. Here’s the Cliff Notes version…

Your niche market must be narrow enough that you’ll stand out in the crowd of service providers so you can quickly become their “go-to person”. And it must be deep enough that there are plenty of individuals in that niche market. Remember the story of Susan, the coach for Craniosacral Therapists? That is a very narrow and deep niche market. A huge advantage! You can start to move toward a narrow enough niche by recognizing that not all niches are viable (Secret #1), and by focusing on a viable niche market offering them support to achieve what they most want (Secret #2). The people in your niche market must ALSO be seekers — people who DO invest in their own personal and professional development. Not everyone does. (We’ll talk more about this in Secret #4). For now, let’s focus in on the second point — the accessibility factor — which is THE most important factor in highly profitable niches. Accessibility means that you know exactly where to find people in your market, where they naturally gather. YOU DO NOT have to know lots of individuals WITHIN your niche market personally.

A VIABLE niche market is:

1. Narrow and Deep. 2. Easy to Find and Easy to Connect With 3. Eager to Evolve and Motivated to Invest

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


That makes it easy to attract them and build the “know, like, trust” relationship. You market less, because you quickly build a “tribe” and they WANT to hire you! Let me show you what I mean with a case study of another real coach…

Real Life Example #2 A coach I’ll call Kathy came to me a couple of years ago. She was a wellness coach and had tremendous expertise in health, but that didn’t seem to help her find enough potential clients. She was doing lots of disparate things to get in front of audiences, including teaching at a community college for about $10 per hour! That was a terrible waste of her valuable time. Every single client that hired her took months of marketing to attract. Kathy was a bit panicked. She had quit her corporate job to dedicate herself to her coaching business. She was running out of money quickly and loathing the idea of going to her parents for a loan. I asked Kathy: “Who are you targeting?” She said: “Well, it could be anyone who wants help improving their health.” BINGO. I said: “That’s your biggest problem right there, Kathy — you don’t know specifically who you’re serving, so you don’t know where to find them or what will motivate them to invest in your services.” See, Kathy thought that nearly everyone wants to be healthy, so it should be easy to sign them up for her coaching.

Imagine how much easier it is to attract a steady stream of clients if you KNOW what your market reads, the associations they belong to, and where to connect with them on social networking sites.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Does that clear up a myth for you about broad coaching niches? Back to Kathy… I asked her who her favorite clients were so far. She was surprised to realize that two of them were Financial Planners. I suggested that she target that market. At first Kathy hesitated, saying: “But Rhonda, I don’t know anything about financial planning!” And I said: “Well, you didn’t know anything about financial planning when you coached your two favorite clients, did you?” She took my meaning and her fear dissolved. Kathy clicked on the certainty button. She stopped selling wellness coaching and targeted Financial Planners. After interviewing a bunch of them, Kathy saw how she could easily weave in wellness support to the other topics they’d like help with to achieve their biggest goals. NOW Kathy tells me that she’s doing the most lucrative and meaningful work of her life! Within a few months, Kathy was invited to speak at the biggest conferences, write in the most prestigious journals, and attend “insider” meetings for Financial Planners. She quickly became THE go-to person for that market, and receives referrals constantly. Kathy always knows where to find her next 100 clients. Now they seek her out, gladly pay her high fees, and stay for years. You see... you do NOT need to know what the people in your market know. Kathy knew nothing about financial planning, but she quickly found out all she needed to know about financial planners to get repeatedly hired and serve them well. Simply listen to them, ask powerful questions, and you’ll know what you need to know to create irresistible offers for a viable niche market. Sounds like coaching doesn’t it? Listening and asking questions — that’s the most powerful way to know how to attract your ideal clients in a way that isn’t

Ironically, the broader or more spread out your niche market is, the harder it is to actually connect with them, which means you market a lot more and earn a lot less.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

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salesy but authentic. The advantage of targeting one unique, narrow, viable group of people is that they are EASY TO FIND. And if you’re speaking their language you become irrestiably attractive as a resource. That makes getting clients a simple, easy, graceful process that you can leverage over and over which means you market less. THE BOTTOM LINE: If you want to make good money, your niche market must be easy to find. Remember earlier when I asked if you believe that you can support anyone about anything? This is where your belief comes to the test, because you might be tempted to say, “Oh, Rhonda, I don’t have the know-how to worth with financial planners (or some other specific viable niche market) like Kathy!” But you do. Stop doubting yourself. Start believing in the power of your skills!

There is one more really important factor about how to choose a highly profitable, and we’ll get to that in a minute. For now ask yourself this: Do you know exactly where to find your next 10, 20, 30 clients? If you do know where to find your next clients, it’s time to enroll them.

Remember, don’t try to “sell” what you do — that’s NOT what they want to buy.

Every viable niche market is full of individual people from diverse walks of life — people who will benefit from your skills. SERVE THE PEOPLE, not their profession.

The best way to enroll new clients is to ask them where they are now, where they really want to go, and what’s in the way. Show them the delightful benefits of leaving behind the pain and arriving where they want to be. That creates a positive forward moving tension, and you relieve it by showing them how you can help them close that gap.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Now, if you don’t know where to find your next 30 clients, then it’s time to:

Choose a NARROW and viable niche market.

Make sure they are EASY-TO-FIND and will talk to you.

Find out exactly what they WANT and offer that outcome. If you want this process to be fun, simple and foolproof, check out my system Your Highly Profitable Niche. The next secret has to do with how you motivate prospects to invest in your services. First a question for you: Have you ever had a prospect who wants to hire you but instead they say “I can’t afford you”? (I hope that you didn’t respond by lowering your fees, because that never really helps anyone in the long run. There’s a better solution!) HERE’S THE TYPICAL SCENARIO: You and a new prospect are connecting beautifully. You deliver a magical sample session or consult. They’re gushing about it, but then you tell them what your fees are and… nothing. They slip away saying they have to think about it, and you never hear from them again. What went wrong? Well, it could be about how you handle the “close”, or it could be something about your prospect. For now let’s focus on the prospect…

SECRET #4 If the people you're targeting are not SEEKERS they won't buy your services.

Have you noticed that some people, no matter how much they seem to need help, and no matter how convincing you are, won’t buy your services? It could be that they aren’t what I call “seekers” — people who DO invest money and time into their own personal or professional development.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


Of course, there are exceptions to this, but generally these folks are not seekers. That means that it’s NOT worth your while to pursue these groups as a niche market. Examples of NON-SEEKER niche markets:

Stay at home moms — category 2. They invest in their kids, not themselves. Sure, they’ll love your free reports, blogs and support groups, but they won’t consistently invest in support to be a better mom, to live a more balanced life, or to thrive in motherhood.

Empty nesters — categories 2 & 3. You may find some empty nesters in viable business markets, but you won’t attract them by talking to them about being an empty nester. Again, they’ll go for the free stuff but won’t usually invest much.

Divorcees — categories 2 & 3. Same as above. You will find divorcees within other viable markets, but it’s challenging to attract them about the topic of divorce. I know many coaches who have tried this market and failed, even after setting up referral partnerships with divorce lawyers.

Doctors and lawyers — category 1. The exception is that if YOU are a doctor or a lawyer yourself or have been once, they may be inclined to work with you because you're in the "club".

There are other non-seeker niche markets. All of them are niche markets to steer around if you want to be financially successful.

The world is full of seekers — but there are 3 categories of folks who are generally NOT seekers:

1. People who were taught to be fiercely self-reliant.

2. People who invest most of their time and money on things they value more than their personal growth.

3. People who, for whatever reason, don’t value themselves highly right now.

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Believe me, I know what I’m talking about here. I’ve seen extremely smart, savvy entrepreneurs with a lot of expertise utterly fail to make a decent living out of serving these folks, and they had to move on to a more viable niche market.

That old saying — “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink” — applies here. No matter how much you think they “need” your support, or how passionate you are about helping them, it’s a poor risk to invest a lot of time into attracting these non-seekers. It’s better to feel gratitude that you’ve dodged a bullet than continue on in frustration pursuing a non-viable niche market. Give yourself the advantage of choosing a niche market that is full of seekers.

Is the niche market you’re pursuing now full of seekers? Not sure? There’s a way to find out. Do informational interviews. They’re fun and there’s a set of questions to ask that will deliver the KEYS of how to market to

If you have been targeting people who fall into one of these non-seeker categories, it can be heartbreaking. You reduce your fees and they are still not buying. And you think it’s about you, but it’s not. It’s your niche.

The telltale signs of SEEKERS are:

They are avid readers and learners AND…

They have social personalities, and enjoy interacting with people PLUS…

They are continuously transforming who they are and how they contribute their gifts to the world PLUS…

They will freely tell you what they love about their life and work and what’s getting them down.

Page 21: 5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable · 2017. 1. 4. · transformation you provide. To Your Highly Profitable Niche! Rhonda

5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


any viable niche market. It’s in Session 3 of my system Your Highly Profitable Niche. There is one last secret, which I think is the best one. But first, let’s quickly review what you’ve learned so far about how to choose a highly profitable niche market you’ll love. Here are the secrets restated for you:

Secret #1 Choose a narrow viable niche market that’s built to go the distance and bring you sustainable PROSPERITY.

Secret #2 Find out what they urgently WANT, offer them programs

that they are motivated to INVEST in. Secret #3 Be certain your niche market is easy to find in groups so

you can easily connect with them and leverage your time. Secret #4 Make sure your niche market is full of SEEKERS — people

who WILL invest in their own growth. If you considered all these factors when you chose your coaching niche, you're probably set. But if you didn't or haven’t yet, you might experience the day-to-day problems that most coaches face. Have you ever felt less-than-credible telling people what you do? Are you stuck on the money for time treadmill, and don’t know how to significantly boost your income? Has it been slow going building an engaged list of future clients? Are you having trouble filling your groups? Would you like more pre-qualified referrals? Yes. I had all those problems too, once. So did Kathy and Susan (the success stories I shared in Secrets #2 and #3) — but solutions come naturally to all these challenges when you become a CHAMPION for the people you serve. That's the secret known only by change agents who have targeted a viable niche market. (I’ll share more testimonials of entrepreneurs who have applied these secrets in a minute.)

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


SECRET #5 When you champion a viable niche your clients do your marketing for you.

Your current and past clients will sing your praises and keep your pipeline full of more ideal clients because you’ve become their go-to person and people always pass forward valuable resources.

In other words, being their champion is about truly BEING their go-to person for any topic they bring to the table. This is what you’re meant to be. YOU ARE PRIMED to do this right now with a viable market!

Here’s why championing a viable niche market works like a charm:

1. You leverage your valuable time. Everything you do is highly effective — networking, consults, public speaking, article writing — because you are connecting with a market that already wants what you offer. Imagine… no more convincing people to sign up for coaching.

What does it take to champion a market?

Be curious about them and interested in what they care about, while holding space for their full potential to unfold.

Devise a strategy to help them reach milestones that lead to their ultimate desired outcome.

Be an advocate for them, ready to stand beside them and help them get where they want to go.

Help them stand in their power and take high payoff actions.

When you target a viable market, your credibility skyrockets — because people share their wins with their colleagues, which helps you quickly get on the “inside” of that market.

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5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


2. You earn more and have no ceiling on your income.

You stand out in the crowd of coaches and service providers, reducing the competition for dollars. You can charge more and get it. Your market perceives the value of your programs, because your programs are designed with their specific challenges and desires in mind.

3. You bring your full self-expression to your livelihood. All your skills, knowledge and wisdom are applicable when you are the go-to person for a particular market. They come to you for support with everything, not just one topic.

What if ONE DECISION could open the door for you to move forward in your business with immediate ease and grace? It can. Check this out. These are the TOP TEN ADVANTAGES of targeting a viable niche market… you:

1. Get more referrals.

2. Fill your groups fast.

3. Attract a steady stream of clients.

4. Amp up your credibility instantly.

5. Grow an engaged leads list quickly.

6. Network and market more effectively.

7. Easily sell recurring revenue programs.

8. Leverage your time so you can work less.

9. Get endless ideas for articles and talk topics.

10. Command higher fees and earn six to seven figures.

AND you’ll feel more confident about what you’re doing and the future of your coaching business. I can tell you, it’s life changing. But you don’t have to take my word for it… Listen to these entrepreneurs who have let go of profitless niches and implemented the five secrets:

Page 24: 5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable · 2017. 1. 4. · transformation you provide. To Your Highly Profitable Niche! Rhonda

5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Niche You’ll Love

©2012 Bubbling Well Inc. All rights in all media reserved.


So now you know the five secrets of highly profitable niches. I invite you to make the shift to a business that’s more fun and rewarding. You can do it! If you’ve already chosen a highly profitable niche, I’d LOVE to hear your story. Please connect with me here:

If you want to be in that place but feel the whole niche thing is too complex, let me take the pressure off of you. With a little help from your friends — me and other entrepreneurs who have applied these secrets —you’ll enjoy those TOP TEN ADVANTAGES yourself very soon. Here’s where you can find out more about Your Highly Profitable Niche

Many blessings for Your Highly Profitable Niche! Rhonda Hess,Niche Success Strategist

"In less than 30 days I filled my coaching programs! Using Rhonda's approach, I never need to hunt for new clients. Instead, they come calling for me. And they stay a lot longer. Some clients stay with me for 3 years or more. By tailoring my message for my target audience, my list quickly grew by thousands. That paid off handsomely when I launched my first recurring revenue product. I made more than $4,000 in 4 days!” — Sharon Desjarlais

“My income increased 700%! Before, as a wellness coach, my income wasn't acceptable. Rhonda encouraged me to choose a viable target market and roll my expertise into a package of tangible benefits my clients would value highly. Now I'm a well-recognized expert among all the top leaders in my market. I'm doing heart work with people I love who see me as essential to their success.” — Kristin Keffeler

"My income nearly tripled. Rhonda saved me so much time and heartache by showing me how to focus my message, talents and attention. 6 new clients hired me in the last two weeks! I've crafted my own brand, developed programs that solve my clients' top problems. I've built a community of loyal followers with my radio show! I'm having a great time and only working 20 hours a week.” — Lara Galloway

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