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Page 1: 5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19) to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15) Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor.

5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19)

to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15)

“Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks

you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect . . . .” – NIV, ESV

Page 2: 5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19) to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15) Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor.

The martyrdom of Polycarp is perhaps the most famous apology ever recorded in behalf of Christ since the time of the Stephen.

Page 3: 5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19) to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15) Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor.

The martyrdom of Polycarp

• the proconsul urging him said . . . I will set you at liberty; reproach Christ.

• Polycarp declared,

Eighty and six years have I served Him, and He never

did me any injury: how then can I blaspheme my

King and my Saviour?

Page 4: 5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19) to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15) Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor.

The martyrdom of Polycarp

But again the proconsul said to him, I will cause you to be consumed by fire, seeing you despise the wild beasts, if you will not repent. (Polycarp was sentenced to be burned.)

But Polycarp said,

You threaten me with fire which burns for an hour, and after a little is extinguished, but are ignorant of the fire of the coming judgment and of eternal punishment, reserved for the ungodly. But why do you tarry? Bring forth what you will.

Page 5: 5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19) to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15) Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor.

The Lord captured the allegiance of this man through the gospel and won his love through the


• Polycarp put in a good word for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ reserves the same grace for us today.

The challenge from 1 Peter and the courage of Polycarp put question marks in front of us ? ? ?

Page 6: 5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19) to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15) Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor.

My message is from 1 Peter.

• This is a very upbeat letter, yet it confronts the shared suffering of both Jewish and Gentile believers who pinned their hopes on Christ.

• I Peter has spoken to the sufferings of all believers down through time – even our own.

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Peter’s teachings in this letter are informed by the 34th Psalm of David, which he wrote after a terribly stressful time.

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David was all alone among strangers – except the Lord nearby, listening to David’s cries

– This poor man called and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles

(Psm 34:6).

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Even in your struggles, they may detect a hidden power, a latent security – some secret

joy that buoys you up and keeps you from stumbling (Jude 24).

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Peter’s first letter reviews:

the great promises God has made, our privileges as His people, and

our responsibility to cultivate the attitudes of Christ.

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Our privileges as Christians are part of our new identity in Christ. So our hope in him is realized in

the privileges we enjoy.

In today’s passage (3:15),

“Christians” have a duty and privilege to defend their faith by proclaiming the

gospel . . . (thus) declaring the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the plan and

power of God. – Edmund Clowney, 149

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But promises and privileges entail responsibilities.

One of them is this:

Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God (2:16), so bearing witness to a godly life and a clear conscience.

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Peter’s letter recalls the saving work, the noble example, and the supreme authority of Jesus Christ

He recounts Christ’s:• Works of conversion, salvation, and

redemption (1:3-11, 18-19)• His example of quiet, obedient, submissive

suffering (2:21-24, 3:18, 4:1, 13), that “brings us to God,” and

• His unrivaled Lordship in the life of every Christian (1:7-8; 2:3-5, 25; 3:15, 4:14, 5:4).

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Today’s scripture challenges us to adopt certain attitudes from Christ

when we’re under pressure.

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Five Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19)

to Explain the Source of Your Hope (from 1 Peter 3:13-16).

Page 16: 5 Intelligible Words (1 Cor 14:19) to Explain Your Faith (from 1 Peter 3:14b-15) Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts honor.

Here’s an outline:

Choose to revere Christ rather than fearing others – or what they fear.

Be ready to explain the hope of your faith to those who have questions.

Give a rational, unpretentious account of your faith in Christ (a Reason)

Share the reality of Christ’s presence and work in your life (your Hope).

Show respect and humility (or modesty) toward the one who asks.

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1. Choose to revere Christ, not fearing others – or what they fear.

• Most of us worry about how others will judge our looks, our weight, our decisions, our words, our fun, our child-rearing strategies, our views on religion, politics, or science – even our feelings.

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Scott Armstrong’s six rules for getting your research findings into print.

• Avoid the “important problems,”

• Don’t “challenge existing beliefs” or accepted paradigms,

• Suppress any results that contradict what you expected,

• Employ “complicated methods” to discourage corroboration,

• Avoid “full disclosure,”

• Make your writing style opaque. – God and the Philosophers (article by George N. Schlesinger),

Thomas V. Morris, editor, 258

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We want to consult a better authority!

15 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts (NASB)

Keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. (The Message)

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The Greek word for reverence or sanctify is “hagiasate.”

Peter makes an intentional contrast with the “fear” described in v 14.

Our fear of the Lord lessens the force of human intimidation.

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Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, made their defense, saying:

“We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

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A foundation that is solid and secure.

Keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master.

– The Message, Eugene Peterson

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Be ready to explain the hope of your faith

to those who have questions.

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Put yourself in the place of the questioner.

• Jesus’ conversations ranged from a professor of Old Testament (Nicodemus) to a possessor of five husbands (the Samaritan woman of Sychar).

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Put yourself in the place of the questioner.

• Paul’s audiences included: synagogue Jews, the Sanhedrin, a woman who

dealt in textiles, a jailer, two governors, a king, the elite Roman

Praetorian Guard, and Caesar himself. As he once wrote:

I have become all things to all men that I may by all means save some.

1 Cor 9:22, NASB

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Do you interact with non-believers very much?

Paul Achtemeir wrote: • Cultural isolation is not to be the route taken

by the Christian . . . (He/she) is to live life openly in the midst of the unbelieving world, and just as openly, to be prepared to explain reasons for their hope centered in Christ.

– A Commentary on 1 Peter, Paul Achtemeir, Fortress Press (Minneapolis: 1996), 234.

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Interacting with non-believers: Are you available and approachable? Is there an inner quality about you that is

attractive? Who are the people in your life that you

have found it easy to talk to?

What qualities did they exhibit?

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Having a sense of humor

• A person who laughs easily – especially at themselves – and enjoys a bit of fun will not likely make you feel inferior. Instead they invite you share a chuckle with them.

• Humor that avoids derogating others conveys humility.

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Are we good listeners?

• One hand may suffice to count up the attentive listeners you know.

• They pay close attention to what you are sharing

• They ask helpful questions to draw you out.

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A mutual interaction: we learn from each other.

• The learning process among members of Christ’s Body is competent (beneficial)

when we listen closely and respectfully to one another.

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Showing love that builds up the others.

Two negative side effects of knowledge:

1. We become enamored with what we know.

2. We assume a judgmental, critical attitude.

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Be sure that the humility of your love

exceeds the quantity of your knowledge.

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Give a rational account (a reason for) of your faith in Christ.

• Few of us came to Christ because • someone persuaded us using logical,

reasoned, learned argumentation. • Our conversion was more likely a • consequence of an unmet inner need, • a deep unfulfilled desire, • a lacuna of meaning in life, or • a failure of moral intent and action.

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There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man. – Blaise Pascal

• An eloquent presentation of the gospel – hardly necessary.

• Crucially needed is the activity of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the person who wants to know about your faith.

• A second requirement is sincerity: that your faith in Christ is real;your demeanor is modest or humble

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Share your hope: the reality of Christ’s work in your life.

• The Lord we serve rose from death, so our ability to live a godly life now and our anticipation of enjoying God forever

are assured by Christ’s resurrection.

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The Bible shows us a God of: > light and love,

> of justice and mercy,

> of truth and grace.

We can learn to trust God in the concrete situations of our daily experience.

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the duty of living harmoniously –

with real people in the church

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Americans treat the local church as though

she were someone to date. When the relationship goes south –

so do they . . . .

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Authentic faith is first felt at home, and then faced – in the church.

• This faith has a peaceable spirit • of humility, love, joy, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and • self-control • as we are involved with other believers.

(Gal 5:22-23)

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Show respect and modesty (or humility) toward anyone who asks, out of reverent submission to Christ.

Our Lord gave respect to:

> the woman at the well of Sychar, > the one who was caught in adultery, King Herod Agrippa (living with Bernice)The Lord even respected

the demonized man who lived in the caves of a cemetery.

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Jesus respected many people who did not deserve it, and

we should be imitators of him.

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The Greek word, translated

gentleness in the NIV, can also mean

modesty (NEB) or humility (Karen Jobes, BECNT).

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Gentleness is the power or authority the Holy Spirit exerts in our hearts,

teaching us Christ-like manners.

Jonathan Edwards quotes our Lord in Luke 10:3 as saying to the twelve:

“I send you forth as lambs among wolves.” Then Edwards makes this comment:

True Christians are, as it were, clothed with the meek, quiet, loving temper of Christ.

(Religious Affections, 275).

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Humility – James and the “humility of wisdom” (Jas 3:13).

The humble person is not preoccupied with themselves.

Their attention is directed outward to others.

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The humble person is more eager to learn from others than to teach them.

(Jonathan Edwards)

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Modesty – that in the grand scheme of divine purposes

we are not as important as we had thought.

“What, after all is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants,

through whom you came to believe.” (1 Cor 3:5)

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If you want others to listen to what Christ has done in your life,

Cultivate: > gentleness, humility, and modesty

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Speaking a good word for Christ and declaring faith in him

to those who ask have a long and glorious history.

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1. For all the saints, who from their labours rest,Who Thee, by faith, before the world confessed – Thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blessed.Alleluia!

 6. O blest communion, fellowship divine!We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine.Alleluia,

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 10. But lo! There breaks a yet more glorious day;The saints, triumphant, rise in bright array;The King of glory passes on His way!Alleluia, Alleluia! –

“And the people said”: Amen.

  – William Washam How, 1864

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