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Page 1: 5 Brilliant Quotes on Agile UX

5BrilliantQuotesOnAgile UXby Holly Bartholomeusz & Yuan Wang

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Important Jargon!

UX Agile Agile UXUser experience describes core aspects necessary to ensuring a product or design is as efficient and enjoyable as possible.

Measured by usefulness, usability, appeal and level of engagement.

Agile methodology, a project management process which originated from software development, helps teams respond to sudden and unpredictable changes through incremental, iterative work cycles, known as sprints.

A time boxed, iterative approach to incrementally building a project from inception.

Projects are broken down into short cycles consisting of smaller tasks such as design, coding and user testing and repeated throughout the project.

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The Agile Process

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What does Agile UX look like in action?

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Life’s too short to build something no ones wants.Ash MauryaAuthor of Running Leanand Creator of Lean Canvas


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Test your product in the wild

Lo-fi testing

Testing a design with people who may utilise your project/product allows you to understand any design problems.

Collecting insights on the ground allows you to generate more ideas, kill ideas that don’t work as you thought they might, and test them at speed.

Usability is the killing field of cherished notions.David Orr

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HumanCentredDesign Desirability Feasibility





What do people desire?

What is technically and organisationally feasible?

What is financially viable?

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2Negotiate the rules of engagement upfront and define the standads together.Cameron Grice

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Offer a vision and exit plan

Rome wasn’t built in a day

The Agile process is not about going it alone! Gather support from your team by offering a vision.

Ensure good communication so that team members share and follow future visions.

Align teams to resolve dependenciesIdentify each other’s needs, and negotiate solutions with all team members.

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Successful Agilityrelies on two things:

1. Effective collaboration 2. Continuous improvement

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3We need to set realistic expectations on UX engagement and quality.Warwick Bracken

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Engage your stakeholdersAs UX practitioners we want to know that stakeholders place importance on the process.

Think outside the boxAgile doesn’t have to be a strictly stringent process. Think outside the box and involve top level management using unique strategies.

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Megan Dell’s Diary Study

Combine old school methods with the Agile process to affect the way in which stakeholders engage with different iterations of the project.

An incentivised diary study was conducted.

She sent users a physical journal to document the testing of a company product.

Each week participants sent their diaries back filled with insightful comments about their experience of using the product.

Stakeholders took a surprising interest in reading the diaries.

Enabled them to be actively involved in understanding the iterative process as well as the customers’ feelings.

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4Work early but craft incremental experiences with an end vision.Karen Leong

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Be progressive& reactive

Always challenge design & development

Teams must remain progressive and reactive rather than committed to a single idea.

Consistently challenge the design or development of a project and integrate feedback into each iteration.

Be ruthlessIt is important to look to the future and be ruthless about the project’s scope, rather than focusing only on the present.

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5Vision starts with a firm foundation and carries through with design principles.Lexi Thorn &Scott Maywood-Bryant

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A shared vision is integral

Solve problems as a team

A shared understanding of the vision, business context and design challenges are integral to laying the foundations for UX design and prototyping.

Cross disciplinary team culture allows everyone in the team to wear “multiple hats” and work together through each iteration process.

Be transparentBe transparent about the UX process enables to foster trust throughout an organisation.

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Let’s connect:THANKS

Inspired by the Agile UX Conference 2015. See you at the next one!



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