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Page 1: 41 Clanricarde Gardens W2 4JN

005_4.01_002_Design and Access Statement_Rev_B

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41 Clanricarde Gardens W2 4JN Roof Terrace Design and Access Statement - 05.06.2015

Page 2: 41 Clanricarde Gardens W2 4JN

005_4.01_002_Design and Access Statement_Rev_B

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Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Existing Building 3.0 The Proposal 4.0 Access

5.0 Drainage (Policy CE2(e)) 6.0Conclusion Appendix 1 (Existing Roof Terrace) Appendix 2 (Precedents Images)

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005_4.01_002_Design and Access Statement_Rev_B

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1.0 Introduction This design and access statement has been prepared by Catalina Yutronic on behalf of the applicant to explain the proposed works at 41 Clanricarde Gardens W2 4JN, and to support the planning application. The proposed works comprise the refurbishment of the existing roof terrace. A formal pre-application consultation for 43 Clanricarde Gardens has been carried out with RBKC in November 2014 and as part of it we met on site with the Case Officer, Kevin Savage, where we discussed his concerns regarding the proposed terrace design. Subsequent to this we received the report letter ref: PRE/PP/14/01094/LEV3 . Due to the fact that the design of no. 43 is the same as 41 Clanricarde Gardens, we have taken on board the Case Officer comments on the terrace at 43 Clanricarde Gardens and have applied them to No. 41. An application was submitted by the different applicant for 42 Clanricarde Gardens in February 2014 (ref PP/14/01050) and consent was given by RBKC on 27th March 2014 Detailed planning matters are covered in the accompanying Planning Statement prepared by DP9.

2.0 Existing Building The application site is located on the eastern side of Clanricarde Gardens just off Notting Hill Gate; Number 41 being part of a row of Victorian terraced properties built in the 19th century. It's located in the Pembridge Conservation Area and the property is not listed. The building compromises of 6 floors including basement and ground floor , currently split into 21 HMO flats. Planning application, ref PP/14/01407, has been granted the 2nd May 2014, for the change of use from houses in multiple occupation (sui generis) to residential use (C3) including extension at rear lower ground floor level. Currently all flats have access to the roof via the building's main staircase and this access will be kept, allowing for communal use of the proposed terrace. As a precedent the residential properties on or near Clanricarde Gardens have railings on the roof. (Refer to appendix 2)

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005_4.01_002_Design and Access Statement_Rev_B

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Existing Plan and Elevations

Existing roof plan

Existing Elevations

Front Elevation Rear Elevation

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3.0 The Proposal The proposed design consists of the reconfiguration and enhancement of the existing terrace. Railings The existing railings do not comply with building regulations as they are climbable. The proposed terrace would therefore be formed by enclosing the roof with 1100mm height metal wrought iron vertical railings to the front and rear of the building in keeping with current regulations. The metal balustrade would be set back from the front and rear facade not only for safety but also to avoid the impact on the views from the street. The proposed railings would be a more elegant solution to the existing ones which are bulky and don't match the architectural features of the property. It is therefore our opinion that the proposed railings would improve the appearance of the roof terrace with the use of a more traditional and discreet material, in line with the style of this Victorian building. In addition to make the space of the roof terrace more usable, the existing location of the railings would be moved back, towards the rear of the building, creating more space Timber decking A new timber decking floor would be installed to even out the floor level and to improve the look of the terrace. The proposed changes would be not visible from street level and from the public domain hence the proposed development would enhance the appearance and character of the property without having a negative impact at street level. Condenser Enclosure A condenser unit would sit to the rear of the roof above the closet wing. The unit would be enclosed by louvered aluminium screens painted in dark grey. The housing would match the existing height of the roof access enclosure, to allow for a continuous skyline. The proposed changes would be not visible from the street level and from the public domain hence the proposed development would enhance the appearance and character of the property and the relevant streetscene, without having a negative impact on it.

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4.0 Access There is no provision for disabled access as the lift can't run up to the roof terrace as it would have an impact on the roofscape by adding an extra floor.

5.0 Drainage (Policy CE2(e)) As we are not increasing the area of impermeable surfaces and surface water run-off SuDS are not required in this property.

6.0 Conclusion

• The proposed development seeks to make the existing roof terrace safer and better by complying with the current building regulations and upgrading the existing finishes (floor, existing stair exit, railings).

• The proposed development would conserve and enhance the character and appearance of the relevant streetscene and the roofscape of the Pembridge Conservation Area by improving the existing roof terrace.

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