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Clouds and Precipitation

By: Jeannine Carcifi

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Adiabatic Temperature changes and Expansion and Cooling

• Temperature Changes its not always the same, even if temperature rises or drops this is called adiabatic temperature changes

• When adiabatic is cool or heated In unsaturated air it is called (dry) adiabatic rate

• Adiabatic cooling or heating in unsaturated air is, wet adiabatic rate

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Orographic Lifting

• Air occurs when elevated terrains, for example: mountains, act as barriers to air flow, forcing the air to ascend. This is Orographic Lifting.

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Frontal Wedging

• When cold dense air acts as a barrier over warmer, less dense air rises this is called Frontal Wedging

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• Convergence is when two things come together

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Localized Convergence

• Localized Convergence Is unequal heating of earths surface warms one part of the air more then the other air around it. Lowering the density.

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• When condensation occurs in the air above the ground, tiny bits of particular matter, called condensation nuclei, served as surfaces for water vapor condensation

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Types of clouds

• Cirrus, they occur as patches or as delicate veil like sheets or extended wispy fibers that often have a feathery appearance. There also called “A curl of hair”

• Cumulus, they have flat base and the appearance of rising domes or towers. They are also called “a pile”

• Clouds are best described as sheets pr layers that cover much or all of the sky. There maybe minor breaks, there are no district individual cloud units this is called (Stratus) it is also called “A layer”

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High clouds

• There are three High clouds, there called Cirrus, Cirrostratus, and Cirroculumus

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Middle clouds

• Middle clouds are clouds that appear to be in the range of 2000 or 6000 meters.

Middle clouds

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Low clouds

• There are three members in the cloud family there called Stratus, Stratocumulus, and him bostratus they produce light

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Clouds of Vertical Development

• Some clouds do not fit into any of there three height categories mentioned. Once upward movement is triggered, acceleration is powerful, and clouds with great vertical range form.

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• Fog and clouds are the same but the place of formation is different cloud results when rises and cools adiabatically. Most fogs are the result of radiation cooling or the movement of air to bring about saturation.

• Fogs caused by cooling when warm, moist air from the pacific ocean moves over the cold California current and then is carried on shore by prevailing winds,

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Cold Cloud Precipitation

• Theory that relates the formation of precipitation to super cooled clouds, freezing nuclei, and the different saturation levels of ice and liquid water

• Water that’s a liquid that is below 0 is said to be supercooler, Supercooler water will readily freeze if it touches a solid object this is called The Bergeron process.

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Warm Cloud Precipitation

• Raindrop formation in warm clouds in which large cloud droplets collide and join together with smaller droplets to form a raindrop, this is cloud precitation.

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Rain and Snow

• At very low, when the moisture content of air is small light, fluff snow made up of individual six sided ice crystals form, This is rain and Snow.


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Sleet, Glaze, and Hail

• Sleet is the fall of small particles of clear to translucent ice. Glaze is also known as freezing rain results when rain drops become super cooler. Hail Is produced in cumulonimbus clouds.

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This is the ending, hope you enjoyed all 17 of my slides