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Page 1: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�� ح�يم الر� ح�من� الر� الله� � م ��س ب

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Page 2: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ص&ف$ا و&الص�اف�ات�

[37:1] I swear by those who draw themselves out in ranks

Page 3: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ا ج�ر, ز& ات� اج�ر& ف&الز�

[37:2] Then those who drive away with reproof,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ا �ر, ذ�ك &ات� �ي �ال ف&الت

[37:3] Then those who recite, being mindful,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

د3 &و&اح� ل �6م &ه&ك �ل إ �ن� إ

[37:4] Most surely your Allah is One:

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ه6م&ا �ن &ي ب و&م&ا ر�ض�& �و&األ م&او&ات� الس� ب@ ر&

ار�ق� �م&ش& ال ب@ و&ر&

[37:5] The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the easts.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&و&اك�ب� �ك ال Eة& �ز�ين ب &ا �ي الد@ن م&اء الس� �ا �ن ي ز& �ا �ن إ

[37:6] Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Eم�ار�د Eط&ان� ي ش& M6ل ك مMن و&ح�ف�ظ,ا

[37:7] And (there is) a safeguard against every rebellious Shaitan.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ع�ل&ى �األ � �م&إل& ال �ل&ى إ م�ع6ون& &س� ي ال& Eب� ان ج& M6ل ك م�ن 6ق�ذ&ف6ون& و&ي

[37:8] They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are thrown at from every side,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

و&اص�ب3 ع&ذ&اب3 �&ه6م و&ل ا د6ح6ور,

[37:9] Being driven off, and for them is a perpetual chastisement,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ه&اب3 ش� &ع&ه6 �ب ت& ف&أ �خ&ط�ف&ة& ال خ&ط�ف& �م&ن �ال� إ

&اق�ب3 ث

[37:10] Except him who snatches off but once, then there follows him a brightly shining flame.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م�ن &م أ �ق,ا ل خ& د@ &ش& أ �&ه6م أ ��ه�م &ف�ت ت �ف&اس Eز�ب ال� Eط�ين مMن &اه6م &ق�ن ل خ& �ا �ن إ &ا &ق�ن ل خ&

[37:11] Then ask them whether they are stronger in creation or those (others) whom We have created.

Surely We created them of firm clay.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& خ&ر6 �&س و&ي �ت& ب ع&ج� �&ل ب

[37:12] Nay! you wonder while they mock,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& 6ر6 &ذ�ك ي ال& وا Mر6 ذ6ك �ذ&ا و&إ

[37:13] And when they are reminded, they mind not,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& خ�ر6 �&س ت �&س ي &ة, آي و�ا& أ ر& �ذ&ا و&إ

[37:14] And when they see a sign they incite one another to scoff,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين3 م@ب ح�ر3 س� �ال� إ ه&ذ&ا ��ن إ 6وا و&ق&ال

[37:15] And they say: This is nothing but clear magic:

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ا �ن &ئ أ و&ع�ظ&ام,ا ,ا اب 6ر& ت �ا 6ن و&ك &ا �ن م�ت �ذ&ا &ئ أ6ون& �ع6وث &م&ب ل

[37:16] What! when we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then certainly be raised,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& و�ل& �األ &ا &اؤ6ن و&آب

& أ

[37:17] Or our fathers of yore?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& د&اخ�ر6 �6م &نت و&أ �&ع&م ن � ق6ل

[37:18] Say: Aye! and you shall be abject.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ه6م �ذ&ا ف&إ و&اح�د&ة3 ة3 ج�ر& ز& ه�ي& �م&ا �ن ف&إون& &نظ6ر6 ي

[37:19] So it shall only be a single cry, when lo! they shall see.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

الدMين� &و�م6 ي ه&ذ&ا &ا &ن �ل و&ي &ا ي 6وا و&ق&ال

[37:20] And they shall say: O woe to us! this is the day of requital.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ه� ب �6م 6نت ك �ذ�ي ال �ف&ص�ل� ال &و�م6 ي ه&ذ&ا6ون& &ذMب 6ك ت

[37:21] This is the day of the judgment which you called a lie.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

و&م&ا �و&اج&ه6م �&ز و&أ &م6وا ظ&ل �ذ�ين& ال وا ر6 اح�ش66د6ون& &ع�ب ي 6وا &ان ك

[37:22] Gather together those who were unjust and their associates, and what they used to worship

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

اط� ص�ر& �ل&ى إ �ف&اه�د6وه6م �ه� الل د6ون� م�ن

� �ج&ح�يم ال

[37:23] Besides Allah, then lead them to the way to hell.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& 6ول ئ �م�س �ه6م �ن إ � و&ق�ف6وه6م

[37:24] And stop them, for they shall be questioned:

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& &اص&ر6 &ن ت ال& �6م &ك ل م&ا

[37:25] What is the matter with you that you do not help each other?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6ون& ل �&س ت �م6س &و�م& �ي ال ه6م6 �&ل ب

[37:26] Nay! on that day they shall be submissive.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& اءل &س& &ت ي Eض�&ع ب ع&ل&ى �&ع�ض6ه6م ب &ل& &ق�ب و&أ

[37:27] And some of them shall advance towards others, questioning each other.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&م�ين� �ي ال ع&ن� &ا &ن 6ون �ت &أ ت �6م 6نت ك �6م �ك �ن إ 6وا ق&ال

[37:28] They shall say: Surely you used to come to us from the right side.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& م6ؤ�م�ن 6وا 6ون &ك ت ��م ل &ل ب 6وا ق&ال

[37:29] They shall say: Nay, you (yourselves) were not believers;

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�&ل ب Eط&ان�ل س6 مMن 6م �ك &ي ع&ل &ا &ن ل &ان& ك و&م&اط&اغ�ين& ق&و�م,ا �6م 6نت ك

[37:30] And we had no authority over you, but you were an inordinate people;

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ق6ون& &ذ&ائ ل �ا �ن إ &ا Mن ب ر& ق&و�ل6 &ا �ن &ي ع&ل ف&ح&ق�

[37:31] So the sentence of our Lord has come to pass against us: (now) we shall surely taste;

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

غ&او�ين& �ا 6ن ك �ا �ن إ �6م &اك �ن &غ�و&ي ف&أ

[37:32] So we led you astray, for we ourselves were erring.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &ر�ك ت �م6ش �ع&ذ&اب� ال ف�ي Eذ� &و�م&ئ ي ��ه6م �ن ف&إ

[37:33] So they shall on that day be sharers in the chastisement one with another.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6ج�ر�م�ين& �ال ب &ف�ع&ل6 ن �ك& &ذ&ل ك �ا �ن إ

[37:34] Surely thus do We deal with the guilty.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ه6 الل �ال� إ &ه& �ل إ ال& �&ه6م ل ق�يل& �ذ&ا إ 6وا &ان ك ��ه6م �ن إون& �ر6 �ب &ك ت �&س ي

[37:35] Surely they used to behave proudly when it was said to them: There is no god but Allah;

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Eر اع� �ش& ل &ا �ن �ه&ت آل 6وا &ار�ك &ت ل �ا �ن &ئ أ 6ون& &ق6ول و&يE6ون ن � م�ج

[37:36] And to say: What! shall we indeed give up our gods for the sake of a mad poet?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ل س& ��م6ر ال و&ص&د�ق& Mح&ق� �ال ب ج&اء �&ل ب

[37:37] Nay: he has come with the truth and verified the messengers.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� �يم &ل �األ �ع&ذ&اب� ال �ق6و &ذ&ائ ل �6م �ك �ن إ

[37:38] Most surely you will taste the painful punishment.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &ع�م&ل ت �6م 6نت ك م&ا �ال� إ و�ن& 6ج�ز& ت و&م&ا

[37:39] And you shall not be rewarded except (for) what you did.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6خ�ل&ص�ين& ال �ه� الل &اد& ب ع� �ال� إ

[37:40] Save the servants of Allah, the purified ones.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6وم3 م�ع�ل ق3 �ر�ز �&ه6م ل �ك& &ئ و�ل6 أ

[37:41] For them is a known sustenance,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

م6ون& �ر& م@ك و&ه6م �ه6 ف&و&اك

[37:42] Fruits, and they shall be highly honored,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� �ع�يم الن �ات� ن ج& ف�ي

[37:43] In gardens of pleasure,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �ل &ق&اب م@ت Eر ر6 س6 ع&ل&ى

[37:44] On thrones, facing each other.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Eم�ع�ين م�ن Eس� &أ �ك ب �ه�م &ي ع&ل 6ط&اف6 ي

[37:45] A bowl shall be made to go round them from water running out of springs,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ار�ب Mلش� ل Eذ�ة& ل �ض&اء &ي ب

[37:46] White, delicious to those who drink.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ف6ون& 6نز& ي �ه&ا ع&ن �ه6م و&ال& غ&و�ل3 ف�يه&ا ال&

[37:47] There shall be no trouble in it, nor shall they be exhausted therewith.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ع�ين3 ف� �الط�ر ات6 ق&اص�ر& ��د&ه6م ن و&ع�

[37:48] And with them shall be those who restrain the eyes, having beautiful eyes;

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون3 �ن م�ك �ض3 &ي ب �ه6ن� ن& &أ ك

[37:49] As if they were eggs carefully protected.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& اءل &س& &ت ي Eض�&ع ب ع&ل&ى �&ع�ض6ه6م ب &ل& ق�ب& ف&أ

[37:50] Then shall some of them advance to others, questioning each other.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ق&ر�ين3 ل�ي &ان& ك Mي �ن إ ��ه6م مMن �ل3 ق&ائ ق&ال&

[37:51] A speaker from among them shall say: Surely I had a comrade of mine,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6ص&دMق�ين& ال �&م�ن ل �ك& �ن &ئ أ &ق6ول6 ي

[37:52] Who said: What! are you indeed of those who accept (the truth)?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ا �ن &ئ أ و&ع�ظ&ام,ا ,ا اب 6ر& ت �ا 6ن و&ك &ا �ن م�ت �ذ&ا &ئ أ6ون& &م&د�ين ل

[37:53] What! when we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then be certainly

brought to judgment?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ع6ون& م@ط�ل 6م &نت أ �ه&ل ق&ال&

[37:54] He shall say: Will you look on?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� �ج&ح�يم ال و&اء س& ف�ي آه6 ف&ر& &ع& ف&اط�ل

[37:55] Then he looked down and saw him in the midst of hell.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

د�ين� �6ر &ت ل ك�دت� ��ن إ �ه� &الل ت ق&ال&

[37:56] He shall say: By Allah! you had almost caused me to perish;

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

م�ن& 6نت6 &ك ل Mي ب ر& �ع�م&ة6 ن &و�ال& و&ل�م6ح�ض&ر�ين& ال

[37:57] And had it not been for the favor of my Lord, I would certainly have been among those

brought up.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& Mت �م&ي ب &ح�ن6 ن &ف&م&ا أ

[37:58] Is it then that we are not going to die,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �م6ع&ذ�ب ب &ح�ن6 ن و&م&ا 6ول&ى �األ &ا &ن &ت م&و�ت �ال� إ

[37:59] Except our previous death? And we shall not be chastised?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ع&ظ�يم6 ال �ف&و�ز6 ال &ه6و& ل ه&ذ&ا �ن� إ

[37:60] Most surely this is the mighty achievement.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& �ع&ام�ل ال �&ع�م&ل �ي ف&ل ه&ذ&ا �ل� �م�ث ل

[37:61] For the like of this then let the workers work.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� ق@وم الز� ة6 ج&ر& ش& �&م أ ال, @ز6 ن �ر3 ي خ& �ك& &ذ&ل أ

[37:62] Is this better as an entertainment or the tree of Zaqqum?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م�ين& Mلظ�ال ل &ة, �ن ف�ت &اه&ا �ن ج&ع&ل �ا �ن إ

[37:63] Surely We have made it to be a trial to the unjust.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� �ج&ح�يم ال ص�ل�& أ ف�ي ج6 &خ�ر6 ت ة3 ج&ر& ش& �ه&ا �ن إ

[37:64] Surely it is a tree that-grows in the bottom of the hell;

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&اط�ين� ي الش� ؤ6وس6 ر6 �ه6 ن& &أ ك �ع6ه&ا ط&ل

[37:65] Its produce is as it were the heads of the serpents.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ه&ا م�ن �ؤ6ون& ف&م&ال �ه&ا م�ن �ل6ون& ك آل& ��ه6م �ن ف&إ6ط6ون& �ب ال

[37:66] Then most surely they shall eat of it and fill (their) bellies with it.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

E ح&م�يم �مMن ,ا و�ب &ش& ل �ه&ا &ي ع&ل �&ه6م ل �ن� إ 6م� ث

[37:67] Then most surely they shall have after it to drink of a mixture prepared in boiling water.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� �ج&ح�يم ال �ل&ى إل& �ج�ع&ه6م �م&ر �ن� إ 6م� ث

[37:68] Then most surely their return shall be to hell.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Mين& ض&ال �&اءه6م آب �ف&و�ا &ل أ ��ه6م �ن إ

[37:69] Surely they found their fathers going astray,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ع6ون& 6ه�ر& ي �&ار�ه�م آث ع&ل&ى � ف&ه6م

[37:70] So in their footsteps they are being hastened on.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& و�ل& �األ &ر6 �ث ك

& أ �&ه6م �ل ق&ب ض&ل� �&ق&د و&ل

[37:71] And certainly most of the ancients went astray before them,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

م@نذ�ر�ين& ف�يه�م &ا �ن ل س& �ر& أ �&ق&د و&ل

[37:72] And certainly We sent among them warners.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6نذ&ر�ين& ال &ة6 ع&اق�ب &ان& ك �ف& &ي ك � ف&انظ6ر

[37:73] Then see how was the end of those warned,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6خ�ل&ص�ين& ال �ه� الل &اد& ب ع� �ال� إ

[37:74] Except the servants of Allah, the purified ones.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& يب �م6ج� ال �ع�م& &ن ف&ل 6وح3 ن &ا &اد&ان ن �&ق&د و&ل

[37:75] And Nuh did certainly call upon Us, and most excellent answerer of prayer are We.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� �ع&ظ�يم ال ب� �&ر �ك ال م�ن& &ه6 ه�ل& و&أ &اه6 �ن ي &ج� و&ن

[37:76] And We delivered him and his followers from the mighty distress.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&اق�ين& �ب ال �ه6م &ه6 �ت ي Mذ6ر &ا �ن و&ج&ع&ل

[37:77] And We made his offspring the survivors.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

خ�ر�ين& �اآل ف�ي �ه� &ي ع&ل &ا �ن ك &ر& و&ت

[37:78] And We perpetuated to him (praise) among the later generations.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&م�ين& �ع&ال ال ف�ي E6وح ن ع&ل&ى م3 ال& س&

[37:79] Peace and salutation to Nuh among the nations.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ن �م6ح�س� ال &ج�ز�ي ن �ك& &ذ&ل ك �ا �ن إ

[37:80] Thus do We surely reward the doers of good.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �م6ؤ�م�ن ال &ا &اد�ن ب ع� �م�ن �ه6 �ن إ

[37:81] Surely he was of Our believing servants.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

خ&ر�ين& �اآل &ا ق�ن &غ�ر& أ 6م� ث

[37:82] Then We drowned the others

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

اه�يم& �ر& �ب إل& �ه� يع&ت ش� م�ن �ن� و&إ

[37:83] And most surely Ibrahim followed his way.

Page 85: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

E �يم ل س& Eب��ق&ل ب �ه6 ب ر& ج&اء ��ذ إ

[37:84] When he came to his Lord with a free heart,

Page 86: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6د6ون& &ع�ب ت م&اذ&ا و&ق&و�م�ه� �يه� &ب أل� ق&ال& ��ذ إ

[37:85] When he said to his father and his people: What is it that you worship?

Page 87: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ر�يد6ون& ت �ه� الل د6ون& �ه&ة, آل ,ا �ف�ك &ئ أ

[37:86] A lie-- gods besides Allah-- do you desire?

Page 88: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&م�ين& �ع&ال ال Mب �ر& ب 6م @ك ظ&ن ف&م&ا

[37:87] What is then your idea about the Lord of the worlds?

Page 89: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� @ج6وم الن ف�ي ة, &ظ�ر& ن &ظ&ر& ف&ن

[37:88] Then he looked at the stars, looking up once,

Page 90: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ق�يم3 س& Mي �ن إ ف&ق&ال&

[37:89] Then he said: Surely I am sick (of your worshipping these).

Page 91: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ر�ين& م6د�ب �ه6 ع&ن �و�ا &و&ل ف&ت

[37:90] So they went away from him, turning back.

Page 92: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& 6ل �ك &أ ت &ال& أ ف&ق&ال& ��ه�م �ه&ت آل �ل&ى إ اغ& ف&ر&

[37:91] Then he turned aside to their gods secretly and said: What! do you not eat?

Page 93: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&نط�ق6ون& ت ال& �6م &ك ل م&ا

[37:92] What is the matter with you that you do not speak?

Page 94: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&م�ين� �ي �ال ب ,ا ب �ض&ر ��ه�م &ي ع&ل اغ& ف&ر&

[37:93] Then he turned against them secretly, smiting them with the right hand.

Page 95: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ز�ف@ون& ي �ه� &ي �ل إ 6وا &ل ق�ب& ف&أ

[37:94] So they (people) advanced towards him, hastening.

Page 96: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& ت �ح� &ن ت م&ا 6د6ون& &ع�ب &ت أ ق&ال&

[37:95] Said he: What! do you worship what you hew out?

Page 97: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &ع�م&ل ت و&م&ا �6م &ق&ك ل خ& �ه6 و&الل

[37:96] And Allah has created you and what you make.

Page 98: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ف�ي �ق6وه6 &ل ف&أ ,ا &ان �ي 6ن ب &ه6 ل 6وا �ن اب 6وا ق&ال

� �ج&ح�يم ال

[37:97] They said: Build for him a furnace, then cast him into the burning fire.

Page 99: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ف&ل �&س �األ &اه6م6 �ن ع&ل ف&ج& �د,ا &ي ك �ه� ب اد6وا ر&& ف&أ

[37:98] And they desired a war against him, but We brought them low.

Page 100: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ه�د�ين� ي س& Mي ب ر& �ل&ى إ ذ&اه�ب3 Mي �ن إ و&ق&ال&

[37:99] And he said: Surely I fly to my lord; He will guide me.

Page 101: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ح�ين& الص�ال م�ن& ل�ي �ه&ب Mب ر&

[37:100] My Lord! grant me of the doers of good deeds.

Page 102: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

E �يم ل ح& E م �غ6ال& ب &اه6 ن �ر &ش� ف&ب

[37:101] So We gave him the good news of a boy, possessing forbearance.

Page 103: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Mي �ن إ &ي� 6ن ب &ا ي ق&ال& ع�ي& الس� م&ع&ه6 &غ& &ل ب &م�ا ف&ل �ف&انظ6ر &ح6ك& &ذ�ب أ Mي &ن أ � &ام �م&ن ال ف�ي ى ر&

& أ6ؤ�م&ر6 ت م&ا �اف�ع&ل &ت� &ب أ &ا ي ق&ال& ى &ر& ت م&اذ&ا

�ر�ين& الص�اب م�ن& �ه6 الل اء ش& �ن إ �ي &ج�د6ن ت س&

[37:102] And when he attained to working with him, he said: O my son! surely I have seen in a dream that I should sacrifice you; consider then what you see. He

said: O my father! do what you are commanded; if Allah please, you will find me of the patient ones.

Page 104: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين� ب �ج& �ل ل �ه6 &ل و&ت &م&ا ل �س& أ &م�ا ف&ل

[37:103] So when they both submitted and he threw him down upon his forehead,

Page 105: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

اه�يم6 �ر& �ب إ &ا ي �&ن أ &اه6 �ن &اد&ي و&ن

[37:104] And We called out to him saying: O Ibrahim!

Page 106: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ج�ز�ي ن �ك& &ذ&ل ك �ا �ن إ &ا ؤ�ي الر@ ص&د�ق�ت& �ق&د�ين& ن �م6ح�س� ال

[37:105] You have indeed shown the truth of the vision; surely thus do We reward the doers of


Page 107: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين6 �م6ب ال ء &ال& �ب ال &ه6و& ل ه&ذ&ا �ن� إ

[37:106] Most surely this is a manifest trial.

Page 108: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

E ع&ظ�يم Eح� �ذ�ب ب &اه6 �ن و&ف&د&ي

[37:107] And We ransomed him with a feat sacrifice.

Page 109: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

خ�ر�ين& �اآل ف�ي �ه� &ي ع&ل &ا �ن ك &ر& و&ت

[37:108] And We perpetuated (praise) to him among the later generations.

Page 110: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

اه�يم& �ر& �ب إ ع&ل&ى م3 ال& س&

[37:109] Peace be on Ibrahim.

Page 111: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ن �م6ح�س� ال &ج�ز�ي ن �ك& &ذ&ل ك

[37:110] Thus do We reward the doers of good.

Page 112: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �م6ؤ�م�ن ال &ا &اد�ن ب ع� �م�ن �ه6 �ن إ

[37:111] Surely he was one of Our believing servants.

Page 113: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ح�ين& الص�ال مMن& $ا �ي &ب ن ح&اق& ��س �إ ب &اه6 ن �ر &ش� و&ب

[37:112] And We gave him the good news of Ishaq, a prophet among the good ones.

Page 114: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

و&م�ن ح&اق& ��س إ و&ع&ل&ى �ه� &ي ع&ل &ا �ن ك &ار& و&ب�ين3 م6ب ه� &ف�س� Mن ل �م3 و&ظ&ال م6ح�س�ن3 �ه�م&ا �ت ي Mذ6ر

[37:113] And We showered Our blessings on him and on Ishaq; and of their offspring are the doers of good, and (also) those who are clearly unjust to

their own souls.

Page 115: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& و&ه&ار6 م6وس&ى ع&ل&ى �ا &ن م&ن �&ق&د و&ل

[37:114] And certainly We conferred a favor on Musa and Haroun.

Page 116: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ب� �&ر �ك ال م�ن& و&ق&و�م&ه6م&ا &اه6م&ا �ن ي &ج� و&ن

� �ع&ظ�يم ال

[37:115] And We delivered them both and their people from the mighty distress.

Page 117: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �ب �غ&ال ال ه6م6 6وا &ان ف&ك �&اه6م ن �&ص&ر و&ن

[37:116] And We helped them, so they were the vanquishers.

Page 118: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& &ب ت ��م6س ال &اب& �ت �ك ال &اه6م&ا �ن &ي و&آت

[37:117] And We gave them both the Book that made (things) clear.

Page 119: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ق�يم& ت ��م6س ال اط& الصMر& &اه6م&ا �ن و&ه&د&ي

[37:118] And We guided them both on the right way.

Page 120: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

خ�ر�ين& �اآل ف�ي �ه�م&ا &ي ع&ل &ا �ن ك &ر& و&ت

[37:119] And We perpetuated (praise) to them among the later generations.

Page 121: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& و&ه&ار6 م6وس&ى ع&ل&ى م3 ال& س&

[37:120] Peace be on Musa and Haroun.

Page 122: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ن �م6ح�س� ال &ج�ز�ي ن �ك& &ذ&ل ك �ا �ن إ

[37:121] Even thus do We reward the doers of good.

Page 123: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �م6ؤ�م�ن ال &ا &اد�ن ب ع� �م�ن �ه6م&ا �ن إ

[37:122] Surely they were both of Our believing servants.

Page 124: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ل س& ��م6ر ال �&م�ن ل &اس& �ي �ل إ �ن� و&إ

[37:123] And Ilyas was most surely of the messengers.

Page 125: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ق6ون& &ت ت &ال& أ �ق&و�م�ه� ل ق&ال& ��ذ إ

[37:124] When he said to his people: Do you not guard (against evil)?

Page 126: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ن& &ح�س& أ ون& &ذ&ر6 و&ت &ع�ال, ب &د�ع6ون& &ت أ�ق�ين& ال �خ& ال

[37:125] What! do you call upon Ba'l and forsake the best of the creators,

Page 127: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& و�ل& �األ 6م6 �ك &ائ آب ب� و&ر& �6م �ك ب ر& �ه& الل

[37:126] Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of yore?

Page 128: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& &م6ح�ض&ر6 ل ��ه6م �ن ف&إ 6وه6 &ذ�ب ف&ك

[37:127] But they called him a liar, therefore they shall most surely be brought up.

Page 129: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6خ�ل&ص�ين& ال �ه� الل &اد& ب ع� �ال� إ

[37:128] But not the servants of Allah, the purified ones.

Page 130: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

خ�ر�ين& �اآل ف�ي �ه� &ي ع&ل &ا �ن ك &ر& و&ت

[37:129] And We perpetuated to him (praise) among the later generations.

Page 131: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ين& &اس� ي ��ل إ ع&ل&ى م3 ال& س&

[37:130] Peace be on Ilyas.

Page 132: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ن �م6ح�س� ال &ج�ز�ي ن �ك& &ذ&ل ك �ا �ن إ

[37:131] Even thus do We reward the doers of good.

Page 133: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �م6ؤ�م�ن ال &ا &اد�ن ب ع� �م�ن �ه6 �ن إ

[37:132] Surely he was one of Our believing servants.

Page 134: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ل س& ��م6ر ال �م�ن& ل 6وط,ا ل �ن� و&إ

[37:133] And Lut was most surely of the messengers.

Page 135: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ج�م&ع�ين& أ &ه6 ه�ل& و&أ &اه6 �ن ي &ج� ن ��ذ إ

[37:134] When We delivered him and his followers, all--

Page 136: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ر�ين& �غ&اب ال ف�ي ا ع&ج6وز, �ال� إ

[37:135] Except an old woman (who was) amongst those who tarried.

Page 137: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

خ&ر�ين& �اآل &ا ن �د&م�ر 6م� ث

[37:136] Then We destroyed the others.

Page 138: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ح�ين& م@ص�ب �ه�م &ي ع&ل ون& &م6ر@ &ت ل �6م �ك �ن و&إ

[37:137] And most surely you pass by them in the morning,

Page 139: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &ع�ق�ل ت &ف&ال& أ �ل� �ي �الل و&ب

[37:138] And at night; do you not then understand?

Page 140: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ل س& ��م6ر ال &م�ن& ل 6س& 6ون ي �ن� و&إ

[37:139] And Yunus was most surely of the messengers.

Page 141: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ح6ون� ��م&ش ال �ف6ل�ك� ال �ل&ى إ &ق& &ب أ ��ذ إ

[37:140] When he ran away to a ship completely laden,

Page 142: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6د�ح&ض�ين& ال �م�ن &ان& ف&ك اه&م& ف&س&

[37:141] So he shared (with them), but was of those who are cast off.

Page 143: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�يم3 م6ل و&ه6و& �ح6وت6 ال &ق&م&ه6 �ت ف&ال

[37:142] So the fish swallowed him while he did that for which he blamed himself

Page 144: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Mح�ين& ب �م6س& ال �م�ن &ان& ك �ه6 ن& أ &و�ال& ف&ل

[37:143] But had it not been that he was of those who glorify (Us),

Page 145: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& �ع&ث 6ب ي � &و�م ي &ى �ل إ �ه� &ط�ن ب ف�ي �ث& &ب &ل ل

[37:144] He would certainly have tarried in its belly to the day when they are raised.

Page 146: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ق�يم3 س& و&ه6و& اء �ع&ر& �ال ب &اه6 &ذ�ن &ب ف&ن

[37:145] Then We cast him on to the vacant surface of the earth while he was sick.

Page 147: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Eط�ين�&ق ي مMن ة, ج&ر& ش& �ه� &ي ع&ل &ا �ن &ت &نب و&أ

[37:146] And We caused to grow up for him a gourd plant.

Page 148: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ز�يد6ون& ي �و& أ Eف�&ل أ &ة� م�ئ �ل&ى إ &اه6 �ن ل س& �ر

& و&أ

[37:147] And We sent him to a hundred thousand, rather they exceeded.

Page 149: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Eح�ين �ل&ى إ �&اه6م �ع�ن ف&م&ت 6وا ف&آم&ن

[37:148] And they believed, so We gave them provision till a time.

Page 150: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &ن �ب ال &ه6م6 و&ل &ات6 &ن �ب ال Mك& ب �ر& ل& أ ��ه�م &ف�ت ت � ف&اس

[37:149] Then ask them whether your Lord has daughters and they have sons.

Page 151: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

اه�د6ون& ش& �و&ه6م ,ا &اث �ن إ &ة& �ك ئ �م&ال& ال &ا &ق�ن ل خ& �&م أ

[37:150] Or did We create the angels females while they were witnesses?

Page 152: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &ق6ول &ي ل ��ف�ك�ه�م إ �مMن �ه6م �ن إ &ال& أ

[37:151] Now surely it is of their own lie that they say:

Page 153: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &اذ�ب &ك ل ��ه6م �ن و&إ �ه6 الل &د& و&ل

[37:152] Allah has begotten; and most surely they are liars.

Page 154: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& &ن �ب ال ع&ل&ى &ات� &ن �ب ال ص�ط&ف&ى& أ

[37:153] Has He chosen daughters in preference to sons?

Page 155: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6م6ون& &ح�ك ت �ف& &ي ك �6م &ك ل م&ا

[37:154] What is the matter with you, how is it that you judge?

Page 156: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& �ر6 &ذ&ك ت &ف&ال& أ

[37:155] Will you not then mind?

Page 157: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين3 م@ب ل�ط&ان3 س6 �6م &ك ل �&م أ

[37:156] Or have you a clear authority?

Page 158: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ص&اد�ق�ين& �6م 6نت ك �ن إ �6م �ك &اب �ت �ك ب 6وا �ت ف&أ

[37:157] Then bring your book, if you are truthful.

Page 159: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�&ق&د و&ل ,ا ب &س& ن �ة� ن �ج� ال �ن& &ي و&ب &ه6 �ن &ي ب 6وا و&ج&ع&لون& &م6ح�ض&ر6 ل ��ه6م �ن إ �ة6 ن �ج� ال �م&ت� ع&ل

[37:158] And they assert a relationship between Him and the jinn; and certainly the jinn do know

that they shall surely be brought up;

Page 160: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ص�ف6ون& ي ع&م�ا �ه� الل �ح&ان& ب س6

[37:159] Glory be to Allah (for freedom) from what they describe;

Page 161: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6خ�ل&ص�ين& ال �ه� الل &اد& ب ع� �ال� إ

[37:160] But not so the servants of Allah, the purified ones.

Page 162: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6د6ون& &ع�ب ت و&م&ا �6م �ك �ن ف&إ

[37:161] So surely you and what you worship,

Page 163: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& �ن �ف&ات ب �ه� &ي ع&ل �6م &نت أ م&ا

[37:162] Not against Him can you cause (any) to fall into trial,

Page 164: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

� �ج&ح�يم ال ص&ال� ه6و& �م&ن �ال� إ

[37:163] Save him who will go to hell.

Page 165: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6وم3 م�ع�ل م&ق&ام3 &ه6 ل �ال� إ �ا م�ن و&م&ا

[37:164] And there is none of us but has an assigned place,

Page 166: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

الص�اف@ون& &ح�ن6 &ن ل �ا �ن و&إ

[37:165] And most surely we are they who draw themselves out in ranks,

Page 167: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Mح6ون& ب �م6س& ال &ح�ن6 &ن ل �ا �ن و&إ

[37:166] And we are most surely they who declare the glory (of Allah).

Page 168: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& &ق6ول &ي ل 6وا &ان ك ��ن و&إ

[37:167] And surely they used to say:

Page 169: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& و�ل& �األ �مMن ا �ر, ذ�ك &ا ند&ن ع� &ن� أ �&و ل

[37:168] Had we a reminder from those of yore,

Page 170: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�م6خ�ل&ص�ين& ال �ه� الل &اد& ب ع� �ا 6ن &ك ل

[37:169] We would certainly have been the servants of Allah-- the purified ones.

Page 171: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&م6ون& &ع�ل ي و�ف& ف&س& �ه� ب وا &ف&ر6 ف&ك

[37:170] But (now) they disbelieve in it, so they will come to know.

Page 172: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ا &اد�ن �ع�ب ل &ا 6ن �م&ت &ل ك �&ق&ت ب س& �&ق&د و&ل�ين& ل س& ��م6ر ال

[37:171] And certainly Our word has already gone forth in respect of Our servants, the messengers:

Page 173: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& �م&نص6ور6 ال &ه6م6 ل ��ه6م �ن إ

[37:172] Most surely they shall be the assisted ones

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& �ب �غ&ال ال &ه6م6 ل &ا ج6ند&ن �ن� و&إ

[37:173] And most surely Our host alone shall be the victorious ones.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Eح�ين �ى ح&ت ��ه6م ع&ن &و&ل� ف&ت

[37:174] Therefore turn away from them till a time,

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& �ص�ر6 6ب ي و�ف& ف&س& �ه6م ��ص�ر &ب و&أ

[37:175] And (then) see them, so they too shall see.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

6ون& ل &ع�ج� ت �&س ي &ا �ن �ع&ذ&اب ف&ب& أ

[37:176] What! would they then hasten on Our chastisement?

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&اح6 ص&ب اء ف&س& ��ه�م ت اح& �س& ب ل& &ز& ن �ذ&ا ف&إ�م6نذ&ر�ين& ال

[37:177] But when it shall descend in their court, evil shall then be the morning of the warned ones.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

Eح�ين �ى ح&ت ��ه6م ع&ن &و&ل� و&ت

[37:178] And turn away from them till a time

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

ون& �ص�ر6 6ب ي و�ف& ف&س& ��ص�ر &ب و&أ

[37:179] And (then) see, for they too shall see.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&ص�ف6ون& ي ع&م�ا ة� �ع�ز� ال Mب ر& Mك& ب ر& �ح&ان& ب س6

[37:180] Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, above what they describe.

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Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

�ين& ل س& ��م6ر ال ع&ل&ى م3 ال& و&س&

[37:181] And peace be on the messengers.

Page 183: 37   Surah As Saaffat (Those Who Set Ranks)

Surah al-Saaffat (Those who set ranks)

&م�ين& �ع&ال ال Mب ر& �ه� �ل ل �ح&م�د6 و&ال

[37:182] And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

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