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Fragments read by 5th and 6th level students1

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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, que va ser un autor francès, periodista i pilot va escriure “El Petit Príncep” al 1943, un any abans de la seva mort.

“El Petit Príncep” sembla un conte per a nens, podríem dir que en realitat és una història profunda i commovedora, escrita en endevinalles i relacionada amb la filosofia i la metàfora poètica.

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Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who was a French author, journalist and pilot wroteThe Little Prince in 1943, one year before his death.The Little Prince appears to be a simple children’s tale, some would say that it is actually a profound and deeply moving tale, written in riddles and laced with philosophy and poetic metaphor.

Read by David Pérez 5th


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Una vegada quan jo tenia sis anys vaig veure una imatge magnífica en un llibre, anomenat “Històries veritables de la Natura”, sobre el bosc primitiu. Era una foto d’una boa constrictor empassant-se un animal. Aquí hi ha una còpia del dibuix.

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Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.

Read by Mohamed Chellay 5th


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La primera nit, després, vaig anar a dormir sobre la sorra, a mil milles de cap lloc habitat. Estava més aïllat que un nàufrag en un rai al mig de l’oceà. Ja podeu imaginar la meva sorpresa, a l’alba, quan em va despertar una estranya veueta. Aquesta va dir: :”Si us plau, dibuixa’m una ovella!” “Què?” “Dibuixa’m una ovella!”

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The first night, then, I went to sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Thus you can imagine my amazement, at sunrise, when I was awakened by an odd little voice. It said: “If you please, draw me a sheep!”“What!”“Draw me a sheep!”

Read by Ramón Flotats 5th


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"Això és només la seva caixa. L’ovella que m’has demanat és a l’interior ".

Jo estava molt sorprès de veure com s’havia il·luminat el rostre del meu jove jutge: "Aquesta és exactament la manera que jo la volia! Creus que aquesta ovella haurà de menjar una gran quantitat d’herba? ""Per què?" "Perquè on visc tot és molt petit ..." "Segurament hi haurà prou pastura per a ella", li vaig dir. "És una ovella molt petita la que t’he donat“. Va inclinar el cap sobre el dibuix: "No és tan petita, mira! Ella ha anat a dormir ... "

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“This is only his box. The sheep you asked for is inside.”I was very surprised to see a light break over the face of my young judge: “That is exactly the way I wanted it! Do you think that this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass?”“Why?”“Because where I live everything is very small...”“There will surely be enough grass for him,” I said.“It is a very small sheep that I have given you.”He bent his head over the drawing: “Not so small that, Look! He has gone to sleep...”

Read by Blanca Morales 6th


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El Petit Príncep va dir, seriosament: “ Això no importa. On jo visc, tot és petit”. I, amb potser una mica de tristesa, va afegir: “Seguint endavant, ningú pot anar molt lluny...”Jo havia après un segon fet de gran importància: que el planeta d’on el Petit Príncep provenia era amb prou feines tan gran com una casa!

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Then the little prince said, earnestly: “That doesn’t matter. Where I live, everything is so small!”. And, with perhaps a hint of sadness, he added: “Straight ahead of him, nobody can go very far...”I had thus learned a second fact of great importance: this was that the planet the little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house!

Read by Ibtissam Mahjouba 6th


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Quan un astrònom descobreix un d'ells no li dóna un nom, només un nombre. Podria anomenar-lo, per exemple, "L'asteroide 325" Tinc raons serioses per creure que el planeta d'on prové el Petit Príncep és l'asteroide conegut com B-612. Aquest asteroide ha estat vist només una vegada a través del telescopi. Va ser per un astrònom turc, el 1909.

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When an astronomer discovers one of these he does not give it a name, but only a number. He might call it, for example, “Asteroid 325.”I have serious reason to believe that the planet from which the little prince came is the asteroid known as B-612. This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope. That was by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909.

Read by Yeray Cueli 6th


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Jo no vaig entendre per què era tan important que les ovelles mengessin petits arbustos. Però el Petit Príncep va afegir: ”Vols dir que també mengen baobabs?”. Jo vaig indicar al Petit Príncep que els baobabs no eren petits arbustos, al contrari eren arbres tan grans com castells; i que inclús que si portés una ramat d’elefants amb ell, el ramat no es menjaria un simple baobab. La idea del ramat d’elefants va fer riure al Petit Príncep. “Els hauríem de posar un damunt de l’altre”, va dir.

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I did not understand why it was so important that sheep should eat little bushes. But the little prince added: “Then it follows that they also eat baobabs?” I pointed out to the little prince that baobabs were not little bushes, but, on the contrary, trees as big as castles; and that even if he took a whole herd of elephants away with him, the herd would not eat up one single baobab. The idea of the herd of elephants made the little prince laugh. “We would have to put them one on top of the other,” he said.

Read by Miquel Rodríguez 5th


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Tothom sap que quan és migdia als Estats Units el sol es posa a França. Si poguessis volar a França en un minut, podries anar directament a la posta del sol, des del migdia. Malauradament, França està massa lluny per a això. Però en el teu minúscul planeta, el meu Petit Príncep, tot el que has de fer és moure la teva cadira uns pocs passos. Tu pots veure el final del dia i el crepuscle sempre que ho desitgis ... "Un dia“, tu em vas dir: "Jo vaig veure la posta del sol quaranta-quatre vegades!" I una mica més tard vas afegir: “Saps, a un li encanta la posta de sol, quan està trist ..." "Estaves tan trist, llavors?", li vaig preguntar, "el dia de les quaranta-quatre postes de sol"? Però el Petit Príncep no va respondre.

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Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun is setting over France. If you could fly to France in one minute, you could go straight into the sunset, right from noon. Unfortunately, France is too far away for that. But on your tiny planet, my little prince, all you need do is move your chair a few steps. You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like...“One day,” you said to me, “I saw the sunset forty-four times!”And a little later you added: “You know, one loves the sunset, when one is so sad...” “Were you so sad, then?” I asked, “on the day of the forty-four sunsets?”But the little prince made no reply.

Read by Mariona Escoda 6th


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I si jo sé, jo, jo mateix, una flor que és única al món, que no creix enlloc més que al meu planeta, però que una petita ovella pot destruir-la d’un sol mos algun matí, sense adonar-se del que està fent. Oh! Tu penses que no és important!

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And if I know, I, myself, one flower which is unique in the world, which grows nowhere but on my planet, but which one little sheep can destroy in a single bite some morning, without even noticing what he is doing, Oh! You think that is not important!

Read by Judit Osuna 5th


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Es va trobar al barri dels asteroides 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 i 330. Ell va començar, per tant, visitant-los, per tal de coneix-se'ls. Al primer d’ells hi vivia un rei. Anava vestit de lila i ermin, ell estava assegut en un tron, que a l’hora era simple i majestuós.“Ah! Vet aquí un súbdit”, va exclamar el rei, quan va veure el Petit Príncep venint. I el Petit Príncep es va preguntar a ell mateix: “Com m’ha pogut reconèixer si no m’ha vist mai abans?”

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He found himself in the neighbourhood of the asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, and 330. He began, therefore, by visiting them, in order to add to his knowledge. The first of them was inhabited by a king. Clad in royal purple and ermine, he was seated upon a throne, which was at the same time both simple and majestic.“Ah! Here is a subject,” exclaimed the king, when he saw the little prince coming. And the little prince asked himself: “How could he recognise me when he had never seen me before?”

Read by Guillem Viudez 5th21

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El segon planeta estava habitat per un vanitós. "Ah! Ah! Estic a punt de rebre una visita d'un admirador!", va exclamar de lluny, quan va veure per primera vegada el Petit Príncep. Per als homes vanitosos, tots els altres homes són admiradors. "Bon dia", va dir el Petit Príncep. “És un barret estrany el que vostè porta“."És un barret per a saludar”, l'home vanitós va respondre.

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The second planet was inhabited by a conceited man.“Ah! Ah! I am about to receive a visit from an admirer!” he exclaimed from afar, when he first saw the little prince coming. For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers.“Good morning,” said the little prince. “That is a queer hat you are wearing.”“It is a hat for salutes,” the conceited man replied.

Read by Eduard Navarro 6th


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El següent planeta estava habitat per un bevedor. Aquesta va ser una visita molt curta, però va enfonsar el Petit Príncep en profund abatiment. "Què estàs fent aquí?", li va dir al bevedor, al qui va trobar en silenci davant d'una col·lecció d'ampolles buides i també una col·lecció d'ampolles plenes.

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The next planet was inhabited by a tippler.This was a very short visit, but it plunged the little prince into deep dejection. “What are you doing there?” he said to the tippler, whom he found settled down in silence before a collection of empty bottles and also a collection of full bottles.

Read by Marc Teixidó 6th


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El quart planeta pertanyia a un home de negocis. Aquest home estava tan ocupat que ni tan sols va aixecar el cap a l'arribada del Petit

Príncep.“Bon dia", li va dir el Petit Príncep. "El seu cigarret s’ha apagat”."Tres i dos són cinc ...”

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The fourth planet belonged to a businessman.This man was so much occupied that he did not even raise his head at the little prince’s arrival.“Good morning,” the little prince said to him. “Your cigarette has gone out.”“Three and two make five…”

Read by Manuel Mihai 5th


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El cinquè planeta era molt estrany. Era el més petit de tots. Hi havia just espai per a un fanal i un fanaler. El Petit Príncep no va ser capaç d’arribar a una explicació de l'ús d'un fanal i un fanaler, en algun lloc en el cel, en un planeta, que no tenia gent, i ni una sola casa. Però es va dir a sí mateix, però: "És molt possible que aquest home sigui absurd. Però no és tan absurd com el rei, el vanitós, l'home de negocis, i el bevedor. Almenys el seu treball té un significat. Quan encén el seu fanal, és com si ell portés una estrella més a la vida, o una flor. Quan apaga el seu fanal, envia la flor, o l'estrella, a dormir. Aquesta és una bella professió. I ja que és bonica, és realment útil ".

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The fifth planet was very strange. It was the smallest of all. There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter. The little prince was not able to reach any explanation of the use of a street lamp and a lamplighter, somewhere in the heavens, on a planet, which had no people, and not one house. But he said to himself, nevertheless: “It may well be that this man is absurd. But he is not so absurd as the king, the conceited man, the businessman, and the tippler. For at least his work has some meaning. When he lights his street lamp, it is as if he brought one more star to life, or one flower. When he puts out his lamp, he sends the flower, or the star, to sleep. That is a beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful, it is truly useful.”

Read by Genís Ribes 6th 29

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El sisè planeta era deu vegades més gran que l’últim. Estava habitat per un ancià que escrivia llibres voluminosos.“Oh, mira! Aquí hi ha un explorador!” va exclamar dintre seu quan va veure el Petit Príncep venint.El Petit Príncep es va asseure a la taula i va panteixar una mica. Ell ja havia viatjat tant i tant lluny!.

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The sixth planet was ten times larger than the last one. It was inhabited by an old gentleman who wrote voluminous books.“Oh, look! Here is an explorer!” he exclaimed to himself when he saw the little prince coming.The little prince sat down on the table and panted a little. He had already travelled so much and so far!

Read by Elisabeth Ribeiro 6th


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“ Quin lloc m'aconsella visitar ara?”, ell li va preguntar. “ El planeta Terra”, va respondre el geògraf. “Té bona reputació”. I el Petit Príncep va marxar, pensant enla seva flor. Així el setè planeta va ser la Terra.

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“What place would you advise me to visit now?” he asked. “The planet Earth,” replied the geographer. “It has a good reputation.” And the little prince went away, thinking of his flower. So then the seventh planet was the Earth.

Read by J. Francisco Moreno 5th


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El Petit Príncep va travessar el desert i va trobar només una flor. Era una flor amb tres pètals, una flor sense cap importància. "Bon dia”, va dir el Petit Príncep. "Bon dia”, va dir la flor. "On són els homes?", va preguntar el Petit Príncep, educadament. La flor una vegada havia vist una caravana passar. "Els homes?”, va repetir ella. "Crec que n’existeixen sis o set. Jo els vaig veure, fa varios anys. Però un mai sap on trobar-los. El vent se'ls emporta. Ells no tenen arrels, i això fa la seva vida molt difícil ".“Adéu”, va dir el Petit Príncep. “Adéu”, va dir la flor.

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The little prince crossed the desert and met with only one flower. It was a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all.“Good morning,” said the little prince.“Good morning,” said the flower.“Where are the men?” the little prince asked, politely. The flower had once seen a caravan passing.“Men?” she echoed. “I think there are six or seven of them in existence. I saw them, several years ago. But one never knows where to find them. The wind blows them away. They have no roots, and that makes their life very difficult.”“Goodbye,” said the little prince.“Goodbye,” said the flower. Read by Sinead Serra 5th


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“Tu no vius aquí”, va dir la guineu. “ Què busques aquí?”“Jo busco homes”, va dir el Petit Príncep. “Què vol dir, ‘domar’?”“ Homes”, va dir la guineu. “Ells tenen pistoles, i ells cacen. Això és molt inquietant. “Ells també crien gallines. Aquests són els seus únics interessos. Tu busques gallines?”“ No”, va dir el Petit Príncep. “ Jo busco amics. Què vol dir, ‘domar’?” “És un acte sovint massa descuidat”, va dir la guineu. Això vol dir establir llaços”.

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“You do not live here,” said the fox. “What is it that you are looking for?”“I am looking for men,” said the little prince. “What does that mean, ‘tame’?”“Men,” said the fox. “They have guns, and they hunt. It is very disturbing. They also raise chickens. These are their only interests. Are you looking for chickens?”“No,” said the little prince. “I am looking for friends. What does that mean, ‘tame’?”“It is an act too often neglected,” said the fox. It means to establish ties.”

Read by Aina Ribes 5th37

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I va tornar a trobar-se amb la guineu. "Adéu“, va dir. "Adéu“, va dir la guineu. "I ara aquí està el meu secret, un secret molt simple: És només amb el cor que un pot veure correctament; l'essencial és invisible als ulls". "L'essencial és invisible als ulls“, va repetir el Petit Príncep, per tal d’estar segur de recordar.

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And he went back to meet the fox. “Goodbye,” he said.“Goodbye,” said the fox. “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”“What is essential is invisible to the eye,” the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.

Read by Christian Serrano 6th


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El pou al que havíem arribat no era com els pous del Sàhara. Els pous del Sàhara són simples forats excavats a la sorra. Aquest era com un pou d’un poble. Però no hi havia cap poble allí, i vaig pensar jo dec estar somiant ... "És estrany”, li vaig dir al Petit Príncep. "Tot està llest per a utilitzar: la politja, la galleda, la corda ..." Va riure, va tocar la corda, i va ajustar la politja.

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The well that we had come to was not like the wells of the Sahara. The wells of the Sahara are mere holes dug in the sand. This one was like a well in a village. But there was no village here, and I thought I must be dreaming...“It is strange,” I said to the little prince. “Everything is ready for use: the pulley, the bucket, the rope...” He laughed, touched the rope, and set the pulley to working.

Read by Sara Rojals 6th


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Estava només a vint metres de la paret, i encara no veia res. Desprès d’un silenci el Petit Príncep va parlar de nou: ”Tens verí bo? Estàs segura que no em farà patir molt temps?”. Jo vaig aturar en sec, amb el cor fet miques però encara no entenia. "Ara marxa”, va dir el Petit Príncep. "Vull baixar de la paret”.

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I was only twenty metres from the wall, and I still saw nothing. After a silence the little prince spoke again: “You have good poison? You are sure that it will not make me suffer too long?” I stopped in my tracks, my heart torn asunder; but still I did not understand. “Now go away,” said the little prince. “I want to get down from the wall.”

Read by Ingrid Sans 5th


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Aquest és, per a mi, el paisatge més bell i més trist del món.És el mateix que en la pàgina anterior, però l’he dibuixat de nou per a estampar-lo en la teva memòria.

  Aquí és on el Petit Príncep va aparèixer a la Terra, i va desaparèixer.

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This is, to me, the loveliest and saddest landscape in the world.It is the same as that on the preceding page, but I have drawn it again to impress it on your memory. It is here that the little prince appeared on Earth, and disappeared.

Read by Roger Doménech 5th


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Mes Cultural 2014 Sant Miquel school


• The Little Prince pdf

• Youtube story



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