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Page 1: 3 Round Stones Briefing to U.S. EPA's Chief Data Scientist on Open Data

Bernadette Hyland

CEO & co-founder

11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 850

Reston, VA 20190

Tel. +1-571-331-3758

[email protected]@BernHyland

[email protected]@3RoundStones

Extend Your Reach.

Linked Data for Smarter Decisions.

Follow up information prepared forRobin Thottungal, Chief Data Scientist / Director of Analytics

US Environmental Protection Agency - Feb 26, 2016

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Today’s reality at EPA

»Tens of thousands of sources

»Many formats - JSON, XML, CSV, PDF, PPT, SHP, SHX, text, binary…

»Thousands of data silos

»No single source of truth

»Varied interpretations

»Brittle interfaces - lack of interoperability

Image Credit: Smart Data Collective

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Wide Variety of Data at EPA


Image Credit: MarkLogic, see

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Credit: Frederick Giasson, Data Scientist & Software Developer,

Potential at EPA …

• Findable data

• Accessible data

• Interoperable data

• Re-usable data

• Shared context

• Data Platforms (HDFS, NoSQL)

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Linked Data is helping to extend & augmentEPA’s significant investment in enterprise relational technologies


By leveraging NoSQL Data Platforms that rigorously adhere to international data interoperability standards. *

* Relevant international data exchange standards are published by the W3C, OGC, IEEE

Image Credit: MarkLogic

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Graph databases, as a subset of NoSQL databases, are the most efficient way to look at the relationships between data

items, patterns of relationships and interactions.Image Credit: Cray, see

Graph Databases 101

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Hadoop Integration»While over 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last two

years, EPA has tremendous variety of data requires the “right tool for the job”

»Historic data (“short, wide, complex data”) vs.

»Granular sensor & GIS data (“long skinny data”)

»Core mission-based systems with robust historic data, includes:

»Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)

»Facilities Registry (FRS)

»RCRA Handler

»EPA’s enterprise information architecture should include a data platform that leverages Hadoop: HDFS and MapReduce, and accommodates EPA’s robust data landscape.

»Must support modern, open source tools for application development, visualizations, crowdsourcing, and deployment on the Web

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One option - MarkLogic Integrates Hadoop Ecosystem &EPA’s Robust Data Landscape

Image Credit:

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EPA Robust Data Ecosystem is adaptable using a Linked Data Approach

» Makes data integration faster and easier » By using a global addressing scheme, HTTP URIs.

» Uses semantics to “glue” together data faster.» Common semantic definitions link traditional relational

models.» No more out of data documentation using standard


» Robust search and discovery by leveraging the semantic graph.

» Scales to the Web!


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All modern data platforms deployed at EPA should

»Support options for data modeling - Linked Data (JSON-LD, RDF), SQL (JSON, XML)

»Native store and query of documents, blobs and structured data.

»Standards-based query interface across documents and data, e.g., Full support for SPARQL 1.1

»Offer enterprise functionality including high availability & disaster recovery, scalability & elasticity, ACID transactions

»Be deployable on FedRamp certified cloud provider certifying controls for security, high availability, disaster recovery

»Scale to billions of statements, triples, etc.

»Store unstructured data across clusters like Hadoop, making it easy to move data partitions.

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»Much but not all of EPA’s data is well suited for a Linked Data approach.

»Linked Data is based on 20+ year old idea, a system of linked information systems


David WoodMarsha ZaidmanLuke RuthWITH Michael Hausenblas

FOREWORD BY Tim Berners-Lee

Structured data on the Web

Linked Data

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Goals: Governmental transparency and/or improved internal efficiencies

Governments Worldwide are using a Linked Data Approach

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Linked Data Apps use data from many

EPA programs and other Open Data Sources

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Linked Data Management SystemFor government open data publishing

Funded by

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Linked Data Platform is in QA now! Anticipated to move to production in 2016.

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shared innovation™

Search for facilities where we live. Unlike many EPA Web portals, linked data is human AND machine readable data. No screen scraping is required. Encourages re-use (discourages data silos)

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The EPA Linked Data service CONNECTS data silos, and provides familiar map and table data views

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Click to drill down to pollution reports that combine data from 5 previously unconnected data silos.

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Click through to the source of the pollution data via the source reports (TRI).

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EPA collects granular pollution data. Linked Data opens up the data to a much wider audience in a human readable format.

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Previously, only people who employed complex screen scraping techniques could get at this data. Now, EPA open data is available using an international data standard, with one click!

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Good news story!Pollution graphs created in one week using Open Source Software & EPA Linked Data

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Use of shared vocabularies, e.g. Places, Geographis, Dublin Core, Geo, FOAF, ORG, Vcard are the “lingua franca” of data interoperability

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Case StudyUsing EPA Linked Data to assist chronic asthma/COPD patients

with timely weather alerts

Funded by

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DBpediaNational Library of Medicine

US EPA SunWise

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Case Study: OrgpediaAn open organizational data project

on public & private companies

Funded by

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Using the Callimachus Open Source Data Platform, we rapidly built a crowdsourcing platform.

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3 Round Stones provides commercial application

support on the cloud or behind the enterprise firewall using


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Callimachus supports

in-browser development

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Callimachus Enterprise customers are creating data-driven applications with data from leading graph


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Callimachus is a scalable Web application server for publishing and consuming open data

Who uses it?

• Government, international publishers, healthcare / life sciencesWhat pain does Callimachus address?

• Integration of data silos where a graph approach is needed• Rapid creation of visualizations, dashboards (mashups) & info graphics• Less expensive solution to a data warehouse

Example apps?

• Collaborative knowledge management • Publishing workflow• Drug discovery / clinical trials • Predictive Analytics

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data interoperability & portability

Supports:• HTML5, XHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript• XQuery, XProc, XPath, XSLT• SPARQL 1.1 Query, Update, Federated Query,

Service Description, Property Paths, Graph Store HTTP Protocol


Callimachus is fanatical about

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Contractor (3 Round Stones, Inc.)


Application, Script or automated client

Web Browser

SPARQL endpointREST APIResource URIs

Linked Data management systemlocated at a Tier 1 Cloud Provider

(FISMA compliant)

RDF Database

Registered developer

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Enterprise Data Documents

Read/ Write

Point to, include

Callimachus Enterprise

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“Big Data Is Important, but Open Data Is More Valuable” As change agents, enterprise architects can help

their organizations become richer through strategies such as open data.

David Newman, VP Research, Gartner

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Open Source Enterprise License

Community supported Commercial support

in-browser development, deployment, backups

Linked Data publication

User profiles, social sharing

Document, app management

OpenAnnotation support

External datasources

Shared deployments

Realms (virtual hosts)

Enterprise management

Cloud deployments


Callimachus™, the Callimachus logo, Callimachus Enterprise™, the Callimachus Enterprise logo and tagline, are trademarks of 3 Round

Stones, Inc. and are registered in the United States and abroad. Copyright © 2011-2016 3 Round Stones, Inc. All rights reserved.

Callimachus Enterprise

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