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Page 1: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards



Exitus Weapons Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Exitus Ammunition Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Exitus Weapons are purpose-built for each individual

Vindicare sniper. They are manufactured as matched

sets of a pistol and a rifle. Both use the same high

powered rounds with armor piercing tips for general

purpose executions. They also accept a variety of

special ammunition types for particularly well-

protected targets. Remember that the Vindicare

Assassin's Marksman skill allows him to increase the

long range by 50%.

Special Exitus Ammunition types may only be used with an Exitus

Pistol or Longrifle. A Vindicare Assassin carries one each of the

following rounds; each round may only be used once during the battle.

Shield-Breaker. If the target is protected by a force field the field is automatically destroyed and may not be used for the rest of the battle. If the target has no force field it takes normal damage. There are no exceptions to this, even Tyranid Zoanthrope's warp fields, Eldar Warlock's Rune armor and the Psychic Shield, Force Dome and Aura of Fire psychic powers can be destroyed by a shield-Breaker round.

Turbo-Penetrator. This has a -6 saving throw modifier and inflicts double damage (2 wounds). When rolling for armor penetration, roll d6+5 and double the result.

Hellfire. Always wounds on 2+ against living targets and causes d6 wounds. Hellfire shells affect Tyranids, but do nothing to daemonic creatures. Note that this does not have a splash effect like a heavy bolter hellfire shell.

Exitus Longrifle

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-18 18-36 +1 +1 5 1 -3 d6+5

Exitus Pistol

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special 0-6 6-12 +2 -1 5 1 -3 d6+5


Stealth Suit

Paid for in Assassin Point Cost Spy Mask

Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

The Stealth Suit combines chameleon chemicals

with the ordinary synskin worn by Imperial

Assassins. The combination of the Stealth Suit

and a Vindicare Assassin's training means that if

the Assassin fires while he is hiding, he is not

spotted- instead flip over the Hidden counter to

show that he is only Detected. Note that the

Stealth Suit does not stop the Vindicare Assassin

being detected by troops within their Initiative

distance, or who gain a clear of sight by moving

around the cover that conceals him.

The Spy Mask contains cartridges of

concentrated food and water for extended

operations and a multi-channel comm sensor for

monitoring enemy communications. However,

the main feature of the Spy Mask is a wide

spectrum visor which can pick out heat and

energy sources at tremendous distances. This

enables the Assassin to fire at Hidden models

with a -6 to hit modifier or Detected models with

a -3 to hit modifier. These to hit modifiers are in

addition to any others for cover, movement, etc.


Page 2: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

C'tan Phase Sword Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Neural Shredder Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

The Phase Sword was found on one of the long dead

worlds of the C'tan. Excavations by the Adeptus

Mechanicus uncovered numerous artifacts of

extremely advanced technology but of their makes,

the enigmatic C'tan, there was no evidence.

The blade of the Phase Sword is unusual in its ability

to phase in and out of real-space by molecular

realignment, so it is capable of bypassing armor and

protective fields. A model wounded by a C'tan Phase

Sword does not receive an armor save, even for armor


The Neural Shredder is of unknown origin, although

some speculate that it is but one of a range of psychic

weapons developed by the Adeptus Astra

Telepathica. If, at the end of the Imperial player's

hand to hand phase, the Callidus Assassin is not in

base to base contact with any enemy models then she

may fire the Neural Shredder. To fire the Neural

Shredder place the Flamer template so that the

pointed end is touching the Assassin. Any models

wholly under the template are hit automatically, while

models partially under the template are hit on a d6

roll of 4+. All models hit must pass a Leadership test

with a -2 modifier to their Leadership

characteristic. If the test is failed the model suffers

one wound with a -3 saving throw modifier. Armor

fields do not protect against the Neural Shredder.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat - - 5 1 no save 2d6+5 parry


Polymorphine Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Poison Blades Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

The Callidus Assassin is not deployed at the start of

the game. Instead, the player may reveal at any time

that the Callidus Assassin is in fact disguised as one

of the enemy! The player can select an Ork, Squat,

Human,Genestealer Hybrid or Eldar and substitute

the Callidus Assassin for that model. The model

must be a basic trooper model and not a character

model, vehicle crewman or have a heavy weapon. In

addition, as armor restricts the movement of the

Assassin, the model the Assassin replaces cannot

have an armor saving throw better than 3+ on

1d6. The Assassin discards any captured wargear as

she casts off her disguise and has only the weapons

and wargear normally carried.

A Callidus Assassin frequently has to operate with

little or no weaponry. However, a Callidus Assassin

is never totally unarmed and will always manage to

secrete several needle-like Poison Blades about her

person. The Callidus Assassin can drive through

weak points in armor, such as eyes and other exposed


If there are any enemy models in base to base contact

with the Assassin at the end of the hand to hand

combat phase, she may attack one with the Poison

Blade. The Poison Blade hits on a d6 roll of 3+,

inflicting a S4 hit that causes 1 wound, with no armor

saving throw allowed. Armor fields may save as



Page 3: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Executor Pistol Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Sentinel Array Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

The Executor Pistol is standard issue for all Eversor Assassins and consists of a master-crafted bolt pistol with a combined needle

pistol. The Assassin must decide whether he wishes to fire the needle

pistol or the master-crafted bolt pistol, he can not fire both in the same

shot. The Assassin may use his Fast Shot skill to split shots between

the needle pistol and the master-crafted bolt pistol. See the Wargear

book for details of the needle pistol.

The Sentinel Array is a pack containing

motion trackers and target acquistion

systems, allowing the Eversor Assassin to

sense enemy troop movements from all

sides. The Sentinel Array enables the

Eversor Assassin to spot Hidden troops at

double his Initiative distance. In addition,

the Eversor Assassin has a 360º fire arc, this

means he may fire his weapons in any

direction he chooses.

Weapon Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap /


Bolt Pistol 0-12 12-24 +2 +1 4 1 -1 d6+4

Needle Pistol 0-8 8-16 +2 - 3 1 -1 d6+3


Neuro-Gauntlet Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Eversor Combat Drugs Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

The Neuro-Gauntlet consists of an exo-skeleton hyper-alloy glove, with

neuro-toxin injectors fitted into the fingers. The lethal toxins mean that

enemies die in an excruciatingly painful and violent manner. Against

living targets the following rules apply: Any squad which takes a

casualty from the Neuro-Gauntlet must make an immediate Break

test. If a model is wounded by the Neuro-Gauntlet but isn't killed then the potent cocktail of acids and toxins will halve all its characteristics

(rounding all fractions up) including any remaining wounds, for the rest

of all battle. The Eversor temple constantly modifies the toxins and

acids used in the Neuro-Gauntlet so that they remain effective against

all potential enemies, this includes Tyranid creatures. However,there

are no known toxins to affect daemons; a daemonic creature wounded

by the Neuro-Gauntlet does not halve its characteristics.

The Eversor Assassin may take one dose of any one of the following

drugs at the beginning of his turn. There are enough doses to last the

entire battle.

Fury. The Assassin may triple his movement when he charges or runs. This lasts for the duration of the turn.

Terminus. Until the end of your opponent's next turn, the Assassin may carry on fighting and will not explode even if he is reduced to 0 wounds! However, if the Assassin is still on 0 wounds at the end of your opponent's next turn or at the end of the game, then he will die and explode as normal.

Destroyer. During his turn, if the Assassin kills his opponent and uses his follow up move to enter another close combat, he may attack again immediately. After each follow up move, roll a d6. On a 1-3 the Assassin gets no more attacks this turn, on a 4-6 he may fight another round of combat immediately.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat - - 7 1 -4 d6+d12+7 See Rules


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Etherium Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Force Matrix Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

The Etherium is a highly advanced form Aegis Suit, built into the Culexus Assassin's synskin. This, combined with the Culexus

Assassin's innate abilities, means that psychic attacks pass right through

him as if he were invisible. This makes it very difficult for weapons

that are in any way connected to the warp to harm him. If he is attacked

by warp weapons such as force swords, Witch Blades, Vortex grenades,

D-cannons or psychic powers then roll a dice. On a d6 roll or 2 or

more the attack has no effect on the Culexus Assassin, although the attack is not nullified. Force weapons may still wound the

Assassin. However, the psyker may not add his mastery level to the

strength or use extra force cards to enhance the attack. If the attack has

a blast marker, then other models within the blast may still be

affected. A bolt that hits the first model in its path may pass right

through a Culexus Assassin and continue until it hits another model or

runs out of range. This is a unique way of avoiding psychic attacks and

even provides protection against powers played with the Ultimate Force warp card.

The Force Matrix consists of a series of psychic conduits that run within the Assassin's Etherium and is made from a material similar to

that used in force weapons. When a psyker taps into the warp, he is not

totally efficient at using all th energy: a lot of excess energy is simply

left to dissipate. The Force Matrix acts as a conductor, absorbing this

excess warp energy providing the Culexus Assassin, who is unable to

tap directly into the warp, with a source of warp energy. The closer the

Culexus Assassin gets to psykers, the more energy the Force Matrix

will absorb. At the beginning of each psychic phase roll a d3 to determine the number of force points that the Force Matrix absorbs. In

addition, for each psyker within 12" you may add +1 to the score. So, if

two psykers are within 12" of the Culexus Assassin, the Force Matrix

will absorb d3+2 force points. Force points can be used to fire blasts

from the Animus Speculum. Any force points left at the end of the

psychic phase are lost as the Force Matrix is unable to store warp

energy for a prolonged period of time. If the Energy Drain card is

played then any force points are lost and the psychic phase ends as normal.


Animus Speculum Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

Psyk-Out Grenades Paid for in Assassin Point Cost

As well as acting as a restraining device, the Animus Speculum is a

weapon capable of firing lethal blasts of negative psychic energy. By

focusing the Assassin's aura through the single eye on the front it becomes a thin beam of energy, burning the target's brain and sucking

out its soul. These blast can be deadly to all but psykers who rely upon

the warp energy are particularly vulnerable and can find themselves

robbed of their powers. In the psychic phase the Culexus Assassin may

use the Animus Speculum to unleash blasts of negative psychic

energy. The Assassin may fire one blast for each force point used to

power the Animus Speculum (using force points gained from the Force

Matrix). Regardless of the number of force points the Culexus has, no more than three blasts may be fired in any one psychic phase. Roll to

hit for each blast separately, using the Culexus Assassin's BS, just like a

normal shooting attack.The Culexus Assassin may fire blasts while in

hand to hand combat but these must be fired against foes in base to base

contact. Each blast may be fired at a different target as long as it is in

the Assassin's arc of fire. If a blast wounds a psyker then there is a

chance that the blast will destroy one of his powers. Both players should secretly roll a d6 and add as many force cards as they want to,

the Culexus Assassin using force points from his Force Matrix. Both

players then reveal their score. If the psyker gets the higher score or the

result is a tie, then he has defended himself against the Culexus

Assassin. If the Culexus Assassin gets the higher score then he wins

the psychic combat and the psyker must discard one of his powers,

chosen at random. The warp cards Reflection, Daemonic Attack and

Destroy Power may not be used to stop the blasts and have no effect; a psyker may only attempt to nullify a blast that id fired directly at

him. Each blast must be nullified individually and counts as having the

same mastery level as the psyker. This means that it will always be

nullified on a d6 roll of 4 or more. The effects of each blast are

summarized below.

Psyk-Out Grenades are used exclusively by the

Culexus temple and the Daemon Hunters of the Ordo

Malleus. Each grenade is similar in design to a frag

grenade. however it is laced with a highly dangerous

substance that is only produced by the Golden Throne

on Terra. The dust like substance is heavily

impregnated with negative psychic energy and is very

rare. When some has been collected, the Imperium's

finest armorers use the dust to make Psyk-Out

Grenades and Psycannon rounds. The grenade has a

2" blast marker; roll to hit and scatter as normal. The

grenade detonates with the same effect as a frag

grenade, resolves any hits and wounds as normal. In

addition, any psykers either wholly or partially under

the blast marker will be affected by the negative

psychic energy. The psyker may not use any of his

powers for the rest of his turn. Any psychic powers

that the psyker has in play at that moment are

automatically nullified and any force cards stored in a

force weapon or similar item must be

discarded. Every time the Assassin uses a Psyk-Out

Grenade roll a d6. On a roll of 1 or 2 the grenades

have run out and may not be used for the rest of the


Weapon Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap /


Blast 0-12 12-24 +1 - 5 1 -5 2d6+5

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

3 1 -1 - Psychic null-



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Blood Angels:

Death Mask of


15 Points

Inferno Pistol

10 Points

Dante's armor incorporates an incredibly

liflike golden mask that is said to have been

modelled upon the features of

Sanguinius. In battle it appears to come to

life and a halo of golden energy plays about

the wearer's head striking terror into the

hearts of his enemies.

The wearer of the helmet causes terror as

described in the Warhammer 40,000


The Inferno Pistol is a beautifully crafted weapon

that dates back to the Dark Age of Technology. It

uses similar principles to those used for a melta-gun

to literally melt its target.

The weapon takes a few seconds to recharge after

each shot and this meand that if it used in hand to

hand combat then only the very first hit inflicted in

each round of combat can be with the pistol. Any

further hits will be inflicted with Dante's power axe.

Weapon Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap /


Blast 0-6 +1 - 8 d3 -4 d6+d3+8



Red Grail

100 Points

Shroud of


50 Points

The Red Grail is used to hold the Blood of

Sanguinary Priests during the induction rituals that

are performed when a Blood Angel joins the

Chapter. Its presence on the battle field has a

strange effect on the Blood Angels, enhancing the

physical and psychological aspects which are most

closely linked with their Primarch.

Any Blood Angels within 12" of the Grail add +2 to

their Movement characteristics and have their

Strength and Weapon Skill increased by 1 point each.

The Shroud is kept in a box protected by a stasis

field. If the stasis field is turned off any Blood Angels

nearby will be driven into a ecstatic state by the

psychic vibrations.

The Guardian of the Shroud may choose to activate or

deactivate the stasis field at the start of any Blood

Angels turn. As long as the field is turned off any

Blood Angels within 12" of the shroud become

subject to frenzy. When the stasis field is reactivated

the Blood Angels will return to normal. Note that the

bearer of the Shroud is not affected by frenzy when

the field is deactivated.



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Inferno Bolts

20 Points

Daemon Weapon

25 Points

Inferno bolts are sorcerous boltgun or bolt pistol

shells which have been inscribed with arcane runes

that writhe with blue-white fire. The bolts can be

used whenever the model fires in the shooting phase

instead of ordinary bolt ammunition (though the bolts

may not be used in conjunction with rapid fire). If

they hit a target the bolts explode with the same

effects as the psychic power Tzeentch's Fire

Storm. The Strength value of the fire storm is equal

to the mastery level of the Sorcerer using the bolts

instead of its normal Strength of 5. Targets with

saving throws against psychic attacks may take them

as normal against Inferno bolts. Otherwise armor and

energy fields have no effect.

A daemon weapon contains the bound essence of a

daemon from the warp, lending the wielder

supernatural power and ferocity. A model wielding a

daemon weapon in hand to hand combat gains +2 to

their WS and Strength characteristics and always

wounds psykers and daemons on a roll of 2 or more

on a d6 regardless of their Toughness. Living models

wounded by a daemon weapon during the hand to

hand combat phase must roll a Ld test on 2d6

immediately. If they fail the test their soul is

wrenched from their body and consumed by the

weapon-killing the model instantly regardless of



Black Staff of Ahriman

25 Points


10 Points

The Black Staff is a potent focus of psychic

energy. Whenever Ahriman uses a psychic

power the Black Staff reduces the number of

force cards needed to power it by 1 to a

minimum of one, so force 2 powers only

require one force card to use and force 3

powers only need two force cards to use. In

hand to hand combat the powerful energies

of the Black Staff add +4 to Ahriman's

Strength charcteristic.

Gorechild is a deadly weapon capable of

splitting an armored Space Marine from

head to crotch with one blow and is doubly

dangerous in the hands of Kharn. Kharn is

so familiar with Gorechild that in hand to

hand combat he may re-roll any fumbles

(1's) on his attack dice.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat - - 7 1 -4 d6+d12+7 See above


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The Daemon Sword Drach'nyen

25 Points

The Talon of


30 Points

Drach'nyen rips through steel, flesh and bone without

resistance, making a mockery of physical armor. Any

hits inflicted by the sword will wound automatically

and the victim recieves no saving throw for armor,

though umnodifiable saves can be taken as

normal. Vehicles struck by the sword have their

armor penetrated automatically. Psykers and daemons

which suffer a hit from the sword will take d3

wounds instead of 1.

The Talon of Horus is an evil incarnate to

the Imperium, it causes terror in Imperial

forces, except for Blood Angels Space

Marines, which are affected by the

psychology rules for hatred instead. The

claw mounts an early custom storm bolter on

its back so it can be used to either make a

shooting attack or fight in close combat in a

turn but not both.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Mod / Ap / Special

Close Combat - 1 auto auto parry

Weapon Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap /


0-12 12-24 +1 - 5 1 -2 d6+5 1 sus.


Close Combat only 8 d3 -56 d6+d20+d3+8 parry


Xyclos Needler

25 Points

The Chirurgeon

30 Points

Before rolling to hit, select a serum to fire. If a target's armor/field

saving throw fails, the serum affects them autmatically, no roll to

wound is needed. Serums only affect living creatures. Against other

targets the needler uses its basic profile. Xyclos A automatically

inflicts d3 wounds per hit. Xyclos B causes psychotic visions. Roll d6+2 on the Hallucinogen Effect Table (Wargear book, p59). Targets

of Xyclos C automatically catch fire as if ignited by a flamer. The

flames can't be smothered but might go out on their own. If the model

dies, it explodes with the same effects as a Plasma grenade.

The Chirurgeon is a complex part magical, part

technological machine which pumps daemon ichor

around Bile's body, giving him special powers and

invulnerabilities as detailed in Codex Chaos. In

addition the Chirurgeon contains a Frenzon dispenser

implanted directly into Bile's heart (see p71 of the

Wargear book for details) and its articulated drill and

saw arms mean Bile rolls an additional 2 attack dice

in hand to hand combat. Note that the +2 attacks are

added after any doubling of his attacks for frenzy.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special 0-12 12-24 +2 +1 (3) 1 -1 d6+3 1 sus. fire dice


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Rod of Torment

25 Points

Chaos Terminator


70 Points

The daemon-froged Rod of Torment amplifies the

slightest pin prick into a raging weal of agony. Any

opponent suffering 1 or more wounds from the Rod

of Torment is immediately disabled by the pain and

removed as a casualty even if they have any

remaining wounds. In addition the model must pass a

Ld test om 2d6 or let out a tortured scream so horrible

that any friendly models within 8" must make a Break


Abaddon's Terminator Armor has been

blessed by the fickle Powers of Chaos so

that it is far stronger than the earthly

materials it was once made od. The armor

affords Abaddon a 2+ saving throw on 2d6

and will nullify any psychic power used

against him or which includes him in its area

of effect on a d6 roll of 4 or more. Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Mod / Ap / Special

Close Combat as user 1 as user varies -


The Tyrant's Claw

35 Points

The Tyrant's Claw is a monstrous, bear like bionic

arm and shoulder which was built to replace Huron's

own arm. The Claw incorporates a built-in heavy

flamer for close range combat and a number of hooks

and blades which allow Huron to parry in hand to

hand combat. The Claw can be used in the shooting

phase or the hand to hand phase of a turn, not both.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Mod / Ap / Special

Close Combat Only 8 1 -5 d6+d20+8 parry

Hvy. Flamer Template 5 d3 -3 d6+d3+5 parry



15 Points


20 Points


The model carries a mighty Axe of Khorne,

suffused with chaotic power and laden with

death! A hit from the Axe of Khorne causes

not 1 wound on its victim but D3 wounds

(roll a d6: 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3). In

addition, the wepon adds +1 to the wielder's



The Chaos Champion has been favored by

Khorne and has received the Blood God's

unholy blessing. The model may retake any

failed armor save. Note that this reward will

not work on any types of save other than

armor saves.


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50 Points


30 Points


The model rides a Juggernaut of Khorne that

has been gifted to him by the Chaos

God. The special rules and characteristics

for the Juggernaut can be found in the

Daemonic Creatures section of Codex


COLLAR OF KHORNE The Collar of Khorne that hangs around the model's

neck is said to be forged from the heat of Khorne's

rage at the very foot of the Blood God's throne of

brass. The power of the collar is to suck the energy

of the warp from around it, fortifying the wearer and

also protecting it from psychic attack. As a result

force weapons lose their Strength bonus and cannot

wound the wearer automatically if he is a daemon and

psychic attacks that target the wearer or include it in

their area of effect are nullified and will not work.



5 Points


25 Points


Slaanesh has gifted the vafored Champion

with the ability to emit a dreadful, soul-

numbing scream. When the model charges

it causes fear as described in the Psychology

section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


The model rides a Steed of Slaanesh which

has been gifted to him by the Chaos

God. The characteristics and special rules

for Steeds can be found in the Daemonic

Creatures section of the Codex Chaos.


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10 Points


20 Points


The Chaos Champion has been granted the

ability to direct a lurid, eldritch gaze towards

nearby enemies, distracting them and

weakening their resolve. Any enemy models

attempting to fight the Champion in hand to

hand combat have their Attacks

characteristics reduced by -1 point.

ALLURE OF SLAANESH In hand to hand combat, enemy models must test

against their Leadership on 3d6 to be able to

strike this model. If they fail the test then they

fight normally, but if they win the combat they

will not strike the model and so many hits are

wasted and the combat is treated as a

draw. Once an enemy model has passed the test,

it need not test again.



40 Points


5 Points


The model is accompanied by a Beast of Nurgle

that has been gifted to him by the Chaos

God. The characteristics and special rules for

the Beast can be found in the Daemonic

Creatures section of Codex Chaos. The Beast

will attempt to remain within 6" of its master at

all times. In effect, the two form a special unit

and must obey the Unit Coherency rules.



A cloud of flies surrounds the model. All

enemy models in base to base contact suffer

a -1 modifier to their Weapon Skill, whether

they are attacking the model with Cloud of

Flies or another.



5 Points


15 Points


After making normal attacks in hand to hand combat,

roll a d6 for each mortal enemy model in base to base

contact. On a roll of 6 they contract Nurgle's rot and

suffer a single wound. No saving throw of any kind

are allowed against Nurgle's Rot, so it cannot be

stopped by energy fields, dodged, stopped by a medi-

squig and so on. Note that this only applies to mortal

foes, not to other daemons, vehicles, Avatars or


PLAGUESWORD The Plaguesword drips with venomous slime. A

wound from a Plaguesword will kill mortal

creatures outright on a d6 roll of 4 or more,

regardless of how many wounds they have. On a

roll of 1-3 the Plaguesword only causes 1

wound. Note that this only applies to mortal

foes, not to other daemons, vehicles, Avatars or



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30 Points


40 Points


The model rides a Disc of Tzeentch which

has been gifted to him by the Chaos

God. The characteristics and special rules

for Discs can be found in the Daemonic

Creatures section of Codex Chaos.

FORTUNE OF TZEENTCH A model with this Reward is allowed to use a nullify each psychic phase just as if they had been dealt a Nullify card. This nullify always works on a roll of 4+, no matter what the psychic levels of the models involved.



10 Points


25 Points


The model may breathe fire. This allows the

model to attack in the shooting phase as if it

were armed with a flamer. This is treated

exactly the same as any other weapon attack,

so if the model breathes fire it may not make

any other shooting attacks in the same turn,

and it may not breathe fire if engaged in

hand to hand combat.

DESTINY OF TZEENTCH If any army includes a model with this Chaos Reward then the force cards are always dealt to that side first, even in the psychic phase of an opponent's turn. In addition, that side always gets to use the first psychic power. If both sides have a Sorcerer with this Reward the two cancel out and the normal rules apply.


Page 12: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Dark Angels:

Standard of


50 Points

Standard of


25 Points

The Standard of Devastation reminds the

Dark Angels that they must meet any attack

with devastating retaliation.

Any Dark Angels within 6" of the standard

is allowed to shoot if they are charged by the

enemy, just as if the model had been in


The Standard of Retribution serves to remind the

Dark Angels that the enemies of the Emperor can

never be forgiven. It inspires them to carry on

fighting under any circumstances, smiting their foes

with righteous fury. Any Dark Angels within 6" of the standard will

always inflict at least 1 hit in hand to hand combat,

even if they lose or draw against the opponent. Note

that under these circumstances the opposing model

will also score 1 or more hits which may result in

both models being killed!




Standard of


50 Points

The Lion Helm

25 Points

This standard celebrates the unstoppable

courage and tenacity of the Chapter. It will

inspire any Dark Angels nearby to attack the

enemy with grim determination, advancing

steadily while unleashing a hail of fire at the


Any Dark Angels within 6" of the standard

are allowed to move up to 4" and rapid fire

in the same turn.

The Lion Helm creates a dome of energy with a

radius of 3" around the helmet. Models within the

force bubble receive 4+ unmodified save against any

attacks that originate from outside the bubble. The

save applies to all attacks, including psychic

attacks. Note that the save does not apply if the

attacker is within the force bubble too. Models may

not use personal fields within the energy bubble, even

against opponents also inside the field because you

may not use more than one field at the same time.




Page 13: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Sword of Secrets

10 Points

Book of Salvation


The Sword of Secrets was cut from a single

block of jet black obsidian. The blade is so

incredibly well crafted that it has not

chipped or lost its razor edge over the


The Sword of Secrets is a potent close

combat weapon and has the following


This book lists all the names of the Fallen

that have been captured by the Drak Angels

during their great crusade and they will

never willingly let it fall into enemy hands.

If the Grand Master is slain, then do not

remove his body. Place it on its side and

leave it on the table top. The first Dark

Angel to reach the body will retrieve the

book instead of attacking that turn. Until the

book has been picked up all the Dark Angels

are immune to psychology, will never break

and may add +1 to their Weapon

Skill. However, if the Dark have failed to

retrieve the book by the end of the game

then they lose 10 victory points.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Mod / Ap / Special

Close Combat 6 1 -4 d6+d3+8




Blades of Reason

25 Points

Although not primarily designed for combat,

the Blades of Reason can be used this

way. Any living opponent who suffers even

a single wound from the Blades is

incapcitated and should be removed as a

casualty, even if they have 1 or more

wounds remaining

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Mod / Ap / Special

Close Combat 5 1 -2 d6+3 See



Page 14: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards


The Sword of Asur

10 Points

The Staff of Ulthamar

18 points

The Sword of Asur is a massive power blade

of ancient origin. It can be wielded in one or

both hands, permitting its user the option of

fighting with two weapons or inflicting a

single devastating attack. The Sword of

Asur is imbued with the psychic power of

Asurmen so it negates daemonic saving

throws just like a force weapon.

This ancient force staff is carried by the chief of the Farseers of Ulthwe

and forms a hyperspatial link with the infinity circuit of that Craftworld. At the end of the psychic phase unused force cards may be

stored in the staff instead of discarded. There is no maximum number

of force cards that can be stored in this way. Stored cards enhance the

wielders Strength and can be expended in future psychic phases by

adding them back to the player's hand. In hand to hand combat the staff

may be used as a weapon and increases the wielder's Strength by his

mastery (i.e. 4) plus 1 for each card stored in the staff. NB: stored cards are not expended when used to enhance hand to hand combat. In

combat against daemons the wielder wounds daemons automatically

with no saving throw possible. Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

One handed close combat 6 1 -3 d6+d12+6 Parry

Two handed close combat 7 1 -4 d6+d12+7 Parry


The Maugetar

45 Points

The Fire Axe

10 Points

The Maugetar is a scythe-shaped weapon

built into a Shuriken Shrieker Cannon. It is

an ancient weapon of unknown origin. The

Maugetar can fire normal ammunition or

Shreiker ammunition using the same

profile. See the Warhammer 40,000

rulebook for the full Shrieker ammunition

rules. The Maugetar is exceptionally well

made so any 'jam' results rolled on the

sustained fire dice are ignored. The weapon

requires two hands to use and cannot be used

to parry in hand to hand combat.

The Fire Axe is a power weapon of ancient

construction and incredible potency. It was

forged in fire during the Fall and the heat of

its creation has never left it. Entrapped

runes writhe in the smoldering flames that

dance on its surface.

Weapon Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Shuriken Cannon 0-20 20-40 +1 - 6 d4 -4 d6+d4+6 2

sus. fire

Close Combat only 8 d3 -6 d6+d20+d3+8

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat only 6 d3 -3 d6+d3+12+6


Page 15: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

The Scorpion's Bite

18 Points

The Blade of Destruction

12 Points

The Scorpion's Bite is a vastly superior

mandiblaster constructed in ancient times. It

takes the form of a sinister helmet which

incorporates two mandible-shaped laser

weapons. The Scorpion's Bite automatically

shoots before close combat is resolved, in

the same way as a mandiblaster. work out

shooting exactly as normal. If the

Scorpion;s Bite hits, roll 2d6 and pick the

highest. If the score is equal to or more than

the targets Toughness d3 wounds are

sustained. Saving throws are at a -3.

The long and elegantly curved blade was

made in the distant past and retains much of

its original power. It is amongst the most

potent of all Eldar weapons that survive

from the time of the Fall.It is light and east

to wield with blurring speed. An Eldar

armed with the Blade of Destruction may

make two parries against opponents in hand

to hand combat.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat only Special / d3 -3 none shooting Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat only 7 1 -4 d6+d12+7 Parry Twice


The Silent Death

25 Points

The Mask of Jain Zar

20 Points

The Silent Death is a triple-bladed throwing weapon whose edges were

forged in the anti-flame of the warp. Black fire licks around its keen surfaces, sharper than any mortal substance. When the weapon is

thrown, it may strike several targets. Nominate your first target and roll

to hit. If successful, nominate a further target within 2" of the first; if

this is hit nominate a further target within 2" of the second, and so

on. Continue rolling to hit until you miss or there are no further targets

within the weapon's range and/or within 2" of the last target, after

which the Silent Death automatically returns to the throwers hand.

This is the first and the greatest of all the Howling

Banshee masks after which all others were merely

copies. It functions in a similar way to an ordinary

Banshee mask but is more effective. An enemy who

is charged may not fire overwatch at the charging

Eldar and must hold his ground. During the first

round of close combat, when the Eldar charges, his

opponent rolls no attack dice because of the masks

paralyzing effect. In addition, in the second round of

combat the enemy must roll 4+ on a d6 to escape the

mask's effect-otherwise he rolls no attack dice

again. The mask has no effect in the third and

subsequent rounds. If the Eldar wearing the Mask of

Jain Zar is charged by an enemy the mask has no


Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap /

Special 0-12 12-24 - -1 5 1 -2 d6+5


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25 Points

Seer Runes

20 Points

The lasblaster is a tri-barreled laser weapon with a

powered blade attached to the stock. The weapon can

fire three shots per shooting phase in the same way as

the Eldar scatter laser. All three targets must be

within 6" of each other , roll to hit as normal and

resolve any damage using the weapon profile given

below. The powered blade in the stock may be used

in hand to hand combat using the profile given below.

Seer Runes are complex wraithbone shapes

used by Eldar Farseers to predict the future

and the flow of the warp. Seer runes may

also be used to temporarily sever an enemy's

connection with the warp and so nullify a

psychic power. when an enemy uses a

psychic power you may immediately counter

its effects by using the seer runes. The

power is nullified automatically. The seer

runes are temporarily disrupted after use and

may not be used again in the same battle.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-12 12-24 +1 - 6 1 -1 d6+6 3 shots

Close Combat only 5 1 -3 2d6+5



Eldar Spirit Stone

30 Points

The Firepike

25 Points

A Spirit Stone is a special crystal containing

the psyche of a long-dead Eldar. Often the

spirit stones of Eldar seers are carried by

their living compatriots to lend them extra

psychic strength. A spirit stone can be

tapped for additional psychic energy once

per battle, enabling the Warlock or Farseer

to draw one extra warp card per mastery

level from the warp deck immediately

The Firepike is an intricate and elegant Eldar

heat weapon, an ancient artifact created

before the Fall of the Eldar. A Firepike is a

form of long range melta-gun which can

blast holes through armor and flesh with

ease. Its profile is shown below.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special 0-12 12-24 +1 - 8 d6 -4 2d6+8 1" blast



Page 17: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Singing Spear

25 Points

Web of Skulls

25 Points

A singing spear is a silver spear chased with

mysterious metals, named after the constant drone it

emits when it is in the hands of a psyker. At the end

of the psychic phase one or two unused force cards

may be stored in the spear instead of being placed on

the warp cards discard pile. Stored force cards may

be retrieved from the weapon and used in subsequent

psychic phases. The spear can be thrown up to 12" in

the shooting phase and returns to the psyker after the

throw. In hand to hand combat or when thrown the

spear increases the wielder's Strength characteristic

by a number equal to his mastery level and wounds

daemons automatically with no saving throw

possible. The wielder may also expend stored force

cards to gain additional bonuses. Each force card

expended equals an extra +2 Strength and -2 armor


This ancient Eldar weapon consists of three crystal skulls liked together

by lengths of chain. The weapon is grasped by the chain links and cast like a spinning bolas, returning automatically to its user. The Web of

Skulls can also be used in hand to hand combat like a flail. When

thrown the weapon has the profile shown below. In close combat it has

S6 and -2 save modifier. The Web of Skulls can be thrown at any three

targets within 12" of each other, striking each in turn.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-12 12-24 - -1 6 1 -2 d6+6 See above



14 Points

Witch Blade

15 Points

The Executioner takes many forms- that of a

heavy spear, a rune-encrusted sword or a

great black scythe. Whatever its form, it is

one of the most deadly hand to hand power

weapons. The Executioner has a Strength of

8, a -6 saving throw modifier and inflicts d3

damage. The Executioner can be used to

parry but it requires both hands to use.

A witch blade is a unique Eldar weapon which

channels psychic energy through a crystalline

matrix. At the end of the psychic phase one or two

unused force cards may be stored in the witch blade

instead of being placed on the warp cards discard

pile. Stored force cards may be retrieved from the

weapon and used in subsequent psychic phases. In

hand to hand combat the witch blade increases the

wielder's Strength characteristic by a number equal to

his mastery level and wounds daemons automatically

with no saving throw possible. The wielder may also

expend stored force cards to gain additional bonuses

in hand to hand combat. Each force card expended

equals an extra +2 Strength and -2 armor save. The

witch blade can be used tp parry.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat Only - - 8 d3 -6 d6+3 Parry


Page 18: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Bright Lance

40 Points

The bright lance is a distinctive high

powered laser weapon rather like a stripped

down lascannon. The bright lance sacrifices

some of the range andpunch of heavier laser

weapons for a faster recharge rate and lighter

weight. It is possible to move and fire with a

bright lance.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-12 12-36 +1 - 9 d8 -6 d6+d8+4 -


Page 19: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

General Wargear:

Armor Piercing


5 Points



10 Points

Armor piercing ammo is either projectiles with specially hardened tips

in the case of projectile weapons or a super-charged power pack in the

case of energy weapons. When you fire a shot using armor piercing

ammo the weapon's save modifier is increased to -6 for that one shot

only. Against vehicles the weapons armor penetration is increased by an amount which varies according to the Strength of the weapon as

shown below. The decision to use armor piercing ammo must be made

before the dice is rolled to hit.

A force axe crackles with barely suppressed sparks of

psychic energy. At the end of the psychic phase one

unused force card maybe stored in the force axe

instead of being placed on the warp cards discard

pile. The stored force card may be retrieved from the

weapon and used in subsequent psychic phases. In

hand to hand combat the force axe increases the

wielder's Strength characteristic by a number equal to

his mastery level and wounds daemons automatically

with no saving throw possible. The wielder may also

expend the stored force card to gain an extra +3

Strength and -3 armor save in hand to hand combat.

Weapon's Strength 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-10

Bonus Penetration Dice +d3 +1d6 +1d12 +1d20




5 Points



5 Points

A bionic eye is a technological replacement for an eye lost through injury or disease. In many ways it is superior to the original, giving sharper vision and an expanded range of visible light spectrums,so the subject can see in the dark, detect radiation and so on. A model equipped with a bionic eye gains +1 to hit with all shooting and can detect hidden troops and energy emissions from vehicles,psykers etc. within 24". Detect hidden troops within 24" +1 To Hit

Phased crystalline patterns along the force sword's

blade coil iridescent psychic energy around it like a

snake. At the end of the psychic phase one unused

force card may be stored in the force sword instead of

being placed on the warp cards discard pile. The

stored force card may be retrieved from the weapon

and used in subsequent psychic phases. In hand to

hand combat the force sword increases the wielder's

Strength characteristic by a number equal to his

mastery level and wounds daemons automatically

with no saving throw possible. The wielder may also

expend the stored force card to gain an extra +2

Strength and -2 armor save in hand to hand

combat. The force sword can be used to parry.


Page 20: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards



5 Points



5 Points

Rad grenades unleash a deadly dose of

radiation. Determine where the grenade hits as

normal and place a randomly drawn Rad counter face

down at that spot. The player who threw the grenade

can secretly examine the counter to find out what the

radius is. If any target is within the distance shown

on the marker it is automatically hit by the

radiation. The counter remains in place for the rest of

the game. Any models that move within the radiation

effect distance are automatically hit immediately and

will be hit every turn if they remain there.

The vortex grenade tears a rift in the fabric of real

space like a miniature black hole. The vortex grenade

is thrown like an ordinary grenade and it uses the

special Vortex marker. Anything covered by the

template is automatically destroyed and anything

touched by it is destroyed unless it rolls 4+ on

1d6. This includes vehicles, terrain etc, no armor

save is possible at all. The vortex blocks sight and

cannot be fired through. At the beginning of each

subsequent player turn roll a d6 and consult the chart


Strength Damage Save Modifier Radiation Effect Area

d6+d4 1 -3 1-3" (Secretly Determined)

D6 Roll Effect

1-2 The Vortex disappears

3-4 The Vortex remains in play

5-6 The Vortex moves d6" in a

random direction determined

with the scatter dice.




20 Points

Master-Crafted Bolt


10 Points

A Stasis grenade creates a localized temporal loop. Determine where

the grenade hits as normal and place a 2" blast marker

there. Everything under the blast marker is trapped in a stasis

loop. Models inside the loop may neither act nor be affected by anything outside the loop, they cannot move or shoot and they cannot

be shot at. It is not possible to shoot through a loop but it is possible to

see through it normally. Vehicles and troops within 2" of the edge of

the blast marker move at half speed and may only shoot or use psychic

powers if they first roll a 4, 5 or 6 on a d6. Close combat is only

worked out every other turn. There is a -2 to hit modifier for shooting

into, through or out of the area within 2" of the marker. The stasis field

remains in play. At the beginning of each side's turn one player rolls a d6 and consults the Stasis chart in the Wargear book.

A weapon crafted by a master armorer and

ornamented by the greatest artists is a

worthy weapon for a warrior. Such pistols

are treasured possessions and are often

passed from one warrior to another.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special 0-12 12-24 +2 +1 4 1 -1 d6+4 Close Combat


Page 21: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards



20 Points


20 Points

A displacer field is in fact a miniature warp-drive

mechanism with a proximity detector which activates

the warp-drive when it picks up incoming shots,

psychic attacks or close combat blows. The displacer

field is very reliable, activating on a roll of 3 or more

on a d6 whenever the wearer is hit. The field

instantly shifts the wearer d6" in a direction

determined by rolling the scatter dice. This will

cause the attacks which struck the character to

missunless the attack uses a template or blast marker

and the field fails to get him out of the area of

effect. A displacer field will not work against a

Vortex grenade. 3+ Unmodified save, move d6" in a

random direction

A scanner can detect living matter and

energy of any kind within 24" of the

user. Readings will indicate concentrations

of tissue and energy such as groups of

creatures or vehicles. The scanner is capable

of differentiating between animals and

vegetation and can read through rock up to 5

meters thick. The main military use of the

scanner is for finding hidden troops which

are automatically detected if they are within


Detects hidden troops within 24"


30 Points



3 Points

The psycannon is a weapon specially constructed to damage psykers and

daemons. It uses storm bolter components but the bolts themselves are

heavily impregnated with psychic energy. The psycannon may be fired

in the shooting phase. Against daemons and psykers the psycannon

wounds automatically and daemons get no saving throw. In

addition, each time a psyker or daemon is damaged by a psycannon it will lose the use of one psychic power (picked randomly) for the rest of

the battle.

Many veteran warriors proudly carry a

bionic leg from some fearsome battle of the

past. A model equipped with a bionic leg

gains +1 attack to its Attack characteristic

and can make a special kick attack if it wins

a round of hand to hand combat. The model

can only make one kick attack, regardless of

how much it beat its opponent's Combat

Score by. The kick attack is resolved at +2

to the model's Strength and inflicts d3

damage. If the target is no bigger than the

model with the bionic leg it is also knocked

back d3" by the kick.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-8 8-16 +2 +1 4 1 -2 d6+4 sus. fire- 1 dice


Page 22: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Aegis Suit

18 Points



35 Points

An aegis suit is a close-fitting mesh of

psycho conductive filaments which dissipate

dangerous amounts of psychic energy. It is

normally woven into clothing or hard wired

into armor, hence an aegis suit may be

combined with physical armor and/or force

fields. A model wearing an aegis suit gains

a saving throw of 4, 5 or 6 on a d6 against

any enemy psychic power used against it.

A power field is an invisible bubble of pure energy

craeted by a large, cumbersome generator. A

personal power field provides excellent protection

against shooting damage, giving a saving throw of 2

or more on a d6. This is not modified by weapon

save modifiers so it will always succeed on a roll of 2

or more regardless of the save modifier of the weapon

which hit it. However, in hand to hand combat the

power field offers no protection as an opponent can

easily get his weapon inside the power field bubble

and strike the wearer. In addition, a model carrying a

personal power field suffers the -1 penalty for being

encumbered in hand to hand combat.



10 Points

Hood of


25 Points

A jump pack permits its wearer to make a long powered leap instead

of its normal move. A jump can be made up to a distance of

18",reaching a height sufficient to clear most obstacles, vehicles and

models. Woods and single story buildings reduce the jump to 12". Roll

a scatter dice for the jumping model on landing: a roll of a hit indicates it's on target; an arrow indicates the model scatters d3" in the direction

indicated. When a model with a jump pack charges he may move up to

4" after he's landed to engage an opponent in hand to hand combat. A

model may make a jump, land and then shoot or throw a grenade but it

can't use a move or fire weapon. Models using jump packs leap in

slow, predictable curves so models firing at them do not suffer the

normal -1 to hit penalty for firing at a target moving 10" or faster.

The Hood of Hellfire may be worn instead of a

normal psychic hood. The Hood of Hellfire is a

psychic amplification unit built into a helmet or worn

over the head. The hood works by amplifying and

focussing the aggression of the wearer into a psychic

bolt. This power is used in the psychic phase and can

be nullified like any other psychic power. Roll 2d6

and add the wearer's Ld. This is the range of the bolt

in inches. The bolt is fired in a straight line at a target

within the wearer's line of sight. It causes d6 S5 hits

with a -2 saving throw modifier.

Page 23: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Aux. Grenade


8 Points


10 Points

This particular version of the auxiliary grenade launcher is small

enough to fit onto any weapon, including hand to hand combat weapons and may fired in addition to normal shooting. The grenade launcher is

loaded with either krak or frag grenades (choose which at the start of

the game). Other grenades may not be loaded during the game. A

model carrying an auxilliary grenade launcher may choose to shoot a

weapon and the grenade launcher in the same shooting phase with a -1

to hit modifier on both shots.

A combi-weapon is a combination of two basic

weapons, normally a boltgun and another weapon

such as a flamer, melta-gun or plasma gun. It was the

developement of combi-weapons which lead to the

invention of the Imperial Storm Bolter. At the

beginning of the game you must either write down or

declare to your opponent what type of combi-weapon

you have chosen from the following list. Bolter + Meltagun, Bolter + Plasma gun,

Bolter + Flamer or Twin Bolters (which

counts as Storm Bolter) Each shooting phase you can either fire just one

barrel of the combi-weapon as per the normal rules or

fire both bareels at the same target with a -1 to hit

modifier on both shots.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-6 6-12 - -1 Krak 6 d6 -3 2d6+6

Frag 3 1 -1 d6+3 2" blast




5 Points

Plasma Blaster

16 Points

A bionic arm makes for a powerful

enhancement of any warrior's skills, giving

him greatly amplified strength, reflexes, grip

and dexterity. A model fitted with a bionic

arm gains +1 to their Strength characteristic

for the purposes of hand to hand combat and

throwing grenades. The model also gains +1

initiative in hand to hand combat only.

After the initial combi-weapons led to the developement of the storm

bolter, Imperial artificers returned their attentions back to the combi-

weapon. The result was the Plasma Blaster. Due to the sheer bulk of

the power packs required only models in Terminator armor may use the

Plasma Blaster. The Plasma Blaster is not a liked weapon and you may

not fire it as a single plasma gun. The Plasma Blaster also takes a turn

to recharge, just like a normal plasma gun.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-6 6-24 +1 - 7 1 -2 d6+4 2 sus. fire dice



Page 24: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards


10 Points

Photon Beam


20 Points

The servo arm is a special auxilliary arm fitted onto a

harness. The Servo arm is linked to the user's neural

network and is equipped with lastorches, vibrosaws,

power drills and a large manipulative claw tp lift

heavy items of equipment. A model equipped with a

servo arm suffers no penalties for carrying heavy

equipment or heavy weapons and counts as two crew

members if he is crewing a support weapon or

operating a vehicle or equipment. A model equipped

with a servo arm rolls one extra dice in hand to hand


The Photon Beam Searchlight is a high-powered searchlight which is

able to flash in short bursts blinding enemy models who aren't wearing

eye protection. Because of the large amounts of power needed to

illuminate the Searchlight's magnesium element only models wearing

Terminator armor may use the Photon Searchlight. The Terminator can

fire the Photon Searchlight in addition to his normal firing. Place the

flamer template with the tip touching the Terminator. Any model

wholly under the template is hit by the flash and any model whose base is partially under the template is hit on the d6 roll of 4, 5 or 6. A model

hit by the Photon Beam is affected exactly as if hit by a Photon Flash

Flare, see the Warhammer 40,000

Wargear partially under the template is

hit on the




5 Points

Conversion Field

10 Points

Suits of Terminator armor can be fitted with a special harness containing a set of auto-launchers similar to those used on

vehicles. The auto-launcher carries three grenades of the same type

which are fired all at once. The Terminator can trigger the auto-

launchers in addition to his normal firing. The first grenade hits a point

exactly 6" away in the Terminator's 90º fire arc. The other two deviate

d3" away from the target point. Auto-launchers may be pre-loaded

with frag or blind grenades (blocks LOS).

A conversion field converts incoming energy into light, giving the bearer an additional saving throw of 4, 5 or 6 on a d6. This extra save is taken before an armor save and is not subject to saving throw modifiers so it always succeeds on a 4, 5 or 6. A successful save causes a blinding flash of light that illuminates an area with a radius equal to the Strength of the attacker or weapon in inches. Any models within this area that have no eye protection will be blinded on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 on a d6 until the beginning of their next turn. Models that are blind cannot move or shoot and fight in hand to hand combat with a WS of 1. 4, 5 or 6 Unmodified save Blinds unprotected troops on 4, 5 or 6.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

6 - - 3 1 -1 d6+3 2" blast 6 - - Blocks LOS - 2" blast



Page 25: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards


5 Points

Teleport Jammer

20 Points

Frenzon is a drug that can be used to induce the

psychological effects of frenzy or hatred for the rest

of the game. The psychology effects are automatic

and no test is made against Leadership. Only one

psychological state can be induced at a time. A single

dose of frenzon antidote (contained in the frenzon

dispensing device) will negate the induced

psychological state. However, repeated use of

frenzon is dangerous to the subject. Every time a

dose is adminstered after the first roll a d6 for the

model affected: on a roll of 1 the model suffers d3


A teleport jammer emits a constant signal which

interferes with teleport beams, making teleporting

into its area of effect very difficult and

dangerous. The jammer has a 36" radius of effect. If

anything attempts to teleport into this area the player

with the jammer can force the teleporting troops to

roll for scatter a second time after they have rolled

scatter from their original target point. In addition,

the teleporting troops will be destroyed if they roll a

double 1 or a double 2 on the distance dice for either

scatter roll. The teleport jammer does not affect

psykers using their powers to teleport.


5 Points


2 Points

immune is a broad-band immunisation whic

protects the body against bio-warfare

attacks, a variety of toxins and dangerous

levels of radiation. A character equipped

with Immune totally ignores the effects of

the following grenades: choke,

hallucinogen, rad, scare, toxin and virus.

Targeters are devices which combine various

optical and electronics sights. A model using a

weapon with a targeter gains a +1 modifier on

its roll to hit with that weapon. Targeters are

always fitted to specific weapons, so a character

armed with a plasma gun with a targeter and a

bolt pistol would get +1 to hit when he was

shooting with the plasma gun bot not with the

bolt pistol. Targeters may not be interchanged

between weapons during a battle.

Psychic Hood

25 Points

Haywire Grenade

10 Points

A psychic hood is in fact a web of fine wires and

crystals set into a helmet or worn over the

head. The effect of the psychic hood is to amplify

a psyker's ability to disrupt manipulations of the

warp by another psyker, making it easier for him to

nullify psychic powers. This means a psyker

wearing a psychic hood is allowed to reroll the dice

throw when he attempts to nullify psychic powers.

Haywire or scrambler grenades emit a powerful burst of

electromagnetic interference which scrambles delicate circuits and

overloads instrumentation. Haywire only affects vehicles,

dreadnoughts, robots, Wraithguard and Terminators. Its burst covers a

1.5" radius, roll to hit and scatter as for a normal grenade. Vehicles etc.

hit by a Haywire grenade are penetrated automatically. Roll to hit

locations covered by the template a snormal and then roll on the appropriate damage table. However, the pulse is unlikely to destroy a

vehicle, dreadnought, etc. so deduct -1 from the damage roll. Vehicle

crewmen or Terminators hit by a Haywire grenade suffer a S3 hit

causing 1 wound with no armor save possible. Discard ths card after

use. Penetrates armor automatically


Page 26: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Storm Shield

10 Points

Refractor Field

5 Points

A storm shield is a large plasteel plate which contains

a small but potent power field generator, because of

this they are also known as power shields. Once

activated, the Storm Shield is surrounded by a

glowing blue field of energy which emits crackling

lightning when it is used to parry a blow. A model

equipped with a Storm Shield receives an extra armor

saving throw of 4, 5 or 6 against shooting or hand to

hand combat damage from the model's front 90º

arc. This saving throw ignores normal save

modifiers and therefore offers a save even against

weapons with large negative modifiers such as

lascannons and power weapons. A Storm Shield

may be used to parry.

A refractor field is an energy bubble projected by a

small generator no larger than a pistol holster. It

operates by dispersing the energy of incoming shots

and close combat attacks over the total area of the

field. One unfortunate side effect is that when the

field is switched on it produces a hazy band of light

which makes it impossible for the wearer to

hide. The refractor field gives its wearer an extra

saving throw of 5 or 6 on a d6. This save is always

taken before a save for armor (if any) and is not

subject to saving throw modifiers, so the save is 5+

whether the field is hit by a lascannon or a bolter.

5+ Unmodified save

Combat Drugs

25 Points


5 Points

Frenzon is the best known and cheapest combat drug

but there are others - Stim, Gamma Æ, Rage and

Satrophine. A character equipped with combat drugs

may use them at any time with immediate effects on

his characteristics. The character speeds up (Mx2,

Ix2, Ax2) and becomes harder to injure (T+1) and

stronger (S+1). At the end of each of the character's

turns roll a d6: on a roll of 5 or 6 the character

suffers 1 wound with no armor save possible as the

drugs ravage his system. The effects of the drugs last

until the character suffers a wound for any reason at

which point this card is discarded and the model's

characteristics return to normal. Combat drugs may

not be used with frenzon.

Cameleoline is a rare artificial subsatnce which can

be woven into the structure of most fabrics. Morphic

polymer chains in the material automatically take on

the colors and textures of their surroundings. The

result is that after a second or two of motionlessness

the wearer appears to fade into the background,

offering chameleon-like protection from prying

eyes. All shots fired at a stationary model wearing

cameleoline suffer a -1 to hit modifier in addition to

the normal to hit modifiers for cover etc. If the model

hides, troops that move into position to see the hiding

model or move within their Initiative distance, will

only detect him rather than spotting him.


Page 27: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Warp Jump

30 Points

Toxin Grenade

15 Points

A warp jump is an ancient alien device which allows

a single model to teleport. A model equipped witha

warp jump may teleport to any point on the battlefiels

during its movemnet phase instead of moving

normally. Roll a scatter dice to see if teh model

teleports on target: a "hit" means it is on target, an

arrow means it scatters 2d10" in the direction

indicated. However, if a double 1 is rolled on 2d10

for deviation the model is lost in the warp, never to be

seen again. The model may shoot and fight in hand

to hand combat on the turn it teleports but it doesn't

count as charging if it teleports directly into hand to

hand combat. For further details on teleporting troops

see the teleporter rules in the Warhammer 40,000

Wargear book.

When a Toxin grenade explodes it showers the area

with a cloud of deadly poison. Determine where the

grenade hits as normal and place a 1.5" blast marker

there. Every unprotected model under the blast

marker is killed on a roll of 2 or more. Troops with

some form of protection are killed on a d6 roll of a 3

or more. Enclosed vehicles and troops wearing

sealed armor ( Space Marines and Aspect Warriors),

Tyranids and their creatures such as Genestealers (but

not including crossbreeds like Genestealer Hybrids)

cannot be affected. The toxin gas cloud remains on

the table. At the beginning of each side's turn one

player rolls a d6 and consults the chart in the Wargear



Virus Grenade

50 Points

Seeking Ammo

5 Points

The Virus grenade contains a lethal genetically tailored

virus. Determine where the grenade hits as normal and place a 2" blast marker there. Everything under the blast marker is killed on a d6 roll of

3 or more unless protected by sealed armor (Space Marines, Aspect

Warriors, enclosed vehicles). Protected troops survive

automatically. Do not remove models killed straight away. Instead lie

the model down and test to see if the mutating virus spreads to nearby

troops. Roll a d6 to establish the contact range in inches for the

virus. Any normally vulnerable model within the contact range of a

victim is killed on a d6 roll of 4,5 or6. Every time a model is killed roll for the contact range for that model and work out if models within

this range are killed. Once there are no more victims within the contact

range the virus has mutated into a safe form and there is no further


Seeking ammo may only be used with projectile

weapons such as boltguns. The projectiles are fitted

with tiny thrusters and a rudimentary robot

brain. When you fire a shot using seeking ammo you

do not use the firer's Ballistic Skill or any modifiers

to hit for speed, cover etc. The seeking ammo will

always hit its target on a roll of 2 or more on a

d6. Seeking ammo can also be fired at targets which

are hidden or out of sight as long as the target is

detected (by a scanner or another model for example)

and lies within weapon range. Seeking ammo may

not be used in combination with other kinds of special



Page 28: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Force Rod

15 Points

Nemesis Force Weapon

20 Points

A force rod is prized because it can absorb prodigious

amounts of psychic energy into its helix-shaped

central core. At the end of the psychic phase unused

force cards may be stored in the force rod instead of

being placed on the warp discard pile. The rod may

store a maximum of 3 force cards. Stored force

cards may be retrieved from the rod and used in

subsequent psychic phases. In hand to hand combat

the force rod increases the wielder's Strebgth

characteristic by a number equal to his mastery level

and wounds daemons automatically with no saving

throw possible.

Nemesis force weapons are used exclusively by the daemon hunters of the Imperium. At the end pf the psychic phase one or two unused force

cards may be stored in the Nemesis weapon instead of being placed on

the warp cards discard pile. Stored force cards may be retrieved from

the weapon and used in subsequent psychic phases. In hand to hand

combat the Nemesis weapon increases the wielder's Strength by a

number equal to his mastery level and wounds daemons automatically

with no saving throw possible. The wielder can also expend stored force cards to cause extra damage when he hits daemons in hand to

hand combat. Expending one force card inflicts d3 wounds per hit,

expending two force cards inflicts d6 wounds per hit. The Nemesis

force weapon can be used to parry and incorporates a built-in storm

bolter which may be fired normally in the shooting phase.




10 Points

Digital Lasers

6 Points

A medi-pack is an advanced automated medical machine. To use the

machine a model carrying it must move into base to base contact with

his patient during his own turn and remain there through the shooting and close combat phases doing nothing else. At the end of the close

combat phase the medi-pack can do one of the following:

1 Restore 1 wound to a wounded but still living character.

2 Restore a model reduced to 0 wounds to 1 wound on a roll of 5 or

6 on a D6.

3 Restore the vision of any blinded model.

4 Cure the effects of any non-fatal gas type.

5 Negate any psychological effects in a model.

Digital lasers are concealed weapons fitted into finger rings or knuckles

of a glove. Digilasers do not prevent a model using any other

weapons. They are automatically fired at the start of hand to hand

combat against opponents in base to base contact, before any dice are rolled and regardless of whose turn it is. The shots are worked out

exactly the same way as normal, the wearer blasting away at point

blank range as his attackers close. The digilasers get three shots, which

may be divided amongst multiple opponents if desired. Once close

combat has started the digilasers have no effect, the model doesn't gain

any extra attack dice for having them.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat 3 1 -1 d6+3 See above

Digital Lasers

6 Points


10 Points

The graviton gun affects the local gravity field and charges the weight

of objects, making them far heavier than normal. A target hit by a

graviton gun is always affected, no damage roll is required. A living

target is immobilised for the remainder of the game and may not move or shoot, although a psyker may continue to use his powers. If the

target is a vehicle, roll for hit location as normal but ignore armor

penetration. Roll for damage on the appropriate vehicle location

damage chart(s) adding +1 to the dice score. Against buildings roll to

hit and if a hit occurs roll for damage and add +1 to the result.

A combi-weapon is a combination of two basic

weapons, in this case a bolter and a melta-

gun. It was the developement of the combi-

weapons which lead to the invention of the

Imperial storm bolter. Each shooting phase you

can either fire just one barrel of the combi-

weapon as per the normal rules or fire both

barrels at the same target with a -1 to hit

modifier on both shots.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special 0-8 8-16 +1 - See above - Auto 1" blast marker


Page 29: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards


10 Points

Master-Crafted Plasma


15 Points

A combi-weapon is the combination of two

basic weapons, in this case abolter and a

plasma gun. Each shooting phase you can

fire just one barrel of the combi-weapon as

per the normal rules or fire both barrels at

the same target with -1 to hit modifier on

both shots.

A weapon crafted by a master armorer and ornamented by the greatest

artists is a worthy weapon for a warrior. Such weapons are treasured

possessions for those lucky enough to receive them. The energy source of a master-crafted Plasma pistol

is far superior to that used in a normal Plasma

pistol. The weapon does not have to recharge for a

turn after it has been fired-it can be fired every turn if


Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-8 8-24 +2 -1 6 1 -1 d6+6 See above

Page 30: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Imperial Guard:

Claw of the Desert


16 Points

Crushing Arm of


20 Points

This is an ordinary power sword, yet it has been beautifully encrusted with the emblems of N'go craftsmen. It's appearance has raised it to legendary status, so that in Al'Rahems hands it is regarded with awe by his friends and with fear by his foes. To represent this, the Claw of the Desert Tigers causes the wielder to be feared by his enemies. The rules for fear apply as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Mogul Kamir's arm acts in unison with his special

bionic eye to provide a unique guidance system.

In addition the arm is tremendously powerful and can crush an enemy that has been gripped. To

represent this calculate the number of hits scored

in hand to hand combat as normal. Once you know

how many hits Mogul has inflicted then the

Crushing Arm has successfully gripped the

enemy-in which case the number of hits already

inflicted is automatically doubled. If the d6 roll is

greater than the number of hits already inflicted or is 6 regardless of the number of hits, then the arm

has failed to get a grip and no extra hits are caused.


Eye of the


2 Points



10 Points

Mogul Kamir's bionic eye has an

electromagnetic link built into his bionic

arm. This combines to act as a special

targeter, adding +1 to hit with any

weapon fired.

This Ork battle claw has been modified for

Commissar Yarrick by Imperial artificers


utilizes a power field to create a weapon

comparable to a power fist.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat Only +1 - 8 1 -5 d6+d20+8 2 sus fire.


Page 31: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Force Field

20 Points

Bale Eye

5 Points

Yarrick is protected by a powerful force field

that reduces the energy of incoming

shots. The force field is not entirely reliable,

sometimes offering invulnerability and

sometimes proving almost

worthless. Whenever Yarrick is hit roll a D6

and deduct the score of the strength of the

attack. If reduced to strength 0 or less the

attack is stopped completely. The force field

has no effect on special attacks that do not

have a strength.

Yarrick's Bale Eye bionic implant

incorporates a deadly laser. The Orks said he

could kill with a glance and indeed they were

right, a superstition that Yarrick was able to

exploit to his advantage. The Bale Eye can

be used once at the start of each hand to hand

combat phase. It automatically hits any one

model already engaged in hand to hand

fighting against Yarrick.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat +1 - 4 1 -1 d6+4 -


Page 32: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Legion of the Damned:

Animus Malorum


The Animus Malorum is an ancient relic taking the

form of a skull whose eyes blaze with light when its

power is unleashed. During the psychic phase, the

power of the Animus Malorum may be targeted at a

single enemy model within 12". You may use

between 1 and 3 Force cards to power the skull. Roll

a d6 for every Force card used. If the result is more

than the target's Leadership value then it's soul is

sucked from it's body - the model is dead regardless

of wounds or armor. If the target is killed then you

may ressurect a dead Legion of the Damned model,

placed within normal unit coherency. This may not

be used to increase the size of the unit beyond its

original size. The power of the skull may be nullified

like a psychic power, requiring a 4+ to successfully



Page 33: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards


Kustom Force


20 Points

Squig Attack


3 Points

A kustom force field is an Orky device

which careens wildly from providing virtual

invulnerability to little more than an

embarrassing crackle as shells whistle

straight through it! Whenever an Ork

equipped with a kustom refraktor field is hit

roll a d6 and deduct the result from the

Strength of the incoming hit. On a roll of 6

the hit is automatically stopped but the Ork

suffers an S3 hit instead as the field shorts

out and gives him a nasty shock. If the field

shorts out this card is discarded immediately

The squig attack arm is a special bionik replacement

which incorporates a cage containing a dangerous

gnasher squig. In hand to hand combat the Ork

automatically unleashes the squig as its opponent

closes in so resolve the attack during the hand to hand

combat phase before any attack dice are rolled. The

Ork's opponent suffers an automatic Strength 5 attack

with no saving throw modifier from the squig, after

which the creature either crawls off to digest the

chunk of flesh it's bitten off or is killed by the

opponent. This means the squig attack arm may only

be used once per game.




5 Points



8 Points

a spike arm often appears to be just a normal

bionik arm, but concealed along the the

length of the arm are sets of retractable

spikes or blades. In close combat the arm

can be used to grip an opponent and then

impale them as the concealed spikes slam

into position. This gives the Ork +1 WS in

hand to hand combat and means that the Ork

always counts as having higher Initiative in

the case of the Combat Scores being drawn.

The gyro-stabilized monowheel is always

popular with Orks addicted to the

exhilaration and excitement induced by high

speeds. An Ork with a gyro-stabilized

monowheel increases its Movement

characteristic to 8", so it can "run" or charge

up to 16". However, the Ork may not cross

obstacles of any kind and will suffer a S5 hit

if it attempts to do so and it may not run or

charge through woods or difficult and very

difficult ground.


Page 34: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards



5 Points



5 Points

All Ork Weirdboyz carry a copper staff to

help them earth excess Waaagh! power and

stop their heads from

exploding. Particularly valued or powerful

Weirdboyz eventually get hold of a special

Weirdboy staff which is made of strange

copper alloys and inscribed with ancient

Orky glyphs. A weirdboy staff is a force

weapon so the Weirdboy can add his

mastery level to his Strength and wounds

daemons automatically in hand to hand

combat. The Weirdboy may also reroll the

dice for his Waaagh! test if he fails the first


Nasty head injuries mean that this Ork has

had a large part of its cranium replaced with

steel plates. This has the advantage of

making the Ork hard to hurt, even by Ork

standards! The Ork gains +1 on its

Toughness characteristic for having a steel

skull. However, the Ork also suffers

occasional bouts of Madboy-like behavior

and is subject to the rules for Madboyz given

in the Codex Imperialis book.




30 Points



5 Points

A kustom blasta is a big rocket launcher or grenade

lobber fitted with an Ork Mekboy's speshul kustom

warheads. The kustom blasta has an unpredictable

blast marker witha d3" radius-roll for the size of the

blast marker each time the weapon is fired. It also

has a variable Strength which is rolled on the artillery

dice each time it is fired, giving it a Strength of

between 2 and 10. If a misfire is rolled on the

artillery dice the kustom blasta has exploded! The

blasta is destroyed and the Ork carrying it suffers and

S4 hit.

Teleskopic legz are an invention of pure

Orky cunning. An Ork with teleskopic legz

gains +2 to its Move characteristic and

doesn't suffer any movement penalties for

crossing obstacles up to 2" high. The Ork

can also raise itself up by 2" in the shooting

phase, allowing it to see and shoot over

intervening terrain and obstacles more

easily. Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-16 16-36 - -1 Art. dice 1 -1 Various d3" blast


Page 35: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards



20 Points

An impressive-looking kustom shoota is an Ork

Mekboy's pride and joy. It fires long, ragged bursts

of shots with a hugely variable effect. The kustom

shoota has sustained fire, rolling 2 dice. It also has a

variable Strength which is rolled on the artillery dice

each time it is fired, giving it a Strength of between 2

and 10. If a misfire is rolled on the artillery dice the

kustom shoota has exploded! The shoota is destroyed

and the Ork carrying it suffers an S4 hit.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-12 12-32 +1 -1 Art. dice 1 -2 Various sus. fire 2 dice


Page 36: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Sisters of Battle:

Book of St.


5 Points

Phial of Dolan

10 Points

This holy artifact contains the sermons of the

famed Confessor, St. Lucius of Agathea. A

member of the clergy reading from the

ancient tome can inspire those around

him. Any troops within 8" of the character

at the start of the rally phase may use the

character's Leadership value for their test to

rally. They may attempt to rally even if

they are not in cover or would otherwise not

be able to do so.

Anyone who drinks the contents of one of

these crystal bottles is filled with the

strength and determination of Dolan, the

Great Confessor. The character may drink

the contents of the phial at the start of any

turn. For the rest of the player's turn the

character's Strength and Toughness are

increased by D3 each (roll seperately), to a

maximum of 10.



Cloak of St.


5 Points

Tears of the


15 Points

Leading a force from the Order of the

Bloody Rose, the Canoness St. Aspira

liberated almost a hundred worlds from the

grip of the heretic Denescura. Her

magnificent fur and velvet cloak is said to

ward away blows of the enemy. A character

wearing the cloak may add +1 to any armor

saving throws they make due to physical

armor. This does not apply to saves from

fields or saving throws of any kind. Only

one cloak may be worn.

There are many stories of statues of the

Emperor and other icons of faith weeping

blood-like tears. These tears are collected in

ornate crystal bottles and they are a potent

weapon against the forces of Chaos. The

phial can be thrown just like a grenade and

uses a 2" blast marker. Any daemon

affected takes a wound on a D6 roll of 4+

and receives no saving throw for its

daemonic aura.


Page 37: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards


10 Points

Litanies of


8 Points

Awarded to those of great faith, a Rosarius is the

shield of the Emperor and contains a conversion

field generator. A conversion field gives the

wearer an unmodified saving throw of 4, 5 or 6 on

a d6. Any models within a radius equal to the

attacking weapon's Strength may be blinded. See

the Warhammer 40,000 Wargear book for more


It may take a single Adept the whole of his life to

write out a scroll containing the Litanies of

Faith. The bearer cab choose certain hymnals and

chants to inspire their followers to greater feats of

faith. A character leading a squad in the Sacred

Rites with the Litanies of Faith can roll two dice

and choose which result to apply.


Staff of Belief

12 Points



5 Points

Carved of wood taken from the massive trees

lining the Garden of Saints, the Staff of Belief is a

potent symbol of faith and devotion. The Staff is a

hand to hand combat weapon and requires both

hands to wield. It adds +3 to the users Strength

and may be use to parry. Daemons receive no

daemonic aura save for hits inflicted by the Staff of


Wrought from the bones of a great saint, a

Simulacrum Imperialis inspires those around

it to their greatest efforts. Any unit within

line of sight to the Simulacrum

automatically passes the first Leadership test

it is required to make in the game.




150 Points



8 Points

Using the relics contained within this rare

scentwood box, a character can cure all manner of

injuries and ailments. I f the character can reach a

model in the turn after it is wounded, there is a

chance they may be healed. The character must

spend their shooting phase and their close combat

phase doing nothing. At the end of the turn, if the

character passes a Leadership test, he may heal 1

lost wound on the injured model. A model reduced

to 0 wounds may be raised to 1 wound in this

way. Characters cannot heal themselves.

Believed to contain shards of armor worn by the

Emperor himself, a Praesdium Protectiva is shaped

like a highly ornate shield. It requires a free hand

to use, may parry a close combat blow made from

within the character's front arc and confers an

unmodified saving throw of 4+ on 1d6 against

hand to hand attacks. In addition, if a roll of 6 is

made for the saving throw, the attacking model

receives a hit instead-roll to wound and make

saving throws as if the model were hit by its own

weapon. The Praesidium Protetciva has no effect

on shooting damage.


Page 38: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Brazier of Holy


18 Points

Flail of


8 Points

It is claimed that this ornately wrought torch will light the faith and

shroud the heretic in darkness. In battle the brazier can be swung like a

weapon, setting fire to the wielder's foes with its flames. It can also be

used to project a jet of flame over a larger distance. The Brazier of

Holy Fire has the profile below. Any model hit in hand to hand combat will be set on fire on a D6 roll of 4+ (see the Flamer entry on

p23 of the Wargear book). In addition, once per battle the Brazier can

be used to project a jet of flame, resolved using the rules and profile for

a heavy flamer. The character can move and fire in this way as the

Brazier itself is not a heavy weapon, it just has the effects of one!

The Flail of Chastisement is barbed with small

hooks which grip the target's flesh and constrict it

as it struggles. The Flail is used in hand to hand

combat with the following profile. If a target is

wounded by the Flail but not killed, it loses D3

Attacks in the next round of combat reducing its

attacks to a minimum of 1.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat 5 1 -3 2d6+d3+5 Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat 5 1 -1 2d6+5


Blade of


7 Points

Axe of


18 Points

The Blade of Admonition is polished to a mirror finish and

is said to reflect the true face of those who look at it. The

bearer of the Blade of Admonition causes fear as described

in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. The blade may be

used in close combat with the following profile.

The Axe of Retribution is styled upon the famous Axe of

Chalcydon borne by Saint Jason of Huale. Its massive

double-bladed headed is studded with jewels which rend the

flesh of those it strikes. The Axe may be used in close

combat with the following profile.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat 5 1 -2 2d6+5 Parry Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat 6 d61 -1 2d6+d12+6


Purity Seal

8 Points

A Purity Seal is a mark of great faith and strength of

mind. A character bearing a Seal is not affected

by fear or terror. If the character is targeted by a psychic

attack, they will be unaffected on a D6 roll of 4+. This is

not a nullify, other models may be affected as normal even

if the character is not. Once the Purity Seal has

successfully protected its wearer once it may no longer be

used for the rest of the battle. Unlike other relics, a Purity

Seal can be taken by any character allowed to take

"Imperium Only" wargear and is counted as a Wargear





Page 39: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Space Wolves:

The Axe


15 Points

The Wolf Helm of


50 Points

The Axe Morkai was taken by Space Wolves

Commander Logan Grimnar from a defeated

Champion of Khorne and it is imbued with the brutal

power of that blood thirsty god. The Axe was

reforged by the Iron Priests and engraved with with

the two heads of Morkai, guardian wolf of the Gates

of Death. The Axe has S6 and enemy suffering

wounds have a -3 save modifier. For each critical hit

scored in hand to hand combat (i.e. each attack dice

roll of a 6) add not +1 to the Combat Score but +d3

(1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3).

Tradition has it that this ancient helm was fashioned

by the Emperor's artificers and given to Leman Russ,

the Primarch of the Space Wolves. So long as the

Space Wolves warrior wearing the Helm of Russ

lives and is on the battlefield, any Space Wolves

characters or units that can see the wearer will

automatically pass any Break test or psychology test

they are required to take. In addition, the wearer

causes fear as described in the Psychology section of

the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.



Nightwing the Psyber


10 Points

The Pelt of


10 Points

Night was fashioned for the Rune Priest Njal

Stormcaller by the Iron Priest Ulf Blackbrow

and is attuned to the Rune Priest's unique

brain pattern. Night Wing will fight in hand

to hand combat alongside Njal. Any

opponent will therefore always face two

enemies: Njal and Night Wing.

Night Wing has no Movement or

Leadership values but always moves

with Njal at all times.

This ancient pelt is from a massive Wolf of Fenris,

the largest ever slain by a warrior of the Space

Wolves. The ancient and venerable hide has been

interwoven with a modified cameleoline web. At

ranges of up to 10" the Pelt of Wulfen reduces the

enemy's chances of scoring a hit by -1. At 10-20" the

penalty is -2, at 20-30 it is -3 and so on, each extra

10" reducing the chance of hitting by a further -

1. These penalties apply to shooting (not hand to

hand fighting) and are in addition to other modifers

for cover, etc. M WS BS S T W I A LD

- 4 0 3 6 1 4 1 -



Page 40: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

The Hood of Gnyrll

20 Points

The Rune Staff Stormcaller

35 Points

The Hood of Gnyrll may be worn instead of

a normal psychic hood. The wearer begins

the battle with an additional psycic

power. If his mastery level is 1 he therefore

receives two psychic powers, if level 2 he

receives three , if level 3 he receives four

and level 4 psykers receive five.

This ancient rune staff absorbed so much power that

it eventually became a living thing in the hands of its

original owner Njal Stormcaller. At the start of the

game deal 3 cards from the warp deck. Any force

cards are retained within the rune staff, other cards

are returned to the deck. Further force cards may be

placed in the staff as they are dealt, up to a maximum

of three. During any psychic phase the force cards

may be used to power the wielder's psychic

abilities. Stormcaller also adds +1 to the wielder's A

and I and adds a Strength bonus equal to its wielder's

mastery level.




10 Points

Frostfang is a mighty weapon crafted

centuries ago by the Iron Priest Fergus

Forgrim, the famed master craftsman of the

Space Wolves. Its chainsaw blade is

fashioned from arare metal whose secret

died with the ancient Iron Priest. It has a

superior profile as shown below.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

Close Combat 5 d3 -2 2d6+d3+5 Parry


Page 41: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards


Banner of


50 Points

Gauntlets of Ultramar

18 Points

The Banner of Macragge is a sold as the Ultramarines

Chapter itself. The banner records the campaign

history of the entire Ultramarines Chapter and is

carried to battle when the whole Chapter fights as

one. Many foes have balked at the sight of the

Banner of Macragge, knowing they face the entire

Ultramarines Chapter and certain defeat. The holder

of the banner and any Space Marine unit he is with is

immune to psychology and causesfear as described in

the Psychology section of the Warhammer 40,000


The Gauntlets of Ultramar are worn by the Master of

the Ultramarines. The gauntlets take the form of a

pair of power golves each with a built-in

boltgun. The gauntlets are worn as a pair so the

wearer recieves an extra attack dice in close

combat. In addition, the gauntlets allow the wearer to

deal with many opponents at once so opponents do

not receive any bonuses for multiple combats. The

gauntlets buitl-in boltguns fire together with the same

effect as a single storm bolter.

Range: Sht Lg /To hit: Sht Lg /Str/ Dam/ Save / Ap / Special

0-12 12-24 +1 - 4 1 -1 d6+4 1 sus. fire


Close Combat only 8 1 -5 d6+d20+8


Rod of Tigurius

40 Points

The Rod of Tigurius is an extremely potent

force weapon, drawing the psychic energy

out of Tigurius and focussing it into a tight

beam of unstoppable ebergy. Any powers

used by Tigurius and channelled through the

rod cannot be nullified in the turn that they

are used. Every time a power is played

using the Rod of Tigurius, Tigurius suffers

d6-4 wounds.


Page 42: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Vehicle Wargear:

Vehicle - 5 Points

SCYTHES This card may only be taken for bikes. The bike has

been equipped with wickedly sharp scythes for

cutting down enemy troops as the rider races past at

high speed. When the bike is used to make a hit and

run attack, before the actual attack is resolved, the

enemy model must roll equal to or under his Initiative

on a D6 (a 6 always fails). If this roll is failed, the

model takes a Strength four hit causing 1 wound with

a -1 save modifier. If the model is still alive or passes

its Initiative test, then resolve the hit and run attack as


Vehicle - 5 Points

SUPER-CHARGED ENGINE This card may only be taken for vehicles (including bikes and

skimmers) but not for dreadnoughts or other walkers. The vehicles

engine has been lovingly serviced and tinkered with by the driver, including having it rebored, gas flowed and fitted with a huge

supercharger. The supercharger can be used in any movement phase to

increase the vehicle's speeds as shown below. Roll the dice for extra

movement each time the supercharger is used. The extra movement

rolled doesn't have to be used unless you roll the maximum (6 and 12

respectively) in which case the additional movement must be used up.

Slow Speed Combat Speed Fast Speed

No change +D6 +2D6

Vehicle - 5 Points


A searchlight is useful for spotting hidden

troops. When you use the searchlight place

a 2" blast marker anywhere within the line of

sight of the vehicle. Any hidden enemy

models completely or partially covered by

the marker are "spotted" if they are in or

behind soft cover (woods, bushes,

etc.). Models hidden in or behind hard cover

(walls, rocks for example) are "detected"


Vehicle - 10 Points

REINFORCED ARMOR The armor of this vehicle or Dreadnought has been

reinforced by having extra armor plates, track links,

sand bags and the like strapped to the outside. This

means that the vehicle's armor value is increased by 1

point on all of its hit locations apart from wheels or

tracks. Unfortunately the extra weight decreases the

vehicle's speed. Vehicles have their slow speed

reduced by 1", their combat speed reduced by 2" and

their fast speed reduced by 4". Dreadnoughts and

walkers have their movement rate reduced by 2".

Page 43: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Vehicle - 35 Points

NULL SHIELD A null-shield protects against psychic attacks and

works by projecting a field of negative psychic

energy which repels psychic power on contact. Every

time a psychic power is used on a vehicle or

Dreadnought with a null-field roll the scatter dice

first- on a roll of a "hit" the psychic power penetrates

the shield and works normally. If an arrow is rolled

the psychic power is deflected 2d6" away in the

direction indicated, passing over terrain and obstacles

but affecting the first model ( other than the vehicle

or Dreadnought) in its path. If the null-field is within

an area of effect marker caused by a psycic power it

will nullify the power on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 on a D6.

Vehicle - 30 Points

HOLO-FIELD The vehicle is fitted with a holo-field, similar to those

used by the deadly Eldar Harlequins. The holo-field

is a programmable hologram field that breaks up the

outline of the vehicles as it moves, creating a tiny

cloud of multi-colored fragments. When the vehicle

stops, its image coalesces back together into a solid

form. As log as the vehicle is moving, all shots fires

at it suffer an additional -1 to hit. If the vehicle

comes to a halt or makes a pop up attack then it does

not benefit from its holo-field. ELDAR SKIMMERS ONLY

Vehicle - 30 Points

TALONS The Falcon can find itself vulnerable to attack at close

quarters. To counter this the Eldar can fit Talons to

their vehicles. Talons consist of a series of pods that

are positioned on the vehicle's hull. Psychic nodes

linked to the pilot's helmet can unleash a great hail of

tiny psycho-conductive crystals, like tiny needles

only a few millimeters longs. The Talons shoot

automatically before close combat attacks against the

vehicle are worked out. Roll a D6 for each model in

hand to hand combat with the vehicle. On aD6 roll of

4 or more it is hit. If a hit is scored roll a D6. If the

score is equal to or more than the target's Toughness

then it suffers one wound with a -2 saving throw

modifier. Talons can be fitted to walkers, like

Dreadnoughts and War Walkers but at double the

normal points cost.


Vehicle - 20 Points



Psycho-sonic screamers may only be fitted

to Falcons and Vypers. The vehicle is

fitted with a series of vanes, that resonate as

the vehicle flies through the air. These are

fed into psycho-sonic amplifiers similar to

those used by the Howling Banshee Aspect

Warriors creating a bow wave of psycho-

sonic energy in front of the vehicle. The

resulting psychic scream can induce terrible

fear in enemy units and cause them to panic,

fleeing for cover. A vehicle fitted with this

card causes terror as described in the

psychology section of the Warhammer

40,000 ruelbook.


Page 44: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Vehicle - 5 Points



The weapon systems of this vehicle have a

special targeting array similar to that used by

Dark Reaper Aspect Warriors. Special

crystal sensor arrays on the vehicle tarck and

spot potential targets. This information is

then fed directly to the weapons and the

gunner's helmet. A vehicle fitted with a

targeting matrix may ignore all to hit

modifiers for firing at fast moving targets.


Vehicle - 15 Points

SPIRIT STONE The vehicle has a spirit stone that contains the soul of

a dead Eldar warrior. This protects the vehicle

against psychic attacks and in times of great need can

be called upon to take over the role of one of the

crew. If the vehicle is assaulted psychically, then the

attack will be nullified on a D6 roll of 6. In addition,

if one of the crew is killed by any means, then the

spirit stone will take over with exactly the same

profile as an Eldar Guardian. If the dead crew

member is hit again, then the spirit stone is hit

instead. It has Toughness 4 and 1Wound. A vehicle

may only carry one spirit stone and dreadnoughts

can't use them at all. ELDAR VEHICLES ONLY

Vehicle - 25 Points/Location

CRYSTALLINE WEB Part of the vehicle is protected by tiny crystal spiders, similar to the

ones that protect the wraithbone of a craftworld. When the vehicle

location suffers damage the spiders can rebuild the damaged

area. Choose a location to fit the Crystalline Web to. If the location is

penetrated, your opponent should roll on the table below, instead of the

normal damage table. D6 Crystalline Spider Damage Table 1-2 The crystal spiders manage to completely repair any

damage and the vehicle is unaffected.

3 The damage is repairable but it will take a little time. If

the location has a weapon on it then it may not fire next turn

while the damage is repaired.

4-5 Roll a D3 on the location's damage table and

the Crystalline Web is destroyed. Further penetrating hits are rolled on the damage table.

6 Roll a D6 on the location's damage table and

the Crystalline Web is destroyed. Further

penetrating hits are rolled on the normal damage table.


Vehicle - 15 Points


The hull of the vehicle is covered with tiny

outlets, allowing the vehicle to release a

gaseous substance that interferes with the

wavelength of laser energy, causing the

energy of laser shots to dissipate. If the

vehicle is hit by a laser weapon, the Eldar

player rolls a D6 and subtracts the score

from the armor penetration dice roll.


Page 45: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Vehicle - 25 Points

VECTORED ENGINES The jet engines of this vehicle have a highly advanced

system of vectored control planes that allow it to

commit breathtaking feats of aerobatics, even at high

speeds. This enhanced manoeuverability allows the

vehicle to negotiate through tight terrain, swinging

around to bring its weaponry to bear on many

targets. It is common for the cockpits of vehicles

fitted with these engines to be upgraded so that the

crew can cope with the excessive G-forces caused by

these manoeuvers. A vehicle fitted with vectored

engines may take double the number of turns it is

normally allowed to make. ELDAR SKIMMERS ONLY

Vehicle - +5 Points per weapon

STORM BOLTERS Many Imperial vehicles are fitted with storm bolters

mounted as auxiliary weapons. Because they have an

ample supply of ammunition these vehicle-mounted

storm bolters are less prone to jamming so reroll any

jams rolled on the sustained fire dice. Any member

of the crew can fire an auxiliary storm bolter but if he

does so he may not perform his usual task (i.e. fir ehis

weapon if a gunner or drive the vehicle if a

driver). Alternatively, troopers from squads being

transported may fire auxiliary storm bolters instead of

firing their own weapons through hatches or firing

slits. Models firing storm bolters may not be targeted

seperately by the enemy. IMPERIAL VEHICLES ONLY

Vehicle - 15 Points

BULLDOZER BLADE This card may only be taken for vehicles (excluding

bikes and skimmers), it may not be taken for

Dreadnoughts or other walkers. The "dozer" blade

increases the Strength of the vehicle's ram value by

+1 and adds +1d6 to the ram damage it inflicts. This

is in addition to the +D6 ram bonus against buildings

received by vehicles with a ram bar noted in the

Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. In addition to this, any

shots which hit the front of the vehicle's hull will hit

the blade on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 on a d6. If it is hit the

"dozer" blade adds +D6 to the vehicle's front hull

armor value for that shot only. If the vehicle's hull

suffers a penetrating hit from the front the bulldozer

blade is automatically wrecked and this card is



Vehicle - 30 Points

HUNTER-KILLER MISSILE This card may only be taken for vehicles (excluding bikes and

skimmers), it may not be taken for Dreadnoughts. Hunter-killer

missiles are one shot weapons for use against heavily armored

targets. The missile is fitted with a robot brain so it is self-guiding and

doesn't require a crewman to fire it. The missile may only be fired at

vehicles, Dreadnoughts, buildings or similar targets. It always hits its target on a roll of 3+ regardless of range and to hit modifiers for target

size, speed, cover etc. if the missile hits work out damage using the

profile given below. Discard this card once the missile has been fired.

Strength Damage Save Mod. Armor Penetration

8 2d10 -6 2d10+d6+8


Page 46: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Vehicle - +10 Points per weapon


Heavy bolters are often replaced with heavy

flamers on Imperial vehicles fighting in

built-up areas or jungles to give superior

close-in defense against infantry

assaults. This card allows you to upgrade

heavy bolters to heavy flamers on a vehicle

for an extra 10 points per weapon

upgraded. Twin linked heavy bolters may

be upgraded to a single heavy flamer for



Vehicle - +5 Points per weapon


This vehicle card may be fitted to a vehicle's

heavy bolter. The heavy bolter has been

fitted with an ammo feed. The ammo feed

reduces the chances of the weapon

jamming. A heavy bolter equipped with an

ammo feed may ignore the first jam rolled

on the sustained fire dice each turn. This

means a heavy bolter with an ammo feed

will only jam if two jams are rolled

together. A twin-linked heavy bolter may

only have a single ammo feed.



Vehicle - 20 Points

RECON PACK This vehicle card may only be taken for Space Marine

attack bikes. The extra carrying capacity over a

standard bike allows them to be equipped for an

enhanced reconnaissance role, using their speed and

manoeuverability to scout ahead of the main

force. The collected data is transmitted via uplink

back to command HQ. A force which includes this

vehicle gains considerable strategic advantage. the

Space Marine player may add 1 to his strategy

rating. In Addition, on a d6 roll of 4+ you may force

your opponent to discard one of his Strategy

cards. Further vehicles with a recon pack will not

confer any extra bonuses. SPACE MARINE VEHICLES


Vehicle - 30 Points

COMMAND COMM-LINK This vehicle may only be fitted to Space Marine

vehicles that have a character riding in or on

them. The vehicle is equipped with a command

comm-link, enabling it ot guide a Space Marine

attack. This allows a character to give orders and

command the rest of the force while leading from a

forward position -perfect for lightning raids and

assaults. when rolling to see which side goes first, a

Space Marine force that includes this vehicle may roll

two D6 and add their strategy rating to the best

result. Further vehicles with a command comm-link

will not confer any bonuses. SPACE MARINE VEHICLES


Page 47: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Vehicle - 10 Points


The vehicle has been infected by Nurgle's

Rot. The vehicle is infested with pestilence,

decaying limbs and tentacles. The vehicle is

rotten to the core, slimy ooze covers the tank

and Nurglings clamber all over the

vehicle. The armor value of all the vehicle's

locations are increased by 1 point. In

addition, any model who attacks the vehicle

in hand to hand combat must roll equal to or

under their Initiative on a D6 (6 always

fails). If this roll is failed then the model

sustains a hit equivalent to the vehicles ram


Vehicle - 25 Points

DESTROYER The device is favored by Chaos Space Marines that

worship Khorne the Blood God and may only be

fitted to Land Raiders, Predators and Rhinos. The

vehicle is equipped with all manner of spikes, slicing

blades, scythed wheels, grabbing claws and torture

implements. A vehicle equipped with a Destroyer has

its ram value upgraded to Strength 10, D20 Damage, -

6 saving throw. In addition, any model that wishes to

attack the vehicle in hand to hand combat must roll

equal to or under their Initiative on a D6 (6 always

fails). If this roll is failed then the model sustains a

hit equivalent to the vehicles ram value. KHORNE DAEMONIC VEHICLES ONLY

Vehicle - +5 Points per


COMBI-BOLTER The combi-bolter is the standard armament for Chaos

Space Marine Terminators. However, it is not

uncommon to find them mounted on Chaos Space

Marine vehicles for additional fire power. Any

member of the crew can fire the combi-bolter, though

they may not drive, fire other weapons, etc. if they do

so. Alternatively, troopers from squads being

transported may fire the combi-bolter instead of firing

their weapons through hatches or firing slits. Models

firing combi-bolters may not be targeted

seperately. The combi-bolters follow all rules for

combi-weapons as printed in Codex Chaos. Chaos

Space Marines may rapid fire with combi-bolters if

the vehicle is stationary or moving at slow speed. CHAOS SPACE MARINE VEHICLES ONLY

Vehicle - +5 Points per


DAEMONIC POSSESSION This card may only be chosen for fully enclosed vehicles or

dreadnoughts. The vehicle has no crew, instead it is possessed by a daemon. Its hatches are welded shut and sealed with sigils and runes of

Chaos. If the vehicle had atroop carrying capability then it can no

longer carry any troops. The daemon controls the vehicle and can fire

all of its guns using its BS of 5. If the vehicle is a dreadnought it fights

with a Ws of 5 as well. Any damage results that crew are killed have

absolutely no effect. The vehicle has an aura of pure evil and causes

terror. If the vehicle is destroyed, then its daemon will disappear back into the warp. If the Chaos army loses all its Champions bearing a

Mark of Chaos, then the daemon will be banished along with the other

daemons,dsiabling the vehicle. CHAOS VEHICLES ONLY

Page 48: 2nd edition Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Wargear Cards

Vehicle - 25 Points

WARP AMP This card may be chosen if your army includes at

least one squad of Noise Marines and may only be

fitted to Land Raiders, Predators and Rhinos. The

vehicle is equipped with a device designed to amplify

emotions by projecting resonant warp energies from

rune-encrusted horns and pipes which sprout from the

vehicle. The closer a creature comes to the warp amp

the harder it is to maintain discipline and conscious

thought. Enemy model within 18" of the warp amp

suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership score when

taking Break or psychology tests. Within 12" the

penalty increases to -2 and within 6" it increases to -


Vehicle - 45 Points


FLAME The vehicle is covered with weird gargoyles that

constantly chatter incantations and breathe great

gouts of Tzeentch warp fire. This covers the vehicle

in a sheet of sorcerous flames which consume enemy

troopers and psychic powers. Any psychic power

used against the vehicle or a model within 3" of it

will be nullified on a D6 roll of 4 or 5. On a roll of 6

the power is nullified and it must be discarded for the

rest of the game. If the vehicle is attacked in close

combat it will inflict D6 hits with a Strength of 4+d6

divided among the models in base contact with

it. Make a single roll for the Strength of all the

hits. Each hit inflicts one wound with a saving throw

modifier of -1 for each point of Strength above

3. Surviving enemy models may then attack. TZEENTCH DAEMONIC VEHICLES ONLY

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