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February 2013 No. 252

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For all enquiries or to request a free practice brochure,please phone us on the Reception number

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Page 3: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

The Wriggle Magazine is FREE but readers are invited to make voluntary donations towardsthe cost of production. These should be forwarded to the Treasurer at Mallows House, Church

Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG. Cheques can be made payable to Wriggle Valley Magazine.Thank you for your continued support

Super to see you all, bright and perky atthe beginning of a new year. Snowdropsare out in the Wriggle Valley and it isn’tlong until spring. Glad you all enjoyed theWriggle Valley Player’s panto, SleepingBeauty; the review will be in March’s issue.

Thank you for getting all your articles inon time, I know it is a bit of a shock to haveour copy deadline so close to thefestivities. Could I once again requestphotos to compliment your articles. Nexttime you have an event take along yourcamera and snap away. Send us yoursnow photos.

Our cover photo this month is thebeautiful east window of St Andrew’sChurch with the sun streaming in taken onthe occasion of the St Andrew’s CEPrimary School’s lovely uplifting Christmasservice.

If you use any of the companiesadvertising in this magazine could youmention where you saw the advert. Once again thank youto all our advertisers, we greatly appreciate your support.

Have a good February; enjoy the snowdrops and StValentine’s Day.

Bella Neate-Clegg

Editor’s notes…

News from the Villages 5

Batcombe 5

Chetnole 5

Hermitage 10

Hilfield 12

Leigh 15

Ryme Intrinseca 23

Yetminster 23

Out & About 31

Diary - February onwards 32

Regular Meeting & Activities 34

News from our Churches 36

Church Services - February 39

General News 43

…there's nowt so… 50

St Andrew’s CE Primary School 53

Leigh Weather Watch 54

Planning Applications 56

Spotlight 59

…gone gardening.. 60

Club News 63




Drifts of snowdrops in Minterne Gardens

The Chetnole Inn

Page 4: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


Extensions & RenovationsListed Buildings

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Page 5: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

he new school term has got off to a rocky start for some of our Chetnole sixth formersattending The Gryphon School in Sherborne. Sadly, and not without some degree of frustrationNews from the Villages

February is said to be"February Filldyke"; I think our dykes arefilled lets hope its not true this month....

Our thanks to the ladies for decoratingthe church so well; the children’s carolservice on Christmas Eve was very wellattended and it was nice to welcome backJohn Rennie to St Mary's Church. The

Christmas Day service was led by Bro Gilesand once again the church was filled

The monthly coffee morning forFebruary has yet to be arranged but theMarch coffee morning will be at the Friarywith Chantell .

We will be back to Court Farm House onFathers’ Day in June for the BatcombeCream Teas, more news later

That’s all for now, Happy New Year toyou all

Alan Bastone


Happy New Year to you all anda warm welcome to Emily and DavidGoodwin-Dickens and their three youngchildren to Lamb Plot, we hope you will allbe very happy here in Chetnole. Although we seem to be knee-deep inmud and murk in the village andsurrounding areas at the moment, myspirits were lifted the other day drivingthrough Yeovil and catching sight of allthe early-flowering daffodils on theroadside - Spring is around thecorner...but only just. Wrap up in themeantime and have a good February allyou old romantics out there.

Liz Tebbatt

Get your oil here!John Sanford wishes to announce the

dates of the next two bulk oil deliveries toChetnole: 21 Feb and 28 March

- minimum quantity 500 litres;ordering in bulk achieved a saving of 3.4p

per litre for the last delivery to the village.Contact John on 872973 in advance of

the above dates to place your individualorder.

The Playing Field Management TeamWe are still looking for a few more

members to complement its workforce.We all work as a team so there is nomajor hard work involved, but the work isvital to keep our Playing Field in tip toporder.

 If you would like to help, or requiremore information, then please call NigelBray on 872233. Thanks

Writing GroupAny keen scribblers out there

interested in setting up a local writinggroup? If so please contact Sue Morgan873104 in the first instance.

Message from Stephanie FrippMany thanks to the carol singers who

sang round the village just beforeChristmas They raised a lot of good cheerand £80.73p for the church wall fund. Ourthanks also to all the generous donors.

CHETNOLE.....with Melbury Bubb & Stockwood

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ForthcomingChetnoleVillage HallEventsChetnole Jazz CaféSaturday 16 FebruaryNeil Maya Quartet Tickets £8.50

Chetnole Flower Show & FeteQuiz NightSaturday 9 MarchTable of 4 £20

Letter to ChetnoleAs we start another year, it seems a

good time to send, through this excellentmagazine, the hearty thanks of allChetnolians to our super Sue Morgan forher inspired starting of the drop-in coffeemorning on Wednesdays. What a success itis and how the numbers grow!

When our shop and post office closedthere was no meeting place in the village.We hardly saw one another and had no ideaof what was happening.

Now we meet, we use the post office(many thanks to Robert, just back fromAustralia), we buy bread and freshvegetables, change our books and enjoy acoffee and biscuits with our friends in awelcoming atmosphere...and we TALK!Hence we get to know all the local news andany of us with problems or worries can gethelp.

Well done Sue! You are a star! And welldone Chetnole for being such a caringvillage. I feel so lucky to live here.

A happy 2013 to everyone.

Elizabeth Heaven

Churchyard Wall Repair. All will have noted that the longrunning saga of the above is to all intentsand purposes, finished.  However there is asmall amount of topping and tailing asrequired by our Church Architect before thecollective sigh of relief is heard from theParochial Church Council.   Although wehave reached this point, there is still   ashortfall in funds for the project, so feel freeat all times, to contribute !!

David Gough

On Saturday 5 January the blessing ofTim Andrewartha and his new brideNatsumi took place at St Peter’s Church,Chetnole.  Tim (son of Anne and Joe) hasbeen teaching English in Tokyo for thepast six years and this is where thecouple will be living.

The picture was taken by the churchgate which has a banner on it with'Welcome to Chetnole' in Japanese.This was produced by Bob Owen andput up by Mal and Mary Prodger. Thewedding party knew nothing about ituntil just before the wedding!

Congratulations to the happy couple or should we say, “”!

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Page 8: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



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Page 9: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Variety Evening forMarathon Man Gary

In October 2012 I received news that I hadbeen given one of the 4,000 ballot places in theLondon Marathon on the 21st April 2013. It willbe my fifth London Marathon and I will be usingmy place to run in aid of our local hospices onceagain.

I have decided this year that I will enjoy themarathon and not try so hard to run it in under4 hours which has always been my target. Ihave received tremendous support over the

years from family, friends and colleagues whichhas helped me get through the hours of training required.

This year I have been very fortunate to have some very talentedfriends in the village who have kindly offered to help me with fundraising.We are planning a Variety Evening on the 16 March in Chetnole VillageHall. All money raised will be divided equally between Weldmar inDorchester and St Margaret’s in Yeovil.

Gary Sturgess

Further to my notesin the last issue of theWVN regarding the above,diligent scholarshipamongst recentlydiscovered documents,reveals that the SisterErmintrude who becamethe Mother Superior of aPriory was a leading lightin the Order of St. Brenda,

whose main purpose wasthe provision of rest,recuperation and succourfor travellers and visitors tothe Priory. It is of interestthat the Mother Superiorof the Order was alwaysreferred to as "The Madam" After a brief butpopular flowering, theorder was dissolved by

Papal Decree as it hadbecome apparent that asignificant number of theNuns took their duties tooliterally.However, it is of interestthat even today, vestiges ofthe Order and its raisond'être  can be found inmany towns and cities.

Chetnole Village Hall 100 ClubDecember 20121st  £50 Nos.125, 58 Dr Tweedy,

Miss S Howard2nd  £30 Nos.153,  64 Mrs S Morgan,

Mrs s Lloyd,3rd £20 Nos. 8, 11 Mrs Yeatman,

Mrs j Siburn

January 20131st  £50 117, 199 Mrs J Bailey,

Mrs J Sibun2nd  £30 Nos.154, 148 Mrs D Murphy, Mrs J Guard3rd £20 Nos.61, 35 Mrs N Kittelsen,

Mrs S Pope

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Betty celebrated her100th birthday on 24January.  Her husbandHarry, who died in 1984,was a tutor at YeovilCollege, converted thestore of the old PostOffice and Shop inChetnole to what is stillknown as Rowan Cottage.This became their family

home in the early 1950's.    Betty, who was alifetime member of TheWoman's Institute andSecretary for many yearsof the Chetnole Branchand  Secretary to theChetnole Flower Showfor countless years wasalso heavily involved inmany village activities.  In 1990 she went to live

with her daughterMargaret and family inCanada where she stillleads an active life forsomeone of her years.  She is still fondlyremembered by manypeople in the village andwe send her our verybest wishes.

HERMITAGE....Local representative: Ray Dickerson(01963) 210292

Christmas FairThank you to everyone who put in so

much effort and gave of their time, tomake the gifts and food that were on offerat this event.

Although the attendance numberswere disappointing we were able to makea profit, which will be shared between St.Mary’s Church and the Village Hallcommittee funds.

Thanks to those of you who came alongand supported us.

Christmas BingoIn contrast to the Christmas Fair, the

Village Hall was packed to capacity for theChristmas Bingo. There were fantasticprizes, which were fairly evenly distributed,

Thanks go to Barbara and Pete, andAnn and Charlie, for putting on such a greatevening.

The next Bingo evening will be in March– please see the details below.

American themed evening – 9 MarchAs previously announced, we will be

hosting a ‘themed evening’ at the VillageHall on Saturday 9 March, starting at7.30pm.

The admission charge, for a 2 coursemeal with an American diner flavour, is just£12.50.

This promises to be a fun evening whichwe hope that you will support.

Please call 01963 210292 to reserveyour place. We will need to know thenumbers in advance in order to caterappropriately, so please do not turn up onthe night without having first made a‘booking’. Thank you.

Easter Bingo – 23 MarchBingo, with an Easter theme, will return

to the Village Hall on Saturday 23 Marchwith ‘eyes down’ at 7.30pm.

We hope to see you there.

themed evening7.30 pm 9 March

2 course meal - £12.50American diner flavour

To reserve your place -please call 01963 210292

Page 11: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

It’s Magic! – 7 JuneIf you lived in Hermitage in 2003 you will

probably remember a rather specialevening we had on the Green with amagician. By popular demand he is comingback on 7 June, this time to Leigh VillageHall, for another entertainingly magicalshow. More details later.

Family Event – 22 JuneJust a further reminder to mark this

date in your diary – we have no moredetails as yet, other than it will be held onthe Village Green on the afternoon ofSaturday 22 June.

Superfast BroadbandYou may be aware of the initiative which

aims to bring improved broadband foreveryone and superfast broadband for95% of homes and businesses acrossDorset by 2015.

To have any chance of making thishappen in Hermitage , we must show thatour village has a real desire for theimprovement.

To do this please call 01305 221048or go toand register your interest.

Thank you

Jack was 18 years oldwhen he met Pat, theywere engaged for 2 yearsand married in 1958.

They moved to WestSussex and started aNursery, growing cutflowers under glass-houses for Covent Garden.

This, as you canimagine, was a great dealof hard work and very longhours, however, the yearswent by increasing the sizeof the property andeventually building a lovely

bungalow with a swimmingpool in the garden.

By this time they hadwon several accolades inCovent Garden, includingsupplying flowers forroyalty at special functions.

Together they decidedto sell the Nursery and toretire to Boscastle inCornwall where theystayed for 3 years. Theopportunity came up tocome and live inHermitage and that iswhere they have bothenjoyed 16 years ofperfect retirement.

Jack was a very quietman and loved his privacy.He was happiest being inthe garden with Patenjoying a glass of wineand watching the wildlifearound him.

Even though Jack wasa private person hebelieved in honesty,generosity, integrity and

hospitality. He also had areally good sense ofhumour.

He will be missedgreatly.

Thank youI would like to say a

huge THANK YOU to allthe folk of Hermitage whosupported me throughJack’s illness, for all theflowers, ‘phone calls andcards.

All donations have goneto Marie Curie who werewonderful.

On 16 December aRemembrance Servicewas held in St. Mary’schurch for Jack, and againmany thanks to all theteam (they know who theyare!) for making it such amemorable occasion.

Once again, THANKYOU ALL.

Memories of Jack Richardson 1936 – 2012

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HILFIELD....Local representatives: Michael & Ann [email protected], 01300 341148

Hoping  everyone in neighbouringvillages had a lovely Christmas andNew Year.

We had a lovely Crib Service at ourchurch on Sunday 23rd December.The church was full to bursting pointwhen we had 72 people attend theservice.Flares lit the lane and pathway up tothe church, and the church was lit upwith candles and tea lights.A beautiful real Christmas Tree was aglow with lights.Local children took part in building thechristmas story and adding the animalsand figures to the crib scene.Many thanks to all those that helped onthe day and a big thank you to Emmaand Mark for their hospitalityof mulled wine and to those who madethe mince pies.  It will be great if at last it were tostop raining and everywhere starts todry out.Could we ask that people take extracare and not try and get off the roads

onto the very soft, wet and muddyverges, it really has not helped that theverges have been cut up due to thehunt followers recently, do they reallyneed to get right off the road and causemore damage. Our roads aroundHilfield are really suffering due to potholes etc, the wet weather not helping.I have not seen the area looking sucha mess in a long time, and with waterand mud continually on the roads it aconstant struggle to keep vehiclesclean. I am not one to moan but a littleconsideration for other road users doesgo along way.

The other day a Council vehiclewas spotted down our way

So I went out to watchand I have to say

He was having a real struggletrying to fill the pot holes

Some as big as washing up bowlsWhat was the use they were

filled with rainwaterAnd as much as they were filled the

size and depth did not alter

As they moved on to try and fill thenext one

All their hard work became undoneAs cars and tractors passed over

them and beyondOut came the filling and once againwe were faced with a small funny

shaped pond.

It would be nice to have a pothole free road and a smooth drive

out and aboutand perhaps the day will come with

a great shoutThe Council have been back on a

dry and sunny dayAnd all the pot holes have been

filled in the correct way.Ann Harris

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Page 14: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine




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We run cookingclasses, parties andholiday clubs forchildren aged 5+ inand around theBridport and Yeovil areasJunior Cooks offer a variety of party packages tosuit your needs at a venue of your choice - all weneed is a kitchen!Need help entertaining the kids during the holidays? Bring them alongto one of our holiday clubs and let us teach them to cook and cleanup the mess afterwards!Contact Gemma on: 07767 083780email: [email protected]

Our aim is for children to learn to cook delicious

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Page 15: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

LEIGH.....Representative: Philippa [email protected]

So – the snowdrops are out and the days aregetting longer. We can put aside ourcatalogues and actually get outsideand enjoy doing things and talking toeach other again!

As always there are lots ofactivities and events coming up,jumble sales, Moviola films etc. (toomany to summarise) so do pleaseread the whole magazine carefully soas not to miss anything!

Years ago, being a noseyneighbour was not just popular, butan obligation for anyone in anycommunity. As a teenager I camehome from my Saturday farm work tobe told by our very vigilant neighbour

that we had had a visitor whilst wewere all out. “I don’t know who hewas, “ he said “ but he must havehad his wellies an awful long time asthey was dreadful wore down at theheel!” Perhaps we can all help tomake keeping an eye out for eachother fashionable again!!

On the topic of new neighbours Iam particularly pleased to welcomeTracey, Matt and boys, Archie andOscar, to Church Farm Cottages. It isa real pleasure to have two morechildren in the village.

Please do let me know if you havenew neighbours so we can welcomethem and make sure they get awelcome pack.

If you have been on the edge ofyour armchair for the whole ofChristmas and New Year – pleaseread on for more on the Mystery ofthe Disappearing Bench!

Philippa Toulson

There need to be severalthank yous to all those whomade the Christmas servicesso meaningful - from thosewho took the services ieSimon Brignall and TonyDurkin to all those whodecorated the church sobeautifully and all thosewho attended.  We were

thrilled to raise the sumof £295.57 at ourChristmas Eve CarolService to send to theEzo Appeal in SouthSudan for them to buyseeds and hoes forcultivating the land.However a very bigthank you must also go

to Les and Connie Walliswho made and donated tothe church the beautifulhand knitted set of nativityfigures which were admiredby so many who came to ourservices.  It was so good tosee the children bringing allthe figures up to the altar tobe blessed and there was no

worry about them droppingthem!  The PCC also sent £50to Crisis for Christmas thisyear as well. Anne ReasonDates for your diary:Sunday 17 FebruaryFamily ServiceThursday 14 March from12.00 - 2pmLent lunch in Leigh VillageHall - do come and samplesome delicious home-madesoups.Saturday 18 MayThe annual May Fair will beheld in Leigh Village Hall on

- please keep any unwantedChristmas presents for ourGood as New stall! Thankyou.

St Andrew's Church, Leigh

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The seat was purchasedby Leigh WI tocommemorate the Queen’sGolden Jubilee in 2002.Since then the seat and thearea immediately around ithad been maintained bythe WI ladies and theirhusbands. Unfortunately,the years have taken theirtoll both on the ladies and

the seat! Apart from theseat requiring majorrepairs it was constantlyovergrown by weeds andgrasses which had becomedifficult to keep undercontrol as well as thewonderful view beingobscured by the height ofthe hedge. Followingdiscussions with the Leigh

Village Hall committee itwas agreed that oncerepairs had been carriedout to the seat it could berelocated to the meadowbehind the village hallwhere it could be enjoyedand maintained moreeasily.

President, Leigh WI

News from the Old VicarageAs promised we have news from theCare awards and we are delighted toannounce that Emily Spearing wonthe National Caring Times award forcare leadership, with Louise Turnerand Denzil Goddard runners up intheir categories. At the regional GreatBritish care awards in Bristol, DanTurner won the ancillary award andgoes on to represent the South Westin London later this year. EmilySpearing and Sheila Kumulo wererunners up.

Ruby celebrated her 103rdbirthday in November with a surprisevisit from Sherborne school of dance.Ruby, an ex-ballet teacher, thrilledthem with stories of how she hadwatched Pavlova dance and howAgatha Christie had come to watch aperformance!

Christmas was incredibly busywith carol singers in all shapes andsizes. Many thanks to everyone whojoined in with the festivities,especially the WI, Leighers, Chetnolesingers, Leigh Brownies, Trent school,Folk South West and especially BaileyRidge garden centre for loaning usSanta and his reindeer, Flash!

Grateful thanks too go to LanceDavid for stepping in as Santa onChristmas eve and all our volunteerswho help us to provide a fullprogramme of activities.

Our Christmas Fair raised £326 forthe Save the children fund. Thankyou to everyone who supported usand a big thank you to YetminsterScout group for helping withrefreshments. Staff also raised £55for Children in need.

Looking forward to the New Yearand we are planning a coffee morningin April. Time and date tbc.

Jan Millward

Mystery of the disappearing seat solved

An Edwardian Christmas with Folk South West

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Page 18: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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Specialising in pre/post tenancy,House moves, one off cleans.

For a quote call Rachel Largent07805 25816501935 873527

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Open daily 9am - 4pm(Closed Wed and Sun )

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Contact Mark or Michael: 01300 [email protected]

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Kevin MorseThe Old Saw Mill, Middlemarsh,

DT9 5QWTel: 01300 345783Mob: 07795 564751

For Friendly Advice Call01963 210180

Mobile: 07754290615email:[email protected]

Page 19: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Lighting Up LeighMaureen and Bob Osborne would like

to thank everyone who came to see ourlights this year. We collected a grand totalof £104.62p for Children in Need.

Bob and MaureenOsborne

Church PlansSt Andrew’s PCC,

Leigh are seekingplanning permission fora small extension to thechurch in order toaccommodate theinstallation of a toilet andkitchenette.

You are warmly invited to pop into thechurch between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm onSaturday 9 March for a tea or coffee and tolearn more about our plans.

John Parks and Eddie Upton,Churchwardens

More Stitches in TimeDuring the next 18 months pupils of St

Andrew’s CE Primary School, Yetminsterwill be working on a series of banners

reflecting the Christian year.Work has already started on

the first banner. We arelooking for fabric and otherinteresting bits and pieceseg. thread, ribbon etc forthe next three. If you havefabrics you wish to donatecould you please take

these to St Andrew’s School.Community Stitch UpPolish up your thumble or

dust off your sewing machine!! Weare seeking volunteers to come and help usstitch the banner together on the weekendof 9 & 10 February at the school. If youwould be interested in helping during theweekend please get in touch with Philippa

[email protected]

WRIGGLE VALLEY LUNCH CLUBMeets monthly at 12.30 pm in Leigh Village Hall

For Reservations or more details: Ring Connie 01935 872946

Tuesday February 19(bookings by February 12)

MENUSalmon Steaks, New Potatoes,

Peas and Sweet CornTrifle

Tuesday March 19(bookings by March 12)

MENUChicken Legs, Mashed

Potatoes, Cabbage and CarrotsFresh Fruit Salad and Cream

1st Mr J Freeman (48) £1002nd Mrs M Orchard (24) £803rd Mr J Tatchell (160) £50

4th Mr W Jolliffe (61) £805th Mr & Mrs S Porter (157) £20

Leigh Lottery results - Christmas Lottery Draw

Page 20: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine




Classic Tolstoy story of marital infidelity.With Keira Knightley as Anna, Jude Law,

her husband, and Aaron Johnson asVronsky. Cast also includes Olivia Wil-liams, Emma Watson and MatthewMacfadyen. A film not to be missed.

If Colin Firth’s downtrodden art curator is toget the better of his unpleasant millionaireemployer (Alan Rickman) he must enlist thehelp of a master forger(Tom Coutrenay)anda Texas cowgirl (Cameron Diaz). All extreme-

ly silly but very,very funny.

This is set in a retirement home for ageingmusicians where preparations for the annu-al gala are thrown into chaos by the arrival

of Opera Diva Jean .There are so many mem-orably sweet and poignant moments. Thishas a star studded cast including DameMaggie Smith, Tom Courtenay,Pauline Col-

lins, Michael Gambon, Billy Connolly and An-drew Sachs. This Film is a must.

All films start at 7.30pm,doors open 7pm.

We look forward to seeingTickets £5 available from BridgeStores, Leigh or Fiona and John

Parks (01935 873603)


CHRISTMAS APPEAL 2012On behalf of Samaritans Purse we

would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ for allthe shoe boxes you made up for thechildren in the world who are less fortunatethat we are. Altogether we had a total of 60shoe boxes from the Benefice.

We were also very lucky to tap into theDorset County Council website and throughthis we collected further 45 boxes.This was a marvellous effort by everyone,and it is good to think of all those childrenwho have not received Christmas Presentsbefore.

We would also like to thank CarolPorter and Brenda for all their help inadvertising and acting as collection points.

Fiona and John Parks.

The first WoodlandWednesday of 2013 will be onWednesday 20 March at theslightly earlier time 12 noon.Parents and pre school childrenwelcome. Sessions will be on thelast Wednesday of each monthfrom March onwards.

We are planning some familyactivity days for Easter Holidays

To book a placeplease contactPhilippa on 01935873889 or email



Page 21: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

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For professional services at reasonable ratesplease contact MARTIN NEWMAN


Page 22: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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Karen & Tony welcome all our newcustomers to your new

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Come along to see your new storeIf there is any lines we do not sellwhich you would like we will do ourbest to find them. [email protected]

Professional Bookkeeping for small businessesBookkeeping, VAT, Returns, PAYE

Monthly Reports, Budget Reports etcGeneral Tidy up

Over 20 yrs experiencePhone Rob Barfoot

Page 23: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


Representative: Gilly Wilson 01935 872982

Happy New Year to you all.Christmas seems ages agonow, but Ryme had  threevery well attended churchservices over the festiveseason.

The Carol Service on 16Dec was greatly enhancedby the St Andrews singers &the bell ringers.Unfortunately Gloria Abbeyhad flu but all was not lostas the wine, mince pies &cake crossed the road to Ian& Mary Scott’s where a jollytime was enjoyed by all.Many thanks to Gloria & theScotts.

Midnight Mass was verywell attended. and theFamily Service the nextmorning was mostentertaining, with the

angels andshepherdsfollowedby thebirth ofJesus; if

you weren'tthere you missedsomething.!!  Welldone all the performersespecially Jan Millwardfor arranging it all. As usualthe whole church lookedlovely with all the windowsills decorated; thank you toall the flower ladies andAndy Templeman.

Sunday 6 January wasthe annual Village Walk.Luckily it managed not rainfor a couple of hours in themorning and  some 20+people set off on a newroute this year roundFrankham Farm being led ata sharp pace by Andy & SueTempleman. We returnedto Church Farm at 1.00pm

for soup & sausages. Adonation of an amazing£300 is on its way to Dogsfor the Disabled, thanks inpart to very kind donationsfrom people that didn’teven come on the walk,Very many thanks toeveryone.

Frankham FarmGardens will be open thisyear from 2pm - 5pm on17 March, 28 April, 9 Juneand 13 October.

Gilly Wilson

YETMINSTER.....Representative: David Torrance(01935) 873979 [email protected]

Well, 2013 begins well, withrain and a dropping thermometeralthough notices are up on the ThornfordRoad warning of work to this so,hopefully, some of the problems withwater running off from the fields may besorted out.

Thinking of wet roads I am remindedof the need to recommend those

“unsung heroes” who try to help thecommunity when things are gettingdifficult. As such a resident of the villagerang me just before Christmas to tell methat during the time that everywherewas flooded he had seen Mike Bird doinghis best to clear a gulley on the Rymeroad and another village “hero”doing hisbest to battle with a blocked gulley inthe High Street outside the vets. Ourthanks therefore to these two stalwartsand indeed to all those who regularly

Clara Chilton’s snowmanbuilt in the recent snowfall.


Page 24: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



labour on our behalf without any formalrecognition.

As I write this I believe that Pennyand Melanie of Georgies fame arenearing the completion of their transitionto their new premises adjacent to BoylesGallery so I am sure we wish them thebest of luck in their new venue. We alsowish Karen and Tony Read well in theirnew venture, the new SPAR shop andPost Office in Sunnyside; I know youwill support them and it is great to havethe Post Office back in the village.

There appears to be a change ofleadership at the Yetminster FairAssociation with Barbara Driver nowtaking up the reigns – I understand thatshe is happy to be referred to as the

“Chairman” preferring this to “Chair”which, as she said implied that she was

“just a piece of furniture”! – refreshinglynon PC! We certainly wish her and theAssociation luck in the New Year.

Lastly, and in the best journalistictradition a feel good factor to end on inthat, just before Christmas, Graham andMichaela Plaice celebrated the marriageof their daughter Emily to Paul theceremony taking place at Hazelbury Milland on a day when there was actuallysunshine! I am sure you join with me inwishing them every happiness for thefuture.

Please continue to let me know of any“heroes” or of a special event and I wishyou all good health, good fortune andhappiness in 2013.

David Torrance

Notes from The OldSchool Gallery

Where did Christmasgo! It only seems likeyesterday that I wasstaggering down the HighStreet with a largeChristmas tree hitchedover my left shoulder,heading for the ChristmasTree festival at the church.

Our floral workshop,organised by FleurtatiousFloristry, was great funand had a multi-nationalattendance with armfulsof cuttings beingmiraculously transformedinto elegant wreaths andbark table decorationstogether with candles, andseems only last week, yet I

have just taken all thegallery holly and ivy tothe bottom of thegarden and the treedecorations are nownestling in their boxesfor the year.

The wood burner,however, is stillglowing and our lightsare still twinkling inwelcome to ourvisitors and willpreside over a seriesof events in Februarywhich include a floral

‘Valentine’ workshop, anevening hosted by aYetminster author, aGarden Design workshopand a new Art Exhibitionwith an evening of musicby the artist. So, though

Christmashas passed, the fun goeson!

HAPPY NEW YEAR andwishing you all awonderful 2013.

Sarah Hedin

We have just heard that Nickyis currently poorly in FrenchayHospital; we wish you a speedyrecovery and our love to you,Paul and Amy. BNC

Page 25: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Bespoke Carpentry Service· Kitchens – Handmade and fitted units,

made to measure free standing units· Windows, Doors· Libraries – storage solutions· Loft conversions/Roofing work· Property maintenance

All Carpentry aspects coveredCall Paul on 07894 822392


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Lameness Dentistry ReproductionMobile Digital Xray Digital Ultrasound EndoscopeVaccination Pre Purchase Exam Microchipping For your sport or pleasure horse throughout Dorset and South Somerset. Experienced personal service, competitive rates & local rapid response.

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Thereafter £50 per session for most conditions.

To find out more or to book an appointment visit my

Kerrie BallantyneClinical Hypnotherapist

Page 26: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


B.A WallbridgePlumbing

and Heating REGISTER

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Central heating

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Please Telephone: (01300) [email protected]

13 The Folly, Cerne Abbas, DT2 7JR

We also have a good variety ofclocks for sale. Contact : Steve Perry

Telephone : 01935 83450(there is an answer phone)

Page 27: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



Tues 26 FebruaryANNA KARENINA (12A)

Keira Knightley is Anna, Jude Law herhusband, Count Karenin, and Aaron Johnson

is Vronsky. A powerful supporting castincludes stalwarts Olivia Williams, EmmaWatson, Kelly Macdonald and Matthew


Tues 26 March QUARTET12A

Starring Maggie Smith, Tom Courtenay,Pauline Collins, Michael Gambon, Billy

Connolly, Andrew Sachs and Trevor Peacock.This is a version of Roland Harwood’s muchloved play, set in a retirement home for

ageing musicians where preparations for theannual gala are thrown into chaos by thearrival of Opera Diva Jean (Maggie Smith).

Tickets will be £5 to include a choc ice and will beon sale at Oak House Stores two weeks before eachshowing. Although tickets will be available on thedoor, it is most appreciated if they are bought inadvance so that seating is fairly accurate andenough wine and choc ices be brought to the Hall.

Doors will open at 7pm (not before as Moviola needtime to set up) and films begin at 7.30pm.

Look forward to seeing you

Happenings at the White HartIn November the ABC quiz raised

£68.00 and we were very busy over thefestive period and, thanks to you all, ourevents were very well supported - in factwith all three - every table was taken.

The Ladies Night was a great successwith quite a variety of stalls, e.g. Jewellery,Scarves & Bags, Paintings, BelgiumChocolates, Beauty products etc. andraised £60.00 for our nominated Charities.

 We had a visit from the SAS! – the StAndrews Singers! - on the Saturday beforeChristmas who performed a number offavourite Carols,  to a packed and veryappreciative house which, together withthe mulled wine, put us all in the rightChristmas spirit!!   Again we had many infor the Christmas draw with HarveyRowbotham winning the Blu ray DVD player.

  The Review Quiz had a few headsscratching to remember some of thehighlights/lowlights of 2012, which startedwith the Costa Concordia and includedPlebgate and some quite bizarre true orfalse questions – for example “did Brusselspass a decree that all Brussels sproutsshould be flatulence free!!” The event wasa gas (!!) and a donation from this went tothe Choir to help towards new hymn books.

 Alison Sehar won the New Years' fancydress competition as a Red Arrow and bymidnight she was "Flying" - did anyone onespot your Landlord's new black hairdo as “ABlack & Red Minstrel?"

 So far we have raised nearly £500. Ourtarget is at least £1,000. Again, thank youfor supporting our charitable efforts andour best wishes to you all for a Happy,Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Jim and Carole Bayfield


Modern and well appointedCompetetive rates

ENQUIRIES: DAVID PRICE 01935 872136BOB COMMON 01935 872900

Large HallDisabled access

Meeting roomKitchen parking





Page 28: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


® Delicious savoury and sweet biscuits,lovingly made at the Dorset Village Bakery

Oak House Stores, YetminsterBridge Garage, LeighGoose Slade Farmshop, East CokerThe Pear Tree, Sherborne

Fudges ‘ online’ shop – see website

Pinesway Business Park, Station Road, Stalbridge, DT10 2RN

Insulation, Cedar Shingles and

Suppliers of Roof Coverings for theWriggle Valley and beyond!

Slates & Tiles (new and old), Ridges,Felt & Batten, Lead, Chimney Pots,

Stable/Shed Roof Sheets, or just feelfree to call for Roofing Advice.

Roofing Gear LimitedUnit 6, Yeobridge Trade Park,Flushing Meadow,Sherborne Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 5DL

01935 700425 or 07843 [email protected]

9th fantastic live music from 9p.m.14th 3 course meal for only £ now23rd 9p.m.

Starting from 6th Feb every Wednesday isPOT LUCK WEDNESDAY

A choice of good homecooked dishes at only £7.50....different choice each time...youwon’t know what until you get here!

(Only available to those who book in advance)


Page 29: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Following our AGM at theend of November I ampleased to introduce myself

as the new Chairpman of the YetminsterFair Association and would take thisopportunity to thank Garth Hentley, as theoutgoing Chair, for his hard work andcommitment to the Association and to theFair over the past years.

I have been involved with theAssociation for a number of years and I ampleased to welcome three new members,Alec Reek together with Philip and ElizabethJubb. I am sure that their contribution willbe invaluable in helping us to face thevarious challenges that lie ahead.

In rationalising our operations we havedecided to separate the various fund raisingactivities so that, this year, we will have aPicnic Supper and Quiz night in the spring,the actual Fair at its normal time in thesummer and a Concert night in the autumn.This, we feel, will enable us to better useour limited resources so “watch this space”!.

I also want to raise the profile of ourfund raising activities and in particular theAssociation Lottery which is run by the everhardworking Derek Mott. The odds ofwinning a cash prize are a lot better thanthose of the National Lottery and it is ourmain source of funding. We need moreparticipants in this and details are available

by contacting us at [email protected] through the WVN mailbox in Oak HouseStores, Yetminster.

We will be updating our website –[email protected] to reflectthe proposed event changes and we willinclude details of the lottery and of ourother fundraising activities so please checkthis out for the latest information.

Finally I would like to take thisopportunity to thank everyone whosupported the Association’s activities andFair Day last year. It really is satisfying toreceive the positive feedback from thosepeople and organisations that we were ableto support but we can only provide this,with your help.

Barbara Driver, ChairpmanYetminster Fair Association YFA

Contact tel no: 01935873979

Successful applicants for YFA fundingwith their "Brown Envelopes"

Yetminster Fair Association 50 Club ResultsDecember 2012 Draw1st Prize £100 No. 51 Mr. M. Fuller2nd Prize £50 No. 5 Mr. D. Torrance3rd Prize £25 No. 39 Mr. S. Cridland4th Prize £15 No. 4 Mrs. P. Hassan

January 2013 Draw1st Prize £50 No. 24 Mr. P. Sims2nd Prize £30 No. 60 Mr. G. Orton3rd Prize £20 No. 34 Mr. J. Purland

The Association raises money for local organisations and is non-profit making and run entirelyby voluntary support

Page 30: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



Farm raised, freshly frozen Beef, Pork &Lamb for sale through our farm shop.

Large range of ready meals with gluten and wheatfree options available, various cakes and quiches.

We also do outside catering and Hog Roasts; from one pork chop to awhole pig, we will cater for everyone.

Kate 07971 842274 Hamish 07967 309786 [email protected] the Dairy House, Netherton Farm, Closworth, Yeovil

LEIGH VILLAGE HALLAccredited to Hallmark 1. Kitchen 5 stars. Parking for 72 cars. Covered patio.

Book Main Hall or Committee Room:Available dates: Paul Orchard 01963 210619 or [email protected]

Pricing, firm bookings: Duncan Moore 01963 210154 or [email protected]

FebruaryDates for your diary

Mon. 18 Moviola - Anna KareninaTue. 19 Wriggle Valley Lunch ClubFri. 22 Old Time Dancing

Opening times 10am – 4.30pmMonday - Saturday

01935 [email protected]

Page 31: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

� Out & About

éSaturday16 FebruaryNeil Maya Quartet

Saturday 27 AprilThe London Klezmer


Chetnole Village HallTickets £8.50

Available 872233/873555and will include nibbles,

in a Café style environment.Bar for alcoholic & soft drinks

- Dates for your diary...Bookings are now being taken for the followingdates:

- AFTERNOON TEAfrom 2pm till 4.30pm


from 7.30pm - AFTERNOON TEA

from 2pm till 4.30pm - MOTHER'S DAY

LUNCH from 12.30pm - EASTER SUNDAY

LUNCH from 12.30pm

Page 32: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


� Diary - February 2013 onwardsFEBRUARY

Mon 4 Chet & Leigh Garden ClubRockeries

7.30pm Chetnole Village Hall

Tues 5 Leigh Discussion GroupNavy Yarns

7.30pm Leigh Village Hall

Tues 12 Yet & Ryme GAC Soc Clematis andhow to grow them successfully

7.30pm St Andrew’s Hall

Wed 13 Yetminster Hist Soc No Knickers -a light look at Tudor Life

2.30pm St Andrew’s Hall, Yetminster

Thur 14 Age Concern Surgery 10am - 1pm Blandford

Sat 16 Chetnole Jazz Café, Neil MayaQuartet

7.30pm Chetnole Village Hall

Sat 16 Conservation day 10-4pm Giant Hill, Cerne

Sun 17 Conservation day 10-4pm Alners Gorse

Mon 18 Leigh Moviola Anna Karenina 7.30pm Leigh Village Hall

Tues 19 WV Women’ Group An Evening atthe Old School Gallery

7.30pm The Old School Gallery,Yetminster

Wriggle Valley Lent Course 7pm St. Andrew's Hall Yetminster

Tues 26 Yetminster Film NightAnna Karenina

7.30pm St. Andrew's Hall Yetminster

Tues 26 Wriggle Valley Lent Course 7pm Chetnole Village Hall


Fri 1 PTA Quiz Night St Andrews CE Primary School

Women's World Day of Prayer 2.30pm St Andrew's, Leigh

Sun 3 Messy Church 3-5pm St Andrews CE Primary School

Tues 5 Leigh Discussion GroupTristian de Cunha

7.30pm Leigh Village Hall

Wriggle Valley Lent Course 7pm St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster

Thur 7 Chetnole Chuckers AGM Chetnole Village Hall

Sat 9 Chet Flower Show Quiz Night 7pm Chetnole Village Hall

Church plans and coffee 10.30 -12.30

St Andrew's, Leigh

American themed evening 7.30pm Hermitage Village Hall

Sun 10 Conservation day 10-4pm Giant Hill, Cerne

Tues 12 Wriggle Valley Lent Course 7pm Leigh Village Hall

12 Yet & Ryme GAC Soc Discountbuying Evening

7.30pm Castle Gardens, Sherborne

Thur 14 Lent Lunch 12 - 2pm Leigh Village Hall

Page 33: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


LEIGH PARISH COUNCILhas a vacancy for

Parish ClerkThis is a part-time position

involving approximately15 hours per month

for more details pleasecontact the Chairman

on 01935 872356

FOLK SOUTH WEST has a vacancy for adminsupport for their excitingSinging Strategy initiative.This is a flexible part timeposition involving approximately20 hours per month. For moredetails contact Eddie Upton.

T: 01935 873889E: [email protected]

Sat 16 Variety Evening 7.30pm Chetnole Village Hall

St Andrews PTA Charity Ball Stockbridge Farm

Sun 17 Frankham Farm open day 2-5pm Frankham farm, Ryme

Mon 18 Leigh Moviola Gambit 7.30pm Leigh Village Hall

Tues 19 Wriggle Valley Lent Course 7pm Chetnole Village Hall

WV Women’s GroupThe Julian Trust by Vera Sanders

7.30pm Gable Court, Yetminster

Wed 20 Woodland Wednesday 12noon Pogles’ Wood

Sat 23 Easter Bingo 7.30pm Hermitage Village Hall

Tues 26 Yetminster Film Night Quartet 7.30pm St. Andrew's Hall, Yetminster


Tues 2 Leigh Discussion Group AGM 7.30pm Leigh Village Hall

Tues 9 Yet & Ryme GAC Soc AbbotsburySub-Tropical Gardens, past,present and future.

7.30pm St Andrew’s Hall

Mon 15 Leigh Moviola Quartet 7.30pm Leigh Village Hall

Sun 28 Frankham Farm open day 2-5pm Frankham farm, Ryme

Sun 28 St Andrews PTA Fun Run 10.00am St Andrew’s Primary School


Sat 18 May Fair Leigh Village Hall

JUNEFri 7 It’s Magic Leigh Village Hall

Sun 9 Frankham Farm open day 2-5pm Frankham farm, Ryme

Sat 22 Family event Hermitage Village Green

Page 34: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


Regular Meetings…. Mon - Fri Wriggle Valley Pre-School 8.30am - 3.00pm St Andrew's P School

Every Mon Leigh Short Mat Bowls 2.00 -5.00pm Leigh Village HallYetminster Informal Art Group 2.00 - 4.00pm Trim Rm, Church Hall

Gymnastic Classes 4.15 - 6.30pm St Andrew’s Primary Sch

Ist Yetminster Guides 6.45 - 8.30pm Trim Rm, Church HallYetminster Table Tennis Club 7.30pm Scout Hut, YetminsterYetminster Bell Ringers 7.30pm-10.00pm St Andrew's Church

Every Tue Topsy Turvy Toddlers 9.30 - 11.30am St Andrew's SchoolBeavers (in term) 5.45 - 6.45pm Scout Hut YetminsterScouts (in term) 7 - 8.30pm wint Scout Hut Yetminster

7 - 9.00pm sum Scout Hut YetminsterBeginners Pilates 1.30 and 2.35pm Chetnole Village HallChetnole Art Group 10.00 - 1.00pm Chetnole Village Hall

Every Wed Dollywood Dance Class 2.00pm St And's Hall, Y'minsterOutreach Post Office Services 9.30am -12.30pm Chetnole Village HallDrop in Coffee Morning 10.00 - 12 noon Chetnole Village HallYetminster Short Mat Bowls 7.00 - 10.00pm St Andrew's HallWednesday Club (in term) 3.15 pm-4.05pm St Andrew's P SchoolMorning Yoga Class 10.30 - 11.30am Leigh Village HallJunior WV Players (in term) 6.30 - 7.45pm Scout Hut Yetminster

Zumba 4.00pm Leigh Village Hall

Beginners Yoga 7.00pm St Andrew’s Primary Sch

Every Thu Leigh Short Mat Bowls 7.00 - 10.00pm Leigh Village HallYetminster Short Mat Bowls 2.00 - 5.00pm St Andrew's HallLeigh Rainbows & Brownies (in term) 5.30 - 6.55pm Leigh Village HallYetminster Cubs 6.45 - 8.15pm Scout Hut, YetminsterBridge Club 7.00 - 10.00pm Dairy House, RymeThe Eye Bus 1.00 - 4.00pm Scout Hut, YetminsterAdvanced Pilates 10.00 - 11.000am Chetnole Village Hall

Every Fri Table Tennis 9.30 - 12.30pm Leigh Village HallEvery Sat Irish Dancers 10.15am Church Hall, Yetminster1st Mon Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club 7.30pm Chetnole Village Hall1st Tue Hospice Lunch 12.30pm Manor Farm, Yetminster

Leigh Discussion Club (wint) 7.30 - 10.30pm Leigh Village HallWriggle Valley MU (alt months) 7.00pm Church Hall, Yetminster

2nd Tues Tuesday Club (senior citizens) 2.30 - 5.00pm Leigh Village HallYetminster & Ryme Garden Soc. 7.30pm St Andrew's HallSenior Winter Lunch Outings 7.30pm Sue Footner 873610

(not July/Aug) Halstock & Distr. British Legion Rest & Welcome Pub

Page 35: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

3rd Tues WV Women's Group 7.30pm Gable Court or tbc

Wriggle Valley Lunch Club 12.15 - 3.00pm Leigh Village Hall

Leigh Parish Council - alt mnths 7.30pm Leigh Village Hall

Last Tues Leigh Women's Institute 7.30 - 11.00pm Leigh Village Hall1st Wed Batcombe Coffee Morning 11.00am tba

Coffee Beans Coffee Morning 10.00 - 12 noon Church Hall, Yetminster2nd Wed Yetminster Historical Society 2.30pm Church Hall, Yetminster

Police Support Unit 2.00 - 3.00pm The Cross, Leigh2nd/4th Wed High Stoy Bible Study 7.30pm Venue contact 8723423rd Wed District Council Ward Surgery 11.00 - 12 noon Jolin Gallery, Yetminster

Police Community Support By Church, Yetminster3rd Wed[not Aug & Dec]

Yetminster & Ryme I. PC 7.30pm St Andrew's School

Wed/f/night Sturminster Mobile Library 11.15am Church Lane, Hermitage11.50am Shearstones, Yetminster2.00pm Stonyacres, Yetminster

Bridport Mobile Library 11.40pm Carpenters' Arms, Leigh12.20pm The Church, Chetnole12.40pm Lamb Plot, Chetnole

Whist Drive 8.00pm Chetnole Village HallWed - Sat Friary Shop 2.30 - 4.30pm The Friary, HilfieldAlt Thurs Hermitage and Hilfield YFC 7.30pm Leigh Village Hall2nd Thur/alt mth

Chetnole & Stockwood PC 8.00pm Chetnole Village Hall

Last Wed Woodland Wednesdays 12.45-2.45pm Pogles Wood nr LeighLast Thurs Yetminster Fair Association 8.00pm White Hart

…Events & ActivitiesTue

utting of the ribbon performed by Sheila MeadenGuest speakers, demonstrations, entertainment, consultations andrefreshments – all welcome


The Old School Room * Boyles House * High Street * YetminsterT elephone: 01935 873163

Page 36: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



�News from our Churches

The Bishop ofSalisbury, Nicholas Holtam ischallenging the Churches of theDiocese to rethink theirpriorities for the coming years.In a video address heinvites us all to talkabout what’s importantto us and thecommunities we serve.Our response will formthe platform for a majorstrategy review in the dioceseand shape the direction of theChurches’ work. We will betaking up this challenge in ourLent course this year andwould invite all with an interestin the work and witness of thechurches of the Wriggle valleyBenefice to join in thediscussion.

The Rev. Ron Hart, amember of the Bishop’sstrategy group will open thediscussion with a look at theway in which Christ’s teachingand life has shaped thechurches’ thinking down thecenturies. The renewal of thechurches’ ministry and mission

in every generation has comeout of fresh thinking abouthow we are to ‘go into theworld’. There will be plenty oftime given in each session forsmall discussion groups to dosome fresh thinking of our own.

We won’t however bestarting with a blank sheet ofpaper. Preb. John Parfitt, amember of the Wriggle valleyministry team and a Chaplainto St. Margaret’s hospice willbe visiting each of our Churchcouncils with questions thaturgently need answers.

“Those facing terminal declineand in particular those who areterminally ill, are choosing tospend their remaining years intheir homes with appropriatemedical and social support,rather than in hospitals, nursinghomes or hospices”. How arewe to improve our provision inthis area and make it a priorityfor action?

“The church ofEngland has a legal access tothe Christian education ofmost children between the agesof 3 and 18... Such status givesus the opportunity to further

strengthen the links betweenchurch and state education. Arewe using to maximum effectthe present and future structureto educate the young in theChristian faith?”

“Theopportunities to link theChristian faith and Churchwith rural based industries havebeen sadly neglected in recentyears, partly due to themechanisation of ruralindustries and the changingnature of the population invillages and the countryside”Can the church once againforge the social networks thatheld rural communitiestogether in the past?

During lent this year we’llbe giving time to discussingeach of these topics (please seenext page) as well as hearingfrom the leaders of projectsaround our Deanery that mightinspire us. I hope that you willcome and join the discussion.

Tim and MatsumiAndrewarthaSt Peter's, Chetnole

Jack RichardsonYeovil Crematorium and aThanksgivingService in St Mary's Church,Hermitage

Page 37: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

News from the Methodist Church - THE STORYEvery year at this time I plant seeds for

my flower beds.    I put them in and addwater every day and wait for them tosprout.  I will plant them in my flower bedswhen they begin to bud.  A few weeks laterthey will flower and by the end of thesummer, depending on the variety, theflowers will have many blooms andeventually they will spread and fill mygarden. It's amazing.  Tiny seeds can transformthe landscape around our littlehome.    From bare ground to aparadise.  Botanically, we know quite a bitabout seeds.    How they germinate.    Weknow that a seed consists of a protectiveseed coat, some kind of storage tissue withnutrient reserves, and a dormant plantembryo.  Also we know under the correctconditions the dormant embryo can bewoken up.  It’ll germinate and grow into amature plant.   Some Botanists say that inevery seed there’s on/off switch that willlet the seed grow.At some point the seed is turned on.    Itbegins to sprout.  In time, what was once aseed is transformed into a flower, fruit orgrain.    Jesus used the illustration that Hisimpending death and burial were like agrain of wheat being buried in the ground.

I like Eugene Peterson's rewriting of this passage in his book, The Message.It reads,  "Listen carefully: Unless a grain ofwheat is buried in the ground, dead to theworld, it is never any more than a grain ofwheat.    But if it is buried, it sprouts andreproduces itself many times over.  In thesame way, anyone who holds on to life justas it is destroys that life.  But if you let it go,reckless in love, you'll have it forever, realand eternal."

Joan of Arc understood she had beenbetrayed.  She was to be burnt at the stakeby the leaders of her own people.  GeorgeBernard Shaw has it in his play that Joanturns to them and says passionately,

"I will go out to the common people, andlet the love in their eyes comfort me for thehate in yours.   You will be glad to see meburnt; but if I go through the fire I shall gothrough it to their hearts for ever and ever."

What was the passion of Jesus?  You arethe passion of Jesus.  Even if you were theonly person in the whole world he wouldstill have died for you.  His death and burialwill bring you eternal life.    When He israised, you will be raised with Him.    Hewould rather go to hell for you than toheaven without you.

Rev Dr Roy Catchpole

– St. Andrew’s Hall, Yetminster:

Chetnole Village Hall

St. Andrew’s Hall, Yetminster:

Leigh Village Hall:

Chetnole Village Hall.

Page 38: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



Messy Church- a relaxed informalfamily friendly church

You are invited

S t Andrew’s C EPrimary School,Yetminster


3-5 pm on 21 October-2012


Book now on01935 872600/873726


2.30pm, Friday 1 MarchSt Andrew’s Church, Leigh


Prepared by Christian Women of France

men, woman and young people

Page 39: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

FEBRUARY 3rd 10th 17th 24th2nd Sundaybefore Lent

Sundaybefore Lent

1st Sundayof Lent

2nd Sundayof Lent















YETMINSTER 10.15amFamily HolyCommunion


10.15amChoral HolyCommunion

Mid-Week ServicesMonday 4th 11th 25th 6.00pm Compline Yetminster

Monday 18th 6.00pm Healing Service Yetminster

Tuesday 5th 10.00am Lower CoveyService


Wednesday 6th 9.30am Ministry meeting Yetminster

Wednesday 13th 11.00am Ash WednesdayHoly Communion


Wednesday 13th 7.30pm Ash WednesdayHoly Communion


Thursday 7th 2.30pm Holy Communion Old Vicarage Leigh

The Benefice Church Services for February

**Please note the service on Sunday, 10 February at 10.15am "EducationSunday" will be held in St Andrew's CE Primary School, Yetminster**

Page 40: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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ALSO AT16 Newland Sherborne Dorset


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looking after the deceased and their familieswith the utmost sympathy and respect

Independent Family Funeral Directors

David Grassby ~ Peter GrassbyAndrew Fooks




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community since 1861


Page 41: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Information about your Church

Yetminster Methodist ChurchChapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJMinister: Rev’d Dr Roy Catchpole60 Gainsborough, Milborne Port,Sherborne, DT9 5BB01963 250040

email: [email protected]

Worship co-ordinator:Mrs Marilyn Harris (01935 864232)Treasurer: Mr Cliff Harris, Broad View,Forge Lane, East Chinnock, Yeovil,BA22 9EG.Secretary: Mrs Barbara Driver(01935 873690)

Services commence at 10.30 am and arefollowed by refreshments.

Wriggle Valley BeneficePriest in Charge: Rev’d Simon BrignallThe Rectory, Church St, Yetminstertel: 07718 627674 or 01935 872 237email: [email protected]

Office: St Andrew’s Hall,Church Street, YetminsterTel: 01935 872600 (24 hr message service)email: [email protected]: Simon’s usual day off is Friday

Licensed Lay Minister:John Strover 01935 872437

The Friary, HilfieldSundays:8.30am Sung Eucharist5.15pm Sung Evening Prayer(Mondays Closed – Brother’s Free Day)

Weekdays:12 noon Midday Prayer followed byEucharist5.15pm Evening PrayerThese are sung onSaint’s Days

Methodist Church servicesFebruary3 Informal Worship10 10.30am Morning Worship

Don Farquharson17 Informal Worship24 10.30am Holy Communion

Rev’d Linda Barriball

Roman Catholic ServicesRoman Catholic ChurchThe Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm,Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3ELtel: (01935) 812021

Parish Priest:Monsignor Canon Robert Draper V.G.e-mail: [email protected],website:

Mass times:Saturday 6pmSunday 10.30amHoly Days 10am and6.30pmWednesday 10amFriday 10amFor other services and information,please see the noticeboard, newsletter orwebsite.

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Page 43: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

General NewsChristmas Tree Festival

We had a wonderful array of Christmas trees and 21 organisationstook part from across the Wriggle Valley in our Biannual Christmas Treefestival in St Andrews Church, Yetminster.

We wish to send a huge thank you to everyone that gave their timeand creativity in making the festivalsuch a success. We were able tocollect £170 from donations duringthe event; half going to the WriggleValley Benefice and the other half tothe winning tree from Folk SouthWest ‘Doing the Rounds’ which waspicked from a hat.

During the festival the publicwere also able to vote for theirfavourite tree, the winner being theYetminster Irish Dancers‘Glendalough.’ A close second wasthe Wednesday club ‘Happy BirthdayJesus’ with third place, the ChetnoleWednesday Coffee Morning group‘Coffee and Cupcake.’

So we are now looking forward to 2014 for the next Wriggle ValleyChristmas Tree festival. If you wish to be involved in the organisation ofthis fun community event please contact Jane Trower (01935 872436)we would welcome support.

Jan Milward, Daphne Barfoot and Jane Trower.Email : [email protected]

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Page 45: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

St Andrew’s CE Primary School PTAMany thanks to all who attended St

Andrews Primary School PTA ChristmasFair in November; the evening was agreat success and we raised £1000!!!Dates for your diaryFri 1 March Annual Quiz Night.Tickets are £3 per person,max table of 6,includes cheese and biscuits, bring abottle. Tickets will be available from theSchool Office and Oakhouse StoresYetminster.Sat 16 March, Charity Ball atStockbridge Farm Barn.Tickets are £35 per person to include a 2 course meal. It features Augusta

Westlands House Band, bar, lucky ticket will win a cash prize.Tickets will be available from St Andrews School Office,Oakhouse Stores, Yetminster and Bridge Garage, Leigh. Keepyour eyes peeled for posters!!!Sun 28th April is the FUNRUN!!!!Details to follow in next months magazine.Many thanks for all your continued support.St Andrews School PTA committee

Maryann Parkinson, Chair PTA

Oakleigh Farm ShopJust over a year ago

we opened the doors ofThe New Farm Shop andwe would like thank allour customers, old andnew, for all their loyalsupport.

The weather last year,was very difficult at best

and piggin devastating atworst. We struggled toget anything to grow andthen when it did the slugsate it; we had blight inthe potatoes, mildew onthe tomatoes, caterpillarson the cabbage and itwas just too wet to makethe hay! However wehave survived! We alsoraised £45 from theChristmas raffle forHelping Hands.

This year we have anew boar called Winstonfor our next generation ofOakleigh Saddlebackpiglets! Also a newGerman Pointer pup

called Alfie to bring homethe pheasants.

If you haven’t foundus yet, we are halfwaydown Coles Lane(opposite the schoolturning).

We have plenty ofparking and disabledaccess. Bookings arebeing taken for HogRoasts in 2013. Foranyone organisingsummer events for 2013,we will be at the 8thLeigh Food Fair andClassic Car Display whichtakes place on Saturday20 July 2013.

Terri Steele

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Guns to RosesMost men, after a long career in the

Armed Forces, seek a job involving securityin some form – maritime, bodyguarding,commercial security; or becoming physicaleducation teachers/personal trainers. Butthis did not appeal to Royal MarineColour Sergeant Ed Ramsbottom; whoafter 27 years wearing the green berethas started his own business offeringgarden design, tree surgery and gardenservices.

Achieving RHS Level 1 and 2Horticulture at Kingston Maurward Collegeevening classes, Ed added to hisqualifications and trained as atree surgeon, hard landscaperand garden designer whilestill in the Royal Marines. Alifelong interest in gardens,landscapes, historic buildingsand architecture meant he’doften encountered the GreenMan carvings most commonlyfound in churches; and decidedthat this ancient symbol of theregenerative power of Nature and spirit ofthe forest; together with the implication of

“green” as in green-fingered, also fitted invery well with the fact that he’d worn agreen beret for so many years – hence the

name of thebusiness.

Atalentedartist as wellas qualifiedin technicaldrawing,Ed‘s gardenplans are

astoundingly detailed and beautiful worksof art in their own right. He is also a highly

skilled craftsman who hascreated complicated and unusual designsand features, for example circular brick

patte d’oie; herringbone steps andtapered brick-edged circular

ponds, all his own designs.He loves restoration workin particular and isfascinated by old encaustictiled floors – he’s createdsome of his own designs as

well as recreated classicpatterns in his own home.Ed is happy to talk to

customers about any type of project,however off-the-wall or however small;and work with your vision to transform anoutdoor space to somewhere you want tobe – whether it’s an outdoor “room”, agathering area, or just a place to sit and bespiritually uplifted and experience tranquiland calm.

He also offers lawn mowing services,shrub and tree pruning, and the usuallandscaping services like decking/fencing,retaining walls, patios and paths, as well asplanting, weeding, strimming, outdoorbuildings/structures.

You can view pictures of Ed’s work –interior and exterior – on his FaceBookpage, Green-Man-Tree-and-Garden-Services.

Tracey Ramsbottom

Page 47: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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Page 48: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



From 16 February West Dorset &South Somerset will have its own localradio station. Abbey 104, the newstation’s name, will begin broadcastingfrom its studios in Sherborne on thatdate.

Abbey 104’s Chairman, KenHorswell say’s “The area aroundSherborne is neglected by the nationaland commercial broadcasters. We areon the limit of their coverage andrarely feature in the News or CurrentAffairs programmes. Abbey 104 willstrive to fill the gap with local news andfeatures. The seeds of the idea for thestation were sown during the badwinter of 2010 when so many villageswere cut off by the snow. It wasrealised that people dependant onbuses had no idea if they were runningor not. We can give out informationlike that in future because we’re local.”

Abbey 104 is a Community Radiostation and is staffed totally by

volunteersof all ages,fromteenagersto seniors.

Local groups and schools arealready contribution to programmecontent. As part of an Enrichmentcourse Pupils from Gryphon School areparticipating in making and planningprogrammes. There are even plans forthe English Department to createoriginal plays especially for radio.Other community groups will bewelcome to contribute to programmesand showcase their activities.

Many programmes will feature livemusic from local musicians.

Abbey 104 will be on FM on 104.7and online at Ofcourse the online service can belistened to on the move via SmartPhones & Tablets.

The Countrymen’sClub is a new projectdesigned to tackle thespecific challenges facedby older men from ruralcommunities. It is formen who want to remainactive and involved in the

countryside and who want to share theirknowledge of farming and rural skills withothers.

The group meets every afternoon andwill be of particular help to those who havebeen experiencing health problems and arefinding it more difficult to get out.

The Countrymen’s Club is being run byFuture Roots, a community organisationbased at Rylands Farm in Holnest. JuliePlumley, the Director of Future Roots,explains how the idea developed:

“Farmers live and breathe farming whilethey are working – the health of theiranimals, the cost of feed, prices at market –and when they have to give that all up todue old age or ill health they sometimesfind it difficult to find a new purpose in life.Over the last year of working with oldermen on a small scale I have met men whohave been diagnosed with dementia,Parkinson’s disease and other conditions

“A chat over the farm gate can make all the difference in the world”

Page 49: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Yetminster ScoutHut Update

Well, I thought it wastime for an update on whatis happening with theYetminster Scout groupshut……

Following on fromhaving the end gable wallrebuilt last year, we havedecided that the hut is inneed of more nurturing toenable it to stand foranother 40 years……

We have beensuccessful in obtaining agrant of £5000 fromVeolia Environmental Trust,together with a donationfrom the Parish Council of£2000 and more recently a

greatly appreciateddonation of £1000 from

“Bramleys”, thus totaling£8000.

The Scout GroupCommittee have decidedthat the internal walls needreplacing and insulationinserting together withUPVC Double Glazing at atotal cost of £8849.00.We have contractedFirmseal and “R” Plumbingworks for the major works.

We intend to commencethe work on 2 April 2013and hope it will take fourweeks, after which we willbe tiling the kitchen andtoilet area with tiles kindlydonated by local residents,any more available would

still be appreciated. Finallyan army of volunteers willbe painting the new wallsready for a GrandeOpening hopefully in June2013.

If you feel you couldlend a hand in thevolunteering stage of thisproject, please feel free toemail Becki Cooke, GroupTreasurer;[email protected]

If you have anychildren who areinterested in joining one ofour packs, please contactBev Taylor-Wade on 01935873144 or mobile: 0779618 4111 for moreinformation.


but I have also seen them find joy andsatisfaction in coming to familiarsurroundings. Through The Countrymen’sClub we will always be there for them to talkover the farm gate if they need it. My hopeis that this approach will help them to feelhappier and more fulfilled as they cope withthe challenges of ageing.”

The Countrymen’s Club is an alternativefor those older men who are not interestedin regular activities designed for peopletheir age. It is a place to get your hands dirtyand do something that really matters. Atour farm near Sherborne older men willnow be able to use and pass on their skillsand knowledge to a younger generation of

farmers as well as reminisce about the daysgone by.

To find out more and to help keeptraditional farming practices alive, pleasecontact Brian or Dominic on 01963 210703or email [email protected] information:The Countrymen’s Club ProjectCoordinators:Brian Lee [email protected] Knorpel [email protected]: 01963 210703

Full details of The Countrymen’s Clubcan be found on the website:

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Thus times do shift, thus times do shift,Each thing his turn does hold.New things succeed, newthings succeedAs former things grow old.

No doubt you all tookdown your Christmasdecorations on 6 Januarybut did you realise thatCandlemas Day (2February) was the time tocarry around candles andto change the greenerydecorating your house?

The candles wereaccompanied by a boutof beer drinking whichwent on as a precursor to the start ofLent and until the candles were burntout – so the larger the candles thegreater the level of carousing.

Robert Herrick wrote a poem,Candlemas Eve (which also appears inone edition of the Oxford Book ofCarols) in which he extols:

Down with the rosemary and bay,Down with the mistletoe,Instead of holly now upraiseThe greener box for show.

The holly hitherto did sway,Let box now domineer,Until the dancing Easter DayOr Easter’s Eve appear.

So … box is the thing with which to deck your house

from the beginning of February to Easter.

According to Udal in his Dorsetshire Folk-loreCandlemas Day is also useful asgiving a sort of long rangeweather forecast. If 2 February isfine then the worst of winter is still

to come. If it’s a “middlingsort of day” then winter ishalf over. If it’s a veryrough day, winter is past.

“If Candlemas Day be fair and fine,

Half the winter is left behind.

If Candlemas Day do bluster and blow,

The winter is over, as all good people do know.”

So let’s all hope for really badweather on 2 February 2013!

Then on Shrove Tuesday, whenyou’re enjoying your traditionalpancakes, just think of the chaos thatmust have abounded in the county inthe days when boys went LentCrocking. These boys would armthemselves with a plentiful supply ofpieces of broken crockery and theirleader would knock on the door andbeg for food – bread and cheese or apiece of pancake. If he got what heasked then all was fine, but if he metwith a refusal his mates would hurl bitsof broken crockery against theoffender’s door.

Of course, all that was a long, longtime ago. Well, it seems that itwasn’t all that long ago afterall. Perhaps only ahundred years or so.

Eddie Upton

…there’s nowt so fascinating as Folk …

One day a year – Weather,decorations and missiles!

Page 51: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

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Page 52: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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Three Gates, Leigh, DT9 6JQ01963 210284

Page 53: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

So begins another yearwith a mountain of excitingopportunities andexperiences for every childwithin our school.

The end of last term wasone filled with all sorts offestive activitiesnotwithstanding ourChristmas plays.Our childrenthrive whenpresented withacting andsingingchallenges andwe have somevery talentedyoung artistes.Our youngerchildrenperformed atraditional nativity,Bethlehem Baby,with a modern twist and it

was filled with some toetapping tunes.

The older children’smusical told the story of ayoung orphan, Sasha, asshe and her friends weremysteriously swept up theorphanage chimney,thanks to a sprinkle ofmagical stardust. But thiswas just the start of thethrilling adventure thattook them all the wayto the North Pole andchanged their livesforever. Our challengeas teachers was tocope with the sicknessthat descended in the

last two weeks of termwhich necessitated somechildren performing morethan one role at a time andincluded our headteacherhaving to take on aspeaking role! Well done toone and all, our parentseven

deemed the performances“best ever”

The excellent outcomeof our plays, which I have tosay can seem to dominateour waking lives in a busyschool time, is theconfidence that exudesfrom the children whenthey are on stage so muchso that it lives on andpervades their everyday

lives, helping withtheir learning.

The final endto the Christmasperiod was ourvisiting panto,Alladin, by M&Mproductions,which came inJanuary on adank afternoonand cheeredus all up. Rollon spring.

Join us forour PTA events,

for more info see p45.Bella Neate-Clegg

Photos by Anna Taylor,Rubblestone


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November/December 2012

“The sun did not shine. It wastoo wet to play. So we just sat inthe house. All that cold wet day.”

Dr. Seuss. The cat in the hat.

2012 opened with nationwideconcern about the lack of rain. Itended with massiveflooding, disruption totransport and massevacuations in floodedareas. Looking on thebright side, Leigh wasspared the heavysnowfalls and arctictemperatures of somerecent winters.Rainfall

Unlike many partsof the country, Leighdid not have its wettest-ever year in2012. It was close though. The twelvemonth total (1248 mm/49 inches) was36% above normal, but just short of2000’s record of 1294 mm/51 inches.Even so, the year’s total was theequivalent of over 16 months of

‘normal’ rain. November wasespecially wet, with 71% more rainthan usual (203 mm/8 inches) andDecember had 129 mm/5 inches,making it 35% wetter than theaverage for 2000-2011.

TemperaturesTwo years ago, December 2010 was

the only month when the averagetemperature in Leigh never rose abovefreezing for all 31 days. The end of 2012saw a welcome return to milderconditions. November averaged 6.8 C(44 F) and December saw 5.7 C (42 F),

one of the higher values forthe last month of the year.Sunshine

When there is asmuch rain as we

suffered in 2012sunshine totals areobviously going to bemuch lower. There

were 1044 hours ofsunshine for the wholeyear, making it 13%duller than usual. But,

with shorter days, there was less to loseat the end of the year. November had58 hours (2% fewer than usual) butDecember was 7% above average,with 51 hours.Pressure and wind speeds

The barometric pressure inNovember averaged 1012mb,ranging from 1031mb down to 988mb.The corresponding figures forDecember were an average 1014mb,and a range from 1030mb down to984mb. Philip Bryan

Leigh Weather Watch

PC users: previous weather reports and other news about Leigh can be found at


Temperatures (deg. C) Rain Sun Days without:

Av. Min. Max. Av. Min. Av. Max. mm hours Rain Sun

Nov. 6.8 -6.0 14.7 2.2 11.3 203 58 13 11

Dec. 5.7 -7.2 12.7 1.7 9.6 129 51 6 10

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Page 56: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


Planning Applications February 2013BATCOMBE Nil

CHETNOLE1/D/12/001749 19/12/2012 SPRING COTTAGE BARN, NEALS LANE - Conversion of

a barn to a dwelling. (Full). No Decision.1/D/12/001681 19/12/2012 HAWTON, BACK LANE - Removal of condition 2 of P.P 1/N/2002/0410 for a temporary period to allow independent occupation of the annexe (Variation of condition) – No Decision.1/D/12/001512 29/10/2012 LAND AT PARK HOUSE FARM, create new agricultural gateway. (Full) . Approved.1/D/12/001477 22/10/2012 THE GRANGE, Mill Lane – Internal and external alterations (Listed Building Consent) . No Decision.1/D/12/001225 28/08/2012 THE GRANGE, Mill Lane – Internal alterations (Listed Building Consent). Approved.1/D/12/000528 24/04/2012 1 GROVE COTTAGES, Mill Lane Demolish existing glazed conservatory and construct single storey extension (Listed Building Consent). No Decision.1/D/12/000527 24/04/2012 1 GROVE COTTAGES, Mill Lane Demolish existing glazed conservatory and construct single storey extension. No Decision.


LEIGH1/D/12/001635 05/10/2012 LILLIPUT COTTAGE, CHETNOLE ROAD - Emergency demolition of chimney and rebuild (retrospective) (Listed Building Consent). No Decision.1/D/12/001623 30/11/2012 BROOKSIDE COTTAGE, CHETNOLE ROAD – Erect

domestic garage with hobbies room over. Alter andextend porch of cottage. Erect small greenhouse.(Retrospective). (Full). No Decision.

1/D/12/001388 08/10/2012 LOWER TOTNEL FARM, TOTNEL – Alterations, restorations and repairs to listed building. (Listed

Building Consent). No Decision.1/D/12/001379 01/10/2012 BIRTS HILL FARM, HIGH HALSTOCK – Agricultural

Dwelling. (Full). No Decision.1/D/12/001230 31/08/2012 GREYLANDS, CHETNOLE ROAD - Demolish existing

dwelling and outbuildings. Form new replacementdwelling and outbuildings. (Full). Approved.

Page 57: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

1/D/12/001209 20/08/2012 FOUR WINDS, BATCOMBE ROAD - Construction of a new milking parlour, dairy and cattle handling facility. (Full). No decision.



YETMINSTER1/D/12/001691 03/01/2013 LAND ADJACENT MILL LANE, MILL LANE – Erect new four bedroomed, house and garage with a new vehicular access formed off Mill Lane. (Full). No

Decision.1/D/12/001489 30/10/2012 DOWNSGATE, Melbury Road – Addition of two-storey rear extension. Replacement front porch. (Full) storey extension (Full) No Decison.1/D/12/001317 26/09/2012 4 MILL LANE - Single storey extension (Full) Approved.1/D/11/002086 15/12/2011 CROSSING HOUSE, MILL LANE Demolition of residential property (Conservation Area Consent). Refused.

The next Development Control Committee meeting will take place on 14 Feb 2013,14.15 at Stratton House, 58/60 High West Street, Dorchester. A full register of allpast and present planning applications can be found applications.

Graham Plaice



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Page 58: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine




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Page 59: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

I spent a very interesting hour withthis charming gentleman listening tohim recalling his life in aviation designand engineering control. Chris wasborn in September 1935 in Bristol.His father, Aubrey, was born onthe Isle of Wight andserved there as aPrison Officer followingin his father’sprofessional footstepsand also those of anuncle. His parentsmoved to Bristol andChris attended theCathedral Schoolwhere he found hehad an interest in thetechnical subjects.He joined the AirTraining Corps whileat school, remainingwith them when heleft at 18.

While with the ATC Chris won ascholarship enabling him to learn tofly at the Bristol Flying Club based inWhitchurch. His brother later won thesame prize.

Chris’ first job was at Filton wherehe learned aircraft maintenance “onthe job”. He worked on BoeingStratocruisers and Constellations.Chris’ room has many pictures andphotographs of the aircrafts withwhich he is so familiar. He isespecially proud of an oil painting of aTiger Moth which was produced forhim in 1970 by the Chief Pilot ofCambria Airways.

Chris stayed at Filton for a fewyears training in the design of aircraftspares which would be made in theworkshops. His career was spentmainly with BA but after many yearswith them he was made redundant.

He then worked invarious firms in theWest Countrycarrying out designand qualityengineering work.

One greatadventure whichChris undertook wasto fly around theworld in a week! Hetold me he had beenasked “where will yougo on your free flight?”He had replied that hedidn’t have any ideabut he had to use it as

he was give a free flight every yearand could not carry it over. So, hedecided to go around the world

“hardly ever getting off the plane”.Eventually Chris and his family

settled in Yeovil and then he moved toa bungalow in Yetminster. Chris hastwo sons; one lives Peterborough andthe other lives in South Wales. Theyboth visit him when they can.

Chris has few hobbies now butlikes to watch television and take partin some of the activities at The OldVicarage. In fact he had recentlygiven a presentation on his life andcareer in aviation to the otherresidents and told me “it was wellreceived”.

Spotlight on our Community Cricket ClubVoices from the Old Vicarage - Christopher Fry

Page 60: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



...gone gardening

When it is cold and wet outside,why not dream of the lovely warmdays of summer and have a go atdesigning or re-designing your owngarden!

First of all you need to know whatyou have to work with, so anaccurate plan of your plot is needed.To help you to solve the riddle takeaway one of thedimensions, theheight, and drawout your gardenon a large pieceof paper at ascale of 2cmequals 1m or1cm equals 1mfor largegardens. Onceyou havedrawn up theboundaries of your garden take thenext step….

Assemble the family and preparea wish list. You might want asummerhouse or a shed, a patio or apond? Maybe you want raised bedsor are you having a conservatorybuilt and need to change thegarden around it. All these scenariosare very familiar to me and theycrop up time and time again when Iam designing.

Rome wasn’t built in a day! Overthe next couple of days sketch inyour ideas with a pencil, visualisehow a visitor would explore thegarden. Work towards an overall

concept plan, butdon’t get boggeddown with detail.Really goodgarden shapescompliment eachother and oneelement flows naturally into another.From the house to the patio, to the

pond and aroundthe beds and borders.When you havefinished drawingeverything shouldmake sense and thedesign should befunctional as well asbeautiful. If it helpswrite notes next toyour drawing, attachpictures to the outsideof your drawing as an

‘aide-memoire’ and notice how yourgarden is exposed to the warmth ofthe sun, or the bitter prevailing winds!You will not get it right first time so beprepared to rub out and change orstart all over again.

Once you feel you have aconcept design it’s time to goupstairs, and visualise your creationas you will be looking at your gardenas you have it laid out on paper.Canes laid out on the ground canhelp mark out new features as canthe old hosepipe.

Happy designing.Sue Dodge

Bailey Ridge Plants

Design Your Own Garden

Page 61: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

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Page 63: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Club NewsChetnole Cricket Club

I’m generally not one for lookingback over my shoulder, but there areoccasions which do merit reflection. Iknow it’s February and the SocietyChristmas Party is now long past, but itwas really rather good and I think praiseis due to Jean Bridges for herimmaculate organisation and to TerrieSteele from Oakleigh Farm Shop forexpertly catering for 66 hungry merrymakers. The amusing talk given byMargaret Adams on ‘Living with theBoss’ with her witty, honest, yettouching observations of everyday lifeon the farm with her husband, left justabout all of us helpless with laughter.What a great end to the year!

Rolling forward to January, ourprogramme for 2013 started with a talkfrom Mike Burks of Castle Gardens on‘ ’.Having restored his own Victoriangreenhouse, Mike spokeenthusiastically and amusingly aboutwhere to place a greenhouse, how toheat it up and keep it cool, what to useto clean it and how to keep theannoying little bugs at bay. He said thatthe key to it all is getting the rightbalance between heat and light. Alongwith a selection of kit to use in agreenhouse, Mike brought along plantsand seeds to grow in addition to theubiquitous tomato, on the subject ofwhich his personal choice for flavourwas Sungold. In fact his combination ofpractical expertise and warm personalreminiscences (cricket balls smashingthrough glass) made an excellent startto our first meeting of the year.

Our programme for 2013 is as wideand varied as ever and if you are not yet

a member you may be interested to seewhat you are missing! New membersare of course always welcome and totempt you over the threshold, here isour programme for the next six months:

Marcus Dancer on Clematis and how to grow them successfully.

Discount Buying Evening at Castle Gardens

Stephen Griffith of Abbotsbury Sub-Tropical Gardens, past, present and future.

All day coach outing to the Organic Garden at Holt Farm, Nr Bladgon, Somerset.

: Live demonstration on Birds of Prey

Subscriptions remain at £10 perhead – a worthwhile investment which ismore than compensated for by thediscount buying event at CastleGardens in March. If you would like toknow more, please give me a call on01935 873850.

[email protected]

The Wriggle Valley Singers performing theirChristmas concert in Leigh Village Hall

with Eddie Upton from Folk South West

Page 64: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



Wriggle Valley Women's GroupThe speaker at our November meeting

was Steve Oxford of Oxford's Bakery fame.He gave a very interesting and amusingtalk about the history of the bakery andbaking in general. The bakery wasestablished by Frank Oxford in 1911 atAlweston and Steve is the fourthgeneration of the family to continue thebaking business. As well as the bakery andshop at Alweston, there are shops inSherborne and Sturminster Newton and, asa new venture, a delicatessen inSandbanks, Poole.

Oxfords is a traditional English bakeryusing locally sourced ingredients and itsloaves are generally lower in yeast and saltthan the mass produced variety. In thevery early days flour was collected byhorse and cart and the bread delivered tothe houses in the surrounding villages.Then there would only have been a fewloaves to choose from but now they makea wide selection of white, wholemeal and

granary loaves,cobs andbloomers aswell as rollsand all sorts ofcakes andbuns. In factthere are 120 differenttypes of product with a millioncombinations!

At the end we were all treated to a sliceof very yummy bread and butter pudding –soft and fruity in the middle and sugaryand spicy on top! Delicious!

The next meeting, on Tuesday 19 Feb,is “An Evening at the Old School Gallery”and we are meeting at the gallery at7.30.p.m. This is a special meeting formembers only. The March meeting, to beheld at Gable Court, Yetminster on 19March, is a talk by Vera Sanders on TheJulian Trust and visitors/new memberswould be most welcome. Lis Clark

Chetnole ChuckersThe 2012 boules playing

season ended as usual, soonafter the clocks were put

back and lateafternoons becameevenings. In spite of the weather  we

managed to complete three intra-club competitions, thanks to theorganising skills of John Fripp.

Of the 31 members and guests whoreserved places at the annual dinner atthe Chetnole Inn, 29 enjoyed anexcellent festive board [two2 membersunfortunately shared a Senior Momentand forgot to attend...]. An impromptu,uproarious sing-song completed theevening, led by Jim Aldhouse - who just

happened to have a guitar on himwhen needed.....

We thank Jim, dinner organiser IanWood and Raffle Supremo Mary Headfor a splendid evening. The seatingplan is already under discussion for a2013 repeat performance.

The season finale was played out ina light-hearted manner by fourteensouls on Boxing Day morning,bolstered by mulled wine, sausage rollsand mince pies. The next event for clubmembers' diaries will be the AGM onThursday 7 March in Chetnole VillageHall.

New members are always welcomeand are invited to contact anycommittee member, whencontemplating joining the club.

Gordon Ratcliffe, Chairman

Page 65: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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Page 66: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



Smuggling was not exclusive toDorset. But Dorset was particularlyattractive to smugglers. Not far fromthe continent, its coastline featuressheltered coves and shelving beaches.It was also less well guarded thanother counties. Behind the beacheswas an intricate network of lanesallowing easy and unobservedtransportation inland.

70% of the population of Dorsetwas involved. Actively: – ships’captains, seamen, landers, “batmen”(toughs to protect the smugglers withbats or clubs), agents to purchaseabroad, syndicates putting up moneyto fund the purchases, clerks to keepdetailed accounts, loaders, carters,farmers supplying horses, distributors,sellers. Or passively: - the parson whorecorded in his journal buying his teacheap from “Andrews the Smuggler”,the landowner taking a fee forcrossing his land, the underpaidcustoms officer taking a bribe.

Rob Curtis, local historian andSherborne Blue Guide, presented

“Smuggling Tales and Trails” to thesociety in November. He drew manyparallels with today. Smuggling, orthe evasion of paying duties, wasviewed as “innocent”, no worse thanpoaching. It was considered quitereasonable to avoid taxes thoughtunjust and unfair.

Attitudes were such that smugglerswould opt for trial by jury. There wasfar less chance of being convicted byfellow citizens. A smuggler killed by arevenue officer was declared by aninquest jury to have been murdered.

Like today governments wereworried about the loss of revenues tothe crown. In the years 1822-24 alone,by which time Customs and theprotection services had become muchbetter organised, “goods seized”included, among many other items,135,000 gallons of brandy, 235,000gallons of rum and 19,000 lbs of tea.But also like today these seizuresrepresented only a fraction of the totalamount being smuggled.

The profits were enormous. Forinstance, after taxes, tobacco at 2pence (less than 1p) would have cost7 shillings (35p), or tea at three pencea pound (just over 1p) would havecost 27 shillings (£1.35). The buyerwould get a bargain and the smugglerwould still make a handsome profit.

As a result, smuggling attractedorganised crime. With such profits atstake and government enforcementbecoming increasingly severe,violence was rife. Landowners whorefused to co-operate would find theirsheep slaughtered or their hay burned.Illegal importing was punishable bydeath. Resistance to capture wasdesperate and brutal.

The History Society - 70% of Dorset Involved In Smuggling

Page 67: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

The Free Trade Acts of the 1840sabolished the excessive protectionistduties. The profits disappeared, andsmuggling no longer paid. Centuries ofcriminality, with society at all levelsturning a blind eye, then becameromanticised, as typified in Kipling’s

“Brandy for the Parson,'Baccy for the Clerk.

Laces for a lady; letters for a spy,Watch the wall my darlingwhile the Gentlemen go by!”

The Yetminster History Society:contact David Fogden on 872090, orcome along to the next meeting at St.Andrew’s Yetminster Hall, 13 February2013 at 2.30pm. Jenny Peet willpresent “No Knickers – a lightheartedlook at Tudor Life”

John Ferretter



Doors open 7.00pm for 7.30pm startSaturday 9 March

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Yetminster Sports ClubWe would like to say a hugeTHANK YOU you to all the follow-ing local businesses who verykindly donated prizes for ourChristmas Raffle:-

Barfoots Bouncers,Express MotorsFoxlairGeorgies HairdressersM&S WeldingOak House StoresOakleigh Herd Farm ShopOld School GalleryThe ArkThe Hair Loft

Wishing you all a happy andhealthy New Year

Stuart Barnett

Page 68: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



The membership of the C&LGC hasenjoyed two events since our lastactivity report namely our seasonalChristmas Party and our first lecture of2013. Both proved highly entertainingaffairs – the first a boisterous, andmarginally raucous occasion and thesecond, a more horticultural but noless noisy and enjoyable event.

The Christmas Party took placeearly December in Leigh Village Halland was very well attended, a tributeto the success of the recently adoptedformula based on an ample supply ofdelicious food accompanied by copiousamounts of various beverages.Another excellent and competitivethree round quiz produced by thedevious minds of Ray & ChristineDickerson preceded recitations and arange of other vocal contributionsoffered by the Chetnole Monologue &Glee Club, comprising Rambling StanDarley, an occasionally puzzled DukeProdger (on keyboard), cultured JohnHead, the unique tones and pitch ofDavid Gough with energetic leadvocalist and guitaristo Jumping JimAldhouse doing what he does best –leading vocally! All in all it proved ahugely entertaining evening ably MC’dby the commanding figure of BlairSibun.

The January meeting proved no lessnoisy with the visit of landscapedesigner and co-owner of Bailey RidgePlants, Sue Dodge. As the membersarrived the transformation of ChetnoleVillage Hall into a classroom triggeredan automatic regression to childhoodwith the inevitable increase in noise.Chairman Sandy Burton needed morethan her gavel to bring her unruly mobto order. It was virtually standingroom only as Sue Dodge led into herpresentation starting, thankfully, witha very beautiful and calming video ofblossom and blooms at Bailey Ridge,

reminiscentof moreclementtimes andseasons. Aquickoverview ofa couple ofgardens shehaddesignedand builtand thepurpose oftheschoolroom was revealed. Havingwondered what the title of the evening

“Newd Gardening” inferred, we soonrealised it was neither a misspellingnor double-entendre. Rather it meantNew Design! Everyone received aclient brief, a pencil and blank gardenplan and was asked to produce adesign for a hypothetical south facinggarden in Chetnole. The equallyhypothetical owner wanted no lawn, alarge sitting area, irregular shapes, awater feature and other gardenelements. To suggest that chaosreigned is perhaps a little extremehowever the 60 + individuals presentset to with a will. It was almost a caseof Gertrude Jekyll meets Playschool –but it wasn’t as well behaved as that.At the close, when Jim Aldhouse (he ofJumping fame) rose to propose a wellearned vote of thanks he started bymentioning he had rarely heard such avolume of chatter and laughter at oneof our meetings. That makes two in 2months. Heady times! The nextmeeting takes place on February 4February when a speaker from CastleGardens will bring us back to earthwith an address on “Rockeries”.Chetnole Village Hall at 7.30, visitorswelcome!

Tom Withycombe

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club

Page 69: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

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Page 70: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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Page 71: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Leigh DiscussionGroup

Our Christmas dinnerwas held on 16 November,after last years successwe again went back toFolke Golf Club and againthey did us proud with awonderful meal. Fifty fourmembers and guestsattended and enjoyed agreat evening. Thegenerosity of themembers donating raffleprizes resulted in raisingwell over a hundredpounds and our popularhands on heads or bumscalled by Paul, with theprize of a bottle ofwhisky kindly donated byAdrian Samways raisedeven more.

Our next meeting on 4December commencedwith our annual Cakecompetition. This yearsrecipe being set by lastyears winner ValerieBuckland – Ginger Cakeand Chocolate Brownies.There were ten entries forGinger Cake and five forthe Brownies. 1st 2nd and3rd for the Cake wereRachel Clark, BridgetGorge, Sheila Smith. TheBrownies were also wonby Rachel Clark followedby Angela Sargent andElaine Smith. Everybodygot to have a tasteafterwards – lovely ! Ourevenings entertainmentwas rounded off with agame of Bingo with oursprightly caller CharlieOsmond ably assisted bywife Ann who ensured nocheating took place.

On 8 January withthirty two memberspresent, the speakerwas a Mrs Bryant whogave a mostinformative and veryinteresting talk onMorton Church and therelationship with T ELawrence (Lawrence ofArabia). Mrs Bryantcommenced withmoving little knowndetails into thehappenings on thefateful day thatLawrence tragically losthis life riding his belovedBrough Superiormotorcycle and listed thefamous persons andheads of state thatattended his funeralservice and burial in thechurchyard. MortonChurch was a normal littlechurch with the usualamount of local historyattached to it until it washit by a bomb from afleeing German bomber inWW2 which demolished amajor part of it. Until theend of the war serviceswere held in local houses.Once rebuilt, the stainedglass was not replaced –but instead spectacularengraved glass windowsby world renownedLaurence Whistler havemade this small church amust to visit. TheDiscussion Club haveaccepted Mrs Bryantsinvitation to visit theChurch and Cemeteryplus taking refreshment inthe tea rooms later thisyear.

Also on this eveningsaw our Hay and Silagecompetition judged byGraham Sargent. Therewere nineteen entries enseven hay and twelvesilage. First with the haywas Lucy Parrot withDerek Gorge and RichardVickery closely behind.First with the silage wasJohn Vincent, followed byNorman Buckland andDerek Gorge. Grahamsaid it was not an easydecision as the qualitywas very high.

Our membership issteadily increasing butthere is always a welcomefor you to come along toLeigh Village Hall on thefirst Tuesday of themonth starting at 7.30pm.As they say “Try beforeyou Join”● 5 February Navy

Yarns by Mr Ayres.● 5 March Tristian da

Cunha re-visited byMr Grundy.

● 2 April AGM Speakeror Bingo.

Chris Jacobs

Page 72: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine


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Page 73: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Tuesday ClubNovember’s meeting was somewhat

different from usual as we did not have aninvited speaker; instead we relied upon ourown members and their memories. As youmay imagine with a club especially for thoseof mature years there was no shortage ofinteresting and amusing memories.

David Gough started us off, by recallinghis years flying jet planes. Following this hewas part of Search and Rescue services inNorth Devon. On one occasion thehelicopter was waved down by a distressedlady who on their landing, explained thather doggy was tired and could they pleasegive them a lift back.

Sylvia Frampton and Doris Vincent thengave us a glimpse of their early school daysat Chetnole School. Doris had to walk fromMelbury Bubb though part of the way hermother gave her a lift on her bike. Thereseems to have been little at the school apartfrom a tortoise stove, a piano and ablackboard. Sylvia later went to the LordDigby school at Sherborne, but to get thereshe had to get the train from Chetnole toYeovil and then the bus to Sherborne – noschool buses in those days!

Alan Fennell remembered electricitycoming to Croydon in 1936 with the luxuryof one light bulb per room and one powerpoint per house but with the constantunemployment problems of those days nothaving to pay 6d for every gas mantlebreaking was a great help. He also recalledthat most of the family’s food shopping wasdone on Saturday evenings as fruit meatand veg were then at reduced prices.

Several other people made fascinatingcontributions and we finished with Ginnie

Goodall’s childhood memories. She wasborn in the United States as her mother wasa G.I. bride. The marriage did not work outand they returned to England. Her motherwas catholic and when she divorced herhusband she was excommunicated thuslosing home, family and church in one fellswoop. Her mother’s new partner wasviolent and she contracted T.B. so Ginniewas sent away to school and so unlike mostof us she had a rather tragic childhood.

Despite a sad finish the afternoon hadproved so interesting that we all agreedthat it was well worth doing again especiallyas many people had not spoken.

January’s meeting was preceded by ourvery brief AGM at which the Committee andofficers were thanked and unanimously re-elected, subs were paid and the treasurerreported on the healthy state of thefinances. We also noted with regret theabsence through illness of several membersand hoped that they would soon be wellenough to rejoin us.

We then continued with this month’sillustrated talk by Sandra Scutt entitled “Mylife from East to West. Sandra now lives inLeigh in sharp contrast to her previoustimes spent as a child for a while inSingapore and more recently for SeveralYears in Japan.

Her time as a child in Singapore hadbeen in the time of black and whitephotographs so did not reflect the mainlyred colours used to bring health wealth andhappiness at the festivals depicted in theslides

Her three years in Japan had beenspent as the head of an English school andnow colour photography was used to good

Page 74: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine



The Wriggle Valley Magazine

Disclaimer: Whist every effort is made to ensure the accuracy thecontents of this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any

information given or claims made by our contributors and advertisers.

Copy deadline -12th OF THEMONTH PRIOR topublication,however we wouldappreciate it if copy could be submittedbefore this date.Photographs can be sent either as jpegvia email or as originals in colour or blackand white that can be reproduced.All village info should be emailed ordelivered to your village rep (please seeaddresses and email under each villageheading).Collection point for hand written ortyped articles:

Oak House Stores, Yetminster or1 Cloverhay, Yetminster, Dorset.

Printed by Remous, Milborne Port

Chairman: Graham Plaice01935 872044Editor, Production and Design:Bella Neate-CleggSecretary & Diary: Judith PalmerTreasurer:Rob Barfoot, 01935 873306Advertisements &Villages Co-ordinator:Gordon Ratcliffe, 01935 872996email: [email protected]: Stan Darley reader

The Wriggle Valley Magazine,2 Sunnyside, High Street, Yetminster,Sherborne DT9 6LFe-mail: [email protected]




effect. Sandra had several slides of Geishagirls who go through a very long period oftraining. They learn to sing, dance, playmusic and make conversation and theirappearance is very important. A Geishaskimono can cost between £500 and £1000and they need help in dressing in them. Ittakes six to eight to do their hair and theysleep with their heads on a stone block so asnot to spoil it.

Their faces and back of their necks andare white and the white socks they wearhave a space between the big toe to allowfor the strap in their flip-flops.

Whilst there Sandra saw manyinteresting local customs, including pearlfishing by divers (all girls), cormorant fishing,ikebana flower displays, calligraphy and

chrysanthemum displays. She also visitedmany famous Pagodas and Ceremonialgateways. Some of the traditional housesare still built of wood and paper and thehouses are so crammed together and thestreets so narrow that people are onlyallowed a car if they have off-street parking.

By the end of the afternoon it was quitea shock to return to our everyday lives inLeigh.

In the next two months we again makeuse of local talent with Blair Sibun’s talk onthe Flora and Fauna of the Cape and GinnyGoodall giving us an insight into FamilyHistory. Do join us for our invariablyinteresting afternoons where you may besure of a warm welcome.

Sylvia Bryan

Page 75: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

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Page 76: 252 February 2013 Wriggle Valley magazine

Wriggle Valley Magazine February 2013


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