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Page 1: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!

All Masses are Live-streamed on

Todas las Misas se transmiten en Vivo

Facebook & YouTube Saturday Vigil


Sunday / Domingo

(Spanish/Español) .................................................... 8:00am

(English/Inglés)....................................................... 10:30am

(Spanish/Español) ....................................................1:00pm

Daily Mass / Misa Diaria Monday & Wednesday (English/Inglés) ................ 6:30pm

Martes y Jueves (Spanish/Español) ......................... 6:30pm

First Friday Mass (Spanish/Español) ...................... 6:30pm

First Saturday Mass Spanish/Español 8:00am

Reconciliation / Reconciliación

(Confessions | Confesiones)

By appointment | Sólo con cita

Tues, Wed, Thurs @ 4pm or by appointment

Martes, Miércoles , Jueves @ 4 or por cita

Perpetual Adoration Chapel is closed

Capilla de Adoración Perpetua está cerrada

Find the Tabernacle livestreamed on YouTube

La imagen del Tabernáculo se transmite por YouTube

2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704

Office Hours | Horario de Oficina

Sunday | Domingo: 9:00am - 2:30pm

Tuesday - Friday | Martes a Viernes:

3:00pm - 5:00pm

Parish Office .......................................... (512) 444-7587

M s ( )

............................. (512) 888-1137

Fax ........................................................... (512) 443-1212

Religious Education (Office) ................ (512) 444-4664

Religious Education (School) .............. (512) 444-9876

High School ........................ (512) 804-1935

St. Vincent de Paul Society .................. (512) 914-2747

Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor

Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired)

Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon

Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

Mr. Guadalupe Velasquez

Romie Galica, Pastoral Associate

Mrs. Kathy Duran, Liturgist

Mr. Rene Gladyn, Music Coordinator

Mrs. Diana del Real, Bookkeeper

Mrs. Rita Velasquez, REd Director

Ms. Mary Morris, REd Secretary—on temporary leave

Mr. Enrique Velasquez

Mrs. Rosario Tristan, Receptionist—on temporary leave

Mr. Raul Noriega, Jr., Receptionist

Ms. Ester Terrazas, Archivist—on temporary leave

Mr. Salvador Perez, Custodian

Mr. Sergio Castillo, Custodian

Page 2: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!

For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web.

All Events listed here are Livestreamed! Todas los Eventos en esta lista se transmiten en vivo!

Saturday, Aug. 8: Memorial of Saint Dominic, Priest 5:00pm Blessings: Glenise Perez Birthday: Christina Marie Fa cundo Quinceanero: Xavier Garcia †Charles Huizar Sunday, Aug. 9: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am †Francisco Rodriguez, †Serafin Jaimes, †Mariana Merlo, 10:30am Missa Pro Populo Birthday: Felicia Maldonado, Lydia Ruiz, Fr. John Boiko †David Trejo, †Richard Allgower 1:00pm 38o Aniv. Matrimonial: Vidal y Elia Hernandez 29o Aniv. Matrimonial: Armando Martinez e Irma Gamez Cumpleaños: Irma Gamez Monday, Aug. 10: Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr 8:00am Laudes 6:00pm Visperas (inglés) 6:30pm Beatrice L Rios †Tom Soto 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Tuesday, Aug. 11: Memorial of Saint Clare, Virgin 8:00am Laudes 6:00pm Vespers 6:30pm Beatrice L Rios 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Wednesday, Aug. 12: Wednesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time 8:00am Laudes 6:00pm Visperas 6:30pm Beatrice L Rios, Kathrine Reyes †Alberto Ramirez Lubo 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Thursday, Aug. 13: Thursday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time 8:00am Laudes 6:00pm Visperas 6:30pm Beatrice L Rios, Joe M. Rios Animas Benditas 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Friday, Aug. 14: Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr 6:00pm Vespers 6:30pm Solemn Mass of Exposition Asunción de la Virgen María Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento Beatrice L Rios, Joe M Rios Saturday, Aug. 15: Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00pm 49th Wedding Anniv. Robert & Pauline Rodriguez Blessings: Glenise Perez Eliazar Trugio †Roxana Arrendondo Sunday, Aug. 16: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am 50o Aniv. Matrimonial: Fred & Natividad Cumpleaños: Esmeralda Judita †Seajio Aguilar, †Salvador Aguilar, †Roberto Perez Jr, †Alfredo O. Ramirez, †Maximino Aldama 10:30am Missa Pro Populo 50th Wedding Anniv.:Raymundo & Agapita Castro Birthday: Cassandra Ann Alvarez †Rosemary Sepeda Garcia 1:00pm Birthday: Miguel Andreas †Irma Saldana

The Altar Flowers this week are donated for:

Las flores en el altar esta semana estan donadas para:

In Memory of Richard Allgower

Altar Flower’s | Flores del Altar

We would thank you for all the donations for the

Altar flowers. Here are some available dates if

you would like to donate altar flowers. Please

call the Parish Office for more information.

Agradecemos todas las donaciones para las

flores del altar. Aquí hay algunas fechas disponi-

bles si desea dedicar las flores del altar. Por

favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para más


Couples invited to online Marriage


Married couples don't miss the op-

portunity to give your marriage the

gift of a Worldwide Marriage En-

counter (WWME) experience this

summer! WWME is designed to

deepen and enrich the joys a couple

shares together, whether they have

been married for only a short time or

for many years. In these unprece-

dented times of isolation and social

distancing, the need for a healthy

marriage relationship is more im-

portant than ever, and WWME is

here to come to you! Experiences are

available online for you to experi-

ence from the comfort of your own

homes, with one coming up July 31-

Aug. 2. For more information and to

apply online, visit

Virtual, call

(512) 677-WWME (9963), or

email [email protected].

Page 3: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YEAR 2020-2021 On-line registration for Religious Education classes begins August 10th and ends on August 21st for 2nd year Sacramental classes via Zoom. To register for Sacramental classes you may go to the website.

Late Registration for Non-Sacramental classes at home study will be from August 10th to 21st. To register for Non-Sacramental classes you may email Rita Velasquez at [email protected]. Please include the following information on the email: Parent name, phone number, En-velope #, student name, age and grade. Incomplete registrations will not. be processed.

Cost: $0 per student (for parishioners in Good Standing) $20 per student (for all others)

For more information please contact Rita Velasquez at 512-444-7587 ext. 131 or by email at [email protected].


Inscripción en línea para las clases de Educación Religiosa sera del 10 al 21 de agosto para las clases de 2º año Sacramental vía Zoom. Para in-scribirse en las clases Sacramentales pueden ir a nuestro sitio web

Inscripción tardía para las clases No Sacramentales vía estudio en casa será del 10 al 21 de agosto. Para inscribirse para clases No Sacramentales envie un correo electrónico a Rita Velásquez a [email protected]. Por favor, incluya la siguiente informacion: Nombre del padre, número de teléfono, número de su sobre parroquial, nombre, edad y grado escolar del estudiante.

Costo: $0 por estudiante (para los feligreses en Buenas Costumbres)

$20 dólares por estudiante (para todos los demas)

Para mayores informes llame a Rita Velásquez al 512-444-7587 ext. 131 o por correo electrónico a [email protected].

Page 4: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!
Page 5: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!

Daily Readings for the Week | Lecturas de la Semana Aug. 8th Memorial of Saint Dominic, Priest HAB 1:12—2:4; 9:8-9, 10-11, 12-13; MT 17:14-20 Aug. 9th Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 KGS 19:9A, 11-13A; PS 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14; ROM 9:1-5; MT 14:22-33 Aug. 10th Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr 2 COR 9:6-10; PS 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9; JN 12:24-26 Aug. 11th Memorial of Saint Clare, Virgin EZ 2:8—3:4; PS 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; MT 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Aug. 12th Wednesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time EZ 9:1-7; 10:18-22; PS 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; MT 18:15-20 Aug. 13th Thursday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time JEZ 12:1-12; PS 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62; MT 18:21–19:1 Aug. 14th Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr EZ 16:1-15, 60, 63; ISAIAH 12:2-3, 4BCD, 5-6; MT 19:3-12 Aug. 15th Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1 CHR 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; PS 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 COR 15:54B-57 LK 11:27-28 Aug. 16th Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time IS 56:1, 6-7; PS 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; ROM 11:13-15, 29-32; MT 15:21-28

Seminarian of the Week

We ask that you pray for Jorge Nuñez from Our Lady of Wisdom Universi-

ty Parish, San Marcos Our Lady of Wisdom University Parish, San

Marcos . Keep him in your prayers as he str ives to answer God’s call.

Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Seminarista de la Semana

en Our Lady of Wisdom Universi-

ty Parish, San Marcos .

Catholic Charities of Central Texas is here to help during this time

of financial stress. We offer financial stability services to help

prevent homelessness and achieve financial security through case

management, education, and emergency financial assistance. For

more information, call 512-651-6100 (Austin) or 979-822-9340

(Brazos Valley).

Catholic Charities of Central Texas está aquí para ayudar durante

este tiempo de estrés financiero. Ofrecemos servicios de estabi-

lidad financiera para ayudar a prevenir la falta de vivienda y

lograr una seguridad financiera a través del manejo de caso, edu-

cación, y ayuda financiera de emergencia. Para mayor infor-

mación, llame al (512) 651-6150 (Austin) or (979) 822-9340

(Brazos Valley).

Page 6: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!

For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web.

Col lec t ions Repor t / Repor te de Ofrendas 8 /2 /2020

Walk-In or Mailed in Collections 10,967.00

e-Offering 1,392.44

Square 90.00

Venmo 1,110.00

Securegive 430.00

Total Income: 13,478.44

Amount Needed per Week: 20,000.00

ABOVE/(BELOW) Weekly Budget: (6,521.56)

Total Income since 07-01-2020:

Amount Needed 20,000 x 5 Week (s): 100,000.00

Total Sunday Collections to Date: 67,446.95

Difference Year-to-Date: ABOVE/(BELOW): (32,553.05)

Bill Tarpley

Augustina Tenorio

Helen Camarillo

Esperanza Herrera

Anna Maria Saldaña

Josephine Carrizales

Merced R. Zuniga

Ernesto Gonzales

Isaiah Berron

Marcelino Jaimes

Jayden Martinez

Gabriel Garcia

Jane Hernandez

Margaret Martinez

Maria Aguilar

Eduardo Aguilar

Jimmy Joe Mata

Enrique Hernández

Edward Maldonado

Andrew Escobedo

Ruse Agado

Theresa Peña

Andy Lopez

Rosa Olascoaga

Charles Saucedo

Raymond Gonzalez

Joy Moneyhon

Please Pray For Those Who are ill, including:

Por favor, ore por aquellos que están enfermos, incluyendo:

2018 18,329.27

2019 18,683.84

2020 13,478.44

Week #5

Semana #5

Annual Fee Transaction Fee

E-offering —— .30

Square —— 2.79%

Venmo —— 0.00

Securegive 1548.00 0.00

Envelope 7,030.86 0.17

My offering charges a $.30 fee

per transaction regardless of the amount.

Square charges 2.79% of the

transaction value.

Venmo charges $0.00 in


Securegive will charge us an

annual fee of $1548.00

One envelope costs is .17 the

parish paid in 2019 in envelopes $7,030.86 *

*In 2020 the Parish is going to pay nearly $8,000 for this service

My offering cobra una

comisión de $.30 por transac-ción sin importar la cantidad.

Square cobra el 2.79% del

valor de la transacción.

Venmo cobra $0.00 en


Securegive nos cobrará una

cuota anual de $1548.00

Un sobre cuesta .17 la par-

roquia pagó el año 2019 en sobres $7,030.86 *

*En el 2020 la parroquia pagará casi 8.000 dólares por este servicio.

Page 7: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!

Have you, or has someone you know, experienced abuse?

Bishop Joe S. Vásquez and the Diocese of Austin are committed to providing compassionate care to persons who have experienced abuse, particularly if committed by clergy or a church representative. If you or someone you know have experienced such abuse, contact the di-ocesan Coordinator of Victim Assistance and Pastoral Support at [email protected] or (512) 949-2400.

¿Ha sufrido usted, o alguien que conoce, algún tipo de abuso?

El Obispo José Vásquez y la Diócesis de Austin están comprometidos a proveer de cuidado compasivo a per-sonas que hayan experimentado abuso, particularmente si éste fue cometido por clero o un representante de la iglesia. Si usted, o alguien que usted conocer ha experi-mentado dicho abuso, contacte a la Coordinadora dioc-esana de Asistencia a las Víctimas y Apoyo Pastoral, escribiendo a [email protected] o llame al (512) 949-2400.

EIM WORKSHOP (during pandemic)

EIM Policies require all clergy, religious, seminarians, employees and

adult volunteers serving in a ministry requiring EIM compliance to submit

an EIM Application for Ministry (one-time only) and attend an EIM Work-

shop at least once every three years. EIM Applications are being accepted

at for new employee and new volunteers currently

active in ministry. EIM Workshops may resume in August – pay attention

to updates communicated through parishes/schools and the EIM Office.

Persons who already have an EIM account and are due or past due to attend

an EIM Workshop should complete the Temporary Online EIM Training

at to fulfill their compliance require-

ment. For more information, call (512) 949-2447.


Las políticas de EIM requieren que todos los miembros del clero, seminar-

istas, empleados y adultos voluntarios sirviendo en un ministerio que

requiera el cumplimiento con EIM, entreguen una Aplicación de EIM para

el Ministerio (una sola vez) y asistan a un Taller de EIM al menos una vez

cada tres años. No se están aceptando/entregando nuevas Aplicaciones de

EIM durante este tiempo de COVID-19 y todos los Talleres de EIM en

persona han sido pospuestos. Sin embargo, la Oficina de EIM ha creado un

Entrenamiento Temporal de EIM en Línea para cumplir con los requeri-

mientos de cumplimiento para aquellos que ya tienen una cuenta de EIM y

les ha llegado la fecha, o ya se ha pasado la fecha en que deberían de

atender un Taller de EIM. Vaya a

eim para completar el entrenamiento temporal de EIM en línea. Para mayor

información, llame al (512) 949-2447.

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • San José Parish, Austin, TX B 4C 05-1205

Mission Funeral Home Serenity Chapel

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Income Tax Preparation




Notary Public

Page 8: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 8/9/2020  · For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web. All Events listed here are Livestreamed!

Assumption Cemetery

And ChApel mAusoleum

Catholic Cemetery of AustinBurial & Cremation Options


Dan’s Barber Shop

3511 E. 7th Street


Dan OjedaMargaret

Contact Tina Watson to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5850

Llame a Tina Watson hoy para su anuncio! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5850

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Que dios los bendiga!

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