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Page 1: 24.06.2016 Solongo (Energu and Environment)

Solongo Khurelbaatar (Former) Assistant Advisor for Asia-Oceania Ramsar Convention Secretariat

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

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Conservation and wise use of all wetlands through

local and national actions and international

cooperation, as a contribution towards achieving

sustainable development throughout the world.


• Adopted on 2 February, 1971 in the

Iranian coastal town of Ramsar;

• First of the modern intergovernmental

environmental treaties

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

Contracting Parties

• 169 worldwide

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Wetlands ecosystems can be

found from the mountains to the

coast where it is not deeper than

6m at low tide.

Human-made wetlands:

Rice fields, fish ponds,

reservoirs, ditches and canals.

Inland Wetlands

Glaciers, lakes, marshes, rivers,

streams, aquifers.

Coastal Wetlands

Mangroves, tidal flats, sea grass

beds, coral reefs.

What are wetlands?

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The ‘3 Implementation Pillars’

The sustainable

use of wetlands and

their resources to

benefit umankind.

• Wetland inventory

• Legislation

• Wetland CEPA

Wise Use of




International cooperation for shared

wetlands and their resources, e.g.

water, migratory species.

Designation of priority

wetlands as Wetlands of

International Importance

(Ramsar Sites), and to

ensure their conservation

and wise use.

2,241 sites wordwide.



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The concept of “WISE USE”

Upper Navua Ramsar Site (Fiji):

The Site is leased to a private

rafting company “Rivers Fiji”

The company provides

employment opportunities to local


Developed a joint site

management plan

•Total area = 80.1 hectares

•95% set aside for wetland conservation on a long-term basis

•5% set aside for housing development on a less ecologically sensitive section of the site

Mai Po Ramsar Site (Hong Kong):

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International cooperation: Ramsar Regional Initiatives

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International cooperation: Issues

Mesopotamian marshes: need to

improve regional collaboration

using Ramsar Convention as a

tool Working with DPRK on

enviromental issues:

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