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Vertaisarvioidut tieteelliset artikkelit Peer-reviewed scientific articles Granskade vetenskapliga artiklar

Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä Original research article in a scientific journal Originalartikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Airaksinen, R., Hallikainen, A., Rantakokko, P., Ruokojärvi, P., Vuorinen, P. J., Mannio, J., Kiviranta, H. 2015. Levels and Congener Profiles of PBDEs in Edible Baltic, Freshwater, and Farmed Fish in Finland. Environmental Science & Technology 49 (6): 3851-3859.

PBDE-yhdisteet; PCB-yhdisteet; kertyminen; ravintoketjut; kalat; lohet; silakka; ahven; hauki; kuha; makea vesi; järvet; meret; rannikot; kalanviljelylaitokset; Itämeri; Suomi

Fish is the major source of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) for Finnish consumers. To estimate the PBDE contamination in fish that Finns regularly consume as food, a large-scale sampling was undertaken in 2009-2010. Altogether 207 samples of 17 edible fish species were collected from commercially and recreationally important fishing areas in the Baltic Sea, freshwater lakes, and farming facilities. The analysis of 15 PBDE congeners was performed in an accredited testing laboratory with high-resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry. In all of the samples, the Sigma 15PBDE varied between 0.029 and 73 ng/g fw. The most abundant congeners were BDE-47 (average proportion 42%), -99 (8.4%), -100 (11%), -154 (5.6%), and -209 (27%). High levels of BDE-209 were observed in the Baltic Sea, off the coast of Pori, in Baltic herring, perch, pike, and pike-perch. Overall, the PBDE levels in Baltic and freshwater fish were low. The levels in farmed whitefish were slightly higher than in wild whitefish. The reasons for the high BDE-209 levels in Baltic herring in Pori and the elevated levels of PBDEs in farmed whitefish should be investigated more thoroughly.

Assmuth, T., Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Co-constructing inclusive knowledge within converging fields : Environmental governance and health care. Environmental Science & Policy 51: 338-350.

vesi; vedenlaatu; arviointi; riskit; terveys; tapaustutkimus; joet; Kokemäenjoki; Lounais-Suomi

Ongoing complex global ecological and societal transitions pose challenges of including actors with different knowledge. We focus on approaches to gaining shared understanding and acting on it in the converging fields of environment, health care and environmental health. Starting from similarities between these fields with regard to knowledge and actor inclusion, we rethink 'knowledge', 'brokering' and 'science-policy interfaces'. Using conceptual models, we structure and characterize the multi-dimensional and interactive co-production and application of types of knowledge (scientific and other) in governance contexts shaped by institutions, political agency and policies (sectorial and integrative). We investigate cases of knowledge brokering, representing different types from formal to informal, international to national, and research-centered to action-oriented. We find both shared and isolated problems and solutions in the studied sectors and settings regarding knowledge brokering, for instance with respect to precaution, reflecting the dynamics in environmental and health care and their contexts. Methodologically, our analyses show the importance of heuristic and participatory approaches to explicating interpretations and dealing with disagreements about knowledge, values and premises for actions.

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Beaz-Hidalgo, R., Latif-Eugenin, F., Hossain, M. J., Berg, K., Niemi, R. M., Rapala, J., Lyra, C., Liles, M . R., Figueras, M. J. 2015. Aeromonas aquatica sp. nov., Aeromonas finlandiensis sp. nov. and Aeromonas lacus sp. nov. isolated from Finnish waters associated with cyanobacterial blooms. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 38 (3): 161-168.

mikrobiologia; Aeromonas; sinilevät; syanobakteerit; lajit; taksonomia; systematiikka; perinnöllisyystiede; geenitekniikka; sekvensointi; sekvenssianalyysi; järvet; Suomi

Three groups of Aeromonas strains isolated from Finland lakes experiencing cyanobacterial blooms couldnot be assigned to any known species of this genus on the basis of 16S rRNA and rpoD gene sequences.The Multilocus Phylogenetic Analysis (MLPA) of the concatenated sequence of seven genes (gyrB, rpoD,recA, dnaJ, gyrA, dnaX and atpD; 4093 bp) showed that the three groups of strains did not cluster with anyknown Aeromonas spp. and formed three independent lineages. This was confirmed by performing theanalysis with their closest relatives using 15 genes (the latter 7 and cpn60, dnaK, gltA, mdh, radA, rpoB, tsf,zipA; 8751 bp). Furthermore, ANI results between the genomes of the type strains of the three potentialnew species and those of their close relatives were all <96% which is the previously proposed cutoff valuefor differentiating species within this genus. The in silico DDH values of the three type strains of the newspecies also showed a similarity <70% with the most closely related species indicating they belong todifferent taxa. The three groups of strains could be differentiated from each other and from other knownAeromonas species on the basis of several phenotypic characters. This polyphasic study revealed thatthe 3 groups of strains represent 3 novel Aeromonas species for which the names Aeromonas aquaticasp. nov. (type strain AE235T= CECT 8025T= LMG 26712T), Aeromonas finlandiensis sp. nov. (type strain4287DT= CECT 8028T= LMG 26709T) and Aeromonas lacus sp. nov. (type strain AE122T= CECT 8024T= LMG26710T) are proposed.

Ekholm, P., Rankinen, K., Rita, H., Räike, A., Sjöblom, H., Raateland, A., Vesikko, L., Bernal, J. E. C., Taskinen, A. 2015. Phosphorus and nitrogen fluxes carried by 21 Finnish agricultural rivers in 1985-2006. Environmental monitoring and assessment 187 (4): Article Number: 216.

maatalous; valuma-alueet; ravinteet; typpi; fosfori; kuormitus; trendit; aikasarjat; joet; Suomi

The Finnish Agri-Environmental Programme aims to reduce nutrient load to waters. Using national monitoring data, we estimated the agricultural load (incl. natural background) of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) transported by 21 Finnish rivers to the northern Baltic Sea and analysed the flow-adjusted trends in the loads and concentrations from 1985 to 2006. We also related the loads to spatial and temporal patterns in catchment and agricultural characteristics. Agricultural load of TN increased, especially in the rivers discharging into the Bothnian Bay, while the load of TP decreased in most of the rivers, except those discharging into the Archipelago Sea. The trends may partly be related to a decrease in grassed area (TP, TN) and increased mineralisation (TN), but the available data on catchment and agricultural characteristics did not fully explain the observed pattern. Our study showed that data arising from relatively infrequent monitoring may prove useful for analysing long-term trend. The mutual correlation among the explaining variables hampered the analysis of the load generating factors.

Engström-Öst, J., Brutemark, A., Vehmaa, A., Motwani, N. H., Katajisto, T. 2015. Consequences of a cyanobacteria bloom for copepod reproduction, mortality and sex ratio. Journal of Plankton Research 37 (2): 388-398.

sinilevät; syanobakteerit; leväkukinta; hankajalkaiset; Copepoda; lisääntyminen; kuolleisuus; sukupuolirakenne; kunto; ruoansulatuselimet; sisältö; henkiinjääminen; Suomenlahti; Itämeri The aim of the study was to measure copepod reproduction, mortality and sex ratio in the field before,

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during and after a cyanobacteria bloom during the summer in the western Gulf of Finland. Environment and zooplankton samples were collected every fortnight, and the copepod Acartia spp. was incubated in the laboratory for reproductive output, i.e. egg production and egg hatching success. Other responses monitored were female:male ratio, mortality and body condition. In addition, molecular analyses of the nodularin-producing cyanobacterium Nodularia in Acartia gut contents (GCs) were assessed. Egg production and body condition decreased with increasing Nodularia GCs. During the bloom, hatching decreased as a response to Nodularia in the copepod gut. Although not related to cyanobacteria variables, male mortality was higher than female mortality, resulting in a female-biased sex ratio over most of the summer. The study demonstrates that Acartia reproductive output is constrained by cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea, and more generally that copepod population dynamics may be negatively affected by such blooms. This is especially significant considering that toxin-producing blooms are predicted to increase due to warming.

Faehnle, M., Söderman, T., Schulman, H., Lehvävirta, S. 2015. Scale-sensitive integration of ecosystem services in urban planning. GeoJournal 80 (3): 411-425.

kaupungit; kaupunkiseudut; yhdyskuntasuunnittelu; kaupunkisuunnittelu; viheralueet; ekosysteemipalvelut; kestävä kehitys; kestävyys

Maintaining green infrastructure as a source of ecosystem services is a key challenge for sustainability of urban regions. In order to support sustainable service provision, planning of this infrastructure needs to consider complex ecological andsocial processes operating in different timescales and varying spatially within a region. However, such scalar approaches to planning have been rare. This article addresses ways to improve scale-sensitivity in planning of urban green infrastructure, with a focus on holistic considerations of conditions for sustainable reproduction of benefits from ecosystem services.Based on information from the literature, we develop a spatially sensitized conceptual framework for addressing provision of ecosystem services in urban regions. Wediscuss the application of spatially sensitized scalar approaches from the perspectives of scale dimensions, an area, a service, and a green infrastructure element. We conclude that spatially sensitized scalar frameworks hold promise for addressing the provision of ecosystem services as part of planning for urban sustainability. Research on production of scales in various contexts would further enhance their usability.

Fu, B., Forsius, M. 2015. Ecosystem services modeling in contrasting landscapes. Landscape Ecology. 30 (3): 375-379.

maisemaekologia; ekosysteemipalvelut; arviointi; menetelmät

Landscape ecology can make a large contribution to ecosystem service (ES) studies since most ESs are place-based, and thus best evaluated, maintained, enhanced, and restored using integrative techniques at the landscape scale. Integration of field observation, modeling, and remote sensing are increasingly used to quantify and assess ES at different scales. In this special issue, several comprehensive methodologies and tools are described in the thirteen papers included. The papers are grouped into four categories: modelling and evaluation of carbon and water services of ecosystems, comprehensive analysis and assessment of multiple ESs, integrated ES methodologies for conservation, and development of integrated modeling environments for ESs. We believe that these papers provide both useful methods and tools to simulate and evaluate ESs at different spatial and temporal scales, as well as interesting results from case studies. We also hope that they can provide information for policy makers and managers regarding wiser landscape management and conservation.

Gonzales-Inca, C. A., Kalliola, R., Kirkkala, T., Lepistö, A. 2015. Multiscale landscape pattern affecting on stream water quality in agricultural watershed, SW Finland. Water Resources Management 29 (5): 1669-1682.

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vedenlaatu; aikasarjat; virtavedet; joet; maatalousalueet; valuma-alueet; Lounais-Suomi

Finnish arable land is typically located on flat areas, where the fields are mostly drained and sub-drained to control the water tables. These areas are highly susceptible to nutrient loss, which affects the water quality of rivers and lakes. Therefore, it is very important to understand current landscape pattern and processes controlling water quality, not only identifying factors affecting it, but also identifying strategies and restoring areas for mitigation. We studied linkage of 21 years (1990-2011) of water quality (WQ) data from 16 agricultural watersheds, using landscape indices at three functional scales: watershed-wide, saturation-excess zone, and riparian zone (of varying widths). The hydro-biogeochemical functional areas of watershed were obtained by digital terrain analysis. Statistical analyses by generalized linear model and multivariate redundancy analysis indicated that the fraction of watershed in agricultural use was linked to most of the studied water quality variables. The relationships varied across the seasons: they were strongest during high flow periods (spring and autumn) when also highest nutrient losses occur. Total suspended sediment concentrations were linked to critical source areas. Riparian vegetation index was important explaining nitrate concentrations in autumn. Terrain-based mapping of hydro-biogeochemical functional areas provides a rapid identification of potential sites to mitigate diffuse nutrient pollution, particularly in riparian zones.

Hawkins, C. P., Mykrä, H., Oksanen, J., Vander Laan, J. J. 2015. Environmental disturbance can increase beta diversity of stream macroinvertebrate assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (4): 483-494.

eliöyhteisöt; lajit; koostumus; diversiteetti; biodiversiteetti; beta-diversiteetti; luonnon monimuotoisuus; ympäristötekijät; stressi; selkärangattomat; ekologinen lokero; mallit; virtavedet joet; USA; Suomi

Heino, J., Soininen, J., Alahuhta, J., Lappalainen, J., Virtanen, R. 2015. A comparative analysis of metacommunity types in the freshwater realm. Ecology and Evolution 5 (7): 1525-1537.

levät; selkärangattomat; kasvit; kalat; eliöyhteisöt; rakenne; diversiteetti; virtavedet; joet; järvet; Suomi; beta-diversiteetti

Most metacommunity studies have taken a direct mechanistic approach, aiming to model the effects of local and regional processes on local communities within a metacommunity. An alternative approach is to focus on emergent patterns at the metacommunity level through applying the elements of metacommunity structure (EMS; Oikos, 97, 2002, 237) analysis. The EMS approach has very rarely been applied in the context of a comparative analysis of metacommunity types of main microbial, plant, and animal groups. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no study has associated metacommunity types with their potential ecological correlates in the freshwater realm. We assembled data for 45 freshwater metacommunities, incorporating biologically highly disparate organismal groups (i.e., bacteria, algae, macrophytes, invertebrates, and fish). We first examined ecological correlates (e.g., matrix properties, beta diversity, and average characteristics of a metacommunity, including body size, trophic group, ecosystem type, life form, and dispersal mode) of the three elements of metacommunity structure (i.e., coherence, turnover, and boundary clumping). Second, based on those three elements, we determined which metacommunity types prevailed in freshwater systems and which ecological correlates best discriminated among the observed metacommunity types. We found that the three elements of metacommunity structure were not strongly related to the ecological correlates, except that turnover was positively related to beta diversity. We observed six metacommunity types. The most common were Clementsian and quasi-nested metacommunity types, whereas Random, quasi-Clementsian, Gleasonian, and quasi-Gleasonian types were less common. These six metacommunity types were best discriminated by beta diversity and the first axis of metacommunity ecological traits, ranging from metacommunities of producer organisms occurring in streams to those of large predatory organisms occurring in lakes. Our results showed that focusing on the emergent properties of multiple metacommunities provides information additional to that obtained in studies examining variation in local community structure within a metacommunity.

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Heino, J., Nokela, T., Soininen, J., Tolkkinen, M., Virtanen, L., Virtanen, R. 2015. Elements of metacommunity structure and community-environment relationships in stream organisms. Freshwater Biology 60 (5): 973-988.

bakteerit; sammalet; Bryophyta; piilevät; selkärangattomat; eliöyhteisöt; makea vesi; valuma-alueet; Koutajoki; Iijoki; Tenojoki; Pohjois-Suomi

1. Most metacommunity studies aim to explain variation in community structure using environmental and spatial variables. An alternative is to examine patterns emerging at the level of an entire metacommunity, whereby six models of metacommunity structure (i.e. random, chequerboards, nestedness, evenly spaced, Gleasonian gradients and Clementsian gradients) can be examined. 2. We aimed to test the fit of six competing models of metacommunity structure to extensive survey data on diatoms, bacteria, bryophytes and invertebrates from three drainage basins in Finland, along a latitudinal gradient from 66 °N to 70 °N. 3. Species were mainly distributed independently of one another (following the Gleasonian model) in the southernmost drainage basin (66 °N), whereas there were discrete community types, with sets of species responding similarly along environmental gradients (following the Clementsian model), in the northernmost drainage basin (70 °N). The patterns found were not directly related to an expected relationships between environmental heterogeneity and metacommunity structures, but rather to the geographical location of the drainage basin. 4. There is evidently among-region variation in the best-fit models of metacommunity structure of stream organisms. These metacommunity patterns may show some similarities among biologically disparate organismal groups sampled at the set of the same sites, although the underlying environmental drivers of those patterns may vary between the groups.

Huttunen, I., Lehtonen, H., Huttunen, M., Piirainen, V., Korppoo, M., Veijalainen, N., Viitasalo, M., Vehviläinen, B. 2015. Effects of climate change and agricultural adaptation on nutrient loading from Finnish catchments to the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment 168-181.

ilmastonmuutokset; maatalous; ravinteet; typpi; fosfori; kuormitus; sopeutuminen; skenaariot; ennusteet; vedenlaatu; mallit; mallintaminen; VEMALA; Itämeri; Suomi

Climate change is expected to increase annual and especially winter runoff, shorten the snow cover period and therefore increase both nutrient leaching from agricultural areas and natural background leaching in the Baltic Sea catchment. We estimated the effects of climate change and possible future scenarios of agricultural changes on the phosphorus and nitrogen loading to the Baltic Sea from Finnish catchments. In the agricultural scenarios we assumed that the prices of agricultural products are among the primary drivers in the adaptation to climate change, as they affect the level of fertilization and the production intensity and volume and, hence, the modeled changes in gross nutrient loading from agricultural land. Optimal adaptation may increase production while supporting appropriate use of fertilization, resulting in low nutrient balance in the fields. However, a less optimal adaptation may result in higher nutrient balance and increased leaching. The changes in nutrient loading to the Baltic Sea were predicted by taking into account the agricultural scenarios in a nutrient loading model for Finnish catchments (VEMALA), which simulates runoff, nutrient processes, leaching and transport on land, in rivers and in lakes. We thus integrated the effects of climate change in the agricultural sector, nutrient loading in fields, natural background loading, hydrology and nutrient transport and retention processes.

Hyytiäinen, K., Ahlvik, L., Ahtiainen, H., Artell, J., Huhtala, A., Dahlbo, K. 2015. Policy goals for improved water quality in the Baltic Sea : When do the benefits outweigh the costs? Environmental and Resource Economics 61 (2): 217-241.

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ympäristön tila; arviointi; mallintaminen; mallit; integrointi; optimointi; kustannustehokkuus; rehevöityminen; ravinteet; typpi; fosfori; Itämeri

This paper develops and applies a spatially explicit bioeconomic model to study transboundary nutrient pollution of the Baltic Sea. We combine catchment, marine and economic models covering the entire Baltic Sea region to weigh the costs of nutrient abatementand the benefits of improved water quality and solve for the optimal level of water protection. The overall benefits of the Baltic Sea Action Plan, the present convention on nutrient abatement, clearly outweigh the costs. Nevertheless, the total cost could be almost halved if the mix of measures and the regional targets were planned in a spatially cost-effective manner and if the consequent reductions of nitrogen and phosphorus, the two nutrients causing eutrophication, were better balanced. Policy optimizations, however, suggest that the optimal level of nutrient abatement is somewhat lower than the more ambitious level envisaged by the convention. The welfare gains from cost sharing that makes the optimal level of nutrient abatement worthwhile for all littoral countries would be 170 million euros annually.

Jansson, A., Norkko, J., Dupont, S., Norkko, A. 2015. Growth and survival in a changing environment: Combined effects of moderate hypoxia and low pH on juvenile bivalve Macoma balthica. Journal of Sea Research 102: 41-47.

Baltic Sea species live in a complex, variable environment characterized by highly fluctuating hydrology, including large seasonal and diel pH variations. For decades, oxygen deficiency caused by anthropogenic eutrophication has affected the Baltic Sea, and large areas of the seafloor are permanently hypoxic resulting in severely degraded benthic communities. Species living in this system are thus potentially tolerant and adapted to this fluctuating environment, but also vulnerable as illustrated by high mortality of benthic species as a result of hypoxia. In future, the frequency and extent of regularly co-occurring low oxygen and low pH levels will likely increase with on-going climate change. A key species in the Baltic Sea soft-bottom communities, the bivalve Macoma balthica (L.), experiences such conditions throughout its life-cycle, and therefore serves as a good model organism for studying the combined effects of oxygen and pH conditions. To study the response of M. balthica to multiple changes occurring in the benthic environment, we conducted an experiment to investigate the survival and shell growth of newly settled juveniles simultaneously exposed to two pH levels (7.85 and 7.35) and two oxygen levels (8.5 and 3.0 mg/l) for 29 days in a fully factorial design. Survival was high in all treatments (> 60%), but significantly higher in the two low oxygen treatments (> 70%). Although positive growth was observed in all treatments, pH and oxygen as well as their interaction significantly affected relative growth. The highest growth was observed in the "low O2/high pH" treatment, which was 2.4 times higher than in both treatments with high oxygen. Although the mechanism for these differences remains unknown, hypoxia-induced metabolic depression likely plays a role. Our results highlight the need to know more about the occurrence and performance of benthic species regularly exposed to changing conditions, and of the range and conditions encountered in situ. With the predicted future negative changes in oxygen availability as well as pH, the adaptive responses of benthic species to multiple stressors will be critical in understanding ecosystem dynamics in the face of change.

Jørgensen, L., Stedmon, C. A., Kaartokallio, H., Middelboe, M., Thomas, D. N. 2015. Changes in the composition and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter during sea ice formation. Limnology and Oceanography 60 (3): 817-830.

meret; jää; merijää; jäätyminen; orgaaninen aines; DOM; koostumus; saatavuus; biosaatavuus; Pohjoinen jäämeri

The Arctic Ocean receives a large amount of terrestrial dissolved organic matter (DOM) from rivers and more than half of this is removed during its passage through the Arctic Ocean. Terrestrial DOM is generally believed to have a low bioavailability and recent studies point to physicochemical processes such as sea ice formation as the source of the significant DOM removal in the Arctic Ocean. We

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present the results of a mesocosm experiment designed to investigate how sea ice formation affects DOM composition and bioavailability. We measured the change in different fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) fractions in sea ice, brines (contained in small pores between the ice crystals), and the underlying seawater during a 14 d experiment. Two series of mesocosms were used: one with seawater alone and one with seawater enriched with humic-rich river water. Abiotic processes increased the humic-like FDOM signal in the seawater below the ice during the initial ice formation. Humic-like FDOM fractions with a marine signal were preferentially retained in sea ice (relative to salinity), whereas humic-like FDOM with a terrestrial signal behaved more conservatively with respect to salinity. Amino acid-like FDOM and an unknown FDOM component, only previously found in Antarctic brines, were associated with biological activity and possibly extracellular polymeric substances in sea ice. An additional long-term (226-228 d) bioassay experiment with seawater collected from the mesocosm experiment revealed that 11%?±?2% of the bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was bioavailable. However, 16%?±?12% of DOC expelled from the ice into the seawater below was bioavailable and the bioavailability of DOC in brine was even higher at 45%. DOM is highly susceptible to physicochemical changes during sea ice formation, leading to modifications in composition and increased bioavailability, which can in part explain terrestrial DOC removal in the Arctic Ocean.

Koskiaho, J., Tattari, S., Roman, E. 2015. Suspended solids and total phosphorus loads and their spatial differences in a lake-rich river basin as determined by automatic monitoring network. Environmental monitoring and assessment 187 (4): Article number 187.

valuma-alueet; seuranta; automaatio; sameus; sedimentit; kiintoaines; fosfori; kuormitus; Karjaanjoki; Etelä-Suomi

Turbidity datasets recorded by sensors during 2009-2012 were collected in five observation sites in the 2046-km2 Karjaanjoki River Basin in southern Finland. From these and water sample-based data, total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) fluxes were determined. Based on calculations made with combined sensor- and water sample-based dataset, the annual loading from the Karjaanjoki Basin in 2009-2012 varied between 11,400 and 23,700 kg of TP and 3300-8400 t of TSS. As compared with two other river basins discharging into the Baltic Sea in southern Finland, the TP loading from Karjaanjoki was low because the summed retention in the two major lakes Hiidenvesi and Lohjanjärvi was high: 48 and 49 % of the TSS and TP loadings generated in their upstream catchments, respectively. Depending on how water sampling took place in relation to peak flow events, differences of annual fluxes as determined by "water samples only" vs. "sensors and water samples" data varied between ?22 and 26 for TP and ?31 and 39 % for TSS. This study proved automatic monitoring being useful when spatial differences and lake retention of riverine fluxes are explored. Moreover, the loading estimates calculated on the base of well-functioning and well-maintained automatic monitoring system, supported with water sampling during periods when devices were off, are undoubtedly more accurate than those based on manual grab water sampling only. The findings of this study were in line with, and well contribute to, earlier Finnish and international research on automatic water quality monitoring.

Kuussaari, M., Heikkinen, R. K., Heliölä, J., Luoto, M., Mayer, M., Rytteri, S., von Bagh, P. 2015. Successful translocation of the threatened Clouded Apollo butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne) and metapopulation establishment in southern Finland. Biological Conservation 190: 51-59.

luonnonsuojelu; lajit; siirto; habitaatti; elinympäristö; ominaisuudet; sopeutuminen; leviäminen; perhoset; uhanalaiset lajit; Parnassius mnemosyne; Suomi

Translocations have been advocated as a conservation tool helping species adapt to climate and land-use change, but well-documented examples of invertebrates' translocations are rare. The paper describes a successful translocation of the threatened Clouded Apollo butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne) in Finland, compares this to a specific failed translocation, and presents conclusions for

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conservation planning as to factors contributing to the success. Two apparent key characteristics of the successful translocation were greater abundance of larval resources and less open landscape. The successful site was surrounded by forest, which strongly restricted emigration, crucially supporting the survival of the small initial population. Based on 20 mated females' translocation in 2000, the local population increased slowly, reaching 600 butterflies in 2011. A large translocation patch together with host-plant abundance enabled successful establishment of the local population. Availability of other suitable grassland patches sufficiently nearby was an additional key characteristic, facilitating the Clouded Apollo's expansion. However, the expansion rate was low; it took seven years for the butterflies to colonise the five nearest patches, only 10-200 m from the translocation patch. By 2013, they had colonised all suitable semi-natural grassland patches within 2 km from the translocation site and established a seemingly viable metapopulation with 11 subpopulations. The results point to the significance of local habitat area and landscape quality, along with conditions restricting emigration, in determination of suitable translocation sites.

Lehtonen, H., Rankinen, K. 2015. Impacts of agri-environmental policy on land use and nitrogen leaching in Finland. Environmental Science & Policy 50: 130-144.

maatalous; maatalouspolitiikka; ympäristöpolitiikka; ravinteet; huuhtoutuminen; maankäyttö; hydrologia; talous; mallit; mallintaminen; valuma-alueet; Yläneenjoki; Lounais-Suomi

Agri-environmental policies are challenging to be evaluated since they are often implemented in combination with other policies and regulations affecting agriculture. Also input and output markets affect agriculture. We provide impact assessment of agri-environmental scheme implemented in Finland 2007-2013 based on integrated economic and hydrological modelling and counterfactual scenarios. Development of crop specific fertilisation and land use changes, simulated using a multi-regional economic sector model, is included in a nutrient leaching model implemented in a typical agricultural region. Our results on agricultural production, land use, and nitrogen leaching show that the agri-environmental policy successfully mitigates nutrient leaching in intensive production regions but some mitigation potential is lost in less intensive regions.

Lindholm-Lehto, P. C., Knuutinen, J. S., Ahkola, H. S.J., Herve, S. H. 2015. Refractory organic pollutants and toxicity in pulp and paper mill wastewaters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22 (9): 6473-6499. 2/4; Ahkola, Heidi ; Herve, Sirpa

torjunta-aineet; ympäristömyrkyt; orgaaniset yhdisteet; rasvahapot; ligniini; myrkyllisyys; jätevedet; massa- ja paperiteollisuus

This review describes medium and high molecular weight organic material found in wastewaters from pulp and paper industry. The aim is to review the versatile pollutants and the analysis methods for their determination. Among other pollutants, biocides, extractives, and lignin-derived compounds are major contributors to harmful effects, such as toxicity, of industrial wastewaters. Toxicity of wastewaters from pulp and paper mills is briefly evaluated including the methods for toxicity analyses. Traditionally, wastewater purification includes mechanical treatment followed by chemical and/or biological treatment processes. A variety of methods are available for the purification of industrial wastewaters, including aerobic and anaerobic processes. However, some fractions of organic material, such as lignin and its derivatives, are difficult to degrade. Therefore, novel chemical methods, including electrochemical and oxidation processes, have been developed for separate use or in combination with biological treatment processes.

Lu, N., Akujärvi, A., Liski, J., Liu, G., Wang, Y., Holmberg, M., Li, F., Zeng, Y., Fu, B. 2015. Changes in soil carbon stock predicted by a process-based soil carbon model (Yasso07) in the Yanhe

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watershed of the Loess Plateau. Landscape Ecology 30 (3): 399-413.

maaperä; orgaaninen aines; orgaaninen hiili; varastot; vaihtelu; mallit; mallintaminen; dynaamisuus; maankäyttö; epävarmuus; herkkyys; valuma-alueet; Yanhe; Loss Plateau

Contex Soil carbon sequestration is an ecosystem process that can provide important ecosystem services such as climate regulation and mitigation of global warming. Spatiotemporal variation in the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock is the basic information needed for landscape management and determination of regional carbon budgets.

Objectives The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of ecological restoration on SOC stocks and determine the influences of multiple factors in the Yanhe watershed of the Loess Plateau.

Methods We coupled the Yasso07 soil carbon model with remote sensing indices as model input. The model performance was evaluated by uncertainty and sensitivity analyses as well as validation against field measurement.

Results The modeling captured the spatial pattern of SOC variability across the landscape generally well. Net primary productivity (NPP) was the foremost factor that affecting the spatiotemporal variation of SOC density. Converting cropland to grassland was the most efficient restoration type in soil carbon sequestration in the study period. Land use change

Mano, A., Malve, O., Koponen, S., Kallio, K., Taskinen, A., Ropponen, J., Juntunen, J., Liukko, N. 2015. Assimilation of satellite data to 3D dynamic model of Lake Säkylän Pyhäjärvi. Water science & technology 71 (7): 1033-1039.

kaukokartoitus; satelliitit; data; tieto; kiintoaines; sameus; vedenlaatu; mallit; mallintaminen; ennusteet; järvet; Säkylä; Pyhäjärvi

To analyze the applicability of direct insertion of total suspended matter (TSM) concentration field based on turbidity derived from satellite data to numerical simulation, dispersion studies of suspended matter in Lake Säkylän Pyhäjärvi (lake area 154 km2; mean depth 5.4 m) were conducted using the 3D COHERENS simulation model. To evaluate the practicality of direct insertion, five cases with different initialization frequencies were conducted: (1) every time, when satellite data were available; (2) every 10 days; (3) 20 days; (4) 30 days; and (5) control run without repeated initialization. To determine the effectiveness of initialization frequency, three methods of comparison were used: simple spatial differences of TSM concentration without biomass in the lake surface layer; averaged spatial differences between initialization data and the forecasts; and time series of TSM concentration and observation data at 1 m depth at the deepest point of the lake. Results showed that direct insertion improves the forecast significantly, even if it is applied less often.

Moilanen, U., Winquist, E., Mattila, T., Hatakka, A., Eerikäinen, T. 2015. Production of manganese peroxidase and laccase in a solid-state bioreactor and modeling of enzyme production kinetics. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2015; 38 (1): 57-68. 1

biokemia; entsyymit; peroksidaasit; lakkaasit; tuotanto; dynamiikka; mallit; mallintaminen

Lignin-modifying enzymes have various promising applications such as biobleaching, biopulping, the functionalization of lignocellulosic materials, the modification of wood fibers, the remediation of contaminated soil and effluents, as well as improvement of the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic substrates. In this study, the production of laccase and manganese peroxidase (MnP) in solid-state cultivation was examined. Oat husks were used as an inexpensive substrate for the white-rot fungus Cerrena unicolor PM170798 (FBCC 387). The addition of a fines fraction (consisting of oat flour and finely ground husks) enhanced MnP production fivefold and laccase production almost threefold. The enzyme production was studied first on a 100 g scale, and the cultivation experiments were then repeated at a larger laboratory-scale (4 kg) in a solid-state bioreactor. High enzyme activity levels were obtained (MnP: 340 nkat g?1 DM, laccase: 470 nkat g?1 DM). In addition, the correlation

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between the CO2 evolution rate and enzyme production was mathematically modeled from the bioreactor experimental data. The model parameters could be used to predict enzyme production.

Moreau, S., Vancoppenolle, M., Delille, B., Tison, J.-L., Zhou, J., Kotovitch, M., Thomas, D. N., Geilfus, N.-X., Goosse, H. 2015. Drivers of inorganic carbon dynamics in first-year sea ice : A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 120 (1): 471-495.

jää; merijää; varastot; hiili; hiilidioksidi; dynamiikka; mallit; mallintaminen; Alaska

Sea ice is an active source or a sink for carbon dioxide (CO2), although to what extent is not clear. Here, we analyze CO2 dynamics within sea ice using a one-dimensional halothermodynamic sea ice model including gas physics and carbon biogeochemistry. The ice-ocean fluxes, and vertical transport, of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) are represented using fluid transport equations. Carbonate chemistry, the consumption, and release of CO2 by primary production and respiration, the precipitation and dissolution of ikaite (CaCO3_6H2O) and ice-air CO2 fluxes, are also included. The model is evaluated using observations from a 6 month field study at Point Barrow, Alaska, and an ice-tank experiment.

At Barrow, results show that the DIC budget is mainly driven by physical processes, wheras brine-air CO2 fluxes, ikaite formation, and net primary production, are secondary factors. In terms of ice-atmosphere CO2 exchanges, sea ice is a net CO2 source and sink in winter and summer, respectively. The formulation of the ice-atmosphere CO2 flux impacts the simulated near-surface CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), but not the DIC budget. Because the simulated ice-atmosphere CO2 fluxes are limited by DIC stocks, and therefore <2 mmol m22 d21, we argue that the observed much larger CO2 fluxes from eddy covariance retrievals cannot be explained by a sea ice direct source and must involve other processes or other sources of CO2. Finally, the simulations suggest that near-surface TA/DIC ratios of _2, sometimes used as an indicator of calcification, would rather suggest outgassing.

Niemi, R. M., Heiskanen, I., Saarnio, S. 2015. Weak effects of biochar amendment on soil enzyme activities in mesocosms in bare or Phleum pratense soil. Boreal Environment Research 20 (3): 324-334.

hiili; puuhiili; orgaaninen hiili; lisäys; maatalousmaa; entsyymit; aktiivisuus; maaperä; timotei; Phleum pratense; mesokosmos

Addition of biochar to soil is studied for the sustainable agriculture. We studied the impact of biochar addition on soil enzyme activities in bare soil and in soil with growing Phleum pratense during one season in two experiments, each with different soil types. Enzyme activities were monitored in mesocosms after germination (dry period) and, with fully grown plants, during dry and wet periods. Enzyme activities were high in wet conditions in both soils with growing plants, with or without biochar. Bare soils with or without biochar yielded low activities. In sandy till, alanine and leucine aminopeptidase activities decreased in biochar-treated soil, but not in the medium-fine sand. ß-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase and phosphomonoesterase activities were enhanced in biochar-treated medium-fine sand. The effects of plant, season and soil type on the enzyme activities were clear and frequently observed, whereas the effects of biochar were only few and weak.

Peltola, T., Tuomisaari, J. 2015. Making a difference: Forest biodiversity, affective capacities, and the micro-politics of expert fieldwork. Geoforum 64: 1-11.

metsät; biodiversiteetti; luonnon monimuotoisuus; suojelu; politiikka; päätöksenteko; hallinto; tapaustutkimus; Suomi

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Pengerud, A., Stålnacke, P., Bechmann, M., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Iital, A., Koskiaho, J., Kyllmar, K., Lagzdins, A., Povilaitis, A. 2015. Temporal trends in phosphorus concentrations and losses from agricultural catchments in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science 65 (Suppl. 2): 173-185.

maatalous; ravinteet; fosfori; huuhtoutuminen; pitoisuus; seuranta; valuma-alueet; aikasarjat; Pohjoismaat; Norja; Tanska; Ruotsi; Suomi; Baltia; Viro; Latvia; Liettua

This paper in a uniform manner examines temporal trends in phosphorus (P) concentrations and losses from small and well-monitored agricultural catchments in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Thirty-four catchments (range 0.1–33 km2) in Norway (8), Denmark (5), Sweden (8), Finland (4), Estonia (3), Latvia (3) and Lithuania (3) were selected for the study. The time series ranged from 10 (2002–2011) to 21 years (1989–2009). The monthly P concentration and loss time series were tested for significant monotone trends (p < 0.05; two-sided test) using the partial Mann–Kendall test with stream discharge as an explanatory variable. The results show a large variation in concentrations and losses of total phosphorus (TP) among the 34 studied catchments, where the long-term mean annual losses varied from 0.09 to 7.5 kg TP ha-1. In addition, a large interannual variability in losses within catchments was found with up to a factor of 23 between years within the same catchment. Six catchments showed downward temporal trends in the TP loss time series. One upward trend in TP losses was detected in a catchment in south-west Sweden. Eight downward trends were detected in the TP concentration time series. Overall, our results show (1) a huge variability in mean P losses and concentrations among catchments, (2) a huge temporal variability in losses within catchments and (3) few detectable changes in P losses and concentrations over the study period. The results showcase the need for implementation of mitigation strategies towards reduced P losses from agricultural landscapes in the Nordic/Baltic Sea region in order to improve P water quality and ecology in surface waters.

Piiparinen, J., Enberg, S., Rintala, J.-M., Sommaruga, R., Majaneva, M., Autio, R., Vähätalo, A. V. 2015. The contribution of mycosporine-like amino acids, chromophoric dissolved organic matter and particles to the UV protection of sea-ice organisms in the Baltic Sea. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 14 (5): 1025-1038.

aminohapot; liuennut orgaaninen aines; hiukkaset; suojautuminen; ultraviolettisäteily; organismit; jää; merijää; Itämeri

The effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on the synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in sea-ice communities and on the other UV-absorption properties of sea ice were studied in a three-week long in situ experiment in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea in March 2011. The untreated snow-covered ice and two snow-free ice treatments, one exposed to wavelengths > 400 nm (PAR) and the other to full solar spectrum (PAR + UVR), were analysed for MAAs and absorption coefficients of dissolved (aCDOM) and particulate (ap) fractions, the latter being further divided into non-algal (anap) and algal (aph) components. Our results showed that the diatom and dinoflagellate dominated sea-ice algal community responded to UVR down to 25–30 cm depth by increasing their MAA : chlorophyll-a ratio and by extending the composition of MAA pool from shinorine and palythine to porphyra-334 and an unknown compound with absorption peaks at ca. 335 and 360 nm. MAAs were the dominant absorbing components in algae in the top 10 cm of ice, and their contribution to total absorption became even more pronounced under UVR exposure. In addition to MAAs, the high absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and by deposited atmospheric particles provided UV-protection for sea-ice organisms in the exposed ice. Efficient UV-protection will especially be of importance under the predicted future climate conditions with more frequent snow-free conditions.

Ratamäki, O., Salmi, P. 2015. The most contested in Finland : large carnivores and the saimaa ringed seal - challenges of socio-ecological rhythms and their practical implications. European

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Countryside 7 (1): 1-15.

eläimistön suojelu; tapaustutkimus; villieläimet; suurpedot; norppa; saimaannorppa; Suomi

This article illustrates two Finnish case studies: one about large carnivores and the other about the protection of the Saimaa ringed seal. These cases are analysed by using the concept of life-mode introduced by Thomas Højrup and rhythm analysis developed by Henry Lefebvre. The objective of the paper is to show how the connection between life-modes and spatial and temporal rhythms of humananimal interactions help to better understand the contradictions and conservation challenges of these species. The introduction of new practices, e.g. a new enterprise or conservation of an endangered species, creates arrhythmias to more traditional practices which can be very resistant to change. This resistance is because maintaining rhythms is also to uphold one's life-modes and associated identities. Life-modes are expressed and regenerated by different practices, symbols and concepts in time and space.

Repo, A., Böttcher, H., Kindermann, G., Liski, J. 2015. Sustainability of forest bioenergy in Europe: land-userelated carbon dioxide emissions of forest harvest residues. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 7 (4): 877-887.

metsät; hakkuut; hakkuutähteet; energiantuotanto; uusiutuvat energialähteet; bioenergia; kestävä kehitys; kestävyys; kriteerit; maankäyttö; maaperä; hiili; varastot; hiilidioksidi; päästöt; Eurooppa

Increasing bioenergy production from forest harvest residues decreases litter input to the soil and can thus reduce the carbon stock and sink of forests. This effect may negate greenhouse gas savings obtained by using bioenergy. We used a spatially explicit modelling framework to assess the reduction in the forest litter and soil carbon stocks across Europe, assuming that a sustainable potential of bioenergy from forest harvest residues is taken into use. The forest harvest residue removal reduced the carbon stocks of litter and soil on average by 3% over the period from 2016 to 2100. The reduction was small compared to the size of the carbon stocks but significant in comparison to the amount of energy produced from the residues. As a result of these land-use-related emissions, bioenergy production from forest harvest residues would need to be continued for 60-80 years to achieve a 60% carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction in heat and power generation compared to the fossil fuels it replaces in most European countries. The emission reductions achieved and their timings varied among countries because of differences in the litter and soil carbon loss. Our results show that extending the currentsustainability requirements for bioliquids and biofuels to solid bioenergy does not guarantee efficient reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the short-term. In the longer-term, bioenergy from forest harvest residues may pave the way to low-emission energy systems.

Saarela, S.-R., Söderman, T., Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Knowledge brokerage context factors - What matters in knowledge exchange in impact assessment? Environmental Science & Policy 51: 325-337.

vaikutukset; arviointi; keinot; menetelmät; tietämys; tiede; politiikka; päätöksenteko

The success of an impact assessment (IA) can mean both instrumental success of applying IA results directly in decision-making, and conceptual success linked to learning about policy problems more generally. Both instrumental and conceptual success can be claimed to be reliant on the knowledge exchange context of the IA, shaped by factors such as the complexity of the policy problem, type of policy area, organisational norms, actor constellations and continuance and openness of information sharing. Even though such context factors may be pre-set, they are nevertheless contested and reformulated during each IA process. This paper ties together lessons from six different IA processes that were performed between 2011 and 2013. The cases include agricultural policy at the EU and regional level in Greece, national-level climate change and energy policy in Finland and Estonia,

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resource efficiency policy at the German national level, and sustainable land use policy in Inner Mongolia, China. The paper introduces and applies a typology of knowledge brokerage context factors. The paper asks how knowledge brokerage is shaped by different contexts and what determines the consequent application (or non-application) of IA tools and the use of IA results. The paper concludes by highlighting the significance of identification and acknowledgement of different knowledge exchange contexts in IA.

Silsbe, G. M., Oxborough, K., Suggett, D. J., Forster, R. M., Ihnken, S., Komárek, O., Lawrenz, E., Prásil, O., Röttgers, R., Sicner, M., Simis, S. G. H., Van Dijk, M. A., Kromkamp, J. C. 2015. Toward autonomous measurements of photosynthetic electron transport rates: An evaluation of active fluorescence-based measurements of photochemistry. Limnology and oceanography : Methods 13 (3): 138-155.

yhteyttäminen; elektronit; kulkeutuminen; nopeus; mittaus; automaatio; fluoresenssi; valokemia

This study presents a methods evaluation and intercalibration of active fluorescence-based measurements of the quantum yield ( ) and absorption coefficient ( ) of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry. Measurements of , , and irradiance (E) can be scaled to derive photosynthetic electron transport rates ( ), the process that fuels phytoplankton carbon fixation and growth. Bio-optical estimates of and were evaluated using 10 phytoplankton cultures across different pigment groups with varying bio-optical absorption characteristics on six different fast-repetition rate fluorometers that span two different manufacturers and four different models. Culture measurements of and the effective absorption cross section of PSII photochemistry ( , a constituent of ) showed a high degree of correspondence across instruments, although some instrument-specific biases are identified. A range of approaches have been used in the literature to estimate and are evaluated here. With the exception of ex situ estimates from paired and PSII reaction center concentration ( ) measurements, the accuracy and precision of in situ methodologies are largely determined by the variance of method-specific coefficients. The accuracy and precision of these coefficients are evaluated, compared to literature data, and discussed within a framework of autonomous measurements. This study supports the application of an instrument-specific calibration coefficient ( ) that scales minimum fluorescence in the dark ( ) to as both the most accurate in situ measurement of, and the methodology best suited for highly resolved autonomous measurements.

Spilling, K., Ylöstalo, P., Simis, S., Seppälä, J. 2015. Interaction effects of light, temperature and nutrient limitations (N, P and Si) on growth, stoichiometry and photosynthetic parameters of the cold-water diatom Chaetoceros wighamii. PLoS ONE 10 (5): e0126308.

piilevät; Bacillariophyta; Chaetoceros wighamii; valo; lämpötila; ravinteet; typpi; fosfori; pii; kasvu; yhteyttäminen

Light (20-450 ?mol photons m-2 s-1), temperature (3-11°C) and inorganic nutrient composition (nutrient replete and N, P and Si limitation) were manipulated to study their combined influence on growth, stoichiometry (C:N:P:Chl a) and primary production of the cold water diatom Chaetoceros wighamii. During exponential growth, the maximum growth rate (~0.8 d-1) was observed at high temperture and light; at 3°C the growth rate was ~30% lower under similar light conditions. The interaction effect of light and temperature were clearly visible from growth and cellular stoichiometry. The average C:N:P molar ratio was 80:13:1 during exponential growth, but the range, due to different light acclimation, was widest at the lowest temperature, reaching very low C:P (~50) and N:P ratios (~8) at low light and temperature. The C:Chl a ratio had also a wider range at the lowest temperature during exponential growth, ranging 16-48 (weight ratio) at 3°C compared with 17-33 at 11°C. During exponential growth, there was no clear trend in the Chl a normalized, initial slope (?*) of the photosynthesis- irradiance (PE) curve, but the maximum photosynthetic production (Pm) was highest for cultures acclimated to the highest light and temperature. During the stationary growth phase, the stoichiometric relationship depended on the limiting nutrient, but with generally increasing C:N:P ratio.

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The average photosynthetic quotient (PQ) during exponential growth was 1.26 but decreased to <1 under nutrient and light limitation, probably due to photorespiration.The results clearly demonstrate that there are interaction effects between light, temperature and nutrient limitation, and the data suggests greater variability of key parameters at low temperature. Understanding these dynamics will be important for improving models of aquatic primary production and biogeochemical cycles in a warming climate.

Tolkkinen, M., Mykrä, H., Annala, M., Markkola, A. M., Vuori, K. M., Muotka, T. 2015. Multi-stressor impacts on fungal diversity and ecosystem functions in streams: natural vs. anthropogenic stress. Ecology 96 (3): 672-683.

metsät; ojitus; stressi; sienet; lahottajasienet; lehti; hajoaminen; diversiteetti; biodiversiteetti; luonnon monimuotoisuus; sekvensointi; valuma-alueet; geologia; happamuus; virtavedet; joet; Oulujoki; Iijoki; Pohjois-Suomi

Biological assemblages are often subjected to multiple stressors emerging from both anthropogenic activities and naturally stressful conditions, and species' responses to simultaneous stressors may differ from those predicted based on the individual effects of each stressor alone. We studied the influence of land-use disturbance (forest drainage) on fungal decomposer assemblages and leaf decomposition rates in naturally harsh (low pH caused by black-shale dominated geology) vs. circumneutral streams. We used pyrosequencing to determine fungal richness and assemblage structure. Decomposition rates did not differ between circumneutral and naturally acidic reference sites. However, the effect of forest drainage on microbial decomposition was more pronounced in the naturally acidic streams than in circumneutral streams. Single-effect responses of fungal assemblages were mainly related to geology. Community similarity was significantly higher in the naturally acidic disturbed sites than in corresponding reference sites, suggesting that land-use disturbance simplifies fungal assemblages in naturally stressful conditions. Naturally acidic streams supported distinct fungal assemblages with many OTUs (operational taxonomic unit) unique to these streams. Our results indicate that fungal assemblages in streams are sensitive to both structural and functional impairment in response to multiple stressors. Anthropogenic degradation of naturally acidic streams may decrease regional fungal diversity and impair ecosystem functions, and these globally occurring environments therefore deserve special attention in conservation planning.

Valanko, S., Norkko, J., Norkko, A. 2015. Does stability in local community composition depend on temporal variation in rates of dispersal and connectivity? Journal of Sea Research 98: 24-32.

ekologia; populaatioekologia; eliöyhteisöt; vuorovaikutus; pohjaeläimistö; selkärangattomat; dynamiikka; leviäminen; jatkuvuus; diversiteetti; Itämeri

In ecology understanding variation in connectivity is central for how biodiversity is maintained. Field studies on dispersal and temporal dynamics in community regulating processes are, however, rare. We test the short-term temporal stability in community composition in a soft-sediment benthic community by determining among-sampling interval similarity in community composition. We relate stability to in situ measures of connectivity (wind, wave, current energy) and rates of dispersal (quantified in different trap types). Waves were an important predictor of when local community taxa are most likely to disperse in different trap-types, suggesting that wave energy is important for connectivity in a region. Community composition at the site was variable and changed stochastically over time. We found changes in community composition (occurrence, abundance, dominance) to be greater at times when connectivity and rates of dispersal were low. In response to periods of lower connectedness dominant taxa in the local community only exhibited change in their relative abundance. In contrast, locally less abundant taxa varied in both their presence, as well as in relative abundance. Constancy in connectivity and rates of dispersal promotes community stability and persistence, suggesting that local community composition will be impacted by changes in the spatial extent over which immigration and emigration operates in the region. Few empirical studies have

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actually measured dispersal directly in a multi-species context to demonstrate the role it plays in maintaining local community structure. Even though our study does not evaluate coexistence over demographic time scales, it importantly demonstrates that dispersal is not only important in initial recruitment or following a disturbance, but is also key in maintaining local community composition.

Vilmi, A., Karjalainen, S. M., Landeiro, V. L., Heino, J. 2015. Freshwater diatoms as environmental indicators: evaluating the effects of eutrophication using species morphology and biological indices. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 187 : Article number 243, 10 p.

makea vesi; järvet; ravinteet; typpi; fosfori; rehevöityminen; arviointi; indikaattorit; piilevät

Anthropogenic eutrophication is a major form of perturbation in freshwaters, and several approaches aimto recognise its effects on lake ecosystems. We compared the responses of diatom species morphology, diversity indices and diatom indices to total phosphorus, total nitrogen and distance from a point stressor causing eutrophication in a large lake. We specifically examined the degree to which extent nutrients and distance to the stressor affect variation in the values of various biological indices and diatom valve size. In addition, special attention was given to the adequate repetition of diatom valve width measurements in the context of environmental assessment. Our results showed that diatom valve width was a better indicator of nutrient concentrations than any of the diatom and diversity indices examined. However, the results varied between the two study transects, suggesting that the diatom-based variables not only respond to nutrients but also to other environmental factors (e.g. shoreline morphology). We also found that when using the method based on diatom morphology, one should measure

more valves than has been originally suggested to provide a more reliable picture of response to eutrophication. We argue that diatom morphology could be considered as an additional environmental assessment tool, because it may complement the information provided by the traditional diatom indices. Diatom valve width may also be more sensitive to early phases of the eutrophication process and its effects on freshwater ecosystems than various diatom indices that were developed in regional contexts with wide ranges in nutrient levels.

Wu, X., Akujärvi, A., Nu, L., Liski, J., Liu, G., Wang, Y., Holmberg, M., Li, F., Zeng, Y., Fu, B. 2015. Dynamics of soil organic carbon stock in a typical catchment of the Loess Plateau: comparison of model simulations with measurements. Landscape Ecology 30 (3): 381-397.

maankäyttö; maaperä; maanpeite; orgaaninen hiili; dynamiikka; hiilitase; mallit; mallintaminen; Loess Plateau

Land use changes are known to significantly affect the soil C balance by altering both C inputs and losses. Since the late 1990s, a large area of the Loess Plateau has undergone intensive land use changes during several ecological restoration projects to control soil erosion and combat land degradation, especially in the Grain for Green project. By using remote sensing techniques and the Yasso07 model, we simulated the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in the Yangjuangou catchment of the Loess Plateau. The performance of the model was evaluated by comparing the simulated results with the intensive field measurements in 2006 and 2011 throughout the catchment. SOC stocks and NPP values of all land use types had generally increased during our study period. The average SOC sequestration rate in the upper 30 cm soil from 2006 to 2011 in the Yangjuangou catchment was approximately 44 g C m?2 yr?1, which was comparable to other studies in the Loess Plateau. Forest and grassland showed a more effective accumulation of SOC than the other land use types in our study area. The Yasso07 model performed reasonably well in predicting the overall dynamics of SOC stock for different land use change types at both the site and catchment scales. The assessment of the model performance indicated that the combination of Yasso07 model and remote sensing data could be used for simulating the effect of land use changes on SOC stock at catchment scale in the Loess Plateau.

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Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä Review article in a scientific journal Översiktsartikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Nygren, N. A., Kontio, P., Lyytimäki, J., Varho, V., Tapio, P. 2015. Early adopters boosting the diffusion of sustainable small-scale energy solutions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 46: 79-87. 3/5 ; Nygren, Nina A. ; Kontio, Panu; Lyytimäki, Jari

uusiutuvat energialähteet; energiatehokkuus; innovaatiot; tiedonvälitys; omaksuminen

Local level actors have an important role in developing small-scale energy innovations as well as disseminating the gained knowledge to key audienLocal level actors have an important role in developing small-scale energy innovations as well as disseminating the gained knowledge to key audiences. Diffusion of these energy solutions from innovators and early adopters to wider user groups has often been slow. This study explores the innovators' and early adopters' experiences of their projects, motivations for their behavior, and obstacles that inhibit the diffusion of energy innovations. Four different types of innovators and early adopters of new energy solutions are identified: Enthusiasts, Utilizers, Green Developers and Green Consumers. These groups are characterized by different sets of motivating factors, including environmental concern, interest in technology, economic profit self-sufficiency, willingness to utilize excess material, promotion of innovations and image reasons. They also have encountered different kinds of barriers to their actions, such as lack of relevant information, poor product quality and lack of economic and institutional support The different motivating and forestalling factors should be identified and taken into account when developing incentives as well as interaction and communication strategies to enhance the diffusion of innovative, sustainable small-scale energy solutions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.ces. Diffusion of these energy solutions from innovators and early adopters to wider user groups has often been slow. This study explores the innovators' and early adopters' experiences of their projects, motivations for their behavior, and obstacles that inhibit the diffusion of energy innovations. Four different types of innovators and early adopters of new energy solutions are identified: Enthusiasts, Utilizers, Green Developers and Green Consumers. These groups are characterized by different sets of motivating factors, including environmental concern, interest in technology, economic profit self-sufficiency, willingness to utilize excess material, promotion of innovations and image reasons. They also have encountered different kinds of barriers to their actions, such as lack of relevant information, poor product quality and lack of economic and institutional support The different motivating and forestalling factors should be identified and taken into account when developing incentives as well as interaction and communication strategies to enhance the diffusion of innovative, sustainable small-scale energy solutions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Piroddi, C., Teixeira, H., Lynam, C. P., Smith, C. S., Alvarez, M. C., Mazik, K., Andonegi, E., Churilova, T., Tedesco, L., Chifflet, M., Chust, G., Galparsoro, I., Garcia, A. C., Kämäri, M., Kryvenko, O., Lassalle, G., Neville, S., Niquil, N., Papadopoulou, N., Rossberg, A. G., Suslin, V., Uyarra, M. C. 2015. Using ecological models to assess ecosystem status in support of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators 58: 175-191.

meret; strategia; direktiivit; meristrategia; ekosysteemit; ekologinen tila; mallit; indikaattorit; elinympäristö; habitaatti; biodiversiteetti; luonnon monimuotoisuus

The European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) seeks to achieve, for all European seas, "Good Environmental Status" (GEnS), by 2020. Ecological models are currently one of the strongest approaches used to predicting and understanding the consequences of anthropogenic and climate-driven changes in the natural environment. We assess the most commonly used capabilities of the modelling community to provide information about indicators outlined in the MSFD, particularly on biodiversity, food webs, non-indigenous species and seafloor integrity

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descriptors. We built a catalogue of models and their derived indicators to assess which models were able to demonstrate: (1) the linkages between indicators and ecosystem structure and function and (2) the impact of pressures on ecosystem state through indicators. Our survey identified 44 ecological models being implemented in Europe, with a high prevalence of those that focus on links between hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry, followed by end-to-end, species distribution/habitat suitability, bio-optical (remote sensing) and multispecies models. Approximately 200 indicators could be derived from these models, the majority of which were biomass and physical/hydrological/chemical indicators. Biodiversity and food webs descriptors, with ?49% and ?43% respectively, were better addressed in the reviewed modelling approaches than the non-indigenous species (0.3%) and sea floor integrity (?8%) descriptors. Out of 12 criteria and 21 MSFD indicators relevant to the abovementioned descriptors, currently only three indicators were not addressed by the 44 models reviewed. Modelling approaches showed also the potential to inform on the complex, integrative ecosystem dimensions while addressing ecosystem fundamental properties, such as interactions between structural components and ecosystems services provided, despite the fact that they are not part of the MSFD indicators set. The cataloguing of models and their derived indicators presented in this study, aim at helping the planning and integration of policies like the MSFD which require the assessment of all European Seas in relation to their ecosystem status and pressures associated and the establishment of environmental targets (through the use of indicators) to achieve GEnS by 2020.

Luku tai artikkeli tieteellisessä kirjassa Chapter or article in a scientific book Kapitel eller artikel i vetenskaplig bok

Turnpenny, J., Jordan, A., Adelle, C., Bartke, S., Bournaris, T., Kautto, P., Kuittinen, H., Larsen, L. E., Moulogianni, C., Saarela, S.-R., Weiland, S. 2015. The use of policy formulation tools in the venue of policy appraisal: patterns and underlying motivations. In: Jordan, A. & Turnpenny, J. (eds.): The Tools of Policy Formulation: Actors, Capacities, Venues and Effects : New Horizons in Public Policy Series. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. P. 184-204.

ympäristöpolitiikka; menetelmät; arviointi

Upham, P., Taylor, P., Christopherson, D., McDowall, W. 2015. The use of computerized models in different policy formulation venues : the MARKAL energy model In: Jordan, A. & Turnpenny, J. (eds.): The Tools of Policy Formulation: Actors, Capacities, Venues and Effects : New Horizons in Public Policy Series. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. P. 245-263.

ympäristöpolitiikka; menetelmät; mallit; MARKAL; Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta

Viitasalo, M., Blenckner, T., Gårdmark, A., Kaartokallio, H., Kautsky, L., Kuosa, H., Lindegren, M., Norkko, A., Olli, K., Wikner, J. 2015. Environmental impacts - Marine ecosystems. In: Bolle, H-J., Menenti, M., al Vesuvio, S. S., Rasool, S. I. (eds.) Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. Springer , Heidelberg : New York : Dordrecht : London. P. 363-380. Regional Climate Studies; 2015.

ilmastonmuutokset; vesiekosysteemit; eliöyhteisöt; biodiversiteetti; luonnon monimuotoisuus; eliömaantiede; Itämeri

Increase in sea surface temperature is projected to change seasonal succession and induce dominance shifts in phytoplankton in spring and promote the growth of cyanobacteria in summer. In general, climate change is projected to worsen oxygen conditions and eutrophication in the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Finland. In the Gulf of Bothnia, the increasing freshwater discharge may increase the amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the water and hence reduce phytoplankton

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productivity. In winter, reduced duration and spatial extent of sea ice will cause habitat loss for ice-dwelling organisms and probably induce changes in nutrient dynamics within and under the sea ice. The projected salinity decline will probably affect the functional diversity of the benthic communities and induce geographical shifts in the distribution limits of key species such as bladder wrack and blue mussel. In the pelagic ecosystem, the decrease in salinity together with poor oxygen conditions in the deep basins will negatively influence the main Baltic Sea piscivore, cod. This has been suggested to cause cascading effects on clupeids and zooplankton.

Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa Conference proceedings Artikel i konferenspublikation

Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Towards a bright future? The systems intelligent perspective on the management of light pollution. In: Hatakka, A. & Vehmas, J. (eds.) Sustainable Futures in a Changing Climate : Proceedings of the Conference "Sustainable Futures in a Changing Climate", 11-12 June 2014, Helsinki, Finland. FFRC eBOOK 2/2015. Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, P. 66-74.

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Vertaisarviomattomat tieteelliset artikkelit Non-peer-reviewed scientific articles Icke-granskade vetenskapliga artiklar

Artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä Article in a scientific journal Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Lyytimäki, J., Söderman, T., Tumpenny, J. 2015. Knowledge brokerage at the science-policy interface : New perspectives on tools for policy appraisal [Introduction to the Special Section]. Environmental Science & Policy 51: 313-315.

vaikutukset; arviointi; keinot; menetelmät; tietämys; tiede; politiikka; päätöksenteko

Soppela, P., Kumpula, J., Oinonen, K. 2015. 2nd Nordic NJF Seminar on Reindeer Husbandry Research "Reindeer herding and land use management - Nordic perspectives" Rangifer 35 (1): 33-38.

kansainväliset kokoukset; porot; porotalous; maankäyttö

The 2nd NJF Seminar on Reindeer Husbandry Research was held at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland from 19 to 21 October 2014. The seminar was organised under the framework of Reindeer Husbandry Research Section of NJF (Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists), established in 2012. Over 100 Nordic and international delegates including researchers, managers, educators, students and reindeer herders participated in the seminar.

Luku tai artikkeli tieteellisessä kirjassa Chapter or article in a scientific book Kapitel eller artikel i vetenskaplig bok

Lipponen, A., Kauppi, L. 2015. Data collection and information sharing : Monitoring and assessment and the duty of cooperation under the Water Convention : Exchange of information among the riparian parties. In: Tanzi, A., McIntyre, O., Koliiopoulos, A., Rieu-Clarke, A., Kinna, R. (eds.) The UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International lakes. Brill Nijhoff, Ledien : Boston. P. 251-267.

kansainvälinen yhteistyö; kansainväliset sopimukset; raja-alueet; valuma-alueet; järvet; vedenlaatu; seuranta; arviointi; tiedonvälitys; tietojenvaihto

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Tieteelliset kirjat Scientific books Vetenskapliga böcker

Kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu Book, compilation, conference proceedings Bok, samlingsverk, konferenspublikation

Härkönen, M., Niemelä, T., Mbindo, K., Kotiranta, H., Piearce, G. 2015. Zambian mushrooms and mycology. Helsinki, Finnish Museum of Natural History (Botany Unit). 207 p. Norrlinia ; 2015, 29.

sienet; käävät; Sambia

Kirjan, kokoomateoksen, konferenssijulkaisun tai lehden erikoisnumeron toimitustyö Editing of a book, compilation, conference proceedings, special issue of a journal Redigering av bok,samlingsverk, konferenspublikation, specialnummer av tidskrift

Kobyakov, K., Jakovlev, J. (eds.) 2013. Atlas of high conservation value areas, and analysis of gaps and representativeness of the protected area network in northwest Russia : Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Leningrad, and Murmansk Regions, Republic of Karelia, and City of St. Petersburg. Helsinki, Finnish Environment Institute. 517 s.

luonnonsuojelualueet; geologia; ilmastotyypit; luokitus; suunnitelmat; luonnon monimuotoisuus; Luoteis-Venäjä

Lyytimäki, J., Söderman, T., Tumpenny, J. (eds.) 2015. Special section on Knowledge Brokerage at the Science-Policy Interface : New perspectives on tools for policy appraisal. Environmental Science & Policy 51: 313-350.

vaikutukset; arviointi; keinot; menetelmät; tiede; politiikka; päätöksenteko

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Opinnäytteet Theses Lärdomsprov

Väitöskirja Doctoral dissertation Doktorsavhandling

Eronen-Rasimus, E. 2015. Ice formation, growth and associated substrate supply determine sea-ice bacterial community dynamics. Doctoral thesis. Helsinki, Helsingin yliopisto. 37 p. Scientific reports / Walter and Andree de Nottbeck Foundation ; 2015, 42.

Repo, A. 2015. Climate impacts of bioenergy from forest harvest residues. Doctoral thesis. Helsinki, Aalto University. 1 nid. (useita sivunum.jaks.). Doctoral Dissertationes / Aalto University publication series ; 2015, 60.

metsät; maaperä; hiili; biomassa; bioenergia; hakkuutähteet; metsäenergia; energiakäyttö; kasvihuonekaasut; päästöt; vähentäminen; ilmastonmuutokset; ilmastovaikutukset ; hiilineutraalisuus; ilmastonmuutoksen hillintä; metsien hiilivarastot; maaperä; kestävyys

Reunamo, A. 2015. Bacterial community structure and petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in the Baltic Sea. Doctoral thesis. Turku, Turun yliopisto. 57 s. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja ; A II 303.

Muu opinnäyte (lisensiaatintyö, kandidaatintyö, amk:n opinnäytetyö, Pro gradu, diplomityö) Other thesis than doctoral dissertation Annat kunskapsprov än doktorsavhandling

Kahiluoto, J. 2015. Kenttämittareiden soveltuvuus pintavesien laadun seurantaan. Opinnäytetyö. Espoo, Metropolia. 48 s.

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Ammattiyhteisölle suunnatut raportit ja muut julkaisut Publications intended for professional communities Publikationer avsedda för en yrkesgrupp

Artikkeli ammattilehdessä Article in a trade journal Artikel i facktidskrift

Ahkola, H., Krogerus, K., Juntunen, J., Herve, S., Huttula, T. 2015. Passiivikeräimien käyttö organotinayhdisteiden seurantaan. Ympäristö ja terveys 46 (3): 32-37.

haitalliset aineet; kemikaalit; orgaaniset tinayhdisteet; pitoisuus; mittaus; menetelmät; vesi; sedimentit; kiintoaines; järvet; Päijänne; Suomi

Ala-Ketola, U. 2015. SYKEltä asiantuntemusta ja tietoa kosmetiikan mobiilisovelluksen käyttöön. Vesitalous 56 (2): 40.

kosmetiikka; kemikaalit; allergeenit; haitalliset aineet; matkapuhelimet; sovellukset

Buchwald, J., Järvinen, M., Silander, J., Raateland, A., Kettunen, J. 2015. Tehokkaampaa järvien tilan arviointia lineaarisilla sekamalleilla. Vesitalous 56 (2): 25-29.

järvet; ympäristön tila; arviointi; luokitukset; mallit; plankton; biomassa; kasviplankton

Kallio, J., Nurmio, K. 2015. Uusia eväitä haja-asutuksen jätevesien käsittelytarpeen arviointiin. Kuntatekniikka (2): 32-34.

haja-asutusalueet; asuinrakennukset; kiinteistöt; sijainti; kartoitus; vesistöt; pohjavesi; pohjavesialueet; naapurit; jätevesi; käsittely; säädökset

Kettunen, J. 2015. Tiedon arvo syntyy käytöstä. Vesitalous 56 (2): 4.

vesienhoito; seuranta; hyöty; kustannukset; tieto; hyödyntäminen

Korpi, M., Väliranta, M., Tuittila, E.-S., Maanavilja, L., Aapala, K., Tukia, H. 2015. Ojituksen ja ennallistamisen vaikutukset eteläsuomalaisen korven kasviyhteisöihin. Geologi 56-62.

suot; korvet; ojitus; kunnostus; ennallistaminen; Liesjärven kansallispuisto; Soukonkorpi; Etelä-Suomi

Kuusisto, E. 2015. Vettä! Toimintaa! Vesitalous 56 (3): 48.

vesi; sosiaalipsykologia; lapset; kulttuurierot

Lepistö, A., Kortelainen, P. 2015. Orgaanisen aineksen huuhtoutuminen on kasvussa - monilähteisen informaation yhdistäminen. Vesitalous 56 (2): 14-18.

huuhtoutuminen; humus; orgaaninen aines; pitoisuus; valunta; lämpötila; aikasarjat; valuma-alueet; Simojoki; Suomi

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Leppänen, M., Ahkola, H., Herve, S., Meriläinen, P., Sainio, P., Sillanpää, M. 2015. Ekotoksikologisen tutkimuksen laajenevat mahdollisuudet Suomen ympäristökeskuksessa. Ympäristö ja terveys 46 (3): 56-61.

ekotoksikologia; tutkimus; haitalliset aineet; päästöt; nanomateriaalit; laboratoriot; Suomen ympäristökeskus; SYKE

Lindholm-Lehto, P., Knuutinen, J., Herve, S., Ahkola, H. 2015. Lääkeaineet jäteveden puhdistamolla ja vesistössä. Ympäristö ja terveys 46 (3): 38-43.

lääkeaineet; pitoisuus; jätevesi; kulkeutuminen; vesistöt; järvet; Päijänne; Suomi

Malve, O., Hjerppe, T., Kotamäki, N., Taskinen, A. 2015. Kuortaneenjärven ravinnekuormituksen vähennystoimenpiteiden ekologiset ja taloudelliset vaikutukset. Vesitalous 56 (2): 8-13.

vesienhoito; ravinteet; kuormitus; fosfori; vähentäminen; ympäristövaikutukset; ekologinen tila; taloudelliset vaikutukset; järvet; Kuortaneenjärvi; Suomi

Mannio, J., Holm, K. 2015. Ympäristölle haitallisten aineiden kartoitukset - sääntelyn kompassi. Ympäristö ja terveys 46 (3): 26-31.

haitalliset aineet; kemikaalit; ympäristömyrkyt; pitoisuus; kartoitus

Perkola, N., Juntunen, J., Tuominen, S., Nysten, T., Rosendahl, K., Huttula, T., Pitkänen, T., Kauppinen, A., Kusnetsov, J., Hokajärvi, A.-M., Meriläinen, P., Miettinen, I. T., Happonen, M. 2015. Kuluttajakemikaalit ja mikrobit Kokemäenjoen vesistössä. Ympäristö ja terveys 46 (3): 50-55.

kuluttajat; kemikaalit; mikrobit; mikro-organismit; vierasaineet; jätevesi; kulkeutuminen; vesistöt; hankkeet; Kokemäenjoki; Suomi; CONPAT-hanke

Ropponen, J. 2015. Haitallisten aineiden kulkeutumisen mallintaminen. Ympäristö ja terveys 46 (3): 44-49.

haitalliset aineet; kulkeutuminen; joet; järvet; meret; vesistöt; valuma-alueet; virtaus; mallit; mallintaminen

Silander, J., Rönkkö, M., Koskiaho, J., Ojanen-Saloranta, M., Koponen, P. 2015. Luotettavaa joen kuormitustietoa maastosta käyttöön. Vesitalous 56 (2): 33-36.

joet; kuormitus; vedenlaatu; seuranta; automaatio; yhteistyö; laadunvarmistus

Tattari, S., Lepistö, A., Koskiaho, J., Linjama, J., Puustinen, M. 2015. Maa - ja metsätalouden aiheuttama hajakuormitus - havaitaanko muutoksia pitkällä jaksolla? Vesitalous 56 (2): 19-24.

maatalous; metsätalous; kuormitus; ravinteet; typpi; fosfori; kiintoaines; pitoisuus; aikasarjat; trendit; Suomi

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Suomen ympäristö, luku tai artikkeli The Finnish Environment, chapter or article Miljön i Finland, kapitel eller artikel

Kopperoinen, L., Itkonen, P. 2015. Defining concepts related to the mapping of ecosystem services. In: Jäppinen, J.-P., Heliölä, J. (eds.) Towards a sustainable and genuinely green economy. The value and social significance of ecosystem services in Finland (TEEB for Finland). Synthesis and roadmap. Helsinki, Ympäristöministeriö. P. 21. The Finnish Environment ; 2015, 1.

ekosysteemipalvelut; viheralueet; infrastruktuurit; kartoitus; käsitteet

Kopperoinen, L., Itkonen, P., Kekez, V. 2015. International experiences and mapping approaches in ecosystem service valuation. In: Jäppinen, J.-P., Heliölä, J. (eds.) Towards a sustainable and genuinely green economy. The value and social significance of ecosystem services in Finland (TEEB for Finland). Synthesis and roadmap. Helsinki, Ympäristöministeriö. P. 39-45. The Finnish Environment ; 2015, 1.

ekosysteemipalvelut; kartoitus; arviointi; ekosysteemit; ylläpito; kunnostus; EU

Kopperoinen, L., Heliölä, J. 2015. Main drivers affecting the provision of ecosystem services in Finland. In: Jäppinen, J.-P., Heliölä, J. (eds.) Towards a sustainable and genuinely green economy. The value and social significance of ecosystem services in Finland (TEEB for Finland). Synthesis and roadmap. Helsinki, Ympäristöministeriö. P. 27-28. The Finnish Environment ; 2015, 1.

ekosysteemipalvelut; käynnistys; tekijät; Suomi

Raportteja-sarjat, raportti Reports-series, report Rapporter-serier, rapport

Adamiak, C., Vepsäläinen, M., Strandell, A., Hiltunen, M. J., Pitkänen, K., Hall, M. C., Rinne, J., Hannonen, O., Paloniemi, R., Åkerlund, U. 2015. Vapaa-ajan asuminen Suomessa. Asukas- ja kuntakyselyn tuloksia vapaa-ajan asumisen nykytilasta ja kehittämistarpeista. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 96 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 22.

asuminen; vapaa-ajan asunnot; vapaa-ajan asukkaat; kesäasukkaat; loma-asunnot; kesämökit; kyselytutkimus

Itkonen, P., Viinikka, A., Heikinheimo, V., Kopperoinen, L. 2015. ES Green Belt - A preliminary study on spatial data. Helsinki, Ympäristöministeriö. 67 s. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja ; 2015, 14en.

Joensuu, I., Korpelainen. P. 2014. Heposelän ruovikot ja niiden hoito. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus.129 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2014, 43.

järvet; rannat; järviruoko; kaislikot; rantakasvillisuus; vesikasvillisuus; niitto; hyötykäyttö; luonnon monimuotoisuus; vesistöjen kunnostus; Heposelkä; Liperi; Pohjois-Karjala

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Joensuu, I., Myllyviita, T., Vilppo, T., Huttunen, M. 2014. Järeästi järviruo`osta pohjamutia myöten. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 95 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2014, 46.

järvet; rannat; järviruoko; kaislikot; rantakasvillisuus; vesikasvillisuus; niitto; hyötykäyttö; tuotantoketjut; vesistöjen kunnostus; Pohjois-Karjala

Joensuu, I., Korpelainen, P. 2014. Pyhäselän ruovikot ja niiden hoito. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 167 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2014, 44.

järvet; rannat; järviruoko; kaislikot; rantakasvillisuus; vesikasvillisuus; niitto; hyötykäyttö; vesistöjen kunnostus; luonnon monimuotoisuus; Pyhäselkä; Pohjois-Karjala

Joensuu, I., Korpelainen, P. 2014. Ätäskön ruovikot ja niiden hoito. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskusSuomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2014, 45.

järvet; rannat; järviruoko; kaislikot; rantakasvillisuus; vesikasvillisuus; niitto; hyötykäyttö; luonnon monimuotoisuus; vesistöjen kunnostus; Ätäskö; Kitee; Pohjois-Karjala

Judl, J., Mattila, T., Manninen, K., Antikainen, R. 2015. Life cycle assessment and ecodesign in a day. Lessons learned from a series of LCA clinics for start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 39 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 18.

pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset; kasvuyritykset; elinkaarianalyysi; elinkaariajattelu; ekosuunnittelu; tuotekehitys; kestävä kehitys

Juvonen, S.-K., Kuhmonen, A. (eds.), Opdahl, T., Höjer, O., Jakovlev, J., Dobrynin, D., Onyfrenia, I. 2013. Evaluation of the protected area network in the Barents region : Using the programme of work on protected areas of the convention on biological diversity as a tool. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 309 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2013, 37.

suojelualueet; luonnonsuojelualueet; verkostot; luonnon monimuotoisuus; biodiversiteetti; luonnonsuojelu; kansainväliset sopimukset; Barentsin alue; arktinen alue; Norja; Ruotsi; Suomi; Venäjä

Jääskeläinen, T., Jantunen, J. 2015. Suunnitelmien ja ohjelmien ympäristövaikutusten arviointi ELY-keskuksissa - SOVA-tehtävien hoitamisen nykytilanne ja kehittämistarpeet. Helsinki, Ympäristöministeriö. 39 s. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja ; 2015, 10.

suunnitelmat; ohjelmat; SOVA; ympäristövaikutusten arviointi; ympäristöarviointi; Elinkeino-; liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus

Koivikko, R., Leivuori, M., Näykki, T., Sarkkinen, M., Sara-Aho, T., Tervonen, K., Lanteri, S., Väisänen, R., Ilmakunnas, M. 2015. Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2015. BOD7,

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CODCr, CODMn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 69 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 24.

Lindholm, T., Jakovlev, J., Kravchenko, A. (eds.) 2014. Biogeography, landscapes, ecosystems and species of Zaonezhye Peninsula, in Lake Onega, Russian Karelia. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2014, 40.

geologia; geomorfologia : maaperä; metsät; suot; niityt; putkilokasvit; sammalet; jäkälät; käävät; hyöteiset; luonnon monimuotoisuus; kasvimaantiede; eliömaantiede; Ääninen; Karjalan tasavalta; Venäjä

Räike, A., Koskela, J., Knuuttila, S., Lehtoranta, J., Pitkänen, H., Risto, M., Vuorinen, J. 2015. Joint Polish-Finnish sampling of surface waters around the phosphogypsum waste stacks in Gdansk and Police from 1 to 3 July 2013 - Results of the expedition. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 36 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 3.

meret; vesien saastuminen; vesistönkuormitus; vedenlaatu; lannoiteteollisuus; jätteet; kipsi; ravinteet; fosfori; huuhtoutuminen; vesiensuojelu; meriensuojelu; vesianalyysi; näytteenotto; seuranta; Puola; Police; Gdansk; Itämeri

Salmenperä, H., Moliis, K., Nevala. S.-M. 2015. Jätemäärien ennakointi vuoteen 2030. Painopisteenä yhdyskuntajätteet ja kierrätystavoitteiden saavuttaminen. Helsinki, Ympäristöministeriö. 64 s. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja ; 2015, 17.

jätteet; kierrätys; ohjauskeinot

Suoheimo, P., Grönroos, J., Karvosenoja, N., Petäjä, J., Saarinen, K., Savolahti, M., Silvo, K. 2015. Päästökattodirektiiviehdotuksen ja keskisuurten polttolaitosten direktiiviehdotuksen toimeenpanon vaikutukset Suomessa. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. 74 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 6.

energiantuotanto; energiantuotantolaitokset; ilma; epäpuhtaudet : päästöt; vähentäminen; ilmansuojelu; direktiivit; ympäristövaikutukset

Raportteja-sarjat, artikkeli Reports-series, article Rapporter-serier, artikel

Ryttäri, T., Tainio, E. 2015. Örön saaren ketojen hoito - tuloksia ja päätelmiä kasvillisuusseurannoista 2004-2012 Julk.: Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Ryttäri, T. (toim.) Harjumetsien paahde-elinympäristöverkostot : Metsien luonnonhoidon vaikutukset harjuluontoon, maisemaan ja paahdelajiston monimuotoisuuteen. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. S.59-66. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 2.

kedot; hoito; kasvillisuus; seuranta; Örö; Kemiönsaari; Suomi

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Ryttäri, T., Tainio, E. 2015. Harjulinnuston linjalaskennat Lopella ja Taipalsaarella 2011 ja 2012. Julk.: Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Ryttäri, T. (toim.) Harjumetsien paahde-elinympäristöverkostot : Metsien luonnonhoidon vaikutukset harjuluontoon, maisemaan ja paahdelajiston monimuotoisuuteen. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. S.67-74. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 2. Linkki:

paahdeympäristöt; linnusto; linnut; laskeminen; inventointi; Loppi; Taipalsaari; Suomi

Tukia, H., Kotiharju, S., Valonen, J.-M., Äärelä, R. 2015. Johtopäätökset ja hoitosuosituksia harjujen paahdeympäristöjen hoitoon. Julk.: Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Ryttäri, T. (toim.) Harjumetsien paahde-elinympäristöverkostot : Metsien luonnonhoidon vaikutukset harjuluontoon, maisemaan ja paahdelajiston monimuotoisuuteen. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. S.89-98. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 2.

paahdeympäristöt; linnusto; linnut; laskeminen; inventointi; Loppi; Taipalsaari; Suomi

Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Lahti, T. 2015. Paahde-elinympäristöjen verkostoalueet Taipalsaaressa ja Lopella. Julk.: Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Ryttäri, T. (toim.) Harjumetsien paahde-elinympäristöverkostot : Metsien luonnonhoidon vaikutukset harjuluontoon, maisemaan ja paahdelajiston monimuotoisuuteen. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. S.25-31. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 2.

paahdeympäristöt; harjut; elinympäristö; kasvillisuus; kasvit; lajit; esiintyminen; Taipalsaari; Loppi; Suomi

Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Lahti, T. 2015. Paahde-elinympäristöjen tieurien putkilokasvilajiston linjakartoitus Lopella ja Taipalsaaressa. Julk.: Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Ryttäri, T. (toim.) Harjumetsien paahde-elinympäristöverkostot : Metsien luonnonhoidon vaikutukset harjuluontoon, maisemaan ja paahdelajiston monimuotoisuuteen. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. S. 33-38. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 2.

paahdeympäristöt; harjut; elinympäristö; kasvillisuus; kasvit; putkilokasvit; lajit; esiintyminen; kartoitus; Taipalsaari; Loppi; Suomi

Tukia, H., Lahti, T., Hämäläinen, J., Kiema, A., Pelkonen, J., Parkkima, T., Äärelä, R. 2015. Räyskälän lentokentän linjakartoitus ja Suviseurojen kulutusseuranta 2011-2013. Julk.: Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Ryttäri, T. (toim.) Harjumetsien paahde-elinympäristöverkostot : Metsien luonnonhoidon vaikutukset harjuluontoon, maisemaan ja paahdelajiston monimuotoisuuteen. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. S. 39-42. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 2.

paahdeympäristöt; kasvit; lajit; kartoitus; levinneisyys; populaatiot; lentokentät; Räyskälä; Suomi

Tukia, H., Aapala, K., Hämäläinen, J., Jaakkola, S., Ryttäri, T. 2015. Paahdehankkeiden hoitokohteiden kasvillisuusseurannat 2006-2013 Julk.: Tukia, H., Hämäläinen, J., Ryttäri, T. (toim.) Harjumetsien paahde-elinympäristöverkostot : Metsien luonnonhoidon vaikutukset harjuluontoon, maisemaan ja paahdelajiston monimuotoisuuteen. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus. S. 43-56. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2015, 2.

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paahdeympäristöt; kasvillisuus; kasvit; esiintyminen; seuranta; Taipalsaari; Jämijärvi

Vihanninjoki, V. 2014. rctic shipping emissions in the changing climate. Helsinki, Suomen ympäristökeskus.105 s. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 2014, 41.

arktinen alue; merenkulku; meriliikenne; laivaliikenne; päästöt; ilma; epäpuhtaudet; hiili; kasvihuonekaasut; ilmastonmuutokset; lämpeneminen; merijää; sulaminen

Muu kuin YHAn sarjajulkaisuissa ilmestynyt raportti Report published by other organisations Rapport publicerad av andra organisationer

Jantunen, J., Kauppila, T. (toim.), Räisänen, M.-L., Komulainen, H., Kauppila, P., Kauppinen, T., Törmä, H., Leppänen, M., Tornivaara, A., Pasanen, A., Kemppainen, E., Raunio, A., Marttunen, M., Mustajoki, J., Kauppi, S., Ekholm, P., Huttula, T., Makkonen, H., Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K. 2015. Ympäristövaikutusten arviointimenettely kaivoshankkeissa. Helsinki, Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö. 96 s. TEM oppaat ja muut julkaisut ; 2015, 3.

YVA-laki; YVA-lainsäädäntö; YVA-menettely; ympäristövaikutusten arviointi; kaivoshanke

Luku tai artikkeli muussa kuin YHAn raportissa Chapter or article in a report published by other organisations Kapitel eller artikel i rapport publicerad av andra organisationer

Baró, F., Bugter, R., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Hauck, J., Kopperoinen, L., Liquete, C., Potschin, M. 2015. Green infrastructure. In: Potschin, M., Jax, K. (eds.) OpenNESS Ecosystem Service Reference Book. EC FP7, Waterford. 2015

luonnonsuojelu; ekosysteemipalvelut; viheralueet; verkostot; infrastruktuurit; käsitteet; määritelmät; hankkeet; OpenNESS; vihreä infrastruktuuri

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Suurelle yleisölle suunnatut julkaisut Popular publications Populära publikationer

Yleistajuinen artikkeli Popular article Populär artikel

Haatainen, K. 2015. Biopuhdistus vei mukanaan Intiaan asti. Ympäristö 29 (2): 9.

biologiset menetelmät; biologinen puhdistus; pohjavesi; maaperä; atratsiini

Hildén, M. 2015. Bioenergiakonfliktit hallintaan. Ympäristö 29 (1): 6.

bionergia; tuotanto; käyttö; konfliktit; ristiriidat

Järvinen, E. 2015. Ilmansaasteiden hinta on kova. Ympäristö 29 (2): 24-25.

ilma; epäpuhtaudet; ilman saastuminen; päästöt; kasvihuonekaasut; kustannukset; arviointi; EU; Eurooppa Järvinen, E. 2015. Perusparannukseen voi saada valtiontakauksen. Ympäristö 29 (1): 38-39.

asunto-osakeyhtiöt; perusparannus; kustannukset; lainat; valtiontakaus Kauppi, L. 2015. SYKE täytti 20 vuotta. Ympäristö 29 (2): 1.

Suomen ympäristökeskus; SYKE; toiminta; juhlavuodet

Kuusisto, E. 2015. Ruovesi, kaikissa säissä (Eskon puumerkki). Ympäristö 29 (2): 11.

järvet; jää; jääpeite; jäidenlähtö; Ruovesi

Kuusisto, E. 2015. Pisoaarin äärellä (Eskon puumerkki). Ympäristö 29 (1): 11. Lehtiniemi, M. 2015. EU:n vieraslajiasetus tuli voimaan. Ympäristö 29 (1): 18-21.

vieraslajit; luettelot; asetukset; EU Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Kuun vaiheet vaikuttavat Maan pinnalla. Helsingin Sanomat 3.4.2015: B17.

kuu; valo; rytmi; keinovalo; valosaaste Rantajärvi, L. 2015. Ilmastonmuokkaus pelastus vai uhka? Ympäristö 29 (1): 26-31.

ilmastonmuutokset; ilmasto; lämpeneminen; ilmakehä; muokkaus; ilmastonmuokkaus Rantajärvi, L. 2015. Kosken kohinassa. Ympäristö 29 (2): 56-57.

Jasper Pääkkönen; harrastukset; kalastus; eläimistön suojelu; kalat

Rantajärvi, L. 2015. Luonnon palvelut näkyviin. Ympäristö 29 (2): 12-17.

luonto; palvelut; ekosysteemipalvelut; hankkeet; TEEB-hanke

Rantajärvi, L. 2015. Omassa talossa ekologisesti. Ympäristö 29 (1): 56-57.

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omakotitalot; asuminen; ekologisuus

Rantajärvi, L. 2015. Tiemaksut hyvästä vai pahasta? Ympäristö 29 (1): 32-33.

tiemaksut; ruuhkamaksut; tietullit; hyöty; haitat

Rantajärvi, L. 2015. Vanha pois uuden tieltä? Ympäristö 29 (2): 34-35.

rakennukset; vaihtoehdot; peruskorjaus; korjausrakentaminen; purkaminen; uudisrakentaminen; kustannukset; kannattavuus Strandell, A., Vepsäläinen, M., Pitkänen, K. 2015. Vapaa-ajan asumisen muutos haastaa suunnittelukäytännöt. Ympäristö 29 (1): 22-24.

asuminen; vapaa-ajan asunnot; kunnat; maankäyttö; maankäytön suunnittelu; kaavoitus; Suomi Uusitalo, L. 2015. Kiertotalous, sininen kasvu ja Itämeri. Ympäristö 29 (1): 7.

kierrätys; talous; kestävä kehitys; meret; Itämeri

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Muut julkaisut (esim. blogit) Other publications Övriga publikationer Itkonen, P., Kopperoinen, L. 2015. Uusmaalaiset merkitsivät kartalle itselleen merkityksellisiä paikkoja luonnossa. Sateen varjolla -blogi : Ajatuksia, kokemuksia ja tietoa elinympäristön tietopalveluista 9.3.2015

kansalaiset; luonto; luontokohteet; merkitys; kyselytutkimus; Uusimaa

Kokko, A. 2015. Suoluonnon tila. Julk.: Suoseuran toiminta 2015 : Kevätkokous ja kevätseminaari

luonnonsuojelu; suot; soidensuojelu; suotyypit; uhanalaisuus

Lyytimäki, J., Rinne, J. 2015. Tutkimuksen valossa pimeyttä tarvitaan. Koneen Säätiö. Rohkeus-blogi 6.5.2015

valo; keinovalo; valosaaste

Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Yleistajuisen vastakohta ei ole tieteellinen, vaan erikoistajuton. Luonnonvaralta-blogi 31.3.2015

viestintä; tiedeviestintä; tutkimus; tulokset; mittaus; rahoitus

Rinne, J., Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Kohti parempaa arkiympäristöä: melun ja valosaasteen vaikutukset ja torjuntakeinot. Puheenvuoroja Ympäristötiedon foorumin tilaisuudesta 2/2015. 5 s. 2015

melu; keinovalo; valosaaste; haitat; ympäristövaikutukset; terveysvaikutukset

Rinne, J., Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Vaimeat signaalit vahvemmiksi sähköisillä kyselyillä - esimerkkinä valosaaste. Sateen varjolla -blogi : Ajatuksia, kokemuksia ja tietoa elinympäristön tietopalveluista 21.4.2015 2/2 ; Rinne, Janne ; Lyytimäki, Jari

valo; keinovalo; valosaaste; kansalaiset; mielipiteet; kyselytutkimus; internet

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