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2018年度 問題分析と学習アドバイス




Ⅰ長文読解問題問題文は31行(400 words程度)のエッセイ。語句言い換え問題が5題,内容把握問題(英問英答)が5題。いずれも4肢。





 全体として「やや易~標準」レベルの出題で、高校英語の基本を問う問題が大部分である。 大問Ⅰ(長文読解問題)について、英文は、語彙・構文ともに基本レベルの文章である。内容も具体的でわかりやすい。前半の「語句言い換え問題(5問)」は、基本単語の意味を別の英語で言い換えさせる同意語選択問題。後半の「内容把握問題(5問)」は、本文の内容が大ざっぱにでもつかめていれば、解答するのはそれほど難しくはない。 大問Ⅱ(短文空所補充問題)では、基本的な文法・語法・熟語・語彙力が試されている。 大問Ⅲ(文法正誤問題)については、問われているところはそれほど難しくないが、「文法正誤問題」自体を苦手としている受験生が多いので、苦手意識のある人にとっては十分な対策が求められる。 大問Ⅳ(和文英訳選択問題)では、日本語の部分部分をそれぞれ英文と照らし合わせて、過不足なく意味が反映されているかどうかをチェックしていくことが大切である。 大問Ⅴ(会話文空所補充問題)では、会話の文脈に合うかどうか、1つ1つ選択肢を入れてみて考えるのではなく、この場面で使われる英語表現はこれだ、というのが選択肢を見なくてもすぐに頭に浮かんでくることが大切である。高校の授業で習う英会話表現を使われる場面と一緒に覚え込めば、それで対策になる。








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英語 推薦入試 Ⅰ期B


Usually when tourists visit new places, they just want to enjoy the local (1) attractions and relax a bit. Nowadays, some young people have a different reasonfor traveling. They are called “peace tourists,” and they are much more helpful whenthey travel. Peace tourists want to improve the lives of the people they visit. Thiscan be done by building friendships between locals and tourists, promoting localartists and cleaning up the local environment.

Naturally, peace tourists travel with open minds and gentle hearts. They try to accept different customs and ideas that they encounter while traveling. They feel thankful for the chance to make friends with everyone they meet. Not only do peace tourists learn much, they can also teach new ideas about protecting the natural environment. They explain ways to stop (2) polluting rivers, clean up garbage and care for the local wildlife.

Peace tourists actively help by educating the people they visit. These tourists meet and talk with local students and (3) community leaders. They show local families how to start tourist businesses to end their own poverty. For example, eco-tourism is one service that is easy to start. Eco-tourists enjoy visiting areas with unusual plants and animals in a natural (4) setting. In addition, artists and workshops can produce souvenirs and sell them to tourists from other areas. Talented musicians and dancers can put on performances to show their native culture. Every town and village can grow and live through peace tourism.

In 2016, a Canadian woman named Cassie De Pecol became the most famous peace tourist. At only twenty-seven years old, she visited every country in the world in eighteen months and twenty-six days. This is the new world record. Moreover, Cassie is the first woman known to have visited all one hundred and ninety-six nations. Cassie was unhappy with her life working at a part-time job. She wanted to do something big and important. So, she made plans to get enough money to follow her dream. She found many companies to support her efforts by (5) sponsoring her trip. Peace tourists, like Cassie, understand how tourism can help spread peace between nations. They know that travel to another culture can build international understanding and cooperation. The mottos of these tourists are “Change the world through travel!” and “World peace? Be a tourist!”


1. attractions:(a) hospitality(b) insights(c) lifestyles(d) sights

2. polluting:(a) discovering(b) existing(c) reflecting(d) spoiling

3. community:(a) commercial(b) education(c) public(d) tourist

4. setting:(a) adjustment(b) convenience(c) environment(d) handiness

5. sponsoring:(a) announcing(b) importing(c) supporting(d) thriving


6. How are peace tourists different from ordinary tourists?(a) Ordinary tourists are better at building friendships with local people.(b) Ordinary tourists love to visit new sightseeing places.(c) Peace tourists are on a mission to help the areas they visit.(d) Peace tourists are only interested in making friends with people.

7. Why is it a good tourist attraction to have a clean and healthy environment?(a) Because many tourists enjoy seeing natural beauty and local wildlife.(b) Because most ordinary tourists do not want to help the environment.(c) Because most talented musicians and artists are part of the natural

environment.(d) Because the price of enjoying eco-tourism is becoming more expensive recently.

8. According to the text, what is one of the main goals of peace tourists?(a) To improve the lives of the local people who they meet when traveling.(b) To perform with local musicians and dancers as entertainers.(c) To teach local people dance lessons and how to play musical instruments.(d) To visit places with good shopping malls and good beaches.

9. How did Cassie De Pecol become the most famous peace tourist?(a) She decided to save up a lot of money and go on vacation.(b) She got a new part-time job to follow her dream.(c) She told many companies to support her community.(d) She visited every country in the world in the shortest time ever.

10. How can tourism help spread peace between nations?(a) All tourists want to save the environment and improve native cultures.(b) People who travel are eager to help educate the local population.(c) Tourists are good at teaching people in other countries how to think and act.(d) Traveling to another culture helps people build international understanding.


11. When Mana was eating lunch, a splendid idea suddenly came into her ( ). (a) back(b) hand(c) head(d) nose

12. I’d like to tell you that ( ) we can do now is to wait. (a) all(b) that(c) those(d) which

13. If it ( ) tomorrow, the school trip to Mt. Hiei will be put off. (a) rain(b) rained(c) rains(d) will rain

14. Cathy came to Japan to visit Horyuji-Temple, known ( ) the oldest wooden building.(a) as(b) by(c) of(d) to

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15. When the results of the entrance examination were announced, the teacher looked( ).(a) please(b) pleased(c) pleasing(d) pleasingly

16. Natsumi is ( ) a brilliant student that every teacher is proud of her. (a) quite(b) so(c) such(d) very

17. I’m sure that this computer is superior ( ) that one. (a) at(b) of(c) than(d) to

18. I don’t remember Sapporo, ( ) I lived as a child. (a) what(b) when(c) where(d) which

19. Flight attendants had instructed the ( ) to fasten their seat belts before the plane took off.(a) clients(b) customers(c) guests(d) passengers

20. It is well-known that African elephants are the ( ) of all the animals that live on land.(a) heavier(b) heaviest(c) heavy(d) most heavy


21. Information technology has progressed rapid in the last few decades.(a) (b) (c) (d)

22. The international students who wants to study Japanese literature need to take (a) (b) (c)

the Japanese class in the fall semester. (d)

23. The books written by Haruki Murakami are translated among many languages.(a) (b) (c) (d)

24. After the medical checkup, Kenji stopped to eat sweets in order to lose weight. (a) (b) (c) (d)

25. My mother often says it’s bad manners to talk with my mouth fill.(a) (b) (c) (d)


26.(a) It is careless of you to leave the door unlocked.(b) Please be careful not to leave the door unlocked.(c) You must have left the door unlocked carelessly.

27.(a) According to this episode, people certainly criticize the prime minister.(b) If you know this episode, you will be sure that people criticize the prime

minister. (c) This episode shows how severely people criticize the prime minister.

28.(a) Italian cheese is four times more expensive than Japanese cheese.(b) Japanese cheese is four times as expensive as Italian cheese.(c) Japanese cheese is not four times as expensive as Italian cheese.

29.(a) If you helped me, I would succeed in this business.(b) With your help, I would have been successful in this business.(c) Without your help, I wouldn’t have been successful in this business.

30.(a) He had an opportunity to go to France to learn to make wine.(b) It happened that he went to France to learn about wine.(c) The chances are that he will go to France to learn how to make wine.


Conversation 1

Daughter: Mom, I don’t think I should go to school today. Mother: Why not, dear? ( 31 ) Daughter: I think ( 32 ) Could you check my temperature? Mother: Sure, ( 33 ) I have to find the thermometer. Mother: Oh. It looks like ( 34 ) I think you’d better stay home today. Daughter: If I do, ( 35 ) practice for the sports festival. Mother: Well, you have to take care of yourself or you’ll get worse.

31. (a) Are you the problem?(b) Can you think twice?(c) What did you say?(d) What’s the matter?

32. (a) I am very cold.(b) I catch a cold.(c) I’ve caught a cold.(d) I will catch cold.

33. (a) hold on a minute.(b) I have to take care.(c) keep feeling better.(d) you are not sick.

34. (a) fevers are usual.(b) it’s being a fever.(c) you have a slight fever.(d) your fever is above.

35. (a) I’ll miss(b) it isn’t(c) it’ll be(d) let’s

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Conversation 2

Daughter: Hey! Look ( 36 ) Somebody dropped one hundred yen. Mother: Wow! ( 37 ) you should take it to the police station. Daughter: Really? It is only one hundred yen. I feel ( 38 ) Mother: I know how you feel but ( 39 ) the rules. Daughter: Yes, I do. I have to ( 40 ) Mother: Good girl. Maybe after six months you can keep it.

36. (a) at each thing!(b) at my pick up!(c) for this money!(d) what I found!

37. (a) If it is a lot of money,(b) If money isn’t found,(c) If you find money,(d) If you have money,

38. (a) keeping it safe is better.(b) like keeping it.(c) nobody will keep it.(d) you should keep it.

39. (a) I have(b) it gives us(c) we say(d) you know


40. (a) be honest.(b) know honesty.(c) save honesty.(d) say it honestly.

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英語 推薦入試 Ⅰ期B

推薦入試 解答例

大問 解答番号 解答例 大問 解答番号 解答例

1 d

21 c2 d 22 b3 c 23 d4 c 24 b5 c 25 d6 c

26 a7 a 27 c8 a 28 b9 d 29 b10 d 30 c

11 c

31 d12 a 32 c13 c 33 a14 a 34 c15 b 35 a16 c 36 d17 d 37 c18 c 38 b19 d 39 d20 b 40 a

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