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Preventative Reassurances… A new approach to support residents living with memory loss PRESENTER: Rachelle Blough C.T.R.S, CDP, CADDCT Vice President of Innovation & Life Enrichment at BayBridge Senior Living


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Disclaimer This approach is not intended to be medical advice. With person centered care we realize that each person may benefit from various approaches that are individualized for them. At all times possible an interdisciplinary team including the family and doctor should together determine what is best for each individual.


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• Opening Discussion • Sensitivity Exercise • Description of the Approach • Tips for using this Approach • Examples of the Approach • Resources • Questions & Answers


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Sensitivity Exercise - Handshakes • What does this have to do with taking

care of people living with memory loss?


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Question for the Participants

Have you ever had a resident you have served who lived with memory loss who is seared into your memory and in your heart? Who are they ? Why ?


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Preventative Reassurances In many ways this concept is utilizing various components many of us have done over the years thru training we have received and common sense. However, it puts a “BOW “ on the package. With some tips to try to help create the best days possible for people living with memory loss.


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What is preventative reassurances? A proactive approach to helping residents living with symptoms that can occur with memory loss that can include anxiety, fear , distress and agitation. By making an effort to know common fixations or concerns that may affect many individuals, personalized measures of comfort and support are created. By gathering detailed information about the person’s history and needs, a plan can be built for each person. This model supports using verbal and visual touch points throughout the day. Proactively providing statements of support that may help alleviate what could end up resulting in distress.


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Common Concerns that may need reassurance • I don’t have any money • I lost my purse/wallet • I have to go home • I need to find my car • I have to go to work

• I have to find my husband /wife/child


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Important Considerations • This does not replace other techniques many of us

currently use, it would be used in addition. • We continue to use empathy, compassion, listening, try to

understand how the person must feel and at times after going thru these steps we may try to re-engage the resident in something they enjoy.

• This is not for everyone but another approach to add to our

“tool belt” that may really make a difference for some residents.


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Tips for using this Approach • After learning from family, social history, assessment or

listening to the person, individualized reassurances can be developed.

• Determine what approach may be best for this individual, typed statements, audio recordings, visual recordings depending on their abilities and needs.


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Tips for using this Approach • The statements should be truthful and supportive and

utilize names of people that will help build credibility like spouse or child.

• The care provider should partner with the family to determine what the statements would be so they are included in this plan.


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Tips for using this Approach • The statements of reassurance should be typed in a clean

easy to read font like TIMES NEW ROMAN at 18pt font. • Photo copies of the statements can be made to be able to

provide thru out the day.


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Tips for using this Approach • To gain credibility you may begin by asking are you “repeat their full first and last name”. ** note they may only relate to their maiden name not married name. • This often will create a sense of trust that the person about

to give them information knows who they are.


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Tips for using this Approach • Let the person know you had a message for them and

then you could provide the written statement or play the recording for the person.

• Statements should use be supportive, and based in truthful

information that will not distress the person. (Please note this is not encouraging reality orientation)


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Tips for using this Approach • Use the statements or reassurance throughout the day versus

waiting until the resident is showing distress in an effort to be preventative versus using as a intervention.

• The statements may need to change over time as the persons needs change.

• It is encouraged if this technique is found to provide relief and

comfort that it is shared with all involved in the care and the specific statements and what approach is used, typed, voice recording or video recording is added to care plan.


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Sample Statements of Reassurance

Joann- Your daughter Michelle wanted me to let you know she has your car. She said she will meet you here and asked that you wait for her. She wanted to let you know everything is paid for. You can rest in room 205 until she can get here. She said she loves you very much! Your friend- Jane


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Sample Statements of Reassurance Ruby, Your daughter Joan wanted me to let you know she is at work and she will meet you here. She said if you are up to it you are welcome to help out the nice people where you are. She said everything is paid for and the coffee is free. You can rest in room 301 if you need to. Signed- the Front desk


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Sample Statements of Reassurance Mr. Laytner, Your son Jim wanted me to remind you that Dr. Solomon has asked that you stay with us to gain your strength and we can help you when you need it. He wants to encourage you to eat exercise and eat right. Your son wanted to remind you everything is paid for and you can rest in room 214 when you need to. Your friends at ….


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Sample Statements of Reassurance Dad, I wanted to remind you of the new policy of any money over $500 being kept in safe secure location. I know how to access this money for you. Everything is paid for and I will meet you where you are. I love you dad! Remember you are never alone as you taught us, God is always by your side. Love your son, Tom


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Sample Statements of Reassurance Mom, Dr. Momhaim wanted to remind you that a very nice lady will be helping you to rinse and take a nice warm shower and it is paid for. She wants you to do this so we can get your skin healed. I know you want to feel better and I do to. I love you, Your daughter Michelle


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What devices or tools can be used for this technique ? • Typed statement on paper • Video recording on a tablet or computer • A voice recording on a talking picture frame • A saved voice message on a phone from a family member

that can be played for the resident. • A taped recording on tape/dvd that can be played in the

room. This could include reading to the resident favorite poems, bible verses, books etc. singing for the person.


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Closing Thought Provoking Picture This resident created a family she needed to take care of to give her joy and purpose. It sometimes is the simple things that can bring comfort and peace to a person living with memory loss. Sometimes the right word spoken at the right time or providing a meaningful comfort item can make all the difference in the world.


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Questions & Comments


Enjoy the rest of the conference


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