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  • 7/28/2019 2012 Squatters AvR RIS


    Diciembre 2012 Crdoba (Espaa) ISSN: 0034-9712

    Edited by Joan Font, Donatella della Porta and Yves Sintoer


    Nero Extra 2Voluen 70

  • 7/28/2019 2012 Squatters AvR RIS


    Revista inteRnacionalde sociologa (Ris)Special issue on methodological challenges in participation research

    Vol. 70, extra 2, 165-184, diciembre 2012ISSN: 0034-9712; ISSN: 1988-429XDOI:10.3989/ris.2012.02.10

    AUTONOMOUS ACTIVIST-RESEARCHThe case of the squatters movement in Madrid

    INveStIgacIN actIvISta autNomael s dl iin d kpins d mdrid

    Miguel ngel MaRtnez lpez [email protected] Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Spain

    elsabeth loRenzi FeRnndez [email protected] Nacional de Educacin a Distancia (UNED). Spain

    abstRactciizn priipin hs bn rnly inrprd in h dsin nd iplnin f diffrn pbli pliisb priipns h fn riiisd h hr is lil r fr ns ds f iizn priipin wihininstitutional frameworks. Which are the specic features of autonomous processes of citizen participation com-prd h s insiinl ns? Hw ds ns priipin dlp? this ril dls wih hhdlil sps f ns priipin. In din s, w will prsn n xprin f nsiis-rsrh wihin h sqrs n f mdrid whih lsd fr w nd hlf yrs. In prilr,w fs n h hdlil disins kn by iis-rsrhrs nd dsrib h jr nribinsf his priipry prss. W r h sh n iis-rsrh prss ws bsd pn hr diffrnsris whih pridd prdi frwrk fr h priipns inln: ) n pn, hriznl ndself-managed group of activist-researchers; b) an open-source and copy-left commitment in order to fulll anql ss h prdin f knwld; ) qlii nd prhnsi hdly whih llwd hr wid rn f infrin kin in n h sil dirsiy wihin h sqrs n.

    KeywoRdsActivist-research; Autonomous citizen participation; Methodology of social sciences; Reexivity; Squatters movement.

    ResuMenL priipin iddn h sid rinn inrprd n l dis iplnin d difrns pli-s pblis, pr qins priipn hn riid nd q xis p spi pr ls dlidds -nomas de participacin ciudadana dentro de los marcos institucionales. Cules son los rasgos especcos de los

    prss ns d priipin iddn prds ls s insiinls? c s dsrrll lpriipin n? es rl xpn lns sps dlis d l priipin n. Pr-

    sns n xprini d insiin iis n dsrrlld n l iin d kpins dmdrid drn ds s y di. en prilr, ns nrs n ls disins dlis dpds pr lsinsidrs-iiss y dsribis ls prinipls nribins d s prs priipi. D s d,rns q s prs d insiin-iis s fndn n rs sris q prprinrnn nrn prdi pr l ipliin d ls priipns: ) n rp d insidrs iiss bir,hriznl y sind; b) n pris n l pn-sr y py-lf pr rnizr n s ili-ri l prdin d niin; ) n nfq dli lii y prnsi q prii rnir npli rn d infrins inrr l dirsidd sil prsn n l iin d kpins.

    palabRasclaveInsiin-iis; mdl d ls inis sils; miin d kpins; Priipinciudadana autnoma; Reexividad.

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    Lik ali in Wndrlnd, sil siniss dl wih sil rliy s w wr sin p lkin lss nd, silnsly, s w wr pinin h illsins h his ndny hr sil nsrin inl. or jr l is ffr n r i f hsil wrld rnd. this, hwr, inlds r wn i. I ls iplis h, hsame time, wedisbelieve the usual reections provided by common sense and popularxplnins. Rl lif is wh w s nd pri, s wll s ny hr hiddnthings (ns, ppl, infrin, nwrks, prsss) h w d n s s sily.Sil sin is b nrin h sil rlins nd sil fs h k llhs things happen. Regardless how evident they appear to our eyes, our scienticpurpose is to determine how social facts inuence individual and collective behaviours.However, the notions of science and scientic method have been very controversialwithin the eld of social sciences. The most extreme positivists argued for an uniednpin f nrl nd sil sins bsd n h s ls f bjiiy, hs disn ids wrds h rliy--hr nd h s piril-nlyil-nd-sl pprhs. Whils, ln-sndin dbs rnd his iss ld rpluralistic notion of both social sciences and the scientic methods. Critics of positivismr h h sil wrld diffrs sbsnilly fr h nrl wrld, n if h frrdpnds hirrhilly n h lr. I is ls pssibl idnify sl rlinshipswihin h sil wrld b hs rlinships nly prid pril ns f h silfs nd rlinships whih, b ll, h diffrn nins fr diffrn silgroups. In addition, when social scientists adopt and apply specic methods of social

    rsrh, nd whn r rsls r silly sprd , w r slly priipin inh sil rliy in r inns nd nrrsil wy hn nrl siniss hislin pr h hnlil nsqns f ny kind f knwld. clds, inssnd plns d n r b hn hris b h, b hns d r ndr n drin h prss f bin sbjd sriny (gln 1977, Wildn 1987,Wlr 1988, D Ss l. 2003).

    ardin hs ls sspins, Priipry ain-Rsrh (PaR) in nrl,nd aiis-Rsrh (aR) in prilr, hisrilly pprd s prpsl kr xplii h inln f bh rsrhrs nd ppl sbjd rsrh. thisawareness or reexivity has political implications since it implies overt debates aboutsil inqliis nd pwr rlinships drin h prss f rsrh. th hd-

    lil dsin nd iplnin is hs r f sil priipin in whih hsiniss nribins r ril infr, hlp r id h whl prss. ms f hdisins r llily disssd nd diffrn yps f ppl r bl nrib diffrn ss f h rsrh nd prfr diffrn sks. In h nd, sil sinissr n h nly ns rspnsibl fr h prdin f sil knwld, nd his dsnot necessarily demerit its scientic quality in terms of uncovering the crucial social rela-inships nd fs h nsrin r lis. ardin h jr prpnns f PaR(Fls Brd 1985, Rhn 1991, Prk 1992, Rsn 1994, villsn 2006, grnwd

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    2007) this approach combines, in a exible and creative manner, multiple research tech-

    niqs in h prdin f knwld, wih nssrily xldin hs in frpositivist conceptions of social sciences. The scientic and political goals of the process,h ilbl rsrs nd h hril priss ndrlyin h rsrh qsins,will id ll h priipns k h s nnin nd dq hdlildisins. thrfr, hry nd pri r lly nnd in h fr f spirl,ziz r nins dilis. By hry w n ll h pris knwld ndwrris h priipns brin b h rsrh prss. thry is ls nrrdby h knwld prdd by h PaR / aR prss, inldd lrnin xprinf priipns nd diffrn frs f niin rird by h. By priw n h ins kn by h priipns in rdr hn hir srrndinwrld. ths ins wld b lsly nnd h knwld prdd ln h

    rsrh prss. obisly, in fr PaR prss ds n idily nil sil hn. mr frqnly, wh sh prss nrs is pniliis f silhn rhr hn pwrfl sil hn islf. ms f h lirr (cnin 1993,villsn 2006) pin diffrn lls f pliil s, slly blw h iniilexpectations, and conicts with the researchers academic interests and the institutionalnsrins r fn nind (Prs nd Prpr 1993). th priipin f sbr-dind, ndrpriild, xplid nd dprid sil rps in PaR prsss dsn iply, hnilly, h hir liin ndiins will ipr. th in rsn is hll hs rps r blid inr wih sil siniss, hriis nd wlhirrps wh n hindr h nipry sris lind drin h prss.

    Activist or participatory social scientists do not abandon their scientic skills andnrns in rdr b fll-i iiss. Rhr, hy i binin bhsil dinsins f hir rsrh iiy in irs, y ribl, nnr. thirpliil inln in priipry rsrh prss y dp diffrn frs,hs bin sfl in diffrn drs nd frs f rln fr h prdin fknwld. Fr xpl, pris slin f infrns, h ni nd -ril rsrs ndd, r h disinin f nrrsil pins wihin nin lldebates, may be obtained more efciently by activist researchers than by conventionalns. Hn, w d n n h sil rsrhrs n b bslly fr hsny kind f hdlil pprh fr ny prilr siin. mny nsrinsstem from the researchers institutional afliations, from the type of social and politicalrnisins hy wrk wih, fr h pliil nx, fr h ilbl rsrs,fr pris hisril xprins, .

    aiis-Rsrh (aR) r ilin rsrh (ml l. 2004, Shkiis l.2007, Fuster 2009, Cox and Flesher 2009) may be dened as one of the types ofPaR prsss hrh whih rsrhrs prs r ffily h ls f silhn linkd h pliil ls f h sil rps, rnisins nd nsinld. cprd s PaR pprhs, aR phsiss s h s pssiblh ny f hs wh pr h rsrh prss. Idlly, his wld inl pl slf-rsrh prss wih h nd f xrnl hlp, lhh s xpr

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    rsrhrs y b lrdy pr f h lli wh lnh nd nd h prss.Autonomy means, basically, that State authorities, for-prot corporations, external orga -nisins nd nn-iis indiidls r n nsidrd skhldrs in aR prsss.thy r inninlly xldd. and wh b sil siniss? thy r wl jsin s hy fl hsls s pr f h slf-rsrhd rp, rnisin r -n, in rs f shrin hir pliil ls nd priipin in hir rrn pliilactivities. Their militant identity, thus, acquires priority over their scientic one, althoughh lr is ssnil prfr h s hnil sps f h rsrh. In pri,ny is n slly bsl bs s prilr rsrs nd is wih xr-nl bdis y b inibl fr s priipns.

    ardin Zs (1992), iis-rsrhrs diffr fr sipl id-rsrhrs (r, sy, rni nd riil inllls: cx 1998) bs f h ddiin

    f synry syphy-nd-phy. cid-rsrhrs js i prdsympatheticknwld h n b sfl fr h nipry ls f sbrdindrp, wih n nd f hir wn irsin in his rp. aiis-rsrhrs, n hnrry, r lld prd knwld fr wihin h rps xprin (empathy)nd n hsls in is pliil pris (synergy). Sympathy is kn frrnd in aR, b n nh. Empathy, n h hr sid, rqirs dissn nd riilhinkin. ths r sr f fndnl rihs-nd-dis fr iis rsrhrs sthat they should be present in the denition and realization of strategies, as part of asynergicllbrin. ths, rsrhin fr wihin nd wih iiss, ns rand to share knowledge -even critically and conictively. This involves that the produc-in f knwld is lsly nnd wih h shrin f knwld. as Jin (2004)rs, iis-rsrhrs d s iizns whn hy shr hir skills. on h hrhnd, iiss ln r ls spnns nd rlr prdrs f sil knwld.They do dene concepts, they make judgments about both their environment and theirwn inrnl dynis, hy hr nd l diffrn srs f infrin nd,n h ls, hy bs hir disins nd ins pn prndd rinl nlysis. Insum, activists are reexive practitioners, which means that an AvR process may not bes disrbin fr h s nn-priipn y xp.

    Sin h 1990s, h inrsin ilizin f h r priipin in pbli pliisrns in prlll h drsin nin pid h ril nd lrl ndiinsh nsrin h nn f ppl in pbli ffirs (Yn 1990: hpr II; mr-nz 2011). Priipin hs bn insiinlisd (Blkbrn l. 1998, ck l. 2001), sbjd rk sris f iy rnn (Brj nd cslls 1997)

    nd sly rsrid wh arnsin (1969) lld plin, hrpy, nd nipl-in. alhh ny ll rnns pd r n prd priipry pr-drs in rdr hi liiin f hir plnnin shs, dlibrin nd inndr i-prssr wr slly shwd s hir s psii rsls (mrnz 2011b,ekrd 2011). tdy, ny sil rps r sill xldd fr priipry pr-sss, rln disins r n pblily dbd, nd insiinl priipin ndsto lack sufcient depth and duration. In addition, the production of outstanding and reli -

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    bl knwld is rrly n f h xplii prpss in h xprins f insiinl

    priipin. Ndlss sy, h rprsni dl f librl dry, h rl fpwrfl lis nd h nr-ndin ipls h iy rwh-hin liins, rslly f qsin in sh priipry prsss.

    as nrs insiinl prsss f iizn priipin, his ril prsnsn xprin f aR in whih hih ny nd n xplii i f pridin nwknwld wr is ky frs. th aR prss ws ndd wihin h sqrsn f mdrid ln w nd hlf yrs (2008-2011). Bh lbl pliil ndhdlil lssns n b lrnd fr i. Insd f dild xplnin f hnx, pris nd hllns fd by h mdrid sqrs, w fs hr n hhdlil sps f h aR prss rrid . In h nx sin w inrdthe key issues and concepts involved in AvR. We then examine the main signicant deci-

    sins kn ln h aR prss wihin h mdrid sqrs. ardinly, w disin-guish three dimensions that made possible the coherence and efciency of this particularAvR -self-management, copy-left and qualitative inclusion of social diversity. The naldisssin fss n h s nd liis f his ns priipry prss.

    challenges, RisKsandliMitsoF activist-ReseaRch

    th lsr priipry prss is dir dry, h hihr r h risks fninndd ffs. Prrs f iizns priipin s p h h iniiis,prpsls nd ins brh b by priipns, y nd h prss hrhry nxpd phs. ans rps sh s pliil sqrs li fr rdilhn wihin h pilis sys. thy d pri dir dry in wid prs fhir rydy lis. Sqd hss nd sil nrs s b nd by rlrssblis. Wihin h sqd sps ny sllr rps hr, bsd nsiilr hriznl wys f rnisin, in rdr pr ins, pris, wrkshpsr lrl iiis. Ppl wh nd sqs r ls nrd priip sh s hy lik, lhh ry sq is bsd pn diffrn frl nd infrl rls(Prij 2004, Dnz l. 2010, Pizz 2011).

    In sqs hr is prnn nsin bwn pnnss nd lsnss. Whil srps r pprnly pn h inrprin f nw brs, his is ry slw pr-ss f in in h, bildin l rs nd shrin ffrs in lipl iiis. th

    s pply rsrhrs wh r n filir wih h sqin ili. an aR prsswihin sq r ll sqin n dnds, hs, hih dr f prisinln f hs wh pr i. Nwrs nd syphisrs r wl, b,ls in mdrid, hr is n wy fr srin n aR if n sqrs r frr sqrs kpart in the endeavour. For such a purpose, activist background, as we veried, is morevalued and credited than a scientic background, although the latter may add legitimacy h prj. thrfr, aR wihin sqin rqirs pris synry rhr hn

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    js frhin n (mrnz 1997). ohrwis, w wld f h risk f lnhin

    n aR wih h priipin f iiss.The second risk at play is the controversial denition of what knowledge means in

    sh nx. Bh iiss nd iis-rsrhrs s p h n aR prssis bl prd nrl knwld s wll s riil knwld. By h lr wn h n sspins, sryps, hiddn pisds nd slf-idniis yb hllnd by h rsls f h rsrh. th is sy, n-n h xp h slf-rsrh prds rh slf-liiin f h sil n in whih hprss is dlpd (off 1985, Zs 1992: 118). cnsqnly, h nswknsss, rbls nd ps dlins h h hn b disssd nd sbjd pbli xinin s h s h srnhs, h lii spirins, nd pshins.

    th iss f knwld is ry nrrsil n in PaR rdiins. criis f PaRnd aR li h hs pprhs lk bjiiy, nrliy nd hdlil sn-drds. or wn sndpin b hs riiiss y b srisd s fllws (FlsBrd 1985, mrnz 1997, villsn 2006).

    Firs, iis-rsrhrs nd prd s drs f bjiiy in rdr li h hy r knwin nyhin sid hir wn lis r fr insid. Hwr,whil bjiiy iplis s prsnl disn fr h bjs f knwld, hsy ry l. thrfr, riins fr hn wrds hn bhirs nd sil ns, nil diffrn pbiliis bjify. S f h r sir hnhrs in rs f llwin n bji n. on h nrry, s f h dnd r in-dph ffr f inrprin in whih h rsrhrs sbjiiy ply sbs-ni rl. th s y b pplid h sil sins in nrl, s his is n js prbl f bh PaR nd aR (gln 1977).

    ery rsrhr drins h bjs nd sbjs f rsrh rdin pr-is sil ris. an h, pliil r idlil prfrns r s li-timate as others. Resulting objectivity is neither absolutely dened nor valid foreverbs i is lwys sbjd nw riiiss, iprd srs nd qli-i ssssns pyin nin diffrn sps f h iss. aR, indd, is hdlil di whih ds n disis hs prbls. Rhr h ppsi,iis-rsrhrs r pnd h nribins f ll kinds f priipns in rdr dene as accurate as possible the type of issues and concerns which are investigated.Pbli dlibrin is n nly dri siin, b ls hniq nrsand verify previous research results. Equally, the more qualied activist-researchers are

    hs wh n nrib h hdlil sndrds rqird in rdr ndh prss f rsrh.

    Sndly, nrliy nn b lid s nirsl l f sil sins. abs-l nrliy is ipssibl. cnsidr, fr xpl, h f h nninl rsrhrsare tied to the funds, the rules and the denition of problems made by they institutionsand social elites who support the research (Pollack 1980). Given that, we could nd morefrd in iis-rsrhrs wh d n dpnd s srily n hs insiins whil,

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    h s i, hy ry pri n xpliily l-rind rsrh in rn

    wih h pliil rnisins nd ns wih wh hy wrk. this, f rs,y ls ips s nsrins n h rsrh b i is r f piril swhhr h di r h n rds r h rsrhrs ny. a hnd, ny xrnl nsrin rds nrliy. th pin is hw prsr h rsr-chers and activists decisions from the inuence of those who do not participate in theaR islf.

    th hird pril fd by aR is is disnnin wih sil hn. In r s,d h ris drs f inln, n ll h iis-rsrhrs r sd nin in dir ins ins h pilis sys s sqrs inninlly pr-nd d. ery aR dlps wih is wn rhyh nd p. ths n diffr sbs-tantially from those of the activists-squatters in our case. How to bring about signicant

    nd rd hns hrh aR? as nind b, prss lik his nilsl lrnin nd rdinin, s h rfl plnnin f ins fr hnshld dl wih h bsi r f nriny. th ins wld n fll wihin hbis sp f ihr sil in r isld lis wih rr ipli-ins in rs f h dls f pliil rnisin f h lli, h psiins ndinrins wih hr pliil rs ll his inldin h dls f siy hiiss-sqrs dfnd.

    as w shll s lr, r s sdy ws bsd n h rn h w wrsin p h in f wriin bk b h hisry f sqin in mdrid. In ddi-tion, the intention of raising political debates and contributing to strategic reections andl-id n diffrn rps f sqrs in mdrid ws pnly nifsd fr hvery beginning. In this case there was no other social or political change strictly denedin dn, b h rn f pins ws n lsd ll (Prs nd Prpr 1993).ths aR, is bsi ll, ld b ndrsd s n di wrk prfrd wihinh n, rhr hn nssry s f ins ipr rrn srls. enwhn w rid id his dnr (h bsn f hih ll ins) nd h ns-qn syry bwn iis-rsrhrs nd rlr iiss, h lk f hriznf pliil in, pr r sin fr sqin islf, drw srikin liiin in hisprilr aR.

    mny hrs h nd h PaR is id bh h prdin f knwldnd h iprn f rssrs rnisin. this s fr bynd h pwrnf iiss r h prin f sinl si-ni, dinl r lrl inr-nins. gnin nd biis PaR (nd s wld d aR) is id hiin

    srrl hn bjis (Fls Brd 1985: 72), h pwrn f h ppl sthat they can change the environment (both social and physical) to their benet (...) andh r-sblishn f h ss f pplr wisd nd is prin. (Rhn 1991:26) Nwihsndin, iis-rsrhrs wld rj pliil ldrship f h prs-ss (ginn nd D Wi 1991: 109-113). thy r xpd n in pliilin s h s iiss r xpd n in aR, by lrnin b hdsnd hril insihs n hh p bwn bh wld lwys rin.

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    Fin hs prbls, hr is h pin f rdin h sp f hns. this n

    b dn by fsin n h rp wh lnhs h aR r, n brdr, n h rpsf iiss wh r lld priip. S hrs prpsd h rl h nlysrsinsd f nlyss r h idn f slf-nd priipry prss (Lpssd1980: 194). Analysers are social problems, real practices, conictive events and con -sd insiins whih r in priipry prss nd sl p h nd furgent issues. Once they are identied or discovered, participants efforts are addressed dl wih h nd xplr pril wys f in s ps sl h, ifpssibl. Whhr hs analysers r idi nd fsibl ins, whhr hypin r-srrl sphrs f siy, hy wld h h piy f ndinh aR in frifl nnr.

    th ls hril rrk in his sin hs d wih h bndris nd ry

    zns bwn aR nd insiinlisd priipry prsss. aR nsiss fa scientic work done by activists with different degrees of political commitment andscientic qualication. As we argued, the group of activist-researchers is based on awid ns slf-nn f h prss. this nbls ny in rrds xrnl insiins -S r rk pwrs, n lss hn hr ii rnisins ndsil ns. Hwr, hr r rin drs f dpndny n h n whih iiss bln.

    In h s f h sqrs n, dir dry is bsi fr f hirinrnl rnisin, his bin ls dpd by ny aR dlpd fr wihin hisn. aR inls s sr f pliil in s wll. this n b rdd h pplrizin f h knwld prdd, r, in frhr, n b xpndd the design, discussion and promotion of direct actions following the scientic results(Zs 1992: 120-121). as cni (2004: 56-59) rd, iiss shld ld h pr-ss in rdr r sfl, riil nd rlis ln, nly inrs h pwr fprin, rnisin nd pliil sris iin hir nipin. thrhwrkshps nd pbliins, fr insn, s srin pins n b drwn p, b hulterior trajectory of the process is opened to modications at the light of producing newpbiliis fl pris (Siins 2004: 102).

    Insiinlisd priipry prss, n h nrry, bdis hirrhil sr-rs f pwr, sri prdrs fr h llin f fnds nd plrl psiin frps s priipns. Hiddn nds f hriis nd lis n b ls plyin very inuential role in the process. Although the evolution of the process is also open andbl inld rin prpsls, pliil ins s b dld n rprsn-

    i nd ld bdis. ths, bh insiinl priipin nd nninl rsrhnd prd lli in, if in hppns ll. explii pliil ins r nprfrd h s i s h prss f priipin is dlpd. In his nx,nslny nd dlibrin dis r hni n h priipry hniqs b iplnd, whil hr ns ris pliil nsisnss nd prkpins f bilizin r n s prin. Hn, n-dinsinl iws f ii-zn priipin ihr wih rrdin h rln nxs f sil inqliis

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    ply (ekrd 2011, mrnz 2011) r js idin sil ns iiis (ml

    l. 2004: 156-160), prn nl aR.Nrhlss, rdin villsn (2006: 306) h ls ppsiin is ry nrrw-

    indd n sin hr r lipl xis nd binins f pris fr kin priipry prss. In prilr, h disinishs bwn hr in ws f pr-iipry hniqs, dpndin n hir rspi sp: 1) shr-ws inlindils, instituent analysers, rnsdi nlysis, prinl rps nd rr-si slf-lrnin; 2) iddl-rn ws nnin ir nd r dinsins fsiy, hriznl sris f rsrh, nwrk nlysis nd ssinbl-priiprydris; 3) ln ws dlin wih h ri dlins f knwld,semiotic analysis, the focus on needs and satisers, and the claims put on by the global

    justice movement. Villasantes stance is that any specic participatory process should

    b dsind r ld hrh h sri binin f hs hr hdli-l sps. uslly, his binin is n bslly sprd fr dinn sil,pliil nd ni insiins. a ls, i inls s bsi inrins bwnrsrhrs, iiss nd insiinl bdis. Hn, hr pprs ry zn f s-rl rrsi psiins nd rrnns bwn xr ns nd xrinsiinl psiins.

    addiinlly, w nnd h h ny f lli slf-rsrh is ls dpn-dn n is brs ndiins f liin. If hy r hd S r rk insi-ins (fr insn, s fly sff in h nirsiy r s frln prfssinls), hirpriipin in h aR y inl diffrn yps f inrss nd s y b pr-snd in r l nrdiin. on h hr hnd, n insiinlisd priipryprss ih b rnsfrd in r slf-nd n in s s indpndnssiins nd rps f iizns fr h lis nd hir sil nds nd hirdnds. Nihr aR r insiinl priipin r fr f ninndd nsqns,lhh hir pins f dprr disply qi diffrn liklinss f hins hppn.

    MethodologicaldecisionsoFan activist-ReseaRchexpeRience

    Starting AvR within a signicant context

    First of all, we must present very briey the evolution of squatting in Madrid. Initial

    xprins f sqin in mdrid n b fnd in h l 1970s s pr f h iiznn (cslls 1983) nd h nrhis nin cNt wh dndd fir rnprbl h hr lbr nins. th jr nins rid bildins nd rs-rs by h hriis s pnsin fr hir prpris sizd by h prisDirship. th sqrs n srd dlp in mdrid in h id nd l1980s, b is in xpnsin rrd in h dd f h 1990s. ms f h sqspblily knwn wr Sil cnrs, lhh s sqd hss wr ls lid

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    nd pridd bsi rsr fr h sqrs n. Autonomists nd diffrn

    rps f sil nrhiss (rrly ssid wih h nrhis nins) (Wilhli 2000)lnhd nd rld s f h sqs. Hwr, diffrn sil rps f ynsrs,nihbrs, riss nd lfis iiss in hr sil ns ls pprhd nd

    jind h sqs (mrnz 2002).afr 1995 nw pnl lislin prsd sqin nd inrsd h pnish-

    n f his pliil pri. th hy w f riinlisin nd h shr drinof many squats provoked a notable crisis in the squatters movement during the rsthlf f h 2000s, wih h xpin f fw rrkbl ss. Rnly, h nd fh ls dd, srin rnd 2008, nw xplsin f sqs in mdrid k plsilnsly nd brh wih i rr dirsiy f xprins, rs, idlisnd lrl rfrns. as nly, hr sqs wr n llisd (Dnz l.

    2010). afr h my-15 mn (2011), nw w f nrs sqs, bh Silcnrs nd hss, pld sqin in in h pbli nd f mdrid, wih nwnrins f iiss inrprd in h n.

    In sh nx w srd p r aR in obr 2008. a h i, dspin fr dfndin sqs ws lnhd in mdrid. Wihin h fr, s db-s, pris nd dnsrin k pl. Hwr, h pin ndd sddnly ndn frhr rdinins bwn diffrn sqs k pl. or wn prj ws brnindpndnly fr h pin nd p f rdinin b ws ry lsly rl-d . aR ws prd by nirsiy prfssr f sily (n f h hrs f hisppr) wihin nw sqd Sil cnr in dwnwn mdrid. th n f his sqws Malaya indi h h wnrs wr irsd in n nrs s f nii-pl rrpin (in h iy f mrbll). th aR prpsl ws pprd by h nrlssbly f h sq. I nsisd in nhly sinr db b sqin wihh li prps f wriin lli bk n h hisry f sqin in mdrid.

    Around twenty people attended the rst meeting. Few people were contacted purposelywhil s f h priipns n hir wn, rd by h ds h wr sprd. th rp inldd nirsiy rsrhrs, frr nd prsn sqrs, nirsiysdns, iiss f hr sil ns nd syphisrs wih sqin in nrl.

    As the leaet of the initial call, mainly distributed through independent media, stated:

    W ss rwri h hisry f h sqrs n in mdrid in byndh lin f d b ps xprins, ryin rl h ril dbsthat occurred, the achievements, the conicts and the different stances at play. All the

    priipns in h sinr r pbl did hw prd. () th wriin f bk r ny diisl dn is n pprniy rir in-dph sil nd pli-il dbs n iiss, bh frr nd rrn sqrs. thr is n inninof becoming the ofcial speaker of the squatters movement nor of any particular squat.

    Instead, the seminar aims to reect collectively about facts, tendencies and strategies

    whih wr rln fr h n.(1stcall to the Seminar on the Political and Social History of Squatting in Madrid)

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    Knwld prdin ws s xplii s h innin f hrin diffrn yps

    f sqrs in rdr shr nd db b hir ids n sqin. a bk n hsil nd pliil hisry f sqin sd b n dq prd in whih rilis h l knwld fr dirs rn f insidrs prspis. thpriipns in h sinr frd n ns rp hsls wih h pwr did sbjs f disssins, wh wld b inid lk, nd hw disrib hrslin infrin. th sinr islf b n f h srl slf-rnisd rpswihin mly nd qird idnil rspnsibiliis s hr rps hd h slf-nn f h sqd Sil cnr. Nwihsndin, nly h prr f hsinr jind h ssbly f his nd w f h fllwin Sil cnrs whr hsinr ws hsd.

    th sqrs n in mdrid nr xprind rlr r frl rdin-

    in. thr wr s ps in h ps whn s sqs wr id, llin fr dnsrin r jinin hr in dir ins nd dbs. Infrl is shwd be stronger than both the apparent ideological conicts among squatters and the variousps f fild rdinin. th nins rpln f iiss nd h diffr-n ws f iins did n hlp h. Drin h 1990s n nis rnisin,Lucha Autnoma, ws lsly inld in ny sqs (Wilhli 2000). S fsSocial Centres also produced valuable texts and reections, while serving as referencesfr nw nrins f iiss nd ndns sqs (mrnz 2002). Drin h2000s h sqrs n ndrd s inrnl splis r h iss f rninsqs in ll ss hrh rns wih h niipl rnn. gin hisbkrnd, h prps f h sinr ws sblish n pn siin fr h -in f ll yps f sqrs. Nrhlss, his ws piisi. ms f h sinrattendants had afnities or previous contacts with the Social Centres where we met,inldin hih dr f sil dirsiy n h in rs f idlil psi-ins, pliil xprins nd . Fr h ry binnin, i ws didd inisld ppl db wih h sinrs priipns n rlr bsis. th rpls rd pn h py-lf hrr f h infrin prdd by h sinr si is xplind blw.

    anhr rln sp f his prss is h sppr nd llbrin f diffrniis rps bynd h sinrs priipns. ab ll, w njyd h sp ndresources provided by Malaya during the rst months as well as by four other Socialcnrs in h innr iy drin h nx w yrs (Pi mrills I nd II, L mland Casablanca). A non-prot organisation, Nodo50 (www.nd50.r), pridd s wih

    free access to an e-mail list. In January 2009 the rst meeting of SqEK (Squatting EuropeKlli), jinly prd by srl brs f h sinr, ws hsd by n ind-pendent bookstore, Tracantes de Sueos (, rn by frr n-iss nd sqrs. Lr n, Dinl (www.dinlpridi.n), bi-wkly jrnldd sil ns, inldd in hir wbsi bnnr llin fr nribinsf dns nd prsnl sinis h sinr. Lsly, nhr frindly wbsi,www.kpbin.n, displyd infrin b h sinr, nd ny indpn-

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    dn di pbliizd infrin b h frhin in (hp://drid.indy-

    di.r/, www.rdrid.r/, www.ksnlrd.n/, www.klinn.r, .).this nwrk f l id ws nrihd wih h nfrn (april 2010, Pi

    mrills) in by SqeK br, aln W. mr, b his rrn prj nerpn Sil cnrs (hp://prp.blsp./), h xhibiin (fr april2010 p dy, csbln) f blk nd whi phrphs b sqin inmdrid d by lr mini (www.lrini.n), nd h rnisin f hr ply (Pieza didctica de las ocupaciones) dird by csr d vinHrnnd nd his pny Knkr (Spbr 2010 csbln). ohr SqeKbrs -Hns Prij, ths ailr, andr nd edwrd D- ls prsnd hiriws n h insiinlisin iss in pbli lk h cSoa csbln (Fbr-ry 2012). apr fr h, w lld spil ss (frr nd prsn sqrs,

    b ll, b ls n hisrin, w lwyrs nd n jrnlis) nrib hsssins f h sinr. Wih h xpin f s inrnl ins whr w dis-ribd sks d, ll h sssins f h sinr wr pn h fr ndnf inrsd ppl. W ld si his priipin in rnd 300 ppl in l.Fi f h frn pbli sssins wr prilrly rwdd (bwn 30 nd80 ppl) prbbly d h hs ndr disssin: ll isss, sqin frhousing (2 sessions) and gender relations (2 sessions). Signicantly, these ve eventsdl lss wih hisril ns f h sqrs n hn wih h prsnnrns b sqin. on h hr hnd, n r hn 10 ppl ndd frf h sssins.

    afr h ls pbli n f h sinr in Spbr 2010, h iis-rsrhrswh nfrd h r f h sinr kp in h hrh -il nd srltimes along the next year in order to fulll the objective of writing collectively a book (or-bk). tw r ppl, wh wr pris priipns in h sinr, nribd this nal stage of the AvR with the edition of some texts. Furthermore, edited texts weresn h s spkrs skin h fr risin f hir wrds bfr hs wrspread out. Some chapters and nal tasks had no volunteers in charge so a universitystudent, and former member of the seminar, was paid to nish them -money came from pblily fndd rsrh prj.

    Key methodological dimensions of AvR

    W nsidr h hr hdlil pillrs ssind his prss f aR nd wrril fr is dlpn nd pn wihin h sqrs n:

    1) Self-management and openness. alhh hr wr iniil prpsls b hnns f h rsrh, h sssin ll h priipns wr bl ss hn-s, xprss hir pinins nd i h rd sks b rrid n. thsbsripin h -lis drw lin bwn hs r nd in h whl prss

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    nd hs wh js jind n r srl pbli sssins. only fr ndin f--

    f nnr ld n li jin h -lis. In nrl, rybdy ws inid r inld nd nd h rnisinl nd lsd ins s wll.

    W disribd h r rp h niin iiis rrdin h nnn-n f h pbli sssins, h n wih s spkrs, h wriin f qsins b sd drin h dbs, h rl f inrdin nd rdinin ry pbli lk,and, nally, the edition of texts. In practice, this group was made up of around eightppl, lhh n r f wny b risrd in h -lis. Nbdy froutside the group could have an inuence on the opinions and decisions made without

    jinin h rp nd i hi/hrslf in h rlr wrk. this ns h h rpbhd widly nsly fr n h mdrid sqrs n nd h pri-lr ssblis f h sqs whr w .

    Slf-nn iplid hriznl wy f fin h wrk ry in. this sy, n srrd hirrhy ws bhind, lhh pril n lwys r-d d h rr r lssr ddiin f ry br. Sin i ws plvoluntary-run, militant and non-for-prot work, every participant decided to be in chargef sks rdin his/hr wn will, pbiliis nd ilbiliy. Hriznliy nd pn-nss n hr h rybdy ws wl jin nd priip wih ql rihs.We tried to make transparent both our own afliations and the initial goals of the project.These might be discussed too and, as a matter of fact, they were rened and modiedhrh h prss. Dlibrin nild prin nd niin . Wihin hisfr, disins wr d rdin h riri nd rns xprssd by hparticipants. The nal goal of writing a collective book mainly based on the transcripts ofh dbs s sr f nrl nd dsripi pir b h sqrs nhelped avoid erce discussions and controversies.

    Finlly w ls wrkd ndr ry lw-s sh. Brs, snks, ph-pis, n -bnnr s n drisn f h sinr, h rnsripins f h lksand one professional nal edition of the book were the only major expenditures. Most ofh wr pid wih h bd f rsrh prj h n f h sinr brshd ilbl his nirsiy. tw hr brs priipd in nirsiy wrkshpnd ls nribd h sinr wih h ny hy . ohr sll dnins wrrid. W plnnd pry in n f h sqd Sil cnrs in rdr lls fnds, b sddn iin brd h plns nd w nr rid h wy f fnd-risin in.

    2) Collective production and ree access to knowledge. th sinr rlid nlli dbs rhr hn n indiidl nribins. Pris lssi rsrh nsqin ws inspirin b sd prd ninndd ffs n iiss wh didn s i r js rfsd i d h di disn i rd. ths, h nw pnsisd in sin p ix f diffrn iiss nd fw prfssinl rsrhrs whwr bl r nw lli nrrin b ril fs, ns nd iws nsqin.

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    Iniilly, h dsin f h whl prss f aR frsw h iplnin f n-

    ninl hds f sil rsrh sh s prsnl inriws, disrs nlysisnd sisil rrds. Hwr, n w srd wrk hnilly, w disrd hh rqird skills, rsrs nd prsnl dispsiins rwhld rs. thrfr,w didd fs n h pbli dbs s h prinipl dis fr h lliprdin f knwld. th dbs wr lihly ndd nd drd hrhh qsinnir w prprd h dys bfr h f h. th ss prsnins,priipns pinins nd inrins hld wr js dpndn n h nsrins fi nd l rsp h sn rid k r f. th r w fsd nhs pbli sssins, h r w p h ffrs dd nninl rsrhmethods. The latter had the added problem of time availability and technical qualication,whih wr dndin fr ny f h sinr fllws.

    on h hr hnd, h sil iiis w rnisd sh s h lks b sq-in in erp, h ph xhibiin nd h hr ply, h ns wih frrsqrs nd h dissinin f h lls h sinr ins, wr sir dlp fr s f h priipns. In ddiin, ll f hs iiis wr srsf lbl infrin b h hisry f sqin nd nrihd h priipnsknwld. als wih niin, w ndd nnin sil nwrks f iissnd inirin h pbli db n sqin.

    clsly rld his pprh, w ll rd pn h disribin f ll h ris-rd dbs ndr py-lf lins. this ns h ll h s f h sinrwld b frly ilbl fr nn-ril prpss nd ld b rplid, qdnd sprd xnsily. t s, his id ws hrn wih h librrin nd -ns idly whih is prln wihin h sqrs n nd i srd s rnsprn wy f skin fr h lnry nribin f ryn rdin his/hrbiliis nd knwld. By liin py-lf linss i is rnisd h r pr fh wrk is rlly d llily nd n indiidl hr is h xlsi prdr fh infrin lld in h bk. Hwr, hs linss ls nil h indiidlnribins r xpliily knwldd nd n hld hir rspi hrship rihs.cpy-lf linss, nd h whl pn-sr n, js sk h hrs shrhir prds h xn h hrs n rprd h nd s h wih pyinfr i, nlss bh prs r n ny pyn rrdin h ss f h ns sd frdisribin h infrin -k fr insn, h prinin ss f bk. I is r fhi fr h hrs pr hir rihs s hrs by ihr sin py-lf r py-rih linss, b in h sinr w nrd h frr nd hr ws n prilr

    bjin h.

    3) Qualitative and comprehensive approach. as w nind bfr, rlninrnl dirsiy wihin h sqrs n is fr h nn b l sid.ohrwis, w will prd ry pril n. Rh pirs b his nr sl in h ss di nd, lss frqnly, in nninl di rsrh.Hence, one of the rst aims of the AvR process was to accept this diversity, to uncover

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    i nd, if pssibl, inr i in h dbs w prd. this iplid fs nthe different subjective experiences and political orientations, not less than on signicantconicts and assessments about both the evolution and the impacts of the movement.

    Instead of offering a unied image of squatting, we opted for collecting a manifoldiw whih ld inld slf-riiiss nd ppsin inrprins. on h n hnd,h rsrh shld phsis pbli rniin f ll h sil nd pliil -plxiy inld in sqin. on h hr hnd, w prfrrd shw rw diffrnsand conicts without pretending to represent a fake consensus among participants. Wespplid ry sssin wih ll h knwld w prisly hd in rdr prkdbs nd k xplii pris, disrss, ns nd rs f h sqrsmovement. The nal edition of the transcripts was made with the same purposes in mind.

    this is hdlil pin h nsiss n iin pririy qlii nd

    prhnsi infrin bs, w rd, w ld hs nr ppl pprpri knwld nd nr nw n. a h nd, h bk is bsilly rydsripi llin f h dbs fr rfl diin f h xs nd h ddiinof short qualied texts about the issues at stake. The main advantage of this technique,prd h hrin f qnii sff, is h priipns h r r nrib nd rin h inrprins f nins. Fr h nninl sn-dpin f sil sins, wh w d ws binin bwn rp inriwsnd priipn bsrin. ms f h priipns wr sd hs pn dbs inny sqs s h rsrh bjis nd h pris rnisin f h sssinwr js ddiins n pri n sqrs nd syphisrs.

    The nal step of the process was the edition of the book. This endeavour had ahr-fld dinsin: ) ipr h xs wih ddiinl infrin b ns,ss r rfrns; b) sl h s rln prs f h dbs in rdr sthe nal reading; c) to allow all the participants with whom we were in contact (throughemail or phone) to revise their opinions and intentions in advance of the nal publication.aiis-rsrhrs ls ddd inrdry xs in rdr ipr h nx ndndrsndin f h sssin. ths wr sbid inrnl riw by hr sinrbrs.


    aR is n f h brnhs f PaR. Bh shr n rdiin f hrin hrpliilly nd sil siniss sid-by-sid pliilly nd wrkrs, iiss nddeprived groups. Beyond this coalition, scientic militancy or militant science entails aspecic methodological complexity on its own that deserves a careful attention. Our casesdy srs illsr h ky pins f his priipry nd iis hdly.

    Firs f ll, aR is r f sil inrin bwn idniis n h . Nnof the participants keep a unique feature to dene his or her identity, but several strandsfr sid nd insid sri b xprssd. Nihr h pr iis, nr h pr

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    rsrhr xis in priipry prss lik his. thrfr, idniis r ninslynegotiated and modied along the process. Once everybody accepts that the researchis d fr h sk f iis, iiss sr dlp r dp s rsrh skills.In parallel, researchers need to adapt their scientic standards to the concrete ends thatare deemed to be achieved and the specic circumstances of the situations where theaR is dlpd.

    th aR prss shld pwr ll h priipns. th in wy in din s isby rin h rh rns b h ll f dph f h knwld b pr-dd nd hir dr f inln in h ns rrn iiis. Wh ssfr r s is h bsi iis rjry r, ls, prd nnin hsqin sn ws nssry lnh h aR prss fr wihin prilr sq.on h prss srd, i ws pn wid rn f ppl wih diffrn iis r

    scientic backgrounds. Everybody who attended was able to deliberate and make deci-sins llily. I ss inibl diid h rp in r nd r lilld f sinl priipns, his iplyin rin pril hirrhy lhh hrwr n xplii brrirs fr n sid h hr.

    Sndly, h nx ls rs. th sqrs n is rdil nd lf-is n, bddd in prilr sblrs nd nrlrs (Kps 1995, mr-nz 2002). Sis sil sins r sn by sqrs s di xrissfr sid h n, fll f bis nd wih lil sbsni inrs fr h pliildbs n sqrs. Nnhlss, s sfl dns nd bks wr pr-dd by sqrs hsls slly, hldin nirsiy drs r by syp-hi rsrhrs (fr xpl, vvaa 1997; vvaa 1999; Wilhli 2000; vvaa 2001;adll, mrnz l. 2004; tr l. 2008, Dnz l. 2010). Whil s fhs wriins shr wih r prss py-lf nd rspfl id h sq-rs n -wih nssrily idin slf-riiiss-, h prss f prdindiffers signicantly.

    as nind b, pliil rdinin bwn h mdrid sqs hd bnsr nd xprind lipl rbls. or aR lly inndd inrs bndsbwn diffrn yps f iiss. Slf-rsrh b hir wn hisry ws ssds h rn whr his nrihd sil nwrk ld r (if n prpr frlrdinin), lhh his xdd r xpins. ths, w wr bh isnd i wihin his prilr nx. Indd, w fnd h hr ws srnhn wrds r sinr wihin h Sil cnrs whr w . addiinlly,we also veried that a political coordination was not in the agenda of most of the Madrid

    sqs h prid. ths wr idn bndris k in n ln h aRprss.

    Thirdly, the aspects of this context that we have already highlighted had a great inu-n in r piy pliilly. th in rsls f h sinr wr bsilly, , db nd pblish l f infrin b sqin in mdrid. S f hisss (sh s h hisril rs f h n, dild ll sps nd h n-ictive gender relations, for instance) were rarely reported in previous publications and

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    h sinr nribd nlr h knwld b h. this ns h rsrh

    k pririy, h nd, r pliil pri, nlss w nsidr h h nsnd id wy f din aR ws ndbdly pliilly-rind pri. ginour participation in the ve squatted Social Centres that hosted us, this did not result in asbsnil inrs f h nn in sqin f s f h r brs. thswh lrdy wr nd, rind, b hr wr n nw inrprins. th hrwy rnd ws ls lf nxplrd sin h s i sqrs f hs sqdsps did n fl rd by h rsrh-nrd wrk f h sinr. Nwih-sndin, h rp f iis-rsrhrs kp is wid ny nd nhnd hl knwld nd infrl is wih hndrds f sqrs nd syphisrs, whihn b rrdd ls s pril nsqn f h xprin.

    The kind of reexive methodological approach that this AvR entails is similar to that

    f h llbri nd iis hnrphy (Rpppr 2008, Shnsl l. 2008,Hl 2006) whil is n s ls h prbl-slin r pri pprhs (grn-wd 2007). as ny f hs priinrs rd, inldd s f h priss,h hi f his hd is n nly r f rl r idlil ls, b ls rinl hi rdin h spil qliis f h hn rp ndr bsrinor, better, self-observed. However, AvR is a tool of reexivity guided by a small part of thewhl rp -h sqrs n. Hn, h nirnn f rlinships bwniis-rsrhrs nd iiss ss lii h l ny f h prss, ndi ls shps h dq pprh knw h sil rliy (chbrs 1997, ml2004, villsn 2006, Fsr 2009). Priipns in aR, s nsis ns f hsrlinships, k lli disins ln h prss. alhh s srin pinsnd ril disins y b dpd h binnin, l f iprisin nd diss-sin b frhr sps r in h nx ss.


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    Miguel ngel MaRtnez lpez is Sociologist and PhD in Political Science currently afliated h unirsiy cplns f mdrid. H is n iis-rsrhr inld in h Spnishsquatting movement and the M15 movement. He researches in the eldof urban sociology, socialns nd priipry dry. ms f his wrks r ilbl : www.ilnl-rinz.n.

    elisabeth loRenzi FeRnndezis PhD in Sil nd clrl anhrply fr cplns uni-rsiy, Spin. Drin hr rr dlpn sh bsr sil ns sdis, ssin-bl dlpn, biliy nd inrlrl prss. ths isss r rssd by dp inrsn hdlil hllns nd pplid nhrply. mr infrin b hr pbliinsin hp://lisbhlrnzi.wrdprss..

    RECEIVED: 10 february 2012

    ACCEPTED: 17 October 2012

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