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Page 1: · 2010-11-29 · ALBANY. lim¡H I v. it ii i' i» av I- 't i uF «,"-'!. i «ii '. msin B1 »


lim ¡H I v. it ii i' i» a v I- 't i u F «,"-'!.


«ii '. msinB1 » »« TIB .«. »i<a

The f*-«"i,i*te *M t.ei( .i m».>. i. « »

»(Counted c-vir yesterday u ii

retruca. Tie .«..»..» ni

HUp| , »

cortsumeei ni discuealng how _;i.iii pay tin pac«alt* t

«,eit ;¦... ...

«ii» M '. 1-

lo |3 a day.Mr I

tilt tire- i A .te na o' .-..

all »n lona*en :,i»- «-' Pati -

for*-..orgr.-. o)*Y«,i>, Me«.r m..f Net*-York l'i..i-h'.-. i.

«;- weapons < aled ..' *. ' '

sine te«! .

M«-troi'« r aprilvision* til thi* i" "i * .

posee! lipoi- ' t-P 1111.« «i ssioi .« kammVly en tbeCei

trul i..mln-nif .-,I.« .. li ,'

tat ead*to «ka a ten.

li? It -« «i 11 «

.f tt . t that, «Mt:i-ti .1- (HI | at» l>! .! t»! lit«¦pon-.. ,

t it bad m ,. tt. -

perert >>v it. Ilk«»Wealth,! i- i,, LItiIty or Europe wa* suth a f .-

a lllleO !..ti..Tcally l.iinlt-11« ti inore than ti» proposed«r. ,ist of ball Ü t'i-Yotet*

Ba>. Krtulyaa>s» I I¦.Hard.

«arlie . » ¦ Isr»« ti a.

Blairhiokti.t tarni M.K.I»riv,r Gibb«Brear« <

km-1, lu i. ¦..Karl ii V, li MerylJ*iak Rsl Jl-' OslsjAirtlt, I!»»...» ».''*.*Mam.. ."".'«Tlarle R Y II.I IC1«,* II I RtaaS.«'4. *».»»» I

«tV#»««*, Jetvbl.Iticîi», J linn!

'. .,,¦.-«. i¦UTI

A» t»tS,«»tali «!».» M i..»Bills

i»a!o» I'irVu ».¦

.Hard¦ant1,,-lii.aii H.I..I- '¦..,.»

V i:.Vtaaaall. b« ntl. I*»'iilu«E I ... »,I.I-,.

The fui.».'¦ ". «'!!' Houra i

have beensigne«! by ti r. In ;.<lel'..«-. tothoaaprinted m Tiik Taint ki ol Monda*An act In iel ."i "-«i ibi roiupenaationol .--..<«is.ii

the tt «i.. Lawrence.An act ¡ni- ttie «-»t. tt«..«»i. aud l«"ay

.tt« Vianlin.iitiAn net to.unctul im tut in rt'.-tioi. t«. tin feeiol the

Clfrk «if King»County, i'..«-« «1 May IS, IITo.-.ti end bapte ' ".>-' entll'"I- " An

Ait tO Cl". -l\«!.t. «I ti- It. Utillti IO

tli«. Citv («f AToaul lo borro"* u;«-i« > tor

tilt' I>Ut]»ei-e I uUdlng*«.An act for do J»' ., ad Company In tb«

«CitTor BuffaloAn .et for the re lit ii the Buffalo and lu-tr»»it Trans-

P«»itat.em Ciinpany.To ralead Hie raat of tlw people of tin-

BtatOofNe*- Î -iLtat la ¡.ml t<» ctitaiureal estate to Amanda A. MeyeiFortl.»' .lUilClevt'laiiil Transporta¬

tion CollipilltVTo le*:*'1»« the official «act* e-f I>.ivid B. Hull asa Jus¬

tice ot tbufPi H«e «if Ck 1t.11 « I'linttTo emit. «. .:.¦ r tft'in Bmlire Company to abandon

their bridge ti- public nae, and nan the- «-iirue declared a

Xrce ! rporatlon.Chan, ne ««f the Final Mt-tikkIii-T Eplaeopal

ranrih of Pon .-.

To a..-.'. !!-'.¦'¦- ol the Cniveraallat Society of"Willi« «-".- tin*-'-houselot. and i»).. d lnve*t the proceed» thereof.

.foin. ProteetlTO luiou ol Wei-t¦Troy.

T«. ¡t.itta'.'. /. theCommletaloner*of Hiirlntays <»f nyiace,Toiiii'kaij-! ¦-.. tu i»«»arrow iiioucy to Iuuld ii bridge ami¡Mowalk.To authorize the bundine; of a bridge in Petcrsburgl).

and te» le**?*« a tin le. i»ay for tb«- same.

Toprovidefortranaferofceitain ltnl¡irei,t e-lilldren of«î"i»!umbia< -»tiiatv to the Hmlson Otpliaii it!..I li* it f kttOtlat.i.H.To ¡i itboriu the Board of Hup-vrvisnrs of Livingston to

fix tt.e compensation or salary «el tin» J'r« it-ute-i of Mudcounty.To autlio;./« tlie Commissioner* of Hlt-hwayt» of I'lattw-

burgh, (.linton < «., f" vultn the pabilo highway at thet-*<nth of Palnion KnitAu mt 1« lea«11 K the luterest »>f the f>titt«t- of New-Tort

Incertain Linds tu Cornelius N. Caiupbell aud Murj A.WearneAn act to 11-ovide for the mamier of iiaymeiit of the

B«.ards «.f He-aîth of Wai do, Btonben, ami Cneuan-;«».AaMt In relation to eaiuiliiatltm of raal and peraoual

pa-operty by the Itoiud ol Sni»ti viaots of I>ewls Co.To amend an ait entitle-d "an act to eoiielense and

Mnend Th<» ««-t eral acts imorporatliii; or relating to thea_lage of Skaneatelea, paaaed Apnl le. l&"»7."To piovide for the erection of a new Araeleiuy,ling

In the village ««f Homer, Coi Hand County.An act In relation teithe Dfntrii t-Attonievof Re-nsaelaer.To amend an a«»i revising and cenisolidatliig tit«» MToral

la ts relating to tin- village of Bag Hariaor, passed Apull8, is«*".].Au act to amend Section A «Chapter lb», of the laws of

tb*e, relating to the raining <»f moneys for the erection of. Town Hall in Cold Spring, Putnam ( '«»unty.To amend an act in matiou to the public school« of

Wutertown. parsed April U, ima.T«. amend the levised charter e»f the City of Auburn.Ti» amend an act ei«tit!a»«l "An u» t t»» in, «>i poiate the

EDchcster Water Works Company," pasaed April 1C, lia,creasing the capital stock, ¿te.To autnori-e tn.» Fir-t Prtisbytortaii Congregation e.f

rtnu Yan to increase the Bombar <»f tni«t«-e«.To authorize Behool District No 1, in «the T«.*ti of

Oree«-e, to raiit moiiey ou it« bond» to build a .«K-hool-houae.Au act changing the name of Port Crane, Broome

«County, to lenton.To incorporât* the Mount Morn» Water Works Com-

pai. i

To amend an act aatitlod "An Art imorporattinv theUnion league ("lu!) of NewVork < Itj "

Te» amend the eeveral act* relating to the vlüsge <>í©ene-ee.To amend Chapter r,.u .»f the Laws of lt-r-n*. entitled "Au

Aavt t<> proi Ide fe>r the publication of legal notices in theOouuty of Hamlin."An act for the relief of the Children'* Aid 8<jclety of

¦ew-YurkAn act to aid iu the constttutiou of the Alban« and

BiiMiiieliannj Hallreaad.To release to Elieal-eth Isasc» oertaiu real «î-^tate es

eOlieated to the people of the 91To legalito yroctxsdmgn of a sptjcial town meeting held

In Little Valley, Cattai-ttu-rus «County.Au act authorizing the Hupeiintendent «if the Poor of

Otaego Ce»uuty to lease or «eil and convey real »»«tate, Ac.To constitute the Village of Belmont, Allegheny Couuty,

O aeparate road district-To amend an act incorporating the Kew Palt . Turnpike

Bauad Company, pasaed April '¦>, l-f.lAn act in regard to the Normal and Training Babul of

.Oawego.Authorizing t,b^ repairing and impnating of ( ..nton stfrom Fulton-It« to Seconil place, Brooklyn.An act authorizing the 1'ni«>ii Village and Johnsonville

Bailroad Company to use ei»0 pettind lnin rail, and «to chin icea rate of fare not eace-sdlng six («ent* per ni'!»»To amend au act to provide for the erection of a town

bull tn Jamaica, Queens CountyTorefund to Cornel! University the amount paul by

Ezra Cornell to the Oennte«, Gallofa at Lima, pursuantto «ecUon 6 of chapter sa."» of the laws of ne*.To amend an act for the luexn-poraliouof the Bkaneatle*

Bailroad Company.To amend tue martur of the Village of New Roe helleTo amend an act making the common schooU free In

District No. *, town of Row, oneida County, and to au-ttionu» the raising of money lay tax.To amend an act incorporating the village of Morai ia,

Cayuga County, and to tepeal exist;ni- laws paaeted Mai ch

_o_t*aa.To enlarge the power of the Trusteees of Weldt ill* reia-tlre to tire limits and obstruction* In tim street*.To define the boundarte* of Hloauivtlle, Scboharle

.County, and to provide for the oapeudlture of hi-chway«lota therein.

* '

An s*t releasing to Benjamin Evans of Í entrevlll*. Alli'.gbany County, title« to land.To authorize (i»^rge H. Brinkerhoff. David Tompkin*

«and others to sell «ud oonvey aa Trustee« tb* church»reaperty of the Trw Reformed DuUh Churiab of Ossict»,County of Cayuga.To authorfza the oanatructloa of a bridge over Mdl

Creek lu town of Dix.To make lb« town of Cvnbna a part of First »School

«Oommlsaloaer»'diatnct ot Nlacaia Ce>untyTo luwrporate the Odd PoTtov»' Hall Aaiociatloa of

Múflalo.^..^Z.-îfA'i'^'.L^^ »tate.juriadiction over«afertaln piece* of land in th* village of WcM TrotAn «bet for the relief of Hezekiah h. lUvtnond

" '

»_?*yCt-*e^*->itï^rll*lidW,rd CUn*r(l ^ **«*«. hold. *ndCAn act re-laaaln^ «to David M. Daranuort ti,s ii.-m

le, and intore*tof New York in certa^íí-j «tâ e in1 city of New York, known as No. u CornelU mTo inoorporata the Orlean* having» itauk of Albion

.Orlean* Couuty. .»»mu,

To amend chapter M* of Uwiaf MM in relation to th«aademptíon of the not«« of t losing bauksTo amend the charter of the village <»t ('anajobatl«*An act to incorporât« the Roe hester Hydi auiK.

Cw«VinJtVi1onl f0f * ooln'cnUou ** ^ovi,,. »&d amend theAn act In relati«m to the Normal aud Training School lu

_T°«. *»Hî th?,.M*P o' »ew-Yotk by discontinuing a»¦mob of Hamilton ee,tiare laid down on said Map or ¿lanMile* between Fourth and Fifth ave>. and KUti-iiitheM eUty-_gbth-*U. In «aid city. ********_To^reorgau)ze the Pin l>. pa.-iin« nt of the City .t

»v**1^1 u,rxt,-i"i the time foi ihaOaUaatlM «»f Taxe* intb¿J,,}'n.,", Mntha-apton, M..rr«.ik « ...11Jim bill in relation to oawnbrokei». keewre of Junk

? I i f » rl' Ai i r<<-i i li«. « «-. Or< ¡oí ,-"ii... j, i, « i. «a., i. ,i,., i, j- .,.,. v, tt-< . ra» of pawn

ti -t *.

!,, a I till ¦«.>¦.«

..... -, ..; ,.- rsi ini ,1 I, lal

(KB tO Ml :l<

1.1«,I,iii" . Hi« J can Ix

O regulating tb« '. t. ( '.

Mt tobt ,, ... Hung ¦.. )m i- .. tit m, NinriN ..f. .,:»..,. i«. (i i«,

1.1 ia«..! f.

I ..I-: I .: RE.

i«-« iii.ii na «j MaaA*-*-! MB] '. r «-- *'- . IH.

a Mi"' lau ROAD.«ia bill

-'i ii i i«i, i«.

..,--. ,1 «. .li Kl-M«! V-*

«.NT1 b4 H< UM tt.' I. WOllI a. lil li.I- A«, «...

OU til« «At .« '.-.- -fUpplj l« i.<«1 toDtJ It« "

B ". l-l. .«.-. i««i ».

«.-. A

Bl -TSIBI...»! II 1« Ti B IR H *l

(iiiA.VA C WV.. I »«si » received by?:. t.i «i dAJ 1 uti Hi» i'niMiii lal». M.i'-

«..! ti» Inter, Guarantee MUl-.un«. Tin- «. II,ill.III. .'1 ti» lien-e of «on.nuns Ir, ..

a niiiy. Ti.« « .«iifid.THtKiii l'iii alee received«««.i,! Aetiv« i'..« ona are belan -bbbJb te

Hit« ti If o iini'ci ibis season, im« ri« an,. ouairei on the Chandler« River have begun to

i- f««i n t'ui'tn opposite fin» Hy, Intended totiniii. use nun ..« et »a»'. Iocs, " indi hai .. bt atil,, Winteroath« UpperOttawa Diaconat en

Ainu «i.l. invoice» for tin w«tei li per cení

,f( 8IC

.(in Wedin ....... evenini a \tmg-enve* i»«i ik>^< Itj*», i i«i j«indi,ii.I al ii« kessel niv Wl r« f« r lo D10

irm-iaiiii .«' fente* by PetreDa, Um tmtpeoea tti hum,,i Maul »IE le atila to announce la »dvanc« «»f It!all ill Kill Ol'» AAI'li li '"". I» Iii' li

¡,«i tniij heitere "i not, ii" they please. Hint the« m n.ii'i ,h_ the muí'!"-» i o t mu ii it Vtiiii.tii i'iiii'ii-\ M/«¦«,« .- -i... ..-m.. <i aa (.,i».'ii id the Barnet tf ../,« o," strikes us while me remember tin un m

rag gulf between Roannl and Ried aa a delightful im-, i that ima« What «iii» three priaM

donne ana ltoncoul. aud B« Uni, the Comical threatensto become a raice, w« »imii hear more of it and linn

t-|n .iU To-algal ta in Ik« produ« ed Verdi'» I nani, after :i

one .ii"-(-ii< t. m.d ob Thiii-il.iv / n tutt im b iii i'i ci*' n

m BrooklynI.« Sunday Concerts ol Managei Ha«rnaon have

been Invariably well ret eived, aad for theil lime «and «¦*?« ,i

mu appear to ne indispensabl« a fact dne alike to tin ir

..., ..-.m. and theil management. Considered popularly,ii may seen hypercritical tosa] thal parta of the RundajCon-certa have seemed to na flippant and unlnstrttctive.Tii»ie im even ii ««son .i ii*, Sunday night should be Imn ovad to Hu highest advantage «>( muaic, and wa mumt.-i.ii Uial iii»- grandest moak «111 always con

UM in«.-1 s.nliil (liiiKlf lint mi --iiliiii-

objecUon need be recorded of iii»- capital programme ofaatevenlng Excepting the flrat movementof tin naphony in IX by M-tHart, and the filiale to the flrat eel ofWagner'» Lohengrin, i«<«: li delivered skillfully by theorchestra, nothing in it was quite so good - «*i perform.nat tthir. Geo w Morgan's «orna solos One of Bach'sgreat nu-an pieces i Fugue with a »mal! tempesto!ever-revolting, evei*-varylng cheer.was diacouraed i«>lum in a apirited and characteristic waj Hayda's aria," with v« ullin- « lad," wa« tastefully, though no1 pow« i

fully,sung bj mea'.i« Caaleea


Mi Oeorgl Holland will take ii Iii in fit ti, Right «'t Wei¡a. k i iheat« i. appeartag la " Vn-.ii r¡> tad iii.- len «s tt" i"iii Beeret lather! aayaeed especia.j ta Riga HiHolland's in,m- ujinn publk appreclatlonl We «cannotthink-n il( is the ul.libf m ttU un the Ann i nan liage,hill iii)/l'HS-nl itin«-nl( i,il«l> be*, nuil tin- Ihn «-i cn ii'allen yean of the Psalmist : aadhlsloni rareei hashrenone of faithful industry, directed by true love foi the artin which h<- has won distinction ii"»» maai heartylaughs inii-t this old «comedian hav« oci islon«edl robotsmany tired h-e-art» mnat he given a gleam of «ni,

thin« it eann«ol be thal the i bums of sui ii an ai i.-t » iiiI,« i-\ ' 1 IniikOll nil til«- ni-« .l-ltill nf lil- lu lu lit. In.Va wiallnia Autumn pasees Into "seeming leafless days.' «Mastin tin ati r be row-Bed te nuMi. M liai t n n ni ii.. - a ji.-i Im iiniii. «. oí ' I lu nili t"

at the Academy of Muaic on Thunda) evening, tot tinHen» fit cf tin plajera and other peraons n*ai tul « itiitin-lute WUiiM «.antill lin liter Mr Booth will appear,In what we deem bia truest «and beat personation Mr»M.-tliiiu i->i lui!« i v ill i« .ia Ophelia Then li nu need tocommend tbii« enterprise to public sympathj ii la «.(

lum tn sui reed bj \ una« ol it- pur]

SEW. l ORR ( i s uni lim Jl

Beeide the resignation al Mi B I' Mmlgett, whichAit hay»»alreadj noted (aad whotasaeeeededtoyMi lakaIt. I.ytk-ik. ri.ll.«- n -iRtintinn nf Mi 0« OTg« II Van Brant,Depaty Barre] et, ti repotted.Boase party a» im had jirni nuil severe! «bleak yn rolls

sui, take «J on ffntnrflrj la torgtag tin rigaataree ai a

number of employés of the Custom-Hoiiee, aad drewtherefor a vera! h muir» ii dollars i» fore the friend aai dilcovered.New rales end regulations for the government of the

public Kt«.i. - iti«l the Ippraiaer'a departmeni im Intoeffort tn ila» Tho following .ne Um more Lniportaulchanges' i ew regulationi

lin storekeepei >.f the public -tun- -hail each dajcame to i.«* -»ciit t<> the importers tb« n ..f ..ii put ka».« i ««fdutv-paM goods which have been passed b* theapprula. ia uial marked correct," und aNo traaefei ti. tbelrappropriate wort-nouses »li examined pa« kagea of bead« «lgooda.Tin-rafi-of ciirtaite artoptt-il i.y the Collect-W f..r duty*paid "correct" packages le: Duanes! ainl in low, ii. sala i" t i' »' hage; above Duane-»! ,*o« nts pt r pax kag«To enable the storekeepei to ian» outtheaeregula

tiona, the fo'.lowin« detail- »iii be obaervi -1 There shalli.i two deliren door» opfiicl upon TrinltT-place, one forthe di-JiA-ery of packaxt-i. by permite, a. hu )i a\ iii compriseali paekages marked "aot nwTeet," free permit»,apprêl-sed K.iod-, »mi goods te be delivered to the »nivi-voi for The ethel «l""i » ill l^ for thedelivery «of all paekages mark«ed M oorrect," aad also foithe tiaimfei of all bonded put kni.i¦-The panhegia mark oil "eorreet,*' a- well ai bonded

pat kaK»*s, »iiall he stored separated from thoee markednot onect. and shall lie lowered from the examining

in.iins M -"mi a- pnssed I>v tin« it].lira:«.T»The office for the deliver! and transfer of this

goods -hall he near the delivery roaeas, »ml srranged »o<h,tt hua iia.kui-te ian be i losely st rtitiiii/« .1 l.y tin-«I.livery Mli<l recormng elerkiThe foree ni Hi» deUvery office on Trinity-plaee front

win consist of five li-ikH anil m issengiWhen the ticket ¡«, returned frmn the Importer, «*ith hil

rci en.!, it will he tiHi-d !>v Hie storeki ryei a» lui, \ ou« hetfoi tho delivery of the |i.i, l. pt I from thei".n i.-.i warehouses foi bonded gooda \» 111 take the plat aof tranif'-t orders bow leeaed, and a repart al na. ka^-.-stransferred will i»c sent each lay la the wataaoaeede-partaunt

in the Apnralser'i i» nartment there i«» ntabllshed abureau for tlifi dJ-tribiition of iiiwii'ei f«u ezaiuination,ttiil in iKiordsutc willi the renulations It shall he i In-.litty of th«) assintsut appraiaer u> «eaaie to h« examined,alni returned to tho distiihiitiiiK huieaii, the invo!« en on

nai b lilt each day at the el«0M or hn-iiira«, and If any atedelayed tlit-v shall sp-cilfv the rea'oni tluiefoi iipun thelist,The MsNt.uit appraisal wiii i-au« the ntoiekee|»er to Im

nul find daily of IBBpaekageorequired foreiuiuinatlon,»ml the rooin of the i-iaioiuei to whn li they are lo Imleal . No package, unless so notified. amII bl seilt to any.«i..minina loom I'uriDK exajuiiiatiom« the doors of should be kept t-mnHtMi. andsopereon not aetuallvt.n<ait-ad in the «tHtauiliiation aaIM t.«> alWcd to out«*! without a special pa».^ from the apprainer or aMNtaut ap-pralSM of th« dlA^sloi» Ansiion ui.i pa» kalt» has Ih»«!|i»xaaalaed ead «refilled,It munt in- rm-tuet »nd »<«/c</uii.ieithr eapeirleiaa ami direction ol the examinât bnorala*iii^ i»turn.»d to tha Bt-orekMOet n iMto«!> All pm «s.itç.nr»M eived in store will lit eumiuetl, a» far BOpraOtl-M-Ulc,iii the order in Which they are teceivod.


THg BIMI Illili.Ill I>iV Ol f-l'Iil.N«;- I.\R«iK M'M-Rh.K Ol BimOM Al TUA PARK Vr.*al EKIlA V.

\.wteiday, the first nally fair, geuiul day ol timpre-»fiit NpriiiK season, was Hie signal for a groat attendanco at (entrai I'aik. 'J'he l'aik is alictdy l«.<iniiiiiK' tolook invitingly lieaiitiful. The d«*thday of MasBeriagMarch WMeereue and warm. The t!>*«.« and shnibbeiyare giving ample promise, m their luiddlng heads oftimaru, of Un* green tullne-M of the yetomtA leaf. Hiegrounds are bright and hann with thuir »prliiKing.criMses, aiideren'the hniwu ism ka «are Slowly asiiimingtheir green-^ray garniture or cIiiikuik mo»» ami vin*.HuniiK th» eutue day the iitimherlen» walk» and promonarie« were t luntu*«,! with men, wouion and children,while dashlrur horsemen and Kay equipiMrt«»» dashed R-loagtho roada. to Uie ii.-ii<ht of admiring p«»destri-iuis a» wella» of riders ami eel upuntt.In the ( (»urt»e of the day then» must have boen upward of

:- «si iH-loatiniiiHir the paik. Though they were mostlya " «femocrotic" aMenihlaK»*. hard working me<-liauanand laborers, b-astemue, witn their wir«-» and little ohkj,for a hreisth of Rabhatu Invifcotatlon prior I» a week oftoil there wera also large numbera of the fashionableand refined, of bath texts, eoi.all} Intent upon quiethealth and pleasure It Is unoer-stood that the (oui mi»nioner» have already <-omnii*m ed with rigor the work ofimprovement and Itciutiflctmn upon their no1.lo trustThe »katers* plsttonn »nd shed» are being rapidlycleared away ft oin the borders ..f the lakes, »nd Fit a nhottt mu» the boat.« ami gondolas will be laanched upon thewarm watara.for th.-lK>neflt of thoa* who delight in pica»ant «»alls. Tiie biidiai« begiuiiliiv to twitter int-rrilr fi"inthe budding hedicee of tin "Kamble;" and it will not belong before the aeiuuiti will I.« poraiiaaatlj opened in thegreat park of the me tn.polia.

Perhonai-.Among the arrivala at the hotel» are(len. K. P. Blair, 8t.}I«oui», the lion. II. Terhan». Maine,lien. H M Zulick, Pennsylvania, Judge l>«vis, Albion,ami Col. McKeudrv, Han Francisco, at tho MetropolitanHotel; the Hon. J. Lynch. Portland, the Hod. J. A.Peters, Bangor, the Hon. ('. T. Hulhuid. New York, theHon. CM ('randell, Belfast, N. Y., at the Aslor House;Hrnaior 8nrague. Khodc Island, den. Itatiks. Maasachu¡etta,the Hon «. A Grow, Pennsylvania,thaHon W l.Baaelona, Panania, N Y., and Oen. Kafua Ingalta, li I aat tin- 1-iith Avenue Hotel; tin Hon. .1 N Otiswold,J roy, an«I in Booti .fu..- bntlah Ann), at th.- Ne« yorkHotel; the lion. A. «At eliott, t-uaiu-H«,al th. Ht. NicholasUolçJ.

(ii y, i

«, ¦¦

t -Smitl .n _M

al.\« -I,l.«'.«.le all li -. 1.« I. ,11 I, ,' ,' '. let. I '.pi.'I. h M '!" *'!i ! MAI I li li" 11 11 I D

of teatiaoay waa take**, of which the folk aithe mora Importait laka li udepoaed thal i.» - » .¦

ployed a* a cigar-Baker by Mr. Brown af Mo IM Grandsi Murra-, I nbraian ik In the *ame sbop-, on li« worked it little: '« M the Hii.p at ;.'.t :".

,.,!.nU Murra- Ephraim '.«ft with Ila Aft» nimting¦werai place* Ephraim, '. di iad Me Ar»i.<» weat la aiai.'«.i,«.i s...Htm .ti Hu Bowen .uni remained i

, i i. m i, im ..i«! «Ephraim anally »»tart« ii

1er h»,m» l.lti/ flirt 1»? drpoeea <w*( weal «lo««.utirald »t wi «»i- nu ". m. eil III III «Mill l. ¡HI M Î ..'>. ¡rilli I'» (>,'.» afirI nil Mt Laughllu'« I . -«tu. <.». i hein» I aaw a disturb

r. the boa! wi «ii .'" tin « -".i .tul. i«, m, .u»/ ouilaw two men lylug down othei nan

mi. down it.i.e» tn» man who took a drink with na alMe I anghlln s; el.»n't know «ti.« tbi. ti.« y w« i« lighting «.»

« re -tun,.. » ia i plira '. nu n aga at ti e

.tun., ,i «i.u,«I .»lui Third -'- I bad eon*« word* withu,« i....i., i m. i t\\«. girls anil wentaeonple ol block*tiitii Mi. u. left th. m ..t i in. »u -.«.;:. »t I ti., i,

toward North »Seeoml-*) |t««li«v< I ¡«ti '...l».f1, « wlie li I L,.f te» No1 th «.'».» i.»t «t ! Î 11 uni and 'V

t«.\« i, w, ni up a» far .i» Niiiin st ; Kaw I pki lan anel ti».s

ti.,1» 'u Vt.'ii st-, Hunk ti.e > ..-< o tn- -i I wa* follow-then rtanoi lay which ona ipekr l tin ti

ite.i».ii ».t., t., tt»« «.'i«i «¦'.!<' ot tin itreel aft*?it\i.. j a.«»«, i phralmlu Nortb i Irai *t between «Ninth andTen-i ist the other man wai ool nith ¡; '

(ephraim in Soi Hi «Second-el and ' Ion .,«.(¦ to

eery «tore; went from there hoi**«"-: wa did Migo i

t»»M tin t Ephraim «aid eaiaeibiagtu nu [han wit» mbesliati !. i. it Hi»' Coronel »-.. .1 bim to p.m.. -!, .....I lu«mt ini'« «i, I am a little afraid to tell wbal lie- laid; ;."«that night I met Mr. Ephraim m Hie ihopj bi ..««!,«

.iiiout Hu in inii min «la te »i. is.ini">.« I believeIn told ni« th« liny atti Hia! it 1 Lim win " polll »IOf all» «!> »I, Mint I »! «I Met know inn tb rig ..»tt Cn ». I anwlinn wa* ««ii l iini ».In-, ii.«., nilli.-, and did no1 nee bim trotnthat time natUI aaw him a tbi Btation-Bouae, did i

know tai maa waa dead I did not I.a hand la k11bim; Ephraim «aid to me here the wltnesa became ii lillian af-M-el anel hesitate ti lie tol«| in« " I lia ,«.«..ti«'

It; be »-.i t lu» would kill nie it I t«el«l it '.mimi a-ay liutvIl.tnV tillie- Me Ililli «It.Urn W« Wet« ..I ¡.

linn k ; b4 WATt M te.'«« ti *«-ltv he bael «lit.« i

li« Killi ma Le li,ni lililí «I a Hint li.(.-lit III Jtorth Flff*t--t.; he had not threatened to kill the man before; I d14not nee Ephraim strike th» man I did not ».. binh knife I «lui uni Me Ho- el». »I .loin »lei. tii.i h Ephraimwaaaa thi rornetraoecond-; l Hunk the other man walkedalong Ninth li to (.i.iiiii I pluaitii itttn low.irei lue an«i in. "lit hii.l «lone it ;" ttonl.l in«t leimw «i« «.

iit'i.t- «.,1'v lum until thal Mietiilnt lu .*.«.- into tie '.»:.

.uni nuil-np t«. a* a block »before we gol totkt i»it.»; i

lol I«..«« «I tin mim t.«. a-» Itboughl le. would bitEpalni leave linn Hum »"lit 1 phi DI Would lut bim I.e.

h« ii;i«l iiit Ephraim tke man waa quarrelaomi i.« **» «¦uiiluni ii um .o»; w««nt «ti«wn t«. »imini st.; think I threatenedto lil.tee k the inn li i» li« net off; lie told lix tee k«e lunn, at,«Iif I followed linn he woiilil In, ak my back; I ti.iiik »'

hi n all alike IntOXli al» »Ii u»» evide ne« waa bert - ibmlttrd ;.' thi ,1 ni and aftt

a pratrae ted consultation tiny returned with tin lollotIng verdict We find that deceasi-d cami to hi* di .»th by u

wnniril i't lil» itin le «nil-« «I i el.,i sharp ii.»' i.l; i.'

tbe bauds of Mort u, «m the lath of March. 1W7.iii» a,, u-,,I tu« i» mail.'th» following voluntary » tiin« tit I inn it j» ar» «.lil. a DatlTI of N« w Vii k, ii igar-maker bj occupation, and as tutu« charge against miI am aa innocent as a ehlld uni.fin Ephraim waaHi» u «.nilli, ;t. ii t«» th»; County jail and LliM wa" hi-lti **

u w ltir» Ma nitiiiiKi VN uri t.i ti. SHOl urti».

Tit« « m« «r «»i u Brooklyn borglai waa brought «to IIIaghol li i mlaallao nt ahoat I a'eloek yettaiaaj montay. At th«' hour it.iliw el lift««r Iii« teatt "f the

Forty-fifth Ti«.lint, while patn di bia beal not edaaiaa prowling about tit«» rurnci of South Ninth and 1-t«, Brooklyn, i I». and wi al '<.«*ni bim ;.«» a \ic-<

e«f iii., ta««» u inn within .«.««»nt fool feet Di lan. I«discharged hla revolver al the officer, the bullet paasinathrough the latter** cap, while bli face waa bunted anablackened with the' powder The officer then di«revolt »i and fired al hi* assailant a* hi waa about, and the simt took fatal effect. Kin-tratlni thi

m ii li ft lung, and cat t death The«sas Hi, ii re-,in,ti,I t., the -. in tourtiwhare it wai identified .«» tint ««( .in old . ft» ml« .-

¦¦mod Henry m.tan!, ., rigarmakti bj t: ,«t«¦boat Wyear*. lately n-sidtin et ia« « ot t. tn« e- ,,i,,i in»t -t Brookb m I D i -¦...'.

pe»e i,« f» ha waa found t" have Ibi following «articlesTwo revolvers, heavily l««ad«-<l; a sk» i..t. !.. », a

.» arrea driver, .» niall uatli ol rod a lot mnint« in . Hi .'«¦-. ii le ii baaket whea first »

en el lev Hu- .eft «r. u « hl< I« wa* found Ho 11.i« irgl« | ..inn.."« »I jual ¦.-;. at Hu lii . ham, N<« i .««"iiili Eli titi I and »te I » :a «i u.i nt it y "f un.i.« «I meat, a '-- f -i nalnaniall«" I »tiiie. A «-«..Lil ni Iii- t.-.'l. li¬

li ni« «i tin proeeed* «»f m i.» butlag «»f m w sin»» .» ar.-l ralnalile p'«i«:- Tl«e lal

a« ;. fit-'., n fin,m \| I. «¦ Hill MillI. 'Tally «te||\;e|.,l f. .1:-... I > ,-t .1.

decent er.».ne <.f p« i-n, and li known I«, have beeigUlltt of l.t III»! |l, '..'«.Iof being Hi«' ,i»««ss-in of Officer John Hi| ¦¦ so myattilotialj »-Lett In tin- neil I when ti« ne

.1. ..Hi In» ( Team« I al"! I»« 1examination of the bodj yesterday alterno« when Umbullet waa "onad t<« bav« . it» .. i ti. t-.,. i.

In« be* !.. low tb* ihould« hi ti» \t is» . lim» gb the .r

lung and tbi left auricle of the heart laen«-« through th«itmiti artery at tbe baaa of the heart and !¦l« ft lum.-, from win. h it «..,. »;,.,. i. ,i

impanncled a Jury during Hu da] and ai\]oitra«rd the «

-jue »t in 11 ni it « i «ililli/ next.nint <f7,j00e Ai'i-iteai'ituiiii ni i MMMOO i I ti

I«- Alllil RIB 1MB e e.MMII III.

(in Satunl.iv iMTiini" Detoctlvt Stillwell «mi«s«,,-iiei ru-, m. t mi« -t««i 1'« i' Bell who fartaitin« . t «in - li,. » besen eliip'-.t ni i* I.. milli. |.» «I lb«-.. .V Irwin Mat ni i, tin in»; I «,iii|i.ii,t |... ited Ri SIn kluan -t .lalla«« 1! (, «lit« t 1 and II li .-i

the Company, yeat«rrday, befort ii tin Hog-ui al tie«

Tomb*, complained that the h..u».<1«.i. t!. nt!...f Norenbar laat itolefrom tki Mon a quantity t bait\ aim .1 at lu«, ¡uni that on tim tim ot November tb* ..<

eu*« «! stole other «article* of hardware wortl t< l «

j.i leone î pleaded (.'nilly of both »liarir« s, and « aa coiti«! ra .i t. [ti in «1« faull ff I-,»!; The l-l --.m i lit- ,..

to hat ma- taken n» ;ei ¡v ?" .a»o h ol pt»ii>« in frota h.semployer* Thi* hi na* «I¡-j.«.-, <i of, and ¦. t!,t!« «pro¬ceeds pin «hu«.« «i real eatati mil.klyn iii« a,«,;. it.it11 .» of ««, uti.uni, .»»-< <i .a yeannut jaraa aaoanox cam ooaoaaa'i nKjcaaie«On Krnl.-iy last Min«. Marti* ,l»eii»s. t» » nil\ an m-

innte «»,'Hi«' ieai«!iii«i ol Dr Wm. f S Tin, i«. Im» i-»

c.uiK« ti Hu death of Mt- Ma-yl" Noble t-v liuiiiis ,f in.

abortion committed npoa her, gar« birth to an infant lathe H-»use of l.i-te-ntlon, th»- t«-suit of an operation wblcfa¦ha allégea «h« perforated opon hal bj the accrued rathe jt«l ult Mi--Jon«- it.i|t m» willi three othei t>

maleawm found by Coronet aildej In tb« resldenci oftill- H« tl-< «I. Nee ttl 'lillie! ,l\«' .1 t-ll"tt till,« .iftlT the i«t

of the «I«.« t«»i «Sha wa* removed to the House of De¬tention liar Witiia »MS, It Ik mi- the Ititi t.tloli of tin- .»i tboililes to use hei as a witn« »s against l»r 'I Ina r«. In t!.. «\

amlnatlon now pending at the Tomb« The birth <-t tininfant determined the authorities '«> tunk« ¦ aoweaaaagainst Dr. Thlera, ami acoordlaglv, on Thuraday. Cor»ia«»i Wiltley held au ini|tie-it » i j >.. t a Hie I...<!«. ofthemfaBt;tliejurt ii'tnlere ii a rerdlcl " that the child eaine tdeath ni the etfeeta of mu abortion prodncod by i»i'I lucí»., the prisoner, on Maria Jone*.*1 Tbe accaara 1* anative of Ne'vr en i»,m», I.a aged M yean, and t« »tldi «l alNo tn l liinl ave. H« pleaded no1 gulltj. The Coronercommitted lum to tin Tomb* te avait ino action arthaUrand Jury.Veaterday. at theTwenty <»i).'iiHi Preetnct station iie.ii'e

in (in eiiwi, h st Coroner Wiidej coboluded H»e inv» ti

KStlean into the causes whl-h lad to tin» death al Mis.Mary E Noble, «aIhj is alleged t«t li.ive tin «I from the« ffei t of an abortion prodm ed by Dr, Thlora «sai amaliaArmstioiia,', »iluis .Madiirua »Diibtiis. BeFVeral ttiti,«-««-vieir eiHinlncd, lint no evidence inlilltlonal to Hist pul»lished in The Thiui°m. »»n Toaadav laat «u« eli« ned Thep. y rendered a verdi« t "Hiat toe «1« »eased «nine to hotdeath by pyemia, resulting from nt, abortion produced bythe prisoner. Willi.mi V J. Thiers, alias l>r Du!»»»!» we

further hold Amelia Anaatrong. alias Ma.lame lillian!,», um

accessory before the fs< t" The pnimiiers were eiiuuaittel to th« Tombs for trial.


The *< 'bonner Ottawa of St .l»»laii,!Now -Ilruuiwie k.arriveel at this piart on «-atiinlay aft» moon, from I' America, In charge of the BecondMatei tin Captalu. William l'te, Ix-Iin- tle.l uj» m Li- » ni.hure/enl¦sith a nniriii-ri'us mi-..nit on the Pint Mate, I reainai

TlaSgle**, by slu-eitiiii» luna Milli it piati.l oil the- ev»»liiti|- <«fthe IHHi of March, while» he «siih Iii burge of the» deck. Itippi-iit-s that the Captain waa andar the. luipresMion thatthe Matu waa conspiring with Hie: new to luke ..min,uniof the vessel that he l-elleve-d he bael chiniKed his ciironometer »a that he could not make his calculations. Thethotij-ht preyed upon his mind to sue h au extent, that outhe otenineT of the- lstb inst while aaloep la his berth heawoke, selred a pistol, snei mallín** nu {\,-,-_ »|,,,t th«.- matein the hack. The Hete omi Mate, to prevent hi. dollinfurther tdamMc. seemed lum, and took chance c»f Hu-raaaaL The Mats. Mr. "Hagley, I* iel confuted to lilslaerih, the wound Ikidk vei v panifnl. After the v«:»-w»lhad une bored in the stream I'.oiinetsmau Doyle, and taftieera Allen, Sullivan, and Nc-sbitt went nu board, andbrought the ("aptfeiu to the Harbor Police boat, where heis now in eaatedy. He will be taken this raoruin-; l>eIorethe liritish Consul, who will luvcatlgato the niall« r.

noaMMiam laaaeiiii,.inmes Bislinp ead Thooto Smith, two will ki own

pickpocket*, were on Saturday an«anted by Offle'ur Dunnof the Si i Hi Pracinct. A pen Ance of Marseille« «enids wasfound in their poaseasion, ui,ul..-<l " tJtOt" on a pi,»«» oftap j They wera taken to Police He-aele-uartera, pin,!,,¦graphed, and then locked np. Wm. Jones and Wm. Cole,two well known pie kpoekets, weare found operating at theThirty fourth st. Ferry, by Offlear M«»r(;au of the Twent v-first Fnsinct. The v «srerei tnkon to Polioe He-adeptarters,photoirraphed, and tbeu tskeu to brooklyn, wherecharge« are pending ugniiist Hu ni

AN HWIMlI.B.T» Ike Millar »( The .V. Y TrUmne.Silt l"ei-mit nie, through the column« of your

paper, to call the attentienof the public to the operatiomof a «windier calling biruaelf the " a*rent " of the "Sol¬diers'aud Sailor*'( »n>han A*) lum of Kiuiiia, N V." Afew day* ago he called al my office ned, handiug me hi*Miia-em.tinn book, remaikod that he had been recom¬mended by Mevtsrs. II K. ("lariin A 00, to call upon me, a*one «ho would he llkelv to iuv»i»t the Institution withwin« h he wm connected Ills hook waa well filled w Utiname«, many of the leading dry »-«nuls finn«; againstthese were amottnta of from 910 to frió eue h. ("pon teu-dartag him a check for the amount of my own suhs« np-tlon, he immediately a-ke-d that it ihnuld be drawn to theorder of E. ('. K|»encer, Treasurer, w blch request wa«, ofceaiirs««, i'omplle«l with. Thre«- or four days siilaae'eiuen'lyit ..«¦,««. u ^i «i tained that the ii-How waa an imposter, as H.It A < .. - iiinii« had been u»e«l without their author¬ization, and eanaaqneatly the several hundred dollar««bie-h he 1,.til eulie'« te,l is wortte Hisii Hu«.wu away. TheImmunity fr.un i»iitii.«ineiit and Um success which thisClass of swindlers have inet has multiplied them to Snellan extent that their visits are of daily and almost hourlyoteuneuce. I..

ARRim hy an ITIIIIMII MIMI¦i tu «asirá tu t«i tsivcss

BaLTIMOU-, Mel.» Mm. la -i«i «POtto, _M in»--ene» rwbo i*e«reutly robbed the Southern Eipree* Co., al Westl'oint, Miss of t.'i'.isn, and um a\»at una CfliÓght thi*moi-in-j nilli- ;ln» »ity, nuil moat of the stolen moneyfound in his posee ssiou,


Lane *\ I. li,

' !.. gg{ .)., « r,«-,v ( f th. Hut¦¦ i« ..:. d fn m thlS pi'it

M.n« ti l'j for I!« rmud.i. 1 he offa « ru Bl the l.iriy state

that ob «ti« Hat a heavy ntrrth mt gul* «wai meonat« n dand the lu g epraag aleak. By ia» Incessant nue .t thepumps ii t *-t Bael aai i»« pi silos! anti! the mi. «inn thewafer so far gained on them ty,. |r|g ti«-, ann- wall i

legged and «gradual!) went over <»n mr brea end», thed<( kload al cattle betagall drowned. n,,- y,, rry was thenleo mil«" east of Hatteras rhe boats >.,.«(. ^ot out byarder of ('apt Steele, when a brig bev« ¦«, ght, whichpraved ta ha the Mystic from Indianola. ¦*-!-» soon rame

.«i ¦« and ptuM-ugcra of the «Berry vere takenonboard Ontbe_Ml tin Mystic spok« the t Lane,wb« n the »ffli rre. crew ai ist the Hat

i.l.« In I al, 1 I inil.-llt f(. till» ( i as li rears -i I «I atraed

b) .1 N. il. '.y T tilla « il}'.MT - il «« I -M.,« III A-IK' <iN <«i»V-

IS1 AM».

i Wright, in the ian li ¦ of the; .. nal anal TelegraphCBa-yaay« whleh wai te.... ., t get. guty treta hat ûeeh nutil; «-.. :«..i> miming it i n i in« k Sha «waa verj beavlljLaten, having on bonni n quantity of materials eua

... h m i*,- fu !>(. uk( «i Inlaying the cible between Lak«da la Ki W It), and Havana. While going

through ' '.'c n Rrooklj n and Hotrrnor's Ii I the man m ef the wheelo iithe iiaiitu hihi run her ea dm nalia on Governor'sIsland, «.n't. i n «.m of the Revenue Steamer Jasminewent to bei «¦- '¦. e and endeavored to draw b« r off.

it did not mn ««ii. At high water she floated off andproceeded on her pass re. rhe expedition ¡s ander themaaagenMBt of Gea. willina) P. Bnlth.

¦LOO? iiii-i wini ali. o.\ I'.i.'A-

st nunan to tb» lanenaici.iiiM- M ».*.i.-».i, Mareil 20..The sloop If. !..

Manana, b< lagtag to Baapt m, Ye punk m the T« rhi!i'.< r «i «i lai ii««' n « nt gal« h. .uni nil «n« 11. ni i» ib« «i.

] in« following ure tin eaaseaal Um lae! : William ii. di kat Pi «-«i barlee Cleavi ,r .i of jlan Tort, ,i. c.

Wood of .'.'.«. .i ¦« colored maa from Hampñu ,"«¡1 ¡eft lloui cater Point

week ago with a cargo of carn for Norfolk, and It lepretoo far tn return. Bev« ral 'ion d

mi n po»»:u» i.«. s irk fplt a few day» afterward in« m

Baw th« n toftbewti k »Ticking out «f the-watai srlA*.in dead body of a man laahed to It. They reported theia« f m Hampton, Hedrick aad Cleav« and had both

i sin ¦«..,- .'fill (.ow . ng tin-


Stfiinr.N Rnjn -Qeor-ge Francii Train will¦peaka! In og ii.til thie \< nu,.', far the benefit of theLadlee Bontbtra Relief Aneclattoo.

*-' li riii I.nie nu «-i'lurtl.i', nighl ,J.i«<-Cool a aal raaf Oaeida-Coanty,N T., atteeaptedenleido

j his i n i"., i cn du si,;, wai u m HoitAton-st, n< srIta unction with in*! li«, «au-» muni k1 to BellevueUoepitl ..

IfmiCAl Sei IF1 Y Mti.ilN«;-At :i htalni nieetiugol Hie H< .i ... .-... . If for IIIC «'eiitifv of N« va York, to he

h. iii ii, - ,* 'i, Coll« ¦-.- ( f Phyal« Ians ai «i 1 *.

leona,Di William P, rhomwlll read i ;. ipon the.«fi« i« ««f ;.. balli) ,ai um of alcohi th«

.... l-l I iln,muípap. Iup, :. «..« «... .in'.. ongestive tori r.

V>'..('¡ « ti-m Ai (i'.lo(k mi S.iluiil.iv-. n a ti... tu.«r ««f ti « ' a.

i of Um ii. ..n.; ««i (.in., i. ¡m n to t.ike into..«!,-.«!- ra cn |. rarii ix» petition and reaolutlon» which

erred to them in relation to Wtaoden Pave-K: th« appointed hour, although a number of

... ..n ,1 io gil their i eira nu the i

.ia ( ,,..ii, t-,, «,, u 11, -. ni end th« mata i i:.n lui., tim a t.- ti«« yu -, nt am i k.

.¦. « Vi Mi MATU AM» Am ii ik.i (k.k 11 S«,n . etlng of the iban Bo« it», the

. .¦«« re ' let t( <i f'«r the oaaiag j sat1 uk li Noiloii; lin-t V,i« 1'icsali nt. In

« i ¦. II. Pi I «. «I \ I'r« a ,i|i i.t, H iii (' I'll me :

i '. i Oliver ; C mi Ai th.,n , Tri i v.Ten

i rk 'rardOroh; 1 Ihrai lan, I».,- I» I'.iriah-- salon ot v na oil s, in««i 1-. .«., .--i

-,' ia ol pal srn Tin library contains to volume», M catalogue»,.- pamphlet», i i« .panera,mud «n alo i see Dr.«iiat.i« ». President «f the Manchester iKngland)Ni,n. -i, ..* B riid rted an honorary member of

i; ATLi " * - li meeting al bondholdanal* the MU« i Prali le du Ck en Railroad a i -

..i ¦ 1er ii«i «i i« «'«"i of n hangi «i" - ¡- Jeew Dawarer al Wteeoasta, aad John

a* ..n: a pi i, mt «-i lm the new truaten('I., of the ! - pt, t. at.«I agminal Iii«' a« Mon of

'¦«; mill ittid ill« gul.,, ia« 11 waa in -I. n B if inl \ «f Hin i tors :»t«.i off

rera of the Paterson and Hudson River Railroad. The. . '. «I Directors Meaan Robert lia« ard,

jaiiu» l Morris, li V. Bteriaon, .1 H. Roger*, ThomaaBarbour, a fl Penlnngton, «' R. Rog« r.« Prreldent,

I Ti. a-un r. A B. I', linlnrton «.t tb«aiug offleen of the Paterson nml

!..i., ¡ I: Iroad Companj were rlerted DI«rector»,it..1» it Bayard, J. I Rogers, .f .1 /..'.: -u ,, i \ Plgot,I( - Hughe*. A .1. « At.elbury. William A. ButlerI M-sident, Robert Bayard, ieeretarr and Treaaurer,J',Li. ll"i«j « r

'I III Ki«,1,1 Ol lill ( "K'HI It Kai I lu- I{. \

lu (i«i«i «iii i «t« «I .« ii.-.«.¡in laetarealag laUm« htiiiii..; it,. Par.ta_-._a "The Ughl at tit* coloredr. ¦' ..i.t« m.«.n, nml t!..««.ii ..f tin Legialaturet ,;, *.. id then ef that right BThatdaOodaad Jnetlcen-i.ii re f.«t nun al,.I nunn ii Iii t« ««k In« t< »t timm the

liter of Paul's Eplatle to the Ronuui», -ii-t verai" Thou therefore wblcn t« rbest another, teaeheel thounot thyself t Uwu that preacbeat a maa ahould not »tealdoe! thou Btealt" Mu« tin me of til« Reverend gentleman««! -Hi« «'mu i« nt ion about to nml Itol«in amendment of the HiHte Conatltutioa iii.

law forbid i.iiK fciidinif colored delegatn la theConvention Mm« ;i hiiih Innul. .1 ontia«-« l'if rltrlit ni

if the riglnll rlrhts of the people a k'"v.--.ti ni has im I'iriit to hold from one cltlten what it

i Iber cltlieo Colored people of New-Yorkought t«. folio«» ti;, siample of their brethren luy ith Carol ia. and bold awottaga to organise for thoprotection of their riebt», sad il eaeeenry, aul

" mt »um behave theil right to vote teeted in theT luted ft.ili . S, ipi rilo oin t Am! n,- .ii. i \ri > aboi n \cais of aga should go ti lb« polling Louthai... laeiet D] n h.- :-.-h' la .¦ ela.

*I...M,«-H(.IirMF*-ft < !OTFni I ION At li i "IiM'litloti

of «delegatn to th« a^ttmaAaammaarm Oeaeval (Jalea, yee!. iilay ali. innoii .I'r« tim, nt aXtget Huiki- in the it n presented that Mr l'isher. I «st. -.. .Ion.

had nut ttAj n'UnipUil to Withheld p.i\miiit from h

un -ml«« r ««f the I but a!-.« bad employed jwrsuiis whoHie lint tia 11.' .* " "f that b("l>\ if HI lill.Ill'III« .il-l \ te

lolvedtbat na Uniea mati will work foi lum until be

»hall app- »i I " tow ti 'Longshnn men- « onventlon endpromise thal be will employ i nlon men to the exclusionof Um bm n who are working foi bim It »in voted thatthe" iftai v, Mr .lam«" Kin»,', In ihn ti ii tn ailv.-iti-.-,n Tu i. n Y. Tannai and two other morning journal»,thecaanofthe differenn betwen the Union and Mr.Puhoi namely: thiel poma*» allegad attaaspt to retolnvegn which hie owed » awmbw of tb«-budy A «gentlemea «i"> opponedthe r«e»oiuilon rrquiiini,' i promise fi*" ii

Nil I'isln r. n m.ukeil that he dal so la-caunof Ins beliefthat if the uniea were t» hold its member! aloof frees in-.

ami lo] three month« lie (.n'ai barna off tho Miore, m»

.«n who undertook to employ outsidersThe Unios voted that aoae of ita aiembeñ should workr.ii 'ina until inr oin year, aad the reeall wau thal within» month thereafter be pinked an aad awved to Bntoa.Aft«r briefly diseussiirg the mci ita of a complaint BgaiMta member who loaned his badge to a nan tbat had ab...».-i! to parin rWO for thal oneneeeame fo emnloyaMat onthe |.i.-ra, the C'liveiitiun a.fjouriKd to the thli-j Banda]m;Apr.i

KXIUHITION B*i IHK (Hil I'HK.N »>K TIIK COIAMP(iKiiuN Asn.i'M.A foin« «»hat novel entertainment wmMlven in the large hall of the Cooper Iustltute on Hatur-

day «ftrnoou lust. It was uu exhibition hy the ehlktmof the Coined Oiehaa Asylum of tide city. This is timInstitut mu whose huililint:. then situated In I'ifth avo

ui'Hi f-oity «Uth st uni burned hy the mob daring thoanti draft riots of July, lut)). After this destruction oftheir premise» the Asylum wa» removed to Its presentlocution lu One hundred-and fifty¦¦ first -st., nenr theNorth Km The exhibition of «Saturday waa given forthe double purpose of sho*»iii». Hie friends the reault»of the system of trttl'iin«r used, and alt-o of obtainingfundí to aid Its further career of usefulness. About 100children nartlrlpsted lu the exercises, including bothseiin, ¡(in! laiik-liiK'in'«»ie from 4 IO IS yean. The exercist-s consisted of singing.both solo« and choruses.resdtng. and recitations, under the eeucrul «mpi rintnndeuri-of Mr. < olluia. Tiie (hildi-cn tlisi.layed a degree elaccuracy aud promptitude lu the performance of theirro»ii«ctive parts, which wo have rarely seenexceeded hy any children of similar Ige. F.*i»ecl-ally lu the muMcal portions, they evinced a comprohon.iion of tune, ami a natural perceptiou |ofmelody, beyond Um average of pupils of our citym hot.Is Tin» recitations showed a very decided capacityfor memorising and Imitation, even by the very younge»tpupils. The exhibition, a» a whole, seemed d.-ci.l.-dlyta.r :if:«ii.ii j U> the audience, win, showed their gratifica¬tion hy friMiii'-nt and earnest applau-so. To all the benevo-leut aud « "lu latían men and wouuMi who aro dovotiugthemselves to thin work, the exhibition and It» re-coptioumunt ha-.-o been de. ply gratifying. The report of thouyltuu shows that the whole nunil*er of children malvadInto It siuce Its foundation is 1,442. The numla-r of iiHiuUesat the (»-ginning of the year lbtifi wa» .16, and at the donof the yeal -K11. During the year, 34 of th« pupils were

indent un d, l8 returned to their frieuds, and 3 reuiovodby death.

M»»kk or TiiK Khib "INioi." OrKRATORS..Thedetails of the stock transactions growing out of the "pool"lu Lu« us hero operations were reported in Haturday'slunn m are complicated and interesting All 'he

material facts concerning the arrest of Dam, 1 Drew atthe complaint of Jonah It. f«te\*ar* wen then given,together v, ith the feet the saul Htrwart and LeonardII us ck hail been theim-cli es arrested al the instance ofrioverament iffldavltsfor fraudulent prat ticcsln coniieo(lea with the Merchant«'Ifattona) Bank of WaahingtonHuvck W11 I'ri-nli ni of Hie bank at tim time of ita

failure, and it i« alleged thal Btewari stood upon Ita bookim the owner «of loo iharea, worth «Mo^na Theatre»! «. partie»I»now made al the iii>i.ui«a «.r ii i: Hurlburd, Controllei of the Currency, v. li>>«-.. affldavll nts!n'.i. thal in is li.c officeruf Hie liini-.iu m the

United Htatee Treasury which I* charged with the eierution of the Hniteel «-tates Hfatute, known an the National(Tiiteniyact:that nadar theprovlalonaof that-mt ami«¡i-- inily of si« tion r.o thereof lie baa, aa auch offteei

c« a« tal «breedon nml knowledge ol Hie affaire of theMerchant*'National hank «>f Waahington; that In pur¬suant e of lus »lut « s lie lins ne (iiiirenl it know « »I-:»' ».f tl.e

matter* ». t futh ia the affidavit, which is maeie m

fiiitlie-nince- of the (Uachante i'f his eiutiesas a piofficer; that Leonard Hayek wa«, at und prior to lenmary. lim», an officer of the batik, and about that date,by tiabe/a-litiii nt, in which Joa B 9ti wart was ii piirtici-pant,took into topaaaaaateoana«jootrrtaaonayaof ti.esaul bank, ¡imniiittiiiir to mote than laoo.ooO, in «onse-

«(iie'ine of win« h it bemm«, ncci ssii.-y to aopemnt ft rt-e «i.. i. that Huyck and Stewart ba«.r.cealed with latent to »l« liaiul laid bank, what di«position waa made ofMud nouera <t the Ir prooeeda, which are- In their present'.»tin an mteie-t m a pool »>f Erie Railway «lock con»in ted in tb* ste,, u market of tb* «City ol Hew York bjI».ma« i Drew at.ii «itii« r«, further that ii ivck :«"ni Stewarthave aaaumed own» ship and control <>f the proe «< »1-. andan about to dispone of or trenafer the mim, with oteatloili fiami the.lum that Joaeph B.8tawartwaarecently reaidi ut ol the District of Columbi* and has not"«lie acquired a reaiden ain the State of Kew-Yorl".""o«'b both be and Huyckare now In tho City of Mew»"»«nit timt in the organization ertiflcateof Midbank¦'"" h St, tait is u,une». I as ii -liar» »lie» I- 1er al,«I li tie» e e»itin. .it»- <»i «,ffi, ci«, smii din « tors is named as a dlrectoi ol«aid bank; M,,| ___g tbat an order of arrecí against Hnyckand Btcwart ty mined for «wich futura relkd ass!,..awarded, »'-.u-titn baient* against the v.- property oi ta«eta ai'iL-cil !»y t., ,. to be their pr»>pertv if It «hall ap¬pear to be depone^', duty, ni the dtackargn of Ins«»»«gatioi « m the pt"» in «y-, to make :n" war- i

IABn*-_«-ti««Bts J

BpriCTI 01 i'iimaiI'V^m CiiAitArri-» .Th«T» i. |,»ritf Zuun Ii»»*., The Man of OvVfa, ,. Km «li loMia. ..f I'« ,,.|«r.'..- ».I». ,!.«, (nu.hilar >.

«in! An'rjsli, Southern Itnpm« «!rs«-t¡ Nnitti*«* _u, s, rathnti «... ..'.

.t »r.«l I'o-tr», 'Ir ...ifl.f. ¦ i l!sg V_. _yy |'p H.- Fir« \t in n.inopo i'm I'ar ippssr-

..:,,;¦ tri ii. Mum I-.«.». .k1'., ,| \l.\Ki-aiiHa«' I Th» Ciu.iilsn '«"t . .,,.¦,

TkS r> l'Un en e -, I-«.»»,..)!,,», WK

t II al M K .-'

lal» ., |-th» Unana Vor. Ta« .»««flin» Ih .».» .».»' su» Im nuTfi

n -'.asnl.ip. I'lacr !¦ rd 81 M-i-jr k) ?«, .»« ¦ ., -. tori« «net Pi-il -' ". I*«** *S

Biri.t a,- i'r..|,. .. Lil« It. ».*. I'ht«...<¦.-«.

HI bl ¦. H Wn i« ,. ., .-,...,+.-«.. »t

.«.«» «t .. ra*.

bFaij ratui uni CaKAM Tartah -Put» arti»,1 .ItttM» ». -"" '-' tatt by yturata yaa-

./oar grocer fox the "Triumph Boaf;"¦Tt.,- ,'..¦».! let i ive« i".¦

a», «-'»thi » »r» r»n»l»rr«l « i'¦ Sf «F I .

I ira th« moat dal »V fal.ri- UrMIVSl inp-t ¦. IM R.air.r «\r, m»,.»h. K, Ï.

passeso ees i nuiven."HÖH IMVANA-lt. S».aB.I. »|- S .. - M ,rrb IH-M» A VM.I..I

».I immabtri Mt '.t Ka»,, ', and lad« tv. M«-.» ml«' « M ..... i. . i

a«, tl.rr »t.l .' « H.n lemrt «, . i.., K-ta-.u». Mi«. A < '.Vr.' I Mr K J V Vr V

Cr-mij. Chi. Butmey. I « «I .;,, K A II. .\eyt J. Oom .. A A.,-.- Kiwi. .¦- J «»'.-..I.. Mw'f.-. ilau, M ...... ». li .»- J, (í¿

'! ¦- II. - .,« rn Jgl.n liiain. Ioho J. HID,CI.IS aiatrer J t. Comma li I» M .....«. Aston» (.»is»» 1' >i,rate. ii, J An» Ule If 1! la.iriai. ll«if .hil.I and Mrrsat. F. >..-. . Iltd«/ (' Tlnr.T la..,» irjat »hlM M l-l Il-i.ial Alta. J Till.''» .». ». ra

Ml V M..,|.,. 1 <¦,,.«. i; Kln,.t»iB.-I M Mart.» |.M, ».

U A Hu km A tt. II. e,uni,, ti ti n'uuti.

; ..ii. sr ship ypits.POET DP NKWÏOHK.H**MB 1.

A II HI VI I».«.t>..n.». ia, « < .«ii.. Hi»..uri arlfO nriii» il.! pi»» «

'. i «is« I.

Deitll STM- I'OItTi*.¦«.TO* Ki '..-i.tsel, itali» »tn« M«-CI«iliB from £».. »... i« u.d

tara» itW ¦ v. t« *.' i' Marri v. -Antiii, itistsitipi Fiaai.sfisa

Bsltni...». .euer, ymrrrfromrkUmiilpbimChili! F'T. ».' Mar. b li..Ari-ned. ft,»|jS»il.<.r.-li from B»ria-a,.ls ytbrt.

Bett»»« rk II I V»f. ',1 T..m l'h.lia»-l|.hii l.o«. m Vraiirr trmm lta.,l'a-aor».s»».,u«l- « «.riniili mel "»"tor di for N.w Iori. S.a. «auii for

Pe.K-it l»D, M»., Mirrh 31 .TTi»»t»»aa »! M i'Iib from I t»r!<«»id»rrt «ad Llv«rp. ?.!..! it 1. JO tins moiuiB»'. 'th* st»«_ti*..|> Ki l»s»«dla .«-.I St '. I_tPOBTBI I«*_ 11 .Th» Mirriir n,.k». tis

«-».«iiuli P li'iind frota li. Ulm.r. I .al» Baa.n: Kew T'.rk A W. Kinsletoi fue» Csrdif: .Mtnit« :».». Yan»

Kn-o th«. hilf A {nilla Hurt.. Hi« " »eyaMmi liar with por'aiass.Sill».! s»n»t i».irk ()a»« n I i»!orn fur Uno « <n

lb*'hsrk lirtu-a. I»r«p»r Miinafe.r l'*l«-ni<« fir Bdnm«..* « . in «..1«. ¡au tht» l.riK A'«»ra ijiI ark l»»l*»»re fruin Bill i..«.i« tri»

Ualtiuien« for feiralpn i-.orta lute ion» to »»..

II, ins. II-.. .re.d-ltris <" H rXei.rr'-. I'r». Is-fron ir.!»-nu fur ('.:».«!.. t.,.,v.

H. »teni, hla »tp»ri»n»ati bil-, ;.¦» .r.rffUm i-»»!..». e>,, tbe 1Mb, ni lal il .m loia-ç. Il ilia «'pis tram B. A. mm a Birash birk »ali »tirni! «f d

:« r Sab« .ta» 1 »I

1 ivini» pre» on«'.» luit b«r mun boon, sud flying jib, wai ubi» .«

Ina . ?«..talarr.,\ .. ¦ .'. Brielït. Em Bella, C. R C»r-- .¦[.../

F.U»a, afro « f»r B.«l. ti Lad; of tb» Lai- llin»¡ei. .»« rais fr.'ita !«

Kiar bl Hi i. IL .¦-:» f .mi ttt 15»'..-Ii'.ii, Ph lit!.:,!: for i'«,rllinil; AtUita«- Osea Nés Vori fu. t.

8att»_.Bril «In« W. '¡.,!htra»y.»I. .. I'l.i'«.i»l¡.l»,a for lab«J I I

..-I, -«.'. t»..n ll-i-û'.-tl"i...k'.«, ... .. l,.,.in»,i ll"rt«-ii«ii at«! Mi--

H,n« Ko',na. H A Prsssst C. H. Knaaij '¦'¦¦ ¦». u «-

"."»".a IV. (. At-eat-r. Wlt»rl.l«. PUlrtar hUB Kle.lerl.t» H»a ,» u Cantoin liSdjrKUen, Lad- sf lbs LakeI ao« !*'v,:.. C. l''.,i,t»«.ii.v». MauaUico, Lill

11' It >V eloafrr».UaiTtwiiH» Mirrh II Th» »t«iiu.liipi Somanat, '.

v.. tli l' t f.» Harsaaab, «ad Palcos for (*fc«rl»«los. sail« »».t>nla»..i cleared bl Irelaud, «ath abost H »

or:..An.te.1 t.e-ejii». V Iiiiitn l.irk lin »I Pr«p»r. fmt-n P.« . rr.... »ti

,m BpMtsh; tb» litUi Isstl.««.I.... rioor»!.



Mh llrrr-lort «., jrssrs I hsTi bet?, t tlcrir.g fnnu

OONSTJMP1 ION,mihanMi I shs ! s

¦ 'a ?« Bl . I«-.... : iil..r u-'e

I III! IIP IUS1 IR N-,. MUr,eat «t.

Batsaanav, Casa., Mirrti 27.i «i-a Ha : Kitrtrt. »nd

-- H »


IIt Ibisasjislli» ni DI OOBDOB si Aynlasasi

t ,«l( OOBDOB -pa»», .rr.. HKillLϦ¦ t. »i«:-. i «Maaiartu v> i.vij» g BáMBfc

.-«,- i

K«D*t..\(«, (Min), Msrch 25, 1-367.V.u. II *< / ...

Mj- (u,al. I>r -.. ,« «¡th »p.i».odi«et.tliu.t. :, I,, , j t. I willre-CUBOMbd it in .» sl«i i i «I

bli »iii« Dmn

DYSPEPTIC, BEAD Tills'i man un i THiAi.i

T » I. «

1 hen betn id uti*ill:r.f«r si.le in I ..> f., f.*

n Osrmsny ln-t tr«, 1 »nff^r« «i <_i ,«.. tia*

greatly fruin th» diva»« «htrb ha« »o anani »tar« li«eeii ir.» in« t a w«rtl «f

|ann_s sMsaiBMtsss»tb»BI»»i «le tmaattbht .mil«»

» (.-»tif«. that I »a« «.r«-stl.» l»-r..»tit«-«-d llaiei. i,ia»n«ti.«wA

mi- | »i>ibii in my tread a icllerii.-/ fr..m d>»|>e[ - .:.¦ ». . «.iii

beueiit tu tan Mr. I_ Huff g««i"» to Ban York to «stabilal ti.. ir-LuCar-

¡tii.-««f the B-,r anil a, bf «aa «I« -rroti» t.i hare s reo.nai«eu,l»tl«S lo

IIB it. I .*,tai to a:«l baa to .ililsiti .1 » st« rtt-

tii-at*. Mr I.. II..11 ia s hi.iilt- reap«'t-t.>« n.jii

t'H n I..' "" of ti t 1-otnn.lMlltv in »l.lrh he purpvMS to It

.Vii Inly, BifbtSt a.-.aim, iMt r.oRDOS, ' '

¦Oil I HALT O-nUCT HK.VKKAt.K (»F HKALIIIh». l-wsrsra

N '«. » Iii' li it «um-, :t.a «-¡real reptitatios. It «.» an rfl . «-» r

furtlie ii«! and an uratihlt an.! ia,nr.»lang l,e.--r«f. '. ',- .. d a*l

yan * in health It cnn-« di»«»»*« of the cbe»t, H««tna<-h Bl Usaagnetm the bety, ,-r»»t»« an appetite, and prttttre* the fa-


Pri<*e +6 par -l..i«-n. .li-'.iored to any part >I thru nt» li-- .i.i>».

«Sold »ti« IrecCI*.

f VIV PATENT LAMP8! Mi Tbs lAPtti IVU i, »»»r» w»»


r» at »»vi.- ,t«< ki in.inn a» yir.siY *» ,,,i .rilli, i«j|eIHiiitti. liar i » SUS vii.Ttv in with n r aaaoTlsai THB

»Kit.« «ii..hi »i. .luusit oa it-ikni.t'i int a-ranal


PRICES REDUCEDtil¦old hy thi. nura Qnnu-LY.


« 111 ki (IKS DWILLIKUB, HOTKIfl KAeiulilEf .STORES, kr..fosiplcts ll.ioeigl'Out wt-h

1-aII" «STATTOWAar ti»«UTIn.l'«advf IkoM Heit i..- MOVAHIK .«rael I»A N». Hi« »IS

H Ii -a IVIs k i Na «.< Mil.lfn Uti» N Trr"«- ,- le.'iiiii rocKn uimBaa.





[oaoAinm Diiset»] [csittaa nanni-.], .. ts«td atalwisrsatif Is 98tl%S,t1tt

. -., tha l.eiti,- tin of So,00*¿.S39, «itb< toovrr*JI'*,U0O,000, Un jnit déclarât

u T'VEN 1 Ih'l II innuil ilitUend, be-in* .10 p-r ent.

m to lilli» ill r!a»a»l nf Llfr a». It tin- !i«i»it nt»i r..n

i it»tt «Itb p»rT«*et i».»rt», ia. th» numbera, lu diitiníuishliii frilurei

ar« «conon? In »ipemliture. and care ia ill mintf»meatIt pari no ite.e-kholelrr« tur tit» ui« of capital, no Iwaunin oa «.ommii

iron tn off. en mil no iianiodsrats roinpeniatiim to ig»uta.

All iti Dir» ittinel tti lasctititri, and sert« on ni e-oainitl»««. Its

rill ire «-ireful!» i»!.rt»d io alto «JMM »..ut.J Inn. It ii careful la

letjuitinf hattt, sin! prompt in parntent.Iti fundí art inrrited with rrgirdto lernnt», n»«»r LiurJicj pnn«-ipa

f. r luLiiit, beer« it his nerer l.ut aii.'llir on its lureitmeotl. Aft»r

pijlug lo«u»i in»! fipeuiei. tod trierting tli» nins of ill oautaa'iu»-

polioei, it baa alv-nut »..eli in aniienil ein iJeml <>f telura premium« to

tbe u-rtbb» ti, mil pilli ti.»ni abes «lu«.

Ititi "IIITI'AL BENEFIT" OMfMf Li» ran but otu tim of mein-

I.»-., iii life po'iie-iei, Loth a»er st.J tli, ibirin' ».¡nt!l» ia the santisl

ehtiiiou of mri !m. rrreittug s duldend ou »var» premium pul.

It rnleiTori in brief, to art na sü« it s filthíul tri.toe for th«

uiemt.iri. Ilaring f..r overt tsent» «ein purni« d thil «outs«, it propoe»»!

t» rontlieui It in tb« futur», ind offert lu iJ»mti<** to all «bo luir« to

Iniur« in i Complut io conducted.


EDWARD A STRO-NO.-Serretirr. IIENJ. «'. MILLER, Vic« Pr»iilf Jt.

alex u, fosaeoa, mean amzi i»«»i>i>, Hitt.sastiois«.









SAMUEL H. LLOYD, «YotKT.Horn for Medical Esa-aiaalua al Oin. Jail», flora II a. ra. tall Waif

put 1 p. a«._______

A FARM.-One of tho finest FARMS ia Wr_t-«baitair t.'o'iatv. M rail»! (tom R/s, Miw-Hs««« Raitrssd, «»«od

Ilona», Bim, Ac In« ». ra. .ef LAND mular . billa itiUi of ««Iti«iii«*,«eil » «tar» I. and orerla-okina th»Sound pl»atr of Kr»»» .»f rloa nrtaUM,prie« Itl.JUi Applf to I» «' HA VII. IS li tia IH. (' «.|«a<»

A HOU.SEnOLD WORD.-Btty roar Chin».JA Gins, Cullin l'iitr.1 Wiri. R»frt,»r»ta«i *C«o*tn| fletauls. fcc ,

at UAS«KORD S e«-»r lUrii, Co apar lauta ata »ai Alka, pisa-«._efJO TO MACPARLANÍ)» Rook .Stow», earner\l T««nt» third it ind Britidwir Thers »eui will lad all Iii »'R«"*»«»«»li »( ti«« dar, mel ill ih« «li St.uliid Wotki, aud also ebon.«Kti.-luli, Kresclt, mil .v-olrh i»t«l.»n»i»

I j NIVEB8A_71n_ÔTnËS~ IXAMPEIN'ÊrT'%.) SoraatSing a»a and ÍBi|«»rtitt! to hoialakiaperi.I n«it met niefni arti»I» Iv« eliinpaning .loth«!. For aal» In all thr ptiu.-ipil itotei, for t» ceritaAgiiiti wnti-,1_ (»NIIERDONK k (V No. 40 Fnltus ii K 1


di.«), li. KITCHEN .v c.,., r.t.i broadway.bou tañan IHK

CORNELIUS «S. BAKER. Philadelphia.


Ar« a«« «t« ii ¿a au- tb«

Best in the World,-. . .. IN« »«55BROAPWAY. Ne« Y..rkfriLei^sl WarehooKt. | Nu 2I « IIESTMT .ST I': .« U'l




OP IHK BOUB," PARIS TRAIL" »nd all »>IIIIK«-.f "«r

1'OPl'LAK STVI.KS The gi E«-TI('N SKTTLEI* I«, tit PAflUOflMagazines m PATOS al




TIlKYare theu.i.t DI KABLE and ECONOMICAL «i s--.I ss ik»moitUKACKKlL an'KI.K'i.l.NT SKIRT MAPK lotbeworid. Batt.II ><>¡« i, rompo«,«! uf «rvo ntlSLT TSMPSSSIi Steel Sfnr.pi. SSAlDSo'TIQHTLT and riRtai.r T.MisrsSB. thtt-i posai-ro tb* sTH. '.N(.KsT as4-millie,¡I.l* Iln.ip nal-,. Tb«» mil out BANU or BKhAK like th« 8t«s-

«I« 8prin<«. but «ill I'RK-iKBVg their «,rac«ful ted Perfect 8HAP|«her« tau or tiree okdisaBT Skirts ha»« boen cast suds m t isuus. <

POK 8ALK ia al) fts.T-cuirU «Toaas is .th« L'Xitso BSasn mi ia¦any otana cochtkisi.

AT WHuLKSALK br the «Bicliu..« Msaufactarer» and «sol« o«»M» of-PATENT,

WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY,Noa HT H A.M BEIM **) «IB sa« 81 RE-APR RT8.. !» T.'«



Orost eno.i*.** " 8LRDQEB" Mutt teilte »ade s «r«a«_doí»Allí»

"YANKEE NOTIONS,"«hsr« 1« I* ptibliahe-l lu «adras«-«, it l« f«U«««4 sp «1th res*««» ii»oi la.the ni« onaibor of '* Y ANA A -. BDilOBt,' norn resdj si siTsisrl».¦der«. Coptousl» iHustrsled. Pries II taila. ^V*Va I

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nAÛIUAGES! CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES !.¦\_' Mali I'arnasr« and liar Uttttt (.«!>&» to «our light ei|<-a»M sii<4lar*« ntniifs. turinf facilitiss. at »ill i*ll »per «est l«M than Brusdwaf«, HAMS. N, i I" K«.t P.inrtk-at r..r Ht.*d«ay._

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