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    Water Research 37 (2003) 35903601

    Effects of temperature transient conditions on aerobic

    biological treatment of wastewater

    Fernando Morgan-Sagastume, D. Grant Allen*

    Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Pulp & Paper Centre, University of Toronto, 200 College Street,

    Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 3E5

    Received 17 May 2002; accepted 10 April 2003


    The effects of temperature variations on aerobic biological wastewater treatment were evaluated with respect to

    treatment efficiency, solids discharges, sludge physicochemical properties and microbiology. The effects of controlled

    temperature shifts (from 35 to 45C; from 45 to 35C) and periodic temperature oscillations (from 31.5C to 40C, 6-

    day period, for 30 days) were assessed in 4 parallel, lab-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) that treated pulp and

    paper mill effluent.

    Overall, the temperature shifts caused higher effluent suspended solids (ESS) levels (25100 mg/L) and a decrease (up

    to 20%) in the removal efficiencies of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD). Lower ESS levels were triggered by a

    slow (2C/day) versus a fast (10C/12 h) temperature shift from 35 to 45C, but the SCOD removal efficiencies

    decreased similarly in both cases (from 6673% and 6572% to 4973% and 5173%). Temperature oscillations caused

    an increased deterioration of the sludge settleability [high sludge volume indices (SVI); low zone settling velocities

    (ZSV)], high ESS levels and lower SCOD removals.The temperature transients were associated with poor sludge settleability (SVI>100 mL/g MLSS, ZSVo1 cm/min),

    more negatively charged sludge (up to 0.3570.03 meq/g MLSS), increased filament abundance (B4 to 4.5, subjective

    scale equivalent to very common), and decreased concentrations of protozoa and metazoa (25,00050,000

    microorganisms/mL sludge). The controlled, periodic temperature oscillations had a slight impact on SCOD removal

    efficiency (5% decrease), and did not seem to select for robust microorganisms that withstood the temperature shift.

    Sludge deflocculation and filament proliferation caused by these temperature transients may explain the higher ESS


    r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Activated sludge; Temperature transients; Temperature oscillations; SBR; Settleability; Pulp and paper mill effluent

    1. Introduction

    Transient, non-steady state conditions in biological

    wastewater treatment are common, and can be caused

    by changes in substrate and nutrient characteristics or

    concentration, and by changes in the environmental

    conditions to which the biomass is exposed [e.g.,

    dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, temperature]. The effects

    of substrate concentration transients on internal poly-

    mer storage, growth rate, and substrate accumulation

    have been widely investigated and are better understood

    than other types of transients [17]. Environmental

    transients have been associated with system instability

    and/or perturbations, but have been less studied until

    recently. DO transients, specifically anaerobic condi-

    tions, have been related to sludge deflocculation[8], and

    toxic transients (e.g., phenol spikes) have induced sludge


    *Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-416-978-8517; fax: +1-


    E-mail address: [email protected]

    (D.G. Allen).

    0043-1354/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    deflocculation and decreased oxygen uptake rates


    Temperature transients in biological wastewater

    treatment can result from seasonal variations, and from

    the operation of batch units and shutdowns/start-ups in

    upstream industrial processes. Industrial treatment

    systems may be subjected to frequent and drastictemperature transients that affect treatment perfor-

    mance. On the contrary, sewage treatment systems

    may experience mainly seasonal transients of which

    winters may represent the most challenging due to

    reduced microbial activity. Pulp and paper mill effluents,

    similar to those from several food processing industries,

    are characterised by high temperatures (above 2035C)

    [11]. A better understanding of mesophilic and thermo-

    philic aerobic treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent

    has been achieved, especially, in relation to steady-state

    operation at different temperatures [1218]. Neverthe-

    less, the effects of temperature transitions on sludgemetabolism, microbial community structure, settling

    characteristics, and bioflocculation are not well under-


    Temperature shifts have been related to decreased

    treatment performance and system instability [e.g.,

    lower activity, poor settling, high effluent suspended

    solids (ESS)], as in full-scale biological plants treating

    pulp and paper mill effluent over 38C during the

    summer[19,20]. There are a few reports of the effects of

    temperature shifts on aerobic biological wastewater

    treatment, most of which come from temperature

    adjustments in steady-state studies. The effects have

    been dependent on the magnitude of the shift and on the

    temperature range studied, and have been linked to

    decreased sludge metabolic activity and/or poor sludge

    settling [15,21,22]. Observations of deteriorated sludge

    settling due to temperature shifts have been anecdotal,

    but not from systematic studies, and have been reported

    as biomass washout, increments in ESS levels, and

    variability in sludge settling parameters [12,15,23].

    Effluent turbidity increase has been related to defloccu-

    lation and weak flocculation due to a temperature

    decrease from 20C to 4C[24].

    Biological treatment plants of high-temperature ef-

    fluent traditionally operate within the mesophilic tem-perature range of 2535C. In aerobic treatment systems

    that operate at the limit of the mesophilic range (35

    40C), operating at higher temperatures (e.g., 45C)

    during the summer and back down during the fall-winter

    may represent a way of cutting down on costs

    of cooling equipment and limited cooling through

    direct effluent dilution. Treating industrial effluent

    at higher temperatures (e.g., 4045C) may be feasible,

    as demonstrated for pulp and paper mill effluent by

    Tripathi and Allen [16]. However, the transition

    from 3035C to 4045C in the summer, and back to


    C in the fall-winter, may represent a challenge

    due to system instability. Destabilisation due to

    transients is becoming of greater concern as treatment

    systems are pushed to work at their treatment limits

    to meet more stringent regulations and/or increased


    The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of

    controlled temperature transients on the performance ofan activated-sludge-type system. The impacts of a 10C

    temperature upshift and a 10C temperature downshift

    on the sludge metabolic activity, settling and biofloccu-

    lation characteristics were assessed at the upper limit of

    mesophilic treatment (3045C). In addition, the poten-

    tial to enhance the robustness of the sludge to handle

    temperature shifts through adaptation to temperature

    oscillations was evaluated.

    2. Experimental procedures

    2.1. Experimental apparatus

    Bleached hardwood kraft pulp and paper mill effluent

    was used in this study. Approximately 2200 L of mill

    effluent were collected from the outlet of the primary

    clarifier during a period of 1.5 h, and immediately

    refrigerated at 4C. The mill produces approximately

    300 t/day of Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) bleached

    hardwood kraft pulp, 120 t/day of recycled bleached

    corrugated pulp, and 700 t/day of fine paper. The

    treatment plant handles about 128,000 m3/day of waste-


    The biomass used as inoculum (approximately 0.35 L/

    reactor) was return-activated-sludge mixed liquor ob-

    tained from the same mill wastewater treatment plant,

    and was refrigerated until inoculation. The sludge was

    aerated for 1 day at room temperature before inoculat-

    ing and starting up the reactors. This sludge suspension

    had a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of

    12,5707230 mg/L and a volatile suspended solids (VSS)

    concentration of 98307130 mg/L.

    The effluent from the mill was transported to our

    research laboratory in a refrigerated truck, and then

    frozen at 20C. The wastewater was thawed as

    required (about 84 L/week). Nitrogen (N) and phos-phorus (P) were added to the thawed, raw mill effluent

    as ammonium chloride (NH4Cl; Mallinckrodt Inc.,

    Paris, Kentucky) and di-ammonium hydrogen ortho-

    phosphate [(NH4)2HPO4; BDH Inc., Toronto, Ontario],

    in a soluble-COD:N:P ratio of 200:5:1. The pH of the

    feed (conditioned mill effluent) was decreased to 6 by

    adding 20% v/v sulphuric acid (H2SO4, Reagent A.C.S.

    Fischer Scientific, Nepean, Ontario), which maintained

    the mixed liquor pH between 7 and 8 (pH=7.670.3).

    The prepared feed was then stored in 4 separate 9-L

    containers (High-density polyethylene carboy, Nalgene,

    VWR Scientific, Mississauga, Ontario) at 4

    C in a 153-L


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    refrigerator (W.C. Wood Co., Ottawa, Ohio), part of the

    reactors setup.

    An hour and a half before each feeding cycle, 1 L of

    feed from each refrigerated container was pumped into a

    2-L glass holding tank, where the temperature reached

    28C by means of a water bath. The pre-warmed feed at

    28C caused the temperature of the sludge in thereactors at 35 or 45C to decrease to a minimum of

    33.5C (from 35C) and to a minimum of 40C (from

    45C) during feeding, respectively. The initial tempera-

    ture of 35 or 45C recovered within less than an hour

    since the beginning of feeding. These batch-feeding

    temperature transients, similar to the feast-starvation

    transients inherent to the batch reactors operation, had

    no observable disturbing effect on the treatment

    performance of the reactors since relatively constant

    operating conditions were achieved over time. The

    temperature cooling during feeding, therefore, did not

    represent a significant shock to the system.Four parallel sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were

    operated to mimic the processes taking place in an

    activated sludge system, and were connected to the feed-

    storage refrigerator, preheating tank, and water baths,

    as described elsewhere [16,23]. The 4 SBRs were

    operated in three 8-h cycles per day. Each 8-h cycle

    consisted of a 25-min anoxic filling phase with mixing, a

    reaction phase with continuous mixing and aeration

    (385min), a 60-min settling phase, and a 10-min

    discharge phase. The DO levels were above 23 mg/L

    during the reaction phase in the 4 reactors, except for the

    initial 20 min, after anoxic filling, when the DO levels

    were below 1 mg/L. A sludge retention time (SRT) of

    approximately 25 days in the 4 SBRs was maintained by

    the amounts of mixed liquor wasted every 2 days (B8%

    of mixed liquor), taking into account the wastage due to

    suspended solids in the effluent.

    2.2. Temperature transients

    Two main temperature variations in the 4 SBRs were

    conducted on days 117 and 146, as illustrated in Fig. 1.

    Before the first shift (Day 117), the 4 reactors were

    acclimated at 35C, and the sludge was mixed and

    redistributed among the 4 SBRs (Day 111). One SBR(SBR1) was subjected to a fast temperature increase

    (10C/12 h) from 35 to 45C. A second SBR (SBR2)

    was subjected to a slow, 2C/day temperature increase

    during 5 days to achieve a net increase from 35 to 45C.

    The temperature in a third SBR (SBR3) was initially

    increased from 35 to 40C, and after 3 days at 40C,

    decreased to approximately 32.5C to begin periodic

    temperature oscillations from 31.5 to 40C with a 6-

    day period. The fourth reactor (SBR4) acted as control

    at 35C for the temperature shifts, and provided for a

    paired experiment showing that the shift effects were not

    due to random operating characteristics.

    Twenty-nine days after the first temperature shift, the

    mixed liquors from SBR1 and SBR2 were mixed and

    redistributed between the 2 reactors, and a second

    temperature transient was conducted (Day 146). SBR1

    remained at 45C, the temperature in SBR2 was

    decreased from 45 to 35C, SBR3 was subjected to

    an increase from 31.5 to 45C, and the temperature in

    SBR4 was increased from 35 to 45C. In this case, the

    reactor performance after 4535C decrease (SBR2) was

    compared to that under constant temperature at 45C

    (SBR1), and the effects of a 31.545C increase after

    temperature oscillations (SBR3) were compared to those

    of a 3545C increase after constant temperature

    operation at 35C (SBR4).

    The reactors temperature was monitored with 76 mm

    mercury thermometers. Deep-chamber water baths

    (3 SBRs: 33 L, 1295 PC, VWR Scientific, Mississauga,

    Ontario; 1 SBR: MagniWhirl Constant Temperature

    Bath, Blue M Electric Company, Blue Island, Illinois)

    connected to the reactors water jackets were used tocontrol the reactors temperatures. The accuracy of the

    temperature readings was 71C.

    2.3. Microbial activity

    Organic carbon biodegradation was monitored by

    measuring soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD)

    from the inlet of the reactors and the treated effluent

    discharged and collected at the end of a cycle. The

    samples were filtered through 1.5-mm-pore-size glass

    microfibre filters (934-AH, Whatman Inc., Clifton, New

    Jersey), and stored at 4

    C before digestion. COD







    100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170

    Time of operation (days)










    100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170

    Time of operation (days)






    Fig. 1. Temperature profiles in the 4 SBRs during the 3545C

    temperature upshift, the 4535C temperature downshift, and

    during temperature oscillations. (A) Profiles of SBRs 1 and 2

    and (B) profiles of SBRs 3 and 4.

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    measurement in the filtrates was conducted following

    Standard Methods[25].

    The total COD of the fresh raw pulp mill effluent

    when collected was about 800 mg/L. The average

    SCOD of the effluent was 578720mg/L before

    storage at 20C. A reduction in the SCOD levels

    of the original effluent took place after freezing,thawing and refrigerating the effluent. Therefore, the

    feed to 4 SBRs had a lower average SCOD of

    371753 mg/L (average from the 4 SBRs in Table 1)

    during the 165 days of operation than the original

    effluent; however, the 4 SBRs were fed with the same

    prepared batches of mill effluent.

    Specific oxygen uptake rates (OURs) were calculated

    from DO measurements (YSI Model 57, YSI 5750 BOD

    Bottle Probe, YSI Inc., Yellow Springs Instrument Co.

    Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio) taken within the reactors at

    different points during the reaction phase of an

    operating cycle.Mixed liquor total suspended solids (MLSS), MLVSS,

    and effluent total suspended solids (ESS) were measured

    based on Standard Methods[25].

    2.4. Floc characterisation

    Sludge surface charge was determined by

    cationic-anionic titration [26,27]. A 0.002-N hexadi-

    methrine-bromide (Polybrene) solution and a 0.001-N

    sodium-salt-polyanetholesulphonic-acid solution were

    used as the cationic and the anionic standards,


    2.5. Sludge settling characteristics

    Sludge volume indices (SVIs) [25] and zone settling

    velocities (ZSVs) [27] were used for assessing

    sludge compressibility and settleability, respectively.

    Measurements were conducted within the SBRs

    during the settling phase of a cycle. No statistically

    significant differences between SVIs measured within the

    reactors and in a 1000 mL graduated cylinder were


    2.6. Microbiology

    The abundance of filamentous bacteria was recorded

    9 times during 165 days of operation based on Jenkins

    et al.s [29]subjective scoring system: none (0), few (1),

    some (2), common (3), very common (4), abundant (5),

    excessive (6). Filament identification was conductedbased on Eikelboom types [28].

    Protozoa and metazoa were enumerated in

    an undiluted mixed liquor sample using a

    corpuscle counting chamber (Improved Neubauer

    Levy Chamber, Hausser Scientific, Blue Bell, Philadel-

    phia) under phase contrast microscopy at 400


    2.7. Statistical analyses

    Mean values are reported with 71 standarddeviation, except for the SCOD removals before (Days

    1116) and after (Days 117146) the shift from 35 to

    45C (Day 117; as in Fig. 2) and SCOD from days

    147165 (as in Fig. 2) for which 95% confidence limits

    are used.

    The statistical significance of differences between

    means from the same SBR before and after a

    temperature shift was assessed by paired Students t

    hypothesis tests, and the statistical significance of

    differences between means from two different SBRs

    was assessed by Students t hypothesis tests for

    independent samples and unequal variances, both at

    the 95% confidence level. The levels of significance of

    the tests (p) are reported for those cases where a

    significant difference was found.

    The relationships between sludge settling parameters

    (SVI and ZSV), filament abundance, temperature and

    ESS were evaluated with the Pearsons product moment

    linear coefficient at the 99% or 95% confidence

    level. Whenever a linear correlation was not

    statistically significant at the 95% confidence level, the

    relationship was evaluated with the Spearmans rank-

    order correlation coefficient at the 99% or 95%

    confidence level.


    Table 1

    Operating conditions in the 4 SBRs as averages71 standard deviation (from at least 25 observations) calculated from data collected

    from day 1 to 165, unless indicated

    SBR Actual SRTa (d) Average MLVSSa (mg/L) Influent SCOD (mg/L) pH DOb (mg/L)

    1 2678 29007390 374749 7.770.3 2.871.0

    2 26710 29007590 368757 7.670.3 3.371.2

    3 22711 26007400 372750 7.670.3 4.071.3

    4 2577 28007390 372756 7.670.3 4.971.4

    aData from stable conditions after initial acclimation and before transient conditions (days 40120).b

    Values from DO levels during the react phase from stable and transient conditions (days 40165).

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    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Sludge acclimation and 3035C shift

    To isolate the impacts of the temperature transients

    on system performance, the hydraulic retention time

    (HRT), the SRT, pH, macronutrients availability, and

    aeration rate were maintained approximately constant

    among the 4 reactors (Table 1). The HRT was set at 12 h

    and the SRT was approximately 25 days, which was

    achieved for most of the operating period except when

    biomass washout occurred due to filamentous bulking

    (SRTB22 d in SBR 3) or due to temperature transients

    after day 140. Although lower DO levels were main-

    tained in the reactors where the temperature was

    increased (SBR1, 2 and 3), the DO concentrations were

    on average higher than 2 mg/L in all the SBRs.

    The biomass within the 4 SBRs was allowed to

    acclimate (B3 SRTs) before shifting the temperature.

    Acclimation was considered complete when the MLVSS

    concentrations, the SCOD removals, the sludge settling

    curves, and the DO uptake profiles within a cycle were

    relatively constant among the reactors operating at the

    same temperature.SBRs 1 and 4 were started up at 30C and SBRs 2 and

    3 at 35C. Steady performance was reached in approxi-

    mately 30 days and the temperature in SBRs 1 and 4 was

    increased to 35C on day 60. The increase in tempera-

    ture from 30 to 35C was conducted in duplicate, in

    SBRs 1 and 4 at the same time.

    During the 165 days of operation, the reaction-phase

    SOUR profiles were consistent among reactors, both

    before and after temperature shifts. This indicated that

    the microorganisms had similar oxygen require-

    ments across the 4 reactors, even under temperature


    The performance of SBRs 1 and 4 was not affected by

    the 3035C temperature increase (Day 60); therefore,

    this mesophilic temperature shift seems insignificant. In

    the 4 reactors, during the first 116 days of operation, the

    SCOD removals were not significantly different (Days

    1116: SBR1=6572%; SBR2=6673%; SBR3=

    6972%; SBR4=6772%), the filament abundance

    remained within common to very common (3.3

    4), the dominant filaments were Haliscomenobacter-

    hydrossis-like type and type 021N, the effluent sus-

    pended solids (ESS) concentrations were below 30 mg/L,

    and the sludge volume indices (SVIs) and the zone

    settling velocities (ZSVs) were similar before and after

    the shift (Table 2). In addition, there was no significant

    difference in performance among the 4 reactors during

    the early acclimation period (Days 360): between SBRs

    1 and 4 at 30C, between SBRs 2 and 3 at 35C, and

    between the SBRs at 30C and those at 35C.

    The performance of the 4 reactors at 35C (Days 60

    116) was reproducible since no significant difference in

    performance was found among reactors with respect to

    all of the parameters measured (SCOD removals, SVI,

    ZSV, sludge surface charge, and ESS). The reproduci-

    bility in performance obtained by operating the 4 SBRsin parallel at the same temperature of 35C for

    approximately 60 days ensured that the response of

    the reactors under the temperature transients was not

    random; this reproducibility is shown by similar

    operating values7standard deviation among reactors

    (Table 2).

    Variable ESS levels, SVIs and ZSVs were observed in

    SBR1 and especially in SBR3 during the first 104 days of

    operation, but these were due to filamentous bulking

    (Table 2). The incidents of poor sludge compressibility

    (SVIs>100 mL/g MLSS) and settleability (ZSVs

    o1 cm/min) in SBRs 1 and 3 correlated to filamentous


    Fig. 2. Soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) average removals in the 4 SBRs before and after the 3545C temperature upshifts

    (SBRs 1 and 2; SBR4), the 4535C temperature downshift (SBR2), during 31.540C temperature oscillations (SBR3), and the period

    from day 147 to 165. The error bars represent 95% confidence levels.

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    proliferation (>3.5, common) and high ESS levels

    (>30mg/L, up to 900 mg/L in SBR3), but not to

    temperature. These incidents of filamentous bulking in

    SBR 1 at 30C and SBR 3 at 35C remained without

    apparent explanation and point out the potential forfilamentous bacteria to bloom unpredictably.

    3.2. Temperature upshift from 35C to 45C

    The temperature shift from 35 to 45C was

    conducted relatively rapidly in SBR1 (10C/12 h), and

    more slowly (2C/day) in SBR2. SBR4 was operated as

    a control at 35C. At the same time, SBR3 was operated

    under oscillating conditions.

    The reactors were further monitored for 29 days, after

    which time the sludge in SBRs 1 and 2 was mixed

    together in preparation for a temperature downshiftfrom 45C t o 3 5C in SBR2 (Day 146). For this

    temperature shift, SBR1 remained as a reference at


    3.2.1. Soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD)


    Increasing the temperature (Day 117) from 35C to

    45C quickly (SBR1) and slowly (SBR2) reduced the

    SCOD removals up to 1820% with respect to those of

    the control reactor at 35C (SBR4) (Fig. 2). The SCOD

    removals in the constant-temperature reactor (SBR4 at


    C) were the same before and after the temperatureshift: 6772% (Days 1116) and 6373% (Days 117

    146). The SCOD removals in the fast-shift reactor

    (SBR1: 5174%) and the slow-shift reactor (SBR2:

    4974%) were statistically significantly lower than

    those from the control SBR4 (pSBR1 1:9 105


    pSBR2 4:7 105) and oscillating SBR3 (pSBR1

    0:002; pSBR2 0:0003), which shows the reproducibility

    of the effect of increasing the temperature up to 45C.

    No statistically significant difference in SCOD removals

    was observed between conducting the 3545C tem-

    perature shift quickly and slowly. The SCOD-concen-

    tration profiles over a cycle time were similar among

    reactors, and showed that the treated effluent SCOD

    concentrations from the fast-shift (SBR1) and slow-shift

    (SBR2) reactors were approximately 50 mg/L higher

    than those from the oscillating (SBR3) and control

    (SBR4) reactors (data not shown).Although the temperature in SBR2 was later de-

    creased from 45C to 35C (Day 147), no statistically

    significant increase in SCOD removal was observed

    between operating at 35C (SBR2: 5875%) and 45C

    (SBR1: 5872%). The SCOD removal in SBR1 after the

    3545C shift (Days 117146: 5174%) increased

    significantly (p 0:017) after operating SBR1 for 19

    more days at 45C (Days 147165: 5872%), thereby

    indicating a gradual acclimation. It is possible that the

    biomass in SBRs 1 and 2 would have acclimated further,

    with higher removal efficiencies, if the reactors would

    have been operated at 45

    C for longer than 29 days(Days 117146), as reported by Tripathi and Allen[16].

    A possible explanation for the decrease in SCOD

    removal is microbial activity reduction due to the

    readjustment of microbial enzymatic activity. Microbial

    metabolic deterioration and microbial death and lysis

    could have also led to reduced SCOD removals.

    However, the reduction in SCOD removal efficiencies

    due to the temperature upshift was not correlated with

    any change in SOUR profiles. Therefore, the release of

    soluble products from the sludge flocs due to defloccula-

    tion and lysis, as reported by Barker and Stuckey[30], is

    also a plausible cause of increased effluent SCOD levels.

    3.2.2. Sludge settling characteristics

    The temperature shifts, both 3545C upshift and 45

    35C downshift, deteriorated the sludge settling char-

    acteristics. Before the 3545C upshift (Day 117), the

    sludge in the 4 SBRs was settling slowly (ZSVp1.5cm/

    min) and had a moderate compressibility (SVI=75

    150 mL/g MLSS)(Fig. 3), compared to previous values

    of highly settleable (ZSV>2 cm/min) and compressible

    (SVI o75 mL/g MLSS) sludge. The 3545C upshift

    (Day 117) caused the sludge compressibility to decrease

    further (SBRs 1 and 2: SVI=120210 mL/g MLSS),


    Table 2

    Operating parameters of the 4 SBRs as averages71 standard deviation before and after the 3035C shift in SBRs 1 and 4 (day 60)

    SBR SCOD removal (%) Filament abundance SVI (mL/g MLSS) ZSV (cm/min) ESS (mg/L)

    Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After

    1 6675 6578 3.5 3.53.7 98742 87727 1.871.9b 3.271.8 1974 19711

    2a 66711 6775 33.5 3.53.7 61719 115756 3.571.6 2.371.8 23717 1875

    3a,b 6975 6977 2.83.8 3.74 115756 177771 2.371.9 0.770.5 2477 1697303

    4 6775 6776 2.83.5 3.5 55711 5979 4.071.1 4.171.1 2073 2176

    Before=days 1559; After=days 60104, except for the SCOD removals where Before=days 360 and After=days 60112.aReactors continuously at 35C.bHigher variability and/or different after values reflect filamentous-bulking incidents.

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    especially in the fast-shift reactor (SBR1), and the sludge

    continued to settle poorly (SBRs 1 and 2: ZSV o1cm/

    min) during the 20 days after the shift. On the contrary,

    the compressibility and settleability in the control SBR4

    at 35C improved due to stable operation (SVI

    o100 mg/L; ZSV=1.53.1 cm/min).

    The poorer sludge compressibility and settleability

    after the temperature upshift (in SBRs 1 and 2) were

    accompanied by higher ESS levels, due to an increase in

    filament abundance (sludge bulking). One cause of high

    ESS levels (>100 mg/L), as in the cases of SBRs 1 and 3shown inFig. 5, was poor sludge settling characteristics

    since the sludge blanket rose above the outlet port where

    the treated effluent was discharged, and biomass was

    washed out. Filament abundance may have been

    promoted by the temperature shifts. A slight increase

    in filament abundance (up to B4) with respect to that in

    the control reactor (SBR4 at 35C; filament abundance

    B3.53.7) occurred in the fast-shift (SBR1) and slow-

    shift (SBR2) reactors after the 3545C temperature

    shift. The filament abundance in SBR2 remained similar

    to that of SBR1 (at 45C) after decreasing the

    temperature from 45

    C to 35

    C in SBR2 (Day 147).

    These results agree with observations of poor sludge

    settling at higher temperatures under steady-state

    conditions. Settleability reduction (SVI increase) at high

    temperatures under steady-state was reported by Car-

    penter et al.[19] in continuous stirred-tank reactors that

    treated pulp and paper mill effluent and operated with

    acclimated activated sludge at 37C, 42C, 47C, and

    52C. Krishna and Van Loosdrecht [6] reported a

    continuous decrease in sludge settleability (SVI increase)

    with increasing temperature (15C, 20C, 25C, 30C,

    and 35

    C) in aerobic SBRs treating an acetate mediumunder steady state. Some authors report similar sludge

    settling characteristics at temperatures between 35C

    and 45C [12,16], but at steady state. Tripathi [23]

    reported higher variability in SVIs during a transient

    between 35C and 45C than at a constant temperature

    of 45C.

    About 25 days after the 3545C upshift (Days 144

    153), the sludge that had been operating at 45C (SBRs

    1 and 2) changed significantly: a firmer, more compact,

    less negatively charged sludge with common abundance

    of filamentous organisms and improved settleability and

    compressibility was observed. This could be explained










    105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165

    Time of operation (Days)







    T=35C(4 SBRs) T=45C(SBR1&2); T=35C(SBR4); T=30-40C(SBR3) T=45C(SBR1,3&4); T=35C(SBR2)









    105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165

    Time of operation (Days)







    T=35C(4 SBRs) T=45C(SBR1&2); T=35C(SBR4); T=30-40C(SBR3) T=45C(SBR1,3&4); T=35C(SBR2)

    Fig. 3. Sludge volume index (SVI) and zone settling velocity (ZSV) measured in the 4 SBRs before and after the 3545C temperature

    upshifts, the 4535C temperature downshift, and during temperature oscillations (31.540C). The SBRs conditions are labelled on

    top of each graph.

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    by acclimation at 45C in SBRs 1 and 2. The decrease in

    temperature in SBR2 from 45C to 35C (Day 147) did

    not improve or maintain the good sludge compressibility

    and settleability in this reactor; similar behaviour and

    values of SVI and ZSV were registered in both SBR1

    (constant at 45C) and SBR2 (4535C downshift).

    These observations suggest that both temperatureupshifts and downshifts cause poor sludge compressi-

    bility and settleability, and that this condition is

    irreversible with respect to temperature downshifts

    within the time frame studied.

    3.2.3. Sludge deflocculation

    The temperature increase from 35C to 45C (Day

    117; SBRs 1 and 2) caused a net decrease in the sludge

    surface charge (Fig. 4). Similar sludge surface charge

    values, hence similar sludge physico-chemical character-

    istics, among the SBRs were measured before the 35


    C temperature shift (SBRs 1 and 2). A slowtemperature shift (SBR2) in comparison to a faster

    one (SBR1) delayed the sludge becoming more nega-

    tively charged, but a similar sludge surface charge was

    ultimately reached in both reactors after 8 days of the

    shift (SBR1: 0.2470.03meq/g MLSS; SBR2:

    0.2470.01 meq/g MLSS; SBR4: 0.1570.01 meq/g

    MLSS). This suggests that the factors determining the

    sludge charge characteristics are a function of

    the temperature rather than of the mode in which the

    temperature is attained. The later decrease in tempera-

    ture from 45C to 35C in SBR2 (Day 147) did not

    change the sludge charge in SBR2, which remained

    similar to that of SBR1 at 45C. The sludge charge

    among SBR1 (at 45C), SBR2 (at 35C since day 147),

    and SBR4 (at 45C since day 147) were similar, ranging

    from 0.11 to 0.22 meq/g MLSS (Fig. 4).

    Sludge surface charge is believed to influence sludge

    floc stability and floc formation due to the interaction of

    electrostatic forces at the solidliquid interface of sludge

    particles, as indicated by Zita and Hermansson[31]and

    Mikkelsen et al. [32].A more negatively charged sludge

    (i.e., less hydrophobic) has been correlated[27]with pin-

    point flocs and probably deflocculation. The increase in

    negative surface charge may have been due to the

    presence of more soluble compounds with anionicfunctional groups released by floc fragmentation and/

    or sludge lysis, as a consequence of the temperature

    shift. Negative sludge surface charge under neutral

    conditions has been attributed to the presence of anionic

    functional groups (e.g., carboxyl, hydroxyl, phosphate

    groups) on the sludge floc surface[33,34]. Deflocculation

    may have also increased the sludge surface area per g of

    sludge due to the presence of smaller floc fragments with

    increased surface, thereby increasing the sludge surface

    charge. Lower sludge hydrophobicity (and presumably

    more negatively charged sludge) has been associated

    with deflocculating sludge under phenol disturbancesand has been partially explained by the effect of cellular

    components released by lysis [10]. Lysis may be

    explained by cell death, at least in some bacteria and

    microfauna, due to irreversible damage as a result of

    transient conditions; the cause of deflocculation,

    although associated with sludge physico-chemical prop-

    erties, is not known. Further research in this area is

    being conducted in our laboratory.

    Further evidence of deflocculation as a result of the

    3545C shift (Day 117) came from the high ESS levels

    (SBRs 1 and 2). High ESS levels (25100 mg/L) were due

    to pin-point flocs in suspension in the treated effluent,

    which may have come from stressed flocs that became

    structurally weak and deflocculated. Before the tem-

    perature shift, the ESS concentrations amongst the 4

    reactors were similar and below 25mg/L (Fig. 5).

    However, after one day of the temperature shift (Day

    118), the ESS concentration increased above 25 mg/L in










    0.00105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165

    Time of operation (Days)







    T=35C(4 SBRs) T=45C(SBR1&2); T=35C(SBR4); T=30-40C(SBR3) T=45C(SBR1,3&4); T=35C(SBR2)

    Fig. 4. Sludge surface charge in the 4 SBRs before and after the 3545C temperature upshifts, the 4535C temperature downshift,

    and during temperature oscillations (31.540

    C). The error bars represent standard deviations of surface charge measurements.

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    the fast-shift reactor (SBR1). In this fast-shift reactor

    (SBR1), high ESS concentrations of 45 mg/L and up to

    187 mg/L were registered within 15 days after the shift

    (Fig. 5). In contrast, in the slow-shift reactor (SBR2),

    only a slight increase in ESS (up to 32mg/L) was

    registered compared with the control at 35C (SBR4:

    ESS o 25 mg/L) and to the period before the shift.

    These results show that a 3545C temperature upshift

    produces higher ESS levels, and suggests that the higher

    the magnitude of the temperature upshift, the higher the

    ESS levels.

    There are few reports on ESS levels under tempera-

    ture transients. Lee et al. [12]mention slight settleability

    deterioration as a result of a 3545C shift in a lab-scale

    aerated lagoon treating bleached kraft mill effluent.

    Although contradictory results have been reported on

    settling at different temperatures when treating pulp mill

    effluent, as pointed out by Barr et al. [15], the results

    from the present work are consistent with those from

    some researchers[16, 35]in that high ESS levels occur at

    temperatures higher than 40C under steady state.

    Reproducibility of the effects of the shift from 35C to

    45C on high ESS levels are demonstrated by the

    increase in ESS concentrations in the 4 SBRs when

    subjected to temperature transients within this range(Fig. 5).

    After the 4535C decrease in temperature in SBR2

    (Day 147), the ESS levels returned to the normal levels

    below 25 mg/L, which supports the idea that while

    increasing temperature causes higher ESS levels, de-

    creasing temperature counteracts this effect.

    3.2.4. Sludge microorganisms

    A shift in the Eikelboom types of filaments may have

    occurred due to the 3545C shift. Before the shift in

    SBRs 1 and 2, the prevalent types were Haliscomeno-

    bacter-hydrossis -like,Thiothrixspp., and types 0041 and

    021N; however, after the shift, the dominant types were

    type 021N and Thiothrix spp. This is in agreement with

    the prevalence ofThiothrix spp. and Type 021N in the

    full-scale pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment

    plant during the summer, from where the inoculum and

    the effluent were collected. In the control reactor at

    35C (SBR4), Haliscomenobacter-hydrossis-like and type

    0041 were the dominant types. No further changes in

    filament type dominance were recorded. The types of

    filaments identified in the reactors have been identified

    as some of the dominant types in bulking sludge of

    activated sludge plants treating pulp and paper mill

    effluent [36].

    Protozoa and metazoa concentrations decreased

    significantly with the 3545C temperature shift (SBRs

    1 and 2). After the 3545C shift, the protozoan/

    metazoan concentrations in the fast-shift reactor

    (SBR1=46,000726,000 microorganisms/mL sludge)

    and slow-shift reactor (SBR2=47,000725,000 micro-

    organisms/mL sludge) were significantly lower than

    those in the control at 35C (SBR4=130,000759,000

    microorganisms/mL sludge). Whereas the low concen-

    trations of higher life forms prevailed at 45C (SBRs 1

    and 2), the protozoan/metazoan concentrations in-

    creased to about 150,000 microorganisms/mL sludge 2days after the temperature was decreased from 45C to

    35C (SBR2, day 147). A diverse microfauna was

    observed at 35C (stalked ciliates, small free-swimming

    ciliates, flagellates, rotifers, rotifer cysts, and nema-

    todes), but mostly small free-swimming ciliates/flagel-

    lates and inactive/dead rotifers, inactive/dead stalked

    ciliates and inactive/dead nematodes were observed after

    the shift (SBRs 1 and 2 at 45C). These observations

    give additional evidence of floc fragmentation since

    thriving of small flagellates and free-swimming ciliates

    may be indicative of deflocculation[29]and the presence

    of soluble organic matter.











    105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165

    Time of operation (Days)






    T=35C (4 SBRs) T=45C (SBR1&2); T=35C (SBR4); T=30-40C (SBR3) T=45C (SBR1,3&4); T=35C (SBR2)

    Fig. 5. Effluent suspended solids (ESS) in the 4 SBRs before and after the 3545C temperature upshifts, the 4535C temperature

    downshift, and during temperature oscillations (31.540C). The error bars represent standard deviations of ESS measurements.

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    3.3. Temperature oscillations (31.540C)

    At the same time of the 3545C temperature shift

    (SBRs 1 and 2 on day 117), another SBR (SBR3) was

    subjected to a fast temperature increase from 35C to

    40C, and to periodic temperature oscillating condi-

    tions. The oscillations consisted of variations in tem-perature from 40C to 31.5C with a period of 6 days,

    operating consecutively for 3 days at 40C and 3 days at

    31.5C (Fig. 1). After 29 days under oscillations (Day

    146), a temperature upshift from 31.5C to 45C was

    conducted in the oscillating reactor (SBR3) to test the

    hypothesis that temperature oscillations select for a

    microbial community that handles temperature varia-

    tions. Also on day 146, the control reactor at 35

    (SBR4) was subjected to a 3545C temperature shift,

    after operating for 86 days at a constant temperature of


    Temperature oscillations (Days 117146) had nosignificant effect on the SCOD removal efficiency

    (SBR3: SCOD removal=6174%) compared to that of

    the control at 35C (SBR4: SCOD removal=6373%).

    Nevertheless, a slight reduction of 5% in SCOD

    removals was observed during oscillations (Days 117

    146) in the SBR3 compared to the previous removals

    before oscillations in the same reactor (Days 1116);

    there was a statistically significant difference (p 0:002)

    between the SCOD removals before (6972%) and after

    (6174%) oscillations in the SBR3 (Fig. 2). No

    statistically significant differences in SCOD removals

    were observed between the oscillating (SBR3) and

    control (SBR4) reactors before or after the temperature

    upshift to 45C (Day 146; Fig. 2). Nevertheless, the

    sludge settling characteristics, the physico-chemical

    sludge characteristics, and ESS concentrations changed

    under temperature oscillating conditions.

    Under temperature oscillations (SBR3: days 117

    146), the sludge settling characteristics deteriorated

    steadily with time (Fig. 3). In the oscillating reactor

    (SBR3), both the sludge compressibility and settleability

    were poor (SVI>100 mL/g MLSS; ZSVo1 cm/min)

    compared to those of the control at 35C (SBR4:

    SVIo75 mL/g MLSS and ZSV=13.1 cm/min). After

    the temperature increase to 45

    C in SBRs 3 and 4 (Day147), the sludge settling characteristics in the previously

    oscillating reactor (SBR3) further deteriorated, and the

    SVIs reached values as high as 345 mL/g MLSS

    after 6 days of the shift. In the control (SBR4), the

    SVI also increased as a result of the temperature upshift

    to 45C and reached similar values as in SBR3 after 13

    days of the upshift. This agrees with the previous

    observations from the 3545C shift (SBRs 1 and 2: day

    117), and supports the reproducibility of the experi-

    ments and the conclusions on the negative impacts of

    temperature upshifts on sludge compressibility and


    This poor sludge settling may have also been a

    consequence of filament proliferation. In the oscillating

    reactor (SBR3), a change in filament abundance was

    scored from B3.7 up to B4 (very common) after

    shifting to oscillating conditions, and from B3.8

    up to B4.5 after the temperature upshift to 45C (Day

    147). Similarly, in the control (SBR4) an increase infilament abundance from B3.53.7 to B3.84.1 was

    scored after increasing the temperature in this reactor

    to 45C.

    The sludge surface became more negatively charged

    under temperature oscillations, decreasing steadily (Fig.

    4) until it reached a value of0.3570.03 meq/g MLSS,

    the most negative charge measured in the 4 SBRs. This

    was significantly lower (po0:05) than the sludge charge

    of the control (SBR4: 0.1570.01 meq/g MLSS). The

    sludge surface in the oscillating reactor (SBR3) was

    more negatively charged than in the control (SBR4)

    before and after the temperature increase to 45

    C inboth reactors (Day 147). The sludge surface charge in

    SBR4 did not change significantly after the 3545C

    temperature upshift.

    The ESS levels during temperature oscillations (SBR3:

    1632 mg/L) were higher than those of the control at

    35C (SBR4: >15 mg/L), and they increased steadily

    after 25 days under oscillating conditions (up to 49 mg/

    L) and also due to the subsequent upshift to 45C (Day

    47). Although the temperature increase to 45C in SBR4

    was followed by an increase in the ESS concentrations

    (above 15mg/L), this was not as drastic as in the

    previous temperature shifts (SBRs 1 and 2); this suggests

    that the long run of 86 days under a constant

    temperature of 35C (SBR4) improved the stability

    during the transition.

    Similar to the 3545C shift (SBRs 1 and 2), the

    temperature increment to 45C in the oscillating (SBR3)

    and control (SBR4) reactors (Day 147) caused a

    decrease in protozoan/metazoan concentrations (from

    approximately 150,000 to 25,00050,000 microorgan-

    isms/mL sludge). Conversely, the temperature oscilla-

    tions did not cause any change in the protozoan/

    metazoan diversity and concentration (B150,000 micro-

    organisms/mL sludge) with respect to those of the

    control at 35

    C (SBR4). Overall, the changes inprotozoan/metazoan diversity and concentration due

    to the temperature shifts suggest that from 35C to 41C

    a similar, diverse, and active protozoan-metazoan

    community exists, and that some microorganisms

    survive up to 4145C.

    In conclusion, these types of periodic temperature

    oscillations (31.540C, 6-day period, for 30 days) did

    not select for a microbial community that handled

    temperature variations (up to 45C) more robustly. On

    the contrary, operating the reactor at a constant

    temperature for a long period seemed to have helped

    buffer the effect of the 45

    C temperature upshift.


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    3.4. Overall correlation of sludge settling characteristics

    and temperature

    Statistically significant correlations (Table 3) amongsludge filament abundance, settling characteristics, and

    temperature suggest that filament proliferation was

    promoted by the temperature upshifts studied here

    (filament abundance vs. temperature), and that sludge

    settling deteriorated due to filament proliferation (SVI

    and ZSV versus temperature and filament abundance).

    In addition, an overall correlation of ESS versus

    temperature confirmed that the temperature upshifts

    within the temperature range examined here lead to

    higher ESS concentrations.

    4. Conclusions

    The temperature upshifts (from 35C to 45C) had 2

    major effects: a reduction (up to 20%) in SCOD removal

    efficiency and an increase in effluent suspended solids

    (ESS) levels.

    Temperature upshifts (from 35C to 45C) and

    periodic temperature oscillations (from 31.5C to

    40C, 6-day period, for 30 days) deteriorated the sludge

    settling characteristics [poorer sludge compressibility

    (high SVIs) and settleability (low ZSVs)] by promoting

    filament proliferation.

    Poor sludge compressibility and settleability, and highESS levels due to the 3545C shift were attenuated by

    a gradual temperature increase (2C/day), compared to

    a faster temperature increase (10C/12h) in these

    experiments. The SCOD removals, however, decreased

    in a similar fashion under fast and slow temperature


    Periodic temperature oscillations (from 31.5C to

    40C, 6-day period, for 30 days) did not select for a

    microbial community that handled temperature varia-

    tions more robustly from the ESS and sludge settling

    perspective. These periodic oscillations slightly de-

    creased the SCOD removal efficiency in 5%.

    Sludge deflocculation and poor sludge settling due to

    the temperature shifts were the origin of high ESS levels.

    Sludge deflocculation could have decreased the SCOD

    removal efficiency by increasing the effluent SCODconcentrations.

    Temperature upshifts (from 35C to 45C) and

    periodic temperature oscillations (from 31.5C to

    40C, 6-day period, for 30 days) caused a more

    negatively charged sludge, a shift in filamentous organ-

    isms, and a reduction in protozoan/metazoan concen-

    trations and diversity.


    The authors acknowledge the financial support fromthe members of the Consortium Minimizing the Impact

    of Pulp and Paper Mill Discharges at the Pulp and

    Paper Centre, University of Toronto: Aracruz Celulose,

    Carter Holt Harvey Tasman, S.A., Domtar Inc., EKA

    Chemicals Inc., Georgia-Pacific Corporation, Irving

    Pulp and Paper Ltd., Japan Carlit Co. Ltd., ERCO

    worldwide (formerly sterling Pulp Chemicals Ltd.), and

    Tembec Inc. In addition, the financial support from the

    Government of Ontario/DuPont Canada Graduate

    Scholarship in Science and Technology is gratefully

    acknowledged, as well as the partial support from the

    Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

    (NSERC) of Canada. The authors thank Amy Lo at

    Domtar Inc. for facilitating wastewater samples.


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    Table 3

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    Correlation Overall N SBR 1 SBR 2 SBR 3 SBR 4 n/SBR

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    56 0.47 0.22 0.55b


    14ZSV vs. filament abundance 0.61a 56 0.38 0.51 0.79b 0.83b 14

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    SVI vs. temperature 0.43a 152 0.58b 0.14 0.46b 0.66b 38

    ZSV vs. temperature 0.28a 152 0.31 0.06 0.44b 0.45b 38

    ESS vs. temperature 0.59a 280 0.47b 0.61b 0.43b 0.15 70

    aStatistically significant at the 99% confidence level.bStatistically significant at the 95% confidence level. N=total pair of observations. n/SBR=pair of observations per reactor.

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    F. Morgan-Sagastume, D.G. Allen / Water Research 37 (2003) 35903601 3601

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