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No One Can Take Your Vote Away From You Except You!

On Tuesday, November 6, 1984, American voters will go to designated election polling places all across the land to participate in the general elec­tions. These voters will elect the next president and vice president of the Uni ted States, and in some areas those per­sons seeking congressional sea ts also will be elected,

The candidates who emerge victorious will have the exec­utive and legisla ti ve powers to set the nation's social, eco­nomic and internationa l polio cies for the next four or more years.

However, there is a require­ment that must be complied with by the ci tizens who choose to exercise their constitutional

right to cas t a ballot for the political candidates of their choice. All voters must be reg­istered under the state election laws goverrung elecuons in their respective states.

The rules and procedures for registering to vote are not com ­plicated and require only a small amount of time and e£fort for an individual to meet the nec­essary voter-registration re­quirem ents. The system of gov­ernment under which we freely choose to be governed is ca lled a dem ocracy. Part of that sys­tem is holding free elections. When ci tizens fail to exercise their right and responsIbili ty to vore, it makes a mockery of democracy. Also, when citi ­zens bil to register and vote, it can lead to minority rule. This m eans that the wishes and desires of the people are in danger of not being carried ou t.

Government by the people can only be accomplished wi th m ajority rule. Remember, it is the voters who determine if the elected officeholders will be those who will chart a course of economic and social growth and progress for all the ci tizens and the nation, or whether the elected leaders will be those who will promote only the wel­fare of a few speCial-interest groups.

During the 1980 presidential e lections, almost 75 million el­igible American citizens did not vote. This was a national shame on democracy and should not be allowed to happen again in 1984. The stakes are tOO high­espeCially fo r working people, who constitute the majority of the country's population.

The lBEW is joining with the AFL-CIO and its affi lia tes in launching an intensive effort

to persuade every union mem­ber who has not done so to register to vote, thus becoming eligible to cast a ballot for the candidate of his or her choice on November 6. See pages 2 1 and 22 in this issue of the !QuIn a1 fo r voter-registration information by state.

Our objective is this: every union member registered; ev­ery umon m ember a voterj every union m ember a partic­ipant in dem ocracy.

No one can te ll you how to vote, and we have no intention of doing so. However, we will keep lBEW m embers informed on each candidate'S record and stand on the issues; and we make no bones about it- la­bor's pOS ition has been and will be to continue to "support our fri ends and defea t our ene­mies."

While this concentra ted voter· registration drive is based stri ctl y on a non·partisan basis, we naturally encourage our m embers, thei r families and friends to vote for labor-en­dorsed candidates. We will con­tinue to keep mEW members up-to-date on the pros and cons of the issues, especially as they affec t all workers and unions.

We want our members to be knowledgeable and to be well ­informed voters. I sincerely be­lIeve that full paruclpation of all citizens is essential to the strength of a dem ocracy such as ours. Voting is participation !

No one can take your vote away from you-except you!

~9i(jJ~ Charles H. Pillard Il lternatiunal Prt!siJenl



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Volume 83, NO. 9 September, 1984

FEIlTIJ~ES A Tribute to A Great Leader-Joseph D. Keenan

Rrst District Progress Meetings

Fourth District Progress Meeling Held In Charleston, West Virginia

Eighth District Progress Meeling Held in Cheyenne, Wyoming

Tenth District Progress Meeling Held at Kiamesha Lake, New York

Eleventh District Progress Meeting Held in St. Louis, Missouri

tSEW WeH Represented at Labor Rally In San Francisco

Summary of Slate Voler Registration Laws










Editorial Comment

Research and Education Department

Safety Tips

Local Lines

In Memoriam

Inside Front Cover





Reflections Inside Back Cover

ON OUR COVER--CoIor phoIographs

Irom Ihe Labor Rally and Parade held

In San Francisco, CaHlornia, during

the Democratic National Convention

show IBEW membefs from Locals 6,

302, 332, 551, 595 and 1245 participating Other regular monthly

articles and news items complete this

most informatIVe issue ollhe Journal

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CHARLU II. PILLARD .......... -11251~51 NW WMhongIon. DC 2CKX)$

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VICE PRESIOEII/TS r .... K. Q . ROSE 45 ~ A .. . hal. 5uU 4(l1 ~ d NorIn YQrIo ~. 0ruti0 ... 2N 5Yl $econcI 0Gtt1et, JOHN E. FLYNN -, .. OUo'q. "'UUC!'uH1!5 02169 n..I Oosll'ld. JOHN J. BARRY 222 MwnaronIdI A ........ Room 304 ~0II~9cn 30IiI IYI'lq "'-- Noow YQrIo I060S F<lUnh DlMrItt. a Q . WIl..L.IAMSON nl0~RoIId

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A Tribute to A Great Leader J oseph D. Keenan


*************** -Joseph D. Keenan, International Secretary Ememus,

a great trade unionist, an outstanding citizen and a loyal and dedicated member and officer of the inter­national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for 70 years, passed away on July 22, 1984.

Brother Keenan was born In Chicago, Illinois, in 1896. He began his apprenticeship In Local 134, Chi­cago, Illinois, In 1914; and after completing his ap­prenticeship In 1918, he continued his traimng at LewIs Insthutc. Brother Keenan became active as 3 trade unionist, and in 1926 was elected recording secretary of Local 134, Chicago, Illinois. In 1937 he was elected secretary of the Chicago Federation of Labor. During the years of World War il, Brother Keenan served his country severa l ways. In 1940 he represented the American Fedcr3l1on of Labor on the National Defense Council and served in the same capacity ID the Office of Production Management. In 1943 he was malic vice chauman for Labor Production. In 1945 he was ap­pointed labor advisor to General Lucius Clay and for the next twO and one-half years he was in Germany reorganizing tbe trade unions of that country that Adolph Hitler had destroyed. For his warume scrvices to his country, Brother Keenan was awarded the Medal of Freedom and the MedaJ lor Merit by President Harry Truman. In 1948 Brolher Keenan was appointed direc­tor of Labor's league for Political Education and played a key role in President Truman's upset vu.:tory over Thomas E. Dewey. In later years, Brother Keenan was labor's campaign liaison for Prcsidents John F. Kennedy, lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President Huben H. Hum­phrey and Senator Henry Jackson; and in 1972, he headed a labor group supporting Senator George McGovern for president. In 1950 he was appolDted "!'crt't<lry of the" AFL Buileting and Con!;tmc:tion Trade!Oi Department and held that position unul his appoint­ment as International Secretary of the QJEW in April, 1954.

Brother Keenan was reelected as lntemalional Sec­retary at every subsequent mEW Convention and served llS lBEW Secretary until hiS relirement in Apnl, 1976. In addition to his duties as Lnternational Secretary, Brother Keenan served as a vice plesident and member of the Executive Council of the AFL-CiO from 1955 until 1976. In 1959 he became a vice president of the Union Label and Service Trades Department and was elected president in 1975 at the AFL-CIO Convention. He served on many AFL·CIO commltlees and brought

Internationat Secretary Emerilus Joseph 0 Keenan, 1896-1984



honor to the IBEW through his dedicated work. Brother Keenan served on the National Housmg Conference, National Urban CoaHtlon, Board of Governors, The .­American Red Cross, National Conference of Chris­tians and Jews, Executive Committee British-North American Committee, and many more natlollal CIVic -govemmg bodies. He was recognized for his servIce to the Ca tholiC Church when he received the Pro EccJesia et Pontifice Award from Pope Paul VI in 1973. The Catbolic University of America conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. Brother Keenan served his fellow· man, his union and, indeed, the entire trade union movement and bis country With dedication r­

and devotion The BrOlherhood Will alwa}'s hl' gr:ttl'ful to, and will long remember, Brother foe Keenan for hiS many, many years of faithlul service to the IBEW. Joe ,.... Keenan truly typified the AmericaD image of a " real stand-up guy." All the officers and members of the Brotherhood extend sincere sympathy to Brother Keen­an's wife Jeifie, his family and friends.

***************-, 2 I IBEW JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 1984

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Con/erral of honorary degree, Doctor 01 Laws, was awarded to Brother Keenan al the Calholic University in OcIobef, 1974 leh to right ate Secretary Joseph O. Keenan, Palriek Cardinal O'BoyIe and Clarence C. Wallon, president, Catholic University.

ThIs photo shows Secretary Keenan esoorung AFL·CtO President George Meany allho tSEWs Convention held In Cleveland. Ohio, In September. 1958

Secretary Keansn Is shown confemng with President lyndon B Johnson on a Visillo the White House. This picture shows Joseph

Keenan greellng Major QwIes Baton while tour­

Ing U.S. Instaflatlona in the European lhealer opera­lions during World War II.

when Brother Keenan served as vice chairman

for the U.S. leboi' War Manpower Board and

labor advisor to General ~ luclus Clay.

Seastary Keenan Is shown chattJng WIth for­mer Secretary 01 Labor Willard WIrtz 8t a formal AFL·CIO altair.

In this photograph Secretary Keenan Is shown recelv1ng the Boy ScooI Silver Beaver Award In 1970. The SIiv&r Beaver Award was the highest award given to Citizens by the Boy Scouts of America lor outstand-109 servtce 10 SCOUllng

This 1963 picture ShOws Seere­wry Keenan al the 47th Session 01 the International LabOUr Con­ference held thet year In fhe Pa-

lais des Nations at Geneva, SwItzerland.

** In Ihis photograph Secretary Keenan is pictUred escorting President Dwight 0 Eisenhower al an AFL·CIO dinner.



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First District Progress Meetings

. >


Delegates from Canadian local uniOns met at three locations for the First Dis­trict Progress Meetings 10 1984.

The sites for the three mccllngs werc Da rtmouth, Nova Scotia, May 29,30 and 31; Vancouver, Blitl:.!. Columbi;t, June 5, 6 and 71 Toronto, Ontario, June 19, 20 and 21. First D istrict International Vice President Ken G. Rose chaired all meet­Ings and gave the hatem:!! greetlngs and good wishes for successful mcctmgs from International President Pillard, Interna­tional Secretary Lelgon and lEe Chait­man Wc!>lcy Taylor, who, unfortunately due to circumstances beyond their con­trol, could not attend any of the meet­ings.

In his Dpelllng remarks Vice PreSident Rose thanked all local Union officers and members for thelT expresSions for a speedy recovery from surgery he underwent last year preventlng h is :lttcndanc{' at the All-Canada Progress Mecting III Monc­ton, Ne .... ' Brunswic k.

IVP Ken Rose and the newly appOinted IIC member fo r the Eighth IEC Dlstnct, Brother lUll MI.:Avoy, busllles5 m:lI1ager fo r Local 230, addressed all mcctings. lmcmatlonal Treasu rer Thomas Van Arsdale, bustness managcr fo r Loca l 3, addressed the delegates .. It th{' meettng In Toronto.

The fi rst day was devoted to ofRcers ' rcports and speakers .1ddressing mattcrs of vital Importance to trade UIllOIllStS.

Mafia Jardlni, counsel for Loca l 258, addressed the Vancouver sessIon on the proposed antl-UlllOn, regressIve l:abour legislation fo r the province of Bntlsh Columbia, and Harry Freedman, solicitor for the Ontario Labou r ReI:ltions Board, spoke to the assembly in Toromo on unfair labour practices and me duty of falf represent:ltion.

At the conclusion of the officers' re­ports and speCial-interest speakers, the delegates met in workshops fo r thc var­IOU!:> Olallchcs of the Brotherhood to de liberate on specific problems affecting their parllcu lar industry.

All meellngs concluded on the thi rd day With the delegates meeting In twnf'ral scssion to hear and comment on the reports from the variOus workshops.

In h iS report to the meetings on the progress of the IBEW In the FHst DIStrict, Vice President Rose Slated empha tically " that in spite of the depressed economy and raids by o ther Ul1lons, the LBEW III

Canada has bred bener than most unions, and ou r membership has not decreased."


Addressing the delegates Is First District VICe President Ken G. Rose, who chaired aU the 1964 First District Progress Meetings.

Commenting on the raiding lacucs uf some Ul1Ions, Vice Prcslden t Rose said that such activities were the worst kmd of trade UllIOI1lSm; rather than "orgal1lz­HIS the orgalllzed, those un ions should be paying attention to the mi llIOns of unorganized people in Canada."

In rcviewmg the unemployment fig· ures for Canada, VICC Prf'"iticilt Rose expressed grave concern that " m SpltC of the lower figures bem g reponed thiS year than last, those figures did not express tbe reality of those working men and women III Canada who arc unable to find work and unable to properly feed, clothe and shelter thei r families."

"Even more discouragin& " he satd, "we re the unemployment figurcs for the construction IIldustry in Canada, where 32 percen t of the work fo rce were un­employed."

Continulllg. Vice Presiut:1L1 Rose Slated, "Those figures are a tragedy upon the people in Canada; we do not need band­aId solutions to our economic probl ems;" and he ealk-d upon the govcrnment to "develope and fo llow through with an economic st rategy to PUt Canada back on its fee t. "

Vice Prl''' ldent Rose reported that 334 members graduated from Shop Stewards Training Courses and 50 from Leadership Train ing Cou rses in the past year and urged the delegates to participate to an evell grea ter degree ill IBEW Training Courses and the educational courses of· fered by the Canadian Federation of La· bour.

Vice PreSident Rose then addressed the

proposal by the government to deregulate the tc.lephone and alrlllle IIldustrlCS III Canada.

Th e Vice PreSIden t urged the delegates ... to sign the pctJtion being CITcula ted duro ing the mcctin&~ again.~t deregulation of the telephone industry and to circulate , throughout thelf local umons sunilar petitions prOVided to them, and return them to the First DIstrict office.

The IBEW would place the signed pe- .. u uons before the CRTC when presentlllg a bncI m OppositIOn to deregulation III

the telephone mdustry mthe fall of 1984. VICC PreSIdent Rose reported on the ..

adverse and regressivc labour legtslatlon proposed or enacted in several 01 the provlOees of Canada.

VII":": Ple:'ldcul Rose commended the ~ delegates and leaders across Canad:l for their recent contract settlements saying that III spite of the hard economIc times -­and :adverse political clima te, he was not aware of one mEW local union in Canada which had given a wage concession.

Vice PreSIdent Rose revtewed the ac­tivittes of the Second Convention of the CFL with the delegates. He stated, "The action ta ken by that Convention III sup­porting the establ ishment of:l Real Estate Investment Corporation, dental pro· +­grams and worker savmgs IOstltutlons we re the most progressive steps evel taken by a central [abom body III Can · ,d,," ~

International T reasurer Thomas Van Arsdale was IOtroduced by Vice PreSident Rose to the delegates at the Cent ral ~ Meeting in Toronto.

[JI h is renlilrks the Intern.1tlOnal T reas u rer suggested "that Progress Meeti ngs should be a time when local union offi· cers reflect on the very Important work they do, not on ly fo r their membershIp, bllt the community as a whole." ..-.

Further, he suggestcd " that LIl today's climate leaders of unions have to dedl­C3U: themselves as never before to dispel anu-ullion sentiments m Canada and the United States."

VIce Presiden t Rosc LIllrodueed the newly appointed International Executive Counctl member for the Eighth District r­ICanadal. Brother 11m McAvoy, to the de leg::n cs at each of the meetlngs. Brother McAvoy was warmly greeted at all meet ings.

In his remarks to the meetlJ1gs, Brother McAvoy stated, "When I was asked by the International Presiden t to fill the .....

rContinued on Page 66)

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Eastem Meeting .. •


Pictured are aU the delegates who attended the Rrst District Progress Meeting held in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. These IBEW leaders represented local unions In the Eastern Canadian Provinces.

~ Shown at the podium is James A. McAvoy, lEG Eighth Dlstrid member, and also local 230, business manager-financial secretary. Seated Is Vice President K. G. Rose.

These delegates attended the wof1<shop held lor the manufacturing. government an<! paper mills branches.

Partial view of delegates who attended the Ulility Workshop.

Partial view 01 delegates who al1ended !he general sessions.


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Westem Meeting . • •

These delegates attended the First DIstrict Progress Meeting held 11'1 Vancouver, Bnllsh Columbia These ISEW leaders represented local unlOtls W\ the Western canadian PrOVInces

Delegates attending general sessions

Delegates attending general sessions


Delegates attending general sessions

larT'j Kelly, business manager·n· nancial secretary. Local 1007,18' paned on the Telephone Branch Worltshop.

Harold Tay\of, business manager· financial secretary. Local 254. Ie­poi18d on the ConSIr\.IC11oo Blanch Workshop.

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I -I


Central Meeting. • •

Shown are the delegates who atlanded the First Dlslricl Progress Meeting held in Toronto, Ontario. These ISEW leaders represented local Unions In the Central Canadian Provinces .

Terry MacDonald, business manager, local 2028, 15 shown presenting a check 10 Doona Endlcot. Mu!tiple Sclerosis Society. on behalf 01 ISEW locals.

Delegates attendln!} the general sessions

Delegates attending the general sessions.

Vice President Rose Is shown COOQratulaling Ralph Terslgn!. secretary­treasurer, rsew Cons!ruclioo Council of Ontario. on his receiving the 51 John's Ambulance Award for his contribution to safety Iralnlng.

Delegates attending [he general sessions

Delegates attending the Utili ty Workshop.


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Fourth District VICe President B. G. Williamson. who chaired the meetll'l9. Is shown opening the general session.

West Virginia put out a warm wel ­come for the delegates to the 1984 Fourth District Progress Meeting. The meeting was held in Charleston on June 27, 28 and 29.

Internauon:ll Vice President B. G. Wi.lhamson chaired the Meetillg. The openmg session was a memorable one, beglnntng with John W. Saun­ders, business manager of Local 466, cordwlly welcoming the delegates 10 Charleston and explaining the many events planned for them and the sights to sec dunng their stay in hiS fine cit y. Vice President Wilhamson then Introduced Joseph W. Powell , the well-respected preSident of the West Virginia Labor Federation, whose pleasure it was to introduce lohn I. Rockefe ll er, the gove rnor of West Vuginia

Governor Rockefeller gave a hard­hitting speech, declanng that what all Americans least need III this pe­riod of ou r national life IS "a bunch of right-wing ideologues-like Pres­Ident Reagan's class of 1980 In the Senate." He attacked the Amencan business leaders who refuse to mod­ernize their plants but wholeheart ­edly embrace Reagan's "big tax wash," and warned thai , If elccted, Reagan 's greatest Impact would be on the fu · ture because of hiS power to appoint men of hiS Ilk to the U.S. Supreme Coun.

International PreSIdent Charles H. Pillard, the keynote speaker, fol · lowed the governor and eloquently reiterated the same themes. Speak­Ing with many interruptions for ap­plause, and with sincerest convIc­tion, he recounted the Reagan policlcs which have been so detrimental to IBEW members-the 57-billion tax



IntematlonaJ Presideot Char1es H. Pillard, shown attha podium, gave the keynote address. Standing is International Treasurer Thomas Van Arsdale; seated, leh to right, are VICe President B. G. Williamson. lEe Chairman Wesley Taylor. third IEC District member Dick Acton, and Fourth IEC Districl member Harry Bexley

Partial view of delegates who allended the Fourth District Progress Meellng general seSSIonS

4 DISTHI1,,1 1~d:"""'·PROGRESS MElTING 1; . I.B.E.W. 0

, J



Shown at the podium Is Governor John J . Rockefeller who gave a dynamic speech to the delegales. .­GOVttrllor "Jay," a proven friend 01 organl:ed tabor and all working poopte In West Virginia. Is taw's choice lor the U. S. Semite In the November electIOns.

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r •

i I·

I , -

Shown, left to right. are International Representative Paul Witte, Vice Presldent Wililamson. and Mike Montgomery 01 Ohio State University par1lc1pating 11'1 a semU'lar on lederal reporting re(juiremenls.

Par1ial view 01 delegates who attended the seminar on lederal reporting reqUlfements lEe Chairman Wes Taylor Is sealed second Irom right

...... bonanza which went only to his friends; his appOIntments to the NLRB, agam his friends , and enemies of labor; s lashi ng the functions of OSHA; changing the bankruptcy laws; manlpulatmg the Supreme COUrt and the NLRB whkh has al-

... ready reversed so many of its paSt

! decisions which were fair to labor. To thunderous applause, he declared


\ that It was every member's obliga· tlon to remove PreSident Reagan from o ffi ce in the November elections and

I., replace him with Walter Mondalc.


President Pillard a lso reponed on the bUSiness of the Brotherhood­touching on the national M:lTlufac­turing, Utility, Telephone and Can· s t ruction Confere nces; all cont rac t se ttlements ; hea lth care and othe r

... matte rs of grea t inte rest to the del-egates.

Wesley I. Taylor, IEC Chairman, reported With pride on the lI1augu­ration of the Electrical Industry Pell­sion Reciprocal Agreement and also that on ly 10 locals arc not part of the National Reciprocity Plan for Health and Welfare, a tremendous achievement.

Ri chard D. Acton, IEC member from the Thi rd Districf, cont inued the politica l theme, emphaslzlIlg the Importancc of COPE, of registration and of getting our members out to vote in the Novembe r e lections.

Internationa l Treasurer Thomas Van Arsdale pointed out that the problems faced by the labor move­ment today present challenges and oppo rtun ities, and we must dedicate ourselves to finding solu tions in a spiri t of coopera t ion.

Harry Bex ley, IEC Fourth District

Hosllocal union Business Managers John Saun· ders, Local 466, and William "Bud" Berry. Local 317, are pictured with President Pillard and Vice President WIlliamson.

Pic1ured is Joseph Powell, president, Wesl Vir· glnia Labor Federalion, who had the pleasure 01 Inlroducing Governor Rockefeltel .

member, was the Anal guest speake r. He revi ewed the work of the IEC during the last year, includll1g the NEBF and the reciprocity programs.

International Vice President WII · liamson made his report to the del · egates on the significant develop· ments III the Fourth Oistnct since the last Progress Meeting. He sum­marized the major activities III each branch, thelT rates of employment , the trends 111 negotiations, and the changes and prob lems each branch is confronting. He also reported on strike activity in the District, on the COPE program, organizing, per cap­Ita reporting and the results of the local llOlon elections. He com­mended the delegates on the strides OUf loca ls have made on many fronts anributablc to our fine loca l union leadershIp.


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Illttn"atlonaJ Repj'esentatives Don Banerson and latty Hogan are pictured condlJCtmg the ConstructiOn

Conducting the Manufacturing WOf'kshop, lell 10 right , ArA International Representative Tony 8ucceUa, Local 150 1 Business Manager Dion Guthrie, International Representatives Tom Cook and Gordon Bray, and ,.. guest speaker Gary Snyder.

Intematlonal Representatives John Mitchell and Jim Kltbane are shown complellng a successful T'shir1 sale 10 Mike Hams and Gary Braun.

Partial view 01 the ladies who anended a luncheon-Iashlon show hosled by Locals J 11 and 466 for the wives and gutt~ts attending the meeting

delegales from Local 2070.

On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, the delegates divided Into branch workshops. Internat IOna l Represcntallvc Donald Batterson led the Cons tructi on Workshop, assisted by International Representatives Larry Hogan and Dennis Johanyak. Roy DIck inson, Ass istant Direc tor, mEW Resea rch and Educa ti on Depart· ment, and Cary Snyder, attorney, conducted a panel on the fiduciary resp<mslbliitles of tru stees for local union fringe benefit plans. Repre· sentatlve Diekmson al so ex pla ined the new Pension Reciprocit y Agree· ment.

International Represent3tive 1'.1\1 1 Wille, a~~btcJ by Rcprcscnt:1uves James Kil bane, John Mitchell and Harold Ebe rsole, conducted the Utl l· ity Workshop. Attorney Cary Snyde r gave a presentation to this workshop on the duties of fair representation . Representative Michael QUillian, LBEW Resea rch and EducatIon Dc· partment, dI scussed hospi tal COSt contalllment, emphasizing the role of community coordina ting counctls as a so lut ion 10 spiraling cos ts.

These same presentations were


madc at the ManufactUring Work­shop and the Communica lions Workshop. The former was chaired by Internauonal Represcm atlve Gor­don Bray, ass lsled by Rcpreselllatives Tony Buccclla and Tom Cook. In ­ternati onal I\eprescmalive Ernes t Scott led the Communicati ons Workshop, assisted by Represema­live H. W, Crews.

In each workshop time was sCt aside for local unton reports. A spokesman from each particlp:ning local summarized the recent devel­opment s, problems and ac hieve· ments of the local. Th is gives the delegates an opponunity 10 share th ei r experiences, to disc uss solu­lions to common problems and is considered by them to be a mOS t valuable part of the workshop .

Another valuable wurkshop was held on Tuesday afternoon. Mike Montgomery, of the OhIO Sta le Uni­versity Labor Educ:ltIon and Re­search Se rvI ce, and Rep rcsemative Paul Witte conducted a seminar on federa l report ing requIrements. They reviewed the repon s legally requ ired by such federa l agencies as the La bor

Department and the IRS. Vice President Williamson recon­

vened the genera l session aft!';1 f.;ulll- .. pletion of the workshops on Friday morlllng. First on the agenda was a surring videotape entitled "Amenca .., Works." The tape, produced by the AFL·CIO, fe,Hures labor's endorse­men t of Wa lter Mondale and rev iews .l,­

thi s great fricnd of labor's stand on the issues of grea tcst imporlance to workmg men and women. Bill Hoyer, a representative of the City of Hope, wa .. next on the agenda. He ex plallled the work of the City of Hope and the research fund being establi shed there by the IBEW.

To keep the delegates mutually lI1formed on the coments of the workshops, Vice Presidem William· son scheduled reports on each work · shop for the fina l general session which were given by Fred Heaney, Local 245, for Utility; Wtlliam C. "Bud " Berry, Loca 13 17, for Const ru c· tion; Dian Guthrie, LUI;;d 150 1, fo r Manufacturing; and Mike Harl ow, Local 463, for Communications.


Vice President Williamson con- .. (Continued on Page 66)

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Eighth District Progress Meeting Held in Cheyenne, Wyoming

The 39th Eighth District Progress .. Meeting was ca ll ed to order In th e

famous "Old West Town" of Chey­en ne, Wyommg. on July 12, 1984, by Pro Tern Chalfman Robert Vining. business manager, Loca l 415. Frank Morrow, a longtime member and former president of Loca l 415, gave

.. the invocat ion. Loca l 4 15 Pres ident Don Nea l led those in attendance in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

The Honorable Ed Hershlcr, Gov­crnor of Wyommg, bid the delegates and guests welcome to wonderful

~ Wyoming, followed by "His Honor," I Mayor Don Erickson extending his hospitality on behalf of the citizens

_ of Cheyenne. Busi ness Manager Bob Vintng then

turned the gavel over to Interna tiona l Vice President Jon Walters as per­manent chairman, who welcomed those In attendance and introduced th e honored guests .

Interna ti onal Vice President Wai­ters procecded to deliver hiS report on thc Eighth District, addreSSing thc many changes and industry prob­lems thc members of thc District

~ had expcnenccd sincc the Progrcss Meetlllg one yea r ago. Vice President Walt ers stressed with acccnted elll­phasis th e importance of political action by the locaJ unions ' leaders, and the desperate need today to arouse and Inspire the whole membership to be support ive and take an active role III electlllg politicians sympa­thetic to the causc of working mcn and womcn in thiS nation. Hc went on to ex pla in how the laws that havc becn es ta bli shed over the past 50

:, years to protect the workers arc being dilut ed daily by the current admi n­istration, and how labor must sharc

~ partially In the blame for thiS by failing to orgamze and educa tc the workers.

.. UNITING WIT H EACH OTHER, insisting on " union -made produc­tion " and " umon-made goods," and defeating the politi cians who de-

... s trayed PATCO [who encourage run­away industri es to escape collective

ba rgaining through bankruptcy and advocate tax relief for the nch and appOllltmcntS of " umon busters" to the NLRB ) arc th e only answers to our survival.

VICC President Walters presented plaques to the fo ll owll1g Bro th ers in recogniti on of their long and dedi­ca ted service to the Eighth District of the IBEW and their loca l unions:

Gordon Mahood, business man­ager, Local 44; Charles Noel, bust­ness manager, Local 860; Donald Beals, busincss manager, Loca l 1081 ; and David K. Hallon, bUSiness man­ager, Local 1438.

Vicc President Walters also pre­scntcd an Honor Plaque to Richard Rapattoni, who is public affa irs di­rector for Pacific Power & Light. Formerly, Dick was director of the IBEW Utility Department and busi ­ness manager of Local 47 .

Vice President Walters mtroduccd International Sec retary Ralph A. Lei­gon who relayed a message from Interna tiona l President Pillard ex­pressing his regrets for nOt being able to attend.

Sec retary Leigon delivered a most appropriate and provocative address emphasizi ng the urgent necd of or­ganized labor to elect a Democratic president, stating that Fritz Mondale IS an exemplary candidate With an excellent and proven track record for organized labor.

The theme of hiS remarks ccntercd on Reaganomics, the theory of fiscal irresponsibility, how the rich arc get ­ting richer, the poor ge tt ing poorer and the mi dd le class is simply shrinking. He pointed out there are 90,000 profitable corporations in the UnJled Statcs today who pay no m­comc taxes. Reagan 's proposed defi­cit IS now up to $3 mllion.

Suzanne Estes, labor coo rdma tor for the City of Hope, made a pres­entation on behalf of thiS worthy and humanitarian organization .

Kcith Henn ing, executive secre­tary of the Wyoming Sta le AFLlClO, addresscd those in attendancc offer-

ing an Expose 0/ Ronald Reagan "The Teflon Man " fnothlllS Sticks to him ).

Wes lcy Taylor, rIC Chairman, spoke on Ihe Health and Welfare and Pension ReC iprocity Agreements and the vital Importance and fairness of these plans to protect lBEW members and their fa milies.

G len McCall, Seventh IE C District member, spoke on reciprocity and its Importance to the Brotherhood from th e perspectlVC of a construc­tion busllless manager.

Robert Missey, Fifth IEC District member, III hiS remarks strcssed the va lidity and ex treme advant age of COPE payroll -deduction checkoff, me painless method of contri buting to th e political friends of labor.

A ladies' luncheon was hostcd by Mrs . Theresa Walters, with an inler­estlng speake r glvmg a histOrical and cultural background of the city of Che ycnne. A tour of the local hiS­torica l society museum and the Gov­ernor's Mansion followed the lunch­eon for the ladles III attendance .

Two exce llent workshops wcre conducted on Friday and we re ex­tremely we ll attended. One was con­ducted by William F. Ferry, Directo r of the IBEW Agreement Approval Department; and the second was conductcd by International Repre­sentative Rick Diegel of the IBEW­COPE Depa rtment. Both workshops involved de legate partiCipation, and an mdlcatlon of their acceptance be­came ve ry obvious when both work­shops went into ovcrtime with 1Il ­

tensely attenti ve full houses . John J. " Joe" Donlon, business

manager of the Colorado Building and Construction Trades Council, was presented a plaque by Vice Pres­ident Jon Walters honOring him for hiS many contribu tions and dedi­c':Hcd service to the IBEW Eighth District dunng the 25 years he served as bus iness manager of Loca l 11 3 and thc Co lorado Building Trades Cou n· cil .

(Continued on Page 22)


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Eighth o.slrictlnrfH"Mr.ona1 VICe Pres­Ident Jon Walters IS shown delivering his remarks to the delegates whO anended the Eighth District Progress Meetlng He also dlaired the Meeting.

Pictured Is IEC Chairman Wesley TaylOf speaking to the delegates.

International Secrelary Ralph A. Lei· goo is shown addressing the dele· gates. In his remarXs Secretary Lei· goo urged the delegates to back labol'· sponsored candidates In the Novem· ber elections.

IEC member Robert Missey Is shown speaking to the delegates.

locaJ 4 t 5 BuSIneSS Manager Robef't Vining welcomed the delegates to Cheyeone. WyomIng.

Gregory Gordon, president, Local 3!)4, Is shown being registerttd lor the Eighth District Progress Meellng.

fEC member Glen McCaN is shown speaking 10 This is a partial view 01 the delegates In anendance during the general session. In the foreground the delegates. are members 01 Local 354.

Another partial view 01 the delegates In attendance shows, in the foreground, members of Local 68.


Standing are the Intemational Officers who anended the Eighth District Progress Meetlng. In the loreground are members 01 Local 2300





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I> Piclured at the podium Is Tenth Olstrlct International VIce President Andrew M. Rlpp delivering his rllmarks to the delegates who aUended the 1984 Tenth District Progress Meeting. Seated on the dais, leh to right. are First IEC District member Jack McNulty, Fourth IEC Distrid member Harry Bexley. IEC Chairman Wesley' Taylor, International President Charles H Pillard. and International Representatives E. Pal McEntee and Rolland Thivierge

L Tenth District Progress Meeting Held

At Kiamesha Lake, New York The 1984 Tenth Dlst n ct Progress

Meeting was held m the Concord Hotel located at Kiamesha Lake, New York. Vice President Andrew M. RIPI' opened the meeting at 9:30 a m., July 19, and after the formal prellmmanes and mtro­ductlons Informed Ihe deleg:ues that the theme for the Progress Meeting was " Railroad Workers Have It Too Good!" refern ng to PreSident Reagan's admin­Istration's position that your wages arc

I ~ too high; your free lime Without pay, such as vacations, holidays, bereavemcnt leave, JUry duty, unemployment benefits, are too excesSive; health and welfare benefits such as medica l and dcntal in­surance and sic kness benefits arc infla­tionary; and Railroad Reurement and $oclal Secunly benefits arc a burden to the taxpayers.


HIS pomt was emphaSized by askmg the delegates to look at the record of the Reagan admllllstratlon and their plans to destroy the progress lUade by labor, and in particular organized labor, by takmg away the gallis made over the pas t 50 years. The present adnullistrauon has already attempted to destroy Rtlilroad Retirement; as we know, It was successful in bringing abou t reduction m annU ItieS, changes in the 60/30 provisions and in

taXing the annuities receIved under T lcr II of the Railroad Retirement plan. Pres­cntl y the admmlstratlOn IS supporllng legIslation to dcstroy the Railroad Un ­employment Insurance Act, which has served Ihe railroad Industry for the past 50 years at no cost to the governmcnt. ThiS administ ration has made a VICIOUS attack aga inst the Railway Labor Act provisions which proVide for the adJU­dication of mmor disputes before Ad­Justment Boards by first attempting to do away wllh the funds necessary to pay referees, and havmg been unsuccessful In that endeavor has, by mampui:ttlon of the budget, dellled the Bo<Hd members access to necessary office space to carry out thclt funcllons under the Act.

In the national negoll3110ns the car­ners arc pursumg the theme SCI by the Reagan admmlstration, asking for give­backs, confident that the admllllstraUon Will be reelected, which encourages the railroads to follow the position of thc admini stration.

The most IInpon:lnt oblcctlve of all labor IS to protect lob secunty and stand­ards of living by electi ng Waher " FritZ" Mondale in the upcoming election.

Vice Prcsldent RIPP ca lled upon Inter· national President Charles H. Pillard who,

Intemational PreSident Charles H Pillard is shown delivering his keynote address to the delegales who anended the Railroad Branch Progress Meeling

In hiS keynote speech, addressed the malor problems and cha llenges of orga­IlIzed labor as well as those of the railroad Industry III both the United Sta tes and Canada.

International PreSident Pil lard gave an overview of Reaganom ics and liS eco-


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nomic impact on the working people of our country, the minorities, the poor and the elderly. President Pillard spoke of the concern over the projected federal deficit ncaring S200 billion and how it will threaten the futu re of our economy for years to come. President Pillard re· f1ected on the unemployment and pov­crty·level statistics and how the "Reagan Recovery" has spawned benefits for the nch and done so Iltde for the working classes, Ihe admin ist ration'S regressive sodaJ policies and conniving deregula­tion which serve to destroy labor stand· ards, the administration's assault on the Amencan trade union movemcot through the U. S. Department of Laool , and why and how employers are repudiating their agreementS through double·breasted op' eratlons and bankruptcy laws. President Pilla rd then expl:uned the lllEW's posi· tlon and support for Walter Mondale's nOrnm2t10n and election for preSident of the Umted States. Mondale's records as II mf'mbtr of Congress and vice preSident were reviewed, and hiS compassion and concern for 211 workers, the poor, the sick 2nd the elderly revealed.

$eoond from nghl Is Vice President Rlpp shown during 8 break In the Meeting with. left to right. ... lEe Chairman Wes Taylor: George Schuck. president. Local 3: and IEC member Harry Balfley

President Pillard itemized for the del · eg21es the many benefits we h3veenloyed through the collectl ve b2rgalnlllg process along With the SOCial benefits and msur· ance systems, decent houslIlg for the poor, equal lightS and nutntlon program .. for our chddren and the elderly, all of which were fostered and made pOSSible through the efforts of org3n1zed labor As trade unionists, President Pillard held we have an obltg2t1on to prOiect and preserve what we h2ve won and to help to rebutldll1g Amenca. The chOice IS OUlS, he st.:lted, " to stdnd united to sol · Idanty which Will make the difference of defendll1g ourselves 111 a continUIng banle agamst the antl·unton poitcles of Ronald Rellgan or rebutldlng Amenca III

peace with Waher Mondale." PreSident Pillard went on to note the

Significant events which have taken place

slOee our last Progress Meeting: our fight to preserve lhe Radroad Reurement Sys· tem; the adm inistration 's eUllent assault on the Railroad Unemployment Insur· ance S)'stem; our current Section 6 No­tices and the carrier's demandmg give· backs m the form of wage reducllons, ehmmatlon of COLA prOVisions, emas· culation of work rules, benefit reductions and incrcasmg employee conmbullons for msurance.

President Pillard acknowledged our af· Allatlon With a eoaHuolI of non·operatlng r.1l1 orgal1lzatiOns U\ ;j ullllcd dfull tu reach a fall and acccptable negotiated mdustry settlement. He called upon all IBEW ratl road members to give Vice Pres­Ident Ripp their full support and coop· eration as the negotiations will be long and tough.

PreSident Pillard reported on the vat·

Pictured 8t the podium is International RepresentatIW Pat McEntee who is oonducting the RaIlroad BnIncfl WOtKshop. Seated on the dais participating ere International Representatives, lell to right. Norman Sc:trwIlalLa. Jed!. Bow and Ed L..achov.icz: and S.C. No. 9 General Chalrman Ronald KowQlskl. S.C. No. 7 General Chairman Pete Puglia and S.C. No. 20 General Chairman Ronald Gonzales.


10US prOtCctive and SCDlOnty·retention notices served on vanous carnerSj the coll ective ba rgaining agreement reached with SEPTA, Metro·North and New ler· sey Transit; the maJor uti carner mefg' ers; the hugauon on BN and N&.W over the retention of sel1lonty agreementsj and BRAC's Article XX charges agam!t us and our histoncal overturn of the umptre's deCISion before the AFL·CIO Appeals Committee.

PreSident Pillard commended Vice PreSident RIPP on hiS numerous appear­ances before Huuse am.I Senate commll ' tees and for ms vahant efforts 111 havlOg referee monu::s restored to the various diVISions of the Na ll ona l Radroad Ad· justment Board and wished him equal success III his Agbt to restore the fundll1g necessary to provide office space for the pamsan members of the NRAB. PreSI' cleOl Pil lard tOllched bnefl), upon the status of the Conrail buyout and our Involvement In negouauons with the suitors for the purchase of the Milwaukee Road.

In lughhghting the progress of our Brotherhood :lnd covering the diverse activIties of the 10th DIStrict, PreSident Pillard cautioned the delegates not to take for granted the efforts and dedlcallon needed 10 keep our orgamzallon on the move. He warned the delegallon of the never·endlng struggle to protect our In'

terests as there are persons and organi· zations who fo r greed lmd profit want 10 destroy the collective bargaining system as we know it IOda),.

A repon on COPE, ItS purpose and goals, along with a statlSllcal analYSIS of partiCipation and conmbutlons, was gJ\'CO

reflecting the 10th District gams over the PM! Ave )'ears In concJudmg hiS remarks, President Pillard encouraged




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I •

.. President Pillard and VICe President Rlpp are shown with delegates from Canada who anended the Tenth District Progress Meeting. La" 10 right ara International Representallv9 Rolland Thivierge, President Pillard; George Woods, president. local 409, Winnipeg, Man.; Vice President RIPP; and Rober1 laroche, S C. No 34 general ch3Jrman. canadian PaCific Railway

I membershI p participatiOn so that to­gether our Brotherhood would continue

.. , to grow and rcmnln :I bastion of umty, strength :md progress.

Other guest speakers on the monung agenda were: Wesley Taylor, chairma n, inlcrnallona l EXecutive Council, who cxpl:uncd the dUlles, funcllons and re­spons lbdlllcS of the IEC. lEe Chairman Ta ylor further reviewed for the delegates

_ the charges, mal and appeal procedures under the IBEW ConstitutIOn.

~ Fourth District IEC member I-larry

Bexley gave the railroad dcl egallon an overview of the tnals and tnhulrmons III

the construCll on lIldustry brought about by the prescnI adnHlllstnltl On.

1 Suzanne Estes, coordinator for thc Cny of Hope Nation:ll MedlC:l1 Center, m:lde

II a surn ng present:utOn and appeal on

behalf of thc Cancer and Discase Ccnter. lim Bohner of the R:lLiro:ld Retirement


4 Iloa rd explained the Iloard's (unCllons and the benefi ts It :Idmlnlsters. Uob Bro­byn of the Brobyn &. forceno law firm r gave the dcleg:ltcs an updated report on their IIl vesllg:l tlon and test procedures

I on :lsbestOses cases III the raLiroad 111-


I, A comprehensive review :Ind study of

the New York Dock protecttve :lrrange-ments was made dunng the afternoon

~ workshop sessIOn of the 10th DIstrict Progress Meeting. followed by a panel of staff Represenl:lllve-s and general chair­men to a prea rranged forum to address the many questions and answers on the mterpretallon and appileatlon of the New York Dock prOVISIons.

At the start of the second day of the ~I proceedings, lEe member Jack McNulty

gave an IIlspm ng talk III wh ich he shared

with the 10th DIstrict hIS vIews and Ideas as to what IS at stake In thIS elect ion ycar.

DIck Cahstrl, ednor of LABOR news­paper, spoke on Reagan's antl, union ph i­losophy and poitcies. Mr. Ca hstn rc­viewed the long-term effect that a second term for Reagan would have through a coaituon of appolllted conservative Su­preme Court rusttces. The WIsdom of Mr. Ca hst ri 's adVice was to thlllk pos lll vely and push that defea ti st attitude aside, roll up our sleeves and go out and get the rob done.

Peggy Coangelo, Don Li berman and Joe KlIlder representlllg Aetna, ProvIdent and Travelers Insurance Com 1M Illes, ex ­plained the benefi t coverage of theIr re­spective cont ract poliCies.

The CanadIan repon was gIven by ou r 10th DIstrict Represcntallve Rolland ThIv Ierge. Canadian problems parallel those we encounter III the United States. The Canadian-Amencan exchange rate IS 70 cents on the dollar, lI1terest rates 15 percent, and the unemployment rate on the aver:lge as a whole IS 13 percent A gcneral election for pri me mUllster IS scheduled for Septem ber4, 1984. Brother ThiVIerge further reported that Canadian Law, Btll C-124, ctrcumvented the tWO­yca r negollated wage package, reduced the 1983 wage lI1crcase from 9 percent to 6 percent and ex tended the contract through 1984 wuh a 5 percent wage IIlcrease_ New demands WI ll be served October I , 1984.

Bro ther Thivierge report ed on the raid­ing activit ies wh ich we re suppressed. A successful raid wou ld have resulted in the establishment of the composite me­chanic on CanadIan Railroads. WhIle we

hold certification of our Canadian mem­bers through the Council of Railway Shopcrafts Employees, the official bar­gallung agent for a ll crafts, our pellllon for indIvidual certification 10 the Can:lda Labour Rela ll ons Board has been rejected.

The Counca! of Shop Crafts met in convention on AuguSt 11, 1984, to draft new contract demands; and theoutstand­IIlg Issues arc wages, iob secunty and penStOn U1dexlllg.

In clOSing, the CanadIan deleg:mon expressed thclr appreciation for the sup­port Vice PresIdent Rlpp and the Inter­nallonal Office have gIven them.

Vice PresIdent RIPI', who recentl y at­tended the Conventions of System Coun· clls 33 and 34, expressed hIS appreciallon for the fine Job performed over the past years by System Council No. 34 Gellera l Chairman Wtlltcr Redhead, who Just re­ured, and ex tendcd hiS best WIshes to the newly elected general cha irman, Robert Laroche, as well as to Frank Klamph, general chai rman of System Council No. 33.

VtCC PreSIdent RIPP called upon E. P. McEntee to gIVe a status report all ou r nati ona l negotiations with the NRLC. Urothcr McEntee expl:lllled the elunate around whIch these negot iations are bemg conducted and warned the delegates of the need to heed the message that was gIven them dunng the Progress Mectlng. Brother McEntee'S report reflected on the carner's illltlal offer whIch carned no gencral wage lIlcreascs; the present COLA prOVISions would be m:lde effective as of the first of January 111 the calendar year followmg the date on which an agree­ment IS SIgned, and by whIch any m­crease III health-and·wellare-benefit costs would be dcducted from the cost-of- Itv­illS adJustment duel all pa id leave at 80 pe rcent of the mimmum basic daily rate for last servIce performed; increase cntry­nile time penods; a unilateral carrier fight to blank vacancies resulting from any paid leave; a umlate ral carner nght to temunate em ployees; a stnke provi­SIon; duration of agreement :lnd cstab­Itshment of :I so-called National Inter­prctallon CommIt tee.

Vice PreSident Andrew M . RIpp, III addit ion to hiS complementary remarks on eac h of the Issues noted by the guest speakers, g.1Ve a com prehenSIve progress report on Railroad Retirement, Railroad Unemploymcnt Insurance System, the National Railroad Adjustment Board, the Notional Mediation Board, rctentlon of selltonty, matters III litigation and a ll

aplx:al, leglslallon, Conrail, Amtrak, the Commuter AuthoTlues, rat! safety, r:lIl mergers and COPE. VICe PreSident Rlpp announced that the COPE collection, includlllg S.c. No.7 contnbullons, YIelded $667. VI ce PreSident Ripp 's report was followed by :I qucs ll on-and-answer ses­sion. The meeting adjourned in thc carly afternoon of Jul y 20, \984 .


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General S8s810ns And Workshop

Pictures on this page $how the delegates al­lending the general sessions and workshop held during the Tenth Dilltrlci Progress Meeting






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Eleventh District International VICfI President Jack F. Moore Is shown delIvering his remarks to the delegates at the Eleventh District Progress MeeTing

( \

- . ',0 Jlo,.., .' .

At the podium speaking to the delegates Is lEe Chairman Wesley I Taylor Seated 00 the leh IS

Eleventh District VICe President Jack Moore. on the right Is Donald Bresnan. business manager. 01 Local I , 51. louis, Mo

Eleventh District Progress Meeting Held In S1. Louis, Missouri

The Eleventh DIstrict Progress Meeting was held on Jul y 24, 25 and 26, 1984, III St. LOUIS, Missouri, at the Henry VIII Lodge and Inn.

Temporary Chairman Donald Bresnan, business manager of Local 1, on behalf of all the local unions In th e St. LOlliS area, opened the meeting and welcomed the del egates to St. Louis.

Brother Bresnan introduced the Honorable Vincent Schoemehl, mayor of 51. loUIS, who welcomed the del ­ega tes to 51. LouIs. He spoke of the progress being made lfl 51. LoUIs and thanked labor for liS help and coop­cration and also complimented la ­bor's coope ration through m:Ulage­ment of PRIDE, stating that the PRIDE Program had worked well 111

51. Louis. Brother Bresnan then 111 -

troduced Robert I. Kelley, preSident of the St. LOUIS Labor Council, who also welcomed the delegates to the St. loUIS area. Brother Kelley ex­pressed his thanks to the mEW for their coope ration with the labor movement in the St. Louis area . Brother Bresnan next Introduced Richard Mantia, executive secretary of the St. LOlliS Building and Con­struction Trades, who welcomed the delegates to St . Louis. Brother Bres­nan then turned the meeting over to Vice President Jack Moore who pre-

sided ove r the rem:undcr of the meet­mg.

Vice PreSident Moore mtroduccd Lieutenant Governor Kenneth Roth­man of Missouri, and also noted to the delegates that Licutenant Gov­ernor Rothman was labor's cancltdatc for governor for the stat e of Mlssoun . He assured Mr. Rothman that the mEW was proud to suppon hnn as his record with labor was above re· proaeh. Lieutenant Governor Roth­man welcomed the delegates to Mls­soun and spoke on the Importance of labor in this year's elections. He stated that he was very proud to have the support of organ ized labor and pledged, if elected, he would do all in his power to bring new ,obs to the state of Missoun. He assured the delegates that he had always opposed the "flght-to-work" laws; and If as governor the "nght -to-work" Issue eve r went through the legislature, he would veto same.

V\ce President Moore announced to the delegates the death of Inter· national Secretary Emeritus Joseph D. Keenan and requested that John Sullivan, financial secre tary of Local 124, come to the podium to read a reso lution that had been prepared In

Brother Keenan 's beha lf. Alter the resolution was read, the delegates stood in a minute of si lence in tribute

to Brother Keenan . Vice President Moore then gave

the del egates a report on the aetl\'\ · tics In the Eleventh District. He gave the delegat es an update on current negotiations and the settl ements that had been reached In the Distnct In

the past year. He complimented the IBEW officers and members for the su ppOrt the members gave in the cauCLIses for Vice President Walter Mondale and that in most cases the IBEW was better represented than any other labor orgamzation. He spoke of the Importance of thlS upcoming electi on and that labor must do all poSSible to see that their fnends arc elected.

Vice President Moore then intro­duced the followmg speakers: retired Vice PreSident of the Sixth Distri ct Tom Malone; Vlce President John Hightower of the Twelfth District, IEC Chairman Wesley Taylor; IEC member of the Fifth District Robert Missey; E.E. Ka sal, regional director, NECA) Wi ll iam Hoyer, labor coor­dinator of the Ci ty of Hope; DaVid Weinberg and lames Walsh, attor­neys; and D.ll1lci McVey, president, MiSSOUri Sta te Labor Council.

A videotape was presented on the AFL-CIO's endorsement of Walter Monda le as candidate for presidell t.

(Contin ued on Page 22)


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lEe member Bob Missey speaking 10 Ihe del­egates.

Tweltth District Vice President John Hightower speaking to the delegates.

Mike lucas, Director, IBEW Organizing Depart­ment is shown participating in the workshOps.

AI the podium is Marx Evert, Assistant 10 Secrelary leigon, conducting the FlnarlClal Secretaries Workshop.

At the podium is retired Sixth District Vice President Tom Malone addressing the delegates. Seated are Vice President Jack Moore and local 1 Business Manager Don Bresnan.

Partial view 01 the delegates attending the Construction Wor1<shop.


PMial ylew 01 the delegates In the Manufacturing Workshop.

Partial view 01 the delegates attending the Utility Workshop.


Rellred Eleventh District International Representatives, left to righi, arB Russell Munlord. Elmer Kelly and Robert WI!IIams.





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I r

IBEW Well Represented at Labor Rally in San Francisco Members ot locals 6 26 , 302, 332. 551 , 595 and 1245 are shown partICIpating In the labor Parade


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Local 1245 Business Manager Jack McNally Is pictured at the parade.

IBEW Members Join with 160,000 Trade Unionists Who Held Rally and March In San Francisco

A lour-hour parade, organized by the California AFL-CIO, was held by mem­bers oj organiZed labor In doWntown San rraoosoo and coincided with the Democratic National Convention. II was the largest parade In the state·s history and dramatized labof's concern over the aggressive social and economic policies of the Reagan administration and demonstrated full support to the Democrats' Mondale-Ferraro ticket.

San Francisco cable car displaying IBEW Local 6 sign.

Shown are IBEW members who participated in the Labor Parade and Rally.

- f'IIoIoa fUfJ courtssy 01 LU. 1246 an(! Don Imlay. LU. 26.



Page 23: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


~ Summary of State Registration Laws

- _-.., Regll.,atlon .... - o-dtl,.,. -- " "" 10 ~ Ddin eIIQOI

t-..... """ XI dI\'S beloit eleclqI

.-. ~"" ~ dI\'S brlO/e tIlCbDn

,"'- .,. 20 <IIy1 DeloIt eItlJoon

l "'- ~"" 291i1y's beIin !IectG'I

CoIl.,.. ~"" 11 ~ belOit titcllOtl - IIotIIIIdt rilWtt'lCt '10 durl 14 0IyS beIort DllII'olI y • 110I'III lea ~, 11M beloit eletllOII

....... 80ni I« It$IGCIQ no -., 11 lily'! beloit """"'Y IO(NI'III JrIfSa ., Od

• ...... .,. II OII'S tleIOfe tkiC1O'1

I ..... BollI r.oe,~ "4 duff II OII'S lII!IQfe __

...'" ~

""' .,. l)IIllIr~~ - BoIIIIIOf ~ no duff ~ OII'S bdore declO'l "'" ,~ NII.I """ n ~ Delort f\«lo(lll ,

l .. ,,- .... 1'9m Illy bdort tlitCllOII

l - .,. ton dI'f Delore el«!,gr'I

bR1a1 M\ISI tlt ,tgoSltlrd ¥ CIo:il 20 dlys tltlgort tI«!IOn

I. 01 'tQlSiI¥O'I - """ 1) OII'S tltIOre tItCI ..... ......... .... II GtrS DdOIt i!l«ltOfI

I .. ,. ~ouril_'tQ (*"011 0.,. I'itrj1W.hOll

,. ....... ~ t,Ot ItsIdtIU no ourl 29 Grrl OtIore eltCll(In lOON! IfrQ

I. -'In&,,"" No OIf*'llllllIeq MW Of n GIy'l OtIGte eIItCIocIn

It1 II t.I05I 01 '1Qfi!r1lO'l - """ 1) III!IQfe eIKlO'I I

I .- """ 20 110M O!Iort tIItCJ.tOII E!!lt1.on ~ Rtg'~I'''.on

r """- """ XI GIy'l tIdrn !IIt(IO'I .- .,. ... ~ Odort tI«ItOfI , ... - """ II GIy'l O!Iort eltC1O'1 ...... .,. 2"" fr, DelOIt tI«Io(tI L ...... """ lllloM belOIt 1'1«1<011

I lin "''''''''11 " ... 10 GIy'l DeIoI, tIitCIlfII'


II •• .hrlt, ,,"" 19 OII'S belort ti«10011

Below IS a table hSllng me slate voter reg­!SlratlO(llaws As noted above. slale law allows. but rarely mandates SpecifiC ptacllces Aller looking al your state's hshng below, you slilt need 10 consull With loCal olilcials 10 learn the local reglSlra­hon oraCllces

RegIII.,Uon Why •• WhIn to Regll'''' ByMI" Reg ll ltll kM'o Cancelled?

Ccuv, aulllCulot .. .... SIIIe eIecIoOII GIla CIy & Il0l01.09'' tier .. '" f"on 10 ¥QI! .. 4,.s 1!Q'~11I0'l 1'1 ¥IOIheI

pleono'tII'l.I'" "'" COunI~ '1WIO!'i jI.Il.loct 0I1ht pen 1le!ll.':1 .. fiillll'e 10 'iCiII! ,n ~l.I gt!11 r\eCI,on l~rOllI

Co.Inry tJef" ~ ~ ~ " f.lollolelO_"'rn mctoellomco.1'IitI'f ~ ..

()Ia 01 'l'9'SIIII 01 «:Men or co Clef" ,. fao'Ulr to _ ... oene<M ti«.1101' ~ DeIore de\lLII, 'e9'WiII DellI QI MOlD! Yell< D\' conl.'ll\ or re$'0fIItt tin. 1'1!51 OIlUS

~ oounrV 01 t.11 C~ ' I (lila 01 DI~ .. r~llIJ/e 10 ~ ,n I)e<le<II elecl,O)'\ ,,~

!own den or rtQtWIr 01 "*'1 stuoon (II .. -,~ OIl 01 4O'nIUIOI'I 01 tIecIcn ~IC ~

• & dDOI 10.0:l0I ItQ'W*'"

eour., ~~ 01 tlecllOi'Ili GI'Iff Ot\.g '" ~ ~OI" SIMe ~.I!,ft 10 WOIe tI -- 2 COtI'«..c..e oen1 tI«bOIIS

Wl!l suoer"loOI 01 elecl~ 01 O!¥lCft .. On ,e;)rtl,I _ ffOOT! WIt or to

oII~ ~""t 10 'tI .... n ...... ~ or VOIr., 1 ,f~

CGtn, ~G or !fQ'SIJlo'~ f~",elOoI('JI! .. Jyn

"., (lU'tf 01 tAi ~ s 011« .. F 10 "* ., P:OldoO" " tr ~'-ottQ

-~-eo.....r, derl 01 lI'eonct PeglloII¥ .. f, ;!lI'e 10 "* .. ~ yn _flt(l W"eu

CounI, (Ier' S oIla 0I1OU QlIfte ~,a or .. F",lij't 10 \OQIt In 4 )'1~ ~ or MIQr!5S

(IKIO'I CormIlu.orerS dufll'l; gor«lIItIlfQ ""'" tSlril,gr'l~!'S or".,. me by 1I'1t"'" 'IQIS

••• eo QI VOla I'itQ 1o/IiloOII tier. (II (of(uII fjl""tlDWOIelor1yn UlU'l tdore ~r flf9'SilioI ClIIIIJ'I "'101,'" ,-Qlla 01 Ceo..nI, COI'I1I't>IISIOI'IeI 1)I.oOj0( " h""'t 10 'ecord chIngt 01 _ or ..aoreu, blCll,lS or iIo'llOl'lt lilly a,\.I"bIM Io!ms t~ , llII't 10 ,Ole on ~ ,'I

Count, ti«UOrI COtM\I\SoIOI\tl \ 1)l1<e .. CI'IfIIQt ol f'oIITIe. th.irl9t 01 M.IiIltSS (OUI'II, tiel.

ecunr, tier . '- 0I1<e " f ""', 10 IIOIt '" ~)'IS IIIDOIIl9

QUa QI !fQ'~" 01 N11IW '" F"IUlt 10 IIOIt '" 4 JIS _ ~ oI .... m

Belort 'IQISilioI (II _~. CWla 01 'l9'!.III " Per __ horn """' ..... 'TI or ~, 1I0Il, jU\lU 01 peitr or ~, puO!ot 0'tI4""l t1lot\Ot1ere

loat tmrd (II woeo. SOOS c1 eltCloOII$ IlO,(l '. fiollure 10 YIlIt OIl 5 yt¥s, fe;)rtl,/ by ..-11<1· lit lO'.on GI!l!I rIeSqIiItd QIIr.f!, urt 10 rttora!NnQe 01 ~ or at~

'" . IIIU III~ • • '..w ~ .. - ~ tIIIaIe:I '" ¥O'\III ar..ass. IfGl1 IICieQ ~ G..c-ol-(ll!o(.t WUoCIfI\ ._ ...... ",. (ierl. Sec, III Sc. lIr¥VI " I.!;)onng 00.<1 01 tumUIII, oIIa

CrI, ~ or 0IIIlf IlUDiIC PIIQ CIeIqI;IeII Oy ... F~lureIOYIlIt"'.)'I'S CNngtolNllleor OI1w" Il0l11 ti«11011 Illy ttl, tlI:r l" COLJ'II, ..""esl 'tOItIUI'OleI~~1\I .. ,~ CounI, ItQI!.II¥ 01 "" (ItI1o .. """ Co.onr, da. , alia or ana 01 DOIoId III '" ~or~~ -_. ~,(lttl '" retorr:1tl s 011« ,.,,,-.,., ... C/lt11en\Jl! 01 QWldot¥lOtI1 II""", 10 .. OIl 1IfjISII. cc ti«I.on_l.IIlIOr ~"'9!"'li!l«lOO'l C-, cltt. or fl«I.on _lol_ l< CI'oM>\l! or IIiIo'l'It 01 ..""esl

OIta 01 CCUIII, cl!tl. IfQ'S/liII 01 wOItrS 01 .. M<M bgm ,....'sdlClOOII 1i,11,IIf 10 "* '" gen-~oepr"r"~'iII aili!l«ltOfl

BDIoIa 01 ~"lo(lI1 QlIhe CftI!CIII\I or .. -or till tier.

Coon, bI1 01 t1«. or oIt QI rnurIIC'lI¥ Ver' .. fi>~'! 10 VOlt "' . yrs """" OiII-oIoit SlIn. motMlt ~


Page 24: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

Residency ~ll R!Sjulr.....,,1

lIe.lllu lco 100 ClJI~~ leo

1M. 'I'trt. ,,~

110.111 C,,,l lnl ~"" MIIIIII DakDtl ,, ~. ... " ,." OU.1tomt tto!lllOlloun.ll'l!'O

OI'r gOft " ,." PrAn"NlniJ ~"" RIIod. 111.l1li """ $011111 CI"lill.1 BeN IIOe ra«ra no OUIi

IIOfIo)I Iell

Sovth Oa\o', ,~

TeMlnn " "" luu " .... ... ~"" '1'. I1I1II111 .... Vi<, illll NO 0UI¥,01111 req

WII~ lng'o~ ~"" WISlVI" inil ~ .... WIUO/III.

" "" Wyerflin, 8on.I Me I~~ no ouri

IQ rea

DiMct 01 "". Calumall

Plrt , .. Rlu '" "" Eighth District Meeting [Continued fTom Page 11)

R~I' l r .l lon O .. d llne Whef l to R!SjII'I'

.Q OM titlOft tltdlOll i)ToCt.')4 CQI1II w dell. Of lly GeOuI r reo'lJlOII

.J) o»ys DtlOft tiKloOn Co.onI , ~a ~ ~ or .. ~ 'eQ!S' nil.on rretl'~ 1 ~ on ~

21 W$lne» Ol\'s Delort elK OIhU 01 tounIllIOi,a 01 elect.orIS ,~

~ leQulltO

](10M beIcIe tIKI"", Coutw , IWIO 01 rIfl:llO/l ella 01 QI/1tI ~u, ~Ied $lIeS

10 OM lItIOIe tIeCI'on f.lll •• , ~J&I(JIOO bOoira II OIlote 01 '<Ole' 'I'IJ ~. 1r('i.>CI'f\Q H!CI'on ClI) COUII!I citrO! o!tu OUItI OK~~ ~es

30 c.m bf'IOIe elet;hO" COUIIII IIOi rO 01 elechons rourlllOuSe 11'If.II\lOp,j1 to".IOol\QS IlIii n!!>

JO cliI~ DtlOif eIf(/.on lllQl 00100 01 ~\

30 ~ tJefOJ~ r<fJ(loQn Count, DO¥O llI . oIe: reo'SlI~.on orlU

IS OlI's ce'olt ~IttI<O" C'I , I)! (0I,I/II1 ~"or 10000"llS/110 or I()W'I Clell, mun>t lpal l.naro;e GlII(e< or /IOU" oun

" 30 0iY'> t;el{)oe e<etl.OI' Couni , ei«.l.OfI C()I'MUS~on 011« 01 ~ ,In Il'ec"'tll~"r~r oosI gll.en 01"'" OtSoq ~. """

30 ~ twolore tler:1-on CQuIII f Ii. mr..loOI COIle:IOI ~~ count , toe(; ~rI@dlj)J (0 CJtr . sec, 01 SO,

10 ~~ celor~ t letl'(JI1 CIJoI.II111 Cier i \ olT.ce or ,, ·In reo',I<~I I (JI1

~ OIneroe~~

11 dh'~ belOIt tletl.OI' Town 01 C.I, coerl

31 Oa'/I DelOIt r<fJ(1"", In OIestrn 01 QefltIiI 'egtSl'" 01 u , 01 (W'IIy or ~Sli>'ItS '¥o<M lOC.lIoOI'tI

30 IloIIS Ot/ore !IttI«ll1 COuo1 ly 'u(!110I1 Olltte oeout , ' ~'!.IP 'F I

2'lllln belOIt tiKIII)n COUtU r (It! ~ "'~'Sl!ll,jj ~II I "II~ tttl.l·" ~""oOI'I)

lno Weo:I belOIt t~1 (lit MIJ"o(W tIeI' DI Ill) 01 tlte. ~oroers [rea .... ~ II DOl'S '" COI.tIIIe .. """ 'eo'lII¥oon ~ IfIII.IOlf:(J

30 ~s DtIore toe(;l',3I! C,T, ... uunr , tlerlo I CiI!.ce

JO dh'$ Delore eltcl ll)ll [)\.IIII;I 9u1 1 ~' rIQ O\IIl llt "Draflts

l}(j ~ tetCtt eltaoOll 1'I$tr,,,,'on tfII\I'f$ esLln,,~ Oi' 1oX-li {I)(I\

""won 01 f"1!'tN"~

Eleventh District Meeting (Collt llltl ed from Page 17)

A generous cockt ail hour preceded the annual banquet on Friday nlgh l hosted by all of the Wyommg locals and Vice President Jon Walters. A chuck wagon dinner followed wi th an over-capaci ty crowd in att end­ance_

The opening re marks on werc by International Charl es H. Pilla rd.

the ta pe President

A Financial Secretaries Works hop was conducted by Inte rnati onal Rep­rescntative Mark Evert . The second day was dcvoted to workshops con­ducted fo r the Ut ili ty, Manufactur­ing and Construct ion Branches . Par­ticipants in those workshops we re ln ternati onal Representative Mi­chael Lucas, director of Organ izing; Charles Wern er, attorney from St. Louis; James Walsh, attorney from Kansas Ci ty; and the lntcrnational Representatives from the Eleventh District staff.

The Sa turday- mornmg session again was complimented with fu ll attendance ami provided an oppor­tunity for each loca l union to ma ke a report on its act iviti es ove r the paSt year.

The Wyoming delega tion was en­thusias tica ll y applauded and com­mended fo r thei r gracious hospitali ty and the ge nerous, frie ndly a tmos­phere that eXisted dun ng the en tire Meeting.


The delegates acti vel y pa rticipated in the workshops with ques tio ns and

R~ltl r.t lon Why I. 8X '''-Ii R!j llt rl tlon Cl ne . Ued?

'" VQIe! 1> 'eQUeSll~,luIe 10 'tOIt 111' \If!I1!'" elK t.on ~IUlt 10 I~ 10 !I<f~ .... .(Z

" fOllIUl! 10 'ecoid ~ 01 iOOIes.\ 01 10 "'lit . tlrun 2 yI1>

'" f~"lIIe 10 'tOIt 1!1 • 1':0 InO'ItO

'" ReQ,SI''''on mtllftell !:ilU! 10 o<*!tI t l iS

"" f ~Iure 10 VOle III 11'tl'S

'" tt I'I¥I\t or iOOIess tII.I"OtS ~ tletlOl ." no! re' I!Q,~lel

", fil'·_t 10 ~e OIl 2"s 'eo,S!'iI'tl'!"' iI'lOI"CI ,.,.,

"" r,.IIJ'e 10 ~ \01 ~ I'!> ., ~ lIon> QI!VrQ. ,. 'ur! ro <\lIt.~ 1 t"s

'" F ""ule 1(1 "tOre '" 4 COIISeI:IIl, <t 1'~ ~'" move Iron> ClJoI.II1 ly

'" C~ 0I1\¥l1t ~"urt 10 o'QIe 101 I 1!~ "IO¥fO 001 01 Dlet.tlCt

"'owe to iII'Oll'I!o COUIIIf J)I ~

'" ~oll"-llt Feo,!.I<~I>QtI

"" Move born 1\lWfI, ~""'" ro be on c.h!C.o.I·1I et!.e. _ e 1'011 'iOI'nr: .. 2 P'e>'IOUS !ifill tletllOIIS

"" I\emovlrl 01 r~ !jo'lJ'e IIlIlOll! ill tUSI

onceln 'rrs ... MOve 110m coonIl !'lime d'ranQe, ,."Uff 10 'fOIf

101 24 mos 01 .n mosl FectfIt (ltn I elecl.OII

'" MOve 110m to\IIII j lillUl. Iu VIII. " 1It!>Od eo. c1.,...l Slalt orom &!IfII tItlC.

'" M;M ~om OItconCt C/Ianr)! oI!1iJ'le li""" ro .,. In 1 yts

'" f",IJ"'O ¥OIl III 911"1 11K r~ 01 'no oetu Irom county

'" MCM hom DC !adU't 10 "!)Ie '" • ~fS

"" o....hlogl'I)RS CI\IlleroQt 0110011 !'(lIe 01 de.ill'

diSCUSSion of the van ous problems III their loca l un ions and stated they felt the information presented would hel p them better serve their mem­bership.

During the Progress Meeting a vol­unta ry contri bution of 5 1,975 was made by the members of the El ev­enth District to mEW-CO PE.

ViI,; t; PIt:sident Moore closed the meeting expressing hi s thanks to the loca l unions in the Eleventh Distric t fo r their support .


IN WASHINGTON, D.C. 0(:( 0(:( 0(:( 0(:(


I \







Page 25: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


I I ...


depal bnent of Research and Education

Health Care Cost-Containment Coalitions

The conStant and unrelenting rise in the cost of health carc in the United States has resulted in a period of review and reassessment of pnvate and public policies relating to the cost, planning, and delivery of health care needs.

For ISEW members, health care expenditures have taken an increas­ingly-larger sha re of the tOlal dollars negotiated at the bargaining table . Active and retired workers have watched their hard-won health care benefits being eroded by spiraling inflation. Many have been con­fronted by employer demands of "take-aways," larger deductlbles, and higher co-payments by their employ­ees.

While effons have been made to restrain rising costs, the problem per­sists. This should be of great concern to all health care consumers, includ­ing IBEW members. It is obvious that the providers of health care, left to their own efforts and resources, have shown that they are either unable or unwilling to get a rein on spiraling health care COSts.

Many of the present cost ·conulin· ment measures have not worked as well as they could at slowing the inflation rate because of a lack of concened community effon to change the present health care delivery sys· tern. Similarly, employer demands of higher co·payments and deductibles have proved equa ll y ineffective at tackling the real systemic health care problems. In reality, such measures give a conceml"<i employer only short­tenn relief by shifting a larger portion of the health care burden to their already·financially·strapped employ· ees. The fact is that neither the em· ployer nor the employce is the pri· mary cause of thiS health care crisis, rather, they have become the vic­tims.

Community Coali tions

It is because of the common con-

cern and interest of various com· munity facuons that many com· munities throughout the U.S. have formed health care cost·containment coalitions. The community coalition concept is quite simple and, in many areas, has proved to be quite effec­tive.

Employers, unions, and othe r concerned community groups join together in a concerted and forceful effort to develop strategies for can· trolling health care costs. Often, health care providers and insurers are asked to participate. Broad·based community involvement, including vanous local unions, is essential if the coalition is to have impact. Yet, local conditions and relationships quite often result 10 varying memo

bershlp and program compoSItion. However, it is extremely important for all Taft·Hartley truSt funds, unions, and employers to partiCIpate and work together in the community coalition. Lack of union input into coalitions could result in harmful solut ions that would compromise existing employee benefits. The common goal of all coalition partic­ipants shou ld be a commitment to find shon· and long·term so lutions to the problem of providing quality health care at a reasonable cOSt for all citizens of the community.

Successful coalitions have the abll · ity to I) educate participating mem­bers on health care Issues; 2) serve as a forum for discussion between benefit plans and hospital, dental,


JUNE. 1984 1981 = 100

HMIII'I& Rte ... • All Item, Tr.nlpor· Peraonll lion • -'" '". Combined Food Hou.lng Cloll'llng 1,IIon CoA R .. dlng

June 1984 122.2 1183 124.1 112.5 1246 122.9 1188 May 1984 121.7 116.6 124.2 112.5 123.4 122.9 119.0 April 1984 121.5 117.2 124.1 112.4 123.0 122.7 116.1 March 1984 121.2 116.6 123.6 112.5 122.6 121 .3 117.6 February 1984 120.9 115.9 123.2 111 .5 124.1 121.0 117.5 January 1984 120.2 114.6 123.1 109.0 124.2 120.3 116.4 Decembe< 1983 119.6 112.5 122.7 111.1 122.7 120.0 117.5 November 1983 119.2 112.1 122.3 111.4 121 .3 120.1 116.0

June 1983 117.4 112.0 1195 1102 121 4 118.2 115.3 June 1982 111 .2 June 1981 100 0 June 1980 88 .• June 1979 805

NOTE Canad,', Coneumef Price Indelt lor an IIernI oncreased 0 5 poinIs c1Jnng me pasl monll'l or O.~ ThIll ~ In IIn.oaI ~ oIlner .. ,. 01 • 8' (0. II 12) The inerease In CPI during !hi put

year was • 8 pointe or • I'"

Percent c;:hange be'-1 IWO datel ~ caIo.IIated try IUbIractJng the irdelt number lor the earlier date II'om II'IaI lor tile laler dale and dlvidor1V !he .nuh try the inQe. number lor the e3fIi8r dale. then multiplying try 100

EXAMPLE: For the period 01 June. 1983 10 June. 1984 122 2 111. - 4 811"1de1t poonts. 4 8 divided try 1174 . 041 J( 100 .. 4 1-.

Pntpared by: D6ptnmenl 01 Aesellt'Ctl and EdUCItlon. tSEW. July. 1984


Page 26: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

and physician grou ps; 31 fac ili tate the exchange of tn formatlon among all consumers of health ca re; and 41 mamt:ll n lia ison with other coali­tIOns.

Areas of Concern

Areas of particular concern to a coahtlon generally mclude:

• Identifying the causes of mc rcases In local health care costS and the rates of mcrease III specific :Heas, such as hospital COSt'i, physicians ' fees, etc.

• Evaluating eXIMlIlg health care la· cliltles and services m the com· mUl1lly, wllh ;1O "''i'if''i'im('nt of the availability uf needed services lor everyone, IIlciudlllg the dlsadvan· taged, the elderly, and the unem­plo}'ed. Excess facility capacity should be assessed and appropriate aCllon taken.

• Developing utilization review pro­cedures, with emphaSIS on hospI­tal tn-patient days of care, and a follow-up companson With othe r

hospllais and OIhe r comm unities; also, the deve lopment of utlh za­tlOn rates by va nous popula tion groups :md steps that can be taken to red uce high ut ilization wher· ever excessive patte rns a rc Iden­tified. A Sim ila r approach should be takt:1l III H:ga rd to utilization ra tes for other health caIe serVlCCS, c.g., long· term care, phYSICians ' ViSits, laboratOry and x-ray serv­Ices, psychlatnc care, etc. The ef· fectlveness of any eXisting utili· zation review 'iy'item should also be assessed

• Ana lyzlllg health care benefit packages and options; e.g., health ma intenance organ izations (HMOs). prcferrL'd provide r orga· Illzations (PPOs), and other alter­native delivery systems, as well as any gaps 10 service cO\·cragc.

Followlllg thiS type of lIl-dcpth analYSIS of the local health care sys­tcm, a coa li tion should then deCide on a few prion ty pro1ects to improve the COSt and delJ\'cry of health care; for example:




June May Apnl March February January Oecember November

June June June June June


JUNE, 1964 Ap~rel

Ail itemi • "ear Combined " .. HOI.I,lng Upk NP

1984 306.2 3018 326.2 196 1 1964 305.4 301.2 3252 197.7 1984 304.1 302.3 322.7 196.2 1984 303.3 3021 322.9 1960 1964 303.3 302.1 3242 1954 1984 302.7 299.4 324.7 195.3 1983 301.5 294.0 324.2 196.1 1983 30 1.4 292.6 3245 199.7

1983 297.2 292.2 322.3 1947 1982 290.1 1981 271.4 19BO 247.8 1979 216.9

TranspDf-l allon

315.5 3146 311.9 306.9 307.7 307.9 308.2 308.2


Medical Clr.

376.3 3750 3732 3726 371 .3 367.5 364.3 362.9


NOTE. Thti COn.$lJmer Prlc:e Indl~ lor all IlemS Inc:reastd 0 6 nde~ ~nl' OlJrlno IhO ~st month or 0 J-_ This equal1td an aMuII rate oI11'1Crease 01 J 6-.. 10 J >( 12). The 1I\C',ase d\mng the paSI yeall'l'u 9 0 Inde~ po<nrs, Of J 00-

Percent II\Crease be~ two date, .. calculate(! by SUDl'actlOg ~ noe. numbef IOf the earlier dale lrom ChallOt the Iii!'" dal' and dr-odong ll'Ie f'lU~ by!he """~ numbe< lor Ihe ,arber cu.t, then I1'II.IIt,plylng by 100

EXAMPLE FOf the pened 01 JlJne. 1983 to JlJne. 1984 306 2 - 2972 90 Il'<0l. po<n!s. 9 0 CI,viOOO by 297.2 000 '< 100 · 3 0-..

P'epar&d by' Oepal1ment 01 Rese.rCh and EoucatlOn. IDEW, July, 1964


11 Encourage efforts to place less emphas is on expensive in-patient trea tmen t and greate r em phaSIS on alterna tive forms of carc, Ill ­cludlllg ambulatory and home carc. Th is objective can be reachcd by:

aJ redeslgnlOg IIlsurancc bCIH:fi t:, to emphaslz.c preven tat Ive, out­pat ient and home carei

b) rCVICWII)g uu hzatlUn, whi le mallltaining both health ca rl' and financIal protection for pa­tients; and

cl cncouraglllg a reduction III the usc of hospital beds III order 10

make the most appropnate lise of com rnu lli ty hea lt h re· sources.

21 Increase access to care through

al efforts to finance and prOVide hea lth care for the unemployed and othe rs who do not have access to ca re;

bl efforts to lessen the Impact of recent federal , state, and local budget cutS on health carc III

the communlty.

31 Increase OppOrtlllllllCS to diSCUS:; and develop the most cost-eHec· nvc and equltablc forms of pro· vider payment

~ I Dc,'c lop more·cffectl\'e programs of health promotion and dlsea .. c prevelltlon.

51 Develop and promote IegislatlVC activities mdepcndent from those of hospitals, doctors, and IOsm-ance c.1rners.

IB EW Position

The IBEW bchcvcs that the con­cened effon s of both labor and bUSI­ness wlthlO a coalition can have a Significant Imp3Ct on health care coSts by changlO,!: the svstem so that hcalth care IS dellverl'd 111 a less· expenslve, marc· efficient :lI1d appropriate man­ner, while cont1nUlng to pro\, \I,!c qua lit y be nefits to our members and thei r fanll li es. B}' p:lfticip3ting in health care coali ti ons, IBEW local ullions arc III a bctter pOSitlOn to promote Cost-containment program~ that arc di rec ted at modcra tlng health care COS tS wh ile avoiding schemes tha t wOli ld sacrifice the qualit}' or avail abil i ty of hea lth carc.



. ,

Page 27: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


S~FETYTIPS • for you and your family

OH-MY ACHING BACK! Last year nearly one-third of all

injuries reponed to OliT International ,- were injuries to the back) of disabling

II1luncs requinng lost time, 40 per­cen t were to the back :md nearly all

o-J, from Improper lifting! We have all read of the proper way

to lift; and, in most cases, when ~ lifting heavy objects, we try to ob­

serve them. Most injunes of this type involved Improper Ilfung of objects under 25 pounds-weights so light

... we forget the rules. Some se rious back IIlluncs have

occurred whcn someone bent at the .. hips to pick up a pencil or a piece of

paper from the noar!

l I I


I r


~ I


The back provides the suppOrt to keep the body crect, yet flexible. The interlocking nature of the bones of the spinal column, along with its nerves, muscles and IIgamcm s, have the potential for many types of In­IUry .

Most of us seldom thmk of the amount of pressure or s tram placed upon the back by some si mple move­ments. This s train is enormous even when we arc not lifung.

To demonstrate to yourself some of the Importance o f good ilftmg habits, try the following three ex· penmen ts.

I. Stand at arm 's length from a small table, such as a TV tray, grasp the table With one hand and try to lift It ; then move up to the tab le as closely as you ca n, and, with the same hand try again to lilt It . This dem ­onstr<Hes the ImpOrtance of s tanding close to the load you are lifting. PlaCing your feet about one foot apart, With one foot alongSide the load and the other close to the s ide nearest you keeps It close and easier to lift.

2. Pick up a heavy book in one hand With your fingers on lOp and hold it straight out at arm 's length for a minute . Then tWi St you r arm, so that your thumb is on top, and hold it fo r another minute . This experiment not

only demonstrates the effect of leve rage working against your body and Increasing the eHec­tlve weight of an oblect, but it also shows the IIlcreascd strain twisting can place on your mus­cles. Never twist your back while lifting o r carrying an ob­lect! Turn your feet, not your back .

3. Stand With your feet together, bend your knees, louchlllg your toes with your fingers . Then, s tanding up, keep your legs s traight and touch your toes. This shou ld show the value of using your legs to do the lifting.

Tests have mdlcated that merely sualghtenmg up from a bent-over position puts a s train of more than a quarter of a ton on the back o f an average adult. Lilting a moderate load with thiS mcorrect method can apply tensions of a half ton or more on the back of an average adult!

Ge nerally speaking. when bendmg over to lift, ralher than lifting with your legs, your lower back is actually lifting 10 pounds for every pound lifted [object plus weight of upper body). This shou ld cause people to realize the Importance of proper !th· mg. When lifting ally oblCCt , we shou ld prepare to lift by domg th e followll1g:

I. Before domg anythlllg Slap and 1Illnk.

2. Size up th e load : a. How heavy IS 11 ? b. Any nail s or splinters? c. Any sharp edges or slippery

su rfaces to avoid or wipe clean?

d. Where to grasp it? e. Where IS th e poim of bal·

ance? f. What is the lifter to dn with

the load! g. Where is the load to be car­

ried ? Is the route dead h. Where IS the load to be put

down! Has that area been prepared ?

Then, as we are ready for the lift

Itself: I . Face th e oblect. 2. Stand as close to th e object as

possible. 3. Feet should be apart with OIlC

foot forward for suppOrt and balance .

4 . Body weight should be over the feet.

5. Bend your knees, nOI your back. 6. Keep back straight Inot neces­

sanly vertical). 7. Keep elbows and arms tucked

into your sides. 8. Use full palm gnp [thiS gives

marc s trength than JUSt fingers) , 9. Tense muscles and lift by

s tralght en mg out the knees and using the strong leg muscles, keeping the object close to your body at all limes.

Remember: I. Don' t ,erk the load. Llh II

smoothly 2. Don' t lift and twist at the sa me

tim e. Lift obJect to carryll1g po­sition, then turn your body by changmg foot position first

CarrYing: I , Keep It close. 2. Keep elbows and arms tucked

mto your Side. 3. Don' t change gnp III mid -carry.

Many times the load to be moved IS more than one person can safely handle . Never be ashamed to seek he lp if the object IS too heavy or too awkward for one persall. In these cases conSider those lIlvolvcd to be a team and obse rve the followll1g team lifting-and-carrying rules:

I . Know when you need help and get It!

2. Ideally both !thers shou ld be the same Size and weight to share the load equally.

3. Someone should be the "quart­erback" and " call the Signals."

4. The route to be taken should be agreed upon before carrylllg.

5. The place to pu t the load dm ... n should be agreed upon before carrying,


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Art. Blilintil RrprutQuli u 8i1l lIepburn, ldl , .. ·ilh lI'Olhe. Duu old on the fin al dly 01 employ, ment.

Apprentices Raise Money For Relief Committee L U. I (l,tm,Jpa&n.l, ST . LOUIS, MO.-The pho­tos WflC taken a', lob-, ite tilhenng honollng the 1.51 da)' of employment 10' Brother Hen.y DunoJd. Hank, WhOK <:;IICt. In Lou! I splnnd JB furs, was well known on I muhuudc of the larlle. consu\lclLon p'OlCetl, from the Calcway Munmon Plant to " .'cwardsh.p at the Ceneral MOIOIS p,ojtct . Feelmg • unSf 01 botl1 ,oy Uld lon, we bid the fond farewell to a Brothel who IS • firu-,.tf: "'L1eman, I proud member Ind :I ,ood fncnd Iklt of luck, Hankl

[n the .rn of &roup ICIIV,IY, the Apl',emicc !><)c l al Llub wD.ktd a food and·!levenge stand dur­Ing the lIllie election Ind Ipun,ored • dance un June 13, 110111 fo r the benefll of the local', Rehel Commillce. D.nce attend.nce wa, respectable .nd reVIVU the Ide. of a fund ·rahlng .OClal which h.d b.:en ..... <.1 III th .. put ," th~ ALLnulll V"I"ui"''' Dance. au, app,enUteJ have also bten manning Ihe phone banks al the SI Lom' L.bor Counc,I', hudquarlell In an .lIempl to insu,e adcqu.te ~tcr ,c&lsu.llon fo, the prlm ... y and leneff.] elccuons In ,rul most c'lIIc.1 elccllon YUr, II well IS IS

tl!llnl In the h.ndbllhng operallons throughout the arca II II wllh • note of 'pp,eel.llon Ihat we cite the 'pp,enttce .CtlVllltS and enduvoft and welcome thell eflorts In the common .ttempt protcct OUI It lmory and conunue the u.dllimlJ which haVt benefi led the orpniutlon over Ihe years.

Plca$e be adVIsed of Ihe followinl member duths during the monlh of lune: Lawrence I fische r, p.oductlon on ~Iuion, initiated December, 1941, Anhu. Hillchhausen, wueman on pension, May, 19 17, Leroy li lnd.ichs, wuem.n, June, 194 1 I ClaY'

son Smilh, mllnlenance on pen~lon, December, 19J5, Earle L Lon&. wi,emon on peM10n, April, ]938, Arvil1e Weber , main tenance on petlllOn, November, ]936, Chfford Bailon, p.oduellon On penslon,lune, 1946, and Bcn M Han, w"em,n on peMlon. Augus!. ]95]


Piclu red hele i& BIOlher Chulu ChUllu, ' 75· )'ur member of Local 1, New York, N, y,

Anothe. p;onrel mr m· bel olLon l 1 il IJ ido.e Schot-ll.ldd, wbo .Iso h., 75 )'U., of It ",in 10 Ihe IQ<.I and Ihe IBEW.

Longtime Members Receive Service Awards LU, 1 ti,o,tm,u,govt&moj, NEW YORK, N, Y.-A new polley 01 t ile tBEW It 10 p.uenl eelllfiealts of .ervlet and a d,amond lopel pon 10 mcmbers wllo have IlI,incd 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 Ind 15 yuu 01 mcmbel$lI,p on Ihe IBEW Local 3 lIeld a lunch· con 10 lIono. Ibe members wllo ha .. e .uched IlIue pl.luus at the Elcctne Induury Ctnle. AuduO' num on 'une 15, 1984 One hundred flfty·three members 1cccived Illtil IBEW H,Vlce aWlrds lo r Ihei r SO, 55, 60, 65, 70 o. 75 yurs 01 terVlce on Local J and tilt IBEW

Those on .lIend.nce .1 tile luncheon were p.e· $el!.ld wull thclI, lapel pins, wltchn and chech from Local 3 b)' Ihe offlcers and business leplcscnl.UVCS. In .ddlllon 10 Ihe se.VlCe awa,ds Ind lapd p,ns, tilt new 5Q·ycar mrmbcu,eeelved I IUi llbl)' inlc" bcd gold walcll and Ibt new 60· yu, members leeelvcd a check in l ilt amount of Sioo U 'Ioken 01 the «teem the membership has , ,,, IIt~~c l1ul~ I"UUC .. , Iuc1Ubc:U. Thu.c ... h ......... u1.1 not ."end have 'curcd 10 m.n), arU$ of thc Uni ted State., and thc trip back 10 New yo. k for one da), was tOO urenalvc or tOO much for Ihem, Others were In poor hUlth, and even I"'Vtlt", locall)' was • bu.den on them,dent Ceorge Schuck, ch.lrm.n 01 the lunch· eon, aftel wtlrommg those p.eHm, "Ited Ihat in Ihe fo.mative ),ell' of Local J IRd the bbor move· ment wo. klnl people tended to bve tn the "me DeI5hborhooo:.b:md '."odtalll ,at. nu.. lhell homn. As the union Slaltcd to devdop, Ihe)' , ook a llrongel tnlelell tn Iht building 01 thtll unions Ind devoted mo.t of the ll leisurt limc 10 helplOg each other. Today the compcllrlon 10. the wo. k· inlJ1lan '. ,pare lime it flerce in th, t tclevlslon and eu,ly ,cc(Jsihle modu of tntCII.tnmCnl lie con· . ,de . ed necClsuie. 01 hie , The exodus from the old



WOIktnllCbu nelghborh()()<h 10 Ihe subutb •• gaID CUI tntO Ihe lime IYlllabie lor .hCI·WOlk",g hour. "I umon aClivllltl

1000eph lacobson, p,u ltlent of Lou] J ', Relhetl Assoclallon, spoke 01 Ihe polent force Iht KnlOI elll:eni a.e If they elte.CIH thclI "ghlIO vote He ... lI.e,&ed that at &en lOI cUl:en. the)' must belp OUII Reagan from thc Wbltt House .nd theleby p.Olttl IhclI hard·tamed Soclll Serum), bcnefhs

Flnanc,al Secretary HallY V.n Andale, " ,' who ,teel"cd htl 55'~1I $ ,wlld, IIlIed that the , .... InU-UOion Reagan adminIStratiOn "hasptopleeon· vlnced Ihar wo.kingmen.nd women are be,n, paod mOle Ihan Ihey lie wonh." He ciOHd h,s remark, by lIytnllthe labor movement had bU111lhe middle clu, and Ihe middle class hu made Amtnta grul

A mlnUle of "Ienl medullion WIS observed In

memory 01 the deceased member. who would h.v~ ,e(" ,ved Ihell awards at Ihe luncheon.



Beti." B.othel Cu. Iiripal of loc.1 n , Om.ha, Ncb., WII

,wlfded • 5!t' ),tll pin,

p."idenl W,It Smith and Fltd ,.cobnn wo.k on ngs.1 Ihe PUIY,

Election Held; Labor Day Parade ptanned L U, 22 (i,IU&l P' ), OMAIIA, N£B.-Loca] 22 he ld In cleclion in lune. None of the polltions h.d tOO much 0pposlllon ..0 Local 22 hll .bout the .... me oIAte •• for the nUl thrtt yelf"

Wt have I couple of pholot hom Ihe .ettftmenl ~ dinner $e¥eral mnnthsago wllh Ihlaaniclc Thanb So to Blother Wlir Smllh 10. goinl over 10 CUI Rripal 's and awarding him hi. 55'),ell pin Con· pllul.uons to BrolheT Cu •. He .pent. 101 of time " the WUlrrn Electric Wo.ks hele in Omaha.

Labol Day il coming upon us. a,e In Ihe malting for anOlhel annual Scptemberfell. Thb wHl include I nIce Labor Day Parade. When Ihi. Is being rcad, lummCT will almo.t be ovtr, ll won' t be long and the . nnwball. will be hitting u • • gaio. 01'1 loc.1 still h .. Brolhers wOlking OUI 01 lown Ind. whole bunch on the bench

Page 29: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

Th" YUI 'S wmner 01 Louin', !cholar~hl r I~ Balbui McCorm ick She .s thc daughu,r 01 r>h and ~t. ~ Donald McColmlck Cong'~lulaIiOnt'

Doni Inll\(' 10 i\CI you. sell .cady 1o. Ihc rolh , m No,cmbc.

Officer Cites Statistics Of Reagan Regime LU, 261i&ul, WASIIING TON, D .C.~l udl' •• Ihc IImc lor all 01 nur 8l(uhel> anJ 5,51(/\ I" !>and lO~cthc l and .eah:c tbe ImpUHance "I wb., lb •• "Clr mc~n, to us a' laootln,l peorle NOHmbcl (>

11Ir>4 "Ihc mon .mpUl1anl da\ 01 the yeal 1m u~ \\ e need 10 'I1lr'c~. ur"n our lam,l-' IIlcnds nelghbul. and U'Iu,muneu ,he .mp'Cllhit "'Ill be made hy helpmg Wahel Mllnd,le become our nUl p.cs,denl Hc n01 unly needs oul "ule "hlth 15 "11.1 he alw necds nUl lurpon By rUI~hislllg

)0 COPE IIckcu ""e can surJl0rt hIm III 1t'\"1nl b,m Ibe lunds 10 heir IIghl tbe Rug.n admlllllll,uun

Remcmbc:r "'C ue nlll \ml~ ele«,ng the r'e~1 dent "I Ihe Unlled Slalco.~"e •• e ufcn,lbcnlllg OUr \OIee a, "'Olkllll ~(lple Ibroup Ih,"c lp !,o,nted 10 Ihe Nallon.1 Lab". Relallon\ 8<> ... d Sup.eme Coun see .ell.v "flabo, and on anJ un So ~'IIU (in sec h"w Imp' Illnl 1\ "'Ill ~ tnr u' 10 tleel .\1 •. \10nd,lc

... Helc are , Ie" lieU and H,u.n llut "f .h,,"I.t all he lam,lIa. ""Ih .... hen ~umc"ne Iclh ~ ... u Ihn Wallel \Ionda!e ",." with Carlf. ,od Ihc) d,dn I help Ui ,II FIISI III all, C~IIC' su.t dldn't bUll u. ,2' Since \Ir Ru,;an b" hecn prc<lJenl D m.I"oD men Ind "'omcn "C.e w"h"ul to'" it ~Ime lime III h'lll P millIon ~,alll III 111112 and l-4 million mOlc III 11183' ,J' Undc. ~h Reagan Ihe H"Cla,;e unemrlo ... mcnl In.e>! U "'eehlll I\I~I 16 "'ech

... 1Il11l~!'nJI~"'eek~1Il19111' ~ Alprnenl Ihelc are ",1111;; m,Il'on Amcllun} oul III "'OIk' It all olthCK !'Cnrle ~"ooJ 10 a hne 24 mehu ~I p",wn ,hn hne "'"uld Ic"h !Ium the Ad,nll. O<;un \' Ihe r.t,he And .\11 Rca,;an lells u. Ihn 'c(,,~c,.., ,\ lin Ibe "al·

Undc, Ihe Callel ,Jmmlstrauon unempl",' men! 'HIIged 6 4 rcr~cnl .lOd dedmed I", .; ~ pcrceDl 10 19~9 UllIlel RU,in uncmpl<.lym(nl hu IH"lIed" S pclten! and was Ul' 10 10 1 pu,enl In Oc~embcl IlIljZ-lhc hldle51 le .. el smte Ibe

.. . Grut OcPIU5'On' In hum,n lerml tbc COli ha, Men hl~N ~carly II million lamilin h."c lou IhcII hulth lIl~"rin(C 'o~clage ~Il~ 000 lamilln IIISI Ihell homes Ih,ou,h mn"",e I().td".u.e~

\. and n,II"~ ,mall busmcun "e.e loreed ,nl" rupley'

lJ we arc ~CIIOU~ about "U' IUlu'e and Ihe IUlure of our families "'e "",11 m,ke, ehan,lc m the olliee uf Ihe p.nldcnl on NU\'fm~r 6. 19114 These: SUIISIICI "'CIC "ken hom In cdltotlal,n the AFL CIO r .... " ... lune JO 1\184 Hopelullt by Ihe IImc lOU ,UJ Ih .. i,"ele the emrlovmem .IIU'lInn w,ll ~ much Mllel

Smer uur lasl alllde Ihe luI 1<.1 Will' B.OIhell bnt .ellled \\'I)"Oe A Hull du •• bllny ..,"'eml'nl. O.,·,d l Wa,;nc. Ir nOlmal reuremen. Ed",' 'rd I Mel chan. urlv ' (mement. I'aul 0 Melcalf c~rl)

• rcuremenl and Phlhp T WQ()(Jild ully ICIIIC ment

h " lime to c101C ~ga'n. and .. usual. "'e hl\'~ J lid nOle Siller bst month W~ losl .elilcd II I00bel C "8ud Holt lellled 81UlhcI Robel! Goode and Brolhel RO~11 O,nn)' SJllCel It " <.IU. pra)c. Ihal the Good Lurd Will ~ "'"b Ihue BrOlhe'5 and thclr lam,I,es We a.e Ihankful thlt We had Ihem as B,olbers i1 long as "' e d,d


Officers Sworn In ; Register and Vote LU. ~I, 8 UFFALO, N . ¥.-On~c ',11n Loul 4! ilu entruStcd Ihe ltadcr~hlp ul L""I 41 10 c'Iber newly clee ted "' . eetectcd oiReen 1m Ihe nut Ih, ee yUr§

Thc ol A~ers etetled III lune and sworn Into "Ifiee In july lur Ihe nexl Ih,ec yca" are P'C5,denl MIke f ' ancy, Vice PI(s,denl !'aul Reed, Reculdlllg Sec

rotaN luhn Call>!han. I\ U)IlIeU M~nagc . F' nanelll! Sec/CU I)' Gene Adams, Treasu.el Bob Kanu buwsk. Ind hcculI~e Buud mem~u Ton) Bu. Ikowskl , Dan E,ke" Nurm Hags"um Ed HilI . III II. KevIIl Mycr$, Joe O'Connm and !'ele R",e f he hammill, BIU.d w,1l eon.1\I 01 Kcn Brubaker, RICk Eble,s D.n Fehmer f\;orm FOl i nd Dick C'och,!, Ilem~ se:nt a, dck.u.u 10 the nUl IlltemaIlOnJIC .. nVenllon .... 11 ~ Itlll Gleason and relc RI~e IS ... ell 15 Ihe plu,denl and bu"nns m~n.,e. 1,,0' O'Cunnor I, Ihe Urn aitcrnllc ~e leCied

Lou! 41 IJkn C' Ut pllde m In 'iuahl) ullu man~blr and ,I> ,nflucn~e III "1~aOl:cd I.bol To maml~'" IU platC as a lude. 111 u'Kalll:ed I~b". Lucal ~I must (on;IJntiy Ineel neW ehatlen~n Thc mcmi><.;b'r "I L(><;aI41 h" al"'a"s done'" hal l> bc~1 ,,,, 1/. o,,'n IIllCIC11 Th,. }U' L"",l JI ""II on,e 11(1'n be IUlcd. a' "'el1 n ~1I111"'llIztd I,,",,,, II R"lIalJ Ru~a" 's '~Iu,"ed 1<' "Uite the dku. N hl~ ledr.u"n can onh I>r d,~~.trOll5 Itl all "I

" Wc h,~e ~een I complete ncd mdustr) lu\'c Our uea il"ng ",tb Ih<)uunJ~ul man huursol "u, I.bol Wt n<J 1,)O~e . hne .nl rdin,,,u "~"Ull,l m OUI lIu ~nd" 5e~m~ Ih~1 ne'y da) .n<>thel bu~,"es~ '5 dO'ln,l 01 Id"uU"I1 The Surleme Cuun ,nJ '\;LRH haH done .s mucb damue 10

local ~I rhl"u,h Ibcll de •• "on1 anJ "lion, u Ronlld Ru~n hJS d"nt rh"'",th h" 'Manc I:~" n"I1l" pbn

heh member ot u><;.1 41 mun •• k tbcm~el~e. II Ihc ••• e ,l01ll~ 10 ,oil U\fl .nd It I Ih,~ UIII 01 ,ndll5t11.1 h<lmlcldcconunue ro nul' Ihe snowhall fftc~1 of Rea,loOn ind hiS pohtle~ "'e mUSI do muth m,,,c ,n IIJ In 111'0 ",e,1I J,d. h.1f huned ,,,II and "'e p.,d Jurl\ 101 Our ml\uke \ \ t can t. ncC! OUI ml~take and ~(I anI:'" u'mmltmrnl I" ,n 'nJU!III'/ p"hn "nh' t.>~, .em"\'In~ R'lfIald Ruun hom utllec

II lOU uen I leg'~le.ed II c, crt' m~mber ut HIUI bm,h ch_,llie 10 ,'"Ic IS nUl le,lsleled ,nd II ) oU

J 'n I vf"',k uut at e,'er)" ('Pp,,"unnv .pIIlSI Rca gan ~ou Will sUlcly ,edr~1 him b, )"VU, !llenec

Lo~,1 41 has al",.)·~ tak~n ~Itl. pn de III II> eleued ludersb,p, and altel l"oklOl" ,,·hal took rli,e 10<.,11)' 10 '114 ~'<>u mu,1 ,~",'cJ .. p.1oluupate I~ heir ¥"ur.,.,1f Ind IOU. l'm,ly s lutu.t T,h the lil~1 5Iel' .r(I>rr.· .nd dOl II tOO"

11., •• ~ P 1\".,

Officers Announced; Scholarship Awarded LU, 4/J \;,e&,.,ml. SEATTLE, II ASII . -G.eellng\ hom L""al 40'; EleClion ul I1Ukc.~ I". Loc.I.1'I ".~ beld lune II IIItl4 Oa\'( I,,,dln "'U I"rlct/ed IS buslOe" m.najl;el and financ,.1 StelClUY II.IH \lenu "'a_ leclrc,ed as p.u,Jcm Elmel C'ld .i lo<..1 ~(> S ne'" "ICC pr",dent Len RUlhe,h"J .\ ,he nr"'lv eleeled le"old,n, ~tle'ir)" E.d Pe~nlle "'&$ .eeleued .nJ lord) And,e", 1"1 Costello, td 1I"· ... I.IOd. H,Il \\' lCketsh.m and I'aul Sch"'cnd,man aTe nc .. ly deucd hccuuve Board mcmbc" Inrd)' And.ew ,nJ Ed lIaY"'Q()(J h ... e RI\'ed un Ihe Bo.rd fllI,n, "acantlCS lor Ihc lUI ~U. B,II Engh,h ""1$ .eclCfled 10 Ihe Exteull~e Board and hm Wclls. lobn Cllmolr and Bo" CUI man arc the nc ... ly ciectcof Eummlllg Board mem ~II wllh Dub Pedroncrlh bclll~ .etie(lcd 10 Ihat T<>"

Th.nk) 10 8.ob Kelle. Lrunard ChcrnolJ r,ul Ollle .. "b ~nd Art fullel lur ,hell iCU'e P'" U tamhdalu lor buslOcss man.,cr and flnanelll J(e relar"!, AI~, Ibanh '0 Sine Anden-Qn who scntd IS ~,ce r.cs,dcm and un 101 p.n,dent The "fCe p'es,denl . • rco . d,ng seCICla '" Ind treasurCI r~" unopflUkd To Ibe full<.lwlO, mem~1t who .Iw Ian for EU(Ull~~ Board I a~lIn wan, III say ,hank yuu lut h.,:,ng lO~nl~ed 10 YOUI l .. c,1 UO\<111 .1I'l/\ DJVC ,,"un O~,·~ K~"t. Mu,IOCC I\erkol ~nd I'hll \1cNamec

The 1"II"wlO, 8101h~n eh"", nOI to .un a~"n SI(\''' Vondcllc, Executive 1I<J"d , M,ke O,I""ollh IceuldlOg sec.etary and hccuuve Iloud, La.ry Ackelman, Ex"eullve Soald Karl all~hl. Exam lIl'nK Bo~ . d, B,ll Ehl~ l, EXamlmnR Bolld, .nd t'IlIC J\hlloo. tumllllOg Bo~ ,d We lhonk yuu fo, the

Scholar • • •• •••

Sho ... n htu 1\ Iht pru~nlliion IIf Iht founde,,' ~cholar$ h, p arc, Id\ to .i~ I" , lIu.i"r~' J\1ana!N l)iH IlIldln, Lacll ~6 , SUlllc. \ .... h./ Wendf Calland", uhola"hip winner, \\ endy'~ ~ i SIf' , 800nit Glint, II., pa rtn l~ , brb Ind Ooul Cal· I.nder , and I'rcsidtnl flail) Mntn , Lllul 46

scrVlCC Y"u ~'e 10 Lo(~1 41'0 h was mdred , r"Vllege III be .IIble It> plesenl

\\ endy Cllllnder IUl.lrne)·m,n Wileman heI18[\\ Fnllnde.s 'Kbol,nh,p Award lIel lalhel O"l.Il Callandel ". 10nK IImt ,,,u,"cyman Wl1emJn /JI J'" Wcn"~' "'C "',~h you the ,'CIY bcS11D thc IIItu.( We arc "tll rlU"" ut ~'OUI , .. hlcHmems

Wo,k 10 OUI I",,,d,cllon II slIlI "tI\' slo" We boP<' \I ImJl,,'~es l"no We .. III,e\u.n ncxl m'mlb

O~\t J, ,-r,'v'; 8.\1

Local Elections Compleled ; Agreement Ratified LU . .p luI, \\ mITIER , CAL. ·In a 511ung "ole ul confidcn~e L .... ) 41 ~ memhcnhlp 'e,,,rnW an IIlcl.lm~nt ultlcel\ .. ho ran 10" leclec""n IQ om<e Busmcn Mln.,;n f'nanclal SeCICUIV R,e S'nb",n ... as Ictlc~lcd ","h mel 6~ pe,cell! ul Ihe VOIC'

Othff mcUmMnt' .clorned 10 nlrice Ife I'lel W,lham~ r'e"d"nt ,unnpp"se:d 11111 Bogan f\;o"hem he~ulI~e Iku.d KennClh 8c~hlUl Soulbern hnouvc 8o.a.d H.,,>ld Buch.nan EAS' tin h:ccullvc 8Q."d Dou, ..... eloon. Cenetal '\Iccr m, Exe~u".~ !l<JJ.J ~nd Kcn !ackson Munlelp.1 me~ Exe .. uI"" Btlard

f\;e'" "flitc" dcucd 10 ('rcn (llri<n werC ""ell 8o'nl\. v,Ce rlu,denl Sonll 1m H"I I«",JIO, ,« .ell",. Zane Youn,t lIea'Ulft. OJ~,d C,mJlbl:lI W~tc'n E.XCCUII~t Hoa.d and Illnd \1c.\hll.n CO'SI lncuII~e 8')I.d

Th,s 1",.1 "',11 cIJn"nur 1<> r"'R'cu beclUU ... 1 Ihe )OhJifllY sh ... "'n b) OUI member, ,n ,uP!"''' uf Ihell luJc/lblP C"ngulul~II"M In all Ihe nl liters and hecuIIH Boa,d membcn bolh old and nt.. and Ihank~ 10 Ihe ~Illln, mrm~uhlp In, Ihell paflle'p~1I0n

Our m<I" ,"eeollv (ompleled nCjl; .. I,auons '" l1h Ihe Southeln C.hfOilOil WIICI Compon,' reoulted '" Our memt>cn 'n Ihe B" lkat E.ltClll1; O'VllIon ""lv,,,); • IW(l·year 'K'ecmeru Thc packagc tn dudes ""'lte ",cre •• " 01 5'1l "".tent In uch 01 Iht t"'Q yell\ .n addmon.1 vautron d,y 'her eipl yean 01 SCf\',ce .• • eduellon 01 Ihe J(tC,.1 se:eUIII ) oilsci !rom 113 pc rcenl 10 ';0 pcltenl b"dg'"l1 IIf ~nIO"ly ... ftCI ' '''0 yurs rttmploymenl. no III

trus.c III heiltb tnsuraner, dUllng Ihe hk of Ihe a~lecmcn l . an IIlClene III Ihc ~nnual clolhmg .1I0 .... ncc 10 $150 m lanua.y, 1\185 ,nd S175 ,n I.nut'}' 1986,'0 ,nCltaJ( III ovrrume meal allowances 10 59 In 11184 and SlO ,n 11111'; Ind numelllUJ olhel lanl(uage ebantes and ,m p.ovem~nu III Ihe (Onn aCI AnUtanl Bu"ncn Mlna,el Dave Fran: Busmen Rerlese:nllu,'( 80b Villalobo, and commlllct mcmbeu Davc 811:z and 80b MUII.Y a.~ 10 be congralUlat~J It .. anolher ,ob .. ·tll dune

Labor-Management Talks Improve Labor Relations L U. 48 ti& II ~1. !'ORTLAND, ORE._Ounng Ihe pau year some promiSing ch.n,u h. ,,~ liken place In !abo, m.n,~cmrl1lldauons fU I Loo:;al48 Throu,h 27

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• lellU of mdusuy meellng' held between union membeu and (Ontlaclor. and I series of joinl ~rd meellng' between LOCiI 48, lBEW, and Orcsun Columb,a Chaplc., NECA, a master plm WI! appruved 10 ,mp.ove the union eleclncal Indu5t1y Thll pbn IIlcludcd I conllnuation of Ihe induSiry and iOln l board m~Cllng', a jOint prumotlonal program, propasd changCl III the working aglee­menl, enlorcemenl 01 Dayl,·Bacon leglslallon and lnnoducllon of new legillalion

The IIlduslry meellnp hlye been conducted in an IIli0rmai manner wllh • no-holds·barrd .p­ tudlscu!!lUn ul Inuu, The Inlllal meetlnll' were modualed by I colle,e profcssOi ,killed III

groupdynamks and communlUlions. These meel ' lng' covered a wide unge 01 IOpics, which Included conllaelo r problem. with Ihe non ulllon ShOpI, tool and material problem., rcsllic liYe workIng ruin, wage and benefit COtll, C r~w coordination on lobi, Ind 'ppocntlce and lourneyman 1I.IIlIllS RrtrnT mrrlllll:" hue bcoen ~hcduled 10 dl!eu)S fpcciAc top'C!, for n.mple, ' C$ldenll.1 wo.k, Ind The WashlllglOn Sllle COnSl1\1CllOn Tllparlile Ailrecmenl. The meclln,a arc open 10 ,II uniOn memben and eonlllCIOII and lie held monlhly

The jOlnl promotional program IS aimed II im· provlllg Our pubhc ,mage The program il lunded Ihrough I 10·CenIS·pcr·hllllr cnnll ibullnn Some of Ihe ideu Ihal have been aCled on arc as follows RadiO adveni$lnl on the Ponllnd Trallbbzeu nCI wo.k bepn dunnll the 1983 NBA baskelballlC' ton A IO·mlnute labor man'Iemenl cooptrlilon Aim was produced 10 .how 10 eustomers, IIChl leCII, enlmeus, school. and the gcneral public , A qUlncrly ntwslctler, Open Lme, has bcoen sUlle<l III sp read the word lbou\ Ihe qualllY ollhe UnIOn electrical Industry MCllo IATC staff, Local 4S offlccfl ;lfId NECA ~h~ llIel ,,,cmbc •• ],~ve been ItIVlllg p. eseniallon, 10 promole oul IDiClestS An Open House 15 bcolnl Ichedukd fO liate Seplember n Melro IA TC Tramllll Center GUUII WIll be ,ble to let: demonlllilions and the AIm Ind learn aboul the UIlJOn elcclllulllldusliy The . e~pon5e .. ·e haH recelyed 50 far to OUI Plomollonal p. ogum II., been excellent

Chmnllu III Ihr wmkillf, ~r,lumelll were ap rroved by Loul 48 and the NECA chapler, which reduced wages and lome benefl ls, and chinNed lome workiog rulel, all wllh the Intenl of maklllg Ihe union contraClor more compellllve wlih Ihe non ·umon_ Recenl figu res from • local bid ICjtl'''y have shown a glln In wOlk fOT the Union Ihop ~ Thou,h II 15 too carly to rull y tdl, 11 app<'allth'l the new 5pllli of coopclu ion between labor Ind managemeDi III L()(:.! 48's lu",<lICIIOn" beglnninj{ to payoff

Wlih sJdness I must repoll on Ihe death of Dill Suayel, an elghth·tclln apprentice, .. ·ho wu killed '" a ca. ace.den. on June 30, ]5'84 The memben and olflccrs of local 48 "nd Ihell condolencn 10 8,11". family. He Will be .emembered U I qUlel , hard worklllg youOl eleelllelin who ell10yed OUt door ICIlVIIICS In h" off wOlk hOUri

A news updale from MellO loumeyman " lln'''g tllS." will be . talllllg In mid· September. Ten one­nlltht, drop' lIl cbnu ale being .cheduled for Mon ,by n!&ht§, along wllh rCSllbr dassci cllveling code, pipe bending. Instrumentatloo, programma ble controllers, Hr5t lid and CPR Metro IS spon 501In, a lour·statt App.enliccshlp Contut to be h~ld In early October l frnm Aluka, Idaho, Orrlon and WashmglOn hive bern Invtlcd

A last rermndcr lbout our Annual PICniC, to be held on labor Day, Seplembcol3, al Bluc Lake Puk Among the food, fun , garne. and cama.adelle. prncn lllions of SO and S~·year mEW JClv,ee rills will be- mJde

lur liTTMAN, 1' .5

Three-Year Contract Ratified L.U. S8I1,em,sp'& rlbl, DIITROIT, MICH.-C rcel· illS' from Detroll, BrothelJ Ind Sisters. The wOlk IIlua l ioo has picked up a bit with 800 ~ o 850 members On the QUI ·of·work lisl. We hep helllnil . tOIlCi aboul more wOlk coming up, bUI only time will Tell


• lohn Rrid, Mikr McKt won, Will hlgu~on, It rr y Kfrr , Marl y Creunlan . nd Slfw ard lerry Ga ud! 'f~ s hown in ~h ili pho~" .

local 58 hu tlllflrd, by a 1,125-5'30 mllltm, a Three· year contUCI The p.y .ncreue is SI 80 oyer the term 01 the 'llreement We nOw have wo.kmg foremen and reduced lumnll rattl for new ap prenllcu We hne ~onc from a 3S· 10 I 40 houl workweek Double lime will be plld aftCr IOhoul5 on Monday thltlugh Fllday and ahcr elghl houl$ on Satu rdJY lnClcues needed by any of Ihe IlIn~e bendl l funds w,1l come lrom Ihe wall~ mereue The Negotiallnlt CommlHce 01 M,ke lIo~an. Tom Butler and Sam SloHI .ccommended acceptance

ubor O.y h.$ become a lui s"n.~I I, uhd,y on IkIlOII The Of,llOlt IIUlldlllS Tllde$ Will $pontor a maSSlye Labol Oar Parade alliin Ihll year Thll pa.ade IS 10 honor ,II wo.klllg men and women, PUt and prcJen~, lind Jhow Ihe unlly Ihat UIlIS ,monll them. Wllhom workc" sllckin~ lugClhc, IjtlinSI mon.·y mmded employers, We wuuld be wlllking lor low walttS while the employerl U · lIaclcd unreason.bk plofils. Hc~hh and wdfa.r bt.ndlu for you and you. lamlly are not soillethms YOU ",ould recelH unlu$ workers belole you, baogllnlllgill Unit , had won thcm III negOilallons These" we honor have Sci cOndlllonJ Ind wales fOl all umnn and, mdllcclly, non unIOn WOlke,"

So ask you"di- Ifl1 I ~t)in!\ to conmhUlc 'orne' Ihlllg lor the workin,.: pN50n, somclhin~ IUlulC gcncralioM Will bcndlt h om, o. am I gOing \0 fU~1 Iii Idly by and walch Ihlngs 110 down the tuber] hope YOII 've made Ihe IIghl chOice, Ind the Rrst Jlep In that dllecl10n " 10 " come march wllh III on l .. bor D.~," d,e thellle lUI ou, Labo. D.y Sec you and you. lamilin on Labo. Dayl

Remember, OU ' labor I~ what we $Cll. and nobody huys, bad r.oduct

BoB KIN\'oIlA, P S

Officers Elected ; Apprenticeship Dinner Held LU. S9 li,II, II$.fm), l>AlLAS, TEX .- The local UIllOn has IIIST flllIlhed 115 clecllon of offlcers for the next th. ee yun Congratulations arc In ordel for Ihe 101l0w.n8 AI,n Head-buslncss manaller · An~nc,al secrcllry, Sieve Corley- president, WtI lie C]aibornC- VICe pruidenl, Ronald SCUll- ICC. rcuryi and Don lI!! Elected 10 Ihe ExecullVC Hoard wele T ooy LOlla, Bill Seguin, Tommy Stroope, leonard lynch, Waher Shipley,


Tommy Wilcoxen, left, busineu mlnlgt . of l ocal ' " 59, Dillu, Tu., p. uenl5 the Gold PlI t .. AWlld, 10, IdT to Ilgh l, r.lnk S pin~ola , Ibrold IIlnklt .nd Bauy Fl inn.

Lco DanlOllh And Cad "Tommy" Tumer. The Eumlnlllg Board con~i$lSof SleYe Ch.solm, Ito)"jon McCaulty Kellh Slewarl, Rudy Itollind and Ron· aId SCOII , 'II The Uncmploymenl Rehel Board is ... Ray lIarnc., WllHe Cillbome, Al Hooker, Doo Perry, ('alvlll Callrn II . "Ir"r 'mlry In" Tony Lona

It II dlfflculi 10 And Soad mcmbell who Will dcdlcale the time and effort nC(uury 10 be offl ce.s of the local 1I1\IOn, and all of thele llIembclI arc to be commended on making themselves aVlllable. I recenlly hu.d bueball neCU!lYc Bobby Bragen uy, "You can 'l h" ,he ball unlc .. you get the bal off your .houlder Ind SWillS." leI " ,II lei behind our ofAcers and ,ltlve Ihem our $UppOli wh,le they . ~ lake Ihell " tWlllg II bat." AI Ihe annual App. en· I1cesh,p Complelion Dinner on May 30. the NECA OUlS, andml\ Achievement Award WII presented 10 John Ada! ., Ir. fJ aroJd HlIlkle Ilid Kenneth Cleave •. A pb,tllc and a check for 550 was Riveo .. e~ch of the Ilitce app.cIIUCU. The !DEW Gold PI!ers A"'atd wenl 10 Rarry flinn, Uarold Ilinkle and funk Sp,ngol. tach one WI! r . uellled a plaque .nd a check for S50. The Credll Union Hard Hat ~. Award eonllns 01 a plaque and SSO in .hlles In the loul Union S5' Crcdll Uillon Th",ward Went 10 Many Rabum, lcohe ,ohnlon, Frank SpinSob and RIchard McPeck

/\Ie you re811tcrcd to votel T he elec l lons arc .. iust around Ihe corner Ithank goodnc,.I, and Ihe dectlon box IA 11111 the hr~1 way ~ o IN y"nr displeasure be known If ~ou lie gW1Il1l your IUp· pon 10 someone, then don', forBct TO SO VOle . ~

Till ncxl I1me

Work Picks Up; Officers Elected l.U. 70 10), WASHI NGTON, D.C.-It III pleasure 10 repol! that work has pick~d lip l ou! 70 has .... 100 men wo.kinl wllh RIChardson and Whalen Comp~ny 101th~ Vuglllta EleCll1C PowcrComplny, of which 14 of Ihese lie in Ihe Apprenllcnhlp Program Thi' job hIS helped thr~e of ou. members ~o comrlcl~ thell Apprenllceship p,ogllm . Con· ~atulauonl In Rrothcr~ Eddl r OIAny,r , ThnmAs Mcuhng and Philip FoneslCl. We wish thue fine YIlUng mcn every aliCCeU In the IU lurc

AI our rcltubr meellng on rune 26, 15'84, Local ,. 70 elecled olflce .. 101 the oext three YUrt_ They are pruld~nl, Vernon "Boodlu" Bladenl vfce pres· Ident , Bobby R RooPI recordinS lCererary, fred·

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> .

At Job Site

Shown ~Ie Richa rdson ~nd Whalen trucks u tht VEPCO job silt ; the connINo,;s employing mrm· ben of Local 70, W .. hill&IO II , D.C.

Brtllhfn Robin 'onu ,nd Rohen lont$ in bothl !foth working on the Riclu.dJon 'nd Whlt n job.

crick R Wale rs, busmess manage. and finanCIal seerClur, lame, H Orange, and ne'SlI fel. Bob E. SmIth. The Executive Board membe rs uc Brothers Howard F Frase r, Robert L Morehead, Frank L RichJrdson Illd Cleo SmtIh, II The Examming

.-- Bon d a'c Brotherl Woodrow E. Kahle , GcOlge N Plppm, I'., t...awrencc 0 Ruckel, Charles H. ScheIdt, J." and ' .0 Tuckn. Aitcmaln £01 the 1.0. Convenuon arC Brother. Frederick R Walt.s and Bob E. SmI th .

Congratulations 10 all ou r office", We hope the nexllhrcc y~us WIll be the best Cv~r. LeI'S aUtry 10 support our offic~u and loe. 1 by .!lendmg OUI monthly meelmgs.

OtAItlES H SCtt[tDT. IR . P S

Brother Omenson Wins Apprentice Awards LU. 72 li&. ul. WACO, TEX.- I know U's been a while since there h38 been I letter from OU t local, so thue mus t be a lot of news The t,me that has elapsed smee the lut lener was spent trying to get all the facu , ,,atght. Any Inaccuracy up 10 thIS p(llnt hopefully can be o ...... looked. md I Will tf)' to do beller In Ihe fu ture

Since the lUI lener much has happened 11l our u ea that should be of 'llIere$! tU all. The.e has been a lot of political mo ... ement in the COUIllf)' that should gel eyeryone inyolyed. We definitcly e.nnot let thist;me go by without gClling inyolved. We m,ght IS well play Russian rouletlc by IUSI

, "andlng by. Some of Our people have .lready gotten ,nyolyed by being put of their preclIlet eonycotlon, .ome hayc gone to their county COnyentlOn, and a lew e ... en got inyolved enough to go to the state conyention 11l the Texas caucus system. These

... people should be congratula ted. As for the rest, we all must pull toguh"r to get the lob done

Therc has be"n ~ome ... ery good wotk done by our good friend and Brotber Elling Omcoson. After

~ being chosen appreoticc of tbe ycar by the local ApPlcnticeshlp Board, he attended the Slue of Texas "'Pplenllcesb,p Cont .. st .nd took top hono.s tbere Tb,s year's contest WIS held In Gal ... eston, Tnu. FIOm there he went 10 the dinnel contest held ,n Pho.""ix, Anzona. Ind d,d h,s beSI, which again earncd h'm lOp hooors in thaI Contest. We arc all Yery proud of Elliog and his ha rd work that has really brought haoors and rccognition to him · seU, hIS cllSsm~tes and the apprenticeship school.

This yea r' s graduatu were Will "'dair, Sue For· nolf, Ell ing Omenson, Ed Maey and M,ke Worley. I happen to koow each of these people aod haye

had I chance to work Wllh e ... ery one of them. All .... emed to ha"" a fi rm glasp of the" work Ind tbe conAdence [Q put tbe" IIl,nml to thc best poss,ble ust: The members of Local n Will be Urongel wLlh lourneymen who Ire IS qual,Hed as these people.

The people work,ng 'n our local bave had lome InjuncstO thcll knees, backs, hands and just about e~cf)' part of the body. I would mentloo namn. but those that hive suffered the miullts arc prob· ably healed by now and arc tryong to fo.get what has harren«l. If an unfortunate lec,dent happeos to you, the Aost problem il to Agure om how to aYOld that SLluallon again Some acc,dcnn lit unuotdable tat le~st all the ones thu I haye been ,nvol ... ed In were l, but as the old saying gocs, you can neYer bc too safe. Sa/elY cannot ever be stressed too much Take care of yourself and those around you ThlOk safe, and remember to get Invol ... ed In youl local's aCt,,'lIIe5



Bill Cutc. is onc of the neW business .eprnenla· l ivel of LCX:I I 77, Suttlt, wash.

loe Murphy is the othu neW bu,iness rcp. uenla. tive.

Local Introduces New Business Representatives LU. n lo.u&mtl. SE ... TTLE, W"'SII.-1 am pleased to IOIIOOUCe through ,h.s I rtlcle tWO new bUSiness reprUentatlyc5 h"ed on Local 77's staff

BIOther B,II Carter II a loullleyman hoem~n who was Inllllled ,nto l ocal 17 18 years ago. aLII has an e~cdlcnt background III construction. T his hack ground IIlcludcs le rv Ulg as shnp steward On a multi tude 0/ jobs over the ycars u well as being a member 0/ the un,on', NegOtl.lLng Comm'ttee for Ihe 1984 coo.nuClLon agreement HIS dUlLes wLlI include haodl,ng of the Icfenally5lem, gneYancn and ncgollalLoos 101 our cons trUCtion membelS

B,lI w,ll also selye as local 77'5 replesentatl ... e on the 100nt "'pprentlcesh,p Commmee for Ihe NOllhwcsl LLOe Apprentieesh,p ['rogram

The other neW business representative ( am pleased to iotrOOuce IS Brother loc Murphy, Ir ., w"eman. loe has been a member of the JBEW fOl 14 yurs, humg placed h,s ca rd LO Local 17 about 10 yealS ago when he w"' hLTcd by the Pugel Sound Powcr a L.ght Co

100: has been an 'CILH Umun member Ind has played a 5Irong role m SlalC pohties. He serycd two Icrms as the cha"man of the Washmglon Statc Df;mocralLc Party and wu also chILrman of the KLlur DemocrM'C Pany. He Icryes as. y,cc PICS Idcnt of the Wa.hmgwn SUte l abor Counci l rep rcscntlng the S,xth D,s tr, ct

His aSSIgnment will LOelude ICPlcsentlng mcm bers employed by Seattle City Light. Seattle En·

,ineenn, ~partment, King County Traffic SI,nal and CommuDlcatlon Df;panmeot and Sean!e Sturn Corp. Please cxtend to tbese two new business representati ... es your eoo!lnucd IU ppo'l . I know they will work hlld for the good of our local and LIS members.

OUI deepcst sympathy gocs out 10 Ihe famillcs of Brother Roo Hardenbrook and Brother Bill Smith on the ir unlLmely duthl luly 2, 1984. These two Brothen I",t thclI h ... n LD a n ag:ic plane crash whcn they wele letUrOlng from a fish,ng nip II Ri ... ers Inlct in Vancouver, BnlLsh ColumhLa. BrOther SmJlh ... ·as a hnemln II WashIngton Waler Power and Ron Hlldenbrook a general foreman ~nd former shop sttwa,,1 at Wuhmglon Waler Power

Both of these Brothell we.e my pelSonal /llends, and they WIll be mIssed decply by all of those who knew them



This is the Loul 80, Norfo lk, Va. , "'pprentice Cr.du. tion Clau of 1984. Kner ling, ltit to ri ght , lte lames N. Hub.n, Daniel S. Crain Ind L . Ku ru l s ianding, left 10 righl . IIC Rober! ... . Dunn, Keilh P. 1I"lIncr, Blake E. " anb, Joseph C. W.lsh, Dlvy H. Harrison, Ro~rt R. Runo and Robert E­Plin, lI .

Apprentices, Scribe Receive Awards LU. so (i,o, rtdl5pll, NORfOLK. V .... ~Cong.atu lallons to our 1994 aPPlen"ce graduate •. Th,. rUt ... pnllhe lo,n, ApprenILccshlp Commlllcr held il5 annual guduatoon cC lemony. a dlOner and dance The pia e ... ent was held for Ihe firsl time al Ihe "Aberdeen Bam." YOUIS truly, J,m Hollomon, wu honored to ser ... e as the master of ceremonics. r c,'en madc " few m'Slaku The gr.duates heard words of w,sdom from Local 80 P'~J,dcnt lack I'h cks and A.C. Lipford. churman of the Appren· !Lecsh!p Commmee !SEW, NEC ... and nate of V"glnLl euuficatu were plesented to the gradu· ates by A.C.Lipford, BUSLOCSS Maoagel W R Sykes .od lohn Cutch.n of the US Department of labor Spec,al cerufic;rCl and lOSes were pre,ented to the WI"'''' of the graduatel by Mrs Calol Ockker, dlTecto r of 1r"IIlLOg lot Loca! 80.

The b,g eyent of the e ... enmg was the awardlD)!: "f the !crry Kephart Mem(1rL~1 Award for 0015111011 109 a,h,,, ... emeot durlDg tlte fou r years of aprlcn· ILcuhlp ThIS mo~t honored award went to Robe rt R. Russo for hIS outstandmg performaoce 10 the classroom and on'lhe'IOb ltaLOmg. Robert was aIM) thf class spokesman and gave a ~uy eollghlenlD' speech Plaques and reeogml1on were aIM) glyen for per/ec t ~nendance in related lIainmg classes II: Ina abseoce ,n the four yursl. Tho$e recely'ng »l these ,w3fds were Danny Cr. in. Dayy Harnson ::::!: and Robert Price, II W

Yours truly wu al.o honored that evemng. A t: C. l'pford, IATC chai rman, presented me with. ~ beaulLful plaque wllh lou of eye·watenog inscnp' _ lions recognlz'ng my 16 years as thr" dllec,ol of ...J

trainmg. II was an honor I w,ll nevcr fotge. Thank ~ you alL II:

Alter all the good lovd, awards and speeches. the ~ rcmaLode. of the eyeoing was for d~ne,"g and good , mu"c by Danny Cr~in and h,' spin tabln The fATC and thei r di rector arc to be commended 10. an eycolng to be remembered and for m.king th is ume a happy ume In the fives of our graduates and. of course me ( ..... thLS e ... e.y year. but Lt 'S 29

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wOllh r~ pUlln& YOli gradu~lu now h4.-c' Ihe It 'l'onslbllllY of te,chmg the apr'tllllCes while on Ihe lob Tuch them well As. unlUn. we arc only .~ Jlnnd ~ s tll( ImHl1rvmtn ~ ",I "rprrr)1,cr~ who man Ihr lob, W~ have 1I0t to be ~ttcr tlamed, laste. , safcr ,nJ wllh good attrtudu, th.n Ihose In the open ,h"p' LeI YOll . apprenllce be rart of Iht tum on Ihe lob

Now, a word from 0111 WIse ole lourneyman 'Somc !1C'ople thmgs harpen. Somc Will for thmgs to h.ppen-artd then Ihe.e ar t those who uy-whal happencd'''ISorta Irk. a commeldlll

QUI hurts wele .~dd.ned when .... ·c heard 01 BIOlh., GIlbo-II 5 Johnson's death He had rellled In 1976 and had Walked rn the area lor many ycars He .... ,lllon& be .emembeled by.ll who have known ~nd worked wllh him Qur deepest condolences 10

hl§ lamlly When you Brothe rs and S"ten come 10 the unIon

of Ace. yoo can now r d~ r 10 ,\1". Perry as "Grandml" Peny Yep, she J I grandma. and mlJthty g.and of 11 Congrau 10 M.I PeIlY, and hel hu,band MIckey

We got MW' that MelVin Bu, Ind Dav,d Fell have Nen In Ihe hOlpl\al and •• c dOlOg flne now

To the Pa,k~ bu~" L~w,. ~"d Fl,d""d, ...... uffe ' our r;ondolences on the dealh of thet! fa lhe. Mr Park, had bcen a weldIng $UpcrVt$fIr fOl SlOne lind Webstcr ' or mlny yearJ

Tht Wlfit 011 )OUrnlym~n laId thIS .beul h,! grand!on The boy came runnon& to h,m and u cttedl ... saId. 'Wow' You oughu &ee Ihe grutlawn mo .... er you. nelghbon hl\'e h doe'n'l nccd gil 0 1

~nylh,nr. Yo" 1[1~1 I'I"h ii'" I g!lU' tl" new 10 h,m, but many o. liS .emcmhcl Iho_c d~y5 of push and pull

Labo. Day 11 ,Io'e uron u, .• nd 11'~ a d,y SCI .i!lde 10 hono l the wOlklll& men ,nd women of OUI .RJutland Thank Cod ..... e can It"e III I I.nd whe.e we can ..... ork. and .... o.k where we wan! We hive Ihe freedom \0 choose .... hal Ime of work we wlnt to do. Amelita II $lIonger Ih~n evel hecau~e 01 Ihe .... ork,ngpeoplcnl our unIons I'leue dnve ca.dully I' you \lavel over the holtday HIPPY Label Day 10

you all WOld to Ihe WISe Le t hIm that stole ste~1 nO

more bOI. uthe., let htm lallor, wo. ktng wllh hts hands the thong which .. good. thlt he may have 10 g"'e 10 htm Ihal necdeth Ephe~II'u 4 28

r n ' Im t O'H1N .• ~ , l' ~

Local Honors Two Graduating Classes L. U. 8 ] (i), SC RANTON , I'A.-The 101111 Apl',.n ttcesh,p and T.attllllg COmmtllCe, C'1mplI"cd of lack McNulty, ehallman, 80b Mclnty. e, and lilt Cerrrly of Locil 81 and Bob Ktnback lec.etuy. Cabe NOlO, j. F.ed Lebel of the Scllnton D"'lIIon o'the NaIJonal Elecllleal Conllaeto. ~ Assoclal,on, pa,d tnbute to the graduillng applenttces of the 1911J and 1984 d.iue~ wttl, w 1'~'ly l,dJ IU tI,e" hOllo. at the ne .... ly ICnoyated Laehwanna T " tn Statton whtch has been lurned mIn a $lJ mdhoo Htl!on lIotel All 01 Ih( .(novallon, h"e been done by membc. ~ of Local Ul1Ion 81

The 198J ,,~do~IU .... ~Ie 11K l\Qylan, M.rty CeCC1, POla, lohn Zteltnslr.1 and 1' .... 1 RCll.n Brolhe. Rcgan was selected u Quulandtnj: ApPlenllee and was p . t~t'nH'd ""lin ,1 rl~(I t1~ ~~ wdl "' ~ check lrom Ihe COmntrtltC

The 1984 g"d".tu .... ele fr~nk Deluky. BIll Do,all. ftm 1I ..... ley, Ioc: Lanj:~n, fred Lebe •. Itm "klntYIe. Tom Now, Pat Schneldel, lohn Wllhan" and Marlr. Stroney Brothe. Snonty was selected as QUlSt.nd,n" AprrenltC~ of Ihe 19~4 ClaSt and .... u .150 g,yen a plaque and cheek

Comr !eltUII eClltflcalcs we.e prcsctllcd by In le.n3110nll ReprCletltatrye Al MII1tkle r, Th"d DIS mCI stall Durnu of Arrlen"ce~hlp Tramll1, 0, .ectOl" Ed Smrth 01 the Dc:p.ilrtmetlt 01 Labo. ~waldcd tht g •• d ... atel wrth (ert,flcale, from the Common wealth of Pennsylvania

Addreu,ng Ihc ~.~,luaICl. 1I"h Mtlnty.c alld C.1le NOloexpl.Uled Ihe 1"'lteS' ul seleClUl,it ~pprCllttce~ and Ihe lOY ol,ccIII)l tho" sclceled Co"'plcle Ihell \taln,nll IIOth UIRcd Ih, new IOU.llcyrncn It> ru. ,uc .ddlllonal trall1,"& III the elccl"c.1 (On~truC\lun .nd. m"ntenante RelJ Ind 10 work with "ur em


The 1983 appren tice g.aduuu 01 Loul ll l , SCIOn· Ion . Pa. , are , Sfated. Idl to . ight , P. Regan, 198) 1(11' app.entice, O. Poua, and R. M ~ l nl yU , prnl· dent of l.ocal 11 11 stand ing, ' eft 10 ti ght . • re M . Cud , J. ,\\ cNultr , bus iness nl. nager) I, Zielinski I and I. Boylan.

Th t 1 98~ apprcnliu g.adulU .'f, ' U l t d, It ft lu li&ht , I. Mdnty.f, F. Ot1t~ ky , lI u ~i n e~l ,\hll.gfr I. McNulty and tOp app rt ll tic t 01 19U Malk Suo· ne YI ~ t.ndjn g, left 10 lig''' ' , . Lan , all , P. Lebt. , !. , " " I'. Sdtnf i d~r, T , 11.' 010, II. Uor~n . I . 11a .... ·lf y .nd r.uid~UI R. M cl"I)"I~.

ploye. s to promOte the u"h~~ltun o. un,on dec' tllral wnrkr., tn our rUflsdlCltOn

8uslness McNulty encou •• ged Ihe new ]Ourn~ymcn to contrllue to plOm01t II)C~I

unIOn aCIJY\lltl ~nd 10 . ~m~ l n 'Cllye III our com mUUlt)' He nOled Ihat Loe,l 81 hn Ihe hl~hc!l rnpeCI of elected olllcIIIJ .nd p"v~te·"elOl cus tome,! 10. thell commrtment! In wo.klng m the (ommunuy and provld,ng support fOI nume.oul prOfects, suth u the renovalton of the Lack~wann. Tu.n Stallnn InlO a lIl.gtufleenl hOld ond Ih. 'Ul'!'ull of Sleam'l uwn, USA, the large~t collect ton ". Sleam I""omoll~" III the ",·otld, whtch will be com,ng mtoScranton ,n the nUr rotu.e In dos,ng. Ih~ bu .. ncss man.jte. told Ihe 1l •• du~les "Along the way, please du nllt lo.&el whe.e you came hom "

Local 81,s wo.k,n, y(ry hud on a number III pro,ecls, and ,I ~ I'I'~~" ,h~1 ,he dfm, wtll pay large dtvldends tn provtdmg .dC"UUC work lor Our

m~mhcn to tht ncar !tllo.t 1,)11'1 1 1'>1l NUl TY. 8 M

Scribe Notes Meaning Of Union Label L. U. 84 (n,u,l&nl\'! ATLANTA, GA .- Wh.1 do'eJ Ihe I.bel on unlOn·made prodocl5 and serVIces uy: wtll. behmd these plOduCls and thue U.~1Cn

)I~nd WO. kml penrle whn •• ~ l'",u,1 10 work fOI • falf ""age under honest condlUlln~

The unwnI.hclII more Ih.n somcthtOl; yuu flnd .~ewn 11\ you, cll>the~ or han~m~ on , ~hop wall Thele has bl'en J "un",n labtl" un "'''SI of Ihe battles wOn by w"rkln~ people fo r 0 belle. standard 01 loVing .nd • b'ue. sh •• t 01 Our ccoontry's eco nom,e .... e.lth

The unlun labd I§ mole than alymhol of un,on made goods, It 1$ ~I.o a symbol "f 00. ablluy II,

rc!pond to cconormc c"ndlllons reah.I1cally and ... ·"h SIICn,lh The unron labcl It a ~y",bo l "f Ihe l u"llUued dc'"e "f w"rklnJl: men .nd wnmen lI" c( "nnm,c IU5tt~t ~",I ~ d~~~"" bu "and.rd "f ltvlIlll

The flur un"," I.bel ..... s "tually c"n(~,~~d QUI

"I ~ n~ed 10 handle ~ Il~Ice economIc rroblem. that "I competitIon horn swcat~bol's Today, we flee a n~w and 'AAra Yallng SCIIU 01 economtc p.ohlems IU<.)cI :l tcd wt th In /la tlon. uncu· tltnlles that .fleet ou. personal IIvel as well 15

our luture employment. and agrowlllg anll·umon climate amon& I Celtatn S!1C'CIU of employtrs_

The unton label, :l1I:lehtd 10 Of '5Iocl~tfd .... lIh PlndUCI5 and ~CIVICU, atlCSlS to the quality of wo r kman~hlp and th~ qnalllY of condtllons unde r .... hleh a product t~ ",.de or se'Vtce I' rende. ed ConsldcltIll!. the I~r. lh~. }'"ur Iivll1t I~ tMn t rl undel onc 01 Ihe m.ny AFLCIO ~ffl1i.te Iymbols (lIIEWj, when you mike a rUlch~5e loolr. fOI the u1ll0n label Our strength depelldJ on II'

L,..MRY R Tow1'/\, P S

Rellrer I,d: Pfc k of Local 116, RoehfS t ~ . , N.Y., ~nd hb bridr I.nt d iUillS ill .


SUllie "ll he young new Iflinn.

Golf Tournament, Retiree Picnic Held L.U. 86 (i,IU,t 'll lhpa), ROCIU:STt:R, N. Y.-On ~atu.d,y, June 2.3, S8 members com!1C'ted In ,he .nnual "11(," <";011 Tournament, t'", year" was held.1 Chtli Country Club T he ..... eathe. WH , .eat , .nd th<.)~e that .mended tell us that tt was a fine lOumamCllt litll \'Iolclk look filii /ollo .... d by ,\11ft Wclncr and r~ul Huvy hme. Lttlu, Mucy had I 76 Jlow 1;10511 .nd .1$0 tht lungest drlye 1290 yardsl, Don Zulaul won dostst to Ihe rln jS fectl lice. and pop .... cfe available on Ihe co!! r,e fnllowed hy ~ lupe, prrmc lIb dlllfltl Tht, wu Ihc I.r~c.t Imnoot ", far and hn gen cflted varted ttltt . cOl (,everal .etlicCi played I lor I<ltu.e tou"l~mcnu. Oil. thanks to Larry and C.thy Mttchell fOI all Ihe leg wo11r. and behllld·the·M:.mes pUlI1n/: togethel, m~kll1g thts a ~cry enloy.ble day

0111 '116" Rttrrcu' Annual PICn,c Will held on WeJncsday. rune 27. al our A.t fjruczrclr.i Hall wllh nyc. 100 1(Il/ce ...... l VC~ fncnd~ and nIAr_rf.~ at lendlllg Chefs GordIe IIId BellY Ruscher d,d an oUlnandtng ,ob prep,"nK vallOUS dtshClthat welc thm<.)lIl\hly enloyed by ,lIth.t utellded The ladles 01 !lur re"'~n rruvlded the d •• ~c .u whIch Riled I" en\lle lahk ~nd J\ the concloslOn of Ihe p.CnlC

ttlO~1 all the s .... te'" we. e consumed 111 11 Curry helr! the 'iOI~O d.QWlttJl:, and Elmr. [ Il,s called l\,nKn Spcl1~ll(uut, In~luded Cal K,nl\. p.e"dent uf the AII,~d l\u,ld,ng I r~dcs CounCil 01 Rochule. ~nd Ron I\~rlow ~d"o. 'll Iht Lof>ol News

Ou, rh,nk, II" OUt rn the m~nY "f/luII.nd theu

I •




Page 33: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

WU'U .... ho f~lthllllly ~Ufmd theK funcuons and help out domg .II IJOrI$ of ,ho,u--wh.l ,ver IS Ileeded to make (verynne comfcm.hlc .Ild lee to II that .11 the hllle detaIl. ue liken clle of IJO

~ evel)'one h ... ~ ume Your dfons I.e . "ally .ppreciated

One lut Ihought looking around Arl Drucuckl Hall with .llth" redrees p,esent, you reall=e Ihat it II In ever,chln lling group, new memhert joinm8 the rank., and even more Importantly, the m.ssm8 01 our ICcen,ly deeClKd We wISh .11 Ihe new .curees lonl hfe, good hulth Ind III the be", IDd 10 our B.othe" that have PJucd on, wc ml-"

... you and Ihlllk of you often Ind Ihlnk you for yOIl ' contribution 10 our yUt organi;u.tlon 'TIl neIt monlh




Scribe lists Benefits Of COPE Contributions LU, " \1&0), S£ATrL£, WA511._Uow many III you conuo bulcd to COPE (Commutee on Poltuc.1 Education) thiS yu.1 D.d YOIl do 10 last yur, and if 10, dId you UK the tax c.edlt Ih,s yell fnr the .mounl of your contnbullonl

The 101em.1 Revenue Se,v,ce rrov,des • tax c.edlt 10' hili of your conmbullon of 5100 [.f you file sin,le, elc.1 0, 5100 (m.nted film, IOlntly)

,. Thlt II • IIX cledu, not I dcductlon, and can be used whether you file the long or ,holl fo,m Till credi t' lie IUbtrlCted from the tax o. amount you ,w<

The I tlle of Olegon allO allow •• tlX credit fOl h.lf of a 550 contnbutlon IS lIlgle, etc.) o. 5100

I flllIllIlOllltlyl, O.egoniallJ, theldOle, un donlle from 550 to 51 00 for pollllcal .et.on this


..... yell , .nd ,egain the lull amount 01 thell eonm·

.. bullon belween the .mounts Illowed on theu federal and Illte IIX forml In 1985_ Be lu.e 10 check Ihe I.w o. IIlI fOnDS for the Illte In wh .. : b you IUlde

Your contllbut ion 10 [HEW COPE IS the only

I money that your union can usc 10. rohuc.1 . e\;v ity Fcderal l.w prohiblls the U5e of union dues for Ihi. pU rpD$e Yel , pohllC5, th.ous,h Ihe en.Clment,


,epeal, 01 tIlte'p.elallon of law, .ffects you. con· trac t and grievance,. In fatt, evely contract we Ilgn must contaIn I clause to 10,lej(lsla tlve ch.ngu

ISEW COPE II .cstncled .110 by Icder. llaw Irom eonmbultng mOle than S5,000 to any pohllc.1 Issue o."ln Srolhen and 5151e1l, thl! Ill· dudes Ihe monlu !rom .U of our locals of UH'

1,000,000 members_ The same ICStrteuon holds trvc 101 uch .nulnallon.1 umon'. pohtleal ICIlV­

lIy,roup Desplle Ihese rumcllons much IS bemll prlnled o. $ltd of " b'll labo." Ind liS monlu Ind Impaci on polillCi

Poltttc.l, wuh the Idvent l>f televl ­'Ion, arc , pcllding cver-In t 'eUIIlII sums with the OUl tome mo.e d~pendellt upon uposu. e. The im· portance 01 thu year's elecllons Ilon/\ wuh Ihe monlcs made ","lable by COrpOllt.on, and Ihe" PAC. muns that now mo,e Ihan evcl befole OUI candtdJlu need our help

Send your check or money oldc. ,nocuh pIUKI, mlde Out 10 the name of the candIdates of your, 10 the undul.atu themJClves If you lie unsure of the Iddless, put the check lIl.n (nvdope, ICnd II 10 our office and we Will make Jure they receive your conlflbullon Your buslIleu repre senllll ve does ",II have COPE IItketS IVllllhie It 51_00 aplcce or no lor .he book UK you. tn money to IUppOlt the candld.te 01 you. chOIce flnanCIIUy and With your vOle

NUL monlh we 'll d'5cu$S speeLiI IIlle.nn I'AT I\.OI>CUS, I\. 5

Work Remains Good; Golf Tournament Held L U. 90 (I&eml, NE W HAVEN, CONN.-The Sec· ond Aonua l Tom Lyke Golf Tournamen. WII held on Sunda y, luly 8, II lyman Mcadowl Goll COU.K In Walhng/or..!, Conneclicut Ailer Ihe on,inal lourn.ment dllc was cancelled due to inclement

wUlhel, the condlUons th.s day ... e.e Idul With nearly 60 parllclranll. Bill Chnllln •• glln roK 10 Ihc ocenlon by wlllninl the Tou.nament fo, the second conKCuuvc yell • IICore of 1S Ron Suck III ICcond wnh a 7g, and B,othe. LOll MIIUkl from Locil JS .hot an 8110 captu.e th"d Our thanks to MIke Brown for anothe. dlort III O'g.llIunll thIS event

Thc work IIIUllion IClluins good u of thIS willing mllllly due In the conSIlUCllnn of MIll Slone Unll III The number of ncw lObs In the lIu .emalnS KIICt_ whIch arpea.s to be Ihe SltUallon nallonw,de

On the blls,h'el )Ide a Job of decent ":ICe on Ihe sub bue m New London was ,wlrdcd to D,~cln Eleclllc. ThiS IIU hll been a stronPiold for one of the IlIleSI non-unIon (lInllaClort m OUI Sl ile Afler m«tmp ","h nu. Execullve b.d and le"lthy dl.CUUlon" OUT Exc(ullve Bo"d camc up wnh a deCISIOn th~t g~v~ aU contractnT ~ the opportunllY to be mo.c eornp~II'lve III b,ddlll!l thl~ lob The award ing of thIS COIIIT.CI to D.eClIl Insu'ed nu r members employment m an area ... htch hIS been hUlllng.1I unIon COlll lacto"

Ch .. local s.of'tbaillum IS ell,OYlllllllolhe. sue cenlullClson polllllg I 9-4 lecol..! to date wllh a mlxtu.e of new "alent The learn was prerallnl{ lor Ihe IBEW \..on, hland Softball Tourn.ment

Ou, condolences ale ulended 10 the lamlleu of Blolhcrs loe Drucl)' and Ed Woodluff

'Show Rug.n the 0001 m '84 ROBU r COU.A"'V, II ~

Officers Announced; 98As Win Game LU. 98 II&em), PIIl LADELPUlA, PA.-Loc.1911', elecllon of offlee.s was held on Satu.d.y, lune 30, 1984 Even Ihe huvy "illS that came down.n Ille mo.mng Ind "",dy afte,noon dldn'l nop Our mem ben lrom """nil Close 10 86 peltenl ,bllwcd up to vOle for the candldalU of the" cho.ce_ Mini of the wlllnlnll officers wc.e .ncumhents, ,hese 10

eluded p.Uldent, F.ed Compton, VI ce rresldenl , Tom Ne.bon, ,e(ordlng,I)', Fr.nny W. lsh, ['_ l lIcuu.e" B.U GaHllle l1 flnancllllCcletlry, John Nellsonl bUJlIlen manager, 11m M.ckln. Elecullve Board mcmbers Dick Coyle, Paul Gllmo. e and loe McHughl and Exa mllllllg Board membel John " Rocky" McQUIllen The lIewly elected offlcers ... ere Ed Foley .nd lohn Hepplci to Ihe Eareuuve Boa.d and Frank Cunnms,ham, rr, .nd Man ludge to the ElIImmlnll Boud Conpatulallons 10 Ihe newly clcClcd olflee" on !hell Ane v.c lo, y_ A speCIal pll on Ihe hack goes to ou, Elecllon Board of Itm McDevitt , Tom Sparks, Ed COPPln,e., Tom Gummel .nd Don Lynch, who coordmated the elec tion .nd made Eleellon Day run Imoothly

Earher IIllune, Ihe hljlhhgln of Ihe Phlladelphll Bu.ldlllg Tradu Softhall League, as f"'1 Local 98 is cOllcuncd, was the ~nnual match·up of the 98As .nd 98AAs. The As, unde. man'lIel Cell rge Suavo, blOul{hl. 9-l lcco.d InlO thIS game Ind we.c 51111011

on tOf! of the d,vls,on III a lie wllh Ihe Stum flllcrs The AAt, un..!er playe.·moDaI<" Mark Walsh, had. " J .ecord "'lIh fiye Taln·oult .uchedulcd The As wuted no lime IIllelllnlon the Ko.ebo.a.d, III Ihe tOf! of the fl.ll, the)' sco.ed two run, on SIn"", by Ed Coppmllel, Ron RlIldl.y , Don Lynch and 11m McDcvlII The AAs scored one 10 the bollom of the mnmg on. mple by loc Uunle, and • ucnflce by Milk Walsh The As, who hid 20 h.u In the !lame, opened thc fou rth 11I11111g ... ith I IIlple hy Ihlph McOuade, followed by flne Slnltlel mdudlllg Rilil by Frank Sollun" fred Schadflcr and Ed Corplllger WhclI the mnmg wu done, five runs ha..! sco. ~d A tWO-run slIlgle In th~ bottOm 01 Ihe fou rth by F •• nk Cunnlnllham were all the run, the AA, could multe. The ,",5 one run in the fi fth IIlnlng on • home .un by Frank SoIlUnll an..! three run, m Ihe lIub 'nDln, .nd IWO mo,e III the Kventh Innlnll on a lotal of eIght .,nllles Th~ flnalsco. e wa, IJ-J In fnor of the N The way au. tum , hue played In the past, I'm ,u,e we 'll be Itelllll both our teams tn the playoffs again thl ' yea.

The I8lh Annual Golf Tournament will 111m be held II WIllow D.ook Counlry Club In Moolu,

town, New lellCY, on September 15, 1984 Chili mao Fran.k Carolan guarantees ev~ryone I I:ood lime, '0 mike youlleu.vluoOS

!I(NII.l' MUIIIlAY , ... P S

"Hot Job"

Shown h ,e on the 140-KV job a,e, left to .Ighl , Wes Woodley, 'pprcnticel IIY Johnlon, 'pp.enlice, Kumil ); rulu, ;oo.ocymlll iineman, Don Drown, ;ourll,ymanlln,manj Donnie Miller , fo,em.n l and I. O. "Codr" Caine', journ,yman lin,man

Members Learn New Skills, Settle Contract LU. 109 (o ,u ,mt ,n",mll,us, rtb ,.u .~ p. ,cm , calv&,), TAM PA, fLA,-The PICtUIU shaw .nem ben 01 Loc.1 108 worklllg fOI Dlllaid Smith Con strUCllon Company on Tampa Electric', property They arc changmg OUI bad poles on. hot 140 KV c" eull that IS a \Ie 10 Flollda Po ... e. A LIs,ht and due 10 IIN-d, .s Ilmnst Imponiblc 10 dcellc ' gl%e Worklllg wuh hOI 140,000 vohs IS a new upe"ene, for mOil of UI, but II 'rpears to be one ... e WIll have to ,dapl 10, as the load In OUI arel contmuu 10 IIlc.elSe

We .110 h.d the orportunlty 10 CIJ>Cllence the KOSIlion 01 the "blle-h.nd techlllque" It -. nOI nearly IJ IlIghtlul u u sounds. With Ihe lad evel IIlCleas,"" II appean we may be lorced to usc the baTt·halld tcchn lque '" the ncar lutu,e All of OUI membe •• 011 this crew had the opportuntty to part,clpate III the demonsn.llnn DuslIleSi fobn 1#" '1m RowlanJ, who ha •• I ... aysslllcd he wouldn't ask a memhellO doanylhlng he .... ouldn'l. wu Ihe sc<:ond to rarllclp"e III the demonsuilion lick Ueaden, DIII. rd Smnh lupcllntendent, wu flu t GIl Marth.lI. OUI vcry .ble ISSlst.nt who haodles our lone unll, .Iso paIllCl r . tcd, II d.d youn truly We all felt" WI' I worthwhIle CIpellenCe

Bc:hevc II 01 nOI, ... e ,Jellied the nco nelloll.· lions. A vote of the membelS wu t.ken on Sa!', lune lJ, 1984, and the pickage wu Iccepted hy a 3-1 m"glll We would like to commend the Commil\ee fo. I ,ob well dOlle, The IIlC lcaKI ... e.e 'pproIimately 5.5 percent III the fllSt year Ind 5 pe,cenl III the second yur of. Iwo·ynr contract

The CO.nmlllCe ,ons.sled of 11m Rowland, bUSI' ness manaler, Sam I-bmnck, hneman. Bub Llvell, I lot C elecnltlln, B.U Communlcllion .nd ClInnol eleelllclln, Mllchell Md,llan, mamte' nance mechanlt, Hal Puyea. walch 'nlIDCC', ReI! Rodngun,, Roge. Robcrts, ,u!!stlllon c\eClncun, .nd fofLke Spence, mllnlenanCe elee­tliclln Ind chllrman 01 the unIOn, "Good job, gaoll,"

Well , M. Rugan and hi, cronies lie . ull .. II We arc now told we can't take any punillve action

ill a: w m

~ w

"' ~ z a:

Q ~ " 3t

Page 34: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

~ a: w

~ w



agalnS ' ou r rn~mbers whu "Iul l tc the Cun.H, ulloo and bylaws of OUI lIn10n 01 tOulSe. Reag~n 1'Ii

gOIng ' 0 assure his "corpoJa'e bonu" they will have a free hand '0 do u they please concemm~ Ihe woo kIngman and thc laoor law If Rugan 1$

reelecled, II may Ius! be possible Ihal unruns will bt OU llawed In Ih,s counuy by lhe end of hl5 second lerln Think aboul il

lct 'j .Ideal Ru ..... n III Novembel 8 R BWCTtll, PS


li en II r Ihf mfmbr'~ of lou l III r n;oyint th ri l 1984 picnic.

Local Holds Picnic; Agreement Ratified l.U. III (o&'u ), DEN VER , COlO.-l",.~1 III held liS "nlluall'leOlC t hl~ veal al a ne"'I""~l"'TI Balh·, Colorad" r""'ld~J nur memk.s "'"h a h"~u'"ul mounulIl <1:1I1nll:

Th,'i )c,r's Cumm'ITe" ,11.1 An ucdlcnt ,,,b ""h provldlllJi: new Itamc~ for ,he chlldrcn Jlun):, .... "h vollq'ball ,oJ J hllfw~h"e I"umamen' .md ou. lf~dlllO" a llug·()1 ",., conte" CI",~"', tu~,,,1 war WInne. was 3K"1I Unit No ! The 'urn meml>cr~ we.e Jue '>Iauka Inl>n Ander'"n, Don /'.cweome. JellY Sc:h,,·.b, R.<ke\ HeuKel anJ G,rY \bl.chke Unit '\,III 11·A "'ok Ih" CIA'" 8 lUll: ol'war l"'l'hy Te~m memloe.~ W~!~ Tom W!l~hl GJen h(le, M,ke 8~lk~, Ru~~! H,ckeY, C~le \Vh,lhd,1 .lId Dave M".~l,·s, The hll!~esh<K \"".".m~nl Imph)' was .... ·on by 8 .mh~u Sam MVnlOn 10 ~nJ RIck Sp,ou1. .... h~f • lull da)", atlJ,·ltle~, Ihe membcl~ ell10ycd Ihe h.-c musIc Ollhe 'In'.d~ !>"~I~h,' 10 cap olf Ihe evenln/t

~pecu! Ihanks KO 10 th,. year ~ r,~",~ Commit tee members who "llIkd IllJnv houlslO p",vHltn,.: Ih .. Ye . y specl~l eVtll' '01 "u, loc~1 ullrun Com mll1eo membtu" ere W •• 'nc .... Iwnoo. ~klP 8o..H)\h~, We~ HU/lel Ken FO~leT, SleH Mae~. 11m -'1< Dermal' DenniS ~ltller. Dick Ro"e, D"'ld \ acbv ;;and Tom WII~hl The ch'n~e to 1"'''II''n a:ld c:<~ellcnlleSpOn!c hu encllura ~ed Il>e C''''I,n''ICC 10 rue,,'. , hc same Irx:a!lun j". nexI ycar Th. pIcnIc Will be held on AU~lm 14 19~5

Unit I I. n ee \Ummc .. , .aufied Ihe I ~" rroposal I'l c~en1.d 10 Ihem lin lunc I.l 19114 .... her nuny n_r.Ullum!: $."wn. Ihe Unl ' "'''cd 10 "like, hu'" tv.r, Ih. cmpl")'.,, Jgrecd UI C"me hack II' Ihe bar~ all ll n~ lable and made 'un he , ~ d,..."!rnen!' on Ih." .... ·a~e olfer Th .. result.d III an .vc,aKC l 7· pe.ccnl InCI.ase wLlh .e'l'e(1 \0 al! Cb~5Ifiuu"n~ I "'A ~ Yny .ml'. eued loy ,he unll) d"l'layed by Ihe emplu)'eellbrou~oul a mO~1 d,f1kuh ne):"ltIa IIOn Th. Nego!l . llng Commlllee consl~l~d 01 lohn l D.VI', a~~ISlant b ~ Sl n t5~ m~n~~t •. Don Ko~!U r ,

Asplundb Tree CtllnpanYI PhIl ~lutkwlsch, J)~\'ey Tree Comp.ny, .nd fohn Vogel, Nelson Tree Com· p.n)·

Local Takes First Pay Cut LU. 112 (i ! ..... 1:.~N EwICK . WASII .-A ~AAA'ng economy has I"'el'd loc~1 112 10 ,ake lIS AnI I'ay CuI sinc~ lIS incertlon TT 'V"I I" y, IlIn~c benefits, <'IVCTllllle, apprenl,ce raIl" ~nd ..... lj1;e~ wrre all leduc~d In an choll It> WI" "'lIh Ih~ CU"ent ~conomle cOndlllOn\ bun>: t",JI III The con· uaclO'$.grted 'Ol'ay Ih< 11 ",'nl In<ll'af>C lOhulll> and ""ellarc alld 10 t"d~h'h ullnnal huhh and "dfOit ICtIPIOtII)

The Dn vlS' lheon WI.rI w,,,k p.Kka~l' resulted 10 a 6,J'I'N~Cn l .ed\l,,,,,n and the nnn pltVllhng "lit. ",I>. 10 W .. IUtI~"'n ~uffcl~d a 11 ~ pelcent deelc"r Thr .tSldcnllal rrojtl.m 'lltle,cJ the b'lI­lte~1 CUI al 'oJ 1 I'crecnt ho",cH'. Ih~." h.,n·1 been m\l<h ft'"d~nll~1 ,,'n.k In <lU' 11I",dl<l,,'n '01 qUIte ~",nt t,me

If Ihe .edu(ll<1n 10 Ihesc ".ge r~<ka)!e' hdp' u, 10 (IImr"le "·,,h Ihe non·unl<'1n dement 10 <!ClIC mort "'l'lIk lor OUI mcml>cl<' 11>, rI II "," I>< "ollh II HO"'e\'cf If no "'o,k " ~"rl< r~I ... J II ",11 be • hald ~Itr to lake back"l.d,

The 01 Ounc" All Un"'" \"uhalllour 11ament "'~ ~ ,etcn tl)' hdd .. I Ihe Horn l<arld. Coml'lc:>. 10 RrchllnJ 1.,,,,.1 II! ,,~s "'cll I.I"C· ~cnted wllh Ir~m' 0",· ICoim "U from Yakima ","h Ihe "Ihe. le.m, "om TTl CIIIC' and O.egon Tht Y.k,ma T~.m ,,,ached hy Dann}' Ramos. rre"ad.d In Ih" tn!f~ Lnc.1 III "v~I . )·, bC~lInl\ Ca.y BUSlck'~ T" ell;" "'.1111 to ehmmale. 1I0w.,·cr, Gar)"'~ learn 1">";>1 the tea", J "'~, un. '0 drnunale u\ I'm "ule '>I' tnulJ hl"~ dQnt !>ellel "'l1h ~n{llhel coach. ",",cau," ,,~ "e'e .~trcmelv lalen' ladcn The blJ: ,uck< In, Ih,' Yaklma Team ... e.e thve II.rnk and Rnd .\lul(1I ""II Ih.ce lI"mc 1l1I1~ fl><' lI~adl~}', 11 Jnd flln lIalldu1II w"h une h"lIle . un u<h ;",J n~I1"\' Ram,,, C.ny I\u,,<k', IClm "'3' I~d h, !"e Lcjt.lld \llIch MU'l'hy and t:h.,l,c Hull Th~ nlhtl Til CIl' lum >I" ltd bI Ma. k I}tV"" I.", \lndeu. and la", C~beld"n lau)' ai,,, "'''"lhe b~'e IUIIIIIII~ a"ald Ken W"I~I ~Ol Ihc '>cum. C,u:rn Jwald 1>111 !>alteJ nC~llv <;00 The TUUItUlllcnt "'J, '''>II alt~ln loy Ihe fum.,el'

In all, Ihe I uurnanlenl "a, J I,ll of lun alld u.neJ lwunJ $.1.000 tn, Ihe .\Ialth 01 D,me, "y nnh d"lrl"""tmonl WH wh~n "ne ", ,he 'pp.en· tlce. ~h<1wcd ur al Ihe AI! Unl"n Wurnamenl III a Maz,l..

Officers Take Oath ; Bass Tournament Held I..tJ. IH (i" t ,fm ,fm,,,,&" pal. K" :-':S" ~ crn , '\\0, -On fune II at tl>e .e~ub. mte"n~ Iht mcml>e"h,p "'ii' pl1v,lneJ \U h~vc .~ a /tues! !pcah. K~nnclh Rothman, a D(m' tandl dare lUI Ihe oince til 1t,}\clOnr '" the <tale of M,ssou" M. Ro'hman IS p.",rndy .he lreult'nant ~"vcrn'" ,,[ .\II~"lUl1 .Iud Ita, sCI"rJ III publre Iltlke much 01 h,. l,te. ""I> l~ )'.~f> ,e,,'eJ In tb. MI'>ou" Il"lhe 01 Rel'rc,e1lIltl"c_, dUltn):, "'hlth lime he ,clved as <peahr 01 Ihe Huu.c, HI~ Jim· U110[\ n a hrend 01 111lm txtenJ. IhlOuthou, tho enl,,< pelTo.! .... n txlml'lc .... .,u!J be Iho m~n)' lime, he .11.1 n"t Jill) .... RepuhlIC~l1"I'''II~''l cJ "110:111 \0 work" hIlls 10 .u~h Ihe dD<,r uf ,he Huu~e, It ,,,"is altel he lefl the lIl>u~e IhJI Ihe 'rt)thllo' ",o.k I.SUe w.s hnJJI)- lo.c~d OUI 10 the ch~mbo.: .

~nJ pUI lin Ihe ~enc •• I"~llm III J9~I>, w-hclc 1\ .... ,

• "undl~ dCI.Jud In h" p •• "n'J'UlO, l,eulen~nl I,.;o,'.rnm R,,,hmal1 "JrneJ Ih~1 the ll~hI1o.l'''0Ik''

".ue" ;uTl'~lIlg ;I~.111 JIIJ thll 1\ "oulJ he very Impo" Ant II) have, m~n In Ihc /tUYfrnOI'S m~">lun ttl pUI a 51"P 10 Ih.,. AnU'lIn",n aCtlVlllCS

On the weekend ul May 19 and ]0. Ihe clcc.,,· Clln~ III Ml'~OU" who par!lClral~ III Ih. ~r"" 01 ha~s fishlllJ\ held a lIau Tournamen" ... "h lrx:al IN as Ihe hO~1 Ihls yca, The Tuurnarnent was


Shown a .~ ( m;1 " Oukt" l)ucouJombi t'I, ldl , bu<i· ne~' m . nag~llol tou ll14, Ka ll,"' Ci l )', ,\to ... nd Tournamenl I) i, tclo, \bul;c. L .. in/t' lon. " 'ho u\>, " IF Il>r ba,~ " 'on' , bllt. ",' \0 calch a I~ " CUppif."

helJ al R.",k Ib.b", R~",,, al Ihe lake 01 Ihe O~a.k, lo ... ! Unum, I I2J and 2:;11<l1lk p.rt III Ihe '(II.\'lIle' The [I"III~ "n~Ic.~ hum 51 luul' lunk rl.l.(C anJ III): 1101" The K.n, •• City II." Hunte!> came m "'"h a do,~ ~eco"d, b'e,)·on. had a ~"od III1IC and the ~1"rtI ul '1'('II'manlhlp p,c"aded It "'d' 4 fe~1 pl~~,u,e "'~l"'nJ. weekend <>1 .<l1VIIIC' "'Ih nul /i'''lbels /r"m Ihe 'tarc 01 \\I""U" Th" " l>cCUnlUl):, a \·t~,ly ."en" and ut:.h ~u. Ihc numl>e. I" r~rt'~lp'le IS mcrc.""/t Th,; )'C~' Ih~l. ""re ~1'1''''~lmalcly ~~ 8.other­lYe hlll'c Ie' <c\: 111311)' m\'!c nC:<1 ytar

Tw!) HH1ln3tnClH.I Inv"I""1l: Ih,' l,,~~l were lJ." <~hl·Juled lor Ihl~ summer loc~1 IN ho~,ed 11< Annual Gnll T()u.n~m.n' The <<<und '"urnam~nl IS Ihe [IIEW '> ... "htl T\lurnatnem In ~I I"~frh, M.SSOUII, .n ",h"b lUI.a! 12.1 fidded • t~.m

8.11h Ihe.~ c~cnt, hne I>~d ~ood 1'","cll',,"on In

p.!>1 \ car< The w\I.k I'l<lIIIe I< ~1>11'" Ihe ',lIne 3, la'l

mmllh ..... '111> ~boUI l<'() men on Ih. '''UI,OI ",ork lr~1 SC\'e .. II~.,.c. ,ob, ,u,h AS~' \.\C'lcrn [ke 1I1e. (untlllue 10 eml'lo) mAn,' memhel>, "',Ih ,lie COntlnllTn,. h"p" Ihal (>flC h,~ tuh mllthl hI! ,h .. could dc", Ihe ho"ks

Thlll)"'""en mcmb,'/' "I Local 12J ""e,ved Il>e" 20')'t3r SClvlCe 1'1n' ~I ,hc fC~uhr /tenorai mCCllnlt "n June 13, Th",c prC~!nl "'c.e Gary IlIl,hc"" Knln COCh'An, lam~. l ldge, K K En,,", HUKh " GJldlOel. Oand l Goodnch, JlJhn M"nlfC(, Rllk" l Hall, [dwIQ l Bdl, Fmldle V K,dd. I", J ~ m~! IV Kdhum. John .... Knapp. [)"n31d W LandIS r"seph C leamor \\ llh;1.m D f.blcn~ek ~nd RI~haIJ .... nlpp The I"U(I"'ln): momhc" Wele 'cco/tnl=ed Dan.el 1/ Bct:X' Wilham V Clements. GolM:l T Colhll>. f.lh" R, n.a~ku~lch. I~mu" FClln, Chule,· \.\ l"han,cn. RU'l11ute l..:l!nm. lI~tnle D ~cXI"n, !.,ne. k \.\'31kel, hed SCl h cs, I"seph M Cbrk Charlc, J CIO"hwaa, .... nlhony f Cusumano. Lou.s B DIckmann. Larry C [III. John h."",, !amu W F". Shermln l Ce05lel. ibny D Holdln):" 8.lIle 1 C\llIrn5 ~nd I"hn L I'.lle •

1.01 vcry ~. d lU 'CpOIl thaI un ruly 10. I~bl, Lu~al 114 1"'1 ulle , ... 1 I .. "Ide" ~nJ m,,&1 respec,.d mcmber!, BIUlhf l RQY E ~m.lcy. a membe. of local na SIn •• I~nu~ry, 1911. who pa<s.d away on Ih,s dA)' 8.0lher Smlicy left behind a It, •• y ,n Ihe h.slory (11 Ih •• loul Iha, .. ·.11 nOI won bt­fo.):utrcn, MI Smrlcy wu Inl\laled a~ a membt:1 '" January. 1922 and became aCl i"c Immed l~,dy III 1'I01001ln); the /tooJwtll ollh .~ DI/tanIZUlOn H~

Page 35: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

I .

served in VUIOUS offices, and In 1939 ~umc the usiSllnr financial sccrelll'y to Herb Taylor. When Herb pused II W3Y on February 20, 1940, Roy as­sumed lhal pos it ion. He served as fi nancial sec· rCla ry for Local 124 101 rhe IICKI 32 year s, unnl he ret ired on foly 12, 1972 He W~5 alw~ys 31:11"C and involved In [he wdl-bemg of Ihe members of rhlS local and wenl to g lUt pl:f50UI lengths 10 a,d members who fell upon hard urne" He knew by name every member of t hIS local onlOIl, and the rnde and IlrolcssLouhsm he exhrbncd made Itsd! CVLdcnI In the stalure OUr local has ob tamed In the community today .

Roy grew up wilh our organltatlon . He saw il in good limes and bad, The contributions he made th rough rhose yea rs, pa rticularly Ihose In the cady ycars, sUle[y are fa, tors In \hal we are al! he re today. Even ~ fl e r he relHcd Roy ', Involvern~nt cont inued A Ie ... · yean ago. he smgle-handedly completed a hislOry of hiS local union from 1911'> 10 1980. Th,s hIstory wu publIshed and dIstributed

I'- 10 eUlient members. Perhaps what Roy wrote m the prelace of thaI h,story tclls50 much about the man hImself: "The local,s deeply mdeb ted 10

thnse members who ~avc n/ their lime, energy and knowledge to Ihe lncal while se rYlOg m v~ ri,-,us act ivllies dunng the )'ca r5, and whll~ the names 0/ many members ue not Identified. the leg~ey they have left uS remains a monument II> theu mcmory." God bless you. Roy, 1903-1984

At the regular gene ral meetmgon July 11 . 1984, the follOWing officN! of Local 124 took theu oath of offke, bemg elected IS 01 lune I, 1984 Emil "Duke" Ducoulombler. busmess manager, Edward L, Drake. preSIden t , lames CUrIlS, Vice preSIdent, lohn "Bob" Ralston. ICCOldlllg secretary, lohn r

l Sullivan. fina ncIal scuetary, and Dcnllls LlsII>n, lTeasure. The seven Execotive Board members are lohn Barnes. lames Becm. fr- , lohn T BrOwn, Lmdell K Lee. Maul1ce T LIVingston. If " RLehard

Is Mathews. Ir_ . and Joel C. Womack The Ihlee Exammmg Roald members arc DenniS Clark. MI


chad I DanILeo and All Krebs Forty·two memben of local 124 .eeelved Ihell

25·, 20· and 15·year se.vlee rHns at the gen~ral meeting on luly II. T hose prcstn t we re leonald

l James. Dale M. Allen, lohn H I\T[)Wn, Darrell D Cowan. Gus DuwulombLCf, Bl3d~n H. Hadley. Gerald R Hart, WLlliam D Maslen, Wilham II

_ Moehle, D~'Wtn E Pla~e, James E Rob.ahn. DaVId C. StegmaIer, Roy A Terry. Lyndell L Andcrwn, and Carl R BeerNur T he followtng members wcre reeogmzed lor 20· and ISyurs of $erV,(e Dav,d T Hop!lOn. Harold E I-Iou$choldcr. James C. Un dCl wood. Geneva A Loyd. Gan y W Cunntngham. Pa tfl ck K Ga tes. l a rry D, Howard, Fred D, PI1L~, William R, Buck, Thomas E Chumley. Itrry L Cooksey, Alex I. Flcmtng, John W H'nton. Roy V lackson. lohn W. Matney. E ,\1 . Olr,·u. SIan Icy Rathlf, Gary J w,lkmson, FrancIS Tarry, Dmld W Brady. Ilmmy C. FhpPIn, Jerome F HIll, James H Opn, Marvin 1'01 Slh·ey.lohn Fuzgerald. Theo­dore Fetters and Kenneth Blldgeman

Scribe Writes About Legislation, Picn ic L. U. IlO (I&ul,NEW ORLEANS, LA.- TheoJlicen and membe rs of L~al IJO would hke to elltend therr condolences to the famlhes of our .ccently decuse:d members Emmet Serpas Harold Ryan. Edwald Lacoste and l'aUlck Fallon These four BrOlhe r~ WIll be mIssed by the membe.s of Local 130

The recently concluded SeSSiOn (If Ihe Louis,ana legisbwre was a sti nging diuppOtntmcnt for or gamzed lah.,. . We were onsuceessful". our efforts to repca l lhe "nghHo·work" law whIch dates Nck to 1976. As In the past, the Lou,slan~ ASWoC,allon of BusllleS5 and Induslry dumped untold sums 0/ money tn. mlsleadmg and ~meumes slanderous medIa caml'algn en~ompassmg TV. rad,o and pren covel age m sU pl"'n ollhell cffotls to mamtam III tOlal the provls,ons of the "llghHo·work" law We III labor agam sulfcrcd mlghllly under thl~ med j ~ b<lrrage and proved eiLher unp re pared or

New Officers

Piclured al th~ j n ~ t a ll a riun u remony fur the elcclfll oifiens ul Local 130, Ne .. · Orleans, La ., a. t, hun t lO W, left 10 .ighl, I'at Killeen, Int rrna ti una l Rt p­.e5en latin Mti 1I0llon, Inlernat ional R~prt5enl ­uh·t "'likt Emig, lolt n Gui ru ,"icb, I •.• A. I. l nie, III . Tim Tylt r Ind Emile Wolf; iu the back ' OW, left 10 right , are Monald D~Roda, Dudd y Carver, rlt Rodr igue, Su \'t lI us, AI Bostick , Ru bel! Ihm­rl1und, 1II,Ine Pardo. Jimm y Donald Meye., Roger May and Steve Ln ie .

unable to oller an adequate rcsl"'nse We remam hopeful . hO"'cver, that III the neE! scsslon 01 the le,Islato.e Ihe needed rdonn On workmcn'$ com­pensation and untmployment cOmpenl-lLlIOn can be successfully aceomphshed Addillunally. with benrr plt'pa.allon ro combat the arguments lrom the lOUls,a"a ASSOClallonufBuSlD(:uJnd Indu$t ry, coupled wlLh mUle 3AAres5;ve su1'1lo11 from our " friend ly" guvelnlll and heutenallL gIlVCIIIOI, we In Iabo. may finally 5uccced In cllcctml;thc much· dcslled and needed cl,mmauun 01 the mahgnant provISIons o' the " niVIt -to work" law

On the local level. Local 13O's election fm the tcrm olluly, 1\184 to June, 1987 was held on lunt 30. 1984 The followlDg Brothers were elected, PrC$,dent loscrh Pardo. V,ce I'resldent SteYe LlV,e, Mccordtn): SCCletuy \)t)nald Meyer . ftnanClal Se~· reul)' lohn A GUllov'ch, I • . Ro),:c' May .nd BuslIlcss Manager AI Bosllck

Elec ted IIl t h~ ExecutlV~ Board .1rC 11~lry Ca,"er. I'at Killeen, luhn Tyler. A J, LaV,e. IV. amI EmIle Wulf; $lIlmg on Ihe ElIImmmg Boud ~r~ Ro~rt lI~mmond, III . Jamc~ Lalman, Steve Ihu. Pat Rodngue and Ronald DcRocha

The Election Commlllee. under the ludelshlp of the clcc\Ll)n lodge. Bucky Hammond. dId an outstanding lub ul eondoeling Ihl~ clecllon The Brothers who s~rved on theComm'ttee were E,nest CelCSland, Tommy Garcia, Steve Terry 3nd Ht.·nry Haas Thc membershIp and myself would l, kc 10 I~kc t lmc 10 thank these Brothers for the out,~Jand· Ing lob Ihey have dune

Last . but not lea~l, the 10th Annual Brotherhood Plcn,C WIll be held m October ThIS LS ont' greal outmg for Ihe f~mlly. wnh the p.oceeds gomg for a worrhy caose The money generated /rom the pICniC w,l1lto Into the W,dow Fund Broth .. r Ted Savoy and hl~ committee arc hard 3t wOlk ~ct"ng up the p'cm~, 'in pleasc In"s make u h'):ger and helle l by ~"ppOrllng Our IIruthcrhuod I',c",e.

la_n'" I'.o.MlICl. 1' .5_

Scribes Quote Officer'S Conference Speech L.U. 114 ( i ,rm ,t , II ~&$PJ). CH ICAGO, ILL.-Atlhc ApIII m(ellnll, BU$mUs Manage. Bresnahln It·

pUlled on many "npurtam thm~s the proposcd seulcment of Ihe I(}n~ dass·actwn SUllj the ilulld­tng T .. dcs LCIl,slatlvc Confe.ence m Wnshmgton, I),c., and Ihe imporlanCe 01 wOlkmg ,nd vOlmg togethe r pollllcally. There "'U also 3 Manufactur "'g lcg,slallv t' C,-,nfc r cn~e III January Ihat blought up basic~lly the ,arne ,mpml3nt LSSUes on the floul and III the wnrk,hop~ In the workshops wme of Ihe "SU~5, hke overscemg our lDsu rance, BusmeSl! ManagerB.csnahan had already talk .. d to the mem bersh,p aboul back tn 1983.

Tite ',ml"'rlanee of labol gcmng IlIvolvtd poht· IcalJy. ~SpC~i3 I1 y at this lime. eannOI bc 'trcssed enoogh. International SecrClary Ralph A. Lelgon

sl"'ke at the Mmufacturmg Confe rence and In' dustTial Union Department LegIslat ive Conftr· ence. ind we'd I,ke to share h ,s lalk "'rlh you : "The time has come to uns hackle the American pcople Irom serVIce to ecnnnmic my thology, and 10 resto.~ . • estructo.e ~nd I~Y!l~hzt the economy In the se rvice of people That i5 the loal of the Amencan labor movemenl j and dUp, re three yeaB nf Rcapntsm . ... ·e arc mOle ontted and mure re· solved to pursue Ihal goa.l Ihan eve. before_

' 'The apphcauon of pu. e Reaganomics caused the worSt econom,c dep reSSIon smce the 19JO:i Ame,,~a I~ sull on the hllnk of economIc dlsaSle r unless mo.e rad,ca l th.nges U~ made. Ironically. thc ~and,dale ",It" ron fo r prCSldent in 1980 prom· ,sm~ us a balanced budg~t mU51 ltkc\y will end up with over·. mlhon·dollar deficlI, where Ihe un twa} Inte.ut alone would range bel ... ·~en SI50 and S200 bllhon

"No on~ can dnubt, U IIld,eated by the !abo. movement's polll1cal aCllvllY m Ihe campatgns of 1982 and Ihe AFL·C10 Convenllon last fall . our abtTuy 10 carry throogh the polmcal ael1vLlY we h~ve uodertaken 10 eJect ou. fnends and defeat our cllcmiC$, The d~cision 10 endorse Waltc r Mon· dale fOl Lhe Ocmocr.Ilc prCSHICII Ua l nommation came afte. many monrhs 01 explOlauon and con· sultatloO It has been , aid, and 1\ will be saId many mOle urnes. that 'Iabo. boucs' .re Irymg ro lell omon members how to vOle Thtlc 15 no way on God's grun urtlt that you can lake a free CllLzen and mstrue l hIm 01 her on ho ... · 10 VOle, and ,,"'e m thc IBEW have no such IllUSIOns 01 des,re-1l

"No olhe. mstnullon III Amen can hfc receives !I~ o.dns site. wide r d,scosslOn, m a manner more democla llc or more fai th/ul IU tIS membe. s' w,shes, than docs the IBEW and the AmCllean trade onion movement Trade unlomslS arc nOl onc-dlmen' slon.l and ne!lhcr IS any other Amencan VOter Among all the othe. mfluenccs thai bear Ul"'n I

member'! dUls,on III tht pnvacy of thc voung booth-famLly. regIon, aSWoClauons, rchglon. sex. age. ,deas and pre,udice!!-.... e s urely hope thatlhe aspect of pcnonailty Ihat makes h,m Or hela trade untoniS! WIll prevail; and We do 1l11end 10 work 10

lhBt end III EW members arc governed nUl only by sclfish concerns, bUI by a deep and abldmg concern for the wcll -belDg ul thell Brothc.s and Sislers.lor Ihell country and fur the less IOlluutc III hie We

shall gladly lake our ehanct's on their '·OICS • .... hto Ihey lite fully mformed; and we do propose: to fulAIl our duty to In/orm them

" Why, 01.11 the worthy candIdates for,dent. d,d We choose Waltc. Mondale to be labo.'s stand· ard·bearer! T here arc litera lly hOlld reds 01 solid, subs tantial reasons , butllmc wIll limIt my amwcrs to thaI !Iuestwn He posseuu that umque com· b"'~lIon of temperament , Intelligence. educallon and Ilfe-iongellpellcnee In pohtiesand gO"crnment thaI Lndiealu he ,s tht best man for the Job_ M fo. hl$ labor record. It IS ",ttresllng to note fight 011 Ihat Waller Mondale hnn' t ml$sed a Mlnne~la SUle AFL CIO COnvenllon '" 22 years .• nd hu torned up al 50 many pIcket hnn. sat in so many local umon and centra! body meetings, that umon mcmbers III hLs home state thmk of hIm as part oithen trade 00100 family

"As a UflL t ~d STates SenalOr, he had a 93·pcrcent · right AFL ClO COPE' raled vOttng .eeord on labo. Issues He also know, thn Amellca's g'Utelt plUllrus was made when the te wu cOOpt rallon among government, bUSiness and labor; and like_ luncllonmg three ·legged stool, he knows cquahty of alllhree elements are necuury for success. He knows aboUI the issues of our cunency values. our exportS, ou, Imporu, Ihe monetary pol icy, Ihe fo.elgn trade polley, and w~ bcl ,el'e fUlme. Vkc I'rnidenl Mondalc, whcn elec ted preSIden t, WI ll effectively make thost' changes and many more I\} unprove the wcl\·betng 01 our workers. It IS usen· Ilal Ihat we all m Iht labol movement. members and leaders ahke, plan ao.clLVe role III Ihe I"'lillcal prOCUJ of nommallngand cleetmgour fnend, Frl tl Mondaie. p r~s,dcnt 01 the United StatCS of Amer-,ca "

CIt"'II,I.I~ DUN..:t, B.M.· P.S, To,", SINC;~""I\, B.R,·P,S. "

Page 36: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


Imports Ruining Local Economy LU. 139 (i&.u ), ELMIRA, N, Y.-Dunng the ,Urn' mer we usually look fOI an Improvement In our wOlk IHuallon. it his 10 tome Ulcnt, but not to ,hal which we had hoped for Most of our Brothers . ,( ~tlll UlI the lc»d ~nd lookIng /ulwud 10 bette. times.

l/ you arc look"'!: for a cummunily, as an example of wha l forclgn impOrlS can do W its mdustry. the lookmg C3 1l stop here. We have had everything from T V 10 steel 10 Iypcwrucr plants closed be· cause of foreign dum ping. We 511 back and sec OU I lobs floaung fmo the su nset, gomg 10 lapan, Tai· wan, rIC and wnnde r wbat thIS II,IY R~agan IS talking abou t. He makes speeches about the Im­proved economy and the Improved lob 5I1U3t100. The besl way 10 Improve OUI job SItUaUDn IS 10 PUI him OUI the door In 1984

This bnng! up aOOlhel polOl of action II you haven 't a COPE In your, what are you wa,ting lo.! The ..... ay I see II, money m COPE IS thc beSt in\'estmcm m Out fu turc I am su.e that Ihe anu· union faclion has nn unuble flndmg suppotl fOl thclr causc.

rUst as a remmder In one nf nur rCLLrce§, yes, 180 pounds nf t ..... 'sted "eel and ~Cll appeal soil rales right up there at the lOp.

Local 142 Returns To The Journal


1..U. 142 (u), PITISBURGlt , I'A._Hello, agaml I knn .. · Ihcre hasn't bun an ~rude submlltcd from Local 142 for somc I1mc, but there has been a 101 gomg on, and lime hu a way nf sILpping by.

To begm, nur local was a rep resenled pnt of the Negotlatmg Team worklnr,on a new [nnt ra[t from September 10 October. We wcre able to get a two· yell agreement, ahhough Ihele were some conces· sions 01 g,vebacks to the CompallY.

Otd I ~y thaI time has a way of shpp,ng byl Well, OUI local's elecllOlls were held agam "'lIh Ihe follo wmg rcsult" p.esldent, Bill Hoovel; v,ce pleSldent, BYlOn Stankol n:cordmg secretary, Chuck Bettilyon, Hnancia l secretary, lohn Holiman, and trCuur( . , Bi ll Glass. I Want 10 exp.ess my sinccre thanks at thn t ime 10 Norb Schwanzmiller, past vice president, for all h15 years of service to Our local umon. He'll be mlued. and we wish hIm and hIS Wife 'can thc bcst of health and every.hmg good Ihat hie has to offe r. In addu lon, many thanks go to John Taylor, past record'ng secretary, fOI hiS efforts Ind lime gn'en to our local lohn's conc,se '~pu. h a.ld records 10',11 be gre.uly m,ned.

We ate III Ihe midst of gcalLng up lor the No· vembe. dC(lLon. Be prepared '0' I massIVe VOier .epstrauon dnve and gel out Ihe "vOle that "OUnl$" campaign OUI IUIUIC and Ihat 01 every wo.kmg man and woman restS on the ddeat 01 the Teflon pres,denl. The sohdar;.y of .his commLlment IS

shared by all of us-so rememhc: r m November l I ftm gr~ !l fi~d .n knnw Ihat ~n many of you,

work'ng members and rCII.ees, have m' ssed hear · lng from me m the lournal My apologIes fo r le lllng you do,,·n. Here's hopmg that Local 142 will be rep.esented m Ihe /ournlll lrom 1I0W on. Th,s ,s iu~t anOlher ;ndlcauon that the /ou"1111 1$ well receIved and read. Sec you ne:tt mnnlh.

\VTLLI ... M r. Hoovu, P.S,

Local Elects Officers. Holds Graduation Banquet L U. 14Jli ,tm&'sp' ), HARRISBURG, PA.-On June 2, 1984, Local 143 held LIS eletILnn fOI all offices for I th ree·ycar te .m 1 wOLlld hke to .hank all.he membeu of Local 143 whn came OUt 10 Vnte to show your support for the ncwly cIec ted office.s

The new olficers are IS follows: .celened to busmen manager·finanClal secretary, Clenn A. Schaelfer,,dent, ' esse 1I0y..-" vICe preSIdent, O.vul W~h e r , ' l"enILh ng ~rr r\"l;lly, \'eorgc Rhan, lIe;su. e., Alois Spease, Exccutive Board members lohn Blumenstem, BMry Ebersn le, Claude G. een,


In thit pic lu rr recieCied Local 141, Itarri ~ bu.g, Fa., BUl intss M.anager.Financi l l Srrrrury Glena Schaeffer, righ. , is being cong. atu lued by Scert nry Dennis Yingt •.

Eugellc PaInter , Enc Rban and Denms Ymger; ExamLlLlIlg Board. T homas Kohl and Mclvlll Lucas; deltg~te to the Internallonal Con~enlLon, George Rhan. 1 commend these members of Local 143 for ShOW'OK tht'T concern '0' Ihe loc,1 umon by run· IIlng 101 ~n olfice and raklllg an atlLV" pan LO theIr umon I would ask that all members of Local 143 help Ihese newly elected oiAcer$ III allY manner they can, wllh Idea,. by se r vlll~ on committees when uked or LO any tapaCLly Ihat will make th,s local union a bctter Brotherhood

The IATC held a C r~duatLon Banquet on june 22, 1984, at the Harrisburg Marriott Thts banquet was a btde different from prevIOUS banquets III

that the CommLll tc dCClded to comb'M tWo classes, thc 1983 and 1984 apprtn ticuhlp classes. ThIS aCLLon Wa! taken to dete r some expenses

The twO classes wue addreued by Timothy Cannon, l'cnn·DeI·lersey Chaptel, NECA; 'oseph Spuks, Th,rd D'Slnct IDEW ImernalLonal Rep.e· sentatlve. and Clenn Schaelfer, husLOess manager of Local 14J, IBEW.

The g. adualcs of the 1983 class were leff 1\01· dosse r, 'ames Boulwue, Kenh Ebetly, Roy Hutch· LOS, Tim Kille r, Damel Mahone, DaVid Mumma, Ene Rhan, SCOtt ShIve, Steven WoUe alld Ronald Woodcock The graduates of the 1984 class were Dan,el 1J0yer, Tony II ra ndt, Jeff Engle , Stcphen He~s, Rolwrt Kulbackl , SCOtt I', Robe rt Ruhle, Theooure Stubljar and T imot hy WhLIIle .

The COlnmlllce p.esented speCIal achIevement aWlfds to the three highest·avcmge siudents for four yeMs of classroom inStrUCllon 10: 1983 class: 11151, l:,n " Khan; second, J 1m Killer , third, ,eff I\oldosse. , 1984 cl3$s ~ fiUt, Dan,el Boyer, second, Roben Kulbaekl, th" d, T,m WhLIIle. The Com· ffimee presented awards fOl pe rfeci attendance fot four yells of related tra'n'ng 10 David Mumma, ,amu Boulware and ScOIl Shtve

The Adam Heekcn Memonal Awud, presented to a member of nch class who shows the mOSt reh,blhly, mterest, ludgment, aLtHude and coop· eratlveness ave. Ihe foul·yur ~ppren l iccsh,p, as voted by the dass membe.s, was awarded 10 En c Rhan (19831 and TImothy WhlLtle {l9MJ.

All ~pprenl1ces wert presented wLlh a small gLl t of ~pprCCI~\10n from th~ IATC. Apprentic~s who completed K,OOO on ·lhe·,Ob hours wele r lescnted With thdr completion certiflcate,.

All 20 of Ih~s~ youn~ mcn deserve recoglLLllon fm nUlfltalOlng Ihe h' gh Slanda rds that the pre· V,ous classes h,,'c Set n a standard fot them to mareh 01 beller, which they havc done Th,s shnws that we have the best m~truClLon and emphas,zes the elleellent,ob the Commlllee doallL SciCClL1Lg aprrenucn who WIll KrVe the needs of the elC1:· lIIcal mdus.ry alld Local 143 fo. many yca.s to come Thr 'OInt Apprenllce.h,pand Traln'ngCom· mlllee and local 143 cong.atLlI~IC .hese 20 young men fOI ~ lob well done, and the bc.-$t of luek In the futu . e

We ~II know the Importance 01 thc eleclLons this year , so lurge all members, as well as your iam,he.s, to .cgJ$r~, and vot"_ When ukcd by YOUI local to sUppOrt cand,dates who WIll help lubor. the local 15 not Itll, ,,~ you how to vote , bUI what would be my" '" but ,otc.est.

Work LO the a rea IS sull slo ..... All ofRcers and members of Local 14J wanl to thank .hl»e local UOIOOS who Ire emploYlILg some of OUI uueltng IImlhl""



B~,,,ic t M~luuew§ki , w cal1 6S, Chicago, Il l. , Encutivf Board memo ber, rt lired ;n 'uly to en ioy the fruit i of her Jabor in Clu N 'lIer, Fla.

Stepping Up

Huel M~IHI , luvin g the E:lCcu.ivt Boud, has been elected .0 Ihe pu· sidon of . nancial secrt luy of w· cal 16S.

Local Wins Election, Selects New Board 1..U. 165 (I), CItICACD, ILL._ ln tht horl y con· tuted decllon lo r tile becuuve Hoard of Ihe local, whIch unde. the new byla ..... will conSIst of only seven members mstead 01 the prevIOus mne memo bers and 10',11 Ix: selec ted ~t large lather t h~n by wage·J;fOUp categories, the followlOg WCf t cln lcJ for a three ·yea r tCrm: Charlie "Mac" McCarthy, John F Cheeseman, ,r ., Robert J. Moran, Brenda Early, Ikltle Rive rs. Roben T iggelaar and Leroy Wi lson.

Elected to the N~lIonal Bell CounCil Were Ray Koll Ind Hetman RodIck. Bermce Malunewski reurn from the Execullve Board to spend the .em"mn.ll days 10 Ihe sun ill Clu ..... ·.rer, FlOrida. Hazel Mann stCpS up ro .he position of fin ancia l· f .ecordlOg secre t~ry of l ocal 16S, the flnt woman 10 hold th,s po5"u)n 10 the local

Local 165 was ,u(ct$~ful m wlOnmg the tlec tlon .0 replcsem 106 eny of Ch,cago 911 pol ice du o pllchers' aides. ThIS ~ltcl1on pll ted a 10lOt lnr· gaimng coahuon, compllScd of our local and tWO locals of Ihe Sery,ce Employees In temauonal Umon ISEIU), agaLnst Ihe chOL~e of no umon or the Amcllean Fedt ratlon of Slate, Counly and Munic· Ipal Employees IAFSCM E). Brolher Jac k Kubin spearheaded this d"ve for ac tive representa t ion for the ctty's 911 dISpa tcher . ,des,

l "WItENCI F. BI£I!L, P.S.

Anend Meetings: Protect Your Union L U. 175 li ,o,em,e&ml), CHATTANOOGA, TENN.-We u.huably clO5C our ~",de each momh wllh the phrase: "C· U at the nelt. umon meet mg." I hope you do nOt thmk .h15 only a tme s.a tement, because we rcally mean Ihat we hop!: 10 ace you ~t the meClLnl whIch con tIol, much of you r future and livelihood By the way, the word "hvelihood" means, " means of support or subsutence." Being a ..... are thai you. UOion has laId the g.oundwork and backdrop for your s ubSIstence and suppOrt, I would Ihink you would Want to know personally abolll 11 5 ~l ans and dHecti on$ 10' yo ur futu. e and

Page 37: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf



Tho~f In ,hue pi c lulr~ of Lou! 175, Chattanooga, Telln. , 5c ldom rn i~s a union m tf ti n~. Thei. bus;­nus un II ... 6ru and third Monday, j_ 10 lake car C' of ,hcir union', bu~intU. WILl yuu join Ihrm'

bc.,sI,mC' C$1S We meet tWIcea month In oldc:.lo. WI mem~nhlp II) have '"I'UI 10 the on,om, alfaus of ,h., O"'IlI;t.u,,;m whose only IU'lOn 10. exIstence IS to lepluenl you Someone hn WISI,]Y s,ud, "A chIld 1$ nOl 1!'OIIed by ,IY,", h,m what he ,,',nlS rlnrly Sf) much 15 by ,IVIn, him 5ubsu IUU:S lu. ,,'hal he Ically wants-ancntlon, mlCCIUt

and undt'rstandmg " We' ollel alllhicc of thue 10 you II our m .. tunp II you lent Iht'!c lenell OUI of chllfeh Itu ), you do 1101 ha~c chuld The Same IS nUt of OUI Iyour) ullIon mccUnl: U r mlued every ume we meet and u I n01 there We l'U5I rOll WIll chang" thIS

W't ale bccqmm, a nallun that " aimosl lotally lOb d~~ndenl-III 1900 64 I PC'Cfnt of III ~m ployed Iduhs wotked for someone d,e Today 94 I ~r~enl wo.k for 'om~one tlse AI Ihc !!.;tme lime fewer and fewel Amellcans hne eontrolo~er Ihelr lobi Wnhout SHon, umons most adult, havc nu pOwe., no way 10 be heal.! other Ihan through news ~urv('ys and pOlb 01 the employee IU!:JllultOn box II 15 Important to remembel thai tilde uruuns have been III the vanguard of the n~hl lur dcmoc racy and I.cednm Vou necd bUI YISl t a cuuntry withoul a labot tnoycmcm 10 know how true thl'se wo.ds arc, Ask ou. Pulish fncnd s ~buul tlus rn~t tc.- .f thell fu tu.e .e." wllh Ibe gOYClllmCnl 01 then employers They know .f they do nm plUleel themselves thlOugh Ihclr !Tade umons Ihll nn onc clse WIll ; and lfI Ihn Ihe.e II a knon 101 us all

OUI Annuat P'CnlC w,1I bo;o on Seplembe, ]9, ]984 It the uke Wlllnepasaukah AmUM:m~nt Pltk We w.1I hlYe Ihe /'c,IIIY I(,Klved 101 the cnu.e day ~ we WIll look forwud toyoul presence, .Iong wnh you. famIly IlIIhouse l

Thot Be W.Kr Ih.n othc. prople,.1 you can. but do nOI Iell Ihem Remember, union meellnlls a.e the lint and .hud Mondays 01 uth month CU thcle


Local Holds Picnic; Election Completed LU. 18lli,em &5pal, LEXINGTON. KY.- Thc 10' ul "nlon had a P'CIIlC al the l1~el plo~'IY un 1"ly 7. The wuthel coopelated In !llut b~hlUn wnh loti of ,,,n,hllle and no lam Tht f.atemal or'!et did I SU~I ,ob on getllnll the prOil<'rty m sh~pe and the RecreatIOn Commllleedld the1l usual good job of planmng, I wat ch,d up anti did not gct to

.. allend, bUI from lalklng \0 numero", membo;ors who dl.! attend thc food was good and the gatnes were enloyed by all Howeve. , Ihe thing most eOloyed seemed to bc just nld·fash"mcd kllowshlp,

We need 10 take mOle lime 0"1 of OUt busy Khed ulu 10 vost! w"h our fllends The IOCllls planning anolhe. p,elllC tn Scplembel and mOle nOilce can be' g.ven to tho5C Otll of tOWn

The dectton fOI locil un.on ofllccil wu held on Iunc 2.3. The ru"lu arc as lollows,dent, Milk loseph, VIce p.eSldent, Darryl Whnlc.!ge, leeoldmg SecICtUY, lamC$ ESln, b"Slness manaltet·financlll secletllY, lick Parkey, \frasure., 8111111ewel , h ecullve BNld, Coleman Roach, Stanley loe Dug gIllS, 8111 Dilllen, Henry Whuaht, Lu.y Sharpe and 80b Bolnel, fralctnal Older, Bob Bolne •. Larry Sharpe and Don Hawk"". ConvenllOn dclepln, Ron Bowling. Milk loseph and lick Parkey Many thanks Ito 10 Ihe letlllnll ofllcen ami con,'llula lIon$ to the new onu Wo.k to Our IICI .s $1111

YelY slow Many 01 our membe'rs a.c wo.k"'ll on the eut coast m New VOI'k and 'lew lelsey We look 100ward 10 the tlmc that Ihey can III come home hUI thai can only come ahout th.ou~ yo" and Ihe wa}" you ~ote cn the upcomml\ eleet.on to November I only hupe th ... ~ ... last Iou. yea.s make e"clyone .eahze how Import.nt 11 IS to U!!,SICr

~nd VOIl' Ou r \H,St to all uu. ",embers .nd remcmber

work II""''', 11>",k (1,"011 and be u'linn! IA(K l'''MHV, 1\ M

Three Brothers Honored, Others Mourned LU. 189 1u1. SIOUX CITY, IOWA Itecently ... ·c hono.ed th ree Blothels ' let .. ~ments 11111 .... Iwood "ailed m FebtullY of 19~6. Bill lIalled OUt as a utility worket at 51 62 pet hout BIll had many '!llle.entlobs powel ~wllehboardopc.UOl. ground man o\"tlhead cleclilc. lourneyman eke", sUMtallOn and cablc srltcel BIll .ellled wo.kmg IS a SlOIckecpe. lilli 's WIfe .s

Don Smllh II anolhel Srmhel who .clUed Ie' tcndy Don stuc~d ID February of 1947, I\(-Martcd oul at a .. ·horpln~ 5 97 an hou, Dun was a ItlUI neyman decmc metelman /01 26 years Othe'lohs thAC l)un ha.! w~.e melc' celie. and uttluy gn mele. Jhup Dun's wlfc 's name os lIelen

F.ed IIruno ... ~ OU r thlld 8.othe. IU .el1.e In the month of lune Fred stalled OUI a$ I mete. readcl ,n \by, 19';7 Fled held lobs In theo~c.hud electlle at a lice Inmmet ItIO"nJman g.n helpel ul1hly , ' cllel IUCIO. O~UlOr, ps leak IDSpeCIOt, gn M:IV .ccman and p s mctc •• erallman "nlll h,s .etlle menl fled 's Wife IS RUlh

Whtle we were buoy honolln~ ou. Ih",he'5 who rtllled, we 3150 arc mOUTnlng Ihe .!~alh8 0 1 JOllie 01 {lUI BrothelS Herb Utecht pI_sed a .... ~y Ib,s Illne lkrh was a .ct1fe.! gas forelllan lIiIl lIa~an was • spccIOhzed ~n. se.Vlcem31\ In SIOUX C"y Chuck Dav.s was a rClued hnc IOlema" La rry Leuch was a gas pressulcman hom WIICrioo. Iowa, hc h~d Iwen .ellfc.! IOJ 19 years Clue 'iCOII was a hneman 110m ClarkSVIlle, Iowa. he had been lellied fill IwO yealJ Ch3rlu Rhuteha'l Ie , was a ps relt"latul min /0' v; yell\ 0". deere" sympathy p;0C'S OUI 10 OUr Brothen' f.mllle5

On luly 6 we Staned nC~II,"n~ fur a new euntuel

Work Picture Poor; Officers Elected

1111 g"U,1 P S

LU. 212 li&ol, CINCINNATI, OIHO Nomina lions lor the dectton 01 otflcers WllhlO Local 212 were held al the lelt"la. Ulllnn meettnl: 1111 M~y I All members of the locil we.e eligIble for olfice ,I they we.e In guool ,undID, wllh the IBEW a~

."ClIon II III 01 the local bylaws was su~pended EnJlIlnJtly, the clecllon 01 oilleels wu hdd 'une 4 u the local un.on halllwm noon 1111 Y 00 P m All officers decled Will inve a fulllh.fe ·year te.m In office The ne'" olficc,~ 01 Local 1.12 alc I'.es.dent I Clca~n. V,ce PreSIdent II. Le ..... s, Rec(1 • .!ing Sectctary A Nc.derhdman, FIn .ncl~1 Scct~ta . y II. Wehmann, Treasurel SCotton, BU5IOC5I Manage. W, Rothert (ass istant managels arc J Gc tlkc , R Hus~t , W ZImmer), and the ExeCUllve Buard con 1.51S of R. lI.une, R. lansen, F lI~dc . , S !-I .ll. It


Pictured hCle is Pres i· dent li ck Glnson 01 loul 212. Cincinnati, Ohio,

This is a of lIus ine55 Manager Wil · liam Rochert 01 Loul 212.

S,mon and W Whalen The Elecllon Commllltc I", these elecllons wu Tom Luce [ch,"manl. B Boolh F VounJt. A Ihle. I KltlllWlchtel I 13cks, W Slaughtet L Freew and R Hlllldd commit teeman A~ ollhe fi." of lunc. 198" Ihe N~lIonal Elee­

lIleal Conllacto\5 A5i>OClIUOn Helpel5 TrallltO~ School was dlshanded Th,s successlul ddell 01 Ihls Ir'llllnlt (enlt! ~.n to part bo;o Ittllbuled to Iht fallhlul and pucd,,] plckellng 01lhl5 $chool

.... t (lleM:nt OUt wl1lk (I,elllie IS poor, with o~el 20 percent 01 our members OUI 01 wOlk In.! man)' OUI 01 benefits

65-Year Member

Pirtured i) B.olhe. ,\\ ;h Kinch, left , .fte. brinll ~ r.e)enld hi. oS,)'u , .~ rviee a .. ·.rd. On thf ,;ghl CIt ]) lIu.inns Rrp. t'fnUlin DouK C.onk, Lonl lJO, Vic loria, B.C. ffi

Brother Kinch Receives 65-Year Pin LU. 230 li,o,u,c,em,ul\'$. III"I, VICTOR IA, B.C-­l'I<lUr~d .5 Btothe. t-hlt KInch .. ·ho ,e(rlYed hIS 6~ YUl P'" Ilum B"~IIIe~, Rep,c~lIl.tlve Doug Ctonk ~nd B.othCl luhn Bame~. Unll No I ehall mao BIOlhcl Mdt .... a, a \onltllme employer of 1\ C. Telephone Company Doutt tnlorm_ me thai , 119,1 years younl:, M.1t W3S busy sho~dU1ttgravel whcn Ihey a",ycd at h,s home tn Campbell RI\'e . lllltish Columbl' We a!l WIsh Blolher Ktnch the bo;o" of health an.! many mOle yean 01 '~l1tcmcnt

SpeakIng of .Cll1tl1le11\ ..... e h~ye so many mem

<D :>

~ w w


Page 38: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

r-= h .. , b", ."h." w .. ' I .. w 100, .h" lie 51arllng 10 fecI like Ihe)' tOO lie rctllC'll, bUI have no Income QUI work plClurc on Vancouver Island has not picked up at tbls tIme

We ale IL' ''''ilul'~100IU with both Ihe con'1TUC' lion and .. ds In Brmsh Columbia, and" IS

tough sluggmg In bulh We holX' 10 ,l!C\ through bulh wilhou\ a work stoppage.

I R " 11M " Mr- Avoy, H,M.·f,S.

Scribe Cries Out Against Reagan LU. 245 (o,, a. rtbl. TOLEDO, O lllO-Thls rn .• IS a noW-D' nut. ,lIuallDn In te rms of the presidential elecllon Now we ddul Ronald Rca pn, d. Deyer aptn 10',11 we cnlO), Ihe lIamu,d of hvmll workmg Amellcans Inlmed The push ~nd ,hoye of eapnalistic bullies 15 ICInog the vcry ~u15 from blue-eollal Amellca and plttmg wOlke. aglunS I worker IhlDUlh ¥lSI unemployment. Vet ­erans, senior ell Lzcns and Ihe disabled ha yc su/feTed enormous progam ,Iuhu Irom budget tom' Many safety 5tandard , hayt bttn cu t , the NLRB and Su preme COU ll put the cuffs on o rgarn~ed !abOl, and," the name of peace, Re~&"n "I$U military 'I""Rlhnl!, whlr.h I ~ unpa ralleled by ,II prccedlllK presiden tS' COlllbinro Hcrc In the Tolroo alU, thelc's approxIma tely 20 perccnt unemployment wllh J5 percent'" the bUlldln.r. lIadrs All labol contraCIS arc cone~nlonary.

lub d"'II"~uu", ,Ju~ tv (",Ctory and do"ngs ale beln, replaced wtth 10w·p<lYlllg 5C rvlce lobs Tolroo IS g101l0u51y dubMd ''Thc newtst Ctty In

Ohio" Behind the stench of ,obl,,"ncil Ihere 15 a ,lamorous marketplace and soon·lo bc hOlel No, don 't bother pUlling Toledo on your lis t of pl~ce5 10 sec In 198", you can't afford ;t

Local 245 has pledged Itself a campaign to unsut thc likes of Ronald Reapn. Our struule Will nC'·l.'r Stop AnIl·latlOllcSISIaIlOn wIll plague labol ,hrollth the nex t pru.dent', te rm. labor hi, taken It on Ihe chin 101 the PUI loul yean'

The media uc steenng AmencanllO believe It's Ihe worklllg das. Ihal II causmg economic wocs Paycuu have been laken, fnngc Itemt trimmed, and rroduellon modcmluuon Improvements made, YCI, planl c!OSIO,S ale neanng a CIISI' fla!;e Blue· collar, mlddle·dnl lob. arC gone 10 51eel, ,Ius and rubber Somc people say 10 !UJ! a few yean the re WIll be bUllWO clants, nch and low Income I say It'l nOl 100 lalc--tt 's IImC 10 Rghl b"ck!

Your counrryl Your flarel Your VDld JIM ROItHli, PS

Sister Moran Honored For Community Service LU. 26 1 (mll,mollet), CROTON, CONN. If th~r~ ever was ~ lime 10 I woman', hfc when she looked thc most 10YOUS ~nd the most r~dl~nt , It had to M the n.ght 01 May 26. 1984, when mOle then JOO people lrom the AfL·aO labor COmmUnity pth cled II the Qu,lny Motol Inn m (.;rOlon, Lon neClleUl, 10 honor "The lady," G~mma Moun, for her many se lVlCU and deeds performed lor the needy people of !IOuthuu~m Connectlcul U a \lnllcd Way AflCIO COmmUnity I t" l c~ClltaUVe Gemma MOlan IS a memMr of Ihc Of Ace and ProfeSSIonal Employees InlematlOnal Unum, Local 106, but Meause of her lervleeslOlhc MClal Trades Council membcr! and the people of southeUlcrn ConlleCt"UI, she Mlong) 10 .11 Ih.1 know he r

On her ",ny,l a .landlOg ,alule was Siven thIS lady, and applause could M hurd .fOund the hall u shc was escorted 10 Ihc sell 01 honor al the he..d lable_ Acu", as mUler of CCICmOnles, Thomas 0_ Kiddy, preSident 01 the Melli TIlde. CounCil, ISktd for s. lence, and I warm InvnelllOll was Siven by Ihe Rc'·crend Thelml Walcrman of Ihe N();Ink B...pUSI Chulch A U"dIllOD,,1 New El\lland dtnnel wn yn;e<l hyan ,.fAr,,.nl Quality Mrnor Inn uaff. Aftel an cnJoyable leisurely dlOncl, Mutel 01 Ceremonies Tom Kiddy agatn made hIS way ro Ihe podium and tnuoduced guest speakeu lrld dlgnl tanu. Each would pruent Gemma Motan wnh an honO! IWlrd or I spccllUy des.gned pl .. , ue MAli 1011 Ihe occasion

Gemma received honor awards from natIonal AfLCIO CommunlfY SeIVICes Pluldent Lane KlIkland Ind Walter DaVIS of WuhlnSton. D,C. I Untied Way 01 Amenca AFlao COmmUn1\Y Services. 101d.n BI~lIdo , Alcxandn •. VlIgiOlI / Labol PalltClpatlOn 01leCIOI WIlliam HaucnllCtn, New York, New York Cenu.l Labor CounCil 0 ,· I(ctor Gerald Waters, the statt t.11 Connecticut , presen ted by Senator Mary Manm of Groton, Con· neClltul, Illd many more. ~ptclally deSigned plaques wele presented by Ihe Metal Trades CouncIl. Local 620, Loc.l 1871 , and Cathohc ChnllCl, and she rtcelved ~rcclal glhs from bmlly and fnends CongrulIl~lory ItlltlS W~fl' r~r"lyrcl hom I'II\hop O"DlcI Rellly.n NorWich and IOlem"uonal umons 10 Wuhm~lOn and New YOlk

OanelllJ 10 musIC lurDlshed by our I"vollle 01, Ilmeslancnrer, rounded out Ihc evcmng. Spec,,1 Ihanks 10 Sail Ch"ney fur h~r asl151anCC In "",h· t llng Ihc facts for Ih.s ~'\ldc

SpeCIal (ongtalu!allons 10 Clcclllclan ~taduatcs Donald Gllllo, Mark lohn5, I~y Mercer, Ir [uf;ene phelps, HerMII Shorte, Ind Ion P'OVOSI May ,he yea .. ahud M safe and lewardlnll


Reliling BIOlhcr loc NiSl<I, SI., and son loe NiSro, II., at a loci l union mct'lingof LonI 261, Plainfitld, N. I.

AppOintees Announced; Activities Outlined L.U. 21101 (i&o), PLAINfIELI) , /Ir,. I .-St~lIIng on a h~ppy nOle. wc would hk~ 10 conglnulatc the followln, IlIt.1thCIS and thclI w.ves tin ncw addl lions to theu famlitcs. They are Leonard and hrbara LIZZI on rhe birth nl lheir son Leonard, h , aod Arthur nd Lmda Owens t.1l1 lhe bmh of thell daushter loyce. on Iune S, 19114 Congrnulallon"

AI OUII"51 rC\tular meellng. a leHero! rc5lgRllloo


~uvr "unon reeefvu the ~Icty Committee Award lo r I lifeuvins act from Pruidenl I. P. O 'Donnell and SIC VC Maikileh, pru idt nl 01 the Safety Com· mittee. ~

wasaccepled Irom 11m IUI05k,. who lsluvlOI Ihe IA TC lim se rved for nlOt yean on Ihls Comm1ltec. l'r(!jldcnt Pal O'Oonne Ll has appolOted Nell BRI ' 10nt 10 fill Ihl' posh ion. Geolge Ilrunn is I new arpvllltee tu Ihe luul Pe"~")l1 f u,\,J rep]acins loc NigrO, Sr. , who $Clvcd on thIS Commlllec for nme ytan loe firsl Slarted 10 our local 10 Scplem~', 1948 and also scrved four yurs on our Execullve Board and eight ycalS as local umon sccre lary

Recenlly rcured memMr AI Parclla will ~ spendlOg h,s relllcment 10 flollda Elle WhIte wu Iccrnll), IOluled II ,hc A&'P ,ob In HllIsbolough He fraclured a vertebll In hiS blck We Wish you a Ipccdy lecovery Lcnny Vaccarella IS prnenrly back on thc loh wurklOg and 11111 recovcrlO8 from hll recent knee tIllury Good to see you back, ... Ltnn)'

Remember, our Local UOIon PICniC Will be held on SePICmbel 9, 1984, al the Chic ken Coop. Abu, Somerset County Ccnt rallabor Council i, spon· SOling a COPE PICniC on September 29, 1984, II the Eagles 10 Btld,eWllel , see yOIl Ihert

Thc dale of OUI 80Ih Annive rsary Dance IS QcIOMI21, 1984 II the HIlton .n Somener The Somersel County 4 H fall was held August IS, 16 and 11

We would hkc to Ihank the deleptel of Ihe Somerville County Ccnuillabo. CounCIl lor con· ducllnga phone bank al lhc Union hall They called memMr. 01 orlanizcd labor, urgmg Ihem 10 IUp· port Mondale and hiS dele,a tes lor Ihe pnmary held Illnc 5,1984 . Mondale was YIC IOII OUS. Thanks aga\l1

QUI lneal unIOn has st3rted a refe rence llbralY of books concelnt n,l; rhe elccrncal Industry

Oon'l lorget Ihat on Seplember J, 1984, Ihe .tale •

r----------------------------------------Address CHANGED?

Brothers and Sisters, we want you to have your JOURNALI When you have a change of ad­dress, please lei us know. Be sure to In­clude your old address and please don'l forget to fill In l. U. and Card No. This Information will be helpful in checking and keeping our rec­ords straight.

" 'OU ,... cMnfIH foe.' union •••• mud " ... number. 0' borll.

NAME ....... , .................................... .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Z1p Code

PRES ENT LOCAL UNION NO ........... .. .......... . .

CARD NO ...................... . .................. . (II un_nown _ check .,111 Loc.l Un!"")

PENSION MEMBER 0 OLD ADDRESS .................................... .


Mail h · Cire.laUtfI Depll1lneRt Inlernalitflal Brallierhnd ,I Electrical WDrkers 1125 15~ Street, If.W., Washil,!., D. C. 200ns


Page 39: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

AFl (.10 ... ·,II.pon§or New l el~ey ~<J """ L~bCJI D ~)' Paulk lie t h~lc' COnt~CI Ihe unIOn h~l! for '0 el " ~tlOnS Don't huget local unum mcctlngl

p, H~ luo, lit, P,S NUlIIAn"",, P.S

A""!t,),-y C"RS''''', lit. P S

Pic he. t i,_ lI,o , h~r William Koch . • igh,. n­uj,in8 hi, IIS')ul ~"'ard and I'in fru m Lou126J .

I Dubuque. lo ... a, Financial <:u . rl ~ '} Flo)'d Wi rd· ~ t .holt . I

l Brother Koch Receives , 65-Year Award

L.U. 2113 1" &' )' DU II UQ UE, IO WA AI "u. rc,o:ub, Mav mcetlng, \',o,lh.m KO\.h w~. r,",cnteJ In

l IBE W ~wald and rm lck""wlcJgln,ll h,s I>;'''~dl • membersh'r. ~<tI"e ~nd If tired, In Loul21\J IBlW

l P,c<cnllnJ( ,he ~""J.d "'a5 FI",'d W,t,k,hol •. hnan eralofc.eU.), BIOI he. Koch I~ 1<6 l~a" old anJ ,s ,he only 1"'ln..: ch~"el memht,1 ," Local 21>3, \\e

_cn!nnd hl~ v",,, aOlI ,cmm"clng And """h hIm many m(1IC lurr" VCd" wah h .. Wile Ruth

V . WIl I"It"Ull' F,S

Officers Elected; New Contract in Effect L.L'. 26:; ll ,ml ,rt.&<pal, U:-"COL:'Io , '[II -On lune 11, 19SJ Local !6; held 1I ~ ck~lIon v' tlt tlcc" Successlul III ,he declmn "ere OJ\'c R,)!):, rre"

.. ",Jenl, C~ty PJ,,,ck " ,ce r,~',dent, M~n OJmmc,

l tc cordll\~ ~cClc'Hy, 0 " ',111.' RI"c. bll<lIIl'" m.m J~cr D,~k L,~e,,:a, tr~"VtC I W~f!~" B~ucl. 8<)h C~J"'\ ~"d Stn~ Hyatt [umlnllllt Board, CUll Ch"n~v PAul CIJu, frA nk Du.h. LJff' Innt' IIdl

r ~~I'C)n and S'C\'( W,lken l~ecul"'e Bn~ t d Con· 11;!~luJallun., lI,mh ... ,'

Aha ~I nu. lun( 12 mccttn/t:. Kim Smuh ""1 """1'(.1 ,nto Local 21>~ Kim I~ Ihe dJu~hln " I .l!lulht l loh" 'kl'e, and .. ,u'lIn~ hel w,'vnd yca,

I of apl1!ent,,;uhlp BrOlhel Me"er ha~ hcen an "" potl a nt J"et '" Loedl 2~<;, H I ~'" "If" ~'<te f "m1lh Will be. ttl..,. Cun~'HlI l allun< K,m'

1 ~m .. .I III . erO!n the r~'~'"~ ,,' IIt'''het ]uloo • remAndc: lulu, wn 110 l'calS old when he rl~s<:d

lWU June !."I, IIll>J luhu"'J> rnlU~l(d mil' LOCll 2(>; m 1Jnun 1961 dnd he ,ctlled In $cplemb", 19111 Our deerc!1 s"mrl1hy ~oe5 oul mthe urnd}" 'Jnd ll1 tnd. 01 lu l,o

lune I. IIlSJ . mllked ,he StH. uf J ncw c"n"~c l VU' .... 1Ih l.oeaI1(" and our ~,~n J. o t> COnt raC to rS I WI sh to ICrUII .h~ 1 We hHc. neW CUn' t.CI s,!!ned, and ... ·c d,d nUl lose In'' 01 ou' cuntrJcton even Ihuu~h Ihe Ih.u. 01 !o>'n~ some UI "UI eonllJcwn ~cmcd qU'Ie . eal II"re1ull.· IIme< Jnd .... ork ... ·,11 be be •• u nne ~eJ' ItOm nu'" anJ neIlU"Jllnj( .i ne" eOntraCI won t be J~ ra,nlul l ~ Ih li yea. Many

" membels put iOllh m~ny houn JWJV !f<lm ,he" bmdlco m m dcl 10 ne,i(m'~le ~ neW C"nlrac! 10. Local 16'). Hopefully, ..... e'.~ sull mOVm'll: on the ,, ~], t d" cctl<>n 10 pw) 'n the clctrr,ul ,ndu. IIV Ekeln';l1 ... ·O/k will be done ... ·hclh~, Ih .. I()c~l doc, II ,>t not. Remembel .hl5 IS oull a finanel bood. ~nd LocJI 26S "n I teJdy , I,)~, v e all UUI ... ·ulk 10 the r~!S. len ,"ck trl):elhct ~"d ):ce dl wc (an I Want tu ~ee .a,s S1andrnll on the ~\lIlP h"" nOI mv lellow BIOIhcu

Attendance at Ihe regula, 111cclln~> 51111 ,sn I qU lle up to pal, 50 n~xt mon eh tly 10 atlend. It 'S on Ibe second Tucsd~)·.l:U)(J p 111 . 6100 Suueh I~.h

First Woman

ri f lund. lth.o .ight, arr \\~"da \\ ~Ido. Lunl 261>. rhorni~ . A.iz .. Irc()rdin,ll 'fcr~ ' HV, Sur La-lhbt()uk . 1i,.1 W01l\"" iou rn tyman t l ~c,,,dal1 al Ih ~ah Ri\~t P . ui ~ "' , and RiIlllntdrn . I (lf3 1266 bu,ine" nn,n,llN.

Sister Lashbrook Is First at Salt River L.L'. 2101> (ul. Plt OEl\\X. ARIZ. Thete haH he~n man)' r,,·~~J"n" ~CI hv mem","", "I "Ut hxal. hUI ,hn~ 1\ nnt ,ha, we ... uulJ ~'re"':lIl)' li ke In ~halc wuh },UlI ~, ,h,. lime

I" t h~ Ar,,1 ,sslIe "I the mEW Inurn,,/, ..... .nn""n.~J lhe "3mc~ "I oul mcmb~I' ... hu hld c"mrl~lcd Iheu ;lrrteouce.h,p "~'n'n,ll. \\'~ _,< lIul.· r",ud "I uch lod ncI' ..,ne ui Ihe_" hn. re"rl.· ... hn rUI ~u muoh (,,,'II ~nd dn':>""n mil' .he" ... ~II·dc~cr.'~d ~ccomrh~hm~nl~ but b~uv'. "tl< 11, Ih~m In rnl1cul~t Jlh'ned ~<)melh",~ nne, bd".e .... e 'ecl (hal "'c h~ve .U"'ed I],l' ~"",Icj(c I(} h!l." ' Sue La,h b"'ok I. I],~ Ii,sl 1"nMle l"UI!1C\'I11~n d~c",cIJn .1 Ihe ,~It R"'e, P""e<l' SlIe hH ... ",hd dl the r",!e" I(>! ~I~ .nJ une hJh IU.~ ~nd h~d 'r~hcJ ""n Ih. Aprrent,ee,h'r I't"~'.Im ,n l~nu.lY, 1'1~fl 'U~ ... ".ked '1 '"III '\, L1I1c Dlv,~,on .1\ • ~",undm.n lot ,,' .nd line· half monlh •. She Ihtn r",u,~Jed ,ntO the tlnule ~h(lp a'~ tr~,!C<hdrc, rhcn ~he ,"bmllled her rtC Jrr"'nl,ec b,d, .nJ ",~, ",.elv,e""J Jnd a~ccrtcJ ,nUl Ihe rW~t JI11 ~he 'nvcd a, ~ ptC' Jl'rlCl1tl(;C ,,,1 ,>lIe yea, Jnd Ihen r,Hlle'paeed III ,he "Pl'tenlllC.!"r Prn~l.m 1m .he Ih,ee vCoit< 1"11,, ... 'nj( Arter .I ,ull JlI , .. ,uk "ue artcndeJ llJ,O~O 1M I"U. hou" nI~hlh .• ",,, "'\thl< CJch ><eck l'he\c cnu . ~e< mduJed IW~ wcch oi pule dlml>ln~-nlll nne II, <,uc 'IJ~,''''C,- -bul ~he ","m rletcd Ihe ("u"e m,,,e ,uHc"lulh'

~llC. )'''V, ., all nUt ",her drr.enllcc~h'r ~raJu .,e" havc mJ,lc OUt L"~JI 2M hul!!e with plldc w e J f< ,,' pk"ClI f,,, }'\Ju r.·t,on.lly, blu vo" have CIIJhlcd nU' unl<>lIl1> expc".n,,· ,h., \pccI.l rccl'n~ '" .'xUhltn>n '''' l"ut ,,' I t' rh~nk ~"U <'lIe, JIIJ .hJnk JU l'hU arp'~nI1Ce ~,~J"'J'C' 101 ""ul ",.~" lI"n r,'''"'p""nn JnJ mcmbt:l,h,p In "u. m..,,, r",ud 1I", .. n LIKll 2M An,1 .I. ~ Itel, l ,"ehe .. ~u. rna" nut I>c Ihe ullc" ,,,u,n<'vm.n dc,we'Jn bu, ~IlU can be, ~"u, hmwm d"II~1 .he '5 thc r"'III<'" un~ ., Ih~ r"'ICCI' W~ w"h e".]", blc"ln~' f"t all the ~uod I hrn~~

Ihilt iiI. h~, 'I' ollet III all ,,,It t c~~n tl. fl'\1tCJ

meml>er. I(.hn A D.e.,.,·' aul\1 Jllrl<man. Har.v l I"hr""". m~lcl1~1 hanJI~ . d"uI~ .. n. emrl""cd i!

SRI,.ltI<c "'rnll. 11l~ \J atldJm"'1 hun",~dmem ~. uf Local !1iI> ~tncc <;"-pl~mN:1 I 19J9 H ... ~, h(, ... ~ .... "e c..,ns,d.- Il" .l i I"'",,"n IcnU'Il"~ m"m' k,,'I; Leon Amohl, 'u~n'tJ E L~'let whn wa' ~Iwav' ~ r!c"ule .o wotk w"h-)""c I'H I>ad Ihc r~'~()"~! exp" ""nccl. IIJrr y I EFJ;c" H" ... ·~td 1'.'",,0.10, allJ La"'H'nte F R~I11 '~v 'cl\\Ot .... :l ' e hnu'cmJn ~nd a m(>11 r.e'" ~H>'" mcml>et .,nee NUHml>e1 1 1<,161 W.Jcunle IO! <lU, "f~rndv"

lIewe" mcml>cl' (11 till\\' L"ul ~(.t, ~dnll~~" A"'nlc~J Bot- Rna~ tvan luqvJ let! A~umdn ""hm l;UCH. W,lh.m H.II. l~teu Ibuula. VIC' IOf Helnlnd,,: Beo "luhnJ I"e xh~" ma. Ed Tal iah. Wind. Le .... 's, \ I, chael)·n I';e .. 'bcrrl Gary CIMJk. Muvln Mannm..:. \'''II,~m Ru'(~lcs. '\\~"vd Sal1chc;, Icrr~ V~lcnzvd~ MI Ch ad WhIle, Rolxll nunnell. Sob I-bnkc, Rl~h"td Cobon, Kcnd~lI Hull

m~,'er, Ted CandcluI~ Le ~ . e t Core. A! Line, Raymood Llllicman. Y,,:;'c T<>tlech,ne, Glen R V~: :le and PCIC RI~5

W. fl's r ccrlully muu", Ihe r~ ~' '''g oi uu, lulluw In~ membCT< OolDlCl C A,menu May S, 19!1J and Daniel AmmcrmJn. l\hy 1(>. !1l~.1 .\I Il Ih<' G,,,'" lo.d uh )'OU 1111<1 1-1 " herong

h.""<,, ,", PtTT',-"u"" I'l>


Pk' (lrtd he.e art men,be" of Loc.l 278. COIP'" eh",, ;. Tn .• at a baf,b·qut lund IOi'el for !.I())·d Oonell. r f()m Id. 10 .ithl are 1I ".,., .. d M ~I· nard .

~nuol l)o8)l:tll. Zrnon "~onn' " Am~}a ~nd limm}' " uUetln.

Members Attend State Convention L.L, 278 (i .o.u.em&,Il..,Hl, COR PLIS Cl IRISTI, TEX.- \\~ .. e Ve l" rroud '" Ihe tn.-..d numbet lit 0111 memhc" " 'h,' "' ,'Ie de<,cd J' drleple_ ,olh.' Tu.l' <"Jle D~mtlcr~II~ CnoHnllon En H"u~l\ln nn luno Ij ~nd I" Rep t~wnun~ lOC31 Pil "'<'re IIn"n",~ Mln~~er Ken I-fdhhnj(. COPE Ducu<>I IoTIl C~mu, TI.'nln~ O"ect'" n .. tdl .\\cG,'n'~II1 bettlt"'c Bo~tJ momhc" Tunv hquJ"d ,nd IUl1TIl " MulI~nax, al<>n,o: Wi th h" "'Ile Ka.h, ,\Iu ll.,ou Inlell1allUndl ROrlt~en'~UH W II B,l! Tucket lnd .... ,tc Pat . ~nd the Ie_I ul Ihe d"c~a"!)n e,m "~"n,llO' Benn,' D'ejl:d JnJ ... lie :-"JnC\' B,II Oath. krt "ullenn Tnmm,' \1cB",,,m Funk Lonj("". C l LYnn Tlle 11,11 P",,"'oll lames :-.. 'tI" Re, o~ldu Pel~~ and phdl \IJ"n~IJ

It all ~!ar!ed back ,,0 \Ia} ~ ... hen Loul F~ ha~ 4(' 11\<'mbct~ llt"nd,n~ Ihe" ,nd,vld"al rtCC"'cl c"nl'Cnll"n~ at Ihe d",c ('1 rUTIlMY cI.,IIon doy We ;If< e~rcclalh' proud '" ,h t ,'I CI" ')' of !tate "nl~WI Llu,d O"FJ:ctt 01 Au,un ,n """'n"'~ Ibe tllnme docllon lUI Ihe Dem"lfJIIC nom""II"n \(\ the U <; Seoat~ ,cal u,ueJ b,' ' ~I"tng ~~nl'''' 1·,hn Tn ... c •. OUt ~0~1, ~te. ~I'mple.o DtmtKrJIlc "'<"'r~ In No'emh", rumn..: II'Jlrer 'I"nd.le In

,he Whae Hous~ ~nd .end,n); w~.],tn!(t"o and Iho nall""lh,' fines, Untlcd ~t~'c' ~"n~1O' Ihat ~nvnnc wuld • • 1; to! He "",11 gu II> W~,hlnglDn wllh J '1J

rer~enl ""t!n~ .ec("J I", I .~"r '" Ihe . td le ,,' T.~~s 'II'" I '''-', T .\\A"'R I' ~

Local 292 Represented At Washington Conference L.U. Z'2 li,tm,rtb.rt s,~p~&ca" 1 •. \\ I. ... :"IEA1'OLlS. "' I ' ,' . Rer.e<OnlallVt' "I Ih. M' nneSUI~ lIulld !nil I'laJ c> ... ·e te ,n W~<h"'~t('n, D,C.. 101 Ihc :--!JII,'n~1 lIudd",); T •• de~ Conference. The 10<1I'1 U, Ihe C"",e re nce .,., .• < u" , h~ "tod ,m lubs, pan'.' uhrh In .he CIIn,lfUeUu" IIIdu",,' rt OUl " J UUn I~ I.' lLh,e\'C IU!! e~"n"'m" .c~''''n\' .nJ • IC.urn .<'1 J(/O""lh .• coe,,·~J 0rr"'IUn,,,· lnd rro'r~ ln~ In

Ihe \'C3t~ I<J ~ome

A~ rJrt of Ihl! ~"nual C"nlelencc. bu'Mm~ IIJJ~l r cp I Cif"'~ "" C~ ""enl 1<1 C~rH()l lhIlIO metl .. ,th Cl>n~te"mcn \1~II 'n "~h.,. Gerr\' SIkorsk" B.uce V~nm ~nd nthet members ot the cong.essJOnal d"," ~.uon Amon ~ the ch,cl c"nC~""UOlOn memo he .< n"cJ "'clt Iha, Ihe Rc.~.n Adm,n"lrAtr un', c,"'nnmlC rl(lj(IJm~ ,lie tilkd '" Ilh r"'h"k~ " hleh Ihl •• 'en UUI n~Uon S Il\'eu !! •• unum. Th. 'l lO' ne,,,IJ lIu,ld,n~ l.r!C'enta,,'e~ aho r m' po", •• d un~<ccptably h,,,h unemrloymen •. I!.u~.n admlll'~1t 311"n ~"empu 10 IInJc rmlll. D"'I5 Sa (UlL the ro c.., .d ·ble~ krn): ledNll de/lcas and h,~h IIllclUI I. It' .hat a,e ch() kln~ olf both cumm.'rcl~l .".1 ,e ~ ,denual cunsltlltu"" "

Page 40: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf



Vililins wilh Fihh 01'";(1 COnlTUJnlln Mln ln Db .. Sibo dUlinll the Nadon.1 Buildlol Tudu ~li~" l ln ConffltnCe in W'lhlnlllon, D. C., we". Ittt 10 ri,hl, John Gallu, hUlion. , tp ' UenUI;"" loaIl 11 0, Bill Ptlenon, Minn_u Buildilll Tf.dur /1m Aum_, p,uiden., loCiI 2921 Conllfl.mln S'MI Owu Schldtm.n, bu~i"lUl m,ulu, loul 291, Don b .lr. bUllneu maUltr, M innupnl lJ lundhl, Tilda! Coundh Ind 0 .. ', thorup, 111111. nUl rep'Uf:Oll lln, Loc.1291: , Min nupnlis , Mill!!.

Visilinl .. i ,h Sunh District Con,~sun.n c," ' Sib .. .. ' .1 Iht w,ll l l l ln Conferrnn ... tn, I,ll 10 .I,hl, John G.lln, Locall lOj Jim Adam •• LOCiI 292, Con, Tu,m. n Si koukl , Owtn Schl rbm.n, l ocal 191, .nd Dan Ihnnln, Loul 202.

r , u,den t Rob,n! CeoeSlnt, in closing thll.nOtu] Conference, ullcd .11 dcJ~plu 10 rClurn 10 Ih~lT loe,1 unions .... ith. n:nc .... cd commltm~nllO .... o.k for ~han&e-pollllcal and economKl-IO bnn& .bou, • rUIOIIIIon of ~eonomle "'t;01, I r~n~w,1 of hope .nd I lelUrn of 0ppoltunlty for both eOfulrucuon WOlken .nd .11 who I,bol fOI I f.L1 sh,k~ .nd • duenl Jundard of hlltnt;

'",",u l. ADAMS, Pus

Officers Elected ; Brother Ragle Retires L.U. 2" (l,u,,.m,rl b,ll$"spal, 1lI0BI NG, MINN,_ We II,. hum..: • lunolf tI~cuon for fin.nci.1 ,cc· rcUlI)' and bUJ.n~$f m'nag~1 between Brothcl D.vid M M.llson .nd B loth~1 Robert W I~n~n The ballols wcn: counled .fter 1000 a m " July U , 1118. The oUleom~ of th~ runoff Will be reponed in nell monlh 's .lIlele Th~followtnt;cand.datcs wCle d~cted

Willi.m Atkinwn, V.e~ Prcsident R08el Belglund, R~eoldtnt; Scerctuy Jo.~ph Prilatel , Treasurer fredelle lunka, hecul[~e Board mcmho: •• K. ,I Bllndt, Todd elllk, Thomas JohnllOn and D.rreil Odegard, Ind Exammtnt; Board members Slue CoII,e , Wayne Dubbrn and D.OIeI Quuk

Blother Raben G " Bob" "roul rel ired on AUIUIt I, 1118' Brotbel Bob bas been local 2114 bUllnus t fa. 16 yell!!-- IO yellS on the Board of DucctolS of the locil Umon 294 Credit UOIon, ~.ce p.Uldent on Ih~ I II. RUlldmg Ind Tilde, Ind on the hecutive Board of Ihe IBEW Stlte Council

Wc all thank Brothel Bob ProUI for I lob wdl donc. Ue certainly ..... 11 be ml$~d by III of u. We • 11 w"h hIm. lonl. hullhy .nd much -duer~ed rethement

On August I , 11184, Brothel Ccc.I "Shorty" .1100 lelln:d. Btolhel Shorty .... as milliled mto loc.1 211' In Autust, 11147. On July I, 11184, H a C.I penler alllO iOmed Ihe ranks of Ihou relllcd He .... u inltilled 1010 Loc.1 1124 to IntemalLonal Falls, Minnesota, in No~ember, 11142, .nd beclme I member of local 2114 when we look ollcr loc.1 92' In 11166. Bruthe, C~'~lIte r wu employed for many yells IS In electrical inspec tor We III Cll piC" OU I gooo:l wi lhes 10 Ihuc relired BrOlheTi on


Rctirinll: Bus inul Manlset Robcn G. Prout ollonl 2'4, Hibbing, Minn.

Ihell well·duerlled re",ement On Ihe newell add1l1on,. Rtmh,r Flink Kelley

and hIS ..... fe CIII h.d • baby boy. loshua lamu. born on May II , IIIS4 Brother Patllck OemalllJ and h.s ..... fe Shdly h.d , baby !irl, Angel • • born on rune 1 L 1984 CongratulalLons to these proud parents on the" btest additIons.

We are uddened to report the death of Brolhcl Ialme. Blake who d,ed on lunc 30. 1984_ IIlhe age ol SI Brother ,.Imel wu inItiated Into local 294 in December 01 11144 .nd wenl on penlion 10 July, 11168, We extend ou r lympllh.Cl lo hb

Brolher Roben 81'ke '. 5On. RIchard W Blake. hu recelvcd the Internallon.1 Schoianhlp lIa1ued 1\ SJ- 10 512.00u Ihchard II mlfned .... ith four childreo and .. allendmg the UOIllelSllY of Nonh O.kota In Grand forks . North Dakota He ,s trudy· tng 10 be an decmcal fn,meel

There arc onh ,buill 60 Jays to IIOtc , and, Brolhers, IhlS year II one of the mon ellllcal decllon yean.n organ,zed !lbor history_ We hnc a p. e$ident who il Hying elle.ything in his pOwer 10 weaken unions ~crou .hi. grut COUntry He hu help from th~ Senale and the Congren We must urge all of the .... o. king elass of thIS «IUAlI)' to reglSler to IIOtc .nd ~ote lor friends of !lbor in ,II federal lIaft r.nunly and cuy dcelioO$ Our fUlure depends on II

Buy Amelltan because you are one look for thMf: uOIon I.bel. Thank yov

f I rRoy UIlOl. P_S

Brother Hogan Receives 55· Year Service Pin LU. 295 (i,o,u,nb,rll ,em&spal, LITTLE ROCK, AR',,-On June 15, 1984, BUl meS! Mlnager Dcn· tOn and I drove to Faufleld 8ay, Arkansu, on C reer's ferry Lake. I he purpo~ of our trip WIS 10 rrcSC1ll Btolher Troy Hogan an 18EW cenlflcale and 55·yuI IBEW membersh,p pIn. The pruenll· lion WlSa Pllllilege .nd honor for OUl mu, Managel Demon and my",,"

Brother Hogan and h.s ..... fe Ife enloy,ng ,hcII lellrement .nd [e!Jure lime, ga ldenlOg, landscaptng, boallng and golfing, Brothcl HOlian, hom August I, 1905, m';n,"n5 h'$ fllne .. plollram .... ell AI. mittel of bCI, If he chOH to go luck to work a lot 01 us " Iumor" Journeymen would halle to "hustlc" 10 keep up with 8rother Hogan GOIng back In h15tol)' lome yeall, [K Electnc




Longtime Member

Th l ~ plnure WU liken In Ihe nrly 1920s It Ih. oliginalll( Electric Shop in North Little Rock, Ark. Ldt to ri,ht Ire "'burlee Korublu, fr~d Math i), I"y I(orcnblil . Walter "'.cGrew, 8erth. V~gclc (btu 10 ~ Mrt. Tloy 110,,"01, Troy lioSln, Glltin Smilh .nd lohn lIogln. Blothcl T roy 1101111, rt· ,... tired, loand Loul 295, Utt lt R~k, Ark .• thi. pbolo 10. tht lourntll utide.

Businnl M.n'sft W.C. " Ccne" Denton, Iclt , II Jhown prestnllng Blothe. Tloy lI oK~n hi. 5S·rur"" [BEW mcmbershlp pin Ind IB I!W nttl8cllt .. Mrs. tloga n looh on. Brolher lIol.n ...... Inhillcd io Loc.1 295 in Sep tem~l, 1'1' and r~tlred In September, '970.

ComJQny .... 1I e. ubhshed In 1919 1ft North lutle Rock. Arkansu In 1949 II'> mo~ed to Jl1 Mlln In Lillie Rock. Ind In 1955 11'> mOiled 10 Ihell pretenl loulloo at 214 H.~.n lIttle Rock. Brother Hopo went to work forlK.t ~gc 16, met Ind marned Reltha Voegele, IK '. ~cretary _ 810ther .nd MI •. r~ Hopn ponett a memory of many YUII of hillory of this local unIon and would cnioy. phone tall, a lett~r 01 III' " 8 rOlhe. Hog.;tn', .ddre .. II koute 2, 80x 234, faulleld BIY, Alhnul 72ISJ, phone, t

50 1-844·3463 . BUliness MaDagu (knton and I, on behalf of loc.1 295, eongalula te Brolher Hogan on hIS . eeomrhshmcDI of analnlng • wdl·ullle.! 55-year1BEW mtmbenlup pm anti «ntfklle ..... wI .••


Brother Chagon Wins Life Saving Award LU. loo (Ia ul, MONTPf.I.lf.R, VT.- Tbe local held elec tion. In June. followmg Ire Ihe rClult.· President [mie RobblOS was reelected by I com·. , fonable ml'glft BusioCls Ml nagel I D M~rrigan was elected 10 hi. sixth term by a 4-1 Vote MIchael Merllgan .... 11 leelecled as ~lCe prell dent Tlellurel Michael Renllmm was also redccled In In uneon· teued flce Retty Ai. was by Ihe f.aeeuuve 0;

Board to .epl.ce D,ck SPina as r«ordinglCcrelll)' when DIck decided nOI to scck redeclIon . The wele elected as EJ\cculIlle Boa.d mem­bers ' Unit I, Michael Mell1gan, Unit 2, Clen SIIne, •• Unit J , tl ugh I-I .mmond, UOlt 4, Art Reynold., Unl! 5, Larry White, UOIt 6, S."" Cumbl, Unll 7, '1m Abbor , aDd Unil 8, Ed .... ard Conkey Prelldent Robb.ns .nd V.ce PIClident Merngan wele ,1100 elceted IS delegatelto the nut Intunationll eon· lIentton J.m Ahbot Ind Ed Conhy wele elecled II .1tern llC5

Blolhel Siellen ChagoD of Vennonl Gil SYltems WIS awarded the IBEW Life Saving Award for h.s '" Quick IClion In Mlling the life of Richard Mulvaney while working in downtown Burllnglon. Stelle is I steward on the l u eel Crew for Vermont CII.

Page 41: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf




Pif.".urrd I.~ IOmt 01 .he ollictn of l,,('~1 Joo, Mllnl~liu. V,. leI! III .i,h. In P,uidu. E.nit Robbinl , Viet p,uidtnl ,,"k hatl ,,"erri,.o, Siln Comb), [UtilI;" Boud mfmkr, Rno"f;", Su­

'flU)' Belir Ai" Ind Glenn Stint , Jim Abbot IRd Larry "hilt.,1 the fun";"t Boud. ,,"b'io, from

I Ih pklll.t art An Rf)nold~ . lIugh Ihmmolld, [d ..... Conkey and lIuslnl 'l ,\\Inal" 1. Il , '," f fli ~an.


li n .hit "kIll" IIl1l1htt On'e Goodall 01 lite 8u._ Iingwn',\\ uI"pfiiff Unh is .worded I plaqut 01 ~ppftd . don ••• h Eaffu';"f Buard mUlln,. Ltl! 10 ,i,h. aff ' im Abbot , Ed Conkey , oo.lou. Man-age. I. O. ~h .. i,an, OUt Goolb ll . P,uld,n, Rob­hilU and Leonard Clmln.

Ncrdlu! 10 uy, Loul 100 ,) proud 10 hue \,nc n I memM. Con~I.,ul.llon. Stt .. .,'

Richard Thellliult w.~ IW;l.rd.,d the ,u,",ph Gou.lnch MtmuILal Aw,.d for arp.enuce of ,he yea, .1 Ihe Annu~1 Unll 1 Pre",c As u!u~1 Ihe p,cnu; wu 3 K.eal SUCCtu Th~nks 10 Ihe P1(nlC

'Commllttt and .heu WI~U fur alllhcl' h"d ... ,uk

l The lollowm, 'rr·enllcn compleled .htll 101,11 yurtol IIlInlnlt Ih,. yu. Ke~ln C~nc. Leunn 8,own Ll rr y Luby, IJ.ek ThcfII3uh and ~hdky Walfen Con, ••• ul,umu 1U ,hem



Members Win Awards; Officers Announced LU. 10' \oa ul, TOPEKA, K ..... -.;S.-h hn been 'lulie, whrle Ilnce we hne hd ~n ""de IN the

"'/01,1/0111. but .. c flnally m~de II Wc o/tCI nU l conj(utul,uons .o i'tcs.den. Thomu

Engdktn, Ihorhl:T D~v.1l G.avcn~tc'" Inllll.mhe. Ronald Le,kc. I" •• cceTv"" Ihe lBtW L,ft ~,vlOg 1\wI.d Plaque In! saVinA ,he Ille of B.mhc. Mark Mueller We ,II .. ·,nl ,0 exp.tu our 'rrTeCla"on lor Ihell qUIck ,,,,,,ns .nil COlli hu,h

,0.150'" thc a"'lId dcru,mem eon):,"lul,u"n, 10 BIOlhel L,,,,".,~k 101 .... mn.nK .he f~,k

I~ Gumln A .. ud II ou.",nd"" app.cnll'" hum Ih,'

Soulh",ulcm Lme ('"n,,,utl<l" AlATe RIck ,nd • h" "" ie Ru.emary Will bc Ihe AU,,"5 "f ~evtn.h

rD.\1IItl V,n p,es.denl O.vllle TalC And 11.\tr1c. 10 f';ECA II Ihe ruml 1""A.e~\ I\\eel"'': I" M hrld In w,,,h.u Kans" In (),;Iulrc:r

Go .. d lu,k It> ~.n'" 1')",,,.h1' C~mr"",,f1 ," h<. T~lIIemtn' Sr<n. Camr""l1 has '~ ... ed hn I ,ui

lunwn .. cit '" ht. <~rA,"'n ~~ .t"".d"'l( ,,·,.ttuv and utlltt <e<!Clan I". Ihe last ,II )<'i" \h hai ,hc d'l1rncllnn 01 ",,,,k,n,ll. 'III .VNY hu,,,,c'l irian ag •• eI,AI Luul .jO~ h~. evcl had She wa' duly ccogl1l:cd ~t ~ "'<eO! mnl1ng w'lh ~ rla~uc

a"'arde,J b~ lIu~",eH \lanaKcr Long lnJ ICIl"~ 01 con,:,.\ul'"On5 r.uenled bey Inlcrn~u"nal VLte i'tUIIJCOl OI",lIt TalC !tom Inlemall!)nal Pin. den! ChIJI", P,lbn! .. "d Imunanonll Secre.ur

Iblrh LCI,:on She ",,11 be long .emembe.ed m Ihe hu,,~ of Ihe mcmbcu III Local.304 We would hke 10 wtl~ome GLO~CI Smool. who h" liken .hc ,ob II alAte ,",CIC'a'"

Wr h,"r Ihe CUI'l dedu"'on u.,Js OUI. and I would en,oulage III In "onmbule wh.1 Ihey can ro Ihll wOllhy caUH "Inney ~em' 10 be In unhm ned ~urply 10 Ihe force~ Ihll would pUI .hc " 'orklng purUI'"0n of Ih" COUOlry at Ihe 01 th~" whlm~ Th" Nnvembel ",!II be 'me uf Ihe mos. Cluclal <'Ieclluns In .eeem 11Iswry 10 !lU' rncmhefS ~eruu the C<lun"y I UIJle ~ !I '" ~CI UIiVe In Ihc 1',,1111(11 procen

In OU r reeeni loc.1 cien",n, PIUldenl I homas I:n.:dkcn, Vice Plesldem Michael Pellil. Bu"nu. Manl,:cl flnan",~1 ~<Ieury Sleven Luna: .nd E", eUlive ~Id mtmbc.\ G,Ibrll B,lluut, Geurd r'n~lcy Gary w~lnc ... nJ Dale Renfru wne .e elc<led '0 IIffice New offiters eleelc.l wc.e Re Ulldlllg Secreury r.mel. Sohs. l.ruulrl DoUK rlther .nd EX~Lltl~e 6o~ld membcrt FIle Ind P.ul Lu~ 01,11 Ih.nks 10 ou. golOK r,usulcr fohn fll~rJ!rLek, .rUl~J RetordrnK Seutury 001 olhy C .. mpbell ~nll Ext"UlI~e BLliIld mem"",,., Hoh­In Woody and WrlhJm VJhg"ra

Ntl(oll~"ol\$ ,h~1 .. t Ol'tn mdu,Je .he Clues 01 Ch~llLI'~, HO'SLURIUU and OsJW~\Ilmle, Ind ,he conlllC. wllh DIY (,., ZImmermann" . he K.nsas ArnmunLtlon fIIn, B~ ,he lime of .h,s r"nllng. I hope Ihar Ihdf wlll.1I \Ie 'eukd

Unlll ne"'l lime, "Icnd VOUI unu mec"n~s ,nd ".y ,"v"Ived

Brother James Kerrigan Mourned L.U, JIJ 1 1&~paJ, WIl,\\I NGTON, DEL. [1",11,1 ul union lust ~ valu~h le Brother "'htn Immu [' Kernll,n, I. ra,sed ''''IV liD 111, 19H~ Elecled hum,cS! manlger In 1'1711 he was Ihe end "I hIS st'1:onJ lelm ~I Ihe lime 01 hit de'lh A, .. dl~, scu'IIlK u a •• U\lce fur .he IBLW Pen>lon Jud tleahh and Welb'e Funds, lun 'U~ ~Iw a mem""r ollhe BUIlding Ind Con)truclron Tudes Council of od . .. 'ue Exctu.,ve ao"d and Ihe AFL CIO Elecurrve Board II,) many utntrlbul10ns III Ih" I'Kal un"," WIll n"l '10''" bc lu".:""en

RII II ..... " W ........ u I_ p ~

At Convention

Shown .1 .he sta.e Oemorralic Conven tion are, Id. III rlgh., .l1 ikf II hhrhu.5. , bu);nn~ m,na~cr ,

Local 114. Lon);:";ew, Tn" and .tli,.d Ten" Sen· ~III. Ralph h,blOu.lh

Itr.t ~rt d~ltgau' and .hunaln up,urnlinl,he 181,\\ and Ihrir r""pn. ilt ruunliu Ind dlsrriclS 41 Ih .. Tun S '~l e Con.'en.lon

Scribe Reports On State Convention LU.l14 II,oArm), LONG\'\E\\ , TEX .-Work hJS ~cn \Iow. ,nd w hn Ihe neWI heTc rn [asl Tens lun ,eeemly Ihe new. hIS r.cked up. so here ... reron No .... ·c Ire warun, for ,he ,,"olk 10 rllk up, 1<)(.

Loc.1 324 w" .. dl .ep.esent .. d In Ihc 1!oJ84 Tcus [)"m(}Cf3I1C CUllvenllun AmunK .h(,sl: allendm~ we'e Reuben Reel. M.kc Whachur$t, Lcn~ Wdls, Ge"'KC lIultm~n, IJcnnl1 S~nlr"d ~nd RUSan S~n fmJ The oemouulc ennven"on w~).n ~venr 10 M remembered II wn a glUI ftehng 10 be In Ihe c"mrany of '~p l e~n.~"""lo hom SO m~ny I(lCJb 1\ Ihe Con.enuon The number of ddeprCl .lul WCf~ altllulcd w"h oTgant:ed I~bor "'orkeJ IS .. dehbeule, o. pnr:r.~d ~nd un.fled m~chme 1('1

Vulte Ihcll dIU,"~f'(IUn wllh ,he Rcag4n admm 1~'''"0n .nd ,he "mckle·down djc~ ... Wllh ,he ~h<lwlng Ih~ T exa, AFL CIO made, "'e can sllon);:ly surpal! Wahe. Mnnd~lc 101 _ h",hte. lo.u re

Al'e. ubscl\'lnlt how ha.d Ihese dck,.fC' worked 10 surpal! Mondalc anJ Ihe o'll~nr:ed lalto! cauS<', I fcd ohhgued 10 ulgc ca,h of ynu 10 do ,II you tin .t> m~kr .hclI ellmu ray ofl RegISte. peOl'le ""und you to vo.e .nd ClmpallU' for Mondalt And. hy all mun, Ville In Nuvembe. Wllh oUr wlllrngnns 10 wlJ.k anJ dUIY'o ~o,c, we con as,m be ,he b~ckbolle and !!rcnll.h of IhlS ,ru, un"m

I Included .wo r'~tule'\ hnm Ihe Cun>'enllon (.)ne 1\ 00. ne,,"Iy 'O'>IJIlc.l busmu. maUler. ""kt Whrtehur§l. w"h .he r""'cJ Tun Senaloo Ra1rh Y'tboIOUr;h Thr orher r'tlUlt IS only, h~nd!ul of IhcddeKolln and ~I'trn .. t"ler.nCnllnK Ihe 18[W ~nlllhtu .e'rtcrl"cc<,unllt~ and IllStncn ~. Ihe Cun~cnl1/ln

Cuts, Rollbacks, Freezes Dominate LU. H2\ikol. SA ... 105£, CAL \\hcn;uu IUJ Ihll lhe pre$.dcnu.1 eleclron tamp",:n .. ,II lUll. be starring 10 1011 [f you h~ .. e any horts 01 marn ramm, youl p.esenl 'I.ndard 01 I,vms. you bctre l RCI bu,y ~nd work aj(~mil Rould Rugan

VelY Ie ... pearle IClIvely wo.klng seen Cult

m wigu U dcer III Ihe ['Ilu .. m .nd Ihe .ollbackll ~Iponcmenn .nd /teues of .. ales thll we arr Hrm,; .oday Wo.kln': rcupl~ .. 'cn, IhrooJth Ihll m ,he 19JOs ,nd h~d hore' Ihey "'cle o.'e. fo.nt.

RUllan has be~n.n "filer fo. !c\s Ih~n foUl yean II" ha~ kIlled une UOIIHl l'ATeO, hl~ rOllelCS have clca.ed unernplnymr'll .dlU 5<0 hlNh th., Iherc were and stili af< hund.eds 01 thous.nd; of peuple h!)rdu~ly uncmpln~cd Th" hUKe unemrloHJ "'Ulk '''lCe IS bcmg ut.Cd b~ c"n)rl"arr~e .. mrl""c" n. \lI1kebIUkm,",,<e un~'1u.leJ~lnce Ihe 19~

1/ ¥<>u doo'l thmk .h,~ .~ a r",blcm uke, look aillund Wh~n uncmrl,,~mcn. ,,'es .hrouPlou. Ih.~ .<>unuy "'~It r. r<'"cn' and le5< h,,'" many emrln¥Cfl "'ere .I>k III .rl'lue IheLl IOI~1 wo.k Ill lt( ","h ~",ke\l,(lkc.~ bcrn~ paid 1c~, ,han Ihe ""jl."~ raid '0 .h()~c "n Ul1kc' In Ih~ I'J>I, m ." lie. P<'Orl~ wll1mg 1/1 tr"ss rICkel hnes you h~J ILl r'y Ihem a r.emlu."

In' Cla,. Cnun,y Ihe\c ""IIU )eem !rke h""". tales Ih~, lun dun I cXI;I. bUI like a do!><' I""k ~I Uur lurrllun~rn..: afCAS SAnra Cruz ~nd S~n B~nr", Coumy, 19~ I. r'~ (UIS '1tr<cd CuunlV 19~1, ral CUI AI~med£ County, 1!oJ1I.1. rll~.pancJ ray 'lls(, San M~.e" C"Unl)' n" \ .. rlemenl ,. ye • (>1 I!oJM..I con"". Iha. ur"cd :'\~y II 1<Jlla

L<Mlk , !rtlle IUllhe •• tteld AnaheIm Local ~a I wuk J rav cu. and lime .nJ one h.1I hI[ tneilime 1.I"al II r'y <1,11 .nJ lime ~nd "ne h .. 11 f"T uyc. IImc ,nd \.n {l.r,." • ray <ul ,,' "VCI S~ 00 111 ..... HU~ .nd lime .nJ "Ot' hall ,,,' nvnllmc Thr I"t t"lltlnuc' ,h'nu,h"", Ihe C"Unt ... "'e~tnl m,,,.,,cmcm nud),.n "dnu Ct .... COUnty

'<lun.! Ihdl Ihe mlllJle t1 ~ ,s was .hrrnkl11g and ,he ]11.11'1 .. CI< htUlmll1j( ['I .. ".~ . and Ihe ",h rrthel I CJn ~)Ou.c vllu Ih~1 Ihe R"3un ,dmrlll."a"on doc,n t rll.end '" hAve .. lr<rrlt'~M lo,n Ihe ranks "I Ihe ,,~h'

TTY 10 m •• nuln whar .. e haH \'"Iun,rer l"UI ,.

Page 42: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


lime and money 10 ddul Reagan The follo ... lng org.nI2l1IO n, un Ilcer you 10 whelc youl http(ln be UUJIZed The BUilding T"de. Counf;l l- phonc 265-7~, Cenu" t...bor Counal--phone 266..)790, DemOC:IlUI; Informalloo Cemu-I'hont 286·8SOO and fou r Ioc:al union----phone 264·4906



Pi t Hlrd from leh 10 lighl .re loe Lucenle, Rich RLluo I nd Slrward Tom Sh~dd 01 Local 336, Chi· nso, llI."oins O¥fllhe ufel l' inspu tion 0 11 body bell .

Scribe Announces Officers, Pending Layoff l .U. 116 IllIclI '), CIilCAGO, Ill._AT&T an nvuncts Intent to lay 011 ID Matenal WIISIICJ O'&lDlzauon In an allempl 10 ,educ~ force 11.11 pIUIU, AT&T olfc'ed urly Ictuemcnn 10 S] PP dlJ:lblu in Apld Aftel tho~t vo]untallly pall lcl· paung ID Ihal plan Wf;,t Id~nufi~d, the company lound II 51111 had 49 people tUUI ID the 1t~le of illinoIS Elfons to plaCt our mtmbell ID OIhtr ,vul.ble lob, .nd I<)<:allon, on a ,olunt.ry basi. Will M made AI the lime 01 Ihls wollin .. It ,s not known how cfftctlH that placemtnt ... 111 M It is hOJlCd ",bs ... "hlD AT&T can be found 10 ."en Ih ••!..yo!f

The le. ulI, of Loc:al 336', dec lion hdd ID junt lit u follows The lollowm, offlcell were unop posed and leciccIC:u Prcsidenl /BuslDen Manast. Thomas l Be'sley, Vice F.uldenl Don MOItley, StClellrylTrUSU,e. AI funun, flDanclal Stele ury Dean Spencer, Execuuve Board members Jim loc:kwood. Un" I , Earl Tennerman, Unit J, Rollyn Andel!Wn, Unll S; W,lham Gillman, Umt 6, and Robrn Tunn~ll , Unll 7, Opposed Exccullve Boud SUCt WCle won by Don Mo,an, Unit 2, Aln McGlynn, U11114, and Mike COIl~I, Unll 9 E]cetd dclcllles 10 Ih~ [meffilllOllal Convenllon Ife lamn toc:kwood, Don ,\toran, b,l, Mlh McConnell, Red Anderson, WllhamGlnman, Roh ~II Tunntll, John Skurka, ~hchacl DcWm and Ron Kutne. Alte.nate dtleplcs 10 Ihe 1111~rnallonal Con"enllon .nclude larry ... toelle •. Don Cherw,n. lohn Meye., H.] Wtlhams, Roben Klrpe. , Dcan Spence" Mike flau,. Glen J-IlnZ, W,lh.m Coorcr, and DW'lDt VUlcek The dclc,ltaltl and alt(!Datcs 10 the TCe-1. IBEW. a.e Red Anderson and EIII Tennelman The delegate to the TCC·5, IBEW, ~J Tom UOKk The dc/elate .nd .lternatt 10 the EWDA Convtntwn ale Tnm Bea~lcy and Oc.o Spencer Iupcclivdy ConglatulUlonJ and but w"hes 10 thete officelS m Ihell dion, 10 ulenglhcn and ,mp,o"r our UDIOO In the com1D~ yeanl

The r'C$ldcnllal deellon Will be upon us 500n It II Importallt co unIOn mcmbers and Ihe rcsi of the WO.kml cia" lhat W.he. Mondale reccI"tJ thclI vote Mr Monda]e has • 93 ('C.cent COrrtel vOlinl .ecold "'llh ,nues 01 concern to wo.klng prOfi le He ... anu full emrloyment, a fa .. IOfelJ:n lude low, ,evlI.hul1on of OUI bUlc mduJlflCl, equal "&h" for ... omen and mmontlcs. IU b ... ch.n~u 10 make corporluons pay thell f'I, .h.,e, along with 5110nger cnvllonmenlll Plolccllon,

Mr Reagan, on the olhcl hand, I •• L1nlon bustc. who doe~n't CAre about the numbers 01 unem flloyed He has nOI taken any neps 10 tlem Ihe nlde defle" o. rcbulld Amentan mdu~try In Ihe US Corpo. ate tn dunnl hlllcrm has fI]]en 10 8 pe lcent HI, appolDlments to Ihe EPA. NlRB and

OSHA 5how bll lICk 01 concern lor 01, WOrK, hIS animosi ty lowltd tbe worklllol clau and Ihell n&h t 10 a dun. Ioale ennronmeD! Ron. Royce and R.OIUIld Rugal! have 1"'0 IhlDg' .n common Ibeu monop~m and the fact thll wOlklll, people cannOI I//o.d them

AaUT I hA,"1:EN, R S,·Tu...s

Scribe Shares Letter From Republicans LU. J 'O l' ,o,m ,emllspal, SACRAMENTO, CAL-­BlOthell Ind SlSte .. , If Ron.ld Rcagan had been captam of Ihe THollic, he would have "'ed to convmce the pusenlen that the .hip was lust \IOf'P,ns for if;t Re~J Ihe Iollo ... toS ... o.d, from. Iltck Republi·

(an fund '"l1n, lellcl limed 1\ m'lOlIiDlIlI Re· publican I;ontrol of the U,S, ~nd you'll !ICe ... hat I mun, The lelte • •• I ,,<>up call1ll, 'Iself ' 'The Republ,un P.el.dcnual Task force"l eh~lnnan Senltol Richard G LUI", founde r Ron­.Id Reagan. "Tht bllt uory about Americl today " the way Ihat m,lhon. of confidcm, cannl peo· r le-those cxtraoHhnary "OrdlD.ry" Ameriun. who never make Ihe hudlmrs and Will never M to ter­vlewed_.,e the foondillon, nO! lUll for recove ry from our pltlent plOblems, but lor . be l ler tomonow lot III ou, !'Coplc " Ronald RUllIn, lanu~ry 25, 198J

A Mllel tomonow for .11 ou. f'C<)pld Who d(lC$ RUllIn thmk he '. k.ddmgl Senllor lupr'l ]en er ,equrJ\J sao from each leclp,ent He waDIs it in one lump ~um but II willml 10 sellie for a raymenlS of S 10 nch DQ you ,uppose "cry mlny 01 IbC5e lellen "'cle Kn t 10 the membe .. of pAT CO! Thc lener goes un" P'Uldenl Rcallln is 111 dangel of IO~lDg hIS Repubhcan malon ly in thc US Senllc lor the rut of thll century And I wam 10 lell you as flilmly .. I can, whal Ihi, means-Ronald RUlan cannot conunue luhaplng au , nation', lutu,e Without che support and lead crsh,p of ou, Republ,can Stnlle maloilly . ri&ht now, we Republiunl controllhe Scute by only I ,hm fi"e,vOle marlin "

ACI;Ol<hn, to Scnno. lUIl'I , whoever control. the US Senile m 1984 controls the United SIItCl lor Ihe nnt 20 ye~1J Republican conllol of Ihe U.S Senlte II. nail 10 Ihe coffin of !abot, WI !abol has Ihe power 10 kick Ronald Ru,an and Ihe Repubhcans Out of cuntrol m the Senale. We can do II with Our COPE; donltlons and our VOlt. We 've ,at 10 "ote, "ote, voce, for the cand,dalU who SUJlllOlI labor The Republican, arc lew, and Ihey Ire rich. Wt lIen'l nch, bUI Imall amountS of moncy frum nch 01 us, Ihrough COPE, can help elect ],bo,'s lurporte" In the '8~ decllonl The Republicans can deh"el more money, bUI we CIIn dehvcr mo.t 'Olet Brothen Ind SI"ers, lellste. and vote, vote , ~ote fo, the cand,datel of you, chOIce, The Democ"uonly needlill 1It1i. to lepin conuol nllhe U S Senale, Ind labor's "ote can be Ihe decldtn, faClor

We havc 215 loc:.1 memMl) on Book I Wo. k .s 51111 poor III Our area lotS of conurucuon. bUI It', 15 pe.cent non'unlon Wt arc down, but nOt outl and wC 're nOI loml OUI like Ihe le,enliary blld, the Phocmx, ... e Will lise from the economIc ashes cre3led by tht RUlan admIDl~tralion.


Brother Montooth Mourned; Three Receive Pins LU. ~' (1,o,u,IDJII,rm,nb,rulispal, MIA."I, FtA~ Hanhng "T ·Bone" Momoolh was 1Il1lllled 1Il10 local 349 on ,u]y 7, 1950, Ind died on junt 12, 1984 T Bone wu I former U'l"anl bUllnes, a,enl 10. Ihe hnemen As 1 kne .... T Bone he was not only a hnemln, but ID hiS younS Ilfe ... as I p.ofesslonal Aghle' Due to bad health In later YUIS he wu forced mto lelireDlenl Aftcr I life ·uvlng altcmpt W15 made by Btother George Brczney, he dted belore IrrI"'", at the hosPllJ1 due III hll wuk condmon

john Koeppen, OUI blood b.nk d ll tetO' , .epOrted we receIVed 170 P101I of blond dUllnl • bad . lIn


Three membcrl of Loul 3.', Mi'ml, fIJ ., l rc~lnei /S ·yell pin •. leI! 10 ,il ht lie Robert fiupll­riek l Jobn R. Diuell hltel"D l t iolll l ReprUtDll t lve Mike Bell who prq,nteel Ih' pin'l 10ei Walle. Shone.

norm .teently II Lhe blood d .. 'e, gel OUlind pVf

blood on our next blood dnve NellOuauOD. Ife under ... ay 101 local 3'9

On rune 5, 1984, th lee men wOlklO. lot Ihe Florida Key. Electric Coop, local 349, ,ecelved thelf 15' yell membcrshlfl plOl. BUlY ,eprelltnll live hom MlIml, MIke Bd], drove to layton \0 Ihll P' Clenllu on 10 Robert F FiI:r.PIUick, TraveDler, lohn R. Dltzd, Marathonl and Wlhel C Shone, Mlilibon Walter was chl1nnan from Oclober, 1969 10 May, 1984. These men hl"e III ,­terveel as chlum.n, "'U chalfman .011 shop lie ... ltd lD flUt yu,s wilh excel]ent ruultl.nd r«:orel. Thank you very much, Mike, 10. you. ,UVpOfl 1\

.11 our meellnl m&!lI. Brolhell, lei'. hope Mondalc ,OCt on 10 VictOry

10 November lei', ,II So OU I and wo,k 10' Man dale

Until neat moolh, mlY God flroteet and M with ,; you and your family. Brothers, be • pari of your umon-altend youl meeting.'!.

CllAl\lES E "Soan" huon, V 1' . 1' S


Plclu.ed II B.othe. 0 00 Schalow 01 Loc.1 3S1, "'n~ in g, Mich., I reeeOI '~Ii.u.

In Ihi, p!clule, leh to righi , .. e Mri. Donllel Emmonl, Don~ld f. [ rumoo. I nd Mark Em mo ... lao .. '. Ion who WO' ls I I Central Mllolcolnul 0 .. the oc:callon of Blolher Emmonl' . et i.emeol. In.II' WII rtpOrled In a pili .nit le.l

Scribe Praises Members Who Receive Promotions L.U. l 52 Iu). LANSING , MICH._ Many Silieff Ind B'OlhcII of local JS2 Ihl ' I have h.d Ihe flleuu .t 01 working wllh down lhroulh the yelll lie no· 10nlCt .ellYe membcll beCaUIC they hive been promoled to mlnlgement pOllu onl wllhin the Board of WIIU .nd lilht, and by mutu. l tpeement

Page 43: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

~t .... rcn the loc~1 and the Boa,d, once pmmOlcd they can no lonllcr like pan In tbe )ocII', ,fb"._ Many of them Ire Itill mcmhcll of the rBEW wllh thell cards in the I 0. Some of OUI former members hnc moved ,nto department, thl Irc nOI plft of the "\n,g.mml unu", but In 10 dotns, they hive lurned IcchRlu] skllli Ihll w,1l !lCrn 10 make for ,richel .nd mOle Iceu. e lUlU,., for Ihcmst:ivc'lnd ,belt ilmiJiu

There '" " menlahty" thn CXISts ~monl some of the ICllve mcmNn of the loe.llhll once thue S,UUS and 8.mher. don the ... btu hard hi, they

~ ~:I:~;;:C~~~ ~IO:C ~~I;':~:~l'l:.'d~~II~,~ o;~~ by "brown-nOlin," muugemcnt Of Klhn,oullhc mcmbcnhtp .... hlle they WC~ of lice •• of Ihf: local I JUI'lIOK ,hi, In the annals of human h,story luch Ihinga have happened, but 11 hu been my 1100II fOIlllne 10 work with mlny ~oplc It the Boud who wert much mort knowlcdge~hle than mYlell and arc good workmen/women and In my opinion

~~ deserve thc fruit. of theIr ,kill and wOlkl I heud it said Ihal many timcs uppe r managemenl figures Ihal If a man or woman is eleclcd by Ihc members of the loullo Icp ' tSenllhem then they must hive a 101 on the ball and would make ,m m~nallement malerial I pelton.lly don't Ke anything wrun, with an indiVIdual wlnllng to ruch the tOP in thei r chosen field u long uthey get the re by skill and hard wOlk, Ind nQI by " pplng QUt their 'dlow-

, . man'. IUlul .. veIn Of "omp'"g all ovel them on thell way up the t.ddel of luceen As tomeone once said, "All thOK people Ihll you uomp on, on your way up the IlddN, WIll be wa.ung fOI you when yQU come tumblIng back down .g.lnl" My favorite II the one J learned dUllng my I IX YUII on the U,S Navy, " Never kick youl mcst cook In the 15. bcClu.e someday he mly be your com· mandlng officer'" I rcmembel an IntervIew lhat

:.,.- kogel Mudd had with the Ille Senllor Evcrrtl DtrkHn, whcn kogcr IQld Ihc Knnor 11.11 he WaJ ace:UKd by hI. cflun of appo,"ung h"lflend. and rcJauvcllo pollllcil POSlllonl Thc KnllOllcrhed, "Wcll, kogel, who should J appo,nl, my enenllul" I may nOI have ."eed WIll. the Kutor'l po!tUCl, bUll dId appreciate that bll of human hone5tyl As "Rocky" 1.ld, "Go fOI il"!

Don Schalow, Ille 6S, limp trimmer foreman, re tircd on May I, 1984, afte r 4225 yUr, 1\ Ihe Board of Wile r aod Lighl. He 10lned Ihc Board on

_ Januny 30, 1942 8rOlher Schalow wu , nlcm\)c,r of Ihe union for J9 ycar •. Born In St lohns. Michipn, he wOlked IS I mill metsenllel for I YUI and I half. It I dlsp~tche l '" the LlOe De-

l pallment fOI a yeal Ind. hall and then worked 22 ;- years .. a limp IIImmCI In Ihe LIne Der.rtment,

the lUI 17 yells u lamp tnmme. 10lem,n. Don

I and hi' wife June lea led "I chlld,cn, twO g"ll.nd lour boy" and he graduated from Cent"l HIgh

• School in LaMIO,. PliO! 10 (OmlO, to the Do"d, he worked al Oldsmohlle PaI lS and ServIce Ind IS an U515'.1I1 timekeeper lor B.bcock and WIlcol, IUSI about the omc the Ollawl Power Planl wil betnk bUIlt An .vld 5partSian, he IOlcnds 10 make sportt I bIg part of hIS hfe '" reuremen. To 8,0lher

I Schalow and hit " bllde" of 38 years, LOCil J52 wllhn lor you III of God'. ble,llngs! 810lhers Halold CIOft, Don.ld G Tache and W.lter M.ller

. have dIed I WIll "vc the plr\lcul.1I to thO' nelf flllurc Happy Labol Day. eyeryonel

I r Officers Elected;

Golf Tournament Held l... L U.l5l ([a-oJ. TO RO NTO, ONT.-AI the lime of

I Wrllln&. "'e have jun complctcd Ihc counl oJ Ihe ballou to Ihe local unIOn flee Bon At a rCiul t 0/ tbe election, Ihe followtOg member. wele IIInal'ed into Ihell olficn U Ihc luly unIon meellng Pres· Idfnl W C. 8.lId. VIce President lohn 0 Smith. Recotdlllg SeCletaf)' W II. W,ay, Fmanclil Secle· fUY SIeve KnOll, Busmen Minalel itobellltynyk, and Execullve Board mcmbeu Bob Gill, lohn H GIlmour, BerRic Itobmson and Run While Thc fol1o"'lng mem\)c,rs hold office by acclamlllon· TreuurCl IlQY Pallcnon and Eumlnlng 80ald member Roy Wal ker

The Annual Goll Tournament wuhcld al Seaton Golf and Counlry Club under sunny Iklct Will. 94 shoolert particlp"lOg Pnzes 101 low glOiS WCnt to Pelcl MIlne, P~ul Morrow .nd Tom HIlLld.y, whllc pnzcs lor luw nct wenl to Pat Lloyd, Llffy PIIUlman and Dale Mleczantec. LlffY Caldow was the winner of thc Rell Ceh MemOllll Truphy fOI the shot cLO$CSI 10 Ihc ptn, whIch wa~ monllOlcd by Busmcn Man.gcl Roben Ryn),k The day wu lopped off ",uh. great steak dmncl '01 CVef)'llfle

STI.H K,<on, P S


B rotb~ 1 Mih "Mi~hy" lIall , ligbl. plurnu I h~ 1984 Ou t~tand i n& Apprentice AWlrd to hi. son Slfphen.

Tbf 1984 v . dual ing apP' fllllke dau of Local 157. Las V'gu, Nu.

Twenty-Five Graduate, Fourteen Indentured L U.35711,/ll'lel. LAS VECAS, NE V.-Ons..lurd~y.

June I. 1984, Local JS7 held Cf remORIU for liS 15 p~dua\lng ~pprcn"ces at OUf ulIJon haU, J57 Pres Ident CeCil Wynn. fr , aCled u mUlel of celemo' Rles

Those who Indu~led wele Slell.n Alhllght. lohn Arola, Donn. Blldley, R.chard Blldley, IIlIold Chllse, Wayne Crunl!ler, Bruce DIOoure. R,chlld Garcia. Laurcnce G~skms, MIchael G"mu, SIC' rheR HaIL. DallOtl Hoob, 'uhn Icffre)" 8Ylon Kuh Iwamu", RICha rd Lenke, Douglas LI I lon, Mark Matthewi. VIckIe Matthews, DaVid McLcnun, L~nnie Ross, Kye Sidcri, Terry Thorn •• , Michael Trousdale, DaVid While ~nd Ned Wmans

The Golden SIde CUllel Awald for schoul It

lendance, gIven hy Ihe Elcctllcal IATC. "'II P' C 'Knled to RI chard Blldle),. Wayne KlOlIJJler, Rich nt! Carcla, Laurencc CuklnJ, Slephen Hall , Dalton Hooks. lohn 'dlrey. RIchard Lenke. VIckIe Mat thewl, Da"ld McLennan, LanllJe ilO!ls, Kye Sidell, Terl"!' Thomas. MIchael Trouwale aod Ned WIO ,ns. Perfeci school 'Ilcn~nce ,ward. we,e lIven to loho Arola and B,uce D,Ooure A speclil rru entauOtI of Golden Side CUllen wa! l,ven to MIke Snydel who h.d a perfecl lChoolauend.nce rc(old from 1969 to 191J. He rce:clved. (clIlAcate It th~1 \!me from Ihe thcnTrammg Dilector Mall Fer mClIJch. Ihe I .... TC thoughllhat II would be propel for MIke 10 lecelVe Ihe Golden Side CUllcn

FOllhe ben unIon meellng ,«endAnCe. the Mlkc Lux Awa,d uf I S100 U S Saving. Bond wenl 10 DavId McLennan, nd a 515 US Savlngl Bond was lI,ven to LanRie Ron from Ihe Rlch'ld Wllghl lamdy. The Arc WeldIng Award of IWO $100 U S SaVInI' Bonds, pruenled by Ihe R.chard CUlbllth famIly. was g.ven 10 Donn. Bradley .nd Dlvld McLennan The AcademIC Excellcnce Awald, I 5100 US SaYing' Bond, wenl to Sldlen Albrilh l and was givcR by REECO. A $LOO U.S, SIVlOgS Bond ",(nl 10 R l ch~rd Lenke from NECA A $100

US Sa ... inp Bond went to John Arola hom Ihe 18EW A S200 U.S SIVIO,S Bond was " .. en to Lannle Ross from the lames M.agulfC lamily. The OUlltandlng C r.du.llng Apprenllce Aw.rd was presented-a 5100 U,S. SavlOgs Bund, I SlOO S.Y 109! Bond Irom Ihe lerr), While famIly Ind I gold walch engraved Will. the followtng wordl. "Elec· ",cIlIATC. LII Vela.. Nevada, 1984 OUl5l.ndlOg Apprenllce Slephcn M Hall, " All Ihe glidulltl receIved. 5 IO , hare In Ihe IREW Plus Cledu URlun, plcsented by Rlla MelXnel An [BEW lie lie: Irom Roy and Indy Smllh wu presenled by 0110 HU"t Roy e:ould nOI be II Ihe p,esentatlon u he IS I(covennll from. hUll anlck_ We WIsh hIm ~

speedy leeoYel)' and hop<' to sec hIm toOn beh.nd hIS de~k

After Ihe ,,,duillon (e lemontes Ihere wele I' ne .. · apprenucn IOdentUfed They were Mike Ar dOln, Charles Coombel, Kelly Freemen, Anlhony Gifford, Stcve Hagen, Slepheo Huvey, Creg Heard, Timothy IIYlcn, Aduttr lackson, Mark Norman, Rogeho Roberts, GeorllC Shtlor. StCVen SIms and 811an Smllh We WISh the graduate apprenucu and the new apprcntlcn Ihe best of luck. and may the trade prOVIde Ihem a hlllh 5land~fd of hVIIII

AU.£N , GLAS5, P S

On Job

The abou pkl u,,, Wflt IIk~n ~ I Good Samaritan lI o~pill l in Sufl"n, N. l '. Thue I fe th ~ uw mod· 11111 INod uniu being inna ll ~d by 18EW Locll 363, NfW Cit1. N. Y .• mtmbe".

Local Employing Travel ing Brothers a: L U. 364 ",em,lIs,lpla-CII VI, ROCKFORD, ILL- :::: On lune 14, Locil 364 voted 00 aod .cccpted I ::! new onc·yur COntracl The new connaCI pvc U. ~ an 80 Cent,.n·hour Incrun retroacllve from lunc ... I .. ·"h an addillonal20 e:eou Ihe firsl u! December ~ We 10 IUln had 10 glYe away somc double ' lIme on lob. Ihal hive IeI' than 52 mlillUn elecltlcal and ..J

some word (hangn III OU I agreement. The bQdy a:~ ovcrwhelmlnlll y ~cecpled Ihc olle. with only 90 nu VOIU and 411 yu vUIU. I would hkc 10 Cltlend Q a bIg thank you to BlothclI Pal Mucal. p.uldeol • JC ffY Meyerhofe l, Anlslanl BUSlOUS Agenl Tom <t Eschen and 8uslne .. Manager Ray Tucker for the w hard "'OIk and lunK hours Ihey put io 10 ge t UI' !!l decenl Contrac t Upon approval of the ntW con· tr aC I. we WC IC able 10 h lle approximately another 41

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Shown 1\ the AN kI(Hd MCHO Crolle on Ap. iI 17, 18 and 19 Irf , Iff. to right , AniSlanl Businus Agrnl Tom Etchn and Ray Tucker , man· 'Itr elf Lonl JU, Rotkford , III ., promolin~ the indusu,.

Contrae! Ntgol;31ion Commiut' membtn, lth 10 ri,hl , ar .. P3I "Iascal, len,. Me)"t.hof .. r, RI)' Tucke. and ,," ikt Tongue.

150 lIa~dlng Brotbeu on the Byron f\;UclUI lob as of June 18

II surt Ij mtt to ha'-' ,," o lk to 1"'( OU I 10 ou r fellow Dro thers In the [BEW .nd we . rt $lncerel)' "aldul 101 the belp they a.t proVid ing One lm­pon "nt Ihmg I hi'" .. learned hom .... orkmg wnh navelln, B'o\he.~ 15 thaI Iht' tconomy fOI Ihe un IOn milo who wants to for hit famtl y 1\ not Improvmg The un,on bUSleu li t still workmg ,.111 ha.d to bnng us 100U' kneu through dllicltnl muns such aJ the NlRB and bank",p!(Y lOOp hnk~ Ii we all stand logclhe. and JI,,;k 10llNher 1\ Will be ImpoSSIble lor Ihem 10 succeed

Ttavrling BrothelS from 364, we SU le would like 10 hear from )'OU Dlop U! a lIne and lell us where you , re, whal kmd 01 lob you landed, .nd a httLe aboul Ihe are, you a.e m We WIll publish Ihe m/ormallon m the Sparks, our monthly newslelter All eonespondence addrCS5ed 10 LoclL 364 !hould be In care of Spa rks

TOM KJ"'"Ull, P S

Work Scene Improving ; JATC Buys Building L U. 369 {L,o,u ,em,nb,fU ,e'.'pal, LOUISVILLE, KY.-Dunng the firSI month under Ihe new com· mClelal ~un~u U~"UIl ~g,etmtn I, union (on luetors have been awa.ded o,'er 5"00,000 wOllh of wOlk. 11"100 eatly [0 lell,1 Ih,S WIll CO Minue UI happen. bUI il loob hke a 51ep In Ihe nghl direction

Locil 369 would hke 10 wclcome Shup ELccII1c 10 our list 01 union COntraClor, This 15 a ncw eonllaelor, and we WIsh hIm SUCCCSS a$ a " faI r" employe.

Allhe IlIn' rtgu\ar meelmg, the Louuvlllt Eke' lI1eal JOlnl Apprcnllceship and Tlainlllll Commll · Ice announced Ihal lhey have purchased a build,"g Ihal will become an apPlenllccshlp school Siale facllilies ha ,'e bcen used 10 the PUI, bUI we hav" been looking forwa.d 10 havmg our Own building for '1Ulle some lime.

Our Polltlcal AClion Commit tee hn been work· mg at Ihc local Lcvel for candidalU who will reprcsent us properly. lhe lBEW·COPE, Ihrough Ihe dfort, of Int~rn31l0nal Vice Pruidcnl B. C . William,on and ASSIstanl 10 Ihe lnlelllallonal Sec

rctary IlIck DIegel, recently donued 10 Ihe Cam palgns of U S S(,Ulor Waller OC( Huddles ton and Pat Mullo)' Pal Mulloy has a good chance 10 UMU! Ihe IIIcumbenl RcpubhC1n and ncedi Our ~UppOIl Th.s unllcd dfort WIll heneAI aillBEW membcu

See you" thc mcctlng CFllGC FrrzC.LRALD, P S

Still the Same

This pic.urt of Brolh cl Bob Pa rks, local 375, Allentown, P~. , wu taken b,· hi s brother Ed when Bob, Ed and Flank rarks nUlioncd ;n Wyoming ;n 19 70. The tcrnt i~ idcnliul 10 .ha. of Ihe 1.111'. 198~ Journal COHr.

Scribe Shares Unchanged Scene LU. 375 Iii, ALLENTOWN, PA.-Tht Palks blOlh, ctS' slogan .. ' Krtp Amelita heilitliul. ' Ou Ihe., 1910 nCaUOn In Wyoming, Idlled BrOlhers Bob, Ed and Frank slorped 10 lake. phOlo of Ihe nallonal p3fk mOUnUln5 The fence would also be a polnl 01 IIIlcre~1 BIOIhel Bob UI on Ihe fence and Ed look hIS pictu re

As you un ~ee irom Ihe accomranYlng P'C lure Ihe ~((ne IS Idenllc,,! to Ihe cm'ct pICIUle of Ihe lune \984 101l1ll1l1-lhe utulal ob,ens arc Ihe samt III bolh plctule~

We should aIL unve 10 keep Ihe naluu.! buuty of our counlfy unchanged U Ihl5 scenr depICts Ed and Bob a.e mcmbers of OUI local. Ed IS Ihe steward on Ihe new Letllp Unlve,)uy Compuler and LI­bra.)· Cenler Complcx ~nd dOHl! a fine ,ob Blolhel Flank dIed III a trAg.e helicopler acc.denl In Cah fom.a We con\tv Ou t condolence, 10 h .s and Inends

We mu 51 COnllnUe 10 support Ihose who Ife Iflend, of labor VOle fOI Mond ... le and keep Ru ganomln dl$l~nt fk AmCIlcan-buy Amenean­byc no ... ·'

Storms Bring Members Work

EDM,cu. P_S

LU. j911 IU&I ), LAS VEGAS, NEV.-Alter 8J days wnhou, I.'n In Ih~ L~. V~II~' ' ·all ey, thundel slo rms arc gIvIng OUI mcmbt:r~ a h~ck of a 101 of work Storms h"'e blacked ou t "affie lIghts, t rc · allng lenglhy '(Sldcntial OUI~!C 5, OutlYlOg alns have been 10 the dark for IS much as IWO d:iYI Power fallules hav~ Interrupted lelephonc se rvice .... hile cleuing problfms wtth compulen .11 over Ihe vallcy The mercury ha5 dlmbcd \0 aboul 117 degree" eJlabl"h'ng a Ih.n·ytM rernrd al M~· Carr~n Intcrna\!on~1 Allpori II may not bc ~n arn recold, bUI le i me Idl you" 15 hot '

Nevada Powu 1051 all geneullon 10 Ihe 5300· mllhon eod·fired R~ld Cardner ,Ilenerac", pumng OVC I 5,000 customers OUI of se rV Ice, Powcr crews had serVICe I(SlOICd III approxlmatdy one hour The Reid C'lfdntl Plan l, localed 40 mIlts nOllh of Las Vegas, sup pLles most of Ihe elee lllell Y 10 south~rn Nevada 's 220,000 eleelllc CUSlomers

The poluical suson is no .... IrI fun SWlrIg IrI Our area. As unIon membc .. , don' l bc af ratd 10 gCI IrIvolved , your hdp and SU ppOIl IS necdcd if labor Is going 10 make gaIns this fall

Due 10 eonvcntions, ou r lelephone opelators WNC scheduled Seven d~yl Untllihe mIddle of lul y

The UPClilOU wCrC ap plcelallve of Ihe work. bUI nOI exact ly happy o,'er havlrlg 10 work seven d~y5

As you read IhlS .mdc, ,ummer IS OVC I, Iht Fourth of fil ly. 191\4 I .~ now hutorYI let ', hope you .nd your loved one5 remember u fely docs nOII"kt .. holida y~ o. summer vacallons '

W"n P"vlOWSKJ. P_S

Brothers I


General Elections Held ; Negotiations Approaching L U. 3'18 {u), CHARLESTON, S.C.-Hello .gllD from loc.1 398 III Ihe Palmello Slale The luulu of Ihe 398 genelal de"lon were as foUuw> p,u· Idenl C.E Brownlee , vice r lesldent, T L Mallin leeonhng secletary, I I $.;tck, finann.1 secretary


R 1 Moo.c Irca5u.c r, F L Smith, bU5Ir1U' manage. and Igcnl R 8. KU>l~' TIle [XCCUIIVC Bond H L Benne" , I 0 Mahailcy, 0 I Masnlck, 8 II. Sloke~..., and J C Vlck. IBEW Con,·enlion delegale, R B KOSle l " 'lIh C E Brownlee as the altcrnalc AI the Charleslon luly 2 meelln" ,he new offi cers an" Executive Board ... ·c re , worn 10

R B K051c r a"ende<! Ihe P.og.en Meeting 10 lillie Rock. Alkansas , on August 13 and la Wage! salary nr~It~"on~ are COIDIOJ up soon wllh SCECCO Speaking of Ihe COnll lel, now at each monlhly meellng, pan of Ihe contrael Will be read· cs.plamed and mlcrpleled to Ihe IlInk and file

Those of you ... ·ho dldn'l bolhcl 10 vOle ;0 Ihe gcncral cLecllon IU" wa51cd you r own money

The CharLeslon l ul~· 2 dool prlle WIS won b}' 11.0 Ballholme .... ""ho 1$ employed at Ihe Cha. les ton Carage Smet Ihl5 conetpt WIS Staned, Ihe 10110wIOg work arcu have won Ch"lenon Ga ' rlge- IO limes, Oenmnk Scrvlce Cenlel-2 !]mu Wa!crboro-2 limes, Caud"ys SlIlIon-2 urnes Chll]e5l0n HIgh LlOc- I IImer and Mounl Pleasanl Elecllle Operaflons-l Bmc. Presidenl C, E Blo .... n· lee rUPl'olnled Joc Sack as Ihe local 's rcg.Sllar and Fred Sml!h as press seclclary

On the Inlu red /ill/s lck [,51 WCre WA Mnle lAshlcy Pho'pha,c Elc~",~Op.ul'OIl.l, I . [ Dlshop IAllendale Sen·,ee CeMeri and ItO. Aldelman IBuufon ), There Isn 'l 100 much 10 WIIIC aboul so ,_ t bell dose for now See you n Ihe meellngs


Local Has Two Families in the News L.U. 399 {II, SI'R INGfIELD, ILL._Reecnlly Local 399, Unit 5 had tWO membc" whOle famlhcs madc " ,IIc IIC .... ' cu.~")Of foilUes R Thompson presenled a Siudent Ihno"an of Ihe Year AWl rd W Mark Ihmglnl. 13. an clgh th gmdc s ludent 1I1 10ly Fam,ly

Page 45: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


GOHfnOr Thompson I.If JII lnol~ i$ $huwn p'nf lll­in, .hc Sludcn r lliuo, lan 01 Ihe 'fur Award 10 Mark 811,in l, .on I.If M.r . • nd M ••. Don Rb,lnl, m~mblr 0/ LOCII ]99, Sprin,fI'fd. III.

School, O,Ie,by The p'C~nlatLOn look place In

"",mollle! aI the Sang.moo Slale Un,Yeuuy 11.1' dLloTlum, Spnn,l;Acld, where 16 IceMall' h'llOnao, from 15 Cl.lmml.lnll'''' Ih.oughout l1hnol' WCIC honored Muk i, .he Ion I.If MI and Mrs [)uuld Bla~lnl I.If Route I, Peru. Oon BiaginI IS an emrloyee of UlinOlJ lieU Telephone Company and " Ihe as,;!,ao ' chief "eword I.If Local 399, Unll 5, L,­S.lIe·Quawl The awud prcsented tu M~rk II baud on excellence I.If anidn published dunng

llhe Jehool yUI In UlLoOi. ~hnoty !,h,UIM, which IS sponsored by Ihe illinOIS Silte U,uoflul Llb,ary and Soc,ety_ O"cl900 allicin WCIC submlllcd ""L1h only 106 lIudcnts h~vonl.hcn .ruclu publ"hC'd Then 26 hlslOtians Were chosen for Ih,s spC'Clsl award Mark', ~rude entliled ' 'Thc Telerhonc Throu~ Ihc YealS," wu about ,he early dcvC'!· opmcnt of lelecommUnlCIUOnS in IIhn0l5, us ~­glOnln" Ind ,he ImprovemenlS 01 Ihc 'y"em over .he pas. 107 yea rs ,

The I<cond neWI Item was a neadalll one leena,e boys hom LaSalle were IDvolved In aD accldenl on an amul('ment puk nde al Ihe Grea. Amellca Theme Park ,n Gorncy, Tha: boys, EIlC Bubelis, Bob ~Jnon and 11m Sh.ughne"y, .11 CI,hlh "ade Stulknll at L..oSallc Cllhollc School, WCIa: on, c1us oUllng I. the palk The Ihlee welC In Ihe nma: CII on, "de callC'd ' 'The Edge" whIch Ilmul,.el a lice fall 01 wma: 100 fect The IIde '.

~I comllUle! malfunclloncd and senl Ihe boys back· ward down Ihe eleYllor \lit .boOI 60 fecI to the bollom, The Ih ree boys we re ,11 hOlllilalized wilh varinos InIUrles to the eycl, abdomen and back Alrcr a ~ho fl sray in Ihe hOlllllal, all Ihrcc I re recuj1C'rat ing n home. lim Shaughncssy il the b.olher of Oennll Shau~hnusy, who II an em· Illoyca: of illinoIS Ikll Tclephona: Company .nd a

,sleward of l.Qcal 399, Unit 5, LISalle,Olllw,. It ,. unfortunate thll ,ccldents to h.ppen,

but .cctda:Dls happen on the ,ob Ihn hlYe I "eat bC'alln, on ,he fu.u ra: of OUI membC'r, Some ptople may nOl undrlSl,nd why the un,on slrene. "fety $0 g,eatly Whal we must rcmembC'. IS Ihat the only job lecutuy we hive il ou, health This 11

il«omlOg more and mo.e tlue w"h Ihe comp.nies w~ deal wllh. It hllS ~eome Ihe policy of Ih~

. e(lmp'OIU 10 demole .nd lake away the hvehhood of employe"" thl! have bC'en mlured on the ,ob What we would hke .0 IIICSI II that If memNrI like the lime to do .he lOb safdy, " WIll ~ntr equlfl you .0 $uppon your family in th~ YUII 10

come, So "ur's b<! ClJIr(UJ our lhue!"

R.c" .... o M tv..UN, 8 R

I.. Work Scene Brightens; Officers Take Oath L U. 40S (i,spa&lIb), CEDA R RAPII)S, IOWA­We have a lew blllht IpotS for a chanle 10 the work liluallon. II was rcponed thIS week Ihal a $ IO·m,llion mall is to be bUIlt in downtown C",dar RapIds, 10 be fin Ished by fill, ]985. Several Olher lobs a. e (omin, op

Wc hJd our clec\1on of olRcen for Ihe nexl th lee ycarl The ,elults ale as foliowl- p.csident , 1,arry WhilC, bUline .. mana,cr, CI." Scotti .ceording secretary, H~ l b BCntOO, lIclSurcr, Dennis S(hlucl,

b .a:cullva: Board, Tom Oclaney, C],ff IIlggml, Cuy BUIZ, Bob Nov,k, Bob B renlln~ lIa.ry DrI.ncty, [umIDln, Boa.d, CIII M.ehu!', Ion Novlk, BIll Tue(kc, Ind huhh and wclll'c , Tom Ocbncy These new ,,/fiurs look the ollh on luly 11, 1984 I would alsI1 like to thank Ihese BrOlher$ who worked In Ihe electoral PIOCtsS. Bob O,le. lud~e , and Don Bar,er, Al Bas"\Cu, M.,v Lanmer .nd Dale Richards is ,cllers

My .polOSlu 10 Iha: Mornl Trbbcu bmtly for not h~vlDg IhcII none 01 OUI UUCU$ WOlken

I sec where the Canbbcan &51D b,lIwtcntlhmup., 5<> now thu means thar manul~C'UlefS Cln budd In tha: CanbbC'an aDd ,h'll.hen ptOOUCIi baek 10 Ihe USA duty free lor 12 yelf' They C~n bUI]d wllh (hup labor and shIp he,e dut y frec Now thll IS nOt fa" Ifadc_ We absolulCly have 10 vou Waher Mondale 1010 office in Nov(m~r The Callbbcan Ba,m bill WI! One of RUII~n 'l flel prolects to kIll laborl

II,ke thc t.>y,n" "ComIng lo~e,hcr 1$ bC'"nnln" thmkmg .ogelhe. IS unity. keerln, together II progrus. wOlk,ng IOIlClhcl " IUCCUS,"

Come to Ihe UOlon mcelln" .h.t·, wherc " II

h'Pflenmg, h IS only as lood is'''~ make II' ClIH<;"'/l H'~.(""", I'S

Election Held; Contract SeWed L U. 410 IiI, RACINE, WIS.-Ou. deCIIOn ,uuh. fr om (Iu.lune I8 meelln, hive lOme ncw membcll involv~d Prnldent E.hard RClmann. VIC~ P'UI denllcrry Plpol, FlnanclIl Secretary Tom l,uc-JOn R«oldln~ Sccrer~ry Mlmn Gulhrands-on, T.ul urer C , rl Uddlnl and BUSIness Man'ger lerry E Ueldm~ The Execu',,·e Board membC'u are Tom Davl', lames "Seou y'·, TellY Mcmns, RIc k Therkdlcn and Lyle Tryba The E.,mmln, Bo.I.d membe.s lit Ed Emmerhn" Dan Schultz Ind 11m Sillier

As '0' the COnU~CI, afte, hOUfS of talkm, we came up with, IS 'cenl tall(' In Our heahh .nd welfare OUI new hourly ra.e w,ll now be $1 00 pe' hour fo, health Insurance

Wo,k In our local IS 5IIllvc.y slow We suU havc JO percen. unemrloyC'd There 'Ie, few small lObs 011 Ihe boards, bUIll won'l be enouth 10 have full ~mploymcnt

[n these slQw limes. $Orne of QUI membC'1I do.e 10 rC"'emen! arc dOlOg $0 early They probably Are lOlng 10 gel Qn SocIa! SecorilY bt;lo.e the RUllan .dmini'lfation cutS it Inymo re

I hope all you good union people lie gcttml workcd up from readIng about the p.csenlidmin· Ist,allon 10 Ihll you all gel ou. and vOle them 001 In NovembC'r We labor people un do" and bette! do " Any ]SEW member thar dorsn 't VOle 10

Novembel to dump Reapn ,nd hIS boys donn't destfYe 10 be an IBEW member

Can any of you BrothelS .nd S,lIe.s lemembe. when we have had as much unemp]oymcnt .. we have had In the lost four years. The only BrOlhers Ihat c.n .emembC'rlhal IIC reilled OIre.dy to, We Can ehanllc thi. 10 Novembcl, .nd] know wc w,1I

lu.1\Y £ Hlu)INC, B M

Local Welcomes Nineteen Graduates LU. 441 1I,o",,&.ul, SANTA ANA, CAL_Smce the OlymlllC lames arc over, " IS ume to take. 1<I10U. look II Ihe wo.k p,ctu,e and the ceonomy in leneul The opcomml elccllon WIll plovlde not only" rlre Oflportun"y for the blue·collar wo,ker 10 see. cleat,cul difference between the prCllden lIal candidates, but a chance fo, hll 01 her VOIC 10 actUllly d" S<lmethlDg ,bout Ihe presidential lit Uillon ThIS yu. the blue·collar vote ean havc an Impact On »ym, how Ih,s country " run and the allllude 111 leaden lowa,d the II.l'paym~ public If you have wonde.ed how th .. COUntry could become $0 I rut consldel;nl Ihc qoallty of leadership it hll had, .his w,1I bC' . he time 10 do somcthinl aboul il. VOle In 1984

On June IS, ]984, Ihe 101m Apprenticeshill Com· mlllcC cclebralcd with 19111duatinl app.en.lcCl Jerome Pull was named Ihe oUlstanding applcnllce

and M,chacl Vo&l~ l n was "ven Ihe .wud 101 bC'" Ittcndance. Special co""alul"iool to thel< ape: cl.t people fOI • lob wei] done ,nd exua c1lon dO llnl ,hell app.cnriccshlp P,oII.m. Graduatinl WIth Jelly Ind Mike we re David arebnck, Laura Buccellato, Cordon, Cregory Dye, W, lliam [nleln. KeVIn H.rns, Scot Hoo$On, Mark Rot"'t, Michael Mamn, MIchael Pullen, MIchael Re"n Richard R~nz. C'''ISkomsk" Thomas SmaU«nnb, DavId SWlnl:. Seymour VUlSt Ind Sian ley WCler Cood luck and .,cady wOIk to.U of Ihem.

l:)o:,u.o B Gwn.y.PS

Local Plays Softball, Holds Fishing Trips LU. 456\llIlo), NEW BR UNSWICIo:, N.I.-On lune 16, Ihe Local4S6Softbail Tum ramclpated In Ihe loea[ 400 Soflball TOurnament held In Iklm .. New lelley, The e,'eDl gal unde, way at 9,00 a m wllh mosl of the New leuey locab bemg lefl re stoted Our learn dId very well . WinnIng our RUI "mu whICh placed UJ In the finds IS Ihe only undc/cared lum N~~dlDg only one more VICtOry 10 dlnch fiut placc and hlVlOg fllayed wllh only ]0 mcn ,II day, we unlol\unatdy staned to run oUI of In, comlD, Oul on Ihe shon end 10 tht founh and Afth gamn. This gave U5 a 3-1 record 10r lhe day , which was good enough for the second place \lophy! Congralulallons, tcam, on a "ell effof1

A wcil-deserved Ihanks goc. oUltO Ralph Brock, wholt lime .nd dfoll was arpIeCIJ.ed by ,II thc members and lOUts who had. lunfic lime oa the fishml mp The calm K. and 'UnIlY sky.dded .0 rnroymenl 01 Ihe day IS plenty of fi&h and fish SlOflU filled tha: boat EddIe McCracken WIS the b" pool wmne" hooklOI InlO the bll carch of .h~ day_ Anolher tl1P II fllinned for ~plcmber ] , and bal<d on the success of the RUI IIIp, I'm SUle no one WIll mit. Ihe second one

KtYlN SPlEC1tUl., P S

Elections Completed, Results Announced LU. 474 (i,o,em,rtb ,rtslillpal, MEMPIIIS, T[NN~ [leellon lime t. Rnally ave, We had our e]«lIon of ofRcers on lune I , [984, and. runoff wu necusory for the bUIlDe" manager and financi.1 lecrelary. Thil was held on June 29. ]984. The runoff was I very close flcc-only SIX votu d,j · fcr~nce with a 10tAl of 806 counted vote" a very good \u.nout Elected 10 the ExeCUlive Board we,e Clen C.eenwell, Oav,d Bulllngton, Lany Honcy· CUlt, Ray p.,ker, CUIIIS Escue, lack GatliQ and mYI<If, Don IIoIlle FOI Ilrelldent, John Tnbbler vIce plelldenl, C,ty Lunslord, .(cordlOg sccretlry, Sam L..oDI/! t \leasuler. ROI Gnlfin , b.amlAlOl Board, Kenny EWln" LaRue H,,,, Taft Laste l, Wayna: lowne ,nd T A W,lhaml, Our new bOI l· nUl manllc •• nd financlIl sec.etary II DoUliu A FIsher

I thlDk w~ hlYe. very Anc ,.oup of officcrs and ] also Ihmk there wele many people who ran thai Ire very ~ood people and very fine unlQn memNIS It WIS a hard declilon to Vote wllh $0 many ,DOd Blothell runnm, Now everyone can sen]e down .nd ,el thell he,d. tOleth~r and ICt thl5 wo,k back from Ihe IIIJ I would hke 10 urla:.11 of .hose who wr.e eleeled Ind Ihose who were no. elecled Ind .he membcrs of Ih .. local UDI<m 10 fllescnt. uOI.ed fronl .0 hold on tn the condlllon. whIch we already have and crute bcner cQndltlon. In these Iry,nl lime., United we "and and dIVIded we falll


Page 46: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


We have, 101 the IlUt lImt I know 01, a membcl who was a delegale to the Dcmotlatic Con"cnllon thIs yeal- Blother Sammie Walkel. Card No 4091419,

Remember. you members who ale not reg"tered 10 vOtc. do so now. We have 10 get Ihe aC lor OUI 01 the White House.

Lo('!,1474 turncd out OUt second lem~lt lourney· man w"cman. Pamcla Williams. She tomplc.~d our 'pp renliceship proMram .nd turned OUt luly 5. 1984 The very best 01 luck, rame,a, and may you prosper al ... ·ays'

Unlil next mon.h, and may God bless yuu DoN ... lD R ... y BO("'ll, !'.S


Shown htre at the ~ttJfn t uion of IBEW Sfrvlce ...... ~, d~ 01 Local 479, Duumon t. Tex., ~ r r, left 10

righ t, 8u~i n~s o\b ugrt Eddie Wist. ,ui r . ~ Willie I. MeNe. l. Sr,. r. t ira lack Tay lOT and J'rnidcnl ROf lI oll itr.


IHolher Greg Crye l holds an IBEW .... riSl watd, ~"J plaque presenled 101 heing Outs ta nd ing App.enlice nf 1984. IBfOlhen RI lL ie Ihrlnd, ~ec ruuy. and Ki llr Cor", ie r, Enculi". IIOl rd member. ill bad· 5,,,u lld .l

Two Brothers Receive 50- and 60-Year Pins lo U. 479li). BE .... UMONT, TEX.- Thc membe r~ '" ~tl~"J""'t ~llhc lunc local un"," meeting wne !rUled 10 • r.rt otcnion Two 01 our rottr ~d Blothers receIved lIlEW service aW~ld s. Brother Will ie I. McNeel. Sr , wu recogmzed fOI SO yeus s!rvice 10 Ihe BlOlhclhood. IIlolher lack T~yl(lr was u:cognized lor 60 yean servlcc 10 Ihe IIroth · erhnod, These tWO Brothers have each made ~rea l ton l"bullons to our organiution and Irt now rninymg Ihe fruits of theu Jabor~ 10 rettremenl

Brother Greg Cryer was rcw~rded w"h an ISEW wrlslw",ch and a plaque lrom Ihe mcmbership in re (ogmllon 01 hl$ exccllent performance dUllng his ,e(cnlly completed Ipprenltcuh, p tramlng Glcg was OUISlandmg .... pplenl'ce of OUI pro~ .. m for 1984.

There ore slIlI many members 01 our loul on Ihe oul·o/· .... ork book The nlal0nty 01 lob c.lI, lately hue been 101 jobs of shon dUlallon. The COnSITUCIlOn projects at F1NA have been /lIIIOg most 01 the job placements

The Ncgouallon Comrnillce has m~1 onCe UU I cumr'~IU" , all,,] ~lIulhe, ",eellng IS scheduled .000

D"'l~ /'AI UER, !'.S

Scribe's Article Gets React ion from Company l .U. 494I i ,,rt~$.t p al. MllW .... UKE E, WIS.­Sever.1 months a~o I W. OIC an atude on Gildner Bender. a local numoiaclurcl of electrical compo· nents used lo OUI Industry In the article 1 Slated that MI. Cardll~r. Ihoullh he .... ascllnt.CI~.J Iln IWU sepaJ3te occasIons by Ilur bUStrlC55 managel, de· ttded 10 have a neW addi""n to h,s plant Wiled by 1I0n·union ~ leclt1clans I funher asked thM our fellow llrothen .nd S,slcn trl the lIIEW rd ratrl from u"n~ /'A, Gardner's ploducts.

Whtn Ihe ullcle was published. [ forwarded I

COP)' 10 Mr Gardner. When he called the followtng day, he W31 g,eady ~gil1tcd . However, in all bir' ness 10 Mf Gardner, il mUST now be re!,olled thaI on ano ther lI/:hllng lob to be done al hiS plant , he has dectded II' uSc a union eleemeal eonlTactor Addillon.lly, tn. recem lener 10 B\lstnr'~ Man~~f1 Neal RosenbcrJ\. he stalCS, '"Also, wuh Ihe dra· matte growlh of GardnCI Bender, Inc., II IS tnev' · table Thai new and lArger tnanufactunng bcililies will be needed ""lIhtn th t nnl thrrr trl Avc YUtS, I w,1I keep you apr ratsed of Ihcs~ construclion rlans as Ihey develop." We assume thcse pllns w,lI tndude The usc 01 ulllon elec",c,.ns

The Cardner !lendel Comr~ny "~"<l un'nn elee· !rical contraClors in Ihe past. When Ihey chose 10 go non ' Illllon 10 Ilnt "'stanec, Local 494 could have p,ekeled the job Instead we decided 10 Uft The ISEW /ournal as an rd"rarifln ~l 100!. It'$ a RIca, 1001 11 works well We Can abo usc thl~ tool 10 promotc uur good manufaelurers who consldcl Ihe ,mportance of unlOn~ with a Do Patron'Ie L,n, m.nula(llrrt"f~ ~"rh a. Gardner Bender.

ANIlRl' CALmH~O, P.S !l.R

Scribe Believes Members Shoutd Stick Together l.U. 50S (1&'0), ,\\ OOl lE, ALA.- OrOlhe, s, Itt', gel light 10 Ihe heall 01 Ihe matte r. Arc we umon memhers who, when g,ven all the IOlormalion needed, can make an inlelligent, adult decision .OOUI voting for Plliiticians who arc endOfSed by organized labOl , or are we 50 ignolallt and blind as 10 thInk that as WInkIng people we Owe Our Ihanks to somclhtng Or someone olher than OUt local umon! Some of OUf brOThel membets have pIOS' f1~lcd over the years, It" an euy thlOg 10 do as nr/:anized labor bu fou/:hl lor wages ~nd benefits since ,~ce lion. 8 .. t those brothel members have forgotten What 11 coat to ~aln the money, cars, boau and shops. SOllle even consldel Them· sel ves Republicans. Isn't Ihe Uniled Statell won· derful place, when we as a wOlkmg person'S or· gan,zation eontmue 10 work nghl along~tde people .... ho clatm 10 be members 01 a politIcal pally that IS detclmmcd to crush organized labor. IIlolhers, let's wake IlP and stop belllg hypocrites You still sweat and stlllk when you leave a lobs"e. IUU Ilkc us Democrats

As I Wlltc Ih" a!llclc fOI our /ournll} II .s Ihe mIddle of luly . Our Rewed Members Club has heen reactivated, They had Ihei r second meeltng and elected ol/lce.s [uly 10. They ~,e l',e •• d~"1 leo Cain. Sr.. VIce I'lcsidcnt Johnny I. Ron, Ser· ge~nt al Arms Donald L. Sollie, Recording Secre· Iary S,dn~y R. Evans. Sr., Executive Bll1Ird membe" e ll S'Yllln. I' . lltlly R~y Bbd, wdl. Ub,t K Snow and lawrence G. tb,,"11.

This /oulIla} may rcach YOll by labu. Day II 50. please partlc'pate 'n Ihe lalxJl Day fesllvlllcs al .... ,,,dl~ P~,k in S~,al.nd, AI.bama. We wtll haye a booth manned by OU, I'olilical Educalion Com· mittce.

Suppo.t other unions, ill d(Hllg SO, you "rengthen orsan,zed labor 's pOStl;Iln in th,s society. Shop at union lood 8tOrn. buy union·madc clolhes and shoes. It takes. little cllon on YOUI part, but if everyone in organized labor did iI, we would no, be ,n the $ we are now, SIlPPO" your loc~1

untlln DoN ... lI) l An ....... '. l' S

Award Winner

Mn. S.,a Counihan prCSfnling OUlS u nding .... p. prellt ict Waf ne lI ~n d r ilr 01 l ou l SUII , llnannah, Ga .. with Ihe M.I. Counihan Award.


Till 1984 , radul ling Rick Ull in,", Sand .. Brown, leff lIwil, Zippu~ r , RU$lltu5 Managf r M. J. Counihan, Driggul, Tomm y Bl. nlon. Onl S. lIelmly, 'r ., Malsha Key. RIlb~ rt May. I,., and Wlyne Uendri,. ; kneeling, Rot! Stll nes, lamn Reid, SleH Boyd. Calvin lawlon, Floyd jim mo, Ir .. and Johnny Or· vin.

Members of NLRB Criticized by AFL-CIO L.U. 508 (1&'01, S .... VANNA!!, G ..... - The AFl·CIO 'S "gravcly concerned" that Ihe Reagan adminis· tt allon's nommation 01 Ros~mary M. Collyer as General Coun~cI of the Naltonal lllxJr Relillons Board amounts 10 "anolhe, step to TU rning Ihe NlRB over to managemenl's agents lotk. Slotk and barrel."


The /,edCtallllU expressed its deep ' ClCrvnilln. aboul Collyel to a Slalemenl issued following, President Rtall~n's annOuncement that he would name her as Ihe NlRB's chief lellil olfleer 10

succted Wtllr~", A. luL~15, a Carler adminisna Iton appOIntee whose four·yur term expi red April 24.

Her expellcnce u a praclicing .!torney was limllcd 10 fo,tr YClIlS By eonnUI. forme r NlRB General Counsels, mcluding Lubbers, a eareer NLRB attorney, have had extensive labor· law experience ' ti lher wtlh Ihe lIoard 01 In privale plIClice.

Collyer, 38, held a va,iety 01 pllhlie rclations )ohs prior 10 enlermg the Univelsi ty of Denvcll.w schoo! In 1974. After rccelving hu law degree to 1977, she was an attorney with a Denvellaw /l rm un til she was ~pPOlntcd to the Mine SalelY Board tn 198 1.

The Afl·CIO has been eridell 01 nlhel Reagan appOlntmCnl$ 10 the NLRB, which the Fedention ' cha.ged have poliltclzed the Board, mcluding Challman Donald DOlSon and member Patricu Dia: DenntS, bolh lormcr management allOlneyS. Mcanwhile. the admlnistralion hit yet 10 Ict to fill the SUI left vannt by the retirement las t August ()! member Howard Jenktos, Ir.

The Savann.h Eleettical loint Apr renllcn h,p and TrainillJl Committee-held gradullion nerclses . on lune 8 at the Savannah Goll Club. The program cun~i.ted ul a ~uL,,, 1 !.uu" dUIII~' and &UUI .puk crs. endtog with Ihe presentation 01 diplomn and awards. The awards were as follows' lor ouuland-

Page 47: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

Ing 'PP,enllcu malnlalnln& thc hl,he~1 glldr ~v n age, foulth·ye. r outstanding applentrce and Ie elp lcn t of Ihe M f Cnun,han AWlld was Wayue Hend llx, glide IYf lage 962, lI ,st runncr up was

'"< Mark L ZIpperer, , rade .velll(e 89 S, second run ncr u p wu lames C ReId, grade .verag. &4 8, for thu"! yu. oUII,-nd,n& arp ' enllee, lohn 0 WII


#, glide avelalle 980, steond yu •. Georlle ClI ... !ord, Il"de nellIe 9~ 8 The guduaunll dau abo preHnlCd 8uslness Mlnager M r COUnihan "'lIh. dock and pl.que eommcmoll l lng hiS mlny ye.u of ded'e.lllon and "rVlce 10 Ihe IBEW .nd Ihe IATC


Picllu t d, left 10 . i., III, a. t 8.0Ihe, \ Gll fi d cl Bailr,', lohn Schufe . and Illr Lh h in' ki , III Lorll 510, lI oughlon, ,vlich., .. ho "' ~ •• I n ' lIlIin ~ undel '

.. t.ound ~e"' i cr " 'hen a cu, lomN " .lIrd I t ItneulO, " ' hich backled .h.OUlh Iht nan. I" , n,el) ca,, ~ing in iun 10 lohn

Sho ... n hen. I. ft 10 " .thl, U t SI' I ... Pu Funkn. .... Sand i St imp.on and C.lhy ' ack",n enj ll v i n ~ ,om. I ,drr, hm t nl • • ft .. Ih r lu n. uni"n m •• ,ing. -r

Brother Injured ; Labor­Management Groups Meet LU, 510 lu), 1I 0 l '(, l tTOt\ , MJ CIL . C.leCl/lll' from Loe.1 510' I m ~orr\ III .q'OrI Ihll U" t'''1

I 'blt 01 U . .. ·, IS Ihal III In .I.;"dCIIl III ... hl(h (lnC "I Oul 8101hel\ ""h 'nJule.,! On M~" 21 I ..... ~ a tll/ct-·m~n ,.~ ... ' ,,'a' ~",~n~"! ({) tn,ull n~" p~Jm"unl lun~I"lm.,~ un In u,'''n, • !()(I ~"II [ 0 uUJ~1 &Iound ublr HI",hrl' Itl< l,~htn,kl An.,! GUhd"! B.llin .. er~ '"'urkon~ un J ."U.~e ,pl,~c ~utl Bluthrl lohn Schade. w~~ ~1I1rpln~ .he ubl~ enJ In annon 10 tn5.~11 A .,.u.e:e ''Il 1m A nr .. dl>o.." A CU51Om~ r .. ·ho<;. r,'''cl h.l.,! !>een <ut .. hlle thev wc.~ wa. klll' un Ih" hnc ~pprua"hr"! the Clr'" _~nd IIlqulle.,! ah<.ut the icnlllh nl the \lUU)!:r He

then lelume.,! tu hI> 1(5"kn(r AnJ ~t " "c"! up ~ pon .. blt llene • .II01 wnhL}uI OpenlUI( hi' mAm til> COOllcct .. h'cb bAckle"! {hlUu,!:h Ihr IrAn<,,,.mc,. Snnhe. '\(:h'~fe .... h" "" 'ilnrrll1l,he ubI. end 11 the 11m., •• ce" • .,! UH.e ~h" ... k ,nJ bum, tic wu Ih,u,,"n ~bout [~ Icel 1nd 111'1 cun""'u_n,,,,_ I .... SCHul mIllUIC~ lohn ,utleled ,ecoo"!- ,nd thu'!- d(~. (e bmn. tu l>o.'lh hand. an"! b,u,5e. and ~hlU IOnJ 10 h" chnt .. nd b~ck tic Wl ' ho~p"11 I~ed 1m l"ul days I'm V( . y h"I'Pv /0 ,cpon Ih.1 wh.n I 1,.1 1.lke"! h' I"hl) he w~, ~l>nu"K al"nJO: p,etlY .. ell and e~pe"leJ II) be tl> ... ,,,k .hunly

Th. I~ho,·m .. n .. lcmwl rllol I(I0UI" h"' r I>rl("'" III me.1 once a " 'eek C"mml11fe mem!>e .. .. re no .. ' . ecel ,·tn~ Ihell lI.tnlll, 111, drtlSlnn malting, h51~n'nl: .. nd commun,cUlun .k,ll •• nd rloblrm SII1vtnll tnhno4ucs al ueh mrenn~ Thl~ " all1lng should ,.o ke "prrClx,mald), 20 hou,.' '" completc. Fa~,lotalUl) Jil l Ille glullr! ICpUII Ihu

r\'eI)'Otl. r~!IItlpiung seem, \'c'Y enthullnut abou l pall.klnll tn Ihc r"'K.~m aud Ihe 11IIl1Inll leSSlollS lit !I"tn): great'

BeSt w,shei are /(0'"1t oul til S,ste. No, ,,,a lIul lOWS ..... ho .eeenll)' .~n'td No, mA !>elan he. tm ploymcnl lunr 29, 1970, ....... h UpJl'l" relllu'ul, ro ... e. Comp.ny as an aS~"'.lnt u,h,e. '" tht MU11l511l& olticr and ... n rlnmn'rJ ,,, u.h,cr In

lune. 1973 In Ap"l, 111/11 ~h~ Ir~u~krrfd to the Presque Islr S"non to ... mk i\ a le(ep""n,n SWI\Chbo"d "1't"1O' AnJ ... ~s upVded 10 Ille c!as51fie.l/lon 01 d~.k IYI'''1 "n l"IOu"cm!>e, I 1'1,0"1 Norm~ rlans 10 ,"n/lnue w,,,klnl: on ~ p.rt IImr baSIS ~I Ihr HUI~uhoc Fall. e,l! <;hop ,n Mun",n", MIchIgan We "',sh hel Iht beu 01 lurk 10 all JUIU'~ rnde~~m~ COfll"lul~l,nn' AIr ~1.,., ulrrWcd '" "I<tel MI~h\

Hod~c. ~nd h •• hosh~oJ Itm nO .hc hUlh nllheu douJl:htc. KUf! \\t(hdk "h" l~me Ill ... Ihr ",,,J,J un \bv I' IO~~ ,,·c'f<h'"l ~ puun.,! •. 11·. "untC\

(,,,IWl;U ... tIllM 1'\

Election Results Announced ; Oust Reagan I l .U. 518 li, lI ~ss pi1 \, GLOlIl, AIUZ..- [Iet""n 01 oft,tc.s ...... hdd '" lunr "'//h the 1,,1l0"'1Il1C .e,ul .. loul unltm Plc~ld(nt [)i1t11d Vld~lc~ VICe P'ell denl MIChael Milg"cm TICl'u,c, Anll1u", Mcu lIu~,"es~ \\ ~na~e, FlIlau,,,1 ~nlclJIY Ch.fl., HUi:£'n~. EXi1mln"'~ 8n~I"! m(mb~,s l\,maJd M~ ~<)"n D.vld I'ca,son In.,! M,chael <;"Uln an"! heeul"C 8011.1 memt..:I' luhn Corp Ru!>en L",,,lcv ~Ie.-c fOIlC~ler. \\IJham H,"k.n~ M1 ~h.ul Hcm .. lI.,!a ec."ll. Hc"c'a,no.I Chalk. WhIle Unu ~ I ~ I "n,· .. ,bke Chll/man" ,vn. hnu •• 'v,le Ch."m~n \leH "'ull .InJ l •• cu" .. 8"",d membe" fhth.l.d ~c"'man Veld"n s..lm"'~ WII Ilam ~ha .... n"! Alma L \\ III.. Unit '>1M 7 Mot coc, Chilumiln Douill"! Uk,n, V,ce Ch",man Ruben Rod~la RccorJon~ <;cll~llr' l\hchul ~",,(k AnJ [Xt(ulIve 8<~I"! mem!>er. Plv,d RlmUC: and Carl En."" Un" ~I.~ \I tI.,.,!en Ch""m.ln Paul W .. nc. \'Ile t:h.I1man ~'ne F"".sler, Re .. "'.,!lIll "n""." H""ld 0111: .In"! l UlUII"e B., .. .,! mem t>e" H .. "IJ"n C~llIun I"nc> ~nd lknn,\ Lu_e

C"nl('ltuilUOn) h' a!llh~ 11r"lh ....... 110 .. ,III>.: "l ike" I,,, Ih ncXI ~Cl" I knu", Ih~1 'U Ih~,~ ['v, nil lime, II IS h",J bt-",~ an ollieel ... ,,1> m~nv 01 Ihe I~nk and tlle J,kllll:, IYh~t III Ihc hdl ~"n h~rpen '" u, nexl' lh~t bIUlK~ U, «l ~ "Ub'"~1 nell .on"! .,!N. hi me

1 hll sub,eCl " "ol,ng HtoJlt.m ,.m .. 1 O""e Th",o.d1 Appollltm.nl_ rn~dc b,' Ihe rl"_,J~n1 u~rl the pa'l Ih,ee and oue·halr .'r1l". Ihe f'I'''",)nd IIltlu~nce hr ha~ ,,"ell,l>o. .. un"l11~ auJ Ihe ~cne'AI"lJIkl"."., (111l~n':t"! "I n,)1 h~~ I>r~"me '~h (VI.,!rn! OUI p'e"dcn! 'teln' dClellmnl'd III hHe 1"'0 IC"'UP' III Ih" t"umn Ihe "h~vc ltllilhe "h .. -c not V"u kiln ... "'hl(h ~IOUp ... C ;I~b",' .. ,ll b. III" he .,rl' h,) "'" thu. ,,~h. ~. Ihe H" """""III '" Ihe hH. nUl l"'UP W. l.lnnm .. U"" th" mln IU

'1I"e ,n",hcl hlUI 'cu, HI th~ Whue H m.r II m,v ukr 10 "UI\ t.l f~pln ... h", h.l • .l1.uJ. be.n 1,"1 ,n Ihe r .. ,1 I .. u •. lout " ,,~ h ... I" ,Ul/n Ihll"'lIh olll,,!hrl lou • ... ,l._ '" Ru~~n .. t m~~ \(1)

... dl be wunc;, tn UIII"n h~1I d,~,,, bcm~ tI'''e''! Ih"luJO:huUI Ihl> C<lunu-,

8 ... .. o.e ,,' Ih~ PO"·C. lnd Inllucu~e hd"! b) Ihe mAn In Ihe WhIle House ... nd be~.II1.r 0' thr cltcd Ih41 p.., .. ·~1 In.,! miluen" un hll'C .W~I 1.1>0.11 UUlQn~ .. nJ the ,.ne • .ll "o.k,.,,,, "" "",Iumeil' Intrullani Ihu .. c ,II "",k h.,J 1<' (""'"tn,e "UI 'lIenJ • .InJ neuthhol'!II 'urt Rro/(JII OUI of ofli.e In :-,i,,, ~m!>e. II IS HI)' d,l/leul, 10 beAt the meum bent rlelldenl, bUI ,f ca~h .. nJ n.1\' une nl "' .. ,II UII (lu I ~olC III :"<""<ml>.:, [ , htnk wc t<ln do /I

Wt mlill 0.1" /I'

1\" .... '1 .... 1" '''', I' ~

Brother Boardman Mourned by Local LU. 5~0 li&~p a ), ... us n N, TEX. Local5!O,IHEW 1$ sadJened tu ICPO" the "!eath 01 ou, bc)"ved AH'Slatll BU)lne,' M~nJj;c I ,,,mn r 811u.,!man<


lI'o ,h" lamu P 811l1d m~n. III, of l oc:al 510, A" .. in. Tu ,,_ho ... n Mh'nd .ht .. hu l III hi, 19111 I)odllr.

lit. ,'11 \1~)' II. 1911J ru" had been a mem!>e. of Lutll ~ZO SIIlCC h'$ m,U."on ,n luI),. 11'50_ NO! only ... u 10m much IIIHd ~ud aJmllcd by h" Jello ... 8Iother.~ IIf Local ~!O, bUI he had many fllcnds all nvcl Ille COUIlII)' /r"m hl~ man)' lu\'chng days 11m w •• 'rpomled a1"~lan. bosmen manage. m lone ]\17-,1 and <e.~cd III th,~ earu"" unlll h,s dellh

r,m, lalhe' wI) ~ me.nbc. 0' local HO un,,1 h .. dealh '" lulv. 19KI. an"! hiS 1"0 wn •. bm~s P lIo~IJrn~n. IV ~n apr ' enU(e, an.1 Rnge. V BOlld nun. , 1"'"nq'mJn .Ie hmh members of local ;'0 A~ .l)",Unl bu,,,,,~. man .. ,!:c._ I'm .. as ah" a)'l

"'~Ilable ,n hIS fdlo .. membrrs H. PUI In many huul' (On Ihc lob In.,! al ... ·i1)'S limshtd ucry I15k lu"nl b.m \'en It .. hou.~ lUI hIS I''''n p~ 'SIInal PUIJUIIS tIIt~rl une. hl~ 191 '" Dud~e hm w~s and ha"! becn II" milnl' ~u,~ i1 m~mbc. 01 Ihe HorsrlC5~ c.:a"u~e CI ... b ul AlnclI~a ... Iunf< ... "h h" ,,',f~ MJlv1t1l he m.ldc un. lUur )"" aud "'"l ked m~n\ huu .. helplnl hiS ,"'ue pOI IIIselh., the m"nlhly new<lelle, '''I Ihe Horseless Clrn',e Cluh

11m, ,uJ"!cn .,!ulh h .. lett iln un1ill~ble ~o,d In

Ihe hun~ 01 man) ut h,~ Inends. b.n1he. membra .nd co .. ",kels Ifl L",.I UO. we atr all pJOud 10 h,~e ~llul' ~hate"! I!~'" H~U In the Ille or lame. I' IInlr.,!mln. !II


Tbr.r .lor Iht Local $' 0, Cao too , Ohio. , ,,dg.,n hll.II" d al Ihe oreenl b a n ~ur" loll 10 .iSbl, /ronl ' 0" , Rll bell R. It ku. lamu William., Philip Wil­liam. alld David Kibler: ba r k .0"', Dnid Kail , O. I .. nD '1u n.and D.,id \au,h n.

Local Welcomes New InSIde Wiremen L U. 5' 0 li &. o), C ... , TO:-', OHIO _OUllulnllnJ,dc Applfnuu' 'n~ Up~l.dln~ H~n4u~1 w, • • eee ll l lv held w/lh !p«,,1 .~t"Jtnlllun ginn to ,he mrmbe" ... 1", lullillcJ the" ,jI'P'~""lc"h,p ~ n.1 UPi" d, nK ,,,"he., .. n"! hIll! Ih",e p.n"'r"'"~ In Ihe Cau I"" ~'CA "",de I ... Tt: p'''K'lm~

Th" I'U' Ihe .uJlowlll5 lrr'rn"~u complttrd Ih." IATC COUI)e ~o"! were p.u~nte"! tllplllmll O<lvld W Katl. Onl.,! K K,ble., Dd~no Me~ n!, ])A",d II V.lup,n, I.I ,"~J k W"Io~m5 and Phllop o 1Y,lhlm< In aJ.,!I11(ln, we h~d one re.,den,, ~ 1

uPK' adr" Rllb~rt k kkts. ,,'hll comple ted the Urlll~JmK r",gl~m and Icce,\'cd hu d,ploma The 45

Page 48: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


rec.lp,entS of specul awalds fOI recel ... m~ the high­rst s,hobsti' a ... e rl~e in elch yur of the progllm were John Houy, Kcond yeu) Gary AI .... IU, third yUr, IOd Da ... id Klblel, fourtb yur_

TIu: iusll'UUon of Ihe IM.I JATC ,0unCl, Don­ald Jl. Coianer, Jack McLean and John Young. all of whom havc been wi lh the p many years, were present, as well as the inspectors who co ... er the loc.1 ;ul1sdictlon, Harry GIbbs, NECA C.nton DiviSIon chairman) Thomn Fuhrman, NtCA Chapter managerl Reno Melchior, president of Local 5401 Busineu Manager Samuel C. Williamsl .nd IATC Committee members Donald Clarke, W. W. Schub, Ill, Vrni Wnlgamntl, Stephen HarJO .nd Gary Netse]'

It was a very en toyable evemng, and il 11.lway, plel5aOl 10 spend th is t ime wllb our young people who wHl won be coming mtn the m.instrum of our Induslry. We 10'.0111,1 take till> opportunity 10 eonglaluia te all these gladuates Ind hope Ihey have many pleasant, rewardmg and produ,uve yean m Ihe IOdustry

~"'.mlL C. WIUL\roI~, 8,M

Agreement Ratified; "Remember the Past" LU. SS l (i,o&'cm), SANTA ROSA, CAL._ GreCl· ings, Srothers and Sluers, from wonderfully warm northern Calilornia

Fir5l, Ihe bad news-Brothcr John MacCallum hu died. Although John had been HI lor quite some time, his death 10'15 a shock to Iriends . nd bmily alLke. In other bad news, S.other Pat Jennings is going on disabililY remement. "The S,]ver Faa's" workmlnsh,p, union ludership and lrilh bulbhip will be sorely missed. We trun thaI Pat will continue to anend meelln,s Ind suppon the unIon 10 whleh he hu been l uch a credn.

The good news I, (&nod, tha t b , by a majority wOIe) lhaltbe membershIp a"cpled Ihe new agree­ment presented by Ihe Negollalln~ Commlltee. 1t wu nOI usy, but Ihe members of the Committee hung logelher . nd presented the membership I

~ound and reasonablt pl~kagc, In Ughl of Ihe prnent economic and politi,a] climate. We would hke 10 thank BrOlhers R. Edgmgton, A. Fern~, P. )enmngs, R. C larey and one of 1,11 would like (0

thank D. Gothard for their elforu on behalf of this ]oc:a] union.

In , his grcat nalion', hIStory, an eye has always been kepI cauliou51y focused upon the put, Ihal we mighl nOl repe. t our mi5laku. The blttle cries were : " Remember the Alamo," "Remember Pearl HadKlr," etc. While lookmg upon the I,ten pres­idemial polls showi", Rona]d Reagan in the lnd, it bud to wllnesS lhia Wiry rcmembrance .ep]aced by. frightenlO' for,e lfulnc.55. The new bailie cries seem tQ be: Fnrg~ t PATCO) forlet Davit·Bacon; forget ] 0 percent unemployment , forgel LeMnonl forget Granadl , fOlge t EI SlIlvadoll forgel Nic. ra· gua) lorgel ever ' mc:ru51", CIA ,o ... en opelallon.) forge t re,ord deflclt 'lpendlng, lorget educat ion) fu,~~t th~ eldedy, fortet , lower minimum wlge fOlletnagers, lorget Altaander Halg, Wllllam Cney, Ed Mcese, Jamn Watt and Anne Suford. II you believe thai peace, a hul lhy economy and your digni ty as a workmg·c1us Ame rican will be PIC' served by gi ... ing Ronald Rcagan lour more ycars in office, you mighl as well forgct It,

We want 10 thank the lollowin, mcmbers lor donating blood 10 the Slood Baok' Steve Mallory Anrl rh~rlic Crocktl. Also Ihanks to K.rin Ostr. n · de l, wilc 01 Lee, and Mitch Clarey, son 01 you know who.

Untl] Ihe ntat newsletter, think Ulllon, buy ulllon and suppott YOUI ullIon.

ScoTT L. Gon~RI), P .S. Dow H . GonlA'D, P.S.

Members Volunteer To Repair Tornado Damage LU. SS] (I,o&.em), RALEIGH, N.C.-The plclulcd volunteers a nd M &. H Elecn ic Comp.ny should be commended for thr it good will. In March, 1984 lornados hit North Carolina. Some Ircu wtle hit


Pictured Irc the "o]unleell from Local SS3, R.­leigh, N.C., who wired homu for lornado vk liml: Mib Carro ll , SIeve S.nders, R. C, Clark , Jun ior li l li , DOD M.uhews, ,., ... i, Gilbe rt , Claude Cum­mingJ, Monnie Cummings, Ztkt hlrt , Bill Purcell , Mikt Sh.w, Frankie ROSt, Phil AUt n, Lar..,. ShaD' nOll, lI.r..,. Wllliams Ind Lou C.rroll , lohn Plire is nOI plnurd.

... ery badly, and a 101 of homn wcre dUiroyed. The re we. e SIX homes at Red Spnngs, North Ca.­olin., Ihlt were destroyed) and th e~e /amiliu were un.ble 10 get federal as"5tan~e and had no 1011,11' ance on theu homes. t he Home Builders Associ· ation scm leI len 10 electrical ,0nll.(:(015 in North Carohn. 10 ... olunteer thei l se rvices 10 help Ihue Six fa millu. Our union conll.etor, M &. H Eieerrlc in Sanlord, North CarolLna, was the on]y clecuic.1 eomractor to vo]umeet .

Our Negolilling Committee has worked dili · gcmly 10 sC \ll c our connlel. At this wnung .n agreement has not been reached.

We lull ... ery !stile .... o rk in OU r IUns<hction. Union cont ractors seem 10 be more aClive biddin~ on jobl. M.ybe our fUlU le WIll be a ILtt ]e brightCT.

Remember, .nend your loc.l umon mec"",' As(NAnl McLEQD, P.S

Local Honors Graduating Apprentices LU. 558 {1 ,o,u,ulv,nb,rl l,em&'lp.l, SHEFFIE LD, ALA.-G reellngs, Brothers. On June 8, 1984, the )ATe 10. Ihe dec trlcal industry held i ts annllal Apprenticeship Awards Sanquel. The evem was held I I the Holiday Inn of Sheffield . Everyone a!tending had. greal t ime, and I must say thc food was Ihe belt sInce the banquel h.s been held I( the Ho]iday Inn.

Our guest speaker IhlS year was Mike Mo.gan, assistlnt commisslonCl of ilbor lor Ihe state of Al.bam •. MIke has been. good friend of labol 101 some lime Ind IS rul f.llhfu ] In .lIendlng OU I apprenucu hlp funcuons M,ke conglllulated the gradua!es upon !hell ,omple!ion 01 tbe progr.m .nd reminded Ihem 01 Ihe glUt reSpDnsibihucs Ihey Ire abou l to underrake Ind cballenged Ihem 10 keep up Ihe hIgh Slandardl of the tDEW.

BrOlher 001,1' Walkins, business manager for 558, impruscd upon the g,adualn the Import .n,e of giving Ihelr employers a day" Walk fall day 's pay, whkh II a pOml many of us lend 10 forgel. The only way lor us to remun employed is to keep our employelS In busincu.

Brothel lames " Bud" SlaCkl tock, ap prenlLceshlp direeror, inlormed 1,11 that the gradllating class wal anothe. outstandmg clasl and emphasized Ihe added dIfficulties Ihese apprenlicu lace. Wilh high un· employment many of Ihem had to work 01,11 of fu nsdlction and lome still hue lome hourslch 10 complele thc ll program.

Con,r. tubllon. 10 aU our app.enu,es on a fob well done, but speCla] conglalu]lIionS80 tO Srother Sryan L. Shentll fat be ln, Ihe reelpieD! 01 the William H. Pi,kcns awald 101 ou""nd;ng appren­tice . nd to Sla ther Daniel L. Haynes, .Iternlle. This .wald IS B'ven each yur 10 an app lentice based on sudes, clan attendance and job perform· anee. Each year it is • diltlcult deci,ioo the Ap·, hlp Commillee hu to m. ke, aod it is indeed, grea t honor to be the recipient 01 such. di5llngui,hcd ~ward.

We need to be working diligently to defeat Ron· aid Rugan in Ihe Novembcl elc'\lons. Org~nized


. ,

Thc graduatlog wiremen of Local 5S8, Sheffield, ~ Ala., 'n', Icft to rlSh l, row one, Michnl Ke nnedy, Dlvid Turoer, D.vid Y.IMr, Rud, Smith , Tim 1I0lcomM, ROOI]dThomplon, lOW 2, Jury Myrk", Danie] Haynel, Ter..,. , elfery., Pau] IrOOI, Slidle, Cook, Sry.n Sherrill , rowl , KclT)' Wright , Shannon Tidwell , W. L B]'C:""O,k, JI ., C.ry Rlekafd .od " Dlnny Tillie. NOI plc lu red il Brend. Sordef tll .

The gradUalin! linemen 'fe, left 10 riSht, Cr.ig Grissom, Dona]d 11.11, Charlet Robinloo .nd M .. ... Kennedy { in"ructor ~

labor ~urcly docln' l need 10 be saddled wllh four more years of hi. "union· busting" policlesl Re· me mber, i t ', up 10 UI to protect our Ii ... ellhood by euting a vale lor. e.ndidale .... ith a proven record of labor support rathe r than fals e promIses by I

mediocre aClo rt ]f you know 01 anyone who is nOt registe red to vote, p]eue urge Ihem 10 register. J.r t '~ all remem her thaI labor unlODS ale supporting ... ceruin candldalel who arc bvorable 10 the cause 01 o.ganized labor, and we arc organbed ].bor. ......


Contract Voted On; "Rat" Patrol Begun L. u. S6' 11,0,u,cm,ns,s~&.ml ), SAN DIEGO, CAL-' Unemployment m this loc.] union hal severe]y burt our Srolheu, Sil ters . nd !.hCII families. au,.. union 's in,ome fell to • record low due to 10111 wages. Who did we 10K our wages tol The non· umon e]ectricianl in the San Diego CounlY As we have scen Ihe work m Ihis arca per/armed by the non-unIon men, the ume 10 "pay the pipe." arrived. The membership faced liS toughest momenl when the IllSt eonuict proposal WiS presented In No· vember of 19SJ. ThaI contracr offered 11,1 tbc i".iJt w!lCmcn was rcjecled, and Ihe procu' of negoti .... lIions began In carneS!. The early proposal ,on' talned the members opposed. The .ides wele dlawn for sia months of ncgolillionl. Many long days and aU·ntght lenlons resulted in • conllact acceplable 10 tbe voting wiremen. Truly, the ,once5sion • • nd wa8e CUIS are nec:cs5lry 10 . lead the fight 101 our rij!:.lttful p]aee in the elec: tri(:l] c.onsuucrion marketp lace. The .eal inue WII !.he,. fUIUrt 01 this loca] San DlelO has • need fo de,trici.n •. Union elec:lIiciaD' lie actively inte. · elled in .egamin! the work ]OSt 10 Ihe KIM. Acceptance of the cont r.ct was a c1car IIp.1 10 management that our eommilment II firm. Man· agement 's reaction . hou]d be increased bidding 10 a new competitive mlnner.

BUI paying Ihe pipe r was nOI simply working out Ihis 'Onnact. A dues Increase 10'11 nccesufl' ... 10 meet Ihe union', expen,es. A reduelioo in

Page 49: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

'CIVIt<'l wu not de'l lcd by the voun, mcmbcnhlp We Clnnot I~c k lr Ihc pmbJeml be,"! UI wllh , .eductlon In naff The IUrlld lctlon muu be policed and Ihe scabs must be found) we needed Ihe dues

'"( mcrean 10 pro"'lde thc busmcss agenu and offlu ~raff for runlllng an effleltnl locil Ulllon

t Thue reeeOI monrhl h .... e nOt been all gloom and doom Voluntee. efforu .nulted In the II.rl of. Community k'Ylcn Commutee .nd the !'JOSlu ... e mWI' Up06UIt Ihll loc.1 desc ..... u "UIIIOII deemCI.n" wu hu.d o ... cr udm .nd .lllhltc TV 111110ns 10 IhlS lown Molt effo/II of th,s lund

.. WIll he lp us sWllllthe pendulum buk 10 ulllon's Side Our Leg"lluye Committee wo.hd h.rd In

Ihe fune primary and II prepared 10 w01k eyen ' ha rder again" Rugan ,n Noyember

The PICIIIC of lune 9 wu • success eyen as a BYOB type of ouun" .nd I new prOleel wu sralled 10 lune called lob Cheeks or "1.1 p~lroll ,. These lOb checks go OUI spoladlCally and are manned by voluolCe", The checks lie Iwofold Our union

\.. Brolhen who go 10 Ihe lit Side are 0010' 00 notice, Iht IB EW '5 wllchlllg and Iht questlonahle meth

.ods of lome of OUI COntraClors ale al)o open to #,Clulln y The welfare Ind fUlllre of Unlun elect" clan, wI/I be protec ted ~ litt le h1l m(>rC by thue lob check,


Fmally. I'd like IU thank the NegoliaLlnl Team fO I tbelr hard work during dtfflcult umes Unul OUI ne~1 .uue


Piclured, Ifft 10 light , •• e Bu. intu M.n'Sfl C.rr, local SI I , Morrb lown, N. I., Bill Whipple Ind BU5;nen MuaSfl Ron Pinion" tht Powder Mill

- pick" I;ne.


Rennl relirce Ro y McDowdl i, §hown un his lU I .. lob n AUIOmal;C Swilch.

Picket Line Turns Job Around L.U. <;'1 11 &' 01, ,'1 0 RRISTOWN. 1\.1.- Thn puc

.. Maya p,ckel hne WH Cilled on Ihe Powdel M,It ,ob un Rouce 10 In I'Jrs,pl'any Th" picket hnc

.... a "mU!I" fur ullr locII u,"on. becau,e Ihe lub ,n quesILon WIS Slcuated ,n the middle of Ollr ,e. mory III fuJI Y,eW of mlny da,ly tommUlen, some of whom arc mloy local B.01hus The COn­II~Clor had o"g,nally ~Krtcd to usc un,on elecm ~lln' bUI had a sudden 1051 of memory when the lob broke The lefore, on Ihat day en May, I ptckel wllh ovcr JSO local BIOlhers and olher ISEW mcm bell wu fo rmed ,,6.00. m By 8 00. m Buslllcn Manager Bert Can Tepolled thaI the CUllllaClor had ~erb. lIy agleed 10 110 IlIIIUn

Acuon hke the Powder Mill JuekCl hne ., nee· cuny to IU ln the tIde aplllSt non·Unlon mAl " I lion tn lO OUr lenLlory, CoopeTalion fr om Ihe mem­bershIp IS vllal 10 • bU5incn .gcnt when he ca ll . a picke t hne. Thl ' coopera lion showl the power 01 oul o.gan.utcon and will make the non'un,on people thlllk tWice aoout oo'n!lobllll OUl lClI1tOry The bU' lness alen l', lOb .Iso bteomu nllcl know' 'ng he c.n b"'e uye l JOO men on • pickel hne by 600. m. on I gl ... en day

The Iuly meeILng"''' dedlCalCd 1U Charlie Cne, ,,·ho I, felLII'" th" yu. Charhe IS • lo'mer pruldenl of Local 5R I and w,lIlong be remembeled fo r h" oUlspoken commcnn II ulI10n meeting' At thIS wltt'ng Charllt" hyeng comfortably lome where in flonda, probJbly ral5mg hell wnh hiS fellow ,e!Heu We w"h Charlie the beJI of luck In hi, rc""menr

The Seplembe, gencral mtcung w,]1 bc:dedlcalCd to recenl .eurce Roy Mco.;,well Roy hn been around a lonl lime and reccnll~ ended htl long Carte. willie worltlnSII Aucomatlc SWL/eh In Flor ham Park. We also w"h the be!1 of luck 10 Roy In

hll rememenl Eleellun ILmc I~ ne~r, and II', very Im~ortanl for

~II our Brothers ~nd thell famliLes tu Vote In

November When VOILI,[\. remembcI that Ronald Rcal\~11 has eroded unionism and wurkers' "ghll mOle Ihan any preSident In hiStory Reapn hat ~ccomph5hed thll elOitOn on every poulble Ie! Islallve level from the Supleme COUrt 10 the N. Ilonal Labol Rel.lloM Board down In Ihe local Ind IA" TrafRc ConcrnllCl~1

MI<.1IAU S£N". P S

Replacements Needed For Committeemen L.U. S., Inl. IA,'1AI CA, N. Y.-Conrinued 10flle from luly '55Ue entuted. 0.;, You Want to Keep Your lob'" In !.he Iulr ,ssue. I louched on I very senoul coaccrn, thlt of SOmeOne else dOLn, our deCl"Clans' wOlk Stnce thai IIl1elc ."peared. we have had a number of our membelllllbmLl cI~lm' to OUI office thtougb Ihell commllleernen These claims were agamSl general foremen. qual"y con lIul, track depallment and car ,nspeClor" all of whom were dorngou, e!tell'C1.n,' wOl k ThIS mUll SlOp, and" wtll StOP If III of OUI members repoll thete VI0laUOn5 10 IhClrCOmnlllleemen In rellllOn 'u Ih,s, I would hke 10 commend OU I new com mmerman for ro.d Cif deemcl.ns. 810lhel II. 0 Morn$, and our other road ca. rleClutlans for plumpt IClLon ,n thl, a, ca, keep up Ihe 1I0od wo. k'

Plule follow Ihe neW ufety ploceduIC ., Oll t lined 11\ the lette r ,hit was di$tnbucctl by your Cl1t1lm'uecman It hu been Inled, .nd II works

Lets go behmd the ,cenes 10 I\IYe Ihanks 10 some of our membels who do nOI hold any officl.t office, bUI who uc alw.ys ,here to hd" when necdr.! These BrOlhen Ire Edward Heldenllch, Iblold Nanmt •. Bob Ennl, Tony Te..,lIerf. loe AUl', Thomas Aillmo. BlUce Kn~tr, Rlchald Ru btl. lu.n Gomez, lohn itend,en, Robert Van Wall Bob Sch,lI and o.;,mmlck FcrcUo

An unnpeeted change recently ,ook pl.ce down m Lonsisiand CIlY w!ten our new committeeman, Blolher L~IIY OIXOn, who took office ,n lune replacml Bmlhe. Anlhony BuM. WIJ bumped Th,s WI) unfortunate 101 OUI memben 11\ L1C. because Bltllhcr D,x<)fl had leundy attended h,s Onenta 110n da» Howucr, these Ihonp do h.ppen M.ybe our members In LIC un penuade ,umeone else 10 rakf hIS place

Who w!1I be: Ihe ncw comml1lccman ,n Blooklyn Shop! As uf Ihls wltlLnll, no one hn come forth to rcploce Brother R YO!t who, hy the way, replaced 8,0Ihe. C Alamy

A, Ihe end uf lune. 1~!I4. IIrnthcr S 1'lanka.Iuc:.1 chaumn ul Ihe Sub!lrallun DCparllnCnl deCided 10 hid , posillon h"the. eastward, 101 whtch I rcally can't blame hIm Consequently. he w.1I no 10n)/;er be a ..... lahle 11\ ItlailOn tu Ihe body of OUI mcmbc ... Wh,le In office BrOlhtl PLlnka \hd a fine lob, howcver, "'e w"h h,m well We do not have, aI 'h" wlllm" • replaeem~nt for IIru lher P,anka, althuugh we hayc 1('11 nOILces IU all headquart, .. requu tlllS One. In my d'scuss'on~ w,th many of

our S'Othell In Ihll DcpUlmeDl, one problem tn Rlhnl Ih" posilion was common 10 aU aod Ihat was d"hng wll h one speCIfic luper""sol. 1 person aJJ~ do nO I hIYe Iny p.oblem5 ,n dealm, wilh him We may not al w'YI Igrce; however, I have nol found hIm co be vllldlcl1ye 11\ any way, and I am ,UIC th,s lime ChataclcrulLc 10',11 be pISsed on 10

oor new local ehaLfman, whoe ... er U IS I am eO<! fldent Ihll by Ihe t,me th'5 arucle 'rpears, We 10',11 have a ICplacement Why IS II e"y 10 find ..,mnme who CIIIICI:O a commmeemln, bUI hard 10 find tomcOnc to .("Iue hIm 1

Keep OUI union ,trong-look OUI fOI uch mhel lOll'" A C"GGIANO. GEN CtlMN

Members at Work

Shuw" in Ihi) P; C! U' f Iff mem,",,, of Local 636. TOlonlo. Onl .• IfconduCl0Ii.". 27.6· KV circuil 10. Windsor Util i/itl. Thf linfmen Illlhe buckCl) ar c S!Cwall frail CU. KeD lcmm;ns. Norm ... Bett· t tli and lohn Ad.m

Brother Willey Mourned; Progress Meeting Attended L. U. 616 !u .. ~ , tpa"'"l, TORONTO, ONT.-Blothtl Conlon Roy W.lley of Loc.1 6J6 wu ktlled in • mOlOr aCCident whIle WOrklll' on May 11, 1984 Coldon wu. 25 year employeeof Buricn!lon lIydro and wu I membe. of the ExeeuILye Com· mltteeOfUnLlNo I. Local6J6, IBEW Our deepest .ympalhy goes out to h" fam,ly He w.ll be glut ly mls5Cd

On lune 19, 20 and 2 1, 1984. I a"cnded Ihe CenIL.1 Canada Prosres!l Mectlll~ at the Weslbury lIuld In TUlOn lO Aho ,n utendance from Local 636 were IIrOlheu L Barr, bU5111eS5 manager, II. Wochnk', ISSlstant busmul managel) BAlian, U5,,"nt bU1111en manl,er. M Sulllyan, R Mar lall, and B,II DonOYin A~ Ih .. "'as my ft ' SI Prope,. Meelln" I wu Implused wllh the strle. format Ind present.lton of the 'gend.

Imcrnll10nll Vice P,u,dent Ken C Rose opened thf MceILn! and Aue a "cry SlImuJaun, speech which Pye eyeryone III attendance ..,mcthin, to think .boUI Some of the top'CS covered were the h.,h unempluymenl 10 the conStrUCllon IIIduscry commUIIIClllon wllh OUI members muSI be III creued. buy C.nadlln made producu and help 001 outseIY(J, no cuts Or concess,ons he.:o ~ ~Iyen up by .ny loc.lln Ihe IlIEW 11\ C.nada,. Ihe «ood lupon)e of the loc.l, wuh Ihe" eonrnbulIOlls Ir 10 Ihe MS Socltlr" • fi,m commllmenl 10 bllnl W Ihe 19~6 ISEW Con ... cnlLon 10 TOfomo and • pe ~ IIl1un 10 be Signed by all members 10 0ppos<!' Ibe W

dercKuJal10n of C.nada'i rclcphone syuem Also ~ ,n Ulcnd~ncr we.e Internallonal Trcuurcr Tom w Varl Ar,dale Ind Harry ch,ef SOhClIOI (fl

I.,,,n the Mlnl"ry uf Labour -j

Other new, on Ihe local SCene Bro,hers B Rhoda ~ B Gallln and Bob Edwud5 audited the book. fOI Ir the pellod end'ng May .)t, 19B4 Everylh,nx was §: found In very Sood Older ThiS monlh", Wlllnt! of , the lut SO-SO Culf Tou.namen, duw wn D,ane O!: Boyle of TOIOnlO She II our bookkeepel .11 !.hf W office of Local 636 !!!

Un ILl ne .. lime HA1I.OU) G V"NeE. P S 47

Page 50: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


Officers Elected ; Scribe Visils Louisville LU. 640 II,U,tPl ,rlb ,IIIt.lpal, PHOEN IX, ARIZ-­AI I p.omi-.ed in my lau Inide, helt i • • list of 0\11 newly cluud offlte ... Tbuc II no doubl Ibl' IhcK men h .... e their b.nd. full lor the nUl few years. ~I " ,II .,Ind behmd them .nd IIYO: Ihem thc,uWOlllhlllhcy well deH:""t. Co~I"ullllons 10 me 10110wlOI Pru,denl Ed "Dutch" Vln Ess, BUI'OUI Mln1ler/Flnanc,al Secretary lerry Tracy, T,ta,ultr ,.d, Redmond. Vice Pruldent W,rrcn St.nle)" Encuuvc Board mcmbcn Emit Cllllicl, Arnold Villa~rd(', M.chKl Popebn, 01 Ant. (..cIT)'

WUhn",.m, Bob Kur:. .nd Ch.rln Selb, bam­uno, Boud mcmbc:n Pit Schuh, Cary Wynn, 11m Clln, Clyde Thorn., and John Meier

On June 28, 1984 nr;llrlyl,500 olilitandm, YO­caliOft.1 Iludellll, who arc members of Ihe VOCl­lIonallndu$triat Clubt 01 AmeneaIVIC"!, partic­Ipated 10. umque event Tlul WIJ VICA'. Unned StatuSkl1i OlympIc. Ind took place It LOUisville'. Kenlueky fllr"ound, ll1d Eapf,)'"liun Cenler. Ilcre Ihey demQnJuilted their UpeUIN: 10 38 dlfferenl trade, lechnical and lcadenhlp skill CQmpeuuon$ Workln, apmu Ihe clock, one another and Ihem· Idvu, theN: IUle ehamplQns proved thell "ucel· lence in action" throur;h thell job skill 10 such dlverK fields IS 'nduluial electrOniC" pled,ion mleh,n.n&, pcr"'nal and hullh ure KrVlces and con.trocllon ulde.

The contutl I,. c31clully planned by techntcal CQmmlllees made up 01 lep,eKntalLVU QI laOO. and manl,ement Ind lie dui",ed In tUt the skills needed fOI I .uceusful performance 10 • ,Iven occupational field Local 369 of LouiSVille, their local fAI L and members 01 the NI!CA all look pili in lpon.onn, Ind JudStn, the elecUleal po •. liQn 01 the event There we.e 51 conte' lInlS 10 Ihe electrical Illde. ponion Icplesenun, III 50 stlln, Pueno RICO Ind Ihe VI1~1O bland, Ken Peru, a ,radultin, hilh &Chonl IcnlDl ,1 the AVC in Photnul lep.uented AllzQna 10 thll evenl Ken pllced nimh 10 Ihe conlell bUI nOI withoul S, • sood demonUlltlon 01 h., IllenlS On luly 18 Ken had an IntcrvlCw with our IA TC As 01 thll wrillnl we do nOI know Ihe OUlcome, bUI hopefully he will be one 01 OUr new Ipprcmleu Nut ycar Photnl'" Will be hOlllnll this .nnuII event with all

UNION LABEL WEEK September 2-l!, 1984

\.INlOI'I v.KL ANO $(0MCe t"'"ou DfP"''''To.o('''T ,.,~-coo .-.

(onlnu beml uh.bned at Ihe C,VIC Cenle. Stnee I watfonunate enour;h 10.lIend Ihllevent ,

I alfO was Ible 10 check on .ome of the lunoundlns union halls only to find OUI WII Ihell wOlk .IIU auuo I' In the "me prCdlu.menl a. ourl Lou" Ville, Kenlucky, hIS I membership of IpprolU­mllely I,OOOwuhJ80men on Ihe booIu CmClnI\lU .. OhIO, Itcms 10 be hav101 I eonurutuon boom espcellll y 10 Ihe downlown "C', only 10 be mlesled wnh non· UnIOn COI1I1.ClOrs. Pllt lbu,p, Penn.yl· Vlnll, •• lito lOin, Ih.our;h. IIlnllllOO penod but unable 10 keep meLl own membe" employed Whal Ihe wOlk 11Iuauoo IS funhf. CUI I wu OQI abl~ 10 check. If .ny of you Blo.hUJ Or Sl"~" pl.n nn 801n1 batk U.lI! 10 wOI k, [ would definHely havf one of our Ilenl$ call back 10 VInous local. 101 you belort you an unnecCl"ry Inp

I wanl 10 lhank Blot her jimmy WIII,.ms, prn Idenl of our local chapler 01 Ihe Golden A,e RQ,ldrunners for belnl Iheu suest at lut month '. bruklul I .cally en,oyd mytelf .nd 101 to Ke mlny .etlled members thl! I haven 'l teCn for. number 01 years. Even my llood fnend, fred LQve, drove down from the Chmo Villey IIU 10 like pl rt .n Ihe Icsuvl1lcs. ASIde lrom I dehCloul blUkfasl , Brolher Wllhanu even h .. a vallety of entertainmenl The nelll &chedulcd meellnl will be held in Oclober. Remember , new members ••• always welcome regardlUI 01 what local union you come from

We have .lso been saddened by Ihc loti of Blothers Royal Sullivan, R.y Chupp and Vernal S<:h.fller OUI prayers Ind condolences lie u · .cnded 10 the famlhu of Ihue Rne Brolhu •. They will be "ully mlsKd by all

In eonclUJIOn, I would hke 10 con~IIUlaIC B.othe. and MI~ . Ken Mains on the binh of I bllml new lnby 1111 Good 10. you, Ken

Unlll nut month .cnlember, Ihtnk safclY tlch and every d.y

IV.. y J>oUSll:Y, P 5

Scribe Questions Lack Of Meeling Attendance LU. 654 (i), CHESTER, PA.-Let'. wmc scrious Ihour;hllbout atlendlnce al OUllocal unIOn meclinp Our Kcond meellnl. of the month duro 10, the summcr wele canceled II they han been on OCCasIOn, SQ leI 's take 11m on S<:PICmbel

Cllnted, the .e an many members wOlkinl Out of the I .ea or on nl,hl IhlflS .nd not able 10 ICI 10 Ihe meeungs) thcse arc undellllndable rUfOnl Thele may be wme 51aymll home with the kId. while Ihen wives lie workln" n mlny hive had 10 do smce RUlln Pos"bly cvcn fOme famIly 01 soclIl eHnt fall on meenns mr;hl, bUI not necn"nly every m«lInl nlShl

I suppose I could devote In tnute Icltel 10 UCUICS .nd Itill not cove. Ihe one you have, fO lel '5 tUU let on With II

You .ud In the papers and KC on TV all the thlnlS ' wronl" wllh union. lod.y, yel none 01 Ihem men lion attendlnce of the UOlon members It theIr umon meelln81 To me th.s IS Ihe blgl!ll buh with umons loday Th~ umon cannot be wllboullhe union membe.

11 cannm luntliOn pfOpelly wllhout people Union people II the'l meeunls itll!entnl I!lenllnly, con mbullnl p<7IlUvciy, JUPJIQlllnl or d'"PPIOVlnl a, IS Ihell nvu_ They cannol do Ih" II hQme There IS nO loll fret" number for a yet 01 no vore There lie no proxy or IbKnree VOtU

Oh, Ihey 'll come 10 vOle at localuOlOll eleclion., moulh Why/ How can ,ou come and honntly VOle when you have hllie Or no Idea what went on SmCc Ihe last IImc you wue the .e thlee yeart "10 lor CletllOn nlghtl Why don 'l you 10 to your umon meellnls / Arc you emhauused .OOUt IIlnd 101 up and l peakinl YQUI piece. " I Cln'l gel up Ind talk in front of a bunch 01 people " "Meellngille a waste of lime, if I !aId 5IlmelhlnK, they would keep doml whit they wam al1ywI)' "

These excuses ale so much bull "They," In thIS case, a.c you. fellow memhers lilting Ihere IS the body, the conllolling fo rce In your union, and it i. up 10 you 10 be "art of thll fo rce. Whll you lily could be beneflcill and lit pUI lnlO p. aclke, o. It

may . UI I thoupi III aoothe, luull1nlln • better idu, and you hIVe contnbuted. Thllunnot happen If you lie not there. Suppose everyone ftll hke you, Ind no one .howed lor Ihe mteunlJ when you helld of II you probably would hllch we '. 10ud"l.

You may nOI hk~ whar you rcad 10 thIS lener~ If nOI, then 11 m.y deflnndy peruln to you


Work Picture Still Gloomy for Local LU. 659 11,o,u,emlLetu'I, MEDfORD, ORL­Summer shpped nshl up on US ap'", but there" . ,ull very hllie conllruCllon in thll IOCII UOJon Ahhour;h the "IS lie • problem, our bl"ClI prob· Icm Itcml lrom iDlelUt IIt(l bei", so hir;h Wilh Ihe m'lonty 01 industry here belfll umber·related, Ihe unemployment Is reilly hIp and wilh not much 10 look low"d .n thc fUlure. The lid part " that 50 many people have c:rPlled IhclI benefltl'" and SQ are nOI on Ihe lolls 15 unemployed, te ·

couDling tOI Ihe fllae Images in the pIU. 80th hne and inside Irades boob lie pretty

loaded. A few wile men arc OUI on the new fred Meyel pr01ect m Ro~buTJI. Th.s lob will prohlbly Inp Out a l dr;hl 01 100, alw, I rell,emenl home should hire toon but only I rouple of men there mosllikdy. Our Brolhelllle still JC.Ille led 10 the fOUl winds. •

Uulitie. ,cally .ppell to be IIghtenma their belli. !..ou of e • • ly letirements, no new 'ppren'" lice., elC. City crcw. Irt: f,c lng lIyoff. beCIUK of Ihc shorta,e 01 bud,etl. II Il wayt Kern, odd how Ihey still need thc lime number of "ehiel." r~· p rdless 01 how many " Indians" lie cu t loote.

By the ume lor our next article, I .hould hive Ihe results flom our IOCII'. elec"on of ofRcer •• nd .. will le t you know whQ won what ro-ition. AlfO, Will try to COvel YOIll olficers It Ihe diffe ren t umll, bUI thl! will prob.bly uke a lew more I n kle •.

On Ihe safely .ide, B'omer Bbckie MeCu.dy, who i . Ihe Itlte u lely inspector, i, retiri0lio Ihe nnr fUlure . He has done such a Rne job in the pasl 11",1 hc .... iII be Irudy misSoCd. To add to the problem, Ihe IUle II ralklDI of not repltCtnl him because of bud,CI CUIS or whltever. He wll alrudy ove. lolded with wOlk on the job, leI .Ione cUltin, the pDSLlLon alror;elher. 1f you etn't .fford .. fety, _ whit can you alfo .dl Hopefully, the powert Ihl! be will see the lIr;ht ., Kve,,1 loul. lie workln, on th •• problem. Rep.rdlclS, OUI con"lIulllion .nd Ihanks 10 to BI.ckie fOf the fine job he hit done tbrouth Ihe yur~

Hope thi' find. everyone well, Ind SCt OU t to YOUI unil meel;ns •. It'. only once I monlh, .nd like we've .. Id before, " It ', your loeal." AllO, remember Ihe " union." lie all craiu rconU Nctioo .. lied wUlkc"., .ulu,5, teKtlles, clc.l, 10 lei OU I Ind support them. _

Be Ament.n- buy Amencao, be umoo-buy umon

1-IA7.oI.D' !tuvt, P.S

New Contract Won; Work is Picking Up LU. 666 (iaol, RICHMOND, VA.-The bit: IIew, Ih .. mODlh. .ccord'nllo BUSlOest Mana,e' W.E.~ " Buck" Bryanl, II .bout 0Uf new C()flUICt. " Both Sides ma& «tDCCUlom IIDd worked hard 00 ehao,gct" 10 mike QUI tegmenl of Ibe mdullry more com· peuuve." He wenl 00 to $,I.y that JOrio, 10 the ne80lIltlOIII he hd receIved lette,.. nf termination lrom nine contrattQII. " We dldn'llose. one. They .. all "Ined tbe a"eemcnt," he Slid No one liket 10 I've up w'le., Inngc. 01 workin, condi tion%;. We can let Ihem blCk, bUI fifst we have 10 le i back Our work. New contract chanIn mly be of i<)me help, but mouly ii's up 10 you OU I on the iob sile', Put youl training to good Ule You don't have to work hl rder, just Imarter ,

Buck and Anluanl Businu l Mana,er WI)'ne Stallald offered addilional neWI and vIew •. Work' II picktnS up, bUI there is 11111 100le unemploy· ment . 1U51 abou t 100 pe, cenl of the loe.l. 11_ p.It'dpan" In Ihe Reciprocal Health and Welfare

Page 51: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

Plan " Wt art alW cncour~,cd Ihal Ihe lDEW Rec'p.oul PenSIon Plln " off Ihe "ound and moym, tOWltd 100 percent rart,c'pillon "

Summe r fun, l\ih 'n, ami umpln' tnp$ I.e about ~ ave. Now'. the lime 10 mark you. c. lcndar- the

first Fnday of each monlh Oon't be hke the &IIY who uked, ''Wlut '~ Ihey try.n, 10 do down Ihe.eI"

.. The answer " , " Why don t you 1:0 down the.e and lind OU t " Be an aCIt¥f ralllCtpanl In you. local', dcc ls.on mak.n, r.oce .. Ancnd the meetln,s

O,d you know Ih" you have mo.e than one votel You do, .f you un cunYlnee lam. ly and !n ends 10 becQme 1(,ls.ercd yo te •• and to ~Qte fOl

... !nends Qf labor It '. n.Ce .0 havc • p,uldent who SIde! us, bu t II " mo.e Important It) have

. con,rellmen and le"sblo", who • • e .ymp"helic to wa,e-earne", Businus Mana,e l Bryant saya ./ you don' t knQw who our !nend, Ire, cal! h.m

We mOurn the p .. SID, of BruthelS Tom Fr«man, II" who wu fatally .nlured In a ca. c. uh, and Auh.ey HQbson, who had endurrd mny years of ,lIness I dIdn't know Tom Yery wcll, but I met

, Aubrey m 19J7. Aubrey wu a free 'PI III In h" youo,e. yUrt, hut mellowed IDto qU lle I rh.I", ·

.. ophe. later on Alwav. I colo. /ul ch • • aCler , he wu proud Qf htl rcpulluon II I flu, du. conlrol man TQm and Aubrey w.1I be m.ned The hs t of s .. : k and dlubled would fill Ih" column Wo.d, don't mUn much at I timc of . uHerm, and ,nef, hU I I bc:he~e In the power of p.avc. And I "'~lIe tho,e who agree to loin me In IntC. CeUlOn

•• Fmally, Wayne Stallard, wh" i, the sec.etaty of the 10IRt Appren ticuh.p CommUlct, uy. the lAC

" apPlcciar c5 the lellc" of IUrpoll w"nen by tou. · oeymen who work with Ihote arp. cntlces who ha~e failed .ellted tn. t,uCllOn He uyl the Com· mlllee would hke tQ lIet Ihe iUjlport of lourneymen ,0 coun~hn, apprenllees 10 do belle. 10 Khool Then they wouldn '. hue to Wille the leuers'

!.. Xc you nut m","h RA~'!"" M Ro.uan, P S

• On the Job

I Bob Koch ... t , Loc.I668, Laf.yellf , Ind., 's pl( lu.ed,; up • (0011'1 on .he llarlu~ '(mOil f l iob 10 1

·Slnbo.o Elu uie.

I. Travelers Should Apply

~ For Vacation Money L. U. 668 (i,u,ru •• paJ, LAFA YEllE, IND.-Anen­IIQn n .vehn, B.mheu The.e art $Orne 01 you Ih.t wQ.ked in 668', JU Il .\lLeuon a few yean b.ack .hll lef. ","hout cl01101 OUt you, VIClllon Fund Ihn

I " 'as deducted frQm yo". cheek •. The bank clOlts -u,,' tnaCli~e accounll aftr r • frw yea.s, .nd the

I mo"ey 'OCS IQ the IlIle lIenury As lun II IImcs _ He now, I WQuid think you would rather hIVe Ihe

money than let Ihe ,oyernment hne II The n · canon accounu curremly .,e wllh Purdue Na· u " Bank of lle,20 1 Macn Su eet, Bo" J8O,

L. Lafayene, Ind.anl 47902 PIlO' to five yea .. '10,

I the neallOn money WIS tn Lafayelle NauQtlal Bank. Sth aDd South SlIeelJ, Laflyeue, Indllna

1"47902. 'tou ,hw!t,1 have .eceived.n Iccount num·

I ber Wllhin • mon th o. 10 dte. thc leCQum WIS opened. That w, lI be helpfu l 10 ,ettln, your money

The IOCII .eeelved tWO CQmmunlly Servtce Aw. rds a t tht (Qurth Annu.1 UOlQO CQunsc!Qr C •• dullioo Banquet that i. PUt on by Ihe North

I" West Cenllal L.bor CQunei! . nd Unhed WIY. One was from the North Cenu.1 Llbor Counc.1 for Ihe

,.Jocal uniQn that mlde the beu Ule of the Food Sank .nd Communh y ScrvicCi. Thc other WII

Honored --- ----

Di. pb ying thf .w .. d. Local 668 .(uived II Cfnual Labol·United Way Banque t fo. communilY I .. ... ieu Irf , lelt III . i,ht , Ra y Simpi lln , Eutll li ..... SQI.d m .. mbe. ; Bernie Demclly, Irfal ure. , Ralph Harris, bus inu , man~8cr ; and Randy Thllmp.OII , leeo.din, and prus $(e.el • .,.

from Ntw Dlree l.ons Rehab.htalllln Cenle! I". Ihe labor dona ted 10 urvade the eleculc at the Centc. The only d.uppomtm~nl of th .. f~t",n, w .. . hal nOne of the memb.:n thlt f(> gratuitous ly &I~e 01 thtu tLme tQ Ihese proleCII wele r te ... nt .Q cnlOy Ihe eyemng an.! pal takc of Ihc dellCIOUI mnl

n .. Unlnn meelm" are down to .bout 8 Jltrcen t PUUclpatlOn now CQme on, guy •. let 'I take. lillie mo.c pride

Unlll next lime. "They ,.y 15 Q/ten pro~ed • har"; and ' ·He who endulCI wllh p,"ence IS a cllnquc.or ..

RA"n~ T!I" '!I'~N, P S R S

OHicers Elected ; Golf Tournarnent Held L U. 681 \i 8;. f ml, COLUMB US, OIllO-Local6SJ BUftnesS Mana,er and Financial See.ellry M L "Joc·' Hoo,·e. won r«lcctmn .n a u. loc.1 umon el«lIoo hdd lune 14 Terry N.codcmu~ WIS elected p.eSldent. Charlie Lelbll:w; k. le(Qldm, secretary, and hm Clatk, IICUure. L ... b.ock and Clark ran unopposcd Elcelfd IQ the becunY( lI<>,rd we.e Paul LeIbrock, Cltm Lan" Paul Do .... y, Larry Doe.sam. Bob Honnold and MIke PILutas Hud! ObILen, Bnan Hugbu and MIke Conley we.e elected to the,g BoarJ TIm Lu( u , lI<Jb Dicken duhe. and rau l Le.brock wele clcclcd 10 IQIR Busmen Manager Hoove. as delC,atCl IO the 1986 mEW Con~cnl1on In a runoff flccllon held luly 5, PJt Cu ceH. W,lS elected ~Iee prUldent

Our Ann"al Chuck BI. nd Mem{)rlll f •• h Fry wu held I"ne I The wrathN wa, per/eci ~nd e~eryone '~emed 10 eOlDY hlmsclf Sc r ~IO' on the F.,h Fry c"mmHlee WCle Challm.n Paul Oo, JCy, Ellt l A. men llOU!. loc Wnpl, lerry Wllters, P.ul LeIbrock, Bulldog lenklOs, Denny Kllhlu. Carl Sted. Senll


Loc~1681 , Cll lumbu5, Ohill , El tet ion ludge Ceol, f Ferras, ligh. , .uds the Clf clilln luulu loom Local 683 '. lunf 14 el ec tilln . PluldfMl Wah fr SChWI"l loQks On. Reeo.din , Stcre'"f GfO. gt ""' ... nt. , , it . lin" .ecords Ihe . u ulu . Schwall' and Wr,ne, did n(ll Iftk Ift lfetio n.


Loc~1 68J Go lf LUlut 11r ~ ... ound winne .. , left 10

ri,ht , u" Miio;r Schffi, Lft CrciSlow .IId Ror Ht lml. Nllt shll ... n: Ralph landfU.

'ohnson, Ralph lo.d,,, and Jerry AgrLclt The C, aftsman Opcn, ou. annual IQII tQurna·

m~nt bctwc~n the Elcc tllClanS and Ihe Plumhcrl ~nd Stcamflll~" III Columbus, ... as hcld ' une 9 II lnd,~n Run Enl Golf Course There were92 golfers who palllcipatcd Bob Pnton won low graft wLlh a 72, and Denm. N.codclnus WQn low nCI wLl h a S6 H.r;h score hQnou wenl 10 I Plumber AI usuII the declllCtanS won Chel Shay It the chILrman of the Craftsman Oren

AI the lime of Ih l5 "'""nl, Ihe Loul6SJ Softball r--------------------------------------- ·,


Address CHANGED? ! Brothers and Sisters, we want you 10 have your JOURNAl! When you' have a change of ad­dress, please let us know. Be sure to in· clude your old address and please don't forget 10 fill in L U. and Card No. This information will be helpful in checking and keeping our rec­ords straight.

H you h.". ch. focal union., w. mu.t h.". numb.,. 0' both.

NAME . .. ...... ...... I I NEW ADDRESS ••••......•.....•.••..•••••••••••••• I

... , ...... ................ ..... .................. . C, ty ZI" Code I i

I PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO ....••••.••••••••••••••• I ffi CAAD_ ........ ..... ..... II ~w

III UMcn_n - c""c_ .. , r~ LOCI I Unlonl ..:;

I ii: I w

PENSION MEMBER o OLD ADDRESS . • • . . . . .. ••••••••••.•..•.••.•••••••• I m

1,,-...... ell; ............... ·S;~I; ............. 2;,,· ~ ... I z


Mail Te· Cimlali.1 Departllleat InterutiDul Brettmhud If Electrical WIRen 1125 15tb Strut, •. W~ Wash.,t .. , D. C. 2DDD5

l iE I ., I I " ~---------------------------------______ I

Page 52: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


l um IS In firsl pllCt In Ihen le~,ue The learn 1r~vtltd 10 Delton 10 pUllelp~le In the !HEW Tournamenl houed by LOI:al58 on luly 14 .nd 15

In Columbus .... e ~.e ag~m plannln8a huge Labo. Dlyeeleb.atlon There wIll bo: ~" un Mond"y mornlnp,. I "Pig PII:klng" In the .fternoon Ind 01,1 1

Innual "United Labol Night at the Columbus ClIppers" In the evcnmg Everyone IS invited

I un NrcooL\1us, hn


Prennt al the 1984 Annul Loul 684 . ModUlO. Cal .• Picnic 10 recdv' their ru' pin! "·,,t, Ittl 10 .igh l. Chit Wh il6eld, Boh Thompson. Gurge Uo­men, Bill Siglin, It. ry Gum) and Colton Robuu.

Winne. of Ihe door pn" d"winl't lhe ' knk wll SCOIt Whit6dd. left. Nut 10 him;~ Todd 'lirle k, who drrw Ihe ,.·inninl litkel, .n honor linn the e.ldut mtmMr prHent. Behind Ihem stand IIY l'Iowden, p.uidenl . and lui." Ki"~.,,on. (Utili in Bond chairman.

Local Holds Picnic, Pin Presentation LU. 6U {o.i8om!. MODESTO. CAL-Work In Ihls a.ea IS p'OJ;.e5$ln~ at I Hry "pld snlll'. PICC We aft ~ble 10 keep most of the men on Book I wOllung Once In a whll, I lob WIll sill' down to Book II

On June 13. wt had 01,1 ' Seventh Annual P,en,e Aglln It was held It Hcndcnon Puk In .!Inclhnl Th,. rUI's lifan "'as pOIluek HalS off 10 alllhOH .... ho prepared Ihc food h .... u IUIt ,rt~l, and boy, wu thc.e a lot of It Rick Bennc" and Stln Thorn hill PUI logelhe. I good bucball game Anyone who .... anted 10 played and had I good lime, Afte r everyonc had ulcn III they .... anlcd O. could hold. PresIdei'll Jay Bo .... den pused 01,11 ycar pinS Twenty­yu. Pin, w~ . ~ I\IHU 11,1 W4~"e Allk,&, AI Aunand, Bill Brewer. lerry Grami. Carlos He .. "rl, 11m Lu Ion, Ed McCown, Collon Robe • ., and Rusl Sargenl Twenly five y"" pinS went 10 Aldo Gamblnl AI nold GIbson. Bob H;mlhon. O rvillc Lemmons, Al Pllmc •• W,llud Ro$C, Funk Sdvcnl. I •. Chuck Strandwold and Bob Thompson Thi rty,yul pm. wCnt 10 Max Benlhall and Ch,c Whllfield Thiny , AVI'-y~~r I" n~ were given to Stanley Barrus. George Homen, Bdl Slghn and lack 0 ..

Afte. Ihe YUI·pln prUtnta\lon. a d . ..... ,nl: .... 15

held for tht door rnze. twO days and Iwo nt~hts Il'I Reno. Nevadl. o. S265 cuh Scott Whitfield • • on of ChiC Whufield. wlS .he lucky .... ll'Iner He clcctcd to takc the euh

Ailel Ihe unous busonus was .akcn cue 01, Loyd Juhla u .... 10 II Ihlt all ,he ehlldren had games to lake pan on Lots of prIzes .... e re given 10 the parllClpanu Thanks, Loyd. lor anmhe. good ,ob

We hope to sec III 01 you good penrle II Ihe pL~'''C n~U Y"4'

hVIN E EvAN~. I' S

Brother Voisine To Retire; Business Manager Back LU. 692 {i •• p' J, BA Y CITY , MICII.-Thc M,dland NucleI! Plant hid In orderly shuldown Tuesdl Y, lune 16, and all manual culu we. e Icnl home Consumers Powe. Company SlId II .... ,11 uncellhe MIdland pro,eet If It unnOl I csul~e liS dlffe.ences wllh the coalition 01 SllIe olfieul. opprning Ihe plant

lob urgellnll wllh lucal unIon and eonllactor. II wo.k,ng but It ~cry dlllkuh Maybe In time II

WIll wo.k mu' •• "",ulhly n •• "k )uU to cvtrynne who IS sfICndon& Ih," own urne uy,n, to make Ihu wo.k

B,olhel Tom VOl"ne II rellllng 1M Octokr Tom thinks for III Ihe tImr you donaled '0 all Ihe dlfferenl commLlleu th.ough the yu.s I pe.son Illy am ItOlnK 10 mIn yQU_ and I 1m sure all Ihe olhe. B.others lie too

Buslncn Mlna,. ... Flnyd Ynllng I~ hek m the office HII IlIrle h)'paSJ ,,·u suecus/ul and he ~YI he IS fcclln~ 1l00d 1U" Iryrnl 10 If! used 10 thc med,CI 1101'1

BrOlhcr Irv B~ue. look ca.t 01 Ihe olflce whIle fl oyd .... as hurng hIS bypass. Ind B.olher Robel! Ra,ewskl was also cllld upon 10 help Thank, Irv and Bob for helping floyd I'm Jure hc arprcell.u YOUI heir Ind urpon .. ·hlle he "'as hosr"ah:cd and on h,~ recovery p~lh

Apln .emembe. 10 VOIC' Hope mosl 01 ~our Iumm~' "'IS nler and,Jec

you all II Ihe mCClln!!,

Local Enjoying Full Employment LU. 100 (;.ol;.~pll. FT. SMIT H. AM"' .- Thc local deell~"" ,,~e. Brull..,. I.,,,c> ""-".,;I.t ... s cleCled 10 anolhel IClm I) bUSlnut manager .nd Brother Waller H'j!hl ...... eletld p'(5ulent Thue arc very IIYlnl IImfl. Ind I WIsh both BIOIh~n well ,n Iry,ng 10 ke~p Iht 1000al 101l~lhtr dUllng.n tla of Ruganolmn

AI Ihls wllllnl! .. e lie 11111 g01n1t "'lIh lull employmenl thanks 10 the 11"1 m,lI. ho .. ne. 11 ha' ,I .... a'·' been, "OilY of thIS "'fllel \ ,h~, II ynll don't ba.-e unIon COOI",CIOII bldJln1 ,nd Itclllnl $Ome wo,k .Iong. then !IOQfL you SO from full employmcni 10 full unemploymenl It $Ccms lhal ,\"erylh,",ol any III:e ISIIOIOIt non Union, Ind thiS ,5 cause 1o, (oneern

One of Ihe longllme 8TOlher! "'ho has been On our lick hI, thai I 1011101 10 mrnllon lUI month ., B.othe. Frank M.ple. B.othe. funk suffcred I

sevcrt strokc 5(~efll .... "ks '10 .nd has bet" vcry lick I understand Ihl! he has made $Ome Imrrove menl, bUI 51111 hIS, long way to go funk I know I sp<:.k for IlIlhe members .. ·hen I say, 'Cel well JOOn ..

ApathY-II lully mcanl Ihl! you don I I,ve' damn, arc d"lOlelc'led. 01 couldn't ca.t lUI ThIS word , pathy tin kIll us 10 Novembe. whcn We go 10 tlCel I plelldenl Lcn Ihln SO rereenl Q( .hc ehl,ble vOle. s .... enl to the polls to ciCCI Relgan We u;penencc " In our Qwn lnell elecllon wllh .boUI SO potreenl showlOl up 10 VOle Thll k,nd 01 'rllhy un kIll ynu. lne.l.nd un k,ll you. country Lei', Nck QUI labo. canl!,dalel ,nd get 01,11 Ihc VOle In November

Buy Amellcan buy unIon. buy COPE RCID"lY Cllttll., P S

Local Mourns Bookkeeper Ann Pesarski LU, 702 (J.o.u.uo .... ,em,. u,tACl lv), WEST fRA NKfORT, ILL.-On June 8. 1984, OUI book­keepe •• Ann l'cUrlk,. pused a .... ay Afte r $(:vcral months of iI1neu. She came 10 wo.k fOI LOI:al Union 702 in 1941 . Ihe yea. alte . she ~raduated from high school Ann .... 15 a ~cry fallhlol and ded,clled worh . .... ho oftcn Went kyond whal .... 15 .equlld .... hen one of Ihe members 01' fellow


Lonl 702, Wl$t franklon . III .• rnOU'M the duth 01 Ann Pe,. .ski. bookkeeper l inu 1941

"'OIker needed '"'SlaOee, Shc II SUrvived by he. hU5Jnd ',uI 01 West frankloll ..... hom she mamw In OClober, 19.i4 Ann WIll be: Nldly mlued by thOK of UI .... ho had Ihe pn~llcle of .... O. klnl wtlh b"



In thi, photll . Jacoh SCgll"'" ri l hl , . eeeivu hi' plaquc h om Vlee Pru ident Kfn Koby l a.~ .

Local Honors Recent Retirees LU. 7ISlnb8oml), MILWA UKf[, WIS._LocaI715 "IIIeu Cad BU'I~S5. Dlno Gu,dolll aod r~cob Segraves wc. e .('eently honored at a d,nner ar· .an~('d by thCII lello .... employees If WTMJ Iele· VISion and IIdlll in t.til .... aukce. W,sconsin. All thrce ICll lcd with ove r 35 years 01 SffVlee IS b,~dcul engineers at WTMJ B.othe. Burgess, I' lonllllme offieel of Lcx:al 115. moSt recenl ly $C rved as VICC p.eSldenl unltl '('SIPIOI In 198 1. The'" currenl V1CC prtsldenl, Ken Kobybn. prcscnled cach .CIIICt wllh I hlndsome plaquc commcmo· riling Ihcu $C.v,ce 10 the bl~dcnl ,oduStry .nd years of mcmbenhlp In the IUl.MI

Also rellllOlI recenlly. ah cl 31 yean 01 scrVlcc w the bl~del5l industry, wu Leon Osbeck. Brothcr Osh«k retI red from WTSO in Madison., where ht wBS employed as a radio enlllOcel


Page 53: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

Local Signs Pension Reciprocal Agreement loU. 728 II,o,tnl ,ru&'1pJ1. FT. LAUDERDALE.

< fLA.-At our runoff election on June 28, .... e electtd lohn f . Ranken u president and RJymond Flach

.. u financial surCla..,. . I .... ould like to like this opportunity 10 nlcnd my congratulauons to all OUI new offlce.s and wIsh OUf retltl~ financial secretary 0114 YUIS, Ed Harvey, ,ood luck in IllS retirement yCIrJ.

Our J'lCnsion truStees, u thel. lUI truSt mc:c\ing. l "gncd the Electrical Industry PenSIon RcciprouJ Agrl'Cmcnl. Hopefully penston ,ccip'Oi:lty will en­joy the success thaI health and welfare reciprocity

" hn In recent years and splud throughout the I tHEW. If you hive Iny qucsuoos on ho .... feclprocuy

lIIJccmcnn work, please contact the local I I am plcl$Cd 10 . eport that our work PU:IU'C is

showing sign. of improving. Though we 5ull h~ve , lomt mcmbeu OUI of work, the opporlllllitiu fOI ~ both full ~Ild p~r\'ume work for our loc~l membels

~rt vutly improved. Brothel Denma Bogcli .s in the hospital , and we

'all WIsh hIm a apeed~ recovery. I would Irke 10 I utend aUf s~mp~th~ 10 Ihe famtly Ind friends of

I Brolher Robert L. McNall, journeyman Wileman, who lecenlly paned away



Two Blother$ from l.oc:~1 760, Knouillc, Tenn .• Icce;Ye the;r SO'YUt pin!.

Four Brothers Receive 50-Year Pins L U. 760 (l,o, lI ,u S.'pa), KNOXVILLE, T[NN.­The c1e<;lIon of ofRcers was held rn June. Those dected were prutdent, Lonoie Hunley, vice pru· ident, Clifford Owen.; recording . ec rctary, Raben Edward DeBusk, II , business manager ·flnancial secre tary, Earl E. $clver., lIeasulcr, William B.

·Tucker/ ExecutiveBoald, E.O. AIli.on, /.ck Berrier, Richard Burns, Fred Capps, Ohn Helton, lim M.aI·

"'brough, Carl Sc~rbrough and James Wallace. We wi.h to congralulate the newly eleeted officers Ind Ihank all the member! who PUt their name on the ballol Ind were willing 10 p~niclpate In the local unioo aellviliu.

AI,o III June, BrothelS Glen Sam Mett., Paul C. Hoke, Malcolm D. "Sug" DJVenport Ind John L. Reed~ .eceived theil SO·yen plO' ~nd citations ~t a specitl meetIng 01 old fricnd. and family he.e It

Pthe local union on Friday, lune I . Alter a buffet lupper Brother Earl Seivers, bu.i ·

nes. manager, aeled u master of ceremomes while honorins thne SO·year members 01 Locil UOlon 760. Brolher Cui Lansden, internationll Repre· s.enl~ tive, pruenled the SO·ye:u pint hom the

_ tntem"ional Officc, and Brothel Slick Nichols, former bUline51 m.nager of Locil 160, presenled

.oJ:ach 01 them watches from the local union. Brothu lohn Reedy and Brother "Sug" Davenpon

save a tllk, .emcmbering how it wI! back In the '305. Theil !ilk was very enlightenins .nd very m.formalive to ,n present. Brother Reedy recalls bow it wu hack wheo Noni. Dam (TV A) first sot under wly. Thll wu the lime when Cordon Free· man was in the IIca orpnmnS the Tenne.see Valley Trade. and Labor Council. The Oak Rldgc

oieel tAEq was being built shonly after Ih.t and . 101 of olher biS induatrics. Brother Davenport

le(,ned the ... ay the commercIal Industry was fallng In those cally years . He .ee.1I1 bemg the superlntcndent on Ihe Hyatt Regency he re in KnOll · VIlle when II was belng built. Thn was hi' lut iob tust bdorc he relircd

BrothN Metts and Brolher Hoke were unable to allcnd Brother Melts wn OUI in IndliDI Ind Brothel Hoke was ha Ving .ome problems With hIS legs .nd was uDable 10 come by. All the member· shIp wl.hes caeh of the Brothen the ve~ bet! We WIll be looking forwlld to IhelT 60th annlvelSlliu and beyond.


Local Begins Talks With General Telephone L.U. 824 (I), TAMPA, FLA.-On luly 2. 1984. our Loul 824 Negotlltln8 Commmee began meeting for the upcoming conllaet negoliallon •. Our memo bers on Ihis Commlllce have revIewed contrac t suggeslion ' from our Screening CommilleCi rep· resenllngcach Irea. OurCommillee w!l1 thtse ,ssues to the barsaming table to voice our demand •. M~ny hours arc requi red 10 prepare, analyze Ind study vallOUS changes necessary to benefit UI, but more Impool1antly to anllcipne the proposals pre· scored 10 us .cron tbe uble by OUl employer Formal meetings wllh Geneul Telephone Com· pany of Flonda commenced on July II" the Tampa City Cenler. Our pruent Contra" upiled at mid· night, August 18, 1984.

FollOWIng up a previous report nn our " rVlce reprcsenralivCl who were forced to aJ2·hour work· week durinsthe mooth of May, In a maior .chieve· ment by BUSlneu Manager Robert Benton, I doc· ument was IIgned by the dutelor of u.OOr Relations pVIIl& cert,in guar.nt.-.:s to thOK employeea which could have been dIsastrous. Should I

layoff OCCU I, .U servlce representatives on forced p~rt·ume would be leIDslated ro their former full· time SUtus. Al.o, theil seniomy will Continue as Ihough they were lIi1l on ; 40· hour workweek. Brother Benton and hi. staff deserve much prlile feor theu perseverance In protecufI& the job nghu of thCK JH'ople

A p~'negOl1aIlOn and Fourth of luly Celebrit ion w~s held at our untOn h,1l on Snurday, July 1. ApproKima!dy 3,000 member, and thell families were !rUled to barbecue beef, cole ,law, pOlaro saId, roll, and jee cJcam. ActIvities included hO.5uhoe., badminton and volleyball. Wutem DIVISion did an ucdlem iob org.mi:tinS samu and donating ptlUI for the children. Enlertatnment was prOVIded by Motby Ra,der, Band to Illow UI to kIck up our heels to &ome hvely mu.le. A big thanks to aU 0' those who 'JlCollhe ol&ht cooktng ~Dd pleparins Ilbles and food . These people cln al ... ay. be counted on to help and donate their lime so that many olhen can enjoy the festivities pro· vided.

PaE5TON L. BooN!, P.S

Apprentices Graduate; Two Brothers Honored LU. 861 (i.o), LAKE CIIARLES, LA.-Congratu· bUon. arc ID order for B.other lohn Higgin. and Rodney Duhon. Brothe. Higgin. was sc leeted sta te· widc oUlS tandlng app.entice_

BrOlher Duhon ... u dected buildmg trades bu,t · ne" m~nager, ID addItion to the office he now hold. as plcsldent of our locil uoion and .ppren· Ilce.h,p dlrtetor I know you will glve "your best, Rodney-good luck.

Our condolences to the famili es of Brother Hor· ace Young and W.H. Prewill. We also wish all our sick Brothers and Sbte., a .peedy rccove~.

We wi.h In cong .. tul~te the graduallng app ren· lices: James D. Bowles, Paul ChaRn, lohn A. Cor·, Robert Cnck, Troy Derouen, Dudley Dillon, II., Jobo D. Falbw. Keith Foreman, Rand1 FU$elier, Denni. B. Cuillory, Rich~.d P. Henry, lohn Hig· gins, Mark D. Hortoo. Sheryl Henry KIbbe, R<)fInle P. laRocc., Glen Lemoni., Tim Mi:o;on, Cindy Naivar, leffe~ O'Neal, A- Brian Recve', Kermit Simmons, Wil liam Stegall, lames Sullivan, Cindy

Surles, Brem Sweezy, Rlch.ard M. Ttmpa aod BreOlb Wilkinson

Remember YOU I local union Brothers. It's been good to you. Rememhcr the obligation you took. Be good for you r loul See you nexl month.

MARnN T.ov, P.S.

Brother Hill Elected ; Apprentices Graduate L.U. '.II S{llllml), TAMPA , FLA.-BrnthctGtry H,ll has won hi. IIrS! bus Iness man~ger decllon J/ter belOg appointed by the 1.0. a few yca" ago to fill OUt the te rm vaclled by Lloyd Dyal, Jr Brothel HIll has urged unity and work,ng together to wive lo(by 's profound problem •. H" formld~ble oppo­nenl, I. G. Cam, .n • close runoff election, abo orged full coopc!luon by all 10 overcome today" many problems The race was close. 202-189, In !avor of Brother H.ll .

[n other runoff raCCI, Brother Jesse HaUl' OUt · d,stanced hIS opponent DaVId Drawdy. 200- 180, for treasurer . Btother I.m overcame a sltong .howlD, for KeVIn Banks by 198-184 for vice prC5ldent All the IICes we.e run clean Ind close, a good indica tion of the cahber 01 tandlduCi we had in Ih" year'. elee non. On a more perlDntl level. I would like to thank the membenhip for tlecling me your delesate to the Internalionll Convention.

The Annual Apprenllceshlp Completion Cere· lOony was held June 15, 1984, at the Holiday Inn on Cypress Avenue in Tampa. Twenty·six tppr~n · tices topped Oul The mUter of ,eremoniCS was Jesse M,Craw, chlirman of Ihe Tampa Area EIee· tncal 10lDt Apprenticeship aod Traoniog Commu· tee. Gilu ... e re prcsented by Dean McDonlld. NECA chapter man.ger, and Gary HiU, bUSlne .. manager. Completion ceniflcales we.e presenlcd by International Repruentative lohn Efickson .nd Fel'lI Gord']lo, lIate 01 Flolld. Department of Labor apprenliceshIp representallvc_ SpeCial award, were "ven out by lesse McCraw and T im McMurray to Ihe ouut~ndlOg apprenllce. firsl ycal, !uel leff Parson. and Dlvld McCraw, second year, Milk Mafl:hClle, thnd ycar, 'IY WrUiams, and fourth year, Curtis Welby. T,m McMurray is our Cledit UnIon man~gcr .nd now our loc~1 Union presIdeot. Also honored 10. outstand,ng conlrihullonJ to IATC work were hm Carlisle, prevIous chairman, and Ken RobinlDn of Robinson Electric Compln~ of florida . As usual, the ucellenl program wu put togelber by App.entlcuhip Dueclor Phillip Hum· phrey and h" very competent sccreu~ Breod. lason.


Scribe Gives Results Of Officers Election LU. 932 Ii.el. coos BA Y, ORE.-Sonce this 11 .\lmmel aad everyone'son the go includiogmyseff, I'm jusl goiog to past .long • few shan oOln to everyone wilb .cp.d 10 the 5I~te oltbe union, the local union that 15

Election rcsults from au! recent loc.l deCllon held in June thi s year arc as follows: president, ~ Bill McCallrce, vice pruldent, l im Cates, recording at .ecretary, Larry Acklin; IIUSUler, Mike Mault , and bUllness manager · financial secretary, Dive a: WCSI . Ellecutive Board members Ire Brothcli Larry ~ Adam •• Bob Shelton, Bill Faller, BIn Phillips aDd :::E Dale DeBusk . Elllmin.n, Board members Ire ' amn W F. Gorman, Ve rn Bar" Don H. Oakes, LouI, D. ~ Petrone .nd Gene Zook and to be appointed to ~ .erve on the Apprenticeship Commlllee. Thanb

:~I:;r: i~~c~;~c~~~;~c}~~~ei::dr;:~dB ~~~~::'n 'fu~ ~ their umt in compihng these resull5 . a:

It's been b.ou8ht 10 my all~nllon .eceody that Q we bave lOme of our memhe.s I\lming rat. I luliu • times lie toup. Oregon is ,Imosl 12 JH'reenl ;: unempIoyc-d and Coott COUnly is at 17 pereenl, bUI W eefl ainly there mUll be other jo!» out there that ~ one could survive On lither Ihan foruklng the unioo and .tabblng you r Brothe., in \he back by 51

Page 54: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


CllK'lnt plck~1 1I0u. worklll' 101 JCab COOltaCIOIS (If ffioonh&hunl.

Up uoul Ihe Rupn admlmlll,uon, AmClIc"n. Wi.c entoyed ,n ellCcpuooally hIp 1I.0dlld of IIvln, b'OU,11I ,bout rnm.niy by a umoo ~ovuoo m~or I JUus lOme JlC'ople hn~ IU~' 101,01len whclc Ihey've come born Howncl, Ihc trdc wIll tum! Italw,y. doe._ ThInk abou. II Doo', ,.cnfic" your lu,u le 01 the o,uon·s. Be unton , Ihlllk un.on, buy UntOn, .nd above all, ,el 01.11 .0 • umon meelln, Any excusc 101 no. a\lendlll, a unllm mttlio, IS ill" Ihu, an excuse

One mOle shOll oo.c "d hke w con~I~lUlaic B,olhel Lany Ble,d ,nd hll w.k ",eOlia on Ihell ncw IIIIV,], bchary Tylel Bre«cl, bo,o luot 26, 1984, and we'&hID, 5 pounds 150unccs ~e ya al .he meel1n, '

Btu Mle"""lt I'S


S"uU .... CI .... cc. lcll , and Bu Grapl , , ;,hl, lece;ve CPR inl "union from Dil nne Gielman, U nl t l. All lie mem belS 01 Local 953. Eau Cla i le . Wi ••

Brothers Receive 50-and 55-Year Pins L U. 'Slli,u, t .Cm ,UldU pa], EAU CLAIR E, WIS.­Reeenrly 01.11 bU510US mana,el, Tom H.ley, h.d .he hono. ' 0 rresent pinS .nd CII.l1ons fOl mlny yun of acl"lce and membershIp In the IBEW 10 Ihe 101l0wlllI members who .,e now JlC'n.loned from our loca] Brother Frank W.,nel . S5 yun, and Bfo.helS Shorty P'UtOn, Ed P,eholke and Ed W'per, 50 yun To you ,enrlemen from.JI you l Brothe" and SrSlerSIn UII. ,real unl,m, we eI!Cnd OUI con"atulauons and ben wlshe. fo , .he luture

KnOWing what CI'R IS Isn 't mough Yuu must have the t raining and the koowledge u 10 how 10 .pply it In casu of eme.&cncy Plitt Electllc C<>Ul'c . ~t,.~ '" PhillIps, WlltOnS,n, rClh~el thl l Fol1owm, " an .rucle WI1l.en by BlOlh" Terry Moqu'n 01 Pllce Electroc Coopel.llve Beeault of the hl&h IIsk and polen".1 dan&el our hne eleWI wmk w"h ueh da)', " " neceun)' 101 Ihem '0 reeeln lIall1ln, each yca. III CPR Or card'opul· monalY lesu5Citallon

ThIs yu. Ihe e'cht-houl cbs. Wit "ven by 01.11 own Dunne G,nman who hH Iw-tn .he CUhlCI recepuon'SI lor the cooperallve for Ihe pUt nllle yeart DIanne • • cemBed AmenCin Red C'oss inSll'\lelOI, .110 ICacht.'l ~ mu]u-medla lid du. 101 .he Amerlc.n Red Cion and Amelican HUll ASlOClallOO. She hn .Iso been a qualified EMT, Eme.,ency Med,ca.,cian , .. nee 1971 Ind 'Cf"U II a volunlee. ambulance .nendan, fOI the P,enuee Ambulance ~IVICC OUllltA .he e.cht houl eOUISC, o ur clews wele uu&hl .he buIC hIe .... Vl"' !Cchn.quu In duhn, with v.cums 01 elec· lilt .hock, hUll anach, $tlokes, drownln". diU, o"erdoac and 111 any Illven Illuallon whele .hc hUll .nd lungs SlOp wOlkin" Thl. ""nlnl 15

,"".Iuable 10 lone crews wOlkln, 1000Clher On' ,he yca" , I. hl5 been uscd dlccuvely .OUH many IIvu

TI,~,,"~, O'""ne. from ~lJ 01 UI 10' sh,"n, your knowledge 11'1 ~ople h kc you Iha. m~kt . he wO l ld a .. leI place 10 Itvc III

Reminder to all alway. buy unton made m Ihe Rood ole USA and lem .. mh", .n .r"i~lr ' .nd VUle , You, VOle dOC5 COUnl.

SltUCI. M'ClI"'lKl, AS.T. S M


Scribe Chastises Members Concerning Apathy L U. 965 lua.eml, ."AOISON. WIS.- Loc.1 Unll 96523, Madl lOn Unll, entoycd thell Annual Pocn.c on Thursday. lunc 28, 1984 • • t BUllOws Pllk, M~dl$On, Wuconll n, I,om 430 I' m ,09,30 I' m , aud a good lime was h.d by aJl.s ev,denced by III Ihe smlhn, 01 the WlllnelS of r"zes Would you behe"e " _ e"eryone came armed wllh m05qullo leJlC'tlcn •• nd no one h.d 10 UK It Somoeooe had 10 have sprayed beforchand We had bln,o, ,ood til! and dllnks .]on, with Ihe ehll ·eh.1 olleJlow Bro.hers and S'5fers I look forward ' 0 nCIt yur'. PICnIC r-.bny thanks 10 '.n Wok, Cbalrpt'tonl EdlC Hllh. ,d, '0 ch,,«e of p,elen .. , Katen WCSI. ,,~phlc ,nd nUllccs, ~nd Wally Hanlen, bcvCfage deparr menl

II was a small , compatible gloup of ~boUI 28 mcmbers and thell fflcnd ., who pard 55.00 pe l peuon lur a cale led meal, thAt enloyed this Although we ha~e a mcmbenhlp ul lUughly 189 '" the MadIson Unil , II is lortunate that the percentage who show up ID VOIC 1$ mOle Icp le­scntaltve Ihan those who .lIend IhcII monthly Unll meeun,s, ynrly piCnIC' O. Xmas patlles Of course, needless 10 .... y, Ihne lime JlC' rcentagcs .ppl)' eonvcncJy .0 atlend.nce by Unl< member­shIp to "~tt Wpa.L PlCntCS and Xmas patl1C1 whue II doc:SO'1 COU a JlC'nn y 10 pllllClpare. Unll. cannot comJlC'le wllh corpoll.e \lUIUlles. The eOSI 01 5100 II. !, cc I'"",a, hce beer .nd soh dnnks, plus lhe 521 fOI (enlll 01 the pllk space .. IUSI about all Ihe Unn'l lIcllury can .f/old .Itclloolln, 1" " 01 the Xmu party

It IS unfortunale ,ha' members who quesl'oo Ihe cos, of Ihe Untt ', pICniCS dOn '1 have Ihe JUII 10 S'P Ihell IIImea '0 Ihei l inqulflCl We don 't bile, bUl we can s"\Ire an , wel thell lepllmale qUCltlona Ma)'t.. .f .hey ,nt nff Ihell dead behinds fOI ooce and anended one Unll meelOn, Ihey could hive. VOice m how Ihell Unll II lun Thll also applies to Ihe ,nterClt ,n the Unit ]eadershlp I. 's .Iw.ys, " leave II 10 Ihe nut JIC"lOn. rhey 'lc dOln, a &ood tob," 01 ' 'They' ll ,et .he job done ,. You had beltel wake up. people, and rake adnnra,e of the uPpol· .unllles aVlOlable 10 you "p' u the loc.1 level You have .. Iented md,v, who hes,tate 10 become ,nvulved beuuse Ihey can'l sec beyond thell home env,ron ment Talk .bout shortso«h!Cd, I'll hel you would .11 hecome ,nvolved II it munl you lubs .nd YOU I homn. It takes muney 10 pay for ,hc hOlllc. ~U" llH on, lu ""1 fOl I),e dulhc, on YOU I ehlld, cn'. back. and taxes cach yea r. lusl ,cmembe" all of Ih .. i, pntllb le becuse 01 whl l

I. ,,(,OUlled 101 you 1\ .he barplmn, table. DoD'1 oe"cr 101,el ir , becausc without umoo lep ' Clenu· 1100 )'ou "e at Ihe complete melcy oIlhe dlCtalCS of corpoule POwcl.od bow they chonae 10 m.o.«e and I'\In your lIVes •

If you Ihlnk thIS 15 Idle IImbhn, 01 • burned 01.11 Unll chairpersoo, I would JUUClt to you .od every JIC'.son rudl", IbIS column to le.d rhe " hudllne story 01 the luhmu$. Vol 9, No 27, luly 6- 11, 1984, eomled " Hne Unlon l We 'll B/u kl! " In .hll Irticle you Will mee t the IikCl of. loe Melh and Associa!Cl, Mad.son 's premier un ion-butler, I sincelely doubl II even thIS dramallc IIlIc le w,l1 .w.ken lOme ollhe overwhelmio, ,pllh y . ppalen I wllh,n OUI union Wha. I do hope IS thltl've IOmeone m.d and thll Ihey do IOmelhm, .bou • • II I doo 'l e"en get Ifuclcs " om the olhel25 Unlu In Ihl' local to scod 10 Ihl5 ma,nloe fOl 1'"01, unles." cornu hom BUilnelS A,ent MlCk Koehlel 01 P.esldent Larry Lenhardl . How about thar l

Inchlenllll)" .nyune waulln, UiV.h of the 1$l1t mIff .ntcle can ,~ I lOme by eonlacu n, me 11 you 'Ie ' otcl ~sted M,ch.e] 8 Gllff, Loc.1 Union 96S, ISEW, 5377 BTlChon Palk Ro~d, M.dison, W;,couln SJ704

'TIl nelt time

Scribe Updates Readers


LU_ 970 / ), KELSO·LONGVIEW. WASH._4 Twen,), ·'" members attended Ihoe lune tDee ll~ and heald N.ncy Furman upl .. n Ihe d,fferenee belween K'ISCI· Penn.oeotc Ind Loncoln N.llon. 1 ,n.urance plans Members w,lI be ,bloe to ebOOlC etlhel th.ou,h Ihe HamlOn []«tllc.l TI'\IS t Fund.

There are 1().1 on Book One .nd 130 on Book .. Two Wo, k must be plckln, up-we've h.d five 10 lar l

Hope you were able to attend OUI p.cnlC. We'll " have. leporl on It , U well n the Labor 0.)' P" adc m ')lIel ISlue AI of Ihe fI,n 01 luI), no one h.d "Pled up to ,epreseol I1IEW on Ih. , ,mpolt.nI occulon

We IIC ... ddeocd by Ihe dellh 01 loho Karvonen B,II Flemm, .s do,n« well.lte •• Mck OJlC'"IIOO Amold R.llton hn mahgn.nt c.nCfl H,nk Grecn 01 btck '0 wo,k .ftelluflenn, a llipt heat! anac k_ 4

Remembel these fellows, won ', you l Ii has been a yea. since our O.y rally io

from of S.leway. O,d you know Ihey hl1ed. un ion­contr~e tollalC r 10 do some wu, k f I hope the impaC! 01 the rally will encourage otheu to 110 unton. It II up 10 us 10 sec that OU I labor I, quali !), . With 00 work 11'1 hald 10 dcmonuralc thatlln Ihe ",ood limn" m.ylK. 101 01 us ,ully dIdn't care, At you observe Ihls L.bor O. y, why nOl malr.c. eommll·. menl 10 be the best unlUn man po., iMe, .. well .. Ihe best employee pOlSlbld Le t 'l blln, qu. lity.­ble k inlo

Hele 'a I S<:plember plo"erb fOI you, ' 'The w.y 01 min 1.lorwlld and III.n,e: but IS fo, the pure , h •• wOlk IS lI,ht" PR 21 ·8

J 0 " HOOGll" Hooc;;u, P S

Scribe Notes Items Of New Contract L U. 994 11.11, BREWSTER, N.Y,-The 10itowll1l:IIe Ihe eonlllClu.1 bcneflll due III 1984 w.,u­dleell"e June 30, 1984, 6 JlC'rcenl wa,e .nerelSc, dlee ll ~e Dc: ember 30, 1984.1 percent InclUSC, Vlcatlon 'mP lovement~fleCIIVe Janu.ry I. 1984, • five weeks "lCllion .fter lJ YUIi of acrvicc 1101-mel l), .hel 2' yun of scrvicel, effeelive ,.nu. ". .. I. 1984, flouin, hohday may IK used as In .ddl· 1I0nii JlC' I,on,1 day, rettremenl implovement_ elfee" "e lanuary I, 19B4, accrucd eatly reU lemeot benefit at .ge 60 WIll be II 97 percenl IWII plevi· ous ly 1\ 92 percen t lt eflective I. nu. ry I, 1984, acc rued eally letirement benefit . t .ge S9 .t 90 percenl Iw .. pleviously 87 pelCen t), CHIP im ­IlIOVemen.t-elfecllvc fu l)' I, 1984, oUlp. ';ent di .gnonic . ·lIy' and labora lu ry bene fl u inclC.acd" /r um 5200 dUr;",a SI . -monlh period lo S300 dullnS

Page 55: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

~ sue momh period, demal plan Improvemem _ dlecUI'e ranuary I , 1984, Ihe schedule of mall mum benefilS 10' buic Ind mllor p.ocedure. will

..., be Int lused-54 Improvements on Ihe basic " hed· ule, 12 improvemcms on Ihe malor schedule

Once 19a.n I'd hkt to thank Syslem CouncIl ... U·7 10' I lob wtll done, 10 good IllIh. II Ihc

bugammg uble

Scribe Enumerates Reagan's Faults

~ LU. 995 lI,o ,n b.n dupa), RATON ROUGE, LA. Thele u e hUI IWO SIOIIU, puulh ly Ihree, unul the November "shoot OUI," 110 thele l em~lllIalo, 10

I be saId, and I can Itll you now Ihal II will nm be In M. Ron Van Wenlde's bvor'

l' M. Reagan, IhlouJi;h ReapnomlCI, has dnne more Ihan h., sh~ee makin, nile Ihal wOlkers In

I Ih,S coumry lecelve leu money en wages and M. BUSinessman rCCCl\'U mOre I" cofll$ Mr Ru,an't henchmen have padded ~t\d uacktd the N~lInna l Labor Relations a u" ,d, alld It I ~ d<J101nllcd by industry. OSHA has become one hell 01 1 ,uke' Four more yea.s 01 revoltln, Ron WIll all bUI flnl,h

"" The Ru,an Jed Repubhun~ have rC(,<,lleJIy .nd mlentlonally Iced on mIRy occasIons 10 I".lnl a 10sy P'(lu.e. bUI Ihey don't .Iw.ys ,el .w'y "" lIh

.. II Recenlly the Deparlmenl III liousIn, InJ U.iull l)evdopmcnl relcued a lepoll ... ·hlch ~1J\ed Ihal llee.e we le ISO.OOO 10 ,l~O.OOO homcleu 10 IhlS counuy. My God, Ileal It nothing to brag 100UI, bOI ncvellhdcu II was I I,c' The COlllc.f nce 01 Mayors conSlden HUO. COunl U a "flOuS na 110nal problem bUI h~s lIoIlcO. alon, wllh OIhel cn llCI, Ihallhere arc mOle lIke 1 .... 0 mlllwn home l~ LO thIS country! The m~yol's repoll ,OCI on

• (0 uy Ihll CUIS ,n lede lal pro"ams and onem ploymenl ue Ihe m"n IUWIU for f'C'Ople IIvml on Ihe Illeen The budJIOI:. RuglnleJ eeonom.c recovery /J 0(1/ l e~ch,n, do .... n. nor" 11 t,, ~khng down, 10 Ihose LO need' I can'l believe Ihat wme 01 yoo arc sopportlnl loul more ycar, 01 IhlS u~p'

[ am well aWar~ of llee "Don'l lell me how 10 vote" IIIIIIulie 01 those of u, who "holve • few bucks" I ,Ust wanllOuy Ileac I Mondale·DemlKlIl IIckel IS more 10 lune .... "h OUI need, I troly ~hevc Ihat Ronald Reagan .nd DaVid SIO(kmoin

... Will hUll us badly II Ihe party 01 the affluenl " kep I 10 office We h,l"e become 100 accus lomed 10 "eedom .nd a "do·u We pleue" hfe, .0 I don'l beheve we nred be .I.a,d of 105lOg 11, bur Illh,s ,ountry evcl revert . tn It>fllltf, thcn I uy It wuuld and coold uuly h~ppeu dIU en/: a Repoblican adml ll 151111l0n Take II goud look II I Iheml

MI Reagan's oIgc hiS nnthlOg 10 do w"h my rol",,,1 VIews, 101 Wille II much rUI ~nd .Jeep u be geu. he "" al lun 2S )'U., more I'm • plodOCI of .I.beul ,o,'elnmenllhal started Io<)Cl.1 prolrams, and fOU c~n take my word for 1\, you won'l like beeng bloke or ,oblen unde r Ronald Realan and DaVId Slockm.n'

At Ib,s POLO! In my 'I(>ry, I'd hh 10 mike 001.'

POlOt cJur I mun no dl~'e'('<'CI 10 Ihe olfi(e 01 Ihe p.uldency BUI I mO~1 emphalleally SI;Ile that at thll POlOt In OU t h'Slory Ihe worker. Ihe )'OOr, Ihe ,mall huslOessmoin. tlee young, tlee uld and Ihe hlndlup('<'d dC$('<'ral~l., nerd a more undrl1lo1nd 101 polmcal rarty, anJ Ihls oeeJ. my dnr 810lhrn .nd Sls lels, can be bettel fulfilled by thr deu,on of Mondale and Ihe Dcmocrlu'

Whal Ihe Reagan .dmlnlStratlon hu done 10 Ihe pt'ople of Ih ,s glnl country IS a mattcl of puhllc r lecold, .nd I say ItI.1 Ihls leco.d, illallly ludged

..... by os, WIll lurn Ih~ IIde ,n Ih" upcomlOlI prcsl denllal eleCtiOn Ron. ld Rugao IS nOI a ~hoo·ln' H~.~ " iIOm~ of Ih ~ RUIi~n leeo.d (II lamc1iu wnh Incomu unde l $10,000 suffe r tw,ce u much IS Ihose wnb tllghel In(omn unde l Rca,~n 's ben efll CU IS, (2) 40 pt'lcent of all S(,<,nd,nll ledocIlOns ondel ReillanOml CS hll households wllh Incomes undel 510.000, JO (,<, .( enl hu rt la mihu with In ' eotoU comp~llble 10 our$, (31 under Reagan the Food Stamp Program h .. liken. lJ·pcrccm CUI , and [ mIght add you l Ie eligIble 1o, Ihb ploglam wtlcn unemplo>,ed, 14) RUllan CuI 51.4 billion oul

oillee I"lograms largeled fur tr.lnlng Ihe dludvan laged. I plo,um Ihal m,&hl .e move m,lhons Irom welfare loll s.

On one hand M. Rcap,ao WOn'l tolerate any Ittempl by Conlress to CIP hu tlel1d ,stage tn CUI at 5700, a cap Ihal mo:nly afleclS uppt'r Incumn, bUI nn Ihe olher hand Reallan P'OJIOta to tn ... ·olktu for employe. contllbutlons 10 Ihell health Insur~nce pbns Wheo yoo. fIoIYlolI. ""lu, Iele rhone, gas and lea l enlle InU art IOlnll up, ,,', ... ·IOIIS, .... ong, ... ronl 10' 90,000 profitable COlpa rlllon$ IO ~o lilt free Wben WOlken make conen slOns 10 kecp Ihell bosses 10 bUSiness, 1\ can·1 be n&hl for llerse bosscs 10 use iunk,oplcy I~ws 10 husl UnIOnS, blu k or wcaken conll.CI, anJ {II duck lI~blhlyl

No. Mr Rea",n am I (ul nil Inu' lee CUI AmerrC<I'

'icc Y"u nUl monlh


Shown II llee Apprenlice Grad union oll,.onllOOI , Panama. CiIY. Fla. , Ut Kenney Cle .. is, Mikt Sapp. Indy Ih'Shu and '.mrs ClfWit,

Members' Sons Graduate; Work Remains Slow LU. 1001 li&o), PANAMA CITY, !"LA. L"loll 1001 leeld '" Appr(nIlCC~h.p C .. lio.llon Iunc I. 1984 GI.duaung wele Blothcn rody Hoghe5_ ~nn en law of Brolher RanJ~lI lundy, Sar I" wn uf Broltler H Ii Sapp .nd Jamu amI Kenney Clcw.s. 50ns 01 Buslnen ,\bnlge' Budoly Clew" When ~ou loul Ihe yeus 01 U IVlce 10 Ihe IBEW bel ... ·een Blothe.s Luody. S~pp Ind ClewIS, ... r tlave 801111 logclhe •. M.ybe wllh thIS many )'e .. 1 "I unlOOlsm hthlnd Ilcesc IIew l"UIII~)'men Ihy .... ,11 be: an anel 10 Itle OIglOlUI"1II

001 wurk plCktd op sOllie lur Ihe monlh of ruly Wc had Iw" paper mIll ,huIJown" bUI we a,en't looklnll 10' ~nylh,"g Ihe '~'I "f Ihe year That', Ihc w~y II Wl$ all of 19~j ,'cry slow 1I"'lhel1, I have been In ItlC IBEW 1m 26 ycalJ I tI~"e "lktJ 10 wme of my membcu .... hose IIckelS arc old~1 Ih.n mmr, and none of us hn evel seen II n II

w's lUI ~U'- 198.3 We had .Iul "I mcmben ... ho dldn·1 evfn make Ihtll )00 hoon 10 qualIfy /ur Iheu NE8F pt'ns.on

I know 1101 01 you mcml>cl~ a.e \lied of hUllng YOOI buslOeS5 managel and <!lflc( l ~ keep repnllnJl llermsdvn on leo .... Iml"'1/I~nl 1\ IS 10 r~II"le. Tn

"Ole, and then voCe. And I ... ouM ask Itlal yuu lind OUI who lie OUI I"ends and SOPPOII Ihem flnAII crally .lId wllh )'00' '·ote Thll II the only >Oily

we WIll w able (Q gel baek wme of Itle tlelO,S Ih.1 MI Reasan oInd 1e.5 .dmml~"aIlOn haH t.ken a ... 'ay frum UI

Most of us .... ere.n some In"" of mel,lary Itrv",e, and one 01 Ihe fi,sl IhlOgo, yuo remember, lleey taullhl u, w.s leow Import3nl 1\ was 10 !illck 10gcltlc. h', ha.d 10 defeat o. beal a gruu p 0/ p<:oplc wtlo ,uck 101l~ltler, 110 let't rcmembc., lo,eltlc. we Iland, d'Vlded .... e Illl lim, loullh, Brollee!! ~nd S'siecs

I E "BvnllY" Cl( ... n, B /'01

Scribe Urges Members To Attend Meetings loU. lOSS lu), PENSACOLA, FLA.- TonIght II I begin IIe ,S lelle. , 1 II I and won de. how 10 belln. I

mU51 say 11e. 1 Ihls lob ISII' I gOIng 10 be easy In July" OU I Unit One meellng Iher t was a villely of hUl lnen .nd commonitalions, Ind il"'as a lood mecllng except fo. one lh.inl-'lIendance, The Ih,",s lleat Ulock me Ihe mO'1 were Ihe laci that "&hI no ... "'e arc In iIOme very 10u&h nelO"allonl, and Ihe mcn who compl .. n Ihe mosl and uk Ihe mml quesllons_ could benefll the mosl and by far support OUI Nrl""'lIng Commm«. were nO( theK Those people lie you B.oehers and Sls.en, the membershIp

I reah;e Ihu 1 hl,'e nOI been a membel as long or seen as m.ny hard days 15 wme of you, bUI I can assure l"U "I onc Itlln,. anJ Ileac IS, If you men anJ .... "m~n dun 'I stall ,howlIIg wme concern and backbc'nf, tlee hard d~YI 01 Ihe pasl are ,01111 I" relOln .... "h modern day 10lce LIke othelS from llee rat! ,II Ihe dlollJ; 01 001 Nflillllatlng Com ntlllCe,lxecullH Baard. nffke,,_ .nduewards Will be .... "ted cnel,y

~(lme haH \"d ItllI a duc~ plyrng membel IS. ,noJ m~mbel [dlujlIee Ouu alen't tI.Jf of whal 1\ laku Olle Ih,ng Ihat 1\ "ku 's an avc •• gc of two and (lne half hou.s 01 yoor lime uch month ,HI Ihe n .. 1 at 7:00 p.m rhal's" 101 10 ask. l ~n'l III lIul yel you ask Ihll 10 men represenl some ~lU, ,nJ yuo gIve tleem lude 10 no suppOrt olleer tle,n lIImpl~1II1S 100UI ",h'l they've wOlked lnng ~nd Ie .. J on 10 ,CI tor all III us Now Ihn '. 'IOmelhcng to look 101wI.d to

Th.s leI leI .... 11 be pobh~hed III Ihe Seplembel luue 01 llee Journal, and I hopt' by Ihen ,h.­.uendlnce \ta i U 10 ImplO~e It .... 001.1 be DIce 10 ice Stin~cnll. loom unly al e\'CIY m«un,.f II WC le tU~\ beClu\e ~()O .... ere lleere 10 complalO 10 me

\\'lllA~I) N W ARD. P 5

Negotiations, Organizing Efforts Continue LU. 11 06 111;,,\\·), MASON, !"ICH.-Nelolla lions ire tl1nllnUIn, .... "h Ic!ev".on 51auon W8KB In AIJ"(n •• nd .... lIh AltroOl(l III B~l1le Cleek Unlall lal>or prlCllce chol.ltcs ha"e been filed .nd I~,ued l,l('''''' WBKB. bUI bJr,l(oI,ncng scssrons arc \uJl beIng nhcdoled Sponsnts who advc lIIse on Itlc S\~Il"n h,,·( been nOli lied uf Ihe ba.,'lnlnl slIu.tum .nd ... c.e asked fOI SUpJ'OII

In Ollee, bar";I,"IOg, a Icotatlve igreemem has been lcached .n .lee Genel,l Telephone penSion nelolllllllns A~ oltlelS .... Illlng ra llflcallon meel lOIS alt pl.ce iJtllll$ on Iht Igreemenl ind VOle ... ·,11 be aYallable n(XI monltl

Fbrgaenlnll WIll !ltgln SOOIl nn the Soul tl ern Tcle phone aglccmenl Ttll~ one contr . ct explTcs 11\ OClober

Fo. everyone en .nd •• ound llee a.ea of dlSlI1 hOllon 01 l lee DCIIOIl Free Press, the re 15 .. column cntllleJ, It Seems 10 Us, .... hICh ippt'a" every Tuudl Y Ihn \'OU ,houhl .cad Sam FIshman, rle~ldcnl ,,{ Ihe Mlctllpln AfL·CIO. wmn ,hlS column .b"ul I.bor·. mSIIIOn (>11 Itle ISIOU

O'gaOl:mll. e!lUlu Conllnoe In Itle loc.1. Ind we encourage ('\'elY member to become aware 01 on OIgam:ed ... ·"rken en rour lin and to become bmlhar .... "h Ihem 50 ... ·c may be .ble 10 leelp them <lrg301:e Ihf" t"b Jlln It·, Imponani 10 yoo II UOIon mcmi><:u III leelp llee unorganIzed "I lieU l<1U. r,,'IIIon In llee wo.k 10lcc IS nOI .:l reflplldluJ bv (heap unde'p~IJ non·unlOn labo, a;

KlfTll A FU"'ll1.J"'-C, P S

Sister Celebrates 80th Birthday

<r ill " t w

"' L.U. 11 16 IU,elll&lrtt l, TUCSON, ARI Z.-A vcry happy bUlhday 10 rellreJ SlIlel Ha:el Boll AI 80, S,sle, Boh "I!llnds a very 'Clive. productive hfe ;;i h'kmg. 113"ellllg and always helpln, olher people Z Hiler. }'OU arc an ,"SIl"'"0n 10 os, and we all a:: .... lSh yuo conllnued hullh .nd haplI,nU5 .nd mlny ~ mUle Irulliol ye~n ::0;

Welcome Blolhel 11m Benlly of TEP We arc ~ gtalefullo. YOU I .ellVc partic.patlon Our sympa· W I hle~ lie mOJI ,Ince.ely exlended 10 llee family of !l B' Oltle l Joe "Pepr" Kane An accident on llee iob claimed our B,Ol tle l As Itle p"est Slid IS he 53

Page 56: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf



Officers of Loul 111 6, Tucson, Ali!., ukloJ!; the oa lh 01 olfi~t , Idl to right , art P.uldtnt Larry O, r ndL/ff, Vice P,u idtnt Cindy Whit t, Encut ive Board member Bernard Young and Ruo.ding Sec­'fUry Bu Milnt.

dehvered ,he eulogy. "T here .ealiy l~ a "beyond," lAd we musl Itt them go 50 Ihey can grow on the other s.d .. !" So be LI'

Bu M'LN~ , PS

Contest Winner

Pittard is I tllt StollO' 8i11 Lockyer IO· IOth Dill.), righi, congralululng the winne, uf Ih ~ AI Sandonl Mtmorial Scholarship fsny Contu t. Stnllo. Lockyer, . 51100g d~oult of comparable­" 'ouh legisluion, judged tht conten.

Businu8 Manager Jack McNa lly. left, Loul 1245, Walnut CIcek, Ca l. , congrltulalU the winner , .~Iua n Parson.~, and hu happy pneon, O~]ora .ud Rtf! ranuM. Brother Paullns is I gu ~t fYil· tm~n In MaryHi ll ~_

Scribe Praises Scholarship Recipient LU.124S (O, u,l ,em,ulv, .... ,gO .. I&~I J, WAU\/UT CREEK, CAL~IBEW loaol U4S wu rloud to lecenlly prnent ~ n,ooo, lour-yeal scholluhlp to winning esuYlSt Sunn Parsons, daughu:r 01 Rell and DelOla Parsons. He IS a gas servIceman In Mal'}'sville_ Susan gradualed as clus UhUatOllan lUI month Whutland HId> S<;hooJ whe.~ she achIeved ~ 3.91 g.ade-pornt aYClage. She plans 10 Mcome an educllOr and Will aneod Clhlorn ia &ptisl College, RivelSlde She said Ihal as. lucher she would look lo.ward 10 " helpIng to mold hves and 10 parlLelpale In the eduulLonal fUHue 01 our socielY"

Strongcompaubk worth adyocatc. Sla te Senatol B!lJ loclq-c'IO-LOlh OiSlI was . he con ' Ut judgc, and he parti cipated In the scholarshIp p.esentation .. a recem Advisory Council meeting In Concord. He.e is Suun's p.ize-wlnning essay' " 'Compara-

ble Wonh~Labo. Issue lor the 1980s' By Sunn E. Parsons

"The double ftandald has been III UIS",ncc smce clYIllZation Mgan. [t has been eVident In many IIcas olli le IhlOUghoUI the world, although mOfe widely .ecognrzed In the Unrted Stales MUuse of ou. democratIC plmclplcs One of today's double standards IS in Ihe job m.ukel (Xcupallons lIa· dluonally domm~lrll hy wllmr.n n:CCIVC lowel wages than those dommaled by men ExplolUYC employ­crs and misinlormld pubhc op,nron ptrpeluate thiS double "andlrd. Comparablt wonh has been rroposed IS Ihe instrument to .oh·c !he problem and has bccome ,he "labo. I~.U~ uf Ihe '80 •. " TI,e author of this pape r has concluded that compara­ble·worth legislallon IS a viable solu tion 10 this Inequity in the job market.

"'Women', ... ·ork· is legally defined as any oc­cupallon In which ..... omen compnse more than 70 percenl of Ihe work force. lobs Ih" arc claSSIfied as women '. work include seclctary, telephone operator, hbrgnan and cle.k ·tYPlst Women who wo.k In l!~dllLonJlly female occupatinns make considerably leSllhan mcn ..... ho p-os5essthe Yme. Of 10wel, le~cl, of Intelhgenee, skIll and lespon· Slbllny SlallSIl(5 show Ih" Ihe average wOlklng woman urns only 62 cenlS for ever)l dollar a man earns

" Many emplo)·ers mt(rp.cted the CIVIl R,ghls ACI of 1964 15 a loophole They felt they could presen! wholesome Images by inclu5Lng the num­be. 01 women In thclT work 10leCJ and llranling equal pay fOI equal wOlk Unionunarcly, Ihe rna · 10llty of women added were placed In women­dommlled fields al much lo ..... er pay scales than mtn. Theemployus ..... ert then able 10 .eapwmdfall profi ts while maintaining sound pubhc imagn.

"Comparable worth means rec tifymg the unlus t habit of paymg lower wagts for ..... o.k that Is Ifadilionally performed by womcn. It would estab· hsh eqUity for women and SCI up wages based on the value of Ihe wo.k to the cmployer. Comparable worth would end d,sc.riminalion In the wOlk fOlce once and lor all.

"Be/Ole comparable wonh can be fully anamed. several conditions must be mel. Slandard women's occupallon, mUSI be redUSlf1ed PohlLcal aCllon must be liken, candIdates who byor comparable wOllh should be SLlpported Comparable wOllh should M Ihe malOr issue lor every b.ugaming unil Ihat h",' a prdomlunlly female work lorce_ In addlllon, women mLlst be educlled to the laclthat comparable wonh 15 lor them. Atlhe p.esenilime mOSI women arc unrnlormed lboul Ihe mealllllS 01 comp~lIble WOlin. FIIl~l1y. women should be willing to file and pursue di,c.imlnal1on 5U'" III

the COUrtS " Rceendy lock Tanner. a ledcr~l dlS,"CI COUll

ludg~ , made a landmark deCISIon .salllSl Ihe 51ale Ilf Wa.hlngtllo hy granllng Ihe women cmpluyees of the ,ute S I billion III back pay and wages. Th,s state Wit .mong Ihe fitst \0 .dmlt the fallurc of OUI COU ntry to grant equal pay 10' wOlk of com­rarable worth. Tanner'S ruhng will provIde. model 1", "ther 61,11., ~cr055 the countl')'. giving us g.eal cause to hope lor equity. Camp.rUlve worth I! tOdeed the issue 01 the ·80s • • goal th .. can be leached wilh diligent"


Elections Held ; Negotiations Difficult loU. 1149 (o.u&Utv), SYRA CUSE!, N.Y.~local

1249 hu lust held elec!!ons with Ihe lollowms olRee", being (lecled 10. the nUt three yeau Andy Mihok. busoness manaSeT, R.OM .. Lansuy. plcsldent , Chuek MCIT111, Ylce rlcsldent , Paul Beechel, retoldtOg R.obel! Ward, finln ­cialsccretary, and PeTTY Wmlerhall. treasule •. The new hecu"vc Board w.ll eon51M of Ihe lollowms members Haro ld Martin, Bud Mason, Hatl')' Sa­Yille. lohn B~hr. D 3 Vt Wenlwol1h and John Bilhko Our next Imernauonal Convcnuon delegales WIll be Andy />1Lhok, Bob Langlr)l. Bob Ward and Pe ' r)I Winlcrhal t. It appears ' 0 me thl! Ihe members of ol.lIloc.1 have chosen an excellcnt gloup 01 oilleetl. and Ihey undoubtedly Will du .n excellent lub uf runllLng the local fOT the next thrce ycars

Members Iccreta.y Dick FuhoD and OfSn Mauser Robert Wa.d of Loca l 1249, Syracule, N.Y.


In Tralfic Sisn.1 Tralnins Class art lohn Tloyln, Gcorge Warner and Guy Slimp.

Undel the no t·50·funny calcgory thl ' month is ~ OUt negotia l ion, lor the Electric Department em·

~1~~~~::yL~7el~~~i!·c!~.~:t"I!~~e :~~r~h~a~~yj~~ • law. Tht mayol and Yillage board in that Yillage leave a lot to be desired In the area 01 honUlY. lesJ>l:ct and legard fOI labol law. I've hUld .101 of bad poh ticlan jokes Ih~t coyu them pletty accu· raldy. Brother Harold MantO has a lign in !he back wmdow of hll pickup that I thlllk coyelS the village board and mlyor qULle accu.lfely The only Ivenue of JUSlice lor employees unde r the New York Taylor Law., 10 take pohucal action asaln51 Ihose who $halt you UnfOllunately poliucal lelioD docln't help the pOCketbook, but" docs hdp the fOul, by dOing UOIO othels as they dId untO U$

The wOlk plc,ure for Ihe nell' luture SIIIl docsn'l look Ihat A lew small jobs SllTt Ind a few mOre flmsh eyel'}' eouplt of weeks bUI nothin, that mOre than a couple of men. We ,,,II have I 101 01 Brothers tramprng around the eounll'}' w'l1Ing 101 somclhing 10 develop he re Dt home.

I+. lemlndel! Make sure you reginer and votel -or We cannot nand anothe r lou. yean 01 Reagan's Ideu.

p. otect your lIyellhood- Wo.k saldy! auy union! .nd combat ObSIIUe l ionistsl


Scribe Looks at Apprentice­Journeyman Relationship l .U. 1251 (i), AUGUSTA, ME.~1 hue been uked by se,-eul memM" 10 Wille an article about the ~I'",e,,"~" .. "J IUUlOl"r"'~Ll IclaLlonshlP Okay. lor startcn my dcar Inend Mr WebSler dellnn .n Irpremice as "one bound by legal agrCi:meDt to work lor lIIolhcr lor a speCific amount of time in relUrn for Instruellon in a .rade, an 01 businul_" I+. loumeyman is "one who has fully se rved his ....... Iherl apprenueesh,p III • craft o. tilde .nd 15 a qualified worker in anOthel's employ." Now thn the defin,uons lie established, how docs the IClt III inl

FilSI of all, pleue understand, the leYeI of u ­pcnence >"ariu from apprenllce (olpprenlice. They lange from green light ofl Ihe strcetS 10 preViously e~pe r lenced . Some learn QUicker than others. Some ~I" lII ... r ~ nl~~b~,"~~lIy lII"hll~J. Mu.1 a,e ugcr to work but Som~ a re wa .y. Yes. wary of makin.

Page 57: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

unknowing mlslaku, hence uOldmg <: rud and unusual pUnishment by cmb.lla5smcn t. Abo, one rnU$! realize one cannot compare the .kill, of a first-yeu apprenuce to a fourth-ycar ap pren tlce.

The journeyman on the other hand mus t also rea lize appren ti ces do oot possess u u uenso,y

.. perception Instead, make them aware of uslstLng through anuclpallon. One iourneyman lUucsted, "Male or female, hI, 01 small, they should be I'rudendy IUlped vanous jobs, wull no favOrL!' 15m, 10 help broaden IlIe" expcTlcnce They need YOUI patience, gUIdance, competence and even a L lude TLC 10 help them become hclJlful and can·

I fidem dec tr!cIln8. Don'( be ashamed to learn from them. Talk 10 Lhem. 11.1 051 of all , ,Ive them a chance. "

I've heard members bellow out, "Don'\ Ihey leach you anythIng in cla~.! " Yes, they do_ They go through loul yun 01 classroom Ins trucllon. Pluse rnllze that a book· learnd education and field pllctic:alllY are "'oIlds apan Thert I .e only

" a lew who can .cad a book then go lIght out to correc tly accomplish a lob. Fot many, books pro·

~ VIde an 1n1l1al gUIdance. The field expcrlence and pOS It ive reinlorcement Comes from the journey· min on the lob

"'nother thing. the apPlentice does not take Iway a loumeym~n's lob T hey contln ... e the luture of UDlon boor and need yo .... help and good "'orklng

L atlltude So pltne. learn 10 cope "'lIh nch othen' IdlOsyncrastes, cooperation, communICatIOn and tupectlng tach other ue the keys to I successful "'orklnlrell\lonshlp We are III humi n Ind, yes, somel1mu we a ll have OUI bad days.

... hclued hrrth anllo ... llcemellt O ... r congratu· la l lOlIs 10 Brother R,ck and TereSI Pedley, they are the rroud parcDls of an 8 pnulld·S ounce daughle . named Sabn u Katc. Sahllna "'u born l on May J, 1984, 10 Exeter, Ntw Hampshire A nOle TerUI is I ca.pentc, lrom Local 176.\, Or· lando, Flonda Rellrement appheauons wtre granted 10 Brothell linWood Cunningham Ind FllnCIS Laoe SalclY prcscn puoo and non·p.cs<;npllOn glassu can ~ th rough BrOlhelS Stan Wal lace. Jr.. or Woody Cote, Jr Prices UC 40 perecnt 1060 PCICCnt cheape, I. om thtm than the oumde market

lUt but nut leul, I ~an'l emphas,ze enuugh about the bIg NovrmlM-r ~Icclton . Go OUI and yole 101 the man ",ho IS gOlOg to lurore our unIon livelihood Reltled member,. you'ye had your day,

I 01 plcnty, please don't forsake the youngcl mem·

• ben If a fellow member needs a nde 10 Ihe po1l5. help OUI We need evcry vole. OUI Ihere'



I· Shown in Ihls pielUff Ife, ,<'Iud, Genlve lvc Falr-

r dOlh . nd, U;1lndi ng. front row, Plcsidtn l Will iam On, Local 1161 , York, Pa. ln the back lOW are, left to Ilghl, John Barnhill , Prenoo Myers, lohn Wetu l,

·l SItU Vlnovleh and fred Hom. MI55lng are George TalC Ind Merle lIankty. " ru idenl Or! WI! pre-seoting then . eli ren ", jth Lou1126! "," chu fo r

... _ their many l uceenluJ yUI'!i 01 ~erv ict. Each 8rolhe. nl Loul 126 1 would like to exp.en hi. s rujlude 10 each .erlret I ud .he bu r 01 luck lor many tnjoy.b le yu.s of le li lemenl. IPhoto submitted by Gary Emig. preu seCretary 01 Local 1261.1


Local Has No Grievances on Books l.U_ 1307 {U&.Cl lv}. SALISBURY, MD.-ThlOgs have been nrelly quiel a long ,hi. loe"'s linci


Brolheu Jeff EmUl1 and Matly Red ingl"n . tce/viug 18EW Lile Su inl A ",a.ds from Pres ident Murphy,

lately. I am plca5cd 10 re port that We hne Ic~chcd a potot ",hcre this I~al has no gnevantn on thc books. a poinl "'hlch hu rarely been achlcyed We 've come a long "'ay 110m where wt ",e . ~ abo", lou. yean ago wheo there ... ·ere aboul laur ylCv ancte! on file 1I0pdully. thIS IS the trend of 'he IUlure

local IJ07 has also had liS , hlle of, unselfish and concerned membcl5 5uch as Bruthns Rabert Johnson, Tbomas Toba" Sherwood P,nder. Thomu Clta.y, Kenneth Tindall and Wtlham Wlndsol. ",hoallrecetvtd IBEW life Sav'ng A"'alds for ,hell aclton. al Ih~ scene of an autolOobtle acc,denl Also receiVing lIfe Saving A"'ards were B.othen Ielf Elhott and Many Rcdmgton, wha r(vlved a VICtIm 01 a heart attack. a conHaCIOI ",o.kmg on company properly. The qUIckness and CIJltIllJ.C txhlblled by these men .eee,v,ng thIS ~w~ld 15 h,ghly commend~blc, and 'hey deserve al! the rra'$/> Ihat ",e tan give them Sltuauons such as these have ploven the v~lue 01 proper flrst aid and CPR natomg, whlGh all rhe IcelptCnll of Ihesc a",ards recc lved

Unltl nexl month, strength In unlly MtClIA£~ A DlNNt~, F S P S

Scribe Discusses Trade Deficit l. U. 13~O (i,lI8lem). NEWPORT NEWS, V ... . - 1"IIe UOlled StatCS lude dellc" hits ,eCOId hlgh l Yu, II is true. OUI nauon's trade deflc,t hit a record S 10.1 bIllion m ftbruary, mcreaSlng the liktllhood Ihat II ""II tOp the SIOO·btlllon mark 101 1984 Th" Illlule ""ll Coil hund.cds of thousands of Amenclns thetllobs

Ha.desl hit by the 5Q.;lnng ,mports are Ihe "etl and shoe mdustrtu Shoe ,mports have takcn 69 Jltrcenl 01 Ihe ma. kel and bue caused 16 shoe: faetonCi to close theu doors 10 the flnt th.te monlhs 01 1984 In Ihe ned mdusuy 200,(KXllost Ihelt jobs, and 100.000 w,ll neve l gel thc1I lob, hack.

The American~ couldn't COmPCIC wllh many Impnru even II Ihey CuI the ll wages In half Countnn like Smgapule and MexiCO, JUSt to name a few, pay their wotkers about 30 cents pc. hour and pay hu le 01 no Import tax (.t tbe "me !tme they usua lly In our ,mpOrt$ to tbeu COUntr le, very heavllyl_ Could you hve on balf your pluent wagel 0/ course noll Be a good umon member and a fine ... merican by 1051stmg on Amenean· and unlon·made goods. OUt IUlure depcnds on it.

EIlDll C O f f, V.P.·p S

Executive Board

Shuwn at Ihe " E" Board meeling, lell 10 righI, ar t " E" 8u.ld member Bill Schmid. Src . elary One Srurgeon and Ch.itman Clr dc " Keno" GUI~will t •.

Writer Notes Efforts of Executive Board L U, 1347 jul. CINCINNATI, OIllO--Oul iocal Ii lon unate to haH IS IIrothl:l5. lepresenttng all 01 Ihe depallmcnts In the local . who g"'C thei r time and dloll to snvc us 15 members of Ihe Executive Board. Thest Brothers realize" , $ ,mponant to serVe as an eleCted offlcial and be involved in policy makmg

The "E" Board hn many vaned leSPOn5lbllittU whIch melude IOvclll18allog all appheatlons for membershIp Addtuonally Ihey re,'It'" the ell ""nSt! of the local and approve tbem fOl plyment Buslncss Manager GIlhgan prov,du the Board wllh .11 the mlo.mluon 10 ,egud to cases Ihll lie sublect to .tbllla"On Upon hean ng the eVidence. ,he " E" Bo.r rd gtVCS II! recommendauon whethe. to ptOce~d 10 arbarauon

SpecIal recognition should be amibutcd to thesc Brothe rs "'ho unselflshly serve all Ihe membcn 1hat make up OUt loe-al Theil ded,calton Ind leadershIp makc II posSIble lor us, as unton mcm ben, to ltap Ihe halvcst of thelt labor We, U

members of local 1341. tan show our appncia"on by thankIng Ibe mtmbers 01 our hecultvt Soard lor a lob well donc

Submllled by D~ve Balhro. recordmg seC!etuy RAy I"y. p S

Three New Members On Safety Committee L U. 1359 lu). Cli lCAGO, llL- ... Ie .... · months ago 10 July. half of ou, SafelY Commlllee at Cra",ford Stallon wu .eplaced "'lib three new people I ",ould hke to ,hank Wal tCl EIchman. electrical Operalmg, Michael Kelly, lO~trument I"echanlt , and Alexander Kogut. maiOlenance mechanic, for domg an excellent lob tn the years they sc rved on Ihe CommIttee Replacing Ihem arC S~nd" Bro",n. dcct"cal ope""ng, William Thornc. ,nUrumCnt mcchanlC, and lame, Palumbo, mllntCnance me ebanic_ LeI's all pilch In and g,ve them a bl! helplDl hind. Remember, by coopc'~\ln& wtlh them you also help yourself It '$ tailed teamwork Don'\ give Ihem I h .. d "me, they wIll let that by the people they deal "'"h on ,he Commlllce. I am sure thai m ume ,I we all stick together on .. fe ty matter, ",e w!1l be heald. and we w,1I sce Imp.o~ c· menU. The only ren on for changmg the Commit· 55

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PIClUted hue i. II tnry Whilt, ' maintrnance me· t hank from Crawford Stl lion, Local 1359, Chi· cago, Ill.

Will iam Vnquuand Rl ul P, niib.~ fuel h ndleq OUI of Crawford Slllion.

Ice 15 10 give dlfftrent people I chance to gel Involved. The5e people w.1l serve a 12-month term, three 10 be .eplaced In ,,,Ir. and Ibt (I I her lout In January 01 1985

Everyone must be aware 01 Ihe growmg concern of Jl(:oplc involved with drugs on the iob and off. All 1 tall uy is. "Don'I." Be prepared to loin the ranks of the une mployed if you arC weak mmded enough to lost I good job h ke you hve. The company WIll nOI sland for it, and the union docs nO! condone II eIther You mIght fool some people now, bu, SOOner Or lucI you wll! gtl CAUght Why lake a chance and nlln your liIe, lob a nd family! Wile up l

CU.R£.NCl A ZlMoN. I' ,S

Officers Elected; Brother Hoffman Retires LU, 11671u). CIIICAr.O, II.I .. -The t.lection reo sults of Local Union 1361, whi~h .... ~re counted on lune 20, 1984, arc as follows, pru.denl andddcgate 10 ISEW ConvcnlLon and delcgne 10 Syllem Coun· eli-Alita Youngl vice pl ts.dent and deleg;lle 10

Sy$lem Coun~.I-Jul", Qu~;tI)'1 ,"'CD rdlng scue' tary_Leonard M.kutu, flnan~ial secrellry- Io· leph Panezak, and tteuurtr-RobclI For the Execu!Jve Bo. rd, r~p rc,enung Overhead De· parllnelll-R~ymond Gunn. James RIordan and Richard Rubui for the Underground Dtp~lImtrj(­MalllllSullkul and lames Ev~n ', rtpluelll,"g Sub· Station Department- Iamie Heber , rtplucnting Transponalion Depanment-Gabnd FIgueroa, and rcprc$cnting Syuem Counc,l delel!~te_Rlcha rd Rubu and Robert Bergblk. Thc ISEW Convcntlon dtkptes for 1986 will be RIchard Rubas, lohn Quraly and loseph Wasek, Thc following Brothers dId an outstandIng job of making lure alilhe rules and byb ... ·s were followed by counllng and check· ing all the ~1l0l5 receIved by mali overhead lioeman-Iudge Ronald Carmzza, ulleu' RIchard UrbanskI, overhead hnemanl Frank Vo:r.n.k. sub· ltallOo Cre .... leader, Judge Sha .... , cable srlicer, undcrground departmenl , aod Mark StaSiak, Trans· portallon Department The dec!Jon resuhs of Lo· e.l 1361 wcre po"ed .t ChICago South, NOllh ami Cfntral follo .... mg the vott count on lune 20, 1984

Brother RI~hard "Ace" Hoffmann attended hl5 lUI EKe~U!1Vf Board meet,ng 00 June 21, 1984, lo r Local 1361. Brother Hoffmann has suved on the EueuILvf Board fur 14 tOnSc~ul1v~ YUII rep re· senllng PUrchasmg Ind HUlldlog Service Depart· nlenLl. Prcsldent Allen Young congratubtcd and thanked Srolhet Hoffmano fo r hi, dedication to


Hrother Richard " Aef" .I offm~n of Local 1361, Chicago, Ill., Jca led, It ft , attended his Ian Exec· uti .... _ Board n' fet ing for Local 1367. Brothu Hoff· oLIn hu se,ved th~ Board for 14 con ~ tc uliVf yun rcprr ~enling the Pu,chas ing and Building Service Department ,.

At Party

GUtili I I .ht retirement party Ire, Iff. 10 right , Brother Gerry Sioobossther, No,m Gas ior. Brother Paul la,os I nd Brother Glen Uliv!.

the Board, .nd everyone prelent cxtended beSt wishes to a true friend and Brother. We welcome Brothe, Daniel Cummms to the Execu\1ve Board representong Purchasmg and "ullding Snvice 0.... panmenLS.

At the lune 17 Executive Board meelLng we wcltomed new members mto Local 1367, lotieph Groller and lohn Polland.

Ccleb'lIing company annoYUUIIU, congratu· bilans 10 the followmg for theu yUI'S 01 luvice' wnh 35 years, overhead Crew leader John licobsma, Stplember 20, 1949, and ovelhead Cle .... luder Frank Stance, September 29, 1949. W"h 30 years S(rv1<:e, ovcrhead hneman specIal and "e .... ard Lou RICh, September IS, 19S4

Pruident Allen Youog announced Ihe appo,nt· mem of J\(ward to BrOlher JOleph Blceu, overhead hneman, ChICago Cenllai, and to Brolher loseph CavalLero, eleCllLea! mcchame.

SuPPOrt COPE (Commiltce on Polttical Edu~. · t ionli ~'g.n up by payroll d(duclLon, $1.00 per pay day. Your contributions help make it possible for us 10 And OU I .... h~t polilLcins do for labor. If Ihey support big bu~mess and bvol bIlls for lhem, we 'll know atwul II, espeCIally no ......... th the c1ec\1ons coming up in No\'Cmhel. COPE is oUr wa tchdog in Washington. but ,hty nccd ,he hclp from every one of us, .... e are the .. support by pl~dglng payroll dedu"ICln cOClmbutJons 10 them, ami now" the lime to do II. SIgn up no .... II the ,egular meeting 01 Local 1367 on September 12. 1984, II the Hllls,de Holiday Inn stamng promptly II 800 p.m. The' Exe~ullve Board .... ,11 mee, on Stplcmbc.r 26, 211 WCSI Adams u 1:00 p.m

We thank the membershIp fOI takmg Ihe lime 10 vote by ml.1 ballol . Have a nit and enjoyable three ·day .... eekeod celebrating what we have worked SO hard lor, tbat beIng Labor Dayan s.:ptembc., J Keep promOllng the unlnn movemenl 10 Ihe non , unIOn ,hops Thank, from Local 1367_

lILCO Negotiations Reach Impasse

RICH RlnA~, p, S

L.U. 1181 luo w), III C KSVIU.E. N. Y.-Th" put M.y 17. OUt NegOlia tl ng CornrnLltcc began m~Ct lng wLlh LlLCO on a regular hasil III t ry to come

to I comn"ual Igleemenl As of th.s wflling. June 15, very Illtle provcn hal been made to .... nd this .grcemcnt. The Company w,lI nOI budge on thell mlLn "p ve·baek" ilems such .. ; al reduce prt5cnt wages and walle M.IIc:J..,les by S perefnl on luly I , 1984, bl ehmin"c Lincoln ', Bmhday, Good f"day, Columbul D,y and Election Day., sched· .. uled hohdays and ,ub,lLIute IwO flo.aling holidays in the .. plaec, Thi' will provide one .ddll1ooal floaling holiday .n 1984 and anotbe , addLlional floalLng holIday to 1995, cl effecllve I.nuary I, 1985, ehminate the ,.x .... eeks vacat ion fOI 30 yun of serv,ce, dl dfective lanuary I. 1985, IClC rcue J Medical Plan deductible. from S7S to SIOO pr l year 101 indiVidual contracts and from $150 to $100 I per year fOI famIly conltacts, el c1leclLvc lanuary ~ , I, 1985, Dental Plan dcduc \1 bles be inc rcucd from 525 per yeal lo S50 per year for indiVidual contracts and from $50 per yur 10 $100 per yea r for family COntratt,. The Company will sohcL! new qUOItS from va rious dental ·plan 1n5U lan~e comp.nies .nd advise the union of .ny change In the dental Insurance·plan tarner ,.

In hght of the reeeni settlementJ in the Thud Utiltty Dlsmct, and the proposed Infl.non figuru, • our membenhlp Illongly fecls .... e art entitled 10 lOme ,mprovemenl$ and nOI Ibe tfmoval of ben· eftu, m.ny of .... h,eh Ih" union worked fOl yurs to obulll.

Our next 5tep IS federal medLllLon and then Ihe moment of tru thl Th" umon has nevu been en pged in a sUlke, but .... e are fully prepared to impose one if Ih.s ,. the only soluliCln to the .. Impasse. MIlSI 01 ou, members realtzc the ram,fI · cations of a strike, but if necessary, .... e must lake this stand 00 princ'ple.

To the follo .... ina people go my SmCere wlshn for a happy and healthy retirement , Harry Browe.. Anna Chereb. Colleen Ciminell, BUll Cocks. Ruth Gibson, Gertrude Kohles, Lilly Lehrer, Ed Mellon. ~ Marge Perry and lut, but not least, alll Phelan.

Unll! nexl month. AUI~RT E. Sn nNRIICU. P.S

Elections Held ; Scribe Thanks Retirees LU. 1402 1em l, PIITSBURGH, PA.-On the lhlld Sunday 10 May at our regular meellng nominations of offteen look pllef Election of lIninn nfflce!! .... as lune 17, 1984. Oue to a Ile VOIC for vicc president, a speCial nlnoff elccllon WIS hdd luly ~ I, 1984, betwc<:n Brother Glenn Connor and Brother Len /IoIarcyams. The new ofAcelllook offl~c at (lur regular meeting In luly. Thcy arc Prc,,,lcul Polul Wuenslcl , V,ce Pres.dent Len Marcyan,s, Record· Ing Seerellry lohn Beehak, fmancial Secretary frank Kaniewski, Treasure! Donald Ford, and Ex· eeutivf Boord member Robert Wilcox. We would' like 10 Ihank all Ih~e who ~ame 10 vOte and thanks to those who served as Judges and tellers . ...

We Ihe membeu of Local 140l wish to think the many r(tLlCes and recently reILred merobers fO I ~ job well done, for all being so faLlhful n umon members. and to the membership. Cheers 10 John Buel, Evelyn Calner, Fehx Chameskl and MarJone Bcn:ungcr

Officers Sworn in At March Meeting

10/-lN BtClI"''', R.S

L U. '455 luo .... l, ST. LOUIS, MO.-Local UOlon 14SS's newly elected officers .... ere ,worn In at the Mareh, 1984 regula r membefljhip mcellog. The officers a r~ as follows PreSIdent Ronald C. Kobr· 'Ullo V,Le P,,,.,')"'ll O.v,d G_ Tschannen, TrelSure. Ka ren O. RICkl, Reco,dlog Stcletary Shlron M .... While. BUSiness Manager/Finanetal Stcrctuy MI ' cbad A. Datillo, BUlLOe" Representative Ronald G Mo .... ery and Executive Board mcmbeu Harvey O. Crane. Daniel T Lewis. Perry E. Pybu., Linda K Uccklcy. Rnbc" L. lones. Frank A. KUr2 , Panick M Klncaly, Carll Kun:, Irvin F Charplot, Jou-ph H Disper. Ir., J~"y E. Conway, Ralph "81orian. I'll riela I. Carmody, Merlen O. C, AfI und loseph ... R. Capizzi

Page 59: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


~h 10 'ight art Tfn~U. ~ r K" fen D. Ricks, Prui­dUI Rona ld C. Koh ring,. 8usin~n o\bnag." /Finan·

.. cia ' Sfcntary Michael A. Dali llo, Vic., P, uid., nt David G. Tuhanntn and R.,cordinJ SC('~U'l' Sharon ..., . Whil t of Lonl 1455, SI. Loub, Mil .


.. l .,(, to rig h t, bade l OW, art F.!{uUlivt BOI, d Mem­btu I(lstl'h R. Capini. Car l I. Kun);, Irvin F. Charpi(II, Pu rick M. "ionly and III,"ey D. Crantl midd le lo ... . loorl'h II. O i! p" ' . Ir., Ka lph A51O. iIO, f luldenl Ronald Koh. ;ng, FIlnk A. Kiln, It ' ry E. Co"w'y and Ptfry E. PybUi, h UIlt lOW , Robe rl l. ' onu, l\ltr ltn O. Crail , Puriei, I. Cumody and

, Unda K. Bt cklt:y.


Also, forme. 805,""5.5 Manager Donald R. BUlk" WIS pres.cnled a pb'lUt In 'pp,ec"lLon of hIS s.crVICt' to Local 1455 by newly clt(:\cd BU5,ntS5 Manage. Mu:hul A. Dal1l1o


~ Thne membul nl Lnul14 70, Kurny, N. ,., ut all cnjnying a gnnd time. f wm Iff! !n .igh! ore Cb irf! Conger(!, p.UI secrttary, Steve Swluuki . Encu· ti..., Boa.d r lOin Gi lh <><>l, Allcotnwn , Dnt Zu.y, fo rmer p. eu SCCOH3f)' and Willie Bus, Encutivc Bnnd ucreU. y.

Believe us-a tl wt ' re drinkin,l •• IpOt olru!

Local Has Problems But Meets Challenge LU. 14 70 !tm&.ca tvl, KEA RNY, N. ,.-The month of July has tndeed found us extremely busy with

!!J negolialions at Corneas! Cable TV and Iry ing to organize !he Sf' Indu$tries in EdISO!l, New le rsey.

We also had aspeclal membeuhlp meclrng concerned the UnIon trying 10 help 100 or &(I

members to become pension ellg.ble In agt 01

It.vll:e, But after a VOle .... as taken whe.e 213 accepted Ind 241 .erec ted, the mcellng ended, and many a tcar wu s.c:e n around the union g.ounds . ru lathng down Irom .. few members' checks But the marorny made the deCIsion, and .... e must ab ide by II

Cllduilly, Kearny IS losing hundred, of memo bers, and to all of us II lus t seenu unreaL But we have to become uscd to Ihe fact thar our plan t is cJOSIn~ , and many of our members have alrudy been Illd off, rcJoclted 10 OIher company jobs Or have . cmed

We a re SlllJ here al our T .... o Cellt ral Avenue add.en, and II any 01 you wlnl 10 pay U. a VISII,

do drop by, we welcome you DUli nR Ihe monlh 01 June,Plesldent CCllno ..... cnl

10.1' o/Acer's meellng of ou r EMJ Council whIch was called hy D"eCIOI Olsen 01 AT&T Technol· oglcs. He "poke 10 us rclallng euetly to the com· p3ny Si tu . lion and the prospcct! or !he fUlure of AT&T, and It sure looks rou~h 101 the company, they h~vc hard obst~cle5 10 cross. Bu! we feel they Un and will make the whole A T& T 6!ruClurC ali~c again and will go forth as leaders in Ihell com· mUtllC31l0n Acid as Ihey Icd be/ore.


Hut are SO me IIl lhc sltw.rds cnloyinl t b~ dinner .1 Walter Whitt 's Restau r.n t.

Steward's Dinner Held ; Support Labor's Friends L U. 1484 (uow!. SYRACUSE, N. Y.-Appro~i · mltely so officers and stcwards attended the An nual Steward's Droner on M.y 3, 1984, at Walter While 's Restauranl p. esldenl W.iter Massey Ihanked the officers and S1cwuds for Ihelr support the ran yea. and asked 10' Ihell eOnllnued sU]'lport 10 the futute . Guests .t the Dlnne. ",eluded In· temallonal RC]'I.csental1ve lack MdxfIOolI and Ch.rlu Carl, chalnnan 01 Synem Council U· I I

local 1484 members mourn the unllmely dUlh 01 Robell V WIlham, On IUne 7. 1984 Bob hid many fllends In Local 1484 and w.ll surely be m.ssed

IIrothe l Jun Sokolowski, Local 1 4 8~ COPE mem­bet, ~Ubmllled the followrn& Wllh Ihe upcomrng na llonal e\ccllons thlS lall, It IS ImperatIVe thaI Ihe members of all bbor organrZlllons become involved WIth the Committee on Poli t ic.1 Educ.· tion ICOI'E I. As unIOn membe .. , th is rnvolvcmenl .ervela lwofold purpose. The fi nt purposc of COPE IS 10 educate and inform union members on all candidates running fOl olnce and how Ihey Sland

on Ihe issues IOvolvlO& •. The second purpose Is fOT members of COPE 10 ' clively clmpalgn for those cand,dates who . re pto·1Ibor.

Unlortunately, many of our union rnernben Ihrnk of labor as r~plesenl;ng onl y the blue·collar work cr • . However. thlS 15 nOI the tas.c:. Mos t of the membersh.p 01 Loal 1484 of the IDEW IS compo.ed of ttldltional " while-collar" employees. In fact, th~ gr~at e51 growth of uDloDlsm as a whole within Ihe past 2S years has been wllh", th~ realm Dllhe " whue·collar" worker

Whi le many 01 our Drolhns and SI5tCrs WIll .,sue thlt they 1ft well off under the rr~.eO! Reagin adm",i,uallon, we must nO t overlook Ihe laCI that Ih ,s is an .dmln.straIlOn dedIcated IU "b" bustness" and nOI the worl",ng force 01 thl' country . ThIS IS eViden! wllh Ihe appomtmen! 10 the Nauona l Labor Relauons Board of Ihree pro· management members by PresIden t Rcagan, These appointments have . esulted in the NLRB becomIng more a figurehead I nd spoktspc:rson for manage· mcnt and less of a fighter lor lahm and equality and !Ilmess in the workpl .ce.

Thi!! is evideO! in lherr lUesl ruling staling Ihat a union cannOlr~'tflel a member's right to reslln This decis ion on june 22, 1984, came 3' i lesult 0 1 a worker who reSlgncd from h is union during I

5\ lIke m Burlingame, Calr fornia, and thcn wen! back 10 work as i scab The Ulllon had fined the wOlker $2,250, but the NL RII found Ihit to be illegal. Murray Se .. gt r. chief spokesman for AfL· CIO PreSident Lane KukJand, .aid thar the deCISIon WIll make 11 much more difficult lor unions to mlintain dl5C,plrne and manage tbell nglltlul po' slltons in colleenvc bargaming

Evidently wllh such proof as thIS befol" UI, II i. Impc.auve Ihat we get OUt and vOle plo-1.bor on Tuesday, November 6. 1 \l8~ Thl' mUn' ouraCl1ve sUPPOI! outside Ind inSIde the young booth lor Ihe IXmocraue presidenti.l eandldale and Ihe rUt 01 Ihe pro· labor candlda tel IS well So be sure and reglSler to Vote. Remember that democracy IS a trv"'g process as longas we, IS bolh unron membe" and IS Amentan,. take In lellVe ro\c w.thln II 10 keep II ahve.

Our union IS U ,tron& a$ you make il. Attend our umon meelings on the .econd Monday of each month and get involved

TllIOlI. Hucz. P,S

Local 1501 Sponsors Health Screening Program L.U. 150 1 (em&.mol, BA LTIMORE, M D.~A new prcvenllve health program hIS been established lot the members of Local Union 1501 Ihrough the ellorts 01 Dron f . GUlhrie. busmcss manager·pre,· ident 01 our local, who is the admini$tra!or of th t Health and Welfar e, and WIth the lull coopeulion and approval of Ihe Health and Wel fare Trustees. The program prOVIdes each eligIble member with • health sc reening cumlnalton. The purpose of Local ISOl's Heal th Screen ing Progum is three· fold II) Saving lives through the urly de teCIiOn of disuse, 121 Reducing mcmber', m~ditll costl by the treatment 01 ilInessCJ before they requi re hosptla1rution, and 13J Reduc"'g lost Ilme to the lob. Ihus reducmg los t wages

Recenl SUIIUICS for Ute Nation.l InSl!lutu of I'!calth bave revealed th.t heart disease, unc~. , stfoke and hvc r disease lead all other cau,u of dellh for wOlklng-age people LucaIISO I 's program has been deSIgned todeleclthcse and otherdluasu In thelt carly lIages Each member of Locil ISOI •• elrg.ble for the health that mcludCl U 1 CardIovascular !!Creenmg for heart d'$Cue Ind "foke !electrocard'ogram, blood prnsure, pulse, cholestc rol levels, etc,J, Il! Laboratory sc reen In, prolHe lor a wide ,"n,e of d.,ea,es indudln.rt. bUI notl,m!lcd 10, cancer, hver aIlments, and dube lel, !ll Ruprratory SCICCnrn& fot lung dIseases Ichut l tay, pulmonary function teSl, etc. I, and 14J Vision and hunng tests . The Hulth Screenrng I' sl ~fI ~d in March of 1984 .nd will eontrnue through· outth~ year across this country until everyone h .. had. chance to be eumincd and IS availab le al no COSt to mtmbers 01 Local ISO I.

tn nominating Roscmary Collyer to ~c rve as 57

Page 60: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


Health Exams

Local Union ISOI, Baltimore, Md., " talth and Welfa,e Fund is II wOlk. Broth r l t.. rry IUYDu, lrft , chai rmln 01 the £nculh'c Board and midnSIII_rn bUlinu~ , rp lurnralive uands with Blu inu, ,'thn­ISf . Dlnn F. Guthri t bdo.t r nltrins the medical Vl n 101 the ir t UDl ina lioDIi.

~ft 10 fiSh! Iff Ired A. Mor, illo, Vir,ini . Fonshee and .... nilUn t BU$intu Managr . Loui~ Sr1'u ino in the (OrnpUIU loom in lIadOld, Conn., lu" belort they Wf r f 10 have . he medical phyllnl through . he Ion I'. Health and Wt UI" .

<rl:neral COUnsellor the Nalional Labor Relluo'15 Board, President Ronald RC;1gaJl has lImply thumbed his nose I' the worklnS mcn Ind women of ,hi, COUntry Ind plunged ahead in hi$ dlons 10 n ans­form .he Board InIO a [Qull, pro-rml'loyer-!nued aleney ,\Is Collyer Als Into the same mold a5 the Rcagan Board appoimees but .... lIh fu less nperl' ence She held a varicr)' (If public rcbtlont tobs pilar to cnlering thc Umvcnity of IXnvcl La .... Schaolln 1974 Ms Collyer, conlUry 10 all of he r predetu$<Ir8, would as,ume the Important P05t of Ceneral Counsel .... lth no prevIOus npell~nce WIth the National Labor Relations Boud OT the ,dmm· lurillon or enforcement of the NatIOnal Llbor Relations Act . Yel, In that posillon, she would be ealltd upon \0 enforce the Act, duccl Ihe mveslI galton Ind prosecution of unfaIr libor rraClIce chalgn Ind 10 supervise the Labor Board's field office, and slafLln faCI, the post of Ceneral Coun· .eI or Ch,d Le~l Officer, as illS somelimes called, is conSIdered to be, perhaps, the mO$! imponant position wi thm the Nauonal Labor Relations Boalli.

In hpt of Ms Collyer's reponed VOle! on the SIde of management In hud casel he~ld by Ihe Feder.1 Mine Safely and Heal th Revlcw Commis' Slon, her appomtment u Ceneral Counsci to the NLRB would ehmmale the lUI vuuge of .ny Impalliallty and deliver the NLRB to management on 1IIIver pla ttel. Mr. Reagan is proposing I 52.S0· per·hour rale 10. tecoagers. Hc couldn't pOSSIbly feel that h" inlent IS 10 do teenagers a favor His probable mtent is to prOVide employers Ihe right 10 ehe.per labor and to dISplace older worker' tha i have .pent thtlr lives working years to ruch the plateau of livable wages and Iringe,. Unemploy· ment would snatch'ih~t thread of dlll"ny Iway with. Itroke 01 ~ !",n.

These lie pOints that !ieem to be of htde concern for Mr Reag~n . This Same lack 01 concern lor the integrtty and Impanialrty 01 the NLRII WIll turn blek Ilmost 50 years of prog,en in the field 01 labor·management rdallons. Couple thiS wilh wh~t has taken place al the Deparrmcnr 01 Labor and the IWO b~strons of hope for the workIDg people have been dowly dismanded over a l'IeTlod 01 Ius than four yells. While our dfo rts seem to meet wllh len and len success, we must conrinue 10 flRht back. We must let our senators know thaI we oppose the conflrmallon 01 Roscm~ry Collyer for Cener, l Coun,el of the NLRfI. The Reaganism BoarJ has aheady made l\ lOugher Ihan ever to

org;t",ze and evell tougher than thll 10 negollale an ag.eement . There is only onc SOIUlion 10 that afflicllon, and the opportuni ty WIll present lueU In Ihe form of ballol bo~u and vo ring machines thlt coming November Make sure that you and every membcr of your family of voung age lie registe red to VOle and eKertise this oUl511nding priYllege al the voting bomh at th.1 11me 1 cannot belIeve [har a maJollty of Ih~ elrglh1. voltng people of Ihll counrry wll l be foolcd by the actOl's glibnel! and ehalm to th. Ulent that they w111 aUow Ronald Reagan to occupy Ihe While House lOt another tou r years

IIcst of health to all of you and you r 10vrd one5 JU.IIY WINKLEII, P ,S


The ne '" .. [li ce r . .. I 1.unl 1505, W~ltl'~111 , M"" •. , take oalh 01 oUic • .

• Busin"' Ml nag'" lim Mulloney is eongratullted by local mombe" on h il n olec l ioll .

Local Endorses Candidate ; Officers Elected LU. 1505!eml, WALTIIAJ\\ , MASS. On July 8 It the regular monthly meellng. Ihll local tnsralled II~ elecled con5tllullonal ofllcn,. Tabng the o,rh 01 office WC IC Bus iness Manager "m Mulloney, Prc'idcn( ()Qn Leahy, Vice Pruidelll Mary Barrell, RecordIng Secretary Mart ha Barry, Ftnancial Sec· relary 'amu Ktlroy , Ir , and Treasurer Joe Kel1eher Also tnSlal1ed welc the txecullve Board members Car] Trundy, In tem'tronal Representauve from the Second DI$IIICt, pruided over the InsraUation I would like to lake thl' opportunity to eongul' ulate the of/kell of Local 15{)5 and urge all our members \0 suppa" and wurk wllh them as a unrfl"d llXal.

A speCIal COPE meeung was held m luly to annOUnCe the Comml\lec', endorsementS for the upcoming p"mIIlU. fn the race 101 the U.S. Senar" 'eat beIng v~cated by raul Tsongas, the CommIttee gave a unammou5 endorsement \0 Conglessman !1m Shannon CIIIDg the conglenman's vounS Iccord as almoSt 100 percent pro labor, the Com· mi"~e c~lled Shannon a IrUe hiend of Local 1505 and 01 aU OIgamzcd labor. Our ml'.mbel5 should be awarc that as a member of Congress JIm Shannon has eomlDually fough t for a strong def"nsc roliey Bnd programs that have meanl CDntrnued employ menl and prospellty fOI OUr members. r cannot stren 10 our membershIp enough the Imponance of clecllDg a min of Jim Shannon's eahbel As I congrC$$man he has Ilwaysloughtlol the members of Local lSOS. and we can be usured he wi!1 conunue to do so in the U.S. Senue.

The Committee al50 gave endouemenr 10 the candIdacy 01 SlalC S~1\ator Phil Shea, who IS run · nmg 10 fill Ihe fIfth Congressional D,s trt ct 5eat occupIed by Jim Shannnn 110m 01 a work ing·clan

famIly 10 Ihe CllY of Lowen, phllllhca has showo to h" constituents thai he is a t l\le fnend ot the worke r and dedicated to improving theIr Jivu

The Commillee also repeated ill IUppOrt 1o. Walte r Mondale in the upcoming prClldentlal etec' tlon. Citmg Ihe disasu ous effec ts thaI Ihe rabid anll'union pohdes of the Reapn I dmimSlra llon have had on union workers Ic ross thl5 counl ry, .. the Commillee urged Ihe membership 10 do every· thIng they can 10 Insure the VICtOry of Walte r Mondale in November.

finaliy, I would Irke to mentIon an IncideRllhal .hould be 01 gre31 concern to our member •. Durin" 01,11 recent dection an allegation was made by I

&l81e l local of the prmtlng trade that ,evera l caD didatu for office 10 01,11 local had diu ribuled clm· p~itn 1irrr~I"rt Ih~1 hme I r.rruntcrfeil unlnn labcl. In ruponse to Ihe charge, our Executive Board has passed a IDOIlOD 10 cODduel an invcstlgallon and lubmll a reporr of irs flndlnp. 8y Ihe tlmc this .rude comn 10 print It IS hO!",d the matter WIll be reJ(llved. Since Ihe alleged lellvilin Ire under mVC5l!gatron, I do nOI fed II illppropriate for me to iudge gUIlt Or innoceocel howev" r, [ 1,,01 com· pelled 10 add reS! the ISsue of mISuse of the unIon ~ label

5<lme 01 our younge. memben mly not be .ware 01 eKlctty what the union label means. To our Brothers and Sisters 10 the pllntlng lTadC!, Iherr union labe l 15 a symbol that IISOtfiel Ihe praduci WI! made by unIOn workers juS! like you or I. It is a symbol of union claftsmanship Ind quahty thlt meanl lob $eeullly and prosperi ty for union wOlkeTl and their fami lici. Any misuse, !lmpenn, ~ or copymg 01 a union label pllcel Job. in leopardy .nd "likes a blow agalnS! onc of the mosl hSlc concepts of tlade umOnlsm

fil l u~ tu ~lIuw this type of activl11 to occur would mean thai we hue now abandoned the veil foundation on .... bich union brotherhood wal bUIlt , Ihal u the trusl and rupeet We as m"mbe" 01 lihar hav" 101 one anothe r. Arc we now 10 IUOng that we can bleak the bonds thai bind uSlogethel1 I think nOl. Ii .,."e, as members of organlzcd labor, arc to survtve and prosper, we mUlt mamtam and respect Ihe coocepl 01 the union I.bel In dnong!lll we show our friendl and cnemin alrke thai we st.nd truly 10 whdanry.


Termination Contract Read ; Picnic Set For September B L U. IS1S Icml, S. MILWA.UKEE, WIS.-AI the locil union meellng on July 8, 1984, Pre.idenr Judy Brewer rtad through the termln.tion contraCI B"dly, It reads II fallows:

Prn' ra l ~d vacalinn.~ u nf July .ll, 1984. rale of pay " the lime the tenninallon contract w~s Ilgncdl Inlurance coverage: three months from ~ date of layoff includrng dentall lick·pay benefi" cease on dateoflayoffl pension. 100pereent ve$led .. rights per years of ,erVtCel leltC! of recommenda' tron to eacb employeel phase· Out bonus bued on hourly wage al the lime the termln,"on (oou atl WIS 51$ned. ThIS berng conlingenl on sigmng a reluse glvmg up reull righlS and 5enlorilYI bump· ing up to code 18 Imachine operatorl by scnlOl employees wilh a flve·day trial periodl reemploy· ment usistance .... iIl be offe red at no Call to the employeel and workshops to be held on company time

Although the union olfleers dId nOI ag ree on all mallcn, il wu Ihe bt:St they could do unde r Ihe ~U~UI"~I~m.n. E.11l~r~"" rk~t,,~ wlla \lunln their dealings

The Labor Day Parade 1$ scheduled lor Seplemhcr ), 19B4, at 10:00 a.m. from Ninth and Wisconsm Av"nu~ 10 the War Memollal Center, Milwaukee, _ Wl$consin. Thele will be mOre band., floatS and march ing uniu Ihis year. Two hundred Joca! un10M Irom all tradc, and indu5trres will be rcrrcsen ted, Ik thrr~ anrl 'IIPPOll your local nntnn a~ wtll a~ Ihe union b,ot he r and si$terhood

We wish Lola Schultz allihe happincn and be" wishes in he r ret irement ahe r selvlng 10 yca" wi th Ihe company _ Her sunny .mile w!JJ be missed by he r fello w un ion members .

Locil IS3S WIll hold it. fi nal picnic on Septcmber

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8, 1984, ~t Shcrid~n I'alk, Cud~hy, Wlleon,;n, in .... re~ l. Hopdully the pdzelI, gamn and Idluh meor. will elK the udneu we,ll fed ,bou t the pbol will be good to Iha.e the day with the friend, we made over the yel .s. I l lncerely hope nch member of Loc,1 L5J5 will luend .nd m~ke thlS IOCI. I eVent I huge 'UCCClI!

• September 9, 1984, i. the da te ,eheduled for the next Loul ISJS uniOn meeung II 1000, m at Pulask, Inn, Cud~hy, WIICOnJtn


, "Solidarity Now" ts Working In Alaska LU. 1547 !I,o,u,c,nllfnt ), .... NCIl OR .... G ~, A"._ Solidarity now, !9841 GOtn' along Ind slowly sel' ting slIonger SlIong and free, God help UI be, 111

Alaska) We a .c fighting for OUI lob_, our hnmu ~nd o'u

, child r~n" futurel and we arc bClltnntng W Win, slowly maybe, but winntn8 Remembel, Bnuhcr, and Sis ters, a liny little Inowb~1l can cause one

~ great big anlanehc We had a ,mall vlctl>ry til the Kenai I'cllin.ull

.ecently. No mutellt bemg 'IIIAIl II wu victory. h wa, dlllelCnt, finally bclng able II) tell ou r 8rde, whIch anymore il a very difficult luk by itSelf We had a ve ry fa .. Ind impartial Story dOI1~ 00 the Incident I and the Aochorage Daily Newt ,nd one reporte. , Roome Ch_ppell, ue to be commended

• U5u~lly the new'l'apet. ale 10 lUlU J<:nlalionali,rn and damn the uu th, that one nevcrknow~ whether 10 hnc your ,arbage can befo.e-tlr afte._It' • • cad Ronme Chappell, our thnk, to you, , " , .nd your pape.; that ', the falfc$t, trUUt veulon !cuverage] that we 've had 111 a long Ilme

I w.,h the.e was a way 10 make every Alaskln .. onderstand, that every .... Inkan would Ihlllk. about

Ihe facl that when outSide "rat" contr~ctO" ate • allowed tueome rnto ou. Slate and take our Alukan

loin, they're nOt lust hUllln, unlOn,- thmk, for crymg OU t loudl [,;1 the ma,oruy of union people m the welb.e hnn .od unemployment hne.1 No, It " nOt l moSt un.on members wuld probably alway, wo,k, because: the ul1lon teaches us 6klll" So whcn you laugh It the unions in trouble, you're rc~lly laughmll at yourselves. lleClu,e, Irke 1\ or not, the ru,on you arc treated f~lIly at lome of tho,e lob, II becaule if you WCIC not treated f~lIly, you would most ce rtainly be w!Slling you had a

• good umon', backing. To all the Solrd~" t y lIIenl be" who we.e In the Kenai pickellllll HOllie r ElectriC and WIlling to go the nln, let It be known Ihat you SUre arC WilkinS toll tu III of u,.

I ,cceived I lette. at the h,lI I~st week fr01l1 Someone who had read my May letter, and he had • few ,hrng, to tell lIIe tht I had to have 10 lound OUI my menage. lie didn't Ilgn hI, name, and I'm iliad he d.dn 'll because my letter WI! opened

... aCCIdentally at the hall I'm nut even oure whether o. not he'. ISEW or 302, because he wrotc to me bUI menllons them lIowevfl, If the thmgt he menlloned wc.e true, he would not 10 wurry ~boUI 'Illmog h" name to the lelle.

Brothers and S.s ter . of Ihe IIlf.W. 10m wrth us III 00 ' "Sol,d.rtty Now" movement Also, YOll BrothelS and Sisters from.1I the olhcr lintOn" It'l begllllllng to work fOI us hcre m Alatk. It can fn r you in the " Lower 48" al,o You tin do anythmlt you .... 01 to do, ,f you Walll to do one lrule thms b.d[y enough. Don't lu,t roll ove. Ind rl~y d~.d The "ralS" w.Ll nOI go aW'YI they'll lust keep gnawmg away unit I Ihere's nOlhtng lell

Solidarity now, skol Loru P't>UH, I' S

Response Good To Fund-Raising Efforts L. U. 1713 ju), fREDER ICTON, N. Il . 1 he Bowltnll Tournamcnt aKain Ihi~ yea r wa. a hu~c lucee,. Never has th is . eporte. eVel ~een !uch ellon put forward by Ollr members to get up IlJ Ihe line and get rid of tho" pesky hall •• u they un lIet blck

., to some Ic rioo l bu,inelS

Flower Day

I)onnl John5l0n, Ihe admininratin u.hun l of Lou[ 17Jl, F,edericlon, N.B., and Loc.1 lJ09, along wilh her friend Marian MuM ill an, ht lp!n, in Ihe fiSh l ~Sain" moh iple 5dcro,i,.

Charity Race

Brolher Allison Pofter Ind his wife Lind. Ife Ihown calching a at the recent " Race " ""S" held by Locals 1733 and lJ09. Intern. t iona l Rep· rutntnivf 80b Whitehud is studing behind Brolhe. Porte •.

.... 11 in .11 the bowle,s d,d thell beSt to keep thell ave.ales up, and sOllie ",cd to keep thell cool. while others tned thell best to have ~ good ume Some eVen "'cd to keep theH beards and loog h~ .. , but lo,t evro that 1100 ~d, Johnl, John bowls fo, the Courtenay Bay Chueken team, who .g~,n thll ye., WCle not lIoubled with packrng home any large trophtu !kiter luck neXl )'l:1I, fellows lI.yward wa~ m.Xlllg up some great stuff, worthy of Som~ h'gh pmnts a5 a rollcr A brg haod 10 the Balhu .. t ",lIclS. who had 3 tough time th .. year Without Ih,' one and only Pee Wee Yoong to eany them Con~ratula tiOI1$ to Cha.he "Lucky" Pierce who wasn't roll1l1g in the high pomts, bot was rolhng in somcllllug else when he gOI b3ck 10 Ijeechwood.

The Multrple SclerosIs Carnauon Day Went OVer

,cally well this ycar. thanks to Ihe great dfurt Irom Local 2309 m,'mbers. who attendcd the uble dlsplays in the Fredellcton area malls, alon..: wllh members of] 7JJ Ind 2166 ThIS IS the ,econd ye •• th ll we have applIed ourselves to thiS worthy tall,e

On the conllac t scene the negottatlOn tUm could nOI find II wllhrn themselvC5 10 .ecummcod I 0 Or a 0 and ~ pe.cent ' elm oj agreement, whIch thertby ICslllted m bruhn·off talks. We ale rrel enlly lookmg for SOme d~ccnt concillalions 10 mnVe u~ forwl"l

The "Race Ag~m" Muh'ple Sclt ro,,," wu hdd It the F.edellc ton Raceway agam thts yu. and the le)pon!C was good. ThIs wOllhy c~use has IttraCled a ~(fy gOOiJ leaclton from 001 r~nks. Broth~. AI I,soo POller and hIS lo~ely WIfe Lmda C~mC down Iwm Wood<;lock to worl< Ihe r~ec"'ay on behalf of M S Brother I'oller IIsed h,s expe"en~e at Ihe .tabltt, wh~rc he h" knew most of the horses by th~i. ilrsl n~mes, and $uggeated to In ICmatlOrul Rep.~sCnt~IIV~ Bob Whl\ehud the num""r • .l 2·R were g"o<l (lor !Ome [Cawn! Thrnudl the cffntt! of these !BEW mcrnbc:u, the "Race .... galnst M.S," Ihls year was completed with guod aCCep tAnCe by Ihe racing fans rn the alea Oo.lucal, alol1g wllh Local 2J09, turned OU t In make II ~ ~utCCU,

Contract talks ale still stalled II the p.esent time

On Ihe wo.k SCene II would appear that qOlle •

number of oor II.doH membels have made thell way back to the wo,k force.

OUI ddelate. to the Eutern Canada Prolrell Meeting held m Dartmouth , Nov~ Scol ia, were en ltghtened 10 the bUle p. oblems IffcelLog OU r membeu IcrOIl the whole of the InterulLOn.1 Brothe, hood of Electrical Worken union and [a'

bour In general Blothe. Jim McAvoy from Local 230, VIctoria, Snllsh Colombia, nor Exeelltive COllncil membe. , spoke on the Slluallon occumnl In BritIsh Columbi~ now, Ind how Ihe metll of the union lIIembe.s wu tested all aCion 011'

lands todlY . If eve. the cry of "unHed we sland, dry,ded we fdl" was to be hurd, it would be now ThIS IS I ten thn we WIll withstand and coollnue to aeh,eve bette. meo" 10 all the WOlken aCloss OU I I.nd" because 1\'1 '0 obligallon we have all uken Ind WIll eonllnue to ltve With.

Anenllon, B' Olher Go.d Simpson [f you're not receiving your copy of Ihi. 'oulII~1 yet. plnse notify OUr locil offlce

Work Scene Good; Safety Course Held

B~RT EVA"'~. p.s

L. U. 1139 !1St.u), BARRIE, ONT._ With OUr con· trACt ,ettled fo. anothe l yea., oor membe.s arC 1(IIU08 dowo 10<1klOlI forwa.d to a good wmklOg YCi I In the 1II0nth. to come Cou~tatul l ti onl to all the members whe> passed

the Safe RigglOg Course In Apnl which was held 111 Billie by the Safety Con,uucuon CounCil ~nd mstruc ted by Frank Mrcell from Safety Coostrue· tlon and o.gantzed by Blothe. Carl Newmao [am happy 10 ,ay th.t app rentice M,ke Brown, wllh help from brother members. ~lIended thIS coulSe. and ahe r hIS accident he II well on hIS way 10 lecovery

I would hke 10 extend a , appreC"lIon 10 B'Olher, Wlte, lIawklns, Gillan, Warne •• Blown and McTIWIt fo. a lOb well done m the .. eflons on behalf of the Multtple SclerosIS Soclely In selling SO-50 tickets II the Barne Rlceway A letter WIS reeelvcd from Mr. M A Mcfadden, challman, Race Ag~inst M S, for the beSt lob done in fI~e YCirs of the M. S. Race hIstory

Ou. Anou.! Golf Toornameo' was held lO lone 11001 wrth Oil' local picnic In July . I WIll have pictllrcs and comment' on WlOnen m my nut IISUC

Our work p,ctu.e this ycal look, prelly good at thrs time with. new 1I0nda Motors Plant .n A!liston Ind. lIew mal! on Bayfield Stllp w"h • 70·"ory c~ten.lon Ind an Eallln~ Comp!e~ .heady I llIted

I wl,h to extend OUI best w"hel and sopport to al! the members of Ont."o II),d.o, Local 1788, who arc presenlly out on stllkel and we hope they w,1! be ab le to .ettle loon A 101 01 oor memben have worked fo, Local 1788 when 00. Ilea was shon of work, and we utend th~m 00. whole helned '1I1'POIl

We Wish I speedy ICeovery to Bru.her Carl New man who ICccntly had I b~ck oper~t;on We h0l'( he Will be up .nd lIollnd vel)' soon

Remember, ~ good union member 's one who p~IIIC'P"CI in oor locil .CILV,lLes

1(l~lMI 5 C.Q'II'TO"'. P S

<r w m

Very Poor Meeting Attendance is a Problem

" L.U. 1'.108 (II), COCOA, FLA._Th" month I would W hke to diScuu the need for oor member.llIp to be b: mOle IllYolHd wllh the .etlVllres of Ihe local and ~ moSt .mportantly, attendrng the oown meeungs At the meeting bdore thrs wfLllng, only I I ...J

tnemhcli felt the n~cd to be at Ihe meellng, of ~ the,e, five wcre oflkell.I leaitzc that all membe.$ a: c~nllut attend each meeting, bu t havlOg only I [ Q people ,how up (s very pOO, '

Wrth .ll the plt)bJcm, facin~ IlibOl these days, I can't undCllt~l1d why ou ' merllbelJh.p doesn't becullle more 11Ivolved J gues, everyo~e rs mOre than happy wi lh what they have, and feels thaI ,hdl input .nd help i. not Important . The office .. 59

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01 our local and the few .cuve mtmben we hne IrC workmg very h.rd 10 Improve whit wc hne and to mike our 100::011 bener, b ... t IheK few Inlh· vlduals CannOl do .lIlhal need. 10 be done, Many nelS 01 concern go wanltnll due 10 lick of ume .nd manpower We m labor lie gomlllhrough Ihe rougheS! urnes we haye &tcn In this country smee the 1930., Ind il doc.n ' l Kern hke mon of us Cl rC, Maybe II', becaUK we feci Ihal our (antrUII .nd lobs .I .e Kcu.e beClUK we wo.k fo •• ultluy. and what \I happenmilin Ihe rut of the labor move· menl docJn'l concern us Well, IhlllS nOI Ihe ClK Now mucb of the wOlit We .1,,1 fhe ~c.ou "110 IS now contracted 01,11. and mostly to rat conn.ctms I ..,e a 101 of n .od 1\ sums to be lIellm, worK Aho, the stalf lellls]lIure and the PSC play an ImporUnl role m how FI'&L OpelltU, .gam aI· feclln, our wa,es and beneflls These Ihlnlll cao be slm"ed If our members ale aW~lc of what II gomg on and Inl0llned on how to aCI 10 COlleCI O. Slap ~ problem

We mun all nay m/ormed and IC\lye 10 nol only make gains, bUI to prOlecl whal we have. I don 't think u 's too hard /0' any of 1,1, 10 lake 01,11 of our free time a (oupl .. nf hm .. , I mrmlh In IIlt.nd a union meellng.. So on Ihe ICC and Tuuday 0/ each month, bow about I$klO, yourself II what you arc .10m, II morc ImpoHant than gOlrlg to thc hili for a couple of houlS, tn Ihc long run YOUI lOb could depend on you l deCISIon

IlItcnded an OIgantlitlonal meetml of Ihe Bre' vard Ch'ptel of the Co.allllOn of Labol Unton Women lut month. They sull aced. lew more mcmbers to lecel~e theu chatterl membenhll' it ortn 10 bolh female and male uOIon membell, 50

.f anyooe IS Inlelcsled m Ih" o.g.n.%.IlIun rleasc allcnd the meellnll! 1010', hall I! Hlghp(lInt on Ihe thm! Monday at elch month" 1:.tU p m Uur local IS rer.c&tnltd by Colleen lIarkms. Ican Cn del, Oilvi Wile., who ,,'n c.lccled .. ICC plu,den, pro tern , Ind myself tiore/ull,. a loc.1 Ch~plC l 0/ CLUW Will help u. all bc.:omc mu.c ",fu .. ",," ur the ploblems women 10 the !abo. 100ce I.ce, .nd pe.hari let mOle "'omen .cllve In Ihe labol move' meal, benefilLn& .11 01 1,11

One lUI remtndel 10 .11 01 you who hive not yet regls ,eled 10 vote, pleue do 50 nowl ynul Yale can make a dIfference

Hope 10 sce you at .he hall, Septembel II at gOO P m

T t ...... L KAMMll, P S

Local Mourns Brothers; Scribe Says, "Vote!" L U. 19S7leml, EA ST BUTLER, PA,- Members of loc~1 1951 ~rc moumln, the pa"inlt o/tWO of 01,11 rClLred members

Terry Slew.II dIed at the 'Ie of 48 aftCI a lonl fighl wllh hel/l disease. He was I membel 01 01,11 union from 1961 unlll 1979 wheo he took h" d.sabtlllY Ituremenl Terry was I Jlockman'In SpeCIOr.O Ihe metals diviSIOn when he rei Ired lie II survIved by hiS Wife .nd thlee IOns

c,rnfO: ~hll" abo pused away rc(eutly. Georle Wis 79 yurs old .nd h.1i leliled Irom I.«al 1951 tn 1969 He had Walked to the Malotenance De· partment oil the lime 01 hll retllement Geolle 15

IUrv.Ved by IWO Ittpdaughicis and. SlCrSOn 01,11

coodolence" &0 to thc /am.huol Telry and Gcolge h'l 001 oft"n thl! 1 w.lte .bout polilL« o.

nallon.1 alblls, I usuaJlyluve th.t to wllters who Irt mare knowledgeable ,h.n me on thcsc sub,ecu. BUI th.s month I WIll make ao exceplLon You doo't hue to be ~ery knowledluble about polllLcs 10 ,ee Ihl! we need I chanle In WuhlOgton this Novcmbel

looking back on 1I.0n.ld lI.upo'. t"rTD to ulflu:, you cao ne th.t he has done evcrylh,nl In hIS power 10 nop the labol movement 10 th,s countlY The All TI~lfic Controllers' Unton, PATCO, docsn't ellill ,oo,y beCiUSt of this m.n OSHA lunds hl\'e been CUt 10 an "'empl lo cUlb in$pec,lonl of place. 01 employment for the health .nd .. felY of workerl HtS .ppomtmenn to Ihe N'lional L.bOl Relallon, Soard hnr hrrn InnE. imr advocatu of mauge· meat. Reagan hu also tried to raise th" letl , emClII age l oli lower Socl.1 Security benclln The luell

plall by IhlJadmlOIStfl l ioll "'u l"ll.ub·mmim ... m summel "'a&e lor youda ndun, employm~nt

01,11 local had. fil" hInd look al the darna,e the Re'!:ln .drntnl'"'!lun hll done to the labol ml)yemCOt When w~ WtlC on "lIke Ilitlummtr we had to ".nd by and wllch nnkehlukru go in the plant and pelfolm wo.k that we nOlm.lly did ThIS Incident aloot should be enough 10 uille uch .nd nely membe. of 0\11 loc.1 10 ~Ol( for the Democratic candld.le m Ihe upcom.nll rieellon If we ,CI nuek with four more yun 01 the plClent .dmmlsII.llon, 1\ Will be • I.ell Htback 101 the workers olthl. counllY. Let'. Hnd Ron~ld RUl-ln back In Hollywood whele ht belonls

I C~n'l linllh w"houl IIvmlllpecl.lrccopllllQ<l to Marge J)r'pc r 10' the oulllandtng Walk she hn done tn gellLng 001 membe,. Icgl$ICled fOI the No\·cm!).cr riect.on Marge'. 1I0ai I. 10 have 100 perccnl 01 OUr ""ople elillble to ~Ole, .nd II '1'''''''' ,he IU)t mljtht rueh that ~oal

BoB rOllN~KV, p.s

Super Tuesday

Gatht'finlll the ,\hlflou 10 p. n itip.u III SUpel Tlltiday wcn, left to " ,hi, Duny Luke" COPE Comminee, Pnlidenl Ken M.n, Loc.1 1914, Omaha, Ntb.1 Fin. nehl Secretary 11m Hardiek, CO PE Direelol John Slii tj. EJ:Ccu l i ~ e BOlrd ollict' r Mike Kell y, Vice Prulden t Tom COllnorr Encu­tive Boa.d of6eel Mulene Wlbon, and T rusurer ' I ck Phi lby.


, Omaha, and I 1974· 1, Und t rwood, lI ~ t cn to !'ru lden, Man dllcu!iI Ihe ch ' n&eI In the newly ne,otiated eonuact.

Local Union 1974 Supports Super Tuesday LU. 1974 Iem), OM .... II .... , NEB.- March 13, 1984 was • hislonc linl for evuyolle Ihroupout the oatlon who lItheled SUpel Tuefdly to support W.lter Mondale'. quul fa. the rlesllkncy Th.oUJh the eleetrontc mlglc of satelhtc u,nsmlnlOn, w.l · leI Mondalc was .ble to leek ~urport from I.bor and pohtlealgroups &.Ilhered .11 o,·c. the United SlltC~ in hl~ quest to defe" the Rcalln lellme

lointng m wllh polluc.llcadtu .od unioo le.d· en Irom Nebra,ka, thc officers of 1.«011 1914 pl!tClctl.t the HUld M~'llUtt III O",.h~ tu .,lcoJKe thell ,urport

In Malch, I.«al Umon 1974 Pluldent Ken Mu, held one 01 Ihe unIOn', quallt'rly 1,10100 repruen tIUYt'$' mteungs to keep the rtrruentatlvu In· formcd .nd brought up 10 dJle on any new bUll· acts.

The purpo.e of the Mitch, 198~ uniOn rerlesen tat!vC$' meeting wu to upllin the recem conuatt and di,cu~, any changes and when Ihey would I,ke clfecl

FIIst on Ihe agenda wu Ihe EconomIC Plotectlon PI.n .nd the new wage·cush,on,"& procedurCl tha, would tJke effect tn the eVent 01 surplusi", or dow",,,d,", because of teehnologlClI d.splace· ment A.lso Icvlewed by Plesldem Mas> Wn the Allendance Connol Program and the recen tly won interluving grievance.

On h.nd to dLlcuu job bidding and thc new lob· • bidding form was movemeot uf J!'I'I ..... lluci coo.d,· nalor VIce Pluldeot Tom Coonol

In '\lenliance '0.1 .Iso called upon 10 dlseun alld reVIew thelllrtaS of union ruporu,b,llIY wele Jerry ('Ole , ehaum.n 01 Job Glides, Tom Van Dyitt, ch'lIm.n of the Wage Incentive COmmlllee, anli lohn SUlCi, COPE repsual and COPE dutttor fa. I.«al Union 1974

lohn SutCl, COPE reg"lrar ,ad COPE d,r .... ' 01 for Locaf Union 1914, was the top leller In the M.y 15 pllmary lor the City Couocil of Belle ..... e, Nebluka John'. eltctton effons oelted him 628 vnte~ 10 qualt!y 101 the ,enelal electiQn. In d01ll1: 50, he male Ihan doubled hi' vOle lorthc pl1manCl ovcr hIS other IWO opponcnts who WIll run 'gaiost him LO November

lohn SU LCI has been a member of Local Unioo 11174 for 11 yeals. Iksides hLl COPE duector'l luponslblhues. he has done fo r the Iut 15 yells, lohn has lerved as I union rep and labor lobbyiSt lor Local Union 1974 dunn, thiS ume. A$Ide hom hLl unton ,cl ivilies, John has served u a formel presideD! 01 Ihe Croaunn C'lholic Union Looge 16 and is a membel of the Nlllon,l !Ioard 01 Olleeton of the Croluoo C.tholic UOIon.

John has been deeply LOvolved WLlh many pru· Iden.I.1 prim'fLu in Nebraska and lUll coo,lders the Ille Scnatol Humphrey as the IIrulest hero 10 this cenlury for the " wolkmg people 01 AmenCi "

DoNAW Wt[c:zoU.l , P 5

Local Enters Final Year of Agreement LU 2005 (eml, PIllLAD ELPHIA, PA.-Since our last ar"de youl olAcers, .lIon, WIth $e~eral of OUI aclivc members, have beeo condunin, a "milK olganl~lO,II; campaIgn al a nearby lamp manu/ac· tunng pbm emploYIOl! some 100 workus. An election Will loon be held, and we are hoping to ~t1.1 11t~~e Wul ]"e,~ to \lur mCOlbeuhip

Our vacalLon peliod is now over, and we hope all 01,11 members tOloyed thIS ,,·ekome lime 0/1

Our mcmbers should know th.1 we 1ft now enlering Ihe final yur of 01,11 current a,leement With I'lolI,ell Lis}Lun, Company which cxpLles on Septcmbe, 30, 11I8S. ln accoldance wllh 01,1 . prtSCnt .,rcement. Ihe followmg wage increases and beo­efits will ~come c/l"cllve on Ocmbc.r I, 1984: w.gc inc,eun will consist of 6 perceol for mcen live workers, 7 perceot 101 non-iocenuve worke r' and 8 pe. cent for seml·skilled and skilled wOlkers, Benefit inc reascs w.1I consIst of sickness and ac· • cldenl beoefit from SI15lo 5]35 pel week, dental In, ..... nee prolihellC servIce Irom 50 pclcent to 60 pelcent, hie Insuraoce coverage from S9,000 10 59,SOO Ind penSion benefit from SIO.SO 10 SlI ,SO pel month pcr yeal 01 serVIce.

Allend your local union meetings "'beoever you tan .nd become .n acl,,·e Pol" of your loe.1 union

Rocco ,. Couuo, P S

Scribe Notes Secretary's Retirement LU. '2088 (t,em,u8;.pct), COCOA BEACII , fLA ._ Whcn you call our offlce now you Will not hear the familiar wordl, " lBEW, !Ionme speak mg ... Bon· ,ut A""'\I60LI, our loe,,1 Kcrel"ry, hu ""lied .flu lJ yean 01 dedicated service. Bonnte came to .... ork lor 1,11 In ]961 when one of our members and hel nut·doo. ne.ghbor, M.Ic Gardlno, asked her If ,he could work one day a week to hsndle dues rectlp ts As 01,11 membellhip grew,'o lild Bonnie', hours,

In the lJ years she hIS worked lor 2.088, ,here hive been numerouschangCl in theollicers. Bonnie has wOlked for or .... ith Eural Wadhnllon, Tom Shay, KeVin Burke, jack, Bill Murphy, Don Lcavitt, Dick Gchrsitz, Reid Knigh t, Bill

Page 63: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


Pictund is Bonnie Ad­am~on , !ftlft:U J of Lo­u l 2088, COtoa Buch, Fla., who . tuntl ), .". tl,t d.

H~mlholl. Charlie Bdl, Bill MIlicI, F,,:d Eno and Tom Olden When uked 10 comment on the dllfkuhy of adlu511nl: to new officers, sht uld, "It hu n01 been a. all dlffkuh 10 adIU!\ 10 the chan5C' of officers They h,.,t bo:tn , finc bunch of 1l00pS 10 .... o rk with'

Bonnie and hel husband Bob, who ,ceeol ly . c­!!fed hom Pan Am"IIcan, shue a hobby, 1,1"",1.1)'. or rock cDllccllng Dob has been collccllnr; roeks and 101111, on vanQUS down lans" mps Ind on th,," tWlce-yelrly Inp~ 10 Noreh Carohna. where they hop" to SCI ur shop .nd lurn Ih,," hobby miD a buslnc)s Busmess Man~,c. Tom Olden u)Is of Bonnlt". rCII.tmtnt, 'I don', know what we arc

" ~OU1' to do w,.hout hell .he keeps IhlS ptace on an (yen keel She WIll Ix: vel)' dlfllcul! 10 ,cl,llce, and , he WIll N §(I.ely ml"cd

I I th ink Ihal echoc, the lenllmenlS of us ,II I JUDY SI«>lun. P S

r Picnic, Tournament Highlight Summer Events LU. 2 100 (uJ, LOUISVILLE, KY._The bllaeuon II IU$I a coupk of weeb away I hope evelyone had I uk enJOyable summel

Local 2100's ThIrd Annual Plcn.c IS thIS momh Mcmb<u and Ihell fam,lIes w,]1 "a ln fnlOY the pmu. PI'Us and delICIOUs dinnc.~ The specLI! attracllon every YUI 's the buchU waler ·dunk calC Members dchlh, ,n havml the dunce to dunk P.eJ.dent NoyCi and olhe. UmOn olAcns

The BUlldlnl Fund Commmee IS pUllInl on I

fall dance Mtke Dn'J hu plom'Jed 10 I,ve a L b rukd~ncml uh,bmon at the ,ala aif,u OUI Athkuc Comm m ee sl'Onsored a Bau FIsh In, Toumamentlhat bc-pn III May and runs th roud!

~pLtmbc. Sul/lee .o uy the 1111 Iish Lales OU I "HIPN the pounds 01 bus ,eeled In by Ihe 1'''

I IIc.pant~

The COPE Commlllee 15 d,h,ently wo.k,", 10 ... enlUle that ,II OUI memb<u I,e ,egmercd to vou

Land Ihat we lIe aware til the ,ssues al Stake 101 labol In Ihe upcommJ; rrelnlenllal elecllon

The ,"uelJ .n lonl 2100 lecemly o'~m:ed ~ ClUW Charln ICoallllon of labol Umon Womenl Sll lel N", Mosdey . ~ (hallman

B,olhe. G,ry Khnlllcsmlth, busmen "'p,e!;Cnl U'H, IS srca,he,dml a (lmP",n to umonl:e Ihe

.. non unIOn. non-,upe.v.'!Ory eml'lloyees hCle al Loul)vllle Gas and Elect lL e local 2 100 nands 10

... $well "' .,nb Irom apploxlmately 1.SOO.0 J.OOO II the camp"lIn .s luccen/ul Provess of the camp"," .... ,11 ~ delllied ,n sub5Cquenl IS~UU of the lOl/mll1

Skilled congutulallons lie In order lor tWO 8'OIh"rt m the EleclrLe D'ltllbutLon Deputment 810thc. Milk Gaynor wu vulted by Mr Slolk on Apl1l 19 The s.m k leI! a 7 pound, 5·ounce baby gil l, AleJllndu lee C.ynol Mothe •• nd .. e nne, bUI d,ddy Mark IS lull ,ecovennll from the conl'.101.1I0n CIlia" 8ro.her I,m PUl$On lot mil lied bod. on lune 23, Ind Ihe happy newlyweds honeymooned," London, Eniliand

.. The mo,, ·biurre·incidcnt ·ol ·,he·month .wlrd goci 10 8ro.her Bratchcr, also 01 Eleenic

III DISUlbullon. Mike '. Hancce .... anted an aU lhentic Cabbage Pilch doll for hel bllthday. Brothe r Bratcher It •• ched ."d a.-arched. YOII w.1I neve. IIUelS .... he.e

MIke ended up gelling the treullrcd's flllhl , London, EII,lantl, v,~ Ihe ne .... ly wed Pur.


lIury ,nd Ten1 Kee of Lonl 2140;, V.llejo, <:..1., both, lie the 016cial pholol"phtu of Ihe Shop Recreation Commiuu.

Tht Electrk Shop MeClell ion Commilltf eOMius 01, &landins. It II to IISlu , John Ro u nbus, man· .grmcnt.dviwl, ltcnlln llal ty, Rick Rickl eYI 8rrnda M'randa, lohll A CO~la , e n .. ,\\ayfie ld , Ilra ~U lfJ ' C lfg Rodllf rs, Robf" Woodard , Terry KU I Rick Babcodt l .nd Rob .. " SOlne' l )uld, If II 10 lillhl . li t Rtni, PUliSen, ~ulelary, Mary Zlf l in~ ki ,

ch.i,m. n, llebbie Conlon, .nd lIarry Kcr , "holo~· rlpht •.

Officers Reelected ; Scribe Outlines Article LU. 2US 1&0vtJ, VALLE JO, CAL n .... 5. fi ,SI 01 bllslnus, ne .... bus.neu. clenH)fI 01 officers. now II can b< to"j Th" ,5. lepoot of the election rnulu In .Imost every decuon pled'ct ably there lie wmnNS lose ls, anJ somclLmu ~ b'lI lu 'p"se ThIS ·SUrrlL5C·· dId nOI like pl.ce dUlLnllthe eleetlon Th" 'h,prcnmll took pbce dUllnll the r,enou\ mceu\\!- -the mtetllllt IH' .he nomlnauons

A"endlllg .h" meelLn, we.e a hard cOle 01 the legulus ,. The5C I . e IhlKe memb<l5that .ICempl

In attend e"eIY meellng lellg.ously Thcu iurnd anct ind p~II'tlr.nlon mdlcatc a lI' Ulel mtelcn In Ihe me(h~nLcJ ol . he UmOn Ihan other membel ~ baH Amon~ Ihem was i voup I call the "".1.1 bunch Of the "dillY do;en They afe the free th.nke", that loven up OU I meeun" "" L1h then ulllni commcnn and ob)c . v~lLon5 They could N. anJ .... (le " limes. hosule ~rllumenu"V( quc~uo"'n, ind ch.llen,mg They 'HIt Ihe onu thlt welt scllously m~olved m IIlvm~oull<I<,I.n dll .. Clwn Whit (lme Ihroullh ",." theu InlelCSI In tht" 10'" and ,00'/ umon I .ec"IInlzcd th,t IhlS eolle",,·t body coold n<)mm~\e an O"nItUlan~ ,f Ihcy w~ntcd 10 !I fel! ve lY vulnCl~hle I

The )Cllousnns of the buslneu II hind WH ,eflected ,n the alm~rhele QUlel Se"ou~ The)' we.e about 10 make d<"el~lOn. that could Influence .hcll ",·o. klOg dnuny 10 iOmc de!:,ce lUI the nell yean The prcsldem of Local 214~ rres.ded

Alv.n Moole, aI th. s pOint IhOIOUghly Ind COm plctely a p .ofn~lOnal, opened the nom ln.tlons When Ihe body I c~ponded wLlh the nLlme 01 a nomlOce Ihere we.e thl ee ca ll s for addltlollal nom men Ahtl Ihe th lee cal1s, the nomlO'"on .... 1$

c10led Nom,nated wele pre$.den., Alvin Moore, VICe

plutdent, Ken Kelly, lIeuurcl, Bill HalleHI bUI' nus manaler/ nnancial KCfela . y, Dan S,lverton, ,ccoldinllscc.etary, land thi, .... as Ihe bIg IUrp",C) Jot Suvcme ·11 absolutely could nOI believe n l,

No onc ... nou$ly conlLdered oPpal lrll .he Innl.1 nOm,neel The offieen .... e~ nomlluted on. "while bollot ,. I don', thmk Ih" .nyune could have IDllclplled Ih,s eventuality

One momh laler Ihe e!cclLon 01 olficen meel1ng .ook place

Brothel lo.eph ~ndov. I , rast pres.denl . nd bUI' ness manaicl. was recl\uted 10 serve as elecllon tudlle, Brolhen Sk,p IIUlch'Mon a"d lohn Taylor as tellell

R.eelected as ollice" wele AlVin MOOle, P'(J' dcnt, Dan S.h·enon IS bU5Ineu mana,e. Ind fi n.nclll JUle1lry; B,II ~bllell U IJcasule" Ind recoldlOg seClctary, Joo. Scnone Ken Kelly .... 15

elected Into the pallllon of presIdent He bunl' In lO h" ,ob u.cnllve Cltpencnct lI"ned II lonner thIef ueward oI .he eleellonlC 5CCl1on

Elccted to Ihe Exccuuye Boald " Cre Don T'I'I.on, Norman Jones, SheIla Wlnso .... , Don Mc CO;Ich .nd LUla pln~ehnan Dclelalcs 10 Ihe Melli Trades CounCIl I.e tOO numCIOU' tn list In the sr ace avaIlable

Thll .... u.n Inle.eJlLnlt clecllon. ~nd abwlutciy no one could h,,·e rled'ClCd the outcome My reclecuon ceflamly $urp JL scd me The b" ehan,e took I'Ilace m the Slruclu,e (lllhe Exccullve Boald Only Dun T,pton sUlvlved the r UIge The Clllelll wu attendance The uncomested ,eelecuon 01 the rJLnel r'! offkers Indicated 10 me a COllsc rvallve mood on the put 01 th~ "·OUIS The Clllel1~ hele seemed .o be txpnlCnu They .... ele not .... ,'hnll tLl " . k Ihe urhuval that mo.e I,d,cal Iype' would have brou"'l abou l On·the·!ob tramlllil can be conly The .. ·otels, m Ihell mfinLlc, collecllve w"dom. mun haH percelvcd Ih,s They vOlCJ to !Ct~lII cxre"encc whelc II clIumcd the mO~ 1

Many momhs alo. thele w~s, vcry ,ntCleSllnl IIcm III a pubhc.uon called fhe Ca/lfoTl1w Rturct The authnl 0' thai "I,cle ((Ita,nly must hue been a pe lcept" c Ind.v.dual. H,s torlc .... as Ihe wOlkmg love. nme", employee, Note the d. snnclLon I, .... u capIIoned The hlsc !mallc 0/ The Government Employee QUOIe ''The ,eneul pubhc, rr ess, and pohlLtun, have crtatcd I '~IIC ,mage 01 the federal employee Then, by aluck,ng Ihe ,.Ist Image. they have luccrcded.n IUlLn~ _rail the .... olklnl 'eJelil employee ThIS blu .mallc ., so "'ell known Ih~t n" onc leem, .o be ~"'"e 01 the wo.kmg lednal emrloyee

The a",cle ",'U .... ell .... "lIell The suhleCt m"", '5 how the lIeneul pub"c h~, been condlIIoned to le,a." the ,o'<"mmenl empluyee M y Own leehn, On th.s subJect" Ihal Iht lIene. ill'lubllc h., been dehbc •. lltlyle" fepolI' un how "'e arc Ovelr'IJ un"el ...... ked h,,·e. low level of .nd'\"Idu.t mo' ILHllnn la:y. mcOmpeltnl -etc so a$ 10 ,usllly Ihe d"m~ntlm, of Ihe r'(Jem 0 .. -,1 Sc,\'Ice SIIUC­IUle It helps If you h.~c • condmoned ruhhc nr lllwn On you. slJe

I "·llIe ,bout thmgs hke Inronublluy to )OUI lOb .he ImPOII'DeC 0' lloud altendance the.m po' I.Ole 01 being m,nalement onentc<l ind Ihe vote .s of Loc" 1145 ,eeleued me The concern I '-e pOl.muled obv.ously mu.t mean something 10 .he renplr Ihat ~oted 10' me The ~telcotYl'le Ima~e ~ 01 the ,nvcrnmenl emplt>~ee obnously doc, nOI m .rply .n OUI ~roup

The gloop Ihn ~otcd 10 ,eelnl me IS ,small ffi 'lCl\ffient 01 Ihe lUll" ,"'<Ilk lo.a Th'$ elecllon m could H ' y ,u".bly se'H u ~ rAn""m ~amplmll 0' ~ the .... ork alluude' 01 a "eIY tHICai wOlk IUlCe of Ii: gU"C/llment rmplo)'res In ~ lindom sa ml'lhnll," W ., nul MCUUr-y ' 0 !alk In C\'efyhody I/)

The fullv f"t "'mneu .n th" cicellon ale OUI .hol'l emrluyees. the ,hop and ull1muciy. thc :;;J. compiny The wOIk,ng 'ede,,1 emr!o)'et hu dem ~ onsul \ed dl~nlty lnd lud~ement :J

\Vh., unIOn office I m II" ,,~h . mind would dlle Q 10 ,un nn lhe . platfolm ·· I ran on!

T o Iho'e 01 you that voted 101 us, on bch~Jf of ~ my blothel OffiCCf S, YOUI YOIC 01 con Adenc~ WIJ !!! ,.eatly IPpleClucd

Page 64: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


Election Results In ; Scholarships Awarded L.U. :2154 (u), BUFFALO, N. Y.-Alter some dosdy contested races for vicc prcsidem and Buffalo Ex· eCll!ive Board, and a spi rit ed clcl:tion campaign, Ihe ballots were counted and result, WNe as fol· lows: bU5incu nuuge.-Suo Sosinski garnering 61 pe rcent of the vo te over Dale Czubai, and Cer ry Grandy unsealed incumbent l;crry !orraellsc for vice president. In t h~1 three-way r~ce. MIke Tet­her!, W'$ Ihe thi rd ,.ndlda! ... , 26 voteS $cpualtd Ihe thrte opponems.

In Ihe . 3ce for Execu!!"c Board, Mike Mue!­kowsky .eumed 1m scar by on~ vOle over Pele Wasmund

The finalrclulu arC as follows : Robert P. Baker, president, Gerard Grandy, vice president; Martm C. Ernst, flnandal sccrctary,l lcnr! Pccqucu. , Ifeu. ll,er, Peter Boceu]uccl, rccul!.hug .~~ '~ta, y: aud Stanley I. Bo§m~ki, busmcu manager. Executive Board members for tbe Buffalo Unit are lame! Schndiinger, Micbael Schnellinger, Pau! Burke and Michael Mucikowsky, BataVia Unit, Michael Geck, Dunkirk. P~ul T~ddro; EUI Auro.a, l~wrcncc Kaufmann, Eden·Evans, DaVId Hazard, Gowanda, Dalllel Gallagher, Niagara FaU~, Robert Zoeller, Tonawanda, Peter Hewctt: and Wc!bvI!le ·HorneJJ, Robert Koctent.

In the annua l lohn Daly Schobrshlp Award, Tom fleming and Frank Courncen selected Sal Olfsch· berger and lame! Pe!!,er as Ihe 5500 reCIpIents. T hc S250 awards went toMary Sullivan and Gcrud Tkaczyk. Congratulation, and good luck in your endenor, .



Shown afllllnd a Zebeo Hag arf the winners olthil yur'l Annual flus Tournament held June 16 at l.Iunstt I'lIk, Naekliwie, N.B. From lefl 10 rl gh. , I~eond-prize winnrr, Gary f innie, fran k Crane, fiut priur Rlrto Bard, third pliur Irtternational Rfp.uentatl~e Bob Whilehud, alld Tammy C.· 'Ort , winner 01 tht iunior ca tegory .

Shown are lome 01 .he mfnlb~r~ ul Lucal 2166, Frederic lon, N.B., with IUlt.uational Rtprut nta. . Ive Dob Whllehud a. tht S~cond Annual RaSi Tournamtn. ,

Bass Tournament Held; Brother Urquhart Dies LU. 2166 U,O&UIV) fREDER ICTON, N.B.-Onc~ .~ain (or Ih~ .e~"nd yeat .u • rnw, we had nU, Annual lIass Tournamcn. The .ite of thIS ycu'l Tournament was at the Sunset Park in Nack~w!e, Ntw Brunswick, on a hut and humid lune 16.

About IS members, wllh Ihell Wtves aud kids, we.e paniClp,"ng In Ihis well·organized annual (vent For the fI , st place the winne. of the Albclt McDonald Memorial Trophy was, fOI the 8econd year in Q row, Fr~nk Crane from Fredenclon Unit . Frank caught a 3 pound·lounce bass. Gary Finnie flom Frederic ton Unit caullht a 2 pound 7 ounce bus and Rino Bard from Edmund5wn Unit caugh t a I pound·6 OUuet bas, Elch received a met Z~bco retl .nd rod lor Ihe ' ccond· and thH(I·"I~r~ prizes. Tammy Caron, of Edmunds.on Uoit Chairman and Ashmg mamae lerry CalOn, was the wmlle. of the all ·new jUllior cllegory. Because he had 10 be opelattd on fOI appendICIIIS, BU5111es' Mmagc. Cary Savoie flirt nm ~o tu the Tournament

I'd like 10 take thIS opportunity 10 mention tht hard and dedicated work of the organizers of the Tournament, lltothers G,eg Banks and Gary Finnic both Irom Fredericton Unrt , They are doing what Irue Brothers should do to unlly the local. Flshmg is thel' specialty, and they are shallng 1\ ve ry well with thell IIwthcrs. A TournamCllt and or~alllza­t ion of Ihis qualtty needs ~ lot 01 thelt lime, ~nd they arC doin/; it the profeSSional way. To Guy finllle and Danks, I'd like 10 lip my hat 10 you for your OIganizing qualitiu.

A spectal thanks 10 Zebeo fo r SUP plYlltg Ihe two reels and rod. Il)r .he second aud third prizes. Also, many thauks 10 the Mo05ehcad Brewery for a fl'w cases of beer and the Sunsel Park of Naehwic, New BrunswIck, for the camping facili t ies.

Former member lloyd Urquhan of hedcrietQU died at age 60 alte. a long Illness. To the family concerned, we express OUI deepest sympathy.

At the .ime of wriung, the conllael negollatlons ~re slili Oil the tahle. Allhis 1'01111, the uon·wolklllg lis. is very long with no malOl proiecrs In sight.

BUSiness Manager Gary Savoie II doing a Ane jnb of !;ening up III ktnds 01 cou,sn ~JJ a.ound the local for next winter . .. he pu ' pose IS 10 educate ourselve, t<> belter knowledge and to prolong I)ur UIC claIms

TIll nCXt lIme, attend YOUT regularly monthly Ullit mectings

Luc CIIA S~E, I' .S

Local Stands Strong In Negotiations L.U. 2286 luI, BEAUMONT, TEX.- Recently ou, loc~1 UOlOf! negoti3.ed a new two-ycar agreement iucJudlllg a 4·percent wage rnc rene rn each year of the agreement along wllh improvcmeu.~ If! beuefi ••. Ounng nCgOtiallOf!8 IlIr .1'11' above nten IIoncd agreement, II became very ohvious from Ihe IlrSI day thai management full y Inlended 10 obtalll all agreemenr lor a mlOJmal amount of money and at Ihe same lime .ake 3 shot 3. weakenin~ 1IU1 local union Management felt that because 01 the poor economic limes many of our members would accept any wage and bendh offer no maucr how ll)w 111 ol(lel'o avoid a suike. Managcmem played Iheir hand wllh Iha. in mind and lost. They lost h<·cal1S~ Ihey, mtt'· I"nk fM I;ro"tr,! th., ""r /cellngs of the mcmbcTs As always, when called upon. ou. members roSe to Ihe occasIOn and senl a urong !;I~n al back to management, a signal Ihat ~thoed Ihe feding Ihal 10 no way were Ihey weak ~nd unsu re,

In fACI , the messagc was 10 loud and clear that it bad a direct impact Oil the final setdem~nt. Each member sfood alongside thclt Urothcr$ and SIsters 35 onc, 10 reach tllC goal llf a fall settlernelll. Once again, the !rue meaning of the word union became obvIOUS: a group of indiVIduals 5tandillB logether as onc. It is rndeed with pndt thai I hold memo bershlp ill Local 2286. Each member III IhlS local uUlOu can truly be proud <>f thei, mdlvldual ~lIcng.h along with .ht support of their fellow Dro.hcrSlnd Slsten. Each one ul us IS a viul l!IIk 10 Ihe chaiu , a cham thai binds os togclher .nd cnablea us 10 strive lownrd oue common goal , a beller union

Each 01 us Ihould make it our goal 10 remain 5110ng and ,milcd and Stand togethe', lor th rough strength comes change and with chauge cumea a better way of lile lor us all .


Retirees Club Has Full Schedule RETIREES CLUB OFLOCALl, NEW YORK, N.Y., 8ROOKLYN CIIAPTER- The Brooklyn Chap.el ",·ound up the firS! SIK months of 1984 wi.h a bang. On May 16 we held a testimonial dinner 10 honol .. a mO$! dtdicated membe, and ofAcer, Vice Chair· man lack Halpern. He was prc~euted with a beau· dful plaque. Making the prClenradon was Brother loseph lacolnon, presidenl of the l oca l J IBEW Retirees As.ocia.ion.

On May 21- 25, there was the Annual Fhhrng Trip 10 Dayberryland, Southampton, Long Il land. IlIflc 4-1 .... ~~ lhc ~""uallJlul"V"~~I")" tu the PUll'S Hotd io .he Catskill Mountains. The June closing mecung was Our grand fin ale and pizza party. The membershIp recused for July aud August.

One other activily we ale proud 01 i. our Gar· denlng Club at Gaf~way National rark, fl oyd Bennetl Field, Brooklyn.

The olAcers and Board of Dircc.OIS met IU lilly and Augus. to make plan. lor the bll and win ter. Besides Inp. , parties and dances there will be important sutst spcake" 3t tach meeting.


Retirees Discuss Several Topics RETIREES CLUB OF L.U, l , NEW YORK, N.Y., .. N. FLA . CIIAPTER-The meeuug 01 our chapter in June SOrt of had a "bon voyagr" mnod 111>0111 11, what wllh members ~ud officers comparing nOICi of where they intended to be lor Ihe nex •• wo month, . Seems like BByberryl.ud will be visited by some, .IId others Will uavcl or visit with laml!ie~. Howevet , our meeting was vtry fruitful. Alrer tht pledge 10 OUt Aag, .he ch~i .man red ted the mVl)catlon \0 Iht membership Our COPE chauman being absent, the poslllon wal tcmpo rarily chaired by our forme r trcasurer, George Resen, and In the absence of 1rvinx Korn, finan cial 5ec.c.ary, that posllion wu covered by yours truly DIscussions abour ou. annl~ersary luncheon, which wtll fcaturc .he Man·uf·lhc· Ycar Award, the Iree pteserrplion program and .he tWI) amendmenn 10 be added til our bylaws by .he rrus.ces, were htld and resolvcd

The coming eJection Ihis f~1J hu beell a 10pIC of dIscussion 10' us to do our utmost 10 ciCCI a Oemocra! In the While House !hlS November and knock I)u' the lar ·rrgll1 people s~eklllg .etlcetlon. There is an I)rgaoiza tion called '"In the l'ubhc !u.crest" which i8 compellng wllh .he far righl in broadcasting by radIO natlOllwide. Edward I'. Mor· gall, chid correspondem for the ABC network, has challenged and eamed a '"Hallmark" of radio news broadc8$lin~. He sra ted, " It i,n'. Iha, .he far ught .. is .o!ally wrong. Some of the attacks on IJrppage of nationAl morality, 11'11' dangerous \luh on TV and other weaknesses of the American body polirlc are timely and obviously .ineere. Butthe po.sonous flaw III .h~ d'Kr"~tcr ~ml ~u"d~"t ul rI,e far fight IS thai il unwavenngly procJ.ims .hat .t alont is lorally nghl and rhat il i. the exdll$ive keepe r of .he \Tuth. Anyone who dIsagrees with them IS not only immoral bu. a danger 10 $OI;iNy. Howevcr, Ihis h nOI the wayan open tocic ry functions. This is the way to a kind of theological totalitarianism

M .. Reagan's pomon (lIthe budge. eoucumng Medicare is an unbTr atternp.IO make cverydde, ly AmetTc.n the scapegoat for the administration', enl)rmOUi budget deHdt'. HIS ideology favou Cl· ce$Stve tall CUtS for the wealthy and wasteflll m!li.ary spending. HIS European nip was a washout wl1h people demonstrating agams! his 10rCI&U pol· ICY, and he dldn·! do II) good with the headl of Slatt, rilhr' All .he<e dtmnl'~ 8hnn1l1 f.nnVlnCC everyone 10 clcct a Democrat as president 10 No· vember.

I would like 10 lOuoduee you 10 how prUldentS, when Ihey leave office, arc trea.ed fin~ncially and ed by leading a 1983 U.S. News and World Repl)lI, May inue, pages lJ and 2a. You can 8~ ' .his copy 10 read", any library. For openen, how does a SLit 01 S21 million glab youl ~nator Lawton

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Chile, has trl cd unl;ucccsdully to hive some 01 Ihe ouuageou) amount) reduced

We were deliyncd 10 lec OUf lormer dlreclOf, F.ed Kol'Z, It Ihll mteHn, looking luner and

~ leeliog yeal I'm certlln hi. lovely wile Rachel IS

ruponSlble 10' hit huhhy condmon, You're Ihe yellul, F.d I 1m happy 10 IfPOfl that Anhu. WelilOn " dOlO, fine lite. hi. nUIY boUI wllh an upper Icspuatory a.lmenl

In closms. the Hry Mil 01 huhh 10 III of us DAVID BLANC, P S

New Officers

Pictured he.t IIC Ihe ofAce" of Ihe RClileu Club 01 Local), lI>e ... York, N. Y., Slllrn hl l nd Ch'pl tr, ... bo IHre recenlly In~ .. lled lorlhe 1 984-8~ lum.

Retirees Club Elects "'New Officers

RETIREES ASSOCIAT ION Of I..U. J , STATI!N ISLAND, N.Y.-The Silten I.llnd Chaplcr of Ihc l ocal 3 Relllecs AnOClatlnn Inltilled their officers 10. Ihe 1984-85 term They arc Chalrm.n Clrmme Taghalela, Vice Chll rmln JOleph Bertuedh, Sec· relary Alex Pl5hluk, Fmanclal Seclelary Flank Neglta, Tlcuu.e. Ellc Anderson, Sergeant al A. m.

• PhIllip ullon, T,uslcu Juslln Ton el, Edmond Gallo, Gcrard Giacomo and lionolary Chaumen Dan Carey Ind Ge.ud Gllcomo Potenza, p.esldem of Illc Sialen Island Elce­mcal Club, ... u Ihe m$lalhng ofAcer

CA .... '.'-I! TM;~I ... TtLA. CU'IN

New Officers

Sbowa la Ihi. plelu.t II Iht otW iillit of olfieen ollhe Relirea Club 01 Local 1, Se ... YOI" , N.Y., Weu florida Chlpl". Flonl 10"', ",,,cd, Ire W.h" S .... nb.oo .. , HU)ln, Ind Puc. Deni. , eh.irm,", &lid il) Ih~ back ro ... , IlIndins. Ire I:d ... ud Cbrk, Krlunl " I.mi, William V. Hlum, P'OXY for Ihe akeol Aubllnl knellry ROMn A. Vickels , lohn f . H'CUlli"l , .. iet chli.m. n, Emil SpWrri , proly 10. Ihe .bl-ul fin.ncl.1 ScC,t1.ry Willi.m SIU"' , WiIIi,m Gian, I ... ulina·in olfinl , Lt:onard II. Tr'p'lIe, reeordinl teerrll'YI .nd ROMI! Dodd), p'O. )' 10. Ihe Ib~enl TrUtUltf Beni.mln Dou,hIY. The Ibnnltu "'elt .11 uUllonlnl b.e" hom' in Nt ... Yo.k.

New OHicers Sworn In RETIRfES CLUB Of L.U. 1, NEW YORK. N.Y., WEST FLO RI DA CHAPTER- Dut!O Ihe ton~ l a nt

dforts of Lo<: '! 3, we .tlirtn have improved ou r condilion regaldless of rili ng health tOilS. In ad· dilion !O OU I In.urmee ( oYering hospital and doc· lOr's bills, we now haye twO pll irmacy pl l ns 10 cope with our mCfelilng drul blll.-one coven

ord lOary p.eKlLp"ons and the olher malrlt cnarllC o. 10ng·lClm drugJ-all fOI 5l.00 pcl plejCnrllun If we hlVen 'l lard II before, Ih.nk you, local I an.! Harry Van Andale, who alw.}'1I look after ou r nted,

Wilham CI.II I,ye Ihe o.alh at offkc 10 Ihe ne ... sfale of officer, al the lune 18 meellnl Ptlel Dems II ch,um.n, lohn F. B,ccagiLm " Vice chium.n, u.onard H Trapane IS lecordmg KClellry, Robert A. V.ckers .s IUUllni KCleury, W,lham Stu." IS fin'ne,,1 Knetary, 8cOflmm Douyll}' II uenurel .nd Ed ... ard Cialk IS ".geam II Imu Trustee. lie loUIS DICesu, A Din 010 ... , lohn I. ScOIl, Walter S ... arsbroo" . Wdh.m Tankard .nd IIClm~n C Young

The COPE dnve, spcarhu.!ed by lohn F Baccag bDl .... ., ycrysuceusful wllb 84 memMu donlunl to Ihe Dcmuclallc dian Ih.s decnon year We hur had qUllr I few mcm~rs til .nd .n Ihe hosr'1I1 Wille. S ... arsb.ook, lobn McGuue. Pele. Dem" runk Chaflen and ticlman Younl hue.ll recovete.!, bUI Rudolph Wmkel5tero II Slllla.lmJl: We pl'y lor h" speedy .ecoyery

Ho ... abou l somc lood newl' lack Ind R~ILn' T,ylo. celeblated Ih~lI 60Ih weddLn,ll Innlv\"sary W,lham and Ltlh,n Glatt, lohn and Ellie DU5ch, lolln .nd Ruth BICU,IIhnl alld Illscph Ind Martba SI.cona celeb. ated theu 50lh weddlOglnnlverJl rlCs Conglilulallons .Dd good health 10.11

Con,llratul'l!on$1 At Ihe lune 25 luncheon held .n New York. LOUIS LoffmlO recelYcd hiS 6O-yel/ rLn We hl\"e haJ a good yca r, bUI .... e Will m'.' Wllte/ !)"cbsler 'lId Emil Spocm's Wife ... ho bolh died tI . her thiS yea r We welcomed wme nc ... mcmbcl5 Chffotd Fnedgen, Edward MeCallhy, Ceo/ge DUlba, AchilleS GOl'Ze,llno. Edward Doll, Frank Matelka and Flink Mangano

Scribe Outlines Club's Events


RETIREES CLUB OF I..U. II , LOS ANGELES, CAI.._The regular meeting 01 Ihe IHEW, lOCiI I I , ReliltU ' Club eon .. ened on luo t 13, 11184, II 10 • m OUI p.u,deol, Ralph u .k.n, led uS m Ihe ulul\' to our AmcfLcan f1al. We . emlmed Standlnll m 'lienee wllh .eYe.enCe 10 Ihose mem~1S whn lilt no 10ngN wllh us m person And, as alway), we hono.ed those mem!)"" who welt celeblallng June blrthdaYI by smglng Ihe old lef.3m, " IIJppy BHlhd~y" New mem!)".1 WCle Inu oduced Ind welcomed 10 OUI rosie. and meellngs ThOle mem hers who eould nOI atlend Ihe meellnll d'le IU

Illnen welc m.ssed, and we do hope Ihal Ihey will be: able IU 10m us II OU r luture mecllngs

The m.nulu of .he ExeCUILve Board .nd those of Ihe pleYIOUI genera! meellng we.e .cad Ind applOved SIUU Edna Urk.n, s«rctllry, ,I ap plauded 101 her tholough /epoflLng 0/ OU I mecllngs They lie so ellellng Ihat Ihould YOLi unlorlun.tely have m,,~ a, ,USI by hc. mmulCi you would kno ... what h.d ".nsplled A repoll of OUI fin.ncl.1 $IalUS was pyen by Brolhe. Flln" SIIIckltn. trUSUrel Good ne"·5--,,·e' .( ,1111 .n Ihe , blac"

Blolher Alu Ende blUughl ul uplO'dale on ,he ,nues and b,lls now belole Ihe Conpcu and Senile He agam ulled all of us 10 lei Oul ,'o'cn be beard, .nd d.strlbuled Ihe IaIUI Inue 01 Ihe OASAC ugu-Iuur to our mcmbell .• nd he leYlewed Ihe vanous ISSUes .nd bills conllmed Ihe.e.n OASAC m«lI",s are held on Ihe Ihud Thursday of each monlh They say Ihey need our eounul and parlLc.palLon and lDYllcd uS to Iflend

Brulhel "Cltfl" Holhday. prcsldent 01 the C,I, lo .n .. Couocil of ScntOI CmItn" called au. Illen non to the up'and'comm, ConvenlLon .n Fruno, OcIOM. 1-4, 10 we can ilCod t ... o 01 lou. delegates, The Claude PepI'CI Scn.o. Rilly ,n S.n Fr~nC'leO, was lUSt pnOl!O the DemotlllLC COnVCnlLOn, and he also laid us about the tU"~1II SC OlO' lobbYing efllllls In SaClamenlO rcgardlO8 the health ca.e COS I·COntatnmenl .ssues, We must lei our cieeled represemallves know Ihat the len 10rl do nOt u nction the cUlbacks in MediCl,e, and thaI Ihey must Instiga le some plannlOg Iheld 10 thaI refired persons can be assuled of adequate, nc~e"a.y he l l til se ryictl now and in Ille future

Blother Cene 010&10, membu sh,p and cdLtor of our Short CIrculi new~lelle r , as"ed the memMuh,p 101 Iheu Input of aluciea 01 inteleSi 10 .cfLIen and to those IB EW memMrI who w,ll be I ladulILnllDlO Ihe rellleu' cllU He liso lavr us. &iOWLnIICCOUDl of hi' .nd hu "'Ile Btooe'" 111ft 10 w ash.ngton, O.C They were deltlhled 10 Mable 10 Sll In on oon"C5l1o~1 and Scnll~ IeUlons .• nd conll"led a~ maoy of OUI elecled reprCICntauvtS U ~"ble. but .bo allowed Ihem IClvcs lime fOl51ghiKemlllihe many muscum, hutone.1 mOnUmeDlI, and poml5 of LnlelCSI It was all very lDspmng .nd a ... orthwhllt' IIIp

BIOthe. Sieve H.mnllon, plcs.denl of Local II. gr«te<l us We.1l louk lorward to hn appear.ncc al OUI meetings as be b .. ",s us new. II to .. ·h" 11 hai'P" .n Iht' wo.kfleld li t abo .trcssed Ibe Importance of Our Votllli ID Ihe prCSIdenllal dec lion In Noyember Thele IS a chance of someone "'mmn, IltlfllO H.wILL, $0 kcep you. yotlnl Slub AI. Iitcr d.le )'00 w.ll heal mOlc .boUI Ihll We "·c.e plelsed 10 learn Blolhe. HafllnJl:IOn that B.other Earl Hillms, busmus manallel and finan Cllt tec .cllry, '$ on the mend, and Ihlt lie Will soon be: ahle 10 lelum to hIS dUlles II Ihe olAer

SUler IClnne Coillu, p' Ollrlm ch.Hlady, InUO duced OU I speake. of the da y. Mr Phil little, Invclllgator He ~poke abou l the ple",kn,e of lerrousm 10 Ihll ellunny '5 well IS IlIroughllul Ihe world The $Ubleel maflCI he dliSemlnltcd was ,nlcrellllll and one aboul Ihe public should he ''''lfe. We Ihank you, S'lu.lcanne and B.othel HArold COIlICI, /01 bnngLng us programs Ihll Irc eUHcnl, edueallnnal and eOloyable We app lcclltc you. clln'lI m makmg each meellng an eyent

Our me(tlnl adjoulned afte l Ihe dlSburlm, 01 the .. We L1ems 10 Iht wmners by PIIII T.uslo Ind blhel Ce<lfle, Ind we all met m the room fo r • heltly lunch and mo.e socIII,:mJl: AI ulual SISle. Edllh and B,olhe. Hatry Wild OUld,d Ihem fClyel .Iong w"h Ihe able .n,nance of SI5Ie. Brode~ Olo,m, and 001 th~nks 10 them lor their graciousness. Out kudos 10 S.ste. loll and Brolhe. leo Wuman for thell genlle nudlmJl: of Ihc mcm be:rsh,p mlO bllnglng eook.u and ukes lor dessert Our th,nks to all the m~mh~rs lor theu /lnt eOOpClation

In thiS week's nc""S (lune Nil rathel dlShurt enmg ~nnOunCement was made from Wuhmgloll DC .. aboul winch we .11 mUll he (oncrmed, Ie Ihe employml of youlIg people ~I ~low Ihe mm Imum wage scale ThIS I~ lU~I anolhel altempt by the plUent admmlStralLon I" brnk unlUmsm. fOI which we all worhd and ulned, an..! whIch would he ,etllng UI luck 50 year, NOI aJJ employeu, bUI I ,oodly numM. of Ihem aeron Ihe nation would .d'Jh Ihe 0rportunlfy of gellmg ~he.p I,bo. lind Ily.nJl: 011 Ihose who have IlruQlcd 10' • II~ml waJl:e Alille 1Ime lime Ihll aetLOn could de/lnLlely have. psycholollcal effect upon our younl peoplr by mdlcallnl 10 Ihem Ih,l Ihey ale not cap.ble nUl wort hy of a m.Dlmum wige lowennl "'''Ie' doct nOI c. elle lob.f-tduc.llon doc. The.dore let us sec 10 1\ thlt Ihe up·and·eom,ng geneullons h.~e Ihe opportunttres 01 lu.mng Ind earn,ng II reilly IS up 10 us, as brought 10llh m Imem.tlon.1 P. el.denl Chlrlcs H P,llard·s aruele 10 Ihe ILine /ou.nal tb'l ... e mUst all ~ole ,n Ihe NovemMr eleellon and ddut Ihe p,eknt admln,stratlon No ... thll we kno ... 10.mCl Vice Plu.denl W.her F Mond.le IS a \'Iable undldlle fOI Ihe plu.dency. Ind I good fnrnd of Ihc ... orkmll people we mu11 do all we Cln to ,tI peorle to .el.Sle. 10 Vale

EsmUl Cw.c;( P <;

Retirees Journey On Memorable Trip RETINEIlS CLUB OF LU. J8, CU:VEl.AND, ;;J OIllO-On the nuly delightlul morOlng 01 lune Z 18, 37 members 01 Ihe loeal 38 RelLlecs Club ~ boalded a bu. 101 an ou ting 10 'ur,1 Beaulllul, Q Ohi O, LI ,yehng /Irs! \0 Ktngwood Carden. nea, Mau8Acld. Thele was neyel a ~ull moment u ~ l'.elLdenl Flynn and MIS Flynn had wo.ked lire ' !!! Ic .. ly 10 prepare a program 10 .muse us wllh guuling game.! much IIUghltl was occasIOned 15 we wele assesscd a S·eem penalty each time w~ 63

Page 66: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf


used the wOlds 'bus" or "bus dllvu" inslud of the dnignated "coach" or "coach chauffcur " The aIsle WI! crowded with tripS 10 the lutty and IOlal penailles excecded $ 10. LO!s ollun!

The gardens wert lovtly as alwl~s, upe<;:,all~ the lases, howevcl, we WCre implBenl to sample the mnl prepared for us al the San·Dar Smorgasbord In BellVIlle dcsplte the sholt SlOp for coffee; 5U WC rcboarded anBc'paBng the fonhcom· Ing bounu/ul and delicIOus lunch

HavIng fondled ourselves with tOO muth food fr om .hc fine abundance, we contlnucd on 10 Malabar Farms, thc euate of the laIC Louts Brom· field, one of OhIO's favorttc sons, author, traveler aud painO!, who as you may remember wlote "The Grttn Bay Tree" and ' 'Thc Rams Came," whIch was bter made Inm a mOVIe. He WI! also the ho5t to Lauren Bacall and Humrhlcy Bogart at thei r weddtng. The rcd carp"t is slLlI Intact In the 31· room manS,On whIch (onums an and memora· billa. We were all tleated 10 a 10UI 01 the grounds VIa wagon drawn not by horsts bUI a huge tractol dnven by a very little g,,1

By IhlS lime we were Icady fOI the return t.,p home, makmg a SlOp al LoudonvIlle for ,ee clcam and chcesc. We had I lull day of fresh all and entertainment to the compan~ of oul congemal membe,. who show grul regard Ind deep respect fOI each other, sharing OUI "goldell ye~rs" In truC friendship.

All agreed June 18 was a memorable day, Alld wc shall look forward to funher aellVIlles In the future.

Members Help Renovate House


RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 41 , BUfFALO, N.Y._A hou~c was lecently dedlcatcd fOI use as a short · tcrm rcsldcnce for palents of chlldlcn hO$pitahzed In the Buffalo 3Ie. Thll house at 460 WeSt Ferry Stleet, bUiltin 1895 in Colonial reVIval style, was owned by the Adams famllyof the Adam, Meldrum and Andclson ~panmcnt StOIC! of Ihls Ctty !n 1947 it was (on"tlled to an "p"tmeDt buildin& Ea,ly thIS ycar thIS old mansIon wu ClIten$lve1y renovated and became the Ronald McDonald House. In an culler issue of thl! {oumal, well ·deseryed cummendanon was given 10 oul Brolhers of Local 41 and our relllees for their charitable eflons to help make thIS home away f,om home for the palems of these unlollun~te sick children

Among the thlDgs that mike our meetings lun 's Ihe plannmg 101 futur e evcnts. At OUI fune mectmg we dlscusscd and sct the date lo r our Ch"5Imu Party Now that u pbnmng ahead, and why all OUI alb", arC SO gleal August 14 was anOthel ,eaUy bIg day as ,I was the date tOI OUI Annual PICDlC. It IS alwayt a famIly &et to&ethcl , and anyone who has ban to put allall' knows what a lime can be had, what wuh all the gamu and cats and somethmg for everybody

/onl'll M ORCIIAJUl, P.S.

Local 58 Retirees Have Gala Anniversary Affai r ASSOCIATION OF RETIREES, WI YES, AND WIDOWS OF L.U. 58, DETROIT, MICII.-On Apnl 28 the A"OClaoon QI Retirees, W'Ve! and Widows of Local 58 held the" !4th Anniversary Pany to welcome all our new membeu, and also to recopllzc our senIor memben with 50 years and mOle 01 serv,ce ,n good slandlng ID oUllocal UDlon.

Because 01 ,llness and the dlslance that some must \lavrl . we had only II rCClP'CnlJ to receIve these honors thl! thIS yea. wne proVIded by the [ntcrnauonaL These ree'p,cnn arc AI rdlener, 6S yean, Edward CooJ)<'l, WIlfred Occhamp" W.lter GelSu, Gorman Glyney, D r. lillning, Kenneth rohnson, Leonard Sml1h Ind Robert Rushford, pUt preSIdent 01 Local 58, lecelved SS·year lecognition. Steve omsl and loseph McCalihy were SO·yur reClp.ents.

Also at Ihls time, /oe McCarthy was K,vcn ad· ditional accolades flom MIchigan's GovernQl Blan·

Party --.....

Th AuociuiQn 01 Retirctl , W!YU I nd Widow, 01 Local S8, DClfoit , Mkh., helll th tll 14th Aonlv,,· n .y Party whcrf thrr aWlldrd members with SO yun 01 morc of 5f1vict.

chard In a Certificate 01 Recogmtlon. roc" son, an electrical contrac tor, made the pruentation.

OUf gUCSt 'peaker was Cuy CounCIlman Mel Rum, of the cuy 01 Oenolt. Councilman Ravitz has fOI many yens been an .dyocate of the concerns of len Ion and, mOlt Importlntly, has thne many years been I 1I00d fnend 01 Iabol on the City Counc,1 HIS talk proved to be a lpellbmdel You could have hurd a pm drop He sketched 101 UI what Ihe city of Oelloll and the suburbt could look forward to In me nUt decade It was mOil informatIve

Thi, yea,., Pany was Ihe b,ggest yet, and they continue to &ct bigger And better each yeal We arc lookmg fOlward to nexl year


Scribe Outlines Club Activities RETIREESCLUBOFL.U. IIO,ST. PAUL, MINN.­PrClldeOl Rudy Vielath opened the meellngallloon and $.lid, "The ladies ale ready, let'. cat." H05less Mrs. George SImon alld her "gals" took over and u usual tervcd, ,·cry DIce dmner. Tle.l5urer Cha,les Gehlmall mlde h,. repOll ending with S9I S.7B in the treasufy.

On rune 6 II 6 45 am, 38 01 us lilh'ngtlC' lsons boardcd the bus lor the 110mile IIde to MIlle Lacs Lake, arnvmg It the Wlldernus Lodge abou t 10 I m We hdd ashofe till the storm .ettl"d down, then 3g of uJ BshmgpersonJ boarded the W·pas­tlmger pontoon boal 101 • day of fishing. Wuh two launches Ind ,bout 20 other boats on the fishing SPOI, Ihe PIIOI found It dIfficult to maneuver hI' 50·puscngtr boat among them wllhout tanghng lines,'o had to ,Iay on the edge. Even '0, Ihe usual numbcrllnglcd In the propelle l wi th one member losmg line alld fish and Ihis wlltel catchIng same about In haUl I~tcr IluJ)<'r fishing). Along about 5;OOp m. Ihe pdot WI! cllled in becau.e of • severe Stolm brewm& We gOl ashore and a~rd the bus, then all hell broke loo.e. In spite 01 that, we managed to catch 25 walleyes wllh P,esldent Rudy gellLng the Ilckpot again. We headed back a fcw miltt to the Llbeny Buch Ruon owned by our 110 membel, Larry Galles Ib lother 01 rohn, our hard· working as'i'''nt buslDess agent}.

Lany tS • ,cllIed member 01 110142 YUls old). He wis ured of worlnng for someone t,gh l houlS a day, and now lead. a lelsu.e hie 18 houll a day. We lat down to a beaullful lepast of shllmp, hIm and chicken, plus all the trimming' I.omc of us garnered a few hlllhball ,). We boarded the but lor the 12D·mUe IIde hume. Someune thought the bus' dicsels were noisy 'III th~y d,scovered L! w"' the snoring ,efllCts. We Amyed back af II pm Ilob

SWC.lringen, our photopapher and hlnOOaD, docs I nice job record'"g all mese eVents.

MI. and Mrs. D,cit Farraghcr chaired the Food Comrnll1ee fOf 110's picnic on AuguS! 18at Hamet Island. The members of II0aiways do an outstand· ing lob 01 entert<ainment, and thIS PICDlC is one of thell successful 'unClLon5. Fishemun VIC Tschida is now chairing thc Entertainment Commlllee. Convey your thoughts to him and cooperate.

Wc miss Bob Anderson and wtle at our meelLng •. Our thoughts arc with them. Stan Sayre won the door prize. President Rudy called for a moment 01 tilence in memory of the passing of Brothers Ed W,nDlck, Pete Banaszewskl, Richard Wfiss and Will iam Stnelau

The writfl met a Brothcr, challman 01 Local 51,' Spnnglield, Illinois, OU OnC 01 his many mps tu hll Jake home on Woman Lake.

Thc YINaths, Tschidas, Sayres and the Bohcn went fi,h,"g at Kcwannee, WIKonslD, aboard the $100,000, 31 -(oot Sourhern Corn/orr with OWnef Ind captlin, LaI1)' Pressnel and hIS WIfe " Adrnnal " Dianne, In excellent ~Ide. Five hours 01 deep·lake Rshingproouced Clght salmon, etc., WIlh V'c Tschllia taking the PTllC wllh a 16·poundcr •

August IS 10 17 the Wille. WIS tn Albany, Georgia, pursuing his ChTlstmas·uee·growlng hobby

'TIllatcr, good luck and God bless. STAN SAVILl, ACT. P.S.


Ed Rogtr$, ncrttary 01 Rctirctl Club 01 Local 245, Toledo, Oh io, Idun at • plcoic.


Bob Perry, • Local 245 mrmber, givCl • rcfresher eOUlSt in home saft ly and prOttCI;On from high· yohagt wires.

50-Year Pins Awarded ; Benefits Reviewed RETIREES CLUB OF L. U.14S, TOLEDO, OHIO­Our rune meellng was hIghlIghted by the award,"g of SO·year pins 10 Our members, whICh were pre· lented by BuStnelS Manaler " Fred·' Heaney. Rc· ciplenls were IS follow. P. T. AUore, / L. Ballogg, L A Ktpplcn, H. W. MIliCI, C. G. UrbanskI, A. L. , Armour, F Bollinger, E. H. Gladleull, O. H MIke· sell, I A Tobak, E. H. Weaver and C. E. Dichl. Thesc men are 10 be cong.ratulated on thell long and lallhful membelShlP through good and bad timCi. Our young members can look 10 mem as examples of lurvlval durtng these current tough .imes, wh'ch they IhemsclvtJ I re now endunng. We Ire .orry tu repurt Brother C. E. DIehl passed away 'n Fehruary of , h,s year.

Ca.ol HIder, One ul our faVOrite peuple from Ihe

Page 67: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

Toledo Ed,son Comp~ny Employees Bendl t De p~nment, W~5 pteSen l 10 gtve us CU tTeOt In lor· m~flon concrmmJl: Our benefhs and anSwer ques· tlons from the m~mber s WHh pens,on and hea[ lh benefits 10 ht opened .n 1985, our Club wLlI ht vuy actlye In the comIng monlhs to sec Ihat the re

• a.c ImprOyemenl, made, uthel Ihan htndiu de· letcd, as many compaDles arc now domg. DUling our years In the wo.k fo rce, we made many saC, n ficu to achIeve the ""nefil5 we a.e now recelvmg The younger members should be aware of all of these hcnefils and uy 10 Ihe Company, " Don' l to uch."


Ovel lJ{) dined on Lake Elle pIckeral , Illes and all the cakes, p,es and orner good d,shn supphed

I by OUr spouses ~nd bdy Illend, Om Ihanks .o the go\'ernlng members and Ihe lovely [ad,es for pre· paling Ihe fish, ~nd, of eour5<'. 10 Al Ikllse, head chd, for cooking them

C YE.,-.,U<;l , Acr 1'S

l Retirees Conduct • Las Vegas Night

RETIREES CLUB OF L U. 26 1, GROTON. CONN.­On Iunc 9 we h~d ~nOlhe r one 01 our las Vegas Nlghls much the ume ~s last year The wCllhel was perfecl for th.s fahulous evening; only Une thIng, the attendance was much smalh::. Ihan we had hoped 101 duc to Ihe lact lhl! on th,spartlculu

I weekend au. nelghbonng lawns had a lot 01 aCt IV '

.. uy gOlDg 00 at the ~amc ume. We held the eVent

I al Ihc VFW home In NorWIch. same place a, 1151 year. We had d,ce lables. chuck·a luck. bl~ck llck. spm· the·wheel , you name ii, we had II

On entenng, Ihe Ice bcmg 13.00. onc '~cCtycd S200 worth of chIp,; and if you lost, we would glad ly sell you mOrt ChIP" Don'l be mIsled We

~ had a lUI 01 bIg wmnerS and a 101 of happy people.

I Much la te. m the eyemng, we Ian an auclion, and

• all lhe priZe" correelion, almosl all Ihe prize). were donated by local merchant, and places of business.

I would h ke 10 cXlend spcclal Ih~nk5 10 these mce people' the former Owner of the Go[den Spur Package Slore. "Bob" lakublcl, who donated two bot lIes of Spill". the DeW owners, " Len" and "Sue" Knudson, who donaled a fint cuntainer of Scotch All Ihl' from Wale rfo rd Many I h~nks. Mr "AI" Fcrn~ld of Alan Eleelne donaled four very· good quallly smoke ala rms. fo r whIch we exr rus much

... apprecla\lon. loul 261 donated SIOO worth 01 yanous me« to be laffled off III OUI auction

I held latel 10 the eytning, fOI which we WClt more :'" Ihan grale/ul.

We had a Yny well·mannered g~ l hcnng, and ~ll

I 1 lalked wlIh ""emed to enlOY Ihem""lvts Wc' rc aheady maklOg plans for a bIgger and bettel clowd

I ' tlext year Although thc galhenng was smalle l th.s I YUr, we wcre able 10 make ~ profil fOI futu re ... expensn and the good of the club We want to

cxlend a special vote 01 Ihanks to the Norwtch l VFW home lor the 11IlVllege 01 USlOg Ihe,r laclhues

As usu~l. "T om" MeGo"e," dId ~ bang·up lob of auellonee"ng all the mce glln, for ,,· he has a speclll talen. lor thIS sort of thIng. Thanh. "Tom." Arnold P,nks,on. bUSIness managel lor Loul 261 broughl a glcal deal of help "Knobby" Corm,er, aD mspc:clOr 1\ EB. pllched m ~nd pvc

- US a hand. whIch was appreclned. The shop Slew' ard. have always been a grell help Thanks 10 Susan Utcly. R.chard McComb and all those who helped 10 make this a succus

The C rand Ooor Prize w~s won by one 01 Our nUclell plpefilters at MIllstone, nOne other than old lucky hImself. "BIll" Tyler of EaSt Lyme, Old

- Colooy R03d. Congratulations, WIlham Our Ie · l i r~es deservc a lu t of credit lur makmg thl' One

" nellu,", Jl:ood ~vfnmg

Scribe Reports On Members' Activities RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 347, OES MOINES,

• lOW A-The loca[347 Rem ees Club met m . egulH sess ion on lune 14 a l the Bishops Cafeteria wnh

18 members plnent We IIC saddcned to rCpOlI Ih~ dealh, oilwo membc. s, Rkhard Vlgnaroli and Waync Waterhury, SInce om Int mc' Ilng.

On a brtghl.r note Brolhel Francis McEwen announced his engagemen l and pcnding marriage Thl! will be Ihe fi rst ume lor Brat he. McE .... ·(n. and we wish him muth luck and haprlntss I hope he names hIs fl lSl son for me.

The mcettng was enlivened by the pr.""nce of lavern Larsun, I newcomer to th. Club. We 11.0 had a lew .nowbuds ' elum from IheSouth, namely Percy Cadwell. t.1l Murphy Ind Paul Underwood. Brother Clyde Fhout.h .epOrted on h.s al1empt to break Ihe b~nk 1\ L~$ Vegas and hI! yi," Wllh fo rmer loc.1 member Ambrose feeley. fie Ibo I('poned thaI OUI former mtmbel loc Feeley 1$ dOing fine We arc always h3ppy 10 le~rn of the whe lelboulS 01 our I/avding lo,mcr membtn who have tnlnsicrred to olher locals. In iacl. thIS can be.n Impo"anl purpo"" of Ihe {oll!nul 'lUde

T hll fish odor at the ufetcna dldn't all come from Ihe kll chen. It may have COme from Ihe mlny Ash SIOrttS by our members. We do nOI know whelhel II ,$ Ihat all fishermen arc deetrlcllns or Ihlt .11 electrtC/I'lS I rc fi)hermen. In any evem, We could hive a greal fish fry should all the repOrted catchcs be assembled (no l counung Ihe onu that gOt awayl

liere In low. we've had mOle than. fau share 01 Illn flooded fields and streams have hten common, and thc lc could ht • ,ho" "ge of corn tllkes and corn meal fOI usc when Iryln~ the filh Ih" f.11. Now. If we clluld only flood our mccltng .oom with retaed waemen memhtrs at OUi neXI meet ln&. j'd IH: hippy!

The local 347 Rctirees Club welcomed a ncw member at Its ,uly meeltng in Ihe peuon of Brother R. C. " nob" Wilh~ms, who '(ccntly reti red from his posllion IS In I11h D'StflCt Im errullonal Rep· rCStlllauve. Brother Wliltam! served Local 347 tn lUSt ahout every dec tive pOStlton III Ihe loell p"or to hI t appointment II) Ihe lIuff of Vice I'rcSldent lack Moore.

Our Rctliccs Club now bo~$U in tt~ membelshtp cnrollmcnt Ihree rut bUSloess manogcn. namely l1aru[d Baker ~nd Warren Wtl1i~II\S, tn addition to Bruther Bob Th IS sCIlhe proudly ,erved IS USlStant bllstness agenl to all o\'e r I period of 22 consecuuyc years

OUI SenIOr re lllee, Nova Chamht'!atn. 15 hOI' rualizcd 101l0wtrlJ: a slIllke Ih~t h .. affected hll abIlity to Respcct for flro ther Chamberl~trI waS cxr.essed In Ihe form of 18el well card beartng Ihe s'gnlluru of Ihose present at the luly meeltng B.othe. Chamhtriatn, who 11 90l years old, s<:ldl)m has mls""d a meeling

Our Club challman. Warrcn WllhamJ, who s<:rvCl .5 an olficta! rcgls llu, offe red h, . SCfYICCl 10 any One UOI currently regIstered and told of Ihe need lor everyone 10 VOle and suppDn Ihe cand,daney 01 Wahcl Mond~le Ind olhe. friend, of Olpnlled labor Rep.uentluvu of the l ocal 3ol7 Soltd.IllY Labor Day Program were r le""nl to Ie!] of plans for a final in Ihat celebrallon Seve,,1 rellle", upl.".ed concern thallhcy have nUt been Included tn Ihc umon 's monthly ntwsletccll, and Ihus kepI ab'eall of uUlOn ,eUYl1lU

Only. Ih"d of au. reltre", take lime off from Ihe" fishing 10 utend our mee"ngs. II 15 suggcs led th.t the othel IWOlhlldl gIve Ihe fish loue·day leSion Ihe second ThulStby of Ihe monlh 10 altend OUI mCCtlrlJ!,S and tell uf Ihe bIg onc Ihat gOI away

Members Enjoy Club's Meeting,

hw !\1wllO.J, 1' S

RETIREES CLUB Of L.U. 349, MIAMI , f LA._ Today wc opened OUI mecltng w\lh a praye r Our preSIdent was absent duc 10 I death tn h •• bmlly Slim Edwards wa, au. aCllng r , es,dcnl for thl' meellng The repOrt on our Execull vc Board meel trig Imounted to keep ing the Cluh', money In our Credit UrIlon instead of I btnk. Mu ROlenblalt mde I repon on a ploposed "'1' 10 the "Mud Hole." The OTCUIU PUI up a dis play ul homemade novelties. It conllSled of wind ch " nes, Chrls lmas

OrnameDlS, need lework and 10YS. Door pnze wm· ners we. e' An"a liawkins. Dort hy Edwards, Irene lIadden, Ora Orcutt . Mrs. l. 11. . Smilh, Gladys Oquendo, Edy the C.een, Mrs. Darby; ConDie Ma· lechesen aDd BIllie McCoy. One of these days I'll find OU I who donaled all Ihe nice door pnzu, Ihanks, anyway Dort hy Edwards has taken ovcr the lecrclary lob, as our elected sec.etary couldn't it Visitors at the meell ng were L. A. SmHh and his WIfe. who have lamed M rs. OItUll prepared the mea t course whIch conlllled 01 tasly cold eulS EYe ryone had a good mea! which keeps aU happy The meellng ended with bingo

When your wlnle r vae.llon comes thl5 w~y. we WIll be glad 10 have you V'SlI with us a.ound 11,00 noon II 1657 N.W 17 Avenue, M,aml

Tm AuUl .. P.S

New Officers

Shown at t h ~ installatio n 01 new offin rs 01 the Retired Members Club of Local 480, lachon. Min., Ufo left to righl . Red Magef, Loyd Flynt. M. O. Woodward, W. K. Ktllu ... ~nd Frank Worthy. h· fcu llve Bu •• dl M. L. Woodward, vin prrsidenl , Mrs. Jewell Magu, !eCrftary· .. ~uunr l Fred Tolle­son . pruident l and International Representalive fl ob Kin g.


Shown afte r Ihe lunehun art , 'eald, Idl 10 righi , Mrs. Robert Sullivan. Sr .• M.r •. Wendell Gardou. Frrd Bingham, MIS. Rt d M'gee, M il. C. E. England, Mrs. W. K. Keilum, Mrs. Fred Toll tson, Mrs. Frank Wonhy and Mn. Fred Bingham. Stand in,. Iff t 10 r;ghl , In Wendell Cardon, Robert Sulli van, Sr., L E. CIIrd .... ·,ll, M. D. Woodward, I. W. ThibodeauI, Sr., Mrs. , . W. ThibodeauI, St., lelS it Biggen, fraok Worthy, Red Magee, C_ E. Eogland, M. L Wood­ward. Frd Tolluon, W. K. Kellum, C. L Tuckel, bus iness manager 01 local 480, and In lernal iooal Reprnenuti u Bob Kiog.

Representative King Attends Club Meeting RETIREO MEMBERS CLUB OF L U. 480, JA CK­SON, MISS.- We, Ihe local 480 RetHed Members Club, held our second anmversary meetIng on June 5, 1984 We wele hiPPY to hue Imernallonal RepltSent~IlVe Bob King back lor Ihe occasion Bdore our meellng we had our Aonual Luncheon wu .eally enloyed hy III

IJ.ob .nd • numhtr of us "nld folks" were dIS' cussIng Ihe wo. k SIIuallon In receot )'cars as compared 10 tht '50s .nd '600. J koow a [01 of us had to leaye homt and famIly to make tods me~ l, but we always lound a unIon loh In ,orne Slale. Some memht .. mentioned Ihe /aCt that some WHemcn. who had been unlOo. alte r htlng OUt of work for • wh,le had gone 10 work for non·union conuaclon. I Ihink Ih is breaks down all the idea ll Ind cond itloos we as lBEW membe. s have foughl for through Ihe years. There have been ycry lew 65

Page 68: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

~ w m

~ w



times that you couldn' t find a job somewhere to these United Stale. Ihrough the lBEW.

About the "worst" time [ can .emembcl when walk was slack in OUI alea was lust belole and dunng the KOlun Wit, alOund 1950. I hap~ncd to be lucky and waa wiling a luncill home .luling thai time. I can'l fOlget the t,me I Iud to go through a tempolary embalnllog .oom tn do $(lme work under the building. When I came OUI. Ihe embalm· ers Iud purposely left and closed alt dooll and mrned OUI all Ihe lights. I had I wel.d fccllng lumblin, a. ound ave. Ihole dead bodlU uyio, to Hnd Ihe door When I finally gOl OUt wilh a pall of kleln l LO hand, I cou ldn't Hnd .n embalmer any' wh" .. : . Ev".yu,,~ I,~d " v~"'uv,,,J "

Getuog back to our meet'ng, ReprCJcntalJve Bob King pvc In interesting talk IS always. Travehn, • wide area, he gtlS an inSIde VICW on • lot of Infarmauon eon.:.emin, Ihe IBEW Ind how so mlny compaOlcs and organlIatiom lie tryin, to do away wllh the uninn. Had It nOl been for Ihe union, what would the "raIS" or nOn ' UmOn wOlkels be making! Wh~tevcr the employc" deddcd they wamed to pay- that would apply to us all

By the way, you ladlu whose husbands we.e membels 01 OUI Club Ind have passed on, don't fOI,el you lie still entitled In hi- • mrmhl' r, '" allend any lime you (.an

Retirees Elect Club's Officers


RETIREES CLUB OF L U. SS8, 5I1EFFI£LD, ALA.­In OUr June mectlng we elecled and instilld the

FIRST DISTRICT MEETING !Continued from Page 4)

vaC3Ilcyon the Executive Counctl, I dIdn 't heSItate to 3ccept. The next 10 years Will be the lOughest and most chaliengll1S years ever faced by trade UniOnistS, and [ wan t to be part of helping to find solutions to those problems."

Conunulllg. the IEC member reVIewed some of the regressIve labour legIslation being proposed III Canada.

IEC member McAvoy a lso reV iewed the duties of the Cou ncil and cau tioned the delegatcs to run tria l board proce­dures III SInCI accord with the IBEW Constitution and ru les tn that regard.

Dun ng lilt: lIICCtlllg 1lI D.lI lmouth, Vice Prc.sidem Rose mtroduced the newly elected secretary- treasurer of the Ca1l3-oi:m Ff'Of'fOllt nn nf Lahour, BrOlhcr Aus· tin Thorne, to the delegates.

Brother Thorne 3dd ressed the delegates stattng. " It was an honou r to be chosell to be secretary-treasu rer of the CF L, and I am looking forward to the chaUenges associ3ted with the office.

"The CFL is the most progressIve La­bour Central in Canada, open to the challenges of tOmorrow 111 a manner never before witncssed in th is country." He urged the de lega tcs to conti nue their suppOr! fo r the C FL, 3dding, "The Fed­eration will only be wha t you want it 10

be." Represcntau ves Whitehead, Kress and

Kearncy made presen tations at the Dart· mouth, Vancouver and Toronto mect· ings, respectively, regard ing t he tT vie ws on the "Canada Tomorrow Confcrence"

foUowlng officers and Execullv( Bo~,J member.: presidem, L C. "Pete" 10ne5s vice president, A. I. Cutshall, lecrellry·tru5urer, LOl5 11cnder50nl sc. · , cam at arms, Roben "Bob" Carrnl!t Executive Bo~ld membel5 Sam Winn, E. C EUl<'IWond, Tom Maxwett, James Beadle and KeevII Haddock. Mrs. E. C. Ea sl~rwood was eJeeled prns tlry and her asslstanu arc Elhs Henderson. CharJe~ Che"cl and Buford RIChey .

BUfOIlD F. RIC;Il Il. A~\"'. PS

Club Shares Picnic With Sister Unions RETIRE ES CLUB OF BREVARO COUNTl' (LU. 2088 SPONSO R), FLA.-Our Club', lune plCDIC was ~h3rcd WIth MachiDiSI and SI.:.cJworkcr 1':'1Ir eea Atten.unce WaS ,oad. Thc~ h.u been 90mc lalk of future 101nl opcrauons under Ihe umbrella 01 NCSC Ch~pler 141.'i. This way uch Club will mamta'n lIS own Idenuly, yel to,elhel have mort polittullnd leglsllltve dou!

The success of the picDlc, held al K,waDis Island Palk of Mernu island, was assured by Ihe d,hgent work of Commltlee ladlCl Sylvu SImOn, loui.e Klein , Hallie Cumc and Ann Daley Chairwoman S,mon nOl only bouchl Ihe hamburgels, hOI dog. and buns, bUI Ared up Ihe charcoal and pltllded downwmd unltl eaeh panic and w,enel was lUSt nght. 5he satd she deserved a page hCle. A few lines WIlt have to do. Rlchl, SylVIa!

The picn,':' was touled as a VII:IOry celebration fn r enaClmenl of a Slate hOSPI tal COSI 'conlammenl bIll, which should slow hosptlal chalge incleue, frum a callop to a IaSI walk. AnOlher bllliahor bu

which they had attended. At thc concl USIOn of the dmner, spon ·

sored by the host local unions from Nova Scotia, Brother Austin Thorne, buslllcss managcr, Local 1620, was presented WIth a gift by Brother John Cole, bUSiness man3ger, Local 2309, on behalf of the Atlant IC Utility Council, thanking Brother Thorne for h is years of service to the CounCIL

Matters dIscussed at the workshops covered a wide range of tOpICS, including safety, organizing. adverse labour legIS­lat ion, arbitration, bargalntng settle­ments, per capIta reporting. etc.

The secretaries for the various work· shops were:

At lal1tic Cal ladil- Austin Thome, bUSIness manager, Local 1620, Ut dHY; Ralph Embcrley, business mall3ger, Lo· cal 2.1~O, Construc tion ; Paul Jollymore, assistant business manager, Local 2228, the combined workshop fo r Telephone, Manufacttl nng. Government Employees and Papcr M ills.

In Vancouver, Bn tlsh ColumbIa, Brother Harold Taylor, business m:ln ager, Local 254, reported for Construction; Brother La rry Kelly, business manager of Local 1007 for Telephonesi Brot hcr Paul Cd l, bUSiness m anager, Local 264, for Manu­facturing and Papcr Mi ll s; and Bob Peel, business manager, Local 158, reported for the Ut ility Workshop.

The Central Ca nadll Mee ting in To ronto heard Brother A( Schade r, business ma nager, Local 2345, report for Manu· fa cturing and Government ; Brothcr Drcw Cam pbcll, business manage r fo r Local 9 14, report for Paper M ill si Ji m Armi lilgc,

Walked ha rd lo r became law. It Ihal WOlken mus t be no tified nl expolule 10 to ~ ic l uhS tanCCl. An alli.:.d measure, "Clun·Up '84," is ga lhe ring "gnature, fnr an amendment on the ballot. If nOI enough ale oblained Ihi' yell, they will be Itllined fnr submission in 1986. •

The Jot!ow,ng i, • paruon 01 a le tter be,ng $enl to 11I1SEW, lAMA Wand USWA re tilees io Brevard Counly

"Reagan 's campaign p rom"~ 10 balanc~ the fed· ~rll budget lurned OUI IO be a hollow mockery. H~ sluh.:.d IIltU for Ih~ rich Ind vutly increased rnihtary cxpendltures, runnin, Ihe yearly deHcil frnm $50 bilhon when be went in, to 5200 bllhon .., now

"HIS executive appotntments, as typified by Watt, Meese and Donovan, have left much to be dui led The U. S Depanm~nt of Lllx,lI, lormuly friend Ind .dvoute of cmployed ptf5.ons, 1$ no"" dHr· sary

" I·h. placm, Ihe MannCl in lebanon, on a nnn· combat ba51s, WI5 In inepl ,UIUle invilln, re­prisa! .. He wu unnecessarily harsh wi th the ~ Air Tllffic ConuollerJ-pultlng Ihem on leave wllhoUI pay would have .ccompllshed the same purpose.

" Wr. af!: mOM !on unate Ihat nn one tells us how we muSt VOle. FOUl years a,o some of us were Influenced by Reagan '. prom'ses. Has he come anywhere ncar keeptn, Ihem! If you think 001, Mond.le pIDvldes a benel lhemauve than Carter .I,d." •

The dub'. nexl meeting .s Wednesday, Scplem ber S, 10:30 1m , II Ihe CLC hall in Cocoa. See you Iherel

IAC;1t D. CURlltl, P.S.

business manager, LOca l 339, for Uull · , IICS; and Bruther D. Ryan, bustness man­ager, Local 773, report fo r Construct ion .

AI the concl USIOn of each report, VIce President Rose than ked the secretaries fo r thell participation and reviewed some of the pamts raised fo r clari fica tion of all branches 01 the Brotherhood.

In the off hou rs the deleg:Hes to each of the meeungs and theIr escorts were treated to nne hosPltal1 ty, tncludtng dtn- · ners 111 each location sponsored by the host local uillons and councils.

Before the conclUSion of each mcetlng. thc deleg:ltcs gave a rcsound tng votc of thanks to thcIT hoses for the ex traordi­nary hospital it y rcndered du n ng thc mcctlngs.

FOURTH DISTRICT MEETING !Con tin ued from Page 1O!

eluded the gen e ra l sesSIOn w ith t he COPE raffle a nd a d raw ing for door pri zes dona ted by Loca ls 1985 and 2220. T he COPE raffl e raised $750 th is year.

Vi ce Presi denl Wil lia m son th en th a nked the de lega tes fo r thei r e n · thusiast ic pa rt icipat io n in thi S year's Progress M eeting an d wished them~ a sa fe trip hom e. T he de legates, in turn, thanked him lor all exce llen t M ee ti ng and a lso thanked the h ost local un ion s fo r thei r w onde rful hos­pitalit y w h ich had in c luded a coun ­try- wes te rn pa rty a nd a luncheon and fa sh ion s how for the famili es.

Page 69: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

• 11\1 IVIEIVIDRII=JM I Prayer for OUT Deceased Members

I Lord, make us aware each day of opportunities to serve and give, and make us glad for them. Mak e

r tiS concerned and lOVin g in this life and serene in th e kn owledge of a life to com e when we '.¥ill be reunited with th ose Brothers and Sis tcrs who have entered before tis. Amen. I

EWBA Death Claims Paid in June. 1984 "''' Sum ami AmDunt "''' Suml ml Am"""1 "''' S"ml ml MlO<Inl "''' S"",.m, Amounl

I Kat .. , St • G R 2,000 00 ",", 1" PIlu. S J 2,000 00 Pens (66) ~- " 2,000 00 "'" ''''' [jOVlS, W W 2000 00 , Ctltta' ''' , V A ... " ..... 1" lOrl\I. e L 2,000 00 Pens IlJ) 811011. W T 2.000 00 ,. ''''' McM.~. W C 2.0CM:I 00 • , loes, II 2,000 00 e", 1" SmlIh, G C 2.000 00 P!ns (77) AltltII , II II 2.000 00 "" ''''' OeblU/1 W G tooo 00 , AuHo, A J 2.1)(1(100 "- '" Arploo, A 2,000 00 PtItS (77) AU'lu5tln, L 2.000 00 .... ''''' R ..... M M 2.000 00 , Wdl lims. C 2,00000 e~ '" 1Ie~~,l 1.000.00 ... (11) McGregO!. M 2.00000 PI'" 13(9) Knoebel. II A 2.000 00 , TII<!o,. M 2,000 00 .." 1" aurn ~, M 8 2.000,00 Pins 111) 5~um.r. W T 2,000 00 Pons 13(9) l>rIf. 0 ~ 2,00000

• McE ... e~ J L 2,000 00 e~ '" el...,i. F P 2,000 00 e", 177) Thor~ , 1'1 r 2.000 00 "- Il l71 U"on L L 2,000 00

" f'iIIcus, l 2,000 00 .. 1" """'., 2.00000 .... 179) &!nle)l F G VOl 00 Pons (323) [).anlsen E L 177 71 • lIalJ\al , A ~ 2,00000 •• ''I [lee , M ~ 2.000 00 e~ ,., f",,,,,, J B 2,000,00 Pen! (323) $anror~, H L 2,00000

r • OIrv:Ini, C, A 2,000 00 eM' ''I f ries, J 2.000 00 e~ ,., WesNLekl . R • 2.00000 Pens (326) f~" J J 2,000 00

" BIeN, E R 2,000 00 , ,' '" Gilruy, H 2,00000 ",", ,., Hirlf', L. J 2,000 00 Pens 1329) GIOoengo G 2,00000 00 GG r(:t)'C.l, , J 2,000 00 eM' ''I 1I00I<, G B 2,000 00 e., 195) lIu ~ , J T 2, 000 00 PM, 1332) Coulo1 l .. r, R W 2,00000

• '" Salov1tl, B T 2,000 00 "" 1" HopOi ns. I 2.000 00 ""' ,%, l .. per , A 2,000 00 Pen. (332) Joo ri!<!, II 2,000.00

I '" 0011, L 1'1 2,000 00 ... '" Hom. ~ II 2.000 00 "", ,., "" W 2,000 00 Pons (332) -,., 2,00000 ". VanlM!~. B 0 2,00000 ,. ''I Kelly , J T 2.000 00 "- ,., rOIiSletn, W 2,000 00 Pens 1340) "'" H

2,000 00

'" Wilson. A A 2,000 00 e", 1" Klein J, II 2.000 00 .. ,., G'oome, f . J 2,000 00 Pens (340) WenSlrnm. R 5 2,000 00

'" Wi ll iams, J 0 2,000 00 ... 1" ~n,R 2,00000 ,,", ,., R.olO1i"" •• J E 2,000 00 Pens 1343) Pl'SIO. L H 2,000 00 m Clmslophel> , 0 , 2.000 00 .." ''I Uosi, s 2.000 00 ,. 'W, fISher J R 2,000 00 "- (349) M,'cMfl. E M 2,00000

'" Hum , K J 2.000 00 .," 1" N.veOO, R 2.000 00 ",", ,~, Spero, 0 R 2.000 00 Pons (349) 51,,"11". L L 2,000 00

l· '" MtG.orl)' , ( E 2.000 00 "," 1" Pape. W 2.000 00 ""' (103) Bradley J P 2.000 00 Pens (364) Liplla ~ , R 2,00000 ,. Brown. G H 2.000 00 e~ ''I Pea~man, ) 2,000 00 Pons (1~) Qui"", E W 2.00000 PM. (165) Brooltstlll, S 2.00000

L '" S<>ook. A S 2.000 00 ,,, ''I R~ ln J H 2,000 00 Pons (106) $liM A L 1.000 00 Pons 1366) Cull, 0 A 2,000 00 ,. Cunmr'll hl m, R 2,000 00 ... '" Schnetd" M 2.00000 Ptns (107) Dyoert, T A

'"" 00 Pens 1369) Oavenpo rt , G 2,000 00 ,.

~oe"s. l R 2.00000 "," ''I StrvefJen, J 2.00000 Ptns (107) HQrm iO. E II , 2.000 00 Pens 1369) f rarlke, 1'1 E 2,000 00

'" M~ra, G P 2,000 00 "" '" Sheellan, J P 2,000 00 J>eos (1 10) Mderson . J 0 2.000 00 Pen, 1379) Ke.m,. J A 2,00000 m MH"'. "' . H

'"" 00 "", '" Smith . II G 2,00) 00 Pens (I II ) 51.11nlGn, J H

'"" 00 PMS (lSI) JOOH, W 1,333 34 •• C~ypo~, C A

'"" 00 ~,

'" TI!UI. G 2.000 00 Pens (1 131 """ms, C. M

' "" 00 Pens 13!lO) HI ~, R H 2,000 00

"' Ga ll""os. A E. '",,00 ." '" OUn>'o'{IrtI\,O C 2.000 00 Peos (Ill) Loeftt. J 1'1 2.000 00 Pons 13971 Br~lIV , f W 2,00000 O. P,,,,,,", J

'"" 00 "", (1 1) Brillll, $ J ~, OOO 00 Pens 1116) Thompson, G , ~,OOO 00 Peos 1397) Tr • .,s , H f 2,00000

'" Brocli.maJ1 W W '"" 00

Peos (11 ) eo rse , 0 J 2,000 00 Pen, (1\7) O_,L, G ~,OOO 00 Pens (400) McLlrtn , E C 2,00000

"" MeNan, C C ,"" 00 Pons (11) Gu,,,,!,, R W 2.000 00 Pens (120) Mud<l1I , 5 F 2,000 00 Pons (409) fpp~lon, A 2,00000

'" LM I~nc. G C '"" 00

Pen, 11 I) Aob"'"",. K H 2,000 00 Pom P24) RH\I1!S, E. G 2,000 00 Pens (424) Mtrw. A 1,333 33

'" ~bok. R T 2.000 00 Pl!ns (I I) W~,- N £ 2.000 00 Pens (125) AtkInson, M B 2,00000 Pm, 1(25) 1IorIY , F. R 2,000 00 $, Jarm;on , G 2,000 00 Pen. (15) 1Ionbroolc. A A 1.!Ol 00 1'.,., 1\25) Solt!or f 0 2,000 00 Pen! (428) a(~""" E M 2,000 00

'" l>nl;!ord, J E 2000 00 Peos (16) DlJ Ie, R 2.000 00 Pens (125) Ntlson, E 1'1 2,000 00 Pens (429) "'""nseD. C I 2,000 00 $ 1 Slom, E M

'"" 00 J>eos (181 Duke. J R 2.000 00 Pens 1126) [)r i~m . R 1'1 2,000 00 Pon, 14301 V. n1<O"'"'l''''' R 2,000 00 - on l>r1Ons, R. C

'"" 00 Pens (181 OoldtntltfO, A 2,000 00 Pens (130) Ryan H 2,000 00 PMS 1(411 Cl'Ianee , l E 2,000 00

'" Lopel B R 2.000 00 Peos (181 Hanlor~, C j 2,000 00 Pens 1134) Beckmon A A 2,000 00 Pens (Ul) l>ke, J H 2,00000

'" Lohmeier , K H 2.00000 Peos (1 8) Haremu. H J 2,000 00 Pens 1134) ~1 1t. C f 2,000 00 Pens IWI MurKly 0 E 2,000 00

'" Morrl. on. W £ I "" 00 Peos (181 Mul5aers C A ... ~ Pens 1134) Sam""" T 5 2,000 00 Pens 14421 MI"OII')' A. a 2,00000 .. Ooms. 5 5 2.000 00 Pen, (181 SneI, A ! 2,000 00 Pens 1134) So •• !IQ , S. J 2,000 00 Pens ((SIl) Pe, rson. A A 2,00000 •• lew,s, W L 2.00000 Pens (22) McKonIey, H 8 1.000 00 Pens (134) W'Iec~~ , J J 2,000 00 Pens (457) Worrlll J E 2,00000 . , McCull<>ut,lh. 0 , 2,000 00 Pens (24) Jewen, W 0 2,00000 Peos 1134) W"~e, 0 1'1 2,000 00 Pens (459) Gltf1n 0 5 2,000 00

'" Sml !~ . L R 2.000 00 Pens (241 Slmp!.Oft . W A 2,000 00 fOens (134) WMe, A F 2,000 00 Peos Ij 55) Bilkey , L C 2,000 00 , ." BMW" L 2.000 00 Pens (25) Flbof, F 1'1 2,000 00 Pens (134) W,lI lam! , O. f 2,000 00 Pens 1(551 SIlenM, J D 2,000 00 I ~I Koch, J T 2.000 00 Peos (251 r..,t",. G f 2.000 00 Peos (134) W nont>erger , f , 2,Ot:Xl 00 Pon, 14n) Smrtl1. C 2,00000

• '" III" iI:<>. M 2.000 00 Pens (26) O"'nt' , P G 2.0Q:) 00 Pens (136) Plge. II A 2000 00 Pm (479) GnHln , H E 2,000 00 ,

"' WOlrU. k, S '"" 00

Pens (26) _.

2.000 00 Ptns (136) ~'lI!IlIan, II • 2.000 00 Pens (481) Coon&t, A 8 2,00000

I ., Brown. T N 2,000 00 Peos (26) lleeves, M C 2.000 00 f'erls (142) 1IoTWyon, C , tOO'! 00 Pens 14!14) Slidlnuk R 2,00000 00' """oron, II f

'"" 00 Pens (21) s.u, T l 2.000 00 Pens (159) Ponli J R 2.000 00 ,,, 1(!I4) W!grlt r E H 2,00000

'" footd\, J L 2,000 00 Pens 1(1) Grlme" R M 2.000 00 Peos (1601 Kliroe , f W '"" 00

~, 1(99) La'NOer G A 2,000 00 m Reef, J H 2.00000 Peos (3 1) Mohr . G II

'"" 00 Pens 1175) " \Jlle)l. H 2.00000 "", l50t) 'Of8f'liO, S 2,000 00

'" Mdmoo W B '"" 00

Pens (31) Noisen, 0 E 2.000 00 Pens (181) K,mtoall, L M 2.000 00 ~, ,>00, B~, W ' 2,00000

1-m Cals' , A P

'"" 00 Pens (351 r.M&r, L A 2.000 00 Pen. 1181) 1Oo,,,,er H J 2,000 00 e., '"'' for\Ulel , S L 2,000 00

m Whrle. 0 II 2.000 00 Pens (36) 1Io r..,. f VI '"" 00

Pens (190) ~~"'O W E 2.000 00 Pens, (512) H •• !t'y , P L 2,000 00

'" Neiman, D L '"" 00

Pens (Ja) QIOOOn., G G '"" 00

Pons 1191) Stroman. P l 2,000 00 ,,, (5t81 Moor' J T 2,000 00

• '" Suckn." C l 2000 00 Pen" (Ja) M"'fII! r E J 2.000 00 Pens (2t21 McC~oal'lan, S 2,000 00 Pons 1519) fu"" r L H 2,00000

I ., McCla'n, G W 2.000 00 Pens (Jal pa.roersl<l , W

'"" 00 Peos, 1213) H,nsd'le! II E 2,000 00 ",", (522) Brr"' , W J 2.000 00

'" Brut!. J C 2.000 00 ~, (39) W..,n J 2.000 00 Pen, 12131 S"ltle~lna, A 0 2,000 00 ",", 152J) Cordel l G G 2,000 00 II. Ku rohlro , , 2.00000 Pens (46) Lmoo, E W 2,000 00 Pens (213) rrooms .... C 1,600 00 ,. (531) Emery , G 2,000 00

"" c.,rri9an , E 2.000 00 Pens (45) A""", P C 2.000 00 Pt ns (2UI Moss A II 2,000 00 ~, (531) Trolln, A 2,000 00

,," .,,'" 2.000 00 Pen. (46) V""e!, E A 1,000 00 Pens. (226) Moort, B E 2,00000 ""' (543) Klump. 0 r 2.000 00 1579 [),aj, J P 2.000 00 Ptn, (47) Kr"~.r B V 2,000 00 Pen. (229) Morey, H A 2.000 00 Pen. (547) "''''old, H Z

'"" 00 , I.' SuM. ,. G '"" 00

Pen!; (47) we,~man A A '"" 00

Pens (2J11) W. 'ktr. A 2. 000 00 Pens (549) o\mo" C R 2.000 00 , "" Al<!rld",. Jr. JO '"" 00

Pons (46) M.,ns, W f 2.000 00 Pens (237) Wl lh l. II M 2,000 00 Pens (549) Mill", 5 5 ' "" 00

l '''' fle.!s.e, P M '",,00 PIn. 151) Adler. A D '"" 00

fOens (245) Kir>d.v.nlr W '"" 00

Pen. (551) fUld't, L J 2 000 00 10 (51) Jones. 0 0 2,000 00 Peos 15t) [)o" tr, f A 2,000 00 Pen •. (2!>1) cr,,,,, H A

'"" 00 Pen. (553) fa .. ,W L

'"" 00 1.0 (137) Sunon ik, J C 2,000 00 Pe", lSI) Hoffm,n. J M 2,000 00 Pens (2S1l) McKJnn()f1 , A A 20t:Xl 00 Pens (S58) K.aton, C A 2.000 00 10 (292) ufSOn M J 2,000 00 Pen. 152) lIe.mer. II P 2,000 00 Ptns (2S91 KIII I"~ , A J 2,00000 Pens (5671 cto. ld, H H ,",,00 10 (304) Morri .. , P G '",,00 P~M 157) AlI,e<j 0 G 2.000 00 Pens (253) fd~ ' J f 2,000 00 """ 15681 Com'rt, G i.OOO 00 ! ° (367) Ga,!<S. A L. '",,00 I'll's (58) Sa".I,,,, , R L 2.000 00 Pens 1269) Bur~"s. R l 2,00000 ." ISIl9) l"'""slGn, G

'"" 00 10 (&59) G,mb~, f . L 2.000 00 I'll"' 159) Sroolts, J A 2.000 00 Pens 1m) SOOCIOcm, f E 2,000.00 e., ,"', ~'W L 2.00000 I D (11 901 Qo",klron, G , 2,000 00 Peos (591 G,.ett, L C 2,000 00 e., 12!11l1 5<:0" , J H 2,000 00 e., (569) TIlley, L 0 1,33334 I 0 (13551 Lowt , J . H 2.000 00 Pens (59) fOet' .. ! M 2,000 00 e", "'" LidI.!, G A 2,000 00 ,. (569) -" l .OOO 00 Pon" (1 ) Burrnroe. II 0 2,000 00 Pens (6-4) WilkOS M J 2,000 00 "", (292) TorQO'»" . K. M 2,000 00 ""' (570) Devot. II V 2.000 ,00


Page 70: 1984-09 September IBEW Journal.pdf

..... S .. am • ~-. "''' I "",am. ..... "'" ......... ~"' "'" 51n111 ... ~

Pens. (576) Pk:keII, C C 2,1XKI 00 Pens (8«) "" .. ttIOO,OO Pens (I .t&i) Umb, II II 2,000 00 Pens 1101 Enom, C II 2.000 00 PtnI. (582) HuIh, S V 2,1XX) 00 Pens (846) -, ' .. 00 Ptns (1 01M) '-100ft, W H 2,1XIC 00 Pens 110) f~1 w W 2,000 00 Pens (584) OU". J A 2.000 00 Pens (s.c6) GtJv. T C 2,0((100 Pens 11 , 10) By ..... W J 2.0IXl 00 Pens (t 0) Fu!hetsCon, G L 2, 000 00 Pens, ($911 ... , 2,000 00 Pens (861 ) Powell. 0 C ' .. 00 Ptns (1'80'1 Prt/IIt, J II ' .. 00 I'enI (10) flmCll, J 8 2.000 00 PIns (595) ........ , ' .. 00 Ptns ('73) WmI'*OI1Il j E. 2000 00 Pens (1'90) Hlmwotr. G L 2,000 00 Pens (t 0 I Gvd",,", G f 2,00Cl 00 Pens. (595) -.s. " '""m Pens (8110) DIm, C f 2.000 00 """ ( ' SI~l 110 .... II f ' .. 00 ~(IDJ _.L ' .. 00 Pens (595) lJgird. A L 1.000 00 PIns (~J ChIoso L , 2.000 00 PIns (1$251 "'~~H 2.1:0000 Pwns I' 0) Iltrn. f S 2.1100 00 Pens (60S) III, Jr. J £ UIOl 00 Pens (891) B ..... , " ( t.oOOOO Pens (1m) , .... 2,000 DO Pens (10) .... , L 2,000 IX! Pn (fi13) ",,, , 2,000 00 I'Ins (903) Sd'lMlIII C G 2.000 00 """ 11So11t .... " 2,000 00 PIns II 0 KnIgIII, 0 W vmoo Pens (6Jl) W.kS/I J ' .. 00 I'tns (915) ~, F R 2,000 00 PIllS (1519) -- VlXl 00 Pw (10 ~. fJ 2,(moo Pens (&cO) ..... " 200000 PtnI (916) _ WW 2.(10000 Pw 11&20) ~ JA 1,00000 Pw (10 '- ' 2,000 00 Pens (659) Lun ... J M 2000 00 ,..,.. (111) ....... " ' .. 00 "" )1101) Hesttr, J f '''00 Pens 110 l"lllltJ .. £ 1 600 00 Pens (659) TIIlC*! W M 2,1XIl00 -.'"

_H 2.00000 PItII (1701) 1\otIy, J l 2.00000 PtnI (10 """"'. , 2,00000 -''''I ",'" _ 2,00000 ... "", TIl,.,. l [ U!600 PItII {l769) BAII,l H 2.00000 PtnI (10 logM. W III 2,00000

Ptns (663) HI.C L l 201X100 ... "'" S/IfflI, G 'II ' .. 00 Pw (1188) ,_ W 2.00000 I'IIns (' 0 MKOor\IIil, L L 2,0IXI00 ,..., (673) WIll", r N 2,00000 """ "'. .......... , [ , '''00 I'IIns (I&:m Parkl, 'II J 2,00000 PtI\s (.0 ........ OH 2.0IXI00 Pens (615) ...... L 1,00000 1'IIns, (952) KlslIII8I J e 2,00000 I'IIns (Iill l PtIUpa, H , 2.000 00 PItII (. 0 MIm$on . C W 2,0IXI00 PIns, (613) &mug"", H C HlOOOO 1'IIns, (915) , .... J 2000 00 I'IIns (21 45) S ... ,"" , 2.000 00 PItII (10 McGobIJon J, W 2.00000 I'IIns (695) - '" ' .. 00 PIns (iI6) ...... " ' .. 00 PItII (10) MIMnWI. S Ii 2,000 00 PIns (10 McGWI, J " 2,00000 PIns (11l) -." HIlXIOO ... "", Hip:I. R H 2,1IlXI00 Pens (101 &emm. C H 2.000 00 PItII (10 "'.eMIt Ii e 2.00000 PIns (1 16) Ft;~!.OO E VI 2.000 00 Pons 11~') _.J ' .. 00 PIns (I 0) 8etrylNl H [ 2.000 00 ,..,. (! 0 Momson. t w 2.000 00 Pens (11 6) GmIeritII!vt. E C 2,00000 PItII (1~') ""'II/1II, A H 2,00000 Pans (I 0) .... n 2.000 00 Pen$ (1 0 FIite. "- 2.000 00 I'IIns (116) -, 2000 00 Pn (1050) Moonry, l F ' .. 00 PItII (10) 1IoendIer,0 H 2.000 00 PIns (10 IUdlirds. W J 2.000 00 ... "'" CorQ$el:, 'II S 2000 00 """ (10111) Sunclbtri l V 2.00000 Pens (10) iIoydSlOn A L 2,000 00 PItII (10 1\oIIerts. J J 2.000 00 Pens (7l5) Gill .... A 2,000 00 I'IIns (11281 IWIIfI,W w

' '''' 00 I'ItIs (10) IIryaI1J A 2.000 00 PItII. (1 0 ) -" 2.00000

hIlS (151) 8iuws, l 'II 2,000 00 PIns (lIMI CtlrwwIojll.lm.' 'II 2.00000 I'wII (10) ... ' .. 00 Pens (10,) SmIm. C C 2,000,00 Pens (7691 C umoo PIM (11 41) ,.,.,." ' .. 00 Pw (10) -"' VXIQ 00 I'enI (10) Stmh. 'II 'II 2,000 00 PIns (m ) Smnh. H A 2,(10000 PItII (1181) MOOR H A "''' PItII (101 CllIig e E 2,000 00 PItII (10) Stroman, A £ 2.000 00 PIns (774' VillSQik. " S 2,000 00 Pens (1212) fonMno. p p 2(10000 PIns (10) DIi'IffIwI, Ii l 2,00000 Pens (101 S!um;I. "- A 2.000 00 ... "'" ~,LL 2,000 00 PIns (1:1291 DwtnI. , 'II 2,000 00 Pw (10) "'""". E 2.00000 I'enI. (1 0 I 5_ .' J 2.1)1)).00 I'e'IS (1IDIl1 ~hI. M C 2,0IXI00 Pens (13391 r.."o I 2,000 00 I'e'IS (I U) ....,.W 200000 Pens (10) T)'IeI W L 2.000 00 I'I!ns (811) CllllrtI1e<. Ii C 2.000 00 """ (IJ.11) 8nO"'. L 'II 2,000 00 PIns UO) _J 2,000 00 Pens (10 1 W~, J 0 2.000 00 Ptns, (820) Oo"'llltlg. J C 2,000 00 Pens (1393) loog, £ J 2,(100 00 I'I!ns (101 Olike. E J 2.000 00 PIns (10) Wilson. ' r 2.000.00 Pens (82'1 M"*.8 2,000 00 Pans. (U 9]) W' .... ml. A H 2,000 00 Pens UO) £d.nlitlCl, E A 2.000 00 Pens (ur) ~" M G 2.000 00 Ptns ( 1~) HIrons. M A 2,000 00 Pent (10 J El\',OL 2.000 00 TDttl PI I"",,"II .•..•.•. ,. l86II ,051 .16

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Pension and Deafh Benefit Payment Report









S 4,398 .215.30

552 ,278.360.42

$ 90.818.53


I 864 ,051.76


$ 6,919.387.73

$79 ,747 ,892.58

Retired International Representative Fred J. Belisle Dies

The entire Brotherhood was sad ­dened recentl y to learn that retired Interna tional Representat ive Fred J. Beli sle died on Sa turday. Ju ly 13. 1984. Brother Belis le was born on September 6, 1909, and was in iti ated into the iB EW on December 19, 1927, in Local 449, Pocatello, Idaho. An active trade unionist, he served Local 449 as recording secretary and busi­ness manager-financial secreta ry. On December 10, 1950. Brother Belis le was appoin ted as an International Representative and was aSSigned to the Eighth District stall. He became well known as a dedica ted and loyal mEW Representative in the Eighth Distri ct while organ izing and serv­icing loca l unions in all branches of

68 I IBEW JOu Rri.l AL f SEPTEMBER 1984

the Brotherhood. For several years before his retirement on January IS, 1975, Brother Belisle served as an assistant to then-Vice President Stanley E. Thompson in the Eighth District office located at that time in Billings, Montana . All the officers and members of the Brotherhood ex­tend sincere sympath y to his family and fri ends.

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I l.lbor Day

Labor, born from endless strife, To reach a goal of a fruilfu l life. For peaceful hours. nol unholy

rage, To enjoy the book from life's pagc. We march on, we march on , lift

I ?ur heads now mighty strong

l· With forceful hearts and martial

song. The years rolled on, we rought the

fight . Ba nding together , demanding,

achieving our right; ~ Day by day. our cries still loud ,

I March ing. determined, our forces proud.

Our many thousands. with ranks closed,

Faced anti·labor, their evils d isclosed,

We have the right 10 rea ch new height

Armed with truth and righteous might.

We demand the right 10 fill our years

Wi th case a nd happiness, not with lea rs or fea rs.

Non-union factions take their toll Wh ile labor's enemies strength still

grows De termined to disperse Our ranks

with vicious. ceaseless blows, Beware, beward, hour after hour,

be alerl For hard-won gains, let no man

desert , Organized labor. when in hurt or

va in. Has proved itself again and again, Hear ye, hear ye, friends, politicos,

L all, I We vo ted you in large and small ;

For labor's sake. your promises r keep

To fi JI our hopes with conscience l deep.

,l March on, march on, full steam • ahead, le t no man fall,

We carry a big stilk , we're 10 feet tall.

Do no t all of us know the score? Then let all of us make labor Day

I greater than the one before,


March on, march on, with enthusiasti c pride,

To convey our message, pUblicly, openly. and never, ever, hide.

March, untiringly. for union , brotherhood , fraternit y, family and friends,

To always remember, these arc your deserving dividends.

let all infraction , distractIOn, be in the past,

For unit y, fraternit y, togethern ess, bro therhood. be first and last.

I~id",t' tl llffm~1l R,' I,rtd m.~mber of I.ocal l N~ ... Yor i. , N ,Y.

He's My M .ln

A man of st rength, tall and lean , Eyes o f blue, both clear and keen, A sun tan ned face so boyish and

young, You wouldn 't know he was o'e r 41 . He walks With a bounce and a

spring in his step, He has a gentle, slow smile and

hair neatly kept. The color is brown with fleck s of

grey, The right amount in a dignified

way. He has lots of staying power Working hard by the hour.

His kisses are loving and warm, He has a special kind o f charm. He's a father, he 's a husband, A Democrat , a union man. I 'm a lucky woman , he 's my man, And I think that is simply grand. 51 ..... '" HIlII~"IM'. Wift' of ,~pt. l ·h~lt'nh~£l looul MIE>. Orl • ..oo. fl • .

Wh,ll! No Un ion~

It wa s back about '73, I wa s on a flight from lA to KC; I mel thi s man wilh his family o f

three, Said he, "Te ll you , Roy, how iI 's

gomg to be, In 10 short yea rs no unions you'll

see. II will happen overnight. then

whence will you ber " " This," I sa id, "can ' t happen In a

country so free." Now I 'm not sure, a~ )'OU will laler

see, With Ronald Reagan making his

mark. Each morni ng with millions

knowing not where to <; tart , They Cry out for help, but

WaShington won ' t hear. And half a million small bU511lesses Close their doors each year. I uy out to you, my Brothers and

Sis ters, everywhere, Come November won 't you please

be there? M.1rk your ballot , Ol.1rk It emphatiC, Then show the world you voted

DemocratIC, Now in the year of '84 We ' ll show o ld R.R. ju st once

more--let 's send him back to southern

Cal And with him take every po litical

pol. They' ll leave our nations capitol,

we hope and pray, And on hi ~ ranch they' ll forever

stay. Ifoy P'll.t'r'n& Mrn'~r of l o<.1 H 1 An .... C~I.

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