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  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission



    Subject/ Date

    Related and Poted Conce!n/ Co""ent/ Obe!#ation Poted Su$$etion/ Reco""endation

    %PROFESSIONA& PRACTICE ' Ma!(etin$ t)e

    A!c)itectu!e P!o*eion

    Public Awareness about the Architecture as a PROFESSION and the

    Architect as the Professional


    How can RA 9266 gain public support and public

    acceptance Due to lac! o" continuous publicawareness and educational ca#paign on RA 9266,there is the resultant lac! o" public !nowledge andpublic support$ acceptance as to what R%As are about&

    How can we con'ince the general public that RA 9266

    is here to help address the degrading and continuall(worsening built)en'iron#ent and not an added cost ontheir poc!et

    How can Architects i#pro'e their #ar!et share

    *teps on how to start and gain public awareness

    + MA-., +H/ */R/ A- ARH+/+ *

    M/R/%. 4+-A% -+ A -//*+.5&&& t isbecause #an( do not understand 5H. and H/-5 itis i#portant to hire an architect&

    &e#el n$a ban$ +la,in$ *ield- In t)ee cena!io.

    o0 can 0e neut!ali1e t)i-

    S)a"ce, Su+u+ 2SS3 45it) )e! beaut, and b!ain.

    )e can )el+ doo! 0)ic) e#en t)e 0)ole UAP"e"be!)i+ and o**ice! cannot6 UAP )ould co"eu+ 0it) a +!o$!a" o! a "edia t!ate$, 0it) SS at t)e)el" on )o0 to bette! e!#e t)e inte!et o* t)e UAP6

    7roadcast (oursel" on . +7/, -ewspaper, +, etc

    7e an Acti'e 4articipant in the Brgy. De'elop#ent

    4rogra# where (ou li'e, contribute b( gi'ingsuggestions or consultation to their proect "orarchitectural i#pact

    Volunta!il, *o! t)oe 0illin$ and a#ailable. conduct a

    *!ee lectu!e *o! +ublic c)ool. *!o" ele"enta!, to)i$) c)ool. i* t)i i +oible6 S)a!e an,t)in$!e$a!din$ A!c)itectu!e o t)e, can a++!eciate andt)e,7ll (no0 about bein$ an A!c)itect6

    Fil" o! Mo#ie docu"enta!, about an A!c)itect

    To P!oduce A!c)itect7 CARTOON and S&OGAN

    Cont!uction/ 8OBSITE Si$nboa!d6 Puttin$

    9A!c)itect7 Pe!+ecti#e: intead o* Pe!+ecti#eonl,

    Potin$ o* P!oject in all Net0o!(in$ Site o! Social


    More recogni:able i'ic or!s that can portra( our

    4age 1 o" 26

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    SM Mall nation0ide $i#in$ a0a, t)ouand u+on

    t)ouand o* !ea" o* FREE F&;ERS and&EAF&ETS 0)ic) contain A!c)itectu!al Plan. >?. unde! A!ticle III 2@6%3 in$i#in$ F!ee P!eli"ina!, S(etc)e to t)ei!+!o+ecti#e o! +otential client6

    +he reason our hino( architects are #illionaires is

    #ar!eting, #a!ing it aware to the public whatarchitecture is& Most o" the# are "ro# Metro hapter,both old and (oung ali!e&

    +he Architects ode o" /thics ha'e created MR/

    HARM +HA- ;D to the 4ro"ession due to its anti)#ar!eting, anti)co#petition pro'ision and anti)ad'ertising pro'ision&

    ur 2010 ode does not see# to #ention or be

    speci"ic on our ad'ertising li#itations or rights&&&thelegal doctrine 5that which is not disallowed is there"oreallowed5 #a( be applicable&&&and (es, agree, ha'ingour ad'ertising 5rights5 should be best i" #ade blac!and white "or e'er(one to clearl( understand


    +o re sets o" uni"or# with

    A4 %ogo and #a!e it a casual uni"or#

    Ma!e oursel'es 'isible b( ha'ing e?hibits, writingcolu#ns$ articles #ore than e'er "or public consu#ption,ha'ing signi"icant socio)ci'ic proects, proects that ha'esigni"icant i#pact in the co##unit(@s li'es&

    nternet Mar!eting using social #edia "or Architects is a

    #ust "or local and nternational o#petition&

    A**/M7%-; +H/ MAR/+-; MB& .ung paglaga(

    ng 5*tic!ers5 to address the lac! o" 4ublic Awarenesson our ehicle is ust one o" the #an( possible

    solutions& A4 -7D Resolution reco##ending to the 4R7oA to

    rela? so#e pro'isions o" the 2006 ode o" /thics to#a!e it #ore responsi'e and business "riendl( to theti#es&

    +hat is wh( we should reall( ha'e #ore R%As in

    ;o'ern#ent Cparticularl( at the %; 7 and #oreR%As doing public sector proects Cas pri'ateconsultants& +he architectural section o" the %; 7,

    which re'iews architectural plans, #ust be headed onl(b( R%As i&e& so#ething we should put in the proposedArchitecture ode o" the 4hilippines CA4&

    +he A4)A4A, other than the -ational on'entions

    shall guide the %ocal hapters on the Agenda o" their;eneral Monthl( Meetings topics to better ser'e asinputs to R%As&

    4age 2 o" 26

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    A4 HA4+/R* E +he A4 hapters should ta!e

    initiati'es in the pro#otion o" the pro"ession& oncreteActionsE 1& ntroduce proects that will pro#ote the

    pro"ession and alwa(s #a!e the# public through #ediaF2& R%As to get in'ol'ed in co##unit( wor!sF 3& 7e a#e#ber o" %; co##ittees li!e the 7ids G Awardso##ittee C7A under RA 918, Heritage o##ittee,Arts G ulture o##ittee and others that relate to thepro"essionF & n'ol'e in the annual career orientation o"high school students b( coordinating with the di""&schools in the 'icinit(F >& onduct se#inars that #a(i#pro'e or increase the co#petencies o" architects, and6& ""er consultanc( ser'ices, ha'e a MA i" possible,

    with the %;s G local church diocese in the constructionG reno'ations o" -H classi"ied historic sites Gstructures& n these wa(s we can be 'er( 'isible andestablished within our co##unit( i&e& proecting the'alue o" architects&

    = ACADEME Bac)elo! o* Science in A!c)itectu!e 'Can 0e i"+!o#e it-

    Suggestions for a more Effective Curriculum includingconsiderations of confusion encountered with OJTs and


    Mar!eting is the %/)7%D o" an( business orpro"ession& ithout 7usiness and Mar!eting, ourpro"ession will e?perience 'er( rough sailing b( 201>and 2020& +here is R;/-+ -//D to stud( these toincorporate the sa#e in our 4ublic$ 4ri'ate 4racticesand especiall( in the 7* Architecture urriculu#&

    A!e a!c)itect in t)e P)ili++ine t!ained to be

    ent!e+!eneu! in t)e +!actice o* t)ei! +!o*eiono! jut to be e"+lo,ee ab!oad- o0 do ou!

    *a Ada#son nung 2001 basic econo#ics, land re"or#,and ta?ation lang, walang architectural accounting, ala#!o nga(on electi'e sila sa new curriculu#& a(a alwa(s consult #( #o# "or 7R things !ahit sideline

    7( the wa(, be"ore #eron subect na +ABA+- sa

    urriculu# ng 7* ARH&&-ga(on ba walanang +a?ationna *ubect +hese are the basics that an R%A needs&!asa#a na d(an ang 7asic n"o sa ;o'ern#ent *er'ice&

    thin! DHA*4 #ust loo! into our present 7&*&

    4age 3 o" 26

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    c)ool +!e+a!e u *o! +!o*eional li*e-

    Architectural 4ractice in Relation to ;o'ern#ent

    +a?es& ill the enhanced 7* Arch urriculu# prepare;raduates "or these

    Mar!eting is an ARH+/+@s /A-/**& e aretrained 100I in the Architectural and /ngineeringsolution o" the 7uilt)/n'iron#ent which is consideredour ;reatest *trength while Mar!eting is ourea!ness&

    we engage in the #ar!et and (et we don@t ha'e a

    curriculu# subect "or #ar!eting&&&&&&

    A!e a!c)itect in t)e P)ili++ine t!ained to be

    ent!e+!eneu! in t)e +!actice o* t)ei! +!o*eion

    o! jut to be e"+lo,ee ab!oad- o0 do ou!c)ool +!e+a!e u *o! +!o*eional li*e-

    +he Architectural 4ractice in Relation to ;o'ern#ent

    +a?es& ill the enhance 7* Arch urriculu# prepare;raduates "or these

    +he population o" Architecture *tudents in our countr(

    is on a D-ARD +R/-D& *;;/*+/D

    Architecture urriculu# and #a!e so#e changes li!eadditional *ubect and lessons on business, accounting,#ar!eting, ban! and 4ag)big housing loan, decision)#a!ing,

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    nagiingat na sila)))and we should gi'e the# constantre#inders& n R/A%+., onl( those who undergoeducation and training in 7* Architecture can do theco#plete wor!ing drawings&&&and we should use it to

    upli"t the ARH+/+R/ pro"ession, and bene"it "ro#it into its "ull potential,,, dahil pinaghirapan natin ito& Adegree in 7* Architecture, plus two C2 (ears Di'ersi"ied+raining e?perience be"ore

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    "ro# the e?pert&5&&& !now this place is

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    P!actice OVER&APPING OF PRACTICE4 &icened Dei$n

    P!o*eional7 9O#e!la++in$: P!actice Guide *o!Go#e!n"ent O**icial 6

    BUI&DING CODE4 )o+e ou! buildin$ code. in itu+date o! !e#iion. 0ill alo include tanda!d+e!tainin$ to o#e!+ae. unde!+ae. *l,o#e!.o#e!)ead !ail t!anit. !oad and t!eet i$n. a+a!t*!o" t)e al!ead,included ide0al(. i$n. li$)t.#entilation. etbac(. buildin$ bul( and i$)t line6Plu. t)e alli"+o!tant POST NO ADVERTISEMENTOF PO&ITICIANS o! PRO8ECT B; A&&IGATORt)at !uin t)e i"a$e o* ou! +),ical en#i!on"ent6

    On TAES4 uetion do ,ou iue BIR e!#ice

    !ecei+t a *o! uc) a!c)itectu!al e!#ice- 5)at i*t)e a!c)itect i a ne0 R&A. and )e jut $et t)e!eui!e"ent *o! oat)ta(in$ uc) a IAPOA+a,"ent *o! PRC. etc6 but )e )a a co"in$ +!oject.doe )e need to $o BIR and !e$ite! )i !ecei+t*o! +a,"ent o* t)e client- Second. "ot o* t)eille$al dei$ne! and cont!acto! )a#e t)etendenc, to ue onl, DTI. PCAB. buine +e!"itand !e$ite!ed BIR !ecei+t to clai" t)at t)e, a!ejac( o* all t!ade but t)e, a!e not licened

    a!c)itect and ot)e! tec)nical dici+line. )o0 do0e )andle t)e"- T)i i t)e )o!tcut o* "otcont!acto! and e"+lo, a!c)itect on a ala!,bai6 T)an( ,ou

    ;o't Architect holds a lower ran! position and are

    subordinate b( /ngineer&

    5)at conc!ete action can 0e do to +!otect ou!


    ur 4R C4ro"essional Regulation o##ission should

    issue a si#ilar guide regarding the supposedJo'erlappingK practice o" pro"essionals hindi (ung create

    lang nang create ng bagong boards at tanggap ngtanggap ng e?a#inees at pinapaba(aan na #ag!aguloang iba@t ibang propes(on& Hindi lang architects at ci'ilengineers ang #a( proble# about Jo'erlappingKpractices&

    A4 chapters nationwide #ust wor!)out "or go'ern#ent

    architect #e#ber in their chapter "or pro#otion to adepart#ent position to eli#inate 4ower 4la( and "or theprotection o" the pro"ession&

    +he A4 should seriousl( address the clear and present

    dile##a o" the pro"ession ) the 4RA+/& +hat is b(re"ocusing its energies in the wor!s and e""orts relatingto the 4RM+-, M4%/M/-+A+- GM-+R-; R&A& 9266 and other pertinent laws&oncrete ActionsE 1& Maintain a +as! orce that is notco)ter#inus with the ""ice o" the 4residentF 2& +he +as!orce should co#e)up with *hort)+er# G %ong)+er#4lansF 3& ;enerate a %egal und through proectsand$or en"orced contributions "ro# the A4Me#bershipF & +he %egal und should be on a

    separate account "ro# that o" the A4 ;eneral undF >&+he 4lans o" the +as! orce should be in concurrence

    with other architectural organi:ations and ad'ocac(groups, and 6& *hould alwa(s update G #onitor the listo" cities G towns i#ple#enting R&A& 9266&

    4R7oA E +he 4R7oA should continue its strong stance

    in the i#ple#entation o" R&A& 9266 b( lobb(ing with

    4age N o" 26

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    parallel go'ern#ent o""ices and assisting the A4 andindi'idual architects in concerns G co#plaints re R&A&9266& oncrete *uggestionsE 1& /#power the A4hapters, as A4A, in issuing clearances or

    endorse#ent o" e?a#inees "or architecture board e?a#&C" within the bounds o" the law An e?a#inee with arecord o" abetting with a non)architect in 'iolation o"R&A& 9266 #ust not be allowed to ta!e the board Cand#ust "ace cri#inal charges, i" not charges be"ore theconcerned A4 bodies "irstF 2& ncorporate in theArchitecture urriculu# a short course on R&A& 9266 asearl( as 1st(ear, and 3& ssue a #e#orandu# and$orcreate MA with +/*DA G H/D with regards to the'iolations o" R&A& 9266 b( 'ocational undergrad and

    graduates& Ma( re

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    RA H=?? 4 I&&EGA& PRACTICES/ Violato! andViolation

    Evident /iolations as eperienced !y "#As and Suggestions formore Effective Implementation of "A 0122

    March8, 2013

    Pana0a$an a TAS FORCE RA H=??. ana "a,

    "a$a0ana"an (a,oJ

    I* ,ou !ead t)e "andate o* t)e Ta( Fo!ce inide

    UAP 5ebite. ,ouKll ee t)at IT IS 5AT 5E ARE

    &OOING FOR. )o0e#e!. it i NOT ACTIVE t)iFical ,ea!666o 0e 0ait 0)at 0ill be t)e An0e! o*ou! +!eent NP and *o! t)e "eanti"e. 0)at 0e cando i to #oiceout to t)e" t)e U!$enc, o* t)eTFH=?? t)!u t)i AAF b, collectin$"e. contact nu"be!. location o* t)eVIO&ATORS and iuin$ t)e" SAME A0a!d6

    4ano na#an !a(a ang #ga @A"ter)*ales *er'ices@ na

    ino)o""er ng ilang suppliers ng building constructions na

    tinatawag nilang @alue)added *er'ices@ na "ree)designonce na bu#ili sa !anila ng #ater(ales ang ho#eowners %u#alabas na the( are ust using the designser'ices ust to attract sales&

    Geo$!a+)icall,. 0)at +!o#ince/ cit ie/

    "unici+alitie in t)e P a!e no0 i"+le"entin$ ou!&a0-

    A!c)itect a!e outnu"be!ed b, t)e CE e+eciall, in

    onduct %icensure /?a#ination in cities outside Metro

    Manila to increase -o& o" R%As &+his will increase thenu#ber o" Registered and %icensed Architects CR%As& &Ang / noon pa, are conducting 7oard e?a#s outsideMetro Manila !a(a du#ada#i sila& Mara#i ang nag e)

    enrol ng 7&*&Arch, but less go to Manila to get the 7oard/?a#, that causes nderboards to do illegal acts& +hiscan be a *olution to "urther assert the %egal 4ractice o"the 4ro"ession&

    +here were identi"ied iolators posted here alread(& e

    would li!e to !now the action o" the A4 -ationalHead

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    t)e P!o#ince. t)u !eultin$ in CE Si$nin$A!c)itectu!al Plan and ot)e! Ille$al P!actice 2IP36

    RA H=?? VIO&ATORS4 a POSTED and


    o0 can 0e !eall, $at)e! )a!dco+, o* BUI&DINGPERMIT FORMS o* all Munici+alitie o! Citie o0e can ee i* t)e,7!e i"+le"entin$ RA H=?? jutli(e 0)at 0e )a#e een o"e #iolatin$ it6

    Ang pagbisita po ng isang pinuno sa pina!asulo! na

    !inaroroonan ng !an(ang #ga #i(e#bro atnasasa!upan a( isa pong pagpapa!ita ngpag#a#alasa!it& &&na !a(a si(a binig(an ng otoridad at+A%A sa posis(on na #eron s(a a( sapag!atu#aasa po ang #ga #(e#bro na #ag!a!aroon ng

    pagbabago& papaabot !o lang po sa !aala#an nglahat, ibang iba po ang pa!i!ipagusap !ung ang!aharap ng #ga opis(ales a( #a( !asangga at!abali!at na -A+-A% /R*&&as #ataas poang respeto nila pg ganun&&&co#pared to d hopelessidea o" passing d hat onl( to hapter Me#bers&&&

    /to po ang nang(a(ari !ala!alan nga(on sa ating

    pinaghirapang propes(on&&&& #as(ado ng pinababa ng#ga 4@s ang 'alue ng ating #ain do#ainE /?pose ponating !ung sino #an #erong gu#agawang ganito sa

    #ga lugar na nasasa!upan n(o&&&&Mag!aisa po ta(ongsugpuin ito&&&&A4 -ational, A4A hapters, %;7@sO&&&heto na poO&&&&&

    R//O t is a de'ious #ar!eting strateg( that puts ournoble pro"ession to the lowest concei'able le'el !nownto #an& hope there would be regulations, i" not laws,regarding these decepti'e ads that debase our

    pro"ession& -aturingang #a( loo! "or Architect pana#an sa ad na ito at incusi'e ang Architecturalpractice sa *MM/R 4RM Ano ta(o produ!to

    tong poster din na ito na R// */R/*, isali #o din

    ito sa bibig(an ng 4*+/R R/;-+- RMA%4RA+/*&& li!e that one abo'e para !a( /ngr&Ronaldo ;arcia na (an&& tapos ta(o na #ga R%As, we

    will %/ and *HAR/&& siguro na#an b( that&& #apapansin nila&& *iguro ang tawag natin d(an a( sa #ga

    4osters na (an a(&&& 5 4*+/R R/;-+- "orMA%4RA+/* and %A+- o" RA 9266&

    423>&00 lang ang doc!et "ee "or the "iling o" an

    ad#inistrati'e co#plaint at the 4R Cnapa!ababa parasa sa!it ng ulo na ibibiga( sa sinu#ang R%4 na#a!asuhan& .an lang at isang 'eri"ied co#plaintCpir#ado ng co#plainant at ng abogado ang !ailanganpara u#usad ang !aso laban sa isang R%A or R%4C!asa#a na ang #ga /& .an lang ang !atapat ng

    registro at lisens(a ng bawat R%4 sa 4ilipinas& apagnapatuna(an ang pag!a!a#ali, pwede nang isuspinde oi)re'o!e and registro o lisens(a na #a!apagpractice ngpropes(on sa 4ilipinas& *a#antalang ang hirap hirapsa#pahan ng !asong !ri#inal ang #ga illegalpractitioners& Maling siste#a&

    e would li!e to re"er this #atter to the pertinent A4A

    bod($ o""icers& 4lease apprise us here at the AA in the

    4age 10 o" 26

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    near "uture as to the ensuing de'elop#ents Cso that theparticipants could be properl( guided& Much than!s&

    4roect location is+a(ta( Ri:al po sir and the alleged 4Mr& Da'id clai#s the title 3D Architect&&and ./* po in#( other post nandoon po ang pictures ng per#it "or#and blue)print, na!uha !o din po sa 7 account ni Mr&Da'id&

    -+/R-/+ 4%/E Ang pina!a#aganda siguro natin

    gawin as a ;roup, habang hindi pa re)acti'ated ang+as! orce is to act as -+/R-/+ 4%/ andMAR*HA% li!e /'idence and n"or#ation ;athering o"

    a!e Architects, initiall( "orward natin sa 4R ang;ob(erno lahat ng #ga /'idencia si(a ang #a(5%+MA+/ R/*4-*7%+. at #ga %; nationwidehas the 4/RA+-; R/*4-*7%+. under the%aw5& Ano sa palaga( nin(ong lahat

    Arch Ma? alicdan Lr& o" 4angasinan !nows the "ull

    bacground o" Mar! *i#on Magna(on, in #( recollectionsila po ang tagaguhit sa #ga proects ni /ngr& ;arciatogether with another %/A lun!er na#ed MaribethDonato& belei'e i" we ha'e an acti'e RA9266 Des!

    ser'ing 2$N in our A4 HDP with a hotline, #ara#i papong co#plains and na#es ang #aidudulog sain(oco#ing "ro# "ield&

    +o highlight the a!e Architects ca#paign, we #ust

    highlight what happens when people rel( on a!eArchitects& hat we see around us i&e& the state o" thebuilt en'iron#ent is the result o" 22 (ears o" allowing theconcerned /s to sit as 7s Cread *ec& 206&2 o" 4&D&

    4age 11 o" 26

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    Recent news in + 4atrolE Mga boti!ang walang

    4har#acistO *a Manaoag tala#a! din po (an& Ma(n!apas!il na 4R erti"icate subalit wala na#an saboti!a$ par#asi(a (ung tao na (un& ara#ihan walatalagang licensed 4har#acists& *a Architecture, !ailan!a(a #ag!a!aroon ng ganitong #edia e?posure "or RA9266 A"ter 9 (ears

    -o& 1096 where it is stated that /s are onl(alternati'es to Architects when appointing 7uilding""icials and those sa#e 7s)/s allowing their "ellow/s and their unregistered sta"" Cwith architectural

    training to practice architecture at will in co#plete'iolation o" law& All the 'iolations o" the 19NN -74 o'erthe last 3> (ears Cwhich the sa#e 7)/s should ha'epre'ented ha'e apparentl( alread( resulted in #uchsu""ering, da#age to propert( and loss o" li'es duringe?tre#e e'ents at #aor urban centers nationwide&

    reate a Loint +as! orce co#posed b( the 4R)DL)

    -7)M/DA and 4A4 to 5Run Against a!e Architects5Media@s Help is 4ara#ount #portant in this a#paign

    para napapanood ng tao)ba(an& +his will cause R%///+ and arning to All a!e Architect&

    a!e Architects include other R%4s such as the

    concerned /s who will"ull( and continuall( 'iolate R&A&-o& 9266& Dapat a( #a( #a!ati!i# na sa !anila Csa#aang #ga cliente nila at #ga dra"ts#an nila at #ga 7na !abaro nila ng lupit ng penal pro'ision under *ec&29&

    M/DA /B4*R/ %% H/%4 A%+ - +H/D/+/RRA-+ %%/;A% 4RA+/E Registered and%icensed Dentist ha'e a lot o" si#ilar 4roble# with usRegistered Architect li!e this ideo o" 5a!e Dentist5abo'e& +his is the 3RD +M/* a ha'e *HAR/ +H*D/A including ap *ec);en& A Loint +as! orcebetween 4R)-7);MA N and A4 + 9266& +heM*+ //+/ A%%O

    4age 12 o" 26
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    ? T)e A!c)itectu!al P!actice 4 T)e Su++oed 9O#e!la++in$: o* P!o*eional P!actice/ Se!#ice 0it)Inte!io! Dei$ne! 2ID!3 and Ci#il En$inee! 2CE3eb 2

    eb 23

    5)at 0ill be t)e !eal deal no0 *o! a!c)itect in t)e

    a++!o#al o* t)e Re+ublic Act No6 %> An ActRe$ulatin$ t)e P!actice o* Inte!io! Dei$n in t)eP)ili++ine-

    o0 can A!c)itect i"+!o#e t)ei! "a!(et )a!e-

    +he Apparent llegal 4ractice o" Architecture b( ther

    R%4s C-ot ust /s

    9OVER&APPING: OF PRACTICE4 &icened Dei$n

    P!o*eional7 9O#e!la++in$: P!actice Guide *o!Go#e!n"ent O**icial 6

    5)at i t)e di**e!ence bet0een t)e A!c)itectu!al

    Inte!io! o* A!c)itect 2RA H=??3 L Inte!io! Dei$no* Inte!io! Dei$ne! 2RA %>3- 5)at a!e t)oeclai*ied a A!c)itectu!al Inte!io! docu"ent andt)oe clai*ied a Inte!io! Dei$n docu"ent-

    Acco!din$ to P)ili++ine Inte!io! Dei$n Act o* =>%=Sec6 @%6Re+ealin$ Claue6 ' Re+ublic Act No6

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    and later on, the( will i#ple#ent b( the#sel'es basedon (our drawings& H %% . HAR;/ the# i"there will be so#e updates on the drawings andconsultation that will occur during the construction co:

    so#eti#es this thing will eat up (our ti#e& & I t)e!e o! 0a t)e!e e#e! a +!o+oed i"+!o#e"ent

    o* t)e ub"iion o* cont!act docu"ent/blue+!int *o! buildin$ +e!"it to "ini"i1e t)ecot. leen t)e +a+e! )andlin$/to!a$e/0ata$e.eli"inate !ed ta+e. etc6-

    I )a#e co"e ac!o !eadin$ about t)e a!ticle in t)e

    ne0 Standa!d o* P!o*Kl6 P!actice 2=>%>3 and it 0atated t)e!e t)at *o! buildin$ +e!"it a++lication 0eneed to ub"it et o* a!c)itectu!al docu"ent6I it "andato!, and in e**ect no0- I )a#e noticedalo t)at in o"e citie/ "unici+alitie. t)e, onl,acce+t et o* docu"ent 6

    Did (ou !now that Architects can *;- and */A%

    *tructural plans in %ega:pi it( Are we 'iolating RA9266

    a paperless 7 en'iron#ent ne'er crossed the

    D4H@s #ind in the last 10 (ears

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    Ma(roong #ga 1,800 na 7uilding ""icials C7s sa

    bansa& Ang pina!a#abigat na

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    all-36 It jut da0ned on "e t)at in t)i di$ital a$e.t)e!e ou$)t to be o"e o!t o* +!acticalit, 0it)!e$a!d to t)e ub"iion o* uc) cont!uctiondocu"ent t)at "a, be bene*icial to bot) t)e

    dei$n +!o*eional and t)e &GU OBO6

    I )a#e co"e ac!o !eadin$ about t)e a!ticle in t)e

    ne0 Standa!d o* P!o*Kl6 P!actice 2=>%>3 and it 0atated t)e!e t)at *o! buildin$ +e!"it a++lication 0eneed to ub"it et o* a!c)itectu!al docu"ent6I it "andato!, and in e**ect no0- I )a#e noticedalo t)at in o"e citie/"unici+alitie. t)e, onl,acce+t et o* docu"ent 6

    2+leae add ,ou! ot)e! !elated conce!n )e!e3

    >? A!c)itectCode o* Et)ic

    s there an( %aw in 4H "or Digital op(right particularl(

    "or Architects and where do we get the cop(right letterabout releasing AD drawings


    wnership o" drawings under RA 9266 and or Art&

    A**/M7%-; +H/ MAR/+-; MB& .ung paglaga(

    ng 5*tic!ers5 to address the lac! o" 4ublic Awareness

    on our ehicle is ust one o" the #an( possiblesolutions& Asse#bling the Mar!eting Mi? 4lan& +heseare +wo C2 unda#ental Puestions e'er( architect)#ar!eter should as! in asse#bling their #ar!eting#i?es& these are as "ollowsE

    4age 16 o" 26

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    Lan 2

    Lan N

    Lan 8

    1N23 o" the ntellectual 4ropert( ode, what is the#andate o" our law "or sub#ission and or sharing o"drawings through e)"ile

    t was belie'ed that R%A *H%D -+ sub#it original

    copies o" drawings to clients, contractor, etc, to a'oidillegal duplication or producing cop( o" the sa#e&-owada(s that we are using AD and into 7uildingn"or#ation Modeling C7M wherein data, e)"iles, etc&,are centrall( used, re#otel( shared to consultants,engineers, etc, who will clai# its ownership


    hat pro'ision in RA 9266 intends to protect the abuse

    on the use o" A++AHM/-+* li!e drawings, s!etches,la(outs when these are used as attach#ents on the

    4roposals$ Puotations "or D/*;-)7%D, since inD/*;-)7%D ) we propose on both D/*;- and7%D as one, although we stipulate D/*;- 4rocessas the "irst 4hase, but a +otal ost is alread( to bepresented to the lient at the onset as -/ How canthe R%A lai# the right o'er such docu#ents

    hat is the di""erence between the Architectural

    nteriors o" Architects CRA 9266 G nterior Design o"nterior Designers CRA 103>0 hat are those

    classi"ied as Architectural nteriors docu#ents andthose classi"ied as nterior Design docu#entsAccording to 4hilippine nterior Design Act o" 2012*ec& 1& Repealing lause& Q Republic Act -o& 8>3 ishereb( repealed and all other laws, orders, rules andregulations or resolutions or part$s thereo" inconsistent

    with the pro'isions o" this Act are hereb( repealed or#odi"ied accordingl(&

    R%As are awaiting the release o" the Architects=

    ;uidelines& A4 #a( ha'e answers to theseobser'ations&

    4age 1N o" 26

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    Lan 3

    e sa( /s are our co#petitors or threat in the

    practice& hat about 201> and 2020 here thewindow este gate "or "oreign co#petitors will beopened s it not a bigger challenge to our pro"ession

    s R&A 9266 cra"ted and prepared "or this ;lobal4ractice As was in"or#ed in our neighboringcountries, the( tried to use their nati'e languages sothat in due ti#e there will still be need "or theirpro"essionals who ha'e the e?pertise to interpret theirlaws, rules, policies and contracts&

    74$ outsourcing is trending in the region& here'er

    sources the( ca#e "ro#, whether we li!e it or not, the(will continuousl( co#e&& Do we ha'e the standard

    pricing on how to deal with these /ither per contract,per sheet How do we treat this in uap)national or inprboa

    alling the attention o" A4 tas! "orce 9266& indl(

    chec! the proli"eration o" non R%As #ar!etingarchitectural designs on "aceboo!& +his is a blatant'iolation o" RA 9266, +hese include engineering "ir#s,cad renderers, underboard ar!i grads and ar!istudents, Hope A4 can act on these 'iolations&

    " DHA*4 or A-.7D. in the Acade#e can !indl(

    share with us here in AA their latest updates on the"ollowing concerns below& RAs$ R%As can relate "urtherand handle better those J.oung Aspirants to thepro"essionK those that are in n the Lob +rainingJL+K with us&

    Ma(be so#ebod( should clari"( #atters& L+s #a( not

    necessaril( be under the sa#e classi"ication asapprentices, who are distinct in that the( Capprenticesare undergoing the #andator( di'ersi"ied e?perience inarchitecture CD/A under a

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    H6 Di$ital and EFI&ES 4 Do 0e )a#e Intellectual +!o+e!t, !i$)t 2IPR3 +!otection unde! t)e NE5 IRR2=>%> STANDARD OF PROFESSIONA& PRACTICE/ SPP3-eb 11 I t)e!e an, &a0 in P *o! Di$ital Co+,!i$)t

    +a!ticula!l, *o! A!c)itect and 0)e!e do 0e $et t)eco+,!i$)t lette! about !eleain$ CAD d!a0in$-

    O0ne!)i+ o* d!a0in$ unde! RA H=?? and o! A!t6

    %=< o* t)e Intellectual P!o+e!t, Code. 0)at i t)e"andate o* ou! la0 *o! ub"iion and o! )a!in$o* d!a0in$ t)!ou$) e*ile-

    It 0a belie#ed t)at R&A SOU&D NOT ub"it

    o!i$inal co+ie o* d!a0in$ to client. cont!acto!.

    etc. to a#oid ille$al du+lication o! +!oducin$ co+,o* t)e a"e6 No0 a da, t)at 0e a!e uin$ CADand into Buildin$ In*o!"ation Modelin$ 2BIM3

    0)e!ein data. e*ile. etc. a!e cent!all, ued!e"otel, )a!ed to conultant. en$inee!. etc.

    0)o 0ill clai" it o0ne!)i+-

    pdated RR)*44 "or the digital age is alread( a #ust&

    %>6 GOVERNMENT SERVICE 4 R&A Need UAPIAPOA Su++o!tLan 28 ;o'ern#ent *er'ices b( R%As& An( architects here

    "ro# the go'@t got this !ind o" incenti'e

    7( #a!ing clear the incenti'es in the ;o'ern#ent

    *er'ice, we can encourage #an( (oung R%A=s to ser'ethe ;o'ern#ent, thus per"or#ing as atchdogs o" the4ro"ession in ;o'ern#ent&

    ito lang !ung #ang(ari, #erun ta(ung agenc( A4

    -ational, !u#ustahin na#an nila lahat ng architects nanasa go't side&& i# sure, ang da#ing #a e share na(an&& "or the A4, e tr( nila ang batas together w$ go'@tarchitects&&

    4age 19 o" 26

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    t didn=t happen in #( case& ha'e wor!ed with a

    certain go'ern#ent agenc( ,signed and sealedplans ,super'ises the# but the( did not i#ple#entthis&And were not co#pensated well& ur salaries

    were li!e that o" a ob order& e wrote a letterregarding with the increase o" salar( because we aresigning plans but the( ust ignored it&&

    Lan 2 DESIGNBUI&D4 5)at +!o#iion in RA H=??

    intend to +!otect t)e abue on t)e ue o*ATTACMENTS li(e d!a0in$. (etc)e. la,out

    0)en t)ee a!e ued a attac)"ent on t)eP!o+oal/uotation *o! DESIGNBUI&D. ince inDESIGNBUI&D 0e +!o+oe on bot) DESIGN andBUI&D a one. alt)ou$) 0e ti+ulate DESIGNP!oce a t)e *i!t P)ae. but a Total Cot ial!ead, to be +!eented to t)e Client at t)e oneta ONE- o0 can t)e R&A Clai" on t)e !i$)t o#e!uc) docu"ent-

    " we are considered as a contractor i" we o""er or

    engage in design and build ser'ices, then a con"lictarises because we are alread( acting as the designarchitect$ architect o" record and contractor&

    -ow, do we still need to get a license "ro# 4A7 i" weo""er the design and build ser'ices

    apag ARH+/+ on Design)7uild !a ang Ma(ors

    4er#it #o is on */R/* lang&&& pero !apag-+RA+R !a ang Ma(ors 4er#it #o nasa ibang%ine o" 7usiness&& iba rin ang pa(#ents and ta?es&

    A4 can help us clari"( on our ons"usion about "

    Architect in D/*;-)7%D reall( needs to get 4A7&

    Lan 8 5e a, CE a!e ou! co"+etito! o! t)!eat in t)e

    +!actice6 5)at about =>% and =>=>- 5)e!e t)e0indo0 ete $ate *o! *o!ei$n co"+etito! 0ill beo+ened- I it not a bi$$e! c)allen$e to ou!+!o*eion- I R6A H=?? c!a*ted and +!e+a!ed *o!

    4age 20 o" 26

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    t)i Global P!actice- A I 0a in*o!"ed in ou!nei$)bo!in$ count!ie. t)e, t!ied to ue t)ei!nati#e lan$ua$e o t)at in due ti"e t)e!e 0ill tillbe need *o! t)ei! +!o*eional 0)o )a#e t)ee+e!tie to inte!+!et t)ei! la0. !ule. +olicie andcont!act6

    Lan N 5)at i t)e di**e!ence bet0een t)e A!c)itectu!al

    Inte!io! o* A!c)itect 2RA H=??3 L Inte!io! Dei$no* Inte!io! Dei$ne! 2RA %>3- 5)at a!e t)oeclai*ied a A!c)itectu!al Inte!io! docu"entand t)oe clai*ied a Inte!io! Dei$ndocu"ent- Acco!din$ to P)ili++ine Inte!io!Dei$n Act o* =>%= Sec6 @%6Re+ealin$ Claue6 '

    Re+ublic Act No6

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    t)ee #iolation6

    Lan 3 I* CODASP o! AN;BOD; in t)e Acade"e can

    (indl, )a!e 0it) u )e!e in AAF t)ei! latetu+date on t)e *ollo0in$ conce!n belo06 RA /R&A can !elate *u!t)e! and )andle bette! t)oe9;oun$ A+i!ant to t)e +!o*eion: t)oe t)ata!e in On t)e 8ob T!ainin$ 9O8T: 0it) u6

    4lease #a!e better guidelines "or apprenticeship

    progra#s li!e lin!ing D%/ pro'isions so apprenticeswill not go to / who can pa( the# #ore "or theirarchitectural ser'ices, a# one o" these apprenticesbe"ore or what #( #entors call #e 5a #ercenar(5, dueto the desire "or a graduate student be"ore to beindependent& !now the( re'erted the oldre

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    1 alang pondo o lac! o" "unds& Archi4A ) +he A4@s ontinuous unding *olution&

    2 %ac! o" ;ood Articles "or Architects, 7oo!s and e)boo!s onArchitecture&

    /ncourage #ore (oung and old architects to write about thegood and the true o" the pro"ession, beco#e 5Architect riter5&nitiate and introduce Architecture and Architects to thestudents in the /le#& and High *chool through in"or#ation,disse#ination and educating the# with the use o" Architectureboo!s, cartoons, #ulti#edia, acti'ities and pro#otions, wor!ingtogether with the Dep/d to achie'e a per#anent solution

    3 %obb( in ongress to A#end the %ocal ;o'ern#ent ode o"1991& Ai#E to #a!e the position o" it($ Municipal Architect as aMA-DA+R. 4*+- rather than ptional& +he *uggestionabo'e will also generate #ore than 1,600 ;o'ern#ent/#plo(#ent "or the Architects&

    7oth the 4R and the 4R7oA are cogni:ant that the( could-+ success"ull( underta!e the tas! o" regulation b(the#sel'es& oreign Architects do not secure +e#porar(*pecial 4er#it to 4ractice&

    +he( ha'e to rel( on the pri'ate sector Ci&e& the A4A to#onitor the acts o" the registered and licensed architectsCR%As at the le'el o" the indi'idual practitioner&

    > %ac! o" Architects nowledge on How to 4articipate in;o'ern#ent Cnational o local proects i&e& A suppl( o"consulting ser'ices Cpre)"easibilit($ "easibilit( studies, #asterde'elop#ent planning, pre)design and regular designser'ices, proect #anage#ent, construction #anage#ent,construction super'ision, proect ad#inistration, etc&F suppl(o" in"rastructure ser'ices Cconstruction, design)build, sub)contracting, "urnishing o" specialt( wor!s, etc&F and suppl(o" goods Carchitectural #aterials, e

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    or e?a#ple, a"ter the attac!s o" 911 the #edia ga'e a hugeco'erage o" the e'ent and e?posed sa#a bin %aden Cguilt( "orthe attac! as the( were disse#inated b( the concernedauthorities& +his shaped the public opinion to support the waron terroris#, the sa#e happened with the war on ra

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission



    1 denti"ied threat to the architect& A 7 in the loridablanca,4a#panga&

    A cri#inal co#plaint #ust be "iled against this 'iolator o" RA9266&

    1> T)e conce!n o* t)e o!dina!, IAPOA "e"be!.+a!ticula!l, t)oe baed in t)e +!o#ince. a!e a++a!entl,not bein$ u**icientl, add!eed at t)e national IAPOAle#el6

    4%* -; M;A AR+/+ M*+ 7/ ;/- MALR-*D/RA+-E More nline *ur'e( or 4oll #ust beconducted #onthl($

  • 8/13/2019 13may11 Final Ready for Submission


    9including other R%4s ha'e entered our pro"ession and ha'eopenl( 'iolated our 4R% CRA 9266&

    co#pete and i#pro'e our Mar!et *hare in the local andprobabl( "uture global co#petition& More A4A 7usiness andMar!eting *e#inars in the "uture #a( be needed&

    22 ailan$an i"a!(et natin nation0ide an$ i"a$e n$ Pino,A!c)itect6 Rele#ant ba ta,o a national de#elo+"ent6 I* 0ea!e. i+a(ita natin6

    *i Raison 7assig was suggesting at gagawa daw ng ideoDocu#entar( o" the li"e o" a 4ino( Architect while !a#i sachapter this 2nd ter# gagawa n#an ng series o" nline +o##ercial ang dialogue& 5 or *ustainable building designonsult (our Architect&5

    23 %ac! o" 4ublic *upport on RA 9266 *uggestion on How to in the 4ublic pinion and *upport inour a'or to 4A4 li!e C1 ideo +esti#on( o" "riendl( /endorsing and supporting the en"orce#ent o" RA 9266, C2ideo or + /ndorse#ent o" 4ublic ""icials who ha'e alread(en"orced RA 9266 in the respecti'e 4ro'ince or cit( or#unicipalit(& C3 elebrit( /ndorse#ent li!e Ms ni'erse 3rdrunner)up Arch *ha#se( *upsup C +esti#on( andendorse#ent o" Architects@ lients, "riends and all( to the 4ublicand Media&

    2 %ac! o" ;o'ern#ent Architects to represent and protect the4ro"ession& 4ro'incial and it($ Municipal i'il /ngineer as aMandator( 4osition as per %ocal ;o'ern#ent ode o" 1991 inall the 4ro'incial and it($Municipal %e'el where said /s areusing 54/R 4%A.5 to /li#inate and Downgrade theArchitect5 in this *cenario in 4angasinan&

    %obb( in ongress to A#end the %ocal ;o'ern#ent ode o"1991& Ai#E to #a!e the position o" cit($#un& architect as aMA-DA+R. 4*+- rather than ptional&

    2> +he population o" Architecture *tudents in our countr( is on aD-ARD +R/-D&

    ni'ersities, state and colleges #ust conduct 5AR//RR/-+A+-5 to 3rd G th).ear ;raduating High *chool

    within their area o" responsibilit( CAR to encourage andrecruit 36 T)an(6

    4age 26 o" 26

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    4age 2N o" 26