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The reason you created a website, was to have people visit it and check out what you’re offering, right?

Whether it’s for your brick-and-mortar or you have a completely digital business, a website is

quintessential to your marketing strategy, and a website that converts –is well…priceless.

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However, chances are you aren’t getting as much web traffic as you would’ve hoped.

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So buckle up, it’s time to help you

figure out why nobody’s visiting

your website!

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Your website need not look like it’s a competition to see how much information you can fit into the smallest possible space.

“I’m claustrophobic, and this website makes me feel like I’m choking.”1

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That’s basically what goes through the average consumers mind when they peruse a website; if your links are hard to understand, or lead your visitors in the wrong places, it might just be what’s preventing people from returning.

“If I can’t navigate easily, I shouldn’t be here.”2

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Not everyone loves that bright pink on neon green or plum on black color combo as much you do.

“These colors make my eyes hurt!”3

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Chances are, the people that visit your website aren’t related to you in any way, nor do they particularly care about what effect you were “going for.” All they can relate to is the effect that they see.

“Why is this all so unorganized? How does that llama picture relate to plumbing?”4

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Sure, it’s like standard that every company has an Instagram, Twitter and Facebook account (71% of online adults use Facebook alone; why wouldn’t you have one?) Pinterest and LinkedIn are also quickly gaining popularity.

You’re advertising on social networks that doesn’t align with your vertical.5

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If you’re heading to content farms to dredge up content from the boulevard of broken writing dreams, you can’t expect your visitors to be pleased with poor English and strangely worded sentences.

You’re using content farms for your blog posts.6

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If someone wakes you up in the middle of the night and shouts at you, “Who’s your target market!?” You should be able to respond accurately with a hazy brain; that’s how clear and concise it should be to you.

You don’t even know what niche you’re targeting.7

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You should aim to be specific in the keywords that you target. It might not bring you in as much traffic, but you’ll get a lot more specialized traffic.

You shoot for all the high competition or inappropriate keywords.8

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If your site has duplicate content, you’ll be flagged by Google, no questions asked. They have a very low tolerance for that sort of thing.

“Haven’t I read this somewhere before?”9

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Keyword density has a lot to do with how well your website ranks; therefore, if your website is filled to the max with keywords, Google will see it as an attempt to try and unfairly increase your ranking for searches and flag your website.

Your content is chock full of keywords, and little else.10

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If you have links on your pages that aren’t easily discernible, Google interprets this as suspicious. This applies to links that are the same color or pattern as your background, or unlabeled image maps. Google can flag your page for this.

Hidden links.11

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We live in the age of the smartphone and tablet, so it’s not surprising that Google has caught on to the fact that users need a website that’s optimized for mobile so that they can navigate it accordingly.

No mobile version (or not a very good one).12

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If you hired an agency to handle your search engine optimization and ranking for keywords, and they promised you amazing results in an insanely short space of time, chances are they violated some of Googles rules to get you there. Once Google picks up on this, your web page is basically dead.

The agency you hired is unreliable.13

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You see, starting a website is one thing, but ensuring that you have a steady flow of visitors who are constantly interacting,

purchasing and just all around being on your website is a completely different ballgame; and it’s pretty dang hard to hit a home-run.

Read the entire article HERE.

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