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Section II

Acetal Resins

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Acetal Resins


I n a nut shel l :

- Great r i gi di t yHi gh mechani cal st r engt hOut st andi ng resi l i enceGood t oughness even at sub- zero t emperat uresGood di mensi onal st abi l i t yHi gh f at i gue st rengt hFavorabl e t r i bol ogi cal charact er i st i csLow water absorpt i onGood resi st ance to chem cal sNo processi ng probl ems, no deposi t s

Hi gh sol i di f i cat i on r at eUnrei nf orced:


Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm3: 1.41Sal i ent f eatures: Z233OX-003 cont ai ns an ant i st at i cMel t i ng r ange; DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rat e MFR 190/2.16: 9/10 mn: 5 0

Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0 8

Physi cal f ormPel l ets: X

Col orat i on:Uncol ored: XBl ack: X

Processi ng f eatures: Ext remel y easy f l ow, rapi dl y sol i di f yi ng,cont ai ni ng demol di ng ai d

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 1.9/1.9

I nj ect i on mol di ng:Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 365-445Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-180

Appl i cat i ons: For mol di ngs w th very t hi n wal l s and adver serat i os of r unner l ength t o wal l thi ckness. Perm t veryrapi d cycl i ng.

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34 Industrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFQRM Pol yacetal ( POM) (Cont i nued) :



Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm3: 1.41Sal i ent f eatures: W2330-003 cont ai ns an ant i st at i cMel t i ng range, DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rat e MFR 190/2.16: g/10 mn: 30Wat er absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/50 RH: 0.25

( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: 0.8Physi cal f ormPel l ets: X

Col orat i on:Uncol ored: X Speci al shades: X on requestBl ack: X

Processi ng:Processi ng f eatures: Very easy f l ow, rapi dl y sol i di f yi ng,

contai ni ng demol di ng ai dProcessi ng shr i nkage: : 1.9/1.9I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 365-445Recommended mol d t emperatures: F: 140-180Appl i cat i ons: Product s to meet ext reme demands on processi ng

characteri st i cs but onl y moderate demands on mechani calperf ormance


Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm3: 1.41

Mel t i ng range: DSC: 327-335Mel t f l ow rat e MFR 190/2.16: 13Water absorpt i on: 24 hour i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0 8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X Standard shades: XSpeci al shades: X Bl ack: X

Processi ng f eatures: easy f l ow, rapi dl y sol i di f yi ng. S2320-003

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Processi ng:

cont ai ns demol di ng ai d

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375-445Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-210

Appl i cat i ons: Speci al l y i nt ended f or i nj ect i on mol di ngs t hat aredi f f i cul t t o produce, e.g. w th t hi n wal l s and adver se rat i osof r unner l engt h to wal l t hi ckness

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Acetal Resins 35

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacet al ( POM) (Cont i nued):



Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.41Mel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g/10 mn: 13Wat er absorpt i on: 24 hour i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X St andard shades: XSpeci al shades: X Bl ack: X

Processi ng:Processi ng f eatures: Easy f l ow rapi dl y sol i di f yi ng. N2320-003

cont ai ns demol di ng ai d.Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375-445

Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-210Appl i cat i ons: Speci al l y i nt ended f or i nj ect i on mol di ngs t hat

are di f f i cul t t o produce, e.g. w th t hi n wal l s and adver serat i os of r unner l engt hs to wal l t hi ckness


Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: 1 . 4 1Mel t i ng range, DSC: 327-335

Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g /10 mn: 9Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X St andard shades: XSpeci al shades: X Bl ack: X

Processi ng f eatures: Rapi dl y sol i di f yi ng. N2320-003 cont ai ns

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-445Recommended mol d t emperatures: F: 140-210

Processi ng:

demol di ng ai d.

I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Appl i cat i ons: General - purpose i nj ect i on mol di ng products

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  6 ndustrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacetal ( POM) (Cont i nued) :


H2320:H2320- 004:H2320- 006:

Processi ng techni que: Ext rusi on ( I nj ect i on mol di ng)Densi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.41Mel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327- 335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/ 2. 16: F: 2.5-3.5Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/ 50 RH: : 0. 25

( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on::

0.8Physi cal f ormPel l ets: X

Col orat i on:Uncol ored: X Speci al shades: X on requestBl ack: X

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-430

machi ni ng. H2320- 004 f or thi n t ubes and panel s. H2320- 006sui t abl e f or t hi ck i nj ect i on mol di ngs, hei ghtened mel t i ndex

I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Appl i cat i ons: H2320 f or t he ext rusi on of t hi ck stock f or

E3320X:Processi ng techni que: Ext rusi on, ( bl ow mol di ng)Densi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.41Mel t i ng range: DSC: 327- 335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/ 2. 16: g/ 10 mn:Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/ 50 RH: : 0.2( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:

Processi ng:

Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X

Processi ng f eatures: product w th hi gh- st rengt h mel tI nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng temperatures: 375- 430Appl i cat i ons: For hol l ow sect i ons w t h t hi ck wal l s, bl ow

mol di ngs, and thi ck- wal l voi d- f ree i nj ect i on mol di ngs

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Acetal Resins 37

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacet al ( POM) (Cont i nued) :

Wth speci al addi t i ves:

N2211 PVX:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.41Sal i ent f eatures: w th speci al l ubr i cantMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 19012.16: 9/10 mn: 9Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 731150 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0 8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:

Processi ng

Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-445Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-210

Appl i cat i ons: Compound that al l ows a very l ow coef f i ci ent off r i ct i on and consi derabl y reduced wear yet has no adverse

ef f ect on the mechani cal proper t i es

N2320 MO bl ack 11005:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.42Sal i ent f eatures: modi f i ed by mol ybdenumdi sul f i deMel t i ng range, DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 19012.16: 9/10 mn: 9Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: 8 : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: : 0.25

( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8Physi cal f orm

Pel l ets: XCol orat i on:

Bl ack: XProcessi ng:

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375-445Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-210

Appl i cat i ons: Compound f or the product i on of f r i ct i on bear i ngs

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38 Industrial Synthetic R e s h Handbook

B SF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacetal (POM) (Cont i nued) :

Wth speci al addi t i ves(C0nt i nued) :

N2235 bl ack 11001Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi t y: g/ cm 3: 1.41Sal i ent f eatures: stabi l i zed f or out doorsMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g /1 0 mn: 9Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0 8

Physi cal f ormPel l ets: XCol orat i on

Bl ack: XProcessi ng:

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9I nj ect i on mol di ng

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375-430Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-210

outdoor appl i cat i onsAppl i cat i ons: I nj ect i on mol di ng compound UV- st abi l i zed f or

N2320 KX:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi t y: g/ cm 3: 1.42Sal i ent f eatures: modi f i ed w th speci al chal kMel t i ng range, DSC: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g/10 mn: 9Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: 0.25( by mass) : Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:

Processi ng:

I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Pel l et s: X

Uncol ored: X

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375-445Recommended mel t t emperatures: F: 140-210

par t sAppl i cat i ons: Enhanced t r i bol ogi cal proper t i es f or sl i di ng

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Acetal Resins 9

B SF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacet al POM) (Cont i nued) :

Wth speci al addi t i ves(C0nt i nued) :

N2350 X:

Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.41Sal i ent f eat ures: w th l ong term heat stabi l i zerMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 19012.16: 9Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:Pel l et s: X

Uncol ored: XSpeci al shades: X

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.011.9I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Processi ng:

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-445Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-210

Appl i cat i ons: For water boi l er s

N2360 X:

Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi t y: g/ cm3: 1.49Mel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rat e MFR 19012.16: g/ 10 mn: 8

Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F’/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: XSpeci al shades: X on request

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.7I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Processi ng:

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-430Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-210

Appl i cat i ons: Product w th enhanced st rengt h and r i gi di t y.Hard- wear i ng; f or chai n gui des and t ranspor t systems.

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40 Ina usmkl Synthetic Resins Handbook

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacetal ( POM) ( Cont nued

Wth speci al addi t i ves(C0nt i nued) :

N2370 X:

Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi t y: g/ cm 3: 1.42Sal i ent f eatures: El ect ropl at abl e gradeMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g / 1 0 mn: 9Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:

Processi ng:

Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 2.0/1.9I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-445Recommended mol d t emperatures: F: 140-210

Appl i cat i ons: Al l ows f i rmy adher i ng metal coat i ngs to bedeposi t ed by convent i onal t echni ques

N2540 X:

Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi t y: g/ cm 3: 1.38I mpact modi f i cat i on: XMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g/10 mn: 8Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: : 0.25( by mass) : Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal FormPel l ets: X

Col orat i on:Uncol ored: XBl ack: X

Processi ng:I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-430Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-180

Appl i cat i ons: or appl i cat i ons t hat have to meet hei ghteneddemands on i mpact resi stance.

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Acetal Resins 41

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacetal ( POM) (Cont i nued) :

Wt h speci al addi t i ves(C0nt i nued) :

N2640 X:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi t y: g/ cm 3: 1. 36I mpact modi f i cat i on: XMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327- 335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/ 2. 16: g/ 10 mn: 327- 335Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.2

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/ 50 RH: : 0. 25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 0.8

Physi cal FormPel l ets: XCol orat i on:

Uncol ored: XBl ack: X

Processi ng:Processi ng shr i nkage: : 1.9/1.8I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375- 430Recommended mol d temperatures: F: 140- 180

Appl i cat i ons: For appl i cat i ons t hat have to meet si gni f i cant l y

hei ght ened demands on i mpact r esi st ance

N2740 X:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.34I mpact modi f i cat i on: XMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327- 335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/ 2. 16: 9/ 10 mn: 5Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.24

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/ 50 RH: 8 : 0 . 2 5

( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 1.0Physi cal f orm

Pel l ets: XCol orat i on:

Uncol ored: XBl ack: X

I nj ect i on mol di ng:Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375- 420Recommended mol d t emperatures: F: 140- 180

Appl i cat i ons: For appl i cat i ons t hat have to meet t he severestdemands on i mpact resi st ance

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42 ndustrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

B SF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacetal ( POM) ( Cont nued)

Wt h speci al addi t i ves(C0nt i nued) :

N2840 X:

Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.33I mpact modi f i cat i on: XMel t i ng range: DSC: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g/10 mn: 5Water absorpt i on: 24 hour i mmersi on: : 5

at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: 0.25( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 1.1

Physi cal f ormPel l ets: XCol orat i on:

Uncol ored: XBl ack: X

Processi ng:Processi ng shr i nkage: : 1.0/1.7I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375-420Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 140-180

Appl i cat i ons: For appl i cat i ons that have to meet severest demands

on i mpact resi stance and w th l i t t l e r i gi di t y

Rei nf orced:

N2200 G4:Processi ng t echni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.54Rei nf orcement / f i l l er s: : GF 20 gl ass f i ber sMel t i ng Range: DSC: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g/10 mn: 6

Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.22at 73F: Equi l i br i um 73F/50 RH: : 0.22( by mass) : Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 1.0

Physi cal f ormPel l ets: X

Col orat i on:Uncol ored: XBl ack: X

Processi ng:Processi ng shr i nkage: : 0.8/1.5I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375-430Recommended mol d t emperat ures: F: 180-230

For appl i cat i ons of great st r engt h and r i gi di t yAppl i cat i ons:

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Acetal Resins 4

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacetal ( POM) (Cont i nued) :

Rei nf orced(Cont i nued) :

N2200 G5:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1. 50Rei nf orcement / f i l l er s: : GF 25 gl ass f i bersMel t i ng range: DSC: F: 327- 335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2. 16: g/ 10 mn: 4Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.22

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/ 50 RH: : 0.22( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 1 0

Physi cal f ormPel l ets: XCol orat i on:

Uncol ored: xBl ack: X

Processi ng:Processi ng shr i nkage: 8 : 0.711.4I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375- 430Recommended mol d temperatures: F: 180-230

Appl i cat i ons: For appl i cat i ons of very great st rength and

r i gi di ty

N232 M4X:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3 1. 56Rei nf orcement / f i l l er s: : M20 mneralMel t i ng range: DSC: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 19012. 16: 4/ 10 mn: 7Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0. 22

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/ 50 RH: : 0. 22

( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 1 0

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:

Processi ng:

Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 1.911.5I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng t emperatures: F: 375- 430Recommended mol d temperat ures: F: 180- 230

Appl i cat i ons: For l ow- warpage mol di ngs w th enhanced r i gi di t y,st r engt h and hardness.

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44 Industrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

BASF PLASTI CS: ULTRAFORM Pol yacet al (POM) (Cont i nued):

Rei nf orced(Cont i nued) :

N2320 M6X:Processi ng techni que: I nj ect i on mol di ngDensi ty: g/ cm 3: 1.64Rei nf orcement / f i l l ers: : M30 mneralMel t i ng r ange; DSC: F: 327-335Mel t f l ow rate MFR 190/2.16: g/10 mn: 6Water absorpt i on: 24 hr i mmersi on: : 0.24

at 73F: Equi l i br i um73F/50 RH: : 0.24( by mass): Cont i nuous i mmersi on: : 1.0

Physi cal f orm

Col orat i on:

Processi ng:

Pel l ets: X

Uncol ored: X

Processi ng shr i nkage: : 1.8/1 .5I nj ect i on mol di ng:

Recommended processi ng temperatures: F: 375-430Recommended mol d t emperatures: F: 180-230

Appl i cat i ons: For l ow- warpage, di mensi onal l y st abl e mol di ngsw th great r i gi di t y, st r engt h and hardness

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Acetal Resins 45

DUPONT: DELRIN Acetal Resi n:

Appl i cat i ons:Chem cal

Garden chem cal sprayers Soap di spensersCarburet or vent ur i Pai nt mxi ng paddl es, cani st ersLi pst i ck cont ai ner s Scrubbi ng di sc- power rugFarmmachi nery cl eanerHousehol d water I r r i gat i on spr i nkl ersof t eners component s

Mechani cal :Wear surf aces- - many t ypes of bushi ngs, bear i ngs, cams.

Gears- - spur , cl uster , hel i cal , bevel , wormConveyor s- - f l at t op conveyor chai n, wear st r i ps,

Pump i mpel l er s- - submersi bl e, gear , cent r i f ugal propor t i on-

Fan and bl ower bl ades.Handl es and knobs- - aut omot i ve w ndow and mari ne hardware,

conveyor l i nks.

i ngs, di aphraghm j et wel l .

aut o brake rel ease handl es, kni f e handl es, movi e and sl i deproj ector knobs.Spr i ngs- - t ape embossers, camera, pr i nt wheel s, st apl e r emov-er s, dr i p em t t er s, t ubi ng cl amps.

El ect ri cal :Automot i ve sw tches. Coi l f orms.Tel ephone t ermnal str i ps. Rel ay component s.El ect r i cal sw t ch component s, but t ons and knobs.Audi o and vi deo t ape cart r i dge pl at f orms and wear parts.El ect romechani cal count er f rames.

Envi ronment al Condi t i ons:Hot ai r - - heat er bl owers, cl ot hes dryer s, aut omot i ve l i ght

Wat er - - showerheads, f aucet aerat ors, l awn spr i nkl er s, hose

Sal t wat er - - mar i ne f i t t i ngs, f i shi ng reel s.

socket s, 35 sl i de proj ector parts.

coupl i ngs, wat er meter component s, garden hose nozzl es,t oi l et f l ush val ves, and f aucet val ve car t r i dges.

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46 Industrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

DUPONT: DELRI N Acet al Resi n Cont nued


DELRI N 1OOD:Usual Methods of Worki ng: I nj ect i on Mol di ng

DELRI N 150SA:Usual Methods of Worki ng: Ext rusi on

Character i st i cs:Speci al purpose mol di ng or ext rusi on; hi gh vi scosi t y;

hence sui t abl e f or easy- t o- f i l l mol ds. Maxi mum toughness i nan unmodi f i ed resi n. Sur f ace l ubr i cat ed, DELRI N 107 i s a

stabi l i zed product l i ke DELRI N 100 DELRI N l OOF, and 1OOD ar edesi gned f or i mproved processi ng.uses:

Mol ded or extruded par t s, such as hi ghl y l oaded gears,requi r i ng greater t oughness or el ongat i on t han avai l abl e i nDELRI N 500 w thout a sacr i f i ce i n other mechani cal proper t i es.M l l shapes f or machi ni ng product i on par t s, bl own bot t l es,sheet i ng, t ube and rod.


Character i st i cs:

reduct i on i n coef f i ci ent of f ri ct i on.Uses:

i n t oughness and resi st ance t o f at i gue are i mpor t ant .

Usual Methods of Worki ng: I nj ect i on Mol di ng or Ext rusi on.

DELRI N 100 base resi n cont ai ni ng TEFLON TFE f i bers, f or

Low wear l l ow f r i ct i on appl i cat i ons where an i mprovement

DELRI N 500:DELRI N 507:

I nj ect i on Mol di ng or Ext rusi onDELRI N 500F:

I nj ect i on Mol di ngDELRI N 500D:

Ext rusi onDELRI N 500HP:

I nj ect i on Mol di ngDELRI N 550SA:

Ext rusi onCharacter i st i cs:

General purpose mol di ng or ext rusi on; sur f ace l ubr i cated.DELRI N 507 i s si m l ar t o DELRI N 500 but cont ai ns a stabi l i zer .DELRI N 500F, 500D and 500HP are desi gned f or i mproved processi ng.Uses

General mechani cal par t s, m l l shapes f or product i on machi n-i ng, rod st ock f or prototype f abr i cat i on. DELRI N 507 i s used i npart s whi ch r equi re i mproved weather i ng. DELRI N 500F, DELRI NSOOD, and 500Hp are used i n part s f or whi ch sur f ace appearancei s cr i t i cal .

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AcetalResins 47

DU~ONT DELRI N Acetal Resi n(Cont i nued) :


Charact er i st i cs:


to abrasi on and wear are requi red.

I nj ect i on Mol di ng or Ext rusi on

DELRI N 500 base resi n cont ai ni ng TEFLON WE f i ber s of f i l l ers.

Par t s where a l ow coef f i ci ent of f r i ct i on, hi gh resi stance


Character i st i cs:


I nj ect i on Mol di ng or Ext rusi on

DELRI N 500 base resi n cont ai ni ng an i nternal l ubr i cant .

Thi s i s t he medi um vi scosi t y anal og of DELRI N 1OOCL.

DELRI N 570:DELRI N 577:

Charact er i st i cs:

ness, l ow warpage and l ow creep, par t i cul ar l y i n use aboveroomtemperature. DELRI N 577 i s a weat herabl e bl ack versi on.Uses

General mechani cal par t s, ml l shapes, rod and sl abs,where i mproved st i f f ness, etc. are needed.

I nj ect i on Mol di ng or Ext rusi on

Speci al gl ass- f i l l ed composi t i on of f er i ng very hi gh st i f f -



Charact er i st i cs:

Sur f ace l ubr i cated. DELRI N 907F i s st abi l i zed. DELRI N900D, 9 O O H P 900F are desi gned f or i mproved processi ng.Uses:

Mul t i cavi t y mol ds and thi n sect i ons whi ch are di f f i cul tt o f i l l . Mechani cal proper t i es si ml ar t o DELRI N 500, exceptDELRI N 900 grades have somewhat l ower t ensi l e el ongat i on andtoughness.

I nj ect i on Mol di ng

Low vi scosi t y, hence bet t er mel t f l ow t han DELRI N 500.

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48 Industrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

DUPONT: DELRI N Acet al Resi n(C0nt i nued) :


Character i st i cs:


180F i s requi red.

I nj ect i on Mol di ng

Hi gher vi scosi t y grade w t h i mproved resi st ance t o hydrol ysi s.

Pl umbi ng part s where i mproved resi st ance to hot water up to


Character i st i cs:Uses

i s needed. There i s some reduct i on i n other mechani calpropert i es.

I nj ect i on Mol di ng or Ext rusi on

Super t ough acet al - el ast omer al l oy.

Mechani cal par t s where the ul t i mat e i n i mpact resi st ance


Character i st i cs:

500T al so shows i mproved wear resi st ance.Uses

i s requi red but w t h t he ot her mechani cal proper t i es of anacetal .

I nj ect i on Mol di ng

Toughened general purpose acetal - el ast omer al l oy. DELRI N

Appl i cat i ons where an i mprovement i n resi st ance t o i mpact

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Acetal Resins 49


Standard CELCON Grades:

u10:Mel t I ndex: 1 .O

A t erpol ymer w th excel l ent mel t st rengt h and processi bi l i t y

Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:Aerosol cont ai ner s, i ndust r i al t anks and f l oat s, r od, t ube,

i n ext rusi on, bl ow mol di ng and compressi on mol di ng.

sl ab and prof i l es.

M25:Mel t I ndex: 2 5Hi gh mol ecul ar wei ght grade pr i mar i l y used f or extrusi on

and sel ected i nj ect i on mol di ng appl i cat i ons i n easy- t o- f i l lmol ds.

Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:Wre coat i ngs, rod, t ube, sheet and sl ab as wel l as i nj ect i on

mol ded i t ems r equi r i ng extra t oughness and el ongat i on such aschai n l i nks, pl umbi ng f i t t i ngs and ski bi ndi ngs.

M50:Mel t I ndex: 5 . 0An ext rusi on and i nj ect i on mol di ng grade w th an i nt ermedi at e

mol ecul ar wei ght t ai l ored f or sel ected appl i cat i ons i n ext rusi onand i nj ect i on mol di ng.

Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:Extruded rod, t ube and sl ab as wel l as sel ect ed mol ded i t ems

requi r i ng addi t i onal toughness.


Mel t I ndex: 9.0A general purpose i nj ect i on mol di ng grade w th a mol ecul ar

wei ght desi gned f or excel l ent mol dabi l i t y and opt i mumproper t i esi n demandi ng appl i cat i ons.

Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:A w de range of i nj ect i on mol ded i t ems where t oughness and

di mensi onal t ol erances are i mpor t ant such as cams, gear s,spr i ngs, knobs, check val ves and drapery supports.

M140:Mel t I ndex: 14.0A general purpose i nj ect i on mol di ng grade w t h sl i ght l y

Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:I nj ect i on mol ded i t ems w th l ess cr i t i cal demands on

hi gher f l ow f or use i n hard- t o- f i l l mol ds.

t oughness and di mensi onal t ol erance.

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50 ndustrial Synthetic Resim Handbook

HOECHST CELANESE CORP. : CELCON Acet al Copol ymers(Cont i nued) :

Standard CELCON Grades(Cont i nued) :

M270:Mel t I ndex: 27.0A l ower mol ecul ar wei ght , hi gh- f l ow grade desi gned f or

super i or mol dabi l i t y i n mul t i - cavi t y, i nt r i cate or hard- t o- f i l lmol d appl i cat i ons.

Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:Par t s mol ded on short cycl e t i mes whi ch ar e l ess demandi ng

on t oughness t han f or an M90 mater i al . I deal f or t hi n wal l par t sor l ong f l ow paths such as combs, marki ng pen bodi es and hous-

i ngs.

M450:Mel t I ndex: 45.0A n ext ra hi gh f l ow grade w th reduced t oughness desi gned f or

opt i mal cycl e perf ormance.Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:Di mensi onal l y st abl e t hi n wal l ed, l ow- l oad bear i ng par t s

such as audi o/ vi deo t ape hubs and mcro gears.

Speci al t y CELCON Grades:

Speci al Property: U.V. St abi l i zedw 9 0

W 2 5 :St abi l i zed f or use where U.V. degradat i on i s a probl em

Appl i cat i on:Automot i ve i nt er i or s, and recreat i onal i t ems where exposure

to sunl i ght causes di scol orat i on and proper t y l oss, i .e., knobs,

but t ons, t oys, cams and l evers.

Avai l abl e i n natural and cust ommatched col ors.

Speci al Proper t y: Weather Resi st antWR90 Bl ack:WR25 Bl ack:St abi l i zed f or use where maxi mum U.V. and out door weat her i ng

Appl i cat i on:Aut omot i ve, i r r i gat i on and recreat i onal i tems.

resi st ance i s requi red.

Speci al Property: I mpact Modi f i edC- 400:C- 401:M90 grade modi f i ed f or use where enhanced i mpact i s requi red.Appl i cat i on:Aut omot i ve and i ndust r i al appl i cat i ons.

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Acetal Resins 51

HOECHST CELANgSE CORP.: CELCON Acet al Copol ymers(Cont i nued) :

Speci al t y CELCON Grades( C0nt i nued) :

Speci al Property: Gl ass Coupl ed

A gl ass coupl ed f ormul at i on cont ai ni ng 25 f i ber gl assrei nf orcement . Thi s grade of f er s an excel l ent bal ance of physi calproper t i es f or appl i cat i ons r equi r i ng i ncreased st r engt h, st i f f -ness, a r educed thermal expansi on coef f i ci ent and i ncreasedheat di st or t i on t emperature.

For speci al i zed appl i cat i ons l ower l evel s can be achi evedby bl endi ng w th M90.

Appl i cat i on:Gear s, machi ne housi ngs, pressure vessel s, val ve bodi es,


mari ne hardware.

Speci al Property: Low WearLW90:Thi s i s an M90 grade f ormul at ed f or hi gh speed, l ow l oad

Lug042LWGC- S2:

LW90- scThe S2 suf f i x denot es a 2 si l i cone modi f i cat i on f or use

wear appl i cat i ons agai nst metal .

i n l ow speed, hi gh l oad appl i cat i ons. LWGC i s 25 gl ass coupl edgrade. SC i s a 20 si l i cone concent rat e f or use w th al lCELCON resi ns.

Appl i cat i on:Bear i ngs, sl i de pl at es, bushi ngs, wear sur f aces and conveyor

l i nks or pl ates.

Speci al Proper t y: Ant i - St at i c

AS270:AS450:M270, M450 grades f ormul at ed t o reduce st at i c bui l d- up on

mol ded parts.Appl i cat i on:Audi o or vi deo casset t e component s, medi cal appl i ances and

el ect r i cal i tems.

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5 Inahstrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

HOECHST CELANESE CORP. : CELCON Acet al Copol ymer(Cont i nued) :

Speci al t y CELCON Grades( C0nt i nued) :

Speci al Proper t y: M neral Coupl edMC90


M90 and M270 grades f ormul ated t o provi de i ncreased st i f f -

Appl i cat i on:

Gears, cams and gear pump covers where maxi mum st i f f ness



ness, bet t er di mensi onal st abi l i t y and l ower warpage. The HMsuf f i x denot es hi ghest modul us.

and di mensi onal st abi l i t y are requi red.

Speci al Proper t y: El ect ropl at abl eEP90:An M90 grade desi gned to be el ect ropl ated usi ng convent i onal

electroless/electrolytic ABS processes.Appl i cat i ons:Hi gh st rengt h chrome pl ated par t s t o repl ace pl ated non-

f er rous met al s, i .e. , f aucet s, aut omot i ve door knobs, w ndow

cranks, pl umbi ng val ves and appl i ance and consumer appl i cat i ons.

Typi cal Appl i cat i ons:I ndust r i alMater i al Handl i ngAutomot i veAppl i anceHome El ect roni csPl umbi ngConsumer Appl i cat i ons

HardwareAgr i cul t ural and I r r i gat i on Appl i cat i ons

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Acetal Resins 53

HOECHST CELANESE CORP.: CELCON Acetal Copolymer(Continued):

M270:Specific Gravity, 23/23C: 1.410Density: lb./ (g/cm 3): 0.0507(1.41)Specific Volume: (cm 3/g): 19.7(0.709)Tensile Strength at Yield: psi(MPa1:

-40F/-40C: 13,700(94.5)73F/ 23C: 8,800(60.7)

160F/ 71C: 5,000(34.5)Elongation:

-40F/-40C: 1573F/ 23C: 40

160F/ 71C: >250Tensile Modulus: psi(MPa): 410,000(2,829)Tensile Strength at Yield: psi(MPa): 11,000(75.9)Elongation: : 21Flexural Stress at 5 Deformation: psi(MPa): 13,000(89.7)Flexural Modulus: psi(MPa):

73F/23C: 375,000(2,588)160F/71C: 180,000(1,242)220F/104C: 100,000(690)

Fatigue Endurance: psi(MPa):Limit at 10 7 Cycles

Compressive Stress: psi:at 1 Deflection: 4,500(3at 10 Deflection: 16,000

Hardness, Rockwell: M80Izod Impact Strength:


73F/ 23C: 1.0(53.4)(unnotched): 17(907)

-40F/-40C: 0.8(42.7)



in. J / m ) of notch:

J / m )

Tensile Impact Strength 73F/23C: kJ/m 2): 60(126)

Water Absorption, 73F/23C:24 hr. Immersion: 0.22Equilibrium, 50 RH: 0.16Equilibrium, Continuous Immersion: 0.80

73F/23C: 7,700(53.1)120F/49C: 6,700(46.2)160F/71C: 5,700( 39.3)

Taber Abrasion: mg/1,000 cycles:1000 g. load, CS-17 wheel: 141000 g. load, CS-17F wheel: 6

Steel: 0.15Brass: 0.15Aluminum: 0.15CELCON: 0.35

Shear Strength: psi(MPa):

Coefficient of Dynamic Friction against:

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54 Industrial Synthetic Resins Handbook

HOECHST CELANESE CORP.: CELCON Acetal Copolymer(Continued):


Specific Gravity, 23/23C: 1.410Density: lb./ 3): 0.0507(1.41)Specific Volume: 3/g): 19.7(0.709)Tensile Strength at Yield: psi(MPa):

-40F/-40C: 13,700 94.5)73F/ 23C: 8,800 60.7)

160F/ 71C: 5,000 34.5)Elongation: :

-40F/-40C: 2073F/ 23C: 60

160F/ 71C: >250Tensile Modulus: psi(MPa): 410,000(2,829)Tensile Strength at Yield: psi(MPa): 11,000(75.9)

Elongation: : 21Flexural Stress at 5 Deformation: psi(MPa): 13,000(89.7)Flexural Modulus: psi(MPa):

73F/23C: 375,000(2,588)160F/71C: 180,000(1,242)220F/104C: 100,000(690)

Limit at 10 7 Cycles

at 1 Deflection: 4,500(31.0)at 10 Deflection: 16,000(110.4)


(High Speed 10,000 in./min.)

Fatigue Endurance: psi(MPa): 3,300(22.8)

Compressive Stress: psi:

Hardness, Rockwell: M8OIzod Impact Strength: (J/m) of notch:

-40F/-40C: 1.0(53.4)73F/ 23C: 1.3(69.4)

73F/ 23C: 20(1.067)(unnotched):

Tensile Impact Strength: 73F/ 3): 70(147)Water Absorption, 73F/23C: :

24 hr. Immersion: 0.22Equilibrium, 50 RH: 0.16Equilibrium, Continuous Immersion: 0 80

Shear Strength: psi(MPa):73F/23C: 7,700(53.1)

120F/49C: 6,700(46.2)160F/71C: 5,700 (39.3)

Taber Abrasion: mg/1,000 cycles:

Coefficient of Dynamic Friction against:

1000 g load, CS-17 wheel: 141000 g load, CS-17F wheel: 6

Steel: 0.15Brass: 0.15Aluminum: 0.15CELCON: 0.35

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Acetal Resins 55

HOECHST CELANESE CORP.: CELCON Acetal Copolymers(Continued):

M25:Specific Gravity, 23/23C: 1.410Density: lb./ 3): 0.0507(1.41)Specific Volume: 3/g): 19.7(0.709)Tensile Strength at Yield: psi(MPa):

-40F/-40C: 13,700(94.5)73F/ 23C: 8,800(60.7)

160F/ 71C: 5,000(34.5)Elongation:

-4OF/-40C: 3073F/ 23C: 75

160F/ 71C: >250

(High Speed-10,000 in./min.)

Tensile Modulus: psi(MPa): 410,000(2,829)Tensile Strength at Yield: psi(MPa): 11,000(75.9)

Elongation: : 21Flexural Stress at 5 Deformation: psi(MPa): 13,000(89Flexural Modulus: psi(MPa)

73F/23C: 375,000(2,588)160F/71C: 180,000(1,242)220F/104C: 100,000(690)

Fatigue Endurance: psi(MPa

Limit at 10 7 CyclesComDressive Stress: Dsi:


at 1 Deflection:*4,500(31 .O

at 10 Deflection: 16,000(110.4)Hardness, Rockwell: M78Izod Impact Strength: of notch:

(notched):-40F/-40C: 1.2(64.0)73F/ 23C: 1.5(80.0)(unnotched):73F/ 23C: 25(1,334)

Tensile Impact Strength 73F/ 3): 90(189)

Water Absorption, 73F/23C:24 hr. Immersion: 0.22Equilibrium, 50 RH: 0.16Eauilibrium. Continuous Immersion: 0 80

Shea; Strength: psi(MPa):73F/23C: 7,700(53.1)

120F/49C: 6,700(46.2)160F/71C: 5,700t39.9)

Taber Abrasion: mg/1,000 cycles:1000 g. load, CS-17 wheel: 141000 g. load, CS-17F wheel: 6

Steel: 0.15Brass: 0.15Aluminum: 0.1 5CELCON: 0.35

Coefficient of Dynamic Friction against:
