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Lesson 121. Whateventbeginsthis 1,000-year period?These came to life again and reigned with Christ for a thosand years.! "evelation #0$%, &'(, last part of verse.)Answer:*resrrectionbeginsthe 1,000-year period.*TheNewEnglishBible,1961,1970bytheDelegatesofthe Oxfor!ni"ersity#ressanthe$yni%softhe&a'brige !ni"ersity #ress( !se by )er'ission(#. What is this resrrection called? Who will be raised in it? This is the +rst resrrection.(lessed and holyishethathathpartinthe+rst resrrection.!"evelation #0$,, -Answer:.tiscalledthe+rst resrrection.Therighteospeople/ blessed and holy! ofall ages / will be raised in it.0. The(iblesaystherearetwo resrrections.Whenisthesecond resrrection,andwhowillberaisedin it?Therestofthedead1thosewhowerewic2ed3 livednotagainntilthethosandyearswere +nished.! "evelation #0$,.*ll that are in the graves shall hearhis voice, *nd shall come forth4 theythat have done good, nto theresrrection of life4 and they thathave done evil, nto the restorationof the damnation.!5ohn ,$#6, #7.0. The (ible says there are two resrrections. When is the second resrrection, and who will be raised in it?Answer:Thesecondresrrectionta2es placeatthecloseofthe1,000-year period. The wic2ed will be raised in this resrrection. .t is called the resrrection of damnation.Note:Theresrrectionoftherighteos beginsthe1,000years.Theresrrection of the wic2ed ends the 1,000 years.%. What other momentos events ta2e place when the 1,000 years begin? (ehold,hecomethwithclods4andevery eye shall see him.! "evelation 1$8.*ndtherewasagreatearth9a2e,sch aswasnotsincemenwereponthe earth,somightyanearth9a2e,andso great.!*ndeveryisland:edaway,and the montains were not fond. *nd there fell pon men a great hail ot of heaven, every stone abot the weight of a talent.! "evelation 1-$16, #0, #1%. What other momentos events ta2e place when the 1,000 years begin?Answer:;thermomentoseventsthatta2e placeasthe1,000yearsbeginare$the most devastating earth9a2e and hailstorm inhistorystri2etheearth45essretrnsin the clods for ord5essshallberevealedfrom heaven with his mighty angels, in :aming +re ta2ingvengeanceonthemthat2nownot ?od.! # Thessalonians 1$8, 6(ttherestofthedeadlivednotagainntil thethosandyearswere+nished.!"evelation #0$,,. What happens to the wic2ed / living and dead / at 5ess= second coming?Answer:Thelivingwic2edwillbeslain bytheverypresenceofChristatthe secondcoming.Whenthebrightness of all the angels,?od the @ather, and ?od theAoncombine,thewic2edwilldie asifhitbylightning.Thewic2ed alreadydeadwhen5essretrnswill remainintheirgravesntiltheend of the 1,000 years.-.Banybelievethensavedwillhavean opportnity to repent dring the 1,000 years. What does the (ible say abot this?Theslainofthe>ordshallbeattheday fromoneendoftheearthevenntothe otherendoftheearth4theyshallnotbe lamented,neithergathered,norbried4 theyshallbedngponthegrond.! 5eremiah #,$00.beheld,and,lo,therewasnoman.! 5eremiah %$#,-. Bany believe the nsaved will have an opportnity to repent dring the 1,000 years. What does the (ible say abot this?Answer: .t is impossible for anyperson to repent dring the 1,000years becase there will not be aperson alive on earth. The righteoswill all be in heaven. *ll the wic2edwill be lying dead pon the earth.Those who wait to accept Christ ntilthe 1,000 years begin will havewaited too long.8. The (ible says that Aatan will be bond in the bottomless pit dring the 1,000 years. What is this pit?*nd.sawanangelcomedownfrom heaven, having the 2ey of thebottomless pit.*ndhelaidholdonthedragon, thatoldserpent,whichistheCevil, andAatan,andbondhimathosand years.*ndcasthimintothebottomless pitDtillthethosandyearssholdbe fl+lled.!"evelation #0$1-08. The (ible says that Aatan will be bond in the bottomless pit dring the 1,000 years. What is this pit?Answer:Thewordforbottomlesspit!in theoriginal?ree2isab*ssos,!orabyss. Theabyss!hererefertotheearthinits totally dar2, disorganiEed form before ?od madeorderofit.5eremiah,indescribing thisearthdringthe1,000years,sed virtally the same terms as in ?enesis 1$#$ withoutformandvoid,!nolight,! no man,! black.! 5eremiah %$#0, #,, #6.6. What is the chain that binds Aatan? Why is he bond?*n angel having a great chain inhis hand laid hold on Aatan, andbond him a thosand years, and sht him p, and set a seal pon him, that he shold deceive nations nomore, till the thosand years shold be fl+lled.! "evelation #0$1-06. What is the chain that binds Aatan? Why is he bond?Answer$Thechainissymbolic,achainof circmstances.*spiritbeingcannotbe con+ned in a literal chain. Aatan is tied down! becasehehasnopeopletodeceive.The wic2ed are all dead and the righteos are all in heaven.The>ordcon+nesthedeviltothis earthsohecannotroamtheniversehoping to+ndsomeonetodeceive.@orcingthedevil to stay on the earth, alone with his demons for athosandyearswithnoonetodeceive,will be for him the most galling chain ever forged.7. "evelation #0$% says there will be a Fdgment in heaven dring the 1,000 years. What for? Who will participate?.sawthrones,andtheysatponthem, and Fdgment was given nto them. *nd theylivedandreignedwithChrista thosand years.! "evelation #0$%Co ye not 2now that the saintsshall Fdgetheworld?Gnowyenotthatwe shall Fdge angels?! 1 Corinthians -$#,07. "evelation#0$%saystherewillbeaFdgment inheavendringthe1,000years.Whatfor? Who will participate?Answer:TherighteosofallagesHand probably even good angelsI will participate intheFdgmentdringthe1,000years. The cases of all who are lost, inclding the devil and his angels, will be reviewed. This Fdgmentwillma2edetailsregardingthe lost clear to each saved person. .n the end, allwillseethatpeopleareshtotof heavenonlyiftheydidnotreallywantto live li2e 5ess or to be with ord of hosts.!Balachi %$010. What will interrpt Aatan=s plan to captre or destroy the city?Answer:@irewillsddenlycomedownfrom heavenHnotpfromhell,asmanybelieveI ponthewic2edandallwillbetrnedinto ashes,incldingthedevilandhisangels HBatthew#,$%1I.This+rethatdestroyssin and sinners is called the second death. There isnoresrrectionfromthisdeath..tis+nal. &oticethatthedevilwillnotbetendingthe +re, as is commonly believed. oo2 for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwellethrighteosness.! # Keter 0$10ord ma2e pon the earth.! "oans 7$#61,. Can we 2now how soon 5ess will retrn for

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