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Page 1: 10 ways to motivate unproductive employees by hr mantra

10 Ways to Motivate

Unproductive Employees


Page 2: 10 ways to motivate unproductive employees by hr mantra

Here are 10 ways to get unproductive

employees excited again.

“To get the most from your employees,

you need to motivate them. Here are

10 ways to get unproductive

employees excited again”

Page 3: 10 ways to motivate unproductive employees by hr mantra

Restructure jobs

If someone has a talent

that isn’t being used,

offer him or her the

chance to work on

something new that

uses that skill.


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Focus on relationships. When duties and salary are the same-old, same-old, relationships with co-workers can make or break the job experience. Ensure your workplace is a fun place to be


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Make it meaningful When employees feel what they do doesn’t matter, interacting with the end users of your product or service can make all the difference.


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Set goals and celebrate them. It’s human nature that we all enjoy a challenge. Celebrate your victories, both large and small.


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Treat them like adults

Trust your employees; tell them what they need to do, then give them the freedom to decide how they’ll do it


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Offer regular recognition

A study called The Carrot Principle followed nearly 200,000 people for 10 years and found that the single most common thing the best managers did was regularly offer recognition to their employees


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Tie rewards to results. If you can’t afford raises, consider performance-based bonuses or profit-sharing plans where employees are rewarded financially when they bring additional revenues to the company. You won’t have to shell out additional cash unless it’s there to be given.


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Think small, but creative

One employee might love to get a gift card for a mani-pedi at a local nail salon, while another might be thrilled with two tickets to check out the local baseball team. The fact that you chose a reward tailored to them is what makes it special.


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Share the (lack of) wealth. If your employees’ salaries have stayed the same for five years while you’re flaunting a new BMW every year, you can hardly blame them for being bitter. Enjoy the rewards of your business, but don’t flaunt them.


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Nip negativity in the bud

Be aware of what employees are saying and, if someone is sending out bad vibes, don’t delay in calling them on it.


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