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Page 1: 10 Tips to Boost Creativity by Ladybugz Web design + Marketing, Boston MA

10 Tips to Boost Creativity

Over-production can take it’s toll on your creative juices. Here’s how to get your mojo back during the

most stressful of times.

Page 2: 10 Tips to Boost Creativity by Ladybugz Web design + Marketing, Boston MA

Celebrate Success!

After successful projects are completed, take time to revel in the joy of success. You worked hard and long on these projects and you deserve time to enjoy that. It is time to look at your creative work and embrace the fact that it was your

handiwork, your creative team that made it happen.

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Take Time Off!

Minds need rest. When creative block happens you are either burned out or just plain tired. It’s time to put the laptop away and take a day or even a long weekend off. Forget about work

all together a fresh start will get your mind back to where it was when your ideas were flowing. Just give your mind a

break: it works wonders.

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Mix It Up!

Take a break from the ordinary and do tasks you have been putting off that don’t require creativity. Update your LinkedIn

profile, update your personal portfolio or do some administrative tasks you have been putting off for awhile. Give employees different tasks to do for a few days. A web developer might enjoy doing some graphic work or a writer

might learn some new tips about SEO.

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Browse to Get Inspired!

There is lots of creative masterpieces already out there. Spend time researching other creative agencies and find

websites you love. Pinterest is a valuable resource for ideas for Infographics and blog posts. Spend a lot of time surfing

the web and finding things that inspire you. Keep note of what you have found and what might work for which client.

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Change the Scenery!

Working in a different atmosphere, a coffee shop, another location or even at home helps break up monotony. Being in the same office day after day, doing the same tasks can take

it’s toll. Organize work days from home and choose other locations for brainstorming sessions.

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Get Moving!

Exercise is a great way to beat fatigue both mentally and physically. Sitting at a desk in an office all day can decrease motivation and creativity. Take a walk or an exercise class

during lunch or before your work day.

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Have Fun in the Office!

Break up the daily office monotony by having some fun in or out of the office with your colleagues. Share some funny

memes, jokes or Videos, have some laughs and give your mind a rest from the stress of feeling pressured. Being happy

and not stressed will help get those creative juices flowing again.

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Listen to the Music!

According to research, music helps get creative juices flow-ing. Play some mellow music in the office for all to enjoy or

take turns choosing the music. If that does not work, throw on your headphones and listen to your music of choice.

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Look at Each Project in a New Light

Yes, any job or task can become part of the daily grind. But look at each project differently and imagine how you are engaging an audience or helping a small business owner

keep his dream going. It’s not just a website or a project, it’s a vehicle for someone to get somewhere else. You are making a

difference with what you do and you need to realize and embrace this.

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Stay Positive!

It’s easy to get annoyed at client’s who ask for changes over and over again. Take client requests and changes with a

grain of salt. If a client is unreasonable, include colleagues or a manager into the conversation to keep things moving in a positive direction. At the end of a project you don’t want to

have a negative feeling toward your client, even if the project is finished. Negativity can cramp your style and

your creative juices.

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Happy Designing!We hope you find our tips helpful and inspiring. They have been put in to good practice here in our office.

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