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Page 1: 10 Attentions when you make OneGet & Chocolatey packages using PowerShell

10 Attentions when you make OneGet & Chocolatey packages using PowerShell PowerShell study meeting vol.3 2014/07/12@oota_ken

Page 2: 10 Attentions when you make OneGet & Chocolatey packages using PowerShell

Agenda What are OneGet and Chocolatey?

How to make Chocolatey packages

10 pitfalls when you make Chocolatey packages

Page 3: 10 Attentions when you make OneGet & Chocolatey packages using PowerShell

What are OneGet and Chocolatey? OneGet Package manager of Windows since Windows Management Framework 5.0 Like apt-get, yum and Homebrew For native application, not for Store app not from source code, but from binary Support several repository adding plugin Current only Chocolatey repository

Chocolatey Voluntary package manager before OneGet Idempotency is ensured by Chocolatey Upload packages if you register as a developer Therefore, quality and support as chaos But, major applications are packaged c inst chrome firefox jdk8 git poshgit gradle intellijidea-community jenkins vim nodejs ruby

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How to install OneGet and Chocolatey OneGet Windows Management Framework 5.0 Preview May 2014

Chocolatey Windows PowerShell – Run as administrator Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted iex ((new-object


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How to create Chocolatey packages

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Register Chocolatey account Register you


Register API to NuGet nuget.exe setApiKey the_above_API_Key -Source

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Get and copy template cinst warmup git nuget.commandline

cd %ChocolateyInstall%

git clone [[]]

cd chocolateytemplates\\\_templates

warmup addTemplateFolder chocolatey "%CD%\chocolatey"

warmup chocolatey jdk8

Page 8: 10 Attentions when you make OneGet & Chocolatey packages using PowerShell

File that you must write For install packageName.nuspec tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1

For install and uninstall Add tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1

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Package definition<?xml version="1.0"?><package xmlns=""> <metadata> <id>jdk8</id> <title>Java SE 8u5 </title> <version>8.0.5</version> <authors>Sun Microsystems/Oracle Corporation</authors> <owners>oota_ken</owners> <summary>The Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8.0.5</summary> <description>The Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8.0.5</description> <projectUrl></projectUrl> <tags>java jdk</tags> <licenseUrl></licenseUrl> <requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance> <iconUrl></iconUrl> </metadata> <files> <file src="tools\**" target="tools" /> </files></package>

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Definition of dependencyWrite the following description on *.nuspecChocolatey install dependency packages automatically

But, currently you can't specify version numbers <dependencies> <dependency id='gradle' /> <dependency id='maven' /> <dependency id='ant' /> </dependencies>

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tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1 If application installers support silent install, you have only one line

For example, JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA - Community Edition $name = "intellijidea-community" $url = "" $kind = "EXE" $silent = "/S" Install-ChocolateyPackage $name $kind $silent $url

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tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1 Almost packages don't implement Reason There are no functions defined in the chocolatey Powershell module that would help

with uninstall Chocolatey support a few Cmdlets and functions for uninstall You must implement uninstall functions at each package Example of jdk8 (extracted) $jdk = "/qn /x {64A3A4F4-B792-11D6-A78A-00B0D0" + $uninstall_id + "0}" Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin $jdk 'msiexec' $java_bin = get-java-bin Uninstall-ChocolateyPath $java_bin 'Machine'

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Package, evaluate and publish Package cpack

Evaluate install with the local package cinst jdk8 -source '%cd%'

(If you support uninstall), evaluate uninstall on local cuninst jdk8

Publish the pakcage cpush jdk8.

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10 pitfalls when you create Chocolatey packages

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ID and version number on *.nuspec <id>jdk8</id>

<title>Java SE 8u5 </title>


It is not PowerShell problem

id You can name freely But, users will confuse with similar

name packages java.jdk, jdk7, jdk, jdk8

version Free too Should unify for the same software

(for example, JDK or JRE) There are no collective views for

minor version up 8.0.501 for 8.0.5 minor version up?

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When you can't direct install from network easily [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }

$client = New-Object Net.WebClient

$client.Headers.Add('Cookie', 'gpw_e24=; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie')

$client.DownloadFile($url, $output_filename)

You must analyze the Web site of supplier, set certification and cookies and download the installer for local environment

You must track changes of suppliers' Web site

It is gray about license

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When you call functions or Cmdlets with side effect >function add($a, $b) { return $a + $b; }

> function call_add { add 1 2; add 2 3; return 6 }

C:\Users\KenichiroOta> call_add




position that I fell into $dummy =

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }

$client = New-Object Net.WebClient etc…

PowerShell return all results of expressions with or without 'return' statements to callers

We tend to forget this behavior if you call functions or Cmdlets with expecting side effect and not are not interested in results

Answer Use [void] for methods Substitute dummy variables (ex. $dummy) for


Position that I fell into [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificat

eValidationCallback = { $true } As result of the above statement (expression

exactly) is script block ( {$true} ), you must modify the following

$dummy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }

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No support for uninstall $use64bit = use64bit

if ($use64bit) { $jdk = "/qn /x {64A3A4F4-B792-11D6-A78A-

00B0D0" + $uninstall_id + "0}" $jre = "/qn /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-

2F864" + $uninstall_id + "FF}"

} else { $jdk = "/qn /x {32A3A4F4-B792-11D6-A78A-

00B0D0" + $uninstall_id + "0}" $jre = "/qn /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-

2F832" + $uninstall_id + "FF}"


Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin $jdk 'msiexec'

Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin $jre 'msiexec'

There are only a few helpers for uninstall

helpers Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage UnInstall-ChocolateyZipPackage

Silent uninstalls are different at each software

Almost packages don't support uninstall

Therefore, there are no knowledge of uninstall

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Environment variables Install-ChocolateyPath $java_bin 'Machine'

Internal implementation [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('P

ath', $actualPath, $pathType)

Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable 'JAVA_HOME' $java_home 'Machine'

$env:Path = $actualPath

Are changes of environment variables not reflected on the original PowerShell window?

After cinst changes environment variables, it seems the changes are not reflect on the original shell that you start cinst (cmd.exe, PowerShell)

"cinst" start new PowerShell internally and do "SetEnvironmentVariable"

Therefore, changes are not reflected on the original shell

As shell copy environment variables from the parent process on start up, you can only get the original environment variables by "GetEnvironmentVariable" after cinst

-> There are problems that environment variables are left if you run "cinst" and "cuninst" on the same shell

Figure on the next page

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Environment variables

Step Windows kernelshell that start cinst

PowerShell in the cinst

PowerShell in the cuninst

new shell after running cinst

before cinst

afeter cinst key=value key=value

start new shell key=value key=value

run cuninst key=value

none!! (original environment variables) key=value

after cunsint key=value (left as gabage)

notesNo problems on this new shell

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Judgment between x64 and x86 function use64bit() {

$is64bitOS = (Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_ComputerSystem).SystemType -match ‘(x64)’

return $is64bitOS


if ($use64bit) { $jdk = "/qn /x {64A3A4F4-B792-11D6-

A78A-00B0D0" + $uninstall_id + "0}" $jre = "/qn /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-

87B4-2F864" + $uninstall_id + "FF}"

} else { # etc..


If the application support x64 and x86 version and your package want to support choices of x64 and x86, you must write the following pair logics.

Destination of x86 application on x64 OS are not same as destination of x86 application on x86 OS

It is easy to confuse

OS Application Default idestination

x64 x64 C:\Program Files

x64 x86 C:\Program Files (x86)

x86 x86 C:\Program Files

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Test on OneGet Chocolatey cinst jdk8 -source '%cd%'

OneGet cpush jdk8. Install-Package jdk8 Uninstall-Package jdk8

OneGet doesn't support local install Therefore you must test by the public

package after testing on Chocolatey locally

OneGet implements Cmdlets as native DLL

As package providers of Chocolatey are implemented as DLL and not same as original Chocolatey Cmdlets that are implemented with PowerShell, you must test on each environment

If the package can't run on OneGet, users can't install the package by OneGet until you fix

Please OneGet support local install

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Pair testing on x64, x86 * Chocolatey, OneGet Chocolatey * x64, x86 cinst jdk8 –source '%cd%' cunint jdk8

OneGet cpush jdk8. Install-Package jdk8 Uninstall-Package jdk8

You must test in the following pairs

OS ChocolateyOneGet


x64 Chocolatey



OneGet x64


x86 Chocolatey


OneGet x86

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Run as Administrator for development improvement function Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin {

# etc… $psi = new-object

System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo; $psi.FileName = $exeToRun;

if ([Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge (new-object 'Version' 6,0)){

$psi.Verb = "runas"; } # etc…}

Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin run "runas" internally The following dialog pop up at each

function calling Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin

User Account Control Do you want to allow the following

program to make changes to this computer?

-> It is not effective to select "OK" on this dialog box each time

->Avoid this problem to start PowerShell to run cinst" and "cuninst" by "Run as Administrator"

->This leads another pitfall…

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Run cinst by normal user finally function Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin {


[string] $statements,

[string] $exeToRun = 'powershell',

[switch] $minimized,

[switch] $noSleep,

$validExitCodes = @(0)

) # etc… if ($minimized) { $psi.WindowStyle =


} # etc…}

Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin not "Run as Administrator" And Call without "$minimized = $true" Sub window opens each call Some users may close this sub window because it is

noisy I have experience to close this sub window Then, install failed because sub process exited with

error Some users sometimes this Solution Call with "$minimized = $true" But, function Install-ChocolateyPath { # etc… Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin "$psArgs" # etc.. Functions of Chocolatey call without "minimized =


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Conclusion OneGet & Chocolatey These package managers make easy to install native applications

at once silently But, there are only a few support for uninstall Expect for OneGet

Making packages for OneGet & Chocolatey Pair testing for OS x application x (OneGet | Chocolatey) are heavy It will be easy when they support more API (including uninstall

again) But, Let's create packages for happiness of Windows users and


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