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Page 1: 1. THE SYNAPSE a. Defined b. Components of a synapse c ...


Learning Objectives:

Explain how neurons

communicate stimulus intensity

Explain how action potentials are

conducted along the axon

Describe the significance of




1. THE SYNAPSE a. Defined - Region where an axon terminal meets its target cell

- Number of synapses is not fixed

- Single neuron can have up to 10,000 synapses

b. Components of a synapse 1. Presynaptic Neuron - The neuron that delivers the signal to the synapse

- Contains many small synaptic vesicles and large mitochondria

2. Synaptic Cleft

- Space between pre/pos synaptic neuron where neurotransmitters are found E.C.F.

3. Postsynaptic Cell

- Cell that receives signals from the Presynaptic neuron

- May be neurons or non-neuronal cells

c. Electrical Synapse 1. Definition

- Pass an electrical signal or current directly from cytoplasm of one cell to another

through gap junctions

- Occur mainly in CNS neurons

2. Functionality

- Found in glial cells, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle

- Advantage: Rapid conduction of signals from cell to cell that synchronizes activity

within network of cells

d. Chemical Synapse 1. Definition

- Use neurotransmitters to carry information from one cell to the next

- Electrical signal of presynaptic cell is converted into chemical signal that crosses

synaptic cleft between presynaptic neuron and target

- Chemical neurotransmitter transmission either initiates an electrical response or actives

a second messenger pathway

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a. Arrival of the action potential - When depolarization of action potential reach axon terminal, the change in membrane potential

sets off sequence of events

- Axon terminal membrane has voltage-gated Ca2+ channels that open in response to


- Calcium ions more concentrated in E.C.F. than in the cytosol and move into the cell

b. Exocytosis of Neurotransmitter - The binding of Ca2+ to regulatory proteins in the I.C.F. initiates exocytosis

- Membrane of the synaptic vesicle fuses with cell membrane with aid of multiple membrane


- Fused area opens and NT inside synaptic vesicle are released into synaptic cleft

Kiss-and-Run Pathway

> Synaptic vesicles fuse to presynaptic membrane at complex called the

fusion pore

> Fusion opens small channel that is just large enough for NT to pass

> Instead of vesicle now fusing with cell membrane it backs off and

returns to I.C.F. cytoplasm

c. Post-synaptic response - NT molecules diffuse across synaptic cleft to bind with membrane receptors on postsynaptic cell,

which will initiate a postsynaptic cell response

- Chemical neurotransmitter transmission either initiates an electrical response or actives a second

messenger pathway

d. Multiple Receptors on Post Synaptic Neuron 1. Definition

- All neurotransmitters have one or more receptors types to bind except nitric oxide

2. Receptor subtypes

- Receptors subtypes allows one neurotransmitter to have different effects in different


- Subtypes distinguished by combinations of letter and number subscripts

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3. N.T. Receptor Categories

- Ligand Gated Ion Channels: Simplest chemical receptor gate that opens/closes thus

altering ion concentrations

[Ionotropic receptors: alter ion channel function]

[Linked to fast synaptic potentials]

- G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR): Linked to second messenger systems

[Metabotropic receptors: Exert actions through second messenger system/some

open or close ion channels]

[Linked to slow synaptic potentials]

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4. Basic Receptor Groups

(a) Cholinergic Receptors [mainly ACh NT receptors]


- Agonist

- Locations: CNS, skeletal muscle, autonomic division PNS,

- Monovalent cation channels through which Na+ and K+ pass

- Na+ concentration different exceeds K+ so more Na enters then K

exiting leading to depolarization of postsynaptic cell


- Agonist

- Coupled to G proteins and linked to second messenger systems

- Locations: CNS, autonomic parasympathetic PNS

(b) Adrenergic Receptors

- Linked to G proteins and initiate second messenger cascades

- Two subclasses alpha and beta

(c) Glutaminergic Receptors

- Main excitatory neurotransmitter in CNS

- Acts as a neuromodulator

- AMPA Receptor

Ligand-gated monovalent cation channels that

opens when Glutamate binds and cell depolarizes due to net

Na+ influx

- NMDA Receptors

Cation channels that allow Na+, K+, and Ca2+ to

pass; channel opening requires both glutamate binding and

change in membrane potential; NMDA receptor channel is

blocked by magnesium ion at resting membrane potential;

Glutamate binding: opens ligand-activated gate

Cell depolarization: Mg2+ blocking channel expelled

For picture diagram go

to page 5 Long Term


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e. Sensitization of long-term potentiation a. Definition Sensitization [facilitation]

- Simulation of postsynaptic cell can increase sensitivity of the cell to future stimuli

- Glutamate release and calcium influx result in “facilitated cell” or longterm potentiation

a. Definition Long-Term Potentiation

- With long-term potentiation the Presynaptic cell increases its glutamate release and the

postsynaptic cell becomes more sensitive to glutamate

- Activity at a synapse induces sustained changes in the quality or quantity of synaptic

connections b. Effect of

- Believed to be related to the neural processes of learning and memory

c. Mechanism

- Presynaptic neurons releases Glutamate, and the chemical binds to both AMPA and

NMDA receptors

- AMPA activation receptor opens cation channel allowing influx Na+

- Cell becomes depolarized from Na+ that releases an electrical charge repulsing Mg2+

out of NMDA receptor, opening up the channel allowing Ca2+ to enter

- Ca2+ initiates second messenger pathway and sends paracrine to presynaptic cell to

enhance NT release

- This all leads to postsynaptic cell becoming more sensitive to glutamate possibly by

inserting more glutamate receptors in the postsynaptic membrane


1. Calcium removal from axon terminus - Without calcium no depolarization effect takes place and no movement on neurotransmitter

vesicles towards cellular membrane

2. Neurotransmitter removal from cleft

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a. Glial Cells

- Neuron helper cells

b. Reuptake

- Proteins found on presynaptic neuron that reuptake pump N.T. back into I.C.F.

c. Degradation

- Enzymes inactivate Neurotransmitters in synaptic cleft/E.C.F.