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Page 1: 1 Nutrition Therapy Recommendations For The · Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of

Nutrition TherapyRecommendations for theManagement of Adults WithDiabetesA healthful eating pattern, regular physical activity, and often pharmacotherapyare key components of diabetes management. For many individuals withdiabetes, the most challenging part of the treatment plan is determining what toeat. It is the position of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) that there isnot a “one-size-fits-all” eating pattern for individuals with diabetes. The ADA alsorecognizes the integral role of nutrition therapy in overall diabetes managementand has historically recommended that each person with diabetes be activelyengaged in self-management, education, and treatment planning with his or herhealth care provider, which includes the collaborative development of anindividualized eating plan (1,2). Therefore, it is important that all members of thehealth care team be knowledgeable about diabetes nutrition therapy and supportits implementation.

This position statement on nutrition therapy for individuals living with diabetesreplaces previous position statements, the last of which was published in 2008(3). Unless otherwise noted, research reviewed was limited to those studiesconducted in adults diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Nutritiontherapy for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and for the management ofdiabetes complications and gestational diabetes mellitus is not addressed in thisreview.

A grading system, developed by the ADA and modeled after existing methods, wasutilized to clarify and codify the evidence that forms the basis for therecommendations (1) (Table 1). The level of evidence that supports eachrecommendation is listed after the recommendation using the letters A, B, C, or E.A table linking recommendations to evidence can be reviewed at Members of the Nutrition RecommendationsWriting Group Committee disclosed all potential financial conflicts of interest withindustry. These disclosures were discussed at the onset of the position statementdevelopment process. Members of this committee, their employers, and theirdisclosed conflicts of interest are listed in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The ADA usesgeneral revenues to fund development of its position statements and does not relyon industry support for these purposes.


▪ To promote and support healthful eating patterns, emphasizing a variety ofnutrient dense foods in appropriate portion sizes, in order to improve overallhealth and specifically to:

c Attain individualized glycemic, blood pressure, and lipid goals. Generalrecommended goals from the ADA for these markers are as follows:*c A1C ,7%.c Blood pressure ,140/80 mmHg.c LDL cholesterol ,100 mg/dL; triglycerides ,150 mg/dL; HDL cholesterol .40mg/dL for men; HDL cholesterol .50 mg/dL for women.

c Achieve and maintain body weight goals.c Delay or prevent complications of diabetes.

1University of Washington Medical Center,Seattle, WA2Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation,Minneapolis, MN3Department of Endocrinology, ABQ HealthPartners, Albuquerque, NM4American Diabetes Association, Alexandria, VA5Nutrition Concepts by Franz, Minneapolis, MN6Gillings School of Global Public Health andSchool of Medicine, University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC7Department of Pharmacotherapy, WashingtonState University, Spokane, WA8University of Michigan Medical School and theCenter for Preventive Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI9pbu consulting, llc., Cloquet, MN10Duke University School of Medicine, Durhum, NC

Corresponding authors: Alison B. Evert, [email protected], and Jackie L. Boucher,[email protected].

DOI: 10.2337/dc14-S120

© 2014 by the American Diabetes Association.See for details.

Alison B. Evert, MS, RD, CDE;1

Jackie L. Boucher, MS, RD, LD, CDE;2

Marjorie Cypress, PhD, C-ANP, CDE;3

Stephanie A. Dunbar, MPH, RD;4

Marion J. Franz, MS, RD, CDE;5

Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, PhD, RD;6

Joshua J. Neumiller, PharmD, CDE, CGP,

FASCP;7 Robin Nwankwo, MPH, RD, CDE;8

Cassandra L. Verdi, MPH, RD;4

Patti Urbanski, MEd, RD, LD, CDE;9 and

William S. Yancy Jr., MD, MHSC10

S120 Diabetes Care Volume 37, Supplement 1, January 2014




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Table 1—Nutrition therapy recommendations

Topic Recommendation Evidence rating

Effectiveness of nutrition therapy Nutrition therapy is recommended for all people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes as aneffective component of the overall treatment plan.


Individuals who have diabetes should receive individualizedMNT as needed to achievetreatment goals, preferably provided by an RD familiar with the components ofdiabetes MNT.


c For individuals with type 1 diabetes, participation in an intensive flexible insulintherapy education program using the carbohydrate counting meal planningapproach can result in improved glycemic control.


c For individuals using fixed daily insulin doses, consistent carbohydrate intakewith respect to time and amount can result in improved glycemic control andreduce risk for hypoglycemia.


c A simple diabetes meal planning approach such as portion control or healthfulfood choices may be better suited to individuals with type 2 diabetes identifiedwith health and numeracy literacy concerns. This may also be an effective mealplanning strategy for older adults.


People with diabetes should receive DSME according to national standards anddiabetes self-management support when their diabetes is diagnosed and as neededthereafter.


Because diabetes nutrition therapy can result in cost savings B and improvedoutcomes such as reduction in A1C A, nutrition therapy should be adequatelyreimbursed by insurance and other payers. E

B, A, E

Energy balance For overweight or obese adults with type 2 diabetes, reducing energy intake whilemaintaining a healthful eating pattern is recommended to promote weight loss.


Modest weight loss may provide clinical benefits (improved glycemia, blood pressure,and/or lipids) in some individuals with diabetes, especially those early in the diseaseprocess. To achievemodest weight loss, intensive lifestyle interventions (counselingabout nutrition therapy, physical activity, and behavior change) with ongoingsupport are recommended.


Optimal mix of macronutrients Evidence suggests that there is not an ideal percentage of calories from carbohydrate,protein, and fat for all people with diabetes B; therefore, macronutrient distributionshould be based on individualized assessment of current eating patterns,preferences, and metabolic goals. E

B, E

Eating patterns A variety of eating patterns (combinations of different foods or food groups) areacceptable for the management of diabetes. Personal preferences (e.g., tradition,culture, religion, health beliefs and goals, economics) andmetabolic goals should beconsidered when recommending one eating pattern over another.


Carbohydrates Evidence is inconclusive for an ideal amount of carbohydrate intake for people withdiabetes. Therefore, collaborative goals should be developed with the individualwith diabetes.


The amount of carbohydrates and available insulin may be the most important factorinfluencing glycemic response after eating and should be considered whendeveloping the eating plan.


Monitoring carbohydrate intake, whether by carbohydrate counting or experience-based estimation remains a key strategy in achieving glycemic control.


For good health, carbohydrate intake from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes,and dairy products should be advised over intake from other carbohydrate sources,especially those that contain added fats, sugars, or sodium.


Glycemic index and glycemic load Substituting low-glycemic load foods for higher-glycemic load foods may modestlyimprove glycemic control.


Dietary fiber and whole grains People with diabetes should consume at least the amount of fiber and whole grainsrecommended for the general public.


Substitution of sucrose for starch While substituting sucrose-containing foods for isocaloric amounts of othercarbohydrates may have similar blood glucose effects, consumption should beminimized to avoid displacing nutrient-dense food choices.


Fructose Fructose consumed as “free fructose” (i.e., naturally occurring in foods such as fruit)may result in better glycemic control compared with isocaloric intake of sucrose orstarch B, and free fructose is not likely to have detrimental effects on triglycerides aslong as intake is not excessive (.12% energy). C

B, C

People with diabetes should limit or avoid intake of SSBs (from any caloric sweetenerincluding high fructose corn syrup and sucrose) to reduce risk for weight gain andworsening of cardiometabolic risk profile.


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Table 1—Continued

Topic Recommendation Evidence rating

NNSs and hypocaloric sweeteners Use of NNSs has the potential to reduce overall calorie and carbohydrate intake ifsubstituted for caloric sweeteners without compensation by intake of additionalcalories from other food sources.


Protein For people with diabetes and no evidence of diabetic kidney disease, evidence isinconclusive to recommend an ideal amount of protein intake for optimizingglycemic control or improving one or more CVD risk measures; therefore, goalsshould be individualized.


For people with diabetes and diabetic kidney disease (either micro- ormacroalbuminuria), reducing the amount of dietary protein below usual intake isnot recommended because it does not alter glycemic measures, cardiovascular riskmeasures, or the course of GFR decline.


In individuals with type 2 diabetes, ingested protein appears to increase insulinresponse without increasing plasma glucose concentrations. Therefore,carbohydrate sources high in protein should not be used to treat or preventhypoglycemia.


Total fat Evidence is inconclusive for an ideal amount of total fat intake for people withdiabetes; therefore, goals should be individualized. C Fat quality appears to be farmore important than quantity. B

C, B

MUFAs/PUFAs In people with type 2 diabetes, a Mediterranean-style, MUFA-rich eating pattern maybenefit glycemic control and CVD risk factors and can therefore be recommended asan effective alternative to a lower-fat, higher-carbohydrate eating pattern.


Omega-3 fatty acids Evidence does not support recommending omega-3 (EPA and DHA) supplements forpeople with diabetes for the prevention or treatment of cardiovascular events.


As recommended for the general public, an increase in foods containing long-chainomega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) (from fatty fish) and omega-3 linolenic acid (ALA)is recommended for individuals with diabetes because of their beneficial effects onlipoproteins, prevention of heart disease, and associations with positive healthoutcomes in observational studies.


The recommendation for the general public to eat fish (particularly fatty fish) at leasttwo times (two servings) per week is also appropriate for people with diabetes.


Saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, andtrans fat

The amount of dietary saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fat recommended forpeople with diabetes is the same as that recommended for the general population.


Plant stanols and sterols Individuals with diabetes and dyslipidemia may be able to modestly reduce total andLDL cholesterol by consuming 1.6–3 g/day of plant stanols or sterols typically foundin enriched foods.


Micronutrients and herbal supplements There is no clear evidence of benefit from vitamin or mineral supplementation inpeople with diabetes who do not have underlying deficiencies.


c Routine supplementation with antioxidants, such as vitamins E and C andcarotene, is not advised because of lack of evidence of efficacy and concernrelated to long-term safety.


c There is insufficient evidence to support the routine use ofmicronutrients such aschromium,magnesium, and vitamin D to improve glycemic control in people withdiabetes.


c There is insufficient evidence to support the use of cinnamon or other herbs/supplements for the treatment of diabetes.


It is recommended that individualized meal planning include optimization of foodchoices to meet recommended dietary allowance/dietary reference intake for allmicronutrients.


Alcohol If adults with diabetes choose to drink alcohol, they should be advised to do so inmoderation (one drink per day or less for adult women and two drinks per day orless for adult men).


Alcohol consumption may place people with diabetes at increased risk for delayedhypoglycemia, especially if taking insulin or insulin secretagogues. Education andawareness regarding the recognition and management of delayed hypoglycemia iswarranted.


Sodium The recommendation for the general population to reduce sodium to less than 2,300mg/day is also appropriate for people with diabetes.


For individuals with both diabetes and hypertension, further reduction in sodiumintake should be individualized.


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▪ To address individual nutrition needsbased on personal and culturalpreferences, health literacy andnumeracy, access to healthful foodchoices, willingness and ability tomake behavioral changes, as well asbarriers to change.

▪ To maintain the pleasure of eating byproviding positive messages aboutfood choices while limiting foodchoices only when indicated byscientific evidence.

▪ To provide the individual with diabeteswith practical tools for day-to-daymeal planning rather than focusing onindividual macronutrients,micronutrients, or single foods.

*A1C, blood pressure, and cholesterolgoals may need to be adjusted for theindividual based on age, duration ofdiabetes, health history, and otherpresent health conditions. Furtherrecommendations for individualizationof goals can be found in the ADAStandards of Medical Care inDiabetes (1).

Metabolic control can be considered thecornerstone of diabetes management.Achieving A1C goals decreases the riskfor microvascular complications (4,5)and may also be important forcardiovascular disease (CVD) riskreduction, particularly in newlydiagnosed patients (6–8). In addition,achieving blood pressure and lipid goalscan help reduce risk for CVD events(9,10). Carbohydrate intake has a directeffect on postprandial glucose levels inpeople with diabetes and is the primarymacronutrient of concern in glycemicmanagement (11). In addition, anindividual’s food choices have a directeffect on energy balance and, therefore,on body weight, and food choices canalso impact blood pressure and lipidlevels. Through the collaborativedevelopment of individualized nutritioninterventions and ongoing support ofbehavior changes, health careprofessionals can facilitate theachievement of their patients’/clients’health goals (11–13).


Ideally, the individual with diabetes shouldbe referred to a registered dietitian (RD)(or a similarly credentialed nutritionprofessional if outside of the U.S.) for

nutrition therapy atdor soonafterddiagnosis (11,14) and for ongoingfollow-up. Another option formany peopleis referral to a comprehensive diabetesself-management education (DSME)program that includes instruction onnutrition therapy. Unfortunately, alarge percentage of people withdiabetes do not receive any structureddiabetes education and/or nutritiontherapy (15,16). National data indicatethat about half of the people withdiabetes report receiving some type ofdiabetes education (17) and even fewersee an RD. In one study of 18,404patients with diabetes, only 9.1% had atleast one nutrition visit within a 9-yearperiod (18). Many people withdiabetes, as well as their health careprovider(s), are not aware that theseservices are available to them.Therefore this position statement offersevidence-based nutritionrecommendations for all health careprofessionals to use.

In 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM)released a report concluding thatevidence demonstrates that medicalnutrition therapy (MNT) can improveclinical outcomes while possiblydecreasing the cost to Medicare ofmanaging diabetes (19). The IOMrecommended that individualized MNT,provided by an RD upon physicianreferral, be a covered Medicare benefitas part of themultidisciplinary approachto diabetes care (19). MNT is anevidence-based application of theNutrition Care Process provided by theRD and is the legal definition of nutritioncounseling by an RD in the U.S. (20). TheIOM also defines nutrition therapy,which has a broader definition thanMNT (19). Nutrition therapy is thetreatment of a disease or conditionthrough the modification of nutrient orwhole-food intake. The definition doesnot specify that nutrition therapy mustbe provided by an RD (19). However,both MNT and nutrition therapy shouldinvolve a nutrition assessment, nutritiondiagnosis, nutrition interventions (e.g.,education and counseling), andnutrition monitoring and evaluationwith ongoing follow-up to support long-term lifestyle changes, evaluateoutcomes, and modify interventions asneeded (20).

Nutrition therapy studies included inthis position statement use a wideassortment of nutrition professionals aswell as registered and advanced practicenurses or physicians. Health careprofessionals administering nutritioninterventions in studies conductedoutside the U.S. did not provide MNT asit is legally defined. As a result, thedecision was made to use the term“nutrition therapy” rather than “MNT”in this article, in an effort to be moreinclusive of the range of healthprofessionals providing nutritioninterventions and to recognize thebroad definition of nutrition therapy.However, the unique academicpreparation, training, skills, andexpertise of the RD make him/her thepreferred member of the health careteam to provide diabetesMNT (Table 2).


In addition to diabetesMNT provided byan RD, DSME and diabetes self-management support (DSMS) are criticalelements of care for all people withdiabetes and are necessary to improveoutcomes in a disease that is largely self-managed (21–26). TheNational Standardsfor Diabetes Self-Management Educationand Support recognize the importance ofnutrition as one of the core curriculumtopics taught in comprehensive programs.The American Association of DiabetesEducators also recognizes the importanceof healthful eating as a core self-carebehavior (27). Formore information, referto the ADA’s National Standards forDiabetes Self-Management Educationand Support (21).

Effectiveness of Nutrition Therapyc Nutrition therapy is recommended

for all people with type 1 and type 2diabetes as an effective componentof the over all treatment plan. A

c Individuals who have diabetes shouldreceive individualizedMNT as neededto achieve treatment goals, preferablyprovided by an RD familiar with thecomponents of diabetes MNT. Ac For individuals with type 1 diabetes,participation in an intensive flexibleinsulin therapy education programusing the carbohydrate countingmeal planning approach can resultin improved glycemic control. A Position Statement S123

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c For individuals using fixed dailyinsulin doses, consistentcarbohydrate intake with respectto time and amount can result inimproved glycemic control andreduce the risk for hypoglycemia. B

c A simple diabetes meal planningapproach such as portion control orhealthful food choices may bebetter suited to individuals withtype 2 diabetes identified withhealth and numeracy literacyconcerns. This may also be aneffective meal planning strategy forolder adults. C

c People with diabetes should receiveDSME according to nationalstandards and DSMS when theirdiabetes is diagnosed and as neededthereafter. B

c Because diabetes nutrition therapycan result in cost savings B andimproved outcomes such asreduction in A1C A, nutrition therapyshould be adequately reimbursed byinsurance and other payers. E

The common coexistence of hyper-lipidemia and hypertension in peoplewith diabetes requires monitoring ofmetabolic parameters (e.g., glucose,

lipids, blood pressure, body weight,

renal function) to ensure successful

health outcomes (28). Nutrition therapy

that includes the development of aneating pattern designed to lower glu-cose, blood pressure, and alter lipidprofiles is important in the managementof diabetes as well as lowering the risk ofCVD, coronary heart disease, and stroke.Successful approaches should also in-clude regular physical activity and be-havioral interventions to help sustainimproved lifestyles (11).

Findings from randomized controlledtrials (RCTs) and from systematic andCochrane reviews demonstrate theeffectiveness of nutrition therapy forimproving glycemic control and variousmarkers of cardiovascular andhypertension risk (13,14,29–46). In thegeneral population,MNT provided by anRD to individuals with an abnormal lipidprofile has been shown to reduce dailyfat (5–8%), saturated fat (2–4%), andenergy intake (232–710 kcal/day), andlower triglycerides (11–31%), LDLcholesterol (7–22%), and totalcholesterol (7–21%) levels (47).

Effective nutrition therapyinterventions may be a component of acomprehensive group diabeteseducation program or an individualizedsession (14,29–38,40–42,44,45).Reported A1C reductions are similar orgreater than what would be expectedwith treatment with currently availablepharmacologic treatments for diabetes.The documented decreases in A1Cobserved in these studies are type 1diabetes: 20.3 to 21% (13,39,43,48)and type 2 diabetes: 20.5 to 22%(5,14,29–38,40–42,44,45,49).

Due to the progressive nature of type 2diabetes, nutrition and physical activityinterventions alone (i.e., withoutpharmacotherapy) are generally notadequately effective in maintainingpersistent glycemic control over timefor many individuals. However, afterpharmacotherapy is initiated, nutritiontherapy continues to be an importantcomponent of the overall treatmentplan (2). For individuals with type 1diabetes using multiple daily injectionsor continuous subcutaneous insulininfusion, a primary focus for nutritiontherapy should be on how to adjustinsulin doses based on plannedcarbohydrate intake (13,39,43,50–53).For individuals using fixed daily

insulin doses, carbohydrate intakeon a day-to-day basis should beconsistent with respect to time andamount (54,55). Intensive insulinmanagement education programs thatinclude nutrition therapy have beenshown to reduce A1C (13).Retrospective studies reveal durableA1C reductions with these types ofprograms (51,56) and significantimprovements in quality of life (57)over time. Finally, nutritionalapproaches for reducing CVD risk,including optimizing serum lipids andblood pressure, can effectively reduceCVD events and mortality (1).

Energy Balancec For overweight or obese adults with

type 2 diabetes, reducing energyintake while maintaining a healthfuleating pattern is recommended topromote weight loss. A

c Modest weight loss may provideclinical benefits (improved glycemia,blood pressure, and/or lipids) in someindividuals with diabetes, especiallythose early in the disease process.To achieve modest weight loss,intensive lifestyle interventions(counseling about nutrition therapy,physical activity, and behaviorchange) with ongoing support arerecommended. A

More than three out of every four adultswith diabetes are at least overweight(17), and nearly half of individuals withdiabetes are obese (58). Because of therelationship between body weight (i.e.,adiposity) and insulin resistance, weightloss has long been a recommendedstrategy for overweight or obese adultswith diabetes (1). Prevention of weightgain is equally important. Long-termreduction of adiposity is difficult formost people to achieve, and evenharder for individuals with diabetes toachieve given the impact of somemedications used to improve glycemiccontrol (e.g., insulin, insulinsecretagogues, and thiazolidinediones)(59,60). A number of factors may beresponsible for increasing adiposity inpeople with diabetes, including areduction in glycosuria and thusretention of calories otherwise lost as aneffect of therapeutic intervention,changes in food intake, or changes in

Table 2—Academy of Nutrition andDietetics Evidence-Based NutritionPractice Guidelines

Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsEvidence-Based Nutrition PracticeGuidelines recommend the followingstructure for the implementation of MNTfor adults with diabetes (11)

c A series of 3–4 encounters with an RDlasting from 45 to 90 min.

c The series of encounters should beginat diagnosis of diabetes or at firstreferral to an RD for MNT for diabetesand should be completed within 3–6months.

c The RD should determine whetheradditional MNT encounters areneeded.

c At least 1 follow-up encounter isrecommended annually to reinforcelifestyle changes and to evaluate andmonitor outcomes that indicate theneed for changes inMNTormedication(s);an RD should determine whetheradditional MNT encounters are needed.

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energy expenditure (61–64). If adiposityis a concern, medications that areweight neutral or weight reducing (e.g.,metformin, incretin-based therapies,sodium glucose co-transporter 2 [SGLT-2]inhibitors) could be considered. Severalintensive DSME and nutritionintervention studies show that glycemiccontrol can be achieved whilemaintaining weight or even reducingweight when appropriate lifestylecounseling is provided(14,31,35,41,42,44,45,50,65,66).

In interventional studies lasting 12months or longer and targetingindividuals with type 2 diabetes toreduce excess body weight (35,67–75),modest weight losses were achievedranging from 1.9 to 8.4 kg. In the LookAHEAD trial, at study end (;10 years),the mean weight loss from baseline was6% in the intervention group and 3.5% inthe control group (76,77). Studiesdesigned to reduce excess body weighthave used a variety of energy-restrictedeating patterns with variousmacronutrient intakes and occasionallyincluded a physical activity componentand ongoing follow-up support. Studiesachieving the greatest weight losses, 6.2kg and 8.4 kg, respectively, included theMediterranean-style eating pattern (72)and a study testing a comprehensiveweight loss program that involved diet(including meal replacements) andphysical activity (76). In the studiesreviewed, improvements in A1C werenoted to persist at 12 months in eightintervention groups within five studies(67,69,72,73,76); however, in one of thestudies including data at 18 months, theA1C improvement was not maintained(69). The Mediterranean-style eatingpattern reported the largestimprovement of A1C at 1 year (21.2%)(72), and the Look AHEAD studyintensive lifestyle intervention reportedthe next largest improvement (20.64%)(76). One of these studies included onlyindividuals with newly diagnoseddiabetes (72), and the other includedpredominantly individuals with diabetesearly in the disease process (,30%wereon insulin) (76). Significantimprovements in A1C at 1 year were alsoreported in other studies using energy-restricted eating plans; these studiesused meal replacements (67), or low-fat

(72)/high-protein (73), or high-carbohydrate eating patterns (73). Notall weight loss interventions reviewedled to improvements in A1C at 1 year(35,68,70,71,74,75), although thesestudies tended to achieve less weightloss.

Among the studies reviewed, the mostconsistently reported significantchanges of reducing excess body weighton cardiovascular risk factors were anincrease in HDL cholesterol(67,72,73,75–77), a decrease intriglycerides (72,73,76–78), and adecrease in blood pressure(67,70,72,75–77). Despite someimprovements in cardiovascular riskfactors, the Look AHEAD trial failed todemonstrate reduction in CVD eventsamong individuals randomized to anintensive lifestyle intervention forsustained weight loss (77). Of note,however, those randomized to theintervention experienced statisticallysignificant weight loss, requiring lessmedication for glycemic control andmanagement of CVD risk factors, andexperienced several additional healthbenefits (e.g., reduced sleep apnea,depression, and urinary incontinenceand improved health-related quality oflife) (79–82).

Intensive lifestyle programs (ongoing,with frequent follow-up) are required toachieve significant reductions in excessbody weight and improvements in A1C,blood pressure, and lipids (76,83).Weight loss appears to be mostbeneficial for individuals with diabetesearly in the disease process (72,76,83).In the Look AHEAD study, participantswith early-stage diabetes (shortestduration, not treated with insulin, goodbaseline glycemic control) received themost health benefits with a smallpercentage of individuals achievingpartial or complete diabetes remission(84). It is unclear if the benefits resultfrom the reduction in excess weight orthe energy restriction or both. Long-term maintenance of weight, followingweight reduction, is possible, butresearch suggests it requires anintensive program with long-termsupport. Many individuals do regain aportion of their initial weight loss(77,85). Factors contributing to theindividual’s inability to retain maximal

weight loss include socioeconomicstatus, an unsupportive environment,and physiological changes (e.g.,compensatory changes in circulatinghormones that encourage weight regainafter weight loss is achieved) (86).

The optimal macronutrient intake tosupport reduction in excess body weighthas not been established. Thus, thecurrent state of the literature does notsupport one particular nutrition therapyapproach to reduce excess weight, butrather a spectrum of eating patternsthat result in reduced energy intake.A weight loss of.6 kg (approximately a7–8.5% loss of initial body weight),regular physical activity, and frequentcontact with RDs appear important forconsistent beneficial effects of weightloss interventions (85). In the LookAHEAD study, weight loss strategiesassociated with lower BMI inoverweight or obese individuals withtype 2 diabetes included weekly self-weighing, regular consumption ofbreakfast, and reduced intake of fastfoods (87). Other successful strategiesincluded increasing physical activity,reducing portion sizes, using mealreplacements (as appropriate), andencouraging individuals with diabetes toeat those foods with the greatestconsensus for improving health.

Health professionals should collaboratewith individuals with diabetes tointegrate lifestyle strategies that preventweight gain or promote modest, realisticweight loss. The emphases of educationand counseling should be on thedevelopment of behaviors that supportlong-term weight loss or weightmaintenance with less focus on theoutcome of weight loss. Bariatric surgeryis recognized as an option for individualswith diabetes who meet the criteria forsurgery and is not covered in this review.For recommendations on bariatricsurgery, see the ADA Standards ofMedical Care (1).

Optimal Mix of Macronutrientsc Evidence suggests that there is not an

ideal percentage of calories fromcarbohydrate, protein, and fat for allpeople with diabetes B; therefore,macronutrient distribution should bebased on individualized assessment ofcurrent eating patterns, preferences,and metabolic goals. E Position Statement S125

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Although numerous studies haveattempted to identify the optimal mix ofmacronutrients for the meal plans ofpeople with diabetes, a systematicreview (88) found that there is no idealmix that applies broadly and thatmacronutrient proportions should beindividualized. On average, it has beenobserved that people with diabetes eatabout 45% of their calories fromcarbohydrate, ;36–40% of caloriesfrom fat, and the remainder (;16–18%)from protein (89–91). Regardless of themacronutrient mix, total energy intakeshould be appropriate to weightmanagement goals. Further,individualization of the macronutrientcomposition will depend on themetabolic status of the individual (e.g.,lipid profile, renal function) and/or foodpreferences. A variety of eating patternshave been shown modestly effective inmanaging diabetes includingMediterranean-style, DietaryApproaches to Stop Hypertension(DASH) style, plant-based (vegan orvegetarian), lower-fat, and lower-carbohydrate patterns (36,46,72,92,93).

Eating Patternsc A variety of eating patterns

(combinations of different foods orfood groups) are acceptable for themanagement of diabetes. Personalpreferences (e.g., tradition, culture,religion, health beliefs and goals,economics) andmetabolic goals shouldbe considered when recommendingone eating pattern over another. E

Eating patterns, also called dietarypatterns, is a term used to describecombinations of different foods or foodgroups that characterize relationshipsbetween nutrition and healthpromotion and disease prevention (94).Individuals eat combinations of foods,not single nutrients, and thus it isimportant to study diet and diseaserelationships (95). Factors impactingeating patterns include, but are notlimited to, food access/availability ofhealthful foods, tradition, cultural foodsystems, health beliefs, knowledge offoods that promote health and preventdisease, and economics/resources tobuy health-promoting foods (95).

Eating patterns have also evolved overtime to include patterns of food intake

among specific populations to eatingpatterns prescribed to improve health.Patterns naturally occurring withinpopulations based on food availability,culture, or tradition and those prescribedto prevent or manage health conditionsare important to research. Eatingpatterns studied among individuals withtype 1 or type 2 diabetes were reviewedto evaluate their impact on diabetesnutrition goals. The following eatingpatterns (Table 3) were reviewed:Mediterranean, vegetarian, low fat, lowcarbohydrate, and DASH.

TheMediterranean-style eating pattern,mostly studied in the Mediterraneanregion, has been observed to improvecardiovascular risk factors (i.e., lipids,blood pressure, triglycerides)(11,72,88,100) in individuals withdiabetes and lower combined endpoints for CVD events and stroke (83)when supplemented with mixed nuts(including walnuts, almonds, andhazelnuts) or olive oil. Individualsfollowing an energy-restrictedMediterranean-style eating pattern alsoachieve improvements in glycemiccontrol (88). Given that the studies aremostly in the Mediterranean region,further research is needed to determineif the study results can be generalized toother populations and if similar levels ofadherence to the eating pattern can beachieved.

Six vegetarian and low-fat vegan studies(36,93,101–103,131) in individuals withtype 2 diabetes were reviewed. Studiesranged in duration from 12 to 74 weeks,and the diets did not consistentlyimprove glycemic control or CVD riskfactors except when energy intake wasrestricted and weight was lost. Dietsoften did result in weight loss (36,101–103,131). More research on vegan andvegetarian diets is needed to assess dietquality given studies often focus moreon what is not consumed than what isconsumed.

The low-fat eating pattern is one thathas often been encouraged as a strategyto lose weight or to improvecardiovascular health within the U.S. Inthe Look AHEAD trial (77), an energy-reduced low-fat eating pattern wasencouraged for weight loss, andindividuals achieved moderate success

(76). However, in a systematic review(88) and in four studies (70,71,75,103a)and in a meta-analysis (103b) publishedsince the systematic review, loweringtotal fat intake did not consistentlyimprove glycemic control or CVD riskfactors. Benefit from a low-fat eatingpattern appears to be more likely whenenergy intake is also reduced andweightloss occurs (76,77).

For a review of the studies focused on alow-carbohydrate eating pattern, seethe CARBOHYDRATES section. Currentlythere is inadequate evidence inisocaloric comparison recommending aspecific amount of carbohydrates forpeople with diabetes.

In people without diabetes, the DASHeating plan has been shown to helpcontrol blood pressure and lower risk forCVD and is frequently recommendedas a healthful eating pattern for thegeneral population (104–106). Limitedevidence exists on the effects of theDASH eating plan on health outcomesspecifically in individuals with diabetes;however, one would expect similarresults to other studies using the DASHeating plan. In one small study in peoplewith type 2 diabetes, the DASH eatingplan, which included a sodiumrestriction of 2,300 mg/day, improvedA1C, blood pressure, and othercardiovascular risk factors (46). Theblood pressure benefits are thought tobe due to the total eating pattern,including the reduction in sodium andother foods and nutrients that havebeen shown to influence blood pressure(99,105).

The evidence suggests that severaldifferent macronutrient distributions/eating patterns may lead toimprovements in glycemic and/or CVDrisk factors (88). There is no “ideal”conclusive eating pattern that isexpected to benefit all individuals withdiabetes (88). Total energy intake (andthus portion sizes) is an importantconsideration no matter which eatingpattern the individual with diabeteschooses to eat. Because dietarypatterns are influenced by foodavailability, perception of health-fulness of certain foods and by theindividual’s preferences, culture,religion, knowledge, health beliefs, and

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access to food and resources (e.g.,budget/income) (95), these factorsshould be considered whenindividualizing eating patternrecommendations.


Carbohydratesc Evidence is inconclusive for an ideal

amount of carbohydrate intake forpeople with diabetes. Therefore,collaborative goals should bedeveloped with the individual withdiabetes. C

c The amount of carbohydrates andavailable insulin may be the mostimportant factor influencing glycemicresponse after eating and should beconsidered when developing theeating plan. A

c Monitoring carbohydrate intake,whether by carbohydrate counting orexperience-based estimation,remains a key strategy in achievingglycemic control. B

c For good health, carbohydrate intakefrom vegetables, fruits, whole grains,legumes, and dairy products shouldbe advised over intake from othercarbohydrate sources, especiallythose that contain added fats, sugars,or sodium. B

Evidence is insufficient to support onespecific amount of carbohydrate intakefor all people with diabetes.Collaborative goals should bedeveloped with each person withdiabetes. Some published studiescomparing lower levels of carbohydrateintake (ranging from 21 g daily up to40% of daily energy intake) to highercarbohydrate intake levels indicatedimproved markers of glycemic controland insulin sensitivity with lowercarbohydrate intakes (92,100,107–111). Four RCTs indicated no significantdifference in glycemic markers with alower-carbohydrate diet comparedwith higher carbohydrate intake levels(71,112–114). Many of these studieswere small, were of short duration,and/or had low retention rates (92,107,109,110,112,113).

Some studies comparing lower levels ofcarbohydrate intake to highercarbohydrate intake levels revealedimprovements in serum lipid/lipoprotein measures, includingimproved triglycerides, VLDLtriglyceride, and VLDL cholesterol, totalcholesterol, and HDL cholesterol levels(71,92,100,107,109,111,112,115).A few studies found no significantdifference in lipids and lipoproteins

with a lower-carbohydrate dietcompared with higher carbohydrateintake levels. It should be noted thatthese studies had low retention rates,which may lead to loss of statisticalpower and biased results(110,113,116). In many of the reviewedstudies, weight loss occurred,confounding the interpretation ofresults from manipulation ofmacronutrient content.

Despite the inconclusive results of thestudies evaluating the effect of differingpercentages of carbohydrates in peoplewith diabetes, monitoring carbohydrateamounts is a useful strategy forimproving postprandial glucose control.Evidence exists that both the quantityand type of carbohydrate in a foodinfluence blood glucose level, and totalamount of carbohydrate eaten is theprimary predictor of glycemic response(55,114,117–122). In addition, lowerA1C occurred in the Diabetes Controland Complications Trial (DCCT)intensive-treatment group and the DoseAdjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE)trial participants who received nutritiontherapy that focused on the adjustmentof insulin doses based on variations incarbohydrate intake and physicalactivity (13,123).

Table 3—Reviewed eating patterns

Type of eating pattern Description

Mediterranean style (96) Includes abundant plant food (fruits, vegetables, breads, other forms of cereals, beans, nuts and seeds);minimally processed, seasonally fresh, and locally grown foods; fresh fruits as the typical daily dessert andconcentrated sugars or honey consumed only for special occasions; olive oil as the principal source ofdietary lipids; dairy products (mainly cheese and yogurt) consumed in low to moderate amounts; fewerthan 4 eggs/week; red meat consumed in low frequency and amounts; and wine consumption in low tomoderate amounts generally with meals.

Vegetarian and vegan (97) The two most common ways of defining vegetarian diets in the research are vegan diets (diets devoid of allflesh foods and animal-derived products) and vegetarian diets (diets devoid of all flesh foods but includingegg [ovo] and/or dairy [lacto] products). Features of a vegetarian-eating pattern that may reduce risk ofchronic disease include lower intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol and higher intakes of fruits,vegetables, whole grains, nuts, soy products, fiber, and phytochemicals.

Low fat (98) Emphasizes vegetables, fruits, starches (e.g., breads/crackers, pasta, whole grains, starchy vegetables), leanprotein, and low-fat dairy products. Defined as total fat intake,30% of total energy intake and saturatedfat intake ,10%.

Low carbohydrate (88) Focuses on eating foods higher in protein (meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts and seeds), fats(oils, butter, olives, avocado), and vegetables low in carbohydrate (salad greens, cucumbers, broccoli,summer squash). The amount of carbohydrate allowed varies with most plans allowing fruit (e.g., berries)and higher carbohydrate vegetables; however, sugar-containing foods and grain products such as pasta,rice, and bread are generally avoided. There is no consistent definition of “low” carbohydrate. In researchstudies, definitions have ranged from very low-carbohydrate diet (21–70 g/day of carbohydrates) tomoderately low-carbohydrate diet (30 to ,40% of calories from carbohydrates).

DASH (99) Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, including whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts andis reduced in saturated fat, red meat, sweets, and sugar-containing beverages. The most effective DASHdiet was also reduced in sodium. Position Statement S127

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As for the general U.S. population,carbohydrate intake from vegetables,fruits, whole grains, legumes, and milkshould be encouraged over othersources of carbohydrates, or sourceswith added fats, sugars, or sodium, inorder to improve overall nutrient intake(105).


Glycemic Index and Glycemic Loadc Substituting low–glycemic load

foods for higher–glycemic load foodsmay modestly improve glycemiccontrol. C

The ADA recognizes that educationabout glycemic index and glycemic loadoccurs during the development ofindividualized eating plans for peoplewith diabetes. Some organizationsspecifically recommend use oflowdglycemic index diets (124,125).However the literature regardingglycemic index and glycemic load inindividuals with diabetes is complex,and it is often difficult to discern theindependent effect of fiber comparedwith that of glycemic index on glycemiccontrol or other outcomes. Further,studies used varying definitions of lowand high glycemic index (11,88,126),and glycemic response to a particularfood varies among individuals and canalso be affected by the overall mixtureof foods consumed (11,126).

Some studies did not showimprovement with a lower-glycemicindex eating pattern; however, severalother studies using low-glycemic indexeating patterns have demonstrated A1Cdecreases of 20.2 to 20.5%. However,fiber intake was not consistentlycontrolled, thereby makinginterpretation of the findings difficult(88,118,119,127). Results on CVD riskmeasures are mixed with some showingthe lowering of total or LDL cholesteroland others showing no significantchanges (120).

Dietary Fiber and Whole Grainsc People with diabetes should consume

at least the amount of fiber andwholegrains recommended for the generalpublic. C

Intake of dietary fiber is associated withlower all-cause mortality (128,129) in

people with diabetes. Two systematicreviews found little evidence that fibersignificantly improves glycemic control(11,88). Studies published since thesereviews have shown modest lowering ofpreprandial glucose (130) and A1C(20.2 to20.3%) (119,130) with intakesof .50 g of fiber/day. Most studies onfiber in people with diabetes are of shortduration, have a small sample size, andevaluate the combination of high-fiberand low-glycemic index foods, and insome cases weight loss, making itdifficult to isolate fiber as the soledeterminant of glycemic improvement(119,131–133). Fiber intakes to improveglycemic control, based on existingresearch, are also unrealistic, requiringfiber intakes of .50 g/day.

Studies examining fiber’s effect on CVDrisk factors are mixed; however, totalfiber intake, especially from naturalfood sources (vs. supplements), seemsto have a beneficial effect on serumcholesterol levels and other CVD riskfactors such as blood pressure(11,88,134). Because of the generalhealth benefits of fiber,recommendations for the general publicto increase intake to 14 g fiber/1,000kcals daily or about 25 g/day for adultwomen and 38 g/day for adult men areencouraged for individuals withdiabetes (105).

Research has also compared thebenefits of whole grains to fiber. TheDietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010defines whole grains as foods containingthe entire grain seed (kernel), bran,germ, and endosperm (105). Asystematic review (88) concluded thatthe consumption of whole grains wasnot associated with improvements inglycemic control in individuals with type2 diabetes; however, it may have otherbenefits, such as reductions in systemicinflammation. Data from the Nurses’Health Study examining whole grainsand their components (cereal fiber,bran, and germ) in relation to all-causeand CVD-specific mortality amongwomen with type 2 diabetes suggest apotential benefit of whole-grain intakein reducing mortality and CVD (128). Aswith the general population, individualswith diabetes should consume at leasthalf of all grains as whole grains (105).


Resistant starch is defined as starchphysically enclosed within intact cellstructures as in some legumes, starchgranules as in raw potato, andretrograde amylose from plantsmodified by plant breeding to increaseamylose content. It has been proposedthat foods containing resistant starch orhigh amylose foods such as speciallyformulated cornstarch may modifypostprandial glycemic response,prevent hypoglycemia, and reducehyperglycemia. However, there are nopublished long-term studies in subjectswith diabetes to prove benefit from theuse of resistant starch.

Fructans are an indigestible type of fiberthat has been hypothesized to have aglucose-lowering effect. Inulin is afructan commonly added to manyprocessed food products in the form ofchicory root. Limited research in peoplewith diabetes is available. Onesystematic review that included threeshort-term studies in people withdiabetes showed mixed results offructan intake on glycemia. There are nopublished long-term studies in subjectswith diabetes to prove benefit from theuse of fructans (135).

Substitution of Sucrose for Starchc While substituting sucrose-

containing foods for isocaloricamounts of other carbohydrates mayhave similar blood glucose effects,consumption should be minimized toavoid displacing nutrient-dense foodchoices. A

Sucrose is a disaccharide made ofglucose and fructose. Commonlyknown as table sugar or white sugar, itis found naturally in sugar cane and insugar beets. Research demonstratesthat substitution of sucrose for starchfor up to 35% of calories may not affectglycemia or lipid levels (11). However,because foods high in sucrose aregenerally high in calories, substitutionshould be made in the context of anoverall healthful eating pattern withcaution not to increase caloric intake.Additionally, as with all people,selection of foods containing sucroseor starch should emphasize more

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nutrient-dense foods for an overallhealthful eating pattern (105).

Fructosec Fructose consumed as “free fructose”

(i.e., naturally occurring in foods suchas fruit) may result in better glycemiccontrol compared with isocaloricintake of sucrose or starch B, and freefructose is not likely to havedetrimental effects on triglycerides aslong as intake is not excessive (.12%energy). C

c People with diabetes should limit oravoid intake of sugar-sweetenedbeverages (SSBs) (from any caloricsweetener including high-fructosecorn syrup and sucrose) to reduce riskfor weight gain and worsening ofcardiometabolic risk profile. B

Fructose is a monosaccharide foundnaturally in fruits. It is also a componentof added sugars found in sweetenedbeverages and processed snacks. Theterm “free fructose” refers to fructosethat is naturally occurring in foods suchas fruit and does not include thefructose that is found in the form of thedisaccharide sucrose, nor does it includethe fructose in high-fructose corn syrup.

Based on two systematic reviews andmeta-analyses of studies conducted inpersons with diabetes, it appears thatfree fructose (naturally occurring fromfoods such as fruit) consumption is notmore deleterious than other forms ofsugar unless intake exceedsapproximately 12% of total caloricintake (136,137). Many foods marketedto people with diabetes may containlarge amounts of fructose (such as agavenectar); these foods should not beconsumed in large amounts to avoidexcess caloric intake and to avoidexcessive fructose intake.

In terms of glycemic control, Cozma et al.(138) conducted a systemic review andmeta-analysis of controlled feeding trialsto study the impact of fructose onglycemic control compared with othersources of carbohydrates. Based on 18trials, the authors found that isocaloricexchange of fructose for carbohydratesreduced glycated blood proteins and didnot significantly affect fasting glucose orinsulin. However, it was noted thatapplicabilitymay be limited becausemost

of the trials were less than 12 weeks induration.With regard to the treatment ofhypoglycemia, in a small study comparingglucose, sucrose, or fructose, Husbandet al. (139) found that fructose was theleast effective in eliciting the desiredupward correction of the bloodglucose. Therefore, sucrose or glucosein the form of tablets, liquid, or gel maybe the preferred treatment over fruitjuice, although availability andconvenience should be considered.

There is now abundant evidence fromstudies of individuals without diabetesthat because of their high amounts ofrapidly absorbable carbohydrates (suchas sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup),large quantities of SSBs should beavoided to reduce the risk for weightgain and worsening of cardiometabolicrisk factors (140–142). Evidence suggeststhat consuming high levels of fructose-containing beverages may haveparticularly adverse effects on selectivedepositionof ectopic and visceral fat, lipidmetabolism, blood pressure, insulinsensitivity, and de novo lipogenesis,compared with glucose-sweetenedbeverages (142). In terms of specificeffects of fructose, concern has beenraised regarding elevations in serumtriglycerides (143,144). Such studies arenot available among individuals withdiabetes; however, there is little reasonto suspect that the diabetic state wouldmitigate the adverse effects of SSBs.

Nonnutritive Sweeteners andHypocaloric Sweetenersc Use of nonnutritive sweeteners

(NNSs) has the potential to reduceoverall calorie and carbohydrateintake if substituted for caloricsweeteners without compensation byintake of additional calories fromother food sources. B

The U.S. Food and Drug Administrationhas reviewed several types of hypo-caloric sweeteners (e.g., NNSs and sugaralcohols) for safety and approved themfor consumption by the general public,including people with diabetes (145).Research supports that NNSs do notproduce a glycemic effect; however,foods containing NNSs may affectglycemia based on other ingredients inthe product (11). An American HeartAssociation and ADA scientific

statement on NNS consumptionconcludes that there is not enoughevidence to determinewhether NNS useactually leads to reduction in bodyweight or reduction in cardiometabolicrisk factors (146). These conclusions areconsistent with a systematic review ofhypocaloric sweeteners (including sugaralcohols) that found little evidence thatthe use of NNSs lead to reductions inbody weight (147). If NNSs are used toreplace caloric sweeteners, withoutcaloric compensation, then NNSs maybe useful in reducing caloric andcarbohydrate intake (146), althoughfurther research is needed to confirmthese results (147).

Proteinc For people with diabetes and no

evidence of diabetic kidney disease,evidence is inconclusive torecommend an ideal amount ofprotein intake for optimizing glycemiccontrol or improving one or moreCVD risk measures; therefore, goalsshould be individualized. C

c For people with diabetes and diabetickidney disease (either micro- ormacroalbuminuria), reducing theamount of dietary protein below theusual intake is not recommendedbecause it does not alter glycemicmeasures, cardiovascular riskmeasures, or the course ofglomerular filtration rate (GFR)decline. A

c In individuals with type 2 diabetes,ingested protein appears to increaseinsulin response without increasingplasma glucose concentrations.Therefore, carbohydrate sources highin protein should not be used to treator prevent hypoglycemia. B

Several RCTs have examined the effectof higher protein intake (28–40% of totalenergy) to usual protein intake (15–19%total) on diabetes outcomes. One studydemonstrated decreased A1C with ahigher-protein diet (148). However,other studies showed no effect onglycemic control (149–151). Some trialscomparing higher protein intakes tousual protein intake have shownimproved levels of serum triglycerides,total cholesterol, and/or LDL cholesterol(148,150). However, two trials reportedno improvement in CVD risk factors(149,151). Factors affecting Position Statement S129

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interpretation of this research includesmall sample sizes (148,151) and studydurations of less than 6 months(148–150).

Several RCTs comparing protein levels inindividuals with diabetic kidney diseasewith either micro- or macroalbuminuriahad adequately large sample sizes anddurations for interpretation. Fourstudies reported no difference in GFRand/or albumin excretion rate (152–155), while one smaller study foundsome potentially beneficial renal effectswith a low-protein diet (156). Twometa-analyses found no clear benefits onrenal parameters from low-protein diets(157,158). One factor affectinginterpretation of these studies was thatactual protein intake differed from goalprotein intake. Two studies reportedhigher actual protein intake in the lowerprotein group than in the controlgroups. None of the five reviewedstudies since 2000 demonstratedmalnourishment as evidenced byhypoalbuminemia with low-proteindiets, but both meta-analyses foundevidence for this in earlier studies.

There is very limited research in peoplewith diabetes and without kidneydisease on the impact of the type ofprotein consumed. One study did notfind a significant difference in glycemicor lipid measures when comparing achicken- or red meat–based diet (156).For individuals with diabetic kidneydisease and macroalbuminuria,changing the source of protein to bemore soy-based may improve CVD riskfactors but does not appear to alterproteinuria (159,160).

For individuals with type 2 diabetes,protein does not appear to have asignificant effect on blood glucose level(161,162) but does appear to increaseinsulin response (161,163,164). For thisreason, it is not advised to use protein totreat hypoglycemia or to prevent hypo-glycemia. Protein’s effect on bloodglucose levels in type 1 diabetes is lessclear (165,166).

Total Fatc Evidence is inconclusive for an ideal

amount of total fat intake for peoplewith diabetes; therefore, goals shouldbe individualized. C Fat quality

appears to be far more importantthan quantity. B

Currently, insufficient data exist todetermine a defined level of totalenergy intake from fat at which risk ofinadequacy or prevention of chronicdisease occurs, so there is no adequateintake or recommended daily allowancefor total fat (167). However, the IOM diddefine an acceptable macronutrientdistribution range (AMDR) for total fatof 20–35% of energy with no tolerableupper intake level defined. This AMDRfor total fat was “estimated based onevidence indicating a risk for CHD[coronary heart disease] at low intake offat and high intakes of carbohydrate andon evidence for increased obesity andits complications (CHD) at high intakesof fat” (167). These recommendationsare not diabetes-specific; however,limited research exists in individualswith diabetes. Fatty acids arecategorized as being saturated orunsaturated (monounsaturated orpolyunsaturated). Trans fatty acids maybe unsaturated, but they arestructurally different and have negativehealth effects (105). The type of fattyacids consumed is more important thantotal fat in the diet in terms ofsupporting metabolic goals andinfluencing the risk of CVD (83,105,168);thus more attention should be given tothe type of fat intake whenindividualizing goals. Individuals withdiabetes should be encouraged tomoderate their fat intakes to beconsistent with their goals to lose ormaintain weight.

Monounsaturated Fatty Acids/Polyunsaturated Fatty Acidsc In people with type 2 diabetes, a

Mediterranean-style,monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-rich eating pattern may benefitglycemic control and CVD risk factorsand can, therefore, be recommendedas an effective alternative to a lower-fat, higher-carbohydrate eatingpattern. B

Evidence from large prospective cohortstudies, clinical trials, and a systematicreview of RCTs indicate that high-MUFAdiets are associated with improvedglycemic control and improved CVD risk

or risk factors (70,169–171). The intakeof MUFA-rich foods as a component ofthe Mediterranean-style eating patternhas been studied extensively over thelast decade. Six published RCTs thatincluded individuals with type 2diabetes reported improved glycemiccontrol and/or blood lipids when MUFAwas substituted for carbohydrate and/or saturated fats (70,72,83,100,108,172).However, some of the studies alsoincluded caloric restriction, whichmay have contributed to improvementsin glycemic control or blood lipids(100,108).

In 2011, the Evidence Analysis Library(EAL) of the Academy of Nutrition andDietetics found strong evidence thatdietary MUFAs are associated withimprovements in blood lipids based on13 studies including participants withand without diabetes. According to theEAL, 5% energy replacement ofsaturated fatty acid (SFA) with MUFAimproves insulin responsiveness ininsulin-resistant and type 2 diabeticsubjects (173).

There is limited evidence in people withdiabetes on the effects of omega-6polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).Controversy exists on the best ratio ofomega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids; PUFAsand MUFAs are recommendedsubstitutes for saturated or trans fat(105,174).

Omega-3 Fatty Acidsc Evidence does not support

recommending omega-3 (EPA andDHA) supplements for people withdiabetes for the prevention ortreatment of cardiovascular events. A

c As recommended for the generalpublic, an increase in foodscontaining long-chain omega-3 fattyacids (EPA and DHA) (from fatty fish)and omega-3 linolenic acid (ALA) isrecommended for individuals withdiabetes because of their beneficialeffects on lipoproteins, prevention ofheart disease, and associations withpositive health outcomes inobservational studies. B

c The recommendation for the generalpublic to eat fish (particularly fattyfish) at least two times (two servings)per week is also appropriate forpeople with diabetes. B

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The ADA systematic review identifiedseven RCTs and one single-arm study(2002–2010) using omega-3 fatty acidsupplements and one cohort study onwhole-food omega-3 intake. Inindividuals with type 2 diabetes (88),supplementation with omega-3 fattyacids did not improve glycemic control,but higher-dose supplementationdecreased triglycerides. Additionalblood-derived markers of CVD risk werenot consistently altered in these trials.In subjects with diabetes, six short-duration (30 days to 12 weeks) RCTswere published after the macronutrientreview comparing omega-3 (EPA andDHA) supplements to placebo andreported minimal or no beneficialeffects (175,176) or mixed/inconsistentbeneficial effects (177–180) on CVD riskfactors and other health issues (e.g.,depression). Supplementation withflaxseed (32 g/day) or flaxseed oil(13 g/day) for 12 weeks did not affectglycemic control or adipokines (181).Three longer-duration studies (4months [182]; 40 months [183]; 6.2years [184]) also reported mixedoutcomes. Two studies reported nobeneficial effects of supplementation(183,184). In one study, patients withtype 2 diabetes were randomized toatorvastatin or placebo and/or omega-3supplements (2 g/day) or placebo. Nodifferences on estimated 10-year CVDrisks were observed with the addition ofomega-3 fatty acid supplementscompared with placebo (182). In thelargest and longest trial, in patients withtype 2 diabetes, supplementation with 1g/day omega-3 fatty acids comparedwith placebo did not reduce the rate ofcardiovascular events, death from anycause, or death from arrhythmia (184).However, in one study inpostmyocardial patients with diabetes,low-dose supplementation of omega-3fatty acids (400 mg/day) exerted aprotective effect on ventriculararrhythmia-related events, and areduction in mortality was reported(183). Thus, RCTs do not supportrecommending omega-3 supplementsfor primary or secondary prevention ofCVD despite the strength of evidencefrom observational and preclinicalstudies.

Studies in persons with diabetes on theeffect of foods containingmarine-derivedomega-3 fatty acid or the plant-derivedomega-3 fatty acid, a-linolenic acid, arelimited. Previous studies usingsupplements had shownmixed effects onfasting blood glucose and A1C levels.However, a study comparing diets with ahigh proportion of omega-3 (fatty fish)versus omega-6 (lean fish and fat-containing linoleic acid) fatty acidsreported both diets had no detrimentaleffect on glucose measures, and bothdiets improved insulin sensitivity andlipoprotein profiles (185).

Saturated Fat, Dietary Cholesterol,and Trans Fatc The amount of dietary saturated fat,

cholesterol, and trans fatrecommended for people withdiabetes is the same as thatrecommended for the generalpopulation. C

Few research studies have explored therelationship between the amount of SFAin the diet and glycemic control and CVDrisk in people with diabetes. Asystematic review by Wheeler et al.found just one small 3-week study thatcompared a low-SFA diet (8% of totalkcal) versus a high-SFA diet (17% of totalkcal) and found no significant differencein glycemic control and most CVD riskmeasures (88,186).

In addition, there is limited researchregarding optimal dietary cholesteroland trans fat intake in people withdiabetes. One large prospective cohortstudy (171) in women with type 2diabetes found a 37% increase in CVDrisk for every 200 mg cholesterol/1,000kcal.

Due to the lack of research in this area,people with diabetes should follow theguidelines for the general population. TheDietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010(105) recommends consuming less than10% of calories from SFAs to reduce CVDrisk. Consumers can meet this guidelineby replacing foods high in SFA (i.e., full-fatdairy products, butter, marbled meatsand bacon, and tropical oils such ascoconut and palm) with items that arerich in MUFA and PUFA (i.e., vegetableand nut oils including canola, corn,safflower, soy, and sunflower; vegetableoil spreads; whole nuts and nut butters,

and avocado). CVD is a common cause ofdeath among individuals with diabetes.As a result, individuals with diabetes areencouraged to follow nutritionrecommendations similar to the generalpopulation to manage CVD risk factors.These recommendations includereducing SFAs to,10% of calories,aiming for ,300 mg dietary cholesterol/day, and limiting trans fat as much aspossible (105).

Plant Stanols and Sterolsc Individuals with diabetes and dyslipi-

demia may be able to modestlyreduce total and LDL cholesterol byconsuming 1.6–3 g/day of plantstanols or sterols typically found inenriched foods. C

Plant sterol and stanol esters block theintestinal absorption of dietary andbiliary cholesterol (3). Currently, the EALfrom the Academy of Nutrition andDietetics recommends individuals withdyslipidemia incorporate 2–3 g of plantsterol and stanol esters per day as partof a cardioprotective diet throughconsumption of plant sterol and stanolester-enriched foods (187). Thisrecommendation, though not specific topeoplewith diabetes, is based on a reviewof 20 clinical trials (187). Furthermore, theacademy reviewed 28 studies thatshowed no adverse effects with plantstanol/sterol consumption (187).

There is a much smaller body ofevidence regarding the cardioprotectiveeffects of phytosterol/stanolconsumption specifically in people withdiabetes. Beneficial effects on total, LDLcholesterol, and non-HDL cholesterolhave been observed in four RCTs (188–191). These studies used doses of 1.6–3 gof phytosterols or stanols per day, andinterventions lasted 3–12 weeks. Twoof these studies were in people withtype 1 diabetes (188,189), and onefound an added benefit to cholesterolreduction in those who were already onstatin treatment (189). In addition, twoRCTs compared the efficacy of plantsterol consumption (1.8 g daily) insubjects with type 2 diabetes andsubjects without diabetes (191,192).Neither study found a difference in lipidprofiles between the two groups,suggesting that efficacy of thistreatment is similar for those with and Position Statement S131

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without diabetes who arehypercholesterolemic (191,192).

A wide range of foods and beverages arenow available that contain plant sterolsincluding many spreads, dairy products,grain and bread products, and yogurt.These products can contribute aconsiderable amount of calories. If used,patients should substitute them forcomparable foods they eat in order tokeep calories balanced and avoid weightgain (3,187).

Micronutrients and HerbalSupplementsc There is no clear evidence of benefit

from vitamin or mineralsupplementation in people withdiabetes who do not have underlyingdeficiencies. Cc Routine supplementation withantioxidants, such as vitamins E andC and carotene, is not advisedbecause of lack of evidence ofefficacy and concern related tolong-term safety. A

c There is insufficient evidence tosupport the routine use of micro-nutrients such as chromium,magnesium, and vitamin D toimprove glycemic control in peoplewith diabetes. C

c There is insufficient evidence tosupport the use of cinnamon orother herbs/supplements for thetreatment of diabetes. C

c It is recommended thatindividualized meal planninginclude optimization of foodchoices to meet recommendeddietary allowance/dietaryreference intake for allmicronutrients. E

There currently exists insufficientevidence of benefit from vitamin ormineral supplementation in people withor without diabetes in the absence of anunderlying deficiency (3,193,194).Because uncontrolled diabetes is oftenassociated with micronutrientdeficiencies (195), people with diabetesshould be aware of the importance ofacquiring daily vitamin and mineralrequirements from natural food sourcesand a balanced diet (3). For selectgroups of individuals such as the elderly,pregnant or lactating women,

vegetarians, and those on calorie-restricted diets, a multivitaminsupplement may be necessary (196).

While there has been significant interestin antioxidant supplementation as atreatment for diabetes, currentevidence not only demonstrates a lackof benefit with respect to glycemiccontrol and progression ofcomplications, but also providesevidence of potential harm of vitamin E,carotene, and other antioxidantsupplements (197–203).

Findings from supplement studies withmicronutrients such as chromium,magnesium, and vitamin D areconflicting and confounded bydifferences in dosing, micronutrientlevels achieved with supplementation,baseline micronutrient status, and/ormethodologies used. A systematicreview on the effect of chromiumsupplementation on glucosemetabolism and lipids concluded thatlarger effects were more commonlyobserved in poor-quality studies andthat evidence is limited by poor studyquality and heterogeneity inmethodology and results (204).Evidence from clinical studies evaluatingmagnesium (205,206) and vitamin D(207–211) supplementation to improveglycemic control in people with diabetesis likewise conflicting.

A systematic review (212) evaluatingthe effects of cinnamon in people withdiabetes concluded there is currentlyinsufficient evidence to support its use,and there is a lack of compellingevidence for the use of other herbalproducts for the improvement ofglycemic control in people withdiabetes (213). It is important toconsider that herbal products are notstandardized and vary in the content ofactive ingredients and may have thepotential to interact with othermedications (214). Therefore, it isimportant that patients/clients withdiabetes report the use of supplementsand herbal products to their health careproviders.

Alcoholc If adults with diabetes choose to drink

alcohol, they should be advised to doso in moderation (one drink per day

or less for adult women and twodrinks per day or less for adultmen). E

c Alcohol consumption may placepeople with diabetes at increased riskfor delayed hypoglycemia, especiallyif taking insulin or insulinsecretagogues. Education andawareness regarding the recognitionand management of delayedhypoglycemia is warranted. C

Moderate alcohol consumption hasminimal acute and/or long-termdetrimental effects on blood glucose inpeople with diabetes (215–219), withsome epidemiologic data showingimproved glycemic control withmoderate intake. Moderate alcoholintake may also convey cardiovascularrisk reduction and mortality benefits inpeople with diabetes (220–223), withthe type of alcohol consumed notinfluencing these beneficial effects(221,224). Accordingly, therecommendations for alcoholconsumption for people with diabetesare the same as for the generalpopulation. Adults with diabeteschoosing to consume alcohol shouldlimit their intake to one serving or lessper day for women and two servings orless per day for men (105). Excessiveamounts of alcohol ($3 drinks/day)consumed on a consistent basis maycontribute to hyperglycemia (221). Onealcohol-containing beverage is definedas 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, or 1.5 ozdistilled spirits, each containingapproximately 15 g of alcohol.Abstention from alcohol should beadvised, however, for people with ahistory of alcohol abuse or dependence,women during pregnancy, and peoplewith medical conditions such as liverdisease, pancreatitis, advancedneuropathy, or severehypertriglyceridemia (3).

Despite the potential glycemic andcardiovascular benefits of moderatealcohol consumption, use may placepeople with diabetes at increased riskfor delayed hypoglycemia. This isparticularly true in those using insulin orinsulin secretagogue therapies.Consuming alcohol with food canminimize the risk of nocturnalhypoglycemia (3,225–227). Individualswith diabetes should receive education

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regarding the recognition andmanagement of delayed hypoglycemiaand the potential need for morefrequent self-monitoring of bloodglucose after consuming alcoholicbeverages.

Sodiumc The recommendation for the general

population to reduce sodium to lessthan 2,300mg/day is also appropriatefor people with diabetes. B

c For individuals with both diabetesand hypertension, further reductionin sodium intake should beindividualized. B

Limited studies have been published onsodium reduction in people withdiabetes. A Cochrane review of RCTsfound that decreasing sodium intakereduces blood pressure in those withdiabetes (228). Likewise, a small study inpeople with type 2 diabetes showedthat following the DASH diet andreducing sodium intake to about 2,300mg led to improvements in bloodpressure and other measures oncardiovascular risk factors (46).

Incrementally lower sodium intakes(i.e., to 1,500 mg/day) show morebeneficial effects on blood pressure(104,229); however, some studies inpeople with type 1 (230) and type 2(231) diabetes measuring urine sodiumexcretion have shown increasedmortality associated with the lowestsodium intakes, therefore warrantingcaution for universal sodium restrictionto 1,500 mg in this population.Additionally, an IOM report suggeststhere is no evidence on healthoutcomes to treat certain populationsubgroupsdwhich includes individualswith diabetesddifferently than thegeneral U.S. population (232).

In the absence of clear scientificevidence for benefit in people withcombined diabetes and hypertension(230,231), sodium intake goals that aresignificantly lower than 2,300 mg/dayshould be considered only on anindividual basis. When individualizingsodium intake recommendations,consideration must also be given toissues such as the palatability,availability, and additional cost ofspecialty low sodium products and

the difficulty in achieving both lowsodium recommendations and anutritionally adequate diet given theselimitations (233).

While specific dietary sodium targetsare highly debated by various healthgroups, all agree that the currentaverage intake of sodium of 3,400mg/day (excluding table salt) isexcessive and should be reduced(105,234–237). The food industrycan play a major role in loweringsodium content of foods to helppeople meet sodium recommendations(233,234).


A wide range of diabetes meal planningapproaches or eating patterns havebeen shown to be clinically effective,with many including a reduced energyintake component. There is not oneideal percentage of calories fromcarbohydrates, protein, or fat that isoptimal for all people with diabetes.Nutrition therapy goals should bedeveloped collaboratively with theindividual with diabetes and be basedon an assessment of the individual’scurrent eating patterns, preferences,and metabolic goals. Once a thoroughassessment is completed, the healthcare professional’s role is to facilitatebehavior change and achievement ofmetabolic goals while meeting thepatient’s preferences, which mayinclude allowing the patient to continuefollowing his/her current eating pattern.If the individual would like to try adifferent eating pattern, this should alsobe supported by the health care team.Various behavior change theories andstrategies can be used to tailor nutritioninterventions to help the client achievespecific health and quality-of-lifeoutcomes (238).

Multiple meal planning approaches andeating patterns can be effective forachieving metabolic goals. Examplesinclude carbohydrate counting,healthful food choices/simplified mealplans (i.e., the Plate Method),individualized meal planning methodsbased on percentages ofmacronutrients, exchange list for mealplanning, glycemic index, and eating

patterns including Mediterranean style,DASH, vegetarian or vegan, lowcarbohydrate, and low fat. The mealplanning approach or eating patternshould be selected based on theindividual’s personal and culturalpreferences; literacy and numeracy; andreadiness, willingness, and ability tochange. This may need to be adjustedover time based on changes in lifecircumstances, preferences, and diseasecourse.

A summary of key topics for nutritioneducation can be found in Table 4.


The evidence presented in thisposition statement concurs with thereview previously published by Wheeleret al. (88) that many different approachesto nutrition therapy and eating patternsare effective for the target outcomes ofimproved glycemic control and reducedCVD risk among individuals with diabetes.Evaluating nutrition evidence is complexgiven that multiple dietary factorsinfluence glycemic control and CVD riskfactors, and the influenceof a combinationof factors can be substantial. Based on areview of the evidence, it is clear that gapsin the literature continue to exist andfurther research on nutrition and eatingpatterns is needed in individuals with type1 and type 2 diabetes.

For example, future studies shouldaddress:

c The relationships between eatingpatterns and disease in diversepopulations.

c The basis for the beneficial effects ofthe Mediterranean-style eatingpattern and approaches totranslation of the Mediterranean-style eating pattern into diversepopulations.

c The development of standardizeddefinitions for high– and low–glycemic index diets andimplementation of these definitionsin long-term studies to furtherevaluate their impact on glycemiccontrol.

c The development of standardizeddefinitions for low- to moderate-carbohydrate diets and determininglong-term sustainability.

c Whether NNSs, when used to replacecaloric sweeteners, are useful in Position Statement S133

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Table 4—Summary of priority topics1. Strategies for all people with diabetes:c Portion control should be recommended for weight loss and maintenance.c Carbohydrate-containing foods and beverages and endogenous insulin production are the greatest determinant of the postmeal bloodglucose level; therefore, it is important to know what foods contain carbohydratesdstarchy vegetables, whole grains, fruit, milk and milkproducts, vegetables, and sugar.

c When choosing carbohydrate-containing foods, choose nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods whenever possible instead of processed foodswith added sodium, fat, and sugars. Nutrient-dense foods and beverages provide vitamins, minerals, and other healthful substances withrelatively few calories. Calories have not been added to them from solid fats, sugars, or refined starches.

c Avoid SSBs.c For most people, it is not necessary to subtract the amount of dietary fiber or sugar alcohols from total carbohydrates when carbohydratecounting.

c Substitute foods higher in unsaturated fat (liquid oils) for foods higher in trans or saturated fat.c Select leaner protein sources and meat alternatives.c Vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal products, or cinnamon to manage diabetes are not recommended due to lack of evidence.cModerate alcohol consumption (one drink/day or less for adult women and two drinks or less for adult men) has minimal acute or long-term effects on blood glucose in people with diabetes. To reduce risk of hypoglycemia for individuals using insulin or insulin secretagogues,alcohol should be consumed with food.

c Limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg/day.

2. Priority should be given to coordinating food with type of diabetes medicine for those individuals on medicine.c For individuals who take insulin secretagogues:

cModerate amounts of carbohydrate at each meal and snacks.c To reduce risk of hypoglycemia:*

▪ Eat a source of carbohydrates at meals.▪ Moderate amounts of carbohydrates at each meal and snacks.▪ Do not skip meals.▪ Physical activity may result in low blood glucose depending on when it is performed. Always carry a source of carbohydrates to reducerisk of hypoglycemia.*

c For individuals who take biguanides (metformin):c Gradually titrate to minimize gastrointestinal side effects when initiating use:

▪ Take medication with food or 15 min after a meal if symptoms persist.▪ If side effects do not resolve over time (a few weeks), follow up with health care provider.▪ If taking along with an insulin secretagogue or insulin, may experience hypoglycemia.*

c For individuals who take a-glucosidase inhibitors:c Gradually titrate to minimize gastrointestinal side effects when initiating use.c Take at start of meal to have maximal effect:

▪ If taking along with an insulin secretagogue or insulin, may experience hypoglycemia.▪ If hypoglycemia occurs, eat something containing monosaccharides such as glucose tablets as drug will prevent the digestion ofpolysaccharides.

c For individuals who take incretin mimetics (GLP-1):c Gradually titrate to minimize gastrointestinal side effects when initiating use:

▪ Injection of daily or twice-daily GLP-1s should be premeal.▪ If side effects do not resolve over time (a few weeks), follow up with health care provider.▪ If taking along with an insulin secretagogue or insulin, may experience hypoglycemia.*▪ Once-weekly GLP-1s can be taken at any time during the day regardless of meal times.

c For individuals with type 1 diabetes and insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes:c Learn how to count carbohydrates or use another meal planning approach to quantify carbohydrate intake. The objective of using sucha meal planning approach is to “match” mealtime insulin to carbohydrates consumed.

c If on a multiple-daily injection plan or on an insulin pump:▪ Take mealtime insulin before eating.▪ Meals can be consumed at different times.▪ If physical activity is performed within 1–2 h of mealtime insulin injection, this dose may need to be lowered to reduce risk ofhypoglycemia.*

c If on a premixed insulin plan:▪ Insulin doses need to be taken at consistent times every day.▪ Meals need to be consumed at similar times every day.▪ Do not skip meals to reduce risk of hypoglycemia.▪ Physical activity may result in low blood glucose depending on when it is performed. Always carry a source of quick-actingcarbohydrates to reduce risk of hypoglycemia.*

c If on a fixed insulin plan:▪ Eat similar amounts of carbohydrates each day to match the set doses of insulin.

GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1. *Treatment of hypoglycemia: current recommendations include the use of glucose tablets or carbohydrate-containing foods or beverages (such as fruit juice, sports drinks, regular soda pop, or hard candy) to treat hypoglycemia. A commonly recommendeddose of glucose is 15–20 g. When blood glucose levels are ;50–60 mg/dL, treatment with 15 g of glucose can be expected to raise blood glucoselevels ;50 mg/dL (239). If self-monitoring of blood glucose and about 15–20 min after treatment shows continued hypoglycemia, the treatmentshould be repeated.

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reducing caloric and carbohydrateintake.

c The impact of key nutrients oncardiovascular risk, such as saturatedfat, cholesterol, and sodium inindividuals with both type 1 and type2 diabetes.

c Intake of SFA and its relationship toinsulin resistance.

Importantly, research needs to moveaway from just evaluating the impact ofindividual nutrients on glycemic controland cardiovascular risk. More researchon eating patterns, unrestricted andrestricted energy diets, and diversepopulations is needed to evaluate theirlong-term health benefits in individualswith diabetes. Individuals eat nutrientsfrom foods and within the context ofmixed meals, and nutrient intakes areintercorrelated, so overall eatingpatterns must be studied to fullyunderstand how these eating patternsimpact glycemic control (88, 240).Eating patterns are selected byindividuals based on more than thehealthfulness of food and foodavailability; tradition, cultural foodsystems, health beliefs, and economicsare also important (95). Studies ongene-diet interactions will also beimportant, as well as studies onpotential epigenetic effects that dependon nutrients to moderate geneexpression.

Given the benefits of both nutritiontherapy and MNT for individuals withdiabetes, it is also important to studysystematic processes within the contextof health care delivery that encouragemore individuals with diabetes toreceive nutrition therapy initially, upondiagnosis, and long term. Furtherresearch is also needed on the best toolsand strategies for educating individualswith diabetes (e.g., the Plate Method)and how to improve adherence tohealthful eating patterns amongindividuals with diabetes. This researchshould includemultiple settings that canimpact food choices for individuals withdiabetes, such as where they live, work,learn, and play. Individuals withdiabetes spend the majority of theirtime outside health care settings somore research on how public health, thehealth care system, and the community

can support individuals with diabetes intheir efforts to achieve healthful eatingis needed.


There is no standard meal plan or eatingpattern that works universally for allpeople with diabetes (1). In order to beeffective, nutrition therapy should beindividualized for each patient/clientbased on his or her individual healthgoals; personal and cultural preferences(241,242); health literacy and numeracy(243,244); access to healthful choices(245,246); and readiness, willingness,and ability to change. Nutritioninterventions should emphasize avariety of minimally processednutrient-dense foods in appropriateportion sizes as part of a healthfuleating pattern and provide theindividual with diabetes with practicaltools for day-to-day food plan andbehavior change that can bemaintained over the long term.

Acknowledgments. This position statementwas written at the request of the ADA ExecutiveCommittee, which has approved the finaldocument. The process involved extensiveliterature review, one face-to-face meeting ofthe entire writing group, one subgroup writingmeeting, numerous teleconferences, andmultiple revisions via e-mail communications.

The final draft was also reviewed and approvedby the Professional Practice Committee of theADA. The authors are indebted to Sue Kirkman,MD, for her guidance and support during thisprocess.

The two face-to-face meetings and the travel ofthe writing group and teleconference calls weresupported by the ADA.

The authors also gratefully acknowledge thefollowing experts who provided critical reviewof a draft of this statement: Jane Chiang, MD,American Diabetes Association, Alexandria, VA;Joan Hill, RD, CDE, Hill Nutrition Consulting LLC,Boston, MA; Sue Kirkman, MD, University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; PennyKris-Etherton, PhD, RD, Penn State, UniversityPark, PA; Melinda Maryniuk, MS, RD, FADA,CDE, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, MA;Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, Harvard School ofPublic Health, Boston, MA; and MadelynWheeler, MS, RD, FADA, Nutritional ComputingConcepts, Zionsville, IN.

Duality of Interest.During the past 12months,the following relationships with companieswhose products or services directly relate to thesubject matter in this document are declared:A.B.E.: no conflicts of interest to report. J.L.B.:research with CDC .$10,000, money goes to

institution. M.C.: consultant/advisory boardwith Becton Dickenson. S.A.D.: no conflicts ofinterest to report. M.J.F.: no conflicts of interestto report. E.J.M.-D.: research with AbbottDiabetes Care and Eli Lilly .$10,000, moneygoes to institution. J.J.N.: research withAstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Johnson &Johnson, Novo Nordisk, Merck, and Eli Lilly .$10,000, money goes to institution; consultant/advisory board with Janssen Phamaceuticals;other research support through the NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH) and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. R.N.:consultant/ advisory board with BoehringerIngelheim, Eli Lilly, Type Free Inc., NIH/NationalInstitute of Diabetes and Digestive and KidneyDiseases Advisory Council. C.L.V.: no conflicts ofinterest to report. P.U.: speakers’ bureau/honoraria with Eli Lilly and consultant/advisoryboard with Eli Lilly, Sanofi, HalozymeTherapeutics, Medtronic, YourEncore, JanssenPharmaceuticals. W.S.Y.: research with NIH andthe Veterans Administration .$10,000, moneygoes to institution; spouse employee of ViiVHealthcare .$10,000. No other potentialconflicts of interest relevant to this article werereported.

Author Contributions. All the named writinggroup authors contributed substantially to thedocument including researching data,contributing to discussions, writing andreviewing text, and editing the manuscript. Allauthors supplied detailed input and approvedthe final version. A.B.E. and J.L.B. directed,chaired, and coordinated the input withmultiple e-mail exchanges or telephone callsbetween all participants.

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