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Page 1: 08 hum-renaissance- timeline- 17sarahh

Timeline for the Renaissance

Sarah Herten

Page 2: 08 hum-renaissance- timeline- 17sarahh

The First Mechanical Clock

The first mechanical clock was created in the 1300s which was the time when people started measuring time in 24 hours.

The first mechanical clock made it possible for people to measure time more accurately and faster. Before the clock it was hard to measure time accurately. We should care about this because we still use the clock today in our design of the clock. We should also be grateful because it has made time easier to tell.

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Johannes Gutenberg The Printing Press

Johannes Gutenberg made it possible for the first time in the renaissance to mass produce books.

The printing press has made a impact on the way we print books today. We still use the ideas of Johannes Gutenberg in the way we print and the way our printing presses are today. We care about the printing press because it make books easier to print and it is more efficient then writing out the books by hand, also the printing press has saved a lot of time which you can not buy.

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Leonardo Da Vinci The Tank

Leonardo Da Vinci designed the tank which made it possible for us to break lines of warriors in combat.

The tank has impacted the world today because there was no weapon big enough to break enemy lines in combat before Da Vinci designed it. We care about this because if he had not created the tank more people would be in wars which means more people would die. But because of this invention today more people are dying because of this creation because more people have tanks and tanks are dangerous. We use Da Vinci’s design today in the tanks that we use for fighting today.

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Martin Luther

Martin Luther wrote 95 thesis’s that complained about how the church was run and he also translated the bible.

Martin Luther shows us that you should believe in yourself and do what you have to do to get your way. We should care about his because if Martin Luther had not nailed the 95 thesis’s to the church door the church would not be as it is today and we should thank him for teaching us to believe in our selves and not let anyone get in our own way.

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Bloody Mary (Mary the 1st )

Bloody Mary killed people that did not believe in the same beliefs as her.

Bloody Mary has made it possible for us to realize that killing people that are not the same religion or believe in the same beliefs as you is wrong and you should accept them. We should care about this because people should be able to believe in what they want to and they should be able to make there own decisions.

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Galileo Galilei

He made observations of Venus which supported that the sun was in the center of the universe. This made it possible for us to understand the solar system.

Galileo proving that the sun is in the center of the universe has impacted the way we look at the solar system and what the church says. WE should care about this because if Galileo did not prove this theory we would probably still not know how the solar system works. We also care about this because just because some people believ that god knows every thing and you do not agree with him on one tiny thing does not mean that you are not part of the religion or that group.

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Shakespeare wrote books, plays poems and much are still read today and loved.

Shakespeare has impacted our literature today as well as writing some of the best poems and books as well as plays. We should care about the change that Shakespeare has made to literature because the way we write and make plays has been impacted by Shakespeare and his writing.

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William Lee

The knitting machine was created by William lee for his girlfriend and the machine make stockings.

The knitting machine made it possible for people to make stockings quicker and make them better quality. We should care about this because today our knitting machines are based on the design that William lee had created. We should also thank him because the way that we used to make stockings took a long time and was not very accurate stitching.

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The Flush Toilet

The flush toilet is a toilet that has water that flushes .

The flush toilet has made it possible for us today to have better hygiene as well as being able to keep a toilet sanitary. We should care about this invention because if we did not have a flush toilet our hygiene would be worse and it would be easier to catch diseases and it would cost more money for people to clean the toilets.

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Cornelius Drebbel

Cornelius Drebbel made a submarine based on the design of a row boat. Cornelius Drebbel used the ideas of the rowing boat to create a submarine for 6 people. We should care about this because today we still use the idea of a submarine looking like a boat but it is under water and two are on top of each other. We should also appreciate this because this invention has a whole new aspect to war and to fighting under water.

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Renaissance Timeline

Sarah Herten

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