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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


Advanced GPFS Solution Design on Cross Platform Infrastructure

Residency Date: 2009/10/26 (5Days) Modfy Start: 2009/12/15 Last Update: 2010/04/29 Modify by [email protected] , Review by [email protected] IBM System x Technical Sales Team

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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


This is one of the business partner skill enhancement programs is Residency in Korea. At that time joined 17 companies for this residency. First, I want to say “Thanks join this program”. This documentation wrote by partner engineer. Just, I translate to English from Korean. Before starting this residency program, a lot of team was preparing to help from education dept, technical sales manager and system admin team. Not easy to prepare demo system for this program, But support team makes all of the demo system such as system p6 system, storage box and BladeCenter System. I can assure all of the attendee that gains a lot of configuration experience and technical knowledge. This is very helpful program for our business partner. Demo System Description:

System p7 570 2EA DS Storage 4EA BladeCenter 2EA BladeServer 12EA San Switch 2EA Network Switch 4EA

Business Partner Residency Program is one of the education programs in Korea. Usually, the locations setup the out side from Seoul, such as YangPyung or ChungPyung. They will stay 5 days in the resort. And then starting instruction focused topic. After base education, then starting test system and write result documents. It is irregular education program, because this kind of topic was setup by team discussion and change requirement from BP every year. One of the rules is one time execution by topic.

Ojective this residency program, at this time topic is Advanced GPFS Solution design on cross

platform. Recently, customer requirement does not configure single platform for GPFS Solution. They are want to mixed configuration such as Linux, pLinux, AIX and Windows. And Cross mount function is mount remote area file system for collaboration. They are wanted to know what limitation configuration for mixed cluster is consideration point and how configuration storage box for optimized performance.

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1. Preparing Hardware _________________________________________________________ 5

2. Installation Redhat Enterprise Linux Server v5.4 x64 Version ______________________ 6

3. Installation Windows 2008 R2 x64 Enterprise Version _____________________________ 9

4. Preparing VIOS Client ______________________________________________________ 11

5. Configuration NIM Server ___________________________________________________ 16

6. Make VIO Client Logical Volume ______________________________________________ 21

7. Installation AIX on Partition _________________________________________________ 24

8. Configuration Storage System (DS3400) _______________________________________ 31

9. Configuration Storage System and Initilize Volume each OS (DS4300) ______________ 36

10. SAN Switch Congiruation Guide ____________________________________________ 43

11. Pre Installation GPFS - SSH Keygen ________________________________________ 50

12. AIX, Linux GPFS Server Installation _________________________________________ 52

13. Make Cluster and Configure GPFS Solution __________________________________ 57

14. pLinux GPFS Client Installation ____________________________________________ 62

15. Windows 2008 SP2 GPFS Client Installation __________________________________ 76

16. Rolling Upgrade to v3.3 from v3.2 __________________________________________ 97

17. Add / Remove NSD – GPFS Maintanence ___________________________________ 101

18. Cross over GPFS Mount _________________________________________________ 107

19. Failure group and GPFS Replication _______________________________________ 111

20. End of This bp residency _________________________________________________ 114

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1. Preparing Hardware

This is node configuration for assigned residency team. Each team use same configuration hardware system. System p6 570 9117-MMA 50% Use (Partition) BladeCenter HS21 3Nodes San Switch 1EA Network Switch 1EA Storage DS 3k or 4k 1EA

Before Configuration and OS Installation, must be check below list. All of the below list is very important for configuration gpfs, because getting more stability and high performance. I recommand use latest version of system firmware and driver.

Name (Firmware) Version Name (Software) Version

System BIOS (System p,x) AIX Version and Patch Level

Internal Disk Firmware Linux Version and Update Level

Onboard Network Firmware Onboard Network Drv for Linux

AMM Firmware for BCH Multipath Driver for Linux (RDAC)

Ethernet Switch Module for BCH HBA Driver for Linux

External Swtich Firmare Windows Version (Only 64Bit)

SAN Switch Module for BCH Onboard Network Drv for Windows

External San Switch Firmware Multipath Driver for Windows

SAN Switch ID (License) Storage Manager

Storage Controller Firmware IBM GPFS Software

Disk Firmware for Storage CIFS Server

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2. Installation Redhat Enterprise Linux Server v5.4 x64 Version

Boot RHEL v5.4 Media Skip media test

Choose Language Choose keyboard

/boot 100M, Swap 4095MB, / 50G

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Setup the Boot loader Configuration IP, Hostname

Setup timezone Setup Root password

Choose package Start Installation Pkg

You must include development package for build GPFS portable layer on first node at least. Usually, First step of installation is build GPFS Portble Layer on first installed system, and then you can use “make rpm” this is make rpm version of portable layer.

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Start Installation

Post Installation step. 1. Disable unused daemon 2. Must be off Selinux function and reboot system 3. Stop iptables daemon or configuration firewall for GPFS Daemon need 22, 1191 target port 4. Update Network Drive

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3. Installation Windows 2008 R2 x64 Enterprise Version

Choose Language and Location Choose version of Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise (Full Version)

Start Installation Rebooting

Complete Installation

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After Installation and Login Screen

At that time, Team2 and Team3 member was trying to installation GPFS v3.3 with Windows 2008 R2 System. They was can not configuration this operating system. Finally, they are reinstallation Windows2008 SP2 on System. Refer GPFS v3.3 Document what is current version of GPFS v3.3 support Windows2008 SP2 Only. It is many differences between 2008 and 2008 R2 core. Windows 2008 R2 Core system has based on Windows7.

According to WW GPFS development team, GPFS v3.4 will support with Windows 2008R2 Server System, This product announce plan is 2h 2011. And this version will support Windows Base GPFS Server System. Current version (v3.3) support GPFS Client Side only. In other words must be configuring mixed cluster Linux and Windows.

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4. Preparing VIOS Client

Usually, before installation AIX on System, you must config the partition on p570 system.

Create Logical partition

Input the partition ID and Name

Input the profile name

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Choose type of allocation processor resource.

Input Processor resource information.

Choice type of memory resource

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Input Memory Size

Choose PCI Adapter (Network and HBA)

For make virtual SCSI Adapter, Click drop down menu, Action Create SCSI Adapter. Then no

problem use default SCSI ID. At this time, important thing is assign which virtual system or partition. And then target partition need to choice adapter ID. On the both of the server and client parition makes vscsi device is possible. And then you decide mapping ID.

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Virtual Adapter configuration Previsouly, Configured virtual SCSI adapter on server and client assign both of them.

Applied virtual SCSI Adappter

Not Use Logical Host Ethernet Adapters (Just Click Next)

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Choice same option and next

You can see summary table about the partition

This is complete make a logical partition on systme p6 570.

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5. Configuration NIM Server

After complete build logical patition, then setup NIM Server and Client.

Connect NIM Server and edit /etc/hosts. This ip and host name will use vio client side information.

Smitty nim Perform NIM Administration Tasks.

Choice Manage Machines

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Choice Define a Machine

Input NIM Client Hostname

Choice Cable Type

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Back to the NIM Main Menu and Choice Perform NIM Software Insatallation and Maintenance Tasks.

Choice Install and Update Software

Choice Install the Base Operating System on Standalone Clients

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Select Target system

Already prepare system image by mksysb backup. So, client target system will installation mksysb image OS.

Select mksysb Image version.

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Select Installation spot

ACCEPT new license agreements field must be yes, and Initiate reboot and installation now field must be no. If this field set to yes, then NIM Server reboot when is complete installation.

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6. Make VIO Client Logical Volume

Before start installation progress, need to configure logical volume and then assign target volume for installation OS. When is connect to VIO Server, Not use root account. This is recommentation.

Defatult Account Information = ID/padmin, PASSWD/padmin

When use padmin account. It is limit of right So, you must change of authority for use oem_setup_env or license –accept command, then you are no limit for use admin command.

Add a logical volume for VIO Client. You can use smitty lv and then choose Add a Logical Volume.

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Choose volume group for add LV, and then choice rootvg. Input lnformation for LV

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You can check assign status of logical volume via “lsgv –l rootvg”

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7. Installation AIX on Partition

This step is configuration for network boot, Choice SMS Menu. Choice Setup Remote IPL

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Choice ethernet device Choice ip range

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Choice BOOTP This menu is setup ip address on NIC Adapter. It is loading mksysb image from NIM server.

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Complete setup ip address then exit this menu. This is boot screen pxe client via NIM Server.

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Choice 1 Choice 1

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Choice 2, copy from the mksysb image. Do not change any other option for copy from the image.

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This screen is showing installation progress. AIX Installation Complete

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8. Configuration Storage System (DS3400)

The first setp is download latest version of storage manager and installation.

Check status of initialize HBA card

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Make Host group and HOST Modify Host topology

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Check define host type Volume Mapping

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Volume Mapping Status

DS3400 Firmware Update

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Disk Firmware Update

Almost storage systems are similar progress for attached server and storage. 1. Hardware Configuration and Complete Cabling 2. San switch Configuration such as domain ID and some kind of timeout value 3. Setup the volume configuration for recommend GPFS File system 4. Host type and group configuration 5. Volume mapping 6. HBA Driver update and installation on each server system 7. Check Volume on each system.

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9. Configuration Storage System and Initilize Volume each OS (DS4300)

Check current firmware level of installed system box. 2009/10/26 Latest Firmware Level

Stoage Volume Configuration and SAN Swithc Firmware Update.

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p1:/#>lscfg -v -l fcs0 | grep Net Network Address.............10000000C963E03A p1:/#>lscfg -v -l fcs1 | grep Net Network Address.............10000000C963E03B p2:/#>lscfg -v -l fcs1 | grep Net Network Address.............10000000C967B415 p2:/#>lscfg -v -l fcs0 | grep Net Network Address.............10000000C967B416

Check WWN on AIX Server for configuration zoning.

Check WWN on Linux Server for Installation Qlogic HBA CLI Command.

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Configure Zoning on SAN Switch. Volume Assign to each node system.

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Check Initilize Volume on AIX Server

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Install RDAC on Linux server.

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Boot Loader Configuration

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Check Initialized Volume on Linux Box.

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10. SAN Switch Congiruation Guide

This is key point what configuration for multi SAN Switch Infra. The recommend configuration of SAN Switch is same vendor and Fabric OS. Choose one vendor such as Brocade Company. If you want to attache heterogenouse SAN Switch, must refer to interoperatibility guide. Under same switch of vendor, you must check domain ID and time out value.

Check List 1. SAN Switch Domain ID 2. Timeout Value of SAN Switch.

A. R_A_TOV = 10 seconds ( The setting is 10000 ) B. E_D_TOV = 2 seconds ( The setting is 2000 )

3. ISL License for SAN Switch

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If same ID of each SAN Swtcih, Set to disable on external SAN Switch. And then apply ISL license

on switch and change Domain ID, after set to enable on external SAN Switch. Enabled Extented Fabric (ISL License)

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When is configured Zoning, Delete All of Zone Configuration, And then Configuration ISL on IBM Bladecenter SAN Switch Module. I think that factory default setting, this is easy. Connect to via HTTP. Be Careful. Before ISL Configuration, remove external cable. If not remove external cable, confict Domain ID on both SAN Switch.

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Click Admin. And then Check Domain ID.

Set to Disable.

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Change 3 from 1 and Apply.

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Check Changed Domain ID. Configure Zone on Each Management Interface.

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Configure Zone.

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11. Pre Installation GPFS - SSH Keygen

Configure HOST info

There are running all of the GPFS server and client side.

t1:/#>ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (//.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '//.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in //.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in //.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: bd:40:09:86:b7:89:a9:ae:40:a7:ed:51:3d:ae:18:7c root@T1 t1:/#>cd /.ssh t1:/.ssh#>cp -rp authorized_keys t1:/.ssh#>ls authorized_keys id_rsa t1:/.ssh#>cat authorized_keys ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA5nZUpuqDXCgQ5OEp1GzD5PTH0qjZufrLbUWPPMsfYVPBJsRxAyTQIDluaYQXVz+pCer4p87/HZNenqI9kgf9tJHC9RPhPLZxjyUauVgADvCmkzHm1TbKltwwnjawhZ1Oj8gY2FEhZPhSf7YEp5ysrNLQvR12li8VosDSSRuqNp3nBS5G5PYmMB0h0OGO48ZxB3Gf6R3QUZqaoX4SZl9SinG8lF5sze9x8t/l0GKBQ3RtcHBjx7iHdSrOaETEaFhco/1QLcjBPtSKK7jT4FDi7dD0XEHN4k0B5IdJYtx2Nl6Y6g1a5SpnTTm5n0QKe2buznMgD0TmML1PaaXnNDIUbw== root@t1 t2:/#>ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (//.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '//.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in //.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in //.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: 19:33:82:5c:15:e5:60:fb:f2:8b:ce:50:5c:2d:03:6d root@T2 t2:/#>ls id_rsa t2:/.ssh#>cp -rp authorized_keys t2:/.ssh#>cat authorized_keys ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAusPjMndj2JRzHaseb7/9/d8AdOsvtDBr8pZIQ/Aac48F/2iepmuogJjdxohbCYSSRjfTz35No+hNuLpYZpgvS/2+uco9dXnHZv7HJV+4rdwTREqJplLKZvPMrBNEkKLkHiP1NJ3hq5bHeMEDyCKt/LYGcwl/VN3+nGXcJ2b5lsE= root@T1

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t2:/.ssh#> t1:/.ssh#>scp t2_gpfs:/home The authenticity of host 't2_gpfs (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 0b:01:ad:da:58:5d:eb:40:71:f9:40:c3:d1:a0:8e:14. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 't2_gpfs,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. root@t2_gpfs's password: 100% 389 0.4KB/s 00:00 t2:/.ssh#>scp t1_gpfs:/home The authenticity of host 't1_gpfs (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 40:ff:29:0b:fb:b6:68:79:ee:5c:63:b5:ab:b9:f7:f2. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 't1_gpfs,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. root@t1_gpfs's password: 100% 389 0.4KB/s 00:00 t1:/home#>cat >> /.ssh/authorized_keys t1:/home#>cat /.ssh/authorized_keys ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAww2LlIJZxfAgLiIm8dPq+glByIziJC8L3294c3lTgvPDswNPlzf4PBB8+cz/hGoehuQMBP4l8tYONFABOxsMLFkYpxjv9EKL9SQ4PTiqPV+FJwaaWEK9fg/FD+JXwL1KHetyaYHAmgFzJFrAF7XIO+1303sRkOSOzYUSWMgPG5X8cH22sSchUgwed6xsxBkcx3oknirJp24mvfRmG+WFQB84FN04e0dSdcrsU3BMOYq0QZCqGQsHdGOak70legxHI4njq7DPJFM9vTiYVRsl2ylPzi65a3bWwT3XjwyHA2s+QNVYBftVfCe5wfPHmsu/arS3zyimcM+nCYxpkUs69Q== root@t1 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAu3rX612XoGaOBdvD5TpgjpfXZCx6SiXA6A+5n/AAt3Av6ilVelZ40mMK07qg2/l+586yjrkAdyUKKJ+GstGovGWZHqKnLOSiSpmkYMRHplKArW4nyrK7MPMn6YL8WDz/lF8HNd157usesqzFA3R1IpiDKfTdd22z/4EQXJzljbkblZCZTJ/QrlfksXw2XrrmcPfl8g35od3Cid4rOm7UyWiIYHNMZGCxYHlFxdw9Z+o/I85Mu6mbZOlP8AGeoq4QmjvGFeOv/WM95nDymXebB3OT9XPgKV/8HFRaMXlh+9aBBsKctxYixswzjOuuMpZohMqwbp1yaFHScWYoxsa3rQ== root@t2 t2:/home#>cat >> /.ssh/authorized_keys t2:/home#>cat /.ssh/authorized_keys ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAu3rX612XoGaOBdvD5TpgjpfXZCx6SiXA6A+5n/AAt3Av6ilVelZ40mMK07qg2/l+586yjrkAdyUKKJ+GstGovGWZHqKnLOSiSpmkYMRHplKArW4nyrK7MPMn6YL8WDz/lF8HNd157usesqzFA3R1IpiDKfTdd22z/4EQXJzljbkblZCZTJ/QrlfksXw2XrrmcPfl8g35od3Cid4rOm7UyWiIYHNMZGCxYHlFxdw9Z+o/I85Mu6mbZOlP8AGeoq4QmjvGFeOv/WM95nDymXebB3OT9XPgKV/8HFRaMXlh+9aBBsKctxYixswzjOuuMpZohMqwbp1yaFHScWYoxsa3rQ== root@t2 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAww2LlIJZxfAgLiIm8dPq+glByIziJC8L3294c3lTgvPDswNPlzf4PBB8+cz/hGoehuQMBP4l8tYONFABOxsMLFkYpxjv9EKL9SQ4PTiqPV+FJwaaWEK9fg/FD+JXwL1KHetyaYHAmgFzJFrAF7XIO+1303sRkOSOzYUSWMgPG5X8cH22sSchUgwed6xsxBkcx3oknirJp24mvfRmG+WFQB84FN04e0dSdcrsU3BMOYq0QZCqGQsHdGOak70legxHI4njq7DPJFM9vTiYVRsl2ylPzi65a3bWwT3XjwyHA2s+QNVYBftVfCe5wfPHmsu/arS3zyimcM+nCYxpkUs69Q== root@t1 t2:/home#>

Finally, all of files on each node. And Copy to authorized_keys. This file include rsa key of all nodes finder print. Also, Windows GPFS Client side will need same operation.

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12. AIX, Linux GPFS Server Installation

Update HOST Information on AIX Server. Check pkg List and running smitty. Choice Install and Update from ALL Available Software

Define location of Installation file.

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Press “F4” Choice pkg for installation, and press “F7”

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Change Accept New License agreements. And press “Enter”

You must update latest version of GPFS. If it is not complete, GPFS daemon will not start. This is same procedure for update. Update user profile.

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Check Installed Status

Update HOST information on Linux Server Install base package Install Update Package and Check Installation Status.

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Update user profile.

Make and Install portable layer on Linux System. This step is only Linux System. This is build gpfs module layer for Linux Kernel.

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13. Make Cluster and Configure GPFS Solution

Edit GPFS Cluster Configure file team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>vi gpfs.allnodes




Make a Cluster team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmcrcluster -n /tmp/gpfs/gpfs.allnodes -p gpfs_node1 -s gpfs_node2 -C AIX_gpfs -r

/usr/bin/ssh -R /usr/bin/scp

Wed Oct 28 20:56:28 KORST 2009: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node gpfs_node1

Wed Oct 28 20:56:29 KORST 2009: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node gpfs_node2

Wed Oct 28 20:56:30 KORST 2009: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node gpfs_node3

mmcrcluster: Command successfully completed

mmcrcluster: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

Check Node List team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsnode -a

GPFS nodeset Node list

------------- -------------------------------------------------------

AIX_gpfs gpfs_node1 gpfs_node2 gpfs_node3

Check Default Config team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsconfig

Configuration data for cluster AIX_gpfs.gpfs_node1:


clusterName AIX_gpfs.gpfs_node1

clusterId 13979456008081650028

clusterType lc

autoload no


dmapiFileHandleSize 32

File systems in cluster AIX_gpfs.gpfs_node1:



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Tiebreaker NSD Config file team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>more disk.desc




This is recommendation mixed balancing primary and secondary nsd server.

team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>more disk.desc




Make a Tiebreaker NSD team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmcrnsd -F /tmp/gpfs/disk.desc

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk2

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk3

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk4

mmcrnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

Check nsd config file after make Tiebreaker nsd team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>more disk.desc

# hdisk2:gpfs_node1:gpfs_node2:dataAndMetadata:1:TB1


# hdisk3:gpfs_node1:gpfs_node2:dataAndMetadata:1:TB2


# hdisk4:gpfs_node1:gpfs_node2:dataAndMetadata:1:TB3


Register tiebreaker nsd team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks="TB1;TB2;TB3"

Verifying GPFS is stopped on all nodes ...

mmchconfig: Command successfully completed

mmchconfig: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.


Configuration data for cluster AIX_gpfs.gpfs_node1:


clusterName AIX_gpfs.gpfs_node1

clusterId 13979456008081616877

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clusterType lc

autoload no


dmapiFileHandleSize 32

tiebreakerDisks TB1;TB2;TB3

Filesystem NSD team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>more disk2.desc



team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmcrnsd -F /tmp/gpfs/disk2.desc

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk5

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk6

mmcrnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>more disk2.desc

# hdisk5:gpfs_node1:gpfs_node2:dataAndMetadata:1:nsd_01


# hdisk6:gpfs_node1:gpfs_node2:dataAndMetadata:1:nsd_02


team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>more /tmp/gpfs/disk3.desc



team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmcrnsd -F /tmp/gpfs/disk3.desc

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk7

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk8

mmcrnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>more /tmp/gpfs/disk3.desc

# hdisk7:gpfs_node1:gpfs_node2:dataAndMetadata:1:nsd_03


# hdisk8:gpfs_node1:gpfs_node2:dataAndMetadata:1:nsd_04



File system Disk name NSD servers


(free disk) TB1 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) TB2 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) TB3 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) nsd_01 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

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(free disk) nsd_02 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) nsd_03 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) nsd_04 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

Start GPFS Cluster Daemon. team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmstartup -a

Wed Oct 28 21:10:54 KORST 2009: 6027-1642 mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...

team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state


1 gpfs_node1 active

2 gpfs_node2 active

3 gpfs_node3 arbitrating

Make a File system. team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmcrfs /gpfs01 /dev/gpfs01 -F /tmp/gpfs/disk2.desc -B 1024k -n 10 -N 5000

GPFS: 6027-531 The following disks of gpfs01 will be formatted on node team4_1:

nsd_01: size 52428800 KB

nsd_02: size 52428800 KB

GPFS: 6027-540 Formatting file system ...

GPFS: 6027-535 Disks up to size 535 GB can be added to storage pool 'system'.

Creating Inode File

Creating Allocation Maps

Clearing Inode Allocation Map

Clearing Block Allocation Map

Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'

GPFS: 6027-572 Completed creation of file system /dev/gpfs01.

mmcrfs: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmcrfs /gpfs02 /dev/gpfs02 -F /tmp/gpfs/disk3.desc -B 256k -n 10 -N 5000

GPFS: 6027-531 The following disks of gpfs02 will be formatted on node team4_2:

nsd_03: size 52428800 KB

nsd_04: size 52428800 KB

GPFS: 6027-540 Formatting file system ...

GPFS: 6027-535 Disks up to size 710 GB can be added to storage pool 'system'.

Creating Inode File

Creating Allocation Maps

Clearing Inode Allocation Map

Page 61: 04.AdvGPFS Cross Platform

IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


Clearing Block Allocation Map

Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'

GPFS: 6027-572 Completed creation of file system /dev/gpfs02.

mmcrfs: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

Mount file system. team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmmount /gpfs01

Wed Oct 28 21:33:01 KORST 2009: 6027-1623 mmmount: Mounting file systems ...

team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmmount /gpfs02

Wed Oct 28 21:33:06 KORST 2009: 6027-1623 mmmount: Mounting file systems ...

team4_1:/gpfs02#>df -gt

Filesystem GB blocks Used Free %Used Mounted on


/dev/gpfs01 100.00 0.06 99.94 1% /gpfs01

/dev/gpfs02 100.00 0.07 99.93 1% /gpfs02

team4_2:/#>df -gt

Filesystem GB blocks Used Free %Used Mounted on


/dev/gpfs01 100.00 0.75 99.25 1% /gpfs01

/dev/gpfs02 100.00 0.19 99.81 1% /gpfs02

team4_3:/#>df -gt

Filesystem GB blocks Used Free %Used Mounted on


/dev/gpfs01 100.00 0.06 99.94 1% /gpfs01

/dev/gpfs02 100.00 0.07 99.93 1% /gpfs02

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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


14. pLinux GPFS Client Installation

First, running ssh-keygen and this key file sync all of gpfs nodes. And set to disable Selinux and iptables service. After need to one time system reboots. Check Network Configuration [root@plinux ~]# ifconfig

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:5E:5F:4F:B5

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

inet6 addr: fe80::214:5eff:fe5f:4fb5/64 Scope:Link


RX packets:3809 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:1548 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

RX bytes:460021 (449.2 KiB) TX bytes:395167 (385.9 KiB)

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:5E:5F:4F:B6

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

inet6 addr: fe80::214:5eff:fe5f:4fb6/64 Scope:Link


RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:25 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

RX bytes:16404 (16.0 KiB) TX bytes:10400 (10.1 KiB)

Edit host file [root@plinux ~]# vi /etc/hosts

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs

# that require network functionality will fail. plinux localhost.localdomain localhost

::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 plinux

## GPFS Network ## gpfs_node1 gpfs_node2 gpfs_node3 gpfs_node4 gpfs_node5

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Update user profile [root@plinux ~]# tail /etc/bashrc



Installation Pkg [root@plinux gpfs]# ls

gpfs-3.3.0-1.sles.ppc64.update.tar.gz gpfs.gui-3.3.0-0.sles9.ppc64.rpm

gpfs.base-3.3.0-0.sles.ppc64.rpm gpfs.gpl-3.3.0-0.noarch.rpm gpfs.msg.en_US-3.3.0-0.noarch.rpm

[root@plinux gpfs]# rpm -ivh gpfs.base-3.3.0-0.sles.ppc64.rpm

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

1:gpfs.base ########################################### [100%]

[root@plinux gpfs]# rpm -ivh

Preparing... ########################################### [100%] ########################################### [100%]

[root@plinux gpfs]# rpm -ivh gpfs.gpl-3.3.0-0.noarch.rpm

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

1:gpfs.gpl ########################################### [100%]

[root@plinux gpfs]# rpm -ivh gpfs.msg.en_US-3.3.0-0.noarch.rpm

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

1:gpfs.msg.en_US ########################################### [100%]

[root@plinux gpfs]# gzip -d gpfs-3.3.0-1.sles.ppc64.update.tar.gz

[root@plinux gpfs]# tar -xf gpfs-3.3.0-1.sles.ppc64.update.tar

[root@plinux gpfs]# rpm -qa|grep gpfs




Make portable layer [root@plinux src]# make Autoconfig

cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/config; ./configure --genenvonly; /usr/bin/cpp -P > ./; exit $? || exit 1

[root@plinux src]# make World

Verifying that tools to build the portability layer exist....

cpp present

gcc present

g++ present

ld present

Page 64: 04.AdvGPFS Cross Platform

IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/config; /usr/bin/cpp -P > ./; exit $? || exit 1

rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/lib

mkdir /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/lib

rm -f //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver

for i in ibm-kxi ibm-linux gpl-linux ; do \

(cd $i; echo "cleaning" "(`pwd`)"; \

/usr/bin/make DESTDIR=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src Clean; \

exit $?) || exit 1; \


cleaning (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

rm -f ibm_kxi.trclst

rm -f install.he; \

for i in cxiTypes.h cxiSystem.h cxi2gpfs.h cxiVFSStats.h cxiCred.h cxiIOBuffer.h cxiSharedSeg.h cxiMode.h Trace.h

cxiMmap.h cxiAtomic.h cxiTSFattr.h cxiAclUser.h cxiLinkList.h cxiDmapi.h LockNames.h lxtrace.h DirIds.h; do \

(set -x; rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/$i) done

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxi2gpfs.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTSFattr.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAclUser.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiLinkList.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/LockNames.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/lxtrace.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/DirIds.h

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

cleaning (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

rm -f install.he; \

for i in cxiTypes-plat.h cxiSystem-plat.h cxiIOBuffer-plat.h cxiSharedSeg-plat.h cxiMode-plat.h Trace-plat.h

cxiAtomic-plat.h cxiMmap-plat.h cxiVFSStats-plat.h cxiCred-plat.h cxiDmapi-plat.h; do \

(set -x; rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/$i) done

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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi-plat.h

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

cleaning (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

Pre-kbuild step 1...

/usr/bin/make -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-128.el5/build M=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux clean

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

rm -f -f /lib/modules/`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`/extra/tracedev.ko

rm -f -f /lib/modules/`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`/extra/mmfslinux.ko

rm -f -f /lib/modules/`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`/extra/mmfs26.ko

rm -f -f /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/../bin/lxtrace-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

rm -f -f /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/../bin/kdump-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

rm -f -f *.o *~ .depends .*.cmd *.ko *.a *.mod.c core *_shipped *map *mod.c.saved *.symvers *.ko.ver ./*.ver


rm -f -rf .tmp_versions kdump-kern-dwarfs.c

rm -f -f gpl-linux.trclst kdump lxtrace

rm -f -rf usr

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

for i in ibm-kxi ibm-linux gpl-linux ; do \

(cd $i; echo "installing header files" "(`pwd`)"; \

/usr/bin/make DESTDIR=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src Headers; \

exit $?) || exit 1; \


installing header files (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

Making directory /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi

+ /usr/bin/install cxiTypes.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSystem.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxi2gpfs.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxi2gpfs.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiVFSStats.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats.h

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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


+ /usr/bin/install cxiCred.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiIOBuffer.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSharedSeg.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMode.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode.h

+ /usr/bin/install Trace.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMmap.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiAtomic.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiTSFattr.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTSFattr.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiAclUser.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAclUser.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiLinkList.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiLinkList.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiDmapi.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi.h

+ /usr/bin/install LockNames.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/LockNames.h

+ /usr/bin/install lxtrace.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/lxtrace.h

+ /usr/bin/install DirIds.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/DirIds.h

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

installing header files (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

+ /usr/bin/install cxiTypes-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSystem-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiIOBuffer-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSharedSeg-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMode-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install Trace-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiAtomic-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMmap-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiVFSStats-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiCred-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiDmapi-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi-plat.h

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

installing header files (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

Making directory /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux

+ /usr/bin/install Shark-gpl.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/Shark-gpl.h

+ /usr/bin/install prelinux.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/prelinux.h

+ /usr/bin/install postlinux.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/postlinux.h

+ /usr/bin/install linux2gpfs.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/linux2gpfs.h

+ /usr/bin/install verdep.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/verdep.h

+ /usr/bin/install Logger-gpl.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/Logger-gpl.h

+ /usr/bin/install arch-gpl.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/arch-gpl.h

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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


+ /usr/bin/install oplock.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/oplock.h

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

Pre-kbuild step 1...

Pre-kbuild step 2...

touch install.he

Invoking Kbuild...

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

LD /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/built-in.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-stub.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmwrap.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfsmod.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/cfiles_cust.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/ppc64/ss_ppc64.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracelin.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev-ksyms.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/ktrccalls.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/relaytrc.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfs26.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfslinux.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dummy.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dwarfs.o

HOSTCC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/lxtrace.o

HOSTCC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/lxtrace_rl.o

HOSTLD /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/lxtrace

Building modules, stage 2.


WARNING: could not find /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/.mmfs.o_shipped.cmd for /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-


WARNING: could not find /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/.libgcc.a_shipped.cmd for /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-


CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dummy.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dummy.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dwarfs.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dwarfs.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfs26.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfs26.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfslinux.mod.o

Page 68: 04.AdvGPFS Cross Platform

IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfslinux.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev.ko

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

cc kdump.o kdump-kern.o kdump-kern-dwarfs.o -o kdump -melf64ppc -m64 -lpthread

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

for i in ibm-kxi ibm-linux gpl-linux; do \

(cd $i; echo "installing" "(`pwd`)"; \

/usr/bin/make DESTDIR=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src install; \

exit $?) || exit 1; \


installing (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

installing (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

installing (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

/usr/bin/install -c -m 0500 lxtrace /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin/lxtrace-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

/usr/bin/install -c -m 0500 kdump /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin/kdump-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

[root@plinux src]#

[root@plinux src]# make World

Verifying that tools to build the portability layer exist....

cpp present

gcc present

g++ present

ld present

cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/config; /usr/bin/cpp -P > ./; exit $? || exit 1

rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/lib

mkdir /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/lib

rm -f //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver

for i in ibm-kxi ibm-linux gpl-linux ; do \

(cd $i; echo "cleaning" "(`pwd`)"; \

/usr/bin/make DESTDIR=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src Clean; \

exit $?) || exit 1; \

Page 69: 04.AdvGPFS Cross Platform

IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution



cleaning (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

rm -f ibm_kxi.trclst

rm -f install.he; \

for i in cxiTypes.h cxiSystem.h cxi2gpfs.h cxiVFSStats.h cxiCred.h cxiIOBuffer.h cxiSharedSeg.h cxiMode.h Trace.h

cxiMmap.h cxiAtomic.h cxiTSFattr.h cxiAclUser.h cxiLinkList.h cxiDmapi.h LockNames.h lxtrace.h DirIds.h; do \

(set -x; rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/$i) done

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxi2gpfs.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTSFattr.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAclUser.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiLinkList.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/LockNames.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/lxtrace.h

+ rm -f -r /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/DirIds.h

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

cleaning (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

rm -f install.he; \

for i in cxiTypes-plat.h cxiSystem-plat.h cxiIOBuffer-plat.h cxiSharedSeg-plat.h cxiMode-plat.h Trace-plat.h

cxiAtomic-plat.h cxiMmap-plat.h cxiVFSStats-plat.h cxiCred-plat.h cxiDmapi-plat.h; do \

(set -x; rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/$i) done

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap-plat.h

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+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred-plat.h

+ rm -rf /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi-plat.h

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

cleaning (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

Pre-kbuild step 1...

/usr/bin/make -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-128.el5/build M=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux clean

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

CLEAN /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux

CLEAN /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/.tmp_versions

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

rm -f -f /lib/modules/`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`/extra/tracedev.ko

rm -f -f /lib/modules/`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`/extra/mmfslinux.ko

rm -f -f /lib/modules/`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`/extra/mmfs26.ko

rm -f -f /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/../bin/lxtrace-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

rm -f -f /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/../bin/kdump-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

rm -f -f *.o *~ .depends .*.cmd *.ko *.a *.mod.c core *_shipped *map *mod.c.saved *.symvers *.ko.ver ./*.ver


rm -f -rf .tmp_versions kdump-kern-dwarfs.c

rm -f -f gpl-linux.trclst kdump lxtrace

rm -f -rf usr

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

for i in ibm-kxi ibm-linux gpl-linux ; do \

(cd $i; echo "installing header files" "(`pwd`)"; \

/usr/bin/make DESTDIR=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src Headers; \

exit $?) || exit 1; \


installing header files (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

Making directory /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi

+ /usr/bin/install cxiTypes.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSystem.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxi2gpfs.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxi2gpfs.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiVFSStats.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiCred.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiIOBuffer.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSharedSeg.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMode.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode.h

+ /usr/bin/install Trace.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMmap.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap.h

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+ /usr/bin/install cxiAtomic.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiTSFattr.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTSFattr.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiAclUser.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAclUser.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiLinkList.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiLinkList.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiDmapi.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi.h

+ /usr/bin/install LockNames.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/LockNames.h

+ /usr/bin/install lxtrace.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/lxtrace.h

+ /usr/bin/install DirIds.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/DirIds.h

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

installing header files (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

+ /usr/bin/install cxiTypes-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiTypes-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSystem-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSystem-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiIOBuffer-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiIOBuffer-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiSharedSeg-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiSharedSeg-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMode-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMode-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install Trace-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/Trace-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiAtomic-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiAtomic-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiMmap-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiMmap-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiVFSStats-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiVFSStats-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiCred-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiCred-plat.h

+ /usr/bin/install cxiDmapi-plat.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/cxi/cxiDmapi-plat.h

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

installing header files (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

Making directory /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux

+ /usr/bin/install Shark-gpl.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/Shark-gpl.h

+ /usr/bin/install prelinux.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/prelinux.h

+ /usr/bin/install postlinux.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/postlinux.h

+ /usr/bin/install linux2gpfs.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/linux2gpfs.h

+ /usr/bin/install verdep.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/verdep.h

+ /usr/bin/install Logger-gpl.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/Logger-gpl.h

+ /usr/bin/install arch-gpl.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/arch-gpl.h

+ /usr/bin/install oplock.h /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/include/gpl-linux/oplock.h

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

Pre-kbuild step 1...

Pre-kbuild step 2...

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touch install.he

Invoking Kbuild...

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

LD /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/built-in.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-stub.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmwrap.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfsmod.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/cfiles_cust.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/ppc64/ss_ppc64.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracelin.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev-ksyms.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/ktrccalls.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/relaytrc.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfs26.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfslinux.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dummy.o

CC [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dwarfs.o

HOSTCC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/lxtrace.o

HOSTCC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/lxtrace_rl.o

HOSTLD /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/lxtrace

Building modules, stage 2.


WARNING: could not find /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/.mmfs.o_shipped.cmd for /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-


WARNING: could not find /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/.libgcc.a_shipped.cmd for /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-


CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dummy.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dummy.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dwarfs.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dwarfs.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfs26.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfs26.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfslinux.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfslinux.ko

CC /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev.mod.o

LD [M] /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev.ko

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

cc kdump.o kdump-kern.o kdump-kern-dwarfs.o -o kdump -melf64ppc -m64 -lpthread

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

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for i in ibm-kxi ibm-linux gpl-linux; do \

(cd $i; echo "installing" "(`pwd`)"; \

/usr/bin/make DESTDIR=/usr/lpp/mmfs/src install; \

exit $?) || exit 1; \


installing (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-kxi'

installing (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

touch install.he

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/ibm-linux'

installing (/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux)

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

/usr/bin/install -c -m 0500 lxtrace /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin/lxtrace-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

/usr/bin/install -c -m 0500 kdump /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/bin/kdump-`cat //usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/gpl_kernel.tmp.ver`

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

[root@plinux src]# make InstallImages

(cd gpl-linux; /usr/bin/make InstallImages; \

exit $?) || exit 1

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

Pre-kbuild step 1...

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

INSTALL /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dummy.ko

INSTALL /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/kdump-kern-dwarfs.ko

INSTALL /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfs26.ko

INSTALL /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/mmfslinux.ko

INSTALL /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux/tracedev.ko

DEPMOD 2.6.18-128.el5

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-ppc64'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lpp/mmfs/src/gpl-linux'

[root@plinux src]#

Add Nodes team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmaddnode -N gpfs_node5

Thu Oct 29 16:11:27 KORST 2009: 6027-1664 mmaddnode: Processing node gpfs_node5

mmaddnode: Command successfully completed

mmaddnode: 6027-1254 Warning: Not all nodes have proper GPFS license designations.

Use the mmchlicense command to designate licenses as needed.

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mmaddnode: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsnode -a


| Warning: |

| This cluster contains nodes that do not have a proper GPFS license |

| designation. This violates the terms of the GPFS licensing agreement. |

| Use the mmchlicense command and assign the appropriate GPFS licenses |

| to each of the nodes in the cluster. For more information about GPFS |

| license designation, see the Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide. |


GPFS nodeset Node list

------------- -------------------------------------------------------

AIX_gpfs gpfs_node1 gpfs_node2 gpfs_node3 gpfs_node4 gpfs_node5

Accept License team4_1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmchlicense client -N gpfs_node5

The following nodes will be designated as possessing GPFS client licenses:


Please confirm that you accept the terms of the GPFS client Licensing Agreement.

The full text can be found at

Enter "yes" or "no": yes

mmchlicense: Command successfully completed

mmchlicense: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

Mount File system [root@plinux .ssh]# mmstartup

Thu Oct 29 15:13:16 CST 2009: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...

[root@plinux .ssh]# mmmount /gpfs01

Thu Oct 29 15:13:26 CST 2009: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...

[root@plinux .ssh]# df

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on


47358856 4478464 40435900 10% /

/dev/sda2 101082 17572 78291 19% /boot

tmpfs 839872 0 839872 0% /dev/shm

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/dev/gpfs02 104857600 440064 104417536 1% /gpfs02

/dev/gpfs_test 104857600 1013760 103843840 1% /gpfs_test

/dev/gpfs01 104857600 781312 104076288 1% /gpfs01

Check NSD Congiruation [root@plinux .ssh]# mmlsnsd -a

File system Disk name NSD servers


gpfs01 nsd_01 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

gpfs01 nsd_02 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

gpfs02 nsd_03 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

gpfs02 nsd_04 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

gpfs_test nsd_05 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

gpfs_test nsd_06 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) TB1 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) TB2 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

(free disk) TB3 gpfs_node1,gpfs_node2

Volume Status

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15. Windows 2008 SP2 GPFS Client Installation

Check OS Version of Windows Server Change locale and keyboard to US and English.

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Complete change Enligsh(US) Locale Setup and next user configuration.

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Choice root account. The root user change admin account type.

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Configuration Firewall - Set to disable

UAC Disable

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System Reboot Installation Utility for subsystem for UNIX-Based Applications

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Choice SUA Package

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SUA Installation

Download SUA Package Site Link: efde5758c47f&displaylang=en&Hash=IKXVxKqCKZcIPQFORRixLddbWfc2mSSt9JKcfApD6FwVpzi2% 2f5oT4sIDTlhxY30lEcYD3MS9v1GgYwfy%2fUazew%3d%3d

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Complete Installation SUA Package

Open Korn Shell on Subsystem for UNIX-based Application, and login root user as Windows Admin

Password (su -) Installation Additional Package for SUA

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Update Hosts File

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Add c5 node what is windows gpfs cluster client node Installation GPFS v3.3 Base Pacakge

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This install is initial pakage. - Complete Base Pkg Install system reboot Uninstall Base Pkg - Installation Latest Version

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Control Panel

Generate SSH Key and Share on Windows Korn Shell. After make file then you must update Authorized_keys on AIX Server, This file must sync all of the gpfs cluster nodes.

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Generate SSH Key Copy key file to other node Open Key file. Copy Key Info

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Paste key info Test Remote Shell Accept GPFS License

- mmchlicense server --accept -N [windows server hostname] on Other GPFS Server

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Mapping Volume Name

- mmchfs device -t [windows Drive Letter]

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Check Drive Letter Mounted Volume

Mount All of the GPFS Volume

The limitation of GPFS v3.3 support for windows server 2008

GPFS v3.3 multicluster configurations that include Windows clients should not upgrade Windows machines with 3.3.0-3 or -4. You must install 3.3.0.-5 |when upgrading beyond 3.3.0-2 due to an issue with OpenSSL |introduced in 3.3.0-3. Go to Download Update pakage

Windows nodes do not support directly accessing disks or operating as an NSD server. |This function is covered in the GPFS documentation |for planning purposes only. This FAQ will be updated with the tested |disk device support information when it is generally available.

Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 is not yet available. This FAQ will be updated when that support is available. (GPFS v3.4 Plan)

There is no migration path from Windows Server 2003 R2 (GPFS V3.2.1-5 or later) to Windows Server 2008 SP2 (GPFS V3.3).

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To move GPFS V3.2.1.5 or later nodes Windows nodes to GPFS V3.3:

1. Remove all the Windows nodes from your cluster. 2. Uninstall GPFS from your Windows nodes. This step is not necessary if you are

reinstalling Windows Server 2008 from scratch (next step below) and not upgrading from Server 2003 R2.

3. Install Windows Server 2008 and the required prerequisites on the nodes. 4. Install GPFS 3.3 on the Windows Server 2008 nodes. 5. Migrate your AIX and Linux nodes from GPFS 3.2.1-5 or later, to GPFS V3.3. 6. Add the Windows nodes back to your cluster.

User exits defined by the mmaddcallback command and the three specialized user exits provided by GPFS are not currently supported on Windows nodes.

The following GPFS commands are not supported on Windows:

Mmapplypolicy , mmbackup , mmcheckquota , mmdefedquota

Mmdelacl , mmeditacl , mmedquota , mmgetacl

Mmlsquota , mmpmon , mmputacl , mmrepquota

The Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) Backup Archive client for Windows does not

support unique features of GPFS file systems. TSM backup and archiving

operations are supported on AIX and Linux nodes in a cluster that contains

Windows. For information on TSM backup archive client support for GPFS, see:

The GPFS Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are not supported on Windows.

The native Windows backup utility is not supported.

Symbolic links that are created on UNIX-based nodes are specially handled by GPFS Windows nodes; they appear as regular files with a size of 0 and their contents cannot be accessed or modified.

GPFS on Windows nodes attempts to preserve data integrity between memory-mapped I/O and other forms of I/O on the same computation node. However, if the same file is memory mapped on more than one Windows node, data coherency is not guaranteed between the memory-mapped sections on these multiple nodes. In other words, GPFS on Windows does not provide distributed shared memory semantics. Therefore, applications that require data coherency between memory-mapped files on more than one node might not function as expected.

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16. Rolling Upgrade to v3.3 from v3.2

Check GPFS Cluster Configuration Status

Umount File System

Shutdown GPFS Daemon

Upgrage Base Pacakge

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Check Installation Status

Install Update Pkg

Compile Portable Layer

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Install GPFS Module

This entire step is same on each node, that is not require Shutdown all of the GPFS Cluster File Service during upgrade gpfs daemon. Rolling upgrade support operation mixed gpfs version after v3.x or higher. This is very useful function for live service for customer. Each node is upgrade gpfs daemon seperately, then file system version must change latest version.

Check GPFS Configuration

This warning is need to update license accept information, you shoud fallow below command. # mmchlicense client --accept –N w1 # mmchlicense server --accept –N l1,l2

Check File System Version

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File System Format Update Check Updated File System Version

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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


17. Add / Remove NSD – GPFS Maintanence


p1:/#>lspv hdisk0 00ca904f908ab237 rootvg active hdisk1 none gpfs1nsd hdisk2 none gpfs2nsd hdisk3 none gpfs3nsd hdisk4 none gpfs4nsd hdisk5 none gpfs5nsd hdisk6 none None hdisk7 none gpfs6nsd hdisk8 none gpfs7nsd hdisk9 none gpfs8nsd p1:/#>

Check Disk for Make NSD

p1:/#>mmlsnsd File system Disk name NSD servers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM02_AIX gpfs1nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs2nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs3nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs4nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs5nsd p1,p2 (free disk) gpfs6nsd p1,p2 (free disk) gpfs7nsd p1,p2 (free disk) gpfs8nsd p1,p2

Check NSD Configuration

p2:/#>mmlsdisk TEAM02_AIX -m Disk name IO performed on node Device Availability ------------ ----------------------- ----------------- ------------ gpfs1nsd localhost /dev/hdisk1 up gpfs2nsd localhost /dev/hdisk2 up gpfs3nsd localhost /dev/hdisk3 up gpfs4nsd localhost /dev/hdisk4 up gpfs5nsd localhost /dev/hdisk5 up

Check NSD for TEAM02_AIX Volume p1:/TEAM02_AIX#>mmdf TEAM02_AIX disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments --------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- ---------- Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 281 GB) gpfs1nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 48869632 ( 93%) 1376 ( 0%) gpfs2nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 48869888 ( 93%) 1072 ( 0%) gpfs3nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 48869376 ( 93%) 4256 ( 0%) gpfs4nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 48869376 ( 93%) 4952 ( 0%) gpfs5nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 48869632 ( 93%) 4840 ( 0%) ------------- -------------------- ------------------- (pool total) 262144000 244347904 ( 93%) 16496 ( 0%) ============= ==================== =================== (total) 262144000 244347904 ( 93%) 16496 ( 0%)

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Inode Information ----------------- Number of used inodes: 4069 Number of free inodes: 254491 Number of allocated inodes: 258560 Maximum number of inodes: 258560 p1:/TEAM02_AIX#>

Check File System Usage

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>cat disk.desc hdisk6:p1,p2::dataAndMetadata:1: p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmcrnsd -F /tmp/gpfs/disk.desc mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk6 mmcrnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

Make NSD p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsnsd File system Disk name NSD servers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM02_AIX gpfs1nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs2nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs3nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs4nsd p1,p2 TEAM02_AIX gpfs5nsd p1,p2 (free disk) gpfs6nsd p1,p2 (free disk) gpfs7nsd p1,p2 (free disk) gpfs8nsd p1,p2 (free disk) gpfs9nsd p1,p2 Check Added NSD

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmadddisk TEAM02_AIX -F /tmp/gpfs/disk.desc GPFS: 6027-531 The following disks of TEAM02_AIX will be formatted on node p2: gpfs9nsd: size 52428800 KB Extending Allocation Map Checking Allocation Map for storage pool 'system' 20 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:51:42 2009 39 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:51:47 2009 59 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:51:52 2009 78 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:51:58 2009 98 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:52:03 2009 100 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:52:03 2009 GPFS: 6027-1503 Completed adding disks to file system TEAM02_AIX. mmadddisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process. p1:/tmp/gpfs#>

Add New NSD to TEAM02_AIX Volume p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsdisk TEAM02_AIX -M Disk name IO performed on node Device Availability ------------ ----------------------- ----------------- ------------ gpfs1nsd localhost /dev/hdisk1 up gpfs2nsd localhost /dev/hdisk2 up gpfs3nsd localhost /dev/hdisk3 up gpfs4nsd localhost /dev/hdisk4 up gpfs5nsd localhost /dev/hdisk5 up gpfs9nsd localhost /dev/hdisk6 up p1:/tmp/gpfs#> Check Added NSD on Configured Volume

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p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmdf TEAM02_AIX disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments --------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- ------------------- Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 281 GB) gpfs1nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 44486912 ( 85%) 6680 ( 0%) gpfs2nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 44487936 ( 85%) 6368 ( 0%) gpfs3nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 44487680 ( 85%) 10216 ( 0%) gpfs4nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 44487936 ( 85%) 11304 ( 0%) gpfs5nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 44488960 ( 85%) 7688 ( 0%) gpfs9nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 51213056 ( 98%) 376 ( 0%) ------------- -------------------- ------------------- (pool total) 314572800 273652480 ( 87%) 42632 ( 0%) ============= ==================== =================== (total) 314572800 273652480 ( 87%) 42632 ( 0%) Inode Information ----------------- Number of used inodes: 4082 Number of free inodes: 254478 Number of allocated inodes: 258560 Maximum number of inodes: 258560 p1:/tmp/gpfs#> Check NSD Status p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmrestripefs TEAM02_AIX -b GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ... 3 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:54:55 2009 7 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:54:58 2009 9 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:55:01 2009 13 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:55:05 2009 16 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:55:09 2009 20 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:55:13 2009

78 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:04 2009 82 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:08 2009 86 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:11 2009 90 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:14 2009 93 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:18 2009 97 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:21 2009 100 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:23 2009 GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ... 1 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:31 2009 34 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:34 2009 59 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:37 2009 95 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:41 2009 100 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:41 2009 GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ... 31 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:46 2009 59 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:50 2009 87 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:54 2009 100 % complete on Wed Oct 28 10:56:55 2009 GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ... GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ... 99 % complete on Tue Oct 27 21:25:37 2009 100 % complete on Tue Oct 27 21:42:01 2009 GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.

This command is Volume resripe command for New NSD.

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p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmdf TEAM02_AIX disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments --------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- ------------------- Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 281 GB) gpfs1nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 29172480 ( 56%) 10984 ( 0%) gpfs2nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 29171200 ( 56%) 12704 ( 0%) gpfs3nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 29164544 ( 56%) 15296 ( 0%) gpfs4nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 29163008 ( 56%) 15352 ( 0%) gpfs5nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 29160960 ( 56%) 10720 ( 0%) gpfs9nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 29792256 ( 57%) 6592 ( 0%) ------------- -------------------- ------------------- (pool total) 314572800 175624448 ( 56%) 71648 ( 0%) ============= ==================== =================== (total) 314572800 175624448 ( 56%) 71648 ( 0%) Inode Information ----------------- Number of used inodes: 4096 Number of free inodes: 254464 Number of allocated inodes: 258560 Maximum number of inodes: 258560 p1:/tmp/gpfs#>

Remove NSD For remove gpfs1nsd, you must set to suspend for blocking disk IO. This command is mmchdisk.

Ex) command : mmchdisk TEAM02_AIX suspend –d gpfs1nsd Suspend option is change read only on assigned NSD. After check change suspend mode on NSD, use restripe command with –r option.

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmchdisk TEAM02_AIX suspend -d gpfs1nsd

Set to suspend NSD

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsdisk TEAM02_AIX disk driver sector failure holds holds storage name type size group metadata data status availability pool ------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------ gpfs1nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes suspended up system gpfs2nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs3nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs4nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs5nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs9nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system GPFS: 6027-741 Attention: Due to an earlier configuration change the file system may contain data that is at risk of being lost. p1:/tmp/gpfs#>

Check applied option

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmrestripefs TEAM02_AIX -r GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.

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GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ... 99 % complete on Tue Oct 27 21:49:23 2009 100 % complete on Tue Oct 27 22:01:31 2009 GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.

Rebalance NSD Volume. This command is move data on nsd to other nsd from suspended NSD.

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmchdisk TEAM02_AIX stop -d gpfs1nsd p1:/tmp/gpfs#>

Stop NSD Service

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsdisk TEAM02_AIX disk driver sector failure holds holds storage name type size group metadata data status availability pool ------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------ gpfs1nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes suspended down system gpfs2nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs3nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs4nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs5nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs9nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system GPFS: 6027-739 Attention: Due to an earlier configuration change the file system is no longer properly balanced.

Check Shutdown gpfs1nsd p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmdf TEAM02_AIX disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments --------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- ------------------- Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 281 GB) gpfs1nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 52359936 (100%) 248 ( 0%) gpfs2nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 24581376 ( 47%) 15920 ( 0%) gpfs3nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 24487168 ( 47%) 16696 ( 0%) gpfs4nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 24495104 ( 47%) 17984 ( 0%) gpfs5nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 24557824 ( 47%) 14816 ( 0%) gpfs9nsd 52428800 1 yes yes 25102592 ( 48%) 11360 ( 0%) ------------- -------------------- ------------------- (pool total) 262144000 123224064 ( 47%) 76776 ( 0%) ============= ==================== =================== (total) 262144000 123224064 ( 47%) 76776 ( 0%) Inode Information ----------------- Number of used inodes: 4096 Number of free inodes: 254464 Number of allocated inodes: 258560 Maximum number of inodes: 258560

Check File System status

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmdeldisk TEAM02_AIX gpfs1nsd Deleting disks ... Scanning system storage pool GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ... GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.

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GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ... 100 % complete on Tue Oct 27 22:08:19 2009 GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully. GPFS: 6027-379 Could not invalidate disk(s). Checking Allocation Map for storage pool 'system' GPFS: 6027-370 tsdeldisk64 completed. mmdeldisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

Remove NSD Disk

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>mmlsdisk TEAM02_AIX disk driver sector failure holds holds storage name type size group metadata data status availability pool ------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------ gpfs2nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs3nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs4nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs5nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system gpfs9nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system GPFS: 6027-739 Attention: Due to an earlier configuration change the file system is no longer properly balanced.

Check NSD Configuration

p1:/tmp/gpfs#>dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hdisk1 bs=1024k count=100 p1:/tmp/gpfs#>rmdev -rdl hdisk1 p1:/tmp/gpfs#>cfgmgr

If you reuse this device for NSD, must delete first block area on device. Usually, GPFS daemon writes nsd information on first disk area.

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18. Cross over GPFS Mount

This senario is 2 gpfs cluster will cross mount each own volume.

- AIX 2 Node Cluster Nodes c1, c2

- Linux 2 Node Cluster Nodes c3, c4

- Windows 1 Node Client Node c5 GPFS cluster information ======================== GPFS cluster name: team03-aix.c1 GPFS cluster id: 13358913210395628267 GPFS UID domain: team03-aix.c1 Remote shell command: /usr/bin/ssh Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/scp GPFS cluster configuration servers: ----------------------------------- Primary server: c1 Secondary server: c2 Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 c1 c1 quorum-manager

2 c2 c2 quorum-manager 5 c5 c5

File system Disk name NSD servers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- team3-aix team3_aix_nsd1 c1,c2 team3-aix team3_aix_nsd2 c1,c2 team3-aix team3_aix_nsd3 c1,c2 team3-aix team3_aix_nsd4 c1,c2 team3-aix team3_aix_tb1 (directly attached) team3-aix team3_aix_tb2 (directly attached) team3-aix team3_aix_tb3 (directly attached) team3-aix2 team3_aix2_nsd1 c1,c2 team3-aix2 team3_aix2_nsd2 c1,c2 team3-aix2 team3_aix2_nsd3 c1,c2 This volume will use cross mount Cluster 1 Configuration GPFS cluster information ======================== GPFS cluster name: team3_l.c3 GPFS cluster id: 13358913218985615388 GPFS UID domain: team3_l.c3 Remote shell command: /usr/bin/ssh Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/scp

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GPFS cluster configuration servers: ----------------------------------- Primary server: c3 Secondary server: c4 Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 c3 c3 quorum-manager 2 c4 c4 quorum-manager File system Disk name NSD servers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- team3-lix team3_lix_nsd1 c3,c4 team3-lix team3_lix_nsd2 c3,c4 team3-lix team3_lix_nsd3 c3,c4 This volume will use cross mount Cluster 2 Configuration

Generate Security Key on Cluster 1

Generate Security Key on Cluster 2

Copy Security Key to Cluster 1(AIX) from Cluster 2(Linux)

Copy Security Key to Cluster 2(Linux) from Cluster 1(AIX)

Add rsa key on each node. TIPS) mmauth add [Dest Cluster] –k 1 [rsa key file dest]

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Check status authrization information each node on AIX Cluster

Check status authrization information each node on Linux Cluster

C1:/ mmshutdown -a

AIX GPFS Cluster Shutdown

[root@c3 ] mmshutdown -a

Linux GPFS Cluster Shutdown

Change GPFS Cluster Configuration

Assign Grant Access Authority each Cluster TIP) mmauth grant [Dest Cluster Name] –f [Local GPFS Block Device] –a rw[read& write]

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Add Remote Cluster on each cluster. TIPS) mmremotecluster add [Dest Cluster Name] –n [Dest Cluster Node Name] –k [rsa key file]

Add File System TIPS) Mmremotefs add [Dest Cluster FS Device] –f [Local Device Name] –T [Mount Point] –A no –C [Remote Cluster Name]

Check Property Remote Cluster

Check Remote GPFS Volume

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19. Failure group and GPFS Replication

Do you want to use replication on GPFS? Then makes file system, Ready NSD Configuration for replication of file system. This algorithem is write block IO based on NSD failure group. # hdisk1:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:1:team3_aix_nsd1 team3_aix_nsd1:::dataAndMetadata:1::

# hdisk2:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:1:team3_aix_nsd2 team3_aix_nsd2:::dataAndMetadata:1::

# hdisk3:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:1:team3_aix_nsd3 team3_aix_nsd3:::dataAndMetadata:1::

# hdisk4:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:2:team3_aix_nsd4 team3_aix_nsd4:::dataAndMetadata:2::

# hdisk5:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:2:team3_aix_nsd5 team3_aix_nsd5:::dataAndMetadata:2::

# hdisk6:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:2:team3_aix_nsd6 team3_aix_nsd6:::dataAndMetadata:2::

# hdisk7:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:3:team3_aix_nsd7 team3_aix_nsd7:::dataAndMetadata:3::

# hdisk8:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:3:team3_aix_nsd8 team3_aix_nsd8:::dataAndMetadata:3::

# hdisk9:c1:c2:dataAndMetadata:3:team3_aix_nsd9 team3_aix_nsd9:::dataAndMetadata:3::

This is configuration for NSD Replication. Make a file system, and then copy a single file, that size 7GB. This file system use 14GB (450 – 14 = 436), why is write 2 times.

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Check current NSD configuration and disk usage Remove second failure group Check Remove Status

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Do not use rebalance command, it is just add new NSD, then changed failure group information of File system. For configure replication, minimum configuration is 3 set of storage box or 2 set of storage box with disk discriptor function, what is similar tiebreaker option.

Consideration Failover time on GPFS Cluster when is IO Service. HBA Driver option such as timeout value or failure recognition time Multipath driver option and configuration such as RDAC or MPIO Storage Cache Policy must be disable for Volume Integrity. Cableing Design with SAN Switch and AVT Funcition with Storage Box. All of the component driver module must be latest.

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20. End of This bp residency

Education System

Maybe next time of GPFS residency program topic will be GPFS/ILM Solution with IBM Tivoli Product. This diagram is integrated GPFS/TSM Architecture.

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IBM Systems Enterprise Architecture – GPFS Solution


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