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Page 1: 04-22-1982

ope college

olland, michigan VOLUME 94-ISSUE 23 APRIL 22,1982

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Bandfest Bombs

State Nursing Board Approves

Hope-Calvin Program The Michigan Board of Nursing has

given initial approval for establishment by Hope College in Holland and Calvin College in Grand Rapids of a shared bac-calaureate degree program in nursing beginning next fall.

The initial approval was awarded by the state agency late Wednesday after-noon (April 14) during a meeting in Lans-ing.

Upon completion of the four-year cur-riculum at either Hope or Calvin, a stu-dent will receive the Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BSN ).

''While baccalaureate nursing pro-grams in liberal arts colleges such as Hope and Calvin are commonplace, a single program involving two institutions i& not," notes Dr. Cynthia Kielinen, chairperson of the nursing department.

"In general, cooperation between col-leges and universities has been hampered by the feeling that it necessitated com-promise. But this program is unique in that there is mutual decision-making, a joint budget and a shared faculty. By

avoiding duplication, we will offer a quality program in a cost-effective man-ner which responds to a national need for more nurses with a baccalaureate degree."

Clinical education centers will be located at Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids and Holland Community Hospital, as well as at other west Michigan health-care providers. 44A major goal of these relationships will be to ensure quality baccalaureate nursing education and at the same time bridge the gap that fre-quently exists between nursing practice and nursing education," said Kielinen.

The new program responds to an ex-pressed strong interest in nursing by cur-rent and prospective students at both schools. Each college has traditionally emphasized the "helping professions" through their academic programs and philisophies.

The department plans to admit 50 students beginning next fall. Thereafter, 70 students will be admitted annually.

by Timothy Shaffer "Who says Holland doesn't rock?" ask-

ed posters across the Hope campus last week. Perhaps a better question to ask in light of the response to last Friday's "Bandfest '82" might be, "who says Holland does rock?" The answer: about 200 people-all that showed up for the SAC sponsored concert.

According to Dick Donohue, SAC Ac-tivities Coordinator and Technical direc-tor for "Bandfest '82", the failure of this year's concert may signal the demise of the major concert as a part of SAC's pro-gram. "The chances (of another concert next year) are pretty slim," he told the anchor in an interview Monday.

Donohue cited many problems with having a concert sponsored by the Hope College Student Activites Committee. First, said Donohue, the size of the Civic Center limits the variety of performers that can be considered. "If we could seat 10,000 people, we could have brought the . Police," he said. The Civic Center holds only about 3,000. Donohue said that the possibility of an outdoor concert was con-sidered, but the city's refusal to allow use of the municipal stadium for the concert because of fear that it would destroy the turf, coupled with a city ordinance that prohibits amplified music outdoors after 10 p.m., nixed that idea.

Donohue said that plans for a major concert began last fall with question-naires that attempted to determine stu-dent's musical tastes and concert in-terest. After tastes were determined, SAC looked into the possibilities of getting "hundreds" of different performers. The student poll had shown that groups like Hall and Gates, Cheap Trick, and AC-DC were most popular. SAC then tried to see if they could get any of the top ten bands in the poll. They could not.

Donohue said that when it became ap-

parent that none of the top bands could be booked, SAC made the decision not to sponsor a "major" concert; "We felt that if we couldn't get the bands that people wanted, that we shouldn't do the concert at all." Donohue also said that when it was determined that SAC would not do a major concert, a community hour was held at which students could come and have a voice in what would be done with the money allocated for the concert, but only one student showed up.

Another major factor contributing to the failure of "Bandfest '82", according to Donohue, was time. The decision to go ahead with the concert wasn't made until after students returned from spring break, allowing only about three weeks for organizing and publicizing the event. Donohue said that a general rule in con-certs of this sort is five to six weeks for preparation. To compensate for the short amount of planning time, SAC spent $2,000 on advertising, with a major por-tion of that going to radio WLAV for advertising and the use of its logo.

SAC also learned the fallacies of polls in its concert flop. Donohue said that SAC decided to bring in rock bands because of the response to earlier polls. "We tried to cater to people who listen to WLAV because we thought that that was the sta-tion most people listened to," said Donohue, "but a poll we conducted after we decided to do Bandfest '82 showed that only about a third of Hope's students listen to it (WLAV) and that most students listen to WGRD or WJFM."

Even though the turnout was poor, Donohue said that the entertainment was good and that those in attendance enjoyed the show. But when asked whether or not SAC would sponsor a similar event next year, Donohue said with a sigh, "I hope not."

German Comedies Coming

Doyle Gets Catalyst Award Michael P. Doyle, professor of

chemistry at Hope College, has been selected one of six recipients of this year's prestigious national chemistry teacher catalyst award by the Chemical M a n u f a c t u r e r s A s s o c i a t i o n in Washington, D.C.

"Professor Doyle joins a distinguished group of chemical educators... People in the academe and industry value the recognition given by the CMA Award. The teaching excellence and contributions to chemical education made at Hope College through educators of the caliber of Prof. Doyle are well known," said CMA presi-dent Robert A. Roland, who announced the award today (April 15). Doyle will be

presented the CMA award at the college's honors convocation on April 29.

This year marks the beginning of the second quarter century of the awards pro-gram. Five other national winners have been selected from universities, four-year colleges, two-year colleges and high schools throughout the country.

Each winner receives a medal, citation and $1,500 cash prize.

Teachers are cited for^their ability to instill in students a continuing desire for science education. The latest recipients bring to 136 the number of teachers honored nationally since the program was established in 1957.

(continued on p. 10)

Professor Strand's Advanced German Conversation class will be performing two one-act German comedies. The two comedies, directed by Dan Doornbos, will be performed in the DeWitt Cultural Center basement theater on Monday the 26th at 7:30 p.m. for the Hope Communi-ty, and on Tuesday the 27th at 1:00 p.m. for area high school german students.

The first play, "Der Gast hat immer Recht" (The Guest is always right) is about a young American couple in Ger-many. The husband insists ttKY sreahfln-

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ly German, even that a penalty be impos-ed for every English word-but the American couple keeps misusing German words and expressions and completely confuses everyone.

The second play, "Der Hund im Hirn" (Dog on the Mind) is about a cunning pro-fessor who makes a fool of his young wife's ardent admirer by tricking him in-to believing the dog he was bitten by has rabies.

The two plays can be enjoyed even if you do not understand German.


Eight, p. 6-7

10 p.m. • SAC Him: "Hair," $1.50; DeWitt Theatr«. uvs JJU

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e Knickerbocker Fraternity held Its annual bottle and can collection on the slU f the old Knick house. Proceeds are going to Muscular Dystropy. {photo by Ton

Review of the News

Peace Piece To the Editor:

Perhaps you've seen a peace button or two circulating around the Kletz or on campus. People wondering why I wear one have confronted me with questions ranging from "are you a sixties throwback, . . . a hippie?" to "are you antl-nuke?" My usual response is that my peace button symbolizes a dream that was popularized during the sixties and has yet to be achieved and In a large sense progressed upon. Thinking about this, I've come up with several ideas.

What is peace? If we read anything, from the N Y. Times to letters in the anchor, it Is possible to come across several vehemently supported positions in answer to this question. Ban the Bomb! Limit the Arms Race, not the Human Race! El Salvador, the Second Vietnam! These are all movements that are con-sidered "peace" movements. In each of these movements, "peace" as a whole has been bastardized. If arms are reduc-ed, then peace will result. The focus is narrow. TTie problem is not really attack-ed.

In addition to this tunnel vision view of peace is a great deal of bad press sur-rounding these movements. Here the pro-paganda (Information, if you wish) that is distributed on all sides of an issue is often generalized and over simplified. These tendencies, coupled with onesided in-formation, create a simple picture, an in-a( curate one, of one of the most complex problems facing manklng. An example of this type of writing can be seen in Dan Kutt's article on "Ground Zero Week" (Anchor, April 15,1982ed.). Hjs generalizations make the U.S.

govu nment look like a bunch of neurotic nukers itching for war. (Too much generalizing?!) I seriously doubt that when V P. Bush says "You have a sur-vivability of command control, sur-vivability of industrial potential, protec-tion of a percentage of your citizens . . . " that he is advocating nuclear war. What is evidenced is that there is, in the minds of our elected government, a recognition

of a threat to the U.S. that has enormous ramifications; none of them very good. In realizing there is a threat, it is an indica-tion of a problem that lies deeper than Just nuclear weapons build-up. Ending his ar t i c l e Rutt d i s p l a y s another characteristic of activists of his stripe. He states "With friends like this who needs the Russians?" This type of rhetoric in-dicates a lack of willingness to com-promise. Any attempt to understand another position is lost. This is especially distressing when it comes in reference to people who are supposed to be guarding our interests.

Peace is much more than marching, writing articles, or wearing a button. Peace is people working and living together in understanding. In order to live this way, we must be willing to establish working relationships on this basis. This work begins here at home - problems of racism, poverty and hatred affect all of us. From our home, our campus, our town this idea must be perpetuated until it grows to incorporate the world. This in-volves relationships with neighbors, elected leaders and people of other na-tions. We must gather information from all the sides of an issue. This begins the process towards understanding someone else's point of view. Peace is people -that's the goal we wish to preserve. In other words, let's treat the disease (misunderstanding with no chance of compromise), not the symptoms (such as military build-up, the draft, and nuclear power, etc.).

This type of understanding takes a lot of work, but when you look at the alter-native, I think it's worth it. These "peace" movements are important, however it is Important to not lose sight of peace in a complete sense. The issue of peace is highly complex. It all begins with us and how well we understand our neighbor.

Sincerely your, Fred Ward

Argentine President Leopoldo Gal tier! telephoned President Reagan, stressing that his nation desires a peaceful solution to the Falkland Islands crisis. Sec. of State Halg has been In the limelight as he shuttles back and forth from London, Buenos Aires, and Washington. Neither side is willing to back down at this point.

With the April 25 deadline for Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula nearing, problems still remain. Jewish extremists, many of whom are believed to be Americans, refuse to leave. Egypt, however, agreed to remove some of its troops in the region and to discuss ways to halt FLO arms movements through the Sinai, two points that the Israelis insisted on before completion of their withdrawal.

Quebec Premiere Rene Levaaque led a march in Montreal calling for that Pro-vince^ separation from Canada. At the same time, Queen Elizabeth was in Ot-tawa formally proclaiming the new na-tional constitution. "This marks the first chapter in our new history," Levasque

claimed as he kicked off what should be an Increased effort towards separation.

Labor and managemer.l came together as American Motors Corp. and the United Auto Workers agreed to a new contract. Workers gave up $115 million worth of concessions for an interest-bearing "part-nership" designed to assure workers of a future with the company. Meanwhile, workers at Chrysler are eyeing their first cost-of-living increase in 19 months when their contract expires in September. Chrysler will want to stall the pay raises still more, in hopes of reaching the black by the end of next year.

A fire at a nuclear power station at Surry, Virginia released no "ap-preciable" amounts of radiation, ac-cording to a Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion spokesman. Officials said that the smoke that carried low levels of radiation into the atmosphere and the water con-taminated in extinguishing the fire that ran into the James River did not pose any danger to the public.


Students Enjoy Trip by Mkhele Parker Twenty Hope students traveled to the

"windy" city known as Chicago last Thursday for a day of learning as well as sightseeing.

The Business Club sponsored the trip which Included tours of the Chicago Mer-chantlle Exchange and the Chicago Tribune. The Chicago Merchantile Ex-change, which was founded in 1919 presently, accounts for one-fourth of all U.S. futures trading. The Exchange con-sists of trading in livestock futures (feeder cattle, live cattle, live hogs, pork bellies, broiler chickens, russet potatoes, shell eggs) and in financial futures (foreign currencies, gold, U.S. Treasury bills. U.S. Treasury notes and domestic certificates of deposit), two of the in-dustry's most active areas. While some students were expecting to see an actual auction of livestock, the trading on the world's largest trading floor consisted of a mass of buyers and sellers who can buy

and sell as much as 10 million dollars worth of goods within a matter of seconds, without even signing a contract.

"It was like a circus or a zoo as seen through the observatory deck. People get up at eight in the morning and yell and scream all day. It was very chaotic," said Julie Vandy Bogurt, an Economics ma-jor.

Next, the group walked a distance of about 17 blocks north into the city to the Chicago Tribune, one of the largest metropolitan newspapers in the world. The tour led the group into the newsroom where the procedures of the writing, typ-ing and photo editing were explained, which led them right into the production area where the paper is actually pasted together. The last area observed was the printing area, where the presses are con-stantly in use.

The rest of the day was free for everyone to shop and sightsee as well as enjoy the excitement in the fast paced ci-ty of Chicago.

Sculptors Present Lecture Two artists whose sculptures are in- Presenting the lecture will be Frank

eluded in the American Eight exhibition McGuire, who is exhibiting a painted currently on campus will present a public steel piece entitled "Bus Stop 11" and lecture Friday, April 23 at 3:30 p.m. in Lyman Kipp, who has a painted steel Winants Auditorium in Graves Hall. work entitled "Hugo."

Pre-AAeds Hold Road Race by Jeff Crumbaugh Despite the chilly weather. 115 runners

from all over western Michigan competed in the A.E.D. Spring Contention 10 kilometer road race held at Hope last Saturday morning. William Maat of Holland covered the course in 35:00 to capture first place in the first annual event. Heidi Winters of Hope College was the first female finisher with a time of 43:25. Wind and rain slowed the runners slightly, especially along Lake Macatawa between the first and second miles of the

course. There was much enthusiasm among all the finishers as they drank gatorade and talked after the race. Other Hope students running include Russel Garnett, 12th in 38:49, John Ratmeyer, 24th in 40:49, Randy Warren, 35th in 43:15, Greg Hondorp, 40th in 43:45, Kim Brown, 49th in 44:16, Rick Dernberger, 68th in 49:39, and Bruce Tanis and Marsha Moores won the male-female team category, followed by the team of Jeff Bradley and Rebecca Reld. The race was sponsored by Alpha Epsllon Delta, Hope's honorary pre-med society.


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The brass quintet enjoys a little outdoor exposure, (photo bv Tom Wagner)

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Chrlstianity and Pagan Culture, this year's midwest regional conference of the Conference on Christianity and Literature, will be held on Hope's Cam-pus today through Saturday.

Keynote speakers Include Barbara Reynolds, distinguished visiting pro-fessor of English (speaking on "Virgil and Dante"); David Jefrey, University of Ottawa, Canada ("Virgil and the Heaven-ly Kingdom"); Hope alumnus J. Coert Rylaarsdam, emeritus, University of Chicago ("Ba'al and Adonal"); and Leslie J. Workman, editor, Studies in Medievalism ("Pagan Classicism and Christian Medievalism").

In addition, eighteen sessions are scheduled, covering the Interchange bet-ween Christianity and paganism (In the broadest sense of the word) from the classical period to the present.

The English department expects scholars from across the United States, Canada, and Japan. Students are Invited to take advantage of this gathering, and are free to attend any of the sessions.

. %

2. Religious Tensions in American Literature - Chapel 16

Jerome in Colonial New England: Ed-ward Taylor's Attitude Toward Pagan Literature.

For Largest Woman's Heart: Religious Tensions in Emily Dickenson's Fascicle 28.

Awareness of Light: Jewish-Christian Thought in Roth's "Conversion of the Jews."

4:00-5; 30 - 3.Patrlstlcs: What Hath Athens To Do With Jerusalem? - Chapel 10

The Creation Myth: Two Approaches to Symbol in the Patristic Age.

Ascent in Plotinus and St. Augustine. The Early Christian Critique of Greek


4.Th€ Rise of Secularism In the Eigh-teenth Century - chapel 14

Cowper's Task in the Light of Virgil's Georgics.

Henry Fielding and the Secularization of the Sermon.

Joseph Addison: A Moral Voice in a Secular Age.

5.Christianity and Secularism In Modern Literature I: The Artist In the Twentieth Century - chapel 16

The Fabulous 'Song' of Edwin Muir. Yeats, Eliot, and the Christian Tradi-

tion. The Artist as Magician: Yeat, Joyce,

and Tolkien.

7. Victorian Literature and the Crisis of Faith I: Poetry - chapel 14

Victorian Trail Poems. A Coalescence of Light: The Religious

Thought of Robert Browning, 1850-1855. Conformity and Conflict In Mari


8.Christianity, Paganism, And The Im-agination: Problems of the 20th-century Reader - chapel 16

Insidious Grace: Secularity and Con-temporary American Fiction.

Christian Writers and Pagan Readers: The Poverty of the Secular Imagination.

9.Dante and Paganism - chapel 14 Dante and the Virtuous Pagans. A Pagan Paradise: Dante's Use of the

Trajan Legend.

10.Mythology And The Renaissance Tradition I: Spenser and Shakespeare -chapel 16

Classical Vision and Christian Revela-tion: Spenser's Use of Mythology in Books I and II of the Fairie Queene.

The Relationship Between Biblical and Pagan Element in Shakespeare's As You Like It.

Princes to Act: Classic Aeneas, Chris-tian Hal.

Barbara Reynolds THURSDAY, APRIL 22

12:45-1:45 • Plenary Session I • Durfee C a f e t e r i a

Ba'al and Adonal

2:00-3:30 - 1.Classicism and Biblical Literature - Chapel 14

The Tragic Vision in Mark's Gospel: A Comparison of Oedipus the King and The Gospel of Mark.

Narrative Technique in the Aeneid and Luke-Acts.

7:30-8:30 • Plenary Session II Auditorium

Virgil and the Heavenly Kingdom.


9:00-10:00 - Plenary Session III - Wlchers Auditorium

Pagan Classicism and Christian Medievalism.

10:30-12:00 - 6.Christianity and Modern Literature II: Continental Literature -chapel 12

The Word as Would-Be Logos In Jean-Paul Sartre's Les Mots.

Mann's Doctor Faustus: A Secular Christ.

The Federal Republic of Germany and the Challenge of Radical Christianity: Lulse Rinser and the Nation's Conscience.

3:30-5:00 - 11.Christianity And Classicism In European Fiction; City And Kingdom -chapel 12

Camus and the City of Man. The City Of Troy And The Kingdom Of

Winants God In "The Brothers Karamazov.

12. Mythology And The Renaissance Tradition II : Eros And Chastity - Chapel 14

Spenser's Faerie Queene and the Patristic Concept of Chastity.

The Iconology of Titian's Neoplatonic 'Sacred and Profane Love.'

'A Natural! Paradise': Donne, Ovidian Sexuality, and the Language of Christian Revelation.

13.Pagan Culture And Its Significance For The Inklings - chapel 16

The Light that Grows Ever Brighter: Lewis and Tolkien on Classical Myths.

C.S. Lewis and the Fox: Pagan Epistemology in a Christian World.

7:00-8:00 - Plenary Session IV - Wlchers Auditorium.

Virgil and Dante 8:00-9:00 - Poet^s Corner - DeWitt Alley


9:00-10:30 - 14.Mythology And The 2 Renaissance Tradition III: Milton - ^ chapel 12 ^

Milton's Bout with the Classics. Not Less But More Heroic: An Inter-

Textual Reading of Virgil's Aeneid and Milton's Paradise Lost.

Milton and the Muses.

15. Victorian Literature And The Crisis of Faith II: Prose - chapel 14

The Sceptical Faith of Thomas Carlyle's Natural Supematurallsm.

Victorian Conversion And Deconver-sion: A Spiritual Palimpsest.

G.K. Chesterton, The Disreputable Victorian.

11:00-12:30 - 16.Christianity and Native American Culture - chapel 12

The European Aeneid: The Legend of Noah.

Seven Arrows: a Religious Dialectic in Red and White.

Rudy Wlebe's 'Big Bear': Warrior Chief as Christlike Pagan.

17. The Modern Rediscovery of Myth -chapel 14

George MacDonald's Lilith: A Hebrew Myth Baptized.

'On the Mountainside': Elizabeth Madox Roberts' Odyssey of Conversion.

The Mysteries of Eleusis at Howards End.

18. Christianity And Secularism In Modern Literature III: Contemporary Fiction-Chapel 16

Interpreting Walker Percy's "The Se-cond Coming": A Sentimental Parabolic Eschatohgical Message-In-A -Bottle For Modem Castaways, Or A Work of Art?

Christianity and Secularism In the Later Fiction of Margaret Drabble.

Christianity and Secularism In Patrick White's Fiction.


- ,

THURSDAY, APRIL 22 3:30 p.m. • Lettor-Rosumo Writing

Workshop; the Alley. 8 p.m. • Opu» Forum XI: Snow


7:30 and 10 p.m. - SAC film: "Hair," $1.50; Winants Aud.

8 p.m. • Hope College Concert Band Concert with. Armando Ghitalla, trumpeter and the College Chorus; Dimnent Chapel.

8 p.m. • Theatre production: "Under Milk Wood," $2 for Hope students, $4 general admission; DeWitt Theatre.

12:15 (midnight) • SAC film:'"Hair," $1.00; Winants Aud. SATURDAY, APmL24

7:30 p.m. • SAC film:- "Robin Hood," $1.00; Winants Aud.

8 p.m. • SAC presents "A Night With Jeff KrehbieT; Carnegie.

10 p.m. • SAC film: "Hair," $1.50;

Winants Aud. SUNDAY. APRIL 25

8:30 p.m. • Hope Cpllege Chapel Choir Concert; Dimnent Chapel. MONDAY, APRIL 26

3:30 p.m. - Career Planning Workshop; the Alley. TUESDAY, APRIL27

6:30 p.m. - Interviewing Skills Workshop; the Alley.

8 p.m. • Hope College Orchestra and Symphonette Concert, featuring winners of the concerto contest; Dimnent Chapel. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28

8 p.m. - Theatre productlont "Under Milk Wood/' $2 for Hope students, $4 general admission; DeWitt Theatre. THURSDAY. APRIL 29

8 p.m. • Theatre production: "Under Milk Wood/' $2 for Hope students. $4 general admission; DeWitt Theatre.


9 3 4 So. Washington, Holland, 392-1818


Starting at 4:30p.m. Until Closing

Wet Burritos.. 2 .95 reg 3 75 1/2 Wet Burritos 1 .95 reg 2 75

Taco Dinner.. 2 .45 reg. 2 95 Enchilada Dinner 2 .45 reg. 2.95

Single Taco 9 5 reg. 1.25 Single Tostada 9 5 reg. 1 60

Now Under New

fiLLAGS r / / M a n a g e m e n t


Page 4: 04-22-1982

I Editorial

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Concerning Campus Government

With today's election of next year's Student Congress officers, it's time to bring up a few concerns about the way Hope students are represented in our campus government system.

Last fall, there was a shortage of candidates for Student Con-^ gress representatives, so everyone who turned in a petition with 25 g student signatures was elected. It is certainly encouraging to see w more interest for today's election, with two or three candidates for

every position. Hopefully, this will promote more student Interest in the elections and a high voter turnout.

This has to go down as a disappointing year for Student Con-gress. A book exchange was attempted and a late night study area initiated, but very litUe else was accomplished that amounted to anything. On the negative side, we saw a disturbing allocation of over $6,000 for the Carnegie renovation and the pigeon-holing of a media salary proposal, about which Student Congress has yet to make a decision.

This can only make one wonder how responsive Student Con-gress was to student concerns. The apathy seemed to affect the members themselves; Student Congress came close to missing quorum requirements at many of their meetings this semester.

Many of these problems are with structure rather than specific individuals. Emphasis seems to be on representation of dorms, and since more Juniors and seniors are moving off campus up perclassmen are under-represented. This is especially evident this year, when only a handful of Student Congress members had served before. It is also disappointing to have to make a decision on office can-didates based only on who has the cutest flyer. We can see names in big letters, a few past experiences, and even a slogan that com-munication is one candidate's theme. Another slogan appears in this week s classifieds. Unless we know some of these candidates personally, however, we have no idea what kind of officers any of these people will make. Experiences and slogans sound nice but they do not tell us what these candidates will do if elected. These elections really are little more than a random drawing, with our $30 activity fee and the quality of our student government at stake.

We hope our soon-to-be-elected Student Congress officers will consider these concerns during their terms of office. More equitable representation of upperclassmen and more constructive election campaigns could improve the quality of Student Con-gress, and would make a good first step as a new school year begins.

Last Words About Pledging?

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Picasso Would Hove Cringed ^Editor: * - ,

i , led me to produce very little art work as

the senior arfrnainp f ' 0 f l a t e - 1 h a v e e v e n ^ approached by reauired to h^vp I hmm 0 n e o f m y P™*6880™ w l t h the question: S TO™ 5 ™ ? ^ 0J " D o y™ w a n t to be an art major the i r l^ fourvmt*af i i ^ T anymore?" While Interning with profes-tneiriaBtfoiu'yearsatBopelnBiKhavvay sional artists in Philadelohla last that all those who appreciate art (fellow semester my drive was great and so was artiste stiidents, faculty or townspeople) the amount, and quality, of art I produc-

? 3 C e 1 0 e n J o y 11 11118 i s 311 ed Now it has dwindled excellent opportunity for people to see a great injustice has been done to the what has gone on at Rusk for the past few art majors at Hope in the past few years

a t l i n e w h e . n °"r Perhaps it's because we were too small a society Is becoming more open minded group to worry about Or becausp wp about art and taking a sincere interest in didn't voice our opinions. Either way the

? e n 1 was a sophomore I took my first

f 1 6 e n l 0 y m e n ! ^ P001 fch168 a n t l Ping-pong tables lost ana inspiration I got from several They always say that cultural and recrea-sulpture and painting exhibits by students tlonal thinog are the first to en whpn

s n s T z r r r ™ s - - s u t b e m f l . ? * y r, . 0 n c e a l o s t V a n Raalte to fire could the ad-d S L d l nnw y m i n i s t r a « v e offices have relocated in the

minjstrative offices. What once gave me J e S l S f a l o r " " " the only inspiration to become the art ma- Next year the new DpPfpp Art r^nt ^ r that 1 am now has vanished, I dream- and G a ^ ^11 o ^ O n c e a g ^ S

S , t - S Se^7ainofa0.:a!5fe? A , t ? r s t u d e n t s get the respe^Uhey deserve^

to "those L ^ o / l t T S a t T ^ l " desttaation i sn . s U e dusty attic c o r n ^ " S S r

To the Editor: Once again it seems to be the Greeks'

turn to fire with further arguments and answers in order to keep this war about a more construcUve or objecUve pledging going. Instead, I want to propose a peace treaty between both sides, because I think that this could be an endless discussion that will lead to no concrete solution anyway.

It is interesting and surprising to me that all criticism and ideas of improve-ment are brought be independents. Please consider this as a fact and not as an attempt to Insult or lower the majority of Hope's students. Furthermore, I believe that good criticism requires cer-tain knowledge about the subject to make It productive. In short, I don't think in-dependents should criticize pledging if they hardly know what's going on and why.

Some of you might have considered the possibility of joining a fraternity but felt uncomfortable with the idea of having to go through pledging. You might have also

wondered whether becoming an active is worth the time you spent and the effort you make during pledging. If that is the care, please take the time to talk to one or more actives. This would probably answer at least some basic questions and maybe give you a better general impres-sion. Remember that pledging consists of many events in an attempt to attain various goals, which can only be reached through the secrecy of their purpose, even for the pledge class during those events.

What makes me wonder is that if you haven't even considered the alternative of Joining a fraternity or ''never needed to be in one," why do you worry so much about4 'improving pledging?''

I myself and almost all of the people I asked considered pledging as such an ex-perience worth to go through. Every pledge knows by the first day how hard pledging will be . . . going through it is their own decision.

Carl Bomhorst

it had to. There the work which art students labored and sweated over were subject to theft (which happened) and destruction (which also happened) due to the fact that guards did not protect this area, unlike the DeWitt Gallery. What kind of inspiration is that for future ar-tists? Very little. And where did all those shows from outside artists go? Somewhere where they could get some respect I suppose. Now there is another place which pretends to be a gallery: the DeWitt basement. Dozens of paintings are presently jammed in a single corridor so close to each other that they resemble cars in a used car lot. These paintings are also unguarded "at no risk to the col lege."

Now for the senior shows. They are be-ing held in Van Zoeren this year. Three artists each week for the next three weeks will attempt to Jam four years of work in-to the very limited, poorly lighted, and unguarded wall and floor space there I suspect each student will be able to hang four pieces on the wall! And that's "only if the already existing nails coincide with where you want to hang you work." Is this any king of Inspiration for future artists? Is this any kind of respect for present ar-tists? No. Today's art majors are In lim-bo. This feeling has reduced my drive and

Publkh«d w«*kly S«pt*mb#r through April •xc#pt during •xam periods and coll«g« voca-tion and holiday poHodt, 24 i t tuot por yoar, by and for tho ttudonti of Hopo Collogo, Holland, Michigan, undor tho authority of tho Studont Communicationi Modia Committoo. Portia! funding from tho ttudont activity foo through Studont Cong row. Subscription prico: W pof yoar. Mombor, Attociatod Collogiato Prow. Offico located on lowor lovol of tho DoWitt Studont Contor, Tolophono 394 6577. Tbo opinions on this pago aro not nocossarily thoso of tho studont body, faculty, or ad-ministration of Hopo Collogo.

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Page 5: 04-22-1982

{. I fc\ '


V. *•1 i t .


0 w 01

F acuity F orum— Government Involvement 1

What's To Be Done?

Our Final Days by Robert Elder Let us look at the free market model. It

Is essentially based on three assump-tions: 1) A situation, or more realistically a set of simultaneous situations, where discrete individuals enter into contracts based on mutual self-interest. 2) Choice is free. Self-interest is a dominant motive. Reason is the way self-interest cbmes to be perceived and acted on. 3) Govern-ment is seen as an entity primarily con-cerned that such contracts when entered into should be honored. ,

The result of minimal government in-volvement and untrammled, rationally self-interested choice will be that a ma-jority will get what they really wanted and agreed to receive. The best producers of what this majority wants will get the most contracts (most profit). By allowing high quality workmanship at the most ef-ficient price to triumph in a struggle for sales the market is doing with limited government intervention what is in the best interest of the majority of discrete individuals and society.

There exist, however, fallacies and in-tervening variables which necessitate a more sympathetic attitude toward government Involvement. What follows is a listing and brief discussion of such con-cerns.

One is the assumption of rationality in the human decision-making process. It is essential to make a distinction at the outset between real and perceived self in-terest. One need only read some of Sig-mund Freud to realize that numerous decisions made by discrete individuals are not based on actual but rather on perceived self-interest. Workaholics, for example, push themselves beyond their limits and die at 35. (IBM Executives retire at 55 and receive an average of 18 monthly checks.) This may benefit the market but not the individual's real self-interest. His behaviors may have been perceived as being in his self-interest. The past, buried in the unconscious recesses of the human mind, creates many strongly driven non-rationally motivated individuals.

Another problem is that the market does not always clearly show the in-dividual what is the best choice available. Man's inherent inability to diagnose what is in his own interest may be passed over with the idea that market theory never claims to relate to more than perceived self-interest. But perceived and rational are often two different things and if this theory lays claim to benefitting discrete individuals, a market which pays no at-tention to this distinction is not being true to its claims in behalf of individuals. This is why government intervenes to tell li-quor suppliers at bars or stores that they may not sell more to someone who Is a known alcoholic or visibly drunk or tells people that they may not be drunk and drive. If all that matters Is that aggregate

amounts of liquor sold express strong de-mand the tail is wagging the dog. I.e., many individuals are being sacrificed to the market, not benefitting from it (several million alcoholics in the United States alone).

It is not only the subjective nonrational behavior of empirical individuals which necessitates government involvement. It is often the case that men are prevented from making rational decisions by lack of sufficient information. How does one know that the milk on the store shelf will turn sour within 24 hours unless it is known how long it has already sat? How can you find this out In a major food store without vast Inconvenience? How do you assure the result of Insuring labeling without a law? To say that if it is sour you can bring it back or shop somewhere else next time is to make three very Important assumptions: 1) That the mistake will always Involve items which are no more dangerous than sour milk. 2) That the source of illness or death can always be easily discovered and the blame allocated. 3) That you have an alternative store to buy from In the aftermath of this experience.

Government plays a preventive role in regard to canning requirements which protect and labeling regulations which in-form the buyer preventing 1 and 2 from happening too frequently. The market may prevent future occurances of fatality by driving a poor canner out of business but it will not bring the dead back to life.

In addition, what happens if point 3, the lack of an alternative is also true? The company store is an excellent example. Here poor workers had little choice due to lack of mobility and low wages. They lacked easy access to an alternative. Coercion by the company made the situa-tion no easier. A little old lady with limited resources who is arthritic and lives in a run down section of the city where one poorly run, high priced store exists is another case in point. Govern-ment codes hopefully create a safer situa-tion food-wise for the workers and little old ladies without putting either store out of business.

Misinformation and non-rational adver-tising techniques may both be sufficient reason for government involvement. It is true that costs and benefits must be calculated but if the welfare model's assumption is that welfare for a majority of individuals occurs on the basis of rational self-interested choice, manipula-tion of choice, manipulation of choice through misinformation or subliminal advertising cannot be condoned. Misin-formation by large companies is rarely corrected by their competitors unless it Is in their Interest to correct It. And, If all are Involved in misleading the consumer, there is a mutual interest in silence. Subliminal advertising causes choices to

by Timothy Shaffer Ever since I was accepted to law school

in late February, I've struggled with a rapidly crescendoing case of senlorltls. After three and a half years of hard work, I finally reached my Initial goal and sud-denly the rest of the semester seemed less important. I've always believed that the reason I was In college was to get an education; my social life has always taken a back seat to my academics (which didn't always please my girlfriend). But the night I was accepted to law school, as I was sitting at Sklles celebrating, I realized how many friends I had make at Hope and how soon I would be going my way and they would be going thelr's. I suddenly wanted to spend time with them, to cherish the discussions, arguments, and the fun times we'd had.

I still feel that need very strongly, and as I face the last two weeks of class and the ensuing exams, I often wonder If those final exams will serve any tremendously concrete purpose for graduating seniors. Will they Impart some Invaluable knowledge that the Individual missed over the last four years? Will they teach a student the Important skills of reading and thinking clearly and writing and com-municating clearly If he or she hasn't

learned them? Probably not. Are last semester finals an accurate reflection of a student's performance for the semester? Or even of hls-her academic career? For many, perhaps, but most seniors are either too busy thinking about grad. school or marriage plans or finding a job to be able to concentrate adequately on preparation for final exams. Will they even induce seniors to study hard so that they absorb new ideas? To some degree, yes, but by senior year, most students "know" the profs and know their testing methods, and also know how to take their tests. So finals for most seniors become simply an exercise In memorlzatlon-regurgltatlon.

I would like to suggest, and I'm sure it's been suggested before, that professors give an option to graduating seniors: take the final and take the chance of Improv-ing or reducing your grade, or accept your current grade and be excused from taking finals. Not only would this alleviate a lot of student anxiety and allow them to spend a little more time with friends In the waning days of their college years, but it would tremendously lighten the faculty workload. It seems to me a proposal acceptable to both students and faculty alike.

g r

From An Art Lover To the Editor :

Hey, Jeff Muldermanl My, but there sure are a lot of "awkward and unbalanc-ed" pieces of sculpture popping up all over campus, marlng our "tastefully landscaped" greenery. And did you notice the paint-Jobs? Why, a couple are even rusty!

Really, what Is most incredible to me is that everyone feels so obligated to com-ment "I like this one" or "I don't like that one." Who cares? It really wasn't the point. Sincerely, Jeff Krehblel

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Page 6: 04-22-1982

to W O < a* American Eight o o c: CTJ W o u J —) o u w cu o X


* v w l v . \

Kegon II by Linda Howard 1980 U'hxS' 1x6' w Made of brushed aluminum Linda H o w a r d ' s vision is an i n t i m a t e

one within the r e a l m of l a rge - sca le me ta l

scu lp ture . Mak ing r e f e r e n c e to d o o r w a y s

o r .pav i l l i ons . s t r u c t u r e s th rough which one pas se s e i the r sp i r i tua l ly or physical -

ly. her p ieces pro jec t a c o n t e m p l a t i v e qual i ty . They a r e unemot iona l , ye t per-

sonal The idea of threshold somehow im-

p a r t s a s e r e n e o p t i m i s m to the scu lp tu re .

Howard e x e r c i s e s h e r skill in b r u s h e d a l u m i n u m . Her p ropor t ions a r e e x a c t i n g

within the r epe t i t i ve motif of evenly spac-

ed ba r s . However , the t ru ly e lus ive quali-

ty of the work d e r i v e s f r o m light, which is

r e f lec ted off the s u r f a c e of the p iece and which pas se s be tween the b a r s , c r e a t i n g

shadows and va r ious m o i r e p a t t e r n s . In

sunlight , the p ieces s h i m m e r and c h a n g e

cont inual ly with va r i a t i on in the direct ion

and intensi ty of the light source .

« I

M F l l i . m . l i p t

Miss Plutonium by Jerry Peart 1981 10' h x 15' 1 x 10' w Made of painted aluminum

• J e r r y P e a r t specia l izes in e x u b e r a n t , cu rv i l i nea r f o r m s a c c e n t u a t e d by vivid, high-gloss colors .

His vocabu la ry of s h a p e s and the i r jux-

taposi t ion is total ly u n p r e d i c t a b l e . E a c h

s h a p e gains vi tal i ty by its color and e a c h

color is def ined by the s h a p e it covers .

While P e a r t ' s s tyle is u n m i s t a k a b l e , each

welded a l u m i n u m piece is r e so lved with a

d i f fe ren t set of o rgan ic undu la t ions in his u n a b a s h e d l y p l a y f u l and h u m o r o u s scu lp tures .

Bus Stop II by Frank McGuire From the collection of Martin Z.

Mar guiles 1980 14' h x 23' 1 x 17'6" w Made of painted steel (blue) With each of his scu lp tures . F r a n k

McGui re c r e a t e s a s tage-set in s teel . A

piece is " c o m p l e t e d " when a v iewer ex-

a m i n e s it or ac tual ly e n t e r s and i n t e r a c t s

with it: for e x a m p l e , c l imbs the l adde r .

The scu lp tu re is cont inual ly t r a n s f o r m e d

by w h a t e v e r act ion is t aken by the au-dience. whe the r it is one pe r son or a

group. And for the aud ience , t h e r e is a

he ightened sense of s e l f - a w a r e n e s s and an oppor tuni ty to p lay .

Since M c G u i r e ' s work inheren t ly ....

plies a p e r f o r m a n c e is f o r thcoming , it is

surpr i s ingly non-s ta t ic . The s c u l p t u r e is

su r rounded by a fee l ing of an t ic ipa t ion . It

o f f e r s a new and in te res t ing hybr id of the conceptua l and the ac tua l in me ta l scu lp tu re


Photos by Tom Wagner Layout by Tom Wagner and Karl Elzinga

Page 7: 04-22-1982

Gorky's Pillow by Mark dl Suvero 1980 15' h x 23' 1 x 9'7" w Made of steel One of the mos t highly a c c l a i m e d

sculp tors of his t i m e , di Suvero was ac-

tually born in Shangha i . A r e m a r k a b l e spirit and phys ica l de t e rmina t i on a r e per-

sonal qual i t ies tha t mani fes t t h e m s e l v e s powerful ly in his work

Di Suvero ' s l a rge , l inear scu lp tu res , genera l ly c o m p r i s e d of s teel g i rde r s and

other indust r ia l d i sca rds , have a g r a c e

and e l egance which deny the origin of

their p a r t s The a r t i s t r a re ly works f rom models , p r e f e r r i n g to compose the p ieces

intuitively and spontaneous ly with c r a n e

and welding m a t e r i a l s . Can t i l eve red or

suspended and m o v e a b l e p a r t s a r e of ten incorpora ted into a piece

Di Suvero e n j o y s aud ience pa r t i c ipa -

tion with his work He m a y in t roduce a

rubber t i re a s a fo rmal compost i t ional

e lement in a p iece , but he is very m u c h

a w a r e that it also func t ions as a

ch i ld ren ' s swing This a t t i tude is par t of

di Suvero ' s ebul l ience , his gusto for liv-

ing. and the fac t that he is not m a k i n g

monumen t s , hut r a t h e r s cu lp tu re for peo-ple




^ ••

Bette Davis Eyes by John Henry 1981 6' h x 60' I x 18' w Made of Corten Steel John H e n r y ' s work is d i rec t and power-

ful on a m o n u m e n t a l scale . G r a p p l i n g

with heavy r e c t a n g u l a r e l emen t s , his vir-

tuosity lies in v i sua l ly denying the weight

of those m a t e r i a l s . He is adept at m a k i n g

his scu lp tu re a p p e a r light and fluid

One way he a c h i e v e s this is by us ing the

co rne r s of the g i rde r s , r a t h e r than the

edges, to propel the pieces upward f rom

the ground This t echn ique a n i m a t e s and

energ izes the f o r m s .

Henry f u r t h e r cont ro ls the mood of the

work through his use of color.

Subs tant ia l indus t r ia l e x p e r i e n c e h a s

equipped Henry with the skills to

f ab r i ca t e his own pieces. His work is con-s i s t e n t l y p r e c i s e and m e t i c u l o u s l y

c r a f t ed , w h e t h e r he is cons t ruc t ing a

l a rge ou tdoor work or a pol i shed

a luminum table piece.


Page 8: 04-22-1982

, •• »

Recitals Announced t,..

Two Hope seniors wiU share the stage Green Bay, Wisconsin, will present in-this Saturday evening in a music recital dividual performances of pieces by Bach, at Dimnent Chapel at 8 p.m. Soprano Handel, Schubert, Verdi, and others, and Nancy MacArthur, from Grand Blanc, will also combine their talents on two Michigan, and Harpist Mary Soeter, from short pieces.

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Mary Soeter Nancy MacArthur

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Nancy MacArthur Is an English major and a Flrench minor and is currently stu-dying with professor Joyce Morrison. She is the recipient of the Freshman Music Scholarship and the Robert Cavanaugh Award and has won a Second Place in NATS competition. Her program includes French songs by Massenet, Faure, Du Pare, Poulenc, and Offenbach; a German song by Schubert; English pieces by Barber, Rorem, Plnkham, and Rlckard; and an Italian aria by Verdi.

Mary Soeter is a biology major and a

Opus Forum J

Features Poets

HASH, the last of this year's Opus forums, will be presented tonight at 8 p.m. In the lobby of Voorhees Hall. Featured are Tim Shaffer, Nancy Taylor, and students whose work was published

music minor who is currently studying in the Spring Opus Magazine. with Danis Kelly of the Milwaukee Sym- The Instrumental Collegium will also phony. She has also studied with Alice perform, no doubt becoming instrumen-Chalifoux at the Cleveland Institute of tal to the enjoyment of those present. Music and the Saiyedo Harp School in The event will mark the publication of Camden, Maine. Her program includes the Opus Magazine, and announcement of Bach's Siclllano, and The Harmonious the Eerdman's awardwinners. The cash Blacksmith, and Children's Hour Suite by prize is given to the authors of the best Grandjany. prose and poetry published in the fall or

On the two combined pieces, the per- spring edition of Opus Magazine. formers will be accompanied by Susan HASH, you may not be able to eat it, but Mason and Thomas Barthel on piano and it's sure to be a palatable potpourri of pro-Laura Warnaar on the French Horn. se and poetry.

Food forThought

by Rowland D. Van Es, Jr. Too often, the American Church has on-

ly stressed what we receive from being a Christian and not what we must give. The gift of grace Is indeed good news, but It is Important to remember that there is no grace without the cross. Christianity, in order to win converts, has overemphasiz-ed the forgiveness of sins and has neglected the principle that Mfalth without works is dead." If God cared



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enough for us to send his Son to die, the least we can do for Him is to give up our lives In humble service.

Jack Nelson has called the hunger crisis a symptom of our crisis of faith. We express an outward concern for the hungry but are not really Interested in in-vestigating the root causes of hunger. Hunger Is a consequence of social in-justice. Most Christians, unfortunately, don't regard Justice as central to their faith. They have equated criticism of the U.S.A. with criticism of God. Because Justice Is seen as peripheral, the church unconsciously reflects the dominant values of society Instead of the dominant values of scripture. , '

Christians, as Dr. Boulton reminded us on Sunday, need to remember the words of Matt. 28:18, 44All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." We owe our loyalty to Christ alone, above all others. We must not be afraid to take a stand for Christ, even If It means ques-tioning and-or disobeying the government of our nation.

I am not advocating anarchy, but rather a concerned and thoughtful con-sideration of the issues which includes the Christian perspective. The Church needs to help Its members become the new creatures they are called to become. The Church needs to help turn our lives and our world upside down with the power of God's love for all peoples. The Church must be willing to be controversial and take the side of the poor and the oppress-ed. We are so comfortable in our con-formity that we have forgotten what it means to suffer for our faith jmd as a result, it Is our faith that has suffered.

On behalf of the Hope College World Hunger Committee, I would like to use this opportunity to thank the many Hope students who participated In the CROP Walk held last Saturday. It was encourag-ing to see over 500 people brave a cold, wet, and windy day to walk for the hungry. It was especially encouraging to see so many families demonstrating their concern In this manner. I would also like to thank the many students who didn't walk but participated by sponsoring those of us who did. We are going to need everyone's help in the years to come to solve what is perhaps the world's greatest tragedy-the problem of world hunger.

Page 9: 04-22-1982

The Hope College Chapel Choir under the direction of Roger Rletberg will be giving Its home concert on Sunday, April 26th at 8:30 p.m. In Dimnent Chapel. Admission is free.

Included In the concert will be those works done by the choir during their recent tour, when they took off for the east coast. Among these are two pieces taken from the oratorio "King David," which the choir and symphonette performed last November.

The home concert will be the last concert for the seniors in the choir, including Julia Huttar, Karen Kennedy, Nancy MacArthur, Mary Soeter, Marilyn VanHouten, Norene Walters, Deb Webster Doug Braschler, Harv Koedyker, Joel Martlnus, Bryan Ueker! Joy Dean, Sharon McKee, Kay Neevel, Bob Decker, Keven Kranendonk, Jeff Krehblel, and Dan Rink.

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Page 10: 04-22-1982

(continued from p. 5)

% Professor




i i


{ ft <





be made which are neither free nor in-telligently conceived. Here government regulations have attempted to affirm the right to free, rational, individual choice rather than cripple it-another attempt to keep the tail from wagging the dog.

Another point at which the idea of socie-ty based on freely entered into contracts breaks down is where we go beyond a cer-tain size or scale of relationships. Your visit to his store, your satisfaction and speedy return is important to the small businessman. It is in his self-interest to serve you well. This argument not only becomes more questionable outside a small scale setting, but also the process of gaining efficient redress of your grievances becomes more difficult. The scale and nature of the large corporation gives it motives of a different nature. It is no easy matter for either individual workers or consumers to get firms as large as Chrysler to live up to their com-mitments. Their managerial group has no essential loyalty to the product; worker or consumer can leave the corporation at will. Their stock holders want dividends in a good or bad year. If they don't get them, they may sell out. The government here may be an intervener for large ag-gregates of individuals, consumers or stockholders in gaining redress for 100,000 individuals faster and more efficiently than each could do for himself. For example, because it can muster the information and clout necessary to initiate the recall of several thousand cars for safety defects, the government is a more appropriate actor than 100,000 discrete car owners.

Another dimension of the problem of size is the international component of modern commercial competition. The free market works in a situation where all people follow it and when no major un-foreseen dislocations occur. But in a situation such as exists today where our competitors have strong cooperative

relations between government and business (1 have Japan in mind) the adversary relationship theoretically pre-sent between American government and business, may eventually pave the way for the demise of our economic system. Qovemment regulation and worker pro-ductivity declines, unionization, and dear credit are some, but not the only reasons for the currently uncompetative position of American industry vis-a-vis its Japanese counterparts.

The free market also assumes that the community interest will emerge through supply of the short term needs of a ma-jority of economic voters. This is simply not the case. Self-interested people, as they vote politically or economically, have demonstrated a woefully short-sighted view in regard to community in-terests. Some resources are not renewable and a whole generation of con-sumers which didn't exist prior to WWII is now paying the cost passed on to them by an earlier majority who either lacked information to understand the long range implications of their actions or understood such implications, and behav-ed accordingly. An argument can be made for the long term protection of com-munity interests by some group capable of organizing and planning in regard to such future interests. Technical specialists isolated from the winds of political and economic voters may be the most appropriate vehicle for this pur-pose.

Which leads me to ask the question "What are the goals of society? Are they individual happiness for a majority? If one accepts majority happiness as a goal, is personal security requisite to hap-piness? Historicaly, actions on the part of individual entrepreneurs have been very destablizing. Enclosures of land in England by landowners were made in their own self-interest but they threaten-




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ed societal stability to the point that laws were passed at the request of the monarch to slow the process down. Many laws are on the books in American society today to buffer the plight of losers in a system where goods are distributed ine-quitably. An argument for government involvement here is to preserve stability in an atmosphere where unequal distribu-tion of goods is Justified as the most effi-cient way for the market to continue func-tioning. Losers will not allow the game to continue being played unless they are taken care of. The private sector has been unwilling thus far to take responsibility for losers. Government, for example, will help relocate steel workers when Youngstown's plants close down in the in-terest of social stability. In this case in-tervention plays a necessary stabilizing role.

This argument is totally functional and makes no claim to inequity being intrin-sically evil in and of itself. Many, however, have argued that it is, and that happiness is difficult to come by when it is defined in material terms and you have no resources with which to purchase it. Such arguments state that inequity is a sufficient reason for government in-tervention. Government has an obligation to redress such inequities through taxing the rich and rechanneling resources to the less fortunate.

Another argument against the solely free market is the need for organizations which explore alternatives or encourage research in areas where there is current-ly Insufficient incentive for the private sector. This should be done precisely in order to avoid situations where market adjustments, although taking place, are painful to large segments of the com-munity. More solar research and fusion research may have provided needed in-sights for a smooth transition from oil, had such research been started long enough ago. What we are arguing for here is the necessity for Joint risk taking in the community Interest with the cost divided between the public sector prior to the period when there is sufficient economic incentive for the free market to pursue it alone.

(continued from p.1)



The program is believed to be the only national chemistry award honoring high school, two-year and four-year college teachers with identical awards.

Doyle, 39, Joined the Hope faculty in 1968. He was chairman of the chemistry department from 1976-1979. He has authored or co-authored over 50 articles on various facets of organic chemistry research and is the co-author of Organic Chemistry, a one-year introductory tex-tbook published by John Wiley and Sons in 1977. He has also co-authored several study guides and manuals to use with that textbook.

Doyle is an associate member of the UIPAC Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry, and serves as president and newsletter editor for the Council on Undergraduate Research. In 1977 he was an observer for the IUPAC Assembly in Warsaw, Poland, as a National Research Council selection. He held the prestigious Henry and Camille Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Award from 1973-78.

He is a graduate of the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. He holds the Ph.D. from Iowa State University and has done postdoctoral study at the University of Chicago.

He and his wife Jan have two 12. '

Implicit in the welfare economics free market model is that one thing is no bet-ter that another and society should be structured so as to allow majorities of buyers to achieve whatever turns them on in the cheapest way possible. Jeremy Bentham expressed the business liberal credo when he suggested that there was no qualitative difference that could be claimed between playing a slot machine and going to the theatre. The market is certainly value free. It is totally hedonistic. It seems that higher values, and John Mill said mature adults know them when they see them, need protec-tion from ignorant majorities of economic consumers. The National Endowment for the Arts assures that the arts will survive despite the lack of demand by a majority of consumers.

Which leads to a point that is implicit in several of the arguments given above. The free market works for majorities of consumers, it does not always work In the Interest of minorities. Although it is hard for us to step out of our majoritarian ac-culturation, we do need to ask such ques-tions as, l4What about quantitative minorities," and,*'Does a mass market culture in fact move us toward homogenization as opposed to encourag-ing diversity." Government exists to make available alternatives which would not otherwise be available.

Even the most famous of contemporary free market (welfare) theorists Milton Friedman concedes that there are occa-sions, natural monopoly based on scale (Consumers Power), Externalities (Sewage on my property floats down river to yours or smoke from your stack blows into my town), and neighborhood effects (Penthouse owners overlooking private parks-free as opposed to "easy " riders), when government involvement may be a necessary alternative.

Clearly then the case for government involvement is overwhelming.

The real quesilon is then not whether government should intervene but in what manner this Intervention should be made and at how much cost to other values. For example, the Soviets have pretty effec-tively solved the problem of inflation. Thejrsimply don't allow certain prices to rise. Government subsidy pays the dif-ference between the cost asked of the con-sumer and the real cost. The price paid for this security seems to be a less effi-cient economic system and a carry-over Into the poitical system of serious deprivations in regard to freedom.

However many problems there are with the market, it is a powerful mechanism. Paying no attentionio the costs of certain activities vls-a-vls benefits, ignoring the effect of profit disincentives of produc-tivity or creating a product without the presence of a need or the simultaneous creation of a need can have devastation results in a Capitalist economy. Thus, two questions become of paramount im-portance when one considers additional government Intervention.

1. Do the costs (and this includes dif-ficult to quantity costs) outweigh the beniflts (and this Includes difficult to quantify benlf its).

2. Is the method used the most optimal in terms of maintaining or increasing pro-ductivity and profit incentives In a capitalist economy. . One may argue that such a system Is terribly insufficient, incapable of max-imizing the type of values which should be Important to us all and should be over-thrown or in some way drastically reordered at the first possible opportuni-ty. That, however, must remain a separate issue to be argued at another time. I have made my argument on the basis of what Is and not on what ought to be and on those grounds I feel that at this



Page 11: 04-22-1982

Sports \ « » - i


Men's Track Prepares to Challenge For The Top by Steve Underwood Slowly the pieces are coming together--

or so hopes Coach Brewer and the Hope men's track team. All eyes are on April 27 when defending MIAA champ Albion In-vades Holland. Yet they cannot ignore the Flying Scots of Almaf who will host the Dutch this Saturday; and of course, the meet at Calvin May I and the MIAA's the

following weekend at Van Raalte. But next Tuesday's matchup with the

Britons is the key, and, except for41 few nagging Injuries, most motably to welghtman Bill Mauren, the Dutch are getting their act together pretty well. On their sun-baked home turf Wednesday, April 14, the Dutch ripped Adrian 120-34. Last Saturday's trip to Olivet looked much tougher on paper.

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by KariElzhf T ™ * t h e f 0 n n 11181 h a S h e l p e d h l m c l e a r 6 ' 2 " i n t h e W g h J u m p , (photo

Softball Swings Into Action 1* ^ x . J ««

To the casual observer, It did too. The Comets took nearly half of the first places-B of 18~but Hope dominated the 2nd and 3rd places to romp to a 103^-4% win in the wind, rain and pold. Looking at the events individually... HIGH JUMP - Little competition In this event so far for the Dutch. Chris Fleming and Todd Nisbet have traded victories at the BT* barrier. POLE VAULT - an encouraging sign; conference champ Jon Lunderberg cleared 14' in the bad conditions at Olivet. Burrell had two seconds (13' vs. Adrian) and Jeff Sotok two thirds. -JAVELIN - Despite some decent efforts, the Dutch failed to notch a first. Mauren, throwing injured, was 2nd at ITS'lO" vs. the Bulldogs. When Bill was injured at Olivet, Dan Rink picked up a 2nd with a personal best-166'9". SHOT PUT - After unimpressive efforts against Adrian, the putters looked good last Saturday. Mark HUdebrandt threw a winning 42'2 V and Phil Goff was 2nd at 4 m ' V DISCUS • Jeff Allen was 2nd with 130,4M

vs. Adrian and won at 124T' Saturday. HUdebrandt and Mike Ahrens each had 3rds. LONG JUMP - Tom Hop (2r3M) and

| Bruce Jendrltz (20T') went 1-2 on the Bulldogs, then Hope managed a 2nd at OliVet. TRIPLE JUMP - Hop M V ) took 2nd vs. the Bulldogs and Kevin Spotts was runner-up against the Comets at 40'3M. SHORT SPRINTS - The sprinters faired well against Adrian. The 440 yard relay team of Jon Coughenour, Hop, Tom Kessel and Steve Cameron won with a

43.75 clocking. Coke (11.24 sec.) led a 1,2,3 finish (Kessel, 2nd; Hop, 3rd) In the 100 meter; Cameron (23.01) and Kessel beat ^ the Bulldogs best In the 200. Things didnt 2 go quite as well vs. the Comets. P

a LONG SPRINTS - the trio of Curt Shosten, Kurt DeVette, and Mark Whiting have done well: none of them clocking over 52.2 seconds for any race. DeVette won Adrian with a 51.4 and Shosten top-ped him with 51.26 at Olivet, good for Ist. Add Greg Stumis and you have a Mile Relay team with two wins In two tries, the best being 3:27.31 vs. Adrian. HURDLES - this event Is looking up somewhat. Kraig Jansen won with a school record 15.25 vs. Adrian, then lowered it to 15.17 in a wind-aided 2nd vs. Olivet's league champ Jackson. Brian Oosterhouse and Tim Wolffis have also been racking up places. The fastest 400IH time was a 58.87 by Stumis In a runner-up effort against Olivet. MIDDLE DISTANCES • Against Adrian, Marks Northuis and Southwell tied In a fine 4:01.5 for 1500 meters, with Steve Elenbaas third. South (1:57.39) and Eley (2:00.72) ran fine 800's shortly after, good for a 1-2. South was sub-l:58 again last Saturday, while Norty, Eley and Steve Underwood filled In the other places In the two events. LONG DISTANCES - Hope dominated these events, too; Scott Vande Vorde and Underwood went 1-2 In the Adrian 10,000 meter, while Brian Taylor took the 5000, ahead of teammate Marty Schoenmaker. B.T. and Underwood each won at Olivet with Dave Vlsscher and Dick Hoekstra getting strong seconds.

It took a while for the Hope softball team to pull out of the slumps of defeat but they finally got their wheels rolling last Monday with a victory over the previously undefeated Alma team.

The Scots took the first game at the Maplewood field 9-6 but encountered some strong pitching by Junior Pam Cushman and some power hitting by senior Faye Berens In the second game for a 5-4 Flying Dutch victory.

In the first encounter Hope led 5-3 but the Dutch committed six errors to allow the Alma Scots to score six unearned runs In the fifth and sixth Innings. Cushman relieved Deb Sterner but had to pick up the loss even though her mound per-formance included not a single earned run.

Berens smacked a triple in the third In-ning of the second game to help score

three runs and Cushman again took over relieving duties for Kathy Van Koevering this time and received the win. Berens came up with three hits along with Junior Lynne DeBruyn. Junior Suzle Tague knocked a three run homer in the first game.

Last Saturday, a Calvin match-up wasn't as successful for the Dutchwomen. The Hope women fell to the Lady Knights 5-3 and 5-2.

The Flying Dutch had a hard time handling the Calvin pitching staff as only two Hope players hit more than two hits during both games.

Laura Bultman hit .750 for the day (3 hits for 4 at bats) and Lisa Klaasen also added two hits.

Sterner and Cushman suffered losses for the day as the pitching duo allowed a total of 10 hits and 13 walks.

Women's Tennis Can't Lose The women's tennis team is on a

definite winning streak as they have won nine straight matches including the last three of their spring tour. They stand undefeated In MIAA play with a 4-0 record and are 9-3 overall.

Two recent victories over the Olivet Comets and a non-league match-up with Aquinas provided the Flying Dutch with romping defeats of 9-0 and 8-1 respec-tively.

Finishes of Olivet match Singles: Suzi Olds (H) def. Christy

Klein; 4-6,6-1,6-2; Cathy Works (H) def. Lisa Holt 6-2,6-1; Marti Beckering (H) def. Cindy Vogeler 6-1,6-0; Kim Beyer (H) def. Lisa Miller 6-2,6-0; Cathy Walsh (H) def. Cuffy Hutzger 6-1,6-0; Brenda Harris (H) def. Linda Stone 6-0,6-0.

Doubles: Walsh-Beyer (H) def. Kleln-Vogeler 6-3,6-3; Harris-Veera Patel (H) def. Miller-Holt 6-2,6-1; Glynis Coopmans-Paula Veldman (H) def. Hutzger-Stone 6-4,6-1.

Finishes of Aquinas match Singles: Suzi Olds (H) def. Mary Dynes

6-2,6-4; Cathy Work (H) def. Eileen Jankowskl 6-3,6-4; Marti Beckering (H) def. Christie Bugajskl 6-1,6-2; Lynne DeMoor (H) def. Sue Hakeem 6-3,6-2; Brenda Harris (H) def. Mary Walter 6-3,6-4; Lora Hanson (H) ,def. Julie Zlrkelbach 6-1,6-1.

Doubles: Olds-Beckering (H) def. Dynes-Walter 6-0,6-4; Work-Demoor (H) def. Jankowski-Hakeem 6-3,4-6,6-1; Nan-cy Walsh-Joan Dennehy (A) def. Glynis Coopmans-Paula Veldman 6-4,0-6,2-6.




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Page 12: 04-22-1982

M ^4 W o <

Sports Women's Track is Racing to Championship

I § W o u

o o w cu o X

by Steve Underwood Faced with the unenviable task of runn-

ing three meets in four days, the Hope Women's has more than risen to the occa-sion; they've been downright awesome and nearly untouchable in their last three meets. They swamped hapless Adrian 107-29 on April 14, sped past alleged MIAA contender Alma on April 16, and on April 17 racked up 103 points in a triangular meet against Notre Dame (40) and Aquinas (7).

In the process, they revised 10 school records. But things get tougher now. After three straight home meets, the Dut-chwomen had to hit the road; they were at difficult Alblan two days ago, they will run in the Southwestern Michigan CC In-vitational Saturday, then will challenge Calvin and two others (non-league) in Grand Rapids Tuesday.

But if the Dutch continue with the type of performances they've been producing, they'll be tough to beat when league meet rolls around on April 30.

Why have the Dutchwomen been so suc-cessful so far? The answer is an incredi-ble combination of versitility, depth and a handful of quality performers that are not only threats to win MIAA titles but to qualify for the National Meet.

Versatility and depth go hand-in-hand. The Dutch have performers who can do several events well, who can mix a wide variety of field and-or running events. Take Lorrie VandeGrift for instance, who placed first or second in the high jump, discus, javelin and shot put against Adrian.

Or Sue Williamsr who scored in every throwing event in the Alma and Adrian meets. Or Uli Peinalt, who has won the hurdles, long jump and high jump on several occasions. Sure, every team has versatile atheletes, but Hope is loaded with quantity and quality compared to most.

When you talk about National threats, you have to start with Deb Lockhart, who made it to the semis of the AIAW Division III Meet in Pocatello, Idaho in the 100 meter hurdles. Against Adrian she blazed to a 14.99, routing her own school record by .16 and qualifying with plenty of room to spare. She has also potential to be among the league's best in'the 400 meter hurdles and 100 dash, both of which she has won on occassion.

Sports Calendar THURSDAY, APRIL 22

3:00 p.m. - Softball, at Grand ValUy.

3:30 p.m. - Women's Tennis, vs. Adrian; 13th St.9 Columbia Ave.

3:30 p.m. - Men's Tennis, at Aquinas. SATURDAY, APRIL 24

10:00 a.m. - Women's Tennis, vs. Siena Heights, 13th 9 Columbia.

11:00 a.m. - Women's Track, at Southwestern Invitational.

1:00 p.m. • Baseball, vs. Alma, Van Raalte Complex.

1:30 p.m. • Men's Track, vs. Alma, Von Raalte Complex. MONDAY, APRIL 26

3:00 p.m. - Softball, vs. Adrian; Von Raalte Complex. TUESDAY, April 27

3:00 p.m. - Women's Track, at Kalamazoo.

3:20 p.m. - Men's Track, vs. Al-bion.

JtW i


Tie me up. I'm available. - The Pope, ext. 6565.

D e b o r a h L o c k h a r t b r e a k s the t a p e in the 440 y a r d r e l a y , ( p h o t o by K a r l E l z i n g a )

Classifieds — Today is the day of the APO-Red Cross Blood

Drive in Dow. Come tn between 10 and 3:45

and give a litt le life.



Do you sew? I need some clothes mended.

Will pay appropriately.--Call ext. 6286.

Looking for two girls to live off campus. $240 a

month plus heat split 5 ways. -Call 396-7553 or

ext. 6286.

Going west? I need a ride to California but

wil l go as far as you are, even to Colorado.

Will help pay and drive.--Call ext. 6286.

Female roomate wanted for '82-'83 schoolyear

to join two girls in a 3 bedroom house. If in-

terested call 392-6366.

WTAS is seeking an engineer for next fal l . If

you would like to help out at all contact Rich

Kennedy at 6863.

WTAS is seeking members for the 1982-83 Ex-

ecutive Committee. If interested contact Rich

Kennedy at 6864.

LAZER ROCK - 610-103.3 WTAS

YA SNAKE! Here's your Lofton column. I told

you he couldn't wri te.

WANTED: Experienced chimp trainer. Chimp

goes by the name of Ben. Must be able to train

chimp to use eating utensils. Call ext. 7777.

Nukez le francais.

B. - Thanks, T.

NEEDED: Ride to Iowa, first week of May, the

4th or 5th of May; Sioux City Area. - Call Rose

875-8501, preferably after 4:00.

FOR SALE: single red mattresses in excellent

condition. • Call Mary. 396-1569.

Ahh- l t 's that t ime again my friends. Spring is

in the air and wi th it the scent of danger. So,

beware doers of evil, Hope's superheroes -

the B. Ones - are back on the p row l . -Wi th

goodness and niceness above all, RAFEAL,


Auditions for Chapel Choir are going on NOW

through the 30th. Sign up for an audition t ime

at Roger Rietberg's office, Rm. 122 in the

music building.

Looking for a roommate for the summer,

possibly through fall semester. If interested

coll Janet at 392-6056.


academic year, 1982-83, are available in the

Financial A id Office, DWC 204. Upperclass

t fudenf t must f i le by May 1 st.

Elect KEVIN BEDWELL for President of Student

Congress, "Anyone can work a system; it

takes a special person to make a system

w o r k ! "

Make every week Bed-wellness week! KEVIN

BEDWELL for Student Congress President.

Please vote! No matter who you vote for,


She i s no t the on ly o n e wi th n a t i o n a l e x -

p e r i e n c e both a h e a d and b e h i n d her .

F r e s h m a n D i s t a n c e s t a r D i a n e B o u g h t o n

w e n t to A I A W D i v i s i o n III C r o s s Country

N a t i o n a l s l a s t fa l l at P o c a t e l l o a n d is

h e a d e d for t h e t r a c k v a r i e t y a f t e r a

19:00.14 5000 m e t e r e f f o r t vs . Adr ian .

B o u g h t o n is a l s o a wiz at the 1500 a n d 3000

m e t e r d i s t a n c e s , w i n n i n g both vs . A l m a .

The v e r s a t i l e P e i n a l t is a n o t h e r Na-

t ional t h r e a t . S h e h i g h - j u m p e d 5'6" in-

doors ; if s h e c l e a r s it o u t s i d e she ' l l be

H o p e ' s th ird q u a l i f i e r . A f t e r h e r 17'3"

long j u m p vs . A l m a , s h e is 5" a w a y f r o m

q u a l i f y i n g . And, a s m e n t i o n e d b e f o r e , s h e

is a f ine h u r d l e r - an MIAA c h a m p i o n s h i p

threat , to b e s u r e .

L i s a D e V e t t e n e a r e d the q u a l i f y i n g

s t a n d a r d for 400 m e t e r s w h e n s h e r a c e d to

a 1:00.88 vs . A d r i a n , e r a s i n g h e r o w n

schoo l r e c o r d . T a k e her , L o c k h a r t .

P e i n e l t a n d N a n c y H i g h l a n d e r a n d y o u

h a v e y e t a n o t h e r q u a l i f y i n g p o s s i b i l i t y in

the 440-yard r e l a y .

It w o u l d be i m p o s s i b l e to de ta i l all of

the c o n t r i b u t e r s to th i s f ine t e a m , a t e a m

that not on ly p e r f o r m s w e l l , but h a s a

good a t t i t u d e a n d is c l o s e knit . D e b Shy,

N a n c y R i t c h i e , W e n d y S c h o e n m a k e r ,

Car la J o h n s o n a n d M a r y A n n M a r r o n a r e

a m o n g c o n t r i b u t e r s in the d i s t a n c e s . J a n e

N o r t h u i s and h e r n a m e s a k e S h e r m e r

h a v e e x c e l l e d in the m i d d l e d i s t a n c e s .

S a n d y V a n d e r b i l t h a s b e e n a top-notch

h igh j u m p e r and, a l o n g w i t h K a t h y

K a i h l e r a n d S a r a h V e l d m a n , h a s d o n e

we l l at 400 m e t e r s . Carol . M i k n i s and

M a r g e D e c k a r d h a v e b e e n s t r o n g in the

h u r d l e s , long j u m p a n d s p r i n t s .

And t h e r e a r e the K i m K o o i s t r a ' s ,

M i s s y K n o p f ' s , She i la P r o c h n o w ' s , F e r n

P a l m a ' s , J o y c e C h a n d l e r ' s , B r e n d a

S u c h e c k i ' s , S h e l l y H e g e d u s ' s a n d Robin

W i e g e r r i n k ' s . T h e y h a v e n ' t s c o r e d m u c h ,

but g i v e the t e a m the sp ir i t of s u p p o r t and

100 p e r c e n t e f f o r t . P a l m a m a y h a v e ex-

p r e s s e d it b^st w h e n , c o n f r o n t e d wi th a

w a y w a r d h u r d l e in a 400 m e t e r r a c e ,

didn't g o a r o u n d it, but t h r o u g h it. T h a t ' s

the sp ir i t of th i s t e a m .

Vote for Kevin Bedwell President Student Con-


WANTED: Rides to the Keith Green concert on

Apri l 29, in Indianapolis. Will help pay for

gas.--Call ext. 6786 or 6305.

MOM'S home!

LOFT FOR SALE: only $30, call now! Fits Kollen

rooms.- Call ext. 6305.

BOOM-BOOM: Just wanted to let you know

we're going to raise the devil on Al l Saints

Day! Beware! (Not that it'll do any good . . .)--

The Moose, the Wrestler, and the Chauffeur.

SIB softball game this afternoon at 5:30, vs

Hartney's Heroes. See you all there.

M. Mouse: It won't work. I'm going to disap

pear. Beware of the bus to Saugatuck.--B.B.

MRP, only two issues to go! --BGC.

I'm voting for Rick Dernberger for S.C. Presi

dent. How about you? Vote Dernberger to day!

WANTED: Female roommates to live in

Parkview this summer. Call Chris at 6257.

WANTED: A color TV to rent for the summer.

Call Chris at 6257.

Vote Rick Dernberger for Student Council

President. He's qualif ied. He's the best man

for the job. Communication is his theme.

FOR SALE: 12 in. B & W TV, Zenith. Good

shape; $30.-ext . 6502.

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