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Summer 2014 Issue 31

Christmas fun

Christmas seems a long time ago now, but the photographic collage that follows reveals what fun the Veranto community members had at the party in December. With the march of time, the next party will soon be upon us!!

In this issueChristmas fun 1

Daffodil picking with Friends’ School students 2

Special Olympics Indoor Bowls 2

Robyn Green’s birthday 2

Channel Excursions 2

Scott’s activities 3

Board Report 3

Stuart at Bridgewater Men’s Shed 4

Introducing Jayden 4

Kayleen’s Melbourne Holiday 4

Dave Chandler’s birthday 4

National Trauma Research Institute Forum 5

Bec’s activities at Hopes 5

‘Dinner with Friends’ 5

Bianca in Queensland 6

Rohan’s camping trip 6

Royal Hobart Show 6

CEO Report 7

Thank you and goodbye to Board members 7

Anne-Marie Stranger: seven years’ service 7

Arthur Jones: 8 years’ service 7

Jonathan Eadie: 5 years’ service 8

Liz Brown 8

Veranto success 8

A sad farewell to Oakdale resident Patty Fall 8

Ben at Nolan Crescent 8

Veranto stalwart Roy Archer retires after 24 years’ service 9

John Geeve’s Holiday with a Difference 9

Cleve Mitchell’s Bicheno holiday 10

Laura Judd at Tolosa Park 10

Georgia and Sam meet Matt Levy 11

Speak Out Conference 2013 11

Two outings for Scott and Stuart 11

Mary Holowenko celebrates 12

Congratulations 12

Janelle’s Dance Performance 12

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Daffodil picking with Friends’ School students

Mary Holowenko, Peter Harvey and Joy Weston joined a group of students from Friends’ School to pick daffodils at New Norfolk on Wednesday 11th September.

Oakdale Lodge residents have participated in this activity for the past few years to help raise funds for the Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day fundraising effort. Some of the daffodils picked were brought back to the Lodge to be bunched up and sold. The residents and staff from Veranto purchased the flowers and raised a total of $96.00.

Well done everyone, another great effort to support a worthwhile cause.

Special Olympics Indoor Bowls

The Special Olympics Indoor Bowls Championships were held in Ulverstone on 24-25th August. Sandra Palmer, Mary Holowenko, Peter Harvey, Graeme English and Rodney Howe all attended and participated.

There was a good turn-out of participants with three teams from around the State.

The southern “chatterboxes” (comprising Sandra, Peter, Mary and Graeme) took out the gold in the Third Division. The “Southern Roo’s” took out gold also, in a nail biting finish.

There was only one point in the final game and Rodney, Greg Lamb and Craig Mundy were the victors for this one.

The weekend was more comfortable this year, with the participants travelling up on the Friday afternoon, instead of the evening. However, everyone was exhausted on the return arrival at 6.30pm on Sunday and they were quickly ready for a good night’s sleep.

Well done everyone, you did Southern Olympics proud!!

Robyn Green’s birthday

On 29th September, Robyn Green celebrated her 60th birthday at a lunch which she enjoyed with other Oakdale Lodge residents.

For the evening meal, she chose to order pizza, which was followed by a lovely celebration shared by Roby, Mary, John, Anne and Simon.

Robyn had an enjoyable day and was very pleased because she received an iPad for her birthday.

Channel Excursions

On two occasions during October and November, Maxine Flakemore (Alicia Road) enjoyed excursions to the Channel region.

The October trip found Maxine enjoying the scenery, birds and boats of the region and a stop at Woodbridge to check out the jetty. As the weather was somewhat windy, Maxine was glad she had her coat and scarf for warmth. Her next stop was to visit some friends for tea and toast, where she briefly saw a wallaby in the garden before it hurried away. The return trip to Kingston was another opportunity for Maxine to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the region.

Daffodil harvest Picking the blooms

Robyn’s big day

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Maxine’s second excursion was to Franklin, just south of Huonville. Maxine had grown up in the area and enjoyed seeing her old house and the theatre where she had enjoyed the dances held there. She enjoyed a coffee in what used to be the old court house and remembered that her brother used to work in the local pub where she had occasionally been allowed to help out with her mother’s permission. Maxine’s recollections of neighbours and places brought back some happy memories of her childhood.

Scott’s activities

Scott Percival had a visit in September from Baily, the Delta Dog. Baily visited with his owners, Vicki and Michael Cleaver. Baily was a bit nervous and tentative about getting on Scott’s knee, but once he was there both he and Scott relaxed and enjoyed the experience.

Scott enjoyed running his fingers through Baily’s beautiful soft coat, and Baily reciprocated by giving some loving slurps to Scott’s hand. The visit was clearly enjoyed by both Scott and Baily.

Scott also got into the festive spirit at Christmas time by making yummy chocolates for his family. He ensured his quality was top notch by undertaking regular taste tests!!

Board Report

For many of us, the beginning of a New Year is always a time for reflecting on the year that has just concluded while also setting goals and priorities for the year ahead. For the Veranto Board of Directors, we are also going through the same process.

2013 seemed to come and go very quickly for us, a strategic planning session early in the year provided an opportunity to refocus our energies and identify a series of key priorities to focus on best preparing Veranto for the commencement of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

A key thread throughout the organisation in 2013 was a commitment to person centred thinking and placing the people we support at the heart of all our decisions and actions. To see person centred thinking embedded so thoroughly and effectively in all aspects of the way Veranto operates in such a short period of time, highlights the innovation, quality and commitment that are the hallmarks of the organisation.

In the last few months, we have also experienced changes at Board level with Anne-Marie Stranger and Arthur Jones concluding many years of service at the 2013 AGM. Both Anne-Marie and Arthur were long serving Directors having made significant contributions to Veranto over a period of many years, during which time the organisation has changed significantly.

More recently, Jonathan Eadie and Liz Brown have also resigned their positions on the Board, Jonathan to focus on the demands of his business and Liz to take on a senior role with another organisation operating in the disability services sector.

All four of the outgoing directors have been valued members of the Board during their terms, bringing a range of skills and experience to the organisation as well as a strong commitment to the values and culture of Veranto. The remaining Directors extend our sincere thanks to our departing colleagues and wish them all the best for their future endeavours.

The annual Christmas party provided an opportunity to recognise a small group of people who have collectively delivered an incredible number of years’ service to Veranto, through awarding them Life Membership. This group of dedicated individuals have served the organisation in formal roles with the Board and Acorn Branch, as well as in a variety of informal ways that make such an important contribution to the success of the organisation and enhancing the lives of the people we support. More details on the Life Members and their involvement with Veranto, are noted in the CEO’s report in this edition.

We have also recently farewelled one of the stalwarts of Veranto, with Roy Archer retiring after almost 25 years with the organisation. Roy has played a key role in the leadership team and has a knowledge of the organisation that is almost unparalleled. Roy has developed strong and genuine relationships with staff, people we support and their families and will be greatly missed by all of us who have had the pleasure of working with him. We thank you for your incredible commitment and contribution to Veranto and wish you all the best in your retirement Roy.

February usually means a return to work and school after the summer break, and as a Board we are preparing to do the same with our 2014 strategic planning session scheduled for mid February. This event provides an opportunity for the Board and senior managers to review our progress against the goals we set last year as well as to identify our priorities for the year ahead. We look forward to sharing the outcomes from this session with all of you in the not too distant future.

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Stuart at Bridgewater Men’s Shed

Stuart Maughan always enjoys his days at the Bridgewater Men’s Shed.

Several of the masterpieces he makes are given as gifts to family and friends and he recently made a “map of Tasmania” clock. It was not hard to decide who would be given the clock: Stuart had recently mentioned that he would like to get something for Max, his regular taxi driver, to thank him for the thoughtful and friendly way he supports Stuart with transport.

Max was genuinely moved when he received the gift, and Stuart said, “I am glad you like it, it makes it a win, win situation.”

Introducing Jayden

Welcome Jayden Oregan-Boon to the Veranto Family.

Jayden is 8 years old and lives in Margate with his family. He likes Dora the Explorer and swimming.He is lots of fun to be with and has a mischievous sense of humour that makes him very endearing.

Everyone is looking forward to getting to know Jayden better and sharing his adventures with the rest of the Veranto family.

Kayleen’s Melbourne Holiday

Kayleen Harwood recently visited Melbourne for a short holiday. She arrived at the airport at 9.30am, and immediately caught the Skybus to Southern Cross Station (aka Spencer Street) and then a smaller bus to the hotel. Kayleen enjoyed the room in her hotel which was at one end of China Town alley.

A day out at Melbourne Zoo, and some sightseeing and shopping were highlights of Kayleen’s trip. The weather was generally kind, although a heavy downpour on the Tuesday left Kayleen and her companion rather soaked.

The many people in Melbourne was fascinating for Kayleen and she especially enjoyed sitting in the parks and watching people go by.

Dave Chandler’s birthday

On Friday the 18th of October 2013 David Chandler celebrated his 24th birthday.

With his Mum and Dad, they celebrated in style with an hour long ride on a Harley Davidson in Kingston and surrounding areas. The photo here indicates what an enjoyable time Dave had as part of his celebration.

Stuart’s special gift

Jayden enjoys a swim

Dave’s birthday treat

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National Trauma Research Institute Forum

On 19th October, Stuart Maughan and Leanne Whitney were invited to attend the National Trauma Research Institute Forum, organised by Monash University and the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and sponsored by TAC. The aim of the forum was to gain input from clinicians, healthcare managers, researchers, policy makers, and patient representatives, looking at “manual handling in the community, post trauma.”

The morning session focused on challenges and solutions, with the afternoon spent discussing the paper by Principal Investigator, Russell L Gruen.

Challenges discussed during the morning were: Cost effective and clinically appropriate, bed size, room to move, age, culture, working environment, life experiences, informal and formal carers/support staff working together to achieve the same goals.

The Veranto team sent policies, protocols and information about our Person Centred Thinking prior to the forum. They were well received, and Leanne was asked to explain how the Veranto Q.A. system evolved.

Easy English options for guidelines, personal plans, goals & choices, communication between person supported and support person and focusing on “what we can do, not what we can’t do” were some of the contributions made by Stuart and Leanne.

Bec’s activities at Hopes

Rebecca Henderson from Hopes Unit at Moonah, is fulfilling her dream of making soap and has been busy making the soap from her frozen stock of 36 litres of goats milk. Each batch of soap uses 1 litre of milk so she is able to sell her products to other residents at the Hopes Units. Bec makes four different types of soap; rose oil, plain white, oatmeal & honey, and honey & cinnamon. Her bars sell for $2, $3, or $5, depending on type and size.

Whilst her soap is curing, Bec has been mastering her skills on the piano. Her recent purchase of an ABBA songbook has resulted in the room being filled with the sounds of favourite ABBA tunes. Bec is very good at reading music and used to be an A grade student at piano when she was younger. She is also very practiced at finding a piano to play when she is out and about.

‘Dinner with Friends’

On Wednesday the 6th of November, Sylvan Court residents Georgia Coppleman & Sam Gallagher volunteered at the Bridgewater Community Centre to help prepare, cook and serve a three course dinner for people as a part of the Vinnies ‘Dining with Friends’ programme. Georgia & Sam both were very helpful, volunteering with a great attitude and smiling faces.

They helped set the tables and hand out the entrées and main dishes (a delicious pumpkin soup followed by corn beef and vegies). After serving, they were able to enjoy their own meals before helping collect and put away the dirty plates.

They both met many new people and were invited to come back and help out next time the event is held. The friendly farewell they received on departure indicated how much their efforts had been appreciated.

Bec’s soap products Tinkling the ivories Bec in production

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Rohan’s camping trip

On Thursday the 21st of November, Rohan Naughton went on a camping trip. His destination was Wings Wildlife Park at Gunn’s Plains. Before the trip, he planned his activities and gathered all the necessary items for camping (including his country music collection).

After a few short rest stops on the way, Rohan was glad to arrive at his destination, a short drive away from Devonport. At the time, there were flood warnings and reports of bad weather on the radio, so Rohan decided it was best to get a cabin rather than pitch a tent. He cooked up some steaks for tea adding a special secret ingredient which tasted great, before undertaking a short walk to look at some of the animals before finishing the evening playing cards in the cabin.

On the second day, Rohan decided to check out the Gunn’s Plains Caves. He had never been inside caves before and said “I enjoyed all of it, especially seeing the underwater river.” Afterwards he returned to the wildlife park in time to see the Tassie devil feeding demonstration and he even managed to pat a baby devil. He fed a number of different animals at the park and reported that the mountain goats were his favourites. He spent the early evening fishing, without success, before enjoying a counter meal.

First task for the third day was to pack the car for the trip home, after which he went for a quick walk around the park to say goodbye to his new animal friends. He stopped at Tasmazia on the way home and enjoyed his first experience of a maze and looking at the model village of Lower Crackpot. Lunch consisted of pancakes at the local Pancake Parlour before continuing the journey home.

Rohan thoroughly enjoyed his trip and the new experiences and things he had not done before.

Royal Hobart Show

The Royal Hobart Show provided ample opportunity to venture out North in the wind and rain to see lots of different activities and show animals.

On arrival, Laura and Graeme both displayed pleasure in being amongst the crowd and were eager to venture further accompanied by support staff Tameka and Kellie.

Before we ventured further, we decided to build some stamina and energy. To do this hot chips were needed. We then headed to the Animal Nursery to see all the different animals; big and small. Graeme and Laura were surprised, and a little curious, of a rooster that was being shown to them both.

We ended the day with a visit to the Show bag Pavilion where Laura and Graeme exited the show with a well-deserved show bag.

We also got some treasured photos of our 2013 Royal Hobart Show Adventure and would love to share them with you.

Bianca in Queensland

In October last year, Bianca Breda enjoyed a holiday in Queensland with her family. A highlight of her holiday was a swim with the dolphins at SeaWorld. This photograph of Bianca and her mother indicates the great fun she had on her holiday experience.

Bianca and her Mum

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CEO Report

Over the years, Veranto has benefitted from the contributions of a great many people and many great people. Thirteen of these great people were recognised for their “meritorious service to the company” when they were awarded with certificates at the Veranto Christmas party late last year. Those awarded with Life Member accolades were:

Life Members awarded:

• Gwen Kingston • Tony Kingston • Joan Leverett • Maureen McDonald • Shirley Palmer • Margaret Roberts • Barbara Tait • Tom Watt • Iris Watt • Rob Allen • Don Mitchell • Geoff Harper • Ian Eadie

Thank you and goodbye to Board members

While on the topic of great service to Veranto, three long-serving Directors retired from the Board at the AGM last year: Anne-Marie Stranger, Arthur Jones and Jonathan Eadie. I wish to acknowledge the strong personal commitment of all three to Veranto and the people we support. Our newest Director Liz Brown also leaves the Veranto team to concentrate on her new position with Anglicare. Liz served on the Board for six months and made valuable contributions in the areas of governance and risk management. Each departing Director brought a unique perspective that has been developed through their personal and professional experiences and they will be greatly missed.

Anne-Marie Stranger: seven years’ service

Anne-Marie Stranger had been a director for seven years and had been Chairman for the last three years of her term. Anne-Marie brought extensive senior management and public sector experience to the Board together with considerable Board experience gained at a national level through her professional affiliations. Anne-Marie led the Board through the 2012 proposed merger process; a task that required leadership and commitment at the highest level. Veranto is particularly fortunate to have benefitted so greatly from Anne-Marie’s dedication to the organisation and to the people we support.

Arthur Jones: 8 years’ service

Arthur Jones served as a Director for eight years. Arthur held a variety of positions during that time and was always a strong contributor to Board deliberations. He was actively engaged across the board sub-committees, always bringing a considered view and at times a keen wit to meetings. Arthur engaged closely with the people we support building many friendships and was an enthusiastic participant in the regular dining out events between Directors and clients.

Gwen Kingston and Chair Ginna WebsterShirley Palmer and Chair Ginna Webster

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Jonathan Eadie: 5 years’ service

After five years as Director, Jonathan Eadie resigned from the Board just prior to Christmas due to the pressures of business. Jonathan made a significant contribution to the Board across all areas of the business, developing a strong focus on policy development particularly in regard to the people we support.

Liz Brown

Liz Brown was the newest member of the Board, joining in June of 2013. Liz has recently been appointed to a senior management position with Anglicare with operational responsibility for their disability services. Appropriately Liz resigned her position as a Director with Veranto however I wish to acknowledge that even though Liz was only with us for a relatively short period, her contribution particularly in areas of governance and risk management were significant.

My sincere thanks to both Jonathan and Liz for their contribution to, and support of, Veranto. We wish them both well in their professional roles.

Veranto success

I am very pleased to report that Veranto reached the finals of the Lake Maintenance Innovation Awards 2013. Support Worker Jeannie-Maree Shoobert was a finalist for her role in supporting residents of Oakdale Lodge. Jeannie occasionally adopts different guises or personas that entertain everyone and sometimes will take even this CEO by surprise.

The Veranto Person Centred Thinking (PCT) team of Natalie Rose, Sonya Fisher, Ian Hopkins and Anthony Ozols also made the finals for their commitment to developing this important culture throughout the organisation. Veranto is indeed fortunate to have all four accredited as PCT trainers within the organisation.

A sad farewell to Oakdale Lodge resident Patricia Fall

In October, we said farewell to Patty Fall who passed away peacefully at Oakdale Lodge after a long illness. Patty, a most delightful lady with a beautiful personality, had a clear determination of how her life should be and generously shared her amazing artistic talent. I was privileged several years ago to be gifted four of Patty’s artworks. Three of these artworks form a natural set while the fourth, I dare say, represents Patty’s determination to ensure things were just a bit different. Not surprisingly, Patty selected the four pieces I was to receive. Patty had been supported by Veranto for many years and is missed greatly by us all.

Ben at Nolan Crescent

Ben Stephens has been enjoying his Fridays at home doing some gardening and enjoying the company of the house dog, Bonnie.

Bonnie is always at Ben’s side, either snoozing in the sun or strategically dropping a ball at the base of Ben’s wheelchair.

Bens loves his summer salads, and has been busy planting basil, tomatoes, lettuces and coriander all for use with summer meals with his housemates.

Anthony, Jeannie, Ian, Sonya and Natalie

Ben and Bonnie

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Veranto stalwart Roy Archer retires after 24 years’ service

After 24 years of dedicated service to Veranto, Roy Archer will retire in February. Roy has given exceptional service to the people we support, going well beyond the requirements of his position. For Roy it has always been far more than ‘just a job’.

Roy is highly respected throughout the industry and has built strong relationships across organisations and within Disability Services DHHS. We have all learnt strong life lessons from Roy, the most memorable for me is ‘to sometimes wait and reflect as 24 hours can make the world of difference’. As my 2iC for so many years I have appreciated his loyalty and unquestioned commitment to his role. Roy has never sought accolades and even in approaching his retirement date he has gone to great lengths to quietly ensure that his knowledge and experience have been passed on.

Roy is one of four members of the Veranto senior management team who have worked together for more than two decades. The team includes Roy, Kathy Tauber, Ian Hopkins and myself. As long-serving members of the Veranto team we sometimes reflect on the changes that have occurred from our early days as we all worked on shift in support worker roles. Organisational growth, together with changes in the broader sector, have meant a gradual transition and change in roles from the late 80s to where we are today. In many ways the four of us have grown with the organisation; as Veranto has matured we have grown older gracefully (we hope). We have been a close-knit team with complementary skills but with one clear commitment; to make the services Veranto provides the best they can be for the people we support. Roy is a perfect example of that commitment.

Roy’s professional accomplishments are both impressive and extensive and are too numerous to provide a comprehensive list. Some of the highlights include; working closely with Kathy Tauber to establish new services as the business grew, instigating and developing the Health & Safety system, developing several iterations of accounting and payroll systems including (following a failure of the data back-up system) spending many weeks rebuilding three months of data for both accounts and payroll entry by entry, introducing PART training, organising many holidays and trips for the people we support and developing an effective and efficient rostering system.

However, Roy’s greatest achievement (I believe) and one that has occurred entirely naturally, is his relationship with each of the people we support. Roy’s knowledge of each person and his relationship with them has been built on

mutual respect and genuine fondness. His memory of occasions, detailed knowledge of the organisation and recollection of facts or events continues to amaze. The default position is usually, ‘if Roy doesn’t know, no one will’.

While Roy will be greatly missed by everyone at Veranto, I wish him well in his retirement and thank him for his 24 years, four months, three weeks and three days (being correct with figures has always been a strong suit) with Veranto.

Paul Byrne

John Geeves’ Holiday with a Difference

This November, John’s holiday in Devonport was different because he took a companion with him. A new furry friend named ‘Tommy’. In some of the photos it’s hard to see who’s more excited about staying at the dog-friendly cottage at Port Sorell… John or Tommy!

John did the usual sight-seeing, but the most important thing for him on this holiday (besides Tommy of course!) was that it was an occasion for lots of ‘firsts’. John made out his own grocery shopping list, did the entire shop practically on his own and cooked a barbecue meal from start to finish. Tommy thought the sausages were delicious too!

Roy and Valda

Ian Hopkins, Kathy Tauber, Roy and Paul Byrne

Roy and Rodney Howe

David Gigney, Dr Keith Miller, Rodney Howe, Roy and Julie Reeves

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John also chose to eat at a restaurant of his choosing and surprised his staff companion, Catherine, when he chose quite a spicy Thai meal over steak and chips.

Other ‘firsts’ on this trip were using the camera for himself, and filling the car with petrol. These were really fun things to do for John. Also enjoyable was walking Tommy around on the lead, feeding him and putting him into his little dog bed.

John and Tommy both enjoyed a ride on the Don Railway – he has the photos to prove it!

Cleve Mitchell’s Bicheno holiday

Cleve Mitchell enjoyed a few days break on the East Coast early in November. Accompanied by Jenny Smith, his holiday stay was based at Bicheno. On the way to his holiday cabin, Cleve’s first stop was at his aunt’s place in Swansea where Cleve and Jenny enjoyed tea and biscuits with her whilst overlooking the sea.

On arrival at Bicheno, they quickly settled into the comfortable two bedroom cabin, and after unpacking they set off for a walk to the blowhole and the whale’s lookout. That evening they enjoyed a pleasant meal of steak and chips at the Beachfront Hotel.

The next morning Jenny cooked up a hearty English style cooked breakfast to fortify them for the day’s sightseeing. First stop was St Mary’s where they enjoyed a hot cuppa, then on to Scamander enjoying the water views on the way. The intended walk at Scamander was cut short by the windy conditions, so they headed for St Helen’s where Cleve was able to do some shopping.

After his shopping, they headed for the Pyengana Cheese Factory for a lunch of beautiful grilled cheese on toast, accompanied by homemade chutney. Thereafter it was back in the car for a trip to St Columbia Falls where they enjoyed a short walk and took some photos.

On the way back to Bicheno they called into the Pub in the Paddock (famous for its beer drinking pig!) They enjoyed a quick pizza meal back at Bicheno before heading out to catch the bus for the penguin tour. The tour involved watching the penguins waddling from the water to their dens in the sand dunes where they stay until 4.30 in the morning when they head back to the water.

The next day there was time for a quick trip to Coles Bay before heading home and a long drive through rainy conditions.

Laura Judd at Tolosa Park

Sunday December 1st was a beautiful warm day, and Laura Judd, accompanied by staff member Matt, attended the International Day of People Living with a Disability day held at Tolosa Park. Having forgotten the sun-block cream, they made a quick stop at the Chemist on the way to remedy the situation.

First task upon arrival was to unload the van at the main gate, before Matt took it to the overflow car-park, leaving Laura temporarily in the company of the traffic directors.

Reunited with Matt, Laura and he made their way round the various stalls on the way to the stage, where the band Rudely Interrupted was playing. The performance was a mixture of music and comedy with the addition of a man running about the stage in a costume entertaining both the band and the crowd.

John at the Museum All aboard The railway enthusiast

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After watching the band for a time, Laura and Matt set off for another wander around the park to see some of the other attractions on display. They discovered the BBQ hut where lunch was offered and they purchased a couple of hamburgers with onion and sauce. They quickly found a shaded spot on the other side of the stage from where they had been previously, and enjoyed some more music whilst eating their hamburgers.

All too soon it was time to make the journey home, but Laura had enjoyed the day immensely.

Georgia and Sam meet Matt Levy

On Saturday 14th December, Georgia Coppleman and Sam Gallagher from Sylvan Court went along to the Swimming Open Day hosted by Special Olympics and Swimming Tasmania at the Bellerive Aquatic Centre.

Despite Georgia and Sam being the only attendees, they had an excellent day which included pool games and individual swimming lessons by Swimming Tasmania Instructors. The highlight of their day was meeting Paralympian Matt Levy who proudly spoke to them both about his swimming triumphs and Paralympic experience.

Georgia commented that one day she too would like to participate in the Paralympics.

Both Georgia and Sam will be enrolling in a number of their favourite sports when Special Olympics Tasmania recommences in February 2014. Sam is especially looking forward to Bowling, and Georgia is very excited to be once again involved with the Basketball and Swimming.

Speak Out Conference 2013

Hartmuth Pallavicini, Robert Helps and Maxine Flakemore, accompanied by Brie Kean, attended the Speak Out conference in Hobart in November, for some action filled and enjoyable days.

Hartmuth and Robert participated in the “Men’s Shed” whilst Maxine and Brie attended a beauty and make-up programme where Maxine had her make-up done ready for the conference dinner dance.

The venue and food at the conference were excellent and the residents of Alicia Road were especially pleased with the Hobart based venue which involved much less travelling than previously.

Two outings for Scott and Stuart

On Thursday 26th December, Scott Percival and Stuart Maughan accompanied by Nick and Debra set off for a drive down to Port Arthur. The weather was fine and everyone enjoyed the drive down to the peninsula.

When they arrived at Dunalley, they had a quick rest before setting off again, but stopping briefly at Eaglehawk Neck. Scott was intrigued by all the tourists while Stuart marvelled at the scenery and noted that there were no surfers riding the waves.

They spent so much time enjoying the pleasures of Eaglehawk neck that they didn’t leave enough time to get to Port Arthur.

They had lunch next to the canal at Dunalley where they ate the famous flake and chips from the corner store. Stuart definitely gave them the thumbs up.

An added bonus was seeing boats motoring up the canal and kids jumping into the canal from the bridge.

By now, being more time conscious, they left Dunalley and arrived back at the Lodge in time for the guys to have afternoon tea and a well-earned rest.

Sam, Matt and Georgia

Lunch at Dunally

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Newsletter of Veranto A.C.N. 055 028 562 | A.B.N. 72 867 597 283

PO Box 3130 Rosny Park Tasmania 7018 Phone: (03) 6244 8846 | Fax: (03) 6244 8024


Editor: Graeme Rayner | Email: [email protected]

Graphics: Sahara Design

Any opinions expressed herein are not necessarily

those of the management or Board of Veranto.

Sahara Design 0195

On Friday 3rd of January, the boys headed up to the Salmon Ponds. It was a lovely day of 21 degrees and Stuart enjoyed the drive up enjoying the countryside and also looking out at Norske Skog, Scott, meanwhile, had a quiet doze in the warm sunlit van.

On arrival at the Ponds, both men loved watching the salmon and trout in the ponds and were especially fascinated by the albino trout. They chose not to feed the fish and instead elected to watch the children and their families enjoying their time feeding them.

After a nice wander around the garden in the beautiful sun, they sat at a park bench for a picnic lunch before taking another stroll before setting off home.

It was a lovely relaxing day and both men said they enjoyed the trip very much.

Mary Holowenko celebrates

On the 12th of December Mary Holowenko celebrated her 61st birthday.

She went to collect her Dad up and took him out for a long lunch after which she went to do some shopping. That night, back at the units, she chose to have Pizza for tea followed by chocolate mud cake for dessert. She invited Janine Smith from the Lodge as a guest to help celebrate her birthday. Mary received an iPad for her birthday which she was very pleased and excited about.


Congratulations to our n&m graphic designer, Jason Stroja and his wife Abby on the recent birth of a daughter, Phoebe.

Janelle’s Dance Performance

On Saturday the 7th December, while most of the Veranto community attended the Acorn Christmas Party, Janelle was performing with her dance group in New Norfolk.

She has been rehearsing all year and Saturday was the final rehearsal

for the main performance on the Sunday.

The hard rehearsal work paid off, and Janelle and her group all received an award for their performance.

Janelle (Hawks sup-porter) with her award

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