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Study Guide 3rd 9 Weeks Cumulative Name ________________________________________________Waves1.When light from the sun hits a firetruck’s paint, all the light is absorbed except…a) blue b) red c) green2. All the light gets absorbed by the school bus’s paint except…a) red b) green c) yellow3. Combining all the paint pigments like yellow, cyan, and magenta makes the color ___________.a) white b) green c) black4. When light hits a wall, the wall is considered a ______________ object.a) transparent b) translucent c) opaque5. Light through a frosted pane glass where only some of the light gets through is…a) transparent b) opaque c) translucent6. A clear window is …a) transparent b) translucent c) opaque7. Which room would have less sound reflection?a) an empty room with hardwood floors b) a room with couches and a rug8. What are the three states of matter? (Hint: L, S, G)_____________, _________________, _____________________9. What type of wave HAVE to travel through matter?a) electromagnetic b) mechanical10. Where are sound waves the slowest?a) air b) glass c) water--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use the chart below to answer 11-16. This chart shows the speed of sound through various media in meters per second.

Material Meters per second

Air at 32 degrees 331

Air at 68 degrees 343

Water at 68 degrees 1,481

Water at 33 degrees 1,500

Ice at 32 degrees 3,500

Iron 5,130

Glass 5,640

11. What material does sound travel fastest in between iron, water at 68 degrees, and air at 32 degrees?a) iron b) water at 68 c) air at 3212. Where does the speed of sound travel faster between water at 33 degrees and water at 68 degrees?a) water at 33 b) water at 6813. Where is the speed of sound travel fastest between glass, iron, and air?a) glass b) iron c) air14. Where does the speed of sound travel the slowest on the chart? _________________________15. Based on the chart, where does sound travel faster?a) liquid b) solid16. Based on the chart, where does sound travel faster?a) gas b) liquid

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17. If 8 waves pass a spot in 2 seconds, the frequency is…a) 1 Hz b) 2 Hz c) 4 Hz d) 8 Hz18. If 20 waves pass a spot in 5 seconds, the frequency is…a) 3 Hz b) 4 Hz c) 5 Hz d) 20 Hz19. If 100 waves pass a spot in 2 seconds, the frequency is…a) 2 Hz b) 20 Hz c) 50 Hz d) 100 Hz21. Which waves have the higher frequency?a) 3 Hz b) 4 Hz c) 5 Hz d) 20 Hz22. Which waves have the lower frequency?a) 3 Hz b) 4 Hz c) 5 Hz d) 20 Hz23. When light bounces off a mirror, it is…a) reflection b) transmission c) diffraction24. When the crest of one wave collides with the troughs of another wave, this kind of interference occurs.a) constructive interference b) destructive interference25. When light from the air goes through water in a jar, the light in the jar changes directions because…a) the wave changed speed b) the size of the wave increased26.Where is the speed of sound faster?a) air b) space c) iron27. When a red light shines on a green crayon, the crayon appears…a) red b) green c) black28. When red, blue, and green light combine, what color light is produced?a) purple b) white c) black29. Which is a mechanical wave? a) X-rays b) visible light c) sound30. The law of reflection means the angle of light bouncing off a mirror will be…a) the same angle as the light hitting the mirror b) the opposite angle as the light hitting the mirror31. In a longitudinal wave, where the particles are closest together is…a) rarefaction b) compression32. Which waves cannot travel through space? a) mechanical b) electromagnetic33. In a longitudinal wave, where the particles are spread out is …a) rarefaction b) compression34. Sound waves are _______________ waves.a) electromagnetic b) mechanical c) transverse

Use the word bank to label the following diagrams:-reflection -absorption -constructive interference -destructive interference -refraction

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Use the chart above to answer the following questions:1.. Which radiation has the highest frequency waves?a) gamma b) X-rays c) microwaves d) radio waves2. Which radiation has the lowest frequency waves?a) gamma b) X-rays c) microwaves d) radio waves3. Which radiation has the longest wavelengths?a) gamma b) X-rays c) microwaves d) radio waves4. Which radiation has the shortest wavelengths?a) gamma b) X-rays c) microwaves d) radio waves5. Which radiation has wavelengths just longer than those of visible light?a) ultraviolet b) infrared c) microwave d) radio6. The three highest frequency types of radiation are harmful to humans. What are these three types with the highest frequency? ________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________________

Use the word bank for 7-13. Each term is used just once. -Infrared -visible light -ultraviolet -microwaves -X ray -gamma -radio7. This type of radiation can cause skin cancer, but it also kills bacteria. ___________________8. Your cell phone works on this type of radiation. ___________________________9. This allows people to see at night with night vision goggles and some snakes have the ability to see prey at night with it. ________________________________10. This is made up of all the colors and humans can see it. ______________________11. These can see cracks in bones and in buildings and bridges. ________________12. These carry TV signals and 4G and 5G computer signals. _______________________13. Although highly dangerous to humans, focused ones of these can be used to kill brain cancer cells. ______________

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Use the chart above to answer the following questions:1.Which color reflects the most light? ____________________________2. Which color absorbs the most light? ___________________________3. If you were building a solar water heater, which color would be the best to paint the outside? _________________4. Besides black, the second best color to paint the solar water heater would be which color? __________________5. A group only has four colors to paint their solar water heater. Kevin says they should paint it white. Rachel says they should paint it blue. Lisa says they should paint it yellow. Taylor says they should paint it orange. Which of the colors would make the water heat up the best. _______________________6. Which of these colors would work the least? (red, blue, yellow, orange)

Plate Tectonics1..Alfred Wegner came up with the idea that all the continents were joined together 250 million years ago in a supercontinent he called ___________________________.

2. Coal forms from dead trees and plants, falling into swamps, and not rotting like normal. Eventually, these dead plants that are the furthest down on the swamp’s bottom no longer touch the water. They dry out over time and become carbon packed coal. What is odd about finding coal deposits in Antarctica?


3. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a divergent fault. A B C D lava D C B AWhere would the oldest rock be? (a, b, c, d)Where would the newest rock be? (a, b, c, d)

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4. For every number on the Richter scale, there is an increase of 10x the amount of shaking. For example, a 3 has 10x the shaking of a 2. A 4 has 100x the shaking of a 2.

5. How many more times shaking is there in an earthquake of 8 on the Richter scale than a 5? ________________6. How many more times shaking is there with an earthquake of a 7 on the Richter scale than a 5? _____________7. How many more times shaking is there with an earthquake of a 9 than a 5? ______________________

8.n the picture, for rocks formed when the Earth’s magnetic field was normal, put an “N” for north at the TOP of those portions and an “S” at the bottom.

For the rocks formed when the Earth’s magnetic field was reversed, put an “S” at the TOP of that layer and an “N” at the bottom of it.

9. The opposite sides of the mid-ocean ridge have (mirror images, completely different arrangements) of magnetic fields.10. A strike-slip fault is also known as a ___________________________________.

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11. In the convection current shown above, where is it warmest? (at the top, at the bottom)12. Where is it cooler? (ate the top of the current, at the bottom of the current)13. The hotter magma (rises, sinks).14. The cooler magma (rises, sinks).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15. The actual place where the rock breaks apart and an earthquake occurs is called the _______________________ and is found inside the earth.16. The place on the surface of the earth where humans actually are that feels the earthquake shaking the hardest is called the _____________________________.


17. First of all, SURFACE waves cause more damage than primary or secondary waves. Which waves cause the MOST damage? (P-waves, S-waves, surface waves)18. Between S and P waves, which causes more shaking? (S, P)


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19. Which wave travelled the fastest in the seismograph reading above? (P-wave, S-wave, Surface-wave)20. Which travelled the slowest? (P-wave, S-wave, Surface-wave)21. Which caused the most shaking? (P-wave, S-wave, Surface-wave)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

22. Which core of the earth is liquid? (inner, outer)23. Which type of wave cannot make it into the outer core? (S-wave, P-wave)24. Which wave cannot travel through liquid? (S-wave, P-wave)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25. Write one benefit volcanoes have for the earth. (HINT: Think farmers.)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________26. Explain how the eruption of a huge volcano like Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines can lower the Earth’s temperature for a year or so. ____________________________________________________________________________________


27. Read the following information. Low silica = “quiet” eruptionsHigh silica = violent eruption

Shield volcanoes have the least amount of silica (SiO2 which is silica dioxide).Composite volcanoes have the largest amount of silica.Cinder cone volcanoes have an intermediate amount of silica.

28. Put the correct “Type of volcano” in the chart. The choices are these:Composite, Cinder cone, Shield

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29. In the “Type of eruptions” column, circle whether it’s quiet, intermediate, or violent.

Percentage of silica in magma

Type of volcano Type of eruptions

65% Quiet, intermediate, violent

48% Quiet, intermediate, violent

57% Quiet, intermediate, violent

30. How many seismograph readings are needed to determine the epicenter of an earthquake? _______

1. A eukaryote (has, does not have) a nucleus.2. A prokaryote (has, does not have) a nucleus.

Part IIWrite the correct term next to the definition. These can be found on pages 22-27 in the textbook and 53-56 of the workbook.

-budding -animal regeneration -cloning -vegetative regeneration -fission -mitotic cell division

1.Offspring grows exact copy of parent then breaks off like a hydra __________________2. bacteria split into two ____________________________________________________

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3. A starfish loses an arm then becomes 2 starfish ________________________________2. new potatoes grow from an old potato ______________________________________3. DNA of an organism is put in a female egg ___________________________________6. An amoeba splits evenly and divides with a nucleus in each new amoeba cell ________________________________________________

III.Write whether the following are homozygous or heterozygous.1.. Cc _____________________________ 2. TT ____________________________________3. rr _______________________________ 4. BB ____________________________________5. Yy ______________________________ 6. ii _____________________________________7. Rr ______________________________ 8. RR ____________________________________

IV. Write the correct capital letter for the dominant allele in the blanks on the “Dominant Trait” side and write the corresponding (same letter as the dominant but lower case) on the “Recessive Trait” side.

Dominant Trait Recessive TraitEye color ___ brown eyes ___ green, blue, hazel eyes

Vision ___ farsightedness ___ normal vision ___ normal vision ___ color blindness

Hair ___ dark hair ___ blonde, light, red hair ___ curly hair ___ straight hair ___ widow’s peak ___ normal hairline

Facial features ____ Freckles ___ no freckles____ Unattached earlobes ___ attached earlobes

V. Phenotype9. The phenotype is the characteristics an organism physically has. The phenotype is determined by the (1st, 2nd) allele in the two letter genometype. 11. C = curly hair; c = straight hair. The genotype is cc. What type of hair does this person have? (curly, straight)12. C = curly hair; c = straight hair. The genotype is Cc. What type of hair does this person have? (curly, straight)13. D = dark hair; d = blonde hair. The genotype is DD. What type of hair does this person have? (dark, blonde)14. D = dark hair; d = blonde hair. The genotype is dd. What type of hair does this person have? (dark, blonde)15. D = dark hair; d = blonde hair. The genotype is Dd. What type of hair does this person have? (dark, blonde)16. N = normal vision; n = colorblind. The genotype is Nn. This person’s vision is (normal, color blind).17. N = normal vision; n = colorblind. The genotype is nn. This person’s vision is (normal, color blind).18. N = normal vision; n = colorblind. The genotype is NN. This person’s vision is (normal, color blind).

19. Curly hair ( C) is dominant to straight hair (c).

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A homozygous curly haired man marries a homozygous straight haired woman.Work out the Punnett square and answer the following:

% homozygous dominant _______% heterozygous ______% homozygous recessive ___________ out of 4 have the dominant phenotype

20. Put these in the order in which they occur: selection, variation, adaptation1st ________________________ 2nd ________________________ 3rd ___________________________________

21. All of these creatures have arms with a long bone from the shoulder to the elbow (humerus), two bones between the wrist and elbow, and 5 digits. Because they have similar structures, they are considered to be:

a)homologous b) analogous c) vestigial

22. Birds and insects both have wings with the same function: The wings get them off the ground. However, they do not have a common ancestor. This an example of _____________________ structures.

a)homologous b) analogous c) vestigial

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23. Humans have an appendix, but our body does not use it anymore. Other mammals such as dogs have larger working appendixes that actually help them to break down bones they eat. Humans don’t eat bones so they don’t need their appendix. The appendix in humans is a _____________________ structure.a)homologous b) analogous c) vestigial

24. Originally, when these mice all lived in the grassland, they were genetically the same with the same matching chromosome structure. Then a river changed course and separated the mice population in two groups. As the mouse populations had to hide from predators differently (mice in the grassland stayed brown while those in the forest became darker and climbed trees), and as they had to eat different foods (mice still ate grass in the grassland, those in the forest had to eat seeds), they forest animals changed genetically from the grassland mice. Now the two species cannot have offspring together. This is …

a)behavioral adaptation b) speciation c) mimicry d) selective breeding

25. Look at the following picture then answer what process the pictures suggest.

Longer necked giraffes survived over time while the shorter necked giraffes died out. Only the taller giraffes were left to breed. Over time, the genes for giraffe necks was tall, and they all have the phenotype for tall necks.This is: a) selective breeding b) natural selection c) mimicry


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The viceroy butterfly is good to eat for birds and other animals. The monarch butterfly tastes terrible, and in some cases, is slightly poisonous to eat. Because they look so similar, most animals will not touch either one. The viceroy having a pattern similar to the monarch is a form of ___________________.

a. Camouflage b) analogous structure c) mimicry

27. The similarity of the viceroy and monarch butterfly wings which came from the same ancestor is…a)homologous structures b) analogous structures c) vestigial structures

28. After the continents began to move after Pangaea split up, for a long time North America and South America were NOT connected. When they were finally connected by the Isthmus of Panama, the porkfish population was split apart. Because they now lived in different oceans with different foods to eat, different types of sea floor and sand to hide in, and different predators to avoid, each population had different adaptations to help survive. These adaptations eventually led to each population of porkfish being different.

This is an example of: a)competition b) speciation c) mimicry d) selective breeding----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29.

Insect parrot

Which set of the following most likely had common ancestors?a)cat and insect b) parrot and insect c) cat and bat d) bat and insect30. What is an inherited trait that increases and organism’s chances of survival?a)variation b) speciation c) adaptation

31. A mutation caused different colors in peppered moths. Which variation has the

advantage here? a) The gray moth

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b) The black moth


Charles Darwin observed these finches in the Galapagos Islands. He noticed they had different beaks on different islands. The different beaks he said were due to:a)types of food available b)types of nest they had to build c) for fighting predators---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33. Which of the following is most closely related to the fish?

Fish Sala- tortoise chicken pig rabbit human mander

a)chicken b) salamander c) pig d) rabbitUse the map for A-E.

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A.. When Pangaea was still connected, which organism lived in southern South America and southern Africa? (Cynognathus, Mesosaurus, Lystrosaurus, Glossopteris)B. When Pangaea was still connected, which organism lived in Africa, India, and Antarctica? (Cynognathus, Mesosaurus, Lystrosaurus, Glossopteris)C. When Pangaea was still connected, which organism lived in central South America and towards the middle of Africa?(Cynognathus, Mesosaurus, Lystrosaurus, Glossopteris)D. When Pangaea was still connected, which organism lived South America, Africa, India, Antarctica, and Australia? (Cynognathus, Mesosaurus, Lystrosaurus, Glossopteris)E. Based on what you know about Antarctica today, what is odd about finding Glossopteris fossils there? There are no _____________________ living there today, which means at one time the climate of Antarctica must have been (warmer, colder).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The illustration above shows fossils found at two different sites. Use it to answer the following:1.Fossils in the layer F from Site 1 are the same age as what layer at Site 2? (W, X, Y, Z)2. Fossils in layer G from Site 1 are the same age as what layer in Site 2? (W, X, Y, Z)3. Looking at just Site 1, which species survived the longest time? (dinosaur, plant, ammonite, mammal, bird)Today

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Millions of Years Ago

4. Which two species are the oldest? (W, X, Y, Z)5. Which species lasted the longest time? (W, X, Y, Z)6. Which species lasted the shortest time? (W, X, Y, Z)7. Which two species tied for lasting the 2nd longest time? (W, X, Y, Z)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

34. Fill out the chart to show how many chromosomes wind up at the end of mitosis and meosis. Starting # of chromosomes Ending # chromosomes in each cell

in MITOSISEnding # of chromosomes in


14 14 7







35. In (meiosis, mitosis) you wind up with ½ the number of chromosomes you started with.36. Put the following phases of mitosis in order from beginning to end:

Anaphase Prophase metaphase cytokinesis telophaseBeginning ___________________________


Ending ______________________________37. In the chart, read the characteristic then circle whether it’s meiosis or mitosis

Produces sex cells/gametes for reproduction (Mitosis, Meiosis)

Ends with the same # of chromosomes it began with (Mitosis, Meiosis)

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Goes through PMAT twice (Mitosis, Meiosis)

Ends with ½ the chromosomes it began with (Mitosis, Meiosis)

Helps to heal cuts and makes you grow since you are not the same size you were at 3 years old

(Mitosis, Meiosis)

Some cancers are simply a person’s cells don’t stop going through this phase and continually make too many cells which become a tumor

(Mitosis, Meiosis)

Only goes through PMAT once (Mitosis, Meiosis)

Starts with one diploid cell; ends with two diploid cells (Mitosis, Meiosis)

Starts with one diploid cell; ends with four haploid cells (Mitosis, Meiosis)

38. Humans have 46 chromosomes. They got _____ from their mom and ____ from their dad.

39. When chromosomes exchange information this way, it is…

a)crossing over b) mitosis c) anaphase

40. Does crossing over guarantee there will be a harmful change in the DNA of the offspring? (yes, no)41. Does crossing over guarantee there will be a beneficial change in the DNA of the offspring? (yes, no)42. Does crossing over recombine genetic information that will make the offspring’s DNA a little different from each parent? (yes, no)43. Does crossing over make an exact copy of one parent’s DNA? (yes, no)44. Does crossing over help to create genetic diversity/differences in the offspring population of the species? (yes, no)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45. Not every bird will be affected by a virus that comes through is a variation which is an advantage of…a) asexual reproduction b) sexual reproduction

Genetic engineering46. Genes are found in this part of the cell: ___ ___ ___. Humans have 26,000 genes.

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Use the word bank for #6: DNA cut insert DNA47. Scientists find a trait they want in a particular species. They __________ the gene out of the ___ ___ ___ and ___________ it into the ___ ___ ___ of an organism they want to have that characteristic. For instance, scientists have cut out genes from bacteria that kill caterpillars and inserted the genes into corn plants so the caterpillars will die when they try to eat the corn.

48. Scientist taking pollen from a tomato plant that is immune to disease and putting it in the ovule of a tomato plant that is sweet is…a)natural selection b) genetic engineering c) selective breeding

49. Which one requires just one parent?a) asexual reproduction b) sexual reproduction

1.What is bigger? (gene, chromosome)2. What is bigger? (gene, nucleus)3. What is bigger (chromosome, nucleus)4. Put these in order from smallest to largest:

Nucleus Chromosome GeneSmallest __________________________

__________________________Largest __________________________

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B = Brown eyes; b = green eyes.Work out each of the Punnett Squares then answer the questions that follow:

(a) BB x BB (b) BB x Bb (c) BB x bb


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(d) Bb x Bb (e) Bb x bb (f) bb x bb

6. Which Punnett square shows a brown eyed parent and a green eyed parent with only brown eyed children? _____7. Which Punnett square shows the only one where a 2 brown eyed parents have brown and green eyed children? ___8. Which Punnett square shows a brown eyed and a green eyed parent where half the children are brown eyed and half the children are green eyed?

9. In the F1 generation, a farmer crosses a purple flower (P) with a white flower (p). All of the offspring are purple. What are most likely the parent plants’ genotypes?a) PP x pp b) Pp x Pp c) Pp x pp

10. In the F2 generation, the farmer crosses two of the offspring purple plants, and in the offspring there are some that are white and some that are purple. What is most likely the genotypes of the plants he crossed?a) Pp x Pp b) PP x Pp c) PP x PP

11. In the F2 generation, the farmer then crossed a one purple flower with a white flower. Half the offspring flowers were white and half were purple. What is most likely the parent plants’ genotypes? a) PP x pp b) Pp x Pp c) Pp x pp

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. A purebred gene has only the same alleles in its genotype. Circle the 5 of the following that are purebred.AA Cc bb UU Ii rr RR Tt

13. R = red; r = whiteA purebred red plant crosses with a purebred white plant. Make a Punnett square and answer what the offspring will be.

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The offspring will be:a)all white and homozygousb) all red and homozygousc) all red and heterozygousd) 3 red and 1 white---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ethical concerns deal with what is the right thing to do. Pick out which in each group shows an ethical concern about scientific topics.

14. a) The world population is going up and resources like water and food may run out eventually.b) People in some countries are being asked to have only one child per family.c) Many people will starve when there is a major overpopulation problem.

15. a) Using fossil fuels such as gas and coal give off CO2 which traps in heat and warms the planet.b) Driving big trucks use more gas and gives off more carbon dioxide.c) Planting trees and using electric cars reduce the amount of CO2 going in the atmosphere.

16. a) Keeping people from using 3D printers to make guns.b) Using 3D printers to make guns.

Selective Breeding Selective breeding is when humans choose which 2 of a species breed. For example, a farmer puts a fast female horse and fast male horse in the same pen in hopes that they will have a baby horse that is very fast.

17. If the same mom and dad have two sons born three years apart, will the sons be identical and have the exact same DNA? (yes, no)

18. If a German Shepherd dog and a Dalmatian dog are bred together, will every puppy have the exact same DNA?(yes, no)

19. Farmers keep selectively breeding cabbage plants to grow large cabbages that are ready to eat in two months. They are happy with these cabbages and keep breeding them over and over. The cabbage crops are almost all identical because of this. What will happen if a fungus gets on one cabbage plant if all the cabbage plants have been selectively bred to be similar?a) The fungus will do nothing because the plants are separate cabbage plants.b) The fungus will likely spread because the plants have been bred to be similar and what infects one will likely infect the next one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Environmental factors can influence an organism’s traits over time. This means the changing environment makes certain traits (like skin color) become a dominant trait for a species.

19. Due to global warming, polar bears, who hunt on the ice of the frozen ocean much of the year, are starting to get stuck on icebergs as the ice melts. The bears who can swim to land or more ice the best will live. Those who don’t swim as well will drown. The best swimmers will be around to mate and these muscles may be passed to their offspring.Would this be an environmental factor affecting a species’ traits over time? (yes, no)

20. Giraffes living in the jungle have darker spots to blend in with the shaded area than their relatives living in the grasslands. The grassland giraffes have lighter coats and spots to blend in with the grass. The jungle giraffes with light coats and spots tend to get eaten when they are young by predators because they are more easily seen. So the ones that live to adulthood in the jungle tend to be the darker ones and pass their genes down to their offspring.Would this be an environmental factor affecting a species’ traits over time? (yes, no)

21. A fire in the forest causes doves to fly away to a new area and start eating grass seeds rather than the tree seeds they were used to eating.Would this be an environmental factor affecting a species’ traits over time? (yes, no)

22. Pandas feed only on bamboo. As the world has warmed in some areas, the bamboo has died out causing pandas in those areas to starve.Would this be an environmental factor affecting a species’ traits over time? (yes, no)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DNA Base Pairs (nitrogen bases)DNA is made of base pairs. The pairs are:A = adenine T = thymineG = guanine C = cytosine

Adenine always goes with Thymine.Guanine always goes with Cytosine.

28. Match the correct letter for each DNA base pairs in the blank with the correct letter: A, T, G, or CT _____ C ______ G ___ A ______

___ C T _____ A ____ G ______--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C = curly hair; c = straight hairTell the phenotype for the following genotypes:29. CC = (curly, straight)30. cc = (curly, straight)31. Cc = (curly, straight)

Tell whether the statements about how genotypes determine phenotypes is true or not by answering yes or no.32. Every function of every cell, and you have hundreds of trillions of cells including brain, liver, skin, hair, heart muscle, is determined by a single, tiny, solitary, gene. (yes, no)33. Genes contain instructions that determine which phenotype shows up in the offspring. (yes, no)34. All genes for a species are identical. (yes, no)

Match the definition and the correct terms.

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-metamorphic -igneous -sedimentary1.rock formed from magma ______________________2. rock formed by soil layers piling up and becoming compacted together _______________3. rock formed when heat and pressure warps it into a new form ______________________

4. The rock cycle indicates that each type of rock can ____.  a. provide materials to make other rocks

  b. form other rocks

  c. be changed by forces at Earth's surface

  d. all of the above

5. When lava cools at Earth's surface, ____ igneous rocks are formed.  a. extrusive b. metamorphic

c. intrusive d. coarse-grained

6. When magma cools deep inside Earth, ____ igneous rocks are formed.  a. extrusive b. fine-

grained  c. detrital d. intrusive

7. Uplift involves which of the following?

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  a. the exposure of new rock material on Earth’s surface

  b. movement of rock along tectonic plate edges

  c. mountain building

  d. all of the above

8. When does metamorphism occur?  a. when rocks are subjected to wind and rain

  b. when sediment is laid down by water that is moving too slowly to carry it any longer

  c. when rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressure

9. Based on the chart above, where did fish as we know them first appear?a.Triassic b. Cambrian c. Jurassic d. Devonian10. Based on the chart above, which era is older?a.Jurassic b. Archean c. Holocene d. Mississippian11. Based on the chart above, a major extinction occurred between what two periods?a.Holocene and Pleistocene b. Paleocene and Cretaceous

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12. Using the chart above, in what period did the first mammals appear? a.Triassic b. Proterozoic c. Cambrian

13. The first fungi appeared during this period.a.Cambrian b. Jurassic c. Cretaceous

14. Using the era column, which era had the first land plants and the age of fishes.a. Precambrian b. Paleozoic c. Cenozoic

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I.Gene coding involves sets of 3 nucleotide bases. For a brief overview, there are nucleotides that make these. They are A, T, C, and G.

Again, they come in sets of 3. The sets of 3 make up proteins.

Mutations occur in genes when a nucleotide has an error in it as it reproduces.

Look at the following:AAT CAG GCT

When this replicates, the end result should be the same, which is:AAT CAG GCT

II. Sometimes one nucleotide base replaces another. This is called a substitution.In the following sets, look at the first group. Then in the second group, circle the nucleotide that was a substituted mutation.1.AAT CAG GCT 2. ATA CGA AAC 3. TCT TGT AGT AAC CAG GCT ATA CGA TAC ACT TGT AGT

III. Other types of mutations that change the numbers all the way are called frameshifts. These will make the numbers incorrect. There are insertions where a nucleotide has been added and this moves the position of each protein set. Ex. ATA CGA AAC ATA CCG AAA

The middle C in in the second set is an insertion. Notice that the letters coming after it are in the same order, but they now form different 3 letter proteins. This causes a mutation.

IV. If a nucleotide is missing during replication, it is a deletion.

ATA CGA AACAAC GAA ACT Notice that the 2nd letter in the first set, the T, is missing from the second set. This causes the

proteins to be different and also causes a mutation.

Look at each set. Circle where the change occurred in the second set. Then tell if the replication has had a deletion or an insertion frameshift.4. AAC CAG GCT 5. TCT TGT AGT 6. ATA CGA AAC AAC CGG CTA TCT TAG TAG AAC GAA ACA(insertion, deletion) (insertion, deletion) (insertion, deletion)

V. Tell whether the following have substitution, deletion, or insertion mutations.7. TCT TGT AGT 8. TCT TGT AGT 9. TCT TGT AGT ACT TGT AGT TTT GTA GTA TAC TTG TAG(insertion, deletion, substitution) (insertion, deletion, substitution) (insertion, deletion, substitution)

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Incomplete Dominance: Neither trait dominates over the other. There is a mixture of the phenotypes.Ex. Red + Yellow = orange Tell what the phenotype is for the following incomplete dominant crosses:1.Black + White = ________________2. Red + Blue = ___________________3. Blue + Yellow = ______________________

4. Look at the following Incomplete Dominance Punnett square. R = red, r = white.Rr x Rr RR = red

Rr = pinkrr = white

Write what the phenotype is for each genotype (HINT- It’s already given above. I just need you to know this for 4-15):4. RR = ______________5. Rr = _______________6. rr = ________________

Work out the Punnett squares for Incomplete Dominance for these snapdragon flowers. Use 4-6 to tell the phenotypes.Rr x rr

7. # with the phenotype for red _______8. # with the phenotype for pink ______9. # with the phenotype for white _____

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Make a Punnett square using RR x rr.

10. # with the phenotype for red _______11. # with the phenotype for pink ______12. # with the phenotype for white _____---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Make a Punnett square using RR x Rr.

13. # with the phenotype for red _______14. # with the phenotype for pink ______15. # with the phenotype for white _____-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Co-Dominance: means both alleles have the same strength. Neither dominates over the other. Both traits will show up in the offspring.Ex: A red cow + a white cow = a white cow with red spots (AKA a roan cow)

RR = redRW = spottedWW = white

Work out the following Punnett squares for Co-Dominance in cow colors and tell what the phenotype is for each.

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Work out the following Punnett squares for Co-Dominance in cow colors and tell how many have each phenotype.Spotted x White: RW x WW

17. _______ are white18. _______ are red19. _______ are spotted----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spotted x Spotted: RW x RW

20. _______ are white21. _______ are red22. _______ are spotted---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Red x Spotted: RR x RW

23. _______ are white24. _______ are red25. _______ are spotted

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