Please tick the box to continue:

Page 1: · ThoWeather l1l«Yrvm find thin iiinriilnm probably #Hlr thin t f«-murww fnlr

Tho Weatherl1l«Yrvm find thin iiinriilnmprobably #Hlr thin t f«-

murww fnlr nml iMHtler*v(For full VMthtr r*jinrt, n++ p«g« H.) mies- Complete Markets

Full Associated l'ressJtcport

T2D YEAR VOLL'MK ieN l/MIl Kit »1T

lCnl»r«il Jnnunrjr 17. 1101. the p.,»i onto* *1lU.hmoii.l, \ b.. us Hwuii.l I'Umi Matter, RICHMOND, VA. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1922. .SIXTY PACKS PRICE, SEVEN CENTS.


'orfiign Representatives.Assert Dry Ruling Sur¬

prises Them.

AY BRITISH CI{AI Tmay ciiwci: ti;kmim

-iiHTK, Sunn; Assort, WouldSail From (Canadian and

\\ /.»t Indian Purls.

»inv oiiiii'.ii is i\ i;ri'K< i

linlrniiiM l.nikrr lllrrnt Ml v|i||i-plug llimril l riifI in ItiMiioir

I it 11» * Irn ii t n.

M v :-,tnl Pre- IWASH I V T " N. ii » 7 l'"r»!cn

mil Aintricftfi vessela sailing f..r thf'.il!. .I St.-,- ,<.. r i ' t.,l,or ! 4 next.^'111 il'V . I ll" j.roll h",l ' ' >m I i-: ..' I -i > >x i' iiik;Iqilllt Into An .,v..era, it «.i-. aunoiinced tonight nth' Tt. iimii I ..¦!., r t nt

I)' . < , ,.

Ir v < r ; AH, r.. -1 1J I '!<. f iiJimw -1 *

r. t.. .... |,r..1; ,,f U -

.ran twrtfi t inn of 1Iqilor i'iiritoi>ji or-on w.m mad- 1 l'i .s|.|.tt JI: <1 -

'1 itlvr. In I.-f.-r t.i See... Mellon. H.ii'l any earlier at-

t-.'T.l ' V .-n f.. r »¦ > Iji.'f.t ,ti tlx. alc'i.eif >1 i' fi'-t « ;, i f.:«»i.« il: '1 in. n t u Jij-tioali g .! 11a%... i t<-n<|. n > to <i v.

«( . < ' '!¦. I> tin « . ..f rn-m»r. .


1 h! i "i i n f ii, . i .

i i.f in. \ .- ,. i. %ll l'i-.r ..ii vi.v v.,, jug miller the1 .-non. .ii Mar ! - IT. solent . .1Imrii",! «t« < i-i--:.ti ; mi. h" '-flT'-l *

. i .«-. M Hi-s i ' '. . tii- ,\ 11..mie >;<¦ . ra h r u .

"1 .'*¦. ti I"'' .. ul .] .iii ii.Ma-t. of > I.:; ,, ... ,

n'oro ordered tby <'iinirm.niI.a; 'I t.1 I. r. v.. a i J > i: r< i. |. r urir; f ,I- ::¦»«.\i. :it»;,gli'i'i al.oaril . hips. 'I'll.- orderI am- .-IT i ti\. !. .m- 11 a t <. I y a* to? lipN in I bei- :i .- j |,'l Wl|;

mac|i .ini»«. at.for-i 1411 port » upon arrival

1 tli- t' 1 Stat. s.ji.'t11'i.u\t \ i s \s«.Kicr -i i11:\ *

a nr. «i ufiiisr.i) m in mm;i: A #l I'r- «.>.]

\\ a i:i v. ;ti i.n «.i : rr it i * l . - ii a t! v. .!. i. .. r Km ...

I'-an aiiln iu'Ii in.1 j nf» a a. I . . :i.. .... I¦ . n of \.t..i n-\ -i;. ., | .. iy_ li..rt > t nit :n-

' \^ .! - m.i.. t; .. uimI-:P.IIJ > J CII it. '.III,. ¦. I>- t.r< J^lit With-Iti ' i- ¦."II'M i. Wiit-rs < f tn«.I'nlt . .! St it . II., \ (). I t Jll i' mi* B'.V.'I III. t.i a s a :¦!'Mmlliat ;.me.ism-. ¦.;«-i i « i ji»i»lv >.'!;-rial iiif.rn it ..! a- soon u ;it>- ohtiiln.,1 t.x th.jii from s .. 11.-partnw nt >.f J i-ti. .

'1 li»j 'I* f i..inn #.t tii.. a . it ii, v ai.-n-*ral t .... tho , in<mi >. .ni|il. t-iyby aurprlSA mm it lia.l l>i>en ronn-d-nti'. «\p«'.t-ii tliat : h- < 11 > 1111tl"ii tn In: I'ln.iil ujiuii th- iirohil.i-ti»»;i am. nlin-llt an<l ,<1 t< |h'1 fur as It i .:at.. s til f.. 41, \pf-lp a". :. a.-t m <>iI<1 - in ill.. .1 r.t!on i.' il'.i-ra!;t> latlior than 1 u i-t li'tr r- -11 x. i mux.

<"loHure i.f tii* |..ii i.n : n«ipliiititm- «»f tli- .. ii - sti.r, >

under >-,l ti 11 ii .nt* i: u t )i..torlal «a:,rs . t .. ,it..| Staticn at i"'i <iit i. i. i. .:, a . i.lle\ ...I t>. ha \ ¦¦ f »r i:i. it- ntof t M- |ir> 111111¦ it a in. ... :.i

Mny llwrl I . ,s. I'ort*.Xon- of : he \ .i i... i, . at.;(s ..:

flciai.H w-: .. williim to pi. li t whatIlMChl i- Ill- out. ..Ill- of t s II' Urt e v »t 1 < p: i:. 111 iii in- i t . 11., i i i. i ,:pha.-e "f lit > law . !if..rf . in. -.1 r. rIII dliti ipati ii of K..|il- i. ii <|.-1 i-Bion. lalln |- a.- a posy: In! it \ than a»

probability, muii. of th- fori l»:ndiplomats have t \ pfejis-d tin- beliefthat X?ritlph and ..tlier f.*i. un .-lii:.-niaters. rather than Kubmli ihein-(.elves to rigorous application of the.American law. would laiu-lyAmerican P'.rls of . ntry, malting i hewestern termlntis i f th.- Iran .t an¬tic liii."< in i'anndian and ItiuishV ..«t I nilia n poi is.There had lie.-ii film;, st ions a >>

of tr.ins-sliipiiienl of af. 'iholi, tin ,|>\>y \..- -l.s Ii. id-.I we-i\nir«l t>. sta¬tion ship.i lylnn i. ut>ui.* of in- tin..,..mile limit, tin- Kami: storis to hen sliip|.f.l upon tin- return voyan- oftlie vessels. Itilt this plan is re¬garded as impract icalile except inf--pcchtl cases

3llltlit ItrliiK ItcliilliiCliiii.When attention was dir.leA to

tlie fa-1 that vrsscU llj inn theAmerican Mag and pl\.uj; directlybetween 1%urope and American portsin K h t have a coiisideralne advant-ago and thus serin e of the"Transatlantli- p.i.-seimer tr.iillr ifKuropean-owiifd ships ilieirvoyages to Canadian ports, asttoni;hint was given that in .as.:eoine measures of retaliation mii;hlpurely ho expected. What miuhl hethe naturo of these measures liasnot heen Indicated, Imt t is be¬lieved that it is eonleiuplaled to im->jiosn restrictions upon AmericanFlilps entering Western Muiopeanports that would counterbalance theadvantage that ni k Ii t realixe fromcapturing the best part of the busi¬ness of the present forelgn-o wneilliners.Another question raised in diplo¬

matic minds by the Attorney-tien-eral's opinion was its possible ef¬fect on replenishment of embassyanil legation liquor supplies. Thoonly comment made by administra¬tion ollicials, however, tended to al¬lay apprehensions along that li»e.

Foreign representatives in theUnited States now are authorized to

procure stocks of liquors fromabroad under special regulationswhich require that all such ship-

a *(Contlnucrt on Page 2. I'ol. .1.)You'll got what you nre waiting for

tn Rilchmorxl aevon daya hence!.Adv. .

SAYS GERMANS BOASTi THEY EXPECT TO WINI IN ANOTHER CONFLICTJohn J. Wicker, jr., Head of American Legion Delega¬tion Abroad, Impressed With "Goose-Step*' in

Demonstration Before Iiiiidenbur^."The coos fa n t boast of nil classi**in Oerinany In that It will nut bo Ion*boforo Kr.mee uml ICnjj'aml ar»> blt-

t'-r '.imml' H I'letty boon, they nay,iertn.itiy will I .i vo another chanoo,.iii'l th'-n < icrmaiiy «:l! rutin: on', on'top. Thov aro confident the l.'nlPtdStates will nut Join the allies again,!or ll»« reason that <»«-iiiiaiiy 1-t rdu-eating t )i u l.'nitcd {Stated to appreciate' ;»t ftmti v'.s virtues, ami In tiir-o y«»atsthis ri. in'iy : 11 In- r-n such ftlemllyterms v/|tli lii-rinany that nu power.mild 1 r. «| j .. us to enter a conMlctagainst t ii.. iii

Till.' Ik tin? nu <*:igo brought backfrutii K'lmpi? In .loliti J. Wicker .Itheml nf tli«- A in» r 1 <i! l.«tl"ti '!<.!. it-t uri that r< .. 11 > v 1 m . the <01111-trles that w " r" 11 -' affi '<"1 by t-t<World War.

*. t III Wrnr U nr-'Miiip Urny."We mw t iinusa ml -. if 'Ii-rman «.>!-

dlor* doing t h.. 'goose -«' . [.' before7i ridenburg* They <1 'I not appear Inthe pr«*""nl 1 p¦ j:.11 -nti n* I'nr'ii.Mt|i>r," >a ! Mr W kit "hut III the.Id tn'-nati hist fl . .1 v 1 ;n W !»*!«.t»e rut nti'l lor "f t li" iinlfurm wasth» hiiiih' worn hv tin- Hermans Inthe hit; conflict, all new, ami. > f n . van \ s'.t; n I Hen n t."Mefore vis ring ll'-Ig .11111. we fop-

5.000 POSTER MENEXPECTED IN CITY'Association Look* Forward to

JJigpf-t (ioMYcntionIt Mas 11 fid.

mkkt nr.hi-; foi k days

\\ ill He \\ clcoinctl to Rich¬mond 1 >y (rovcnxir

and -Mayor.

The th 'it ;.---. in 1 convention of.hi- Poster A'lvi-rt.' " ,¦ A .inflation,uhl'-li will held at the Jefferson11 I four «lays 'his week. lug innl r g. iiimrrnw, will. arcoril ok to ;tl!1 . r j * t s, !,.. Ui" large-: ami mo«t!it ..; ..M:i ti ir i.f any yi-t Ii<.!.!. Thenr: I .111 llll I t il- has 1 ..M.Jlli-tfll n J.I 11grain which (mora i" a numhir <if> .! events !.. (... marked with a »1ur.. .* nf elegance hnrdly e\er vnr-

I at lh" .1 efrersoti. There willa displav nf everyt tig

P-mli: g t. nutk.¦ vi-Mtnrs ba v..IIh- r ty w|tll ft>n<l ifi-1

111 t i'ltis of tln-ir r< ¦ .«>n iiti'l en-: . n a liimonl.

11 \V H¦ 1. secretary i-f the a « s ¦»-lat on, writes \V. \v. Workman, of

t' -it m irinati nf tin" 1 r-.-'-pt lunin :' that tin- alt«-ti<l:«t|if prom-

ln* lat«<-r than .. \-1;r In thehlMnr y «>f 'ia t uti Iippri'-¦ni.ii.w-s from c\i-ty Important . itytin- fn'Hitry, fr mi Sa :i l-'ratn'i-o-u

tn N.¦ w York frnin Italian. Ale.. t<>K<-y \Yf"l, will In- here The .-ro¬tary write." "The en t i-rl a IiiiH-ut ilislniis.,| ihrii i(;iini:t the .i.n-veistintl Will lie ti.1t.-. .Mill tl till-III 1.ami tin members «.!! want t . . tiii-~the y 11 rprifle features"

II.IMMt I 'll ten M eprese ti te(|.l-i l!*:l there Mere cities rep-r.-^.-tit-.l at tin- ¦ unvetilhin. T*i -, a. -I nu |.. a ill.i :i \\ .1in in "I are hnpi I fur. The cil v

- n:..i|e ;i spe.-jal a pjir ipriat inn,lhrntii;h Its ail verl Is inu 1 ommll lee. In'ptft'taili the vis-tnt-s. ami ,1 Is t..ili|till \i--tnrs Will r.'-||irn,-a t e J1 \- eii-tertainlnff. wlili a niimlu-r nf ain ise-tt"tit features, tho citizens nf Itich-iiii 111il.

In a tint Ice sent broadcast by Secre¬tary llr-li. he Sil.v.v; 'I'll s inn ve|i t innwill He iliffcront, bicker ami bettertitan ever hi-fore, with a programarinn«cil tn answer nuestintis yniiwant tn k iinw. All members, everyon« of you, who want a more pi iit11 hii> business In 1!«"3 will lie lu.-scnt.I'.i inn jour wife. There Is a libera!e<|ticatlon avvaillnit In thai i|ii^lnt,historical, jet inmlern, city nf Itn h-iiioikI."

,Tile oHlcers of the nssofiailon f. *r

Hie present year are; .1. II. I'.riiil,-lii'-yi-r, St. I .all is. president ; II. 1'Walker, lu-trnit, vice-presiilenl ; \V.\V, Hell, I'liicaKo. fooroliiry; II I*'.u'Mealia, Jersey fltv. treasurer. W.W. Workman, o( the l»i\ie I'nsler(*n tn pa 11 y, nf this city, 1 c present in);about I'm* t itles In V'iritinbi ami 11iSouth, with hcaihiunt tors in Itii-li-mnnil. is flialrniaii nf the national,as well lis tile local reception anilent ortaltimciil committees. ||e h:rsassociateil with him a numlier of

li'ontintieil Oil I'ane 17. I'nl. II.)

Klectrir Scorchoanl1 akes a Krst Toilav

Toil a y hcinir Siimlay, ^:i» electricscmeboatfl of The Iii.spatcii Papers,which has been follow hit; theworld M'rlrs irame play-by-playsince tho npcniui; nf the play forbaseball supri-iiiiu-y, \\ ill take arest.Tho sco re hoard service will bo

resumed Monday aflernorn, should0110 or more panics lie necessaryto deciilo lh« winner of the aeries.

Whilo the (iiants ii«ain van-tpilshed tho Yanks, The KvenltiKDinpalcli yesterday continued itsunbroken record yesterday after¬noon, its extra cimlainlnn 1 lie com¬plete box score and detailed ac¬count of the Maine appearing mithe slrrets one minute and Dvi{seconds ahoad of any other paperIn Hlchmond, and only four uiin-tites after the same ended in NewYork.

j""l to ,r, tho J.1:ty. .

'zrz:*! vr.« ^.xt?;.j,Yi!y''iZKf All ,t

'"¦rm,",y I, lh. pr«ji;rrsi|v» an'<l"lost |"wsy,;r"U, ,.ollritry |.

>. \\ u u>r»j further 1»»

' i"* r I V<" ill¦"I land ;t rini< !iOf rrn ,h;ui /

..< -i ],"T |>ro|».rl ioinert}'.

notli-r thinif that .

u* u .. ^ ,v ,'"-

i ;i r tk nn t Ji»

1" i.!or n,r

; w .'r f-r t),»

><aM""Iv rpf"-t Wf.

-..-"su,:,t «»...

".any to If.Molr ca,,5"! (:*r-


:'r:;r -̂ ('roix >'*"

(.-OllelniJ. f| j.' «, «.<ll j,f

liruiiMvick |fJIS <;|U(.\\*lllc-|| .M;,y Slllvc

My slcry.


J'Altlenee Soiifrln j.r|)|11sons A Negri] |. J|avc Seen

Allots Fired.

m> i...j ,m:w 'yti-Nsw,,.,-. \ nr,,.v,;,1 lo

,of tid> n..v

and Mr;¦ <


t<>rn tonight.K by 'nve*MUH-

' |o | h,¦ r, ,.

tor* Itcllove ih u u' 1,1 >%::*-

¦1 .|lh'. ."ftlM-

1""ir.l.r -v.j. i.. >,,|V(;I|V"r'""-

' 's""Uli]f|p|] r-. ,, I f. ,

111 n

.' >1 .1 I t I,r


' '' ' m; int.. ti... ni,itt'f farm. « . . h.. v

S.-MT |*| mi,

ri Vur^iT "r-

T'"- IV. .. V Ii .1 ,i

,<v storv»,... s. Hill lint wish t.( linvA >1

|l||.V{ .... I,."-'u III.-If'.l . r r« v«. .. i i ,

ran )in<tt »v , . «.n,Hl

»**r.hy. \vhi<rc «ho

-iV"^' ,a";!,^(.7,,,n:,M-v i fiii X , 'T

pani s . i.. , i-i. ,,' .' *

"IHi' I.. i I,. i11 '«-. <

'1 I IIV.-.J | 1 M;,|. ,

' il* in >\iih Si.|irr Mllr,,

SmiK.'; 'SSrS'TZl11* ».'.«. ' r Dir.-..

Ili-v'w..,'" tuM.OH^ht

v.-r.Xr"\i ?,!-¦

.m»i»h !,u

.. 7 M" ' -»'.f ;,n.|

;."»»«1.1 f|,:,,^a 1<f TlmotJiv'.^XI i ..."in .I f.,p j),,. iit,

»li at II,..1

1 ' " '"¦»» 'I In ili,.i..

p"'"n:.n..ii \Vjmf. o.,.!.''"" """¦*" Mr- Hal! TI.. . , .a ,1

liiu. ..v.rv' " v

i#,if 1 '. .. 1:mil»i j,j:' n'

".M|"| "i"'i Al««wI .¦" »»>«.» .. 11..-.11 Iio lia^ [,;. 1

urn. i, I,,. ,i,..s



' ,!V AS"" . t ...! I', ]SOI I'll IIKNII. I.N-I, Oct. 7 Mr,

Aui;iivia Tii-rnan, « if.. ,,f j.,,,,,1 iTpaii, I *n i Vim'v I y .f \..r..

...",-v. !'l-l Mill f..r .liv.., ..

'v i; .. rn1 ;¦ M.| j,,.I r.-a r in*-ill I 11 \ \|r,

uaTX M.,sn U"'rv

..III' s .I,«

.. II III v ,.1 "V,!" "-'s I'""I»I Iir.i

k i» <'iiy i'onri

iM' V': SS"r U l.o ;,vsiM...i

'. llio prosoiiitl.,,, of I'.,mi,iIloil";-oil shortly lift, r

I,ls «.. u..,i ho Mrsnan m»|i«ta!«.. u,. .

in kp ti.. i,'.',!';1!'«. il.i imht lis


i?M,v.,r ",r """I'-'-"i.mis..,, sr .:said. a,i* f<*p.'ii*at(>i|

l|I|,.n!,N,,-,IM..V"r',,r',,h'I «»| 1.11 K KKl 'SI K, V. v. -

r'nv1 ';ii|A,i"':<' >>'.»). r.linn II.I IH,.;,, 'j rSt illlnia n. rrrolv.>,| ,r,,.r

from Mr-:. ,\nn,. f. Stiiiman. m|». ,mn ' anada slating: that Mahy Oti\ h,..been at death's door but la better

Allies to "Invite"' Hellenesto Move Out of East



In Meant inn?, Athens Govern,merit (ionliniie.s til ]{r-Kn-

forre Defenders.

*<; mv at mi own

I(.|.rr.t..1(t,P, .r ||((||Ion n I l*i I h Nr|:ill,n||

f«»r *»«?! | Iriiifti

f »«»., ,| |.r,.s.. ,'

. '/.O.N, 11-i 7. \n niTlrijii tn-

-i .>:!! < ahfn. t ,.K M,-,.|..r,".If summon, d ;,| -1,. J.

RwV'f"'"'"At ami f. ,r.|' ' irzon

, .

' 1 ' H«' lit litis.'' "i.v su.Mtl.i i...

^ "1 uat,. I-t» ril Thra... .n' Uli<frt<4t;ih<liti£ that it,,, it 11 I*tm

'vaeual, ,| t,.l rl., i"r 1 !".':"'l "f thirty il.t v* fi,.in

<>r I' ,.f..fl!r<.,.kln

...K'":,raiit«^ the wifely .f the

l"H; .--li populat :nr. mi nt imw must 1,» tire-

" 1 ' Turk .x||

.?..r ,V ,M'"i ",,;i understand-- that . ;t . t tliere,v. >| <ltI;y

~ v'" '. the 1 !c i *4 ii representativesr:vr,rt ,1,e conditions(.' 'I down I.y I.,|]>,| ,,,t* .... iiartieiilnrly respecting theI'-'lt!.,. j,(lf tJHospo,,,* a ml tl.. I ia rd.ilieltix.-'

KIJMVI, MliVi.s 'I'd iiki mI I It l\ «. tlH \ M I-; AT Is >| 11)

' !*V Asso. latfil press i

COXSTAXTIXueiiK, Oct. 7.On-<M.t licadi|iia,.rs Tl|r!;is,,a run- has U<-on transferred fromSmyrna to Miiisa. K-ma! Pasha |sex,,t It,-,,-:* early next we-lc

lurkish Infantry ami oavalrv |t i*a ti ntitt m-ed. I,:i v<> violated t >,.¦ neutral".if a round Ismltl.This I v t|.. )il>t violation of (|...

. 'lot lit ot ect III K' I tji, sta n t inojtl** oillit.- Asiatic Si.I... j. , .

' '' r of II,-st iln|io| t :. I, ,

1\"t,t!ilists. liow,.v..f. ha vi- not vnt ;1(|-van...| :.,r inoum, r,.11(. j,,;,,

(" in, i:,.!s|, llflll!>> itl

t. ij t t v r#f rir*f .i i} 1111< 11!.'Th" Will .... ,.ss;,r||V a,.<. ' :. t t.-nt oii at .Mml.i nia. .,s'<t

..'iitia.-y ||,,. t,i,.l..r«taii.ltiK withth- K<-,.alists thai rh.t-.- sha,! |.. ..t".r.|. lll«lV<-llll.|,ts ii.c |h.

jl'.'-tioii iii t|,<. Mmiaiiia itount iatlonsllns 11 ff|ifr Siunlrti-atx-e.

Hut it ha- anoth. r an.I muri>It'ortiint s-ii:ni|1,-a m>i>. |, |. ,...-a 111-.|[rhal tin- K-mal r-s JM<=till#..| t|,vio.."ion of u,.. I».-, r'lii ti.'l Irs noiitrtil K"ti,-."I thn froiin.l that thry harl ,i« v

r-oou tii/fil that -/.otu- nor part ioipat-<l" its format,,.,,. I'.tit-Uiis i-m-uku'""not I"- iinjiloypil ri tl,i- n,no oftI<" Constantino,.|,> I.n.-auso thatlo.unrla rv « ,. s .Mahl .sho.l j.iContlnm.l i;olu,nn l.j


j -

Enraped Animal Is FinallyHeat<-n Off by M(.n

II if/i C.lnhs.[S|« to The T!nifs-|1isj-at<-h ;WINfllKSTHi:. V\. not. Miss

\j;n.-s I 'at'in lit. r. iI.iuk!i!.t of tht'jl.iti- Xowton <'a!"|,\ li\In^ Pnst"f tow n. a Inch ¦>,,<*<! withtin* ,v; itv of a «r.v hoiitiil la Jo yns-t.-nlay w li.-n sln> was i-hascil nroumia Jl.-I.l In a vouii^ hull, ami |-;. \v.Ilinton, a to uliho', w ho was attract-..'1 I) h.-r Kit i a ins for hc||., ha.I his!I'H at tho aiiKli- whil.i Ciy.1 i'K to t.-ml.-r assist a nix.

Miss i ii |n i,t.-t in nil.. |,i.r s|i.*«,-t ai-,ilar I'sr., |,i. u h.-n tin. iii, -1 at| .,I.oivon w Ihi h 11 iii t>i,, ii in) |,l <

i .III.Is..I,, liarl.I,ill, w ». r e. ,i,l!n_-. II,:,-!. n \*us tinown h. avtlv theoi -r-. ami IIik l.oy .soiiijhi K-if.-i >

l.v i liml.ltig .-, i,..,. Ilinton sit.-.' *1 * .' .¦rawlinii w ith n l.rok. n

!. e '.» a |.la «.j r.'fusi!. while the!".>. ran half a in 11,» l),touKh lnlars1Hal n|> hill t mo,,. )<..|

l't ai.k Hat man ami Ceorg'e ami I'l-ti.r .N'rWi otii- t ,s|. wuh h'-avv

liit.s. ami thf hull v.-aj, ilrivot, r.ffllintot, » .iv brought hc-te for m. ili. alit t.-ti j i..n.

nonv or mhs. ri:\\ km.IS I'or.M) IN IJIM'15

f llv* A.«s Pre*"® "]W\." lll\crii\. I ., t r.n ln.dv

.f thi- Voman Ion nil in | hn I'otoma,III vi-,- > ,-s|,.|il.ty was lili>iit illeil as of .Mr. Iiim,,. !. l-'i.wi-llilaiiitht,-,- of 1 ami Mrs. i'. \v. |......',of Mi'i'lilian. All si. Mrs. l-'i-wcll for-iin-ily was rlii|ili>v>>it .-it 11,,. 11,a, t.tin-til ,.r .lustii i. anil li\..| Ion- withhi-r tisii-c. Alts Maniii- Ma\wi-ll.

.Mrs. Al a \ \. *. 11 ,- | Wor-I 1-stSain,.lav that hi r m..i|,,-r w is

otisly ill at AI .-,-iil lit ii ami r«*i|ii«-Nt «-,|In* |ir.-s.-,i. .. of hi-r ilaiiKlili-rs. T, v-i'K vainly to l.uaie |,or slst. r. Mrs..Maxwell m.iiii-.I .in tho jotiriit-y t.iAl.-rlilliin aloiit-

'I'll,- i>olli-i- an- work I,iic on 11,4theory that Mrs Kew.ll hearil of theillness of h«-r mother ami iluriiuran iittiii-k ot ilrs|>oml-io-y ilrowneilherself. Mrs. K. Snyiler. who o.<-i iipleil th,' same lions,-, said $ s.l-'e well frequently l,;id threatenedsuleide and on two o.-easions -h,.had disioveri-il her attem|it|uK deathhv inhiilini; illniiiinat ini; k;is.The hod> was found |v a llshi-r-

n**i ii "i' 'I"- Nircliiia side of th*tt\«r, weighted down h# a new llatiron tied around the waist hy a silki-ord and several pieics of asphaltpa\lng in tht pockutc of th» wotrmti'tcoat.

Convention at RoanokeI rges Special Assem¬

bly Session.



iMn\ruinit IlrlW Hark I»y Larko r i nf uriiiatimi in Sunn;


* 'I'A "TS \ \ I: III I \ I'lll V l> || I \ |.;

Iti-nl i:»lnif Men \il..p| Moisnn "|)r.* rli>|iit,riit nuil l'riio|iiTi(; fur

> irKifijn."

fJ to Th«» > I »is|»atrh 1j:< iaxiiki:. v \ ... i. ;

Ilol, t.r I.Mi.'. ( s mill III.. |p|tn-:it.«. ..f¦' "I lilt illl'TKinit the

mr \ . in.-nt for the :.u ,.t sp... ,jS-VS ..II ,,f t l»«» liei,.-,al \ S...,|,|y t.,pass tin. lion,] |msII.* tor u<><.| r. >'i ,1 sr. 1.1 r.-.l the Tit,;, | v .rn.ia !.: t a t .» A v ^11 i.i; Ionuhi.-l, ailjotirncil to m.i.t |. j.xl.'irii In 1 !»23.

Tl"' a a*, .elation it Is.i roiitrlimteil asui.i If fI, r..r tin. t I-,.*,Isinovi-iii. nt In Virginia .1 Mil acc.iii-ii..mi.I.-.| that in. i.liii.'it <i..,,,.ijKr,w,tli tl... -lo.vrio ;ill,|I ro.sporlly f.,r Virgin I.c start. ,|'anions the r.altots ,.f this .Stale at

IIiiti lliornr u I'renlilent.I llO OII1. .M'.- l |o.'t...| _ ]"_ I

Ilaw ilmrii... pros ill.-it i, i'|l;,. ..ttv j 11*-;It. !.. HiikIi, Hist \ ii-o-iir^siilnrit. lioa-i.-'K'.; 1.,-rov K. ltrrwn. * ... presMent.ICi<~linii>ii.]; i;. h Wilkins. v;lent. I.y tn.hl.ut>;: I: M. Samuel.|.r. siil. lit, oranye, ami l-\ n. jtrun-.Vi" ". secretary-t Norfolk.

Tin* s. vi ral ootiimlttio-.s w .1! he ap-I' " li I «',I '*>' lit In lli,< n- atItituri- and tin- ,|at.. ,.f ti,,. next 0...

i,.m \vl|| h,. s.-U'ct,.j at ti,.. .rHl"'.'.'¦'"P *>' Hi.- ev.-rutive t'oimniiteeof tlio Stjtte lori.

i''i'" I rM linlofiM roticcrn-

Iiik tin. Koo.l niov.-ment j. yir-Knila will present,-.! to iSovernorI-.. l.«-e Irinkle |,y a commit t .-t> com¬pos,.,, .r |.:i., ,ti |..1MnM NorfolkISru.'o l!o\v,.. Itichm. ml. ainl ||. \\"11 a w t hot in*, of i .|!ott,..s villi*.

<<ill,.llflt-e I, Nil l,noI.The t* ...11 I ,:.|., ....I

POS.-.I ,.r liny IV Murray, oratrmai,.Now port N.-us; .|.!,. i;,.,h.,t,,, A l, \"i"' ¦ IS. -\l 1**1 mi. I .;i ii \ j! |,. v ;1 !.'1 '. .' II. New la i,.I. \V j.

¦ li.- t.r; l-Mitar Allan. l:i. Imion.l; I'.I.. olllns. N. rfolK, a mi \\\ ||.

I.yn.-hl.iiru. ..rf,.,..,i ti.. follow¬ing resolution. which wiim iinaiilin. us.1} a.lopn.l.

1 ' that after a nirv.y ,.f tl,..«'":>>l" situation us tl,.. State

war- con v I ,.¦.., | ; |,it a la,,;..J'.tity of peopl.. .,t this t

',f irnni...llat<. Usiuii-.. ,,fr"r »'lull way Imp ft- vviilriits

>«;.'o..l w .- .,ro ,.f t|.. op.,,,..,, ,hat. *o^ ** r ti.. i- is in sympathy with this

forw.irtl rn.»\?.ment, r»»it th;i* !i.»has lioon li I nrl.-r.-.l in his il.>sj,-.>s

a nr.- .f p.-rati..,, , f(Continued on i'jtgg «'«.! 1

i:TAA CEl. 1ST OPK XSskh/'/c'i:s. in:si>i ri>:n<i:t IOiS THREATS

lier. II . Smith Disftlaysi Ico Hrra/rrrs in Mrrting

in Oklahoma.fIVv Assoi-lat.-il I' I

.MCAl'.I.STKIS, OKI.A.. r,,-t. 7 Tl,..lw.-v. II. J-'mIth. llln.-raiil ovjuiif,-.H-t. op. ,,.-.1 his s.-rvi, . s in J.,ti.. ,-

I'oiinty Inut nlKlit liy nm,,vii,K a

loail.-il pun from his hip j amiI'ln.-itii; It lo'si,).. tl,,. op,-,, Itililo. ,\f.t.-r tl,.« i-ot,. alio,,, s,..-,,.,| Klln"¦'* ll,e left Of the S. r.p-11» *5.

1 Onjr was r.trrii-.l to a nor¬mal .-..I,. Itisj,,,, without in,-j,|,.,,,I" 1| pr, v i.ns i i,, ,'ais!an,,., n. ii-.|y .¦..iiiniiiii I.a t ..,I t,, th.-I'l . i. I., l,.»t h« Won|,I n..1 l.. ,. r-lo 111. .1 «p,.,ik.

' i.ilili I..1.1 his au.ll.-ii. ,."a .ii, elciu-iit" ill.] ...t w, him

'l,s Ho <.! I,it;s. .I,,.I lot i i,late.I11..11 !-.!ilylit he in Ik h l appear will,>:«|. a run.j

;;|y after s-rvl.-i-s were umlerv «y. two autouiol.ll.-s |.,a,|.',l will,in-i, .itilre.l |. Ho- r.ji.ili., of u.i- Ki,l\ ! ii v l\ Ian a , ri veil.


I l!v A iate.l |'i s- |W \ "III\< JT( . .". Oct. ; I',,.,,1

" 'S t..1.1 I...| ,v i.y Mali-olmart. nt i 'iti.-in ,,a 11, eiia i r,na i, if|

llo- .Mi,I.II. W'.-.-t M.-i ,.|,:, I,, Mann.-.onmitii.. ilut tl,.r«. \\ is a sti-iiiijiti n k .. hi in-lit in ilo- \\ ,..;( f,,'r

.I"«. U P-i ' -til,t I,,,,\nierl.-aII shii-Kliii;. Mr. si. watt was

.,- .-..It, pal, i. .| |., t!,.» I House l.\Ala 11 lieu Mai... |«,. 1.1. ,., .f the SouthAt .lull,- Sialj--. As,,,. iti.., w.ho re-

I. ""1 It was eal ir.-lj emu ist, that II,,. South was .so|j,||yoppose,I lo the ship,Iv i,i|j



A(;i:i) MIMSTHK CIVn.NACOl ITTAI i Yi:i*DICT[Hy A ssoela I e.l l't erss ]

MOT SI . IM \ .! S, A IMC.. 7._l»e\.,ii* ,\|. 11 ii lo-.s, sup,, i.i, |.una t e.| minister, loniuht was foiimlnot K III 11 V "f a I'll.line ,,f liiur.lerit, I OIIU.VI io|, w ith th.- fatal »lio..| -

llltf ..f Mis Anna MK >-n no,,. aue,|. ,-1 use, in M<..lKori|. |-> i*ount v last

\oh.\ ,|. lu« fit -t trill on the..har^f-, Mr. Muahr.^ was cnnvlriodand s«ntenc«il to life laipnionm«ntLUler being *r*ntt<l a new trial.


Will Practically Itcliuihl House if Full Membership,* \\ liit'll Meets October li.». \ppro\es . Beautv of

C>I< 1 l.iues Are to lie Kctaiucii.* for |.r:i. ii <1 tof jHi." in..!. I:in.l ' "lull I.Ui Ml n« ami. UtrliSiVc ell .11 H II». II t lai'itl

» lit V .. I Ii |.repai-il I.N lit"' I'lllhlII ^ ...III lull t--. iil'l'l oV-.l !.>¦ Ih-j1.1 ..t K-.V I ami w 1,1p ....I tin- fill! I4.»*IIII

it..- .I'll, it a yen-lal liiiililti; ""

II..- .villus of I li t ..I..' I

'III.- I.II11 111 g < .. in in H t .-> Ill" lo-n|i*. \\« I'"l' - v.-- .1 in.*till i.l hasill nvn aii.I i-ili.iwn I'- 1.1 .. n - I i" >

I'.'ll ..m-nl-ie'l .n

I.¦...Minis s I.f t !¦.. I.....I.I -I !..! «< I"1|..i\- the ll-iiliy U|H'lo\ II "I Hill;

,Willi.' til- ll. tlll" have ll"t «'.-..>!il I v ii I n .¦.!, It 1" iiml-iM I I lint tin-;

, put i.f Hi'* I' 1'llililillK.i ii -11 ill in x Hi- Ir-Mit f :i.-;»il.- -in.I Hi"i.ux-<. rt..¦Hi'' .>" i'"' >»'....< will :.- in :i In il ii -

ili.i nisetl. TIiiiki- rooms, ii-« ii* i .-atlIiik ami lllii ary purposes, jhave lo-eii tin* mi-, ii- t.f man> im¬portant ulTails ami liav.- he-n |||;¦ || v t.f II !.'Il II'. ' II'I "l III.II f"lt wit u.. ii. ra l l'i .ii i. 'I h . h-ailt > ft the,¦1,1 |iin-.i. It Is siilil will I"- r-l iln.'tl.

All ..f Hit- r-:ir portion «.f InejI nil.I Iiik. .\ln. lt ni. I .-.|.ifiin' twenty years os". will Im- torn!



Flames Deal Canadian TownsI)e.*lrmii\ «. ami Tragic



Eight Children. Farm Hand,Man ami W ife Among

A ictinis.

[ Hy Asn.x iate.1 Press.1('. HSI.vT. oNTAIll". O. I. | ii. 111'*. Iin v .. iil.'iii ili-.l l'/rt>-

I'litlit In ni .. m re '(.y.-r.-il l.y sen r. h Iiiki.i tl Irs r ra . in in- \..MIiein I'tnarioforest urea swpet li.v I'lain-s lastWeilliestlay anil -lilallillK properly.I..Ms, ii j- iin.iI-il. may r-a-Ii II.'..-jliiMl.mili. I

I5el'iin>»-s from l lie mil ly Iiik ilis-Iriels are s;ill'a i i i\ im; in I'ohalt anilare lo-inji ear.-il f<>r l.y I lie lleil I'rossami oilier relief aKeiieies. Mneli-Ineeileil .supplies nf lireail. tonkinsstoves, ltethlihg ami blankets arriy-.ll.y *|iet-ial train l.nlay frmn Northp.ay.The Cmtario Koveriiineiit has or-

ilereil an oillelal Investigation of thetail so of Hi- lire.

flinty Timm Oeslriiyril.The io\vn\ of N'.h IIi t'ohall. Thorn-

hie, 11 «-:»». t j .. I'liarlli.n anil I'mt Park"were destroyed llaileylmry was al-jiiosl destroyed ami Knii-lliarl snf-jf. I'll f.i nsiil.-! a hie da in age. New Ills-Ikear.l wa< a slight siilV.-rer.At lleasli|i .luliii Itnnil. Ills wife.

ei«ln i IiiI«1 r-n an-1 a hii-il man werekill-d wh-n ii si..mi .--liar ravi'ilin Itesiinrs f..iinil tlie |»i.i||*-s*. .nil ami III- \\tl« Willi tli-ir arms. nlwineil. They hail stiff...-aleil Two. iatiK hi . rs. I "> an.I IV. lay m-vt. amimi a i-orner t\\.» smaller t-liililr-n wer-. Ii s|teil in -a. .#ih-rs arms, wlnl-llo- oilier«s were lienrhy.

.Marshall, th- hired man. h.iil> pulled il.nvii over his fin e amihi*, arms niil si I'.-l «l».-ii as li s; i .pi a;;his way lnwar.l lh. y.uiug.-r eltililr-n.

Tli- only survivor .. I' lln- familv isa latl t-f iiliielt-ii y-ars, lie liavhtt;h--n he I pi ii ^ ;l 11 .* I »i h It*, r t. . lliresli.II- is .siifl'. l ints from slioek.

i :itltl 'I'liollsii nil Until- less.| r.y Assoi-ial-il Press. 1

Ti »lIt »NTi i. iii l 7 Kit;III thousand11 . -1 si .n s lisive lire II III nl- homeless InI lie tires thai *w.-j>l mer northernuiitario this wi-.i., arei.r.lint; to I'ro-\ in. ial IT.-inlei I 'nil y, who retiirmllo his h<>in- :>i i'iovvii Mill, iinlario.I'loni he il-V a s I;»I-il lei;ii>ns lotl.iy.II. t-sl iinali il I h.- |>r«.|..-rty loss al} v iiiii. niii.

A tlis|..llt'li lo l!ie Toronto tMoln-III.Ill '..I.all slat.-s III.11 III- I..I.--Itiles have I it.' ii ii loll ol al leaslloll V e it; III li\ es.



| Hy Asso. ii»ie.| Press |mcl.KNA. M i 'NT.. i'.i. 7 V l-in

)>..rai y injiimlion lesl i aiiniii.i hail" S 1, Slewall, fie. Ii'?.Ill ofSlate. fl'oin I'llllllii-- III- liilloes ofSoela ti»r in mliila I-s for ...¦nisi-s-s i oil ;i 1 ami ?1 .i 11* olll. . s on If I.iIt.I for lh- K'-oernl -l-ftloii in .M..nlaiiii. was Issn-tl lo* ilie Sialt sii-prente I'oni t y siI'l tlayThe »|i|ilh':il loli was> In It

Al. 'Mills, of I lelena. of nnLno« n|ioIi| i<-ii| i:-|iul.l ..-an amiI '..inoeraI io leailers ileinetl knowl-etlfje of I lie move.The lnjiinelion ealls ll|>on S-ere-

tarv Stewart to ii|tpeiir al In o'olorl;next Tnestliiy morniiiK lo showeanse \i Ii)* in- shonltl not he*inaneiitly enjolneii. The Slate 11 vvletinlies tliiil tli- form of lln- bal¬lots he eerlifletl hy Snnilay, ().-io-lu-r 8.

TlUr Itlnhi N rmil Inllons lllookril.I l.y Assto-ialetl Press 1

MOSi'tiW, iiil. 7 II is reporteil inil I |i 111 in a t lo "ml 'rein I elitlevthai the |irel I in in III > aisieement |.ro-vitliliir for the I oiopvtii r.-slori,I Ionfor nlnel y-n I ne years of the titlerltshts of the l*iiss|..|n \siaiie i'<ui-solhl lleil I.til . has heen htoekoil, amithat It Is unlikely to he rn t Itled inits present form by the Central Exe¬cutive Commute*, which has be«nconil^erlng th« qusstioa tor we«kt.

.i"w ii. ami in Its i<!ji .. :i yinil.-rn

.¦I I ill III t .. nil' 1i .* iM'-".r'l Tin-* [io|-11. . 11 111.w I ii.' 1 iitl.-s t Ii.. iliniiiK-r<Hiiii.s°,I.i. ai.fa-t loom. <1111 parlor. Iillllill'illo.iiil, Iti*t* l oil III - oil tio* si'.oll.l 11. t" rami I....I h.ii.I. ii i.ii III.' third TIh-i'isv. ill I.. t K>'ti"i il hunt;, tu l!>.- nr-

i: in.-ii!- .i - I*. 111. - . l.-utur.'s p..s-¦.ii.l. I ii v.. v i ii n |.|ii. iiijj III.1 lilirnry..|| II..It Allll-tu f.-ll-r 111 ii. ii. I..- nl.I..I lull loomsii.' lo i.. .1 Mi;.I he niiii.t.r-r of|.. ,j - Will I.. I II.'. IV III. . .1*1. ll.

Ttmt ill* i.iii'.ilin^ 11i.i \ not Olll.I...II*.' Hi.- in** it ivhii i«'«|.if,sonic of w Iiiivi- to . ii 11 \ in-;tln-r.- for mint years, but also

ii.'. oiiiiii.ill (.* liifiiilo'i <

will .' i:i i:i iiiii..mi,it i«- miiU'.i w»iI|h tii.« lot

IVII.'ll liy III!' "lull i-l III.I .. \ | t-||- VI ,

II :in I.- foiiml .1111i<I.. for :ill ii.-, .-s-

Sllv |lll IpolcS I. > lit I I l/.illlf Sp.lfl' t ..tnow us."I. w 11 ?* i.' now s'iiioI t . 11111 i 11 i ll.l tlo> «vll l.llowtt SI.11 .-I r ii a \v.o.|ilnn willow. 'I'll.' i.l.'.il..f i Ii^ I.ii Hi) tin i-oiii in 11 i- to llUVR li.-i'tl to ] .('...<>. ( \ till.iliKtilly ami t rmlil ions of th« hls-t. ii.* Wrst iiioiin ml i 'lull mill at tin*¦in in.* thin* to Int roiin... miu'Ii in...I<*rn f. a I til i's ii-i ;. i i' iltMiia li.l>*il l»ytin* il>-\ I*>|. 11.-iiIm of III* tllllll*.


iMalx'l < Klvinj: (lireus Kx-truds Kiio;io»mii<mi1 I'n-

tiI Tuesday.


Damp and Threatening \\ eatli-cr Has Little Kffert nil


A tit «. f.*i.i*s will f.-atnio llt»-Villi in i:t Slut.* Fair tomorrow aluiTni'Silay. Tin- Ala I.el l 'oily KlyiliK«*1 !... il x will l.«- 111 .-1 »* an.I will | c:i. h all el noon in llirillliiK.stunts, I.lit tlx* in. i'i, w lil. li w'i'i ..

II... i ¦. 11 .i 1 la*. I Sn I ill .lav I..-.a ma- oilain, will hol.t I In- ri'iilor of tin'«iiiki', liaiinu ilrivi-l's. knownI Ii i oiimIioii i tin* Hast, will 1.1- at thew li.*.'ls, an.I some of tin* I'vli'lirativlrill's will l.«* ninoiiK ll"' i*iit ries.

Tin* ilain|i aiol t hri*ali'iiiiiK w.-atlie:11a.I lillle i-IY.-i t on III.* at I.moIan.-..last niulit. 'I lo* stall.I was imrlinlami tli<> earnlval at inospheri' waslln*r.> iii all lis 1'iilltn'ss. Kaeli anilt-vi-ry art was a |.|ila inlcil ami theMiilwa> illii a lamI ullli-i* litisini'ss.II ii ml i .-.Is of w o iii .' 11 l.'fl the kioiiikIs. a t ry lug a Imv of l.iiroii, a ham. al\ i 'W pie .loll, a 1.1 nil", a Ma nl.I orsoiii.' ai l i.'ii' i ii.'\ hail w°..n at oni* ofIII.* I Ihs. an.I atl a 111 i.-a I eil happy.

Ii was ihr linn I nit; In for tin* fri*i*lifts, ami tin- performers w oi justas haril as tlo \ ili.l on tlo'ir lirst ap|o-al all..' al III.' fair Iti'lol'.* tin- lasth. i w as over ill.' I I.". fool la.lili r fromwlii.-li tin* hiuli illvi* was mailt- ha.II.i-.-ii i.'111. *\ ¦ . I ami lli.* ttat.'i' fromIII.' II vi- loot I a n I. Moo.l.-.l that |ia;tof tin' Ii. hi In \v Iii. h itaw as |o<-ati'il.

11 in in H n 111 n it I' u r ii |i Iii-rim 11 ll.Tlii' i.-innanls of tlo- from

w "I . a I .--1 " x il" \\ ilnon iiiitil.. hisii ii I <ii ii na l.- si ill.- Iiisl 'I'll n yii1hi w as als.. lal.i-ii ilown. ami I If¦'.tui|inii'iil l.y tin- a.-ioi.ats w|si.i-iiiK |hi. I..'.| .. ii.l mailt- rt-aily for.tli 1111 ii i* 111.

'I'll.- Viii'.inia Slat.- I'air of l!i22 w'llon I'l-foi'tl as lli.- I.i-si in thi- his-

torv of that ilisi |l ill ioII. Tlo- lostI'r...-' show s ol.l a na l*'a w.'l*.' |.i'.'s.*nl Iiin.I* I In* I lo. llsaoils /i.i; \i\lt*i| I lit-.: rouinls were not slow to r \ pi*.-Msllii'ir a 111> i.-.-in l ion. A ml iin- |o rl orni-i-ii w.ii- I..11. I in ih.-ir |iralsi' .if tin*t rial 1111 -111 at ioi tlttl Iht'lil Inn-. Km Iimill fvt'v on.' of Iin in <. \ |«i '-ill til.'h'.|i.' i Ii a I tlnv w oiil.I I..' iiiKKK'-il fortin- Virginia Slate I'aii n. st year

1'nlr I lose* 'I'lirstlu » .

Willi tomorrow ami Tin. tlav .|f-Vt.lfil I .j a til oin..I.i Ii* 'i m;. mi)'in iii.-.I wiih thi- Miilw.iv shows infull;, tlii' Virginia S- it.. I'"aii-v.ill ii"t i lose ii ii 111 lii«- T in- v

i.lellt, insofar as III.* . vlnl. on 'i n f.l. III.- .111 I i in w a - .1 i.i w ii

I.: - | III v ll I. I ll.l It I'll 11 )... 11 oil.' ol!n>- sue. --fill fairs, from thevii-w l.olnl *.t a 11 i-ml.i Ii..- mi.I i \ t*.-1 -

I.- n t tlis|ila v s. .. v. r ( v.'il,Tl.iii . ii:i- |irnmis.«| in '.In1 nuio

I Itrs loiiioiioY alt.I lay. ami.¦in* of ii,.- a11ra. 1 ions will i... in.ra.i's in wlii.h '....|.. r. of \..ii'..!l,,will il 11 v.- hi- I'i .it ltill. i.ti' int.|.|.osii ..n to lln- Klin.1 ".I i iii in \,.11 "

a h.i '.liiiilnv Tin-.- two i.usIii* v.- l.«-.'ii sw .-i- |o ns: IhiiiKs lo-11. i .*

I h' in ami hail a w oiiil.-rt ill line ofvi. loiii-s ii 11 I., laln.i |ia» w h i- ii. oil

11'oil 11 liili'.l oil I'aii.- 1 N i'.-1. 1.)

Turn to Paj»e 1. Part 2In This Issue of

The Times-DispatchAMI ISKAIi T11 K ol'KXINU


One Man in HisTime'Ay ti/lrn G/j.-go'i'

The Most AliSorltiim: Storyof Virginia So. Ml l.ife

Kv.t Writt.'it ^

AhoiimlliiK in lonil > ..I..r amiIni.'i'i-sl In-tan-.- il iv from 111.'(ion i.'f Kiflimoiui's own . 11 .<« . inK ii ishi-il author. Miss KII.mii '.I.i syiiw.

liAii't mi-- a miisI- rli ipli r of"One Man in His Time .a ilailyfuture of Th* Timea>C<Upatch.iBcludinc Sun^y.


Heat ^ .inkers, 4 to 3. inFourth (Ion test of

1'ail Classic.


ISalional fiCagnn ChampionsGet to Carl M ays in

I' ifill Frame.

«» \ Kilt o >1 i; K A n I. V I, K A II

Mc(|ull In n Gutters Krlnht InKlrnt limine, Allnirlnic Tiro

X nil*.

I I»v A «so>la f«»<l Pr->s« ]NKW VulcK. < >o:. 1 -lta|n dr4ps

and brain Hop* sent the Now YorkVm.i i.iinv, ,|.w. t,, a not her defeat,(odiv In their hopeless fight with the"ul Nation,ii leaguers fur the

baseball championship of the world.Tito (Hants >. f..,Jr r,,n«. l- a l v

enough t.. win. Iiopit ti^o they werebtighi boys and tirst mi the muddybase iiallis, pelted with rain duringeverv nilinito of the li.-i t tie. TheN.i nl. its m t only throe runs heraiiiioi liev t iioughtv ;iinl moved sluwly, ornot hi .'ill. In tin* high moments ofI heir attacks. Snoh breaks In luck

l*l*imoil upon the sloppyweather. favored the daiits, who

'l"l< K advantage of them hi asudden rift II-inn jut; spurt and pro-iliii'.'.l all of their runs. Hut the\ankccs could luive won tiie game inspile of adverse fortune hail thevma.I.- nso of ihoir lees and headswith as much vigor as thev put intoswinging their heavy hats. To¬night I lie National l.eagtie pennantwinners I only one vlelorv to re¬new 111.. Ir l:i2i lease upon the titleof lli» world s baseball champion¬ship.

1 links Must Win Kimr Straight.I lie depressed Yankees find them-

selves up against a harrier that fewthink I hoy . an surmount. They mustwin four names in succession to es¬cape a not her downfall at the hands.I Mi l; i iiw's men.The Yankee* started off with a

rush, ami furious pounding of thelu'll tu the first Inning and gaveilnlr underhand pitcher, Carl Mays,a t wo-run h ad. In the fifth the'iianis houau a hit-and-run along hy freakish hounds ofthe l>iiII. this rally sent fourruns a.-loss the plate.

\ar«iii U n r«l. I lie Yankees' second'.aseni.aii. not 11im .second home run ofthe series in the seventh, hut therewas III! one Oil base, as they wouldlia\c I.¦.en had l.ol Metisel used bet¬ter discretion in running to Hist » en before, ami the tiiiints re¬mained in til*, lead. Once more inthe ninth the Yankees were able tolilt Hugh M i-i.jti I la n hard enough towarrant a score, hut thev went downwilhoiit one because of faulty base¬man in if.Kate stuck out n mean, wet and

slippery linger at Carl Mays in thetlftli inuInu' and marked him for de-leat. Had the day been dry and thei title hi soil trustworthy, the under¬hand t wirier would probably haveshut out the (ii.ints in that Inningas he did in all the rest.

I.nek Agnlimt Mats.Kill luck turned against him from

tile very start of the inning Snyder,the lirst (limit at lint, sent a rollerto shortstop. Touching the mud. theball look a queer hound and Scottcould only knock it down, giving'Snyder an Infield hit. McQuillanhen smashed a two-baiiger into leftbehl. liaiicroft, the next batter, hita shot t bounder to Willi), who racedin. and it seemed surely Snyderwould be thrown out at the plate.1'iiit iiiis ball. too. hopped in an tin-[usual manlier and went over Ward'shead, so that both Snyder and Me-¦ ^ilillan reached home.The score had been tied and there

was iiii one oui. Mays began pitch¬ing list I'd to <ir.ih. < >n the third pitchiJroh also hit a light inlield looked sure to lie .1 plltout, tUtthe ball glanced off the pitcher'sgl"Vo tor another scratch hit. Krischlin n sacrificed ll.inoroft third and': oh .second.

Ii h Mendel. the next batter,slapped the bali toward second. An.tdnai.v bounce would have i ."*-iilittc.l a In at a plltout at the plate,'.'it the ball jumped high into th»air. and bv the time it came downinto Ward's glove, it was too" late todo a 11 > thing but snuff out the hatterat l»ist ba-c. Itaiicroi't already hav-1111: 1. 0 bid home. Next cam., ab an sins b- t.. i. rt from the I at of

I'op N .. 11 ii!,, scoring Croh. The rallvended when Young was nipped offlirst.

I ho Miauls got only two hits afterthat, ami never threatened to sci t.

agam Right after tin Ciants mad-tlleir cluster of .sens. 11:. Yankees-|.,pp,..| the l.all Upon the turf,bill, as l'tck Would have it. all theseblows hounded iu the ortludox wayaiid tli. batti.i.s were thrown .iit.

\ Milkers \ rr ( strele%«.'lb- Yankees were always making

. ¦rpoi't unit 's lot thi'inse v only tcit urn tli.'in down hi som»» careless"latiu-M Thev might have scoredthteo t ins in t||, titst Inning ince^d't t wwith a little audi ity in bo-11 u aroitnd Ite <| .1 ninnd.Thev started if a- though they hid

fonml tin r long lost hilt i g punch^ itt iiit .1 single sitMighi throughthe diamond Into . iit.ilicld and loi-gan i|uIckI> follow, d w ith a sing'.e<n left I' a be Itlllh l".'k a might'swat at lite ball and drove one ofthe longest files that ever droppedinto an outfielder's gl. vo. Cunning¬ham caught it in deep center field.Just a step .,r two from the bleacherfen. e. and the force of the hall's de¬scent 'Knocked him against the board*lie was s.i i xi r v\ a \ from the pia'e( t here seemed t" he plenty oftin .. fot w hi to come home from

i"! Mitt Mh 11 <ig..r Muggins whowas coaching at :h>r<< shopped "him. Continued on Pag- V. C-d V I'trt l")FAIR VISITORS Southern Railway

Sy»tem Ch««»p»»k« t>t«»mihlp Co.,York Blv«r Line «0& fc. M»to StrttiMadison ST2..A3v.

Page 2: · ThoWeather l1l«Yrvm find thin iiinriilnm probably #Hlr thin t f«-murww fnlr


. AND OF CONTINENTAL CONGRESSBorn in Elizabeth Cit\ County in I72(>. Mis Native

County. One of Original Eight "Counties"1 WhichHad Been Created in Year 1634.

IIy llnlirrt II. Mimforri. .Ir.It has been fuccunl t> mo by one

or two friends that it w onVl )... of in¬terest If 1 would contribute in llifhistorical pagf of 'tie Sunday TimesDispatch a sketch of t'hanieiinrWythe.

This request I x<:x siadly (..mi|ilywith while r"Ki'tt;tiK '.he :,ecessarxlimitations Impost d upon a brief nr-tlcie and reprettlnc ."till more thatthose who were <|iiallfloi| tf> prortueea complete blocrapb.x of this learnedman and n<*l hnra^trr have lonesince passed .t « .1 without undertak-lnfr ><.¦ friend an office.Geor*" Wythe was horn in Kliza-

I'Cth City ...¦nil'? in lT'Jfi his nativecounty beint »n«' of the originalrich.', "count i - which h^<l boon ere.ated in Vlrclnl.i in the yearHis people xx *r< of estaMished po¬sition in K. i?.a . h i'tt \ I'oimiilore 1T"0; and l..« father. Tlioina-'Wythe. x» a s «<'\ «ral linos .i membfr of the 1 ('»ij.«» i«f Hurc< sse< inthe first quari'i of the e chu-enihcenturx His ir-it<r n.i< MmcarflWalker a <!.i ic h t "r "f 'ieorpe nn>lAnn Keith Wn'kr-r.

Mail Hnither. Thnnins.tieo-pe Wvt he \x s only *: \e«rs

old when hi- father died nor d'dhis mother I've lo,IE mouth t.» teehim grown . > >unc mnnhn<>dK" had a brother Thom«« wh<<

died w ithout "tie m ITS.',; and. sirter. Ann. who became ti\<>wife of Charlr Swrpti"!. and w h<>«eKranrtton. 'jeorjte Wythe Sxveenexwas by an unhappx fate to prme ofill repute and finally to be the causeof the death of h « i;|ustrl<Mi« crcatuncle.the chancellor. Hut of thatmfctter later

HI? mother. Marea ret Walket"Wythe, must have been an unusualuotnnn. and there seems n<< doubtbut that to her <",enrc<' Wvthe wasindebted for an 'ally i nine in nilfcfiSI the .!! principles <>fLatin and Oreek that rnnde him ata later period a classical s -holar ofdlstlr n

Etllorril >\ III In mi iinil Xliiri.Shortly a f t e j his mother*. death be

entered William and Marx follece fora while ti"l afterwards Iav< t-osome time u:id< i ihe diiectlon <<f .<

Mr DfW'-.v. of I'rin <. ijeorse ('runny.who was 'li<> husband <<f on. "f hisWalk"r n il 's. Mr 11, « >>\ >. jiistrintlon seenis to have been along th»)ir:c eif oca I forms rather than theessential principles which wouldhave In'ere.-tf ,1 pupil's tmind This period <>f traini'm thendoes Not seem to have been a veryhippy one although it is not im-probable .«. t tlx experience wax <ifmore practical value to the future"fl.iiin . 11 than was apparent t<>him at . .. t inie.Mr Wy*h» < ame t" the b 1 when

he "..IS ".'<¦ xear- f ;¦ c. in lhe x eat1 ~ 4 -.a > < .i - n t 11 fli. .. retnemb»r. sijic» .t -- acso. iafd in one'smind « ,th th- Hiuir of "ii lorienand the last appresslve effort of the">'6u::k pnie.der" to tak< a handir, F.'i.clish polit:<s and claim whathe considered th< her ',ce of}

Pass Into History.The Stuart s hid pas-<d Into his

tory and i J^orte Wvthe w%a s beforemany jears to ninv his conspicuouspart !n th» c1 miration of t^e House

Hanover from \merlc*n affairsFron 'he \e,>r 1 T * .-. to the \e«r 1 Tnf.

there ir wn Interregnum In Mr.Wythe's '..fe that seems JO |,e markedby no event of e«pec,n: Interest «r( x-ethat of h ma rr:a s- r.. ,\nn l.exvis,of Spotsvivar'.a ' mix. in r<e. ember,1T4T his first x« ,<t \s die'I xxililn

year In this .'ln'x a <1 opt Innhe resided fm» eight

_ years and In17.If. t » 1 eat h ''f h*S <x!de 4 hrother)<avlr.(r hroucht lolr'inPlki* apf»re<-iable

te he c**t'eii (n Wfllia msburc.and entered ',erioi|s]x up'^n the practlce of hi- <.. '<?<. t mil the moreadvanced mi<: f rh< I in andOreek a <1 f th. «, .j. r.1 a n 5 u a r e c

This < ar. :*.* xx > he ,|. ,j ...rr.ake t r . .. . r It.-., ii... \ befixed In ».¦ irn- of .' f .>n|. .-t.iniy#-ars in hi* He nt»u von seebtrrinif a pari . a nin h iix tow hf'Se '.e x> i« !'v nature andtralnln2 aturied both Iti its intel-lcctu;.l a'ld t[.j *-pect

WIIH Ivfil ^ecoml Wife.About this a'-o ie man led

his ser r,d XI '< !.' 1 7.1 1(1 Tallaferro whom he « ir\"ved "uni years. Inthe third y.-ir .' his side nee inWilliams!' . Mr \\ 'hi .\ ,i s,,to repre.^:-. Wil am and Maty .'<.lege In ft H'. se .< |lurae«y("*'hich x' s> d" ! . alii h<-noth!g rredr-i'' hi s representstlve C*j'i»Clty rM'!i! b."n law yers ofpr«at a!¦::it x

Here he wa« a member of .eu'mlcommlt'e.. i>.* ,n..i< , ficanl ||..Inj the *?i m't\' «".>rr#-v p"ndence".a ' af'.nr« inmm 11 -

tee, or shall x* e * a \ a committeefor hofne affa »« nrrr << the ce*since tl.e ha *ed I> hud .

i«t been nji,ei< ai «. nrea'^ x»nhKngland >ad not w-r u- x.noncthe archives of v-r* <¦ a I h»x« attome time read «r>.. , r,,ri,.epondence betw-een imi rrnrmli!"and Mr. Montaeue in attornet .

ECZEMA ITCHEDOn Face, Hands And Arms. InLittle Pimples, Cuticura Heals,

" Eczema broke ont on my ftce,bands arid arm* in little pimples.Later it formed a cruat and was rrdas fire, and the pimples itched andburned badly so that I couid notdeep at all. I could not put myhands in water it burned bo."The trouble Isated Jhree or four

months before 1 aent for CuticuraSoap and Ointment, and 1 used threecakes of Soap and thre« boxes ofOintment, when I was healed."(Signed) Miss Ahcc Wells, Way-¦14a, Georgia.

Cuticrura Soap to cleanse and pu-*7. Cuticura Ointment to sootheand heal, and Cmicura Talcum topowder and perfume are ideal fordally toilet purposes.» mfti rmtTlUI A<V*riss "OuNrarilAkMktCTIM rtepi floldsserr-^ejrs Ke*o Ointment a an<t W 71]rrrr i*BB^~C»tlewr*.S»»p iSitm v ifknnl msi.

old Ktigland. and itiattv of lhe !rt-ters, ..f course. mi. ,.( unusual In-t e res t.

In IT**."! Mr, Wythe moved hurkto his «.I»1 cotmtv ..f Kl /aheth «"it >*.IVi«sll»ly his ani'osi rn I lands thereilt'nuin^Oil his personal super¬vision At all ..-...Ills he must limnPont inilMil i.. |>.. much m Williams¬burg sun <¦ be represented hi*county In the House .>f Burgessesfor six v-ea i «

Vt the i'ihI of t he six yearperiod hp was made clerk of lheH'MHi', w hirli compelled tun toagain r«Mf n Willi* ntshurg Andthis clerkship h*1 held for* six* on rs.>1 ember i»f Memorable i *«n % e lit Inn,

Mi- w .is u member of the rnein-orMbi e i'oiiv.iiiinn of mhirh i.the i'nn\'<-nt ion « met in oldSaint John < t'hurrh rluht here InItl. hmoml. and which is well-known t" «\.>iv school |.oV as t h i»tin- convention jn which (lie greatfather of th** Revolution utteredhis fatuous words amusing the("olonv to t lie m pent) in g catas¬trophe. declaring that t here eoultlnow tie no retreat *ave --j»» sub-mission nml slavery." n ml saying"the war is inevitable anil let ifpolite."

I'altlik ll.'orx's .t.ilile nr.illouwas delivered in support of hison ti resolution. pr>MJ'«lng the¦trntlns and tniiimii of tlte militiaof the se vera 1 counties. Mr.Wythe was of those who ill.) notapprove of 11enrv s plan and sup*port ed thm of Cohert CarterNichols. which proposed for theflefense of the I'olony a "regulararmy' of lit.una men Mr. WMliewas second to m patriot ism.but tnerei v ilitTereil from Mr. Henryas to the most expedient met toolto he |i 11 i^li e rl Henry was theGreat dynamic force of the Revo-1 it t Ion.

Develops .tniliclnl >1 lint.Wytlie, ten years older I halt

Henry, had doubtless already developeil the juilii'ia I mi nil. thetn i nil that considers first ami thenderides

In August. 177.'.. Mr. Wvthe was'.¦lit as a delegate to the fontl-tie nl nl < "iiiik ress ami. jn ;|,at y...greas, ha 'I the privilege anil op-port tin It v the following summerof giving Ills voice a ml influencein favor of Richard Henri l.eesresoi tit Ions for iutlcpeudcncr.

The rem;111 ions. in compliancew ith instt tti'tions from the Virginiai "on vent ton. had it proposed Ini "on gress July 177.; and two dayslater Imre It 11.t in "The I lecliirat ionof Independence' of which ilocit-nient Oeorge Wythe was a "sinner."That Mr Wythe was now well-known as one «.f t i,e men m-eded Inthe vorviee of the people - shownby the fact that he was elected torepresent the city of Williamsburgin the convention of | lecemher, I77.">F<>n he could tot accept this honorIteca u«e h< was in I'orictess.

foil til >»| sit Mem tier.Kor the sam. reason he could not

«n ac a me lit her of the VirclnlaConvention of .litne. 17 7 r.. and hisplace was rtlled there . William-bur* hy his alternate. Kd mil ltdRandolph. s«ve during the closing¦ln y s of the convention.After the tit'st *''Hi st It ut Ion ofVirginia had heen adopted and thinas

"'"olonlal" had passed awav. MrWythe was a number of the "Houseof Heir Bates," in which hodv hesome time served as "Spea ki>r." a ndIn the autumn of 17 7*!. was made a

j member of lhi> <-ri > important 00m-'mitt re entrusted with the duty ofrevising the laws of the State andwith power "to propose alter*tions *'

\ ssoriated with him on tins commi11 ee were Thomas leerson andKd milt"! Priid e on 1 he three forming a remarkable c.inbination for

is latior or for am other serv'lce.11 the ei.ple of \ ,s cot|lddi ma nd' 1T I b'' . pt . ia red In this com

m "tie and b\ them reported to the>'. neml v some wereadopted from time to tlmp, *&r, In

v most ,,f he in been me a p« rl"f oil 1 stat ine Inn We ow e. then.In theue thii'i- f-its utitid states""" act a't- lish rit; pritnogentun in Virt rlf the net b\ whichon\ I V a v ,.f v st a I «'s in tail"were\I't ed Into e«' .,.«« |n frl.simple ,lr,d n,.| for re: piousf re/ dom "

Itlil >ol Heroine*.. 'lie of the things which tin* com-

n Itee prop.sed hut which did not.. me ta w w a« a hill for esiat.--h 11! r r. public 11 i>r.i 1 * I'rohabU

the aliened purpose of this 1 ill **al< >1'is doi m tin V-. g.ri.a peopici. r e u nusua 11 \ coti^ft\aii\» and iImtot r < n d 11 \ aisu-'M- a d 'n i na t lo r

'if knowleilgi b> t :i. method g.-'n-'¦ t a > kilo i it as the puht ;i tira r v

RADIOComes Into lisOwn A>:ain

W I h f. pproa< h I n r" d . -a her 11 . radio

bi g i' n'ttini I \ againa ml 11 : h.r.iigl.t w of t he> 1' 11 tii,' > e r * a nil ciown-ups h i» iiiMtiric tf. th»St'aievt i|.,i ,, , v|in|'| nft ' na' on- -n Al'l< 1

See Mr. WareMe i« an e*i»f h .... na/Hoand w i'l help n . ,. >iyour problem.*,'''¦rii. in and ?e. h ni.

loir stock is now corn-e with Radir. < oitflt«

and supplies Come inat 1 ioe. h o\er he new*e t S we have n, e re-1 e \ ed. No ohllga ion

j Virginia Auto Supply Co.?Mtl-imn West II roe il.


Anniversary of (ileheLanding Raplisl Is

(irlrliratetl.V A O-l. 7 .

V groat iTuwil a ssoinhlod at Glohol.anrtlnj: I'himh. hi Middlo-fon I'minty. «m Sunday, ortnhor I. t«colohi-Hio til.- 1 mm h nmiiv-rsjuy ofits fminj:it|oi,. Th-ro h ere htitidrpilc<>f a in oir obtl- = pnrkfii in the i;t"im.|sunci ;i t II.. tin,* was itf,,t ;olio.third of tlie p-npif. to Ptitir thojauditorium

At th<- mot ti|mi vin vi. o It. ItViichAloiitamic. of I:i< 'hinon.l, <l-li\'an oxt.n«l"il inl«li <..«.«. in which h<¦ ii-vi-w.d t hf lil*> of 11*;illl i».|l!cllUr.h. Alter .1 lion lit |f III dlntl-laiiulli-r lir-Mi sfrvii-f Wits held.K«»rri'f ul M i nions wor» <l"li\-ri'd l.vS li. i*oii;«iiis mill I >r * »«i r 11 . I1 |{v-lan.1 of ItirlinioiKl; A11 or- ri<*> -I iou-mlSh ii nil.Ms iiii'l Mi Montng no. Kx-..ovornor A .1 M-.iit .rin-, i\ h.< was. >ti tii" ra m, was lina voida hi \alisont.Tho |..ivtor. l!ov. Mr. Noff. |.to.Midod

(»\or hoth w-rvlo-« .in.l int t»<)iiooiltile spoa hors. Mm I". I! Hall" of th«- imisj, ,| |.|.;iain. \);VvA mil.. I.iiurio Hi I la 1.1 was th- ..i-uiinl-t a ii .1 a.'.oi1i|..i list an.I «as- as--islo.l l.j M iks Kathorin. Stiff, violin-!>-t- Mr. (*o\, of Xtlantii. sniiu am.Io most I,,.,., ,,|v x..| ;l]t' llllllll l S IV. ,,. | ...,|..,..,1 .,s,.r.* I.-.' I.y II,.. Vim ii.a Mas.,,|..f t. i oniposoil ,.f \V v Wat kins.Sydm.r PhltliiMi. ,io». |.ii |- \\ |,j,(l

. *'Thi« «|i|:. | f «. ;Usii-iiiiK at St. John s |.:,,|s. ,.|.al Onii. |,

k.-v-nlii,.s-rvl.o anil af:-iwanK uav- a -.f-.r-.l i o.-lt a I rtt St Mnivai.fs School|"I|y. at Tn |>|>a It II ii loo 1,. ,i i thol

t.ost Of .,, |h(. .

Wh-I, th.. "|."o,tl'i < 'o n X .. .!mol I||_ l'hilaii..|,,|,ia . ||.. sinom. r"f !.». Mr. Wyth- was :1 ,|. .|..WJlt#.

« " ""III. Of Ii¦ n.ost ,|.f.' inxulsho.l of iho ,.f virfrii,.,..'Mil Im Mors not soon. I.. ha v . I.e. j,

K In JHtondan. o th. i. I., cms..'Iroad.v lo . ii in;..i,.

hi. *Vhn ncotlo, s" tjl- Stale amitho iHtl lo.« ..f that hith olll. ..I.i». ysi fn» |.,,,,.,n_.tlio s..l.. ,h:i... .llo: i,.. |.,, ltav,.LI.. .-ti hant- .iWlion tho Viru in in f'onv. nt ion nfI . N}l nu t |,i llli'iiiiton.l, <'ha ncollo,U»i'f(lolCKIIt. ft..11, lil-.. I V

"< \\ 111 ia ins f j. a n.I as'ho i on,mitt whoi,.-Hl.lo.l allil.wl rollt liiiimisl\ ovor t IW

<'.»«» "f I hat l.o.iy l o..|i.««.IlloSt .f th.. I.IISin. Ss of llis.-IMsll:^tho Vinton* .s,.,.||o|,s of tho |,l..|.os..ll-oiNriil I". list It nt Ion \,;,s Iran- .. I...Ilas -a ,oinnull. ..." so. f,,t

1 w" "t'oiiina ami . losing ,hn stho v.-iifriihl.. prcsldont of t|,ii, 1x.* lit ion, IM 1111| lid I Villi lol on, MVS notIn tho ohnIr."

tllsiorj iif Ion. rnI ion,Tho history ,hi* :)s«. o11 known, hue hron « tltt.-n m

ja s.-holnrl\ .,.,<1 ottt.-i mining minnoil.j Mi. Ili tl. Ulair, ami waspun I Is im,| |,y tho Virpinm Hisiorl.a?soriot .. In IKIII. t.oInc volume nitio ..ftho noniol.v s "X.-w S. rloii. '

Hio i apit..| at Kii'hmoml ha.I nothoot, oomplotH.I , this tln,p ,.|IM..I I. ami so ih» .'on \ o nt ion in.-t tli.t

"" <«plto| ithU'IIiik th ... S ,,.s .....,

J«t th- in.rt h u ..s, ,lf ,, v .1|ulloiirtoonth St,., is ii ml uhi.h u.a*th- f-iin...r.ii > I *a t o f,.., i 7,\|,

ot Hi- n-\\apltol ... Sho.'koo Mill. '|-|l(.

volition di.l not ...minne to mo. t .tKoiii to-nt !. a ml x St,"vor. hut M...I, |(s tirK.1,|

d I" in-. I II,- in At .lav

I'/ill"" !N"" ""I,f k l» a v Mai ill. "The

a.-ad. m> u i.. m.I:. !,,,l. ,| th- siiuai-Ni.tin.1 o.| 1., f:.a...I Marshall andI -'.-nt), .im) l « in, Str.ctM, on i(,.>t"«or ,.f (|i<M>' tin in.'tit,. | .' -111 -1, H||,| th- ,1

'"'ad-in \ stood in Id way>' tho s.| f1(..|lll(. |!r)..,,| str.-t.

Ilnllllrs I',. do nil < oiiKtltiitliin.'".Ms i..iivoi.,,on. as is woll known,i«tlfl-.| Ii,, |-,|,.|;,| I 'on,, |,., |4,.

l,;" ' -.loi V\ 11,,- was ot' i|,,.-I"'l .f ii,--. who. «hil,. f,.,.!i.j.

'l'. I "I '..list it ut Ion had«i-r .!>.. yoi I,, i.-voil t lilt I it was .ii

I. Wool- il-s. V ,11; |,, |,p . |>(i""1 """ .. l>- ioi|.,o\ . ,I |,J.*4 n ;i .!«, | Mu. fl f v

" " .' "III.. I , ..u"Mil- s -< vil rs as .

m 'ii'hnir«! sovrni h ^


Secretary P u t n a 111 StudiesQuestion of How I hey


Will Meet I'IiiIi'k t'hlef With MountedOfllrfn. Mnrshnl*, llnnrt. Pltincr*nnil All \'eoc**ary llurrnh for nfircnl Pe runnnice.

Ilj Harry Turkfr.,-| been giving much thought !ate-

Iv to scientific problem®," declaredSecretnrv Put mi in, as tilt Cozy <"*or-iiht «*f>ih memlwrs hosan to assemble."I born making a spe<lal stnd\ oftill' l)l|?Sli')ll nf bow ;i fly !.. .till- t<«walk <»ii tlir .oiling upside down"Haw:" grinned 15 rot her Tom I "al¬

ma i a i y."Yoii ain't giving much thought to

science," I'urrf'-lcrl ftiisloi l'i¦¦.« n."von been cog It a t itig about ctitoniol-»BV."

"KnlonioloKy, nothing:." respondedthe socreliiry "I been giving it se¬rious thought ar.d some research Ihave been rending lip and I been. tiirtyinir the fly personality. I gotme txvn mustica doniestlcas and putihfm In a bottle; th"n 1 pot me twopollenia rnillses and put th->m In thehot I le."

111* n W'llMin llfTers to II rip."Why don't vtiii get some calliphora

cry t Ii rncophaln ?" asked Hon Wilt-onI not some out to my place, which

I would to- |tlad to let you have a',.ny tliuo. and they won't C">l younot hint: nolI ber."

"'s some inducement," the yr-rlai v replied, "for I ain't never notnothing for nothlnt: yet."

"W'hiil > ou coins lo do about Itafter vnii liml out how a fly canwalk on the celling upside downany way asked .llin Trosnon Ini In* iirsi pi.ti c lo* ain't walking on thecoiling upside ilown. for he is facingI In- toiling. w In teas, if he was »« :«IKii t* in a n In veiled position, he would

lie -1.1 ml in i; on his head so lo ipeakas It w as.""Yon got so-much sons'," reinrteii

.ho secretary, "lemtne see you walk. III I lie celling upside down. The*sa\ a man can do anything that any¬body else can do.""Max be I could, if 1 wanted to."

responded .lint Treynon, "lull I h.-1wouldn't he no sense In m\ climbingup the side of the w nil and walking. linn jicross from this side to overthen. I always do sensible thing-w hen I do any thing,"

IIoit llnr« III* I** I ml Tinief"I low did yon linil time enough !<.

make n stud) of the problem'.'" Hil¬ly Adams wanted to know.

"I ain't done jel." replied Socre-t irv I' ii t ii >i in ''Hut I cot sum- de-sails and find that Hie mlistica do-inesticus is pretty keen lie tinds. nit where there lv one of them lly-paper arrangements with a lot ofxtickup, and he gets some of it ontoI is law s. Then he (lies grae«»fnilytoward the ceilinif. and just beforelie gets to the ceiling he makes atile Jump, like a man getting <>ui

.! it hiilloon in a parachute, andlands feet foremost on the ceilinglie is boilml t" stiek. foi the cumho has on his feel causes a suet Ionwhich il'iiws the air from beneaththe weight of the foot, and beingheavier than air, ho Is safe You

'1:111. ail", of y nil. Ilnd Ihi'J out your-s. If f ion take the (line There isno 111 \ stcry about it. If the fly can'tgit mi stickum. he will use molassesand If that Is not available he waitsfor a life jo come along and takes: ho honey away from him, which an¬swers the same purpose. The |-< <

frequently objects to losing his dav'swork foi nothing, and a pretty fish"t a k 1« place, worth the time tow nteli."

I have reached the conclusionthat Itanium was ght," comrneni'dI:i ki her 1 "harlio ,\t-.«s."I'm going lo take 1 ho time to in¬

vestigate tliis myself." de. taredHi other Tom Mel iowell. "I haveoften wondered how a lly could walk. .n the celling upside dow 11. w ith. failing down and breaking his;> u or sornet hlng. and now am go-11 g lo tind out for myself."

.Miggoals Itnlilior Sliiicn,always thought he had rubber

sli". v « |t|| suction bottoms," ad-iii i: 1 i d 1 "ha 11 I! us k 1 11

You .ill must do like I done," thesecretary warned, "or it won't workIf y 011 1:111 gel lien Wilson to ..on,.- of his cnlliphora. which

is nothing mor> and les- than a blue-I¦ .111o ft v It might work better, for.1 Id lie -1 ot t to lly has more sentlmen-la'.ity about him than a mere mus-t ica doinest leas or even piillonia1 1111 s ii s. Them ordinary house fliesain't got no sensr You can fool themall the time but you can't fool a

bluo-bottlo. The more reflnfed the»y. the hotter tho trick.M

U l,nl dl<1 J'ou mean about riarnumtclng right 7" asked Actln* PresidentOrnffam, an ho entored the room undtook cliargo of tho mooting.

I hut a fool Is born every minute."ealil Charlie Moss."What I want to know." Henry^ ,,ut "»« v'hat you have to

Put tliein Hies in a bottle for?". Von ute them as decoys." the «oc-

retnry readily responded. "You hangtbr bottle on the chandelier near the'.elllnp, and the outside fly will havehis curiosity raised and will want to. what's what. Then you get In.he *ame. and when you see a ,|v

:.oYe "Jf/h .lhft KU»'-...

°n h,s lra" ""A you will see

V"; nr-par.- to satisfy his curiosltv.If I... did not have the sttcku.n o.

l,o..,s he would fall. J.,v» UK o

1 resnnn would if he tried t.. walk'M III- l eilinjL;. .

Tr,r,ifc A" Trndes., 'h'r° ,,r- all trades." d,.

! ",'*1 ' ."rro" Taylor. "Take me fo,tnstanc l know fellows who put'."IP. of R,asH in the pMcher^.oft, o ih^ price of loo."

tVell. let's swat 1 he ny." the Act-inc r resident commanded. -| ),avo

" Important business for tis cotiHideration The president

will return son,,

« Paiade"5, l^i* rwrr»,"0« «".<1 ha\ e a 1 readv Ko,

,f lhr lllreclor of f>lll;1;ioflL. i* 0,ly Ku*r,i "f mountedmce.c. an. Harry Ryder sa>s his

vmh'"' "" n mo"irnt's no-

aii «e nerd now Is a i>>t of

;: ;"H,,l":i5Pn,e flou ere. one or

innt'vh- I ">ln,Hrv '"ompany and ienmat sli.iIs for the parade.M»«- a»..,i,t ||.. I..-, r a *< ke< 1i "'t Brown.''l h"J " 11 '."me later I have

,,,i"r,,m,«t|o. ,hat i|,» presid-n-

1 U. V., f"r ,h" M"" " hlsself.o « III hav. n..thlnc to .,,h


'* c' " - »o ...rprl.e us on

|d«n, tell nohorl, ah(.,. ,h.nritll arrange,nent« are co,,>,,|.,.

ullh It,'..I),or Tutw Her f..r uhnl-¦r limy be m-.-e^n ry to g.> with

"" "lint and hlook-sncar."'.,V't ,!l"y \ arose and"Ml we ;,ck ,.,.k

' "f ",0 marshals, and thath"V" "" »"* a ff Colonel iVr.y

1" ' " Tiivlnr. Charlie Snvltl*ll,,rk"1 nouns .n>,| \V«ik*r CntWe>]\

.1 h ot hers |o ».e picked hy hissolf '

I ho rni.i(on was adopied. n.,| Ke|.i> .In....».« ,v*s named as a committer

ptovld- the flower. The programt n",» decided as follow* ,\|..e,

at ''.".ad Sr reel Station ni t \ \i'"V' A,'n" '> ." S A. M n | |

' 'h.- marshals- at K ,\t wei-.r,,.. h...i,. Hd.|,»«« l.v t;.,. Mnvo,. 4f

M f'tllOi ;|.|f nt 9 y yy»f rn;u*«'h forms

¦eed« down Mrond Siree, ,o r-him-

¦...y/.. Park, to t. .M.|f,J franklin, ,lo Rotjievard

jatid a round the |.ke. where |, ,vl||. ,.d. and ,h.. remainder of ,hr.lav *pr.t in aames and sight-.e*|nx'

.' ml,is the same proprnm will lie' * i*I out 11 111<i r o..Ih' a.,i.K president announced

hat a Grapevine message |,;,,| hr..received f'i.,11 Tom de |.1|k-p ..hnn»« In t.e wilds of Amelia Countv

snvs «-*roi,p III t replrl explorers'he leadership of ,l.h. J. ,»rupon i he trail of ,|,e mjster,-

. us ,non«;er whose footprints haveere;.,..I sii. i, commotion amonc th.-nain.y, j(.,| i,,. h(, nhJpland the animal j. , |,,,o to have |, |.t he parade In honor ..f t |,e return ofHie i>,es dent from h-s sojourn »i\ antic <I, v and i;«|ln,n

* he .i. et i-i c , h. ,| adjourned.


Burns 94% AirA ne,r ol) |aror, snfc p n ^mj|z

n8h brilliant, soft, white light, even.""e, than nas or electricity, has

.ind'\sT">'!t , y 'h* ' S r*ov"r"r"r" land .IS lending universities and found" superior to in ordinary oilamp... i, burns without odor, smokeor noise no pumping up. Is simple,

. Hums 34 0 air and .; e;common kerosene ,coal oj|>The Inventor. S. v. Johnson. M2 V

Mroad St.. Phllad-lphta. Is ..fforinc toi, a "" I" days' KltKK trial

or even to Kive o,,e I'llKK to II,e first.¦ver In each loc;,|it> who will helphim Introduce Wr|,e ,,im todavfor full particulars. Also ask him toexplain how you can cet the agencvnnd without experience or n...e"vmake J-'Mi lo $i>on per month..Adv.

"BATTLE ABBEY"Confederate Memorlnl InatKntenoiile vn rrt an,I Ken»lnBt«n Are.

Open 10 A. M. to fi P M

* Kirst (he spend Wagon has a ruggedly built, powerful, ample and absolutely de¬ll pcndable motor.

4 That Reo-Kour is thr> greatest motor ever built.6 This Speed Wagon has the same stamina, same strong construction In every unit.| The axles. transmission, frame, springs, steering gear are all built to stand up overa loup prriod of time in exacting service.

The Speed Wagon's economy is amazing, it will fit every hauling need.

Price it f. o. b. Laming, plut the Special Federal ta*.

FRANKLIN MOTOR COMPANYRouleiard 2902. 2007 West Broad Wrcyst.


Profession Moved With Slowand Peculiarly Solemn


CoinmlKtr From VlrgJnln l.etflslnturrand llrprmrnliillvni of Faculty¦ nil Slurtint lliidj of I nl» f rMly ofVirKinln W>rr in I.l'ir of M«rrhrr».

Next Sunday. Oct«»V»»r lo. will bethe fifly-scooiiii ji n nI versa rj of theburial of Cipupi'iil Hubert K, whoill»-il at his home in l.rxinKton. Vaon October I, InTO. I'ntler date ofOctober _'l. 1ST". the l."XlncioiiI Va.) limi'tli' ptiiiloil ilu' follow iiikstory of the d-'ath and funeral ofthe Southern « lit* fta in

"At about l".SU i' M, Thursday,the larjre procession which hadformed. according to previous ar-r:iiiKemi»nts. to escort th® remains ofOner»l l«ee from his late home onthe collect- campus, moved with slownnd pecullarl* solemn tread front infront of the president'* home to thecollepe chapel, a nil it f t .. f iiianlnu acomplete cirt wit of tlie building. en-tered from the front The proces¬sion was verv ii pproprlmely headedI y former otTii ers rind soldleis "fthe I'onfederacv Those wei e fol-lowed l»\ the clevcy. and after themcame- the corpse | u charge of pall-bea rers.

"Beside the heaIS", the nohle Krn>horse. Traveller which had home thedeparted hero through til" dangersof the cr«:ite*t battles this continentever Knew, and had been since thefavorite saddle horse of (', whs led with the sable trappinctt of mouruum. the sole memorialof n splendid military catier. Nextfollowed the ttustees, faculty andstudents of Washington t'ollege. hiii!after them, board of vlsitois. the f«c-ulty, otlio rs and cadet* of the Vir¬ginia Military Institute A l»t>K lineof citizens followed makinirin all a most solemn and impressiveprocession .'n re;ichltie the chapel,the corpse was taken from the hearseand borne to the rostrtim. where itwas to lie n «itate inittl lis inter¬ment.

I list I nit ul*ti ril llrn In Procession."The funei il obse#|uie« were held

Satiltda\. iV loin 'at I I'. M Ve-cordltiB to ;»!. n^ements. the proces¬sion formed at the I' front of the presidential te«|.ilence, nnd to the sound of solemnmusic. 1>> the \'. M. I band it moveddown Washinston Street, up l.-rfer-snn to Franklin Hall, thenci i.. MainStreet. In front of the hotel, theranks were opined and the commit¬tee from the Virginia l,eKM;(t» represent a t! \e- Irom the facultyand students of the I'nlversitv ofVirginia. and other d iM In l nts u dsuests took their appointed placesMoving on. in front of the court¬house. it was Joined hv the large bodvof ^'itlxens; and thus th- Inn it linemoved slowly down to the VirginiaMilitary Institute, where the cor|wof M'^k.i and fn<ult> ioined the pro¬cession and muvnl on to the collegecha pel

'The funeral rervic*. of the Kp!«-copal Church wa.-j r«a<| w:'h Im¬pressive solemnity th» Rev \VV Pendleton. I* 1» the rector ofi hr churrlj to w hich General !.'< }.«.

lo n k ed, nnrt ii «1 1stluKulnhed "Ulcerwho had served under him throtmh-jout the war In the Army of NorthernVlr^lnl*. When the nervtc.o* wrcconcluded, the corpso wan b«iiveytilto the vault In thr> hasotnciit of thechapol, which had been prepared forItn rccoptlon."

4'«. fitii llrcorrrrK Kriim Flood.Ii Is of Interest to recall that theco til n In 'which Oonefal I«eo -wiwburled u as recovered from n rockheap <>n an Island In North River, be-low l^exliiKton, following a jtreatfreshet. lleavy ratlin hud fallen In!this section for a week, previous to«s«I Lee's death, and when hepassed away, there was no cnftlnof suitable si*"1 or material In Lex-I it k t > ii lii w hlcli to bury the tils-lluuulslwd corpse.The uiiprecei|ente<lly hi«h wateri

>it«. I . lit off comrnunlcaton wth l,ynch-liuru, Itli'limnml and other cltten bythe destruction of the canal, xvtuctiwas the only means <>f transportationai that lime, hence It was Impos¬sible to secnie a cotlln. The hlcliwater had swept t li «. walehouse ai Kn-'t l.exlngtou. in whichwere stored sexernl metallic casketsfor M Koones, undertaker. Itoccurred to Mr. Koones that possiblyllie-.e co 111 lis had Iodised somewherealoiis'the river, so, with ofhis workmen. .1 K. M'dtiies, \\ ItMartlcan and Poinpe;. Itoot. lie »-etout to make a search.I'oiiinc «cro -s two \owiii; men n«:ir

tile rlvi r bank. ,n*l oel«>» l.e>-

Innton. Mr. Koone*. lold them of !iIhin Innluiii nnd they voliint enrod tohelp. They worn f'liorl«<M M. I'liliiumnnd H firry Wnllaee. Hnoiirlnu h bunt,th«*fo two cruwi'il the «wJf» currentto mi 1.11.'i n(1 Juhi liulriw I lie Unit i):imnoroR* North Klver, unit lifter 11 uliortIfiventilation nmoilk the riehrln. Mr.i'hi11uin »llHi!ov«re«l u lone bux on lopof u pile nf wreek.'iKe, which provodto be 'inn of tho colli nil \i nalicd fromthe warfthouso.

'rhi- foflln wan secured nnd vggused for Oenernl n ntcrment,

William KlUn urtli Mmythe lllr*.| My Aimii'lalcil l'r*HM.J


Volt K., Ort. 7.. WilliamKllsuort li Smyth''. author, '..liternn<l nationally known promoter ofpublic Irrigation ami reforestationprojects. ill'-il yesterday at hl» homehi-i#. il< wai. f'.l years old anil anative of Worcester, Mm*. II* I*survived )>y his daughter. Mr«. Ilnr-old Champ, of Norfolk Vn , and hlnHons. H.-iiKl Smyth'', of I<os All-H.'I.?». <"al. and William I". Smytlie,Jr., of San Mk-ko, t'al.

I'rolir Alli'inpf lo H'rppk Trnln..IKBKXVlhl.K, a. t\. Oct. oin-

i cry today were InvrntlKatlnur a'n at¬tempt whleh wan maile yoterda> towreck a I'ledmonl and Northern pan-."ilter train near here. Hton"H were,piled on th«* t rack - The engineer,""'.Un; an obstruction on the traclt,brought 111'' train to a *i<>p juvt be-f"ii' It reached the |(,f Money

This Will Ward OffAnd Break Up Colds

Jn«t . teaipoonlsl .( Dr. Caldwell'*Syrup Ptpiio itmoxi the coipritieD

rpHK Iwn ailments that peopleJ penerallv r»*tr»»rr| as of the |cn«timportant e are in renlit y the « auseof most serious illrfsso* and of

the projwirt ion of ilfiillivI'hey are consti¬pation :irill cinii-limn colds. Manydoctors nowlieve thai colds,tonsililis, !* ton> hof malaria willi nose. con*tipa-lion, instead ofconst mat ion be¬ing their rniisn.The fart remains

thnt yon seldom have a cold with-ont constipation, due to generalcongestion. Tlw only way toavoid colds is to keep up yourvitality. You usually cntch 10I1Iin I lift winter if you are rundown. Therefore in cold weathere*erciw> more; cat morn fatlyfoods; drink four to six glasses ofwatrr 11 day; keep tho head rool,the feet warm, the Injwels o;«on.You are also lc;s liable to colds

if your system is free from theintestinal jwiisons of constipation,mi empty the liowels regularlywith n plain vegetable laxativelike I)r. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin.

ANY FAMILY MAY TRY IT FREE7Vifli»*anr/i nf parents ore aihrjthrmstlr**, " \\ hrre ran I find a trust-

imrlhv Irunt t r+ tfait navori* in lh*fntntlv enrx iim* uh'ti fo/nfi/KiVj/I'"/ nrar vo»i to trv .9vrii/.» P*ntir\.f trill pladty pmr id* a uhrrni fr**$nn\pl* fxtttlr, Miiffieimt f*>r an adr'itwlrtrrt Writ* nt* u here to $end it.Addrrtt Jir. IV. It. Cal'hrrlt. .* f ft\\ aihtngtnri St Muniirrtto, it niar!

At the first si«n of a .¦old, at thefirst fi'w warning sni o/i's, take a

t<'a«f>oorifiil of Syrun I'epsin andthe congestion will lie ^nnn in afew hours. Don't wait until the.cold has a (trip on you. Mr.Henry Dean, Jr., of Rochester,\. Y.. cured n stubborn cold injust that way, anil Mrs. Alice

' Corbbrey of Haskell, Okie., ux-sit cITcctively for all the small illsof her family, Mich as t oust ipat ion,biliousness, headache#, dizziness,ami to br^ak up fevers and colds.

Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'epsin i*n ftcicntilically-lmlanccd c«»ni-|Miiind of I'lgyptian senna withpleasant-tasting arornatics. It issafe to to infants, and allchildren like it. Before you againresort to cold remedies contain¬ing narcotics try a tcas|>oonful ofSyrup I'epsin. Any druggist willsupply you, and the tost is less

£ than a cent a dose.

The ~Most Beautiful Car in America,

The True Value of The ChampionA CAR that consistently outdistances any rival on the highway,irrespective of price or make, is surely a car of superb mechan¬ical quality. This championship form is wroth even more than thezest of victory in a brush between thoroughbreds, for better still,it is a guarantee of those enduring qualities that mean long life, un¬troubled mileage and economy of operation.And there you have the secret of the extraordinary preference beingshown for the Paige 6-66 in every corner of the land. The mighty70-horsepower engine, with its amazing speed and irresistible power,has won for the Paige the happy title of Master of the Highway, forhere is a car that is always ready to meet all comers and will tacklethe stiffest of grades with the utmost confidence.Other vital features of design unite with this superb power plant.The 131-inch wheel base, the 118 feet of vibrant spring leaf, theperfect balance, the deep upholstering, assure the utmost of com¬fort and ease of riding. jIn the New Scries 6-66 there are numerous improvements that makethis fine car still finer. Examine any 6-6'6 model, ride in it, compareit with any other car in performance and equipment. Then look atthe price-tag and we arc content to leave the decision to you.

The complete PalgisTowett. linos of six-cylinder pnssenper cars offers n selection ofthjrteen models priced from $005 to IJBrtfiO. The complete line of Pnipje trucksmeets every haulage need. They nro sold and serviced by Paige dealers every.where.


i Randolph 409-410.

Page 3: · ThoWeather l1l«Yrvm find thin iiinriilnm probably #Hlr thin t f«-murww fnlr

L. SENDS OUT MESSAGEOalls Attention to Pica Made

by President Harding to

Prevent Fires.TIMF5T. V, >TATKS CA M M KIIKil

tftlnc-IMrfrlor «.«>« II Will InntlllIn Mlniin <>f ||iindrpil* TliomtiinilNII rn lr.nlIIIII «f Prrnuiml ltr»|ii>n»l-hlllly.

I Sp»r|a I to Tlio Times-Mlspatcta. JWashington. i>. c., on 7. sug-

-1i''"I by the of Pfi'lili'iitHnpllni; cn 11 In tr fur th* (ilifrvuiKf"f flro prevention day, Monday, Oc¬tober the National MotorlntiT Ah-<. |:it I. . i¦ ha* been asked by'lhe Nu-lional Park Service to transmit aSue* van it t<> th<- motorist* of thecountry. iiikIdk ihein to aid In co-nporatiiiK with the government atill t linen In itn efTort* to preventlii> i In the national parks %f theI'oiin11 v.

Tit lonlnriKtR pndXllily more than toan\ other one clasn coine <xreptlrin.ilopport ii ult leu for servl>« of thl*..II.'II ni'tcr, line lo the fai-t that morethan 70 per rent of i lo- annual vi*it-"in make the tilp In automoblle* tothem- |ilayxroiind*. which belong t >i«ll the people, ai'<i>rditiK i.i A H

mi rer, m-tiiii; i| i f ««. r «. f the Na-i .: I 'ark* Service ]t is climatedHi I :. 10,1100 persons will visit thepa thlp yea r. TIi:m In an i>niirmiiljyIn it »*n* .. over pri-vimi* \i-arn, amimainly In dije in motor travel," ullnu i.> olll -'al statements.

In his meisafc-e if, motorists through" ¦ N. M \ \cung l>iii" (nr l*am-m« !. r *n Id

I* I'nIrlnlie Only.'I In \i r i ureat nnrnlier of motor-

IMS win, \i Ml \'«tt I he pa rk« In Hie' '' ii- Im.ij|i| a . d doubt lesd will i-on-¦* ' ¦' pa'r:ol|i- 11'11 tn aid the« <iv. :iment in everv poulhlf wav

pr--> ntlns 'ires In thecu pre-." r'- \'-\i n- r e flu' except pni*- I* \ n the : «. a! f'.t'SI*. « t heremii~h ..¦?villi |nr constant xtHlanieagainst tin rite rvil.

I go\i'liliif III 1<| d«i 11 ST all It rntiI .. mi .i U i i i, i ). i pa r k « a < * * |,| ¦¦ and'I'¦ iBht ftil fur motorists and others.Tl" \ I ..tfi. IV r r > SVlte III theI t ...!. |t. I'll Yel I.iv Mnrt" r.f the'. * \ --1 i.: Ia*t . e ir '. . firm rameI" :t I] * tn-. i.t I T n . I. motor »I. I r

sh'i'i ii P id, On' i ef nre In thi ei|-IKatinri -f th»ir (i.!|oi s ;,s t r, the Im¬portant . i f n ri nc Hifetv r'Rii-

i*tiv \i 11 h n tli*' park*"l'h« me' -ir» nf the President,

..»Mng the Importance of n T .. pre.i- ti .' only timely ami ap-

'Pl it' I" II Mill it I'll ti the'' "f h j . 111 r I» i.f t ho i<-a rids'./It 1 I f a |.I I s'»iia r. .? ,,ri w il,'" .' 'I n rid i|< in i; the ti i . ii n 11

l s' fiii. from '" preventf' a 11111 L* P t III nris I'nri hvM,I 11: KhtJ. «.*.!.*. more than .my'..! Iri' f ire revpor,'

' r »l: t n niendii!i«i niiti'ia; !... >

Mnn> \ Isltiir* I'orrli-**.I nfort'inut *. despite narnlfif

l',v ronup >.-i|oi| r! \ p..Mi,d. therealwaxv pntne pirk visitor* whoIht' -A an o a lighted inat' ti itn .

i, i l'-.i ve a a m j> fire litv and h i a \ > lmi.i<« and

" " n-M]lt tn urtlnu nn. it'.r- «... 'inn', r.f . are jn

,1" '. "f !;_->.*. d mat. In-..11- « in her* thr Nations] Mo-' ." at'nn *n«1 its Individual

" Pla.v a vita! par'in' ' th" h< Bvlcst and ros'llcp'tlrr,- ^fr'juola National Park ofthe tear ivhjrh harh^r* won-

rf'i.' irrrv. many of them thousands-¦¦'.ir': .,1.1, \va ri'i-. d hv a i ani;ir:it _* < |> h. <- i-^mp fre be-¦e )r-nvlnc the park "


»""t" J"! From Plx'h Pace ,

r»*?i; '.er .f I' i * i .. hi .'it i « or e\»na'VhanceltpriV !f« .. as a «rest aii«.1 t l-lov <¦ t,1V|I

!>ti*:nc hl.= r»»:a'nce fcoth in Wil-ilam -hiKR and in I{i. |nr<>n.i to«hleh eit> he r< niovfil in 17'I l ni.

.i't i'l)tl'llKte,| .1 >. noiil' hi* o^'tifor th- Insiriietion «.f .! *ervlnryouth. i.^ji, fr., .h h h, i(r,ij,»c« epted nnv ¦.ompen.«aMon

Htf- reward \< ihi? own love ofth' noM»«t literature and thepiea-ure tn l> d"riied i'r»n helpingi th.-r neopl» In ihe |' ir«ll!t ..f kiiowi-

Wllliam Munford, of nii'hmoml.h'n.self i i'l.i*s:i-al Frholnr atitl iheit 11. r of a no .!. tran«la:i..n of "The

lltari had l«ni the ri-i<lpient of the«. eor ion . Inst rui i ion ,.f thin ureala tnl stood ma h had i s d-d in*.. i \\ 111tam.. |iii rt; soin^ ^iir. e

yrnrs and narnei) h. :< . Idest sop.Ijeorse \\ Vtjn Munfotd. after his oldI t'i' (,d and tutor. Pr^haMy no oni*had a better opportunity to

. I! ..itlii nit ei| a II h evrrv p!ia«> ofI'hai "l!.-r \\ ihr'v .'liRraeter tn; nlib) \lr Mm.f .til. and for thin teav-.n,p o ijo ii I t, 111* ii i.s I n V i I erl to deliverth.- oration at the public funeral heldin "The rapinl" on the afternoon ofJ he da v following the chancellor stiairlc ilea III

Hut the hanrellor had a publicas well as a private career as ateacher. sinri» he was In 17 70 madeprof, s.o.r ol law In William andMary l'ol|er.», which chair he er-n-t In tied t«i hold for twelve years. Tillswas the first school of law tn heestablished at any college m thiscountry. IWore the establishmentof this "chair' Jeff«.r«e>n had studiedlaw under him in Willinntsburc forfive years.selecting: Wythe as hitInstructor, although John Handolph

(moudaille)HYimAjaaL^cSHOCKABSORBERSThe Holladay Co.

043 WEST nriOAl) MTIIHKTnandolvh 81.MadUon 2247

(!. T. (lunniiiirliani

Tin* Kink Tiro Company, with ;»branch offlw at 1 »i27 West Brunt)Street, hiuioudi'Ch tho promotion ofSal'-man T I'unrilnuha m to th*-po-it ton of manager of tin- n!liram'h ». If I .. Mr ' 'li mi in: tin .11 ha*heen run Itei t ed with Ml" K: 'k "I* t r «¦

< "om |>;i n y for .» t.Miiili't of - nrnlram® to Itli-hiiKMi'l from W.«xhi mimil hree ye.-i-s ;ig<i. Si that liin» l-i*h;iH Id-oil traviliti;; e vten "I \

throughout the sta'e and i* we|>known !o ili<- (. "I omohi le 'mile ioKenetal Mr '"i;nnlnsha m will ». i? rulst finmi>r territory ov»r lo Sale*-!man I . K. S* 11¦ f i

ami I'liytnn Randolph. hi* relative*,v *' i »¦ liotli lii that town.A mo iiu h)« pupil* at lit" i'oII'c.

at nn» tltne or another. -A®re alt»o.Inn ou M'-nr1"1 .Uihn Mnreha!' >t«;»oi tt.- T'i'k«-r, l,llt|M«n Wnll«rTii/< w"II. O'-'pra' Nn<hol« and Henry. 'In*'.John .Nl.Tuhall I* i« 'rui- <ll<l no'

nit"ml th® law !«»..»ur«»¦« very Inn?Put to Iih vi '.i i ^ I-' J'ffrr«»in f"r "tvfvearv and Miirfhall f >r even n few*month* w >. u!¦! *. . m ho * r <¦ nonchfor almo»t ;.n\ ti':n-hrr:

<'hane*||or W\th® in whom :sre«i]<ariit:iu wax iotnhln®d with«In: pl|r|t v. t.i\.r f t tha' h" him-*®|f was I'i'.i ni'l i o I . t <* t * ins; oirthine new. and sri th® la" vear* <>fnlt> I f* took Mp 'h'- *nid> if lli'l'f'w

being hv orra*. I'.naI visitsfrom S'lxa* i< srh»>lt»rly manof that p'rlo"! In lli'hmoiii

Was of *»m® ^rhinl.i"han-®llor Wythi an i!i" ran:''

tif hoa J nf thought a« .1 <. ffor H®ha'I ' nf ra nr h «erl -he Mtt'f® «#rv*tt»swlui att»nd#d him at his lion ® inTtlrhmond. and In hi* will hadt.-.i'id .« t f 11«? furd to provM' f"r

their < ninfon in '.)..* <>\i nt hi* owndeath Th» servants rhu* provid ><lt..r w«r»* nrls inn. > 'In th® will ofApril 2<>. 1' l.vdla Hfwinax the« -«»».»J matt l\»nJaTi.ln .<'¦'! f *.<-.« i > <. \

Mi'liir' llrnwn 'fh» UM-' '-r( ;ito|wa« dtirlns th<' ltvo« of the twof or", o r and sfmr th^li d'-.tth" intr'iH to th» ii*p of lh»> *ald Mlrha«lBrown" Th»- r»»«ldtiiim of th<. no'atoivji d® vl«' d to fi«M i. Wvth®?n'»n>v, 'h«- or'* t"t«at-tiffh'"-

\rod *" 11 datr.) .tan'iaf. 1*!««.".<-harj;#d Ih* r#*ld'jarv reintp withdtbt* aid d'm.inds' r"c!"d that th®rr-«n !<' n had nrod»>o»a*»>'l th» t»tator. r»rit»d thai th® "J-iork In th®ftitid*" had h'fii r®lrt\®r-'''| in 'Hank"f Virssin i stork." and rhars®d theHank .-'irk with rh® orlplnal pur-p. * . v r,( t h o t r'lf . "

Vroth®r <oii I'-11 datfd K'hruarv rt1S06 nd If MlchN«l di® |.#fn-® hi*full ac I =)v/> what '« d®vi*®d tohim to 'I^orff® W"\th® Pwr^n^^ *'

Ofhrr l*rorl«|on» In Will.Tiiirf w»-r®'r prov|«ton« In fli®11 niul rA»|lr|l« C IVl n 2 to THti.ii

,lrff«reon and araiti "my ?l|.^ ®t rup. ^rid co'.d h® id®-! rjiir-'' andto William Duval, ih® (iitrtilnr, "my. il\®r l«dl® «nd tahl® and t'nypoi.n«"Tr®.«p i®2n<i®*. hoivfvui, h;iv» nohrarinc upon . h® pti»H®itl iiu'tlinnth* i"'ha nr®: if.; u tracir '-ni!.

It will ii® noted tha' th-* rodiri!of FVhruarv 21, ISOrt. wa.« so \vord®da« mlrht I ii .'pi re In the h'-oas: of<"5®orc® Wvthe f»we®ne\ whose dt"-"ipati'.n? had now heroine .,f n.rn-mon knowledcr a desire t(, h.ivrlite ho\ Mlohael out of the way.

It .seems al«n that Swe.>ne\ )iadcoin# to th® i' a nre 1 lor'« roon»« in hiv;ih*enre and had opetieil * privateil"«k and r'»il the will and ro/1ii<||«'t'olonel 'ie.irc® Wythe Mtinford. in

Mr h ik, 'The Two Parsons." has a<hapt#*r entitled "Chancellor Wythe'sl'< ath."

I his account \v;idoubt less re-. "t\"i| by ('..lone) M tin fx r<| from hislather ami other devoted friendswh<> mlnlxt<.! I'll to the Chancellor.liirltik: hi* last hours.

\\ anted CiilTrr nnil ltren<f.We find, then, from this account,

that th<> I "ha nce| Inr's KrMl-ii'i|ihi>K'came to the home on a certain tnorn-liiK ami asked ihf old servant 1,villato Mlve him a i*ii(i of colTf ami <01110I.road.This she did ami. when her l>.i k

\va« turned, Stt'i'cni'V put Iti l In*rr jw.t the content* of a small

paper ilnuhllen arsenic. A "hurtwhl|«- later tin- I 'ha m-el lot lang It i <

I.e||, Hl'eorillliu to his ellstom. to |tl-«l I'-:i t .. that he was remly for hisIn » ak faM. The coffee fit t liirnIn all innocence |»y the rook l.vii'.iwas from the fatal container. Thehoy Michael ami l.yilla herself a |S()partook of some of th» ft-,.

Ill a short while < *ha m-c| lot Wytheami thi' two servants were all verysi. k. anil It scorned hut to,, apparent(hat there had l>eeit a horrid crimecommitted hy Co..tee Wythe Kweenev,The Michael soon died Tlii>woman I .yd la. who had not drank.julte as much <*f t|,e poisoned <<.ir..,finally recovered The . 'ham-eiiotlingered between life ,1 [III death fora week, oufferirii; yreat pain, whichlie hore W II h perfect foltitllde JJe\V!IS const N nt 1 \ Visited d'lfitlK thisid week hy devoted friends -l.y I If_

I'olisllee a ml l>l M. 'aw, f.y the |{e\lit! Plait- and the llcv. .lohtiiclmnan. l.v William Mtinford *nd

l-.dinuml Ita tido! j>h. Hut he had|.a-sc.| beyond the t( .. 11, of earthiv11 iends!

lie .1.Sited It's friend, KdllltltidPand'.lph t.. draw up anothet and fmil codicil to his will in which het"voke,| «<ich portions of his codicils as '-on tain ml any pro.Visions for the In ni tit of his Creatnephew, r;nii|-[ji. Wythe Sweeney, anildevls.-d and bequeathed "to the broth¬ers a t. | V is t IT M li f the '..I'd f ilf.rce\V>. the S'vo.ti»j nil of the estate that'¦...Hid otherwise have «i,ni> to ijeorc-Wythe Sxveene\', nr for his u-'c.

N oil I e Spirit Takes I'llKht.This last codicil is dated .fuiie 1.

r.f| morning of June s

!."<?. his noble spirit took its liieht.That this jr'at and good man.

n hose name had become the very.vnonvm for "justlre" ;ind for ^v^rvnimlable attribute as well -s fur theprofotmd rrtft' ..f the lnte||o.-t, shouldai length :?i hts e ehtv-hrst vp^ihave lu en the victim n| si] h an out-ta*eo'ts crt'ti" S'ftns one of the.-.I ratic. .' v.-icaries of fate

In .!! last 'lavs hi" thoughts wereon \ for others lie remitted thatlib ,| es« should cause d<la \ in rr-sard to ma't« rs of linporfat;'. fif-nd-:>l* !?i » court Almost with h;slast hre.i'h he -aid ' >h. cntlem'nyou are \ « r y con.) I am sorry youtake so mu. h trouble. Hut all willhe In vain "

At the till ..f til" execution of theflnal roiliei h. saj,| t., Mi Munfov.lai d Mr Tt uidolph It is not tin de? Ire that 'his unfortunate nephew- ofn.'r-e shall he | rosertited or punished

".' it'll, t than thi« .od|. il will ptinShhim. for the offenses with which h<*'"..'.¦Is harmed I dr. ad such a s'ie-" in he|tiit cast upon m\ narr.e or ins*¦ s'.r s ( do not i.e||eve he can !..onvlr'eil t * I, r- teeth of i(ir «tautuea v*'. w h !' proli iht t s it .'c ro t« s 11nion >from |m ins t »¦ eived niralnst a whit*man tjn1 trial

III He V c«| n 11 |e«l,\nd w ..It'.ui s¦ i. *h testimon'v

«iii be acquitted. K«.r myaeu, lshall die lea vine him m* forKivrp* t

Th« crea' n'phnv « a? tri* d atsession r,' til- l>:?trlct Court in Hi-itlOnd on Monday the first r,f ,«ep.'rmher i .e.,.Judges I'ren'i? and Ty-|. r |.roen'

Philip V Xlchoi.m, Attorney.gen¬eral, appeared for the prosecution,and William Wirt and Kdmund lUti-do|ph for the iefen-* The rerdlcof 'he jut \ wis "not cuilty." Thet . s. |..,,,|. ,,f trob.rod woman hadnot heon admissible At ;h» time of'"hanccMor \\ th»'« d' tth. th« i;!rh-non Knf|Ulret was issued otil\ onTuesdaxs *rd Frldavs r.f each « .?!<Th« i*suo .^f Tu^sda;. .line jo then\<ns the next issu» after hi- deathIn .in editorial of tha* date fi'.-jht-lr . written b\ M' '"homas|e .

it is said 'Tii rupulotis devotionto justir^ tii- «ir»iicth of rearoninp.and d»pt n of r.-ea n h w hich he man-if.ste.l xv chancellor, are known toall

"fSreni as he was in literature. In''"etti'* at 1 in law fullv impressedthat knowlodce without m-.tals isvain" his stiperjorlt i was more ap¬parent In his condu- t."

'.be* I'll nern I \rti|rr«s.The Kni|iiirer of Friday, .lune 1,1,

elves, in part the funeral address,which had been delivered h> Mr.Munford at the public services in theCapitol nil ,Iu i'«. :. The rest of the

IfeuMfciProtect Halfof IfourBorate?

Of course not! What yon want is protection.and wliat goodis protection unless it is 100 per cent-

Yet, why protect only one-half of yoor car?With a Stewart Stop Signal, Rear Vision Mirror and Double-BarAutoguarda, front and rear, installed on yoor car, your protectionis is 100 per cent.

Quit taking unnecessary risks in the traffic jamsi Laugh at theinjury "jinxf"Stop in and have these accessories installed on your car today.

Stewart Stop Signal ... « .. . $ 5.00Stewart Rear Vukm Mirrors, round and oblong models,for windshield or fender installation - $4 - and 2.50Stewart Double-Bar Autogu&rds . . $22 and 19.00Stewart Single Bar Autoguard* . $11 and 18.00

We give our "Same-Day Service" on all Installation work.

.HTKWAMT-H % It X Kll PIIOIH'CTNSK1U ICR STATIO>, im:.I0IS \Vr*l llrnari titrrrt,

lllrhmnnil, V*,I'nnkinrtl 4IWI-4.MII.

address im printn<| jo the paper olTilt-silny, June 17. After the publicfuneral in the Capitol, the chancel-lot's remains ivitp Interred m Saint.l»hn> Church yard. ijulte near to theWMti-rn Within Dip pa«* vi-nr,tin- pl.ti i' ,,f interment Im * hi-i-n »»;.¦I »|-»» I> I i;« t I >- murk ft by tin- effort* ofcertain patriotic sooietle*My friend. llob.rt N Pollard. K*«| .

<.' tin- ICIclimond tmr, h:in ailo-A<<i| ,,i"

'he privil<t;e of readIiik note*made tiv him in resaril in the site of<'haii. rllor Wythc'i llichtt.ond homo,

iiit the sout beast corner of Oraco aridFifth Streot*From .Mr. Pollard's notes | learn

[that chancellor Wythe houuht thi|i in port y in »|iiest ion from WilliamNelson, Jr.. in I7!»2 -tho date <it the.leed being April 1!. The proper! \'.» then known an "lot No. UH'.* in theplan of Itichmond." fronting- lan feeton 'Irace Stieet ami running hack1 tin feet.The Jot is thus seen to have I

a very large one. The houso » saidto have heeii a "yellow w innii-n housewith a hip roof" ami to have fallenInto .In ;,y after tho chancellor's<iej|th flnall> to have }>.>..n ,,j«.ilby the hoy* uf ihe neighborhood a«a >ort uf clubhouse for their revel*and amateur play*. The portion oft hi lot nil \vh it'll lilO old home stoodfilially horame tho *it»- of the nhful¬some mansion built by Mr A bra inWarwick. which is still standing anilwhich bears a bronze tablet recitingthe fart that Ccr-rgo Wythe oncelived on that site.

Automobile NotrsTwenty-three oloetrlr raiiwavH

;i r ** imn*r bfrrfjor*''annda has one car to about ovor>

eighteen peopleCalifornia ha* a motor car to

« verv IK of it* inhab tanl*A vera re annual mileage of aoi,,.

mobile. in tin- I'tilted States |vo/iri

American h clitfay m v|i.m om'.rare, j .Mtn.nnn ,,f travelihloro> d >.« a \

Keep the car b-nklnc now bv re-varn <-.-bin g It about every' *(xrr."nf h<*

At2 (,ft" ftf,n ,11 H'im«»t»j'rvhave boon si rapped ;M t|,.. j;,...t tr^rity.fivr vr;irs,

l.ov \tL-»..v Cinintv, t'a11« almoi" a* man; autiirn"h(i<v« ,k?h# whnlp rtf Knnfp

U 99Gets-It.Painless


This (.'urn HciimmIv Is (iunr-» ii Iced.

No matter hen- tough or how stub¬born It may have been the corn orcallus that is touched with a few

tesasdrops of "nets-It" i* doomed to aTuck, *uto nii painless end.Never again fan t pain von. Soonvnii are holding 'n yoiir Oncer-! itsentire remains- a single piece nfdead, shriveled .¦«i n that you throwa u ay .forever llaro 'urns, softcorns, an.'-' corn*Cost* but a trifle and guaranteed

Trj it. K I .a wrence & <'lticaeo. Adv.


Methods i» f Training Mnpi-nccrs Will Br Discussed at

Washington Meeting.\V A SI I I N<: T< >N. I>. .*.. Oct The

Hmhv.ii'. K«lmat ion Hoar»l. rnmpoHnlof ROM'inmi'Ht official# ami cxfcutivontrimi induct r\ int«*ri»stcil In thr» dlu-. atiofi of i It.- hiithwax ..iiicin*f»r, si»ntout toilax a full for a national con-fp| onr»' of leading i*«l u«-a t ot s. Stat*hii;hun\ oflifialy. hltthuav . nt'itwer*.moto: i'iir producer* him) others, t«» In*hold at Wanhitigton, I». .*. October

to L'v ('(.i»f(,t«'Ht,i» ):«..«« 1 . | tia r t hi swill t lii* Nmv Willnrd Hot».!,

Tin* prime purpose of tin* rottfotence. as set forth by l»i .lohti .1.Tln^rt, I'nlted Slates i '"mmiy.slonerof I'M Ufa t ion, chaiini'ti «.f t i» to 'lisftiHM methods o f educatingthi' highway ^nt(in'M'i In order thath» ma\ rriMkr maximum serviceth" Slati* ami nation In th«* r*n<tion of sultahlf ami durable roa»Wat minimum « \p**us*. Thi^ It is be¬lieved. fan be ;i< i*orn pi s heri onlythrough a campaign of ..'luxation.

A l#l to r«vi*r Whole ( nimtrr.'Invrnrni-nt ami Stat** officials are

now planning a *vste»n of K«'rtor;ilalii hinhwjtys rt»vn inif the entirel"nlt«*«| Slates an«l in* lu'ling ] KO.immimile* of the most important roadsin the country. The need for trained"tm In #»#»r« to build th v mileage i«urgent. ami It t« «h*» purpose of tin*onfere m-e to tliseuss all phases f

t he hluhway engim»T's er|ui*at ionwith a view to aiding Mf ho»» v of..nglnecrlng In providing the mnst

courses i»f irHituni: priftciblf,The highway er.g'm-f «»f toda\

vlrtuallx a new pr»wlu<: of t h»» rapidgrowth of motor transport and t h .-

resultant necessity r»f suitable high¬way!* Itnad huiMing in the I'nltedState* js progressing. and projectedfor t h e mined ia' e future, at a ratenever approached l»*-f»»r** in any periodof th«» worl'l k histoi\ I't»»hl«'tns arismg in this work «. n -t be rni»l hv

sti:a >im hit*.

Girk'i 3rd L'rtiiH.^ioBtrr 23. 1723ROUND THE WORLD~*MPTU;.SS ol I RANCH" 1*481 Grt*. TONS4 MUM HSCKUISR.JIOnu *Bd opIncluding Hotels. Fmi, Drive*. CimcUi, rtt,Clark Originated Rotind thr World Croina

CJlark'* |0|H Cnnae. February V 1923tTTf mediterranean

"BMPRF.SS .l SCOTI-AND" 1W Grow TtmtfcS DAYS CRUISF.. Wn ,,d ap. Fnnk C. Clark. Timet Dojldinl. New Ymrk .

C. f>. Allr>, H;ni Jjiat .Main J*tr©rt.


RELIEVESRHEUMATISMFhrMc'iin* *very-wher» will

tell j*o« thQt th« nallcylle acidfound In aKptrln la a pnworfulcombatant of pain, an<! partlc-Olarlr effective In th* can* ofrheumatlBm.The a*pirln ir^ntly dlnt»nd»

¦the tlnr capillaries of th« bloortrellevinit the connection andproduclnc a free, healthful per-BPirarlo.TING1.FS T-AXO ASPIRIN

doei not npeet dlireotlon as<loes p'ir« aeplrln alone. Thejpentle laxative It contalna re-m?Tee the toxins or body pol-eori? that »o often are the cause®f the fw-linjres of pain of rheu-mattsm.


TINGLE'S I.AXO ASPIRIN.^"ltrt Ita three fold attack la¦ urn to relieve rheumatism and

In many casesbrings thehope of per¬manent r«1lef.Remember to. ek for TIN-GL"F'p LAXOASPIRIN. theaspirin withthe threepoints:

. It'a Bbaorbed eaelly

.It rcllerea pain qnlckly

. It'a a Rentle laxatlTnTINGLE'S LAXO ASPIRINAsk your druggist for the"Three Point Box." TherapeuticResearch Laboratories W a t h -

Incton. D. C.

"7/jeHeuj Six40MOON

^'695 £kdan. Beauty, style and servicei happily combinedJ At first sight you'll admit this new Moon Sedan hasJ personality.quick, vivid, piquant, daring. MoonJ engineers have left nothing undone to perfect a

J standard of mechanical excellence in keeping with the. most exacting requirements.J Steel body. Sirent roof. Rain-proof windshield with\ son visor. Wide doors. Upholstered in importedJ silk-finished blue broadcloth. Every refinement poa-J «iblc to put in this desirable type of car is evidencedJ in the Moon Sedan.. Come fn and see this beautiful car. Well be proud. . to show ft to you,

Other Moon Model*i S<*'40 flvw-pBMenger Tour¬ing, $1295| Slx-J8 seven-and five-puscnger Tour-

. Ing, $1785, and a Slx-58 seven-paucnger Sedan.

! Baughan Motor Sales Co., Inc.M AWSON 4 ft (ill

: 114 VVcflt Broad Street

^ Built by Mf*n Motor far Co.. Sf. l.aoU. I J. B. A. Founjfd I<07 br Jcwcph W. Moon

following prfpH'nH, .'is there ;tr* n<">

precedents to follow. It it the pur¬pose of 'the Highway K'l neat Ion Hoardto effort, throuKh the ronferoni .», a

<1 far I nt: house of ideas to at'1 t )i .

country's '.<hl< a t loiia 1 institutions in

giving hli;hwii\ engineering studentsthe latest development* in the now

HCi*' UCO.l*n»K rnm of t'onff rrurr.

The program of ihe three-day oon-fureni-c Is now Ihmiik mad" up. In¬vitations ha ve l«een extended to nu-nproniln .. tit In their respective fieldsto address the cnnf'ri'ni «>. A partiallist of «|ivnkcri and expo. tod topnrtIclpatf actively Include the fol¬lowingThomas 11 Mm-D'Hili Id, chief of I ho

Htireau of I'utdli TV ds. Cnited StatesI'. part iiiriit of Agriculture.

A. .1. Mrosseau. president MarkMrothers Motor t'ar t'ompany.

T. It. Aitx, professor of hlghwavenn inepring, Iowa State Pollute ofA u rleut lire and the Mechanic Ally.

Arthur II Itla in-hard. prof' -soi of

hti{h«';«j en k in«-or in c and IllRhwaytransport. I tiiversit> of Mlchinan.

. J. Ttlden. professor of fruin"'!'-niu nifi li.nii's. I'niverslt v.

I,e\\is \V. ,\li liiiVf, Hsniitunt pri-I'pyunr nf rivi; .riKinifrius. I'niv«T-sit y of I'll i yl>iit'sh.

* ieo| ^ t M lit I hit 111. \ i>*. IH<KI<I<M11,i 'lin ii'l le r Motor . '<>in pa n v.

II. S. Klrcstoite. president Mr*-stone Tire and I'uhher t'onipanv.

11« .* I». fhapin. president HudsonMotor «'jtr <"oinp-'tn\. and vi< -presi¬dent of tin' National Aiit'inol.iif< "lijirnIkt of t "oinin'Ti-o.

Mr W. K. llatt. director ndvlsorvlinnr<l on Itluhwny research. National|{. scan h '"oiiih il.Alvan Maiaulev. president Packard

Motor far .'mnpnny.Mr < "hurley S. Howe, president <"as<-

School of Applied Science.\ l; Hirst. \Vi«i-oiisin State Mich

win Kncltiecr.Charles .1. Kennett. State lllctiwiiv

< 'otumlsKinner of I "oniie. tlciit.Mr. !.'. I<. Itlyhop. 'lean of the school

. cminecrir.jr. I'niverslty of Pitts¬burgh

We Make a Specialty of Installing o



943 West Broad Street. 0

Randolph81. Madison 2217. 9

The Holladay Company



( 11> AK*«oiatPr««« l\'< "KKOI.K. V* <>rt. ;.-WMh 'h<*

nf Mrs. Miiry Kllzaboth N i'tir,"1 ><-,«rs. In Norfolk, on<! of

th.'woman doctors of tli»nation i»h«s»<I away. Mr«. NiittT,who hail horn llvinc in Norfolk f>»rtwHvo year.* prior to her .ioatS,;raduati>r| from Boston t'nlv«T.v;t ,

in Boston. Mav»,. nrar th<* rtl \ inwhich she wa« born, rharlofitown,it 1*M.


Murphy's HotelInc.

Tnblr d'Hnto DinnerSunday, Oct. S, 1022,

11:30 to S l\ 31.

Menu or*T

OlivesSalted M!x«rt N'utrStuffed Olive*

Olri-Fashion Oyster CocktailConsomme Vermicelli

Cr»»m i->f Asparagusfholce of One:

Filet Mlenn B*arnals«Breast of Guinea Chicken

Viriclnlenn*Patties of r*pnn, Fresh Mushrooms

French Peas, l.ucculusAsparagus Tips, Hnllandals*Browned Potat«»s

Creamed PotatoesSnlad of Rnnebuil Beets and

OirumhurChocolate Kclalr Charlotte Rtisre

Merlnsrue Glace ChantlllyRussian Parfalt

Peach Meiha Coupe Maxim*Sorhets Punch. Romalne, i'ri>m< d«>

Menthe, Hummel, MaraschinoIce Cream: Vanilla. Fresh Pearh,

Chocolat e

Roquefort. Pamemhert, Americanor Swiss fheeieToasted PrackersCoffee.Tea.Milk

JAM KS T. PISXEY,Pres. nnrt Mnnneor.

Dodbe BrothersBUSINESS SEDANWith this car, Dodge Brothers have literally creatcda new type of sedan.

They have combined open car ruggedness with closedcar protection and smartness.

They have demonstrated, once for all, that a sedancan be as practical and almost as inexpensive as an

open touring car.

The body is built of hand-welded steel bccause steelis sturdy, and will take a permanent, oven-bakedfinish, eliminating forever the cost 6f repainting.The seats are upholstered in attractive, genuineSpanish blue leather, bccause leather will wash andwear.

To further enlarge the car's usefulness, the rear seat,back and side cushions, scat frame and foot rest are

quickly removable, giving sixty-four cubic feet offlat loading space in the rear compartment. Themanifold uses made possible by this unique featurearc- readily imagined.The top and rear quarters are of non-rumble, fabricconstruction, conforming with the present attractivevogue. From cord tires to curtain cords, the fittings,inside and out, are distinctive and complete.In fact, every detail of the car emphasizes its strik¬ing adaptability to business as well as oocial use.

Tlic Prlrr I« Dclltornl


N'psI KroncI Street

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