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':;,~' ..,;v'P~I'f4lINGS' ". '.,OF THe WEST-,. .

.HARRI~ SJj~LTON':.;, .' Sfudi.C;; .....·Gqtlery,~, ,,,, ,;, ~'•.Mil~ Abov~ 'Pollt Office


...,~~L~. i~~)lE¢Ea 18 " • '" : ," " " -. .:~:U=IDO:.=S::O~f,:L:,:IN;:C;:;OL::;:N:...;.C;O;.U:;N:.:,TY':';:':':,.;N~lEW;:.;:·,,.:M.:,:;E;;.X;,:;,I:.;C:.;O.,...~ .......__...' "";"_F;;.;Rm.;;;.,:i\;;:';;Y:;;:',...;O;,.;~:.;..:;.;;.D;.:,E;.:,R;..I...:G.;..' ,;,,;19....11.;..3~:-,,",...........__........-.,;O;;..'_' ..........;;,':.;''_.,... -----

:MANSMUnHTERCHARGE'FILED T~xas Minister' 'Comedy Ap.d Musi~ featUred'IN DEATH','Of TWO INDIANS- .Called A$ P~stqr In'FUll Evei-ina Of 'Hilarity,'LINCOLN' COUNTIAM TED ~=~r;~ik~~~~1~r~:~ul lD.Sorority;;Variety Show

I. Cedro 'Agulllar, aged 28, was make their home. 'He was called Reheal'Sals were underway In • • .. agarslodged in Otero County jail this recently as pastor of Ruidoso First home~ all over town this week in . ' . ,

• week under charges of manslaugh- Baptist Churcl}. to till the pulpit preparption Jar the Beta Sigma •t d als h left vacant here for several weeks. Phi, sorority's "Vadety Show,," fea- ,_,--. ~~__""':"" "":;;:-

the scene -of an !1ccident in ~vhich, tist parsonage beside the Baptist tUring all home ta ent. and w c~ WIT, & WISDOM there

twere fatahhties, Tpe Lincoln church, which )las been occupied WFtlllldabe iPg~tsenttende~attw7ec:8kO IPn' tmhe' 450 PER N II bel' of Commerce Managers Asso-

coun y man, w ~ has lived in tor some time by the Rev, Swear- y n no", '. , cluUon. whJch opened here last.. ~ Rv 'Vix- Hondo and in RUld<!so, al\~ who Ingen, Missionary Baptist preacher Youth Center RYmnaslum. . S ENCADE TOUR I night with a supper at Carri~o

. < . was described by pollee as work- tor this area, The Swearlngens Admission tor the unique pro- MAKE A P . ILodge. C,lme from all points of theWe say welcome today to a .lng at odd jobs here and there," have moved to Cloudcroft to make gram, to feature comedy and mu- .I _ 'compass 111 the stute yesterday.

mighty fine and hard-working was arrested at 'l q, m. here Sun- their home. Mrs. Swearingen had sic, will be 75c for adults and IN WHITE MO'UNTAINS SUNDAY ,Stili more were due to hlt Ruidosobunc;h ot community go-getters. day morning by City Marshal been ill several weeks in Ruldoso- 25c; for students at all grades. Ad- ~ , : em'ly loday to bring an estimatedthe mllnagers aijJ;1 some of the of- Dewey Gann at the home of Frank Hondo Valley General Hospital vance sale of tickets began this ' • ' " attendan('e of 100ficerS ot chambei's at commerce of Pena. • while the pair stayed in Ruidoso. ---- , , . In th(' vanguard' of tlrst regis-~veral New Mexico munlclpall- The arrest and charges grew out bul she Is reported as much Im- PRIZE OFFERED - - - FOUl' hundred and lIfty persons I' transt ben' were 1I S. Chamberties. We're proud you picked Rui.. of the fatal Injurlnp of Louis Gal- proved In health. Sacra B1'Q8. of Ruidoso Is of· C tAil t 'Sunday attended opeu-ulr interde- of Commerce are<l leaders state

.doso for your fall convention, and larita. aged 33, and Rowena Nich- Rev. Brian preached In th9 10- ferinr a. $10 'Clash prize to the oun y 0 S nomlnntlonal church st'rvkes, en- 'offiCials and many ofllc~rs othope you'll find everything just olas Gallarita, 25, who were struck cal church two weeks ago and' fol- student sel~lng tho most tickets I Joyed u ehut'll-wagon dllll~('r and' t'luunbel's of ('ommcrcc in townsright so that you'll come back real down and killed by II car on U. S, lowing his appearance, was oller- In advance to the Variety $6,800 To Buy ~aw a vlsllutg Texas ('olmly s sher- hoth llll'ge and small. who weresoon, . Highway 70 about 1:00 a. m. Sun- ed the pulpit of the local church. Show. Joe Ilawklns. manacer ' Itt POSS(' he Ihe fll'llt wmnel' uf iI , to b(' hel't' with Ihelr managers to

• .... • day morning about II quarter 01 He and Mrs, Brian are the parents ot the' eqmpany. announced reVOIVlnl: troph) fol' Its part in lilt' luttend some of til{' forums set up,Scraps from our notebook . , . a mile west of the Big Chief 5,tore of two daughters, both married. yesterday. Re h Of W opt'nlnJ( parudl' of Ruidoso s fourth D liP' P 4

At 9 30 t Th d ni h R Ig ts ay '<lnnuol Aspl'ncudt' ' . ( ('till ('( r0l:ram age ,): nex urs ay g t os- In the Mescalero Apache Indian He will preach his first sermon • •

well Television Station KSWS will Reservation, . In his new post this Sunday and a' week for what promises to be u , The churrh S('I'Vlt'(', wert' led by I GOVt'IIl\lr EdWin I., Mechem wasbroadcast motion p'lctures made' at Gann, the arresting oUlcer, said large turnout 15 urged by mem- sell-out show, Following a trIp by District At· I Rev, Wm, n, HOlrll(,S. Jr. pastor of ('Xpt'('led Itl bt' one of the conven-RUidoso school children and bus- the two bodies were Mocked off bers of the church to greet the All profits from the event w111 torncv C, C, C"hast' to Santa F(' IRUidoso First Pre s by tel' lUll IlIon's dlstlllguished J,uests in theInessfuen. as well as other Lincoln the road by the car. State Patrol- new mlnlstcr. go 10 the Ruidoso School Band for recently. the Stntt' is makllll: I ("llIm'h. who sJlokt' bnetly follo\\"- PI'IlI:I am lonlghl <It avajo Lodge.county scenes, taken when the man Driggers 'of RUidoso. who also buying Instruments and other sup- CIIAl\II'ION YODELER-I'lck- luvaUoble 10 HUidoso n portion of 1111: n Ill'n,\'t'l' and hili I'l'adlna. of thc Ht"udqllartt'rs tor the conventton.R05W~1l Good Will Tour came Investigated the tragedy. said the K.-el Bonnell piles. ed 1111 tlle champion yodeler from tilt' d('I'enIUl'e bond surplus, which lJ21s1 Psalm Ml's Oemanl Rooney I"hlt'h \\'111 ('nd Salurdny Is ot Na-throuRh here early In September. ear swerved across the highway Amonll entertainment 1It'ls and Oklahoma. Beth' Lou Lobb, , hus h"I'1l sel aSld(' fol' usc by Rul- i It'd thl' gloup III ~1Or.lnl{ "Amer- v'll~l Lodge, • , The Bob Rices were startled on the wrong side of the road s1f,lts already lined up fOI' the pro- W& 1\1 1'( E M Idlml to Ilurdlase 'whts-of-way for' H''''' to OPI.'I\ lhl.' pro!:rum, I 11w ronfcrenl'e IS'strlctly busl-rechently to get a trans-ocean tele- where It hit the two, He said the H del r.rnm. os announced by Mrs. Gene Lo~~h~~r&:e~nr·l:~~. '\\~i l~ak~ IHh:hwll\ 70 wldl'nlnt: through the: TIll' !lockll'Y County Sht'r1ft's I lll'bS \~ lth very httll~ time allowedp. one eall from their son In To- car was a 1942 two-door vehicle. ea s emetery: DodEon. one 01 the committee her fll'llt stllg!" lIppcarnnct> In VillIlge limits. th., LIO('oln County I p,\~S' or 1.1.'\ ,,1 I.tIld , Tt'x, pla('t'd un ,Ih( llr,('ndn for entertainment,kyo. Bob said reception was ex- The man's body was knocked 49 < I members at worlt. are: "The Shirt Ruidoso Friday nlgbt aext "eck ,N('ws of <",II r11111., n'porled lost Ifllbt III IIw :\SIlt'Ilt·luit· parul1c. Worltshops III t'ommunily projects:cellent, but there 'Were frequent feet from the point of impact the Kiel Bonnell, Ruidoso building IOtt His Back." a one·act play to In Ihe Uelll Siroma I'h!'11 Varleh' I\\ PCII I Whldl ·,lllrll·ti till' Inul' Sund,,, I studll'S un I'humh('r of commerceInterruptions while the operator woman's another 19 feet fUl:ther supply and hardware dealer, was i stnr Mmes. Ruby Buclmcr. the dl- Show at the Youth ('enter gym- TIlt' Stal(' IHeh",.I\· Dl'partment IIlltlrnIII r: .lboUI !l 30 Hub<'1'1 Wn~! ",,"HHlt'tn('n' prohkms, the valuetold the boy, ''That'll be another on named president of a board to: rl'('tor Pat Simon. Evelyn Estes nashnn, tis rendy 10 Pl'oc('cd wllh thl' pro- It.), plt".I.h'nl of lh•. ussoclatlllll. (~f ,'omnllth't> lIctioll 10 thl' C, ot$20 or so," every few seconds.... 1 of operate the newly named Forest, Hnd Anna Belle Crum. lI't'l "Iwn thl' pun,h,., (' of rl/:hh.- j .u'l't·III.·" lilt' IIOphl frum IhudU')o! ( 1,1'·,lrnm~ WI'I(' .mu,nll Ihe top-Mrs. E. M, Lobb at Green Tree he car was owned by Cedro's Lnwn Cemetery, now a part of the! Tap dances by Anna Lu lAna • - • ,,'."'l\ '" ('ompl('letl ,eh.UllUt·, "r l'ollllfll'l ct' Pn'lildt'nl II' to Iw /lont' IIltoSQYS spe hIlS a bunch of dllterent brother, Faustina Aguillar. a city Vrllage of Ruidoso 06 set up III an '<lnd Donna Rose Surginger, dircet· Champ Yodeler AI Ihelr ml'('t1nll la~l ,,('t'k. th(' i KI'lIIwth S W,.tl 'u ('1111 Ihe 11IIt.f' I .,It, W('dnI'8d'I\' those listed be-Idnds of thrift stamps she'll be employec here. ordlllllnt't' passcd lost week by the t'd I'y Mrs, W, R, Long. I L'Ol'uln ('01Jnl\ ('Plllll1lfSIOlll'rll ' 1>1(11:1 ..... , ~"h:, h ".", .llIu'hllh"i, 1,,\'. h.1I1 1lI.11It' 1(',.'f\·.. tlOIl8 tor theglad to swap out with other house- " Driggers said the man held in vlUoge trustees 'fhe cemetery, 10' i Violin eolos b)' Mrs. Poul ,!ant'e, I "IMsscd II n'/wllli hill .lll"llllll $6800 ,\ It h !Ill' , hlll'k \\ "I~(lll .lllllll'. W .11, ,,,fl' "11' 11'1. Ill' 111":1 I"" It'rn of thewives overloaded with nIl kinds, the case said he did not remember cated on Mechem Drivc near the I Sonr,8 by Dick Crosb)', radw M k H 'It' IIw Vlllng" ul !llllllo'l' f", Ihls It·\ .,.",1 I••' \\.t:. nil'" hill Oll\,ln' :',.11".1(' "I. It·,.....I·, .1~t1 p,('rsonn?1.•• We've often wondered If all what happened when he appell;red Ruidoso Airport has been sun.,'v'

lperGonality who has moved Ill'rl' a es orne I ptll'PlI!'l' '1.111011 " ..\lId ,t'luln In 1954 hI 0 ~It 1111' h.1I1d 101 IIll Ih,rt(' d.IYs

thrift sta~ft exchange wouldn't be <It a hearins: held In Alamogordo ed anl\ mapped: ond hus some i,. trom EI PallO, ddt'nd IIIl' II nph) Thl' /troup h.1!> l I M•• \' har 11.. Sdlltu Feja good b ness to operate with a Monday. Driggers said the mlln at 400 01' mOl'e lois in It. VOt'ul solos b\' Leonard Shef- At G T B b H tr flO~5,·ti!JhJll of lilt' llllph) fol' (Inc I!\\ IUhl 1I,IVt·Oli. Waslunr,ton. 0,small fcc to pay lor your time and one time claimed n woman had l'he cemetcry bet'ame a reality tlehl, reen ree ' ar ara un ess IH'.II, ,lIld \\111 ha\'I' ill! name ('n- ~" 1\11' lind MrlJ HIli Blld DallaD.troumtl. 'Ii" , been rldlnJf with him In the car. after 5e"e101 months of hard work . MUSic by Slim Skellelt nnd hili . To Open Large '~I,I\'(',I till II, a~ "III SUt'cl'(.'dlnr: !I'xa5, To~ W,It:,~I/~, Oenv~r. Colo-

• .. .. He told Gann at one time tho b... n committee from RUidoso Ro- Rocky Mountaineers, who wUl nt'tl) LOIJ l.obb. aged '20, pelltcI. IWIIlIlI'I', SI'('lIlht 1'1.1('(' 111 Ihl' ('Oil' r.ldo. I.llholl B.II:Wt'll, .Al.lmollor- •Uete'll -a DOW Salety Slbgon In- woman had been drlvlns:l at the tary Club. of whit'h Bonnell is 0 prcllcnl one or two specialty num· ulI.I bubblu1l' 0\,('1' with Il('rtlonal-I Furniture Store 111"1 "('Ill \c. IIt'rl'fnnl '!'('X, P0:l!\('. duo MI ,lilt! Mrs Fl,ed Phl-Ips, CIo-

venfea:,by 0, New York trod driver, time of the accident, Gann said member. There have been already bera and will also play between Ih'. who once wall picked ll!ll'hum-, Ilnrb;lra Ilunlrt'1l9, operator at i \\ hll'h ha<l • (UlU' tu IIl1ldo<o rill th(' \'It, t1r "~11 Mr f IY~r ~t~ Sllk-by thellamc ot Eddie Moll. he saw Cedro AguUlar In Ruidoso five burials In the cemetery. acts, Ilion yodeler from Oklahoma. now IhU<lo!lO Ic(' ell 11111 uf an nntlque, LVI'lInd \'ear 111 ,I 1'11\\ Thud placll itt' l f I }, R" nllll'i 0Elllh r~nSPCC~~, ~:Ir~a~rlltuPld- g~~:J, l'b~~ n~~rJ v:: ~~t~t~; Other otCIclaln named to oper-I D Yfese,rn ~ggs cand y~ellnJl by IS maltlnn her home ot Gre('n Trel' lind used funutllrl' hUlllnell!l In \\t'nt to lIW\\ nfleltl'., T('rr\ (oun- l\i:l:ur;:::!,I. I:'!'W;: 'In i'lmmc~:~'

tty n_ thn

Cll....... ot mo.t .'1 ac- police ollJcem had rearched tor the ate the cemetery were C. A, Cul- <' y II ,ormer exas ra· with her ,Jarton til, Mr nn.1 MI'll, Ruulollo, Ihls \\,('ek annoullced nlll' t,\, Tl'x. IIU:,!l1' ~'a;manl·t (:1~ ( 'l.(l~1~ l\I' Whitlock'd

..... p" S YO...... ... Ul t" vcr, villaSle liCcretary. who wlUIl :. .... E, 1'01, Lob I, ,h,." purchnr.c>d till' 40x05·toot olll llt'mllllJ' till' II.lI.UtI· SUlldny wnll (' I Mia '1 • F~ k Kllldel Carlabad:1.'1 entll, , ,-Don't 130 an ··S." suspect he rest 01 the night until 'made secrelllry-trt'nSUrcr of the diD ond lelevillion /llllr. now mok- nett) knows nil thC' "!:renlo" in Apm'h(' Thl'utr(' Itulldlnj.l In Slty· Ruldo!lO 11lllh School Band, undl'r ('~eall' (~1nr::h Carillbad' Mr and

• .. • he was found at the Pena home. cemete~ board, and Mannie 130- InJ!. her home In Grecn Tree. Iho world of lull-bill) IIlU!1I(' huv- land and will rt'modl'l It inlo u thl' h'adertlhll' of l.eroy GoO<'h, !\fro Walter Seott, ENtlU •Por-

thAren't PCOtcple nhlCe? Jerry Lobib, N GdielloOr'''e Wrne'lltaEzIIenlndCMla~t.e'GeMo~e· ~~e~Olb~u~:rn M:yr~heR~rJ:~o InU IIlIn" With. or aPlll'lIred 1111 Ih(' 1.lrcC' IIton' for " nC'w and UGt'd Nt'xt III hnt' wert' mcmberll of the lalt'IJ' Mr lind Mrn Nnrrlq 'WlIlil:le younlfll r \II 0 was co pa n- ew Dining Room ., ....... S vame procrnm With jUtlt aboul furnlhlrt' hUllln(>lI!l, IWwl,\ nrIWlllll·,1 nuldo!lo 'rrall Pnruill'n Mr nd ~Inl Jim Kin '

IUI~ burned tn an elcetrJcalllhock Perry, appointed as board mcm- chool Band under direction ot e\,cn'one you ".tIl nllm(', Sht' hall I Sh(' lI.'1ht llht' plnnn to Inlltall HldN'lI, whlt'h Ill:l.qllltl'd Ihe Ihudo::o 811,,1' 61\' ~hil Wl'llt Truth :;at ureen Tree severnI weeko ago, Opens. Saturday hem for.n term of two yearn. . Le~y Gooch. n nunr: on bolh r,Jdao nnd tele\'llIlon'l plall"-r.lall1J w,"down. IO\'t'1 the C o! (', III qtollll111 IIII' Allpenl'iHle ('nnr;(I\lI'lic~!l: John O'onnell. Ft,and who b a mJghtllucky boy to T L E All records regarding thc ceme- nlt5 by the popular uldm:o nnd hOll mlldl' II nn~I'rIJl\lollll \\'hl('h nOM [lIId mukC' oth('l' Impro\,C'- till', \('01 SlImllt'r Wllho ('arr Ft Sum-be alive, figures he II even luckier he.. Brickle!!, who rcccnl- tery will he kept at Ule villolle's Mellowtone Quartet, compo:;ed ot are !JlIll beuu: plaYNI ml !Coml' ml'llt" Ihrtlullh Ihl' wlnt('r monthll'i 1ItI('Id('\ l'ou III\ '~ PUIl!!\' hot! unl- ~I('r I\Ir ulI,1 MI~ Paui 81'0tt. Ar-now the way friends, nelnhbora ~e~~~a~v~hefr~~o~u~ ~ city hnll-Includlna receipts and Carmon Phlllifil' Leroy Gooch, exo!! lItullonll lund an ~oon II!! 1~~lbl(', will Jlllt, rormu .of lun ohlrL'l llnd 111'1.'1'11 Utll. IIh,I., Mr. "1111 1\11[\ ('I'lll Wllidre •and lltrnngern have been to Gee en)ten, and changed the name to the plat. Marianna ChI' Uan and Bob Al prl'~('nt !l1\l' ~lI IWlutlng ,I III II InrJ.'t' IItot'k of new furnllJh-1 and IIlmo!!t n1l th(' mort> thnn 20 Allt'nhl, Thomar Summers. Alb~-him, alvcr\ blm pfCllents and word I Alto Courts, announfte the on.. Bonnell o:dd recentlv that ccv- K~gJ!aln'''Litll Nil" , t call to WI'I k at 110:.\\ ('II ,In the n('\\ 1In1;0. Ill' well an n larlte oupplv at rldertl \1 ('r(' IIstndl' llalommo:J ThC' IIlWflIUt' Mr lind htrn Clintof encourncement. One 01 the '- .... eral nuldoso famUien 'have asked y e • e c. to .ell ure tdc\'llIlon atation there. aCtr'r IlIV- u::;t'd hom(O ltemn Ill'reford rldem wcrl' in white Smith I'all CruCrIIcst alfln oC 1111 WIUI 11 21-lnc 0- ening of a dinin$l room In connee- to buy family plotll In the eeme- Gooch, Kaultmll'!L l'hl1llp:l, Ray Inn lin audlllon r«'cnllv In Ihot .~~. >~ = =.- - I dlid:!. blue Uen and whitt' chnp:s, . : _"" =~ _. _tQX01u tclc17b11,on ret.. Clven by BllJ tlon, the tirnt meal to bn ccrv~d tcry, and "thl1t -thiloy nre now 10r Jo~OJJ, MI~ Chrllllliln and .Jobnny city . .........- M Fi ad I hl1 U C II' IDi!an. wcll known ROswell retaU- IlW~~kl.~" at Gp. m. Salurday ot thln l!lllt!. Collier. &ltY'o IlfC<lte!l1 memor~ I'l t,f .I. wO en n - - ~Irt~ R:.~~ro:.~·~ !ffnl:unld~:: :.ct. Indian Catilocr. The Rnymond Bucknerll here ,.." Song, "New York Town." by hl'r Icnnth)' radIO program with For Killing Deer peared tor thc flrdl Unit' In pUb~c T Be A··~I eelhllVC looned him 0 radio to tune Mrn. Brickle llays It la the plan W-'&..!n.C1arko Eric Bruce. . Bob WlilB. ~rObllblY thl' bellt S In Ih('lr n('w \'('lIow IIhlrtll- ~4dOPt'l 0, \,U;.I.lonI while h... 0 vlll ..... H .- un of the new IIrm to o'lc dlnnel'll WU1.l:" ''In!llde Bob 11011 Ray." featurlna I II th Out Of easonn • c n c!;c"", e w - & r K ft J "0 th mown 01 n Oil weIll cnlertnln- It'd .,', p:lrt lIf thclI uniform !It(''l''••h " Irulllll' ('nlll(' Grow-dergoing skin rrrallll to replaee from 0 to 0 p. m, lleVCn dayn a Engagement IIU" man Ilnd onea In vcr e I'm AIMllt with Willn' 'flOXlIJl 1'1<1)" JUJlUce 01 th(O Pl'acl' W S, 't'hC'((' \\I'U' .. tl'W Crtl~by Coun, I1"" All"l'lll ,11,," hll'l .1nnount'ed two1l1tln loot when the electricity week, with a luncheon on Sunda)' Is Ann ITal:' a Ilklt. boyn Dl'ttv canll Wllh or \\llll 'In ("ompbt>lI 01 (";n't'n TI'l'{> lanl Frl- l\, Tl'll chl"rltf'q pur.:;l' mrmtwrn (nUIt' '.dl" fill lhl' n('ll' (,·w wcelul.burned. him. Others have gIven from 12 to 2 p. m, They wllJ cllter ouncod- n a npcelal /tlel'dub, with Ihc til{' n,lmt' pr0p,rom .Ill jZuI'<I1 nl.1f da\' mornlnl1 fl".,,' n (. nolwn:nn. ~ In IIIC' (lar.lI\to \luI lh," "Iub dill I I'" I"", .lInJlLI 'II SUIl,i.I;'. Oct.him liJlhlna tackle and cqulpment. to Ilpcclnl partlen for luncheong Mr. and MI'lJ, G. n, Wllltrip of Imcmbcrll to lx' atllrcd In ~('mlnlno willa J!", nn W[lheloy. Itrx Alkll, GO. an" II IOlJn.1 nlr.o flO. tor' "01 l'n!t>r Ih., ",nt('~1 "1I,lrel'd b\ ,:Oil 'dill ',00 ,,'arhl'L '1f'C'fl>, 500

• • • ,any other day by llppolntment. nUldo~o arc announcin" the en- ('~Iume, ar(' nom!')' (hMt:lln. Honh Snn\\ Ii,I011 Wll1l'lfilll !InUit vllll.'tlr'" 01,,1" ""n ' I.ot\, In. Ill~ 'lllt"1 nl 'II... <;hr-rltr" PlIn' ,. r,ft' I .~:Jrltn" n"lf"r', m I 21'" dr... cowr. .R A Bcnnett f Q -lit G Th 13 1-'" nr. ~ .. (.('n(' Dodson. Harold Jon('n, Joe TI <". ." T • ~ .' • , '." 0 Uw y 1'0-


e r ClUell operatcd the "001 uallement and opproachlnll marri- Jlawlunll, 'VC'ldon Gnrnt'r, Bernard .wn,rr'''' null';','~hltmrlll rn, lull,"" 1,1 , nm"l1 """k .h'l'r tilt' t H,tlllll .1 " I ' I, ",- ""'1",1 I)" 11111tl;dOV,eery sOld he hod a customer ordc!' Coff~ Shop" on Highway 05 nellr age of their dllughter. Gloria \Ulllln('y, VI... Lamh. Eze-I Clnrltc, la'~I'( F.rru(· 1 II" 'D T\I"I, (lkl(, d,,, 1~·r..H· 'I' :\1"1' ,ll'~1J Ch.,cCI'" 1t"',1I1t q .. """ l"!UIIl muul.11 No\ , 1 "lIll ,,!t •• , .h,'~ 'lao liCit·come ''TC!Xll!l Round StCllk" from Lao Vegag. N. 1\1. for live yearn, Joyce. to Ezc!1 Clarlte, Jr.. con of W, n Lonll. Wmle lIarton, Carl Jonrr" Juhnn' If.. k'" Spllt'._ .',,"(:n. W<'I(' r.1e I II', 1l10'r .. 1 <: lin" W" "" tit ... I· ", I 'h." ' •.••' I, . ",.1[1' cr I'ah'" '100 •• " ,mil. ,~Ive:l and ,Jhim reccntly, and he woO) to, 'fh('y moved her<' from that city Mr. ~d Mm" Eu>1 Clorke'l Sr.. of Wrll'ht, Eric Bruce. Ben Donalhan, 11on,(' J.,'I.. " Fl.•,. 1'.lm.lII ,1 .•1 dl", ,1"1111 Sh.",1 ,•. l!'t· <'$1' P,wl Off. ,,' "".. ..0.,1 111.10', ..thC'1 30 hill' It',,' r "II " "h 1,.I1e!:!lltumped by the order he had to i In September, Ruldo~o. Thc~ plan to be married iA'(' Wimberley. naymond Duel:- th. lI"kd ~('" Ml'lUt ott 'dh. I JflItC" Jl'plt'hNl<l"'i \hl I' ,or If1'II'I\""~ l." c,.' .. t, ., t If!" ',viii 0' ., , : I' -., :C'.,I C: ,mt(,fIl!lk what II was. "That's bolor.n01 ' Tho)' are plannlnr. to odd two (I~lulrIUl(I(n'_1 thC' (hrl'ltmnQ holldnyp In 1nl'r Iham Vnndl'rlilok, R<lln h 'AI('. FI17('Il, '.\ hom ",Ill .''It I' "' , ", ',. I n nuh r.:...··n fill'" ", IQ ~20lJ 1111 Illu' hllmlt"1 ,(\ ,',',"" ,I ,I"" [II ' ,'1' - ", "Ie .r' "~I .c,. ,II' I" I>('('r, ill'-bud, and you'll be l:el1lnf, lots Ol! more t'ourts. or four rental units" ' .' nn • f'f1.' .11 HIl, ,I 1'1..·.'" c I ',ll ." ' ",' " , "<' t\ ,. [>1\"" • u... "01'"" " I I, "., I '. ',',., '. Ill,,' , II ..... ,. ",cnt .....It I b "'1 i h h It j thl t I . OUII' " J1 On7dWa\, Ol:c1l'n ('ar- I·' I ' ' ",f!s cnll all l!" 0 a.~ g as I n wlncr or eury ncxt spring --~-' ~._-~~- II C F h \\' I L wUh '.,11'> rnur'"I"" ,,,,' 10.. ,1 '1'1'''.''''' .11 r.''',n,·'' ".1 ".,1.. I ""'" \t" " : '" ..,I, t-:lt l , ",'I ", rm 'heIll, thl' ('ulltomer bellow('(J, llt'for<' the summer monthll, at the Mr. and Mm, 0111 Dlakeh' \\Cr<' I ro '~"HW III 9. [II (' ,<mc. mit 01 '. I .. ' ';" .' ,. \I "" fu .... ' n~' ilO "" <;4 ,~I Ad ,." ,. ,I' " "",rt \a',ll ", "

• • • plar('. In EI 1'[11'1) ('urh thl. w<'ck Dil'! r':'1ll1tf O'ln ~\\I'"ttn~in. lun('J'la Iro,1 "I II,. "",' ,. : ,'''m' !,I",'>l " ':., 'III' f"ll ,.. ,,' - • ,,'I'" ".,'," ,., .. Ill,' £. .It.,u, ,I: h'Mo)'or RDymond Buckner Myn -~_. ------- - --_.'- - ::._- ~.- ~~ W;I ,. F. '('1\, ntT.r~ J~r.t~."rl F.m- "PI", "'1 ,Ill' '., " " , .' "If,. "',., •• ,'" ,I ,( rllf' , I '~ , , • 'l't'"' • • 't.'

h h "10000 f to. $37,500 i ' " In"" !'", Prill! ~'lII., n ,fI,1 Mr "", " • '" , , , " , •. ', ,I., "11,-b~nd:nc;'d'Whlc~ th~I'RFC ogke~ WA DDI,('tI!J)~ GET 32 12 DEVrNGE T, ... 'r· mel mom mor; ~~::: 1;;,':"I~D,~I:~h7~'llll~ Ii:'" t';~;,I~. ~~'. M';~,.: 'fl' ,'1.11 "~;'t;~,"',III' ,I," I, ••' ,It ",' ""'i,',~:II::I'~~~',ibe peddled "locnIly" belore the),'l1 ! a!\\l~llllJlnn • 1£\ A lC; 'tlu'" D mynteiv ~Iar, f<'alurinfl dl. ;" .',", WI'" \ '. h,,' ,f .,.... ,I, .~ 1\1 .",01 th•• Ie,',.! 11.1\,<' 1o'.Jf\ I"" .', i. ,. I d .. " ". ,rL' I,· 'no~td 1~14~~AW\C~ Oftn~~h:bt~II IN DOW'lT'NG TULAROS A TEAM 1·1:,,',h;'u~~::~lfil~l~1 ~t~~~,i,~~"~~n~! rm H', '11'11, ' .,'", ,', ,',', IP'", hIe ,,,!Ii,, ,,0 ttl Inn 1#, .\nl'!'l"t'r, l'I,!;lr" ·.nI.,ne

1'1' ,,' II, n' ,." .!. , "" ". "."

to ~lllna cn' the'Cdedw~- ' 1\J It li:. - , Ih,' \lmH<l Jam IIU!J~rll. loI'n<l l':r "I:~1'f~::.-. 'II:, ,;:, no'." 1,""~~' (,1-1 '('"nlin'u'<\' I'.IIY'? I .1 ...."1 n t ("nl\j "iT,UITSter improvements here. Anybody I ' , 51 ,J{t'IM [11"j J!1'U" Grath N.c· lOt, Iter I, 'nl" I ". "ll All Op 0" 'iH\ nt'u,tlINOwnnno buy the other $27,500" PLAY AT CARRRIZOZA TO~TIGHT I pNlr,1 '" hI' whl'l1.erl hC'rC' jU!!1 in w('I'l:', 11(] \~lmIl'Jf]" ( ••dl H( I ens erate Fleece ExhibUed TO nut's.; s{'nom. ~PI'I'Ln:!'oiM:w1n> you know someonl' who' V f\l ' tim" fl· It'f .I!lpl'apr> (' .hr'ct ('(lfO"" \, h "'I"' I' Ch I C f ! I Ii Idoc.'$.--it 'So. contnet RtaYmond, ; •• ~ I! 01: "'Ilj"" .''''" III Nr' ()r!f'.lI1~, fmLlI ;r ..~r.ull '. ' uc (Wagon a e By Ruidosoan " ", fI,. ·".n 'a-lfl I! wee t "n

_. • • _ I Ruidoso II1lIb School \Varrlon - • • I Sill" W('11 In:o\, n hl're, ~Ol) can ".'ill,1 '......, "'I' .,f II',.' ,N'I,.I ""., "', "oJ , .. H' \11, '0 l[)!lt W. At F • ,nLli' '''ll( rC'''' 'II< t'\II'rlin,~ atI d lh I with IA to. li:'1! ~'O '.i 0; ~ ~ Inn aU' ..ilh~ , (Ldl t!.<~l, (O!., (1 ~t~~h.:pI·Q

11 J - De ut- covere elI1!le ves C ul')' Tularosa Band .-(01 i ' th ., 1 Ih.' f ak' , 1.".'('('1: 11~)t: I,~jl I I; .eCl'" 'il ('! 1111:' a ':1"", " • ,. UJUor p les IMl Friday afternoon here, in de· I S"n, • r lilt' 'll('mlwrn ..f the G Irj[~,. I~I t::f,.P~i ,,'I (1'~O-W(,f'l; • C!ltll'kW,ltl Jl' I' luI' t'nl" 'rht'\' I'JiII T I ;.j) .tlu 1bml ,f Ilmdf1c" ,., ..', I' •• li~.'.,:~ 11I~~'1Get Uniforms tr;,aUng the Tularosa l\ lIdt'~ts Maneuvers For Fans i c, r..nt". • ~(' I", til' ,h'e"~,:,rl a:J cnnb:,,' I "II' 11'(' e:" Slu, ,1.11' I, P(' ltl' 1111 " l,ul , ,h' fllm<:n ; pl(}N'.1 frjrl .ulll fourth In Ute Fane Ii IT' \';.:ti;lll~ntl to J'. I I ,The Junior De uty Sherllfs 3r 12 Jp.a terrifIc display of: Tulorcsa's 3it-plece moroan and I ("Io',~nr, It j, (lVemha oml ",.'.ll ClOt hOT<'f' " known D' thr HIV 0 Irt'!l!aUr"nl, willI.. til<' 1\~Il('", \lr Wll(ll' I'll) 0, (Inr;, oJt the S.tut(' F[ll~ . _ ,_"

Lea~ t Llncol (! h d its lirst f ght and nmntng', The conCer- white uniformed b:md pre::t'ntC'd a Ias u.h. co JoJmh"'" .\mnnt! hC'r warm.'>' .mt! Mr- I,tl,i' L'!"'~',I\!} a't' tolU' In thr' Fill< Vlnnl, 104o, J t' IS t'NIVEnSITY BANDmeetine 0of the f~U ~es:ron Tue"- encl! victory Wll8 sweet meat for belween-hulf demllTlslraUon lhat i • ----- - .~ frim,l. " •. h' Vif'atC'rn r1nmnt! d:Jr Ina New M'Mtlru and 'fMrrLQ I'll~' Buill( r1. n I ,,1:I(ed fnurth nnd the Of orCI" C"halrc:l of (l( mlnll roddllY cv~ing at the Youth Ccntlr. ~:op~~~~~yth~an~; f~; ple<lSt't! the Inn.'l In last Friday'q Now Business Hero t':lOrlll Qt•• ,ITil!:'('9 P:tppy linl IJ<'~ i'"~'.'rot~~ll·lIllrel'hlt"on ott.-, thlQ Slr~r.I:::: J:~fI('l~o~~r~i~(;~ix~!I.Yde; nUhlo=O: 19 ptaYI~n fm thf' uhi-Tommie Gmhnm was eleeteu to w ek bet b dro In.c 'Tularosa-Ruidoso footb:a1J game! '" G- P Iton un·1 AI urn!'r. Ul(~ latter 01 • S '. I ' ' - • "vcrllity or New r.!<'xiw Bllnd.the offiee ot ChIef Junior Deputy. he ore ~ pp a! h(Orl', I ~o IVO urses i Inll OQ II.... man Il!N ·:.>h<'n 'lhfl hit:' unda.... thC' Al £oflIl. '.Vllil hatl' "J.'- Morl(>~ Jllacnl CourUl ll1I.d fiflh IGeorge plnYIl Ihe drum tor theHe nppolnted the followl::ffi offi- J:1:~inlr26 e It;lcue un to Undpi (hrCl:tinT! of Rti'ymond. Th(' illCt of a lree. pla!itic purt:C, the bllt time. - "('fnt~d and have t1. orkcd In ",veral ! oml the Fullf'r Ranch third and ll.pbo llitndCel'll' Dl~kJo KMJey. cap • Pat ti . Iso ~ I Kole. the band ml!J'chcd to mld- madI' herl' In RUldow......111 be 1I1...-1 UC'r mmt recent radIO chow tvlJ:;' mte", here III rer<-nt :,'('31"', Willi slIxth - 4 - = -~ --Rooney and Lc!e Glascock. Lleu- e victo? ~s Y(lf' !1 m;d~ i field. formlntl nn anchor while en to Ihe lady ot the housl', or ilion Ih(> Uberty JamhM'l'C' whrfc hnv~ ttlrkl'V dlnnf'f' onll rlr(l<l'dnu. Jlmm\ MeTellluc pillced lourth" ,;~ :; .. :! ',..,J' ::: ,

tenants. nttd Tommie Jayce and g~~~£.I3~ ;tS~~~s~eI~ presenting "Anchors Awetgh." child. when 3 family hM [l {;{)t of llhe Opp<MW with If mit Snow ond theY' alInOlJnl I" In rJ~~ (ifrledlliel Ham elO!:!l. " ,'''.~ , 'Bobb1 Butler Sergeantll. JlrrtmJe - 'h tl1 Wild Is' Thcv next formed an "R" In &3- net... plll!ltic teat cOV('r!l mnde for Hank Thompson, IN TE --; , - ~.- ~- u e-r anch p llCM &e"enth InGmham and Charles Murray took yei~i~ enhoti tim. f dOv~~ lute to the Worriors. Mary Her- their automobile. announce;; Ed Sht' WM pickell or Oklahom<l'o RTA t,NIVF.nSITY : tho ti~ blood claw,the obligation for new members, fh R:kitm -it' ell en to SID rera was drum majorett<o ond Crawford. new rt'sldm! h~ and I chnmpwn yodeler on ,1 ('ontest V>onard Sheffield. of !lolly- l\tl t !\tabll' ot Plc(1t'ho I.of!.k sec'

Uniforms and Sam Brown bells l L d t;t,P ~ f· t, oth tWIrlers werE' Dlnnn Sullivan. Be· OJW.,flltor of a new buslnc!:3 firm in hel{l Uv( r WFAA, f)a I!tl!: , which wood. I!l now cnrolll'li in the Unl- ond award with hi!l R<,g. COrrlo·weI\! issued to the 11 membenll mes ~~n t1te 'Wattfo: vina Montoya, Ethel Randall. Lois thJs cit:,'. IlmitC!d vJ)del~rn lrom all statcs to ~llll!,o.~~y"!I?x!~O':'~__'b' , __~~~e mm -~~_~"_n *_" ..

present. ~ i ~n dick in au tleparlnt61ls, and Van Ars<Jale, and Terry Duran. I The Crawfordll moved herc from c:ompet(' Tor IIlleq of th('Jr r(!1lJ'l(!~- .

There was one visitor who wlil r 11 It th dfd-' • 'ng und. Lupltn Durnn wns head cheer Fort Worth. Tax.. lll!lt w('(>k, and I live lltnten, , HOLLvt11100D ORGANIZEStake. the obligation Ilt the nex.t ~~ spJKtlng ~~Iuri~nrtd, le~dcr for the visltingpcp squod. brouaht with them lllnrae stock (If j Mrs l.obb is very proUd of her! II"meeting. artiCularl fu de!ens TUlarosa's WIth Joann Sanchez. Elisa GllIle- upholstering and sent cavcrlng I daughter's earccr In the entertllin- . '

Junior DeputlC$ will meet every ~ghly: toured pass (jfi~ ct1l'Irt. /Zos, Christine Martinez. Mebra material tor recovering outo seats malt world. "("made her first cos-' OWN FIRE DEPARTMENTTuesd:w evening at 7:00 p. m. at bled Frfd smashed to bits in Belles and Tressino Al1en assist- or turnlture. tUll1C!l myself. sh(' !mid. 1AJter, 'Ithe yoUth Center, Vlsltors are'ill- the wtiluTdis la or tight on ants, leading theIr student !'ody The new buginess. to be known Bob Wills prOVided the costume!! 4 awnys welcome, netording to the the:rt of the h~m~ town boys in war cries to no avail. as City Trim Store. ill located In when sh() WilD glnnina with his A project started 11lSt July by (\ c:hnlle at the truck and other mil'spon., and Mrs, Arba Jones. At the end ot three qunrtcrs la~t Ruidoso's band, under direction downtown Rui¥so on Main Road bnn9 In Oklahoma City. BettyIgroup 01 Hollywood businessmen tcrlals. "We wnn~ to thonk every-Jones sayS he still has 13 uniforms Frida\' first downs were the same of Leroy Gooch, and In uniforms between Frank Il Taxi stand and Loull mother hilS a scrapbook has blollSOmC!d and grown trult one Who $lave, ond wc'll bo seeingyet to \<e issued, 7-aU":"Ruldoso earning het'll bY of blue and gold. milde their .sec- Enster's Sinclair Setvice Slation. crammed with autollrllphed photos wilh the dcllvery thlg weel' at a some others noon lor additional

", , ... , powerful ground llS!:ault, Tularosa and appcarance on the sldelmes, . .. .. 01 the various stars Betty hOll met, fire truck tor thot orell of the donations, lor we·ro still nCC!dlng1t1JlDOSO WOMAN getting hera with the old of II I worldng with the Warrior pep Lincoln ShaAn and worked with, alonn with many I Ruidoso Playlllnd, some Items." Wright Gold. "WeHURT IN ACCIDENT or two. a couple of severe penal. squad, and playing fighting tunes --.I:" columns of newspaper pictures and I A volunteer fire dcpnrtment haa need to buy some more hOlie. somo I

Neck and head injuries were ties agllinst the Warriors and very at Intervals. Win Honors pubUfity oboul the youngster. , been organized, with Henry Jock- bntll and unllorins tor:our men lor lJsullered by Mrs. drace T. Cum- little ground running Al the end Both bands received high proise! At R n~..I_ I And. at her age. she hal! )Ust! can a3 chlel; Hershel Luman. as- their protection, onel some other ,mlngs. SO. of RUidoso, when the ot the game, however: lirst downs trom the crowd. • I OIwe r «&U' started, It seems to us, Islstant, nnd Bonea WrllIht. secre- Items.'1052 Ford coach she was driving wetc 9 lor the vlSltonl and a re- " Lincoln county 4-H'erg placed ' <> IlIry-treallurer. He slIld he would prepare a liltwent oll an embatlkment nnd hit sounding 14 for Ruidoso. I ~9-rrior 28. That Interception In- wetJ in the Junior Breeding class!!$ 'I Local Men Asstst i ,The depattment has II mom- of the donors to publish In the IIONOIt STUDENTS TO BEn guard ~ 23,9 mJles west of Ruidoso drew lirst blood forc-. wX:icated Holman, who played 0 at the Enstern New Mexico State ,bel's. Indudlna the three ottlcera News as an expreSlllol1 at thllnks Gl1R8T8-AtI ....... seIIMI st.-Roswell on U, S. tlighway 70~380. ing Tularosa to punt in a very few ! superman game the rest at the Fair held In Ros-weH. In 'SattUng and Dewey nnd Ernest Wilson. Al- tor their generosity, He IInld ,('\'- Ikmf& who~ Ole hoB4w nU

The nccldent, Investigated by minutes alter the kick-oft then day, making tackles, snagging im- DougIns McI(nlght ot the Hondo C . It Sl vln Bellch Lee Wlnn LUling, Jock ernl nuldollO nnd Gret'n Tree poe- In the tint sIX WI!eb at a.hIMGtenn V, Painter, or New MexJco mll1'ching near to the goal t~ allow possible pas s e s and running 4~H club hod the GC Corriedalo ap an aze . Eariley, Kenny Poll'ldcxtcr, Mil" pic had mado donotions I110ng wIth IlJrb 8ehoolce& • tree t.kkri atPolice"stationed at Titlhie, QCcur- Lockey to dash around rillht end I:!nougb to S.1t1sCy any team's fans. ewe and rtIm in tltet Junior illvl· In.ll lire In the Lincoln Na~ Zinn and Red IAtUmo«!. the Hollywood rell.ldcnts. ' • *pedal maUuee DQi~red at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Mrs, 15 yards for a touchdown. Kick for Aftl!r the Interception. IRUldOSO slon. Penny McKillght placed sec- tlonnl Forest In Pepin cllnyon on Meetings; are held cach Tuesday Tho new llrc truck Is now 10- .fCtm"n at Ph»' Uae.tI'e eo.Cummings \Vail taken to St. MlI1'Y's extra polnl went awry The Wild.. mllde first downs speedl y with and in the ewe lamb division.", the north slope of the Capltllll nlllht by the department, which is eated I\t Thompson's ServJce Stn- lef! I.e. ~1',He. Hall delHospital in. ltOSWell cats' first &Core came '$hnrtly at.. L:lckev Iu~ng the tbal\ lor on!!, Jimmie llnd Chal'lIfl Strlcklnn1tt- mountainllj abOut 20 employees ot at presenl undergoing Inntructlotltl tlon and Garagel Which will serve &be Bewert 80111 III "Jat.p,," ..

f" ·= " .=.=.•._- '.'J tcr. utilizing II ::ISS, caught by lell Rusler catching Ske lett.s pass to ot Corona Wcre awarded D blue Ihe lumber mlUs In Green Tree In lire fJgbting and satety, The D$ the c:ommun ty'S lire hill lor Ileene J'retn "1lIeb .. IltettUe4.

W ,F. A T H .. .. end Bryant, a ~nalty ngtllnst llui~ wipe out a tltitl pennIty anothenr and red ribbon on their pcns of and Hollywood were called on last men golhClr at tho Dodson Lumber the preccnt. "Anyone ncedIng oUr abOve, TJ,te eo~ \riU Ib.W'f. doso and another pass to Fam- time. ond Holman snatching stl three blnck faco crOSs lambs. tbey week-end to lend old in lighUng MlIl office, fire department should phone .caln TUtSU1' qllt only to tbeThti;;d;t"~h';w-;;r -2 ~. m''T;es- brough the fullbn& to' atil1 some nnotbl!r nrtful heave byJhe qua~-Iwere alga given II bIlle, Ii red nnd It. Tht'! lire, Which mllY have been R, H. Hedaecoke 01 RuldolO ThOmpson'lI," Wright !laid, p'IIblk,

aay 13th meas\1rlnlt' 05 .filches tlrst downs and put them In sight terback. puttWg the b I sO: U~e tour white ribbons on their tat starled b yn guided tfi!ssUe out ot VFD hits been meet/nJ! With the 1;------.....-.....-.....----- ---------""\11i': lirst'taln ttl taU $lnce Sept' 01 the white stripe. FatnbtWgh l~yarcl Une. r0Jtl. tht!rt7 ta t lamb in the sl112le. clllllSOS, conltot from a nearby Army' b:1i:C, men. asslsUI1!: In the schooling and Ne- trI""ephone D "'.....5 31 days: ... • plunged over to &Core but the con- plunged OVl!r tor 1:iX-p6'1ntll. c:t In the (l~ dwes Bob PeeblCl1 statted last Thun:tlny and tire In the orgllnlmtlon1l1 meetings. ... "'~ 4'nUUlMH'nt 'm La Freei vernloi\' kick webbled off to 'the key's rlght-l!nd run dldn't mfili;"I ot Nogfll had tbe' GO Ramboul1Jet IlghtetlJ were rt1llhCd to tho &Cene Wrlltht said. t:" Ruld U N ...-

\ e 18 22' 00 p. side SCore f>.6 at Ihe end of the the ~rnde for tI spare ~~l. II ewe wlth J. P. McKnight 01 PIc- late thllt da:v lU1d early Friday, Tho truck secured by the de- r or 010 ......wa OW.u9 79 2. ·00 first quarter Belore the hall ended, Q<:fi Ha acbo' Nvfitg the GO COrricdaIe Mote than 20 ncres wtllI believed pnrtmctlt Is a Jeep weapons car- 194-0'

II): ~ 25 '. '00 The second uarler saw RUidoso ~aved a touchdown by shoe-m.lrl/!- i'liJTl. Mr. McKnight atllO had the burned out by the fire which hnd tier convetlCll Into, II '-ire wagon. • .U 41 25 '00 SCdre (almost~ when AUIlQ Skel. 1M Ii TUlal'Olla, b3

Ull carrier '1hho 2nd and IUh plaee ,earlJl'Ig ewes, been put undei"' control by SundaY and' wllieh Wa. purclialC!d from

12 l'f.2 2& '00 lett tiot loose for Ii long run to the <olmost !tot away. e. Willi In e 2tid and -3td Otlce ,#lUn lamb and, .l\lterne)Cltl" . ' Tlltum, It tJl' equIpped wUh a 500.. un. R 'all ...... ......,...1_lS 170 40 :05 goal~alled baek ori a clipping clear when Hall drUg him down. t1Hl2nd 'aM Sib »11U:1! e~e lernb8. The ,l~re tlghters were hemmed allll'cn tonk. n J)umJ)' ladder and .. ",0, ~~ 4'."" V~ oUl"t j ,It 'l0'. 24 ,00 ~nalt'V agalij$f th~ w"trJol'$. '.fM:1 Both.•Idl!ll ]()5~ the batl onld~., 1'n t!l!t~ Of,liVi'rafuS en~ed In. haril~to:'tfa(,!b sPOt. and sup-' aj(eir-:and oUtCll' to'O~ and ha. 400 .AbOut Ad~"""'''' D-I ...

t'Ji.!t ~iimpn~Hw c...~ _~_ulvet'. llunt~ tfJmrcr:cOlt%l~e~rl:: ::~o::o:e~t!~t1,~Jlg~.~v~uJ' Wt::~~~~&t=ti!e:e::L~~i:'A~~:10:= t~~ 0;.... ad,,« jb,M. Jut ·•...AIMUV' ....~~¥f.;(\~YVf!~~~·~~ WJ~:n; IDterteP~ T u iaros i In the third Q\1ariUf , ~otd~ Jow W, McKnllht plaetnK 3r~ lIAd lW Ifalph..B~,.nt otRuJdolO, oPfl''' WHk frY Wrflth~ aild JaekaOt1, ,the t ; Or Offlce SUIIP~: --,> , ..

~.l-')., . Qul\tUrbadcMartujo'Spulmtbe (ConUi1ued,toPo.,) , 4tb:Jnlbeame.ctlA, ator1if,.BrO\ttl;Afl'SlltV~" l1llr1'i1edS710towlitdl1fulpur... 'j'""11 " --':'1hh

ln'lIi"'-'''''' t "II"

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Mr.•ad Mr•. Vic:, t.amb . EcUtOfJ eft Publisher,Jim • --b .... --_..I-t...,..., •• , " a *. ~e(FoundetJ May Ib. I946 by Lloyd and feLl Bloodworth)

EntA-r..,J 'I" ReeoTl" 0)1LIllI Hatter at the POitOtflee, Ilollo~ l'IewMexico. under Act of March 30; 18'llJ. '


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J1,,1... ,$RVJNG·U~N COUNliY~.' I

SubecrlpU_ .2.10 .." year I. ..h·..e_M....r' N_ ....... Aiuclatl••


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•W. P. (BUll Chancey

.. NO lOB 'tOO' LAROE., .



TAX " •• \fIOEBox 158 Ruidoso. N. M.

Phone 684)2 ' .

. .


. CONS1Ht.t1CTION~r'

• nODI!' 72i~ ·P.· 0, lin WIUdti..... Jitw Hexleo

. . '


lCtlOJmlefAet kiM

C.......,. .......... ",•

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Our TraVttlen~,•

"row" Yell V, Te .a....For t\t'.CJI.I'I1a. 11a,,enlu

On 1'OIIr PnJ!N't,.



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, ..-

"~, . ',',',

SERVE"\M· tI-Rri ~D A I R Y

'1= 0 0 D 5 'Qqt;~..

'. WG&lelqme dairy food. -ad~ 70your r~eipe. will make menua morenourishing more t r u I 7 cIe~DaIrY loo~. taate It '0 0 d, and are"o~~ for ,you, too l , ' •Oq Ck:J DaIry Ptod.cte .........,eo-fl at, Yo..F.~~.•• ' .

&.., ""f~ HItf"1·_....... I. . -... I•

SALE ON~FIESTA DRESSESBy Best Designers in Santa Fe

Moccasli1s, Huaraches and Acapulco SaDdaJIH~~woven Scarfs - Oaxaca PottelJ'·,'hWA~~"'~pmont of GIBa and ChInaTHE ANTIQUE AND CUBIO SHOP



The Holidays Are Near ...,. - '

It'eU'Di_'UpTlnie" for Partln andOther Affa!rl lit this Season, So­

Shop OUf Wide Selection forFOJJMA,LS - DBESSES ~ COATS

--and Acceslort..

VILLAGE GIFr &APPAREL- D tilT'. N~' f I V't: "~G rr... S~

MUdred Helm• .:) In P. O. Block

Now Offerlng Flth On Our Menu


S~.AURA~JPo~m.r daltl.tM luldolO, tl AI

Sandwjches ...:: ,, ,.... . Chicken . . .

... Steaks



, ,


, .',



"' .. - '" '" .

{, . \, .


< '

.. ~·BrOSi: 'JOSI,HH.AWKINS -. ;. '. -

,1 lIt.. u\fI,.! ,",. - ",Ii. '"

II • r: • • p=. = h 44 4


,, ,.

"FHtuihig.:...:.tm1oN "76" GASoLINE

~ • 'SM9TqB~Elt~~~~to OverhaUling and Repairs

.• 248Hour 'Wrecker Service :welC:1ingWMf Qf,BenneU'1 Inghwaf 70

HollrwOod. N. Me2G


',,' ,,_, 1,11,1 \,l' r ..

i' ,'., f"lt's1"uneTO'itaJI[ AboUt_Your heating· Need.,




.'1 ".'



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· '!Ii~ .. "C'""/: '"1: P


· 98c11 'Po1uid72 '

..• '31«




~.~ . 6


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'~'.ODe Pound


, ,Vou to see Powell"jI' r- •

Cbe ',',' nsefore ,YouJluy,,-':r6181 ~. ... ~ ...

1942 Hudson4-Door . . . . $1751941 au~".n COl1pe . . . . . $1501946 Buick 4-Door . . . . . $4951948 Jeep Station Wagon . . . $$45~P·~1 ~4~tl{o~~&t~n St!1ke . . fZ~$

. .......And ,Many ~etW.r Modef" :1

FW'lJM8 Wr. ,an.l ............JaI··' •.~~1tt~~" " ,, .. u

• '. fI -g --And. Mctt Choice of New Cheftoleta

... H.e.~. '" I' . ",,~iYoF Selection. 'G ~ A~ fFI~NCI~.." .

POWELL OR ,0 .' ,APbou 431" <~ , 1 1WaroIa,,,~

CtAffTON DENNen, Ruido,o, RIp.Phoc:ie,~'11-Weat of ;' (.. co 8May 78

."" o~. -~;:

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................_., ..... _;~_ .;.,)

E___~I!III!II 'Ili..-'1l!I1tZiII'i-llfi ,. 'iii'__- ,:illfr

"""<" '.t "'I.t',:'''n~'...... e-!l.'


" ," ,



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,for 29t :S-':':lOTATO~. so LbI. ~ Grown

· . · · SI~1, ~ APPLES- • • • •

, <

"""p t.. ";;.-' - .-~.... '~-" -' .

" i r LA

\ .... ,-,

lr f,,,~.t.."~.. '\-"1"", ...1IIilIilMl IIiIIIIIIIiI ..........-


ChoICe ..


- WE SELL PEnON'S BEST BEEF-'•.. .,....- ....,_....;:1: 'k'IliPl,,: . , t.....•..IIIiiI".'1iI. _4 , .

: Pound

. . .' · age: PORK CHOPS • •. • -'.. ";ld 0!5 #, ~ a "

PoundVe1veeta ..

· · 25e CHEESE • • • •,



". \V. Hay. FnIh Dteued ;V.el't'eefa

FRYERS, 'HENS and' TURKEYS' 'CHEESE· •.-.- . - ' .~- """","'" .. - ..... ' '('7'" -' ","- , .. , f' ; r ''PlM, . , ! ,., '.


Your mailman; become. your bankez whcn you Ute

Fint Natiem-r. "I).nk .7 Mldl~' :Plan.•Mail u. your

dopotit-we return. ia.e;du~nC1ate tJ6po;tf .tip. Con-• • '" {J12· Iverilcnt-timotHvmc·' I •

. THE•"'1l"l(!U'


. '

'~<.-~ '- ,_ - ~ ~ -

. Arid Visit ~ae Rector.Qt the.... , 'I (~l ~'"

1R'" .' .'&I.' . ,,"-'" ' "

~ ~.


I tl:.tAntiques, Ahe: .

..EatabJiahed 1890 • • "A Home Inltitution",M~ber Fedenl Depoait InstnJ:lCtl ~alfOb



, '



· I







, :'- ~ ,...If -.' ,







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, T, •


~~:::::==iF~II~N;'ERA~L HOME



CLOSE OUTOn GuDhenon ICvoHne Heelers

A very nice heaw, with round tankRegular $3:i.9S 'Valut

SPECIAL 124.951teW&4 Aeet Tia Be-r.. fUf ad fUI

Sino 11110. :IoI1IoorI, 1Jat,.r;. Blwo JSearftt, &&c.

HARRIS BUILDERS' SUPPLY• Gc'ocedoa .' . • Midi

.- Hardnre - Notioaa• P.w • Dry CoodtPlM.. aoI .: . Gt.1S T...., N. M. j

" -





If you've hankered to test t1Je;~Eorts of sleeping electrleaUy, hete", ,youroppOrluJilty to do 50 Without i

cost ot obltgallon.· ,. .~

.Choose a 'brand-new. faetory;ofre!h.--.c0 e:leGttic-blanket-o~sheeH~l1l'L..__~Mted.OJ] .. ' '. ~-.,.,."~-

EavorUe colofJ use· it (OT 10 days in the bIMlket. yoU :may paylor it on, ~yOl¢OWfi Mme' .and !)OO lot' y®rselE easy tenm.l£ llQt),simpl}1~tt@ it ~t1dbow,much Hetter you ~leep under its we1' seJ!~ it back·to tt1eJ Utclory r£Qf )}.\:UghlWefghtj aUlomatfcaUY..c»ntrouea· new one-:With no oblirfuUQfi toyou. 'wannth. . f~ ~ 1tY'".

&K~OtYOt1tfree~ trlal\ •• tqd'ayl


t!II ...""., /I. AI.




. .




HOMB COOltlNO WSDI ifo'mD 1'0&

SPECIAL... •• ~

Turkey Dinner & Dressing$1.58

J'OR .tl'NDAY ,

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allen- . ,-7 ! t

EstesCleanersFor the FIned In ClAD1ng andPnII1ng

and Laundry Seme.

. When )'ou nrc ready for that new wit-Bee the Saalttea We otter ill Ulo

lAteR fttrltl ... 00Itn ..O1Ir MaIe·To-JIC~ u...

"kIWI 2'-'3-We ...... l1p ... DtUft!I'•WE OIVE 8. aDd D. GREEN 8TAllPS









o.mer Main .NdAn. Mechem DrtYe

your new looklIolr-do millie 1.0

our speclaltyl Come·In nnd lot nn

exciting now hair-doto odd to )'our

Ilmllrtncu. Phono 01-02for nppolntmunt.







jl •

~~~~~~iti~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~'4 + L ~

A,."",,,eIIt, .e

ciiocKwloorfCAi '


80gonla Roadby

1:1 Corral CourtIn Skyland



fl. ".,



.. ". . . "

. (;.'""' ..,~.~.c~.~.~ .~~,_ ...,., ..,.,~~~.~ ....,,""'_'_..~_ .

.. -----_._'-

.. ..


Use The MailsTo Do Your

. .r: ' . . .:

Pay by Check for Safety,Speed, Accurate Records

r and Convenience

~ --_.__ ...

• ." /' .. , ,",,,.,.,,-,, ••••• ~.- _ ••",.~---~'. > .


See U. For Your Pu1leI

."' , . ,




We Sell and InstallTanks and Appliances

~o. New MnJcoMemlter Federal Depollit lnlUraaC41 Corporadon

"" - .... - ."


OFFICIAL AAA GARAGECpJDplete Body and Fender B.nice

"'. tc>rt.plete Mechanic S'rvice



. .

.. .

oroo "

CaU 87-" Colltct For SmIc. «.' . ,

'n.c41 . ··tRLtNCOLN C01J'HT1'~V1CINl'tr '


- Announcing •••Tho ornee ., tile

Inter-Mountain SupplyIII\M BEEN MOVED TO TI'fB

J. G. BUCKNER HOMEBeblnd lb, ,Old ",.ebe Theatre la Bieri'"

On WUI.- Il...JOHN G. IUCKNEIT WADE H. LANEPh..... II nlaa 1t·11


. -


and don't have the cash, let us financeif f~r you!



·" "



Page 5: · •,, "• ~,, \'.. , • ,"""... /Ol'.,"',. "... "." .' " ., 1,,, • J ',.•. "'


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Tall CaI1I

2for 25c. 69ti


· .''4'•


. '",."

, .


.•• d ", _ .. , ._."'.


'beclrootti. compe.ttment. dtawinlfQOJn or sui~. Alao avallable:Pv.hwt IHle& (upperandlower berlha). You can reeer\1lspece in advance.

w. CtUIY frel'.t, ....Andft.lght"......,tJe trHtment.Whorl moN, It do-sn't cod mucInOn .n averet••, w. mOft cr lOft

. of goods for only 1,45 cenh amil•• W. haye m mll'a.f Un.serving more W l'n du.s antitowns than any oth.i' railroad.S. for feist, tfftclfnt and deptnd..abl. freIght .ervlce-wheth.;ca,..load. or I.e. f.-call our nea"'"agent. , .J. \

~, Cbow lIIeln



" ,


. '. . .. '-. . ... - ._' .. ,

I,,' f: " 't . I pc

HrI. Tucker's


· ~ '4~.3 Lb. Can PaJne"

SHORTENING • 85e SAUSA¢E.We Give Sr " H. Grt*n Stamps

\%. . j,t ti: '


,J ' "

, ~. .


, '.

,." ,


NOTICEWe are going to beclosed for a few days.,....taking our annualvacation.

We'll be back on thejob again about

Oct.tsSo-!:eep U.ln MIndLet U. Help You Get

The'Bet Poiilble'"

Senlce From

Your'AUtodtob!1.,Truck or PIck·up

Through The

Wlnfu Months







7 I


, '

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; .. "'.,'"'..,

, '~.

, t p,". .,

, ", .

~.~ ~~; !<I)o.,;,r,'"": "",,-I~.....t

",:,::r~ ~.

Fox- MercantileWe GiVe S& H' Cree. Stamps "."

:. . " ,}" o· ,.

~"" '"" /.

Some of the Toy. We Hav. in Stock­Ttllll »eu. &n4 Othera - TrlcJdes - BooB•

».elK. Sete - NIU'Hs 8ef.t - Pilli T.,..

T.,. - Tlaker To)'. - Dt.& Set. - Illtlea

.... I'ttI ad 1Je&mr 8ef.t - Uoa,., DIll, TnHb

~ V.- - GrUm - t.erifq 'l'nt-cb

..~ Siwfclll - W8l&Wl&' IbeJa.1I:Ies - Hu, Oihfts

+-ADd. we·off.. many other beautiful

.' Ud~glftu..In liIId.,.To-W88l' and Acceuori..

.~ .. t.L :....... .... . .

,,~' BUV" you heat:d. of ,qopjptown on We shore' of <

. FalsehQqg B~~) WPet~ old D!lme lJ11JIioJ:' wUb J;UlJtung'.· fO~'1J'~l#t,tJJe llv:elon, <lay?, •, t.t:"'It IaQ" fa.- .tQ'Oo~ipte:iwp.'f~r peo~ wbo want to• Ot the ldieness tJ:llfu' WU1 iake you down in just an~J.W.,Qf: ~·1h,~·,'f.I!,Qpih~j·fOati~a p'op~ .route.-a:~ost·lleOple' ~art that waYi 'but its' sWeP downCl1ld~ityou dem't'look. out, w~ !anti y.o~ 1Jl '8,lseJioo4Ba)'i -. ", - '. .. ~ . '. ., .• " ...... ~•-

• You SUde through the: vlllJel' of Vicious FoUe. intothe tunnel ot JIate. and after crQa,mB the­Br!dge, ~~.~riiht to the ~ln- pte. Tb.~wlnc1pa1stieot 11 caJ,!ed ''They..Sllt j

~ "I've H~" is thepublic wei}, and the \lree~'~t blow frQiJ\ Falsehood

·B~y are laden with ''DOn't '1ou~Tell."..... . . '.

pFrom GciOllSiPtown, ~Il\le long lIinee has fled, butTrOUble nn Gdef and Woe and Sorrow you'll meetinstead, Jf ever you' chance to so.

'Tis a dangerous road thllt leads down there, nndbeyond.tll ~e hlll of re8Nt yOU must tinally climb totree yoursell. nnd goln your self respect. Though teors~, spUled as you ascend, though forsIveness lI1lly ~won, alasl You never Quite con mend the damage youhave done.--selected.

~ ...

'. ""*' ..,. l!';:~

-;~._.' ":\-'::"," ... ~_.

For Best Selection'Shop Early"'''? . n #fI . • iI'f'

Buy ~!»w ~n I:ay.J\way~ ,'" '.~ > '

... > -- •

,,,. -.,. ~. ~ ~ .. ~~',.. ,-...... .~.. ': • '0 .~ -" ~ , • . . • .. ' ;T'T'~~0""''8''~~''r"'''7'G~~~~~~~''''''!!'lIII!'~l!!!!!l!'''''''lI!I!!I!Il~'''''''!III'!!.!!I'!III!'-.''''''''II!!I'!I'l.I'''!!!!!I!!!'J!l'!!''''''''l'-''''''''I'''I''!~=''''''''''''''''''''i'='''''''''''7'"'e~: .'.. ~' ,,' ,>., ~:' ., . ..". ,_ ' "'.' "', '-:'. :'.'-, .. .,. ~ .," .: ,,,.-~:". """~ ,': ,',' '::,,"', ',."'. ",l~:', ~"'~'~ ~:~,"';~'~'.:':,~:::~": "i '," ..~ :: .", ;''.\' . : :,: '. ","','0 ... ; ~~", ".,','; ":' " ~. ~, . , '," ," " ,,'" ",' ," • ..... '.':" "~< ',t 4: .: , f: ",;~;. ::,"" ':> ' '. l; .< ,,~";;: '. ;;', -':",".":.1:' " .. ':;,: :".~ ",'.:,." :" ~.'. • .: ~. " ", ,'J" ",'... " < .. !. l, .'/".; . Jl, . ,:,',' ., .';":' ':' ~ .;," \ .1. \ ,'" .' ;.':: ;;"\:. ~ .;". "?~"'}: ,,: " ', ..... , :' > ',. : •• I: ~ >.: :,:~ ',',:,'~":'.. ',_~<•.'~'.'." '.;': , '.; \ ,. " ',' .;'. ,,',,' ,'" ",I" ,; 1,'", ';,:'", '/ '.,:.':~. ,',.,': :" ,<',< ~(''",.. :"".,.'''' '.' ...~'" .. ,'.~' :,,'. ,~.';..".' .':. '.;"',~h,.,:.. ::f.,>"" ',.:~:~~l:',"'~;:"',' '-:~;:.~'~'.:, ~,:,"", :'.: :. <;:-"~',' >,;'",":... ',.'" .,~.~.~. :, ,',' ~ ',,' '"".l : '-:' ,~' '... : " .':. ,,"''- , , " ", 1 " ''i!l' ',' .', ",' i',' , " ''', . '~-~,.~'" ""', ',C" .', ",',".(\'" """.".),"'::"," . : .., ';'.... d',l' "",' "" ,',', . ".' .,'" " , . • .. ',~ ';"'" "":"'1',"" i',1,\:'-/ ,;.,,~.<"", '.'.1') 'I • ',<' ~>. " ,,' ",. "':'",',":"',"":,',:'-",:.:':-<,.,/:'::'.".:,,:, ..',:':"";':/':""":'"".:'':'''.''~'' ," ;",' :-.'.... ":~" .. ".:., . .':,".' '''":,:':,'/,,';',.• :''''': ':"" ... """ ".,., ,,;, '.'","."

·'.',..·:',:·.•.." .•,~;.?f·:" •... :,.",.,.··:~.',:,'" '.,.,'""""':',",~\,;,",::",,,'.','," ..:.;,.'""~""";'·~'.·,:'.",',.,;.,·'·'···'\,·I·., ) \.';~. ',' ,. . '~""'" .".', \... ,' ",". '," ,. >",".' ". ," 'j",' .' ,~., """""'. ,.'

" ilt ,', ( ,,_ ' ,:(. "',"""",,'.',;,',~, 'J'" ',' > '.' '., :.'. )'•• ", '.', ','>'.' ,,' ',." ,f'.· • ".,,' .' ,'. . "', "." "" ".~ 'k. '. '.'' •• >'< '~:\'" ,"',' " • ,', ••.• ,. ., •• :"'.'...",..'.'.1;"("'" .. ',' ~ .', :"

..~~•. ,.«. ,.' 1.' /',,,,' ,.'" ," i·" .', '" ,. ,'... 1,<,.. ,. ,. ", i " ':'~;J ...," '. " .,. ~ ". "'¥r' \''-'' ~. 'J" " .",, '" "',",;'" ~ "l"::,,1 "'''' , ',' ,.,-,;"';, "':',,' ",,', , ",'"" "- """, ',: :'>. ,'" :,,', ..:' ',,, ".', :',.~ '.

OOJN~Ar';' .~~=:t-m.=: >:;i"··"J..·.··<·;:~ ":8>1":;'" . !~~~.~iF~~~~:/'~~_Jj~l~iL~'~, ' .' :Jt~~isr~:s dXflfh~e ~~~CO~ere ' ' ,'" ", ,'. '.. ," B,". . .. -aJ' ~~<lr~t~ y.~~w~ ,*If..I$Qn. ~~ij~~ 'SQutllem l$tates tClr s(lVQral gl'YiJ;,' . ,;,

_ .... ~": ,q."~~!r"~~.,,,~,,,~!?w,\a,, unJny WaYlle, Alamogordo' lu1 " , , ' " "'OJ.i U" , , M' AI' &!, ,,'. th') ~ 0 is ..n' . e. '. avY' there ~~ . J\4t,. andMU. Puwb,. Colljl,ls lUlU' ,,' '."

~llr~~~~i:l;~b~~'Ro<weIl,.c. .~..,~,'·.'YiMJ•.J.t;,;;,,:";"'; \"~. '. ~\"-,:t:". ..": ..... " ..~ Gr.J.~\,1;jt ~~~,,~W!J:~~~~·vr.,· ....•.)~:' ;ot'~~l~o(~c:l~repor~lnSthe~-p~m~l'lk the: pr(lJ~t. ,', ' ' .•. ,

;C,.\.,;::!: h~-Q.~~J, Qt..Q~~.l;'I1tro~tmi$mat UeW1.. ~tbNQn4~p~lIl!eQ his ~. ':",":", aVC!~~ be.dbJ/'lllate.,I:,QJ,lntYt ,,~ ..\a, ,epro~~tw~ltdd~help" "",':;fl",'ViJlaJ~'an<1 :JtuIdI)$OVJ.!ll~ OUJ;i. rol Wt!i~dllv~loPtJ1l!nt oCtM:Rtil-\~" ., cl.l$.'m,~I(ltf,tt()sec'tUiJIg Iill1.cli",doso ,area and!1!ig~t ~nef,l,t ~rt ~, ,',' " . .0

~\rJf~3~~tJ~\h~t~m~.c~~:J=~l)t:u::c:rJ;w~.U\e. water • LINCOEN, ,.' COUNTY','\,.. Jl,l.l}dQ3Q. ,J'4...u,~teso( 1!\lIlc:eedl{lg 'Mr. ,:aroW~'Sl,lg~Medt\lat appU": ' ..' " ", , ,. " "",,' ,', ',"I'll~~., held,·$~n.ce the odglD,M catlon roirlht be_made to theIn~ ~"D 0... 'IMP ' ,_.' T': COMP'ANtp,r"e te.portW ~Iow, will ~ 'car... te~tl:,~~Ml. CcmnnlsSlor;l to f,l.. Jl'LE..ll(. , '. " " 'I, :

-:r~~'m:ilat¢~ ~\l~.p,.,t,he,.N~~;"l" a~ Ul~cosLoLthtLpr.ojec.ted ' " , ',' ,.,". ,-..,. ,:'" , " .' ;, ' .', , , ;:.....0- -" reservoir. The Int~rs~te stream .,., P'QJ:U.N.I. cHOWs " .;'. "Jrn<n........"'. 0"'" A' ,,"..,,.1:vnn.TG ...", - £omm~on in turn ~uld seek MASS" ', iOiT"'S~ON, ~V?i\inIco t~~ral particlPatlol\ i;n the pro~ 'EY.:E.I,AIIJUS I:f-WIaEMENTS

september lli; 1953; 2.30 p. m. ~.... St- Phone ft2 ;8-·.:1......- ' ""- m'gh- "70" '11l~ !1!eetfug was 'called by. 'rho th",~rf' ll..,'PSO,1\ moved adoption ot ' , \J- ,,~UD.V v.q ,-,. , '""'.,New Mexico Dep~rlment ot Pul>- ~ 0 owing resqlutlon:. '" , , , , ,i , " ,,,'

Ue Welfare at' the s~sUon ~ . , This m.~tlni, rep~ntln8 clU- ._ _ R\ll~oso Water Users AlISOCIl,\';' zens, ~mmurUtles, associaUons., YQS. W.e ~e n..,.•n. A, , ,"'iRd oIo1..e 01-"':1';' ,-,UQn. I " . and a,aenciea In the State ot New ' "l- ....,tr'l' .n.r.-y_ Au. ~Th~~."tePresenJ:. Me,xlco, .peUtlons. the Jnterstat~ . HOUR SERVICEMr•. JarneitV. Tully, ~~ld~nt. ~tt~~m ~().,mmlssion of the State .Mr. Wilbur Coe Secretary_:O ~,t:W ~'~ClXico to eXllrnine the . " .,

'rreas\U'Clr) Ruidoso .Water Users fdeui· IbUity ot tile water reservQlr --To &!rveYo.ur N'--.:I-

Il!..,',.:::r..~,)rft!'l:~il....' ,..;,....,....,.;.,..,.~..",-.~,~,-.:...,,...!,~;...::=..::;:;:;::.:"..."....,..."~.~". ...-,......,.-1/ A.ssJi.~~fiJonnell, .. . ·fo~~~o~~l~:j::iJ~i~~f~o~~~~ irJ, Home Cooked~ •,WSC$ To .Direct' . Ho itaI N·· ., Ml:'.R.~. BUllknel", ers .t Rl11doso and'viclnity, andVigle' 'C!:.....d__... Sp· e""l Mr. Panlel Sweann,in, Rl11doso, E01p.!irs hoJdlng water rights on MealS and~~""l' ~~"'1f~-.:n:t - " .. '.,'«t' . /t.ttQrney Paplel R. Brenton, ....e Creek." in Th "I:"e~ l'S of the Woman's So-. 1 Patienta ~ivlng'~atmeJltthe Carrb:o%o, . ",,:r,~~ moUon was sec:onded by Mr. ~ 6; &mOUS·

f cie ~ of PhristlaQ Service Is to ll1It several'days !Ii RuldO$O.Hop- Mr. A. F. Brown, Ass't State .. ....., and cm-Ied, Mr, Brown Conoco,' Petroleum. . Ila.v~ .~~eof 4lV~g ~JYices do ':alley GeneraJa04pltalllave Engineer, ' promised to make available prints

ft~~~ih~tl~h~~~XO~~U:h ~. Phyllis Mc:G\llre, Mrs. Mary D~~:v:n:' Simpson, Jr., State ,;n:ao~~):~~~erb~r:la~I:fc~o:~ I THOlnOI'S SE ,PrVodlQuEcts .b supper wlU open the proaram, be- Buchannan, Lawrence S. Tatoya, ~•.If(li:~rtA, Holt, Legal Con- been P.-eVlousJy considered. STA.

glnlimg at,.6 p. m., with meat all ,of RuldOSOi Donsey Bonnllll,s\11tant . The'meeting was ,ll1Jreed that no .... .. brell,~ and coUee being furnished: DorothyJ,.. Parker, both ot A1amo~ Mr.· Daniel Kuslanovlch Busi- further- action should be taken un- .,. '.',0'" '"

Tkose attending arc urged to bring gOrdOi Mrs. CUnton Wunder..J3enti ness Manage'r, Fort Stanto~ Med- tFrU Mr. 13renton's return from San GARAGE an'... C·A'F'e 0

sllUicient amounts ot salads and Mrs. Inez Slade, Roswelli Rutli lcal Center, of the New Mexico ancisco. JI "'''desserts to feed their families and Carney, Tucson:.. FellPQ Sanchez, DepartlnCl'lt of PuJ>Uc Welfare. •The meeting was udjourned at Henry and Mar7 Oloe ~bol:l10~ persons. Tularosai Mrs. .tJen Herrera, San The meeting elected Mr./,'iames 4.15 p. m. until Tuesday. Septem-' lli«hway 70 ' '. After the lIupper. the services Patricio. V. Tul!y as chairman ber 22, 19531. _2:00 p. m,. at Fort HoIl1WOOd

start at 7:30, to be Informative, Bom. to Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes W. Mr. Tully stated that the vUlaee Stanton. N. Mo. , "'••••0 0 ....telling something of the work done McKinney, Bent. a son, Oct. 11, of Ruidoso and the Ruidoso Water ,,\by the organlmUon in 28 coun- wt. 9 Ibs., 3 0%. Users AssocIation wt'lre Interested • 0

tries where the WSCS mission in the constl"Qctlon of an impound~ SPECIALS THAT -WILL SAwork is underway. The program RlOKY HOLLIS BAS Ing reservoir on Eagle Creek nnd . ' VE YOU MON'EYwUl last only one hour and a good BIRTHDAY PAR1T Q connbeUng pipe line to Ruidoso . . "attendance Is ~ntlclpated. Ricky HOllls

iison of Mr. and to rellevu the local water short- . '

, Mrs, Bob Ho is, celebrated his' age. The conference planned by WhIte Swan ,I Lb. Oan ,outhern Maid Poand

'Series Of Talks fifth birthdaY with 11 party Satur- Mr. Brenton with oMciats ot the COFFEE • . • 8Ie· OLEO • .. . .. l5ecia>: afternoon at hiS home. The Southern PacU1e Company In 8nnOn Sanitation Uttle guellis all wJahed RIcky 1\ ¥ranclsto On Scptemtier 17, 19IJ3,

Sa At Chappy birthday 4Uld played games. idlorded an opportunity to discuss C It anlzozo Refrellhments were 80rvCd to the this projec:t with the railroad com- (Ge& Conte.& Entry Blanks) oored Bnd Quartered

Thc first of a series of talks on followmg: Cinda Kay and Gary pnny. KlmbeU'. %5 I'ouncls WbUc SwanCornnrnnlt)' Sanitation wlU be Jdv- Ollbome. Mike Marler, Freddie Mr. Brenton explained that he . FLOU.R .. 51.89 MILKen by Dr. James R. Scott, Disfrlct RUey and Pat Lamb. represented the town ot' A1nmo~Health Olflcer on Thursday even- gordo ip the negotl.tlo~ pending ~ •in" October !fi, 1953, at 8:00 p. m. TO COLOIlADO with the SouU1ern Paclllc Com~ I('~at Firemen's Hall (CarrizOzo), PaUl Douglass left Thursda)' on pany. The RaU:oad Company did ONThis first talk is lr4the I1llture of lin elk hunting trip with some ROI~ not consider the sale of any water IONS..nn Introductory talk In which it well and Texos triends. The ~I:.tY rights but only the sale of water.

~will be emphDslzed that the en- plannc:d to -vlslt near cortez, Colo. 'l1iat he would be glad to dlsc\Wvirorunent nlnvft a role In d the Eolle Creek project at the con-

~Ing d1Ieaso" cmiY insofar =re~~ to this and succeeding lectures in terence in San Francisco.l1lmse1f contanilill1tes the environ- the series. . 1atr. Simp.on ralJed the qUeJUonment around him. The environ- LlNOOLN OOl1NTY whether the construcUon ot a res~ment docll play 0 rolo In the cue DI8B11RSDmNrB crvolr on Eagle Creek would vlo-ot some insect borne cllaeues lIuch HocItb .,Se»~ 'till late the Pecos River COmpact. Mr.,l1!I, Mo1arla but It should be re- 11130 Robert M. RJeb~zr$ .000 tB.!own expressed tho opli1len thatmembered thllt man h1mIelf b tar 1932 Fred 0 T' 60'00 ..e plan would not result In themoro dangeroull In the transm1l- IOU W. O.;:t nOn prohlblled d~pt~Uon of the waterslon ot c:ommunlcable diJeues Igj3 Art Bradley 2500 S,;,pply by man 1I acUvltleJ, Thothan ill the tllr, the house, the 1944 VlrIU Hall 9''13 p...n wOUld cJtangc \lJo pl"ce ofbackyard. or tho neJghborbood In UJ4~ Li

lncoln C.ounty Motors,' swto.~rg.e bUl nqt mcrellJC the use !>f

which an Individual may mlde. nc 4 ... "'It 111 on1¥ when tlJrough carclCQ~' I..... Mr. ~lb' p1ead~ tM.~

. neU bh the pnrt ot some hwnnn 19:~ ~f~o~nCO.. Inc. 4g:gg eraU~Pttnt~sJt4.tIlWllJ:re; ~~~~~~~~~!!~~~"~~~~~~~=~V~\l'~.~~'~"~~~~~~~~~~~being that tho surrounding in len- 1948 L. D. Baxter M. D. lUO - .:- ,. .","., -~eral becomes ca~able ot causins 194!) Wilmot Hardware Co. 22.00 .-.'\~.

d~ ~bft~c.; co~ybe~~icd 1950 Monto Vista Servlco ......~--~Station 41U17 • .,.-

I 1951 Clllton B. Xumwalt aUt ,~tII .1052 Joto Cnndebrla 103.20 \1053 Clovlll MontclI 100.001958 fud 'tontz .IUD1059 Fred r-tcTJeguo 120;00,lOGO C10vUi ~ont.cll 40.1'1001 Jo~ Condclar1n 98.00 .1902 Clovin llt'ontes 19.5!)201>0 IrvIn C. Wnlcon 150.982023 Tillie Mriabal 133.802024 DolorcD Marquez 225.002025 Fred Montes 240.002020 Sllvano M. Sanchez 1'15.002027 Lincoln County Agency 0.201031 James E:ul Hilrerow 2MO1054 Mm. Lc!b Brewster . '1.301055 P.oden Droit Store ICU22002 Mountain Staten Tcl. •

~ and TeL Co. 115.40. 2028 JuUa Shllrrlll '13.35

2020 Lc!1tl F. W. Brewnter 9l.202030 Lincoln COunty Agcncy CO.451933 James Enrl HOrcrow 08.1551113. VllUtant PrtnUng CO. 20.00l{}Clt James E. Hllt'Crow 39.1751955 Sylvester Salefdo 10.001~ Robert Gutierrez., Jr. 23.201967 Mrs. Roman C. Nunez 10.0019G8 Mrs. Manuel Romero 10.00lP159 Mrn. tgnaclo Ton\!% 10.00uno W. P. Coole 10.001171 J. D. Martin 10.001972 LoUise Cae Runnelll 10,001973 Fred Montoya 10001974 Herbert Srnith ' 20~0IV75 M.... Robert B. Provine 10.00tD76 Mr. Carl E. Ness 10.00ID7'1 Mr. GradY Eldrfd,e 10.00tina~ R. Lujan • 10.00ID79 McKnllht 18.30IBM Mrs. olUn Lovelae& 10.001981 Alex J. JenkInJ ID.to1.82 CalUe C. J'tanb 10.001983·Mrs. M. M. Pmbc 10.00 '. .1= ~1.=:letk1na ~g:gg SAVE S1Z IIC A ,mlli_xti",.ilYm~.:.'118S. J\lrj. Barney W. Wfhon 10.00 . ~ <'...... .ir" d........Iffi ~. F. O. Brown 10m Off~OHil.,1:A.1alHe4 'Ifae oaJt cunr;Wt ",hb,wanta that kind of1110O Liwidro S. Vega ~ 10.00 Gd.~ ~~kU" elMalar privacy? U you want mdly lux-t=~= Cafe IY~ tM&j (UIal~1ar u.lycr urious privacy when you tDvel.1991 Lincoln COunty New. 1~ ~~ ernos.... u.-n-Uae-fJMr 8~ml~. room on &1) 8. P.

, f.-;' t 2004 Purl's- COffee Shop 'UO dn•••••.heI, , .. e.& ,..,.

~~~iii~fiiti~~ii~~~~~~.~••~.!.!.~.~ft~'~"...~'~iI!.!i.~ili.~.i.iii.' 2005 Hondo 'fracllng POit 1.50 ~~~ 1IaU) You'n b.a\"e all the~ youIi i.i ,,,, ..... ,.... , : 1935 :lg Glen BrtlUe)'i13.flG FREE want, 80 you CA11.~li out and,.t<::$;: 1934 en til State B~nkpl." relax. ~ou'U bave your own tn·

t 'r- "] VautbtJ ' '. . 3.50 Of~ ClWre dlviduilly-eonttolltd air condl-

Ann 0 un c j'j). g ~m i. &; ~~I ~~C1 l~:gg Triplt.iAcHOn Cleaner =~~ou;~ltieV:gr:e~, , 1931J Village ot Carritoto. 131.10 . IlepUr I'ttee '1'." ~8 nnd~leIn ~ta.heeUI every

Th' Ope S _.....:I I"\...J. "1~l\ 6 f 1940 Hale sQt1llltY Sqppty ." WIth the Pul'thue IJI a NEW roaM. You'U havo your oWn pri-

G Ding aiw-uay.~.' '1~8t p. Di. 0 1941 ~c.1tuCleabc!e. il'. J~~ Mod,1' 115 vaw to&t £acll1Ues. You'll havo•• 19113 HotnC!r MeDanJel . 85.00 N.... Pi·hUt (fir the prfee or all the attenUvo pet'8Onat lletViCt:!

.. ', .-4A.~.' 11,11". =- .-" .lg~~1=nf:~lu·rl:r::ac:g'~~ _tbe~e:fteralon:e-95"" _e, ,wm,;-= ot~:::t.;:eJdyon'dliklf'6 "J.JI ..,..,..... 1994 S. E. Gteisen UI.03 . to trado yoUt privacy tor some, 11995 Ruidoso Newa 5.00. r..:....n .. com"""''', you stroU

. 1"\",0 M---"'e'm'"Dri,.,.~ 996 :Mr. lV. P; Hogen GO.OO • ~".. .....,.""9 ..--" .--VB ~ • PrJ· 1997 Mountain Stnt~ 'tel. . Low.»t. ,ii l'a,aun& otrw lJMi:Low18" Car for gaIMe,

1... and TeL Co. 6.80" l!:aI.. tJII W, 'l'erma tel'tee~.....~ th"8t~-u'~tin"

"AAAD F·OO·.D F·OR P" "1:". C!'I:tft GOES'TS·t. 990 Mountain .Stll,.... TAL' . # ,auu gu.. Ul D'uuu~,I;d,I "= '" convenatton or congontaJ people.. flo illlcI TeL Co. . 32.55 ~~., ....... >-L t'·· t ""t ~~ th

0' 1" will 1..... be d eek .19911 MoUntain States 'tel. "!:5 .. .L'IO..... uncyou raV~ong(,Ju -

,f • ur.po ICy·· LA: to· . open seven ays a VI ". ond Tel. co. 7'c.5 _"""''L/I Cni Pacilld, try the repl comfort Wm. S.thCl'lana. Dlltrie&· . fot dinnet irom 6 to 9 p. ml', and, On 2019 5eVcfi) M. Galtegos 112.ll0 - 'l'JtlGIDAia'E-lrArtAO of a Pu1htwi ~m-toO_tt. .....eant' AJUt

. ..' 2020 Manue1-S. ChaY~' l~t.oo JU'PUA1\l'CU' • • U. Nt. Stan.... Be.. .......

, ,Sunday for luncheon from 12 to 2, p. m, ~gg ~~~1iI= Ag n lIng· Ph.,al-n...~.~l~~" ... ,.,

WeaISO,Will lIs happy to cater·t'O" small.patties ' ~~f =:~mfioke:ilra~!rey1'18~{ -:;.;,,,'-;':";;'.".'.'"'..;..;:.;~~.,...~,.•"."~'."'';.•'.•' _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'.'iiiiii'.'.;'iiiiiiiiiiii.iiiii'iii''iii''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii";"·;~·_iii·;,"~·:~~~;~;H:;\~ii.,.;~::~···i' ,;',.•,;1;,•·..i";'..' 'forftit1cheon, by l'eserv.A~~,' . aoos~&~b.m ~~:U -, v. * n4. ':~ '\'.,)1" \~, '-,:

W'~'m'fit.the ~¥;'iutdotio' to ' iggfg=tili~~~l1a~ gg:gg' " " .f<"J t;l~· "'1

· .... Y&lf oUt .new' '·~eil',m.get =5='~~t~~.e:.. .•~•.oo.. '~~6d. WID.t oUiflMlQOd",. . =11'~~~!;G~"1r..B~3;"'jP,,,:~~' ..•

" " ..... ,lid' ......,;(....qr,,· " 2012~'lt.i~*~ ~t, .,•. •."~~",t~ lOll :LtoJ:et VllU '. . '.' '00'# ,

..," '", {'TUE'.. ~. :r .. "".,·'8"·RI·"'It.I!~ f' =~:f-~~o~h. "'..'J£:~"In. It. £.. "'~. '.' .0.. ,20tff~,J'dJ.!id~19 ' ~oo '

4\iif, ,;u...;"'-"'~-.b . .,'ftt............ ~b-.&i ':." .B..d:il'........, ....D' .201'1 ,if.ObD~. 11,"10~iIMf!W;~ ...=- ;.:.,;>~~~ " ~.. " UIQUIW;-"'~ lI"!Q '''ll't.1rloo1A~tr ..

,,' , ",'"... ,:-..'C*..,.' ~..":...~ ': .. ,....:':.'~, ,': i..'1~~ ==.01P'lJ"i • '. .... • . ' '"


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, '• •

;. .

-, -, " ., .,"-

.-,'." "




- - ....

Right On The Price

-. 01(\SHOOT\

~ '~'.- -, .,,- -


BONELESS STEW~'l.b" " • • ".45c·, - . ','r' " " __ _~'r .. ',' " _, ,. " , 'r" " - .. - ,- II ..,'." .

. (lVe Reserve the,~lg.,t t!) J,lJnlt QU4UtI*f~)' .....Ullme·"-ade B,~, Pies.. Ron., D.QlJllta, l"otat!'. ~a1ad.

RanClh Styl" ,geans. R~as! :JJeef .. . .

BEUsKE'I'. Lb" ." •

',' .,'.'

. } ~' :

.....'-"~--------------"""',~",."""' ~,_.. , .

,.;.;:;S:.::TEAKS~··.·.:;.·.;.:';;..•..;;;;.;;,i;o,,;;;;Lb;;;;.;,;.;.....;.;...._.....~.. _!!!o._'"."_',,".~~ _" ,"

',.' --, j' ..•.. ; ... " .'.'

CHUCK ROAaT, Lb..., .. ...•


30.06's and 270'8 in

Model 70 WJnchester.

Model 721 Remington

Model 760 Remington

Savage 300 and 250·3000

Also thai old ReUable

.30·30 Winchester

We Have One of the Finest Stocks You Ev:er Sawl

" .


~HC3ht On The Corner


.. ' .•

-" Ri-'" , I' 'r 1·' 5 'Sl



Last ~cs TonightI

Oct. 16

Mt. Vue


Ed Crawford. Owner

, .- . . ",' .

~ , ..•'. " __ ",.:-;u _:..:. :"'., ,_,', t" _ :. Iii:, .. 4' ,."........_..-...,:;..'_.....,".~'~~.. _-,.':.~:......1,. ,.<~_"'"-"tio.!t.-"""i,~"' ....;.........""-'-".,...."-&~", ....\l.,........~,""~,....,,.'..'.:"~I'~hko_~f.o'...'l.o.N..::.~.;'.~~ ....e........,~:_':'.'lo<!~.,....,"-'~""_L>,,~"i:)~.-......~"'1.;;,.;.[~-..:..-'---';.~..~.1'-""'-'~h'-',_! -'.'" .'.... - , .. "', ".. " ..... - "" ,


''" -

1', O. Box 201nuldll5o, N. 1\1.

(Located bet\ncn Fnu,k'll Taxiand EuI('r'1I Rlnrlalr SL."Uon.1

, ''-'.,'

a ~ ,I


FREE' With Ea"h Sel 01 Plaat\(, Bcat Covel'll We Mako• and 111I1a1l. We Will Give II LadJ"1 or chl1c1'.

I'um 01 1'llllltlCl !\lade Rllhl lIere In RuldOllO.4

FARMER S!Nearly I~ew John Deere Tractor

With·Piows & A1I,EquipmentIncluding Bulldozer




! Highway 70 West of Clayton Bennett's

I-.......=t:.i<._.~-M!~!~!I:t,·.,!...·t::·f;·"!!-~·M-HI!.~!I~··..·i-.·-••~~~.•~.~.~.~.~.~.~, ~.~.~.~.~.~.;;.:i.~.+- Herbert Guyon 01 Demimkpastl~rand master ot tho 1, O. 0, F. In ~I New Mexico, cnroUle home Irom

! CITY TRIMthe Iltate convention held In Ros- .lwell early thlo weelt, Irtopped ottIn RUidoso for 1I brlel rest. He sliidtho Trl Stote FlIlr nnd Rodeo held

SHOP In Domln'l reccntly drew 0 hugecrowd, ond proved to be ono atIhe bbme!lt projects CVl!r attempt-

Now Open cd by 1I cUy ot that size. "We hodnn overhead of about $10,000 forour fllir ond rodeo, which wereFor Business well attended," he!~ded,


-A New Service for Ruidoso-Specializing in

Auto and ~urn1ture Upholstering• Seat Covers • Head LIning•• Door Panels • Floor Mat.

and All Kinds of FurnUure Upholstering


ERr 1

, '

, I •


. .

'0' _'"-'. _"t' , _",·... __ ~~~'·r"·' ..."~·1._.""".,~l",-;;'-..t_ .. ,

. '

, '

a. 1 tLl

, .

=TUESDAY ONLY. Oct. 20­i-a':0 GOIiCEY i:fl". ~ 8~w.ry ••y.1.1, J'(~I II'! ..,. "

,~~ CI .

10f';,;MUNiz HI


Full Lino of Building SuppUes-Hollywood--:'

ac;,-.. Ammunition" Lanterns" Hunting Knives.. C?my: 'Stoves"Axes '"·~nd other camp needs,

SUNDi', Y .

Pueblo Theater

But, bette~ be sure before you go huntingthat you hav~ all th~ supplies you need,such

FRIDAY. SATUltDAY, OCt. 16-17-\d",I... I"" J hi. "'"aruIII un". HilI' Adult.. 30" Chlldrrn

All "".10 AUIIU "ODU(1I0"1'1.1 H "".u;C'Tlm H..onT HUllJEC,'T8

ill .1 F. I P' 7 7 UU I 7 7


.=.a:c... \ter • t:='lf"") _...... _

t I

AdmiG?ion SOc and IDc------_..-""""----....-..._--,,-

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'\~.' " • ." J '. .,' ~ ~ ". ' ' .. '.:'.',., ,. ""': ,:1'" • "", , ,,·,:,'~l;\r::;":,w.,

C Ii DIsIr1ct down Jo llod fncludinll the PJa.. More Bowl... 8UWAllD8JUP.~VIYAL.,' St'_D' scbOolBe'Ml·· :.~,'M~~~:",0n::"~~; .....1 mo~.:tA~'ln~J~~f.JJ~td(,lr:i!Ppro!!;, C!~.-.04"" 9J;1!!~~'f:..PI.~~~o.,n .•; , " . ,< ,,~,··(r.dtt~,J).Y'NOtre~l:Ie~)·'~~l?~.~'~"i/~~.~,:'.'t/~...o~ ~,4~_~ :?M~tU~ do:"n:tlQ~u~mtRl'V~:'~>\~~' 'a~~1~,~~~,"',b:'r~, ," 'j',":,,"'" f "~.~'''''_~'''; "." c,' '''':J,' " "~!""~!"~(,~.1f"~~ -'.Y

By Water Users tan, but tollowlnn A ~Jon lme In~ Ua9ll8 .• ,noIWlWll ~~/.lt ~:J3tew,.,dJblp ~..., ' . ~~,:p~':~,~=tl'TeJJhtr' .... ·Mi.,.~ir ~~~~~~(~~:r;A ml.'lellnn wari held IUllt week tthreelmlllJa cast td' thbaltewd~n,,~; Thq'Mf~ed nowllng t.ea~e'oR" ~::t ¥4~}~~~~~~:: ~~. gAAl,e prot¢Ctive lIltSQCiatron, ~roe <1M~, a,n~~",:R, :w.Jgl~~:

lJ) Glencoe by the dlrectol'$ of the en (/I a cons erll IWm ,cned plaJ1::0ct 1 wlth g~~ .lat.. tQ' i<"'" . 'ut# "'NeXt <U:" tJm6::m th~ near .fut~.'r lltt~amg '~. Q• .,.;; 'S" <Q~~o*,\Ruidoso Waler Ullers A!llloclaUon noArtt:":''''ervM'CY dilltrict If to....... cd each '.ll\unlda:V l!V!IDjrtt< .tRJI{" wLlt}~:c~~ttJ·~d." .;.,r;;:.,. 'lM sllvJ!Uthgrp,de wU1 p~ Nil.. ,t,\lb" ';l . n.t... 1le1t; ",~o con.5tder the advlsabllllYol cd, Mt"Brc~'ton !laid, ~ould ',:£1' dOSO Club lJo~. '.l'e.!llN entetr~ atur'd1Y' nii!nt .;;;a ~b.~~= ' ~Pi agaro:i!.:9f ;@gJ)aU tor secQ1ltl ~.' ... uql,l~'.4u.e I~', YC :' ...• .;,ormlng il cOllsQrvancr district. like II aJove" over the rcc(!J)Uy now and 1l111,ndIng atter two weeki "on Su~y< The;: wernng se;ryjc~,. 'lU1d UU;d pi!ce• Tbe g~e·wm ~, .rowt\e~ tl#erUi.e~ ,tir~ ~~)f' ,:;}, .~

Accordmg to Danie R Brenton dcslgnat('{j Hondo-Lincoln County ot play are, • wUl begin at '1 p. 'm. plaY~ on'1luilloso Blgb S¢b?O. he. galJle~04!1l' .. ' . ,,,.. ' !

01 Carrlw7-O, attorney lor lbc Wa. 'BailIn ,Team" W.... .'. . .QSP.el~.~.o,~n .Fri.. lJ.8Y (t.odfl1> at 1. I We. , Mvc . l:(IJnPlet,e..d,'"..<"o,.11.f ..••~....,". ','tcr Ullel1l Auoclll.t1on, the district . _~__ I Brunell's •••_••••__••••~_.. 2 """.~ ;'~l.." ~ .Nould embrace, Ilenerally, the afea Pipers _.~•••••• 3 3 FlltS'l' 9nmtCBOF CQIST " A In!lg ~aU Q\l~n will l;le w~ ~•:~lVcrcd b> 'fe Hondo-Ll.ncoln, Huj;:o:,{)'ln~ IltwndinR ~hlJ :swtc· Nama Lumber .,.•••••••• 3 3, SQ~N'DSTS· ..' ",;,' .

.ounty Basm, Thill bllillin ~ccnt1y, Wide 1. 0, O. p, lind ltebilkah call· NlIvlIjos •••.•~••~._•••••• 2 .. .ChlistianSclcnceSCrvlcl!$ are ' .. '. , ", , .,. . " "',' ' ,,,"',"

HaaB~s~~S~;c~~~gj~I:~d"~Yll~~~~ v:~~~~~djn:~,'~~~ w~hWon~:nw~fsbtr~I~~llt2;1;:J~~ell~ne~e~:~:~:,YWa'f.~~~?;l~~ .~ 'p.... s'Good Every"·'Da~r .•..crvllUon mcallure. Barrell.•Jack Parnell, Mrs, nClldy, in the tlrst W~It's play wllsJlm TClltfmony rneetlnlPJ l~tlJlledl!ltl!)Y /, pese .rice. .' ..., ....J'.

The Hondo·I.lncoln Count)' BII- Mn!, Jr:.'fllI Hurrill, Ml'll. Ro£" Nel.. 1'4cE:w{.!n with 202, ' . follow the rel1,l,darservlce every .. '. ,., . ",.In starts at Ruidoso ",mel 'lol1owll 11011, Ement Wilson and Pilt FllJ:rai' Marc bowlerll and morc .pon~ thIrd a\l11dttY of the month. ' .' ''¥ou:lt ,put our prill&.! on C)p!e.r ~.t'~ 1nC)u,i1~ '.~ . • , •he Honde;, .lind Ruidoso rlvCl1l dnd po:mlbly othens.,· sors tor lit IClJllt two more tenma Tbe next testimony me.etlPIl wUl e~m.'"i-..,.,'"" .....,.e-q.lJClliiyconsldereal·,shop llod sec, for,' J(1)1mUl, ' ',.. :. ".'

5~ . -"_.- ... _. . arebeinfl Ilougbt. ., be h¢ld Oct, 18, ,AH are welcome, : .. .. .........If .

_.-._- , '"" I..Bu.;.... J).....,.r.1SI0VJCi~.I· R"""~ .0"1 h6 · d 6.. '., 6

.. ' :::..:...,r~.~~n.I~,·· :U"D . tii;~':.J""1 '-hl! ~Jt'r~::eOWd' '....~"!If·r ~"'"! ~JI Weann·g ,plc;u;,,"~lT!:f~:f5~'~~-: ·~le~P~~ .::~, ~~eJi~.~~ ..k', V ,: .llJ\, • . ':'. mq","d .!!'~ C ... " .~·""",...r '. "';, r. "

.Sh~ts for Men and. Boys . I E,gellll()h.·Co,,",~~S ,I Jloneymoon Club,. S k d Seat fo· M W he Underway." ~. . ., oc S an w. ers. r en. omen Extensiop .courses from New Spearhead, c;..1?iPll r!'lP()rl$tl!:~s~

:.~ and Children Mexlco W~8te~at SUver City, m~ three lloneymoon ,cQI,Iptlls stay!Dg~ eluding such subjects Ull children's with them recently: Mr; and Mrs.• J·,T"",.,! ••• Lin'gerle for' Ladles and Children literature c)asses, reading methods, C~rlls SealY-of Rt. 2, Morlon, Tex.,

.i 'h. r etc., are being taught by various W,{lO were wed Oct. ,10, and whoInstl"\.lctors of Lincoln county, in- reglsterell here Oct. 11. The bd,de

( ) Ul' th«nks to all the townfolks for cludhlg John Hamilton at Glencoe Is the former Donna Bell ~dl JOHNSONfS GROCERY & .DELICATESSEN~ h h 1 h h D and Fermin Montes at lfondo, daughter ot tile Ji". L. Freds, ana .... . . .' . . ... .'. .

.- . ~ l eir e p wit t e Aspencade inner CIliBses are held from 4:30 to 6 the groom is the son of the L. L, :.;;;;,;;';;'=~~=;;.;;~;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;==;;;;jp. m. every Wedncsc;1ay. Next Sell. Rountrees, 1I11 of Marlon. The 'pa~r rr

, ; Nolon and Gladys Hart slon will be at Glencoe ClUb House was wed in the ho~e o~, the brIde s •I with Montes discussing reading pareflts, and reporfs No ..FlghtsP R -d D G d methods. HamQton Is instructor In Yet! ,on their honeymoon club

a class 'this wcek at ondo HIgh erson, 817 E, N. 16th! Abilene, You Can Buv a 195'4 MO"'orolaSchool. The meetings are held at Tex" who were wed Oct. 9, regls- I, ' of. . .".. ... . .the two places at alternate times, tered In here Oct. 10. The bride is Fringe AJ;ea.'.._....-..~':-7:~~~~~==:.!~::==::=:=~ Several from Rul(loso are enrolled the former Roxie Ann Burcham, TELEVISION·· SET" .____ In the course, and there arc other daughter at the W, H, Burchams, .. ~c................•••••••••••••••••• •subjects aVlIlllible besides those Grants Pa~s, Ore.. and the groom ..named above. Cost of taking the Is the son of the G. W. Patersonll,course Is $15, Anyone Interested In Weathertord, Tex. They were \yed For Less Mon~y Than a Radio and

. taking the extension work may in Abilene... , Mr, and Mrs. Jlm- Phonograph Combination?contact Montes Hamilton or Mrs. my Layne, Rt, 3, Snyder, Tex.,Emmett ~eese here. .' who were wed Oct. 8, registered

I, .. here Oct. 10, The bride Is the tor- Also Now Offering the New

EL PASOAN TO PREACH ' mer Lou~e Evanll. dllughter ofMr.' ..AT METIJODJST (laURQIJ lind Mrs, Elmer Evans, and the BENDIX TELEVISIO~SETS

'mmE SUNDAY MORNING nroom is the son of the HenryI The Rev. Paul Cliideron, former Laynes, all of Snyder, They were We Har'ldle Yogi Antennasrupll and now a teacher 1n the married In Snyder, where Jimmy C

; ..ydla Pnllerson Institute, EI PlIIlO, IB emlJIOyed with the EI Paso NlIt- omplete Line of'wlll preach at 11 o'clOCk SundllY urnl liS Co. ~"'_stallatl'on and Parts .Imorning lit Community Methodist ---.,.---- I u. Church here In the absence ot the SERVING BREAKFAST, We Offer a Conge.nia.1 Financing Pia,nf1alJtor, the Rev, Frank Mallhewll, LUNCHES AT' CAn; .II at the parsonage here. dl::l°chmUe:'Choll'reC°tommseurv"eItYbreMaelttfhaOst- Radios Repaired ,._

All who heard him lalJt Sl.IncfllYwert' lm~rcssed with his nbl1lty and lunches ench Thurndny at the JOE REINHARDT,

b Chuckwllllon Clife here as a fundnnd Insp red y his message, one rSalsinrf project. They will featurechurch membilr rcported, Rev," •Calderon 11J;1I araduate at Perkins punish dlsbes nnd short ordern, THE RECORD SHOPSchool of Theology ot Southern os well. They uerved their firnt RADJ OS d RE·C'ORO PLAYERS 'Mt'lhodist University, Dallas. melllll here yesterday in thlf new an .'.pllln.



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