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Page 1: 木材纖維與化學概論 - II


What is Pulping 什麼是製漿?

w 將木頭中結合緊密的纖維,


w 造紙,原料(百分之95都是木材纖維)

w 少數國家、地區採用草本纖維

w 木材 > 木片 > 製漿

w 化學製漿法 > 化學漿

w 機械製漿法 > 機械將

Thermal Mechanical Pulp


w 細胞壁 / 細胞腔(被細胞壁環繞的腔體) Cell Wall

w 細胞腔會充滿水分 Cell lumen

w 壁孔 - 細胞壁上的洞 Cell Wall Pit

造紙 Paper Making

w The process of going from pulp to paper

w 造紙就是把紙漿變成紙張的過程。

w 紙漿用水分散、再把水去除掉,


w ⽔只是⼀個媒介,讓纖維分布的很均勻。

w 造紙的時候,會把纖維稀釋成 0.5%(0.3-0.7%)

= 5/1000 > 1 : 200 ( 1 是紙漿 )

w 但是水可以內循環使用(白水回收循環)

陳信泰 教授 木材纖維與化學概論-2 2015/10/31

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Paper 紙張

w A thin, flexible web consisting of cellulosic fibers deposited

upon each other and then dried to form hydrogen bonding between them.w 纖細、薄以纖維素纖維組成的網,經過乾燥後,形成纖維間的氫鏈。

w 經由磨漿(精練)使纖維起毛,增加纖維間的氫鏈。

w 針葉木漿 > 強度較佳 , 闊葉木漿 > 強度較弱(但厚度較差)

w 以文化紙 60gsm 來說,橫切面紙張大約由7~8根纖維組成。

The Structure of Paper 紙張的結構

w Paper is a three-dimensional matrix

w In a typical printing and writing grade, the sheet is 7-8 fibers thick

w These fibers are pressed onto each other and bonded together (hydrogen bonding)

w 紙張表面纖維交織造成的凹凸不平,所以有印刷要求的紙,會在表面用無機礦物(碳酸鈣、滑石粉)等塗布。

w 礦物和紙張需要再加上黏著劑(澱粉、乳膠..)才能黏著附著在紙張表面。

Cross Section of Tree

w Paper is a three-dimensional matrix

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木纖維的構造 - Structure of a Fiber

w The cell wall is made up of several layers

w Secondary Wall 次生壁 簡稱

S1 : 次生壁外層 S1

S2 : 次生壁中層 厚度最後-很多纖維素 S2

S3 : 次生壁內層 S3

Primary Wall 初生層 P

Middle Lamella 中膠層、中薄層、包間層 ML

w 製漿⼀般使用化學或物理⽅式破壞中膠層 Middle Lamella

w 越裡面纖維素越多、越外面木質素越多

闊葉樹 Hardwood

w In hardwood thre are other cell known as vessels

w 在闊葉樹中有另外⼀種細胞 > 導管細胞 Vessels

w 導管細胞和⼀般細胞的直徑相差幾⼗倍

w 闊葉樹木材的紙漿稱之為短纖紙漿

w 造紙時導管會造成導管障礙

闊葉樹纖維 Hardwood Average Cell Length

Fiber Length

w Basswood 椴木

Hickory 山核桃 槭樹




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針葉樹 - 闊葉木纖維比較 - Relative Size of Various Softwood and Hardwood Fiber and Segments

Southern Yellow Pine Birch Pine

Aspen Oak Eucalyptus

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細胞壁 纖絲

S2 : 次生壁中層

w 大纖絲 Macrofibril

w 微纖絲 Microfibril

w 纖維素分子 Individual Cellulose molecules

w 微晶體 (纖維素的結晶) Crystalline array of molecules in a micelle

> 纖維素的微晶體 無毒、有添加在嬰兒奶粉的微晶體

w 結晶度 Crystallinity ⼀般在木材裡面約 54~70%

w 結晶區 : 非結晶區(Amorphous region) 約 2 : 1

w 葡萄糖基 Glucose Residue 組成微晶體

w 木材裡面 : 葡萄糖基聚合度約 10,000

紙張物性 w 化學製漿會破壞葡萄糖鍵聚合度 2,000 以下

w 紙張會收縮膨脹。水分多時膨脹、少時收縮。 > 纖維素的水解

w 非結晶區會吸附水氣 (結晶區結構相對較為穩定) w 漂白紙漿時,聚合度會再度下降至約 ~ 1,000

w 酸性造紙(松香、明礬)會持續破壞葡萄糖基鍵

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微纖絲 Microfibril

w 是構成木材細胞壁的⼀種物理型態單位,




w 微纖絲角度(a) microfibrillar angle :


微纖絲 又是由 Elementary Fibril 構成

w 基本纖絲 : 由40根左右的纖維素分⼦鍵組成,


w 16 個基本纖絲 組成微纖絲 40 Cellulose Molecules = 1 Elementary Fibril

w 4個微纖絲 組成大纖絲 16 Elementary Fibrils = 1 Micro Fibril

w 好幾個大纖絲組合成膜層 4 Micro Fibril = 1 Macro Fibril

w 好幾個膜層組成細胞壁


w 結晶區 + 非結晶區


w To make fibers, the plan converts the glucose molecules into six-membered rings,

then polymerizes these rings together to form cellulose

w Even after this treatment, the cellulose molecule surface is still covered with H and OH groups

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w Each OH group has a slightly negative charge

w By bonding with a slightly positive H group.

each OH group becomes more stable

w It can be said that the OH groups are trying to

be like water and are looking for H groups to do so

Hydrogen Bonds are STRONG !

w Without any additional glue or resins,

The cellulosic sheets bonds itself together

trough drying.

w What holds the paper sheet together?

Inter-Fiber H-Bond Formation >> HYDROGEN BONDS

A. Initial weak bonds via several water molecule layers


B. Stronger bonds via monolayer of water


C. Direct hydrogen bonding between fibers


What happen when paper is put back into water?

w 原本纖維間的氫鍵被個別纖維和水的氫鍵取代。

w This is why paper is easily recycled!

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