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The International English Language Testing System

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大綱 IELTS 簡介 IELTS 考試內容 IELTS 如何準備 IELTS 相關連結

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IELTS 簡介 IELTS 雅思 (The International English Language Testing System) 國


目前,有超過 6,000 個機構肯定 IELTS 雅思考試為可信賴的英語測驗指標,也是一個能夠真實呈現考生的英語溝通能力是否已達到能接受高等教育、移民與從事專業工作的標準。

除了在英國、澳洲、紐西蘭、加拿大以及歐洲的教育系統被廣泛接受之外,美國的學校也有超過 2000 多所採用或是明文建議學生在申請入學時使用

IELTS 雅思國際英語測驗是由英國文化協會、劍橋大學英語考試院 (Cambridge ESOL) 和澳洲國際文教中心合辦,在全球超過 120 個國家、500 多個考試中心提供測驗服務。

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IELTS 雅思報考組別IELTS 雅思組別分為學術組 (Academic) 及 一般訓練組 (General Tr

aining) 兩組。無論選擇何種組別,都必須經過聽力 (Listening) 、閱讀 (Reading) 、寫作 (Writing) 和口試 (Speaking) 四個部份。

學術組 (ACADEMIC) 適用於欲申請正式課程者,如研究所、大學、專科或學校要求此組別之成績。目


一般訓練組 (GENERAL TRAINING) 適用於申請移民、欲前往英語系國家工作、及非學位取得為目的者。 兩個組別最大的不同在於閱讀及寫作部份會因報考組別不同而給予不同題目。在


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IELTS考試內容測驗內容 考試分鐘數 說明

Listening 聽力測驗 30 分鐘 分為四大主題約有 40 小題

Reading 閱讀測驗 60 分鐘 三篇文章,共 40 題。

Writing 寫作測驗 60 分鐘 需撰寫兩篇作文

Speaking 口試 11-14 分鐘 由口試主考官作一對一口試。


內容大三部分: 1. 自我介紹與一般話題交談。 2. 依據提示卡做個人表述 3.較深入闡述。

考試全程: 2 小時 45 分鐘

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ELC homepage 香港理工大學優點 : 提供聽力模擬試題和解答 , 提示 , 文字檔案 提供聽說讀寫四大類別完善的幫助

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the same as listening part優點 : 引導式的幫助思考並動畫提供可能出現的問題


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IELTS homepage IELTS官方網站

優點 :


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IELTS Exam Preparation優點 : 提供不同主題的閱讀試題

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IELTS 寫作學術組整合表Task 1 Task 2

時間 20 分鐘 40 分鐘寫作長度 至少 150 字 至少 250 字

寫作型式 圖表的描述和比較 申論、表達立場、解決問題

評分範圍 1)回答是否切題2)連貫性及流暢度3)詞彙使用量4)文法運用範圍及其正確性5)字數是否達到要求


段數評分 1)兩部分都必須完成2)Task 2 的分數比重大於 Task 13)從 1 級分 到 9 級分 ( 級分數以 0.5 進位,例: 5 級分 或 6.5 級分 )

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Writing Sample:Task1Bar graph

Line graph

Pie chart


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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

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4 possible types of the academic writing in task 1

1. Organize, present and possibly compare data e.g. money people spend on different forms of entertainment.

2. Describe stages of a procedure or process e.g. the stages of human evolution.

3. Describe on object or event or series of events e.g. How the water cycle works.

4. Explain how something works e.g. How a car engine works.

Reasons for directly penalty The writing is less than the minimum word limit Off-topic and irrelevant response Plagiarism (severe penalty) Incomplete format (e.g. bullet points, or note form etc.)

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The chart shows the division of household tasks by gender in Great Britain. Write a report for a university lecture describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.

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Sample answer: The chart shows the average number of minutes per day men and

women in Great Britain spend on jobs around the house.

In total, men spend just over two-and-a-half hours on household tasks whereas women spend slightly less than four hours. Women spend more than twice as much time doing kitchen tasks such as cooking and washing up as men (74 minutes for women as opposed to 30 minutes for men. Women are also more active in cleaning the house- it takes 58 minutes of their day compared to / with 13 minutes for men - and childcare, where women put in more than twice as much time as men.

On the other hand, men are more active in gardening and pet care, where they spend twice as long as women, and maintenance and DIY, on which they spend 15 minutes more than women. Women account for almost all the time spent on washing and ironing clothes. This takes them 25 minutes, while / whereas men spend just 2 minutes on this task.

Overall the figures show that women spend more time on routine domestic chores than men, while / whereas men do more household maintenance, gardening and pet care.




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Writing Sample: Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Talk about do you agree or disagree with the issue.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

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4 possible types of the academic writing in task 21. Present the solution to a problem1. Present the solution to a problem e.g. You want to persuade someone to study your native language.

What reasons would you give? Support your answer with specific details.

2. Present and justify an opinion2. Present and justify an opinion e.g. Do you think trial by jury should be used in all criminal


3. Compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications3. Compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications e.g. How effective is it to reward good work with extra money?

4. Evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument4. Evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument e.g. ‘Failure shows desire wasn’t strong enough’. To what extent

do you agree?

Reasons for directly penalty Directly copied sentences or phrases from the question The writing is less than the minimum word limit Off-topic and irrelevant response Plagiarism (severe penalty) Incomplete format (e.g. bullet points, or note form etc.)

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steady/steadily approximately stark

dramatically gradually doubly, triply

drastically rapidly relatively

sharply slowly annually

slightly remarkably merely

significantly respectively apparently

considerably evidently incredibly

initially markedly severely

correspondingly exponentially frequently

heavily widely admittedly

smoothly surprisingly

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IELTS Exam Preparation 優點 : 提供作文填空範本和解答

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ELC homepage 香港理工大學

優點 :


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優點 : 提供作文批改和建議

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References IELTS homepage (IELTS官方網站 ) ELC homepage (香港理工大學 ) IELTS Exam Preparation 線上英語自學中心


BRITISH COUNCIL ( 英國文化協會 ) IELTS ( 澳洲國際文教中心 ) IDP IELTS (台灣雅思考試中心 )

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