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Slide 2 Hello my name is Geovana Villa I am a senior at Carl Wunsche Sr. High School in the Veterinary Science pathway. I chose this topic to help bring awareness to dog owners and innovate a fun and understanding lesson plan. After high school I plan to attend Lone Star College-North Harris were I will get my basics. After finishing my basics I plan to attend Texas Women's University where I will major in neonatal nursing. Slide 3 Dogs are being treated more and more as a part of the family. Because of this it becomes more assessable for dogs to consume what they please without the owner knowing it can harm them. Slide 4 Less and less dog owners are aware of what human foods are toxic to their dog therefore unintentionally feeding them something toxic. Slide 5 Toxic: of, pertaining to, affected with, or caused by a toxin or poison Slide 6 Chocolate Grapes and Raisins Xylitol Macadamia Nuts Onions and Garlic Uncooked bread/Yeast Slide 7 Chocolate contains theobromine. Theobromine is a bitter compound that comes from cacao seeds. It is a organic compound of plant origin that produces physiological actions in humans known as methylxanthine. Slide 8 Methylxanthine is much like caffeine in that its similar to its physiological effects but in a much smaller scale. This substance is found in chocolate. Dogs metabolize theobromine much slower than humans which effects the heart, kidneys, and central nervous system. Slide 9 Vomiting Hyperactivity Restlessness Elevated heart rate Elevated blood pressure Abnormal heart rhythm's Hyperthermia Seizures Collapse Slide 10 The reason behind there toxicity is unknown. Slide 11 Vomiting Diarrhea Abnormal drinking Lethargy Dehydration Kidney failure Slide 12 Xylitol is a natural sugar free sweetener found in gum, mints, sugarless candy, toothpaste, oral rinses, and sugar free multivitamins. Xylitol is found in plants that can be supplemented to replace sugar. If consumed it can cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Slide 13 Signs and symptoms that a dog has consumed xylitol include: Vomiting Seizures Lethargy Collapse Weakness Trembling Coma Slide 14 The reason behind macadamia nuts toxicity to dogs is unknown. Slide 15 Signs and symptoms that a dog has consumed macadamia nuts include: Weakness Depression Vomiting Hyperthermia Slide 16 Onions and garlic can cause Heinz body anemia resulting in a breakdown of red blood cells composed of damaged hemoglobin an iron that transports oxygen to the rest of the body. Slide 17 Signs and symptoms that a dog has consumed onions or garlic include: Vomiting Diarrhea Anemia Discolored urine Weakness Liver damage Allergic reaction Slide 18 Uncooked dough rests in the stomach, expands, and causes the stomach to bloat which can lead to gastric dilatation volvulus. (twisted stomach). Unbaked dough (yeast) is fermented which results in carbon dioxide, causing bloat. Slide 19 Alcohol from the fermented yeast is rapidly absorbed in the blood stream resulting in alcohol poisoning. Ingestion of alcohol can cause drops in low blood sugar, blood pressure, and body temperature. Slide 20 Signs and symptoms that a dog has consumed uncooked bread/ dough or yeast include: Drooling Retching Vomiting Extended stomach/twisted stomach Hypotension Hyperthermia Elevated heart rate Weakness Slide 21 Create a comprehensive and innovative lesson plan that will teach young children ages four and up what foods are toxic to their dog. Slide 22 This will help them remember at an early age what toxins are harmful and help keep less dogs in vet clinics. Slide 23 Create a song with a familiar rhythm but changing the lyrics to include what human foods will harm their pet. I will make sure to cover all three different learning styles. Kinesthetic, Auditory, and Visual. Slide 24 Children will memorize this and grow up more knowledge filled about what is toxic to their dog, and what it does to them. Slide 25 Using the same rhythm as the song If you're happy and you know it (a familiar children's song), but changed the lyrics to include the toxins harmful to dogs. This will help them known and memorize what toxins not to feed their dog. Slide 26 Slide 27 "Bread Dough." My Dog Ate. Pet Poison Helpline. Web. 08 Mar. 2012.. "Chocolate." My Dog Ate. Web. 08 Mar. 2012.. Foster, Dr., and Dr. Smith. "Onion and Garlic Toxicity in Dogs and Cats." Web. 8 Mar. 2012. Hansan, Steven R. "Macadamia Nut Toxicosis in Dogs." Toxicocology Brief 1.1 (2002): 1-3. Veterinary Medicine, Apr. 2002. Web. 8 Mar. 2012.. Veterinarians at Pet Poison Helpline. "Pet Owners Beware: Chocolate and Dogs Don't Mix." Pet Poison Helpline., 17 Oct. 2011. Web. 08 Mar. 2012.. "Xylitol." Web. 08 Mar. 2012.. Slide 28 Questions?

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