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Page 1: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

~- Division of the Civilian Volunteer

Medical Reserve Corps Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

(.) NCDMPH National Center for Disaster Medicine & Public Health

Continuing Professional Volunteers’

Education Outside of University

Walls… Skip A. Payne, MSPH, REHS/RS


Program Officer, Training and Support Services

Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps

Office of the Surgeon General

National Center Disaster Medicine & Public Health

January 21st, 2014. 1:00 PM, ET

Tweet @NCDMPH #DisasterLearning

Page 2: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

NCDMPH Nalional Center for Disaster Medicine & Public Health

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

NCDMPH Disclosures

The views expressed in this presentation are

solely those of the presenter and do not reflect

the views of the National Center for Disaster

Medicine and Public Health, the Uniformed

Services University of the Health Sciences, and

the US Department of Defense

Page 3: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency


• LCDR Skip A. Payne

Has no financial interest or relationships to disclose

Page 4: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Non-Standard Disclaimer

The contributions of others in this presentation are easy

to spot. If it is a well thought out and highly cogent point,

which withstands the ramblings of the presenter, then it

probably originated from someone else.

Attempts to provide due credit have been made when


All other points/comments are mine and not the opinion

of the aforementioned contributors.

Page 5: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Attendees will be able to:

Summarize the MRC educational approach for

continuing professional volunteers’ education.

Explain the effects of network topology in determining

the modes/methods of training for the MRC.

Recognize the effects, and subsequently the

requirements, of the varying acquired knowledge of


Explain the concept of “Advise and Link Resources”

used by DCVMRC.

Page 6: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

A Brief MRC Network Overview

Following the 9/11 attacks, thousands of unaffiliated

volunteers showed up to help. The

need for volunteers was also noted

later that year after the Anthrax attacks


• No way to ID or credential

• Not covered under liability laws

• No Incident Command System (ICS)


• No management structure

Page 7: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

MRC Model - No “typical” MRC

All MRC units:

• Provi de an organization structure for utilizing members

• Pre-id entify members

• Verify professional licensure/certification

• Train/prepare

Units var y by:

• Housing organizations – LHD, hospital, CHC, faith-bas ed


• Partner organizations

• Types/number of volunteers

• Local mission/activities - emergency response, public

health , veterinary

Page 8: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Why One Model Would not Work

Communities differ by:

• Population

• Geography

• Community government structure

• Health needs

• Laws and local government


One “size” does not fit all.

Page 9: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Medical Reserve Corps

Overview: • National Network

• Mission to engage volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response and community resiliency

• Operates/utilized LOCALLY

• Affiliates and integrates with existing programs and resources

Page 10: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Division of the Civilian Volunteer

Medical Reserve Corps Overview

The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

Corps (DCVMRC) is:

led by CAPT Robert Tosatto

the program office within the Office of the Surgeon

General that works on behalf of the Medical Reserve

Corps (MRC) Network. We are not the MRC, per se.

Split between “home” office staff, contractors, a

Cooperative Agreement Partner, and regional


Page 11: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

A Different Approach

Federally led, formalized training for distributed networks

cannot possibly take into account all of the discrete factors

found at the local level.

Overcome the limitations of time, staffing, and lack of local


The approach is built upon:

Network Topology



Page 12: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

(a) Random network (b) Scale-free network

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

What type of network are we

dealing with?

HUBS Defined as

units who


innovation and




No preferential attachment Preferential attachment

Page 13: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Command and Control v Advise

and Link Resources

Direct connection required to all units Direct connection required to a select few

Page 14: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency


Was always a premise for building the MRC

Sometimes comes into conflict with Federal mandates

and desires.

It was known

it would become more difficult for us (DCVMRC) to be able

to contact the units individually.

The volunteer nature of the network would require that we

allow local units decide individually concerning Federal


Page 15: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency


Essential due to:

Varying acquired knowledge (academic training) and

accumulated wisdom (experience) of volunteers is infused

across the network

– Even during our obesity epidemic it was found that only

~27% of medical schools meet the required hours set

by the National Academy of Sciences in the field of

nutrition. (Adams, Kohlmeier, & Zeisel, 2010)

– Examples like these can be found in almost all scientific

fields of inquiry.

Lack of standardization

Page 16: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Varying Accumulated Knowledge

of Volunteers

• Medical and public health professionals

– in training

– active practice

– inactive/retired

• Students

– secondary and post secondary

• Other interested individuals

– helping with leadership, communications, administration,

logistics, etc…

Page 17: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

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Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency


Unit Reported Professional

Demographics of Volunteers












10,578 7,929





3,792 1,744


975 2,149

Page 18: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Another Look at Professional

Demographics of Volunteers









Public Health/Medical Non-Public Health/Non-Medical

Page 19: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Growth in the Number of MRC








Page 20: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Danger Ahead!

The Hazard of Over-tweaking

“Upgrading” a network is not always a good thing, and

often people are surprised when it turns out to make things


This phenomenon necessitates the need to monitor

feedback loops to ensure our “helpful actions” do not

cause more problems than they solve.

– a.k.a. Braess’s Paradox- adding an intuitive, and

thought to be helpful, link negatively impacts network

users. (Braess, Nagurney, & Wakolbinger, 2005)

Page 21: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Distributed Learning Platform

(MRC-TRAIN Concept) Explanation

Leveraging potential for total volunteer engagement.

DCVMRC offered training

Only offered on the most generic of topics, such as MRC


Psychological First Aid (with partner)

Partner offered Training

Affiliate-TRAIN example

Local Training Plan example

Generally offered Training

FEMA/Federal Training

System is free for users and course providers.

Page 22: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

s. Title Type Sponsor/Offerer Format Rating

Requi red CORE

Trainings ( Section no reviews Required)

IS-22 Are You Ready? Federal Emergency Management Web-based Training -'ktd: An In-Depth Guide to Agency (FEMA)IEmergency Self-study 90 reviews

Citizen Preparedness Management Institute (EMI)

Psychological First Aid: MRC Program Office in partnership

The Role of MRC with the National Association of Webstream/Archived'k t: Volunteers in Disaster County and City Health Officials Webcast 6 reviews

Response (NACCHO)

IS-100.b- Introduction Federal Emergency Management Web-based Training - ~

to Incident Command Agency (FEMA) Self-study 180 reviews

System - 1024627

IS-700.a: Introduction to Federal Emergency Management

the National Incident Web-based Training - t<trtrl1 Management System

Agency (FEMA) / Emergency Self-study 204 reviews

(NIMS) Management Institute (EMI)

Advanced Trainings no reviews

(One Course Required)

Chem Rad Bio: Columbia University, National Web-based Training -

Fundamentals for the 1 reviews Public HeaHh Workforce

Center Self-study

IS-200.b - ICS for Single Federal Emergency Management Web-based Training - t<trtrl1 Resources and Initial Agency (FEMA) Self-study 101 reviews

Action Incidents - 1024638

IS--800.B National Federal Emergency Management Web-based Training - t<trtrl1 Response Framework, An Agency (FEMA)/Emergency Self-study 79 reviews

Introduction - 1011882 Management Institute (EMI)

20 rows per page---=a Filler • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P a R S T U V W X Y Z ~ Displaying page 1 of 1, items from 1 to 9 of

Add to My Training Plan

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Training Plan Example

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; ~ reserve corps

MrdlcaJ Resnvc CC11'P9 Wdeome Skip' I My Account I LogoH

Monday, Septef'l'1bef 16, 101]

Ill C1tendar Competency Assessment Resources OtscussJons Library Help Admm1strauon I ~d .. eourse ,o


Tip: To sort Ille uanscnpt by column. dicl< Ille lltle-text of lhet column

Clic:tc on course lltle to view course cle!MS


Communication Dunng c,- TIie ROie of

- Dunng Publlt Htaltll Erner-IJ!ptoad Extemol Ctrtificat!..J

CDC Boocenonsm Update 5-Pfepar-

~ Eitemal Ctlllfic:ai!.J Smallpo.< Prepar-. Consldtla:.ons 10< Response T tam VolunlttrS

I Upload External Ct<IJftcate J f'nnal)les of El)ldefnlOIOgy 310 Eelollon (S<III-

Study) - SS 1000

[Q_i,toa<I External Ctr1dlca!!..J IS-100 1n~ocludion to Ille lnaclenl Co,,vnanO

System Tnls course Is prereciulslte for. HazMal and WMO A-tMSS Tra,n,ng • Funcllonaf E>t<ases NIMS IS 300 Tra"""9 -., County Quzen·s CD<PS CERT Tra,n,ng 5essaon R89J$10ftd

Manualy IJ!.-s:J Entered

I Rl\'ltws_j Manuaty Enttred

I R.-S I Manualy Entered

I Reviews J 12/7/2005

2 -1010039 • October 15 2007---; [ Rl\'ltws J 6125/2007 Alon COUnty Cililen·s CD<PS. CERT Traonong. Sission 3 • Scolts... KY, 1010112 -.i County Rescue 5qua<l . WobEOC lnstnlCIIO<lal Wortahop • 10175~ • June 10 200!I -Rlc!Vnon4

I lJOIOa(I external Ctltdlcat• 1

IS-1 Em«oency __. An 0ne,ut,on to Ille

Pos.c.on ~------~ I R.-S j 6125/2007

Ccmploltd Fonnat Pr• Assessment -·

12/3/2002 l/ldeotape NIA

12r.il2002 W~=Arc:IWed NIA

12/20/2002 Wol>cast (on

NIA Cle-)


12/7/2005 (pmland

NIA eledromc based)

WOl>-baSe<I 6125/2007 Training • setl· NIA


WOl>-baSe<I 6125/2007 Tranng • setl· NIA


Final -· NIA











100~ CEUICE 1


I Add Traonlngtlnder CoUlse J

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

Many Course Providers,

One Transcript

Page 24: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency

MRC-TRAIN Reporting

Reports can be run at the:

Unit Leader Level

The State Level

The Regional Level

The National Level

Reports provide the necessary feedback loop we need to

Leverage federal training opportunities

Maximize partner engagement

Provide needed standardization of training to the network

(were indicated).

Page 25: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

medico~; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency


The MRC educational approach for Continuing

professional volunteers’ education.

The effects of network topology in determining the

modes/methods of training for the MRC.

The effects, and subsequent requirements, of the

varying acquired knowledge of volunteers.

The concept of “Advise and Link Resources” used by


Page 26: ~-Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps · Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Overview The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve

; ~ reserve corps

Engaging volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response, and community resiliency


Adams, K. M., Kohlmeier, M., & Zeisel, S. H. (2010).

Nutrition education in U.S. medical schools: latest

update of a national survey. Academic Medicine: Journal

of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 85(9),

1537–1542. doi:10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181eab71b

Braess, D., Nagurney, A., & Wakolbinger, T., (2005) On

a Paradox of Traffic Planning Transportation Science,

Vol. 39, pp. 446-450

Castillo, C. (2004). Effective Web Crawling. Retrieved on

December 19, 2008 from


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