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Page 1: بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Prepared by: Dr. Abdul Hakim


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Page 3: بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Prophets Masjid’s Out Side Shaded Area

Feb.6, 2012


Page 4: بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Prophet (s) Masjid, Madinah

Feb.6th, 2012


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Prophets Masjid / Masjid Al Nabawi

Feb.6th, 2012


Jibreel Gate Salam Gate

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Feb.6th, 2012

The Prophet ’s Masjid was the first institution was built in 622 AD, in city Yathrib, which is known as Madinah. Surrounded by the shops and all kinds of merchants, the new Masjid became the political and the economical as well as the spiritual nucleus of the city.

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Bangladeshi brothers (standing) work (clean) Prophets (S) Masjid. They are doing this job for the last 5 yrs. (their statement). Besides cleaning they have an opportunity to perform daily congregation prayer. Just one time congregation prayer they can get reward of 27,000 prayer, one day 5 times prayer they can get reward of 135,000 prayer in any other Masjid except Masjid Al-Haram. So think about their reward, if they prayed 5 yrs over there how much reward they can achieved? Even though their salary is not handsome, but they have golden opportunity to serve the best place (Prophets Masjid) on the earth and also earns tremendous reward through performing daily congregation prayer (Namaj / Salat). May Allah (SWT) accept their service and prayer. Ameen

Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (S) said, “A prayer in Masjid of mine is 1000 times greater than a prayer in

other than it, except for the Masjid al-Haram.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

From BD,Mymenhingh From BD,


Feb.6th, 2012

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During Prophet (S) timeHazrat Bilal (RA) was calling Azan from there

Feb.6th, 2012

Sayidina Bilal (RA) was an Abyssinian slave, released by Abu Bakr (RA). He was the first Muzain in Islam [(appointed by Prophet (S)] and continued his Azan as long as Prophet (S) was alive. After the death of Prophet (S), Billal (RA) was so shocked , felt pain in his heart and unable to continue Azan. Once Billal (RA) stood on Minar for Azan,when he reached “Ash-hadu anna Muhammadur Rasulallah”, he broke down and could not continue. Finally Bilal (RA) left Madinah, went to Syria (Damascus) and spent the rest of his life over there.

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Pillar, Wafood\Envoys

Pillar, Hars\Guard

Pillar Sareer\Itikaf

1 2 3


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6. Pillar, Abi Lubabah 7. Pillar, Guardians 4. Pillar, Aa'ishah 5. Pillar, Delegations





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1. Ustuwaana Mukhallaq: This is also called the Ustuwaana Han'nanah; the weeping pillar. This is the most blessed of these pillars for this was Prophet (S) place for Salaah.

2. Ustuwaana Aa'isha (RA): This is also called the Ustuwaana Muhaajereen, because originally the Muhaajereen used to sit near this spot. Prophet (S) used to say his prayers here and afterwards moved to the place at Ustuwaana Mukhallaq (no. 1).

3. Ustuwaana Tawbah: Abu Lubabah (r.a) was one of the famous Sahaaba. During the battle against the Banu Quraiza, while the Muslims were surrounding them, he became impatient and as a result of which he wanted to throw down his arms. Before Islam, he had much dealings with the jews of Banu Quraiza. Now after the Jews had acted treacherously against the Muslim; the Jews called on him what Prophet ( S) intended to do against them for their treachery when he reached them they all began wailing and crying. He was affected by this and he indicated towards his throat suggesting that they would be killed. Thereafter having done that he became so grieved at this indiscretion that he could not rest. He thereupon came to the mosque and here at this spot where a date-tree used to stand, he bound himself to the trunk saying. "as long as my repentance is not accepted by Allah, I shall not untie myself form here. And Prophet (S) himself must undo my bonds." when Prophet (S), heard this he said : "if he had come to me I would have begged forgiveness on his behalf. Now he had acted on his own initiative ; so how can I untie him until such a time that his repentance has been accepted.'For many days he remained tied there, expect for Salaah and for the call of nature. At such times his wife and daughter used to untie him and then again tied him to the tree. He remained without food or drink ! As a result of which his sight and hearing were effected. Then after a few days one morning while Rasulullah was in tahajjud prayers in the house of Hadhrat Umme Salama (r.a). He received the good news that his tawbah had been accepted. The Sahaaba (r.a) conveyed the news to him, and wanted to untie him : but he refused , saying : "as long as the Prophet (S) does not untie me with his blessed hands, I shall not allow anyone else to do so." when Prophet (S) entered for fajr Salah he untied him.


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4. Ustuwaana Sareer: Sareer means sleeping place. It is reported that Prophet (S) used to make iitikaf here and sleep during his iitikaf period. A platform of wood used to be put here for him to sleep on.

5. Ustuwaana: Ustuwaana Mah'ras or hars. Hars means to watch or protect. This used to be the place where some of the companion (RA) used to sit when keeping watch or acting as gate keepers. Ali (RA) used to be the one who mostly ustuwaana Ali (RA). When Prophet (S) entered the Masjid from the door of Aa'isha (RA)’s room, He (S) passed this spot.

6. Ustuwaana Wufood : Wufood means delegations. Whenever deputations arrived to meet Prophet (S) on behalf of their tribes, they were seated here and He (S) used to be conversed with them.

7. Ustuwaana Tahajjud: It is reported that this was the spot where late at night a carpet was spread for Prophet (S) to perform tahajjud prayers.


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Ashab al-Suffa

Feb.6th, 2012

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Some companions of the Prophet(S) lived in one adjacent side of Masjid Al Nabawi. They dedicated themselves wholly to serve Islam. They spent all their time in learning Islam with all its subtleties, listening to the Prophet(S) and communicating to others what they learnt and heard. They lived in the long, narrow chamber affixed to the Masjid and were therefore called Ashab al-Suffa, the Companions of the Suffa.


The number of students sometimes reached 400 together with the non-residing people, among whom were the well-known companions such as Talha ibn Ubaydullah (RA), Abu Said al-Hudri (RA), Abu Hurayra (RA), Abu Zar al-Gifari (RA), Bilal al-Habashi (RA), Abdullah ibn Umar (RA), Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud (RA) and Bara ibn Malik (RA).

Not having a stable income due to their devotion to the scholarly life, those members of Ashab al-Suffa without enough physical stamina did limited work such as woodcutting and carrying water to supply their needs. They did not ask for anything from anybody even when they were in need due to their modesty and dignity. On the other hand, the Prophet (S) personally took care of their livelihood and set apart a large percentage of the goods coming to the public treasury (Bayt al-Mal) and to him. The Companions supported this house of science and wisdom by means of the Prophet(S)’s encouragement and they supported the Suffa Companions by inviting them to their homes as guests and offering them food.

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The original Masjid was built by Prophet (S) next to his house in 622 AD an open-air building with a raised platform for the reading of the Quran. It was a rectangular enclosure of 30 × 35 m (98 × 115 ft), built with palm trunks and mud walls, and accessed through three doors: Bab Rahmah (Door of Mercy) to the south, Bab Jibril (Door of Gabriel) to the west and Bab al-Nisa' (Door of the Women) to the east. Inside, Prophet (S) created a shaded area to the south called the suffah and aligned the prayer space facing north towards Jerusalem. When the Qibla (prayer direction) was changed to face the Kaba in Mecca, the Masjid was re-oriented to the south. Seven years later (629 AD/7 AH), the mosque was doubled in size to accommodate the increasing number of Muslims. Ref:

Prophet’s Masjid,now a days is the most beautiful Masjid in the World, but His (S) time it was mud walls and palm leaf roof

Feb.6th, 2012

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Feb.6th, 2012