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Page 2: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 1596 2557

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21 May 2414

H. E. PRASAS PRASASVINITCHAIAmbassador Extraordinary and PlenrpotentraryThe Royal Thai Embassy107 Rada Street, Legaspi VillageMakatr City


Subiect: Invitation to Send Nominations for the ASEAN Champigns of Biodiversitv

The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) invites nominations for the ASEAN Champions ofBiodrversity from indrviduals or groups from the youth, media, and business sectors who havemade significant contributions to the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversrtyrn the ASEAN region

Deadline for receipt of nominatrons is on 30 June 2014. The nomination form may be frlled outat www champrons aseanbrodrversrtv org

Persons may nominate themselves, lheir own organizations, or a third party whom they believeshould receive recognition. All nominations must be supported by three referees. Pressclipprngs, testrmonrals and photographs may be sent to support the nomination. Please do notsend books, videos etc Short-listed applicants will be contacted for further suppoftinginformation.

Supported by the GIZ through the Biodiversity and Climate Change Project (BCCP), theASEAN Champions of Biodiversity, now on its second staging, is a recognilion programme foroutstanding projects on biodiversity conservation and advocacy rn Brunei Darussalam,Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysra, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand andViet Nam. The award is aimed at generating greater leadership, public and media awarenessof the problems facing the regron's rich but highly threatened biodiversity.

The nSEAN Champion for Brodiversity has three categories: Most Outstanding EiodiversrtyConservation Prolect by an individual or corporation in the business sector, Most OutstandingBiodiversity Reportage by a media practitioner or a media organization; and Most OutstandingBiodrversity Conservation and/or Advocacy Project by a young person or a youth organization.

We would like to seek your help in:

1 Encouragtng your government to nominate qualified members of the private, youth. andrrreuia seciors, and

2 Promoting the ASEAN Champions of Biodiversity project to key sectors in your country

AsLA'U Crr\!T{t[5Bt$0fvER$lTY

ASEAN Centre lor Biadiversrtv3lf ERDB Burrding. Forastry Campue Unrversrty of the Pnrtrpprnes Los Eanos

College, Laguna 403'l , PhilippinesTaiephon./Frx. *6!ri9 516-2E63 r "63b9 516-lOLl*


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Page 3: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 1596 2557

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With this are posters whrch you may post on your bulletin board or distribute to your contacts.

Should you have questions, please feel free to get in touch with us at

champions@aseanbiodiversdV org

We thank you for your continued support to the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity.

Truly yours,

INCIONGunication and Public Affairs

Crccadc on 6iodherstt.l

ASEAN Csntre lor BiodivorsitY3tF EROB Buidrng. Forsslry Carrpur, Univenity o, the Philippines Los Banos

Collcar. Laguna 4031, PhilippinesTe,rplpn./F.r: .6319 536-2865 / .61&9 516'lol.L

Page 4: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 1596 2557

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Page 5: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 1596 2557

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CATEGORIESThree awards will be given:

Business SectorMost Outstand i ng Biodivercity,Conservation Project by an Individualor Institution in the Business Sector

Media SectorMost Outstand i ng BiodiversityReportage by a JournalisVBroadcaster or a Media Organization

Youth SectorMost Outstanding BiodiversityConservation Project by a YoungPerson or a Youth Organization

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