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Page 1: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,



Page 2: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?

2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts, literature, ideology and education in ancient China?

3. Do you know the Ten Celestial Stems and the Twelve Terrestrial Branches? How did the ancient Chinese mark years, months, days and hours?

Page 3: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Peking Ape Man: the first user of natural fire

The Upper Cave Man: first invented artificial fire

Hemudu ( 河姆渡 ) People: first mastered the skill of well-drilling

Banpo Man ( 半坡人 ): first produced arrow, fish hook with agnail( 倒拉刺 ) and fish fork, and first knew how to spin( 纺织 )

Page 4: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Xia Calendar ( 《夏历》 ): China’s first calendar “the inscriptions on animal bones or tortoise

shells” ( 甲骨文 ) Book of Odes or Classic of Poetry ( 《诗经》 ): the

first sun eclipse record with exact date in China The Spring and Autumn Annals ( 《春秋》 ): the

Halley’s Comet Gan and Shi’s Classic of the Constellations ( 《甘

石星经》 ) Zhang Heng (  张衡, 78-139): invented the world’s

first water-powered armillary sphere ( 浑天仪 ) and seismometer ( 地动仪 )

Zhang Sui ( 张遂 , also named Monk Yixing 一行 , 673-727): Dayan Calendar ( 《大衍历》 )

Page 5: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Lu Yu ( 陆羽 ): the Tang Dynasty, “the Saint of Tea”, The Classic of Tea ( 《茶经》 )

Page 6: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Shen Kuo ( 沈括 ) : the Song Dynasty, Dream Pool Essays

《梦溪笔谈》 , “the milestone in China’s science history”. Guo Shoujing ( 郭守敬 ): the Yuan Dynasty, Shoushi

Calendar ( 《授时历》 ) Song Yingxing ( 宋应星 ), the late Ming Dynasty,

Exploitation of the Works of Nature

《天工开物》 , “encyclopedia of technology in the 17th century”.

Counting and time-keeping devices: shadow clock or sundial ( 日晷 ), water clock clepsydra ( 滴漏 ), hourglass ( 沙漏 )

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Four greatest inventions: paper-making Compass first made in Qin dynasty Gunpower invented in the Sui Dynasty and used in

wars in the Northern Song Dynasty Printing

Page 8: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Hua Tuo ( 华佗 )“the Divine Doctor”, “cannabis boil

powder” ( 麻沸散 ) and“the frolics of the five animals” ( 五禽戏 )

the Ming Dynasty: Li Shizhen ( 李时珍 ), The Category of Herbs

Page 9: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Cangjie ( 仓颉 ) invented characters

the pictographic characters ( 象形文字 ) → the large seal style ( 大篆 ) → the small seal script ( 小篆 ) → official script, grass script ( 草书 ) running script ( 行书 ) → regular script ( 楷书 )

Page 10: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,
Page 11: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Wang Xizhi-”the sage of Calligraphy” The Prelude of the Orchid Pavilion

2.3 PAINTINGS the Song Dynasty: Zhang Zeduan ( 张择端 ),

Along the River during Qingming Festival ( 《清明上河图》 )

the Ming Dynasty: “the four greatest artists in the Ming Dynasty”

Page 12: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period: Classics of Poetry , Feng , Ya , Song

the Warring States Period: Qu Yuan ( 屈原), “Chu Ci Style” ( 楚辞体 ), Chu Ci ( 《楚辞》 ), Li Sao ( 《离骚 ), the Dragon Boat Festival ( 端午节 )

the Han Dynast: “Han Fu ( 汉赋 ) ” and “yuefu ( 乐府 )” the Tang Dynasty: The Complete Tang Poems ( 《唐诗

全集》 ). Li Bai ( 李白 ) “the Fairy of Poem” Du Fu ( 杜甫 ) “the Sage of Poem” Bai Juyi ( 白居易 )

Page 13: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


the four greatest classical novels Luo Guanzhong ( 罗贯中 ): The Romance of the

Three Kingdoms ( 《三国演义》 ) Shi Nai’an ( 施耐庵 ): Outlaws of the Marsh ( 《水

浒传》 ), Wu Cheng’en ( 吴承恩 ): The Journey to the

West ( 《西游记》 ) Cao Xueqin ( 曹雪芹 ): Dream of the Red

Mansion ( 《红楼梦》 )

Page 14: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Confucianism Kong Qiu ( 孔丘 ) in the Spring and Autumn Period, “Sage of

Literature” social philosophy: the concept of “ren”, “compassion” or

“loving others” and “the golden mean ( 中庸 )” politics: self-discipline, Three Bonds and Five Relationships Education: the way of teaching should be chosen according to

student’s different aptitudes Analects of Confucius ( 《论語》 )

Mencius or Mengzi ( 孟子 ): “people-based thought”

Page 15: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Taoism Laozi ( 老子 ):Taoist Classics ( 《道德经》 ), “

compassion, moderation, and humility”, “health, longevity, immortality, non-action ( 无为 ) and spontaneity” , a religious sect during the Southern and Northern Dynasties

Zhuangzi or Zhuang Zhou ( 庄周 ): in the Warring States Period, Zhuangzi ( 《庄子》 )

Page 16: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


The Sui Dynasty: began the Ming and Qing Dynasties: improved The last imperial exam: in 1904, Liu

Chunlin ( 刘春霖 ), “Zhuangyuan”: “the first one (in the rank) of the last one (in the imperial examination)”

In 1905: abolished

Page 17: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


county-level exam (院试 ) each year Shengyuan (生员 ) or Xiucai (秀才 ) Anshou (案首 ): Title of the No.1 provincial-level exam (乡试 ) every three years Juren (举人 ) Jieyuan (解元 ): Title of the No.1 capital exam (会试 ) every three years Gongshi (贡士 ) Huiyuan (会元 ): Title of the No.1 interview by the emperor (殿试 ) / Jinshi (进士 ) examination Jinshi (进士 ) Three Classes (三甲 ) Jinshi Jidi (进士及第 ): Zhuangyuan (状元 ) Bangyan (榜眼 ) Tanhua (探花 )

Jinshi Chushen (进士出身 ) Tong Jinshi Chushen (同进士出身 )

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the Ming and Qing Dynasties Zhu Xi ( 朱熹 ): Four Books: Great Learning ( 《大学》 ),

Doctrine of the Mean ( 《中庸》 ), Analects of Confucius ( 《论语》 ) and Mencius ( 《孟子》 ),

Five Classics: Classic of Changes ( 《易经》 ), Classic of Poetry ( 《诗经》 ), Classic of Rites ( 《礼记》 ), Classic of History ( 《书经》 ) and Spring and Autumn Annals ( 《春秋》 )

Page 19: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,

6.1 CALENDAR AND CHRONOLOGY( 年表 ) the sexagesimal( 以六十为单位的 )cycle the Ten Celestial Stems ( 天干 ): jia 甲 , yi 乙 , bing 丙 ,

ding 丁 , wu 戊 , ji 己 , geng 庚 , xin 辛 , ren 壬 and gui癸

the Twelve Terrestrial Branches ( 地支 ): zi 子 , chou 丑 , yin 寅 , mao 卯 , chen 辰 ,si 巳 , wu 午 , wei 未 , shen 申 , you 酉 , xu 戌 and hai 亥

the Yin (-) and Yang (+) of the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Mental and Water

the Twelve Lunar Animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar

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Slow Cold Dry Female Fast Male High

High Low Hard Wet Warm Fast Soft

Page 21: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


The Five Elements of Yin and Yang

Page 22: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


The Eight Diagrams

Page 23: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,

6.1 CALENDAR AND CHRONOLOGY The 24 Solar Terms of Spring ( 立春 ): February 3~52 Rain Water ( 雨水 ): February 18~20 Waking of Insects ( 惊蛰 ): March 5~7 Spring Equinox ( 春分 ): March 20~21 Pure Brightness ( 清明 ): April 4~6 Grain Rain ( 谷雨 ): April 19~21 Beginning of Summer ( 立夏 ): May 5~7 Grain Full ( 小满 ): May 20~22 Grain in Ear ( 芒种 ): June 5~7 Summer Solstice ( 夏至 ): June 21~22 Slight Heat ( 小暑 ): July 6~8

Page 24: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,

6.1 CALENDAR AND CHRONOLOGY Great Heat ( 大暑 ): July 22~24 Beginning of Autumn ( 立秋 ): August 7~9 Limit of Heat ( 处暑 ):August 22~2415 White Dew ( 白露 ): September 7~9 Autumn Equinox ( 秋分 ): September 22~24 Cold Dew ( 寒露 ): October 8~9 Frost’s Descent ( 霜降 ): October 23~24 Beginning of Winter ( 立冬 ): November 7~8 Slight Snow ( 小雪 ): November 22~23 Great Snow ( 大雪 ): December 6~8 Winter Solstice ( 冬至 ): December 21~23 Slight Cold ( 小寒 ): January 5~7 Great Cold ( 大寒 ): January 20~21

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“emperor” or “sovereign” “hou” ( 后 ) or “wang” ( 王 , king) “tianzi” ( 天子 ) and “hou” ( 后 ) Emperor, “huangshang” ( 皇上 ), “bixia” ( 陛下 ,

his/her majesty), “tianjia” ( 天家 ), “wansui” ( 万岁 ), “wansuiye” ( 万岁爷 ), “tianzi”, ( 天子 ), “shengren” ( 圣人 ), “zhizun” ( 至尊 ), “dajia” ( 大家 ), “guojia” ( 国家 )

“gu” ( 孤 ), “gujia” ( 孤家 ), “guaren” ( 寡人 ), “zhen” ( 朕 )

Page 26: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


posthumous name ( 谥号 ) Praise: cheng 成 , hui 惠 , jing 景 , kang 康 , lie 烈 , mu 穆 , wen 文 ,

wu 武 , ying 英 , zhao 昭 Dispraise: li 厉 , ling 灵 , yang 炀 , you 幽 Sympathy: ai 哀 , dao 悼 , huai 怀 , min 愍 temple name (庙号 ) with a character label “zong” (宗 ) or “zu” (祖 ) honorific titles (尊号 ) praise their achievements full name three parts: the temple name, the personal name or honorific

title, and the posthumous name reign motto (年号 ) mausoleum name indicate the name of the place, or show respect or


Page 27: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,



Temple name Personal name/honorific( 尊敬的 ) title Posthumous( 死后的 )name 高宗纯皇帝

Page 28: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,

6.2.2 TITLES OF THE ROYAL MEMBERS the dethroned emperor or the father and the mother

of the emperor: “Taishanghuang” ( 太上皇 ) and “Huangtaihou” ( 皇太后 )

the wives of the emperor: “Huanghou” ( 皇后 ), “Guipin” ( 贵嫔 ), “Guifei” ( 贵妃 ), “Zhaoyi” ( 昭仪 ), “Jieyu” (婕妤 ), “Guiren” ( 贵人 ), “Cairen” (才人 ), “Meiren” (美人 )

the emperor’s sons: “Huangzi” ( 皇子 ) and “Taizi” ( 太子 )

the princess: “Zhanggongzhu” (长公主 ) and “Dazhanggongzhu” ( 大长公主 ) , “Gege” (格格 )

the emperor’s son-in-law: “Fuma” (驸马 ), “efu”

Page 29: 1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?  2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine, arts,


Naming taboo the naming taboo of the state ( 国讳 ) the naming taboo of the clan ( 家讳 ) the holinesses ( 圣人讳 )

observe the naming taboos 1) Leaving the character as a blank 2) Changing the character into another one

which was usually a synonym or sounded like the character being avoided

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