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CODE - EN6307 You dream, We educate. TM PROSPECTUS DHOLE PATIL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING T>m{b{[mQ>rbAo^`m§oÍmH$r_hmodÚmb` Approved by AICTE New Delhi, Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune university

You dream, We educate.

Dec 18, 2021



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Page 1: You dream, We educate.

CODE - EN6307

You dream, We educate.




T>m{b{�[mQ>rb�Ao^`m§oÍmH$r�_hmodÚmb`Approved by AICTE New Delhi, Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune university

Page 2: You dream, We educate.

To emerge as a leading institute with national recognition, where value based

technical education and research are emphasized to transform students into

professionally complete and socially sensitized engineers .


DPCOE has adopted the traditional ‘Guru-Shishya’ methodology;that nurtures students and creates in them the ambition to reach on the top.


To offer contemporary education programs with focus on societal equity and access,

laying down strong foundations in learning.To empower and motivate faculty towards building their domain expertise in

technology and management verticals.To establish and nurture associations with industry and elite institutions towards

outcome oriented R & D initiatives.To groom all round personality of students towards leadership, self employability and

life long learning.To develop a multi-disciplinary R & D center, where in facilities and resources are

shared for well being of society.


NAAC Certicate

Page 3: You dream, We educate.

Approved by AICTE New Delhi 1

Shri Sagar U Dhole Pa�lChairman, DPES

“Educa�on is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela These words imitate the vision at Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering, pune which propels our pursuit for providing our students with a pla�orm to achieve their dreams. The founda�on of Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering is the result of the exper�se developed over 10 years' quest for excellence by Dhole Pa�l Educa�onal Society and marks another step in the direc�on of shaping these myriad hued dreams and turning them into achievable reality. At DPCOE, We emphasize on helping our students develop as sensi�ve and educated individuals who can make an op�mis�c change in society. We provide our students with facili�es to give them a world class educa�onal experience. Our college mo�vates them to excel in their chosen fields under the guidance of our commi�ed facul�es. Our vision at DPCOE is not only to convey informa�on but to make learning a pleasant

experience which will help our students to shine in each and every aspect of life. Educa�on here is the accre�on of our top ideals in the hope that it can become a medium to serve our na�on by developing a highly educated, well-organized and ethical pool of human resource. It is our endeavor to impart educa�on which enhances the personality of our students, giving them the strength of character and intellect, which make them reliable and teaches them to be self-sufficient in this extremely compe��ve world. Our objec�ve is not only to simply educate, but also to inculcate integrity, honesty, values and capability for hard work. At DPCOE our vision is to help our students realize their dreams and to send them forth into the world, as confident individuals chasing their goals. The portals of DPCOE welcome you to become a part of an incredible journey where we encourage you to spread your wings and soar, as you follow your dreams and turn them into reality.

Chairman's Message

Page 4: You dream, We educate.

“Learning gives crea�vity, crea�vity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great”- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering has its roots lying deep in the quality educa�on prac�ces that prepare each student with broad outlooks for the futuris�c world. Today, educa�on is not restricted to course textbooks and prac�cal implementa�ons but it is a step ahead. Educa�on is an achievement of skills and knowledge, building the character and refining the employability of our young talent, the future leads. We, at DPCOE, make conscious endeavors not only to educate the students but also to inculcate integrity, honesty, values and capability for hard work; as our vision and mission is to help our students, understand their dreams and to send them forth into the world as confident and successful entrepreneurs following their dreams.DPCOE welcomes you to become a part of an incredible journey where we encourage you to spread your wings and soar, as you follow your dreams and turn them into reality.Because we believe in “You dream, we educate….”


Smt. Uma Sagar Dhole Pa�lSecretary, DPES

Dr. Nihar WalimbePrincipal

Secretary's Message

We have been in the field of educa�on for past a decade and all this while I have had a dream. A dream of pu�ng together an authen�c, vibrant and reliable ins�tute in a region which is situated in the Surrounding of IT hub, Pune. I experience a feeling of great sa�sfac�on as being a part of DPCOE with a belief that we are crea�ng an educa�onal hub which would not only provide opportuni�es to the talented students of Maharashtra , Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka but would also a�ract the finest talents of U�ar Pradesh, U�arakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and overseas too. We started our college with a vision of providing quality educa�on to rural and urban youths. Well-designed infrastructure, world class engineering laboratories, focus on quality educa�on and industry interac�on, boos�ng academic performances through ins�tute scholarships, keen interest in research, inves�ng in faculty development and con�nuous improvements are the hallmarks of engineering at our ins�tute. At DPCOE, we provide a conduc�ve environment for young engineers where they can be crea�ve, learn to solve problems and express themselves. We have also shown remarkable presence among local community through NSS and targeted programmes for women empowerment. Our aim is to develop a culture of excellence whatever we do by accomplishing a high level of trust, pride and companionship. I am sure that we will achieve our mission with the coopera�on and teamwork of every member of DPES.

Page 5: You dream, We educate.

MOU between DPES and COEP

Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Puneis now a Mentee Institute of

College Of Engineering, Pune (COEP)Under

AICTE- Margdarshan Scheme


Mr. Sagar Dhole Pa�l, Chairman DPCOE with Dr. Ahuja, Director, COEP Pune

Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering, Pune (DPCOE) is now recognized as a Mentee Ins�tute of College of Engineering Pune (COEP) under AICTE- Margdarshan scheme This rela�onship encompasses collabora�ve R & D projects, Knowledge Sharing, Faculty Exchange and mentoring

Centre’s of Excellence:

Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra DTE 3

D P C O E h a s e s t a b l i s h e d * e R o b o � c s * ( t r a i n e d b y

eYantra Lab, IIT BOMBAY) for inter disciplinary ac�vi�es for

technology enhancement. DPCOE has developed Moodle Learning Management System for

teachers and students to create online courses for adap�ve and

customized learning. Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering is designated as Nodal Center for

Virtual lab facility for the year 2019. Virtual Labs is a project

ini�ated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development

(MHRD), Government of India, under the Na�onal Mission on

Educa�on through Informa�on and Communica�on Technology


Page 6: You dream, We educate.


About College

Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering (DPCOE) is one of the leading Engineering and Management

Colleges situated in the surroundings of IT hub Pune, Maharashtra, India. DPCOE was founded in 2008

with the objec�ve of providing quality technical educa�on of interna�onal standards and to help

students to inculcate integrity, honesty, values, skills and knowledge.

Young and dynamic chairman of DPCOE, Shri Sagar Dhole Pa�l, a visionary entrepreneur and

sportsman founded DPCOE with a mo�o of “You dream, we educate”. He is backed by rich history and

social development ac�vi�es of the Dhole Pa�l family. Today, the ins�tu�on is at the forefront of

educa�on including academics, sports and social ac�vi�es among the other engineering colleges in Pune.

DPCOE has well defined infrastructure, technical support and facili�es comparable to the best in the


The dedicated administra�on and facul�es of DPCOE are commi�ed towards fulfilling the mo�o and impart quality educa�on with innova�ve teaching methods. Moreover, DPCOE meets global compe��on by delivering:

Con�nuous improvements of facili�es and facul�es at par with global standards.Upgrading of research facili�es .Professional training for students to make them world class and socially responsible ci�zens.Crea�ng centers of excellence with state-of-art facili�es in all branches of engineering.

Page 7: You dream, We educate.


Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University 5

HIGHLIGHTS1. Loca�on – Among the best loca�on in Pune and surrounded by one of the best IT hub EON IT Park and

World Trade centre.

2. 100% Placement Assistance- Guaranteed training & placement assistance to our students.

3. Focus on Academics – A strong focus on academics with advanced infrastructure and facili�es.

4. Crea�ng Successful Entrepreneurs – Equipping students with knowledge to become successful

professionals & Entrepreneurs.

5. Partnership for students conveniences-

C osmos Bank for special educa�on loans.

Ruby Hall clinic to offer medical treatment to students.

Kapila business hotel to offer discounted accommoda�on and transport for students and parents.

6. Tie-ups with Foreign universi�es of Germany for higher educa�on.

7. Special Scholarships for UG & PG Courses.


The college stood among

the top 9 teams

in the national robotics contest,

Robocon 2013

ROBOCON-2013..Ranked second runner-up in

national Go Karting event

organized by S.A.E. & L.P.U. Punjab

& 3rd Runner Up in AIRC

Go Karting Event..

Finalist in PurushottamKarandak

The college emerged among the top six finalists in this year's

PurushottamKarandak, a prestigious inter-college


SportsDPOCOE was awarded the Best Debut

Team and Best Actor awards at FirodiyaKarandak in 2013

Firodiya KarandakStudy tours of prestigious

industries such as Kingfisher, Bisleri, Mercedes Benz,

etc conducted

Study Tours

st1 Rank in National Level

FMAE FFS 2018 th 7 Rank in Nation Level

SAE Supra 2017

Student F-3 Car DesignCompetition

Dhole Patil College of Engineering is

awarded “Rotary Professional Excellence

Award – Best College Award in Education

(Urban)” by Rotary Club, Pune on 20th

January, 2019.

Awarded “Excellence In Education–

Engineering” by Times Pune Visionaries

2018 (A Times Group Initiative).

DPCOE Students are selected in

National Level Cricket, Football etc. team.

Our Achievements

College has been graded “A+” with 3.38CGPA in the 1st Cycle


Ranked 54th in the list of India’s Top 100 Private engineering Institute Rankings 2019 !

Page 8: You dream, We educate.

COURSESEligibility : As per norms of ARA, Govt of Maharashtra and Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Fees Structure for the year 2019- 2020

Sr.No. Type of fees Category






Tu�on fees


Total (Rs.)















University fees, Insurance, Deposit, Uniform, etc. as applicable.Interim fees and development fees proposal finalized by Shikshan Shulk Sami�.













Course Code Intake

Course Code Intake












Machanical Design Engineering


Page 9: You dream, We educate.


The department of first year engineering has a total intake of 450 students for first year engineering course in six branches .i.e. Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunica�on Engineering, Computer Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Civil Engineering and Informa�on Technology .The department has well equipped laboratories, computer centre with internet connec�vity, well furnished smart classrooms and experienced faculty members. We aim to achieve excellence in the world of technical educa�on with global standards.

Evolving economic condi�ons and intensified global compe��ons have given engineering educa�on a central role in the success of individual and corporates. Engineering educa�on has really seen as upswing in the last 20 years in India and at this junc�on, developing the right talent can take our na�on forward. The global technology landscape is changing the rela�onship between engineering educa�on and business. The effort to build leadership in organiza�on has escalated in recent years. Con�nuous and rapid changes in both technology and economic system require leadership to constantly engage with learning and training.



Approved By AICTE New Delhi 7

Dr. Omprakash Rajankar, Head of Department

Dr. Omprakash Rajankar has completed Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Master

of Engineering (M.E.) and Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering. He has more than

27 years of teaching and administra�ve experience. His area of interest is

Digital Signal, Image and Video Processing and Power Electronics. He has

published 15 research papers in reputed interna�onal journals and

conferences. He is life member of ISTE. He has guided UG and PG level

students. He also worked as head of SPPU guided Innova�on, Incuba�on and

Startup Cell. He organized various technical and cultural events for students,

teachers and suppor�ng staff.

Prof. Dr. Omprakash RajankarHead of Department

Page 10: You dream, We educate.


The department of mechanical engineering is commi�ed to impart educa�on and prepare students accordingly to curriculum of Savitribai Phule Pune University. Students are learning designing, developing and improving devices, products, process and system. The syllabus covers a wide range of topics, including research in d y n a m i c s , fl u i d s , m a t e r i a l s , s o l i d s a n d thermodynamics. The hardware for CAD/CAM lab has high end worksta�ons and latest CAD design and programming so�ware packages.

Mechanical Engineering is one among Fundamental branches for automobile, aerospace research, conven�onal and non-conven�onal energy sources, instrumenta�on, automa�on, ro b o � cs , a i r co n d i� o n in g , ref r igera� o n , management science and applica�on and CAD-CAM-CAE where students explore opportuni�es in industries or organisa�on of all domains. Due to vast features of mechanical engineering the graduates are employable in Public Sector undertakings, Private Sectors and Mul�na�onal Companies.




Mr. Yogesh Gorakh Ingulakar, Head of Department

Mr. Yogesh Gorakh Ingulakar has completed BE (Mechanical Engineering) & M.E (Industrial Engineering). He has served 8 years as an Assistant Professor in Dhole Pa�l College of engineering. He is having copyright for the “MATLAB Code of Various Numerical Methods”. He is PG approved guide and guiding several ME projects. He organized various Na�onal and State Level Works shops in college. He has par�cipated in various workshops and conferences. He is having life �me membership for Indian Society for Technical Educa�on. Prof. Yogesh G. Ingulakar

Head of Department

Page 11: You dream, We educate.

OVERVIEW The Department of Automobile Engineering contributes excellent engineering fundamentals with a focus on recent technology in automobile sector. Our curriculum is designed to develop Automobile Engineers with strong analy�cal and experimental way of thinking that supports modelling, designing & team working abili�es. This course helps students to develop an analy�cal approach that can be used in various engineering disciplines like Mechanical, Metallurgy, Electrical and Electronics, Computer Science and Industrial engineering.

With the increased demands of vehicles, Automobile industry is been growing successfully and rapidly. With experience and knowledge of CAD/CAM, Automobile Engineers can par�cipate in industry ver�cals that rely heavily on designing. Automobile engineering provide varied employment in A u to m o b i l e m a n u fa c t u r i n g , P ro d u c � o n , Government & Private transport companies, car insurance, etc


Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra 9


Prof. Siddharaj AllurkarHead of Department

Prof. Siddharaj Allurkar, Head of Department

Prof. Siddharaj Allurkar has completed BE (Automobile Engineering) & M.E (Produc�on Engineering). He has served for 23 years as an Assistant Professor in various Ins�tutes. He has been the Chairman for various subjects in SPPU, Pune. His book on Machine Design has been selected by CBS Publica�ons, New Delhi. He has published 8 na�onal papers. He is working as member of University syllabus revision commi�ee in SPPU. He is PG approved guide and guiding several ME projects. He has par�cipated in more than 15 workshops and organized 5 workshops. He is execu�ng the responsibility of ISO 9001-2015 recogni�on & Secretary for Indian Society for Technical Educa�on in Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering, Pune.

Page 12: You dream, We educate.


Prof. Pranjali Vilasrao Kulkarni- Head of DepartmentProf. Pranjali Kulkarni is B.E. (Civil Engg.) & M.E in Construc�on & Management. Currently she is pursuing her PhD in Civil Engineering from SPPU, Pune. She is IQAC coordinator, DPCOE. She has 7 years of Teaching Experience. She has a�ended various workshops and conferences in Civil Engineering. Under her guidance department signed MoUs with industries for Training and Placements. Department has undertakes consultancy work every year. Her aim is to provide quality educa�on to students and make them employable.


The Department of Civil Engineering is established in 2013 and three batches came out with flying colors. The department is well equipped with all the advanced laboratories. Along with classroom teaching, the students are given exposure to the current advances in civil engineering by site visits, field trip and so�ware training. The students are also provided with various internships and placement assistance. The students are also guided for higher educa�on and civil service exam. The students are also encouraged to par�cipate in various events. The department has won good quantum of awards at its young age. The students are trained to serve the society through advanced technology.

Since Civil Engineering is a wide area of study, employment opportuni�es are varied and can range from building and designing tunnels, pipelines, analysis of building and bridges, solving problems involving air and water quality, management of waste and hazardous materials. It also includes projects for construc�ng building & laying roads. Civil engineers may work for private or Government organiza�on, construc�on companies, research laboratories, infrastructure development firms and educa�onal ins�tutes. There is also a vast scope in Government Services through compe��ve exam for Civil Engineers.



Prof. Pranjali Kulkarni Head Of Department

Page 13: You dream, We educate.


Prof. Shrikant Dhamdhere – Head of Department

Prof.Shrikant Dhamdhere is B.E. (C.E.), M.E. (C.E.) and currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering. He has more than 10 years of teaching experience. His area of interest is computer networking, network security, informa�on security, so�ware engineering, cloud compu�ng, and wireless sensor network. He has published 7 Interna�onal papers in reputed journals. He also has par�cipated in STTP, FDP and workshops for academic and research development. He is a member of Computer society of India, Delhi.


The Department of Computer Engineering has well-equipped laboratories, furnished classrooms and highly experienced facul�es with strong dedica�on in teaching. Our students analyze, design and evaluate computer systems, both hardware and so�ware. They work on flexible manufacturing system or “Smart” devices . They also work on planning, development, tes�ng and even the supervision of manufacturing of computer hardware.

The IT industry has many places where a computer engineer is required. It is a blooming sector with varied departments. So there are many op�ons for the students according to their interests. Programming, design, development, assembly are upcoming openings for poten�al computer engineers. Other opportuni�es lie under so�ware developments are system designing and analysis, network engineering and hardware engineering. Course include the recent Technology like Data Science, AI & Machine Learning.


11Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

He has submi�ed and published one PATENT on 'User Data Security on Cloud' in Indian patent journal. He has also conducted various technical and cultural events. He is always engaged in monitoring overall development of the students, to increase technical knowledge and moral values.

Prof. Shrikant Dhamdhere Head of Department

Page 14: You dream, We educate.



Prof. Rahul D. Ghode – Head of Department

Prof. Rahul D. Ghode is B.E and M.E (Computer Engineering) from Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has 4 years of teaching experience. He is a commi�ed teacher and has been with the DPCOE family since 2014. His area of interest is Opera�ng Systems and Computer Networks. He has presented 2 interna�onal papers. He aims to guide students through experimenta�on while keeping their basics intact.


Department of Informa�on Technology provides an undergraduate program that includes in-depth study of computer programming and so�ware development. We aim to create well rounded IT professionals who are able to work in rapidly changing sphere of computers. The curriculum include computer, network, so�ware design to inculcate IT skills, etc.

The IT sector is driving India's economy and there is a large need of skilled IT professionals to work in a contemporary environment. It is a sector that requires hardware and so�ware programming, designing and tes�ng. Ethical hacking is another career op�on for this field.


Prof. Rahul D. GhodeHead of Department

Page 15: You dream, We educate.



D e p a r t m e n t o f E l e c t r o n i c s a n d telecommunica�on aims for each student to fundamental skills required to sa�sfy the needs of growing economy incorporated with applied engineering aspects. The course helps the students in acquiring knowledge of electronics and telecommunica�on problems and analyzes it to p r o v i d e a p p r o p r i a t e s o l u � o n s . D e s i g n , implementa�on, experimenta�on, computer programming, robo�cs are some disciplines taught through various seminars, discussion and quizzes.

E l e c t ro n i c s a n d Te l e co m m u n i ca� o n Engineering intends to build expert human resources in emerging fields of Design and Development of electronic components, microchip design, embedded systems, integrated circuits for embedded systems, communica�on networks, hardware's, control systems, Communica�on Networks, Microwave and Radar Systems, AGV, Hybrid Systems, Computer Architecture and Robo�cs. The Graduates are employable in hardware manufacturing, in Public Sector Undertakings, Private Sectors and Mul�na�onal Companies.


Approved by AICTE New Delhi 13

Prof. Ashish Maske, Head of Department.

Prof. Maske Ashish is B.E. and M. E. in Electronics. He is dealing with subjects like Basic Electronics, Digital signal processing, Digital image processing, Audio video Engineering, Analog Communica�on, Mobile Communica�on and Signals and Systems. He is working as an Assistant Professor with 15 years of experience. He has published various papers in Na�onal and Interna�onal Journals, a�ended and organized many seminars and workshops. He is a Life�me member of IE, ISTE, IETE and IIRSGQIP. He is PG approved guide and guiding several ME projects .Through his excellence in the electronic world, he a�empts to expose students to latest trends in electronics world.

Prof. Ashish Maske Head of Department.

Page 16: You dream, We educate.

Our Masters programs in engineering have been carefully designed to help our post-gradua�on students to become professional engineers for the industry. Our Students require minimum training on field and they have many opportuni�es in our campus to explore challenges.

M.E. VLSI and Embedded Systems M.E. Heat Power Engineering

The course of ME in VLSI is in line with the latest technical development in the field of electronic industry. This will help the students to improve their skills & make them be�er professional to face the ever changing electronics industry.Dura�on : 2 Years


Course Prospectus :

M.E. Computer Engineering M.E. Mechanical Design Engineering


The IT industry has great poten�al for VLSI-skilled professionals to flourish in. Their skills are required in programming languages and technologies. They are also u�lized in the industries.


Course Prospectus :

Highly qualified professionals dealing in heat energy are required every day as all industrial enterprises and ci�zens need light and heat. ME in heat power trains students to develop the techniques and technologies applied to heat power in modern world. Students learn the theories of heat energy conversa�on through use of appropriate equipment. Our aim is to build our student capable of facing ever challenging industrial fields by way of inputs in theore�cal and prac�cal subjects which include a strong base of IT and IT Enabled subjects.Dura�on : 2 Years

An individual with an ME in Heat Power can work in the Power Sector and Steel Plants. They may also work as maintenance or field service engineer or as a consultant or researcher in heat power.

OVERVIEW: The work of a Computer Engineer is grounded in hardware, but also focuses on opera�ng system and so�ware development. They may also focus on computer networks for the transmission of data and mul�media. They would work on the detailed planning, development & tes�ng, or even the supervision of manufacturing of computer hardware.Dura�on : 2 Years

Course Prospectus :

The IT industry has many opportuni�es where specialized computer engineers are needed. It is a blooming sector with varied departments, So there are many op�ons for the students according to their interests. Programming, Design, Development, Assembly are few upcoming openings for poten�al computers engineers. Other opportuni�es lie under so�ware development & System designing and analysis, Network engineering and hardware

OVERVIEW: The Founda�on of all engineering streams is design. Prac�cal design can solve real world problems. Design engineering could develop new and improved products, processes and technologies as required by various industries. Dura�on : 2 Years

Course Prospectus :

As a design engineer, there are several employment opportuni�es and there are many fields and industries like architecture, business, electronics, Government, manufacturing, mechanics, medicine, Automobile and many more.


Page 17: You dream, We educate.

Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra 15

Prof. Shrikant JagtapHead of Department

Prof. Shrikant Jagtap has completed B.Com, M.Com, MBS, PGDBM, PGDIB from Savitribai Phule Pune University with specializa�on in Banking and Finance and Financial Management. He has 9 years of experience in teaching. He is NSS program officer and NSS Area Coordinator of Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has got Gaurav Puraskar of SPPU for valuable contribu�on in NSS. He has been felicitated by Pune Municipal Corpora�on Educa�on Department for his contribu�on in social, educa�on and cultural. He has represented SPPU in various na�onal and state level camps.


The MBA course involves detailed learning of business integrated with personal ity and communica�on development. The course has a variety of subjects taught along with student exchange programs, interview and group discussion, industry visits and placements. This course helps to bui ld sk i l l s for bus iness administra�on, financing, entrepreneurship and management. Students have the choice of choosing any one of the below specializa�ons:1. Marke�ng Management2. Financial Management3. Human Resource Management4. Informa�on technology Management5. Opera�ons ManagementsDura�on : 2 Years

An MBA incorporates all business related skills in an individual; right from those of financing and inves�ng to opera�ons and execu�on. An MBA open up the scope in industries like healthcare, marke�ng or even technology .Other pathways are accoun�ng ,human resources , sa les and management and product management.


Master of Business Administra�on (MBA)

Prof. Shrikant Jagtap, Head of department

Page 18: You dream, We educate.

Canteen Hostel Board Room Seminar Hall

Transport Facility Medical Emergency

Gymnasium Playground Library

Basket Ball Ground Spiritual & Yoga Place

Wifi Facility Sta�onery Center

Medita�on Room

Infrastructure at DPCOE


Page 19: You dream, We educate.

Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra 17

Mr. Srinivas RaoTraining & Placement Officer

Summer Training On-the-job Training

Industrial Linkage Personal Grooming Program

Compulsory industrial visit for each student as well as submission of reports

Technical training programs that are organized in collabora�on with purple leap for be�er placements

Lectures by various eminent industrialists

Industrial Ins�tute Interac�on

The role of Training & Placement department is to inculcate corporate culture and

compe��veness as required in the global market. Hence the department plays a

vital role in grooming students with respect to latest technologies of corporate world.

It also ins�ls ethical and professional values in students. The

objec�ve i s to conduct p lacement ac�vi�es by reputed organiza�ons

Consistent efforts over the last few years from this department has led to

very high placement records and also commits 100% placement assistance to the students.

Page 20: You dream, We educate.

The Entrepreneurship Development cell of DPCOE is established in 2012 with the vision of achieving the perfect union of technical proficiency, leading and managerial skills to universal ci�zens and inven�ons in the path of entrepreneurship. Dhole Pa�l college of Engineering is contribu�ng for the Mission Start up India to promot the spirit of entrepreneurship among the students through educa�on, research and various training sessions. Entrepreneurship is a key element in the industrial development and economic growth of the na�on. The entrepreneurship awareness can be enhanced among the students by means of Entrepreneurship Awareness Campus(EAC) and Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) with the coordina�on of successful entrepreneurs resul�ng to socio- economical development of na�on.


Student Industrial Visits

We organize various industrial visits for students to gain some prac�cal knowledge at reputedOrganiza�ons & Ins�tutes such as Mahindra, TCL, COEP & IIT Bombay.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell

Page 21: You dream, We educate.

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University 19

Eminet Guests Visit

Mr. Peter Eckert (interna�onal Industry Advisor, Germany)

Prof. Tonny Watson (Prof. Emeritus at ECU, Australia)

Dr. P.C. Shejwalkar (Management Guru)

Dr. N.M. Kondap (President of Core Edu. & Tech. LTD) Mr. Folker Mi�ag (Convener for CAUX ini�a�ve business, Germany)

Dr. Sushil Sharma (Associate Dean,Ball State University)Miss Anuradha Podwal (Singer)

Prof. Aniruddha Deshpande (Founder President of CEDA)

Dr. D.K.Kharat (Director Technical, Govt. of India)

The Dean of Global Development & General Counsel, of Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

Page 22: You dream, We educate.

Technical Ac�vi�es


Interna�onal Research Projects

Two staff members & Ten Students from Entc Dept. are currently working on 2 research projects sponsored by IIRSG

Page 23: You dream, We educate.

Na�onal Service Scheme

Approved by AICTE New Delhi 21


Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering in collabora�on with Na�onal Service Scheme, has organized a 7 Day camp at malad, Pune. 50 NSS volunteers par�cipated in this camp with the mo�ve of bringing ‘Youth back to villages’. Water management, con�nuous contour trenching, village cleaning programs, tree planta�on drives, surveys and social services were among the ac�vi�es conducted.

Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering is delighted to have the assistance and support of its alumni, parents and friends throughout its dis�nguished history. Our alumni is a crucial part of our college community and con�nues to stay connected with us. Being a part of our alumni is an important way, our students get interacted and connected with our faculty members as well as our exis�ng students. We are proud to have a strong alumni work across various industries who with leading companies and mul�-na�onal corporate with promising careers. we invite you to join us in a connec�ng with fellow classmates to college reunion ac�vi�es and alumni events.

Page 24: You dream, We educate.

DPCOE Achievements


1. Why to take admission in Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering? DPCOE has a young and dynamic management that understands the aspira�ons of the youth. We have world class laboratories and workshops with experienced trainers. Our placement records have been outstanding and we aim to provide an atmosphere that will help our students excel in their careers.2. What affilia�ons does the college have? DPCOE has been graded “A+” with 3.38 CGPA in the 1st cycle by NAAC. The college is affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University, DTE- Maharashtra and AICTE, New Delhi An ISO 9001: 2015 cer�fied ins�tute.3. What is the course dura�on? It is 4 years full �me course for first year students and 3 years full �me course for direct second year students for UG & 2 Years full �me course for PG.4. How is the college ranked among other engineering colleges? We are among the top 10 engineering colleges in Pune. As far as placement is concerned, we have the most and best quality of placements in eastern Pune according to Times Ranking.5. What is the semester pa�ern?

th There will be 2 semesters in a year, i.e. a total 8 semesters for 12 passed out students and 6 semester for diploma holders.6. How do we make a fee payment? You can submit a demand dra� or cheque in favor of “Dhole Pa�l College of Engineering, Pune” or bring the cash amount for which we can help you to convert into a demand dra�.7. What degree will you provide on passing out? The degree provided by college is a Bachelor of Engineering (BE), Masters of Enginnering (M.E.), M.B.A.8. What is the difference between B.E. and B.Tech courses? BE is equivalent to B.Tech as per any Indian university is concerned.


Shri Sagar U. Dhole Pa�l (Chairman) has been awarded

“Excellence In Educa�on–Engineering"

by Times Group

Awarded as “Educa�on Icon of Maharashtra” by Mr. Vinod Tawde (Educa�on Minister)

Hon. Secretary DPCOE, received an award of

“Professional Power Women of Indian”

Hon chairman DPCOE, received award of

“Rotary Voca�onal Excellence Award”

Shri Sagar U. Dhole Pa�l (Chairman) has been awarded

“Times Men of the year In Educa�on–Engineering"

by Times Group

Rotary Pune District Professional excellence -

“Best College (urban) award”

Page 25: You dream, We educate.


Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra DTE 23

9. Is this a private or Government College? Though it is a private college, we strictly follow the curriculum provided by the Savitribai Phule Pune University.

10. Where can we find the course curriculum of Savitribai Phule Pune University? You will find the syllabus in the website h�p:// in the student corner sec�on as well as in our collge website downloads sec�on.

11. What is the Landmark Closest to your College? The closest landmark is the EON-IT park Kharadi , one of the largest and most popular IT Hub in Pune.

12. What is the Hostel And Mess Fee? Hostel and Mess charges are Rs. 67,500/- per year including Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Tea.

13. Do you have a food court in the College Campus? Yes, we do have a food court in our campus which has a cafeteria, Chinese center, Ice-cream Parlour and a Juice Center.

14. Are the Course for UG & PG ? Specializa�ons for UG level - B.E. in Mechanical Engineering , B.E. in Computer Engineering , B.E. in Automobile Engineering , B.E. in Informa�on Technology, B.E. in Civil Engineering , B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunica�on. Specializa�ons for PG level- M.E. in Mechanical Design engineering, M.E. in Heat Power, M.E. in Computer Engineering, M.E. in VLSI& embedded system & MBA.

15. Do you have security and medical facili�es in the college and Hostel? Yes, the hostel and college areas are under CCTV coverage with round the clock security guards. For medical emergencies, the college has �e - ups with Ruby Hall Clinic, one of the best hospitals in Pune. We also have student health insurance schemes.

16. What type of food is provided in the Hostel? A variety of Nutri�ous vegetarian meal including two vegetables, salad, pickles, daal and rice are provided. Students can have their desired quan�ty. Non-Veg Meals are available on a demand basis.

17. Do you have separate girls & Boys Hostels? Yes.

18. Which are the best companies for placements? Byjus, Infosys, TCS, Suisse bank, Mphasis, WNS, cognizant, Tech Mahindra, IBM, Markets & AMP; Markets, Vodafone, Barclays, Searce, Sears Holdings, All Scripts, persistent, Neoso� Technology, Vopak Technologies, N� Data are some of the best companies for placements.

19. Do you have an Internship Program? Yes. Many students pursue internship in industries of Pune, Maharastra at Na�onal & Interna�onal level.

20. Are the students trained to be placed in MNC’s? Yes. We train our students in every single aspect to appear for ap�tude tests and GD-PI’s through a corporate training division �e- up from first year itself. We have Dhole Pa�l All Round Development Scheme for overall Personality Development of Student.

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21. What extra-curricular ac�vi�es conducted in the campus? We encourage our students to par�cipate in ac�vi�es like Go-Kar�ng, Robocon, Cognito, Kshi�j, Pursho�am karandak , Firodiya karandak, Supra event, Hackathoan, Inter college sports compe��ons and Cultural.

22. What are the transporta�on facili�es provided by the college? We have college buses connec�ng to all parts of Pune city and PMPL Bus from Pune Sta�on to DPCOE.

23. What is the fees for the bus facility? There is a standard fees structure for the buses depending upon the distance. For more details call : 020-66059900 (Monday To Friday - 9 am to 5 pm)

24. What is the per room intake of the hostel? The each room intake is 3 candidates. The hostel has double occupancy rooms with an a�ached bathroom and wifi connec�vity on demand, Single occupancy rooms can be provided with extra charges.

25. How qualified is the faculty? All the faculty members have a Post-graduate degree, Ph.d. with an average teaching experience of an 7 years. Many of the faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D.

26. What is the Passing Percentage? Passing Percentage is above 90% for B.E.

27. What is the eligibility criteria for placements? For super dream companies 60% and above, for dream companies 55% and above & for small scale industries 50%.

28. How can I authen�cate the placements published by you? You can check their names in the records and we can help you to communicate with them directly.

29. What sports facili�es do you provide? We have all types of outdoor and indoor game facili�es like Cricket Ground, Football Ground, Basketball Ground, Gymnasium, carrom, chess, Table Tennis and many more.

30. How far is the college from the Pune Sta�on and Airport? From Pune Sta�on it is 13 km and from the airport it is 5 km. The college is well connected to the city by road and long distance bus services are also available.

31. Does the college have any accommoda�ons for parents during admission? Yes, we provide a one night stay to the parents in the college resort.

32. What are the college Timings? College hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

33. What is the criterion of ins�tute level/ management seat? Please contact admission cell @ 9921822222.

34. What documents are required for admission to first year and DSE? All original documents are required. For more specific details on document Kindly Contact - 9921822222

Page 27: You dream, We educate.


1. Ballstate university- USA. 2. King’s college-London,

3. University of south florida- USA 4. University of Anglia- UK

DPES offers interna�onal educa�onal �e-ups with

for higher educa�on.

Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland

United Kingdom United States Turks And Caicos Islands

Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe United ArabEmirates

Page 28: You dream, We educate.


T>m{b{�[mQ>rb�Ao^`m§oÍmH$r�_hmodÚmb`Approved by AICTE New Delhi, Government of Maharashtra DTE and

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune university





Kharadi Viman Nagar














DargaPetrol Pump

World Trade Center

EON IT ParkKharadi





2 K


Kapila Resort






Dhole Pa�l College of EngineeringNear Eon IT Park, Kharadi, Dhole Pa�l College Road,Wagholi, Pune - 412207Tel: +91- 20-66059900Cell: 9921822222/ 9921922222

Website : www.dpcoe.comEmail: [email protected]

An ISO 9001: 2015 Certied